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I met Christine at a seminar on Industrial Relations. It was mostly bullshit from people who had never held a tool in their hands and had no real world experience. They were full theories that they had learned from textbooks, but my company was paying the freight so there I was.

When we broke for lunch I headed for the hotel restaurant. I stopped at the bathroom to take a whiz and when I got to the restaurant I found that all the seats were taken and the greeter told me there was at least a twenty minute wait. She asked for my name so she could add it to her list, but I told her to forget it; I’d go someplace else for lunch. I heard a voice say:

“I wish I could do that.”

I turned and saw an extremely attractive brunette sitting on a chair in the waiting area.

“Why don’t you?” I asked. “There are a lot of restaurants in the area.”

“No car. I could walk to one, but I’d never get back in time for the afternoon session of the seminar.”

“Not a problem. You can ride with me if you think you can put up with a dirty old man for an hour.”

“You’re not old.”

“I’ve been a dirty old man where good looking women are concerned since I was thirteen.”

“I’ll chance it” she said and stood up, took the arm I offered and we headed out.

The Village Inn was the closest so that is where we went. On the drive over I asked her where she worked and was surprised to find out that she worked for the same company I did only out at one of suburban offices. She didn’t have a car and had taken the bus to get to the seminar.

We chatted over lunch and I found out she was single and shared a house with two of her friends. From me she found out that I was single and had a three bedroom house.

“Why does a bachelor have a three bedroom house?”

“Planning ahead. I won’t be single forever and I expect to have kids eventually so I’ll need the extra bedrooms and my father convinced me that it was better to build equity than collect rent receipts. I had enough in savings for a down payment so I went ahead and bought a house.”

She gave a small smile at hearing that and then we discussed the seminar and I found that she had the same opinion that I did of what was being spouted. The waitress had put everything on one check and when lunch was over Chris asked me what her share was and I told her it was my treat. When we got back to the hotel meeting room she thanked me for taking her to lunch and then she went to her seat and I went to mine.

When the seminar was over I spent ten minutes talking to a few others I knew who were in attendance and when I got to the lobby I saw that it was pouring down rain. I saw Chris standing at the door looking at the falling rain and I remembered her telling me she had to take a bus to get to the seminar and I knew just what she was thinking. She did not want to go out and stand at the bus stop in the rain and wait for the bus.

I walked up to her and asked if she would rather ride with me than wait on a bus and she smiled and said that she would indeed. By the time I got her to her house I had a date with her to go to dinner and dancing on Friday night.

On Friday night when I picked her up I met her two roommates. Brenda was a blond sexpot and her overall appearance screamed out “Fuck me! Please! Somebody fuck me!” Maria was a good looking redhead with a slim body that didn’t look strong enough to carry her breasts which I guessed were 38’s or 40’s.

On the way to the restaurant I noticed Chris looking at me with a bemused smile and I asked her what she was smiling about.

“I saw the way you were looking at my roommates. Nothing new there. All guys look at them the way you did.”

“Why does that make you smile?”

“Because I know what guys want to do to them when they see them.”

“Once again; why does that make you smile?”

“I smile because I know something that all the guys who look at them don’t.”

“And what might that be?”

“They are both dyed in the wool lesbians and are way into each other.”

“Hopefully the fact that you are with me on a date means that you don’t share their views where men are concerned.”

“That would be a safe assumption.”

We talked over dinner and we learned a lot about each other. She was one of six kids and the only girl and as a result of playing with her brothers and their friends she grew up as a tomboy. She had gone to college on a basketball scholarship and had been working where I work since she graduated.

“I know what the company pays so you should be able to afford a car. Why are you taking buses to get around?”

She had been smiling while we were talking, but when she heard that question the smile disappeared. She stared at me silently for maybe ten seconds and then she aid:

“I don’t need a car because I don’t have a driver’s license.”

“They are easy enough to get.”

“I don’t have one because they took mine away from me.”

I figured from her tone and response that it was a sore subject with her and I’d best back away from it so I said nothing, but then she went on.

“It wasn’t my finest hour. I caught my husband in bed with the bitch who was supposed to be my best friend. I went and got blind stinking drunk and was stupid enough to drive in that condition. I ran the car into a bridge abutment and totaled it. Luckily I had my seatbelt on and the airbag deployed. I was given a DUI and I saw no sense in buying another car until I can get my license back. Should get it back by the end of this month.”

“Still have the husband?”

“Hell no! I got rid of his worthless ass when I sobered up.” She smiled and said “He got his. He married the bitch and she cheated on him, caught the clap and gave it to him. I laughed for weeks when I heard that.”

“Didn’t sour you on marriage did it?”

“No, but I’m going to be a lot more selective in choosing the next one. I’m going to have to be sure of him before I say yes to a proposal. What’s your story? I would have expected a man your age to be married by now.”

“Similar to yours only times three or four. My fiancé Sarah had her bachelorette party and two days before the wedding I got a package in the mail. It was pictures of my fiancé having sex with three or four guys while her girlfriends stood around and urged her on. The package also had a note in it that said “Are you sure you want to marry someone like this?” I never found out who sent the package, but the answer to the question was no and not just no, but HELL NO!

“She tried to convince me it meant nothing. It was just a last hurrah before settling down to be a faithful wife and mother, but I wasn’t buying it. A year or so later she married some other guy and he caught her cheating on him and he shot her and her lover. A year after I broke up with her I met Marge, dated her for six months and then proposed. She said yes and moved in with me. Two months later I came home two days early from a business trip and caught her in bed with two guys. Her father and her brother.

“Next on the hit parade was Jackie. We went together for about four months before she moved in with me. Same deal as with Marge. Came home early and found her in bed with a guy. The guy quickly dressed and got the hell out and when he was gone I asked her why. She looked at me like I was brain dead and said:

“Did you see the size of his member when he pulled out of me? I just had to try on something that big if only to see if I could get inside me.”

“I’ve been a tad leery of relationships since then. It took me a year before I began to date again.”

Dinner was followed by drinks and dancing. We had a good time and I enjoyed being with her. When I took her home I did get a kiss on the cheek and a “Call me; I had fun and I’d like to do it again.”

The second date led to a dozen more. On the fourth date I got a knee buckling good night kiss. On the sixth we had a hot make out session in the car when I took her home. On the ninth she said she didn’t want to make out in the car:

“And since we can’t do it at my place without an audience I think we should go to your place.”

At my place we had steamy make out session. The next two dates ended up at my place and on the second one she asked

“Why are we wasting time? We both know what we want to do.”

“I’ve been taking it slow because I didn’t want to scare you off.”

“That’s nice to know; that you don’t want to scare me off. Lead me to your bedroom. I want to see if we have a future.”

“What do you mean?”

“A few of my friends have gotten married and then divorced because they found out that they were not sexually compatible with their men. In all the cases they didn’t have sex with their partners before marrying them. Both parties were virgins when they went to their marriage beds and both said that they wouldn’t have married the men they did if they would have known beforehand what they were getting into. I know what they are talking about because I also experienced it. I didn’t go into my marriage with Jeff as a virgin. I’d had a few boyfriends before he came along and I’d dumped a couple of them because they were lousy lays.”

“So if I don’t ring your chimes tonight I’m history? Thanks, but no thanks. Grab your coat. I need to get you home.”

“What? You can’t be serious. I’m ready to go and you are saying no?”

“That I am.”

“You aren’t making sense here. You are turning down freely offered sex? Why in the hell would you do that?”

“I have my reasons and that’s all I’m going to say. Come on; get your coat and let’s go.”

She got her coat and stomped over to the front door, turned and looked at me as she pulled her cell phone out of her purse and said:

“Fuck you Dave! I’ll call a cab. I don’t feel like being around you right now.”

She went out and closed the door behind her. I was moving toward the door to go out and catch her and tell her not to waste her money on a cab when I caught myself. The break wasn’t clean, but it was still a break. I caught her and talked her out of getting a cab it would just prolong things. As it stood right then it was over. Leave it that way was my thinking. I went into the kitchen, poured myself a generous amount of Jack in a glass over ice and sat down at the kitchen table and thought about what had just gone down. I had really liked Christine. Shit! Admit it Dave. It was more than just like. I honestly thought that the relationship was going to go somewhere. I finished the Jack and went to bed.

The next few weeks went by and for me it was pretty much go to work, go home, sleep, get up and go to work again. I did think about Christine a lot, but resisted all the urges to pick up the phone and call her. It was a Thursday, three weeks since the day Christine and I parted when I walked into my office and found Christine waiting there.

“About time you got here. I’ve been sitting here waiting on you for a half an hour now.”

“You’re lucky. It could have longer. I’m ten minutes early. What brings you here?”

“I need to know what happened. I thought we had something good going.”

“Not the time and place to talk about it?”

“Okay; give me a time and a place.”

I looked at her and thought “Do I really want to go there” and then decided to give her what she wanted.

“The Hideaway at five-thirty.”

“You aren’t just jiving me are you? You will be there?”

“I’ll be there.”

She left and as she walked away I wondered why I hadn’t just told her it was personal and I wasn’t going to talk about it, but even as I had the thought I knew why I didn’t. The fact that she was in my office waiting for me told me that she wouldn’t let it go until she knew why. I just decided to get it over with.

I didn’t get much done that day. It seemed like I was looking at my watch every ten minutes or so with five-thirty at the Hideaway on my mind. The day finally ended and I headed for my meeting with Christine. She was already there sitting in a booth in the back waiting for me when I got there. She had already ordered and there was a Jack over ice siting on the table waiting for me. I sat down, picked up the drink, took a sip and set it back down and looked across the table at her.

“Okay Dave; let me in on it.”

“Alice, Elise, Marge, Sarah and Jackie.”

“What does that mean?”

“You wanted to know what happened to us and I just told you.”

“You didn’t tell me shit; you just said five names.”

“Those names are why we cratered. You remember our last time together?”

She nodded a yes and I asked “Remember what you said?”

She shrugged and I said “Think back on it. What were the words that followed “Lead me to your bedroom?”

She shook her head in an “I don’t remember manner” and I said “Your exact words were “Lead me to your bedroom. I need to see if we have a future.”

“Remember it now?”


“To me that meant you were saying if I didn’t do it for you I would be history. Think back to what I told you about my history with women. I never covered high school and college. From tenth grade to graduation I went steady with two girls and they both dumped me. It happened again in college. I met Alice at Freshman Indoctrination and by midterm we were going steady. She dumped me for a jock midway through our sophomore year. In my junior year I hooked up with Elise and she traded me in for another guy the third week of our senior year. Beginning to get the picture? You think maybe I was starting to wonder what was wrong with me that I couldn’t keep a girl? All of that shit behind me and then you basically tell me that if I don’t measure up in the bedroom I’m history? Can you imagine what it would have done to me if we had done it and then you started saying no to me when I asked for dates? Well fuck that shit!”

“I’m sorry you took it that way. I only meant it as a funny,”

“How was I supposed to know that? You had just finished telling me about your girlfriends and that you had dumped a couple of guys who were lousy lays. Right after that you hit me with if we have a future shit? No way I saw it as you making a joke.”

“Well that’s all it was. The reason I’m here is I wanted to know what was wrong and see if I could fix it. I was sure we had something good going before it left the rails and I wanted it to continue. I want to put us back on the tracks.”

She looked at me expectantly as I considered what she said. I’d also thought we had something good going and I had wanted it to continue. Like her I would like to put us back on track, but in the back of my mind there was a little kernel of ‘leery.’ It might not be manly of me to admit it, but I was afraid of being hurt again. If it happened again I wasn’t sure that I’d be able to eventually get over it. While she said she was joking when she said the future thing she had also said she had dumped a couple of guys because they didn’t measure up in the bedroom as far as she was concerned. I sat there looking at her as all those thoughts raced through my head. Suddenly from somewhere in my brain a voice said:

“Cowboy up Dave. You might never meet someone this nice again. Don’t let her go!”

I took a deep breath and asked “Would you like to have dinner with me tomorrow?”

Her smile when she heard that lit up the room. We made arrangements for me to pick her up at her place at six and she got up and headed home.

I arrived at her place at six and rang the doorbell. Brenda answered the bell and when she opened the door and saw it was me her face went hard and she said:

“Oh; it’s you.”

I can get my back up just like anyone else and her attitude ticked me off.

“Fucking A doddle it’s me. You want to take your pissy attitude and go and let my date know I’m here?”

She turned and walked away leaving the door open. I didn’t know if I was supposed to follow, but I decided not to. A minute later Chris came to the door.

“Why are you standing there?”

“Seemed to be safer to stay here than go inside where Brenda and I could get into it.”

She gave me a long look and then said “I’ll get my purse.”

She came back with her purse and we went out and got in the car and as I pulled away from the curb she asked:

“Care to tell me what happened back there?”

I told her and she said “I’m sorry. It was my fault.”

“Your fault? How is it your fault?”

“The night I stomped out of your place I came home in a pissy mood and Brenda and Lois asked me what was wrong. I told them you had thrown me out. I know that you didn’t really, but at the time that is how I felt. The way it went down to me meant you were throwing our relationship away. They both wanted to get in the car, drive over to your place and cut your balls off. It didn’t help any that I have been in a bitchy mood since that night. When I told them I was going out with you tonight they tried to talk me out of it. They said you would just hurt me again and that you were an asshole and didn’t deserve a second chance. They are unhappy with me because I told them to butt out. They are my best friends and have been since high school and they worry about me. Don’t let Brenda’s attitude get to you.”

After dinner we went to the Boom Boom Room for drinks and dancing and from the way Chris pushed her body against mine as we danced I knew how she hoped the evening would end. I wanted it too, but the fear of rejection following it was still alive and well in my mind. Once again from somewhere in my head the voice was yelling at me “Cowboy up Dave.”

At eleven-thirty we were in the car and I asked “Where to?”

She looked at me and said “Your place?”

She said it as a question. The voice in my head was screaming now “Cowboy up Dave; cowboy up and do it!”

I smiled and said “My place it is.”

When we got to my place she headed straight for the bedroom. There was no talking. It was walking through the front door and go straight to the bedroom. I followed along behind her. As soon as she was in the room her clothes were hitting the floor. It was all happening faster than I expected and as a result I was a little behind her in the shedding of clothes. By the time my clothes joined hers on the floor she had the bedcovers down and was lying on the bed spread out and waiting.

It was almost magical. I went down on her and my mouth gave her her first orgasm. She had two more when I made love to her in the missionary. She went down on me and got me up for a second round and I gave her two more orgasms. Then it was sixty-nine followed by a session of doggy and I got her off one more time.

I was all set to cuddle and snuggle when Chris sat up and said “Oh shit! Look at the time. I have to work today. You need to get me home so I can shower and change clothes.”

“On a Saturday?”

“We have an audit scheduled for Monday and I’m going in to see that we are ready for it.”

I hid my disappointment and got up and dressed. On the way to her place she apologized.

“I didn’t expect the night to end the way it did. Knowing I had to work today I should have waited for our next date.”

When I asked if we could get together that evening she told me she couldn’t because she would be absolutely beat and when I asked about Sunday she said she couldn’t because she had a baby shower to go to. I didn’t press it. When we got to her place she gave me a hot passionate kiss and then hurried inside.

The house kept me busy over the weekend. That was one of the tradeoffs when you went the build equity rather than collect rent receipts route. You couldn’t call the landlord to fix things. Monday I called Christine’s office and Mavis answered the phone. Mavis used to work in my office, but had transferred to the Hanover office to be closer to home and to her kid’s school. I asked for Christine and Mavis told me she was in a meeting. Because she was an old friend I asked I asked how she was doing, asked about her hubby and kids and then listened to her answers. Then, purely to make conversation I asked how the audit was going.

“Audit? What audit?”

“The one you had to work on Saturday for.”

“I don’t know anything about an audit and nobody has worked on a Saturday in this office in the two years I’ve been here.”

“I guess I’m thinking of something else. Say hi to Burt for me okay?”

As I hung up the phone I was shaking my head and telling myself I should have known better that to take back up with Christine again. If I could have gotten my hands on the voice in my head that kept telling me to “Cowboy up” I would have strangled it to death. I “Cow boyed up” and look what it got me. I was once again left with the impression I couldn’t get it done in the bedroom. Alice, Elise, Sarah, Marge, Jackie and now Christine. Fuck it! I’d start using call girls where the only one I’d have to worry about satisfying was me.

I knew a couple of girls who worked for an escort service and I knew that they both provided ‘extra services’ on dates. Of course making that decision didn’t put an end to all the thoughts running through my head. What did I lack? I gave Christine my all and she seemed to have an orgasm or two. Was it just an act? It must have been. What was wrong with me? Maybe if I paid Lois or Tanya (the two girls I knew who were escorts) a little extra they could critique my performance and give me pointers.

Tuesday morning at work I debated calling the Hanover office and asking for Christine, but decided not to. We were done so leave it at that was my thought. Wednesday I spent most of my mornings in budget meetings and when I finally got back to my office Myra (my secretary) handed me a couple of message slips. One of them was from Christine and when I sat down at my desk I picked up the phone to call her. I got the first five numbers punched in before I caught myself and said “Fuck no!” I hung up the phone and threw the message slips in the waste basket. I managed to push Christine to the back of my mind and I had a pretty productive day.

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On the morning they arrived Allison and my Uncle John arrived at about 11. My Uncle came in with the bags saying that James and my Aunt Lucy wouldn’t make it till 3 since James had a hockey match. Allison followed him and what had happened since I last saw her was amazing. The little shy Ginger haired brown eyed 11 year old was now a sexy blonde brown eyed 13 year old. She had dyed her hair and built her face up with make up to cover her freckles even when she was eleven she had about C Cup...

4 years ago
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The Batfamily were the united heroes of Gotham City. Bruce Wayne when he first became the Batman decided he needed help to save Gotham. He brought in Dick Grayson, the first Robin. Eventually Bruce expanded so far, he had four Robins and three Batgirls. ——————- You play as Dick Grayson, the oldest of all the Batfamily and you are assigned to a mission with the three Batgirls

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My first gloryhole with Jackie

I had my first swinging experience with a mature black girl named Jackie at a gloryhole several years ago.Jackie and her husband are middle aged and posted on a swinging site a couple days in advance that they were going to be in town and would be visiting the gloryholes. They had been a couple times before and I had missed them so I was excited I would be able to see them this time.The night of their visit came and I was waiting for them to show up near the booths. It was a few minutes past...

2 years ago
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When Actions Score Higher Than Words

‘I’ve been thinking about you all day. About all of the things I want to do to you.’I excitedly bite my lip as my heart rate quickens.He continues.‘You’ve ruined my concentration at work, you bad, bad, girl. I think you need to be punished.’I twist a strand of my hair around my finger, trying to compose my thoughts enough to think of a suitable reply.For once, I am thankful for our situation.Thankful that he is not in the same room as me and that I can blame my lust-induced hesitancy on the...

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A really nice summer's day in England is hard to better. Hot but not too hot, no bugs or mosquitos as you have in so many other places and normally not humid at all.Of course the down side is that this happens very rarely but when it does it is truly wonderful and a great chance to get a little colour on your skin and enjoy the warmth of the sun on you.I am lucky to have a pretty secluded garden, screened on three sides with only one side where my neighbours can see in. As a result it is a...

1 year ago
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Pee play with Ria

Last vacation she spend lot of time with us and I had taken chance of cupping her breast over her white shirt. Her boobs are round and firm, tits got spotted easily through her shirt. I told her that they are very good in shape, she smiled and said that, done get over tempted. I told her, she is having an attractive figure. She replied, it is not her fault. One day she came to our place telling that she needs to use our bathroom because she wants to pee badly and her parents have locked the...

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Keeping the Womenfolk in Line Karens TaleChapter 7

That evening Karen and Betty didn’t talk about that session again. Robert left without much commentary. Karen went to bed for some alone time before her son joined her. She had never had an experience quite like that. It thrilled and disgusted her at the same time. She told herself she had done it strictly for the money, but something had awakened inside of her. The next morning it was Breakfast as usual. Betty was standing at the stove in the nude, preparing flapjacks, eggs, and bacon. Alan...

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Fucked My Girlfriend Pretty Hard On Moving Bus

This is the incident when I was studying for my graduation. My life was going pretty decently. I had a beautiful girlfriend named Shruti; briefly 5’4″ in height and one of the hottest girls from the college. She had a light olive skin tone and a figure which could turn any guy on even at a single glance. It was around 8 months since our relationship started and she started complaining to me about our relationship and how we weren’t able to spend some quality time with each other. And it wasn’t...

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ChangeDay Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 7

ChangeDay: Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 7 ___________________________________________ Diese Geschichte basiert auf dem "Changeday Universum" von BobH, welches bei zu finden ist. ____________________________________________________ Was bisher geschah: Ich Mirko, mein Kumpel Paul und seine Freundin Heike erlebten eine mysteri?se Transformation. Wir verwandelten uns in Miriam, Paula und Heiko. Medienberichten zu folge war ganze Welt umgewandelt worden und...

4 years ago
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Sissy in the Woods

David was up to something. Since we no longer had the luxery of my empty house to fuck in on weeknights other arrangements had to be made. He caught me one lunch time and told me to arrange a study date with him and his brother Peter that night. He told me he'd be picking me up at six and taking me for a drive. He wanted me to be ready with something particularly slutty. I being the ever obedient sissy slut agreed and looked forward to seeing my two favourite cocks again that evening. When I...

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IS this sex part 1

want to talk about good sex i had some of the best sex of mylife,there she was my sexual wettt pussied demon ready to release my circular testiclerballs of joy wait, wait , i cant start the story like this!!?!! (from the top)! talk about good sex I had some of the best sex in my life i mean she was sexy soft had a low voice and was shy she was more the reserved type she didnt rush things like most,as a matter of fact she wouldnt let me touch her the first night only a kiss on the cheek and i...

1 year ago
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The Keeping promise Part 3

Note : This story is completely fictional! The end Part A few months after I graduated she filed for a divorce. She moved to a small one-room apartment and told me she loved and wanted me too much to let me live with her. In a crazy way it made sense to me and I understood, probably because I loved and wanted her as much. I remember that apartment fondly. It sat over a grocery store and the bed was up against the window that looked down on the street. At night in the dark you couldn’t see in...

3 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 565

The Alien Ship ... As the Captain knelt shaking and pissing on himself, he realized that his weapon was very near his hand, and the First had his back to him. Knowing that he would never have a better chance, he eased his hand forward as if he were just shifting his weight while preparing to stand. In an instant, the weapon was in his hand, and since it was already pointed in the general direction of the First Officer, raising it enough only took an instant... Unfortunately for the...

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Fraternity Brother to Sorority Sister Chapter 7

Fraternity Brother to Sorority Sister Chapter Seven Beth's Family Beth prepared for the meeting with her family at her parent's anniversary party. She had done some crash studying, using all of the resources that Old Beth had left her. She knew her mom would be her biggest challenge since her mom was her biggest critic. The list of things that her mom constantly criticized her about was endless; her grades, sorority, Brad, not going to church, going to the wrong church, physical...

2 years ago
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Babysitter Gets Fucked by the Boy Shes Babysitting

“You know…” She began. “We still have some time left…” Rachel purred. Jake chuckled. Rachel moved her right hand down to his crotch and held it there. Rachel felt the boy’s face twist into a grin. Rachel grinned as well and began grasping at the kid’s growing erection. Jake’s cock slowly grew, thickening and lengthening. It pointed upwards and reached passed the kid’s belly button under his shirt and pants. Rachel grabbed the meat through the fabric and started lightly stroking it causing Jake...

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Blackmailed into Sucking Black Cock Gay

I have always considered myself heterosexual, although I have been bi-curious for many years I have never had a sexual experience with a man until last summer.To help ends meet we have taken in foreign students over the last few years. The money is good and the students are usually no trouble as they are out studying during the day and either go out or stay in their rooms at night. Last summer we had a beautiful 30-year Old Italian woman called Carla come to stay for three months. She was...

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Cougar Ranch

Dayton, Texas 1887 The orangish-red flames crackled inside the fireplace of the old ranch house that night. The ranch house was built for four people to live in, but only three lived in it at the moment. Everything inside was quiet, except the crackling of the fire and a man with a gray beard at the table. The man wasn't really old. He was only in his late fifties, but his wife was only in her late forties and his son was only ten. Both mother and son sat across from him at the table as he...

4 years ago
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Big Game Fatal GameChapter 2

I looked at the other two hunting prospects while Lola was getting the information for me on the Sismac. The next one I studied closely resembled a huge hog, specifically a wild boar. My ridiculous sense of humor grabbed me with this one and I named it Porky after the cartoon character Porky Pig. Porky appeared to be about 10 feet tall at the shoulder and to have tusks about a foot long. The intelligent people on Asbad resembled a four-foot tall stalk of asparagus, and were the favorite food...

3 years ago
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Fucked Landlords DaughterInLaw On Diwali

My landlord is a retired colonel and has after his retirement he has built a huge home that anyone would rather call an apartment. More because of his two sons out of whom none was living in India. The younger was already working there but the elder had recently moved abroad. So as his wife could not get Visa and also the winters were approaching so her movement was postponed until a good time might come. Meanwhile she used to teach music and dance to young girls while living in Pune and she...

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Hiring a HousekeeperChapter 8

"Bill," Linda said in the most commanding tone he had heard from her since meeting her at the bus station. Bill didn't flinch outwardly but he steeled himself for the order to stop fondling her daughter and their fun and games were over. "Bring her down easy, because after a climax that hard she needs to be eased down," Linda said, completing her sentence. Bill's mouth dropped open as he looked at Linda. His fingers continued to stroke the little breast and nipple of her daughter as...

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Billionaire and the SisterhoodChapter 5 Friends Discover Our Boyfriend Is Rich

Mark I had a hard time getting my head wrapped around what was happening. I had just made love with Elsa AND Cindy. My system was on overload and every circuit had blown. I’d never had a threesome before, although I’d watched a lot of porn that featured two gorgeous women and one man. Near as I could tell, there wasn’t any configuration that I didn’t like. We tried them all by the end of the evening. The time was positively electric. I had started the evening knowing I was on tenterhooks...

2 years ago
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Our Only Daughter

My name is Paul, I am a thirty-six year old professional man. My wife is Katie, she is thirty-four with a great body, long blond hair, and a very aggressive sexual appetite. We were married fifteen years ago and have one daughter Mandy, who just turned thirteen last week. Like her mother, Mandy has long blond hair and by the age of eleven her pubescent features began quickly filling out. Mandy is one of those preteens whose body development is definitely advanced. At just eleven, she had firm...

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SissyRayG at the Roadside Reststop

Last year I was traveling by car on business between Saskatoon and Regina, Canada. I was looking for a roadside rest area to use the washroom. I had all my sexy lingerie with me and hadn't had a chance to wear it for days as had been way to busy at work.I saw the roadside rest area I was looking for and pulled off the road and stopped near the rest rooms. There were four stalls in the men’s and three urinals. It was one of my favourite places to dress and attempt to seduce guys. I got out...

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Forest preserve rendezvous

updated editIts Friday, I'm nervous but I am headed out anyway. It has been a while since I have had contact with a woman I wanted so badly. Even if we said we were just going to talk and hold hands...I still want, no need this.I glance at the clock, 1045 am, plenty of time to get to our rendezvous. I debate jerking off to your photos just to take the edge off, but decide against it. I pull out of my driveway and head towards the statue.The statue commemorates Lewis and Clarke and blah, blah......

4 years ago
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What Happened Last Night pt III

For several weeks I tried not to think about Tom, and for the most part succeeded. But I couldn’t put him out of my mind completely, and there were times when I missed him terribly. Once or twice I picked up the phone intending to call him, and many times started writing him an email, but I couldn’t bring myself to press the “call’ or “send” buttons. Things at home were predictably grim. My wife was still talking to me, though just barely, and she usually turned away when I tried to kiss...

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Christmas is approaching again. Before my ex wife left ten years ago, Santa was still alive and well in my daughter’s imagination. I enjoyed the holiday season back then, never letting anyone forget what Christmas was really about. The last Christmas we were together we attended midnight service singing His praise. By New Year’s Eve she had left, moving in with some man that I had no idea even existed. She never voiced any interest in seeking custody of our daughter. I’m glad she didn’t. My...

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Interracial Sex

I met this young black guy on the internet in last week and he sent me couple of his 10″ cock pictures by email but since I don’t trust guys on the internet I asked him to show me his cock live on web cam and he did. I was so shocked by the size of his huge black cock that my cunt got soaking wet just looking at him image on the screen and I found my self playing with my pussy and masturbating myself just thinking of having this massive hard black cock in my wet tight cunt. I checked into a...

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Junior Year Part IIChapter 15 Star Wars Effect

When we came back from church, it was just the three of us: Mom, Dad and me. We had a light lunch, and I joined Dad to watch the Bulls lose another game. That was when someone buzzed from the front gate. Dad switched the TV to see who it was, and it was Coach Diamond. I met him at the front door. “Hey, Coach, come in,” I said, and took his coat. While I hung it up, Dad greeted him and he took a seat to watch the game. “This isn’t a social call,” he said, getting down to business....

1 year ago
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Wife fucking other guys

My wife Linda has been helping out at shelter type, she helps with the food and other things. She helps out 3 days a week, she’s been doing this for about 2 months now. I went down there one day to say hi, and I didn’t see her. I asked where Linda was and they told me she got off around 1pm it was almost 2pm, she told me she gets off at 3pm. So I went in the back where they park there cars and looked for our van. I found it, but I saw it was shaking. So I went up too it and peaked in, I saw...

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Gay cock suck in a German sauna

This day I finished work early (about 3pm) so decided to use the facilities. It was pretty quiet with just a couple of staff on the front desk. I went through and entered the sauna. There was only one occupant. A dark skinned middle aged guy was in there, naked of course. He nodded a hello to me and I could see him staring quite boldly at my also naked body as I sat on the bench. His body was quite trim though a little padded around the middle, his cock was average but the hair around it...

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Fayes Party

I was lying naked, post-orgasmic, following a wonderful time with a girl. I call her a girl but she was a woman about thirty and we’d met a few hours before in a bar in the seedier end of Hollywood. I’d gotten her back to my place and one thing led to another and I discovered she was pretty keen on my strappy and wasn’t too fussy about where I put it. God, but I love a girl who takes it in the ass. She was noisy, messy and no slouch when it came to using the strappy on me either. We didn’t get...

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While She Was Over

We had been friends for over 20 years, and many times in that period we would do things together, as couples never knowing what more might happen.They had come over that evening, intending on just a visit with good friends. The wine was poured and we all enjoyed ourselves. Sometime in the evening we started to notice Rebecca getting quite giggly, mind you this was not normal for her. Normally she could hold her liquor like the rest of us, but for some reason not tonight. As the night progressed...

2 years ago
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GND 30Chapter 18

My drive down to Malibu was fine, just beating the Friday exodus rush. Fine, not pleasant; the sheer volume of traffic in Los Angeles County has pretty much killed any joy of being behind the wheel on most highways – it’s only when you get onto the less-traveled roads that you can get to appreciate them. Some of the canyon runs can be awesome at the right time of day. In the urban areas, though, there never is a right time of day. And don’t forget the tourists, in rental cars, who don’t have...

2 years ago
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The ArrangementChapter 11 Indulgences

March, 2022 (4 months later) For the fourth time in the last twenty minutes, I swept my kitchen floor, looking for any last crumbs or other detritus. I tidied the family room again, for the third time in the last hour. Riley’s parents were scheduled to drop her off at any moment. It was a Sunday afternoon, and the three of them had flown into Boston, intending to start Riley’s college visits in New England. Her parents were spending the night in a local hotel; when I invited Riley to spend...

1 year ago
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Sams Place

                                               Sam’s Place Mark was a black man from the east side of New York. He had recently moved to a suburb of Chicago. One day a friend took him to a certain night club in a shanty part of town. Since then, he had been visiting this pub more than usual. It wasn’t that he liked the beer they served or anything else about the place. It was just that he had an interest in a lusty little blonde dancer who worked there. Ever since she first danced closed to...

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Peter Is 26 GwenChapter 2 Middle

Our wedding day was literally the happiest day of my life. Even with the stress, the last minute cold feet, the hang over from a bachelor party no one remembered, and the last minute rain storm. We got married in West Virginia, in April right around Spring Break so that we didn't miss any classes for it. We could have waited until after graduation but I wanted to get married and to my utter joy, Gwen didn't want to wait either. I wanted to do it in Reedville, so that my whole family — 25...

4 years ago
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Escape From Buggery Ch 04

It was after several hours of bumpy roads and undistinguished fields that the bus eventually arrived at Pederasty. This was no more prepossessing than anything else they’d seen: being a small walled town surrounded by dirt and rubble, beyond which stretched interminable miles of country lanes and fields of naked labouring peasants. Little Pussy stood up and opened the bus door. “Welcome to Pederasty. The joys and desires you’ve always wanted to sample are here for you.” The passengers filed...

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The Grand Prize

It was a Saturday night and Michelle had been invited to a party, one of those parties for women where they buy sex toys. She did not know the hostess but had been asked to go with a friend and decided it might be kind of fun. She was going to see what she could find to add to our collection that might be a little more on the kinky side. The party was from eight to ten, so we had a light dinner before she left, and I settled down to watch TV. About 10:15 I got a text from her that simply...

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Bonnie Discovers Her Submissive Side Chapter 6

Bonnie was brought back to the present when she felt a wave rising within her. Susan kept going until she could feel Bonnie begin to quiver and tense."My little bitch loves to be covered in cum. So I would appreciate it if you boys would oblige her."Both men nodded as Susan continued fucking her. The man at her mouth stopped and gave his cock a few strokes before ejaculating on her face and hair. A minute later, the man in her ass pulled out and came all over her back.  Susan pounded her hard...

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Mummy Ne Gair Mard Se Chudwaya 8211 Part III

Hi friends this is vicky.Maine aapko pichli story mummy ne gair mard se chudwaya me bataya ki kaise holi pe hum gaon gaye the aur mere gaon ke chaha ne meri mummy ki chudai ki aur bad me meri mummy ne vaha aur bhi mardo se apni chut aur gand marwayi.Jo reader meri story padh chuke hai vo meri mummy ke bare me jante aur jo nahi jante unko mai thoda sa bata deta hu unke bare me fir story pe aata hu.Meri mummy ka naam varsha singh hai vo dekhne me bahut sunder hai. Ab mai aapko batane jaa raha hu...

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