An Ordinary College Sex Life 2Chapter 7: Old Friends free porn video

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Daniel and Elaine were getting married.

Yeah, Daniel Chen and Elaine Fukuhara were still in college, only halfway through their careers at UCLA. Yeah, 20 was pretty young to be getting married, but with these two, age didn't matter. They were soulmates. They had been each other's one and only since they were fourteen, and their friendship dated back to being 2-year-olds in the same Montessori pre-school class. The day we'd all graduated from High School, Kenny Doyle had cracked that the pair should send us all their wedding invites in a few weeks. Well, more than a few weeks had passed, but absolutely no one was surprised that they were the first of our friends to be getting hitched.

The Wednesday date was a little strange for a wedding, but it was practical on many levels. First, the midweek date in the middle of everyone's winter break from college ensured that we'd all be able to attend. Second, financially well-off but fiscally conservative Daniel got the really swanky Tustin Ranch Golf Club for a really good price. And third, getting married before the end of the calendar year meant that he and Elaine could do their taxes as "Married Filing Jointly", saving even more.

Romantic, right?

For Daniel and Elaine, it was perfect. Elaine wasn't the most girly of girls who needed some elaborate "June at the Plaza" kind of wedding. Even in December, SoCal weather was pleasant enough. And the important thing was that all of their best friends were able to attend.

But first, the Bachelor Party.

Kenny Doyle wanted a wild Vegas weekend. But most of us were only 20 and besides, that wouldn't have been Daniel's style. Instead, we guys were being rounded up by a stretch Towncar limo and taken off to a day filled with golf, sushi, and yes, a strip club. Our only rule was that Daniel had to be home by midnight in order to get plenty of sleep for tomorrow's nuptials.

Tee time was at 10am, letting all the hardcore golfers go ahead of us early in the morning while we amateurs screwed around the course. The limo came by to fetch me at 9am, and Dawn escorted me to the door to wish me goodbye.

"Dude, you suck."

I frowned, arching an eyebrow at my one-time best friend. "Uh, nice to see you too, Kenny."

Kenny Doyle wasn't looking at me. He was staring to my left, gawking at my girlfriend. "Dude, you fucking, fucking suck."

My frown deepened, and Dawn looked at me with a nervous expression.

"Wow, she's real." Sung Joon nodded with an impressed expression, standing next to Kenny.

"Guys, this is Ben. Are we really surprised?" Daniel laughed.

"Megan, Cassidy, Adrienne, and now her? Fuck you, man," Kenny shook his head and walked away, heading back to the limo.

Sung cracked up. "Don't mind Kenny. He's in a bit of a funk. His last girlfriend dumped him just before finals." Schooling his face, Sung stuck out his hand and bowed his head politely. "You must be Dawn. I'm Sung. Very pleased to meet you."

Recovering quickly, Dawn blushed and shook Sung's hand. "You too." She then shook hands with Daniel and said, "Bring my boyfriend back in one piece, will you?"

"Don't worry about me," I cut in, wrapping an arm around Daniel's shoulders. "Pray for this guy. When we get through with him tonight, he's going to be wishing Kenny had dragged him off to Vegas."

Everyone chuckled at that, and I broke away to peck Dawn's cheek. I fought the urge to ramp up the PDA – just to make the guys extra jealous – and she waved us goodbye.

Back at the limo, I shook hands with Tony Lai, Daniel's best man. We still had one more pickup: Shin Murata, Daniel's other friend from UCLA. And then the six of us guys would be off to Tustin Ranch.

Kenny was staring out the window. "The mythical Dawn..." he sighed.

"Not so mythical," Daniel pointed out.

"I hate you," Kenny drawled.

"No you don't," I commented, elbowing him in the arm.

"Sure I do," Kenny spat, and then turned to me with a grin, smacking my arm back. We all got a good laugh, except Tony who looked at us in bewilderment.

Daniel recognized his friend's face and commented, "Sorry. Old story. Ben here has something of a reputation as quite the ladies man."

Sung chuckled. "Just watch: wherever we go tonight, somehow the hottest girl in the room is going to be all over him."

I rolled my eyes. "Clearly, I've got a girlfriend," I stated, jerking my thumb back toward the house.

"Like that ever stopped you before," Kenny laughed.

"Yeah, well, it's a good thing you're here," Daniel reached over and clapped my back. "The last thing I need tonight is temptation."

"Temptation?" Kenny leveled Daniel with a look. "Clearly, you've never been to Bliss."

"I'm 20," Daniel pointed out. "Of course I've never been, or to any strip club for that matter."

"Well, that all changes tonight. It's a Bachelor Party. How could it be complete without strippers?"

Daniel shook his head. "How the hell are you getting us in again?"

Kenny just grinned. "Worry about your golf game."

Golf is much more fun when you aren't keeping score. Golf is even more fun when you've got six guys just screwing around AND who have beers with them. Daniel was in the first group with his two UCLA buds while Kenny, Sung, and I hung back in the second group, occasionally "encouraging" the first group with the errant ball launched in their direction. One time, Sung even hit Daniel's golf cart.

There was also a classic moment when Shin fired a shot back, bouncing close enough to Kenny that my friend feigned being hit and he collapsed to the ground.

I clapped my hands to my cheeks and squawked, "Ohmigawd! You killed Kenny!"

Sung chimed in, "You bastards!"

We settled down a bit when a course marshal told Kenny to shut things down, but it was still a pretty good time.

Sushi was at a new kaiten place in Irvine that hadn't been there when I left. Those colored plates are supposed to tell you how expensive your meal is getting, but it quickly turned into a competition to see who could stack their plates the highest. Given the total cost we were racking up, and how fast we were emptying their conveyor belts, restaurant management overlooked our somewhat boorish behavior. Sung won, although since his wallet took the biggest hit, I'm sure he considered it a Pyrrhic victory.

And then came Bliss.

I started getting nervous as the limo approached the front door. It was a classy place, with a high-end reputation and a complete lack of neon lighting. Word out was that the staff was a mix of full-time professionals and early-twenties girls drawn mostly from the nearby community college. Nevertheless, there was no mistaking the exterior signage with the words "Nude Girls" underneath the club's name. And no matter what sexual experience I'd had in my life, it was still MY first time at a strip club.

A doorman actually came out to open the limo door as we rolled to a stop. He waved us inside and Kenny took the lead as we approached the counter, staffed by a bored-looking young woman with dyed-black hair who wore elaborate tattoos, a deep-cut push-up bra, and way too much eyeshadow. She didn't say a word, just looking at us expectantly.

"Is Heidi around?" Kenny asked. "She's expecting us."

The girl raised her eyebrows then swiveled around her stool, still not saying a word. She went to the back of the room and opened a door, poking her head out for a minute.

Kenny openly gawked at the girl's ass, neatly outlined by her black miniskirt, but then stood up straight when she turned around. "Over there," she pointed. "Heidi'll be out in a minute."

The six of us stood aside in silence, and I felt more and more nervous the longer we waited. Two new patrons entered, pulling out their wallets and sliding driver's licenses and twenty dollar bills across the counter without saying a word. Tattoo girl checked the licenses and took the money just as silently, then handed both men printed receipts and waved them to the far doors.

The lobby was way too quiet. Thumping music from behind the far doors filtered in, but the absolute lack of conversation was unnerving. All the other guys seemed as uneasy as me, even Kenny, which was really worrying. But then a side door opened and a beautiful, bombshell curly blonde stepped out wearing a strikingly sexy ensemble of bedroom lingerie.

"Kenny! Hey, you made it." She made a beeline for our friend and opened her arms, chastely hugging him without actually bringing their chests together, lest some of her makeup and body glitter rub off on his shirt. She did peck his cheek, though.

"Hey, Heidi. Good to see you again," Kenny exclaimed with relief.

"It's been too long." She nodded and stepped back.

Sung leaned into my ear, whispering, "How the hell does Kenny know her?"

I shrugged, as clueless as my friend.

Heidi then turned to survey us. "And which one of you is the groom-to-be?"

Tony actually pushed Daniel forward with a stiff hand to his lower back, and Daniel shot his best man a harsh look before blushing pink, visible even in the dim lighting. "That's me."

Heidi laughed. "Oh, hell. We're going to have to get a few cocktails in you, young man. Loosen you up a bit."

I smirked at the 'young man' comment. Heidi looked the same age as us, if not younger. At the same time, though, her eyes carried a weighty maturity that spoke of a lot more life experience than what most of us had gone through.

"Well, come on then," Heidi finished by waving us toward the far doors. "Just follow me."

I thought I knew what to expect. Even though I'd never been in a strip club, I'd watched plenty of movies over the years. Catwalk, poles, dim lights, and wolf- whistling guys with beer bellies, right? Well all of those things were in place, and more. A beautiful, skinny girl with dyed-blonde hair obvious over dark eyebrows bumped and gyrated on the main stage. Her fake tits were near-perfect spheres on her chest, but still large and quite pleasing to the eye. There were two additional dancers on mini-stages elsewhere around the room, both topless as well. That mean there were six bare breasts available for view, and Sung seemed to be getting whiplash next to me as he tried to look at all of them at once. That didn't even count the scantily-clad waitresses scurrying about.

But even though the image of the strip club was pretty much what I'd been expecting, the feeling of the place was just ... weird. And my sense of unease only got worse as we took our table, sat down, and began to take in the entertainment.

It's not like I wasn't used to being around a lot of scantily-clad young women. Between the parties Dayna and Brandi had thrown in the Berkeley house and my experiences with the Tri-Delts, I'd certainly been in similar atmospheres before.

But this was different. This felt ... unreal, and I didn't trust it. For one thing, I never questioned things when a girl in Berkeley would flirt with me. There were no ulterior motives, no hidden agendas. Perhaps she knew about the Big Ben reputation and just wanted a ride. Perhaps she was flirting just for the sheer fun of it. Either way, the flirting just felt honest.

But this strip club? Every girl who came by subtly asked if I wanted a lap dance (for only $20). Every girl who paid me a compliment not-so-secretly also wanted ME to pay HER in some fashion. Despite supposedly being an establishment built around sex, none of the interactions actually felt like they were about sex; they were about money.

Money, we had. We all came from fairly well-to-do families, and we'd all stacked up on twenty dollar bills. And once the word spread that we were a bachelor party in attendance on an otherwise quiet Tuesday night, we found ourselves with an abundance of female company.

But despite the money spent ... it still felt a little cheap.

The girls hanging around my friends and me weren't here because they enjoyed our company. They weren't here for our scintillating conversation. They weren't even here for my Big Ben reputation. They wanted money. And as I sat there, staring at the very attractive young women giving me quite delightful glimpses of their nubile bodies, I found myself wishing I was back in Berkeley: joking with the Tri-Delts, lounging around the house with my roommates, or even just at home watching a chick flick with my sisters.

Time after time, a beautiful young woman came by to chat with me. Not wanting to spoil the mood, I politely engaged in conversation. But I made it clear that I wasn't interested in anything more. After all, why would I pay for a lap dance from one of these girls when I could have a half-dozen fully naked babes like Dawn, DJ, and Kim writhing in my lap. More to the point, those girls in Berkeley would let me put my hands on them (and my cock into their pussies) at the same time.

But apparently I was the only one turning down such offers. All five of the other guys got lapdances, Sung, Tony, and Shin even disappearing for ten minutes or so into a back room for the more private versions. Thong-covered pussies were ground against jeans-covered hard-ons. Bare breasts were rubbed up against warm cheeks. And honey-tongued innuendoes were whispered into excited ears.

"What's your story?" a silky-smooth voice practically purred into my ear.

I turned my head, looking into some of the brightest blue eyes I'd ever seen. Even in the dim lighting of the club, those irises sparkled with a self-illumination that was almost catlike in its eeriness. And as I pulled my focus backward, I took in the prominent cheekbones, pale skin, and flowing red mane of an absolutely stunning young woman.

She was beautiful enough to catch me off guard, but after steadying my breath, I arched an eyebrow and asked, "What do you mean?"

Wearing a slinky black cocktail dress with a matte finish that highlighted the pale skin of her exposed limbs, the redhead slipped into my lap and wrapped her right arm around my neck. She was not the first girl to do so tonight, and I was sure she wouldn't be the last. "I mean you. I've been watching you."

"That meant to make me feel special?"

She pouted, hurt. "I'm not just delivering a line here."

Instantly, my face softened. "Sorry, that came out harsher than I meant." An hour's worth of fending off would-be suitors had worn down my polite veneer.

"Why is that? Aren't you having a good time? Your friends certainly are."

I glanced around at my buddies. Kenny had been the latest of us to disappear to some back room. Two of the others were currently engaged with other girls. Only Tony and Shin were currently alone, but Shin was flirting with Sung's current 'date' while Tony was eyeing my redhead quite enviously. "I'm enjoying myself, certainly," I said.

"But not as much as you could be." Her hand came up and traced along my cheek.

I smiled and leaned into her touch, which was quite pleasant.

She beamed and shifted position, bringing her torso up to face me a little more directly. The motion also pushed her cleavage together, spectacular Double-D's that wanted to burst out of the confines of her cocktail dress. My eyes dropped to them automatically, and she caught my gaze.

"Would you like a closer look?" she purred.

"Of course," I replied before immediately adding, "But no thank you."

"And why not? A matter of a few dollars?" Without waiting, she turned and looked across the table. "Anyone want to buy your friend here a dance?" she asked loud enough to be heard over the music.

Still staring at us, Tony immediately raised a twenty.

Shin chimed in, "Yeah! Homeboy here is harshing my mellow!"

I shook my head and stated, "No, thank you."

Sung laughed, "C'mon, Ben! Just do it!"

"I'll take it if he doesn't want it," Tony stated breathlessly.

I gestured the redhead over. She already had an interested customer. But in a sweet voice, she apologized to Tony, "Maybe a little later, honey." And then she returned her attention to me.

I shrugged and suggested, "I'll buy HIM one." And then I started digging into my pocket, not easy with a hundred-something pounds of woman sitting on your thighs.

"Maybe later," she repeated, arching an eyebrow at me quizzically. She held the look for a long while, scrutinizing me carefully. I felt those glowing eyes peering back into my soul, searching for something without any luck. And with a sigh, she frowned. "I meant what I said before: I've been watching you. I'm trying to figure you out."

I cracked a smile. "Not much to figure out. This just isn't my scene."


I grinned. "No."


I chuckled. "No."

"Hopelessly in love."

I shrugged. "Sure, actually."

"And you don't want to betray your soulmate?"

I snorted. "Uh, not exactly. She'd probably invite you home for a threesome."

Redhead's eyebrows popped at that. "Hmm ... Tempting."

I laughed. "But not tonight. We've got a big day tomorrow."

She turned around once again. "Ah, right. Heidi told me one of your friends is getting married."

I nodded and gestured to Daniel, who currently had a busty brunette shoving her tits into his face while grinding herself down on his crotch. "The lucky groom," I pointed out.

"At least he is getting into the idea of things."

Briefly, I let my eyes yo-yo back down to the redhead's bosom as the idea of motorboating myself amongst that lush titflesh entered my head. But I smirked and brought my gaze back up.

She caught the look again. "Clearly, you want to. But just as clearly, you're not going to. It's not the money, and you say it's not your girlfriend."

I shrugged. "I'm an enigma."

"That you are," she hummed, with more than a hint of interest. There was a sly smile crossing her face, and whether intentionally or not, I'd certainly captured this beautiful woman's attention.

Standing up then, the redhead reached out to my hands and started tugging. "Come on," she stated, telling me more than asking.

I resisted her pull and furrowed my eyebrow. "I'm sorry, but I have to decline."

She shook her head and then leaned down to whisper into my ear. "I'll make it a freebie. No charge."

"It's not about the money," I whispered right back. "I just ... don't need this."

She looked at me again, her eyes shimmering even brighter. And then with a silly grin, she leaned in one more time and whispered, "I just want to talk to you a little more privately. I won't make a move on you. I promise."

I arched an eyebrow and looked at her in surprise.

She smiled mysteriously and said, "C'mon. It'll get your friends off your back about not indulging yourself."

I glanced over; Daniel, Shin, Sung, and Tony were all watching us intently. I sighed: she had a point.

Shrugging, I nodded and let her pull me up. Without another word, she turned while still holding my hand and led me away,

The redhead pulled back a thick velvet curtain and led me into a small room. At table height was essentially a flat, cushioned mattress that ran from corner to corner. With a smile, she pushed me against it and kept pushing until I was flat on my back.

Reaching down, she began unbuttoning my dress shirt, which caused me to raise my hands to her wrists. She didn't flinch when I stopped her. In a low voice, she stated, "Just go with it. My boss wouldn't be happy if he caught me slacking around back here."

I felt a little misled, but figuring I wasn't in any real danger, I let her remove my shirt. She left my undershirt in place as she started to rub my chest. But she quickly released me to hop up onto the makeshift 'bed', straddling my lower body and reaching back to begin unzipping her cocktail dress.

"You promised," I said quietly, while at the same time my eyes went wide as the black material tugged downward, exposing inch after inch of creamy Double-D titflesh. The redhead truly had spectacular breasts, capped with perky pink nipples that were just begging for a suckling.

"There are closed-circuit cameras above us. I have to make it look good," she stated.

I shook my head and then reached up, taking hold of her torso where her dress still covered her skin, gently pushing her away as I sat up. "No. I told you I didn't want this."

"Don't tell me you're afraid of a pair of boobs."

I rolled my eyes. "Hardly."

"Then what is it?"

I gestured around to the little cubicle we were in. "I don't do this."

"With girls you've never met before?"

I chuckled, thinking about my rather sordid past. "Not a problem, actually."

"Okay..." she whistled speculatively. "Then ... you got something against lapdances?"

I shook my head. "I love lapdances. As warm-ups. As foreplay. But you don't know me. I'd have a pretty hard time stopping if you really got me going."

"Tough talk."

I smiled confidently. And in a deadly serious voice, I stated, "It's not just talk."

The redhead's eyes sparkled. The sexual fire had actually increased, and she was looking at me as if for the first time. "You really mean that, don't you?"

Keeping my head up, I nodded slowly.

"So what ... You'd rape me against my will?" There was a breathlessness to her voice.

I frowned. "No, no, of course not. I just don't see the point in doing all this warm-up and teasing without getting down to the main event. Like I tried to tell you outside: this isn't my thing. If I wanted a lapdance from a ridiculously hot babe, I could get one anytime I wanted without all this."

"Your aforementioned girlfriend."

I smiled predatorily as I got off the "bed" and stood up beside her. Leaning in, I put my lips right to her ear. And in a deep voice, with quiet confidence I stated, "And many others."

That got another eyebrow raise. "You really mean that," she said quietly, watching my face intently.

I nodded. "I do."

"So if there weren't any cameras, no burly bouncers to interrupt, and I slammed you back onto that platform there ... If I stripped down this wispy little dress and cupped my supple breasts together, feeding my nipples to your lips and grinding my soaking wet panties against your belly you'd-"

"Flip you over," I interjected casually as I stood behind her, putting my hand on her hip as I continued speaking directly into her ear. "I'd clamp my hand over your mouth and pin you down with one knee. I'd growl into your ear about how I was going to use your body. And then I'd shove two fingers under your soaking wet panties and strum you to the precipice of orgasm inside three minutes."

"Tough talk," she challenged again, although her voice was a little shaky.

I just grinned and continued in a soft tone. "Like I said: you don't know me. I've done it to literally dozens of different girls; I know what I'm talking about. You'd be humming right at the edge of climax, unable to go over it, when I'd flip you onto your back, seize your head in my hands, and then shove my tongue halfway down your throat."

"I don't kiss customers."

"Who said you'd have a choice?" I sneered, starting to get worked up. Leaning in with my hips, I allowed the bulge forming in my pants to push against her still-covered ass. "I'd impose my will over yours, making you understand that for the next hour or so, I would be your Master. I'd bite your neck and grope your perfect tits with one hand while the other resumed pressing your love buttons until you were absolutely quivering with uncontrollable desire. I would tweak sensitive nerves and erogenous zones you didn't even realize you had, turning you into a drooling, twitching mess of a human being that cared for absolutely nothing in this world but the blissful release of orgasmic pleasure."

She shivered visibly. I now rubbed my rock hard erection against her backside while my left hand rested on her shoulder. I wasn't actually touching her anywhere sensitive, not in any threatening way that would be bring in the burly bouncers from their closed-circuit cameras. But my lips stayed at her ears as I continued verbalizing my fantasy conquest.

"I'd enter you at a time when you least expected it. The sudden thickness filling up your very core would be the catalyst for your climax, a monster orgasm that would well up from the hidden depths of your soul. It would radiate out with such force and energy that beams of light would feel like they were streaming out of your eye sockets and the tips of your toes and fingers while a shriek of exquisite ecstasy tore its way out of your throat. And even then, I would only have just begun to destroy you."

"Bull ... shit..." she panted, hanging her head forward even while leaning back against me.

"I've done it before," I stated matter-of-factly, raising my right hand to the small of her back to keep her from leaning against me. And then half-muttering to myself, I added, "I am a sexual creature."

"Then do it to me now," she breathed. Her long, extension-laden eyelashes fluttered rapidly. "Now, do it. Please."

"I can't," I answered quietly, right into her ear. "Closed-circuit cameras. Burly bouncers. I'm sorry."

And with that, I grabbed my dress shirt and opened the curtain, letting myself out.

"Wait," she called after me, but not before five seconds had passed and I'd gotten a good ten feet away from the small room.

I turned around to see her jerking her dress up around her bosom while coming after me, her hair a little in disarray. Even though I'd barely touched her, the redheaded beauty looked rather disheveled.

"Can you..." she began in a shaky voice. "Can you really do that?"

I just grinned. And without another word, I turned and went down the hallway to take me back to the main room.

"There he is!" Kenny cheered as I returned to my friends, having come back before me and been briefed by the others. "How was she?"

I snorted and rolled my eyes. "No comment."

"WHERE is she?" Tony asked desperately, scanning the room. "I'm not leaving until I get a dance from her. Seriously, that chick is the hottest thing I have ever SEEN!"

"Well now's your chance," Shin piped up, looking past my shoulder. "Here she comes."

Furrowing my eyebrows, I picked my head up and glanced back. Sure enough, the redhead made a direct beeline for our table, walking stiffly. Tony was fumbling with his wallet to pull out a stack of twenties, but when she arrived, she simply knelt down next to my chair and seized my hands in a desperate grip.

"Come home with me," she pleaded.

My eyebrows shot up. I glanced at Kenny, and he stared back at me in surprise.

"Please." The redhead jerked on my hands, bringing my attention back to her. "Come home with me," she repeated.

I didn't know how to respond to that, and the first thing I came up with was a joke. "Mom told me not to leave with strangers. What's your name?"

The redhead smiled, showing off twin rows of pearly white teeth. "Destiny."

I smirked. "What's your real name?"

"Sydney," she said quite seriously. "Please."

I looked up, now finding that all the other guys were gaping at me. Poor Tony's jaw was practically on the ground.

Shrugging sadly, I said, "I can't. We've got a wedding tomorrow."

Sydney pouted and then lifted up the little purse she had dangling from one elbow. Fishing in it quickly, she produced a pen and a slightly-worn twenty dollar bill. Scribbling quickly, she wrote her name and a 714 area code phone number. Then shoving it into my hands, she got up and dove at my face, locking her lips onto mine and giving me an intense, white-hot kiss that rivaled Adrienne's for pure nuclear ferocity.

A moment later, she pulled back breathlessly. "Call me. Please," she gasped. And without another word, she walked away, tottering a little off-balance.

"Dude ... What the fuck did you do to her?" Tony gasped in amazement.

"Did SHE just give YOU a twenty?" Shin asked, flabbergasted.

Sung just laughed, a drunken, happy bellow. He clapped Tony on the back and snickered, "I told ya."

Kenny refused to believe I hadn't fucked Sydney in the short time I'd been gone. He was dead certain it was impossible to produce such a reaction in a girl without fucking her. I tried to 'no comment' the whole issue for about five minutes before simply pointing out to Kenny that a woman left wanting in need was far more likely to appear so desperate than one who had completed a sex act.

"That doesn't mean you didn't fuck her. It just means she didn't finish," Sung pointed out.

I shook my head. "These places have closed-circuit cameras manned by burly bouncers, don't they?"

"Oh, right," Kenny sighed. His head perked up and a silly grin crossed his face. "What I wouldn't give to see the camera pointed at Heidi and Daniel right now."

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Chapter X George woke up full of welts, and itching all over. His back and neck were stiff from sleeping hunched over. He scrunched up his face, and could feel the dried salt on his cheeks. He rubbed his chin and cheeks with his right hand as he turned his left arm toward the light filtering through the front window, and peered at his watch. It said 3:15. He got up and walked into the house as he tipped the bottle up and chugged his now warm beer. He set the empty bottle on the kitchen...

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George ISolde and the Brass Ring Polka Band Ch V

Chapter V Isolde woke up drenched in sweat. The sun was beating down on her and her hair was plastered to her forehead. Her hip ached and she had a crick in her neck from lying on it wrong. She looked at her watch. 9:00 it said. “Damn,” she thought. And then, “I really have to pee.” She sat up and looked around. She was in a field that had recently been mowed. The stubble was about four inches high. There was a woods line about 100 yards to her left. To her right, she could see houses in the...

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George ISolde and the Brass Ring Polka Band Ch V

Chapter V Isolde woke up drenched in sweat. The sun was beating down on her and her hair was plastered to her forehead. Her hip ached and she had a crick in her neck from lying on it wrong. She looked at her watch. 9:00 it said. “Damn,” she thought. And then, “I really have to pee.” She sat up and looked around. She was in a field that had recently been mowed. The stubble was about four inches high. There was a woods line about 100 yards to her left. To her right, she could see houses in the...

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College Life 8211 Part 1 8211 Video Chat With Friends

Hi, I’m Ruchi from Kolkata. I’m a 19 yr old girl, fair and slim. People keep telling me I have nice face and figure, but I really don’t take my looks very seriously. Anyway, to the story – I got admitted to college a few months back after clearing school. When dad got me admission in this rich college, I initially had high hopes of making good friends among the girls, but I soon found them stupid and selfish, and realized that boys would make much better and cooler friends. Soon I developed...

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George Isolde etc Chapter VIII

 Chapter VIIISunday morning, after they had all had coffee, Terry and George took the canoe out to go fishing, and Isolde wandered around inside the house, exploring. She found the pull down attic stairway in the upstairs second bedroom, and went up in the attic, just to see what was there. She found several rolled up rugs, and assumed they were in storage until winter. There was an old Electrolux tank vacuum cleaner, and she hauled it, and it’s attachments down into the main house. Maybe I’ll...

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George Isolde etc Chapter XVIII

Chapter XVIII Wednesday morning, they all three awoke at the crack of dawn. Isolde wondered if their new-found camaderie, or maybe love had recharged all of them, and made them want to wake up early, to be together.George spoke first, saying, “Good morning, you two. I love you guys.” Then, springing out of bed, and turning toward Isolde, he said, “If you don’t mind, I’m gonna hop in the shower first, so I can get my ass off to Glen Burnie.”“Are you sure you don’t want company?” Isolde asked,...

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George Isolde etc Chapter XVI

Chapter XVI While they were sitting out on the porch, George started having second thoughts again. He was sitting in one of the rockers, with his feet up on the crossbar, and suddenly sat forward, and planted both feet on the floor. He stood up and turning, said over his shoulder, “I gotta got to the bathroom. I’ll be right back.” He went through the front door and down the hallway. After he left, Isolde said to Terry, “I think he is having some approach-avoidance issues with this whole...

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Upholding college tradition

Although I didn't get the grades they asked for, the college still confirmed the offer of a place for me. Lady Cecilia's College, not the most prestigious campus, but nevertheless I'd be able to say I'd studied at Cambridge. It had been an all-girl college for decades, but this academic year it had allowed boys in too. I turned up for fresher's week. I registered and was allocated a room in a hall of residence. My Mum helped me to get my belongings from the car to the room, wished me...

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George Isolde etc Chap XIII XIV

Chapter XIII It was just 5:00 when Isolde pulled into the driveway and parked behind George’s VW. George and Terry came out of the house to greet her and she said, “Here – each of you grab a bag of groceries. Watch that one, Terry – it’s heavy.” She had bought several cans of soup, and some tomatoes and the rest of the ingredients for marinara sauce, and the store bagger had put all of the cans in one bag. “I forgot you were gonna have to rent a car,” said George. “We have to do something...

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George Isolde etc Chapter XVII

Chapter XVII As he began to remove the sheets, George suddenly realized that it would be silly to take his standard sheets into Isolde’s bed, when it was a king-sized mattress. So he stopped pulling at the sheets, and simply picked up his pillow, and went back across the hallway to Isolde’s bedroom. He didn’t know exactly what he expected when he walked into the doorway, but what he hadn’t counted on was the musky smell of recent sex that permeated the room. He had a momentary pang of...

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George Isolde and the Brass Ring Polka Band

Dedication This dedication is long and necessarily so. The book has taken me three decades to write, mostly because I didn’t start actually putting pen to paper, so to speak, until I had all my background ducks in a row. Putting ducks in a row is like herding cats; patience becomes the primary virtue. This book is Tom Woolfolk’s fault. Well, actually, Tom’s and Sheila’s jointly. We three commuted to work together for a few years in the early eighties, and during those long and boring rides,...

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George Isolde etc Chapter XVII

Chapter XVII As he began to remove the sheets, George suddenly realized that it would be silly to take his standard sheets into Isolde’s bed, when it was a king-sized mattress. So he stopped pulling at the sheets, and simply picked up his pillow, and went back across the hallway to Isolde’s bedroom. He didn’t know exactly what he expected when he walked into the doorway, but what he hadn’t counted on was the musky smell of recent sex that permeated the room. He had a momentary pang of...

1 year ago
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An Ordinary College Sex Life 2Chapter 13 Dawns Story

DAWN -- MONDAY, MAY 24, 2004, SUMMER BREAK -- "Morning, Mom," I greeted as I walked into the kitchen. Mom was already seated at the breakfast nook table, sipping coffee and looking over the newspaper. "You're up early," she commented. "I would have thought you'd be sleeping in now that school's out." "Yeah, well somebody gets kind of horny in the mornings," I grumbled, rolling my eyes upstairs to where my boyfriend had fallen asleep again after re-filling me with his cum. Mom...

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An Ordinary College Sex Life 3Chapter 21 Elyse

My vignette: OSL: Elyse is a prerequisite for this chapter. If you have not read OSL: Elyse, stop reading now and go back to read that vignette. Otherwise this chapter won't make much sense. ELYSE -- JULY 2003 -- It wasn't raining. Aren't funerals supposed to be held under gray clouds and damp air? Every time I thought about a funeral, I imagined people huddled under black umbrellas wearing black clothing while forlornly watching the casket being lowered into the ground. And always it...

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How I Became a Sexless Cuckold

I met my wife at work. She was ten years younger than me and it was her first job out of college. She was very pretty and had a sexy petite body. She worked out and it showed, her arms and legs though thin were defined and she had a great round firm ass. Her tits weren’t big but looked bigger on her small frame. She was very outgoing and friendly and we hit it off. I was the opposite, shy, especially with women. I only had a few long term girlfriends and when I wasn’t dating I usually wasn’t...

4 years ago
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Ich war mir nicht sicher, ob ich richtig gesehen hatte. Hatte sich die Figur etwa doch bewegt? Jeder kennt diese alten Brunnen, die auf Marktpl?tzen zu finden sind. Aus Steinen gebaut, und oft mit einer Figur obendrauf. Eine G?ttin der Gerechtigkeit etwa, mit verbundenen Augen und einer Waage in der Hand. Hier war es allerdings ein - nackter - J?ngling. Nicht besonders gro?, so knapp einen Meter, und aus einem r?tlichen Stein gehauen. So etwas kann sich nicht bewegen, sagt einem der Ve...

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An Ordinary College Sex Life 3Chapter 13 Back to School

-- MONDAY, JANUARY 16, 2006, WINTER BREAK -- I awoke early... really early. It was not yet sunrise, and all the lights were off in the room. But we were only a day or two past the full moon, and silvery beams of light peering through the cracks around the window curtains gave me enough illumination to make out the features of my bedroom. I found myself in a familiar position: spooned behind a warm female with my left arm beneath her pillow and my right arm wrapped around her body. My...

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A Cute College Girl8217s Sexcapades 8211 Pt 1 First Kiss

Hi readers, this is the first sex story I have ever written. So please be kind and let me know how you like it. Your comments will make me a better writer. Before I start this story, a brief description about me. My name is Nikita. I am 26 years old, single and independent girl. My friends always say how cute I look but what they don’t know is how much I love sex. I am 5’3″ tall and I weigh 54 kg. I have a fair complexion, shoulder length brown hairs (coloured), pink lips, and I am slightly...

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An Ordinary College Sex Life 2Chapter 8 Theories of SelfInterest

-- JANUARY 2005, JUNIOR YEAR -- "You're kidding." I think I felt my jaw hit the ground. Dawn chuckled, covering her mouth with a hand while her eyes twinkled. "After all that?" Bert just shrugged. "Chevelle dropped the program. If it's any consolation, I went up and asked her point-blank if it had anything to do with you. She said it wasn't. She'd just decided for herself that Business wasn't her career path." I rubbed my forehead. Dawn was right. After all THAT. I could have...

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College Sexscapades

(episode 17)After I finished writing and posting, “The Ménage-A-Trois,” I began to reminisce about all of the great times my friends and I had my last 2 years of college living in that rental house that we had restored in exchange for free rent. It was perhaps the most memorable 2 year period ever for me. It began with that friends-with-benefits period that lasted a few months peaking out during Fall semester of 2006 of my Junior year at the University of Georgia.Chip and Vic, my two best...

College Sex
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College Cuckold Part 1

College Cuckold If you’ve read the account of the first time my (then) future wife cuckolded me (Laurie and George), you might remember that it was a night of many firsts for both of us – physically and emotionally. What indirectly led to her sleeping with my friend was a story she related to me a few weeks before that fateful day about being approached by several guys in the parking lot between her dorm room and the gymnasium at the small college we were both attending. It was early during a...

Wife Lovers
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An Ordinary College Sex LifeChapter 22 The Text

BEN FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 2004, SOPHOMORE YEAR I breathed shallowly while forcing myself not to panic. If Dawn was in trouble, she would have either said so in her text, or the text itself would have been much shorter. Still, she said to hurry so I was walking pretty fast. Dawn's apartment was only a couple of blocks away and it didn't take me long to get there. I was about to knock when I realized the front door was cracked open just a bit. The sense of panic set in again. Something was...

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George Isolde etc Chapter IX

Chapter IX Terry was in the bathroom when Isolde got to the top of the stairs. She rapped her knuckles on the door as she went by, and said, “I’m next.” She heard a muffled, “Okay.” A minute or two later, Terry came out of the bathroom, carrying and drying his hands on the towel. He handed the towel to Isolde, saying, “I guess you will want this.” He went into the bedroom, and lay down on his back on the bed. As he waited for Isolde to finish whatever she was doing in the bathroom (putting in...

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College football cuckold couple

Hey take that damn robe off woman, it's hot as hell outside and you have this crap on said Big Jim to his wife Susan. Mrs. Susan replied no dear I'm not dressed properly underneath this robe. Your work buddy is here, enjoy the college football game while I finish cleaning the house. Beisdes you have the A.C. unit on 68 degrees it's cold as heck in here. Mrs. Susan had on a knee length sheer red robe. The material highlighted her tanned body juicy thick thighs and her small painted feet to...

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Ordinary Joe A Beginning

Ordinary Joe - A Beginning Anna Feie I was just an "ordinary joe" when this all began over a decade ago. That Wednesday so many years ago enabled me to change my life forever. Curiously, I never had the urge to think about being a woman before that fateful day. The day that I won 219 million dollars in the lottery, I was looking at 138 million dollars after taxes to be paid to me over a 30-year period or just take the cash option of 112 million. Guess what I did, I took the cash...

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Ordinary Day

Attending the University was not like what I saw in movies, nothing like it. In all movies it would show beautiful promiscuous white girls running around without clothes on. Well this place had beautiful white women, even teachers (but that's a different story) but they allways had there clothes on. I used to think to my self what it took to have girls do to me what they did in movies, you know sex in public places, group sex, or porn activites like cumming in a girls mouth. Well happened to me...

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Goldie Goes Country

I woke up and looked over at Goldie, she was sleeping soundly. She had a soft smile on her lips. I wanted to kiss her but instead I got up and went to relieve myself. When I returned she was sitting on the side of the bed. I sat beside her and pushed her back and kissed her sweet lips, she tried to pull away but my hand slipped under her gown and between her legs. She stopped struggling and her arms went around my neck. She pulled her face back, ‘Please let me go to the bathroom. I’ll be...

2 years ago
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22 Year Old College Student Has Sex With 52 Year Old Woman

Note: As with all my stories this one is absolutely true with only the names and a few details changed to protect the innocent. My husband had to be out of town overnight several weeks ago, so I decided to go to Galveston, Texas in order to soak in the beach and the sun. I’ve always loved the ocean with the sounds of the waves splashing against the shore, the smell of the water, and the wind at my face. I loved to gaze out into the seemingly endless ocean and fantasize about faraway lands. For...

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The Sexapade In The College With A Professor

Hey readers! Haven’t been posting any story for a long time due to a busy schedule. But now I’m back with an incident that happened somewhere, some time and with someone, I wouldn’t expect ever in my life! We have been studying organizational culture (OC) in our college as per our curriculum. The faculty for OC, Ankita looks pretty but her voice is damn irritating! If the students of our class had a choice, we would put cotton in our ears to avoid her voice tearing through our eardrums! But she...

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An Ordinary College Sex Life 3Chapter 11 Big Bear

-- MONDAY, DECEMBER 26, 2005, WINTER BREAK -- I felt something tickle my balls, and with a start, I jerked awake. "Mmph!" a girl moaned and I realized I'd just shoved my dick an inch into somebody's throat. She took it like a trouper, gagging only slightly and keeping her head down, breathing heavily through her nose until I pulled back. But this morning I didn't stop at pulling back. I sat up, reached down, and forced my sleepy eyelids open so I could take a good look at the head of...

4 years ago
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An Ordinary College Sex Life 3Chapter 3 Moving Forward

-- SEPTEMBER 2005, SENIOR YEAR -- "What do you think, deli?" I thought about the three or four different sandwiches I might order at our usual deli, and shook my head. "Kinda in the mood for Blondie's." "Pizza again?" Bert made a face. "How 'bout Thai?" We'd gotten Thai food last week, but I'd ordered Pad Thai then and today the thought of Crying Tiger actually appealed. So I head-nodded south in the direction we'd need to go. Bert turned at the next fork in the walkway, and...

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An Ordinary College Sex Life 2Chapter 3 The New Year

-- AUGUST 2004, JUNIOR YEAR -- Brooke called me from her cell phone just before they arrived, so Dawn and I were on the porch as the family van turned into the driveway. The asphalt was still cracked, but I'd killed the weeds growing through them. I'd also mowed the lawn, mended the wood fence, and generally cleaned up the place. I wanted to prove to my parents that Dawn and I could live together and maintain a household without supervision from any "adults" or even big sisters. Having...

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The Keyholder Pt 4

Ben pushed his face against the locker’s metal grille, desperate to get one last look at Amy as she strode away. She had such a sexy walk with her swinging hips hugged by tight white cotton trousers. He could see the slight bulge of the keys in the back pocket as her body pulled the fabric one way then the other. He watched her dark hair flow behind her, desperately hoping for one last turn of the head and one last smile. Yes, there it was.All too soon though, Amy had disappeared from sight and...

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Episode 64 Goldilocks and Postman Pat

IntroductionThis episode continues from Goldilocks and the Three Bears.The Three Bears must be out playing in the forest, because they don't appear in this story.So there is no opportunity for any sex with a****ls, or indeed between a****ls (to avoid upsetting Jenny Cumslut). We discover that Goldilocks has an identical blonde twin sister, named Spike, and they used to play a masturbation racing game involving bed knobs. Unlike the previous story featuring the ch1ldren Jade and Grace, there is...

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Want to get kinky at Fet Life? Never before have fetishes and kinks been as popular as they are today. I don’t know if it is because the invention of the internet has led to a greater level of transparency and communication when it comes to peoples’ deepest sexual desires or if it is because we are just becoming more open and accepting as a society. Or maybe it is something else altogether. Whatever the reason, more and more people are embracing their kinks, and it is a beautiful thing to...

Hookup Sites
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Goldilocks and the Three Bears

One morning Uncle Bear cooked them some porridge for breakfast. As the porridge was too hot to eat, the Three Bears decided to take a walk in the woods while it cooled. They had not been gone long when a young girl named Goldilocks came along. She had been picking flowers and had wandered into the woods. She was very pretty, her long curly golden hair tied back from her freckled face with blue ribbons, skipping along in a short, pale blue, lace-edged dress so occasionally her yellow...

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Goldilocks and the Three Bears

There was once a family of three men, who were known locally as “The Three Bears” who lived in a cozy cottage in the woods where they worked as lumberjacks. There was great big, more than seven foot tall “Daddy Bear”, medium size six foot four “Uncle Bear”, and a shorter, eighteen year old “Junior Bear”. They got their name from the huge quantity of thick black body hair that covered them, complemented by bushy beards, their stocky stature (not to mention rather round bellies in the older two)...

Group Sex
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The Family Goldman 7

"Damn you guys," I managed to curse while gasping for air. The abrupt transition from the Autopilot-mode into full-control of Kimberly's persona had left me fully disoriented and suffocated. My eyes watered and I felt some kind of brain freeze strumming my head. Meanwhile, my two seniors just laughed their asses off at the living room. Virginia Mendez was still topless, sitting in one of the couch of the living room. Her ample tan breasts jiggled as she roared with her raspy...

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An Ordinary College Sex Life 3Chapter 15 The Charter

-- FEBRUARY 2006, SENIOR YEAR -- I knocked, and after a little while the door swung open. Brooke gave me a smile and said, "Hey. It's good to see you. Feels like it's been forever." "Seventeen days," I replied. "But yeah, it's been a while." "We've talked on the phone," she protested, recognizing the hurt tone in my voice. I rolled my eyes. "To scold me about the sex tape." She frowned. "There was at least one other call before that ... like a week ago." "When I asked...

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Helping old Harold fuck his lovely randy wife

After my very successful and enjoyable experiences of helping older men get hard for their frustrated old lady wives and partners and helping fuck them as well, it seemed that word had got out and I was receiving at least one call a week to help other old couples.And I found that although old, some had some very hidden and erotic turn-ons. Maud and Harold was one such couple. As Maud told me on the phone, they were in their late sixties and she was finding it increasingly difficult to get...

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CollegeSexDiaries 01 Zeldas First Fuckover

The following is a TRUE STORY about an amazing college fling I had — I recently helped a lovely young woman, Zelda, discover her sexual maturity: i.e., lose her virginity. Other than the names have been changed and the exact locations disguised — everything described herein is true and correct and happened the summer of 2015 in western Massachusetts. ZELDA AT AMHERST I think the term, “losing one’s virginity” is a bit old fashioned and has negative connotations of very traditional gender...

3 years ago
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The Keyholder

The Keyholder?Just that please.? Ben mumbled as he nervously placed the steel chastity cage and padlock on the counter. He was on his way back from drinks with the football team and the elation of winning combined with the alcohol had given him the courage to finally indulge one of his fantasies. Careful not to make too much eye contact, he glanced briefly at the woman behind the counter, who smiled kindly as she wrapped the cage for him and took the cash. He was now really starting to feel...

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The Family Goldman 6

Our Mercedes cruised in moderate speed, leaving the mall - where I just did my first task since I joined my team as one of the disguise specialist impersonating the Goldmans?: interviewing a dangerous member from clandestine movement. The car passed through old houses and classic buildings which glistened graciously under this afternoon sun. People went out to enjoy the September - rarely - clear blue sky . I glimpsed at children playing around at the sidewalk. Old people at caf?s. T...

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Goldilocks And The Three Lumberjacks

In a time not long ago, a young girl named Goldilocks had just turned eighteen. It was a warm summer day when she decided to take a stroll in the forest. It wasn't long before she noticed the aroma of food coming from the trees off to the right. Taking in a deep breath, her large breasts rose up and the buttons popped off. The warm air on her bare skin felt good. Being hungry, she followed the scent and stepped off the path, not bothering to cover up.It wasn't long before she saw a log cabin...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Goldie Lox and the Three Behrs A Twisted Fairy Tale

Once upon a time there was a girl named Goldie. Her parents were very mean to her. Like, they made her actually clean her room! And come home on time when there was a curfew!! And be respectful of old people, like her lecherous boss down at the Hit and Miss Drive In, where she wore roller skates to take food to people!!! It was a real bummer for Goldie, but her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lox were serious about her growing up to be a proper woman. They made her eat her vegetables at every meal too,...

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An Ordinary College Sex LifeChapter 6 Crushes

JANUARY 2003, WINTER BREAK When I returned to my house, it was just before 4pm. All was quiet but the Mustang was parked out on the sidewalk again. Adrienne must be home. I walked into the room and looked over to find my girlfriend sitting on my bed, hugging a pillow. There were tear tracks down her cheeks and her eyes were bloodshot as she glanced up at me. She took one look at my well-fucked appearance and squeezed her eyes shut, pinching her chin in towards her chest while she curled...

2 years ago
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Episode 62 Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Once upon a time there were three bears: Mummy Bear, Daddy Bear and Baby Bear. They lived in a cave in the forest and one day out walking they came across a pretty wooden cottage. The front door was open, so they walked in. Daddy Bear was a bit too tall, so he had to bend his head to get through the door; Mummy Bear was a bit too wide, so she had to squeeze her rounded tummy through the doorframe, but little Baby Bear was exactly the right size, so just walked straight in.Daddy Bear was very...

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Cleaning for Master Holden

Cleaning for Master HoldenJoanne works for Rock Creek Maids three times a week: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. She only works in the mornings, and usually not past noon. The maid service employs twelve female Rock Creek residents and four male residents, all part-time. Joanne likes working there. The other maids are friendly, and most of the customers are really nice. Her part-time job provides her with some supplemental money so she doesn't always have to go nagging to her master for a few...

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The Family Goldman 4

"Just a reminder, Grasshopper. This is your boss speaking...,"Mendez's statement was cordial. Her voice though, was stern and commanding. There was no doubt. The accent and the inflection. It was all hers. Virgina Mendez. Even though I've spent several months with her as my "father", I rarely heard her speaking with her real voice. Usually she only addressed me under her guise of Bruce Goldman, the father of Kimberly Goldman, the cute 17-year-old whose identity I...

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Fairytale Adventures Ch1Goldilocks

Author's Note: This story contains some elements of reluctance (turned into willingness), as well as lesbian sex. I hope you enjoy =)-----------------------------Kristen awoke to find herself in the yard of a house... but not the kind of house that she was used to. This house was more of a cottage with a thatched roof... although larger than any cottage she would have ever pictured. Staring at the unfamiliar scenery for a moment, she felt a breeze blow across her body and looking she realized...

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Goldilocks and the Three Bears

There was once a family of three men, who were known locally as “The Three Bears” who lived in a cozy cottage in the woods where they worked as lumberjacks. There was great big, more than seven foot tall “Daddy Bear”, medium size six foot four “Uncle Bear”, and a shorter, eighteen year old “Junior Bear”. They got their name from the huge quantity of thick black body hair that covered them, complemented by bushy beards, their stocky stature (not to mention rather round bellies in the older two)...

Group Sex
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An Ordinary College Sex Life 3Chapter 20 Vendetta

-- TUESDAY, APRIL 4, 2006, SENIOR YEAR -- I was waiting outside her office, leaning against the wall with a paperback of Sudoku puzzles in my hand. I was so engrossed in my current puzzle that I didn't notice her arrival. One minute, I was marking dots to represent the number 2 in a square in the upper-right hand corner; the next, she was clearing her throat right in front of me. "Benjamin. You are in my way," Viktoriya Isakova stated calmly with a bemused smile on her face. I dropped...

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