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Pygmalion By Cal Y. Pygia Some of the coed students in Professor Higgins' Sculpture 101 class regard him as a sexist or, as Amanda Blake describes him, as if she were living back in the sixties, "a male sexist pig." He does have an eye for the ladies, I'll grant you that (he's ogled me enough times!), but what man doesn't who isn't gay or dead? Amanda's suspicions of Professor Higgins' sexism were confirmed (for her) when, as our final art project, he assigned us the task of sculpting our respective ideas of The Perfect Woman. I decided to have a little fun with Amanda. As a woman myself, who is, if I may say so without being labeled narcissistic, a true beauty, I resent feminists' arrogant assumption that anyone who has a cunt between her legs is, ipso facto, going to agree with women libbers' extremist views regarding men, sexism, the dreaded Patriarchy, and similar subjects. In my opinion, if anyone's sexist, anymore, it's the lesbo feminists. Sculpting my idea of The Perfect Woman was just the way to stick it to Amanda. To annoy her even more, I'd call my masterpiece "Galatea." When we unveil our final projects at the end of the semester, which is only a few weeks away, we must provide a brief oral report as to how and why we chose to create our particular versions of the ideal woman. In presenting my figure to my classmates (and to Professor Higgins, of course), I'd recount the myth of Pygmalion, explaining how an ancient Greek sculptor created a lovely ivory portrait of The Perfect Woman, naming her Galatea, only to fall in love with his own creation. Seeing that the local women prostituted themselves, Pygmalion had no interest in the fair sex--until he created Galatea. She was so beautiful that he simply had to have her. Venus, taking pity upon him, answered his prayers, bringing the ivory image to life. Sculptor and sculpture married, sculpting a child together, as it were, whom they named Paphos. I might also include a reference or two to the alleged theological and psychological significance of the myth. On the basis that Pygmalion's inspiration had been the goddess of love, Aphrodite herself, Medieval theologians regarded the myth as a cautionary tale concerning the effects of idolatry. For psychologists, the story is an imaginative depiction of the consequences of narcissism, for, rather than falling in love with an actual woman, Pygmalion succumbs to the charms of an artificial woman--an image of the ideal woman he has made himself. Galatea, in the final analysis, they argue, is a "man-made woman" and, as such, she is a depiction of her creator's anima, the "woman within." It's an interesting theory. Pygmalion's inspiration may have been Aphrodite, but mine was myself-- well, myself and as many artistic representations, in both oil and marble, as I could find. I wanted to see how other artists had represented the ideal woman so that, learning from their masterful techniques, I could all the better carve an image of myself as the awakening Galatea. I examined such paintings of my intended subject as those by Jean-L?on G?r?me, Honor? Daumier, Edward Burne-Jones, Auguste Rodin, Ernest Normand, Paul Delvaux, Francisco Goya, Franz van Stuck, Francois Boucher, and Thomas Rowlandson. I studied the smooth stone curves of as many statues as well. In doing so, I viewed Galatea from the front, the sides, and the back. Her every view was beautiful, whether of her smooth, round breasts; her concave tummy; her sleek flanks; her shapely legs; her lustrous buttocks; or her polished pubes. The sight of her was arousing: it was easy to understand how Pygmalion had fallen in love with her or, for that matter, why Professor Higgins had an eye for the ladies. I could never hope to surpass the skill and art with which these painters and sculptors had, as it were, brought their interpretations of Galatea to life in oils and stone, but, it was my hope--call me arrogant if you will--that I might equal them. After all, as I have explained, as raw material, I am quite beautiful, both by others' accounts and by the evidence of my own eyes. With color photographs and mirrors, both handheld and full-length, at hand, I labored for hours, days, and weeks, to create The Perfect Woman, toiling to make the marble I'd chosen for my medium to take on the texture and tone of skin; to suggest muscle and bone beneath the sleek contours of the limbs and torso of my creation; to breathe, as it were, through my art and skill, life into the cold mineral that was her flesh and form. Finally, the final week of the course had come, and it was time to present our projects to our classmates and to Professor Higgins. There are many talented artists among my fellow students; consequently, there were many beautiful versions of the ideal woman, but none, I dare say, surpassed my own. Amanda may hate men, but, judging by her statue of The Perfect Woman, she loves the ladies well enough. Her sculpture was exquisitely beautiful. The eyes, the nose, the lips, the chin, like the hair, the breasts, and the rest, were lovely almost beyond compare. Only in the best paintings and sculptures I'd studied in preparation for my own carving had I seen anything as lovely as her ideal woman, her Eve, as she'd named her. Her oral account of her creation's origin was also somehow charming, despite its underlying ugliness. In short, she claimed, her image of woman was meant to portray her as she'd been--or might be again-- "unsullied" by the sexism of "male chauvinists and sexist pigs." She'd made this particular comment while her gaze was trained upon Professor Higgins. In response, he'd merely offered her a smile, which seemed to incense her further. "Natalie Mann," the professor said, calling my name. I gave my speech about Pygmalion and Galatea, about the artistic celebration of life and beauty, and about narcissism and idolatry. Then, I grasped the cloth with which my statue was veiled, drew it away, and heard the gasps and muttered comments of the shocked assembly who stared, eyes wide and mouths agape, at my version of The Perfect Woman. In every detail, I'd obviously been the model. The likeness of both the statue's face and form were undeniably those of my own; the figure could have been my stony twin. Amanda, in particular, I noticed, was stunned. I looked at Professor Higgins. He was beaming, genuine appreciation and respect as well as a paternal pride radiating from his grinning countenance. In his face, I saw the satisfaction and the bliss of a teacher who knows he has not taught in vain, but who has been, on the contrary, a midwife, so to speak, to the creative talents of a prized pupil, helping her to give birth to the genius within. He was, I realized, a Pygmalion of sorts himself, as much as I'd become one in creating my Galatea. The other students, both male and female, continued to stare in amazement, in disbelief, as horror stole over the features of some faces and confusion over those of others'. The whispered commentaries thickened. Some pointed at my statue, others at me. Faces of disgust and revulsion were made. One by one and in small groups, my fellow students began to take their leave, scorn all but dripping from the acidic glances they directed at me and my lovely Galatea. Were my ideal woman made of flesh instead of stone, I had no doubt, she'd have melted under their stony looks. After the last had left, Professor Higgins approached me. "She's lovely," he said. "She is you very likeness," I knew his comment was no mere compliment; it was a critique, and, coming from such an accomplished artist as he, I did not regard it lightly. "Thank you." His gaze traveled down the statue's abdomen, trailing as if it were a caress, over the figure's high, firm-soft, smooth, round breasts; the sleek, inward-curving concavity of her belly; and the slight knoll of her lustrous pubic region, lingering where the glances of the horrified students' gazes had dallied. "Tell me," he said, beholding the perfect, flaccid cock that dangled before the small pouch of lined scrotum supporting the oval shapes that suggested the presence of testicles within, "is she like you in every detail?" He meant, of course, Galatea's male genitals. My ideal woman was not female, any more than she was male. She was a transsexual. "Yes," I confessed, smiling at him. I knew that, as an artist, he would want, most ardently, to see, not only to hear, the answer to his question and, as we were now alone, the other students having fled in disgust at the shemale Galatea I'd created, as perfect and whole as Athena, sprung from the brow of Zeus, I unzipped my jeans and extracted the cock within that was the perfect match to the marble penis with which I'd endowed my stone twin. "Beautiful," Professor Higgins said. The word had issued from his lips in a hush of awe. Again, I knew his praise was not just a complement; it was the assessment of an artist known the world over for his understanding of beauty and his ability to depict and to create figures and forms that showed such appreciation. I kissed him. He kissed me back. Understanding, like knowledge, comes through experience. We know by seeing, by hearing, by touching, by tasting, and by smelling. It is only after the perception of the thing that we can contemplate it, examining with the mind and the heart what we have captured with the senses. Professor Higgins knew the beauty of women because he had seen many, heard many, touched many, tasted many, smelled many. He had also thought about many, holding his memories of them in his mind as he considered their charms and felt the majesty and splendor of their inner selves, their hearts and souls, as much as he'd admired their physical and sexual aspects. He'd learned the Beauty of Woman because he'd known many beautiful women. He confessed to me the afternoon that we made love in his studio, among the students' many versions of the ideal woman, that he'd never made love with a shemale before. He also confessed the sense of honor and privilege that my allowing him to do so had conferred upon him. "You are my Pygmalion," I told him. As his erection entered my anus, penetrating my rectum, he brushed the hair from my neck, kissing his Galatea. Inch by slow inch, he fed his thick, hard cock through my asshole until, at length, I felt his pubes press firmly against the lower halves of my flattened buttocks and the silk-soft flesh of his risen scrotum bobbed against my perineum. He'd buried the full length of his cock inside my rectum. I remained still, delighting in the feel my ass being crammed full with his swollen, rigid erection. Then, I felt the drag of the firm member as Professor Higgins withdrew until only the glans of his prick remained within the portal to my bowels, propping open my anus. He paused for a moment, and then slammed his meat back through my asshole, deep into my bowels, flattening my buttocks again before his driving pubes. I felt the coarse hairs of his groin, like tiny needles, in the flesh of my smooth, bare ass. The sensations aroused me, as did the presence of his manhood inside me. My own soft, limp prick swelled, stiffening, and stood upright against my belly. I took it in hand, jiggling and squeezing it. Again and again, Professor Higgins thrust his dick home, with increasing speed and force, making my buttocks bounce and dance and my frame shake and shudder. I gasped and moaned. My own cock was so hard that it hurt, and my balls ached. I needed release, both emotional and sexual. Tears welled within my eyes--not from pain, but from the intensity of my need to find release. "Fuck me!" I encouraged my Pygmalion. Only with his semen inside me, flooding my rectum, and his sperm swimming through my bowels, could I become a "real girl," I thought. As his Galatea, I desired his desire; I needed his need. "Fuck me!" His lightning cock flashed between my buttocks again, penetrating my rectum anew. Repeatedly, his penis, thick and hard, parted my buttocks, ramming and slamming its way past the smooth, inward-curving mounds of my bottom as it impaled me anew, stabbing me again and again, not only claiming, but also reclaiming, its conquest of the territory it had invaded. Suddenly, Professor Higgins, his cock inside my ass to his balls, stopped. I felt him straining into me as he gave his hips a few, intense pumps, jostling my impaled buttocks with his heaving belly. I felt his thighs tremble, and he moaned, delirious with orgasm, as he emptied the reservoir of his semen into the depths of my ass. Finally, spent and exhausted, he pulled free, his wilting cock sending a last streamer of white semen across my back and streaking the cleavage of my ass with the warm, sticky remnants of his molten seed. My own prick sent streamers of my liquid seed over my breasts and belly as I felt the soft tickle of his semen trailing between my buttocks, over my perineum, and down the back of my scrotum. He stayed inside me until I shit his cock, limp and soft, as if it were a turd. He walked me to the door, carrying my Galatea for me. Handing off the statue I'd carved of the ideal woman, he gave me a final kiss, his lips soft and warm, and I left, promising to sign up for one of the courses he was teaching next semester and vowing to keep him company before then as well, in a more intimate way. At home, my ideal woman safely in her rightful place, upon her pedestal, I fell asleep upon the divan in my studio, and slept as if I were dead. In a soliloquy, the ever-philosophical Hamlet says, "What dreams may come when we have shuffled off this mortal coil?" While I hadn't actually shuffled off my mortal coil, I was sleeping the sleep, at least, of the dead, and these are the dreams that came to me. I'd brought my precious, beautiful Galatea apples, pears, and grapes upon a sliver platter, setting these gifts of fruit at her feet, where I sat, gazing adoringly up her sleek thighs, past the ornaments of her full, round breasts, into her wide eyes, which I imagined to be blue, like the cloudless sky, wishing, with all my heart, with all my strength, and with all my mind that she were living, breathing flesh, rather than mere marble. "Live," I wished aloud. "Live for me." I took her cold, smooth palm in my warm, fleshly hand, and, gazing upon her loveliness of face and form, I begged the ravishing beauty to move, to reach her hands toward me, to stir and to embrace me, that I might become one flesh with her, both this night and forever. "Live," I repeated fervently. "Live for me." There was a stirring of the curtains at my chamber's casements, and a brilliant, golden light filled the room. I blinked, squinting at the brightness, and a voice, as soft and beautiful as Love, said, "Stone, become flesh; carving become woman; figure, be transformed!" As I clutched my statue's calves against my breasts, she stirred! Galatea lived! I woke to the golden sunlight streaming through my bedroom window. My beloved statue, come to life, The Perfect Woman, stood at my bedside, the silver platter of fruit in hand. Some may imagine that, faced with marble become flesh, I might have recoiled in terror, but I could but weep with joy as, ignoring the platter, I clasped the warm, soft flesh of my dream girl, crushing her sleek curves against my own. A latter-day Pygmalion, I understood the joy that my mythical predecessor had felt, and I knew the true meaning of passion and the true name of bliss: it is Galatea, The Perfect Woman. But, unlike Galatea in my dream, I had not actually awakened; I had stirred only in my sleep, as I found when my telephone, ringing, woke me, and I answered its summons. It was Professor Higgins, calling his Galatea. We agreed to meet for dinner the next evening. . . . and for dessert--for endless desserts-- ever after. I am content to be his Perfect Woman, for he, like me, is flesh, not stone, and blood, not veined marble; his hands, hips lips, his cock and balls, like his love and passion, are real. Likewise, my hands, my lips, my breasts, my buttocks, my cock and balls, my love and passion, are real. With him as my Pygmalion, I am happy to be a modern-day Galatea and to leave stone women to the likes of Amanda, who prefer the abstract to the concrete and the ideal to the real.

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Hello readers M vicky my age 26 Avrage body with 6 inches penis Mera rang thoda sanwla hai Ab mai aap ko sidha apni story par lata hu Hum yani mai or meri mummy ek sehar ke chote se gaw me rehte hai or humare ghar ke sath hi ek ghar hai jisme 2 bhai apni wife ke sath rehte hai jo unki biwiya hai wo hai to moti but unki choochiya bahut solid hai bole to 38d hoga unki choochiyoo ka sazi waise to wo dikhne me bahoot hi sexy hai sath hi unka gudila sarir lund khada karne wala hai kyu ki jab bhi...

3 years ago
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Stranded in a Foreign LandEpilogue

The television display was normal, broadcasting an innocuous program few cared about, but millions were sitting in rapt attention. Warnings had gone out for the past couple days, alerting people that the 'aliens would finally speak' as part of the ongoing YouTube video releases. The public was hungry to learn more about what was actually going on, and this was their one chance to finally decide for themselves. The government, despite the widespread rioting in the streets, continued to...

4 years ago
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Haunted mansion

It was a cold Halloween night. April was standing in front of the abandoned mansion at the very end of the neighborhood. It had stood there since she was a child. The city had apparently torn it down one time and it showed up again the very next day. The owner clearly didn’t like company as it was miles away from anyone else. She used to go inside it all the time growing up and nothing bad ever happened, but there’s been stories of strange things occurring here on Halloween, ranging from lights...

4 years ago
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CindyChapter 61

Cindy's turn: Oh, gosh! It's almost a madhouse. There's so much going on. Monday morning we're up early, up the road, drive-thru at McDonalds for breakfast. "Purina Road-warrior Chow," Dan says. Dan's lived on the road and in RV parks for years. I think this last one might've done it for him. Auburn University is ahead of us. I have a nine o'clock appointment. Mizz Patel from the engineering department has set it up for me. "Do not worry, dear Cindy," she said when we were...

2 years ago
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On Vacation With SaraChapter 5

After I dressed, if that’s what you call putting on a few triangles of material. I stepped outside to see many of the folks there still looking at me. Brad had my shorts and top and we headed toward the beach. When we got to the public lockers, he put them, along with his shirt in and we headed off for another surf lesson. This time, I was being stared at by everyone on the beach from young boys to old men and quiet a few women. I really loved the attention and worked hard to make sure my...

3 years ago
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Truth or Dare

My girlfriend and I have been together going on 8 years now. She is 25 years old and standing about 5'6 with a 36DD bust. I wouldn't consider her a BBW, but she is a little on the thicker side. Throughout our relationship we've always talked about swapping with another couple, but we always chicken out before actually going through with it. The idea has always excited us, but we were afraid that it would come between us in our relationship and eventually tear us apart. We resorted to...

2 years ago
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Mountain ManEpilogue

Well, I’ve gotten to the end of this little tale. I’m back on my mountain. And the seasons are moving on into late fall and winter. Most of the leaves have fallen, and it’s no longer shirt sleeve weather during the day. The snow hasn’t started yet. But I can smell it in the air. The doctors finally released me from the hospital. Doc Stone was responsible for that. He was well aware of what I wanted and what I was willing to do to get what I wanted. I was wheeled out to the hospital curb with...

4 years ago
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Riding Bitch

I had sneaked the few beers I had with me onto the beach along Lake Michigan when she rode up on her Harley. It was a smaller model, but the fact she was piloting her own machine impressed me. I couldn't see her well behind the sunglasses and the helmet, but she was dressed in a form fitting tee shirt and jeans that showed off her slightly thick but shapely figure. When she took off her helmet and shook out her dark shoulder length hair, I was immediately interested. I kept an eye on her as I...

Oral Sex
1 year ago
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Living a CAP Based PresentChapter 29 Demonstrations of Dominance

Once I sat down in the captain’s chair I found that the sleep training had shown me the location of every button. I tested out the ones activating the holographic data screens just in front of the chair. They came up, but showed no data. “AI? Is there a problem with the simulator?” I asked. “No simulation has been chosen,” the AI said. “Can we set up for a simple cruise in the Crucibleat system? We haven’t heard much about the system or the planet we will be on,” I replied. “Activating...

4 years ago
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The Long Road Back Ch 10

It was a little over a month since that night when Hawk told me about his past. I was sitting on the couch watching TV. Mom had John for the weekend and Hawk was at work. Tomorrow was Hawk’s birthday and I knew I wanted to do something special for him. I couldn’t decide what to do. I had already ordered the cake from the local Safeway, (a white cake with chocolate frosting and a raspberry middle, with the words Happy Birthday Hawk written on it in yellow frosting). I knew that Amy and...

2 years ago
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Aunty And Young Boy 8211 Chennai Andra Experience

H every one, this is chinna paiyan ( name changed ) . I have been following Indian sex stories for very long time ! I m 18 now !! Young but energetic boy . I don’t know why like aunties a lot ! They r sexy , caring and unsatisfied soo I love them. This is the time fa me to say my story which happened one year ago !! with my aunty Sunitha age29 .she s very fair and slim . she looks like small girl .her stats 32-30-34 . she s from andra.. I thought her homely first but later she was a sexy bitch...

3 years ago
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Buffy The Vampire Slayer 31 Days of Summers par

Buffy The Vampire Slayer - 31 Days of Summers (part 1)1 AugustDear Diary,Here I am back to writing you, though I guess I didn't really write you before - it's all fake memories. But it still feels kinda real and who else am I going to tell my deepest, darkest secrets to. Not Buffy that's for sure.So, what are my thoughts.... well Cleveland sucks, all my old friends are s**ttered to where-ever their parents fled when Sunnydale went down the Hellmouth; I can't even escape to Janice's when Buffy...

4 years ago
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Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea Part 3

I got home and tramped up to my bedroom, dumping my satchel in the corner. On the dressing table, by the meagre collection of cosmetics lay my sixth form senior prefect's badge I'd though I'd lost; obviously mum had found it somewhere. And the cosmetics: I was only allowed to wear on Saturday during term time. I removed my blazer and hung it up on the coathook on the door. With still an hour before mum gets home, there was something I needed to do. I took off my sandals and laid on top of...

3 years ago
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Dads visit

It has been a long time since the last time I wrote. Things didn't work out the way I planned. My Mom passed on about 4 years ago. Sad for me especially since I was never able to be with her the way I wanted. But time marches on. My Dad is now 84 but in good health. He visits with us every Christmas. This last Christmas eve turned into something special. After everyone left Dad, Terry, and myself sat drinking in the den. We were all feeling a little drunk, Dad especially. Terry went into the...

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In my med school days, I rented a house not far from campus. It was a haven for my friends, and the extra bedroom was frequently used as somewhere for them to hook-up without being interrupted. Several of my friends had keys, and it wasn’t terribly uncommon for me to find strange women in my place at all hours of the day and night. Most of the time I got a call, letting me know they were coming, sometimes…not. It was late December, classes were over until January. Most everyone had gone home...

2 years ago
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Dads Being ReplacedChapter 13

Danny was having a dream, a nightmare really. He was dreaming someone was trying to sodomize him and..."Yeow!" he screamed. He was fully awake now and someone really was trying to sodomize him. He heard Heather giggle. She was up to something again. "What the..." "I grew a prick," said Heather switching on the bedside lamp. "Do you like it?" She was wearing a strap-on dildo. It was 12:30 a.m. The dildo looked like a real prick over eight inches long and quite thick. "Don't you...

3 years ago
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Making Marilyn Mine

A Conversation With MasterIntro     She walked just inside the room, stopped, and slipped her green silk robe from her shoulders. It fell to ground and pooled around her feet. I watched over the top of my newspaper as the dark hair beauty gracefully floated across the room towards me. I couldn’t help but notice the way her tanned sexy hips swayed from side to side, and how the slight chill in the room brought little goosebumps to her skin and hardened her caramel color nipples atop lush supple...

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My Fantasies No1 The Doctor

 I have several fantasies, which I use regularly during masturbation. This first story is one of my favourites, which I hope you will enjoy. I am 18 years old (probably because this was my age when I first imagined this fantasy) and as usual feeling hot and horny. I am desperate for some naughty fun, and want to do something naughty and different. (I am sure you know that sensation, girls, when you are feeling so sexually aroused and frustrated, when your pussy is tingling and begging for...

2 years ago
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Unexpected Threesome Part 1 of 4

Warning this series is fundamentally a bisexual (MMF) threesome story. If bisexuality makes you feel uncomfortable, you should probably stop reading now. Also, I have illustrated versions of these stories in PDF format for anyone who would like a visual to go along with the words. I hope you enjoy. M _____________________________________ The Unexpected (Part 1 of 4) I stood in the doorway trying to wrap my mind around what I was seeing. There was my wife of 25 years bent over the counter,...

1 year ago
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Good Medicine Senior YearChapter 67 The Dance of Isaiah

May 26, 1985, McKinley, Ohio On Sunday morning, I decided to walk my usual route through Doctor Blahnik’s neighborhood, rather than run. I had nervous energy I needed to burn off, but I didn’t want to burn off ALL my energy. I put on my shorts, t-shirt, and running shoes, and went out the front door. I was surprised to find Clarissa sitting on the steps waiting for me. She hopped up and we exchanged a hug. “What are you doing here?” I asked. “Waiting for you! Ready?” “For?” She laughed,...

4 years ago
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YakimaChapter 7 A Monkey Wrench in the Works

We didn't end up in bed that night. I was reluctant to rush into anything with a woman I barely knew. I got the impression that Ali felt the same. There was an attraction that both of us were aware of, and I definitely wanted to explore just where it would take us. All indications were that she felt the same way. We talked about taking Jack to the matinee play at the live theatre in town. He was just the right age for the production of a kid's play. Ali was all for it, and as it turned...

2 years ago
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RetreatChapter 7

The four people are sitting in almost complete silence. This weekend has been very warm, record breaking for the time of year in some places resulting in almost no cloud cover. It does not help that Friday had been the full moon and tonight the earth’s shadow is only trimming the edge. It may not be daylight, but it may has well have been. All they can do is hope that there is no watching and they make their way to the target. Reaching the stone wall, they make their way around, so at least...

2 years ago
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The New Girl in School Part 8Black Friday Heist

NGIS Part 8-Black Friday Heist (November 20, 25; December 3-4, 9-10 2017) So Chloe knew something was up, but not sure. As she drove back to the safe house, she wondered why Morton had been cryptic in the recent text message. It was the Friday before Thanksgiving, and the school would be closed all of the next week. She got to the driveway and parking her car, made her way into the house. As soon as she entered the house, she saw Morton in the main room, some maps and other papers...

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The Poolside Question I Was Not Expecting Part 14

After the MassageOne by one all four of us entered the large shower. The cool water was amazingly refreshing. I was the first to shift the roles from masseuse / client, to friends enjoying friends by soaping Dawn's beautiful firm body, rubbing my hands over her slowly. Jeannie took my lead and was soon also soaping and massaging Traci. Traci and Dawn pressed together their soapy bodies and embraced as they kissed. I pressed against Dawn from behind and reached around to massage her breasts...

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mdash Mom gets the workout she craves

OK, let's set the record straight right from the beginning. I am not an ignored, divorced, sex-starved mother. My husband didn't leave me for a young chickadee. My c***dren aren't deformed or social piranha. I love sex. Banging, pounding, fucking...whatever you choose to call it. I love every moment of it.I met my husband Daniel at a swinger's party. No he wasn't 'the man I'm going to marry' at first sight. Hell, he wasn't even fucking me. He was ball deeps in a hot blonde while some guy had me...

3 years ago
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SEXFIGHT AT DAWN translated from the French

SEXFIGHT AT DAWN (translated from the French) Note: This story was originally written in French and posted on XHamster 3 years ago (and is still there). I have translated it into English as well as I could for those who cannot read French. I apologize for the clumsy English since I tried to follow the French as closely as possible. ———————————————————————————————————— One must say that she didn’t feel like hurrying. Manuela de Gonzalez was always late and, furthermore, she hated that two-bit...

1 year ago
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After School Special

I sat at my desk trying hard to focus on the book in front of me, but it was a losing battle. Although Rhyme of The Ancient Mariner may be an all time classic, it was nowhere near as interesting as Miss Ross's amazing ass. Friday's were dress down days for the teachers and I lived for them. Usually on these afternoons I was treated to the sight of my favorite teacher's fine ass in a pair of fairly tight jeans. Last week those jeans were accompanied by a pair of black boots the heels of which...

1 year ago
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The Diary of Stephen Joseph

February 18, 1894 I have begun this diary in hopes that anyone who finds it will tell my wife, Victoria, of my fate. It has been three weeks now that the beast that haunts my nights has continuously visited itself upon me. Each night it rakes my body more than before with its steely claws and leaves me laying in a pool of my own blood. This morning, my manservant came to awaken only to find my pale body writhing in agony, it covered with the crimson of my blood filled wounds. Save the claw...

3 years ago
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Basic Woman part 9

Basic Woman part 9 by Yoni We cleaned up and I asked her how she knew about the cheerleader outfit? She replied that it had popped into her mind back when we were discussing how I knew she would want orange juice after the blowjob I had given her. I thought about that as we got dressed again, taking our time with a lot of touching and kissing. It wasn't passion so much as it was intimacy, we were so at ease with each other. I was making...

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Dees Naughty Descent Chapter 06

Dee’s Naughty Descent: Chapter 6By MrDeep©  Melissa bent over and placed her hands on the arm chair. She felt the big black hands close on her tight, round ass. They were Nate’s hands. “Fuck me, daddy!” Mel hissed. Nate responded by grabbing a big handful of Mel’s blonde hair and twisting it around his hand and jerking back hard. Mel’s head snapped back as Nate’s whore pleaser plunged into her hot, wet joy box. “Oh! NATE!” Mel sighed as she pushed her ass back to meet Nate’s thrusts. She...

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old story my first time with escort in middlesbro

This is a true story.I was 18 years old newly single after only having 1girlfriend/sexual partner, saw an advert in the sport newspaper escorts/massage section for an escort blonde in Middlesbrough. so I phoned up asked what lady looked like & how much was it & did I get full sex, was that was told she was in late twenties very attractive with very large breasts & price was £25 for 30 mins (prices have gone up since then) & I would leave satisfied, so I made my way to street...

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