Axis Of Evil 2a: The Bank Job Part 1 free porn video

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The Bank Job Part I - The Setup Chapter 1: Alone on a Hill "Dude, getting a job round here is just getting impossible," Kevin said as the two teenagers lay in the grass above the Old Mill. "Yeah and I thought that I may get something at the School Board after my work experience there, but so far zip," Adam replied, lazily looking up at the clouds as they whizzed past. "Well, I just wish we could get loads of money without having to do much," Kevin replied. "Like be on Reality TV and be famous, getting some real easy presenting job for loads of money." "Reality TV sucks now!" Adam exclaimed, "There's just too much of it going on and people are getting bored. We'd be better off robbing a bank." "Now there's a thought," Kevin said. "That Emma Williamson, she's got a job over at the Northern Bank in Norchester. We could ask her to bring us home a few bags of money." "Dream on, Kev - these banks have oodles of security and you only need to pull a gun in there and hordes of pigs will be screaming down the road to arrest you. With security cameras in every street, you'd be caught in seconds." "Yeah, Emma keeps going on about their security measures. I don't believe they're as hot as you think. Sure, they got fingerprint sign-on for staff, but those things can easily be fooled. I read all about it on the net. Anyway, the only one there who has access to that vault is the manager, a creep called Trevor Cox. Emma was gossiping that he's tried it on with all the female staff." "Maybe there is a way to rob that bank, but not in the conventional way," Adam mused. "What if one of the staff was to rob the bank? Then the police would be looking for them and not us." "Yeah right, we're really going to persuade one of the bank staff to rob the bank for us and bring us the money whilst they get themselves arrested," Kevin said sarcastically. "Great plan." "It wouldn't exactly be one of the staff, it'd be one of us in disguise," Adam replied calmly. "You've already said that we could get past the security gadgets with simple tricks. All we'd have to do is impersonate one of them." "Who exactly were you thinking of?" Kevin asked sarcastically. "The two business advisors are both over six foot and Trevor Cox is a strapping six footer. I'd struggle to make five foot nine and you're only five foot six, you little squirt. Oh, and the bank tellers are all women." "Well, I was thinking of Emma, actually. You know I do impressions of everyone at school and you remember last year when I played that joke on Eddie. He really thought that Emma had asked him out when 'she' whispered between the lockers. He waited for three hours at the restaurant for her to turn up. I laughed my arse off watching him." "Yeah, it was funny, and yes, I'll grant you can do a passable impression of Emma, but Adam you're a dude and she's... well, a fully developed woman. You've got a dick, man, and she's got boobs." "We can deal with all that." Adam spoke calmly, although he was really excited at the prospect of being able to impersonate another woman using his skill at masking. "You know I'm good with Halloween masks - well, I'm sure I can make a mask that'll make me look like Emma." "Dude, if you could make yourself look like Emma Williamson then I'd be on for this little caper - after I picked my jaw up off the floor, that is," Kevin said. "It's better than sitting round here on the dole, anyway." "I'll need a few things from you first if I'm going to pull this off mate," Adam said. "I need photos of Emma, lots of them. I want pictures of her walking, talking, sitting, and eating. If you can get pictures of her sleeping, so much the better. Get her clothes sizes, too, as I'll need to fit into them." "You're not joking, dude? Well, I guess I have the easy part. You dressing up as a girl has gotta be the short straw," Kevin stated matter of factly. Adam thought to himself that he had by far and away the best job. He'd be able to dress and impersonate a sexy young girl, whilst Kevin just got to take a few photos. Adam savoured the prospect of putting on sheer nylons and sexy skirts and his thoughts began to turn him on. He turned his body away from his friend Kevin so that he could no longer see the rise in his trousers. "I'll use my dad's video camera," Kevin began "that should give you enough footage to last a lifetime. I'd take a bet, though, that you'll never fool anyone into thinking you're a lady." "Yeah? How much do you want on that, mate?" Adam turned to face his friend. "Twenty quid," Kevin said boldly, sticking his hand out. "And if I win then we forget this whole robbery idea. If you win we're on and we split the haul fifty-fifty, alright?" Adam took the proffered hand and shook it, telling his friend in one gesture that the bet was on. He was relieved that Kevin was looking at his face rather than downwards at this point. "Get me that video by the end of the week and I'll show you what I can do. Then I'll be having that twenty pounds out of your wallet. Could you wipe the cobwebs off before you hand them over though? You never buy a round of beer," Adam teased. "I buy more than you do, tightwad!" his friend countered as he knocked into him. They began rolling down the hill towards the river and the mill, laughing and slapping each other as they tumbled. Chapter 2: The Master Photographer With nothing else to do on a Monday morning, Kevin got up early and after his morning ablutions went downstairs to find his father's video camera. Like most such gadgets, it was a passing fancy of Kevin's dad to get a video camera: he had been caught up in the whole idea of videoing some funny mishap and sending it in to the TV to get five hundred pounds. However, after a couple of trips lugging it around, he had stopped bothering taking it around with him and it had been safely put away in the cupboard. There the dust had settled on it and it had lain dormant for years, along with several other gadgets he had not bothered to learn how to use. Kevin, however, did know how to use it and pulled it out to wipe the dust off as he ate breakfast. He knew he would have to hurry as Emma left home about eight each morning to get to the bank by eight-thirty. He raced round on his bike, which he as rapidly getting too big for, and set himself up in the alleyway across from Emma's flat. He set the zoom to full in and pointed the camera at the flaking green door that led to her downstairs flat. He only had to wait five minutes before Emma came stumbling out of the flat, adjusting her shoe as she put her handbag over her shoulder. She wore a tailored dark green jacket with matching knee length skirt. Kevin filmed her as she approached her old Red Ford Escort and dug down into her handbag to get her keys. Emma was having a bad morning as she dropped her keys and had to bend down and pick them up. Kevin got a fine view of Emma's shapely arse through the camera lens and couldn't help his thoughts turning to getting some more intimate details of Emma's arse. He had always liked Emma, even though she was a bit ditzy at times, and she had a fine body. There was no way that Adam was going to be able to impersonate her. He would probably just turn up looking like some bad drag queen and they would forget about the whole thing. Still, it was quite pleasant following Emma around and making this video. Emma smoothed her skirt as she slipped into her car and then slid her legs in. She then adjusted her mirror and checked her make-up in it before starting the engine. It was clear she was running a bit late and she crunched the gears as she reversed out of the driveway. Kevin stopped filming as she headed off and then stowed the camera before jumping on his bike and heading back through the alleyways towards the town centre. He pedalled like mad to try and catch up and nearly came a cropper at Greenwood Avenue, where he almost careered into a car. He just made it to the town NCP car park in time to see Emma's car disappear up the ramp. Kevin decided to position himself by the bank so that he could catch Emma walking up to the bank. He unslung the camera and began to set it up from an alleyway between two shops across the road. He kept his eye out for Emma and shortly saw her coming from the stairwell of the car pack. Emma strutted purposed towards the bank gripping her oversized handbag in her right arm on her shoulder. To Kevin she was a vision of loveliness as she headed towards the side door of the bank, where she proceeded to press her finger on the entry pad to gain entrance. Kevin knew that he was not going to get any more footage now until lunchtime, so he figured on returning about midday. He decided to do a bit of research in the meantime and he headed for the library. Census information was an invaluable source of information to marketers, so Kevin didn't see why prospective impersonators couldn't also use it. The actual data was mundane and boring, but it gave Kevin some useful facts. Emma's mother was called Jessica and her father Ronald. Her date of birth was the thirteenth of January and she was currently nineteen. She had a sister called Kate who was three years older than her. Whilst it was all useful data it did not give him a lot. However an advert caught his attention whilst he was looking which could give you a marketing breakdown on a person for fifty pounds. He gathered up his notes and headed off home on his bike. He could not afford fifty pounds himself, but he knew where his dad kept his credit card. Getting on the phone he ordered a marketing report on Emma Williamson giving his dad's details. His dad did not check the details of his credit card bill often and Kevin hoped that he would not do it any time soon. He decided to watch the footage he had shot again on the TV and was quite pleased with the results he had obtained. He decided if he was going to follow her he would need a disguise for the camera, so he got a sports bag and cut a hole in the side where he taped the camera lens around the hole. He relaxed around his parent's home until about eleven-thirty, when he set off again on his bike to the bank down town. He had to wait until nearly one o'clock before Emma emerged again, arm in arm with two of the other bank tellers. One of them was a pretty redhead and the other another blonde like Emma. Unlike Emma, however, this girl relied on the bottle for her colour and her roots were starting to show through again. Kevin popped out of the alleyway and followed them down the street until they went into Caf? Allegro, a local Italian bistro. Kevin decided to risk following them in and was going to sit down on his own table when Emma came bustling over to him. "Oh my God, it's Kevin Mitchell!" she shrieked. "I haven't seen you for months. What have you been up to since school?" "Oh, this and that," Kevin said. He did not want to have to admit he was on the dole. "Oh, you must join us for lunch," she continued. So much for Kevin being undercover. He popped the bag down on the table and took a seat next to Emma. Emma meanwhile introduced her friends Julie, the rather voluptuous bottle blond, and Myra, the thin reedy redhead, to Kevin, who politely said "Hi" to them both. Kevin spent a delightful lunchtime with Emma and her mates and Kevin was really beginning to enjoy her company. He started to feel guilty about what they were planning to do to her and decided that he had have a word with Adam and call the whole thing off. Kevin thanked Emma for her pleasant company and agreed that they would have to meet up again sometime before taking his leave of the girls. He was somewhat relieved to be out of the spotlight as he rounded the corner and turned off the camera. He hoped the camera was set at the right height for a good shot of Emma. He decided that he had one more thing to do. He would have to break into Emma's flat whilst she was out and set the camera up for some juicy pictures. Even if Adam agreed to call this all off, he would have some great pictures of Emma to look at later. He took out the tape and put a new one in to replace it. Kevin had noticed this morning that Emma had left one of her top windows ajar and, with the aid of a hook on a stick, was easily able to gain entry through the larger lower window without breaking anything. Emma's flat was not as neat as he'd expected a girl's flat to be. Her bedroom had several discarded tops and skirts on the bed and make-up still open on the dressing table. He carefully videoed it all and open the closets to video the clothes hanging in the wardrobe and noted down the sizes. Kevin them video-taped her video collection and her CD collection to help Adam get an idea of the things she liked. Once he was finished he could not help but open up her lingerie drawer and paw through her collection of silky knickers. Remembering himself he carefully put them back and closed up the drawer. He found a top shelf with a picture on it and a good view of the living room and the bedroom and bathroom door. He put the camera up behind the picture, poking out from the side, and turned on. Finally, he slipped back out the window, setting the catch as he left so that it would fall back in place as the window closed. Feeling pleased with his day's work, Kevin dropped the first tape and measurements into Adam before heading off to the pub to celebrate. Chapter 3: Creating Beauty Adam's skill at creating masks had improved over the years and he was confident now that he could create a perfect mask of Emma's face. He already had a negative mould of his own face to use for the inner dimensions of the mask. He would have to sculpt a bust of Emma's face, though, to create the outer dimensions since he would not be able to get access to Emma to do it the easy way. All this would take time, but he could not do it without the photos and sizing information from Kevin. So, he had no alternative but to wait the day out watching TV, fantasizing about being able to impersonate a sexy girl like Emma. When Kevin dropped the videotape and measurements in around teatime, part of Adam wanted to question him extensively about the day's events, but the other side just wanted to get on with crafting the new mask. So, after tea, Adam took the video up to his room and began watching it until he found a suitable freeze frame of Emma's face. Using the still Adam began crafting a plaster cast of Emma's face. He continued playing the video, changing the stills at times to get more angles of her face to complete the other sides of the cast. It was well past midnight by the time he was satisfied with his work and Adam called it a night. Next day the cast had dried and after making a few minor adjustments, Adam created a negative mould from the plaster cast out of clay and then chipped away all the plaster from the inside. He then mixed up a batch of latex and began to colour it until he was completely happy that the colouring matched that of Emma in the stills. He poured it into the negative mould and then pushed the cast of his own face down into the mix. When it was dry he chipped away the clay from the outside and peeled off the new mask, putting it onto a wig stand. The empty face of a woman with glued up nostrils and mouth looked back at him with many imperfections. Adam sighed as he realised that this was going to take a fair amount more time. Using a sculpting knife he parted the lips, created holes in the nose and eyes and removed any remaining blemishes. All in all it was looking not too bad, but the head was still bald and had no eyebrows. Adam also noted that Emma had very white teeth, whereas his were stained with all the tea and coke he drank. He rang his dentist and got an appointment last thing Thursday to have his teeth whitened and polished. The receptionist told him that he could not get it on the NHS so it was going to cost him fifty-four pounds. Adam needed more supplies though if he was going to make this work. He logged on to his computer and did a search for false eyebrows, false eyelashes, merkins, false nails, and a wig. It took him ages to find just the right wig in just the right style, colour and size. That was another hundred and nineteen pounds out of his meagre savings account. He already had a corset, breast forms, a gaff, a few clothes and hip enhancers from previous attempts at masking and he hoped they would be sufficient. The measurements that Kevin had given him indicted that Emma was a size twelve and a 34C bra size, which he felt he could get away with. As he could not work on the mask until the other bits arrived, Adam decided to make the body suit. He dressed in the corset, pulling it as tightly as he could and then attached the breast forms over his own pectorals using the special glue supplied with them. Then he cut a hole at the end of the gaff and used it to pull his penis back between his legs. He then cut two of the fingers from some rubber gloves and used latex to fit them together and fit them to the end of the gaff. At least he would be able to pee in the new suit. To ensure the fit was right he put a Smarties tube up the rubber glove and held it in place as he started to apply the latex around it, covering everywhere on his pelvic region. The front of the rubber glove he opened out and applied latex to, even a way up the inside. He would need to sculpt the pussy lips later when he took off the suit. He wrapped cling film around his midriff to cover the corset and the forms as he did not want the latex to set into the corset or the breast forms as they were expensive and he wanted to re-use them. Then he set about covering his new body from neck down to the bit he had already done around his pelvis with latex. The hardest part to do was his back and he had to guess how much to put on there. When he finished he had to stand fairly still for the best part of an hour waiting for it to dry. Next he took his sculpting knife and prayed that he had as gentle a touch as he hoped. Starting at the back of his neck he dug the knife into the latex and nicked his flesh. This was not going to be as easy as he thought. He eventually only managed to stab himself three times and once he was out of the suit he found some plasters to seal up the self-inflicted wounds. A girl had to suffer to look good, Adam mused. Once he had patched himself up he did the same to the suit. There were numerous spots that were poorly done or had blemishes and Adam set about righting them as quickly as possible. Then he fitted a zip on the inside of the latex suit with a small wire loop connected to the zip inside and poking outside. That way the zip would not be noticeable and would close as tightly as possible making it look like his real skin. By then it was starting to get late and Adam removed the corset and the breast forms before heading down to dinner with his family. There were questions as to what he was doing in his room all day that he fielded with non-answers about a project he was working on. After dinner Kevin came round with another videotape. This time he told Adam it had been in Emma's place all last night and should be just what he was looking for. "Adam, should we really be doing this?" his friend suddenly asked out of the blue. The question caught Adam by surprise. "What do you mean?" Adam replied. "You don't want to be rich?" "Of course I do" his friend said, "but I kinda don't want Emma to get hurt by this. I mean none of this will be her fault." Kevin started to blush furiously as he said this and Adam started to get an inkling that his friend might have more feelings for Emma than he was letting on. "I thought that was the idea that someone else would take the fall and that the police wouldn't be looking for anyone else," Adam tested his friend. "Well yeah, but I'd kinda like it if it was someone else other than Emma," Kevin admitted. "You like her don't you Kevin?" Adam stated. Kevin nodded dumbly. "OK, I promise that when we have the money I will make sure that Emma is in the clear, is that OK with you?" Kevin nodded again. Adam realised that this would make his test of the suit on Friday all the more entertaining. The post of Thursday brought Adam a load of goodies that he used to finish up the mask and the suit. Whilst he was working he watched the tape that Kevin had brought him of Emma's apartment. Most of it was fairly dull containing nothing until she got home and Adam just fast forwarded through that. Then when she arrived back at the apartment about six PM Adam saw her kick off her heels and strip off out of her business suit down to her underwear. Instead of putting some other clothes on straight away, she headed to the fridge and poured herself a glass of juice and put the TV on. Then she headed into the bedroom and disappeared round the corner for a while. She came back into the living room wearing jeans and a t-shirt, and sat down on the couch to watch TV for a while. After about an hour she made some food and ate it, before being on the phone to someone for about an hour. After the phone call she went and poured a bath, stripping off her things and throwing them in the bedroom onto the floor. Now naked she headed into the bathroom and started the bath. Still naked, she went to the loo - with the door open - and Adam felt very pervy watching the video. It was not something that he felt comfortable with, intruding on someone else's personal space, but was all useful information. After she dried herself from the bath she went into the bedroom and Adam could no longer see her. However, the sounds that she was making indicated to Adam that she might well be playing with a toy she kept beside the bed. Adam was toying with the idea of turning it off, but his fascination with what he was hearing prevented it. Minutes later though the decision was made for him as the tape ran out. The suit and mask finally finished, Adam decided that he needed some clothes before testing it out on Kevin on Friday. The few female clothes he had stashed away did not match Emma's wardrobe, and he wanted it to be perfect for his test the next day. It was only one PM and he had time before his dentist's appointment to head into town and get the things he needed. He pulled on the corset and breast forms before pulling up the suit and connecting in his gaff. With the suit pulled up Adam fumbled round the back for the wire loop to do up the back. Then the moment of truth was coming up. He pulled the mask of Emma over his head and adjusted it to ensure that it fit in all the right places. Adam tested moving the mouth and imitating Emma's voice. So far so good he thought. He pulled on some panties, blue leggings and a bra from his previous cross-dressing collection, hooking the bra round him back to front and then twisted it round and put his arms through. Then he put on a woman's casual dress and old unisex pullover he'd got from a charity shop. He completed the outfit with some mauve flats; it was not the time for heels yet. He decided to forgo the nails this time and just pulled a small handbag from the drawer and put some money into it. He left the house and locked up after him. The easiest way to get into town was the bus, and he walked slowly to the stop trying to stay in character, taking slow deliberate steps. He was Emma now, and he needed to start thinking like her. The bus turned up on time for a change; 'Emma' pulled the change out of her purse and quietly got on. There was an old couple in the corner who smiled at the fake Emma and a woman with a baby who ignored 'her' completely. Adam would have had a great time just going round the shops trying on all sorts of clothes, but at present he was a woman with a mission. He had to find clothes as close to the descriptions that Kevin had given him to make his version of Emma as Authentic as possible. By the time he was finished it was two hours later and he knew that he'd have to hurry to get back for his dentists appointment. As 'Emma' was waiting at the bus stop a teenager about seventeen years old came up to her and started to chat to her. Adam was seething as the bus was late but had to maintain his cool and keep up his imitation of Emma whilst fending off his potential suitor. He was relieved when the bus turned up and the annoying guy did not get on. This time the bus was crowded with schoolchildren coming back from school and 'Emma' had to stand. The bags of shopping were not too heavy at first, but after holding them for a prolonged time seemed to get heavier by the minute. He bent down to put them down and out of the corner of his eyes noted one of the older school boys checking out his arse. Well, at least that part was working out well enough. As soon as the bus got to his stop, Adam hopped off and cursed to himself that it was not very ladylike. He had to get changed really quickly to be able to make the dentist's so he raced into the house and upstairs to begin removing his Emma disguise. The bra was harder to get off than he had expected, and getting the zip down took much longer than he would have liked, but eventually he got the entire disguise off and began to pull on his jeans and T shirt. The dentist's appointment had gone without hitch, even though he had only just made it in time. He now sported a perfect white smile that would be more like Emma's gleaming teeth. He practised smiling in the mirror with his new gleaming teeth and could feel himself getting turned on. The compulsion to put the Emma disguise back on so that he could see the finished result was too much to resist and he fetched the corset and breast forms that he had dumped on the bed to begin re-applying them to his body. After he had got back into the suit Adam began to dress in the new clothes that he had bought from town. The silk knickers and bra were incredibly erotic and although they hid his false rose and breasts, he was incredibly turned on by the whole experience. His penis was engorged between his legs and he realised that he would need to be careful of this at the last stage of his plan. The tights were another erotic jolt that sent him over the edge and he cursed himself as he shot his bolt. He quickly ran into the bathroom and pulled down his silk panties before the semen ran out of his fake pussy. Thinking quickly he pulled off some toilet paper and began to insert a rolled up sheet into his hole. Just as he had averted that disaster he heard the door open loudly downstairs and his mum called up to him. "Adam, what are you up to? I've got a surprise for you." Mum can't seen me like this, Adam thought, and it's not as though I can quickly take it all off either. "I'm not feeling too good, Mum," Adam lied in his own voice from the bathroom. "I'll be down in a while." "Alright, dear," she replied. "Do you want me to come up and check your temperature?" "No, Mum," he said desperately. "I'll be alright in a bit." It was time to take a big risk and get back to his room before she decided to come and investigate. He flushed the loo, unlocked the door and dashed back to his room with the sexy knickers in hand. His mum was nowhere to be seen, and luckily for him decided to leave him be. This enabled him enough time to get back out of his Emma disguise and back in to his jeans and T shirt. When he headed downstairs his mum had his favourite chocolate cake already on the table for him. "I brought you back a little something," she said aloud from the pantry "but if you're not well enough then I'll understand." She was obviously testing him and knowing the richness in the cake, Adam decided not to fall for it. "Sorry, Mum, not feeling up to it right now," he replied. He did not want to put any weight on now that the 'Emma' disguise had been made to fit so snugly. "Oh dear, you really must be ill if you don't want cake, though Mrs Haversham next door said that she saw a nice blond girl coming round to see you earlier. Anything you want to tell your old mum?" She was fishing again, curious about a potential girlfriend again. If only she knew who the girl really was! "No, Mum, she's just a friend of Kevin's from when we were at school together who was dropping something off for him," Adam lied smoothly. "Oh well," his mum said, somewhat disappointedly. "She sounded nice, from what Mrs Haversham was saying... just the nice kind of girl we'd like to see you with." This again, thought Adam. Just because I've not had a steady girlfriend, Mum's always trying to fix me up with one. This girl was closer to him than she realised. "Yeah well Kevin's got his eye on her, so I really don't want to break a friendship over a girl." That seemed to satisfy his mum for now. It was now time for the next lie. "Oh, Kevin and I are going camping for a week from Sunday so there'll be no need for food for me. He's got a mate called Darren who has use of his mum's car so we're going to go camping in the woods at Allesthorpe." There, his reason for not being around for a week was firmly out in the open now. "Alright, dear, but don't forget to take some warm clothes with you. I don't want you to catch your death of cold, particularly as you're already not feeling too good." Adam decided to quit whilst he was ahead and excused himself to head back upstairs to pack away the 'Emma' disguise and all her new clothes so that his mum would not accidentally find them. No more tests until tomorrow evening, Adam thought, the risk was not worth it. Chapter 4: Setting up Emma's Date Adam got up early and headed straight to Emma's house. He wanted to see what she was wearing this morning and hoped that it was the same suit that she had worn the day before and also the one he had bought in town on Wednesday. His luck was in and she was still wearing that suit. He watched her get her keys tangled in the door as she tried to lock it, and then head over to her car to get the condensation off the windows. She unlocked the car and bent down to pick up the scraper from the door compartment. Adam got a nice view of her arse and wondered if the kid on the bus got the same nice view the other day. After she was done she got in and started up the car. Before driving off she checked her make-up in the mirror and, clearly not satisfied about something, she fished in her bag then repaired her foundation a bit before driving off. Always nice to know the little details Adam mused. He was going to meet up with Kevin for lunch on Friday but unexpectedly at noon he got a call from Kevin saying that he'd bumped in to Emma and they were going for lunch so he would meet up with Adam at two. When he met Kevin in the Ship and Anchor at the appointed time, his friend had a massive grin on his face. It seemed that Emma and he had really hit it off at lunch and that she had given him her mobile number. That gave Adam a really wicked idea that would give more credence to his little test later in the day. Kevin had a habit of leaving his phone on the table next to his drink and when he inevitably had to go to the toilet Adam picked up the phone. He went into the contacts and noted that Emma was in there together with a thumbnail photo. He went to his own entry into the phone and changed the name associated to the mobile to Emma and changed the picture from his own to that of Emma. People never looked at the number that was calling these days of the phone, only the picture and the name that came up. 'Emma' now had a direct line to Kevin and he was all set for tonight. Quickly he put the phone back before Kevin came back from the loo, still with a dozy grin on his face. "So, are you ready to do this on Sunday night then? I'm away camping with you for the week and I suggest you say the same to your mum. We're going in Darren's car, for reference." Kevin nodded. "Sure," he replied, "but I still haven't seen if you can pull this off. I've got twenty quid that says you can't." "Don't worry about that," Adam responded confidently. "Come round about eight tonight and I'll prove it to you." "You're on," Kevin replied. "That twenty will be mine later and we can forget about the whole thing." The two bantered for a while longer in the pub until they finished their pints and went their own ways. Adam had a lot of work to do now, however, and he headed straight home. When he got there he brought out all of the parts of his disguise from hiding and fetched a stool and a mirror from his mum's room to sit at his dressing table. This was the third time he would be dressing fully as Emma, but this time he wanted to get everything right as there was money riding on it. He carefully positioned the breast forms and had to redo them a couple of times until he was satisfied that they were even and in exactly the right place. Then he put on the corset and did it up as tightly as he dared without choking himself and attached his special gaff device to his penis that he had pulled back between his legs. The tube that was attached to the suit would slot into the other end of the gaff and be his internal "vagina". He shaved his legs, arms and his chest one final time to ensure that no hairs had grown back and that he was completely smooth all over. Adam pulled on the suit and attached up his "vagina" carefully before he pulled the padded parts over his hips and bottom. He was quite pleased with the resultant pussy lips and blond merkin that he had carefully attached. He had even spent a fair amount of time crafting a little clitoris to make the whole thing seem a little more realistic. He pulled the rest of the torso over his chest and began to smooth out all the wrinkles before setting about the tedious task of blending in the edges. Once satisfied he pulled the mask over his head and quickly positioned it in place ensuring that the eyes and mouth were particularly well seated. Then he set about fixing the hair of the wig such that it was styled appropriately before getting dressed and doing his make-up. When he was finally satisfied with the result Adam picked out the jewellery from the case and pinned the small earrings in the fake ear lobes and fixed the necklace so that it rested gently in the space between his new breasts before putting on two rings that were as similar as he could find to the ones that Emma normally wore. 'Emma' looked back at him from the mirror and mouthed "I love you" to himself. He decided to test the full effect by standing up on the two-inch black heels that he had bought to match Emma's and start to practise talking. "Oh Kevin I do love you so." It was not quite right and Adam did not feel too comfortable saying that either so he tried something else. "Hi Kevin, I really enjoyed lunch with you today." This time the tone was much closer and Adam was satisfied with the result. Time for the first real test now then as he picked up his mobile and dialled Kevin's mobile number. After about three rings Kevin answered; the boy was obviously keen. "Emma, hi," Kevin said, breathing heavily. "Didn't expect to hear from you so soon." Adam wondered what his friend was doing. "Oh, hi, Kevin. I'm having a really bad day at work today and I thought that since we'd had such a nice lunch today maybe we could meet up after work." "Er... yeah, sure," Kevin said clearly in some kind of shock. "I thought that since the sun was out maybe we could have a walk in the park and talk," the fake Emma continued. "I'd like that very much," Kevin responded starting to recover his balance and smoothness. "Great. I finish work at five, so I'll see you at the park gates at quarter past, then." "It's a date," Kevin responded enthusiastically and realised that he might have gone too far. "What I mean is... uh... that the time..." Adam was having fun with his friend but decided not to punish him yet. "It's fine, Kevin, I'd like that very much too," Adam dropped the hook for Kevin the fish. "..." It sounded like Kevin for once was lost for words, so Adam decided to see if he could go further. "To be honest, I've been thinking about you ever since lunch." "Oh really?" Kevin replied "So have I. Been thinking about you that is." Ah, so that's what got you all out of breath you dirty boy, Adam thought. "Well, I must get back to work. See you later." Adam couldn't resist putting a little kiss at the end of the sentence before hanging up. He was quite confident with the voice, but he would now have to see if he disguise was as good as he hoped. He had a couple of hours to kill before quarter past five, but he wanted to be out of the house before four as his mother would return around then. He decided to spend an hour going over the video again to check out Emma's mannerisms before heading out at a bit before four. Halfway through the video the beer that he had drunk at lunchtime was in need of being expelled. As he was fully dressed as Emma he would need to go as though he was her. Another little test he thought. He walked across the landing to the lavatory and locked the door. He pulled up his green skirt and then pulled down his tights and panties to reveal his fake women's parts. He sat back down on the loo and waited to release. It all felt a bit strange and when the flow eventually came Adam felt very odd indeed. He realised that he would need to practise this a bit more as it just felt wrong to him. He needed it to be the most natural thing in the world for him as it would be for the real Emma. He stood back up and wiped with some toilet paper as Emma had on the video and pulled his clothes back in place. As he was getting to the end of the video he decided to practice the noises that Emma was making before the tape ran out. Their was not really enough but he got the gist and had seen enough sex films to fill in the rest he decided if he needed to go that far. He looked at the time and realised that he had to get going before his mum came back. He penned a quick note to his mum saying he would be out late and picked up 'Emma's' handbag and popped his mobile and wallet inside it before putting it over his shoulder. Adam then headed down the street only to see his mum coming the other way from the bus just as it was pulling away. Shit, he thought, I hope this disguise is as good as I think it is. His mum came right over to him. "Oh you must be Adam's friend from school," she gushed and offered her hand. "I'm Adam's mum Kaitlin." "Hello, Mrs Kline. I'm Emma Williamson." Adam decided on short and simple to see if it would fool his mum. "You must come round and see us some more, Emma. I know that Adam was really pleased you came round yesterday." She was really trying to push this. Now was the time to give her some bad news. "Oh I'd like to but I have a date with Kevin Mitchell in an hour." "He's a lucky boy then" Adam's mum responded with a touch of disappointment in her voice. "The two of you must come round and take Adam out on the town some time. He spends far too much time cooped up in his room." Adam wanted to object to that but as 'Emma' he could not. "Well, we've only just started dating. Maybe when we've been together for a while then we could take your son with us out on the town." "That would be nice, my dear," Adam's mum smiled at the fake Emma. "I mustn't keep you if you have a date." "Thank you Mrs Kline. It was nice to meet you" Adam had 'Emma' give his mum a nice smile before he continued on down the street, his heels clicking on the paving slabs on the pavement. The noise of his heels together with the sensual rubbing of his tights was turning Adam on and once he was out of sight at the bus stop he had to stop and catch his breath. As he was waiting at the bus stop for the bus to the park a car passed him and a youth rolled down the window and wolf-whistled him. Adam was both pleased and irritated by this: pleased that someone thought that he was an attractive young woman standing at a bus queue, but irritated that these morons thought it funny to demean a young woman in such a way. Adam got to the park with over forty-five minutes to spare and he decided to go to the local caf? overlooking the duck pond to get a coffee whilst he waited. As he entered the caf? he was spotted by the two alpha females from school, Tanya Schofield and Amanda Knight. They were the ones who were good at everything and all the boys fancied. Adam had had a crush on Amanda for a whole year despite the fact that she saw him as the lowest form of man, and he eventually realised that actually she was a vacuous trollop. "Oh, look what the wind's blown in," Tanya remarked out loud. "Yeah, I thought I could smell something rotten. Is that your perfume Emma?" Amanda added. They were not only bitches to those boys that did not come up to their high standards but also to the those girls that were not in their set it seemed. Adam looked up to riposte and consequently did not pay any attention to where he was stepping. His heel caught on the step and he went flying onto his face. The girls continued walking and looked back at their victim. "Calamity Emma strikes again!" Tanya laughed. "Yeah and she's still wearing those large slogga pants. They're so nineties." "Yes, eighteen nineties I believe, Mandy!" They laughed together as they left the caf?. Adam's retort that he ha prepared for Emma stayed unsaid. On the plus side he felt that he was starting to get into character, though on the minus side he was already turning into the victim. A kindly older lady in the caf? helped Emma up. "Are you alright there my dear? Never you mind those rude young ladies. There was a time when young girls like that were polite and demure," she said. "Thank you ma'am," Adam said in Emma's voice. "Not all young ladies today are as rude as that." The woman smiled at this. After 'Emma' got up she smoothed down the front of her suit to get the dust off the floor from it. The woman went back to her tea and talking with her friend and 'Emma' went and got herself a coffee to slowly sip whilst she waited. About five to five Adam spotted Kevin coming up to the gates of the park. He waited, kicking his heels, by the park gate. Adam ordered another coffee and sat down to watch his friend wait nervously for his date. A lady never turns up early for her date! Once it had reached quarter past Emma left the caf? and sneaked around the edge of the park out of the western gate so that she was seemingly coming along the road from the direction of the bank. Adam kept his pace steady; he could not go too fast in the restricting skirt of the green suit he was wearing. Here goes the final test, he thought. Chapter 5: Love's Fool Kevin looked at his watch again to see if it was quarter past yet. It was now sixteen minutes past and Emma was late. No doubt she was held up at the bank with some last minute detail. He looked up from his watch and looked both ways down the road outside the park. He was sure that she said quarter past five and that he hadn't misremembered it. He smoothed down his hair again to make sure that it was not sticking out in an unruly way. It had gotten to twenty past and he was about to get worried that he'd been stood up when he spotted Emma coming up the road. He grinned and waved at her, realising after he had done it that perhaps it was a little goofy. He started over to her with a big grin on his face. "Oh, I'm sorry I'm a bit late. Creepy Cox kept us late adding up the petty cash." She offered him her arm which he took without hesitation. She was still in the same green suit he had seen her in at lunchtime and she looked at lovely as ever. Kevin had always been a bit tongue-tied when he was with a girl he liked and this was no exception. He replied somewhat nervously. "That's alright, I've only just got here myself." He was not a great liar but he hoped that she would accept his little white lie to save her face. He led her walking towards the duck pond but had to slow his pace to match her small steps, the clicking of her black heels on the concrete the only sound as they walked in silence. Kevin knew that he had to say something soon or the silence would start to be awkward. "So... it sounds like you've had a bad day," he finally ventured. "Oh, you wouldn't believe it," 'Emma' began, adjusting her bag on her shoulder as she did so. "Try me," he replied and then regretted it as she had already started to speak again. "The... sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt," she giggled in a silvery laugh as she finished. Kevin's heart soared hearing that magical laugh again. "No, please... do go on." "Well, the foreign currency van arrived and all the paperwork was messed up so Creepy Cox took some of us off the counter to go and count them all out by hand. Of course then we hadn't done the petty cash so he kept us behind to do that as well. The little pervert felt me up whilst no one else was looking." Emma had an angry look on her face and Kevin who was just thinking about moving his arm to her lovely rounded arse thought twice about it. "I'm sorry to hear that. Mine wasn't much better. I've still had no luck getting a job, though I didn't get molested in the process." Kevin tried to make light of it but he felt that perhaps it wasn't the right thing to do. "What are you applying for?" Emma asked him gently. She nearly tripped on her heels when the left one snagged in a crack but Kevin caught her as she was falling. She was so clumsy sometimes, but that was also endearing. He held her for a moment as she stood back up and they looked into each other's eyes. It's now or never, Kevin thought as he leaned in to kiss 'Emma'. She was surprised at first at the kiss, but she held it for long enough that said to him that it had not been unwelcome. He didn't know whether to answer her question now or talk about the kiss and again an awkward silence fell between them. "I guess I have something that I should tell you," Emma said sadly. Inside Kevin started to panic. What was it? Did she have a boyfriend already? Did she not love him? He was going to be devastated he could tell it. "What is it?" He asked tentatively. "I'm not really Emma Williamson," she replied coolly. What was she saying that you had another name or that she was adopted? Nothing made sense in his addled love filled brain. "I don't understand," he finally managed to say. "I'm really a man with a very convincing disguise on that you owe twenty pounds to," 'Emma' said. Shit it was Adam, he suddenly realised. But how could it be? That was Emma stood in front of him, he would swear. Had he somehow got Emma in on the gag to get the money out of him? "Emma, you're not playing a prank are you?" With that Emma leaned in close to him again and whispered in his ear. "Look mate I can't prove it to you here except by using my real voice." That was Adam's voice coming out of Emma. Shit, he had done it. It was a bit too creepy for words and worse when it dawned on him that he had just kissed a man in public. "You won't tell anyone about this will you?" "Do you think I'm going to go round boasting about being dressed as a girl? Come on these heels are starting to hurt. We need to go and start planning the next stage." Chapter 6 The Switch They had headed back to Kevin's house to do some planning that Friday night and Adam had shown Kevin the lip of the mask to demonstrate that it was indeed him. Kevin however was quite curious by now and wanted to check out exactly how realistic this disguise was before he would commit to doing the next stage of the plan. So it was that Adam was forced to strip out of his green business skirt, jacket, heels and black blouse and stand in his underwear in front of his friend who had his mouth wide open. The curvy figure of Emma was before Kevin, her broad hips, slim waist and encased breasts clear now. The silk panties were utterly smooth, no bulge showing. "Down below. Is that...?" Kevin half asked. Adam realised that he was not going to get on until Kevin had seen everything. "Watch." Adam took off his bra and let his false boobs hang free on his chest. Initially they bounced up and down a little quite realistically until they had settled. Then he pulled his tights and his knickers down below his hips so that Kevin could get a good look at his girl parts. Kevin gulped. There was even a patch of blond pubic hair above the realistic looking pussy. Kevin did not want to think about it but could not help himself. "OK, you have me convinced. Can you... you know?" "Go to the toilet? Yes. Have sex? Maybe, I'm just not sure how realistic a man would find it," Adam replied. They spent the remainder of the evening planning how they would perform the switch. It was decided that Sunday night would be the best time to do it since Adam would not need to go out as Emma until he needed to go to work the following morning. Kevin would have to remain in the apartment to guard the real Emma and keep her sedated. He would need to disguise his voice, wear a balaclava so that she did not recognise him and gloves so he did not leave prints. Kevin tried various comedy voices until Adam found a voice he was happy with and that did not make him split his sides laughing. Adam disguised as the fake Emma would have to bring any supplies back in that they needed in her apartment lest the neighbours get suspicious. Late that Sunday night Kevin, wearing his balaclava and Adam, wearing his Emma disguise and the business clothes he had fooled Kevin with that Friday, headed quietly along the corridor to Emma's flat. Adam watched as Kevin rang the doorbell and after about twenty seconds he heard the chain being taken off the latch. "Just a minute!" Emma called out and seconds later she opened the door. Adam stood on his heels as Kevin pushed inside and put a chloroformed rag to Emma's mouth. She gasped and Adam wondered if it was because she was trying to avoid the chloroform or because she had seen her doppelganger next to the man who chloroformed her. Emma fell back and Kevin dropped the cloth and caught her to prevent her from falling to the floor. Adam watched as his friend held her in his arms. Kevin leaned in close to check that she was out, but could not resist kissing her on the lips. "No time for that mate, get her inside!" Adam hissed. Adam helped Kevin drag the unconscious girl into the apartment and then he quickly closed the door relieved that they had not been seen. He then helped Kevin lift Emma onto her sofa, turned down the TV and went to ensure all the curtains were closed. "You're going to have to be careful in daylight hours that you're not seen in here." Adam told his friend as he headed into Emma's bedroom. He was hit as he entered with the distinctive feminine smell that was a mixture of face powder, perfume, talcum powder and body spray. This was a smell that he was going to have to acquire over his fake latex body if he were to succeed in this. He looked around Emma's room and noted to his satisfaction that Emma had put her work clothes out for the morning on a hanger. He was sorely tempted to try them on there and then to check that they would fit, but he decided that there were other more important things he needed to be doing. He stepped over a pile of clothes on the bedroom floor and then spotted Emma's diary on her bedside table. He figured that perhaps he would do some bedtime reading before he went to sleep tonight. He checked Emma's closet and found a rail full of her clothes and two racks of shoes on the bottom. At the side of the closet were four shelves each with different items on it. The top one had a varied collection of hats, the next one down had belts, the next one her collection of handbags and finally at the bottom she had winter scarves. Next Adam turned his attention to the dressing table, noting where all the make-up and jewellery was located on the top. He then went through each of the drawers and noted where her bras, panties, and hosiery were all located. Satisfied he now knew where most things were in the bedroom he went back into the living area where he spotted her day to day handbag that she used for work on the top of the sideboard. He'd need that tomorrow as it had all her cards and money in it. "Come here and crouch down next to her," Kevin instructed him. He did as he was told and could smell her scent again. "Bloody incredible, that. You two are like twins!" "Make yourself useful and check out where all the food and useful items are. You'll need to be at home in this place whilst I'm out at the bank." He did not wait to see whether Kevin did as he asked as he had things to get on with. He took out the small box that he had brought with him and began mixing up some Plaster of Paris. He then carefully moulded the plaster around Emma's right forefinger, pressing it down as hard as he could on her fingertips to get a good impression. It would need time to dry, so he decided that there were other things that he could get on with whilst it did so. Next he headed straight to the bathroom to begin running a bath. He poured a generous amount of bath salts into the water and left the hot tap running whilst he went back to Emma's bedroom to strip out of the clothes that he had arrived in. A short while later, now wearing his bra and panties, he went back to check the progress of the bath. It needed more cold which he added and retested. The water pouring into the bath reminded him he needed the loo, so he shut the door to the bathroom so Kevin could not observe him. There were some things even a fake girl did not want a man to see. Having done his business he stripped from his underwear and settled into the foamy water. The next was going to be a tough one, so he would take all the relaxation time he could get that night. Whilst Kevin was not looking he decided to play with his boobs and his pussy, but whilst the fantasy in his head was vivid the feeling from the suit was not. He had not told Kevin the full plan of how he was going to get into the safe yet and he was hoping he would not have to. Due to the lack of feedback from his outer suit he would need to practice his simulation if he was to have a chance of this working. It was all a risk, but he could not tell Kevin that. Since first seeing the disguise, Kevin had started to believe they could pull this off. The disguise was the easy part though, according to Adam. It was the execution that would be the problem. He towelled himself dry, but that was only the outside of the suit. He had to pull down the zip a bit to use Emma's hairdryer to help get all the inside parts of the suit, corset and his real hair wig dry. All this took time, and by the time he had finished and had put on Emma's sweat pants and a top, he found that the plaster of Paris on Emma's finger had dried. Carefully he used a crafting knife from his box to cut away the mould from around Emma's delicate finger. Next he started to mix up some more latex and Kevin came over to watch. "Dude, what are you up to now?" Kevin asked him. "I need a new key to get in past their security, remember? I just hope that this works as well as I hope it will," Adam replied. "It won't be dry until morning and I can only test it on the door shortly afterwards." With that Adam decided that there was little more he could do for tonight. He headed back to the bathroom to wash his fake hands. He decided he would need to brush his teeth as well to keep them nice and white. Having completed his nightly ablutions, Adam headed back towards Emma's bedroom. "I'm off for my beauty sleep now," he said in Emma's voice. "You'll have to make do on the floor in there." "How come you get the bed?" Kevin demanded. "Well, this is Emma's house and I'm now Emma - therefore I get to sleep in Emma's bed. Besides, you'll have to watch her and give her another dose if she wakes. Don't forget to tie her and gag her too, we don't want her getting away or shouting out for help." "I suppose," Kevin said grumpily. "I should have thought about the ropes earlier but I just like looking at her sleeping form in all its innocence." "You'll just have to imagine her without the bondage equipment, or look at me since I'm now the perfect copy," Adam said cheekily. "Now, I need to be fresh for tomorrow as I have a lot to get right." With that Adam shut the door to the bedroom and removed Emma's sweat pants, bra and top. He looked around for Emma's baby doll nightdress and slipped it over his fake female form. It would have her feminine smells on it and Adam hoped it would give him a relaxing night's sleep.

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Ovid 4 The Bank Robbers

As usual, this contains adult material. Be 18 or begone. You're welcome to archive at any site. Please notify me, though. Ovid IV: The Bank Robbers By The Professor For the Captain The light breeze that blew up my skirt as I crossed Main Street on my way to Susan's office was almost warm. One pleasant surprise for me in Ovid had been that spring came much earlier to Oklahoma than it did to Indiana. Here it was, only the last week of February, and already the sun had...

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Dog and His BoyChapter 5 The Almost Great Bank Robbery

The next morning, as soon as breakfast was finished and the dishes were done, Greg's dad said, "I'm going into town and put our money in the bank," referring to the proceeds from the sale of the coins. "I want to find some kind of investment I can put it into so I don't have to declare it as income on our taxes next year. I bet the manager at the bank knows." He looked at Greg, "You and your furry friend want to come along?" "Furry friend my furry behind." Dog said to Greg. "You...

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The Bank Dicks

"The Bank Dicks" by Pamela ([email protected]) Billy regarded Samantha out of the corner of his eye. It was nearing the end of the day and he was hoping that maybe she would suggest that they go for a drink together. They were tellers in the First National Bank with adjoining stations, and had been working side by side for almost two years. Every so often when circumstances were right they ended up having a drink together, usually initiated by Samantha. There was nothing...

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Dot Dorothea and Dick

Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...

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The Bank Job 04 Final

This is a re-edited version of the original chapter I uploaded. There were some issues with the formatting and in some instances the sentences were a bit garbled and letters were repeated. Sorry about that. Again with thanks to Misternik and vmc312. These problems weren’t anything to do with them, they were entirely my fault! ***** Three months later The September afternoon was unseasonably mild and sunny, especially for Scotland. Rebecca’s first two weeks of Uni had gone well, she’d...

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Evil Step Mother

Evil Step Mother By Jane Astin "I want my daddy! I want my daddy!" screamed little William. A long brown haired woman in her late teens with brown eyes picked up the child and spoke towards a hand held camera held up by a young teenage girl. "Hello hunny buns. Surprised to see me? How was your business trip? I bet you didn't expect to come home to a box with your name on it. If you don't do exactly as I say you will never see your precious William again. Inside the box with...

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Evil Angel

Looking for some hardcore anal gonzo porn? The production company, is one of the oldest names in the game. Started in 1989 by John Stagliano, Evil Angel was able to easily rise to prominence in an era when porn suddenly became significantly cheaper to make. In the late seventies, pornos were still being shot on 35-millimeter film and a single production could cost up to $350,000 to make.With the rise of VHS technology, though, in the 1980s, porn producers could suddenly produce...

Top Premium Porn Sites
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The Bank Ladies Red Heather Part Three

With her makeup removed, Red looked younger, softer, and prettier.  We'd ordered breakfast and sat staring toward each other like two people in awe.  I knew that she was vulnerable, but I just had to say something else. "You are far more beautiful without your makeup, Dee. I love your freckles against your pearl-white skin. All the world's cruelty's disappear from your face without your makeup. Is it your armor? Does it protect the beautiful, sweet young lady that I've seen all along?"Red...

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Lady Customer Shown Bank Lockers And More

Hello friends, today I am going to narrate the story about how I fucked a bank customer. First, let me introduce myself. I am Rahul from Punjab working in a reputed bank. This incident which I am going to narrate happened with me 2 years back when I was posted in a rural branch of the Bank. In that area, there was a school where they paid the salary to their staff through our bank. The heroine of the story, let’s call her Simran (name changed) came to the bank for opening a bank account as she...

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Bank Job

My job working for a temp agency was a lot of fun while I had it. I wasjust out of college and looking for work in the film industry, and needed away to get myself food and shelter--a couple of luxuries I had grownaccustomed to over the years. The temp job was good for a guy in myposition--I often could pick my own hours, it never got boring (as I rarelystayed at any one place more than a couple of weeks) and it paid pretty well,especially since I usually got the higher paying word processing...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 01

Our Last Day of School. I can’t believe it. This is my last day of school, I thought, not sure how I felt now that the long awaited day was here. Stepping out into the beautiful sunny afternoon, heading toward the group of waiting yellow school buses I breathed a sigh of relief. I was glad school was finished. Throughout High School like a ship at sea, I had plotted my course, studying hard. However, the Scholarship that many felt I had rightfully won had somehow ended up going to one of...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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This newly posted story has some old attributes "but" is there a whole new beginning about to occur? Read carefully and see:: Nothing had changed much since Little Momma's summoned Satanic Beast fucking. Our life together was pretty much as always though I could tell after that fucking she got in that evil room she sure as hell didn't want much more sex or even fooled with for some time afterwards. Now sure we continued to have our wild parties as had in the past though I guarantee you...

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Mr. Donley was sitting behind his desk with a silly smile on his face when his secretary showed Brenda in. He dismissed his secretary, then turned his attention back to Brenda, struggling mightily to keep his eyes off her chest and focused on her eyes. Brenda was an attractive, 37 year-old woman, with long, auburn hair casually pulled back into a pony tail, and big, natural 35E boobs that were hard to ignore. She rarely wore a bra, and wasn’t wearing one that morning, and Mr. Donley’s eyes...

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Evil Magic World 5 The Competition

Evil Magic World 5 - The Competition Today was the Big Day. It was the anniversary of the dawn of the Evil Magicians on the world, and the defeat of the Goods. At this occasion, a great competition was organized. In each town under the influence of a Master or a Mistress, common citizens could compete for access to Nobility. There were a few places available, and the common citizens were always numerous, despite the risks of failing. Compete for nobility meant a citizen to...

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The Bank

Hi Folks, As I warned you last week. This is a very long story. Most of you told me you'd rather see the whole thing in one piece so here it is. Of course you can always stop reading it anytime you want. Thanks as usual to the great mikothebaby for editing this story (she had to read the whole thing more than once). I apologize for any of the content here that bothers some of you. Please remember it's only a story.SS06 It always seems like life has plans of its own for us and what we want...

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Kumar Apartment Season 2 Part 4 Shobha Ka Bank Loan Approval

Hello friends, aasha karta hoon ki aap sab besabri se meri kahani ka intezaar kar rahe hai. Is besabri ke liye dhanyawaad. Aaj ki kahana aap sabki favourite Shobha ki hai. Jo bhi ye episode pahli baar pad rahe ho unse kahunga ki aap ise padne se pahle season 1 se padna shuru kare. Taaki aapko sabhi characters ko pehchaan le. Jo bhi mujhe mail mein messages aur apni sujhaaw dena chahte ho, ye raha mera mail id Seoaon II – PART 4: Shobha Ka Bank Loan Approval Narrated by Shobha. Hello dosto,...

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The Evil One

The Evil One by Bill Hart The time that many of those chasing him thought marked the dawn of the new millenium drew nigh. In the year at hand, there were only a few mere hours left. And yet regardless of what the masses thought, the coming year 1000 did not truly mark the beginning that new millenium. Another year must yet pass before then. And in the time between now and then, fear of this time would run rampant throughout the superstitious folk of the countryside. For...

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Agent Jane Bondage 0069 Vrs Evil Dr Covid

We begin our story in search of Jane Bondage, the most prized agent in her Majesty's secret service. Queen Lezbeth sent out most of her entire force in the search for her.You see, Jane retired a few years ago to a location unknown to everyone to avoid her powerful enemies as well as AT&T telemarketers.The world was in desperate need of her now more than ever as the evil Dr. John Covid spread his bug throughout the world.The evil Doctor had sprung many of his accomplices from prison. Their...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 02

My Golden Summer with Blythe – Part 2 Josh’s childhood dream girl visits him in San Francisco. The Return of Blythe Coming from a small farming community, San Francisco proved to be everything Josh had ever imagined – and then some. He loved the freewheeling atmosphere – the friendliness – in short, he fell in love with the city by the Bay. Because of early retirements, and dedication to his work, he had advanced much quicker than he had ever expected. Arriving at his chic little Apartment...

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And Soon My Evil Plan Will Be Complete

It's never a good day when BetaGirl shows up on your front door step. It gets worse usually when she just knocks a hole through the roof and plants herself sternly in front of your desk in your innermost sanctum sanctorium. She cracked her knuckles and started to tap her right toe in anticipation of performing some bodily harm upon my august personage. The glare she gave me was certainly world class — and well worthy of the world's famous and renown super-heroine. I suppose it was warranted....

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Evil sister

Here’s a story about an evil sister, a naive bimbo, and the heroic sister and brother-in-law who made everything all right. First the Evil sister. Not really evil in the curse sense, just the ineffectual type who’s idea of success is to divide a crowd, get the two sides fighting, and then jumping on to the side she thinks will win. Any encounter with her would involve not letting her drive a wedge between you and any friend who might be there. My other sister was just the opposite, doing any...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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A Most Convienient Bank

It was spring in Montreal and my friend Adam and I had just finished our last exam of the year. As planned, we met up afterward outside the library to go out for drinks. Unfortunately it was a Tuesday night, so it seemed that it would be a pretty low key celebration. Still we had to do something. We’d just finished another semester and more or less managed to maintain our focus during beautiful Montreal spring. I don’t know what it’s like to try to study in more temperate climates, but when the...

Quickie Sex
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'Creak... creak... creak...' came the soft footfalls upon the basement steps. 'Pat... pat... pat..." whispered the quiet sound of bare feet on the concrete floor outside my bedroom. 'Eee...' the moan of protesting hinges desperately in need of oil. Then came the barely heard footfalls upon my bedroom carpet followed by the whisper of clothing hitting the floor. I knew who it was and why she was in my bedroom. She wanted to torment me yet again. I had been home a little over four weeks and damn...

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The Grim Reaper Reaper Security ConsultingChapter 21 Bank Robbery

Fall 2023 The summer progressed nicely. I spent a fair bit of time down in Sullivan County and the nearby environs, first analyzing what they had and then developing the options everybody needed to consider. One thing I stressed with them was that by standardizing on similar doctrine, training, and hardware, the SWAT teams created would be suitable for any eventual regional coordination. How the politics would work out was questionable, but it would be easier if the local units had similar...

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Banked.Author: R1Chapter One.It was a cold novembernight in a northern European country. My friend Frank and I were going out for a few beers and some laughs. Well in line to this club called ?Banked? we came across an old acquaintance from my father?s job.-?Josh!? I shouted to the back of the line, trying to get his attention. -?Josh, you black asshole! Meet us inside for a few beers!? I got a quiet nod of recognition.The three of us always enjoyed each other?s company, despite the age...

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Hunting Down Evil Bitches

I’m going to be brutally honest here, folks. I hate bitches. I hate everything about them. They’re wicked, evil and manipulative. They think that having a vagina grants them special rights. They ruin the lives of good men. They destroy entire families. They bring down whole organizations. They are agents of chaos and destruction and I hate them for it. I pity any fool who gives away his love, his money or his trust to a bitch. What I really hate about bitches is their total lack of remorse...

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Evil Benni Ch 03

Life is going smoothly for Benni, he’s sorted out his double-dipping problem and is happy that Bess seems to adore him. That’s a big improvement on her mother whose interest seemed confined to his tongue, fingers and penis, though that doesn’t necessarily indicate that daughters are more sophisticated than their mothers. Here we learn more about Benni – his childhood and more about the reason for him being booted out of college, narrowly missing jail. It just seems to drag on… TEN Bess...

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Fallen Angel Chapter 11 Althea the School Girl

Chapter 11: Althea, the School Girl The infernal screeching of the alarm clock awoke Cal from his reverie. He had been up for about a half-hour, but he had only been lying in bed next to the love of his life. Althea's arms were still clutched about him as he stealthily clicked the snooze button, assuming that it was six o' five in the morning, his usual waking time during the school week. He had been thinking long and hard about the previous two nights. Evan... what have you become? He...

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Bank Heist

Bank Heist I had just recently retired from my job. I had turned sixty-two years old and I was looking forward to spending some time with my husband. He had retired a few years ago. I had only gone to the bank to pay our electric bill when it was robbed. I was scared to death looking at their masked faces and those guns. I almost peed myself. It didn’t go as well as they had hoped that it would. The teller had hit the silent alarm and thick steel bars dropped everywhere. All of...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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Athena Corp Chronicles A Mothers Love

As he approached one of the hall's long mirrors he stopped to inspect himself. It was a familiar sight, the flowing, billowy French maid outfit surrounding his body. His arms and legs were outlined in silky, white stockings and arm-gloves. He wore pearl earrings and the lacy white collar around his neck was adorned with a beautiful pendant. It was a gift from mother that he wore every day, without fail. Jon's painted red lips and neatly applied eyeliner and blush were evidence that he was...

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Office Sluts Evil Clowns From Outer Space

It was three AM. I woke up to a sudden noise in the bed beside me. I opened my eyes and found Bonnie sitting next to me. “I can’t sleep,” she said. “Close your eyes,” I told her. “And count sheep…” “Please...” she told me. “I had a nightmare.” I sat up. Having a bad dream can have its effect on your whole day. I recalled all the stuff I read about it on the Internet. I turned on the lava lamp. Bonnie was covered with sweat. I got up, found her a dry T-shirt and brought her a glass of water...

Group Sex
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Sex Therapy 2 The Thert

PREFACE:There are no sex acts in the story but the patient does have an orgasm as a result of the Ther****t’s physical examination. Part 1 is the Sex Therapy appointment from the patient’s point of view and part 2 is the same examination seen through the eyes of the Ther****t. I don’t think it matters which one you read first.I hope you enjoy it and will let me know what you think in any...

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Aunt Katherin and Her SlavesChapter 2 Katherine

Katherine stepped into her elegant living room and took a book from the shelf. She sat in a plush lounge chair, specifically selecting a chair in the back corner of the room next to an old dumbwaiter that was once used to ferry delicious meals from the downstairs kitchen to the dining room table. She planned to read the book for a short while, but she already knew her attention would soon be diverted. Tonight the dumbwaiter would once again be placed into service, except this time it would be...

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The Bank Ladies Just Red

A few minutes had passed before Red finally pulled her head away from the crook of my neck.  It wasn't until she did that I realized that she was still nude.  As I glanced at her perky young breasts, the smartass returned with, "You dirty old man!  Can't keep your eyes to yourself for one second, can you?""Not when someone as alluring as you is sitting naked in my lap.""Don't try and sweet-talk me into more sex, you old perv," she stated before moving in and kissing me tenderly as lovers do....

Straight Sex
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Gold Plated Garbage TruckChapter 10 The Great Bank Robbery

One of the hardest things I have had to go through was when the Humper County National Bank was robbed. I mean that the only thing that applied was "comedy of errors." Or, as it was said when I was in the marines and my delicate bride for life, Emily, was being true to me in her own way, the term was FUBAR. (That's the initials for "Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition.") And it took Moose, Brenda, Connie and me to straighten things out while Homer stayed home and got his dick made happy. He...

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The Lesser of Two Evils

This story was loosely inspired from one chapter of Jack Chalker's book Messiah Choice. The Lesser of Two Evils By Morpheus The soft humming of a fan filled the small office room, though Charles Edwards barely noticed it, having long since grown used to the sound. Instead, Charles absently adjusted his tie, wishing that the company would finally get the air conditioning going. But then he sighed, reminding himself that as a mid-level manager he as at least entitled to his own...

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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites
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I should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...

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