- 3 years ago
- 33
- 0
I met Christine at a seminar on Industrial Relations. It was mostly bullshit from people who had never held a tool in their hands and had no real world experience. They were full theories that they had learned from textbooks, but my company was paying the freight so there I was.
When we broke for lunch I headed for the hotel restaurant. I stopped at the bathroom to take a whiz and when I got to the restaurant I found that all the seats were taken and the greeter told me there was at least a twenty minute wait. She asked for my name so she could add it to her list, but I told her to forget it; I’d go someplace else for lunch. I heard a voice say:
“I wish I could do that.”
I turned and saw an extremely attractive brunette sitting on a chair in the waiting area.
“Why don’t you?” I asked. “There are a lot of restaurants in the area.”
“No car. I could walk to one, but I’d never get back in time for the afternoon session of the seminar.”
“Not a problem. You can ride with me if you think you can put up with a dirty old man for an hour.”
“You’re not old.”
“I’ve been a dirty old man where good looking women are concerned since I was thirteen.”
“I’ll chance it” she said and stood up, took the arm I offered and we headed out.
The Village Inn was the closest so that is where we went. On the drive over I asked her where she worked and was surprised to find out that she worked for the same company I did only out at one of suburban offices. She didn’t have a car and had taken the bus to get to the seminar.
We chatted over lunch and I found out she was single and shared a house with two of her friends. From me she found out that I was single and had a three bedroom house.
“Why does a bachelor have a three bedroom house?”
“Planning ahead. I won’t be single forever and I expect to have kids eventually so I’ll need the extra bedrooms and my father convinced me that it was better to build equity than collect rent receipts. I had enough in savings for a down payment so I went ahead and bought a house.”
She gave a small smile at hearing that and then we discussed the seminar and I found that she had the same opinion that I did of what was being spouted. The waitress had put everything on one check and when lunch was over Chris asked me what her share was and I told her it was my treat. When we got back to the hotel meeting room she thanked me for taking her to lunch and then she went to her seat and I went to mine.
When the seminar was over I spent ten minutes talking to a few others I knew who were in attendance and when I got to the lobby I saw that it was pouring down rain. I saw Chris standing at the door looking at the falling rain and I remembered her telling me she had to take a bus to get to the seminar and I knew just what she was thinking. She did not want to go out and stand at the bus stop in the rain and wait for the bus.
I walked up to her and asked if she would rather ride with me than wait on a bus and she smiled and said that she would indeed. By the time I got her to her house I had a date with her to go to dinner and dancing on Friday night.
On Friday night when I picked her up I met her two roommates. Brenda was a blond sexpot and her overall appearance screamed out “Fuck me! Please! Somebody fuck me!” Maria was a good looking redhead with a slim body that didn’t look strong enough to carry her breasts which I guessed were 38’s or 40’s.
On the way to the restaurant I noticed Chris looking at me with a bemused smile and I asked her what she was smiling about.
“I saw the way you were looking at my roommates. Nothing new there. All guys look at them the way you did.”
“Why does that make you smile?”
“Because I know what guys want to do to them when they see them.”
“Once again; why does that make you smile?”
“I smile because I know something that all the guys who look at them don’t.”
“And what might that be?”
“They are both dyed in the wool lesbians and are way into each other.”
“Hopefully the fact that you are with me on a date means that you don’t share their views where men are concerned.”
“That would be a safe assumption.”
We talked over dinner and we learned a lot about each other. She was one of six kids and the only girl and as a result of playing with her brothers and their friends she grew up as a tomboy. She had gone to college on a basketball scholarship and had been working where I work since she graduated.
“I know what the company pays so you should be able to afford a car. Why are you taking buses to get around?”
She had been smiling while we were talking, but when she heard that question the smile disappeared. She stared at me silently for maybe ten seconds and then she aid:
“I don’t need a car because I don’t have a driver’s license.”
“They are easy enough to get.”
“I don’t have one because they took mine away from me.”
I figured from her tone and response that it was a sore subject with her and I’d best back away from it so I said nothing, but then she went on.
“It wasn’t my finest hour. I caught my husband in bed with the bitch who was supposed to be my best friend. I went and got blind stinking drunk and was stupid enough to drive in that condition. I ran the car into a bridge abutment and totaled it. Luckily I had my seatbelt on and the airbag deployed. I was given a DUI and I saw no sense in buying another car until I can get my license back. Should get it back by the end of this month.”
“Still have the husband?”
“Hell no! I got rid of his worthless ass when I sobered up.” She smiled and said “He got his. He married the bitch and she cheated on him, caught the clap and gave it to him. I laughed for weeks when I heard that.”
“Didn’t sour you on marriage did it?”
“No, but I’m going to be a lot more selective in choosing the next one. I’m going to have to be sure of him before I say yes to a proposal. What’s your story? I would have expected a man your age to be married by now.”
“Similar to yours only times three or four. My fiancé Sarah had her bachelorette party and two days before the wedding I got a package in the mail. It was pictures of my fiancé having sex with three or four guys while her girlfriends stood around and urged her on. The package also had a note in it that said “Are you sure you want to marry someone like this?” I never found out who sent the package, but the answer to the question was no and not just no, but HELL NO!
“She tried to convince me it meant nothing. It was just a last hurrah before settling down to be a faithful wife and mother, but I wasn’t buying it. A year or so later she married some other guy and he caught her cheating on him and he shot her and her lover. A year after I broke up with her I met Marge, dated her for six months and then proposed. She said yes and moved in with me. Two months later I came home two days early from a business trip and caught her in bed with two guys. Her father and her brother.
“Next on the hit parade was Jackie. We went together for about four months before she moved in with me. Same deal as with Marge. Came home early and found her in bed with a guy. The guy quickly dressed and got the hell out and when he was gone I asked her why. She looked at me like I was brain dead and said:
“Did you see the size of his member when he pulled out of me? I just had to try on something that big if only to see if I could get inside me.”
“I’ve been a tad leery of relationships since then. It took me a year before I began to date again.”
Dinner was followed by drinks and dancing. We had a good time and I enjoyed being with her. When I took her home I did get a kiss on the cheek and a “Call me; I had fun and I’d like to do it again.”
The second date led to a dozen more. On the fourth date I got a knee buckling good night kiss. On the sixth we had a hot make out session in the car when I took her home. On the ninth she said she didn’t want to make out in the car:
“And since we can’t do it at my place without an audience I think we should go to your place.”
At my place we had steamy make out session. The next two dates ended up at my place and on the second one she asked
“Why are we wasting time? We both know what we want to do.”
“I’ve been taking it slow because I didn’t want to scare you off.”
“That’s nice to know; that you don’t want to scare me off. Lead me to your bedroom. I want to see if we have a future.”
“What do you mean?”
“A few of my friends have gotten married and then divorced because they found out that they were not sexually compatible with their men. In all the cases they didn’t have sex with their partners before marrying them. Both parties were virgins when they went to their marriage beds and both said that they wouldn’t have married the men they did if they would have known beforehand what they were getting into. I know what they are talking about because I also experienced it. I didn’t go into my marriage with Jeff as a virgin. I’d had a few boyfriends before he came along and I’d dumped a couple of them because they were lousy lays.”
“So if I don’t ring your chimes tonight I’m history? Thanks, but no thanks. Grab your coat. I need to get you home.”
“What? You can’t be serious. I’m ready to go and you are saying no?”
“That I am.”
“You aren’t making sense here. You are turning down freely offered sex? Why in the hell would you do that?”
“I have my reasons and that’s all I’m going to say. Come on; get your coat and let’s go.”
She got her coat and stomped over to the front door, turned and looked at me as she pulled her cell phone out of her purse and said:
“Fuck you Dave! I’ll call a cab. I don’t feel like being around you right now.”
She went out and closed the door behind her. I was moving toward the door to go out and catch her and tell her not to waste her money on a cab when I caught myself. The break wasn’t clean, but it was still a break. I caught her and talked her out of getting a cab it would just prolong things. As it stood right then it was over. Leave it that way was my thinking. I went into the kitchen, poured myself a generous amount of Jack in a glass over ice and sat down at the kitchen table and thought about what had just gone down. I had really liked Christine. Shit! Admit it Dave. It was more than just like. I honestly thought that the relationship was going to go somewhere. I finished the Jack and went to bed.
The next few weeks went by and for me it was pretty much go to work, go home, sleep, get up and go to work again. I did think about Christine a lot, but resisted all the urges to pick up the phone and call her. It was a Thursday, three weeks since the day Christine and I parted when I walked into my office and found Christine waiting there.
“About time you got here. I’ve been sitting here waiting on you for a half an hour now.”
“You’re lucky. It could have longer. I’m ten minutes early. What brings you here?”
“I need to know what happened. I thought we had something good going.”
“Not the time and place to talk about it?”
“Okay; give me a time and a place.”
I looked at her and thought “Do I really want to go there” and then decided to give her what she wanted.
“The Hideaway at five-thirty.”
“You aren’t just jiving me are you? You will be there?”
“I’ll be there.”
She left and as she walked away I wondered why I hadn’t just told her it was personal and I wasn’t going to talk about it, but even as I had the thought I knew why I didn’t. The fact that she was in my office waiting for me told me that she wouldn’t let it go until she knew why. I just decided to get it over with.
I didn’t get much done that day. It seemed like I was looking at my watch every ten minutes or so with five-thirty at the Hideaway on my mind. The day finally ended and I headed for my meeting with Christine. She was already there sitting in a booth in the back waiting for me when I got there. She had already ordered and there was a Jack over ice siting on the table waiting for me. I sat down, picked up the drink, took a sip and set it back down and looked across the table at her.
“Okay Dave; let me in on it.”
“Alice, Elise, Marge, Sarah and Jackie.”
“What does that mean?”
“You wanted to know what happened to us and I just told you.”
“You didn’t tell me shit; you just said five names.”
“Those names are why we cratered. You remember our last time together?”
She nodded a yes and I asked “Remember what you said?”
She shrugged and I said “Think back on it. What were the words that followed “Lead me to your bedroom?”
She shook her head in an “I don’t remember manner” and I said “Your exact words were “Lead me to your bedroom. I need to see if we have a future.”
“Remember it now?”
“To me that meant you were saying if I didn’t do it for you I would be history. Think back to what I told you about my history with women. I never covered high school and college. From tenth grade to graduation I went steady with two girls and they both dumped me. It happened again in college. I met Alice at Freshman Indoctrination and by midterm we were going steady. She dumped me for a jock midway through our sophomore year. In my junior year I hooked up with Elise and she traded me in for another guy the third week of our senior year. Beginning to get the picture? You think maybe I was starting to wonder what was wrong with me that I couldn’t keep a girl? All of that shit behind me and then you basically tell me that if I don’t measure up in the bedroom I’m history? Can you imagine what it would have done to me if we had done it and then you started saying no to me when I asked for dates? Well fuck that shit!”
“I’m sorry you took it that way. I only meant it as a funny,”
“How was I supposed to know that? You had just finished telling me about your girlfriends and that you had dumped a couple of guys who were lousy lays. Right after that you hit me with if we have a future shit? No way I saw it as you making a joke.”
“Well that’s all it was. The reason I’m here is I wanted to know what was wrong and see if I could fix it. I was sure we had something good going before it left the rails and I wanted it to continue. I want to put us back on the tracks.”
She looked at me expectantly as I considered what she said. I’d also thought we had something good going and I had wanted it to continue. Like her I would like to put us back on track, but in the back of my mind there was a little kernel of ‘leery.’ It might not be manly of me to admit it, but I was afraid of being hurt again. If it happened again I wasn’t sure that I’d be able to eventually get over it. While she said she was joking when she said the future thing she had also said she had dumped a couple of guys because they didn’t measure up in the bedroom as far as she was concerned. I sat there looking at her as all those thoughts raced through my head. Suddenly from somewhere in my brain a voice said:
“Cowboy up Dave. You might never meet someone this nice again. Don’t let her go!”
I took a deep breath and asked “Would you like to have dinner with me tomorrow?”
Her smile when she heard that lit up the room. We made arrangements for me to pick her up at her place at six and she got up and headed home.
I arrived at her place at six and rang the doorbell. Brenda answered the bell and when she opened the door and saw it was me her face went hard and she said:
“Oh; it’s you.”
I can get my back up just like anyone else and her attitude ticked me off.
“Fucking A doddle it’s me. You want to take your pissy attitude and go and let my date know I’m here?”
She turned and walked away leaving the door open. I didn’t know if I was supposed to follow, but I decided not to. A minute later Chris came to the door.
“Why are you standing there?”
“Seemed to be safer to stay here than go inside where Brenda and I could get into it.”
She gave me a long look and then said “I’ll get my purse.”
She came back with her purse and we went out and got in the car and as I pulled away from the curb she asked:
“Care to tell me what happened back there?”
I told her and she said “I’m sorry. It was my fault.”
“Your fault? How is it your fault?”
“The night I stomped out of your place I came home in a pissy mood and Brenda and Lois asked me what was wrong. I told them you had thrown me out. I know that you didn’t really, but at the time that is how I felt. The way it went down to me meant you were throwing our relationship away. They both wanted to get in the car, drive over to your place and cut your balls off. It didn’t help any that I have been in a bitchy mood since that night. When I told them I was going out with you tonight they tried to talk me out of it. They said you would just hurt me again and that you were an asshole and didn’t deserve a second chance. They are unhappy with me because I told them to butt out. They are my best friends and have been since high school and they worry about me. Don’t let Brenda’s attitude get to you.”
After dinner we went to the Boom Boom Room for drinks and dancing and from the way Chris pushed her body against mine as we danced I knew how she hoped the evening would end. I wanted it too, but the fear of rejection following it was still alive and well in my mind. Once again from somewhere in my head the voice was yelling at me “Cowboy up Dave.”
At eleven-thirty we were in the car and I asked “Where to?”
She looked at me and said “Your place?”
She said it as a question. The voice in my head was screaming now “Cowboy up Dave; cowboy up and do it!”
I smiled and said “My place it is.”
When we got to my place she headed straight for the bedroom. There was no talking. It was walking through the front door and go straight to the bedroom. I followed along behind her. As soon as she was in the room her clothes were hitting the floor. It was all happening faster than I expected and as a result I was a little behind her in the shedding of clothes. By the time my clothes joined hers on the floor she had the bedcovers down and was lying on the bed spread out and waiting.
It was almost magical. I went down on her and my mouth gave her her first orgasm. She had two more when I made love to her in the missionary. She went down on me and got me up for a second round and I gave her two more orgasms. Then it was sixty-nine followed by a session of doggy and I got her off one more time.
I was all set to cuddle and snuggle when Chris sat up and said “Oh shit! Look at the time. I have to work today. You need to get me home so I can shower and change clothes.”
“On a Saturday?”
“We have an audit scheduled for Monday and I’m going in to see that we are ready for it.”
I hid my disappointment and got up and dressed. On the way to her place she apologized.
“I didn’t expect the night to end the way it did. Knowing I had to work today I should have waited for our next date.”
When I asked if we could get together that evening she told me she couldn’t because she would be absolutely beat and when I asked about Sunday she said she couldn’t because she had a baby shower to go to. I didn’t press it. When we got to her place she gave me a hot passionate kiss and then hurried inside.
The house kept me busy over the weekend. That was one of the tradeoffs when you went the build equity rather than collect rent receipts route. You couldn’t call the landlord to fix things. Monday I called Christine’s office and Mavis answered the phone. Mavis used to work in my office, but had transferred to the Hanover office to be closer to home and to her kid’s school. I asked for Christine and Mavis told me she was in a meeting. Because she was an old friend I asked I asked how she was doing, asked about her hubby and kids and then listened to her answers. Then, purely to make conversation I asked how the audit was going.
“Audit? What audit?”
“The one you had to work on Saturday for.”
“I don’t know anything about an audit and nobody has worked on a Saturday in this office in the two years I’ve been here.”
“I guess I’m thinking of something else. Say hi to Burt for me okay?”
As I hung up the phone I was shaking my head and telling myself I should have known better that to take back up with Christine again. If I could have gotten my hands on the voice in my head that kept telling me to “Cowboy up” I would have strangled it to death. I “Cow boyed up” and look what it got me. I was once again left with the impression I couldn’t get it done in the bedroom. Alice, Elise, Sarah, Marge, Jackie and now Christine. Fuck it! I’d start using call girls where the only one I’d have to worry about satisfying was me.
I knew a couple of girls who worked for an escort service and I knew that they both provided ‘extra services’ on dates. Of course making that decision didn’t put an end to all the thoughts running through my head. What did I lack? I gave Christine my all and she seemed to have an orgasm or two. Was it just an act? It must have been. What was wrong with me? Maybe if I paid Lois or Tanya (the two girls I knew who were escorts) a little extra they could critique my performance and give me pointers.
Tuesday morning at work I debated calling the Hanover office and asking for Christine, but decided not to. We were done so leave it at that was my thought. Wednesday I spent most of my mornings in budget meetings and when I finally got back to my office Myra (my secretary) handed me a couple of message slips. One of them was from Christine and when I sat down at my desk I picked up the phone to call her. I got the first five numbers punched in before I caught myself and said “Fuck no!” I hung up the phone and threw the message slips in the waste basket. I managed to push Christine to the back of my mind and I had a pretty productive day.
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DISCLAIMER: All characters are fictional, no relation to anyone living or dead, all are 18 or older. If you do not like sexually oriented material, LEAVE NOW."Oh yes! Oh fuck! Don't stop! Keep going.. make me cum! Wanna cum so bad... Unghhhh.. oh fuckkk.... gonna... cummmmm.....ouuuuuuu!" I yelled and came down his throat in hot, loving gushes, him eating all my fucking seed! "Ohhhh shit that was soo fucking good! And the fingerfucking.. ouuuu yessss!" I groaned, and rolled over into a...
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It might have been a scenario I conjured up on my way to the bathroom for my first hand crank of the day but would certainly have made a quick retreat had I known my mother's mother was topless the other side of the open airing cupboard door. Had often pulled off looking at a picture of her I removed from Grandpa's collection I had found in the loft but, 'wow' this was for real.The door closed. "Oh!' exclaimed Gran standing there holding a bra in one hand and the door handle in the other....
It was a warm balmy night and my hubby suggested we go for a walk. A little reluctantly, I agreed. We sauntered down George St and ended up in the seedier Haymarket area of the city near Chinatown. There were a few couples walking around and my hubby seem to direct me towards a store. I saw two men going in and one coming out as we approached. He was older, slightly disheveled and he ogled at me. It was then that I noticed that there were no other women in the immediate vicinity. There was...
Me,”have you ever kissed anyone in the lips? She, “yeah, my ex boyfriend” Me, “you have a boyfriend?” She, “had, he was only looking for sex and took me as a slut” Me. “which ultimately means only I haven’t experienced a kiss” I was acting disappointed. She, “why I kiss you everyday” Me, “That’s different, it’s not on lips, hey wait, can I please kiss your lips?” I finally said it. She, “no (laughing)” Me, “please?” She”ok, I guess it wouldn’t hurt”. I came close to her, the atmosphere grew...
IncestAt 18 I was a senior in HS. The first day of class I discovered that my best friend who had graduated the spring before had been secretly fucking my ex girlfriend since February(we broke up in December). I was pissed, not because he was fucking her, but because my best b*o had lied to me. I couldn’t believe he had lied. Anyways, the entire time they were fucking, we had still been sl**ping together irregularly so I still had stuff at her house.( She lied to him and told him that I had just...
Authors note: The word hooker refers to a position in Rugby Union, i.e. the player in the scrum who should hook the ball with his heel to gain possession. It does not refer to a lady who is very generous with her charms for financial gain. Antonia went with Mr. Ballinger who had called a meeting of the company. She told me later that the venue Cummings had booked in Denver, which was not part of the original tour plan, was totally inadequate. If it had been the Ellie Caukins Opera House it...
I shrugged off my bra straps, then folded the bra neatly, placing it on top of my other clothes. I slipped my panties down to the pavement, and stepped out of them. I folded them, too, although I’m not entirely sure why. Maybe because Mistress always demanded neatness, perfection.I took the note I had so agonizingly written, placed it on top of the pile of clothes on the bench by the Canal, then put my handbag on top of that to keep it from blowing away. I hoped the police would find it before...
TrueJanuary 27th, 2007, Friday Harry “Who’s on my bladder?” he muttered. “Oops, that would be me,” Kelly said. “Bathroom trip?” “Yes, my love.” Harry watched her roll out of bed and run her hands through her natural. “Goddamn you’re beautiful...” “Thank you, Sir. You’re very handsome, Sir.” “Even if I believed that,” he said, taking her arm and rising, “it’s nothing compared to the three of you.” “As you say, Sir. I shan’t argue.” “Good ... I’d hate to paddle that ass this early in the...
A Special Memory By Milik the RedLife has its ups and downs and I have of late been in a period of change and reflection. Among those changes have been thoughts and emotions that have kept me away from writing for some time, but as with all passions my desire to write has rekindled within my heart and I find myself looking to my own past for the spark of inspiration.I find myself looking back some thirty years to the days of my youth. Days filled with the nervous insecurities that a boy in his...
TrueHere is new fantasy of mine with the new neighbors! Read one of my previous stories to get my description. My new neighbors are both a turn on to me! She is about 25 5'7 brown hair down past her shoulders, about 145, with at least a C cup. And her legs are amazing! He is probably 25 about 5'9 brown short hair and slim but nicely built...He never wears a shirt so he is very tan! One day I was getting a little excited so I got a porn out popped it in and closed all my doors. I quickly got naked...
MasturbationI was my apartment room looking out the window. That was when I saw her. Itwas Lynn Mgrossin, famous female bodybuilder and model. It was staying therefor a convention. I stop and caught myself. I slipped out some binocular andtook a peak.Lynn had long black hair and was currently dress in a tight belly shirt thatshowed off her abs and Belly button. She wore tight denim shorts to show offher ass. Her feature was very Greek and her body nice and tan. Her biceps werehuge and glisten with sweat...
* Erica and Jillian continued… * I’ve been in my new life and surroundings for almost a month now finding the freedom of being a girl as nice as I had hoped it would be…could be. I love the way boys look at me and though tempted I’ve come to realize finding a special person isn’t always so easy and if it weren’t for my feelings for Jillian things would be different. I can’t let a day go by without seeing her and being in her company as she still proves to be an enigma to me…for me. Admittedly...
I've been back at high school for two weeks now and just last weekend I engaged in something that warrants a story. I date the president of one of the fraternities so of course I love to fuck. I'm open for almost anything and one night my boyfriend asked me if I would help him out with this years pledges. "I have an idea for what the pledges can do this year." "Mmhmm?" "Part of being in a fraternity is being fraternal, yes? You know doing stuff together." "Go on." "And one of your fantasies has...
EroticHi Please Comment On My Stories, Whether Good or Bad. I met Emmy back when I was a teenager, before my senior year of high school. I'm talking about 25 years ago. Life was good, I had an old car, a girlfriend with big tits who let me take her virginity, and I was going to get to spend the summer with my older cousin John, who lived in Los Angeles, which was like 50 miles away. John had always been like a brother to me, so I was really looking forward to having some good times together. John had...
MAKING CATHY HAPPY By Tammie Anne Freeman It wasn't fair. Why should I have to go summer school just because I didn't pass the state test to get into ninth grade? I had worked hard and got passing grades in eighth grade after having failed eighth grade the previous year. Now instead of summer fun I would have summer school. I would just as soon have dropped out of school, but my mother and dad insisted I remain in school. I didn't see the point. Even if I passed the state test...
Thomas and i had no classes together but we did have our free hour at the same time, right after each of our 3rd period class. We were in the library playing truth or dare, but of course when we talked we got yelled at by the old librarian so we were wrighting everything down on a peice of paper."T or D?" i wrote down. "...T..." Thomas wrote back. "WHIMP!! OK....umm...."I just couldnt think of any questions to ask him. "COME ON" he wrote down...
This is a contrast story.... Read it and the one before similarly titled to understand.Toni Smith looked out over the darkened city. The Eastern horizon was just beginning to lighten. It had been 19 hours of sweat, but it was over. At least it was over until Monday. She glanced at her desk behind her and thought, “I have 51 hours to relax until I have to explain to the board what went on the last 19 hours with the failed software deployment. She had warned them that she did not like the...
It all started nearly ten years ago. I was about 19 and working at a local coffee shop. All through high school I was a longhaired rebel who cared little what I looked like or what people thought of me. Anyway, by this time though I had just cut my hair real short and was starting to clean up my image. I had no idea how attractive I was. I’m 5’11 brown hair blue eyes and at the time was one of the best swimmers on our local swim team. Most of the customers at this coffee shop were...
13 Brad It didn’t work. Turning her into a whore did not reduce her to just another woman. In fact just the opposite. When I first saw her on the street after we put her out and drove around the block, all impossibly long legs, perfectly molded shoulders, full breasts straining to burst from that silly red dress, slivers of brown areolae visible above the top, she was devastating. And in the blond wig, strange, unknown, yet somehow familiar. Even Jefferson gave a whistle of rare...
David arrived at Karen's house ten minutes later than he wanted and walked in the front door without knocking. "Hi," he said seeing Karen walking towards him and noticed that she had changed from the dress she had worn to school to her more comfortable blue jeans and t-shirt as he turned and closed the door behind him. When he turned to face his teacher, she surprised him by wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him passionately. His arms went around her waist and pulled her...
As the morning rays of sunlight pierced through my bedroom window I was awakened from the most intense dream, reenacting what had happened the night before. My throbbing hard little cock was gently humping against the sheets of my bed while I couldn't stop thinking about the amazing big black cock I had in my mouth just hours ago. I could still taste him on my tongue, and I could smell him on my lips. What had happened to me? Why was I so turned on by all of this? I thought to myself,...
We didn’t make it to his apartment. Still in the car, parked in his dark garage, I shimmied out of his boxers and straddled him again, biting my lip when I felt his stiff erection between us, straining against the fabric of his sweatpants. “Celine,” he said, hands coming to rest on my waist. He ground his hips upwards, making me gasp from the sudden mind-numbing pleasure. I was so wet that I left a streak on his sweatpants, slick and ready for him. “You’re perfect,” he said, lifting his...
"Wow there, Kiara! We haven't even gotten to the house yet and you're already horny?" Finn said smiling looking at us through the rear view mirror. I blushed and laughed. I had never been to their house before. They all shared a house and since they're all loaded, I heard it was pretty big. I had a big house too, but I doubt it would compare to what I was about to see. We pulled into a circle driveway. "This is where the magic is gonna happen!" Matthew laughed and...
"Thanks. That was fun last night." Fun? To Shay it was just paying the price for a ride. She'd hitchhiked her way from the one stoplight town in North Carolina she'd called home to New York fuckin' City itself. Sure she'd had to suck a few cocks along the way, like ol' Pete back there, but when you've been sucking your Daddy's cock since you were out of training bras, what was a couple more? It was when Daddy started taking more notice of her developing body and his caresses became...
They strolled through the mall commenting on the potential opportunities. They ruled out the department stores. There were just too many people. Retirees and women with baby strollers populated the gift shops. They were looking for some place quiet when Bridget walked up to a shoe store and spied her next "victim." "Let's go in, it's empty," Bridget remarked as she grabbed Jill's hand. Bridget wandered over by the salesman to get a better look at him. A closer inspection revealed that...
The best corpse oil should be obtained from a corpse which fulfils the following criteria: 1. Female 2. Young (below 30 years old) and beautiful 3. Pregnant for the first time 4. At least 7 months pregnant 5.The unborn fetus must still be in the dead woman’s womb 6. Died from unnatural causes, preferably murdered The corpse must be dug up and brought to a (un)holy man for the ritual to be performed within 9 days of her death. It must be done at a particular time at night...
It all started for me when I joined this site and met another nice guy from Calgary who I discovered shares my panty fetish. I'm calling him JT and his wife Jess. He is married and his home page here is full of awesome videos and pictures of him and his wife with the sexiest collection of panties in the world. Most of the videos have Jess in a sexy pair of panties, legs spread wide so I can imagine what her pussy looks like. Some of the vids show her pussy slit through the fabric of her...
Tristan sat in the Captain's ready room, gazing out of the view port at the large planet sized moon. He lent back in the chair, legs resting on a low table. His fingers drummed on the broad arm of the chair belying his relaxed demeanour. The meeting should have started half an hour ago. He resisted the temptation to go and find the reason for the delay. He knew he would be informed as soon as something were known. His heart missed a beat as the door buzzer sounded. He sat up quickly and...
I stepped out of the station with my colleague Monica. The tagline under the town's name read: the birthplace of the industrial revolution. I felt like I was walking into a history lesson. Monica glanced at her smartphone then pointed down a desolate high street.It's fair to say I never like working away, especially in towns like this. northern and industrial. As we began to walk I looked around me at the neo-classical architecture. It would have been an impressive introduction, but the shop...
CheatingBlack Friday… a day to indulge and justify all kinds of extravagant purchases. Not. I detest Black Friday, but it seems that every year I find it irresistible to make purchases. $150 off a new phone, 60% off here and there. Big purchases that I could never otherwise justify are just irresistible on the infamous Black Friday. I wake from my food, wine and comfy guest bed – induced stupor at my parents’ house. A night of laughter, family time, and great food replays itself in my head. My sister...
I was released from the haven of my mistress' crotch and she stood by me in a central position, flexing her cane in readiness for my punishment as we watched the gimp's misery. The wickedly pencil-skirted headmistress that was Arabella, placed the black dish from earlier at her feet, and ordered the gimp down to it in full view of the eager crowd of women. Agnes had her sissy sit close by; a feminised male adding to the general scene of total female dominance. Blanche teased my arse with...
genuine true story not made up but beleve what you want. this happened quite recently ill start by telling you how this came about im 38 and my wife is 36 known each other for 15 years married for 8 i have a normal family life i work in construction im no greek god by any means and my wife is good looking with a good shape after dropping 3 chavies. her mother jill is about 59 good body and a good looker as the father roy is 58 slightly over weight rugby fan works the normal job jill took early...
I took off from Santa Ana at first light, refueling in Sacramento just before ten o'clock. I stopped again near Red Bluff to top off my tank and then landed in Salem a little before four that afternoon. I rented the same car as on my first visit, leaving another three hundred dollar security deposit. My guardian guided me to Diane's location. I was just pulling up in front of her apartment when she came walking out her front door. I parked and got out of the car, calling her name. "Jimmy,...
Maa Ko Choda Hi mera name romy yeah meri pehli sex story hai aur mera pehla sex bhi meri mom ke sath he hua meri umar 19 saal hai mein punjab mein rehta hun mere dad pichle 3 saalo c muscat mein rehte hai aur mera 1 chota bhai bhi hai mein sidha apni story btata hun meri ma ka nam kamini hai voh 42 saal ki aur thodi moti hai magr bht he zyada sexy hai unka figure 40 36 38 hai unka naam vaise mamta hai unhe saabhi guddi bulate hai… Fir 1 din ki baat hai mom apne kamre mein kapde change kr rahi...
By: Jonah Hi guys, it’s me Jonah back again with another story hope u all enjoy it…. I had a best friend in my class, Revathi. She was good looking and had a great body, big boobs, well shaped ass. But her mom Prathiba aunty, 38, was looking much better than her. She was my fantasy woman. She had big milky boobs and ample ass that seems almost came too much out of her body from profile. I bet that was un-ignorable for any men. I had a wish that I wanted to touch those once. Revathi had one...
IncestThis was a Ex gf's DreamOk well we're in England at the hotel in Manchester, day of Nicki's visityou wake before me and I am woke up by you binding me to the bed spread eagled....then you notice I am awake so you tell me not to talk and then you blind fold meI am thinking you're going to use me, and I become more and more excited as I hear you moving about the roomthen I feel as you sit on the bed between my legs and I moanyou instantly slap my cunt hard, telling me I am NOT to make a soundI...
ARTHUR F. The smelly hood whipped off my face and I coughed, spat, and glared at the man who had kidnapped me. Or, more accurately, at the snarly mask he wore. Masque Macabre, thus far, was living up to the name. This mask was a special kind of ugly: Red and scowling, with a down turned mouth and a wild explosion of beard hinted at the fringe with carved stone. It had a sloped forehead and no hair carved on the top. The eye-holes looked like shadowy pits. The man wearing it was dressed in a...
oder "Fetisch für alle" Aus meinem Tagebuch, meinen sehr versauten Gedanken, Phantasien und den Erlebnissen aus ebenso versauten Chats… Ich bin ein reifes, oft ziemlich geiles rothaariges Stück. Ich habe hier etwas entdeckt, daß für mich eine neue Form der Befriedigung darstellt und mir so viel gibt. Es ist mehr als nur eine Ergänzung meines Sexlebens; es ist eine grandiose Bereicherung. Das Wissen, Ihr befriedigt Euch beim Lesen meiner Masturbationsphantasien treibt mich an, verursacht Dinge...
FetishMy sister was always attractive no matter what the stiuation called for. Whether it was a nice evening or a casual moment. She was shorter around 5' 2" and had a very nice figure. She had 36C breasts and an ass that makes Halle Berry's go to shame. I always had a special connection to her but never knew it could go very far. On to the story So my sister Anne was just waking up to take a shower and she woke me up some how it always happens yet it never bothers me. I went into her room as...
It's a nice sunny Saturday afternoon, and you are doing yardwork. You finish up the lawn and are ready to trim the hedges, when you remember you loaned your hedge trimmers out to your neighbor Steve, who lives two doors down. You go inside and clean up a little bit, then go over to Steve's house to try to retrieve them. As you walk up to the front door, you hear some noises from the backyard.
FetishHello doston sabhi chut walion aur land walo ko mera lund udhakar salam dosto yeh meri pehli story hai aur mujhe asha hai ki aap ko zaroor pasand aayegi kion ki main is site ka regular reader hoon aur mujhe yeh site bahut pashand hai to maine socha ki kio na main bhi apni sachi kahaani likh hi doon so dosto me aaj apko apni real story sunane ja raha hoon. Baat aaj se 7 saal purani hai jab meri age yahi koi 18 saal ki thi baise to mera pariwar bahut bada hai lekin mein apne papa ka ek lota beta...
Me abhi 22 sal ka hun , ye baat aaj se karib 4 sal pahle ki hai jab me class 12th me tha, me dikhne me bahut achcha to nahi par thik lagta hun, jab me 12th me tha tab me sex ke bare me janta to sab kuch tha par kabhi kiya nahi tha isliye utsukta bahut hoti thi. Ye sab me isliye likh raha hun ki aapko apki bastbik istithi se abgat kara dun, 12th tak mene kabhi bf bhi nahi dekhi thi, par jab me 12 me tha tab mere ek dost ne kaha ki chal internet per chal tujhe sab kuch dikhaunga, me khushi khushi...