Hampered in His Plans Ch 05
- 5 years ago
- 29
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The chronological order of my stories is now listed in WifeWatchman’s biography.
Feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas.
This story contains graphic scenes, language and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racial language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any of these in this story should not be construed as acceptance of the above.
Part 19 – Forewarning
‘Oh, Commannnderrrrr…’
‘Get out of my dream, Angela.’
It was 2:30am, early Friday morning, January 15th.
‘Oh, Commander,’ chided Angela Harlan. In my dream she was in black and white, under a cone of light, naked but for her high heel black pumps, her raven black hair cascading behind her. ‘Your day is coming, your day is coming.’
‘What day?’ I asked in my dream.
‘Oh, your day to join the Dark Side, my beloved Iron Crowbar.’ Angela whispered, her voice sounding as if it were very near me. ‘Don’t you want to know why I went bad, Don?’
‘I already know.’ I said.
‘You don’t know shit.’ Angela said, then began pacing in front of me. I was sitting on some chair, not restrained, but seemingly unable to move. ‘But you’re about to find out. You are about to face the same choice I had to make. The Dark Side is coming, Don. Will you go into the Darkness, into the Deepness?’
‘No!’ I shouted. I looked around. I was sitting up in bed, having waked up and violently thrown the covers off me. That had awakened Laura.
‘Don?’ she asked. ‘Don, are you all right?’
‘Yeah… yeah, I’m fine. I just had a… weird dream. Go back to sleep.’
‘Come, lie back down.’ she said. But I was getting up.
‘I’m going to go get something to drink.’ I said. ‘I’ll be right back.’ With that, I went downstairs to the kitchen. There was some orange juice in the refrigerator and I poured some of that. I might have added a touch of vodka, as well.
I downed my drink, following it with a glass of water. Then I went back upstairs. I checked on the kids, who were peacefully sleeping. But two dogs were looking up at me.
Bowser was in his basket at the foot of Carole’s bed, which had rails on the side to keep her from falling out. Buddy was in a basket under Jim’s crib, which he’d taken to from the get-go.
I sat down on the floor, and both dogs came up to me. I would make a point of giving them equal time, so I was petting Buddy with my left hand and Bowser with my right hand. ‘You guys guarding the kids?’ I asked. They didn’t respond, but let me keep petting them for a while. Perhaps they sensed my feeling of foreboding, partly due to the nightmare dream with the Black Widow, partly due to her words of forewarning… but also because of something more, as if a House of Cards was about to fall on my head…
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
‘This is Bettina Wurtzburg, KXTC Channel Two News!’ yelled the lovely MILF redheaded reporterette at 7:00am on the same Friday, January 15th. ‘Channel Two News has learned that there is a possible, let me say that again: possible transplant organ that could become available for young orphan Amy Croyle. This is contingent upon a terminally ill person passing away, and University Hospital and Dr. Richard Searles are prepared if and when the organ arrives.’
‘In other news,’ said Bettina, ‘the EMT strike remains peaceful, but the Town & County Council has asked the Police Department to clear the EMTs, saying that they have no lawful authority to be on strike, and their presence is a danger to the Community. However, Sheriff Daniel Allgood and Police Chief Sean Moynahan issued a joint statement that as long as the EMTs remain peaceful and no one is put in immediate danger by their actions, they will not be molested by the Police. Asked for a statement, Commander Donald Troy stated that the EMTs have a Constitutional First Amendment right to Peaceably Assemble, and as long as it remains peaceful, he has no reason to bother them.’
Bettina said ‘When asked if they would open a dialogue with the striking EMTs, a spokesman for the Council has stated that the EMS service no longer exists, that the former EMTs have no jobs to return to, and they are disqualified from any County Government job. The Council considers the matter closed, except for seeking legal action to force the former EMTs to disband.’
Bettina had more: ‘Meanwhile, the Police responded to a KXTC inquiry into the murder case of NBESW president Jack Naples, and the Police response was that they continue to actively investigate the case, but do not yet have sufficient evidence to serve an arrest warrant. However, Commander Troy did say that there is plenty of evidence to bring the arrested Firemen to trial in the rape and assault cases.
Bettina added: ‘There has been surprisingly little national interest in the story of a national Union president being murdered. Some experts suggest the NBESW is not a very influential Union, nor one with much clout, while other experts suggest that this an example of Unions losing their influence overall. However, sources close to this situation suggest that it is the relatively hopeless situation of the local EMS as the reason for the lack of national interest in this story.’
Who are these ‘experts’? I once again asked myself as I listened to Bettina’s broadcast…
‘And in the continuing saga of the District Attorney’s office, D.A. Krasney has moved to bring the Fire Department rape case forward.’ said Bettina. ‘This occurred after both the State and Federal Departments of Justice began an inquiry into the matter. The Fire Department Union will continue to provide legal representation to their Firemen, and D.A. Krasney named A.D.A. Paulina Patterson as the lead prosecutor for all the Fire Department cases. She and Commander Troy have brought many cases to a successful conclusion with guilty pleas before trial, and these cases may be soon brought to an end.’
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
‘Commander,’ said Detective Martin Nash as he entered my office, with Lt. Perlman right behind him. ‘I did a routine check through the FBI of any issues with Jimmy Lawson’s medical unit. At the time he shipped out, a couple of long scalpels were reported as missing. It is not totally uncommon for items to disappear here and there, but they actually made a full investigation and report about it.’
‘Long scalpel.’ I said.
‘Yes sir,’ said Nash, ‘I also checked with the Medical Examiner, and she said that type of long scalpel would definitely fit the profile of the murder weapon.’
‘Looks like this is enough probable cause to get a warrant to search Lawson’s home and car.’ I said. ‘Get with Paulina and make it happen.’
‘Better call Ted Mason.’ said a voice, which belonged to the gorgeous black ADA. Paulina came on into the office. ‘Commander, you and I have appointments at County Jail. The lawyers for the TCFD perps say they’re ready to get this done. But I suspect they’ll need to have you in front of them to put the true Fear of God and Crowbars into them.’
‘Okay, Perlman,’ I said, ‘Get with ADA Mason, secure the warrant, and let me know what your guys find. Good work on that, Nash. Keep this up, and the FBI will probably steal you from us.’
‘Not if I can help it.’ Tanya said with her cherubic grin. Nash was silent, and looked a little uncomfortable.
Part 20 – Resolution
The two firefighters accused of rape were brought to the County Jail’s Interrogation Room 1. Yes, ‘1’. They’d finally renovated two more rooms into Interrogation Rooms, so I and Third Precinct now had three secure and videocamera-covered rooms to work with. Happy happy, joy joy, I thought to myself.
The firefighters were in orange County Jail jump suits, an
d had been held in a separate detention cell to prevent them from being attacked by other inmates. They had never been very exceptional firefighters, from the reports I read, and now they were haggard and looked beaten.
Their lawyers, despite any talk of amicable conclusions, were still going to press for everything they could. But they might have known to not fuck with me, and that I was their last hope of any pre-trial conclusion.
‘All right, guys,’ I said, ‘you’re going to do hard time, no matter what. We can make this a bit easier on you, or make it very very hard.’
‘Commander,’ said one of the lawyers, an older man with white hair on both sides of his hair, and glasses on his beakish nose, ‘Why should my clients capitulate, when the video was illegally obtained, and their arrest unlawful?’
‘Are you really going to waste my immensely valuable time this way?’ I shot back, keeping my voice as calm as I could. ‘First, the victim has picked these two men out of a hundred photographs. She will also be able to pick them out of a lineup. Second, the semen samples recovered from the victim, as well as skin from under her fingernails, has 99.9999% DNA matches to your clients sitting here before me. Third, the video evidence was very much lawfully obtained, and it’s clear. Do I even neeeed to say ‘Lets watch some TV.’? You’re clients are done, Counselor.’
‘Let’s make a deal, then.’ said one of the firefighters, overruling his lawyer’s attempts to make him stop talking. ‘What’s the best we can do?’
Paulina said ‘Let me first make you understand what happens if you take this to trial, and you’re convicted. And let’s be honest, guys, with this DNA evidence alone, you are going down. You’re looking at 25-to-Life, especially if I tack on aggravating circumstances, which is very possible here. Basically it’s the rest of your lives. But if you plead guilty, the judges around here would very likely give 20 years each, with some possibility of parole. That’s not too likely, as you face other charges, but I might can swing concurrent sentences instead of consecutive ones.’
‘Protective custody?’ the other fireman asked.
‘No doubt about that anyway.’ I said. ‘I’ve already labeled you ‘keepaways’, and that’ll follow you to State Prison. You’ll probably get a transfer to Supermax.’
‘How long before parole?’ asked the first firefighter.
‘There’s no guarantee of it.’ Paulina said. ‘I intend to wrap this whole thing into one ball and put it on the Judge’s desk. Your most likely scenario is 20 years, straight up.’
‘It beats the hell out of life without parole, which you could conceivably get if you go to trial.’
‘We need to confer with our clients.’ said one of the lawyers.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
‘What about the rest of them?’ I asked Paulina as we waited in the anteroom.
‘From what I’m hearing,’ Paulina said, ‘the guys holding the EMTs while the third was beating his face want to hold out. They’re going to say the EMT was attacking their fellow firefighters, and they were just restraining him, and the Police got the wrong idea when they drove up.’
‘Like we didn’t get camera coverage of it?’ I said. ‘We did, you know. Pretty clear pictures, too.’
‘They think they can get that tossed.’ said Paulina. ‘Or at least their lawyers do. Anyway, the guy who was punching the EMTs might be a bit more reasonable, he knows he’s in deep shit.
‘Tell you what, let me take the lead on it.’ I said. I told her what I would do, and being a smart as well as beautiful woman, she agreed with my idea.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The rapists agreed to plead guilty in exchange for 20 year prison terms, but held out that they could change their plea to ‘not guilty’ if the judge rejected the plea deal. In the end, Judge Folsom would accept the deal, and they would have two decades in near-solitary-confinement to contemplate things.
Next up were the three men who were holding the male EMTs and beating them nearly to death.
‘Okay, guys.’ I said. ‘We can sit here and watch TV, which shows very clearly that you prevented these two EMTs from helping their female colleague. Then you deliberately held and beat them. So, the charges I’ve filed are conspiracy to commit rape, conspiracy to commit murder in the first degree, harming persons in your custody, which happened when you physically held down the EMTs, and the biggie: attempted murder in the first degree.’
‘That’s ridiculous!’ thundered one of the lawyers. Where do they get these guys? I wondered to myself.
‘Ridiculous?’ I asked. ‘How so? They were beating that man with the intent to kill him. I’m certainly willing to let a jury decide if this is attempted murder, which will carry life without parole because of the other charges. I also intend to ask for consecutive sentences, which judges around her like to give, and that means your clients here will spend the rest of their lives in Supermax prison.’
The three firefighters suddenly had scared looks on their faces. ‘What’s the matter guys?’ I asked, loudly and menacingly. ‘Your lawyers tell you you’ll only get assault charges, maybe plead down to misdemeanors? Nope, not gonna happen while I’m Police Commander in this County. I’m going for the full meal deal, and all felonies. I really am, very seriously guys, talking about life sentences when all is said and done. You are going to do hard time, and a lot of it.’
‘By way of contrast,’ said Paulina, right on cue, ‘we can probably get this wrapped into one neat package of 20 years without parole, then you walk out with the rest of your lives.’
‘We need to consider this, guys.’ said one of the firefighters. The lawyers admonished him to shut his mouth.
‘Tell you what, guys.’ I said, getting up. ‘I’ll go into the other room, take a potty break, all that stuff, while you guys talk with your lawyers for a few minutes. And I hope you get better legal advice than you’ve gotten so far.’ With that, Paulina and I left the room.
‘You were right.’ Paulina said. ‘They really thought they’d get off light. And when you said ‘attempted murder’, I thought they’d dump in their pants. Think their lawyers told them they’d get off easy?’
‘I’d suspect their Union reps were the ones feeding them that hot air.’ I said. ‘Quite frankly, I don’t care if they take any deal or not. They’re hip deep in it.’
‘Supervisor Harris is next.’ Paulina said. ‘What about him?’
‘He’ll be the hardest one to convince.’ I said. ‘In fact, I won’t be surprised if he takes it to trial. But maybe vee hav vays to make him see reeeson.’ I said in my ‘German’ accent.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
After thirty minutes of wrangling with their lawyers, the three firemen offered to plead guilty to assault and battery charges. I said it wasn’t enough, the political climate required restitution for the rape, as well as one EMT nearly dying from their beating. In the end, they agreed to plead guilty to aggravated assault with the intent to do bodily harm, and conspiracy to commit rape, which meant they’d have 20 years without parole each.
And then Superintendent Harris was brought in. His lawyer was the older man who’d represented the rapists. They were both feisty.
‘Your Police Captain attacked me.’ snarled Harris. ‘I’m going to press charges and sue her. And I’ll call every firefighter in that building to the stand, and every last one of them will tell the jury that your bitch cop attacked me first. No way in hell I take any deals. I’ll see your redheaded stepchild ass in Court, Troy!’
‘I think he’s trying to irritate me.’ I said to Paulina. ‘I think he’s succeeding, too.’ I turned back to Harris. ‘Okay, buddy, let’s be clear. First of all, even if you do get 14 firefighters to perjure themselves for you, I will then bring out the videotape which will prove who assaulted who.’
‘But since you’ve decided to be an asshole about it, Harris,’ I said,
‘you’ve got something worse to think about. You see, Captain Ross is my blood kin. A fellow cop, to be sure. But my family, too. My blood, Harris. And the way I see it, shithead, you attacked her, and she didn’t kill you on the spot, which she could’ve done. She didn’t kill you… but if you get out and walk free… well, I’ll be there, Harris. I’ll be there.’
‘Are you threatening me, Troy?’ snarled Harris.
‘Harrumph. What do you think?’ I replied sneeringly.
‘You know this is being recorded.’ said Harris’s lawyer. ‘This alone will get him off. The judge will drop the charges, and you’ll be hearing from the Inspector General.’
‘I’m sure I will.’ I said, letting my eyes bore into Harris. ‘Superintendent Harris knows about the cohesion, the brotherhood within a Fire Station. I’m sure he knows that the Police have the same cohesion. And they’ll support my Captain, even if they don’t support me. Someone will be out there, Harris. And that’s not a threat, it’s a prediction.’
‘My God, how can you be speaking this way–‘ the lawyer started. Then it hit him. ‘Those damn microphones better be on and working!’ he snarled.
’And if they’re not?’ I asked.
‘They’d better be, or I’ll have your ass strung up so fast and hard you’ll wish you were dead.’ the lawyer threatened.
‘Now who is threatening who?’ asked Paulina. The lawyer and Harris both glared at her.
‘Okay, on to trial.’ I said. ‘No deals for this piece of shit, Ms. District Attorney.’ I got up to go.
‘Wait a minute.’ said the lawyer. ‘In light of all this acrimony, we should be able to come to some sort of agreement here. For all our sakes.’
‘Oh, I have nothing to fear.’ I said. ‘Superintendent Harris, though… as the Station Commander that he was, he’s responsible for what happens in his Station. Forcible rape is what happened. He can be charged with conspiracy to commit rape, since he didn’t try to stop it. Every charge we’re bringing against his subordinates, I intend to bring against him. And through it all… he still assaulted my blood kin. See you in Court, Harris.’ I turned and left.
They did manage to get Paulina to listen, and she pretended to get me to come back in. Once back inside, the lawyer said ‘Okay, what do you want? And by that I mean something we can actually agree to.’
‘Well…’ I said, as if thinking about it, ‘… if your client makes a plea bargain that includes his immediate resignation from the Fire Department, voluntary forfeiture of any Fire Department pension, and an agreement to never work in any County position of employment… the same treatment the EMTs have always gotten… then he can plead guilty to misdemeanor assault on a police officer, and get probation. That’s not negotiable, that’s my final offer, take it or leave it.’
‘Let me keep my pension, and it’s a deal.’ Harris said.
‘Ears are to hear with.’ I said. ‘Start using yours. I said my offer was non-negotiable, take it or leave it. No pension. Not one dime.’
‘I’ll leave it, then. I’ll see you in Court.’ said Harris. ‘And in Hell.’
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
‘Pretty good day.’ said Paulina as we ate lunch at the Cattleman’s Club, my treat. ‘The rapists are getting pretty standard sentences, there, so no public backlash should happen. The bullies got served, but still got less than they could have. But I think you could’ve had Harris, too.’
‘Paulina,’ I said with something of a grin and something of a thought of pain, ‘if you think Cindy beat the shit out of him, just imagine what she would’ve done to me if I’d cut a deal with that prick. As it is, he’s going to trial, he’ll face a host of charges of aiding and abetting rape, as well as felony assault on a Police Officer, for which he will be convicted.’
‘In the meantime,’ I went on, ‘he faces TCFD discipline for losing control of his Fire Station, basically being in charge of a Fire Station where people in his charge committed forcible rape… they’re going to strip him of his pension anyway. He was a fool not to take that deal, it’s no longer on the table, and *he* walked away from it.’
The chronological order of my stories is now listed in WifeWatchman’s biography. Feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas. This story contains graphic scenes, language and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racial language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any of...
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WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or...
6 or maybe 7 years ago I was working 6 days a week, 12 hour shifts with only a Wednesday off. So no time for a girlfriend so I started seeing escorts again.At the time I was still old school and finding them in back of the sport newspaper in classifieds section, there used to be around 5 adverts for Middlesbrough in northeast section, there was one think it said something like mboro female 6 days then had home phone number and a mobile number. I phoned talked to a very nice sounding lady who...
Saturday afternoon I had a very good fuck session with my beloved hubby.Later that night Victor drove me to the airport; I had to catch a flight to Memphis, on a very boring business trip. I felt really stupid when I took a challenge from my asshole Boss and accepted to make that trip…In the other hand, my good friends Sheila and Peter lived in Memphis; so it would be a nice chance to meet them after so many years.Sheila and Peter Anne sometimes had played around with me when they lived in...
A masochist flasher gets lucky Part 1 I am a flasher. I love being naked, wanking and spunking in front of women and young girls. I often go to parks and forests, strip naked and walk around wanking until come across women then I stand and come in front of them. I love all their reactions, some are shocked, cry out and run away, others laugh and watch, others get angry and insult me but they also stay to watch. I have often been attacked by women that I flash to, punched, kicked and slapped as...
Lifting her arms above her head with a sigh, she slowly moved her body into the next yoga pose. Bending her forward leg, she stretched the other out behind her, the motion naturally making her upper body curve to push out her sore, heavy chest. Both of her breasts lifted as she raised her arms, sending little sparkles of pain up her spine. Biting her lip, she forced herself to hold the pose, even though the damp spot on her yoga pants was already down to mid thigh. Ever since she had...
Emma was walking across the concourse of the Savoy hotel in Covent Garden. Her hips swayed and her head and hair followed them, but in a different direction. Her red heels clipped loudly on the chequered marble flooring. She walked between two gold-topped ornate pillars as she made her way to the lounge. She was so excited. The smile on her face was so broad it would have put Julia Robert’s smile from the film ‘Pretty Woman’ to shame.As she entered the plush lounge she looked around for her...
Fantasy & Sci-FiEmma grasped the cock that she had been encouraging for the last fifteen minutes and forced it upright. It was time to fuck it. She knew what she liked and the one she found before her, in the plush hotel room, attached to a hunk of a male prostitute, was just right.There would be no ‘too soft’, or ‘too hard’ stories to be told here. In fact, as far as Emma was concerned, too hard could never be considered as an issue, and she never experienced a too soft either, especially after she had...
Fantasy & Sci-FiOne day a man was walking around in a mall minding his own business. The man was horny, but he suppressed these emotions to fit in society, but he often wondered, what it be like if it was legal to touch a woman without her consent? What if he could just walk up to anyone he wanted, and feel her breasts, her ass, touch her pussy. What if the law even allowed you to escort her somewhere private and fuck her? These thoughts made him so horny his cock was hard and wanted to come out his pants,...
Was at the USO in Memphis 1977- walked around downtown Memphis...saw a porn theatre, interesting posters so i went on in. with a few bucks of quarters went to the booths to see what the hoopla was all about. Watched a nice porn loop where Seka took two cocks, first DP i had ever seen. Made me so hot pulled out Mr Happy and starting to stroke. A finger appeared from a glory hole (another first) and didn't know how to act. The tongue pushed through it gave me an idea. so i offered my rock hard...
The key arrived in the mail on Tuesday and now everyting was in place. The plan was to drive down to Memphis on Friday morning and arrive late Friday night. Marshal enjoyed long drives and he loved preparing for such trips as well. First the car had to be detailed. The a quick stop at Home Depot and the Lion's Den for the necessary supplies. He made a mental list...rope, plastic wire ties, plastic stretch wrap, lotions, and of course handcuffs.The 03 white Lexus was in near showroom condition...
I was on vacation down south in Tennessee. I prefer to call it my "Black Cock Vacation". Though I was down there under the pretense of visiting the mountains, my ultimate goal was to get in a black part of town in Memphis and get abused by black cocks at the gloryholes.So I as I made my way back up from the Smokies, I was anticipating the hot times I was going to have. I was driving down the highway wearing an extremely short pair of daisy dukes. My hot fucking smooth legs were on total display...
Sunday, April 22, 2007 (Continued) I discussed my plans with the parents, especially Mom and Dad because they'd be taking the calls. Later that evening, I flew to Memphis, located a reporter typing up a story in his station's office. He was sitting within twenty four feet of the exterior wall, which made it even easier for me to type. During a pause in his typing, I machine-gunned, "Grab your phone, tape recorder and camera. Come to the roof for an interview you'll love." I repeated it...
Sexual contact between men and animals is as old as history. Stone Age cave drawings depict a preoccupation with the creatures of that time and ancient Hindu temple paintings showing girls having intercourse with tigers, bulls and other animals make it clear that bestiality is not a modern perversion. The bible states that "he who lieth with a beast" has committed a grave sin and must be punished by being stoned to death. Not only is the man killed but the beast he had had sex relations...
ನಮಸ್ಕಾರ and hi to all ISS readers this is my first story ever in Indian sex stories please pardon me for any mistakes in the story and mail me my name is Shreya. I’m living and studying in Bangalore of karnataka.I’m 21 yrs of age . My body structure is 28 26 28 .My boobs are round shaped and 32d boobs .My pussy is pinky…. I think this is enough for my introduction.If you want more introduction mail me i’ll display at bottom of the story This happened 7 days ago so my pussy is in fresh...
Hello all. I would like to write something about myself and my thoughts as a fetishist.Somewhere, I read that fetishes are shaped in c***dhood and that's how it was in my case.It started in kindergarten. Then I started to pay more attention to the legs and shoes of my friends.Something fascinated me about it, later in primary school while playing with my friends I noticed that girls like to crush various toys like toy cars but also others. To make the boys angry. It was the first time it...
THE FETISHIST AND THE SPINSTER "I could just beat him! I'd like to beat him within an inch of his life!" the big woman said. Bedelia, the lady bartender, listened with interest to this plight of her patron for she, like the men of her profession, was proficient at doling out sympathy and advice along with glasses of good cheer. This was a new customer, obviously not a regular habitue of bars. A tallish, largish woman, plain looking but with every potential for fixing herself up into an...
When I first met the boy we will call Siggy (10 points for anyone who guesses why), I was not in the least bit attracted to him. I needed friends as I had just started an MFA program in a new city and knew no one. But I would never hook up with him, I told myself with conviction.For this reason, whenever I felt the mood of our hangout sessions changing from bromance to romance, I would use my foolproof mood-killing method of bringing up the topic of castration.“Did you know that Freud said that...
Beauty and the Fetishist Belladonna "So, what do you think he's going to do when he walks in?" Lily asked the girls standing around the receptionist's desk. "He's going to flip," the receptionist replied. "I bet he does a double take," Jocelyn added while nodding at Claire's comment. "Any thoughts?" Lily asked Freddie, the oldest woman in the group. "I think he's going to know we're screwing with him!" "No doubt," Lily seconded Freddie's answer with a laugh. "Oh,...
“We need to start getting things together for Thanksgiving. And we need to work on Christmas travel plans.” Blossom said. “Do we want to do it here or go out?” Erin asked. “Do it?” I asked. “Thanksgiving dinner, you goof.” Lynn lovingly punched me in the shoulder. “Oh! Ouch! Hey!” “Sorry Lover. I’ll kiss it and make it better.” “Kiss it?!” Punch! “Ouch!” “Back to the subject. Are we going to have Thanksgiving dinner here or are we going to go to a restaurant or have our meal...
Roxanne knew Sean would be getting home soon and came over to be there when he arrived. “Shaw-nee-poo! How did it go?” Straight-faced, “What did you get me into! Those kids are a bunch of belching, spitting terrorists!” Empathetically, “Oh, I’m so sorry, Sean.” “Count me out. Call Burt to find another coach. I got a bad migraine.” Sadly, with a comforting embrace, “Oh, oooh.” “Gotcha!” “What????” With a big grin, cheek to cheek, “Roxanne, I had the time of my life. Thanks...
In early 2018 I was looking for a change. Sex with hookers was getting old. Sure, the girls were hot, and their skills considerable Some were true blowjob artists. But it always felt rushed. The clock was ticking, and there was no opportunity to get to know someone.Of course it felt completely fake. Amazing how many experienced women would scream with passion, claim that I was their best lover ever, that they had never cum like that with others. Were there really men who believed this bullshit?...
BDSMSarah and Ali met at the spa the next afternoon. Before going inside, Ali pulled her to the side for privacy to tell Sarah everything that had happened that morning. Getting a text after getting home the night before, he instructed her to be at his house by 8:30 am, letting herself in with the code for the front door, and to go straight to his bed. Being so tired from the exhausting experience of losing her virginity, she had overslept a little and got there about 8:45 am. He had raged at...
April 1983, Chicago, Illinois I arrived home just before 8:00pm to find Stephie and Elyse sitting on the couch watching TV. Stephie jumped up and hugged me and gave me a quick kiss. Elyse got up more slowly, and hugged me once Stephie had released me. I poured myself a cup of tea and sat down with the girls to show them the drawing of the basement that my dad had given me. “That sauna is huge!” Elyse said. “It has to fit all of us. Roughly I’d say you could put eighteen people in there,...
Leigh handed the floor over to me. I laid out some of my plans to the other Bulls. I also looked at Leigh and Bob as I included plans that they could get involved in as my nearest neighbours. I could see them all looking at each other as their minds filled with ideas. I suggest that we retired to the lunch tables so we could mingle. This suggestion was unanimously agreed upon, and the Bulls headed out with a lot of excited chatter. I collared Cavil and got him to wait for me. I had to stop...
Chapter 13: Barocca’s PlansEarlier that night, on the other side of the Island, Barocca was quite busy in her quarters, as she worked away on her computer. "I've gotta admit it to you Ebony," she muttered to herself. "You definitely are smarter than everyone thinks you are. That little batch file you wrote for the security computer does everything that you said it would." Barocca entered a few more keystrokes on the computer, and paused to inspect the file she was working on. "The only...
It was all Deana could do to contain her anger during the 90-minute flight from Cologne to London. There was no explanation to justify how Gerhard could have been so deceitful. Once more, Deana put her love and trust in someone and was treated horribly. How dare Gerhard maintain a relationship with another woman while planning marriage to Deana? How could he have ever gone through with the wedding? As she sat there stewing, the rationale came to Deana. "Of course!" Gerhard was a...
Cecilia's the Halloween party Burnside treated Cecilia in a completely normal manner, as though the entire test incident had never happened. It was as though she had purged the entire affair from her mind, as though she had forgotten it entirely. Cecilia knew that Burnside never forgot anything, but she realized that the professor was capable of disconnecting an offense such as the test incident from a relationship once the offender had submitted to punishment. Burnside's thoughts were not...
I let the music lead my body, let it guide my hips to sway to the beat, let it shake my ass and jiggle my hips with abandon.“Drink your whisky! I want you good and drunk,” you command me, and I raise my glass in a toast to you, giggling and dancing still, and drain the shot in one. Then I wave my glass at you and you snatch it from my fingers, grinning. Having refilled both our glasses, you hand me it back to me and raise yours in a toast.“To sluts,” you say, making me giggle again. I’m...
The Best Laid Plans ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?by ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Lex Ludite ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Chapter 1 (revised) ? ? ? ?At sixteen Brandi Barnes was the major masturbatory fantasy for most of the male students and faculty at Arnold Palmer High School. It should be added that a certain portion of the female students as well as faculty also had some strong fantasies involving this super sexy teenager. This walking wet dream was of medium...
Ihi, friends…This is Rehaan from Jaipur.I’m an engineering student. This is my first story for ISS readers.i’ll try my best to describe that unforgetable day when i encountered with that horney bhabhi. To Make this story more interesting,let me describe the story in hindi. Dosto main ek engineering student hu and main jaipur ke ek well knonwn area me rehta hu jaha har taraf hariyali hi hariyali hai. Jaha dekho bhabhis n grls hi grls dhikhti hai. Dosto main yaha bahut time se reh raha hu. Par...
It was our first holiday season together and the first of my birthday's together. She had moved in with me almost 6 months earlier and I knew she was a fine woman and a great slut (just needed someone to take the reigns). We were in Memphis, TN for the holiday and had a beautiful suite for the weekend. Being my birthday and since I have had many of them (48) I usually don't expect much. This was to be the best one ever. We had been on a web site that catered to couples looking for BBCs to fuck...
The following is completely true and happened over the course of the past two years, gradually getting more and more exciting, until it culminated with the most intense sexual event of our lives. Unlike some "true" stories I have taken extra effort to make it not only factually correct, but to give an accurate portrayal of my perspectives at the time and my impressions of Lynn's and Greg's perspectives at the time.What follows is a recounting of events that are extremely private, intimate and...
My wife, SD, said she arrived at NATTC Memphis on Tuesday (December 3, 1974) after a two week break/leave from Boot Camp (Orlando Florida). She stayed with her parent’s in SoCal (Chatsworth) for that time and partied most of the time with her boyfriend and others. I found out recently (from one of her High School friends) that she was known for NOT fucking during her time as a cheerleader at Chatsworth High – she didn’t want to take any chances of getting pregnant and wanted to “save herself”...
Marty had always found Hispanic men irresistible. He was a small guy, five-foot-six-inches tall and very fair. To be exact, Marty was hairless and blond, the exact antithesis of the men that he had always desired. There was nothing he desired more than being the bitch of a rough Hispanic daddy. Ever since he had entered the gay scene, this was the dream he had always yearned for.It took him a full two years to build up the courage to test this fantasy, but one Saturday night he simply could no...
Gay Male