Pygmalion's Chisel free porn video

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_______________________________________________________________________ This work of fiction (pack of lies) is copyrighted by the author. Permission is hereby granted to re-post it to any FREE site provided the title, text, and author's name are unchanged. The names and/or descriptions of all persons, locations, firms and events are fictitious or used fictitiously. Any resemblance, or perceived resemblance, to actual persons, locations, firms, or events is purely coincidental and unintentional. Honest! Anyone wishing to employ the device herein described is welcome to do so provided they adhere to the rules, some of which are stated in the tale and listed, along with all others, in the appendix. ________________________________________________________________________ Pygmalion's Chisel By Watsit Tuya ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------ Prologue: The story of Pygmalion (Written by Thomas Bullfinch) ------------------------------------------------------------------ "Pygmalion...was a sculptor, and had made with wonderful skill a statue of ivory, so beautiful that no living woman came anywhere near it. It was indeed the perfect semblance of a maiden that seemed to be alive, and only prevented from moving by modesty. ...Pygmalion admired his own work, and at last fell in love with the counterfeit creation.... The festival of Aphrodite was at hand....When Pygmalion had performed his part in the solemnities, he stood before the altar and timidly said, "Ye gods, who can do all things, give me, I pray you, for my wife" - he dared not say "my ivory virgin," but said instead - "one like my ivory virgin." Aphrodite, who was present at the festival, heard him and knew the thought he would have uttered; and, as an omen of her favour, caused the flame on the altar to shoot up thrice in a fiery point into the air. When he returned home, he went to see his statue, and leaning over the couch, gave a kiss to the mouth. It seemed to be warm. He pressed its lips again, he laid his hand upon the limbs; the ivory felt soft to his touch and yielded to his fingers.... While he stands astonished and glad, though doubting, and fears he may be mistaken, again and again with a lover's ardor he touches the object of his hopes...Then at last the votary of Aphrodite found words to thank the goddess, and pressed his lips upon lips as real as his own. The virgin felt the kisses and blushed, and opening her timid eyes to the light, fixed them at the same moment on her lover. Aphrodite blessed the nuptials she had formed...." ------------------------------------------------------------------ Prologue Part II: Pygmalion's Chisel; Aphrodite's Bequest (Author: Unknown) ------------------------------------------------------------------ "...and taking up the chisel, with which Pygmalion had commenced the forming of the virgin, transformed it into a silver ring. This ring did the goddess place upon the third finger of her left hand, where it remained until the twilight of the age of the Olympian gods. As her parting gift to those who truly love, she sent it into the mortal realm so any who are worthy might, as had Pygmalion, lend form and substance to love and beauty." ________________________________________________________________________ Sometimes, I wished I was still single. Right after that came the self- loathing. Wishing I was single was my cowardly way of wishing my son hadn't been born. Our doctor had expressed misgivings during the pregnancy but, as it progressed with no serious complications, was confident that any difficulties with the delivery would be manageable. What actually happened was, in the words of one of the nurses, 'as close to a catastrophe as I've ever seen'. We were later told it was little short of a miracle that neither Jake nor his mother died. They told us there 'could' be 'some' brain damage, which was confirmed with testing over several months. Jake was almost two but his mental age was judged to be only about six months. We'd been told he might attain the mental acumen and motor skills of a seven or eight year old by the time he was grown. That prospect didn't exactly fill my heart with anticipation. My reverie was disrupted by the chime from the bell tower in the park, letting me know my lunch break was over. I had just dumped my trash when a glimmer in the grass caught my eye. Thinking it was a gum wrapper, I picked it up and found it was a silver ring. The ring had a heavy, plain band with a flat square on its upper side within which was a relief of two sturdy hands holding a hammer and chisel. I examined it closely but saw nothing that might serve to identify either artisan or owner. I dropped it into my pocket, thinking I would turn it in to the lost and found at my company, but there was no one at the security desk and I had to get back to work. I was nearly home before the ring crossed my mind again. While filling my tank, I took it from my pocket and tried once more to locate some marking to help identify the owner. I figured it had to be worth something to someone. The relief showed veins standing out in the forearms and hands and, by moving it in the light, I could see what looked like the play of muscles under the skin. That level of artistry didn't come cheap, even for a piece that was otherwise unadorned. Putting it back I shut off the pump, paid for my gas, and resumed my journey. Once home I sat in the driveway, preparing myself. Seeing the curtain in the window over the kitchen sink move, I knew Paula was aware of my arrival. She spent her days looking after Jake until I came home to help out. It didn't seem like much of a life for her but she never really complained. On an impulse, I dug out the ring and put it on. There was a brief dizziness followed by a vision of a large room. At the far end was a man leaning over a couch, kissing a young woman. Just to the left was another woman who was almost, but not quite, translucent. The second woman was so beautiful, looking directly at her was nearly painful. As I took in the scene I 'recognized' the people. The man was Pygmalion and the young woman was the image of his ideal woman, given life by Aphrodite. The almost-translucent woman was the goddess who, as I watched, picked up one of the sculptor's tools and turned it into the ring I now wore. As the scene faded, the ring 'told' me I could use it to physically change a person, if I adhered to its requirements. The most important of them were that I had to truly love the one upon whom the ring was to be used, it had to be done to benefit the subject, and the subject had to fully understand, and freely consent to, the outcome. The thing that really got me going was that the subject would be in perfect health, in all respects, once transformed. I was certain this was the means to end our suffering. Jake, Paula, and I could be the family we should have been from the start. Excited with the possibilities, I went inside. Paula noticed and asked what had me smiling. I nearly told her, but didn't want to get her hopes up. After all, the vision could have just been me grasping at straws. Instead, I told her there was a rumor at work that the company was going to expand and a lot of people, including me, would be getting promotions. "Again? Wasn't that floating around last year?" "Yeah, but this time I heard it from Burton in financial..." "Well, I hope it's true, but don't you believe it 'til it happens." The rumor existed, though I placed less stock in it than she did. Burton may have been in financial, but was gullible as anyone. I'd only used it to deflect her inquiry without resorting to lying, which is something I don't do well. "You're right, honey. I'll wait and see." "We'll wait and see, Ben. Regardless, it's good to see you smile. You should do more of that." Thinking of the ring, I promised to smile at least once a week. She gave me a light slap on the shoulder, then asked me to check on Jake and watch the pot roast while she cleaned up and caught a quick nap. In Jake's room, I stood over the crib and looked at my son. He was asleep and might have been dreaming. Resisting the urge to shake him awake and tell him his dream would be coming true, I checked his diaper. He was dry as a Prohibition rally and the roast needed about another thirty minutes, so I went into the den and grabbed my sketch pad. I'd discovered a talent for drawing when I was about nine, but all attempts to teach me to draw went for naught. It was just a release for me. Over the years, I must've used up fifty pads and discarded all but a handful of my creations. Now, my pastime would have a purpose. I had to fashion an image as a template for the transformation. The face needed to bear at least a passing resemblance to the intended subject's, though the form could be altered as much, or little, as necessary to reflect their and/or my desires. However, the ring would only change them from human to human. That meant all elements of the image had to be human, or no transformation would occur. If color was applied to any part of the image the transformation would include it, provided the color was natural for a human. If there was anything else physical they or I wanted to change, I just had to think of the image as having that attribute. I could not change their personality, identity, or social status. The ring would not create an entirely new person. That power is reserved to deities, a job for which I was entirely unsuited. Being quite content with Jake's complexion and hair, and big brown eyes, I decided to just draw him as he was, though more alert and robust. Right about then I realized what I intended to do wouldn't work. Certainly I loved Jake and wanted, more than anything, to help him. The stumbling block was that, even healthy, he wouldn't have been able to 'fully understand, and freely consent'. Dejected, I tossed the pad onto the shelf. My misery lasted about twenty seconds because it occurred to me there was another approach to this. Digging out one of our picture albums, I found a photo of Paula in a bathing suit at a beach party my parents threw about a month before she and I got married. She was in a pinup pose with a beach ball on her hip, winking at the camera and looking sexy as I'd ever seen. Of course, I was deeply in love so my opinion was hopelessly biased. Actually, Paula was quite pretty but insecure about her figure, mostly because of her shoulders, waist, and hips. 'Too wide, too thick, and too narrow' was the summation of her woes. I had gotten her to agree to attend the party by assuring her we would leave if she felt uncomfortable. She spent a couple of days locating a bathing suit that concealed as many of her 'flaws' as possible and was the hit of the party. Dad even joked about taking her from me, which earned him a finger wag from Mom. Okay, I loved Paula, and using the ring would definitely benefit her. The only potential snag was that she would probably try to have me committed when I told her my intention. "Nothing ventured..." Using the picture as a guide, I drew her as a pinup girl. First, I made an outline in the same pose, but with more of an hourglass shape. Her shoulders became more narrow and rounded, the lines flowing to a slender waist that flared into hips that matched the shoulders' breadth. I shortened her torso and made her legs correspondingly longer. My main weakness as an artist was hands and feet. The ones I drew tended to be somewhat disproportianate. The image didn't have to be minutely detailed but had to show the whole figure so I drew in hands and feet, taking pains to get the sizes right. "Hmm, not bad." Like a lot of women, Paula was dissatisfied with her breasts. Personally, I'd always subscribed to the view that more than a handful is a waste, but I have pretty big hands. Since this was for her I made her breasts fuller and slightly more prominent. Glancing at the clock, I saw there were still ten minutes until the roast would be done. Paula's face had always struck me as almost ideal but, after a moment of study, I decided to make some minor changes. Her nose got a wee bit smaller, her jaw a little narrower, and her lips a touch plumper. Crowning my creation with a mane a glamour model would envy, I looked her over and wondered what this babe ever saw in a slob like me. Just as I finished, the oven's timer went off and Paula called me to supper. "Hey, hon. How's Jake?" "Good as gold. How was the nap?" "Short, but restful. What'cha got?" I laid the pad on top of the 'fridge. "Oh, it can wait." She shrugged an 'OK' and we sat down to eat. Afterward, we cleaned up the kitchen, then she headed to the back to check on Jake. "Before you do that, let me show you something." Retrieving the pad, I showed her the drawing. "Wow. Who is she?" "Look at the face." "OK, the face looks like me...sorta, but where did...?" "A picture of you at the beach party my parents threw, right before we got married." "Uh, I seem to recall wearing a bathing suit." "Artistic license. It got in the way of your beauty." She rolled her eyes a little at that. "Is there a point, 'cause Jake should be waking up any minute..." I decided to plunge ahead. "This is you could be." "Get real. I couldn't come close to looking like that without tons of surgery...or some kind of..." "...magic?" Seeing the ring, she gave a small chuckle. "A magic ring? Really, Ben." That brought home how foolish I was being. If, that morning, someone had told me I would seriously believe in something like this, I would have asked for a shot of whatever they were drinking. I firmly believed magic was true only in fairy tales and cheesy movies, not the real world. Yet, I had been within a hair of asking Paula to let me change her into the embodiment of a drawing in hopes that our son would be healed in the process. "You're right. I don't know what came over..." "Wait. You really think...?" "Maybe...I-I don't know." By now I was close to tears, so she moved closer, put her arms around me, and laid her head on my shoulder. After a minute, she raised her face and looked me in the eye. "Tell me everything." So I did, including the vision and learning what the ring would do, from the moment I found it up to doing the drawing. When I wound down she sat with her chin cupped in one hand, looking toward the stove. After a couple of minutes, I broke what had become a truly uncomfortable silence. "Paula?" " was what convinced you?" "No. It was the ring..." "...'telling' you how it works." "Not in words. The knowledge was just...there." "If it works, it'll only change me physically?" She put a lot of emphasis on 'If'. I explained that the transformation, 'If' it happened, would create an external reality in which the woman in the drawing was Paula Diane Landham, nee Russo; my wife and Jake's mother. Her personality and identity would remain intact. We'd remember everything we both knew about her before, though no one else would. She mulled it over a few seconds. "You wanted to use it on Jake..." "...but I can't..." "...because he can't agree to it. You think this will...?" "If I've done it right...maybe. We'll only get one shot at this, so I'm hoping..." "We'll hope together. Let's do it." I started to put the ring on my right hand but, remembering the vision of Aphrodite putting it on her left ring finger, slipped off my wedding band and handed it to Paula. She grasped it in her left hand as I slipped the Chisel on my third finger. Picking up the pad, I touched the ring to the drawing and we both watched as it was...sucked in, not even leaving indentations in the paper. Once the image had been absorbed by the ring, I extended my hand to Paula. "It has to be your choice." She nodded and extended her right hand. For a split second, I was afraid she would change her mind. Her finger hovered for about one heartbeat, then she drew a deep breath and closed the last half inch. The process probably took no more than a minute. Paula's appearance shifted like a time-lapse film of a flower going from bud to blossom. Her face softened and smoothed as her features changed to match my drawing. At the same time, her hair became thicker, shinier, and longer as her frame narrowed and legs lengthened. As that was occurring, every square inch of her skin became utterly flawless, her waist shrank, and her breasts assumed their new proportions. I hadn't noticed, but she was frozen in place while undergoing the transformation. Once it was over, she looked at me and smiled. "It worked?" "And how!'re as beautiful out..." "Jake! Did...?" "I think so, but...let's see." I'm sure we both knew, but had to see for ourselves. Peeking into his room, the first thing that registered was that the crib was gone. Instead, there was a set of twin beds in an L in the corner under the window. Jake was in the one against the far wall, just waking from his nap. Upon seeing us, he clambered to the floor. "Daddy! Mommy!" Trying to hold back tears of joy, and with a lump in my throat the size of Gibraltar, I scooped him up. "Hey there, Big Guy. Miss me?" His reply was a grin, a nod, and a hug. After giving me a good squeeze, he reached for Paula. "Mommy." I could see she was ready to have a good long 'cry for happy', but she held it until he had his arms around her neck. After she got herself more under control, she checked to see if he had sprung a leak during his nap. "All dry. Goodness, you're getting to be such a big boy. Need potty?" He nodded an affirmative so, after she set him down and helped him out of his training pants, he made a beeline for his bathroom. "Call when you're finished. Daddy and I'll be right here." We sat on the spare bed. After a moment, she turned to me. "Everything's changed." "Not quite. Just things relating to Philip Daniel Russo." It was probably the first time I had spoken Paula's full birth name since learning of it. "No one remembers..." "We do. You, because he's part of your identity, and me, because...I erased him. As far as everyone else is concerned, Philip never existed." "So now, I've always been female..." "...and healthy as a horse." "That means my sister..." "...bless her twenty-four karat heart..." "...wasn't my surrogate and didn't nearly die giving us a child." An amazed look came over her. "Ben! I remember..." "...being pregnant? Giving birth?" "All of it. From 'Good news' to 'Congratulations'. But, I also remember Tina being the one... " "Me, too. We both have two sets of memories for everything to do with Jake..." "...and Philip. My two sets go all the way back to Day One." "Well, concentrate on the 'Paula' memories. Those are the only ones anyone else has." We paused, expecting our son to call for assistance. "One thing I don't get..." "Why didn't I think of this first, instead of just trying to change Jake?" "Yeah. You must've known I wanted, more than anything, to be truly female." "Because, as far as I was concerned, you were a woman. Even after you told me about being born male, I could never think of you as anything else." She gave a wry smile and a small shake of her head. "I don't know whether to kiss you or slug you for that." Just then, Jake let us know he was finished. After cleaning him up we set up his high chair in the living room and watched TV, and him, while he dined. It was Paula who noticed the Chisel was no longer on my finger, replaced by the wedding band I had given her to hold. "Ben, the ring..." I looked and shrugged. "It's work is done, so it left. Kind of like the Lone Ranger." "That's appropriate." I gave her my best mildly puzzled look. "Well, it is a silver ring." We both chuckled at that and Jake joined in, though I doubt he really got the joke. Two year old boys have a lot of energy but little stamina, so he faded out before ten. As we were putting him to bed, Paula looked around the room. Her eyes went to the extra bed. "Must be kind of lonely, being an only child." I put my arms around her from behind and drew her to me. "Empty bed here, empty room down the hall..." "Can we afford it? Even with the big promotion you'll get when the company expands?" I turned her around, gave a light swat to her shapely bottom, and leaned my forehead against hers. "We can afford anything we really want. We may not always have the latest and best of everything..." "...except kids. Each new one will be 'the latest' and they'll all be 'the best'. What d'ya say to that?" "OK, but no more than a dozen...or two." We stopped at five, including Jake. Bringing up two boys and three girls can take a lot out of you. It's been almost twenty-two years since then. At first, we sort of felt our way along in dealing with family and friends. I think we both were waiting for someone to comment on Paula's or Jake's transformation. Of course, they never did. Knowing our memories of the event would become fuzzy, I wrote it all down the next day and put the manuscript in a box of old family pictures. It was Paula's idea to put it on the Internet, after changing names 'to protect the innocent'. Certainly, there must be others who've encountered the Chisel. After all, it's been around over two millenia, so it isn't likely we're the only ones, and the Web is a great place to tell stories like this. Anyone? ************************************************************************ Appendix: Pygmalion's Chisel General Notes ------------- Appearance: The Chisel appears as a silver ring. If a man is the intended wielder, it will be a heavy, plain band with a flat square on its upper side within which is a relief of two sturdy hands holding a hammer and chisel. The relief shows veins standing out on the forearms and hands. Moving it in the light, one will see what appears to be the play of muscles under the skin For a woman the ring's band is narrower and the square correspondingly smaller. The hands in the relief are more delicate with slender forearms. The veins in hands and forearms, though visible, are much less prominent than in the man's version. Moving it in the light produces the same illusion of movement of muscles under the skin. ------------- Powers: The Chisel can effect a physical change in any suitable human subject. The change can only be to another human form. The subject's health will become perfect in all respects. ------------- Limitations: The wielder cannot be the subject. The identity, personality, or social status of the subject cannot be altered. The wielder must truly love the subject and have the benefit of the subject as their primary reason for using the Chisel. The subject must fully understand, and freely consent to, the outcome. If the wielder is not completely honest regarding their purpose, no transformation will occur. The Chisel must be employed within one lunar cycle after coming into the wielder's possession. After that time it, and all knowledge of its existence within the wielder's circle of acquaintance, will vanish. ------------- Method of Use: The wielder must fashion an image as a template for the transformation. The image can be done by any method in any medium, or combination of media, provided it is palpable. An image created on a computer, for example, must be printed out before it can be used. A pre-existing image, such as a photograph or figurine, can be used if the wielder alters it in some way, thus putting their personal touch on it.. The image does not have to be exactingly detailed but all elements must be recognizably human. The image must be of the whole figure. Leaving off any part renders it useless. The image can be either nude or clothed, as long as the clothing does not obscure the lines of the body. If color is applied to any part of the image it will become part of the template. The color, or colors, employed must be natural to humans, otherwise the image will be unuseable. The wielder can affect physical factors other than form and color by what they think of the image as it is being fashioned. The wielder must wear the ring while acquiring and transferring the image. The hand or digit upon which they place it is their choice. ------------- Miscellaneous: The wielder is selected by the Chisel. Once in their possession it cannot be taken, given away, or discarded. Once employed, or after a lunar cycle has passed, it will leave them. Knowledge of the Chisel will remain only if it is used. Once the transformation has been accomplished, only the wielder and subject will remember both the former and current realities. The subject remembers because events that transpired in the former reality helped shape their personality. For the wielder, it is their reward...or punishment. *************************************************************************

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The man who chops his own wood warms himself twice. "You always had clever things to say when I was in pain." Nonetheless, David set another log on the chopping block and swung his axe. It was a well-practiced swing of the razor sharp blade and split the log smoothly. He picked up the pieces and tossed them in his wagon. He picked up the next log, almost too small to split. He'd spent the past week cutting the wood to the right lengths with his chainsaw. He'd hauled it out of the...

3 years ago
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Pygmalion RevisitedIron Alchemy

I like the heat. Not the mosquito-ridden heat of a humid Minnesota summer. Not the dead dry heat of the Mojave. Not the figurative heat of scholastic demands. Not the adrenalin-inducing heat of walking the beams a hundred feet above the ground. I know heat. I like the heat of the forge. The heat of iron lying on the anvil awaiting the hammer's kiss. The heat of a welding torch in gloved hands running a smooth bead down an undetectable join. I like the heat that makes sweat run down my...

4 years ago
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Pygmalion RevisitedA Thousand Words

The pencil lead broke. He was pressing too hard again. The more he tried, the harder it became until his frustration caused him to tense up and ruin another drawing. Why couldn’t he have real talent? Why couldn’t he make his hand draw what his mind could see so clearly? He felt like one of the people he’d seen auditioning for a talent show. They believed in themselves, but they didn’t have any talent. When they got up to sing, everyone cringed because it was off key. They put their hearts...

2 years ago
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38yr old Woman turned me into a man

To set the experience.I'm Mexican and all my friends were also. Being Mexican we would go to parties where adults and teenagers are all drinking. That's how I grew up. It all started on a cold Wisconsin night.It was my birthday and i just turned 18 and was in a car with my friends going to a house party in Illinois about an hour away.The party was fine for awhile,but we decided to leave.A big breasted, red headed woman name Lynn at the party asked us if we could give her a ride home,...

1 year ago
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Revenge By Ashtyn & Cathy S? The smell of her feet was maddening! The heels had been simply sitting there out side his door. He knew what it meant?they were for him. Not a gift, but a torment. She was allowing him to experience the perfection that was hers. She was forcing him into this moment of experience. Tactile sensation, a treat for his nose, she was granting him an event for his miserable existence. Harry reveled in her scent. She had obviously been doing ...

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Her very first Sensual Spanking

Simply answering an advert leads to a whole new world of pleasure ! Sue sat nervously in her lounge, feeling excited yet scared as she waited for him to arrive. Over and over in her mind, she wondered if she was doing the right thing This was not the first time she asked herself this question. That morning as she answered David's text messages, following his instructions carefully, she wondered what had come over her. Each attempt to understand herself only made her more nervous and anxious....

3 years ago
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21st Birthday Ecstasy Pain pt one

I was in my Father’s restauarant/wine bar, allegedly celebrating my 21st birthday. I had split from my girlfriend about a month before, and had only had sex once since. I wasn’t sure if dumping her had been the right thing to do, and was not in the mood to party. Standing at the bar with a few friends from out of town, I had noticed a very hot woman sitting on a stool at the end of the bar. She was French. Six years of studying the language hadn’t gone totally to waste! Stood next to her was a...

2 years ago
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The Best SistersChapter 15

On October 4th 1938 Charles May suffered a fatal heart attack at work at the foundry. He was laughing at a joke he just heard about a queer asking a cop where the ferry was and the cop saying in disgust 'You mean you guys got a navy too." At the height of his laughter he felt the muscles tighten in his chest. The pain radiated to his arm as his face cringed in agony. Charles was dead just as he hit the ground. Melissa didn't receive word of her husband's death until the afternoon. She...

3 years ago
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The Shower

Hi, I’m Brianna. You can call me Bri (pronounced Bree). I’m a curvaceous 26-year-old bi redhead woman.For as long as I’ve been allowed to legally make my own sexual decisions, I’ve loved sex. I’ve craved it. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed every opportunity I could get to have more of it.Even when the sex was bad, even when the guy was awful in bed, I still wanted more sex. At some level, I always enjoyed it every time.I guess it’s mostly the extremely intimate physical, emotional, mental, and even...

3 years ago
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Does decriminilisation of prostitution protect sex workers

It has been suggested that female poverty is the result of sexual discrimination and low wages in the labour market and that prostitution is a strategy for female survival under conditions of poverty A prostitute is any person who earns a living by the indiscriminate, willing and emotionally indifferent provision of services against payment,usually in advance but not necessarily in cash. Prostitution in the context of sex tourism has been ...

2 years ago
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Bo Peep and the neighbor

It had been a hot summer and I had no luck finding a job. My parents did not seem to understand that there just weren’t that many companies hiring that year due to the economy so they had really been pressuring me to find a job. They all wanted someone with experience but having just graduated high school I had none. I was nearly at my wits end so when I was asked to house sit for my uncle I jumped at the chance. He lived a half an hour out of town in a nice quiet neighborhood and had a nice...

2 years ago
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Exploring Friend8217s Hot Wife

Hi All, I am Kavin aged 30, married and presently in Bangalore. It’s been over a year because of commitments. I have written 4 stories last year and got many feedbacks and readers. Thank you for all the feedbacks. Many readers sent mails. I respect the privacy of women who reach me for stories or for chat. Guys please don’t keep sending mails asking for numbers. I am not here to just keep hitting women for sex or to keep writing irrelevant fantasies. I just want to share the love or sex that I...

3 years ago
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The Houseboat Incident Chapter 3

My sister and I were the first to approach the boat. We could see Tommy slumped back in a foldout chair, his head back as if he had passed out, however as we got closer we could see the brown blanket is his lap moving up and down which was barely visible over the side of the boat. My sister turned to Mark and Cody making a low shushing sound and pointing back at the boat. They stopped laughing and closed the gap of distance between us, being careful not to make a sound. The four of us slowly...

College Sex
3 years ago
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Loosening Up Book 7 Younger CrowdChapter 3 S L U T

Alice found Cookie crying inside the gazebo. She went and cosseted the young college senior, putting her arms around the girl and pulling her to her half-nude body. Cookie only wore her bikini bottoms, too. Something was very wrong in her life to incite the crying jag. “What’s wrong baby,” Alice asked as she rocked back and forth. “Alan called me a slut,” she got out between sobs. “I ran away. We were on the front porch of the Phi Theta Rho house. I drove out here because I knew he’d think...

4 years ago
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Untitled fantasy

***Please note that this story is not finished yet. Might have to break in to different parts***Untitled StoryI've been dating Melissa for about a year now. I met her online and hadn't dated a white girl before and she had never dated a black guy either. But we clicked and I thought she was very pretty so we went out and things went great.I loved her body, very sexy and she seemed to take good care of herself. She was shy but I could tell she really enjoyed talking about sex and things she's...

3 years ago
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Mum and daughter shopping

Me and mum go shopping alot she more like a older sister and friend really, she had me when she was in her teens, so now that im in my late teens shes only in her late thirties and looks very hot we sometimes go to the gym together and yes all the guys check us out and some of the woman to, well I have to say I have watched my mum a few times walking around the house in her underwear getting ready for work, and it always makes my pussy tingle and yes then I normally go upto my room and finger...

2 years ago
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The office boy

Every day he came to her office and delivered the mail. She noticed he was always looking at her sexy bustline. Today when he came she unbuttoned her blouse so he could see more of her larger tits. He kept looking as he slowly placed the mail on her desk. She grabbed his hand and pulled him to her. Do you like to see my tits she asked him. His face turned red and he nodded he did. ‘Close the door.’ He walked over and shut the door and locked it. He came back to her and she unbuttoned her blouse...

3 years ago
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Gym Bob

I had been working a little later than normal at the office the last few weeks and it seemed to be getting later each evening as I tried to complete the project I was working on. Each evening though, I needed to go to the gym to work away the pressures of the day, it was either that or go to a local bar, but I had been putting the hours in at the gym and was reaping the benefits, my body shape was slowly improving, so no point in putting myself back by going to a bar. Anyway, off I went this...

3 years ago
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Splashdown Remastered and HousecatChapter 11 Taboo

They squared off, Zhari struggling to keep her balance as she shuffled on her knees, her hands confined to the stiff gloves. How the hell was she supposed to fight like this? She had to wonder if McGregor was really trying to level the playing field with his antics, or if this was another one of his elaborate schemes. It was more likely to be the latter, considering that he had retrieved this strange gag from the box, the contents of which all seemed to be associated with sexual deviancy. It...

3 years ago
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The Dramatic Saga of Peter Q KleeshayChapter 3

The next morning Pete was back to his old self and of the opinion that half a day's worth of misery was well worth the knowledge he had gained. Now it was time to Implement the first part of his plan and take control of his house. No one was up when Pete made his way to his lab. Well, Pete was up, of course, or he couldn't have made his way anywhere since he had never been a sleepwalker and he wasn't about to become one. Let's just say that no one else was up when Pete made his way to...

1 year ago
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21st Century Subterranean Slavery Part V

A guard appeared calling out: “One-eight-Six and Thirty-seven, let’s go move it!” She got up; moving out in the hall where neck chains were connected and wondered what was in store for them. They marched through several hallways and then entered a small room. The guard signed their log cards, handing them to another guard and left. The ball and neck chains were removed and short chains were connected between their ankles and the wrists behind their backs, making it difficult to walk. They were...

Erotic Fiction
2 years ago
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Girls Night Out

My boyfriend Mark really loved to talk about fucking two women while we have sex. I loved it too. We talked about it a lot because it turned us on so much. He told me what he’d do to us. How he’d fuck her tits while I licked her pussy. I told him how I’d watch him fuck her as I fingered myself. Or how I wanted him to fuck my ass while she licked and fingered my pussy. We fantasized about every possible scenario. I didn’t know if it just turned him on to talk about it, or if he wanted to...

3 years ago
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The Luckiest Dad

THE LUCKIEST DAD Hi this is Mridula with another fairy hot incest encounter between a bitch daughter and lust dad. Hope you will enjoy the passionate fuck. It was early afternoon, and after a working lunch in which my associates and I signed the deal on a major contract, I decided I would head home for some well deserved relaxation. It was the first large business deal I had closed since my wife’s death some six months before, I walked into the house at a quarter to two. The house was quiet;...

2 years ago
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CindyChapter 19

It was a fifteen minute drive to Tootie's house and when we drew near, I saw my brother Jerry's truck already parked. We pulled in behind him. The front door opened before we got to the last step and Jerry stepped out. I grasped his hand and clapped him on the back. "Good to see you, Jerry," I said. "Meet Cindy, your new sister-in-law." "Hey Cindy!" he said, holding out his hand. When she took it, he enveloped her in a hug, too. "I'm glad to meet you." Cindy feigned surprise....

1 year ago
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The Young Barista Part 2

The razor cut cleanly along the lines of my sideburns as the deluge of warm water along my back and naked body woke up my spirits and anticipation for this upcoming day. As I kept grooming myself, I thought it surreal how here I am, preparing myself to look nice, if not attractive, not because I wanted to leave my wife with a good last impression before her trip. It was entirely for another reason, or for another person should I say. I’ve never done this before, I’ve never thought of someone...

2 years ago
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Memories of a road trip

A few Years ago I was down south, I'd finished a seminar and was heading home up the A1, after half hour into the journey my mind started thinking of sexy things, so I made the decision that to help the journey go quicker I would pull off at next junction and find a Lay-by and change in to my girlie clothes, it was about 8.45 so dusk to dark.The next one was the Biggleswade junction, I pulled off and after about a mile there was a big Lay-by on my left, with a few cars in I did a drive by and...

3 years ago
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This Could Be The Story Of Your Mom And You

This is siva from tirunelveli, southern district of tamilnadu. I’m a typical 22 year old jobless guy who completed engineering with average grade. Myself most of the time confined to my room and love to be alone. Me and my mom are living alone in our home, since my father left to gulf when I was 2 years old. He rarely visits india. Since, I am the only son, I was given special attention and care by my mom. I was grown up by my mom till now. Her name is Uma, She is a very strict mother but very...

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EdenChapter 39

Meiersdottir, who had kept working steadily throughout Igwanda's tirade, turned to hand him the drink she'd prepared. "I take it mommy doesn't approve," she said with a wry smile. "The good sergeant makes himself far too busy about matters that do not concern him," Igwanda grumbled as he took a solid swig of whisky. "Is he?" she asked. He looked puzzled. "A good sergeant?" "No. He is in fact quite a poor sergeant. Ill-disciplined himself, but too much of a stickler with the...

2 years ago
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Spanked for Love

I just stayed in bed the next day crying mostly. I felt so guilty over what I had done. I felt even worst because I had enjoyed it so much. I also was not feeling very good, as my pussy was more than a little sore from the fucking I took. However, that big black cock had felt good deep in my pussy after I got used it. I finally pulled myself from the bed. I took a long hot shower trying to wash away my sins. I cleaned the whole apartment twice. It was spotless by the time I was done. I sat...

1 year ago
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Me My Petite Tenant

Hello Guys, I am going to tell you of my sexual journey with my neighbor/tenant. Her name was Pushpa, she moved into the house right next to ours a few years ago. The first few months of her family moving in was quiet, I don’t remember seeing her at all. As the months went by her son Krish used to come home often to play with our kids. A little bit about my family – I am married to a woman for 12 years now and we have two sons. We have four very spacious portions of two independent houses built...

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The Reunion

Bob was still athletic even though it had been 20 years since he was Quarterback of his High school team. He had become very successful in the last ten years, moving from the small town where he had gone to school, to the city. He owned his own business, was a member of the Chamber of Commerce, had a Supermodel, thin trophy wife. He had been married about 10 years, and his marriage is not what it looked like from the outside, Bob and Mary put up a good Public face, they were always at the right...

3 years ago
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Nicolas demise

She was an utter bitch and spread rmours about people she ound a threat, now the tables have turned and she is the slave to her two victims and passed around like a commom whore amongst her family. First Sandra, Then her older brother then her father then her little brother. What will she do when nothing is in her...

1 year ago
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My Tgirl lover

This is my first attempt at writing one off these stories so if you like it than please let me know and I'll look into writing another one also any feedback would be welcome My names Phil, I'm 28 and I currently live with my girlfriend with whom I've been dating for several years. Up until moving in together the sex between us was pretty good, we would do some BDSM on each other as well as having sex outdoors but unfortunately as soon as we moved in together back in mid 2016 the sex all but...

2 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 224 Experiencing Japan

Has she ever gotten off before? The girl in my arms was still unconscious when the master swordsmith ordered the others in the shop to put away what they had used against me, once they were able to get up off the floor where I had left them. “As told to me, you are the boy with the skills surpassing many grandmasters. Possessing those skills and speed show you can defend oneself. None with so few years have learned to defeat their enemies with honor. You possess a mastery of arts rumored...

2 years ago
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She loved to show her tits

Years ago when I was in grad school in a little southern town, I was involved with this divorced mother of two who loved to show her breasts off! She was in her late 30's but had a pair of breasts that looked like they were on a 25 year old. I am talking a fantastic set of 36c's with a lovely pair of very chewable nipples and Sheree loved to show them off! I loved to see her do it and loved to be with her when she did as it made her horny and when Sheree got horny, she loved to fuck!. One night...

2 years ago
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Priestly PromiscuityChapter 29 Sherry Sets Up June

That night, after lights out, her friend June came to her bed and Sherry wasn't sure what to do. She knew that she should leave because the priest would be waiting for her but, in order not to arouse suspicion; she remained with the other girl. It was quick, but it just whetted Sherry's appetite for Father Murphy's ministrations as she and June made another journey to Lesbos. Then, as her friend was relaxing in the restful aftermath of her orgasm, Sherry asked her to return to her own...

1 year ago
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once upon a night

The other night I was shopping at Wal Mart for things that I needed at home. I saw this guy he was about 6'4", had a great body dressed in slacks, polo shirt and boat shoes he had a shopping basket full of toileties. We were in line together so to be friendly struck p a conversation with him. He said he hated shopping, but had to do it at least once a month, I told him that I loved to shop especially for clothes, of all kinds. He asked what kind of all kinds,I explained that it was private girl...

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Josekis Journeys Sword Brother

As I was trudging home from the inn one night about a week ago, I heard a voice from out of a darkened alleyway. “Hau, Joseki do you have a minute?” I was a little surprised but I was willing to listen. “Yes how may I help you?” “I’ve been hearing stories about you and I’d like to talk.” Replied the voice. Now this was interesting to me. I hadn’t realized that I was important enough in Victoria to be talked about. After all I am but a simple innkeeper. I spent a few seconds considering who...

3 years ago
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My Neighbour wore nylons

My hands were dug deep into my jeans pockets and my head was tucked into my chest to avoid the worst of the chill wind that was blowing across the fields to my right as I walked up the steep hill towards our house. During the day I would have had some cover by walking up the backstreet but my Dad locked the yard gate at 9pm ‘in case of burglars.' Who would want to break into our meagre terraced house was lost on me but he had his rules; so I had to enter the house from the front and it...

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Hollywood Hookup

*The stories listed here are completely 100% fictional and for entertainment/satirical purposes only. Absolutely nothing that follows will be true. *To suggest celebs, scenarios or get a sense of who might be getting a story soon, go here: *Now, on with the story: You came to Hollywood two years ago with big dreams of making it in the film industry as a screenwriter. You were young and talented. Surely you would conquer the industry, you...

2 years ago
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Journey From Best Friends To Fuck Friends 8211 Part 1

I am Mohit, 27 years old, currently living in Mumbai but was born and brought up in Jaipur. This is a real life story and I would be posting all my experiences in the coming days based on your feedback. I am from a forward thinking family and was given all privacy and my decisions were respected by my family. I studied in Jaipur till 12th and then migrated to Mumbai for further studies in Interior Designing and currently working at a pretty famous Interior Designer with a nice designation and...

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