Crystal ClearChapter 29 Scandal Damage Limitation Wild Sex
- 3 years ago
- 34
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Crystal and I came trotting back from our morning run and a twenty-minute period of meditation in the little clearing in the woods. We'd seen a deer as we sat motionless, but the deer just meandered away in no particular rush.
As we got near the house, I said to Crystal, "Would you marry me?"
Crystal whirled around in complete surprise. She tried to speak, sputtered, her mouth moved, but no words came out. Then, I figured out what she tried to say: "No." She shook her head, paused, and then explained. "Jim, you are loved by many women whom I love. I wouldn't do that to them the same way Claire wouldn't. I don't know what you have, but you have 'IT.' If I married you, it would make us traditional – and I don't want traditional, and I know you don't either; nor does Ellen, Claire, PJ, Nadia, Edie, Summer, and I won't even start on the rest of the list of women enamored with your charms. We all like living in an open polyamorous relationship with you. I love that other women love you, on some days more than I do, to be realistic about it." She playfully punched my arm to take the edge off her words. As an afterthought, she added, "I do like the idea ... I just ... never thought it would happen ... that you'd ever want to, so, I didn't think about it as even a possibility."
I didn't doubt her love one bit. Since the first day we met, I knew we both felt we had an affinity and connection that transcended anything either one of us had even seen long-married couples display. Crystal's parents had even commented multiple times about how we seemed to be made for each other.
We slowed our walk, and Crystal who'd been leading the way, dropped back and grabbed ahold of my arm in a romantic gesture. She continued, "I know that PJ and Nadia will probably move on from us with their lives, and you and I and the others will mourn their departure. I'm not rushing them; I'm just being realistic. I think that Sean and Nadia each like being non-traditional, but they'll want a bigger bite of each other's time and attention. PJ is getting serious about Jake Randall. I think Dan's moving on; he took his best shot at her. I think something will happen there for each couple. It'll be interesting to see how it plays out."
Crystal hugged my arm to her full breasts and went back to her original line of thinking; "So, my 'No' isn't a message that I don't love you; it's because I love you AND I love all the others in our circle. I don't want any of us to be hurt by some false sense of exclusivity or possessiveness that might emerge with the label 'marriage.' We all need our freedom; we all need to have fun. I want us all to be able to support each other in mind, body, and spirit – to reach out and extend their love to help any of us to grow and to be the best we can be. Just always know, I do love you so dearly, and I want us to be together always. I just know there'll be others around us, and I like that too. I just hope you'll keep me on your favorites list."
Crystal stopped and pulled me into her arms for a very passionate kiss. I kissed back. This was the most wonderful woman in the world. She'd so changed my life, and I loved her more than life itself.
As we walked inside, Nadia and PJ were sitting at the dining room table having their cereal. I gave each of them a kiss, and then sat down to eat. Crystal repeated the act of love with kisses for each of them.
Claire had slept the night through after her breakdown, waking only long enough to shed her clothes, go to the bathroom and crawl back in bed with Crystal and me. She came out wearing one of my t-shirts and not much else. She went around the table and kissed each of us, rubbing the sleep from her eyes as she moved. She got to me last, and I cuddled her in my lap and let her nuzzle into my neck with her eyes closed and her red hair fanned out across my chest. She smelled like jasmine.
Nadia's graduation party in mid-May was a blowout. We had about three hundred people there, about half her friends from the nearby college and the rest a potpourri of other friends and neighbors. I noticed that Sean seldom left Nadia's side. He'd discovered the sweet young Russian a few years earlier as she was entering the school. He'd gotten a graduate degree at the same college mostly to stay near Nadia.
Crystal and I were standing on the deck looking out at the festooned pool area. The pool had two-dozen frolicking students or recent grads in it along with some of our band, some in various stages of nudity. This was my kind of party. I had a hard tongue from watching some of the coeds. I saw Cindy Wonder amazing a circle of college men as she danced topless shaking her magnificent globes in time to a piece by the Black Eyed Peas played at near top volume over the outdoor speakers we'd borrowed from the band.
As Crystal and I stood somewhat alone, I watched Sean breakaway from the group and come up the steps to us. He had a serious and determined look on his face. We both smiled at him, and he lightened up slightly.
Sean spoke haltingly, "Err, Miss Lee and Mr. Mellon, I have a serious question to ask you, and I'd like your serious consideration of it."
I thought I might know where this was going, and I knew Crystal did too; we each shared a sideways glance at one another. Sean sounded a little too rehearsed for this to have been spontaneous.
Sean blurted out, "I'd like to ask Nadia to marry me, but I want your blessing. I mean, she doesn't have any parents or relatives in this country, and you and a few of the others are her family ... and I love her with all my heart ... and we do so well together ... and I ... well, I want her with me always."
I looked past him into the yard and saw Nadia. She shrugged, as though to say she had no idea what he was up to by coming up to talk to us. She walked slowly in our direction, and I think it suddenly dawned on her what Sean was asking because her pace towards us quickened.
I reached out and shook his hand then Crystal leaned up and kissed his cheek. I said, "Sean. You have our blessing, but more important is what Nadia wants and not what we want. We want the best for her, but we don't know what the future holds for her ... or you ... or any of us. So, go ask her."
Sean broke into a grin a mile wide. "I plan to do that right now. Thank you. Thank you so much."
I turned him around, and nudged him in Nadia's direction.
Sean hopped down the steps two at a time into the lower yard and made a beeline to Nadia. We watched him corral her and lead her off to a quiet corner of the yard. Nadia looked over her shoulder at us with a worried expression on her face.
Crystal turned to me and said, "This should be good. Sean's in for a bit of a surprise."
"How's that?" I asked.
She said, "Wait; you'll know before the hour is up – and probably much sooner."
We watched Sean bow to Nadia's short height. He kissed her and hugged her, and then I could only infer that he was popping the question. The next I knew Nadia was talking very rapidly, probably in her broken English-Russian that she got into when she was nervous or rushed; she also flapped her arms frequently as though attempting flight. Occasionally, she would put her hands on her sides the way a scolding mother would; but then she'd reach up and stroke his cheek or kiss him. We could see Sean nodding his head increasingly as she talked. I could tell who would wear the pants in that family unit.
Crystal speculated, "Yep, I thought so. She's putting conditions on things. This is going to be a marriage more on her terms than his."
I said, "He's nodding in agreement most of the time." We were both laughing at the pair. Watching them was better than any television soap opera we'd seen.
After about twenty minutes, the pair left the corner of the yard and came back to the party and up the steps to us. They were holding hands, and both smiling.
Sean spoke as they stopped in front of us. Sean got down on one knee much to Crystal and my surprise. He spoke, "Miss Lee, will you accept me as a brother, because Nadia will only marry me with some conditions, and that is one of them?"
Crystal laughed, and she spoke in a low voice, "Sean, stand up for God's sake, and drop the Miss Lee shit. You and I have fucked many times at some of our group orgies, I enjoyed it immensely, and you've even had my mother and sister. I'm sure you enjoyed it too based on what you did and said, and the fact you came back for more. Now, I won't be your sister, but I will be your lover. I will share my lover Nadia with you willingly, and to any extent that makes her happy, for her happiness is important to me as yours will soon become." Crystal threw her arms around his shoulders and planted a passionate kiss on his lips that involved a little tongue.
When they parted, Sean's jaw had dropped open. I chuckled to myself, because Nadia had brought Sean to the house often when some of our gatherings had turned sexual, as they usually did, so he'd been initiated into the fold, so to speak, almost a year prior. He had proved his ability to be discreet, caring, and loving. Nadia had almost burst out laughing at Crystal's remarks.
Sean nodded to Crystal to signify that he understood. He turned to me and delivered his rehearsed lines; "Err, Jim? I hope I may call you Jim. Will you accept me as a brother, because Nadia will only marry me with some conditions and that is one of them?"
I reached and pulled him to me in a man hug. I said, "Sean, welcome to the fold. I don't know what other conditions she put on you, but I bet they're unconventional."
Sean nodded as we parted from our man hug. "They are unconventional, but I can easily live with all of them; it's sort of the way we are now except we'll be married and live together. She wants to be able to make love with you, Crystal, Ellen, Claire, and all the others whenever she wants and not have me get my nose out of joint. She wants to live nearby so we can visit back and forth continually, because you are her family and she loves you and wants to be near you. She hopes that I'll become a full-time lover in the group the same as some of the other men – like Terry and Dan, and she assures me that won't be a problem because ... well, she told me I fit in just right with everybody ... and, well, ... she told me I had a nice schlong."
Sean paused slightly embarrassed at the last admission of why Nadia thought he'd fit in, and then continued, "She explained to me again about polyamory, and I like and can adopt that life style. She wants two children, but not right away – no problem. She wants a career in the music industry, and I will support her anyway I can in that endeavor. I'm thinking of that industry as well since it's the backbone of Nashville, and I like it here."
Nadia nodded, obviously pleased that Sean had remembered all his promises.
Crystal said, "Might I suggest you write all these things down – together, and talk about them some more. And, Sean, I'm sure you'll think of a few things you might like as well. You should put them on your combined list almost like a contract the two of you agree to keep. And, that said, Jim and I are proud of the two of you, and we do welcome you to the family – our growing extended family."
Crystal again moved into Sean's arms and gave him another nuclear kiss that included grinding her hips into his groin and humping his leg through her daisy dukes. When she was done, I could see she'd left an excited young man standing in front of her.
I pulled Nadia to me, leaned over and kissed her the same way, taking advantage of my stooped over posture to grab ahold of her adorable and fantastically well-shaped and firm ass, giving each cheek a manly squeeze. I knew she liked it when I did that to her.
At that point, Nadia held up her left hand and there on her ring finger sat a gorgeous antique engagement ring with a large diamond. Nadia explained, "This belonged to Sean's paternal great grandmother. He swears it's not only a pledge of love but a ring full of luck and prosperity." She broadly smiled as Crystal and I bent over to examine her new acquisition. After we looked at the ring, she announced, "I've GOT to find Ellen, PJ, and Claire." She grabbed Sean's hand and off they went into the party throng.
The party seemed to shift into a higher gear about the time Nadia dragged Sean away to share her engagement news with our 'family' and her other friends. Occasionally, we'd hear shrieks of joy, mostly from some female as Nadia made the circuit of the party with Sean in tow. There was more nudity around the pool, and then just more nudity in general.
Crystal and I split up and socialized for a while circulating among all our friends and guests. As I meandered through the throng, I could occasionally smell marijuana waft through the air. At one point, I happened to see Crystal passing a joint around as she stood in a circle with some college age men and women. I turned and tried to ignore the infraction. I'd talk to her in the morning, although my previous pleas apparently had gone unheeded.
A half hour later, I passed through the crowd in the large and dimly lit living room. Several couples were dancing to some mellow music in the open area of the room. Several other couples and a couple of mixed groups sat around making out or just talking.
What brought me to a stop and sent a lightning bolt of pain through my head was when I looked at the group around Crystal sat. Crystal held a rolled up greenback in one hand so it looked like a greenish cigarette, except it was a short straw. She bent over a glass tabletop that had three narrow lines of a white powder arranged parallel to one another. Before I could say anything, she put the bill to her nose and inhaled one line of the powder – cocaine. She repeated the process quickly with the other two lines, and then threw her head back and laughed. One of the young men in the group set up another three lines so someone else in their circle could snort the addictive drug.
I thought, "Oh, shit. What is she doing? Does she even realize... ?" I was speechless. Crystal's eyes crossed with mine, but I don't think she took in the fact that I had watched her. I didn't know what to do. I stood frozen in place for over a minute watching her laughing and being animated with the men and women in the group. A million thoughts raced through my head; I knew I'd need a long talk with her about her new penchant when the others weren't around. I knew enough not to embarrass her or confront her in front her new friends lest I create more problems than I solved.
Two hours later, after the last guests and the caterers had left, Crystal swayed to my side and started to maneuver me to the master bedroom. She was wide-awake, juiced up on her blow, and clearly sexually excited. She rubbed my crotch to add some excitement to her invitation. "Come on, Lover. I have a surprise for you – one I'm sure you don't expect." I knew the drug must have had some effect on her physiology, and I'd read it excited users sexually. Temporarily, I ignored the situation, talking to a slightly stoned and drugged out girlfriend wouldn't have much point at this stage.
Just inside the bedroom door, Crystal gave me lascivious smile.
The surprise was Nadia.
Nadia had been tied spread eagle to the various corners of the bed with long colorful scarves. Crystal had adjusted the lights so that a single oblique spotlight shone on Nadia's nude body. A light sheen of oil had been rubbed over Nadia's body so that every muscle and curve and mound of luscious female flesh glowed in splendor under the focused light. The scene provoked my instant arousal.
I moved to the bed, and started talking as though I was a doctor on television doing an autopsy. "Hummm. Subject appears to be about twenty-five years of age. Her skin is almost flawless, at least on the front and sides of her body. She has large and excited breasts for her size; the nipples are erect either by self-stimulation or the stimulation of whoever tied her to the bed frame. Her areolas measure approximately one-and-a-half inches across. She has a red heart about two inches across tattooed just above her beautiful pussy. The heart is surrounded by ... let me see, about two-dozen other much smaller hearts in a random pattern flowing up her abdomen but still inside her bikini line. My guess is that each of those smaller hearts represents someone this young woman had sex with during her life. Oh wait, I see another small tattoo on the side of her hip – ah, an America flag crossed with a Russian flag. I need to verify that this woman is of Slavic decent; however, the high cheekbones and facial structure would also suggest this. Oh, her vaginal slit looks quite wet, either from her own body fluids probably emitted because of her sexual arousal, or maybe the work of the tongue or tongues of the individual or individuals that tied her down."
Crystal laughed and pushed me onto the bed, "Oh, for God's sake, just make love to her. She needs you – a lot. Fuck her."
I turned to Crystal and eagerly said, "You going to join us?" I hoped the two of us could gang up on Nadia. Apparently, judging from the saliva I saw around Nadia's pussy, Crystal had already been there.
Crystal's eyes twinkled, and she grinned; "No, there's a young man who I believe might be the new fiancé of this pretty and tasty young woman waiting for me in the other room. I have a diabolical plan to wear out his sexual apparatus before the sun comes up, in other words, I am about to fuck his brains out. I am feeling so aroused. I should add that he helped me tie her down and warm her up for you."
I shook my head and said in a mocking tone, "Oooooh! Poor Sean."
Crystal pecked me on the lips. She whispered in my ear in a diabolical tone, "Maybe we'll come and join you two in an hour or so." I doubt Nadia heard her comment.
When I turned back to Nadia after Crystal left, Nadia said in a low voice, "I wanted to be tied up, because I want you to do anything you want to me. I want you to know that you can always have me, this way or any other way you want me. Every orifice I have is yours; I want to feel your tongue, fingers, or cock in every one of them tonight – or whenever you want. Come and fuck me – fuck me hard. I need to know you still love me although I gave a part of myself away tonight. I always want you in my life ... and in my body."
My clothes quickly dropped from my body by my own hand. I lay down beside Nadia's small form and proceeded to kiss her all over. The oil she'd been rubbed with had a slight taste of vanilla to it – delicious. I started with her sensitive ear lobes and neck, moving to her lips, slipping down to her engorged breasts that still looked large although she lay on her back and they rested lower against her chest. I sucked on each nipple even biting a little hard on one until she moaned, and as I did I slowly untied one of Nadia's hands. She gave me a questioning look.
I told her, "I want you to be able to hold me ... to touch me with your hands ... to love me the same as I'm loving you." I reached across her body to her other wrist, unknotting the fabric with one hand. "I have only ever wanted to love you as an equal ... not as a submissive ... and I do love you." I kissed her abdomen, and then licked her heart-shaped tattoos and dragged my tongue enticingly lower.
I kissed my way down her body to her pussy, using my tongue to zero in on her clit in my first assault. I untied one of Nadia's ankles as I moved my tongue deeper into her slit. The other ankle followed. Oh, the overpowering natural aroma of this sexually excited woman wafted into me, turning me on maybe more than the visual image of her readiness. One lap at her slit, and the taste of her woman-ness left no doubt of her desire for me.
As her last bond came free by my hand, Nadia wrapped her body around my head while I ate her fragrant dripping cunt. She held my head in both her arms and bent over me; her legs wrapped around my shoulders and back. I could feel her kisses on the side of my head.
"Jim, I love you. I love you. I love you. Oh, God, I never knew I could love someone so much. Someday, I'll love Sean the same way." I struggled to ignore her last comment; I hoped it didn't spell disaster for her happiness or their marriage.
Moments later we uncoiled, and my rock hard shaft easily slid into Nadia's molten pussy, accompanied by moans of joy from each of us.
The morning after Nadia's graduation party and her engagement to Sean, I awoke early and found two nude females snuggled up against me: my dirty blond girlfriend Crystal lay tightly against me holding onto one arm, and the beautiful little redhead Nadia nestled into the crook of my other arm with her leg haphazardly thrown over one of mine. I looked over Crystal's partially covered body and saw Sean's exhausted form face down in a pillow. We all smelled like sex – a good smell and a reminder of happy times.
Crystal had led Sean back to our bedroom about an hour after she'd left to sexually entertain him, to 'congratulate' him for becoming engaged to Nadia the prior evening, and to try to sexually exhaust him – something she liked to do to naïve and unconditioned lovers. As they came into the room, Nadia was riding me reverse cowgirl, facing the door. She'd held out her arms to Sean; "Come and kiss me, Lover. I want to tell you I love you, and I love being your fiancée." Nadia held her left arm out and simultaneously admired the heirloom diamond he'd put on her left-hand ring finger only a few hours earlier.
I thought how unique the situation: Nadia impaled on my cock, just engaged, her fiancé spent a good part of the night fucking my girlfriend, now his girlfriend wanted him to come and kiss her while she had me fucking her. I hoped Sean was one tolerant dude.
I tapped Nadia on the back, as though to say, 'Why don't you go to him?' She turned back to me, still admiring the ring. She said aloud so Sean could hear, "No, I want him to kiss me while you're making love to me – while you cock is deep inside me. I want US to feel comfortable being with you two and the others in all sorts of sexual situations. I want you each to know that I love you regardless of what I'm doing."
When she turned back, Sean embraced Nadia and kissed her hard, running his hands and tongue all over her upper body. I continued to thrust into her cunt at a gentler pace. I could feel her inner muscles squeezing around my shaft as they kissed – very erotic!
Simultaneously, Crystal came and kissed me, seemingly ignoring that my cock was deeply embedded for the third time in the past hour inside our little Russian lover. She then moved to suck on Sean's limp shaft a little.
Sean moved aside; his cock being fondled by Nadia who directed it to Crystal's mouth. I heard Crystal whisper to Nadia, "Come and let's finish off Sean; then we can both go back to work on Jim." Crystal still had a diabolical grin on her face. When she saw a 'performance weakness' in a man, she liked to taunt him – to take him to his limits and even beyond. I recalled her efforts to physically and sexually exhaust George Rinard, her not too resilient costar in her first movie. At least, she'd met her match with me. Sean looked as though he had passed his limit before coming into our bedroom.
Nadia slowly rose off my shaft, leaving my slick and glistening erection pointing straight up to the ceiling. The spotlight shined on my mid-section, highlighting my aroused state, and the cool air hitting my shaft did little to diminish my ardor.
Crystal took Sean's arm and led him to the other side of the large bed. After she got him to lie down, she engulfed his generous cock in both hands and her mouth. Nadia moved right in with her, and soon the two women were running their mouths up and down each side of Sean's dick in sync. Sean let out a long low moan of ecstasy. He shot me a look that pleaded for relief in some way, and at this point I don't think he meant sexual relief.
Crystal broke away and told Nadia, "I've gotten two strong cums from this stick tonight. Now, it looks as though we might get a couple more." She jerked his cock with her right hand at a rapid rate. Sean groaned more loudly.
Nadia said, "Oh, let me ride him for a while, then we can trade places." She crawled across the bed, threw a leg over her fiancé, and impaled herself on Sean's excited love stick. He moaned as he felt what I knew was her tight little cunt with its velvet warmth wrap around his cock. Nadia started to bounce up and down energetically while her right hand frantically rubbed her clit. Sean briefly looked over at me with a look of worry on his face. I think he was afraid he wouldn't cum, and then I think he was afraid he would.
Crystal winked at me, and then said aloud, "Sean, while you're fucking your new fiancée I want you to eat my pussy again. I love how your tongue can do that little magic fucking thing you do." Crystal lifted her knee over Sean's head facing Nadia, and lowered her cunt right onto his tongue. I admit to being impressed with the length to which the tall young man could extend his tongue into Crystal's vibrant pussy. Crystal apparently liked it too. I watched her eyes narrow to mere slits of bliss. In the back of my mind, I knew that part of her sexual sensitivity resulted from the cocaine she'd snorted a couple of hours earlier while the graduation party had been underway. I pushed the thought away, knowing that I'd have to address the issue when Crystal wasn't intoxicated with the drug.
Nadia and Crystal kissed and pawed at each others bodies and breasts, Nadia occasionally slowing down to allow Crystal to massage her clit or tweak her erect nipples. Watching the two of them atop Sean kept me aroused and ready for my own turn with the two of them.
After about five minutes, Crystal said to Nadia in a slow measured voice so Sean could hear her, "Can we switch now? I want to see whether I can get him to cum inside my hot-wet-beautiful country-singer-movie-star pussy - and then you can have him back. Do you think you could do that for me Sean? Could you blast another load of cum inside my cunt that you've already filled a couple of times tonight? I'd even catch some of it afterwards as it leaks out and bring it up to my tongue ... you know, so I could gobble some of your cum down my throat too. I might even share your cum with Nadia; we could snowball your juice back and forth, and show you how much we love to share your cum." I knew Crystal's words had been chosen to excite and titillate the young man. He just numbly nodded.
Crystal dropped onto his shaft in free fall. I watched her eyes roll back into her head at the sudden pleasure of his penetrating cock, even though she'd initiated the act.
After Crystal sat with Sean's cock deep in her pussy, she turned to me and said, "Jim. Fuck my ass. I want to be double teamed again." Crystal leaned forward slightly over Sean's prone form and reached back with both hands and spread her ass cheeks. I took my time opening up Crystal's ass, smearing around some of the copious juices oozing around her nether region, and getting my erect cock deep into her body. Crystal kept moaning and urging me to go deeper and faster; she again was on a unique sexual high.
Nadia moved around and straddled Sean's head, lowering her sweet little pussy onto his lips. I watched his long tongue lash out at her clit. Nadia moaned; "Oh, Sean. You have the best fucking tongue. You hit all my spots ... and ... you're ... making ... me ... cum!"
I wondered how much of the three loads of cum I'd already blasted into Nadia's tight little pussy he might end up sampling. In her vertical position over his mouth, she had to be leaking some of my previous blasts into her pussy. Yes, Sean would have to be one tolerant man.
From time to time, Nadia could be a 'squirter.' Sean must have touched the right places, at the right time, at the right pace, with the right pressure. As Crystal bounced up and down on our cocks, she and I looked down at the union of Sean's mouth and Nadia's cunt. The area suddenly flooded with the clear fluid of a female ejaculation. As Nadia lay back in her orgasmic spasm, a long narrow jet of girl juice squirted up from her cunt and onto Crystal's lower torso. The fluid dripped down onto Sean's torso, and thence to the already soggy bed linens.
Nadia wailed her orgasm; her eyes closed as the pleasure surged through her body. The scene triggered Crystal's climax too, and her body sped up into a blur as she jerked around on our two cocks, and then she froze with Sean and my cock as deep as she could get us inside her. She mashed herself down on his body and back against me simultaneously. I could feel Crystal's lower body spasming around Sean's long dick. Apparently that was all it took, and Sean went over the top with a low moan, "Oh, fuck, Crystal. I'm cuming again."
Nadia fell sideways off Sean. Crystal and Sean rolled sideways away from me, taking Sean with them since his cock remained impaled deep inside Crystal, as mine popped out of her ass. I saw Sean start to lap up every drop of Nadia's juice that he could get near with his head; not that he hadn't already swallowed a mouthful of her ejaculate when she came.
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My dive neatly cut the water, leaving little back splash. I soared under the surface for thirty feet or so before my natural buoyancy carried me to the surface. The endorphins I'd generated from a seven-mile run put me on an elated high. The meditation time I'd spent in the forest clearing near the back of the house had given me clarity and renewed spiritual awareness for the day. I felt a unity with mind, body, and spirit, as well as good chi. I allowed myself to float on my back,...
Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...
Claire had retyped the paragraphs over a hundred times in her mind, and now, sitting at her computer's keyboard, she'd physically retyped the short letter over two-dozen times in the past hour. Finally, she deemed it acceptable to send. Beth – I have missed you, and Joe so much my heart has often ached. I have been in a personal transformation, leaving the adult film industry and the escort service, and becoming more 'socially acceptable.' To complete my metamorphosis, I also changed...
Mera naam Rudra hai. Ek number ka harami aur besharam. Mera dimaag mere lavde mein hai, jo saala har waqt chudai ke liye uchalte rehta hai. Kasarati badan jo ghanto tak lavde ka saath deta hai. Waise toh bachpan se hi kaafi chudai ki hai. Lekin yeh wali sabse achi wali, ya yeh kahu ki sab se gandi wali hai. Main tab 30 saal ka tha. Shaadi hui nahi thi. Ghar mein rehta hi nahi tha. Naukri hi aisi thi ke sheher-sheher gaon-gaon bhatakna padta tha. Peshe se ek civil engineer, jiski degree paiso se...
Andrea Standing (part 2 of Andrea's Stand) A note at the beginning. One of the problems with writing a serial story is that the author feels a need to recap what happened in the prior portions. Please go back and read part 1, "Andrew Running". It will make this a better story. Briefly Andrew at 19, abused by his father, runs away to a distant relative, Aunt Clara. Andrew goes along with a joke played by Clara's lover Marnie, and ends up as Andrea working in Marnie's luxury used car...
This tale is an ADULT experience. It contains strong sexual content that is not at all suitable for minors.-------------------CRYSTAL.-------------------WrittenbyMiss Irene Clearmont.This story can be read separately, or be regarded as a continuation of ?Phoenix Rising?. Be aware that there are spoilers here for ?Phoenix Rising? and that you may wish, therefore, to read that story before you tuck into this one?As you wish, it?s your experience not mine?Copyright ? 2012 (Feb) Miss Irene...
TOMORROW ALWAYS COMES - CHUCK I see your picture in the news most every day You're the chosen girl of the social world, so the stories say But a paper smile only lasts awhile, then it fades away And the love we knew will come home to you some day Charlie Pride I'd had to hire someone to replace Sophie and I found a local girl. Her name was Ana Carranza and I'd known their family since I was a kid. The last time I'd seen Ana she had been eight. Now she was a short, curvaceous black...
Like most boys, as soon as Devon turned sixteen he went and took his driving test. He only had his license for a week and not only was it the first time to be driving without one of his parents in the car, but also the first time he took it without permission. His younger sister Sara was coming home just as Devon was backing out of the driveway and threatened to tell their parents if he didn’t take her with him. Although Devon loved his sister, at times she was a pain in the ass. As they...
I cried almost nonstop for an entire week. Everyone came by the house and tried to console me, as well as the others close to Crystal. We were all crying or moping around the house; we relished the few moments when we fell asleep exhausted because for a few minutes we were numbed from the events Crystal precipitated. Crystal was gone, disappeared, and maybe even dead somewhere. I couldn't even think of her without feeling total devastation sweep over me. For two days that first week, I...
If you looked for a sexy, feminine, human dynamo with spectacular artistic talent, Brite Reber would flawlessly fill the bill. She lived outside St. Cloud, Minnesota, and for the past five years had done business on her own terms. She commanded top-dollar for her photo sessions, and last I knew you had to book her at least two years in advance even if you were the queen of England, the President, or the newest movie star. "Jimmmm," she crooned into the telephone, responding to my name...
Crysatal Maid Crystal Broken Mariam eyed him with her big doe eyes as Hamid entered the room. He gestured at her to join him at the small padded bench in the middle of the room. With a single finger he slipped the bra strap of her shoulder. No words were needed and Mariam unhooked her red demi cut bra and stepped out of her matching knickers. He noted with satisfaction her little cock was standing erect. Hamid patted the bench and obediently Marian climbed up and knelled on all...
Polly Tarantella hadn’t always been the great custodian of Crystal Passion’s legacy nor always the music’s greatest champion. In fact, I first heard of her when Olivia—one of the few original band-members I still keep in touch with—e-mailed me a link to a Rock Music website I’d never have discovered otherwise in which Polly Tarantella lambasted Crystal Passion with a vehemence that was bizarre given the many years since the band had broken up. In those days she was known as Sally Tyrant and was...
The envelope had a wax seal across the flap embossed with the script letters 'NR'. On the front, written in bold letters, were the words, "To be opened only by Jim Mellon." An usher brought it to me at intermission time. I thanked him and went to tip him, but he said, "Oh, no sir, the young lady handsomely tipped me to deliver this to you personally." I figured it was some not-so-subtle fan mail. The green room door opened and a stage hand yelled into the room to Crystal and me, "On...
"Ellen will be your very special assistant. She'll be your script girl, check your makeup, help you go over your lines, and keep you on schedule." Crystal smiled at me to be sure I thought I'd be taken care of, "And, of course, she'll keep you warm in bed, and she's promised to remind you that I love you even though I'm six thousand miles away." She laughed at her innuendo abd then whispered, "And I've left instructions that she's supposed to fuck you senseless at least once a...
‘Where is everyone?’ I asked when after an exasperating journey on Philadelphia’s public transport system I’d finally got back to the hotel and found Crystal sitting in the hotel lobby with only Jenny Alpha and our luggage for company. Crystal pretended to look around the hotel lobby at the scuffed velour chairs and the sticky linoleum floor. ‘They’re not here, that’s for sure,’ she said with a smile. ‘In fact, they’ve all left in the camper van for Boston.’ ‘They left without me?’ I...
Chapter One How well did I ever really know Crystal Passion? I ask that because everyone says that no one knew her better than me. And that’s just not true. It’s obvious why so many people believe I know more about her than the dozen or so others who were with her on that last fateful tour. I’m the one who renowned American rock critic Polly Tarantella has elevated to the status of Chief Guardian of the Crystal Passion legacy. Of the rest of us who were there, does anyone remember...
Both Crystal’s and Judy’s parents preferred that their daughters be buried rather than cremated so the final moments of the funeral weren’t of two coffins sliding inside a furnace and being incinerated. Instead a procession of hearses snaked out of the funeral home and wound through the roads and avenues of Rock Hill to Crystal’s final resting place at the Forest Hills Cemetery. I was a mess of sorrow and tears during the whole drive. The brief respite I’d had from my grief by the need to...
Polly Tarantella hadn’t always been the great custodian of Crystal Passion’s legacy nor always the music’s greatest champion. In fact, I first heard of her when Olivia—one of the few original band-members I still keep in touch with—e-mailed me a link to a Rock Music website I’d never have discovered otherwise in which Polly Tarantella lambasted Crystal Passion with a vehemence that was bizarre given the many years since the band had broken up. In those days she was known as Sally Tyrant and...
"Where is everyone?" I asked when after an exasperating journey on Philadelphia's public transport system I'd finally got back to the hotel and found Crystal sitting in the hotel lobby with only Jenny Alpha and our luggage for company. Crystal pretended to look around the hotel lobby at the scuffed velour chairs and the sticky linoleum floor. "They're not here, that's for sure," she said with a smile. "In fact, they've all left in the camper van for Boston." "They left without...
I felt her lips reach the base of my cock and I gave the back of her head a soft caress followed by a little push. Her lips gently flared out on the base of my hairless shaft and she moaned with my cockhead buried in her throat. I looked down and watched her green eyes as they stayed locked into mine. Crystal had enhanced her eyes the way she usually did when we went out somewhere. She fringed her lashes with lots of that CoverGirl ThickLash mascara that gave her lashes a longer, plush look....
I felt her lips reach the base of my cock and I gave the back of her head a soft caress followed by a little push. Her lips gently flared out on the base of my hairless shaft and she moaned with my cockhead buried in her throat. I looked down and watched her green eyes as they stayed locked into mine. Crystal had enhanced her eyes the way she usually did when we went out somewhere. She fringed her lashes with lots of that CoverGirl ThickLash mascara that gave her lashes a longer, plush look....
I felt her lips reach the base of my cock and I gave the back of her head a soft caress followed by a little push. Her lips gently flared out on the base of my hairless shaft and she moaned with my cockhead buried in her throat. I looked down and watched her green eyes as they stayed locked into mine. Crystal had enhanced her eyes the way she usually did when we went out somewhere. She fringed her lashes with lots of that CoverGirl ThickLash mascara that gave her lashes a longer, plush look....
you can visit for the best porn :)I felt her lips reach the base of my cock and I gave the back of her head a soft caress followed by a little push. Her lips gently flared out on the base of my hairless shaft and she moaned with my cockhead buried in her throat. I looked down and watched her green eyes as they stayed locked into mine. Crystal had enhanced her eyes the way she usually did when we went out somewhere. She fringed her lashes with lots of that CoverGirl ThickLash...
By the time I called room service for lunch, four nearly nude women sat engaged in various activities in the living of our suite at the Hotel George V in Paris: Crystal was reading a script she'd been asked to consider for our next movie, if she liked it then I'd read it next; Jill had started to read a Clive Cussler book on her iPad; Helen sat near a corner of the room practicing various yoga positions au naturel; and Margo, naked except for her thong, alternately worked on her computer or...
I think our rendition of the song brought tears to nearly every eye in the arena. The song was Perhaps Love; it was a cover for one done years ago by John Denver and Placido Domingo, except Crystal and I had added our own touch to both lyrics and melody shifting the song into a romantic ballad of the country music genre. I could tell we'd seriously moved the audience because as the last bars of the song died out an eerie silence hung over the stadium for a full five seconds before the...
‘We’ve been invited to her home!’ an excited Andrea announced after she and Crystal emerged from the hotel lobby’s public phone booth. ‘Whose home?’ I wondered, not really having paid much attention. I was sitting splayed across one of the Crown Hotel’s most threadbare red velour sofas. We were now on the latest stop of our trans-American tour and in the city of Providence, the capital of the tiny Ocean State of Rhode Island. I’d been browsing statistics about the state in a tourist brochure...
If you were touring America these days and you wanted to contact your manager or, indeed, anyone back in the UK, all you need to do is switch on a laptop or tablet or smart phone and use Skype. And if not Skype exactly, you’d use Viber or exchange e-mails or instant messages. But in the early 1990s, the internet was very slow and ridiculously expensive and most people weren’t online anyway. So, when Crystal wanted to contact Madeleine, our agent, to find out how things were doing she had to...
It had been several years since I’ve been back to my hometown, I didn’t know what to expect when I moved back since I really haven’t stepped foot in this town since I graduated high school. Once I arrived back at my hometown I noticed that the town really hasn’t changed much. I noticed a new water tower, a new school but everything else was the same. What did I even expect from a small town, nothing is going to change in a small town. I got to my grandparents house, I looked around to...
"You don't really want to know about my sex life or nearly the lack of one." I told her. We had joked about sex as Carol was growing up and had our talk about safe sex, I had let my ex wife do the sex talk with Carol. Carol had asked questions about different things about sex over the years but nothing that was personal. "Dad you are a great looking guy and I wish you would get out more, maybe get laid once in a while." Carol was blushing badly by the time she finished saying...
‘Wherever it is we’ll be tomorrow, it won’t be Kansas,’ Crystal announced when she’d returned from the hotel foyer after what was originally intended to be a routine phone call to Kai about the tour itinerary. ‘And it most certainly won’t be Kansas City.’ ‘No need for ruby slippers then,’ said Thelma. ‘So, if we’re not going to Kansas, where are we going?’ Andrea asked. ‘Weren’t we supposed to be travelling from there to Chicago, Washington and New Orleans?’ ‘It isn’t only Kansas we won’t...
I was working ate in the campaign office along with about three volunteers. I was in charge of a Get Out The Vote effort for a local candidate and we had been brain storming things for weeks with staff. One of the three volunteers was a college-aged girl named Crystal. Crystal had an engaging smile and the only thing bigger than her smile was her heart and her boobs. I had secretly stalked her Facebook photos after she added me as a friend. I had hopes of determining a little more about her...
HardcoreI'm sure most of the population think that music and movie stars have chauffeurs everywhere they go, plus a huge entourage who wait on their every need. Not true! I personally drove the crowded SUV across Tennessee from Nashville to a rural suburb of Knoxville where Crystal and Ellen's parents lived. With Crystal and me also were Ellen, Claire, PJ, and Nadia. We were all in a jovial mood, laughing and even singing Christmas carols along with the radio. The back of the car was so full of...
Nobody should approach me if they want a fair, balanced and informed opinion of Rock Hill, South Carolina. Most of what I discovered about the city was well after the Crystal Passion tour and what we saw was probably unrepresentative and, to be honest, not especially attractive. It was a town very much in the shadow of the somewhat larger city of Charlotte, 25 miles away and mostly only glimpsed at as we drove by on the relatively new Interstate 485 which also took us past Charlotte Douglas...
Edie Gerst and her editor published the story about my baby, Summer, George, Crystal, and me on Thursday. They carefully picked the day of the week, because that's the day most of the tabloids get to the newsstands, so it would be a week before they would be able to catch up with the scoop we'd given the Dayton Daily News. By the time they would be able to write about the story, it would be old news, and depending on what else happened during the week, including what flying saucers landed...
Not surprisingly, I found a few residual women in my bed on Tuesday morning, and we made love again. After that, we all showered, having some sexual play in our shower room, dressed, and then had a light breakfast. I felt like a kid waiting for Santa Claus to arrive, just knowing I would get my favorite and most wished for present later that day – Crystal! The clock slowed to a crawl. I kept looking at it, trying to see how fast 5:30 p.m. would arrive. It wasn't coming fast at all....
There was a 70 year old grandma that moved in right next to my apartment, I was 18 at the time and my grandpa was 74. I lived with my grandpa at the time. The old grandma would come to talk to my grandpa each day, she would keep teasing him, she would flirt with him, she tried to seduce him. My grandpa ignored her at first but then he started flirting with her after a couple days. I once came out of my apartment only to see her sucking his dick outside on the porch while he was touching her...
Crystal's laughter was contagious, even over the telephone; "Ellen told me you two destroyed her, and you should know she's more in love with you now – times ten – than she was before you and Nadia did your night of debauchery with her. She's also developed a huge crush on Nadia. I wish I'd been there!" I chuckled, "Well, Nadia was full of surprises, I must admit; the girl in insatiable – even I had trouble keeping her sexually happy. As for Ellen's feelings, I am trying not to...
Nobody should approach me if they want a fair, balanced and informed opinion of Rock Hill, South Carolina. Most of what I discovered about the city was well after the Crystal Passion tour and what we saw was probably unrepresentative and, to be honest, not especially attractive. It was a town very much in the shadow of the somewhat larger city of Charlotte, 25 miles away and mostly only glimpsed at as we drove by on the relatively new Interstate 485 which also took us past Charlotte Douglas...
I looked at the pretty young woman and pondered how to answer her question, 'Mr. Mellon ... err, this is delicate ... I don't know how to put this ... but, well, ... do you have a child ... by a woman who lives in Greenville, Ohio – a baby about seven or eight months old?' I practically choked out loud. I did indeed have a child I'd fathered in Greenville, Ohio. Crystal knew too, but other than the baby's parents no one else should have figured out the lineage of that child. Crystal...
However much I admired Crystal’s song-writing skills when I was playing in her band, I didn’t really dwell much on the meaning of her lyrics. Certainly not with the intense attention to detail as Polly Tarantella. She quotes from Crystal Passion’s lyrics as if it was poetry and uncovered depths of meaning in them that had never occurred to me. I suppose it’s natural to think you might glean everything about Crystal’s philosophy of life from her lyrics, especially since she never explicitly...
I guess it should be obvious to just about everyone simply by having a look at an atlas, but it came as something of a surprise to me, to realise how big America actually is, and we were only travelling from North to South down the Eastern United States. Almost every single one of America’s states is bigger than England, and some are bigger than France or Germany, but when you travel across Europe you know for sure when you’ve left one country and entered another. In America the differences are...
"Wherever it is we'll be tomorrow, it won't be Kansas," Crystal announced when she'd returned from the hotel foyer after what was originally intended to be a routine phone call to Kai about the tour itinerary. "And it most certainly won't be Kansas City." "No need for ruby slippers then," said Thelma. "So, if we're not going to Kansas, where are we going?" Andrea asked. "Weren't we supposed to be travelling from there to Chicago, Washington and New Orleans?" "It isn't...
If you were touring America these days and you wanted to contact your manager or, indeed, anyone back in the UK, all you need to do is switch on a laptop or tablet or smart phone and use Skype. And if not Skype exactly, you'd use Viber or exchange e-mails or instant messages. But in the early 1990s, the internet was very slow and ridiculously expensive and most people weren't online anyway. So, when Crystal wanted to contact Madeleine, our agent, to find out how things were doing she had to...
*** This tale is an ADULT experience. It contains strong sexual content that is not at all suitable for minors. *** This story can be read separately, or be regarded as a continuation of ‘Phoenix Rising’. Be aware that there are spoilers here for ‘Phoenix Rising’ and that you may wish, therefore, to read that story before you tuck into this one… As you wish, it’s your experience not mine… *** CHAPTERS. CRYSTAL A job with prospects. CRACKED CRYSTAL A service with no prospects. LEAD CRYSTAL The...
FetishMy meditation was broken by the almost inaudible sound of a footstep nearby. I sensed an animal; but instead of jerking my head around to look I remained absolutely still and slowly opened my eyes. From my right side, a fawn moved into the clearing with me – light brown with white markings, large dark eyes full of curiosity. The pretty animal knew I didn't belong, yet obviously didn't fear me. It approached and sniffed at my ear and cheek. Not too far away, I heard the heavier footfalls of...
"We've been invited to her home!" an excited Andrea announced after she and Crystal emerged from the hotel lobby's public phone booth. "Whose home?" I wondered, not really having paid much attention. I was sitting splayed across one of the Crown Hotel's most threadbare red velour sofas. We were now on the latest stop of our trans-American tour and in the city of Providence, the capital of the tiny Ocean State of Rhode Island. I'd been browsing statistics about the state in a tourist...
Both Crystal's and Judy's parents preferred that their daughters be buried rather than cremated so the final moments of the funeral weren't of two coffins sliding inside a furnace and being incinerated. Instead a procession of hearses snaked out of the funeral home and wound through the roads and avenues of Rock Hill to Crystal's final resting place at the Forest Hills Cemetery. I was a mess of sorrow and tears during the whole drive. The brief respite I'd had from my grief by the need...
A lot of hate is thrown on boredom, but without boredom, where would humanity be? Boredom has been the impetus behind many of man's most significant accomplishments. Along with sex, it's one of our primary guiding motivations.From Boredom to WhoredomNothing is worse than sitting around with nothing to do. Why do you think we all masturbate so fucking much. It's the easiest solution to having nothing to do. Boredom can even lead a bitch to discover porn, and that's precisely what happened to...
Twitter Porn AccountsEdie, the pretty reporter from the Dayton Daily News, appeared nonplused. "You ... err, how can I ask this delicately ... you conceived a second child last night?" She looked between Summer and me about a dozen times in ten seconds. Summer spoke directly, not being evasive in any way, "Yes, exactly." "How do you know you're pregnant? You can't tell for sure for at least a couple of weeks." "I can," Summer replied with great certainty. "I knew it the second he ... the second his...
In her best-selling biography, Polly Tarantella makes clear that she ranks the most significant days of Crystal Passion’s life as those from when she arrived at JFK airport until her fateful last day on American soil. It’s probably not surprising that an American writer asserts that Crystal’s few weeks in America should be her most important. Although Polly interviewed me for the book and we continue to exchange e-mails, there’s a lot in her account I don’t really recognise. And this is even...
We dozed for a long time, drifting in and out of a pleasurable nap brought on by the soporific afterglow of the pleasure we'd just completed. Not unexpectedly, I had dreams of a sexual nature. I held Kim's naked body against me; our spent sex organs nestled together at our groins, and my hand cupping one breast. Behind Kim, her daughter Crystal lay naked and tightly against her mother's body; one arm wrapped around and cupping Kim's other breast. Ellen had spooned behind me; her erect...