the toga party
- 2 years ago
- 31
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My dive neatly cut the water, leaving little back splash. I soared under the surface for thirty feet or so before my natural buoyancy carried me to the surface. The endorphins I'd generated from a seven-mile run put me on an elated high. The meditation time I'd spent in the forest clearing near the back of the house had given me clarity and renewed spiritual awareness for the day. I felt a unity with mind, body, and spirit, as well as good chi. I allowed myself to float on my back, effortlessly, looking up at a bright blue heaven of a perfect morning in Nashville.
I missed my meditation time in the woods behind the Nashville home. I felt closer to Nature, to Spirit, and to the sense of awe that filled the world there versus anyplace else in my travels. The trip through Europe had wanted in this regard even though I'd tried meditating in almost every city, often in different places.
I thought about heaven, and what it must be like. In a way, I didn't believe in either a heaven or a hell – these were constructs of man, not of some vengeful God who made decisions on where you would spend the rest of eternity. I believed in angels too, but not the kind with wings; more like spiritual guides that we should listen to more than we do. I believed in an after-life and a before-life; I had trouble envisioning what that place and space and time would be like, but I had always carried great faith that these were real experiences of the spirit – the soul. The bomb explosion in Dublin had reminded me how thin the veil between life and death could be – the tether between this world and some other. But it wasn't just the bomb and the damage it did – the injuries and fatalities, or how close it had come to killing hundreds of innocents. What bothered me most was how terrible one person's mind had become to try to wreak that kind of damage on their fellow spirits. I pushed the thoughts away and went back to staring at a cloud slowly changing color as its angle to the sun changed.
One by one each of the four women in the pool came and kissed me. I told each of them how I loved them and treasured my relationship with them. I made sure to do that often; I didn't want to pass to another world unexpectedly someday and have left things like that unsaid. We had an unusual relationship with each other, a single male loved and intimate with these women who also loved each other. Further, there were others in our circle of intimacy – other men and women who shared a willingness to open up and love freely. I felt a close and deep bond with every one of them, closer, I realized, than I had felt with Karen – my late wife, or with my stoic parents when they were alive, or with my sister growing up – before we changed our relationship to one that included physical intimacy and romantic love for one another, a relationship that brought us together in mind, body, and spirit.
These relationships were not only about lust for one another, although that mortal activity certainly played a core role in our thinking each day; but also we related to each other with love. In that love, we pushed each other to do better, to be the best we could be at whatever we chose, to find joy in each moment, and to savor the 'Now' of each passing moment. We were each other's best friends forever and their most intimate lovers. We were all open to new relationships, but few stood the test of time that our core circle enjoyed. We cared about each other's spiritual development.
Nadia's nude body went up the stairs out of the pool and as usual my eyes locked onto her positively adorable and perfectly shaped butt. I even think I might have drooled for a few seconds. She turned back to us and said, "Breakfast in five minutes my darlings. I could use one person to help carry the trays out here." Claire went up the stairs to help Nadia, also displaying a naked derriere that certainly deserved a silver medal. The here Nadia referred to was the patio behind the house I shared with Crystal outside of Nashville.
Nadia had continued to play the role of housekeeper for us despite our attempts to put her on a more equal basis since she had become our paramour; the auburn haired Russian imp told us, "Maybe some day I'll be a different kind of partner, but for now this is how I want to show my love for you." When she wasn't playing housekeeper, she continued working on a bachelor's degree at the college two towns over. I could only imagine the chaos she created on campus when she wore tight jeans and a form-fitting top. Nadia also had a rack worthy of ogling.
Nadia occasionally went out on dates with some of her classmates, a point made complicated because she averaged four years older than the men in her class at college. Nonetheless, she looked the right age partly because she was petite, barely topping five feet tall. While Crystal and I had been on a concert and movie premiere tour in Europe, Nadia had gotten on the social circuit at the college; she now routinely attended weekend fraternity house parties. We hadn't had time to talk in detail, but she implied that she already had some wild stories to tell about some of the parties; as she put it, "I see sexy things, and I do sexy things; when the time is right, I tell you my stories so you ... you make love to me harder and faster." Now, that sounded like a series of tales I had to hear.
As Claire ran a towel over her gorgeous body before going inside, I noted her form: trim, with not an ounce of fat anywhere. Her breasts shimmied as she did her back, rapidly pulling the towel from side to side; her red hair lay in long damp ringlets on either shoulder almost reaching down to her nipples. Claire blossomed in our love, coming from a 'rescue' by Jill Danes, and from a career path she hadn't liked but had felt trapped in as a porn movie queen and a high-end call girl. Now that she had shared her secret life with us, she seemed more relaxed and wanted to talk about those years in her life, perhaps as a catharsis of her inner spirit. The adult trade had taught her skills she willingly shared with us about how to please each other; plus, she had shared a few stories that turned us on – stories of sex and seduction, stories of love and lust and power.
Claire had become Ellen's partner in many ways. They'd been sapphic lovers the entire time we were away in Europe together with Nadia, but they each admitted that they pined away for Crystal and me to come home. Claire told me the first night we were home, "I am bisexual, but just spent all these weeks being a lesbian. I want to be with you a lot; I love you. I want to be bisexual again. I need my quota of your manhood." Ellen who lay nude beside us at the time agreed.
Ellen followed Claire from the pool, also pausing to wring out her long brunette tresses. She made it a tie for the silver medal of rear ends along with Claire. When I'd first met Ellen she had a mix of sophistication and immaturity about her. The latter took the form of self-centeredness; a need to stand out regardless of situation, and a sense of privilege because she'd recently completed her degree. Perhaps it was Claire's and my influence, but Ellen had mellowed into a more balanced mature woman in the two years I'd known her. She had gone from superficial to deep, from flighty to intellectual and thoughtful, from self-centered to other-centered. She'd also adopted a nearby dog rescue as a cause where she spent some of her free hours helping, not afraid to get her hands dirty. She'd learned how to reach out to others, and that skill now showed in all she did, especially when she was around us. Ellen had studied every facet of the music and entertainment industry, and with my agent Terry's help, she had remolded herself in the entertainment industry as an associate producer of pop and country music. All this, yet she'd kept her friendliness, youthful enthusiasm, and bubbly personality that endeared her to everyone.
Crystal floated to me again, her nude body pressing against mine. I loved the feel of her against me. She kissed me and said, "I love you more every day than the day before, but not as much as tomorrow." Despite the triteness of the well-used statement, I felt it touch my heart. We hugged, and I confirmed my deep emotional feeling for her. Crystal had taken my life, broken from the shattering death of my wife and the resultant loss of all motivation except to ride my motorcycle across the country, and given me an opportunity to excel in new ways and new places as a country singer – a good one as it turned out, and a popular one whose songs sold millions of copies, much to my surprise. She'd also drawn me out by her care in a loving and forgiving relationship, helping me to love again. She always gave of herself to others – her time, talent, and treasure helped so many, and by example she'd taught all of us how to give back for the gifts the Universe had bestowed on us.
Crystal pushed her nakedness against me, "Thank you for sleeping with me again last night. I don't mind the others in our bed, but it's you I really want there. Despite all our playtime during our travels, I always felt special when you found your way back to me, even in the middle of the night."
I said, "Or you found me after playing around. I have always loved our middle of the night trysts."
Crystal laughed, "They usually wake up our bed partners, if we have any."
I chuckled, "That's because you moan so loudly every time you have an orgasm."
"Well, you give me such wonderful orgasms, what's a girl to do." She reached down and wrapped a hand around my flaccid shaft. Just as I started to respond, she giggled and whispered, "Later."
The girls all put on light wraps, and I slipped into a pair of black briefs that could also pass as a very thin bathing suit. Nadia produced eggs benedict with her own custom Hollandaise sauce that made the ham and eggs melt in your mouth with a delicious after-taste.
The five of us sat and chatted, but mostly I listened and watched the women and how they interacted with each other. I had to pause my mental processes and say a prayer to the Universe for Crystal and the other women in my life – open, loving, passionate, forgiving, tolerant, and fun loving. I couldn't fantasize a more erotic or exotic life; I lived it. I couldn't ask for more love; I had it delivered to me every minute of every day. I couldn't feel deeper joy; my life had an amazing abundance of happiness. My prior life must have been awful, because this one was absolutely heavenly.
"Oh, come on, Nadia. You've got to tell us some story about your life on campus. We know you too well; you've got to have some sexy story to share," Crystal chided Nadia to open up about one of her college experiences. Ellen and Claire joined in trying to coax the petite Russian bombshell into a sexy story. The six of us sat around in our living room on a Saturday evening: Crystal, Ellen, Claire, Nadia, Terry, and me.
Nadia began in her cute Russian accent, "I met this handsome man on the campus. He study business, play basketball, and belong to the Delta Tau Delta fraternity. He named Sean – an Irish name, I think, but he is all-American man and very hunky. He knows everyone on campus, and has dated lots of women, but say he likes me the best. I could see he was a ladies man, but not one to be tied down in a relationship. This suit me fine; I just want a good time with no apron string either. We talked after class one day, and I guess we impressed each other. He asked me to a fraternity party – this was about seven weeks ago."
Claire said in a taunting tone, "Enough background; get to the good stuff."
Nadia went on, ignoring the interruption; "So, Sean explained to me about a toga party like the Romans used to have two thousand years ago. The party had a live rock band, kegs of beer, lots of other booze, and to not my surprise a whole house full of horny people."
Ellen asked, "Did you wear a toga?"
"Oh, yes. I came home after he asked me, and I studied what Romans really wore. I find that togas were mostly wool, and I asked Sean about it next day and he explain that a bed sheet would be a fine substitute in this climate. I also find that Roman's don't wear underwear in those days like we do; instead they wear loincloths or little aprons in case toga happened to come unwrapped. I guess in those days women don't cover their breasts so much as today, only their pussies, and men their penises."
I started to chuckle at how the Russian imp must have viewed her upcoming toga party, believing it to be a serious costume party deserving of study beforehand so she would be properly attired for her date.
Nadia continued, "So, I borrowed some sandals from Miss Crystal's closet, and I take a white bed sheet for the toga, and I use a pillow case and sewing machine to make a loincloth. I carefully try everything on, and I am really enjoying the freedom my breasts and pussy feel with practically nothing around them. I mean the loincloth is like just a flap of material in front of me, but I am all naked underneath it; and with no bra, my breasts can move freely – I find later they even rub against the material and keep my nipples erect all night – well, all night up until I took the toga off."
Crystal leaned forward with a licentious grin, "You took the toga off? What happened then?"
Nadia also ignored Crystal's question; she seemed intent to tell the story at her own pace. "So, I drove to campus to meet Sean and go to party. I bring other clothes because I plan to stay over with him after drinking at the party. He kissed me a lot in welcome – oh, we had kissed a lot before too, but not done anything else. So, I feel all lovey-dovey with him at the start of the evening. I put toga and makeup on in his room at the frat house, we went downstairs to the party, and we start drinking beer. I take it easy on the booze; I know my limits. I can see Sean is a careful drinker too. We alternated between beer and soda, but we were very happy and fun loving in any case."
"I saw some girls from my classes that I know, and I think we found comfort that we knew each other and were at the same party. One girl tells me, 'This party is so cool – a real blowout.' She said, 'Everything you dream about will happen tonight – you can get laid in so many different ways by so many different guys.' I made note of her comment. I wonder if Toga Party will be like one of our orgies. I hoped so."
Nadia continued, "Sean and I danced a lot at the beginning. We got all heated up with the music and the hard dancing. All my body parts go in motion, especially my bum and my breasts, and I guessed Sean got really excited about me. I pushed my pussy against Sean's leg and humped him; he liked that a lot and pushed back. Other girls started to do the same dance step with their dates. By the way, I saw other girls at the party cheated; they wore bikinis or a bra and regular panties or thongs. I felt freer than them and happy I did my toga research."
"Sean rediscovered my pretty tush early in evening – the evening. He had seen me in jeans, but toga I wore was not too revealing because of the way it draped over my backside. He cupped my ass with his hands and pulled the sheet tight over my buns, so he could show his brothers how sweet my ass is. I liked putting on a show for Sean and his friends, so I wiggled my butt a lot for everyone. The brothers and some of the girls cheered and spilled beer on my butt getting my toga wet. Some patted my ass with their hands – even some girls. I think they don't believe I am real, but you know that I am. At first, I got a little embarrassed, but then I loosened up. This was to be a wild party, so I must play my part." Nadia giggled.
"And then?" Claire asked, leaning forward in anticipation.
"Well, band took a break, so Sean take me upstairs to his study room. He hung a sock on doorknob – a signal so we won't be interrupted, shut the door, pulled a sleeping bag from under his desk, and spread it out as padding on the floor. We both lie down and start making out really big time. I let him get to ... how you say ... second base; he has my breasts out and we kiss a lot and he made love to my boobies."
We all were leaning forward waiting for the juicy parts.
Nadia continued, "About that time, we hear the band begin and then a lot of shouts like 'take it off'. Sean and I look at each other and our curiosity got the better of us, so I pulled the upper part of toga back on, and we went downstairs to the dance area. A pretty blond is dancing topless, her toga down around her waist; she has great tits, and they are amazing to watch gyrate as she dances and swings them around in front of the band and everyone else. She is busty. Many guys reach forward and feel her tits too, and she likes that the same way I liked it when they felt my ass."
Nadia looked at each of us to be sure we were interested in continuing her story. By this time our mouths were watering. "Soon, another girl pulled the top of her toga down exposing her breasts, and then another, and another. When I am in the minority, Sean and I started dancing, and I pulled the top of my toga down. I get many ooooohs and aaaaahs about my boobs; so I feel good about my gifts. Proportionally, my breasts are larger than most other girls. Sean and some of the others dancing near us tell me I have the nicest tits and ass on the campus. I know it is because I am small, like a pixie, and I have breasts that belong on a taller woman. Mine are nice and firm too; they only shake a little while I dance – not like girl with jello boobs."
Nadia went on, "Well, the girl that started it all, soon dropped her toga completely. She is only wearing a little lace thong and it did not hide a whole lot. We can see she has shaved but she has saved a little strip of pussy hair right in front." Nadia pointed to her groin, and mimed where the girl had a landing strip. She went on, "She is stacked and has a really nice body, so for everybody it is very enjoyable to watch her gyrate and writhe in time to the music. Her nearly naked dancing excited even the band. Things are getting really sexy now. Lots of body parts are rubbing together everywhere in the room."
"Soon, other girls started to remove their togas as well, but not everyone. When party is about half in underwear with no togas, I also dropped my toga. Now, everyone really got excited about me, because I am not wearing a bikini bottom or any underwear; I am wearing the loincloth I made and now my ass shows completely. As I danced, the little flap of material flew around often exposing my pussy to everyone; sometimes it felt like I had nothing on at all except my little bit of pussy hair. I could tell Sean and all his brothers liked my loincloth." Nadia laughed and conceded, "Well, maybe they loved seeing my pussy more."
Nadia paused and had another thought, "Oh, I forgot to tell you, that many of the handsome boys including Sean also took off their togas. They ended up dancing in boxers or briefs, and all have big growing lumps in their pants as they watch the pretty girls but especially me. I created many lumps all by myself I am proud to say. Sometimes I used my naked ass to intentionally rub into some guy's bump; a few hold my hips and made a pumping motion as though they were fucking me from the back. At that point, the party was really getting wild."
"A long slow dance song got played by the band, and couples pushed together really tightly and start to dance. There were many bare boobs against bare and manly chests. I saw one after another girl take rest of her clothes off until many are dancing totally naked; and their dates were also naked by this time. As slow dance went on, I could see in the crazy lights in the room that many girls trap the men's penises between their legs or against their bodies. Couples then just sway back and forth as though they are fucking."
Ellen urged, "Faster. Talk faster." We were all forgiving of Nadia's small slips of grammar or word usage so long as she just kept telling the story. As she talked, I could feel my own rod start to swell. Across the room, I saw Terry adjust himself; as a result, Claire poked him in jest and then reached lower and rubbed his lump.
Nadia smiled and kept on at her own pace, "Sean and I danced, except he is taller so I just trap his cock against my tummy and rub back and forth, side to side. He groaned a lot as I do this. Some couples go off, upstairs or to dark corners to make love. The whole nature of the party changed."
She said, "About this time, I felt another tall man behind me dancing in time to me and Sean. Sean introduced us; he say, 'Nadia, this is my roommate Jon; he wants to dance with you too.' I just nod in agreement, and then I feel Jon move close to me – up tight; his hands on my bare ass for a bit, and then his nude body pushing against my back. He was naked and I could feel his cock against my back. I became a sandwich between two handsome naked and horny men. I loved this. Their hands are all over me, and fingers start to push into my holes and hands hold my breasts and make my nipples erect and excited. I kiss Sean a lot, and he encouraged me to kiss Jon too; soon, we have a building passion to make love – the three of us."
Sean said, "Let's go upstairs again. We collected our togas, and went back to his room: Sean, Jon, and me. He put the sock back on the doorknob again. Jon carefully removed my loincloth, and as we lay down, Sean and Jon both started eating my pussy by taking turns. But then, I often felt two tongues at the same time, and often many fingers from the different men in my vagina even at the same time. I soared in sexual heaven – you know how I can get."
Crystal reached over and started to massage my cock through my pants. I'd gotten to a '7' listening to Nadia, but Crystal got me up to a '8' on my hardness scale before she seemed content to just keep me there. My jeans were suddenly very tight.
Nadia continued, "After a little time, Jon comes up and makes oral love to my breasts and he kissed me a lot. I kissed back hard with a lot of French kisses. Jon and Sean kissed me a lot, and we all liked kissing. We had a lot of passion between us. I felt Sean spread my legs, and then I felt his cock probing around looking for my hole. I helped guide him inside me, and our fucking began. As he fucked me, I suggested to Jon that he put his dick in my mouth so I can suck him and lick his love stick. He tells me he has died and has gone to heaven; he gave me his cock, I sucked on him, and pretty soon we are all in great harmony."
"After five minutes, I ask that the men change places, because I wanted to taste Sean and feel Jon inside me. Jon is excited about that idea, so he started to fuck me as I started to suck and lick Sean. About that time, there was a knock on the door, and we heard a brother ask if he and his girlfriend could come in. Apparently, there was no place else in the house that was unoccupied; there were many people at the party. Sean looked at me, and I shrugged and said, 'OK, ' so Sean says, come on in. A nude girl from one of my classes – Julie – and a naked guy came in with another sleeping bag. They apologized for the interruption, but explained that they had to work off some hormones. We all laughed."
"What then?" Crystal asked. She tightened her hand around my cock.
Nadia said, "Well, Julie and Doug, this other guy's name, started fucking right next to the three of us. It was very erotic. Sometimes, Julie and I bounced atop our men, and I might be sucking on one of them. At one point, we were like that, Julie mounted over Doug, and me over Jon, and Sean is standing between me the other couple and I was sucking on his cock as I rotated my hips on Jon's cock. Julie tapped Sean on his butt, and said 'Turn around, I want some of that too.' So Sean turned, and Julie started sucking on him. Next I know, Doug came and fucked me, and Jon and Sean started doing Julie. We switched back and forth a few times in various combinations of men and women. Julie and I had lots of orgasms; sometimes I rubbed her clitoris as she fucked someone next to me, and I could reach her; or she returned the favor and rubbed my clit. It was very nice sensation, just like you do to me." She'd turned to Crystal when she made her last comment.
"Holy shit," I muttered thinking of all the sexual fun Nadia had enjoyed at this party. She'd found her own orgy.
Nadia went on, "Finally, everybody has orgasms ... very nice ones. The men wanted to cum on our faces, so Julie and I kneeled down and let them. I then taught Julie how to lick the cum off me and swallow. She tried it and liked it. I don't think any of men went soft watching us. We were pretty erotic. We did what Julie called snowballing, where we swapped the cum back and forth too; we put on a show for the men." She paused, "You know, we have done this with you Jim – with your stuff – Crystal and me, oh, and Jill and that Nancy in Dublin."
"After that the men are still recovering, so Julie and I got into a sixty-nine position. We were really into it trying to give each other pleasure and more orgasms. I found I was better at it than she was, but she learned really fast. I tell her what to do to please me too. Anyway, when we stopped there are eight more people in the room – four couples. I recognize a couple of the new girls from my classes – Liz and Kelly. Everyone applauds us, and Julie and I both blushed."
"I was only slightly embarrassed because all eight people are naked, and three of the new couples were fucking slowly with the girl leaning a little forward and the men taking them from the back. I pulled Julie to her feet with me, and we start kissing. Sean slid into my cunt again, and Jon slid into Julie's pussy as Doug urged her on. Pretty soon, all the girls have formed a circle with the men behind them; Doug would have been an extra but he got in the outside circle of guys."
Nadia smiled towards heaven at the experience she was about to describe; "So, the six women locked arms around each other's shoulders, formed a circle, and leaned inwards with our asses stuck out. The men circled behind us and each of the seven men took about thirty seconds worth of strokes into our pussies before the men rotated to the next girl. We were laughing, but it was very sexy, and I kept cuming – all the girls did. I was between Julie and Kelly, so we kissed back and forth between us, and the guys told us these kisses were a big turn on for them, but I knew that from being with all of you."
"One guy came in Liz's pussy, so he dropped out. His girlfriend pulled him in front of her so she could suck him clean. She is very good at cleaning and giving a blowjob; I learn something I must show you later. Soon after, another guy blasted his cum into one of the other girls that was also not his date, and he dropped off to watch and urge us on. His date cleaned him up too, and then we each take a lick of his nice cock."
"Sean then left a deposit in me, so he dropped out, and I polished his rod with my mouth, even making him partially hard again. Doug almost immediately came in Kelly's quim, and then Liz got another load from another guy. The three guys left were in pussy heaven. They make it around the circle of women twice before Jon filled Julie's pussy – something I think he really wanted to do. After that, the girls who have cum running down their legs drop out of the circle to clean up a little, but everyone is very happy. This leaves two guys and two girls; they lie down on the sleeping bags and really went at it; neither was with their date. After a couple of minutes, everyone had cum or had cum inside them. Oh, that night was just so sexy. Now I've gotten all wet just thinking about it again."
Ellen asked, "Was that the end of the evening? It sounds like a grand crescendo."
Nadia smiled, "Oh, no, we all went and got beers and then sat around nude in the fraternity living room for a while. When the guys recovered, we went back upstairs and did things again, only this time lying down and taking longer with each person. We had Jon and one couple drop out, but two new ones joined us who had been in the living room listening to us talk about what we did. I had never had so many different cocks in me in such a short period of time; it was wonderful and so much fun."
Claire asked, "Are you going back?"
Nadia wrinkled up her nose and grinned, "Yeah, probably, but with everyone home here I don't feel the need to trim my horns on campus as much. I won't be as horny as I was – poor Sean is probably going to suffer. I like doing all these things with you the best of all – and I mean all of you. You're my new family, and I love you." Nadia's sincerity touched each of us.
As an after thought, Crystal said nonchalantly, "Maybe we should have a party here someday, and invite some of your college friends; they sound like fun. I have fond memories of some fraternity parties too, although not quite as ... fulfilling, as yours, so to speak."
I continued to be amazed by how nicely the six of us fit together: Crystal, Ellen, Claire, Nadia, Terry, and me. After Nadia's story telling we were all so horny, we went up to our big bed and made love with one another. My amazement came from the point that no one ever felt that they were an extra or a third wheel. I wondered if it was self-selection to the life style we'd adopted. Even when we'd had others with us, everyone felt included and ended up happy and sated.
Toga Party Fun Well-sounded like a bit of fun a roman style toga party, could be interesting she thought as she went to work that morning. Now standing in front of the mirror wearing nothing more that what equated to a bed sheet, with a belt attached she was not so sure. But she had promised to go so she would have to. My big mouth strikes again never mind. The setting was pretty luxurious mind you a top hotel, that catered for all kind of theme party’s. She got out of the lift...
Toga Party Fun Well-sounded like a bit of fun a roman style toga party, could be interesting she thought as she went to work that morning. Now standing in front of the mirror wearing nothing more that what equated to a bed sheet, with a belt attached she was not so sure. But she had promised to go so she would have to. My big mouth strikes again never mind. The setting was pretty luxurious mind you a top hotel, that catered for all kind of theme...
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He has been told it is a ‘Toga Party’ with the togas being provide, so he arrives in designer shorts, an open neck shirt and loafers, with no socks. Apparently it is couples only but as a ‘special’ friend, he’s been given dispensation to go on his own. As he arrives at the address, the taxi drops him on the street and he makes his way to the big wrought iron gates where he presses the intercom to gain access. Once security sees him on their screen they buzz the gates to let him enter. He...
I was recently invited to attend a toga by my step daughter who is 28 , On the way over too the party nadia told me that i had to relax enjoy the party and go with the flow, that i would love it as she had a very big surprise for me . On the way too the party we stopped at Mel's place and picked her up as well, once we arrived the girls went into one room the boys into another , we were told to strip naked and handed a toga and a belt to put on with nothing under it . Once out in the party room...
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Oral SexThe last words I heard as I entered the changing room were ‘Do you remember the rules and your instructions?’I nodded, one of the rules was that I did not speak.My first instruction was to strip naked and put the black hood over my head before leaving the cubicle.I pulled on the hood and pulled the drawstrings, I was now in pitch darkness. I felt for the door, opened it and stepped out.A man approached from either side and I was helped into a sort of hard cotton robe that was pulled over my...
Stacey’s parties were always a great fun night. Any excuse, no matter how insignificant, Stacey would throw a party. Her parties were a mix of her young female friends, neighbors, and work colleagues. Her friends were all as hot as Stacey and some even hotter. Stacey decided to throw a toga party, it was sure to be a great night with everyone wearing minimal clothing and lots of flesh on display. The night of the party arrived and the wife and I were really excited as we had never been...
Introduction: THIS IS A ROMANCE STORY, NOT JUST HUMPING AND FUCKING ALL THE TIME. Constructive critism always welcomed My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 12 Training Continues, Nadias wish for her friend Characters Introduced: Abigail, 27, Pharmacist, white, 54 Blond Deep blue eyes 36DD, swan like neck Mandy, 18, Abigails sister, white, 52 Blond Blue eyes, 36D breasts, swan like neck Fred, 55, Ford Dealer, white, 7 cock Jolene, 16, 54 Blond Blue eyes, 36D breasts daughter of Fred Dr. Emily Johns...
I felt the warmth of the sun on my face and a pounding in my head. ‘How much did I drink last night?’ I wondered. But that wasn’t the only question I had. Something didn’t feel right, in fact, a lot of things didn’t feel right. I forced my eyes open to seen the bloodshot eyes of a man in the bed I was in. “Aaahhh!” we both cried, which was quickly followed by, “Ooohh!” I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and opened them again. The man was still there staring at me. His brown hair was a matted...
College Sex"If you shake it more than three times it's masturbating, you know."“Can you blame me?” I asked in response, giving my engorged but not-quite-erect dick a few strokes of my hand. "You saw me slow dancing with Monica!" There we were, Jim and me, standing next to the woods on the edge of campus, stroking our own woods after having just finished up a pee. We were walking back to the dorm from the toga party at the campus gym. Twenty minutes earlier, we'd both been dancing with women we were hot...
BisexualI felt the warmth of the sun on my face and a pounding in my head. 'How much did I drink last night?' I wondered. But that wasn't the only question I had. Something didn't feel right, in fact, a lot of things didn't feel right. I forced my eyes open to seen the bloodshot eyes of a man in the bed I was in. "Aaahhh!" we both cried, which was quickly followed by, "Ooohh!" I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and opened them again. The man was still there staring at me. His brown...
Toga party. Sally Findley was not having a particularly good time. She had come to the party because Greg had asked her, and the idea of going with him was slightly preferable to staying home alone. But shortly after getting here, Greg had spotted a blonde with big boobs and a low-cut bodice who had absorbed all his attention since, leaving Sally to wander about on her own. How typical of him, she thought. He insisted she come, and then when she finally did, there she was, dumped on her own....
Ellen, Claire, and I landed in Nashville a little after nine at night. Instead of alerting Nadia that we were coming, I had a limousine meet us and take us home. We walked into the house about ten o'clock. Nadia, our housekeeper with the sexiest ass I have ever seen, heard the commotion in the front hallway and cautiously appeared from the family room where she'd been watching television. Nadia shouted as she ran across the hallway, "OH, MR. JIM ... AND MISS ELLEN ... YOU'RE HERE!...
Part 1: Before The Party My friends and I often met up at a local convenience store, one that had a lunch counter and a few tables where we would sit and eat cheap hamburgers and greasy fries and onion rings and plan our weekends. Today, it was Max, Kyle and me. Max started in right away. Hey, Sam, did those little girls find you last week? They were sure excited. Yeah, I said, trying to keep it casual even though memories of my finger in two pre-teen pussies at once had already sprung to...
Crystal and I tried to talk three times a week: Monday, Thursday, and Saturday. Usually, Ellen did three-quarters of the talking, and I got a few words in. We'd agreed from almost the moment we met to not only have an open relationship, but also to share all the details of our other relationships with one another. Thus, Ellen would give her version of the details – the feminine viewpoint – and I would come on the phone and give her the shorter male version. Anyone listening would get off in...
This tale is an ADULT experience. It contains strong sexual content that is not at all suitable for minors.-------------------CRYSTAL.-------------------WrittenbyMiss Irene Clearmont.This story can be read separately, or be regarded as a continuation of ?Phoenix Rising?. Be aware that there are spoilers here for ?Phoenix Rising? and that you may wish, therefore, to read that story before you tuck into this one?As you wish, it?s your experience not mine?Copyright ? 2012 (Feb) Miss Irene...
Like most boys, as soon as Devon turned sixteen he went and took his driving test. He only had his license for a week and not only was it the first time to be driving without one of his parents in the car, but also the first time he took it without permission. His younger sister Sara was coming home just as Devon was backing out of the driveway and threatened to tell their parents if he didn’t take her with him. Although Devon loved his sister, at times she was a pain in the ass. As they...
Crysatal Maid Crystal Broken Mariam eyed him with her big doe eyes as Hamid entered the room. He gestured at her to join him at the small padded bench in the middle of the room. With a single finger he slipped the bra strap of her shoulder. No words were needed and Mariam unhooked her red demi cut bra and stepped out of her matching knickers. He noted with satisfaction her little cock was standing erect. Hamid patted the bench and obediently Marian climbed up and knelled on all...
Polly Tarantella hadn’t always been the great custodian of Crystal Passion’s legacy nor always the music’s greatest champion. In fact, I first heard of her when Olivia—one of the few original band-members I still keep in touch with—e-mailed me a link to a Rock Music website I’d never have discovered otherwise in which Polly Tarantella lambasted Crystal Passion with a vehemence that was bizarre given the many years since the band had broken up. In those days she was known as Sally Tyrant and was...
Crystal and I came trotting back from our morning run and a twenty-minute period of meditation in the little clearing in the woods. We'd seen a deer as we sat motionless, but the deer just meandered away in no particular rush. As we got near the house, I said to Crystal, "Would you marry me?" Crystal whirled around in complete surprise. She tried to speak, sputtered, her mouth moved, but no words came out. Then, I figured out what she tried to say: "No." She shook her head, paused, and...
‘Where is everyone?’ I asked when after an exasperating journey on Philadelphia’s public transport system I’d finally got back to the hotel and found Crystal sitting in the hotel lobby with only Jenny Alpha and our luggage for company. Crystal pretended to look around the hotel lobby at the scuffed velour chairs and the sticky linoleum floor. ‘They’re not here, that’s for sure,’ she said with a smile. ‘In fact, they’ve all left in the camper van for Boston.’ ‘They left without me?’ I...
I cried almost nonstop for an entire week. Everyone came by the house and tried to console me, as well as the others close to Crystal. We were all crying or moping around the house; we relished the few moments when we fell asleep exhausted because for a few minutes we were numbed from the events Crystal precipitated. Crystal was gone, disappeared, and maybe even dead somewhere. I couldn't even think of her without feeling total devastation sweep over me. For two days that first week, I...
Chapter One How well did I ever really know Crystal Passion? I ask that because everyone says that no one knew her better than me. And that’s just not true. It’s obvious why so many people believe I know more about her than the dozen or so others who were with her on that last fateful tour. I’m the one who renowned American rock critic Polly Tarantella has elevated to the status of Chief Guardian of the Crystal Passion legacy. Of the rest of us who were there, does anyone remember...
Both Crystal’s and Judy’s parents preferred that their daughters be buried rather than cremated so the final moments of the funeral weren’t of two coffins sliding inside a furnace and being incinerated. Instead a procession of hearses snaked out of the funeral home and wound through the roads and avenues of Rock Hill to Crystal’s final resting place at the Forest Hills Cemetery. I was a mess of sorrow and tears during the whole drive. The brief respite I’d had from my grief by the need to...
If you looked for a sexy, feminine, human dynamo with spectacular artistic talent, Brite Reber would flawlessly fill the bill. She lived outside St. Cloud, Minnesota, and for the past five years had done business on her own terms. She commanded top-dollar for her photo sessions, and last I knew you had to book her at least two years in advance even if you were the queen of England, the President, or the newest movie star. "Jimmmm," she crooned into the telephone, responding to my name...
Polly Tarantella hadn’t always been the great custodian of Crystal Passion’s legacy nor always the music’s greatest champion. In fact, I first heard of her when Olivia—one of the few original band-members I still keep in touch with—e-mailed me a link to a Rock Music website I’d never have discovered otherwise in which Polly Tarantella lambasted Crystal Passion with a vehemence that was bizarre given the many years since the band had broken up. In those days she was known as Sally Tyrant and...
Dan bumped his head a couple of dozen times against the wall in the bedroom he'd been in with Ellen. The act looked funny given he was naked and sober, but so were the rest of us. He'd dropped the newspaper that repeated the story in a British tabloid about me carrying around pornographic and lewd pictures that had been sexted to me or taken by me on my cell phone. I took his head pounding as an indication that my publicist hadn't the slightest idea how to cope with this sudden release of...
"Where is everyone?" I asked when after an exasperating journey on Philadelphia's public transport system I'd finally got back to the hotel and found Crystal sitting in the hotel lobby with only Jenny Alpha and our luggage for company. Crystal pretended to look around the hotel lobby at the scuffed velour chairs and the sticky linoleum floor. "They're not here, that's for sure," she said with a smile. "In fact, they've all left in the camper van for Boston." "They left without...
I slept between Crystal and Ellen the night we got back from Minnesota. I think we were sexed out because uncharacteristically no one made any overt gestures to any of the others regarding sex. We were cuddly and happy, and even went to bed early making up for the sleep deprivation we'd suffered when we opted to keep messing around until the wee hours while at Brite's home. I remember wondering what each of the women was thinking or dreaming as I drifted off. Were these moments a calm...
I felt her lips reach the base of my cock and I gave the back of her head a soft caress followed by a little push. Her lips gently flared out on the base of my hairless shaft and she moaned with my cockhead buried in her throat. I looked down and watched her green eyes as they stayed locked into mine. Crystal had enhanced her eyes the way she usually did when we went out somewhere. She fringed her lashes with lots of that CoverGirl ThickLash mascara that gave her lashes a longer, plush look....
I felt her lips reach the base of my cock and I gave the back of her head a soft caress followed by a little push. Her lips gently flared out on the base of my hairless shaft and she moaned with my cockhead buried in her throat. I looked down and watched her green eyes as they stayed locked into mine. Crystal had enhanced her eyes the way she usually did when we went out somewhere. She fringed her lashes with lots of that CoverGirl ThickLash mascara that gave her lashes a longer, plush look....
I felt her lips reach the base of my cock and I gave the back of her head a soft caress followed by a little push. Her lips gently flared out on the base of my hairless shaft and she moaned with my cockhead buried in her throat. I looked down and watched her green eyes as they stayed locked into mine. Crystal had enhanced her eyes the way she usually did when we went out somewhere. She fringed her lashes with lots of that CoverGirl ThickLash mascara that gave her lashes a longer, plush look....
you can visit for the best porn :)I felt her lips reach the base of my cock and I gave the back of her head a soft caress followed by a little push. Her lips gently flared out on the base of my hairless shaft and she moaned with my cockhead buried in her throat. I looked down and watched her green eyes as they stayed locked into mine. Crystal had enhanced her eyes the way she usually did when we went out somewhere. She fringed her lashes with lots of that CoverGirl ThickLash...
I think our rendition of the song brought tears to nearly every eye in the arena. The song was Perhaps Love; it was a cover for one done years ago by John Denver and Placido Domingo, except Crystal and I had added our own touch to both lyrics and melody shifting the song into a romantic ballad of the country music genre. I could tell we'd seriously moved the audience because as the last bars of the song died out an eerie silence hung over the stadium for a full five seconds before the...
‘We’ve been invited to her home!’ an excited Andrea announced after she and Crystal emerged from the hotel lobby’s public phone booth. ‘Whose home?’ I wondered, not really having paid much attention. I was sitting splayed across one of the Crown Hotel’s most threadbare red velour sofas. We were now on the latest stop of our trans-American tour and in the city of Providence, the capital of the tiny Ocean State of Rhode Island. I’d been browsing statistics about the state in a tourist brochure...
If you were touring America these days and you wanted to contact your manager or, indeed, anyone back in the UK, all you need to do is switch on a laptop or tablet or smart phone and use Skype. And if not Skype exactly, you’d use Viber or exchange e-mails or instant messages. But in the early 1990s, the internet was very slow and ridiculously expensive and most people weren’t online anyway. So, when Crystal wanted to contact Madeleine, our agent, to find out how things were doing she had to...
It had been several years since I’ve been back to my hometown, I didn’t know what to expect when I moved back since I really haven’t stepped foot in this town since I graduated high school. Once I arrived back at my hometown I noticed that the town really hasn’t changed much. I noticed a new water tower, a new school but everything else was the same. What did I even expect from a small town, nothing is going to change in a small town. I got to my grandparents house, I looked around to...
The envelope had a wax seal across the flap embossed with the script letters 'NR'. On the front, written in bold letters, were the words, "To be opened only by Jim Mellon." An usher brought it to me at intermission time. I thanked him and went to tip him, but he said, "Oh, no sir, the young lady handsomely tipped me to deliver this to you personally." I figured it was some not-so-subtle fan mail. The green room door opened and a stage hand yelled into the room to Crystal and me, "On...
"You don't really want to know about my sex life or nearly the lack of one." I told her. We had joked about sex as Carol was growing up and had our talk about safe sex, I had let my ex wife do the sex talk with Carol. Carol had asked questions about different things about sex over the years but nothing that was personal. "Dad you are a great looking guy and I wish you would get out more, maybe get laid once in a while." Carol was blushing badly by the time she finished saying...
‘Wherever it is we’ll be tomorrow, it won’t be Kansas,’ Crystal announced when she’d returned from the hotel foyer after what was originally intended to be a routine phone call to Kai about the tour itinerary. ‘And it most certainly won’t be Kansas City.’ ‘No need for ruby slippers then,’ said Thelma. ‘So, if we’re not going to Kansas, where are we going?’ Andrea asked. ‘Weren’t we supposed to be travelling from there to Chicago, Washington and New Orleans?’ ‘It isn’t only Kansas we won’t...
I was working ate in the campaign office along with about three volunteers. I was in charge of a Get Out The Vote effort for a local candidate and we had been brain storming things for weeks with staff. One of the three volunteers was a college-aged girl named Crystal. Crystal had an engaging smile and the only thing bigger than her smile was her heart and her boobs. I had secretly stalked her Facebook photos after she added me as a friend. I had hopes of determining a little more about her...
Hardcore"Ellen will be your very special assistant. She'll be your script girl, check your makeup, help you go over your lines, and keep you on schedule." Crystal smiled at me to be sure I thought I'd be taken care of, "And, of course, she'll keep you warm in bed, and she's promised to remind you that I love you even though I'm six thousand miles away." She laughed at her innuendo abd then whispered, "And I've left instructions that she's supposed to fuck you senseless at least once a...
I'm sure most of the population think that music and movie stars have chauffeurs everywhere they go, plus a huge entourage who wait on their every need. Not true! I personally drove the crowded SUV across Tennessee from Nashville to a rural suburb of Knoxville where Crystal and Ellen's parents lived. With Crystal and me also were Ellen, Claire, PJ, and Nadia. We were all in a jovial mood, laughing and even singing Christmas carols along with the radio. The back of the car was so full of...
Nobody should approach me if they want a fair, balanced and informed opinion of Rock Hill, South Carolina. Most of what I discovered about the city was well after the Crystal Passion tour and what we saw was probably unrepresentative and, to be honest, not especially attractive. It was a town very much in the shadow of the somewhat larger city of Charlotte, 25 miles away and mostly only glimpsed at as we drove by on the relatively new Interstate 485 which also took us past Charlotte Douglas...
The Moscow concert and premiere of Crystal's film The Naked Truth had gone off without a hitch. The worry I'd felt over those events before paled in comparison with the angst I felt over having to check out of the country with Russian immigration and customs carrying a contraband iPod with a terabyte of highly classified Russian data on it. I tried to calm myself by recalling one of the missions I'd had in Russia when I was a Green Beret. My squad had done a HALO drop into the edge of the...
Not surprisingly, I found a few residual women in my bed on Tuesday morning, and we made love again. After that, we all showered, having some sexual play in our shower room, dressed, and then had a light breakfast. I felt like a kid waiting for Santa Claus to arrive, just knowing I would get my favorite and most wished for present later that day – Crystal! The clock slowed to a crawl. I kept looking at it, trying to see how fast 5:30 p.m. would arrive. It wasn't coming fast at all....
Nobody should approach me if they want a fair, balanced and informed opinion of Rock Hill, South Carolina. Most of what I discovered about the city was well after the Crystal Passion tour and what we saw was probably unrepresentative and, to be honest, not especially attractive. It was a town very much in the shadow of the somewhat larger city of Charlotte, 25 miles away and mostly only glimpsed at as we drove by on the relatively new Interstate 485 which also took us past Charlotte Douglas...
I looked at the pretty young woman and pondered how to answer her question, 'Mr. Mellon ... err, this is delicate ... I don't know how to put this ... but, well, ... do you have a child ... by a woman who lives in Greenville, Ohio – a baby about seven or eight months old?' I practically choked out loud. I did indeed have a child I'd fathered in Greenville, Ohio. Crystal knew too, but other than the baby's parents no one else should have figured out the lineage of that child. Crystal...
However much I admired Crystal’s song-writing skills when I was playing in her band, I didn’t really dwell much on the meaning of her lyrics. Certainly not with the intense attention to detail as Polly Tarantella. She quotes from Crystal Passion’s lyrics as if it was poetry and uncovered depths of meaning in them that had never occurred to me. I suppose it’s natural to think you might glean everything about Crystal’s philosophy of life from her lyrics, especially since she never explicitly...
By the time I called room service for lunch, four nearly nude women sat engaged in various activities in the living of our suite at the Hotel George V in Paris: Crystal was reading a script she'd been asked to consider for our next movie, if she liked it then I'd read it next; Jill had started to read a Clive Cussler book on her iPad; Helen sat near a corner of the room practicing various yoga positions au naturel; and Margo, naked except for her thong, alternately worked on her computer or...
I guess it should be obvious to just about everyone simply by having a look at an atlas, but it came as something of a surprise to me, to realise how big America actually is, and we were only travelling from North to South down the Eastern United States. Almost every single one of America’s states is bigger than England, and some are bigger than France or Germany, but when you travel across Europe you know for sure when you’ve left one country and entered another. In America the differences are...
"Wherever it is we'll be tomorrow, it won't be Kansas," Crystal announced when she'd returned from the hotel foyer after what was originally intended to be a routine phone call to Kai about the tour itinerary. "And it most certainly won't be Kansas City." "No need for ruby slippers then," said Thelma. "So, if we're not going to Kansas, where are we going?" Andrea asked. "Weren't we supposed to be travelling from there to Chicago, Washington and New Orleans?" "It isn't...
If you were touring America these days and you wanted to contact your manager or, indeed, anyone back in the UK, all you need to do is switch on a laptop or tablet or smart phone and use Skype. And if not Skype exactly, you'd use Viber or exchange e-mails or instant messages. But in the early 1990s, the internet was very slow and ridiculously expensive and most people weren't online anyway. So, when Crystal wanted to contact Madeleine, our agent, to find out how things were doing she had to...
*** This tale is an ADULT experience. It contains strong sexual content that is not at all suitable for minors. *** This story can be read separately, or be regarded as a continuation of ‘Phoenix Rising’. Be aware that there are spoilers here for ‘Phoenix Rising’ and that you may wish, therefore, to read that story before you tuck into this one… As you wish, it’s your experience not mine… *** CHAPTERS. CRYSTAL A job with prospects. CRACKED CRYSTAL A service with no prospects. LEAD CRYSTAL The...
FetishMy meditation was broken by the almost inaudible sound of a footstep nearby. I sensed an animal; but instead of jerking my head around to look I remained absolutely still and slowly opened my eyes. From my right side, a fawn moved into the clearing with me – light brown with white markings, large dark eyes full of curiosity. The pretty animal knew I didn't belong, yet obviously didn't fear me. It approached and sniffed at my ear and cheek. Not too far away, I heard the heavier footfalls of...
Edie Gerst and her editor published the story about my baby, Summer, George, Crystal, and me on Thursday. They carefully picked the day of the week, because that's the day most of the tabloids get to the newsstands, so it would be a week before they would be able to catch up with the scoop we'd given the Dayton Daily News. By the time they would be able to write about the story, it would be old news, and depending on what else happened during the week, including what flying saucers landed...