Clara Wilson s Makeover
- 4 years ago
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When Crystal Harper thinks about her life she wanted to cry. She was rapidly approaching her fortieth birthday, she thought, having recently celebrated number thirty sixth. She was a divorced mother of two teenage boys, Matt and Kevin, and she has been struggling to make ends meet, ever since her moron of an ex-husband left her after a one night stand with a drunken slut he’d fallen in love with. Tom Harper rarely paid child support and when he did, it was always late.
As a result, it made it very hard for Crystal to balance her expenses, which cause her considerable embarrassment with her creditors in her home town of Modesto, CA. Her only solution was to work long hours at her dead-end job and hoping the extra money would be enough. She rarely if ever complained, and was thankful that she was employed, many of her girlfriends weren’t so lucky and had to rely upon government aid. But worst of all, Crystal was very lonely. Working as a clerk in a branch office of a large construction equipment distributor, she did an assortment of repetitive mundane clerical chores. Her days were long and boring. Although she worked with several other women, they were much older than her and were just marking time until they could retire. Although business was slowly picking up, as the economy continued recovering, the company continued to maintain as small a clerical staff as possible. The work was dull and offered no room for creativity, but fortunately there was plenty of work to do which gave her a little job security.
Like her job, Crystal’s life was boring. She had no romantic prospects and the only bright spot in her day was her lunch breaks which she looked forward to. It was there she could escape into her romance novels, as she day dreamed of finding her ‘soul mate’ who would swoop in and changing her life.
She didn’t date much, not because she didn’t put herself out there, but because she was just so plain looking, there was nothing that made her standout among all the other single women. Worst of all despite having had two children, she had barely any womanly curves. Her breasts were tiny, not much more than a pair of ripe nipples poking out from her chest. She had no hips and had been mistaken for a boy from behind on more occasions than she cared to remember. Her short, low maintenance hair style didn’t help matters, for she was too often approached by women suspecting she might be gay. Although women had never interested her, she on occasion toyed with the idea just to end her boredom. Little did she know, all that was about to change.
On her lunch break, in her usual spot, in the park across the street from her office, she sat reading her latest romance novel. It was a beautiful autumn day in Modesto, when something caught her eye. Glancing up from her book, she saw a funny looking little man watching her from a park bench not far away. She thought him funny looking mostly because he appeared to be dressed in clothing from another period in time which made him look odd and out of place, and his light brown pants and shirt that seemed to fit rather poorly. Dismissing him she went back to her book. When she looked up again, he was sitting beside her, staring at her waiting for her to acknowledge his presence. He didn’t appear to be threatening, although his presence did startle her, and she noticed he was much smaller than she had original thought. He smiled at her and she felt compelled to return the smile. As she continued to look him over she noticed that his clothing appeared to be made from a shiny material she’d never seen before, yet it looked oddly familiar, like something from a fairy tale.
‘Hello, Crystal,’ he said. ‘I hope you will forgive the intrusion, I know how much you enjoy your lunch and romance novels.’
Crystal was taken back and asked, ‘How do you know what I like? Who are you?’
‘Who am I? That may take a little more explanation,’ he said. ‘Let’s just say I am a magical being. Think of me as your Fairy Godfather, although that doesn’t quite cover it all, but it is the simplest way to explain it. I am here to help you and to bring you some happiness.’
‘You mean like in the fairytales,’ she asked hoping that she was right.
‘Yes, very much like in the fairytales. I have been watching you for some time and think that I can make all your dreams come true.’
The funny little man went on to explain that he planned to give Crystal a ‘complete makeover’, head to toe, and he was prepared to do it all right now. Crystal had always been a little naïve, and didn’t understand what the funny little man meant by ‘a complete makeover’, the truth was that she had always been far too trusting of people. And unknown to her, although the funny little man had the best of intentions, he had a tendency to go a little bit overboard.
But she was eager for changes in her life, so throwing caution to the wind, Crystal eagerly agreed to his accepted his help. He warned her that he was on a very tight schedule and that if she was sure they would need to get started right away. When she reminded him that she was on her lunch break, he told her that he would take care of that and not to worry. She hesitated for a few seconds, fearful of losing her job, but when she finally agreed, the funny little man waved his arms wildly and the next thing she knew she was standing in the middle of her dingy cluttered bedroom with the funny little man seated cross legged floating in the air in front of her.
‘Okay,’ he said. ‘Are you ready to begin?’
Tossing her purse and book on her bed she said, ‘Yes, where do we start?’
‘Well, we begin by seeing what I have to work with,’ and he snapped his fingers.
Suddenly, Crystal found herself standing completely naked with her legs slightly spread and her arms held out parallel to the floor, like she was half way through a ‘jumping jack’.
‘What the hell,’ she began to protest.
‘Hush!’ The funny little man said hovering around her, looking high and low, and making notes on a notepad.
She tried to move but found that she couldn’t. She was about to panic, when he told her to sleep. Her head dropped forward like a stone and she was sound asleep, still frozen in place.
‘Where to begin,’ the funny little man asked aloud.
As he circled her several times, he stopped and hovered just a foot in front of her. He decided to begin with the obvious, she was as flat chested as a preteenager boy, so he would commence by increasing the size of breasts. He admired her hard puffy nipples, they would look good on a pair of large tits, he thought. Slowly the mounds on her chest began to grow. When they were a large as baseballs, he stopped and evaluated.
‘Too small,’ he said aloud so he continued carefully growing them slowly until they reached the size of grapefruits, and he stopped.
‘Close,’ he said. ‘Almost there,’ and they continued to swell.
He was suddenly startled by Crystal’s house cat as it knocked over a plant, distracting him at a critical moment. When he recovered and stopped the growing process, he saw that Crystal’s breasts had grown as large as two small watermelons. He cursed at the cat, causing it to flee the room. She was much larger than he intended, but he didn’t have the time to fix it now, so made a mental note and continued with the makeover. Crystal had almost no hips, so he added a several inches, more than he had originally planned as he attempted to compensate for his breast enlargement error. He was attempting to keep her proportions balanced. Next he trimmed the bushy hair covering her sex into a neat little landing strip. Seeing her sex, he thought it much too small and enlarging it, doubling its size and sensitivity. He didn’t like her hair style. It was too short. He grew it out half way down her back and changed the color from mousy brown to bright yellow. Considering her face for a moment, he straightened her nose and filled out her lips. Things were progressing nicely. He w
as pleased with the results and was a little ahead of schedule. He remembered from past experience the need to strengthen back and abdominal muscles, so that she would be able to support her new breasts. He was almost out of time so he added two inches to her height and made certain that all her clothing would fit her new dimensions, remembering the time he forgot to do that and the poor girl couldn’t leave the house and had to pay a fortune for a new wardrobe. He floated around her admiring his work. He thought that with the time he had invested, she looked pretty good, much more like a woman and woke her.
Crystal’s arms fell to her sides, as she struggled to maintain her equilibrium. Her head was spinning, she felt dizzy and off balanced. She thought the floor wasn’t the where it was supposed to be. When she looked down at her feet, all she could see were two gigantic tits. She reached up and began fondling them not believing they were really hers. They were huge, much larger than she imagined possible. She squeezed them together, mashed them against her chest and was amaze that they felt so real and natural, like she’d had them for years. She pushing them together, she was in awe at size of cleavage she now had. Cleavage was something she’d always dreamed of having.
Suddenly, she realized that she lost track of the funny little man. She turned quickly left then right, her tits move hard left and then right following her twisting torso until almost a full second later then settled back into place.
She found the funny little man was hovering above her she complained, ‘They’re pretty large and heavy, they weigh a lot more than I thought large breasts would weigh. Will I ever get used to carrying around the extra weight?’ Crystal asked as she lifted them again trying to gauge their weight. ‘And now my nipples are too small,’ she complained, ‘are you sure you’ve done this before?’
The funny little man was becoming annoyed and he didn’t have much time remaining, before he had to leave.
‘I thought you’d be ecstatic and show some enthusiasm,’ he said as he looked at his watch. ‘Tell you what, if you can generate a little enthusiasm I will fix your nipples.’
She hugged her tits and sang out, ‘I have tits, I finally have tits, jugs, hooters, knockers and titties, and I’m so overjoyed!’ She said and lifted one while lowering the other, doing this several times, and then asked, ‘How was that?’
‘Sarcasm doesn’t befit you,’ he said. ‘But I guess I was expecting too much.’ He waved his hands and made a few gestures and then vanished and he said. ‘I’m late for an appointment. I will check back with you in a few days.’
Crystal thought that was rude. She looked down at her chest, nothing looked different. With both hands she pulled on her nipples watching as they stretched and began to pulse with quickly building pleasure. She fell to her knees as she the pleasure continued, reluctantly she pulled her fingers away, realizing that it wouldn’t take much for her to climax from nipple stimulation alone. What she didn’t realize is that the funny little man had increased her nipple sensitivity three times their original levels. It did feel really good, so since he had left, she pulled on them again, just as quickly the warm tingling feeling returned starting deep within her and quickly spreading from her nipples and warming her throughout her body. She’d had orgasms before, but nothing she could remember felt this good so fast.
‘Nggggaahhhhh!’ She pinched the hardening flesh and fell to her knees, gasping, ‘tttooooo muucccuch,’ but she seemed to be unable or unwilling to let go until her mind gave out and she collapsed, unable to process the immense pleasure.
‘Well, what do you think of…,’ the funny little man asked, as he suddenly popped back in and seeing her squirming on the floor below him. ‘…Oh,’ he said, ‘I may have made your nipples a little too sensitive. You’ll need to be careful with them.’ And then he disappeared again.
Crystal awoke a short time afterwards, lying face down on the carpeted floor in her bedroom. She pulled her hands under her and pushed herself up. She was surprised at how easily she lifted herself, and further amazed at how much larger her breast looked from this angle, as she saw gravity’s impact. Adding to her surprise was her nipples were an inch long or more, standing proudly on the massive flesh.
‘Uh oh,’ she thought. ‘Now look at what I’ve done,’ realizing that it was her doing having annoying the funny little man.
She suddenly remembered that she had yet looked in the mirror to see all the changes the funny little man had made. Quickly getting to her feet she stumbled over to her full length mirror and got the shock of her life. She barely recognized herself. She did get a complete makeover. She looked like a life-size living ‘Barbie Doll’ on steroids, or to put it another way, she had the body of a porn star. She pulled her hands through the long mane of blonde hair, surprised to find how silky it was, however, with hair this long she’d have to learn how to style it, although it did look pretty sexy just hanging loose. She pulled it back into a pony tail, holding it with her hand, turning her head back and forth and decided it looked pretty hot.
Studying her reflection closely, she blushed when she saw her neglected bush had been tamed to a nicely shaped ‘landing strip’. She thought the lack of hair made her labia look much larger and then she realized that it was indeed much larger than before. It looked rather sexy, too, she thought, she hadn’t seen very many vaginas and rarely had the desire to see her own. But now, as she looked at in the mirror, she thought it was begging to be touched. She watched in amazement as it open like a flower and began to moisten. Carefully, she moved her fingers around the larger lips, gasping as she touched one sensitive spot after the other. She was breathing rapidly. Taking a chance, she moved her fingers closer to her hole and she jumped as she felt her passion growing. She was panting now. Did she dare find her clitoris? She swirled her finger around inside her hole, she was so wet, it was like stirring a boiling pot of honey. Too soon she was unable to comprehend the pleasure she was causing with her fingers. She was teetering on the edge, it wouldn’t take much to push her off, still using the mirror she saw her clit swelling and emerging from its hood. It was huge. Crystal touched the sensitive button and exploded. It was as if fireworks were going off in her mind, she had never felt this much pleasure before. Not being sure what to do with her free hand and she made the mistakes of grabbing her huge left breast and erect nipple. It was like shifting from fourth into fifth gear, her pleasure raced ahead and she lost consciousness. When she awoke, she was still shuddering, small tremors continued to rock her, then she realized why, she was sucking on her left nipple. She slowly and reluctantly let it fall away from her mouth.
Crystal had no idea what time it was. Crawling to her knees and climbing to her bed using it to get to her feet she saw the alarm clock on the night stand read 2:15.
‘Oh my, the boys will be home soon’, she said. She was covered in sweat and her juices, the room reeked with the smelled of her sex. ‘I must get a quick shower and find something to wear.’
She ran to the bathroom, jumped into the shower and attempted to wash herself. But after coming for the third time, she began to realize there was no way she could wash without getting off. So she settled for a cold shower. She was amazed to find that her long hair was extremely easy to wash, and dried quickly. It was easier to manage than her much shorter hair style.
Crystal realized she was just about out of time. She didn’t want the boys to catch her naked, so she raced down the hall to her bedroom, knowing she’d never find anything to wear. She almost fell down as she turned the corner, her loose flesh jiggled and wiggled as she failed to secu
re her massive new assets in her bath towel, which was proving to be much too small.
Arriving at her dresser, she opened her lingerie drawer and pulled out a one sexy bra after the other.
‘Where did these come from,’ she thought, reading the label, ’36EE’.
Well, now she knew her bra size. She selected a particularly pretty bra, pulled it on and moved her tits around until they felt comfortable, she really had no experience to compare it with. Next she opened her panties drawer and found a matching pair of thongs, and pulled them on too. She noticed that that may be a mistake as the rode high and the last thing she needed was extra stimulation. She looked through her draw and found a pair of’ Lace-Waist Cheeky Panty’ and thought it would be a better idea. Moving to her closet and saw a beautiful assortment of clothes all in her size, but more expensive than what she would have bought. She didn’t bother to figure it out. She was looking for a simple pair of jeans and a sweatshirt. After searching for several minutes, she found a pair of ‘7 For All Mankind’ jeans and a ’49er Jersey and put them on. She was trying to find comfortable clothes, but ended up in looking pretty sexy in her tight jeans, not the look she had intended. The jeans were long so she was forced to slip on a pair of 4′ plain black pumps. She looked in the mirror again, and surprised to see that she looked like she was dressed for a night on the town instead of greeting her sons as they came home from school. Her head was spinning, this wasn’t what she had intended, at all. Sitting at her vanity she applied a small amount of makeup. It was as if she had no control over anything, she found she had applied bright red lip gloss and much more eye liner than she thought necessary. Before she could fret further, she heard a car and realized that her sons were home. She was out of time, she would have to make do. She still didn’t know how to explain any of this to them. They would have dozens of questions, questions she wasn’t prepared to answer and likely some she’d not even considered.
The door open and slam shut, she knew she’d find them in the kitchen, looking for something to eat. She took a deep breath, steadied her nerves and marched into the kitchen.
‘Hi mom,’ one said, followed closely by the other, as one smeared peanut butter and jelly over a couple of slices of bread, while the other poured a couple of glasses of milk.
‘Going out early tonight,’ Kevin asked looking at the way she was dressed, ‘You look hot!’
‘Aw, Mom you promised me we’d get my iPhone after we got home from school today,’ Matt whined. ‘I came straight home, like we agreed.’
Crystal was stunned. Didn’t they see how much she had changed? It was as if they were used to seeing her like this. They seemed to be comfortable with the way she was dressed. But, what was this about buying an iPhone? There is no way they could afford that. What was Matt talking about?
She watched with strange fascination as Kevin gobbled down his sandwich and sucked up his milk.
‘Gotta run, ya’ll,’ he said, wiping his mouth on his sleeve. ‘Going back to school for football practice, will likely stay out until 8 or 9, see you later. He kissed his mother and slapped his brother’s hand and rushed out the door. A minute later she heard the powerful engine of a muscle car and the squeal of tires.
‘What’s your brother talking, Matt,’ she asked, ‘Football? And what was that he’s driving?’
Matt looked concern and walked over to his mother putting the back of his hand to her brow. ‘Are you feeling okay, of course football, mom. Kevin is the school’s star quarterback! And you bought him the Mustang for his birthday last month, don’t you remember.’ Matt replied as he removed his hand from her brow, satisfied that she wasn’t feverous. He looked at his mother with adoring eye. ‘Can we go get my iPhone now? You promised.’
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On Saturday evening in may we were sitting out on the porch and Crystal asked me "what are we gonna do tonight?" " I don't know. I thought we would just hang out at the house and watch tv and have a few drinks." It wasn't long before the sunset and we went inside and picked out a movie. Now let me tell ya a little about Crystal and myself also our relationship. Crystal and I both are 25 at this time and roommates due to slow down at work I had to save money and move in with her. She is about...
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All comments welcome -- [email protected] Don't read this if you can't, or can't claim you can. Makeover by Vickie Tern It really was the most amazing birthday my wife could ever have given me! Even now my eyes fill with tears just thinking about it. It seemed overwhelming two nights ago, when she first proposed it. But since then? She'd sat me down and told me the whole thing was arranged, never mind thanking her, there...
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This story is the sequel to ‘Crystal Gets a Makeover’, but is free standing. Please don’t forget to provide feedback good or bad and score, fives are appreciated. ***** It was late when Bryan Ryan finally crawled into bed next to his already sleeping wife of five years. She was snoring lightly and as he slid under the covers, her breathing pattern didn’t change. He had spent another late night playing ‘Call to Duty’ instead of coming to bed early to talk. ‘Why did women always want to talk?...
This tale is an ADULT experience. It contains strong sexual content that is not at all suitable for minors.-------------------CRYSTAL.-------------------WrittenbyMiss Irene Clearmont.This story can be read separately, or be regarded as a continuation of ?Phoenix Rising?. Be aware that there are spoilers here for ?Phoenix Rising? and that you may wish, therefore, to read that story before you tuck into this one?As you wish, it?s your experience not mine?Copyright ? 2012 (Feb) Miss Irene...
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"Loneliness is a bitch," I thought, sitting on my patio and watching the grass grow. My cell phone buzzed, a glance revealed it was my friend Gloria."Hi there, bestie, how you doing?""Gloria, life sucks.""You still trying to get over the asshole?""No. I'm over that, but life is empty, and I am just trying to wrap my mind about what's next. The vista is gloomy. Two failed marriages sap your confidence in yourself. Anyways, I'm off men for now.""What you need, Girl, is to treat...
TransI do not claim to be a grammar expert and as such you will find some grammatical errors in this story. The errors can be the switching of tense, spelling errors, or typos. I ask if you find an error please send me an email so I can correct and make the story enjoyable for others.WARNING! This text file contains sexually explicit material. If you do not wish to read this type of literature, or you are u******e Eighteen, PLEASE DELETE THIS FILE NOW!!!!Cindy's...
Chapter 1 ========= It all started by accident. "By accident?" I hear you say. "How can something like that be accidental?" It's simple actually. It all stems from that old adage: "be careful what you wish for" and for Gary Jones, no truer words were e'er spake... +++++ Gary and his girlfriend Valerie or Val as she preferred, were classic 'couch potatoes'; their evenings mapped out by TV programmes. Admittedly, Gary had things he liked as did Val and whilst their...
HumorRock Star Makeover "You can't be serious!" "Why not enter the contest?" "Well, duh, it's for girls?" "Doesn't say that anywhere. Says you have to be 15 or older, that's it." "Come on! I know you like Cathy Mason, and that the contest winner gets a meeting with her, as well as a trip to Hollywood for the winner, their parents and a friend. But it also includes a new wardrobe, as well as a 'makeover'. You know, like makeup and stuff?" He just grinned at me. "He" was...
Note: In this story one of the characters has a lisp. I have indicated their pronunciation by simply substituting 'th' for 's' and a soft 'c' and sometimes 'w' for 'r' (where the 'r' might usually be rolled e.g. 'breast' would be 'bweatht' but 'her' would stay 'her'), in both cases the rest of the correct spelling of the word stays the same. I'm aware that it makes difficult reading, especially for those for whom English isn't a first language, but I can't think of any other way of...
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The Moscow concert and premiere of Crystal's film The Naked Truth had gone off without a hitch. The worry I'd felt over those events before paled in comparison with the angst I felt over having to check out of the country with Russian immigration and customs carrying a contraband iPod with a terabyte of highly classified Russian data on it. I tried to calm myself by recalling one of the missions I'd had in Russia when I was a Green Beret. My squad had done a HALO drop into the edge of the...
Polly Tarantella hadn’t always been the great custodian of Crystal Passion’s legacy nor always the music’s greatest champion. In fact, I first heard of her when Olivia—one of the few original band-members I still keep in touch with—e-mailed me a link to a Rock Music website I’d never have discovered otherwise in which Polly Tarantella lambasted Crystal Passion with a vehemence that was bizarre given the many years since the band had broken up. In those days she was known as Sally Tyrant and was...
Crystal and I came trotting back from our morning run and a twenty-minute period of meditation in the little clearing in the woods. We'd seen a deer as we sat motionless, but the deer just meandered away in no particular rush. As we got near the house, I said to Crystal, "Would you marry me?" Crystal whirled around in complete surprise. She tried to speak, sputtered, her mouth moved, but no words came out. Then, I figured out what she tried to say: "No." She shook her head, paused, and...
‘Where is everyone?’ I asked when after an exasperating journey on Philadelphia’s public transport system I’d finally got back to the hotel and found Crystal sitting in the hotel lobby with only Jenny Alpha and our luggage for company. Crystal pretended to look around the hotel lobby at the scuffed velour chairs and the sticky linoleum floor. ‘They’re not here, that’s for sure,’ she said with a smile. ‘In fact, they’ve all left in the camper van for Boston.’ ‘They left without me?’ I...
I cried almost nonstop for an entire week. Everyone came by the house and tried to console me, as well as the others close to Crystal. We were all crying or moping around the house; we relished the few moments when we fell asleep exhausted because for a few minutes we were numbed from the events Crystal precipitated. Crystal was gone, disappeared, and maybe even dead somewhere. I couldn't even think of her without feeling total devastation sweep over me. For two days that first week, I...
Chapter One How well did I ever really know Crystal Passion? I ask that because everyone says that no one knew her better than me. And that’s just not true. It’s obvious why so many people believe I know more about her than the dozen or so others who were with her on that last fateful tour. I’m the one who renowned American rock critic Polly Tarantella has elevated to the status of Chief Guardian of the Crystal Passion legacy. Of the rest of us who were there, does anyone remember...
Both Crystal’s and Judy’s parents preferred that their daughters be buried rather than cremated so the final moments of the funeral weren’t of two coffins sliding inside a furnace and being incinerated. Instead a procession of hearses snaked out of the funeral home and wound through the roads and avenues of Rock Hill to Crystal’s final resting place at the Forest Hills Cemetery. I was a mess of sorrow and tears during the whole drive. The brief respite I’d had from my grief by the need to...
If you looked for a sexy, feminine, human dynamo with spectacular artistic talent, Brite Reber would flawlessly fill the bill. She lived outside St. Cloud, Minnesota, and for the past five years had done business on her own terms. She commanded top-dollar for her photo sessions, and last I knew you had to book her at least two years in advance even if you were the queen of England, the President, or the newest movie star. "Jimmmm," she crooned into the telephone, responding to my name...
Polly Tarantella hadn’t always been the great custodian of Crystal Passion’s legacy nor always the music’s greatest champion. In fact, I first heard of her when Olivia—one of the few original band-members I still keep in touch with—e-mailed me a link to a Rock Music website I’d never have discovered otherwise in which Polly Tarantella lambasted Crystal Passion with a vehemence that was bizarre given the many years since the band had broken up. In those days she was known as Sally Tyrant and...
Dan bumped his head a couple of dozen times against the wall in the bedroom he'd been in with Ellen. The act looked funny given he was naked and sober, but so were the rest of us. He'd dropped the newspaper that repeated the story in a British tabloid about me carrying around pornographic and lewd pictures that had been sexted to me or taken by me on my cell phone. I took his head pounding as an indication that my publicist hadn't the slightest idea how to cope with this sudden release of...
"Where is everyone?" I asked when after an exasperating journey on Philadelphia's public transport system I'd finally got back to the hotel and found Crystal sitting in the hotel lobby with only Jenny Alpha and our luggage for company. Crystal pretended to look around the hotel lobby at the scuffed velour chairs and the sticky linoleum floor. "They're not here, that's for sure," she said with a smile. "In fact, they've all left in the camper van for Boston." "They left without...
I slept between Crystal and Ellen the night we got back from Minnesota. I think we were sexed out because uncharacteristically no one made any overt gestures to any of the others regarding sex. We were cuddly and happy, and even went to bed early making up for the sleep deprivation we'd suffered when we opted to keep messing around until the wee hours while at Brite's home. I remember wondering what each of the women was thinking or dreaming as I drifted off. Were these moments a calm...
I felt her lips reach the base of my cock and I gave the back of her head a soft caress followed by a little push. Her lips gently flared out on the base of my hairless shaft and she moaned with my cockhead buried in her throat. I looked down and watched her green eyes as they stayed locked into mine. Crystal had enhanced her eyes the way she usually did when we went out somewhere. She fringed her lashes with lots of that CoverGirl ThickLash mascara that gave her lashes a longer, plush look....
I felt her lips reach the base of my cock and I gave the back of her head a soft caress followed by a little push. Her lips gently flared out on the base of my hairless shaft and she moaned with my cockhead buried in her throat. I looked down and watched her green eyes as they stayed locked into mine. Crystal had enhanced her eyes the way she usually did when we went out somewhere. She fringed her lashes with lots of that CoverGirl ThickLash mascara that gave her lashes a longer, plush look....
I felt her lips reach the base of my cock and I gave the back of her head a soft caress followed by a little push. Her lips gently flared out on the base of my hairless shaft and she moaned with my cockhead buried in her throat. I looked down and watched her green eyes as they stayed locked into mine. Crystal had enhanced her eyes the way she usually did when we went out somewhere. She fringed her lashes with lots of that CoverGirl ThickLash mascara that gave her lashes a longer, plush look....
you can visit for the best porn :)I felt her lips reach the base of my cock and I gave the back of her head a soft caress followed by a little push. Her lips gently flared out on the base of my hairless shaft and she moaned with my cockhead buried in her throat. I looked down and watched her green eyes as they stayed locked into mine. Crystal had enhanced her eyes the way she usually did when we went out somewhere. She fringed her lashes with lots of that CoverGirl ThickLash...
I think our rendition of the song brought tears to nearly every eye in the arena. The song was Perhaps Love; it was a cover for one done years ago by John Denver and Placido Domingo, except Crystal and I had added our own touch to both lyrics and melody shifting the song into a romantic ballad of the country music genre. I could tell we'd seriously moved the audience because as the last bars of the song died out an eerie silence hung over the stadium for a full five seconds before the...
‘We’ve been invited to her home!’ an excited Andrea announced after she and Crystal emerged from the hotel lobby’s public phone booth. ‘Whose home?’ I wondered, not really having paid much attention. I was sitting splayed across one of the Crown Hotel’s most threadbare red velour sofas. We were now on the latest stop of our trans-American tour and in the city of Providence, the capital of the tiny Ocean State of Rhode Island. I’d been browsing statistics about the state in a tourist brochure...
If you were touring America these days and you wanted to contact your manager or, indeed, anyone back in the UK, all you need to do is switch on a laptop or tablet or smart phone and use Skype. And if not Skype exactly, you’d use Viber or exchange e-mails or instant messages. But in the early 1990s, the internet was very slow and ridiculously expensive and most people weren’t online anyway. So, when Crystal wanted to contact Madeleine, our agent, to find out how things were doing she had to...
It had been several years since I’ve been back to my hometown, I didn’t know what to expect when I moved back since I really haven’t stepped foot in this town since I graduated high school. Once I arrived back at my hometown I noticed that the town really hasn’t changed much. I noticed a new water tower, a new school but everything else was the same. What did I even expect from a small town, nothing is going to change in a small town. I got to my grandparents house, I looked around to...
The envelope had a wax seal across the flap embossed with the script letters 'NR'. On the front, written in bold letters, were the words, "To be opened only by Jim Mellon." An usher brought it to me at intermission time. I thanked him and went to tip him, but he said, "Oh, no sir, the young lady handsomely tipped me to deliver this to you personally." I figured it was some not-so-subtle fan mail. The green room door opened and a stage hand yelled into the room to Crystal and me, "On...
"You don't really want to know about my sex life or nearly the lack of one." I told her. We had joked about sex as Carol was growing up and had our talk about safe sex, I had let my ex wife do the sex talk with Carol. Carol had asked questions about different things about sex over the years but nothing that was personal. "Dad you are a great looking guy and I wish you would get out more, maybe get laid once in a while." Carol was blushing badly by the time she finished saying...
‘Wherever it is we’ll be tomorrow, it won’t be Kansas,’ Crystal announced when she’d returned from the hotel foyer after what was originally intended to be a routine phone call to Kai about the tour itinerary. ‘And it most certainly won’t be Kansas City.’ ‘No need for ruby slippers then,’ said Thelma. ‘So, if we’re not going to Kansas, where are we going?’ Andrea asked. ‘Weren’t we supposed to be travelling from there to Chicago, Washington and New Orleans?’ ‘It isn’t only Kansas we won’t...
I was working ate in the campaign office along with about three volunteers. I was in charge of a Get Out The Vote effort for a local candidate and we had been brain storming things for weeks with staff. One of the three volunteers was a college-aged girl named Crystal. Crystal had an engaging smile and the only thing bigger than her smile was her heart and her boobs. I had secretly stalked her Facebook photos after she added me as a friend. I had hopes of determining a little more about her...
Hardcore"Ellen will be your very special assistant. She'll be your script girl, check your makeup, help you go over your lines, and keep you on schedule." Crystal smiled at me to be sure I thought I'd be taken care of, "And, of course, she'll keep you warm in bed, and she's promised to remind you that I love you even though I'm six thousand miles away." She laughed at her innuendo abd then whispered, "And I've left instructions that she's supposed to fuck you senseless at least once a...
I'm sure most of the population think that music and movie stars have chauffeurs everywhere they go, plus a huge entourage who wait on their every need. Not true! I personally drove the crowded SUV across Tennessee from Nashville to a rural suburb of Knoxville where Crystal and Ellen's parents lived. With Crystal and me also were Ellen, Claire, PJ, and Nadia. We were all in a jovial mood, laughing and even singing Christmas carols along with the radio. The back of the car was so full of...
Nobody should approach me if they want a fair, balanced and informed opinion of Rock Hill, South Carolina. Most of what I discovered about the city was well after the Crystal Passion tour and what we saw was probably unrepresentative and, to be honest, not especially attractive. It was a town very much in the shadow of the somewhat larger city of Charlotte, 25 miles away and mostly only glimpsed at as we drove by on the relatively new Interstate 485 which also took us past Charlotte Douglas...
Not surprisingly, I found a few residual women in my bed on Tuesday morning, and we made love again. After that, we all showered, having some sexual play in our shower room, dressed, and then had a light breakfast. I felt like a kid waiting for Santa Claus to arrive, just knowing I would get my favorite and most wished for present later that day – Crystal! The clock slowed to a crawl. I kept looking at it, trying to see how fast 5:30 p.m. would arrive. It wasn't coming fast at all....
Nobody should approach me if they want a fair, balanced and informed opinion of Rock Hill, South Carolina. Most of what I discovered about the city was well after the Crystal Passion tour and what we saw was probably unrepresentative and, to be honest, not especially attractive. It was a town very much in the shadow of the somewhat larger city of Charlotte, 25 miles away and mostly only glimpsed at as we drove by on the relatively new Interstate 485 which also took us past Charlotte Douglas...
I looked at the pretty young woman and pondered how to answer her question, 'Mr. Mellon ... err, this is delicate ... I don't know how to put this ... but, well, ... do you have a child ... by a woman who lives in Greenville, Ohio – a baby about seven or eight months old?' I practically choked out loud. I did indeed have a child I'd fathered in Greenville, Ohio. Crystal knew too, but other than the baby's parents no one else should have figured out the lineage of that child. Crystal...
However much I admired Crystal’s song-writing skills when I was playing in her band, I didn’t really dwell much on the meaning of her lyrics. Certainly not with the intense attention to detail as Polly Tarantella. She quotes from Crystal Passion’s lyrics as if it was poetry and uncovered depths of meaning in them that had never occurred to me. I suppose it’s natural to think you might glean everything about Crystal’s philosophy of life from her lyrics, especially since she never explicitly...
By the time I called room service for lunch, four nearly nude women sat engaged in various activities in the living of our suite at the Hotel George V in Paris: Crystal was reading a script she'd been asked to consider for our next movie, if she liked it then I'd read it next; Jill had started to read a Clive Cussler book on her iPad; Helen sat near a corner of the room practicing various yoga positions au naturel; and Margo, naked except for her thong, alternately worked on her computer or...
I guess it should be obvious to just about everyone simply by having a look at an atlas, but it came as something of a surprise to me, to realise how big America actually is, and we were only travelling from North to South down the Eastern United States. Almost every single one of America’s states is bigger than England, and some are bigger than France or Germany, but when you travel across Europe you know for sure when you’ve left one country and entered another. In America the differences are...
"Wherever it is we'll be tomorrow, it won't be Kansas," Crystal announced when she'd returned from the hotel foyer after what was originally intended to be a routine phone call to Kai about the tour itinerary. "And it most certainly won't be Kansas City." "No need for ruby slippers then," said Thelma. "So, if we're not going to Kansas, where are we going?" Andrea asked. "Weren't we supposed to be travelling from there to Chicago, Washington and New Orleans?" "It isn't...
If you were touring America these days and you wanted to contact your manager or, indeed, anyone back in the UK, all you need to do is switch on a laptop or tablet or smart phone and use Skype. And if not Skype exactly, you'd use Viber or exchange e-mails or instant messages. But in the early 1990s, the internet was very slow and ridiculously expensive and most people weren't online anyway. So, when Crystal wanted to contact Madeleine, our agent, to find out how things were doing she had to...
*** This tale is an ADULT experience. It contains strong sexual content that is not at all suitable for minors. *** This story can be read separately, or be regarded as a continuation of ‘Phoenix Rising’. Be aware that there are spoilers here for ‘Phoenix Rising’ and that you may wish, therefore, to read that story before you tuck into this one… As you wish, it’s your experience not mine… *** CHAPTERS. CRYSTAL A job with prospects. CRACKED CRYSTAL A service with no prospects. LEAD CRYSTAL The...
FetishMy meditation was broken by the almost inaudible sound of a footstep nearby. I sensed an animal; but instead of jerking my head around to look I remained absolutely still and slowly opened my eyes. From my right side, a fawn moved into the clearing with me – light brown with white markings, large dark eyes full of curiosity. The pretty animal knew I didn't belong, yet obviously didn't fear me. It approached and sniffed at my ear and cheek. Not too far away, I heard the heavier footfalls of...
Edie Gerst and her editor published the story about my baby, Summer, George, Crystal, and me on Thursday. They carefully picked the day of the week, because that's the day most of the tabloids get to the newsstands, so it would be a week before they would be able to catch up with the scoop we'd given the Dayton Daily News. By the time they would be able to write about the story, it would be old news, and depending on what else happened during the week, including what flying saucers landed...
"We've been invited to her home!" an excited Andrea announced after she and Crystal emerged from the hotel lobby's public phone booth. "Whose home?" I wondered, not really having paid much attention. I was sitting splayed across one of the Crown Hotel's most threadbare red velour sofas. We were now on the latest stop of our trans-American tour and in the city of Providence, the capital of the tiny Ocean State of Rhode Island. I'd been browsing statistics about the state in a tourist...
Both Crystal's and Judy's parents preferred that their daughters be buried rather than cremated so the final moments of the funeral weren't of two coffins sliding inside a furnace and being incinerated. Instead a procession of hearses snaked out of the funeral home and wound through the roads and avenues of Rock Hill to Crystal's final resting place at the Forest Hills Cemetery. I was a mess of sorrow and tears during the whole drive. The brief respite I'd had from my grief by the need...
A lot of hate is thrown on boredom, but without boredom, where would humanity be? Boredom has been the impetus behind many of man's most significant accomplishments. Along with sex, it's one of our primary guiding motivations.From Boredom to WhoredomNothing is worse than sitting around with nothing to do. Why do you think we all masturbate so fucking much. It's the easiest solution to having nothing to do. Boredom can even lead a bitch to discover porn, and that's precisely what happened to...
Twitter Porn AccountsIn her best-selling biography, Polly Tarantella makes clear that she ranks the most significant days of Crystal Passion’s life as those from when she arrived at JFK airport until her fateful last day on American soil. It’s probably not surprising that an American writer asserts that Crystal’s few weeks in America should be her most important. Although Polly interviewed me for the book and we continue to exchange e-mails, there’s a lot in her account I don’t really recognise. And this is even...
We dozed for a long time, drifting in and out of a pleasurable nap brought on by the soporific afterglow of the pleasure we'd just completed. Not unexpectedly, I had dreams of a sexual nature. I held Kim's naked body against me; our spent sex organs nestled together at our groins, and my hand cupping one breast. Behind Kim, her daughter Crystal lay naked and tightly against her mother's body; one arm wrapped around and cupping Kim's other breast. Ellen had spooned behind me; her erect...