- 4 years ago
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Clarissa was a sullen lump that watched TV most of the day with her mouthopen and a surprised look on her face. She had not always been like this butJames had to admit with hindsight, the potential was always there. John hadintroduced him to Clarissa at the office party where she seemed full of funand ended up back at James' apartment where they spent the night together invigorous copulation. She had introduced him to acts he had only heard his friendssalaciously discussing in the bar after work. James realised with his appallingrecord with women, if it wasn't for Clarissa all those exotic acts he had experiencedwith her, would still be some vague longing in his inadequate imagination.Even accepting the debt of gratitude he owed her, he found he could not deceivehimself. She disgusted him.
He poured himself a carrot juice and walked across the polished wooden floorto the large sliding windows that led out onto the balcony. Sliding open thehuge pane of glass he looked round at his open plan apartment furnished withicons of twentieth century design. For all his financial success and all hisimpeccable taste, he could not change his pinched acne face or his short sightedvision that required almost spherical lenses. He pushed his thick glasses backonto the bridge of his nose at the thought of his unresponsive eyes and walkedout onto the balcony that looked out over the Thames. What was the point ofit all if he could not attract the woman of his dreams? Clarissa remained satin front of the TV that dominated the wall like a cinema screen. He lookedround at her sat there in her luxury lingerie. Like him she needed more thanmoney could buy to be attractive.
Voices chirped from below, he looked down. Charlotte, his neighbour downstairs,was entertaining a friend. He leaned over the balcony a little more to seethe cleavage of the two women below as they leant against the balcony rail.Charlotte had a fine pair he thought but her friend's grabbed his attention,as they where so large and uplifted so much, her nipples were almost exposed.As he strained his neck a little more to get a better view, he accidentallyspilt the carrot juice. He watched in horror as the great globule of orangeliquid splattered in the cleft of the two enormous mammary glands. Retreatingfrom the rail he froze so not as to make a sound and give himself away.
"Eek!" was the initial shriek from below, followed by the sound of someonedancing up and down "Oh god oh god oh god bird shit!"
"Yuck! That's funny bird shit."
"Maybe its bird diarrhoea?' said a trembling voice "wipe it off wipe itoff!" The commotion continued.
James very slowly tip toed back into the apartment, praying he wouldn'tmake a sound. Once inside he slid shut the window in silence before he at lastallowed himself to exhale. His eyes burnt into the back of Clarissa's headas though it was all her fault. Her breasts were formless, he thought, movingoff at a tangent. Well they weren't formless, that was impossible as they existedbut they had no aesthetic form, he debated to himself. He irritated himselfat moments like this for his lack of clarity. All his success had rested onclarity of thought and decisive action but alas, that was in his work lifeand for some reason he found those qualities inexplicably absent in his privatelife. Numbers, he was happy with numbers, one had to get into great depth beforethey confused but they still behaved predictably. Clarissa remained gawkingat the TV, encased in a world of her own.
'You gormless slut.' He hissed. No response. He went over to the kitchenetteand putting his glass down on the counter, opened the cutlery draw. Everythingwas in its place and so to hand which was how he liked things to be. Takingout the carving knife he felt the blade. Like a razor he thought. He creptacross the room until he was square behind Clarissa. Holding the knife in twohands he held it aloft before bringing it down on Clarissa. The knife glancedoff her head as his knuckles hit her crown, knocking her forward onto the floorbefore it ended up stuck in the couch. Immediately he jumped over the couchand landed on Clarissa's back, thrusting the knife into her. There was notso much as a squeal, all she could manage was a little fart sound. A strangemixture of carbolic and stale breath filled his nostrils, he heaved a little.Standing up he took the knife and washed it in the sink of the kitchenettebefore replacing it in the correct position in the drawer. Time for a celebrationhe thought, pouring a whiskey from the decanter that had sat on the drinkscabinet, he swallowed it in one. He straightened his hair and tie before puttingon his jacket. It was early evening and late enough to think about gettinglathered in the wine bar.
The lift stopped at the floor below his and in stepped Charlotte and herfriend. Charlotte was a beauty, the mythical English Rose, pale porcelain smoothskin and rich. Her crystal accent chimed money when she spoke. Her friend howeverwas butt ugly with an upturned nose that resembled a snout and large teeththat seemed to make closing her mouth impossible. Despite this, on his scaleof expectations she was up there, she was a looker. She was at least fiftypounds heavier than he was, though at least thirty of those pounds were herbreasts, which cantilevered out with the help of some undergarment superstructure.The other twenty was on her arse that acted as a counter weight to her breastsand enabled her to have a proud upright posture. With udders and haunches tomatch, she was a cow concluded James but what was he if not a warty toad?
'Hello James!' said Charlotte in her normal way that gave the impressionshe was always happy to see him. Happy that she would never have to sink lowenough to sleep with him he thought. 'This is Jasmine.' She said introducingher friend 'Jasmine this is James, my upstairs neighbour.'
'Hello.' Said Jasmine holding out her hand. The same crystal accent thoughtJames with relish. Jasmine was suddenly becoming increasingly attractive asshe spoke!
The lift opened into a small foyer that led out into the street that wasseparated by a skin of glass. Outside they pushed themselves through a throngof people that visited the old dock area for the museums and gift shops thathad been part of its gentrification. As they meandered through the crowd theyall found themselves a little way down the street at the entrance of Mason'sWine Bar.
'Ah James.' Exclaimed Charlotte over enthusiastically 'You are in need alittle medicine too?'
'Just one of those days.' Said James, remembering Clarissa lying on his apartmentfloor 'I'm in the mood to get bladdered.' If he thought Charlotte's sociabilitywas an invitation to join them he was mistaken. As he went to sit on his normalperch at the bar, the women went and sat near the window and waited for thewaiter. He ordered a Merlot but it didn't taste. Not that there was a problemwith the wine, it was the fact he was alone, he needed something stronger.Jazz was being quietly piped round the bar, usually he never noticed the musicbut today it was reminding him how much he hated jazz. Like chalk squealingon a blackboard he thought but to admit to such blasphemy amongst his peerswould have made him a target for mockery. How noise without rules can be describedas music had always foxed him. He looked towards the women who were busy competingwith each other in the gossip stakes, neither seeming to take a breath shouldadvantage be surrendered to the other.
James occupied himself by blowing silent raspberries, a way of fending offboredom and so depression. He was conscious the alcohol was making him sinkrather than lifting him as he continually scanned the room. It was then, henoticed the women had company. At some point a male or more accurately, a studfor Charlotte had joined the women. He looked round for a second male but theredidn't seem to be one, the trio was sat evenly around the small round table.What initially he had took as a personal blow now had his imagination workingovertime. Charlotte's friend Jasmine was playing gooseberry. If Charlotte didn'twant Jasmine out of the way you could bet your Porche the stud did. The thoughtand the alcohol had warmed him. There were certain things a man had to do andtelling a woman that if she made the right moves, she could end the night witha virile hot sweaty male was one of them. He ordered a refill and saunterednonchalantly between the tables and over to the group by the window.
'Yes?' Said a blond haired, square chinned, Australian beach bum lookingup at him. James looked blankly at the three faces looking at him in expectation.He decided he hated Australians but this didn't help his immediate problem,of him looking like a complete imbecile, as he stood there with his mouth open.Charlotte nodded slightly as she gave a broad artificial smile, willing himto answer. He was aware of a vacant space expanding in his head and suppressingall meaningful thought. Swilling the wine round his glass he imagined flyingacross the room and giving the Australian a scissor kick to the head.
Jasmine broke the silence 'Were you going to ask me for a drink?' she saidguessing correctly. By this time James had lost his capacity to talk. His preoccupationin moments like this, as to why he never experiences such a problem at work,only increased his social handicap. Jasmine began to look embarrassed as theincreasing length of silence made her appear desperate. Her discomfort increasedhis discomfort until he was totally paralysed.
'Why don't you just butt out matey.' Said the Australian. James struck aKarate pose and made a low humming sound, followed by a yell as he karate kickedthe Australian's head off his shoulders. Unfortunately this episode only tookplace in his head and his only real response to the Australian was to remainopen mouthed and fixed to the floor.
Jasmine decided if she was going to get a male, she was going to have totake a little more initiative. 'I'll have a drink with you.' She said witha forced smile as she braced herself for another knock back.
A couple of people pushing past James as they made for the exit broke hisself-destructive spell 'Wonderful.' He said in quiet amazement. Jasmine gotup to join him as Charlotte gave her a wink of encouragement, understandingshe did not have the attributes to be too choosy. James peed in the Australian'sglass of wine and put up two fingers up at him or at least he wished had thecourage to do it. He took Jasmine gently by the arm as one would an old ladyand led her towards the bar where he was most comfortable. James returned tohis perch and guided Jasmine onto hers where they sat and began coo at eachother, while Charlotte and the Australian took the opportunity to leave.
James shut the door behind himself and let a smug smile broaden across hisface. A little more work on Jasmine and bingo! He took off his jacket and threwit across the chair while loosening his tie with broad expansive gestures.He quick stepped over to the drinks cabinet with his invisible partner in histhrall. 'Tonight you shall surrender your honour Mademoiselle.' He said witha Cluseauesque accent. Just as he was about to pour himself a night cap whilecontemplating the dark arts of seduction, there was a knock on the door. Itrather disquieted him, as though he was being spied on. He composed himselfas quickly as possible before going over to the door and looking through thespy hole. Jasmine's face looked more bloated than it was in reality by thewide angled lens. Hurriedly he fumbled the door open.
'It appears Charlotte is still out with Cobber!' A tipsy Jasmine exclaimedrather loudly.
'You don't have a key?' Asked an unsettled but excited James.
'Of course I do!' she said 'That's why I'm here.'
'You'd better come in.' He said.
Jasmine wobbled through the door a little uncertain on her feet 'For a momentI thought you was going to leave me out there.'
'No no.' he said apologetically 'Come in and make yourself comfortable.'Just then he remembered Clarissa was on the floor on the in front of the couch.Taking hold of Jasmine's shoulders he directed her in the direction of thedrinks cabinet 'Why don't you pour us a drink.' She obediently allowed herselfto be guided and wobbled like a duck over to the drinks while James rushedover to the couch. Clarissa was still lying prostrate where he had left her,her surprised expression fixed towards the ceiling. He got down on his kneesand shoved her under the couch, making sure no errant limbs were exposed. Strugglingback to his feet he thought Christ! Only a drunk could miss her.
Jasmine turned propelling herself almost full circle before correcting herself.'Damn!' She bellowed, causing James' heart into a fit of frenzied palpitationsas he assumed she had spotted Clarissa. 'I don't want a drink.' She said emphatically'I want a fuck!'
Lord mercy, he thought. Fantasy is one thing, the actual act of congressquite another! Perhaps Jasmine discovering Clarissa's butchered corpse wasthe least of his worries. In a single movement she had unfastened and steppedout of her scarlet pencil dress. The vision of Jasmine striding towards himin her black micro thong and black lace bra with its invisible engineeringthat propelled her breasts forward like zeppelins looked positively dangerous.Before he had the chance to yelp help! He could feel his face being suckedoff while she rubbed her hands feverishly though his hair. There was no otherchoice but to submit to the marauding amazon or to chance ending up in a similarcondition to Clarissa. It didn't really matter, whether he was submitting orbeing savaged he could not see what difference it would have made. His shirtwas being ripped off his back while at the same time he was being robbed ofhis trousers. As far as he could tell she had three hands. Just when he thoughthe had her roaming hands in checkmate, up popped another hand insistent onmolesting him from another angle.
'Rip my thong off!' Breathing her command all over him. 'I'm your slut!'With his head firmly fixed in the cleavage and her thong being so small, ittook what seemed an eternity to find it. Eventually he grasped the flimsy garmentand yanked it off. 'You brute!' she accused. Then taking his head plunged itbetween her thighs. He gargled helplessly as she pressed his face in her dampcleft. Not taking the chance on male incompetence at unfastening a bra, sheripped hers off. Then taking hold of James' ears, lifted his face back up tobetween her breasts and began to slap him violently about the head with them,before wrestling him through the door and onto the bedroom.
Jasmine lay looking up at the ceiling traumatised while James lay on her,his head buried between her breasts in shame. Neither one wanting to startthe post mortem for fear of its revelations but both knowing something neededto be said.
'Its like an empty salami skin.' She complained 'Am I so repulsive not evenyou can't salute me?'
James missed the hidden insult, as his head remained pressed between herbreasts totally humiliated 'Noo' he said weakly 'It's not that at all.'
'Did I come on too strong?' Quizzed Jasmine.
'I'm not used to a woman with such strong wants, needs and desires.' He admittedas he clumsily tried to explain.
She took a hold of his hair and lifted his head so she could look him inthe eye 'Are you saying I'm a nymphomaniac?'
'Nooo.' His voice trembled. 'You just scared me.'
'So you DO think I'm a nymphomaniac!' With that she spun him off her likea wrestler escaping an opponent. James landed with a bang on the floor andfelt the full weight of Jasmine as she stood on him as she left the room 'Ineed a drink.' She said exasperated 'I've never been told I was a man eatingslut before.' If only she was she would be in her seventh heaven she thought.James lay winded on the floor, struggling to get his breath after being deflatedby Jasmine's dynamic weight. After a short while he gathered enough strengthand dragged himself onto the bed like a half drowned sailor pulling himselfaboard a dinghy. Burying his head into the pillow in the absence of Jasmine'sbreasts, he desperately thought how he could escape the situation with justa modicum of his ego intact. Meanwhile out in the lounge he could hear thechinking of glass and Jasmine moving around agitated muttering constantly butwhich he could only pick out sketchy snippets.'….never been so insulted…..I'ma turn off…that Mr Weedy is no…' Grabbing a second pillow hepulled it over his head to form a protective cocoon. In the end he found itimpossible to blank out the world or was he just conscious of Jasmine standingin the doorway. He extricated his head from the sandwich of pillows and lookedtowards the door that framed a silhouette of Jasmine. She was holding up whatappeared to be a shadow that had shed its ethereal nature and had taken ona more solid form.
'Is this yours?' She asked accusingly.
'Heh heh heh…' He tried to laugh 'It was just a prankish thing froman office party.' There was something unconvincing about his explanation whichstemmed from his own lack of belief.
She fingered the crotch of the shadowy figure 'Ugh! Its slimy.' Before smellingher fingers 'Yuck!' she said recoiling.
'Its not what you think.' He protested with little belief.
'You fuck this but you can't fuck me?' She said pleading for an explanationthat made some sense to her.
'Well ..yes..but.. its er..' His tongued knotted as he squirmed.
'Jesus! You need therapy.' She lectured.
What the hell he thought. He might as well be honest, he thought, thingsjust couldn't get any worse. 'That's Clarissa. She's the only woman I haveever been with.' What was he saying? Was he requesting, a straight jacket?'I killed her this morning.' Yes he was, he wanted to be certified.
Jasmine turned on the light, illuminating Clarissa who she held by the neck,the rest of her dangling, likes a piece of flayed hide. James looked at Clarissa'ssurprised expression with a hint of nostalgia. She had never made any demandsof him, never made him feel inadequate, she was always there ready and willingin his darkest hours. If he felt pitiful, he looked pitiful and more than hethought he did. The sheer sight of such a weak male brought the therapist outin Jasmine. She gave him a look that suggested he wasn't much but he was allshe had which sent shivers rippling through him.
'You.' She commanded pointing a finger at him 'Stay here.' She waited foran acknowledgement but she could see from the wreckage on the bed he was inno condition to wander off anywhere. 'When I shout you, you come into the lounge.Okay?' He gave the slightest nod, which was all she required. Turning she closedthe door behind her leaving him in the bedroom alone. He let out an audiblesigh of relief as he lay back and felt his body relax. There was nothing leftto worry about, his humiliation if it was not total before was certainly totalnow. In a matter of hours the world would know he fucked blow up dolls. A serenefeeling had fell upon him like a gentle mist. It must be something like thefeeling that befalls a person coming to terms with their imminent death.
After a short period of silence Jasmine bellowed 'James!' and before he couldrespond she repeated herself with a scream 'James!' James sat up like a nervousrodent on hearing an approaching tomcat. Fearful of the predatory female inthe next room but more fearful of not obeying her, he braced himself as hestood up. 'James!' He jolted like he had been prodded with an electric wand.
'Coming.' Came his trembling reply. Nervously he advanced towards the door,scared as to what he might find on the other side. Gently pushing open thedoor he peered into the lounge. At first he saw nothing but Clarissa thrownover the back of the couch like a discarded skin. Taking a few more intrepidsteps into the room he saw a figure on the floor in front of the minimal designedfireplace where a gas fire attempted realistic flames. The figure was motionlessas a corpse but retained the vibrancy of a body bristling with latent energy.He inched closer should the body detonate. On closer inspection it was Jasminelying in the same passive pose in which Clarissa was fixed when inflated. Herface was painted heavily with makeup mimicking Clarissa's surprised expression.Red spherical blotches decorated her cheeks and exaggerated scarlet lips circledher open mouth. She had contoured her body with lines of mascara to indicateseams. The overall effect prompted a stunning reaction in James, bypassinghis brain and penetrating deep into his psyche. His stomach felt like it wasbeing gently kneaded and growth took place between his legs with astonishingspeed and strength. With this growth in his stature came a parallel growthin his confidence.
'Don't dare move!' He commanded and then threatened 'Or I'll deflate you.'She immediately understood that she was not to react in anyway to his attention,something she found disturbingly erotic. It was the antithesis of her wholemanner. Normally she shrieked, no she screamed in ecstasy or at least she thoughtshe would if she was given the chance. He parted her legs slightly as he kneltbetween them. Her eyes fluttered in anticipation 'Don't!' He said sternly,giving her a keen slap to the thigh. She felt her state of arousal heightenat this admonishment and began to blink purposely when necessary, like shehad a doll's weighted eyeballs.
It was a savage night and if Jasmine were Clarissa she would not have survived,however she saw no reason to complain. In fact the man handling had turnedher into a pressurised volcano that periodically blew. If she had been in amore rational state of mind as opposed to being totally lost in carnal pleasureshe would admit to being impressed by the animal James had turned into. Shehad never before been picked up like a waif and served up on a table or thrownacross the back of an armchair to be attacked from behind. Nor had she beenforced fed an angry member while hanging from a banister. It was as exhilaratingas it was dangerous, for she was often in danger of suffering concussion byher own breasts. As for James, he had amazed himself, his chest puffed up withpride with how much power his scrawny body packed. But the body has its limitsand eventually their energy was sapped and they both fell into a deep and satisfyingsleep.
Jasmine's angelic snoring woke James who had fallen to sleep with his headon her bosom. She was laid on the rug in front of the fire with her limbs spreadout like she had been pole axed. Her substantial breasts were rising and fallingin a steady rhythm, as if choreographed at some Swiss finishing school. Hewas amused how at intervals her nose would twitch before she would give a snortand then resume snoring again. It all gave the impression of a blue blood mannerismthat could not be faked by lesser people. Her snoring was posh and he was impressed.In the reverie the dolls make up on her face had somewhat smudged as with theseams of mascara that defined her statuesque bulk. This however did not diminishthe overall effect on James as its stimulus was still potent. She was gorgeoushe thought! He stood up where he could study her better, she was all womanand she had been satisfied by he, all man! Turning he went out onto the balcony,naked as a monkey in a jungle and looked out over the Thames. His batteredmember somewhat sore from the night's events was soothed as it dangled in thecool morning breeze. Cupping his hands he put them to his mouth while fillinghis lungs before bellowing a Tarzen yell across the river. AaaahhhhhhaaaAAAaahhhhhhaaaAAAaaahhhHHH!!!!!!
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Back in the 1940s I do believe up near the Panhandle of Oklahoma there are more dumb things happen than any other place on God's green Earth. Railroad executives named new towns after their ugly daughters, high school principals knocked their own students up and tried to blame it on God or the moon or some poor tramp that came wandering through town at the wrong time. Sometimes schoolteachers got knocked up by their sixth grade students who were fifteen or so years old. Then there were...
ALL CHARACTERS DEPICTED IN THIS STORY ARE THE AGE OF 18 OR OLDER. Welcome to my first story on Chyoa! Im a somewhat inexperienced writer, so all feedback is welcome. This story was originally intended to have a far more linear intro, having the main character meet his initial roommates in the first chapter, however i saw wider potential in the idea and have decided to split the intro into multiple parts. the path labeled [Main Story] will continue the intro as originally intended. Have fun!...
TeenCaroline – Part 2, Ch. 10.04 (Hi, If you are new to this series please read the intro to Ch 01 so you’ll know what to expect. It isn’t strictly necessary to read the earlier chapters but some of this won’t make sense if you don’t so I hope you will.) Caroline’s Tale Lena and Guy! It was the men’s turn to cook on Tuesday, we had a sort of arrangement. Jo and I always cooked dinner together. It gave us a chance to chat but Mike always alternated, getting breakfast and lunch. So Mike and...
We scouted Barstow on horseback and by Hummer as we skirted the town, but found no living persons, perhaps not surprisingly. I think most people who found themselves surviving such a catastrophe in a place as hot and dry as Barstow would want to look for a more hospitable climate. Crystal had taken it upon herself to see that the dogs got food and water and they started coming to her whenever they wanted to check in with us. They would tolerate petting and scratching from any of us, but they...
George sighed, his hands hovering over his keyboard. The computer screen was white, a testament to how much work George was not getting done. His mind felt completely numb, as if it had been drained of all thought. But the only problem was those thoughts had been focused on the pornography he had watched last night. If he had been writing some cheap on-line erotica, than maybe thoughts about two werewolf lesbians fucking each other's brains out would have been useful. But George was trying to...
Erotic FictionStorySitting on the couch with a nice young guy. Yall making out. He starts to caress your breastsYou slowly but hesitantly slide your hand down his strong muscular chestTo his half limp cockYou take it in your hand. Start stroking it. You had already said to yourself nothing sexual is going to happenBut feeling his cock in your hands, the power it held. The thickness, so hard.Getting harder, everything was out the window. You had to.... You needed to taste itYou bend over slightly to come face...
"My name is Wolfgang Harding," the man informed us, "and I was a program manager for Teutonic Network." By then we'd moved from the lobby of the resort to the upper dining room so we could chat. The other man had been taken off in restraints to be dealt with later. For now I was interested in talking to Wolfgang. I ordered coffees for everyone and then waited for them to be served. Dork and Nimue were still with me and we all sat in silence until the waitress had finished serving...
Chapter Three: The Oblong Dome ================================================= The rain that had been plaguing them for the better part of a week had picked up some force while they were inside the station. Mostly it was coming straight down like a curtain with very little wind to blow it in any direction. The runoff was now flowing noticeably wider from the edges of the road as the sewers backed up and discharged the excess water into the street. "If this doesn't let up soon we...
She liked to call me daddy. I guess it was the 40-year difference in age. We met on an erotic story site and started a correspondence. At first very suggestive, but soon became very erotic. Cybersex quickly followed. A year later she traveled from the mid-west to visit. I picked her up at the airport. Our first passionate kiss told me she was ready for everything. We went to the hotel across the street from the amusement park. There were plenty of place to eat close by so I knew I didn’t...
My husband Ron and I have always been very open and honest in our relationship. We tell each other our deepest darkest secrets and fantasies,especially while in the heat of the moment. This year my husband planned a winter vacation for us. Instead of warm places we usually go,he said we had reservations for one week at an exclusive ski resort. I was very excited about the trip of course,but all he would tell me is we would have a lot of fun. He said he...
We left on a Friday and headed down to Connecticut. We drove for most of the day, switching drivers every now and then. We talked the whole way. We had all been best friends since eighth grade. During the last stretch of the drive Karla and I sat up front with me driving and Dan in the back listening to his iPod. “So he’s been playing this really mean game recently,” Karla was saying. “No matter how much I beg him, he wont give me sex. I mean, how twisted is that? The girl asking the guy...
I’m a cop in a big city and here is one of my stories, more of it true than false. I was working in uniform on the south side, by myself. I kept busy and certainly loved my job, but after a certain hour it got pretty boring and routine. I was totally bored at home too. The wife and I had grown quite a bit apart, our differing methods of raising the kids being partially responsible for the depth of the divide. I had started surfing the chat rooms and one night encountered a woman who lived in...
Holidays aren’t the greatest time for advancing relationships. Fay had the entire week off, but Annette and I had three days of school. We only got Thanksgiving Day and the Friday after off. And there were other people to deal with. Family responsibilities, meals, and guests. Annette and her family were invited to Thanksgiving Dinner with us, along with my grandparents and her grandparents. My grandmother looked long and hard at Fay, Lady, and me. She even went so far as to push her...
The Prison Planet As always, Morales and Lobo were up with the dawn, but things were a bit different this morning. Instead of a normal breakfast of fresh meat, if there was any, and occasionally eggs with their potatoes, today, their diet was basically the same, except for the amount of each item. They were having an extra-large helping of fried potatoes liberally mixed with chunks of buffalo jerky to go with a moderate amount of Morales’ precious dried eggs. “We have plenty of potatoes and...
Hi, dear brothers and hot ladies there. My name is Babu from Bhopal. Hot girls and ladies in around Bhopal and Hyderabad can get to me through No complications but the only thing I can promise is memorable sex. Back to the story. It has happened a year ago. It might be a long narrative but practically it’s not so easy to get in bed with other women. So, let me go through it and stick to reality. I have completed my studies and waiting for job sending resumes to all the companies I have heard...
Thoughts of steel. That's the impression I had of the Sh'kxu. TeJon proved to be a wealth of information about the aliens and the Preci, as his people called themselves, but it was all at least fifty years out of date. Even old information is a start, and slowly we pieced together a picture of the aliens and their impact on Precipice. Two hundred years ago they had appeared in the skies above Precipice, and began bombing without warning or prelude of any kind. This was not some real life...
Chapter 6Mommy ReturnsSo much had happened in the last few days. My wife's best friend hadconfided in me that my wife of five years, Heidi, was three monthspregnant with her lover's baby and was planning on serving me withdivorce papers when she returns from holiday next week. That same woman,who just happened to be my doctor and was the person who had administeredmy three year course of oestrogen treatment, had now declared herinterest in me, not so much as a prospective spouse but as a...
Mary Pilson knew that her ‘uncle’ Walter was grooming her. ‘Uncle’ was a silly term that Mary’s mother used to describe the men who moved into their home to take advantage. Mary had no time for her uncles; she saw them for what they were, parasites and users. Mary’s mother could hardly make ends meet working as an usherette at the local cinema. Her good looks, curvy body and long legs ensured that she was well tipped by the male customers but she also attracted the sharks. Mary mostly...
Sandra sat on his lap, legs spread and dress open, advertising herself for fucking. “How do you normally spend your time in a bar with your wives?” “We’ll dance a few songs and I’ll show her bare ass and some tit, then she’ll get the attention of the man she’s interested in and ask him over.” “I like the dancing part but I’ll be a little more assertive than your wives are. We don’t have all night.” Sandra escorted Dan to the dance floor leaving her dress open. The material swayed to the...
Meri mummy ki aankhe lal ho chuki thi unhone Sudhakar uncle ke taraf dekha aur kaha Sudhakar ji you are very shy. Meri mummy ki ye bat sunkar Sudhakar uncle sharma gaye. Ye bat sach thi Sudhakar uncle Ramesh uncle se kam bolte the. Meri mummy ne unko ishare me apne pass bulaya aur unke hoth pe kiss diya. Mujhe is samay meri mummy ko dekh ke bahut ajeeb lag raha tha. Mummy ne kaha that means I have two guys to take care of me huhhh Ramesh ji. Ramesh uncle ne kaha, “Yes Varsha that why I like you...
‘See that white yacht in the bay?’ ‘That’s the boat?! Wow!’ ‘No, you bodoh. It’s the one totally underwater. Ayuh! Of course that’s the one. It’s the only one that you see.’ ‘Oh… I just thought you meant the other one… Hehehe… I mean all the boats out there are white you know.’ Jac just shook his head in exasperation. Hassan was not stupid, really. He was just called that, ‘bodoh’ which means ‘stupid’ in Malay, a reverent title for the best friend that he had in the islands. In actuality,...
Hello readers specially bhabhis & aunties.Mera naam rahul hai mai delhi ka rehna wala hun mai ek engineering student hun, age 21 ,height 5’10”. Size of dick 7″.Love to have sex with mature ladies,divorced ,widows,unsatisfied bhabhi ans I really have good stamina on bed if you cant belive mail karke mere saath sex chat karne se he apko pata chal jayega agar apke andar asli sex desire hoga to and make them feel special and also promise you ke apki identity ek dum safe rakhi jayege 100% or iske...
As i am sitting in the break room on my hour lunch. My female co worker walked in. I turned around to see who it was and it was Miss A. I stared for a few seconds because she has nice big tits. Im guessing D cups. Anyways she walks right up to me, jumps on my lap and kisses my neck roughly. Then wispers in my ear, follow me nigga! Now in total shock, lol, i just stared as she walks toward the door. She stops and laughs then says yoooo come on. So i smiled, stood up and followed her through the...
IntroductionThe room is dark and hazy. I’m hanging, my wrists tied to a chain of some sort above me. Someone is fucking me. My vision is coming into focus. I see a black man grinning at me. My legs are wrapped around his waist; he’s holding me up by my ass and is making me cum.I don’t remember anything from the last hour. I have no idea how I got here. All I know is my pussy is numb, dripping with juices.The orgasm washes over me and the black man leaves. Another takes his place. He grabs my...
I met Christine at a seminar on Industrial Relations. It was mostly bullshit from people who had never held a tool in their hands and had no real world experience. They were full theories that they had learned from textbooks, but my company was paying the freight so there I was. When we broke for lunch I headed for the hotel restaurant. I stopped at the bathroom to take a whiz and when I got to the restaurant I found that all the seats were taken and the greeter told me there was at least a...
I'm not sure why, but when it was just Allison and I, I don't remember dreaming at all. Maybe it had something to do with the parents coming home, or being back in my bed. Whatever the reason, it seemed like as soon as I hit my pillow I found myself in the hallway outside, of all places, Shannon's room. I had been trying to think of how to talk to her but hadn't come to any real conclusions. I guess somewhere in my head a part of me thought I was ready.
Being yesterday’s hero took some getting used to. Cole Reynolds was no longer the star quarterback. No, at the tender age of eighteen, he was a has-been, already looking back with nostalgia at those thrilling Friday nights on the gridiron, sharing the heat of battle with his loyal teammates, cheered on by his adoring fans. But life goes on, and for him that meant getting through his last semester at Damascus High, applying for college and keeping himself in shape to perhaps play college ball....
My story of interracial breeding took place in the early 80’s and is a tale I’ve been trying to put down on paper for a long time. Despite the number of years now past those precious yet vivid memories are still fresh in my mind. Especially when I recall how strongly many of those black studs had a mind to seeding what was for most, their first white, teenage girl. Lorissa was a well-known and I’d say popular girl in our normally quiet, farming community. Partly as her Aunt Catherine had such...
InterracialHi its Feroz again with lots more steamy affairs of my friend Saajan and her girl friend Parvathy. As told earlier about Parvathy and me, now its our steamy second fucking sessions again. I was on the way to work I got a call from Parvathy and she was going to IMS for her MBA Coaching’s. She was with her friend Namita on her car and the class was the city itself. It was on last October and a Saturday. She told she was feeling bored and so thought of meeting me. I said ok and made a call to my...
I was busy in the kitchen washing up when a council worker knocked on next doors door. Now I knew they were away so I said "Sorry they're out at work", the lady said to me "Ok thanks but maybe you can help". She was a big girl, probably 22 stone, around 40 years old, 5'5", big tits as with all bbw's. She said she worked for the council and she asked if I'd answer some questions.As she came round, she was massive, she had a white blouse and a black skirt on, which made her look bigger than what...
I was always one of those driveway heroes; you know, the type of guy who would spend hours shooting baskets all alone, monkeying up do-or-die scenarios in which the game is on the line, three seconds, two seconds... A lot of being able to shoot a basketball accurately is muscle-memory; your reflexes taking over due to constant repetition, sort of like typing. The other part is confidence; a combination of focus and relaxation that allows the best aspects of an athlete's total self to come...
Hours later they were struggling up the side of a steep slope. It leveled off, and Clipper breathed a sigh of relief. Trees were getting thinner, the higher they climbed. Finally, a quarter of a mile further up the slope, Girl spied a tunnel entrance, and called it out to Clipper. They headed for it, curious. When they got there, it was even more surprising. It was just a hole, literally, cut into the rock of the mountainside. There were no buildings or anything near it. Not any longer, at...
Hadley has only been living with her boyfriend for a few months and their relationship has already changed. As an executive assistant she is required to be available at all times and her boyfriend suspects she’s cheating with her boss. He’s wrong at first but after a huge deal has been won and after a few drinks, one thing has led to another. There’s only so much they can do in the office so after giving her the day off he invites her to his house. This hot pairing is about to take a serious...
xmoviesforyouYou have just discovered a new app on your phone. wondering what this new app is you open it and it bring you to a black screen with white text. it is a list of social normals such as *it is normal to wear a bra in public* or *the average penis length is 5.5”* then next to them are edit buttons, there are hundreds of rules inside of dropdown menus. ** the brackets of - - mean that a rule is being edited**
Mind ControlAll characters involved in sexual activity in this story are over the age of 18. If you are under the age of 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century. Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and...
(Monday morning) Bobby woke at 6 A.M. As his mind travelled back over the things he did yesterday, he didn't know whether to feel guilt or elation. Everyone in his party was certainly much more... liberal. And he had gotten more sex than he would ever have BELIEVED! -- HELL, he wasn't a VIRGIN anymore! Not by a LONG shot! But... something had obviously been done to all of them -- the changes in them were just too extreme. Had he... taken advantage of them... during their weakness? Of their...
Roxanne Tate slid behind the wheel of her new, white, Cadillac Seville. That was one nice thing about living with Ted. He was not stingy. And he liked to not only fuck, but to please her as well. He didn't mind the games she liked to play. She didn't have to work now, but she enjoyed being a nurse. Besides, working for a gynecologist gave her the opportunity of meeting interesting women. She started the car and turned the air-conditioner on, full blast. She paused before driving off. She...