Crystal ClearChapter 5: LA, More Playmates, And Reports From Europe free porn video

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Crystal's laughter was contagious, even over the telephone; "Ellen told me you two destroyed her, and you should know she's more in love with you now – times ten – than she was before you and Nadia did your night of debauchery with her. She's also developed a huge crush on Nadia. I wish I'd been there!"

I chuckled, "Well, Nadia was full of surprises, I must admit; the girl in insatiable – even I had trouble keeping her sexually happy. As for Ellen's feelings, I am trying not to either encourage or discourage her. I do love her, and I love you too." I thought for a minute, "Hey, how was your dinner with George Rinard night before last?"

Crystal laughed again, "Why, I got laid, re-laid, and parlayed – and that first night, I wiped him out. He's a considerate lover, and he met all expectations, but he tires easily; he wasn't a challenge in that regard. We've been seeing each other every evening, so you might be prepared to field a question or two if one of the paparazzi corners you. We have been spotted as part of the Parisian nightlife. The movie marketeers love that we've been spotted. It'll help create a 'buzz' about the movie."

"I'll just say 'we're not exclusive' or something to that effect. Is that all right with you?"

"Yes, that's about all I can think of. Getting into defining our open relationship without boundaries would only create a quagmire of further questions we'd never get out of. I'll use the same line. And, just know, you are my most special person in the world by ... times infinity. I love you, and I thank you for letting me sample others, and I thank you for taking care of Ellen – so carefully too."

"Just my cowboy ways, ma'am," I said, faking a western accent. Crystal knew that for most of my life the furthest west I got was Natick, Massachusetts.

"Gotta run, darling," Crystal suddenly said. "My studly dinner date is here. Go fuck my sister and our housekeeper. I love you."

"I love you Crystal," I pledged.

We ended our call. I wondered how many other people in the world had similar calls – sharing sexual details, and encouraging extra-relationship liaisons, even with one's sister and housekeeper, and then pledging deep love to one another. Although I found internal conflicts here and there, I relished the situation.

As March came to an end, I spent my last afternoon in Nashville singing up a storm in our home studio. Ellen had learned how to work the music boards, and she sat behind a glass window manipulating the various controls for the music I heard as well as the voice I produced.

Ellen's voice came over the PA system in the room; "I recorded that one. Shall I play it back for you? It sounded really good."

I nodded, and the sound of my voice with a full country band resonated from the various speakers in the room. I had to admit; the song did sound good. When it was over I said, "Why don't you send that one to Terry? See whether he thinks it's good enough to take to the next level with Sony?"

She nodded, and I could see her turn to the computer beside the soundboard. I thumbed through some more sheet music I was supposed to know, and as the afternoon rolled by, we did a few more songs and sent the demos to my agent so he could confer with Sony about them.

About six o'clock, Ellen walked into the studio. She gave me a hug and a kiss. As she held me, she said, "Honey, we have to pack tonight. Our flight to the coast leaves pretty early – seven-thirty in the morning. We have to leave here at a quarter-to-six in the a.m." Part of Ellen's work included keeping me on schedule for all the arrangements she made, often coordinating with Terry.

I groaned at the thought of the early hour. "OK. I'll miss this place for the months we're gone." I looked around the studio as I stuffed the sheet music into a rough-out leather briefcase Terry had given me to enhance my western cowboy image. I slipped my iPad and few other things into the case as well.

Ellen smiled, "I asked Nadia to make an early dinner for us, plus she'll be up to drive us to the airport and see us off in the morning. If you want, she'll spend the night with us." She smiled, and I could tell by her look that she wanted our new friend and consort to be with us.

I smiled inwardly at the thought and recalled the first night I'd gotten Ellen, Nadia, and me together for a sexual romp. Nadia and I had wasted Ellen over a three-hour evening.

"Yes, I want, very much." I affirmed my desire to have both women with me overnight. Ellen broke into a happy grin, and skipped off to the kitchen to find our lover. I knew my decision would also make Nadia happy; she liked to be with us, although she pretended she could be entirely neutral about whether we wanted her or not. We always wanted the pretty and petite Russian girl.

I think I packed everything I wanted to take to LA in about ten minutes; after all, I'm a guy with a reputation to maintain. The three of us had dinner, did a communal clean up, and then played in the shower and in bed before we all fell asleep, happy and sexually sated. The following morning Nadia helped get us out to the car. She would be alone in the big house for the first time. Crystal had helped her arrange to take college courses nearby, and Nadia did have aspirations to be more than a housekeeper, so I thought this might work out. She wanted to work in the background in the entertainment industry in some way after college.

Nadia drove us to the airport in my new Prius, a car that would be primarily hers to run errands in and to drive to school. We had a tearful parting with Nadia, and then boarded. On the plane Ellen and I slept most of the way across country to LAX, holding hands in the first two seats in first class; we needed the sleep since our lovemaking with Nadia the night before hadn't ended until three a.m. I'd opted to fly commercial first class instead of a private jet, so we'd hung out in the VIP room until seconds before they closed the door on the flight. Although I know we got recognized by a few of the other passengers, no one paid us any mind other than to nod a friendly hello.

We were the first off the plane in Los Angeles, and thanks to an efficient airport security staff, we were whisked through some back corridors to a limo waiting at curbside for us. Our luggage would follow. We'd left Nashville a little after seven-thirty a.m. and were in L.A. about ten-thirty a.m. LA time.

I sent Crystal an email from the limo to tell her we'd arrived, and that I was now officially in the movie business. She'd already been filming for a month with her co-star George Rinard.

The limo took us to Sony Pictures headquarters in Culver City, dropping us right at the door of the Gable Building, part of the main offices named after Clark Gable. Ellen winked at me and adopted her most efficient aide de camp posture, and followed me demurely to the conference room where another aide produced coffee and a snack lunch for us, acknowledging that we would be jet lagged for a couple of days.

Terry Ross, my agent (and Crystal's agent), hustled into the room followed by eight other people. Half of them were from Sony, one I recognized from photos as my stunt double Jason Lake, another my co-star Barry Peters, and then there was Jill Danes – the young, beautiful, desirable, and talented Jill Danes. Jill introduced a young woman with a glowing mane of red hair as her aide with acting aspirations; a young woman close to Ellen's age named Claire. Claire dressed chic and in a manner that commanded notice. She had attitude yet I felt an undercurrent of uncertainty about her, as well as an air of mystery.

Introductions were made, and then the man I learned was our executive producer, Lloyd Hofstadter explained his vision and goals for the picture: words that boiled down to: blockbuster, exciting, multi-national, sexy, daring, and explosive movie that would make about three-hundred million dollars in the first two weeks after release. Dream on! Lloyd acknowledged that my name, Barry Peters, and Jill's on the marquee ensured a high interest in the film by the general public, even before release. He introduced Mark Ang, the director – and no relation to the famous Ang of movie fame, but he laughingly told us he was doing his best to coast on those coattails. I liked him immediately, and knew we'd have fun working together. Jill apparently knew him as well. The atmosphere was cordial, and we were all eager to get started.

We all went around the table, and I went last, apologizing for my lack of theatre and acting experience. Everyone dismissed my lack of skill in their industry, and Terry gave me a wink that suggested something was 'up.'

After the kickoff meeting, two noteworthy things happened. First, Terry pulled me aside, and informed me that he'd arranged intense acting lessons for me for the next month for four hours each morning. "It'll just give you more confidence. The coach is one of the best and he's done other fresh start celebrities too, the most famous being Cameron Diaz. You start tomorrow; here's the address; be there at eight sharp. You have to be here in this room at 1:00 p.m. tomorrow to start a script review." Terry walked away leaving me with a scrap of paper with an address and name on it; Ellen, who'd been standing next to me, plucked the paper out of my hands so she could takeover managing this part of my life. I noticed she could be territorial about her job.

The second noteworthy event happened as Jill Danes came over to me, and I must have stiffened. After all, I'd never been this close to a movie star except for Crystal and a couple of other country singers we made appearances with. Jill patted my arm and said, "Jim, calm down. I'm not going to eat you up – yet." She broke into laughter at her own joke. She maneuvered me into a corner of the room as the others talked; Ellen gave us some space.

Jill continued, "Look we are going to have to get really comfortable with each other and chummy, particularly for some of our love scenes – scenes that I eagerly await – a great deal. So loosen up. Now, hug me and give me a big kiss, and we'll take it from there."

I could see the logic in her words and in breaking the ice with a significant kiss. I stepped forward and took Jill's pert body into my arms. Suddenly, she seemed smaller than she'd looked just a second ago, only slightly taller than Nadia with not quite as nice an ass – but noteworthy nonetheless. We kissed somewhat tentatively, before she put a hand behind my neck and pulled me into her for a real soul-scorching kiss with our tongues roaming around in each other's mouth. When she allowed us to pull apart, she whispered to me, "I hope that's only the first of many," and nonchalantly moved off to get a cup of coffee.

I glanced around the room, and the only person who seemed to have paid attention to the kiss was Ellen. She just smiled and winked at me. As I turned, I also got a very friendly smile from Claire; the aide and starlet Jill mentored. Claire smiled enigmatically at me, tossed her mane of red hair, and moved off to talk to Mark Ang. As we went around the table, I'd learned that Claire would have a minor role in the movie we were making, probably thanks to Jill's sponsorship. I wondered if Ellen would be interested in something similar; however, when I looked at her she hadn't reacted to the announcement.

I shrugged and followed Jill to the coffee urn. We made small talk about how we were picked for this movie, how she'd learned to act, and how a country music singer could suddenly become an actor. She knew about Crystal being in Paris with George Rinard and said a few words, even hinting about his womanizing; I got a sly look from her, as though she was testing me for how much I knew about what was going on over there. For now, I played Mr. Innocent and Naïve.

After our meeting broke, Terry gave us a quick tour around the studio, showing us where to check-in, which buildings to go to for what, and so on. He surprised me with how informed he'd become about the movie studio. He also took Ellen and me to the Sony Pictures security office and got us security badges and a guidebook to the property. We were official.

Terry has miraculously connected with our luggage from the morning flight. He escorted us out to a new Mercedes sedan, and we put our bags in the trunk. He then drove us about six miles west on the I10 to Santa Monica and turned north by the ocean to the Oceana Beach Club Hotel. This had to be one of the most expensive hotels in California I thought as we checked in.

Terry saw us to our suite and made sure everything was all right with the two of us. Much to my surprise he handed me the key to Mercedes. "Here. The GPS in the car is programmed to take you to your acting class, the studio, and back here; other than that you're on your own and will have to program the device yourself. This suite will be your home away from home; and the hotel also has a great restaurant and gym."

He explained he had a 'hot date' he had to get ready for. He thought he'd see me tomorrow at my first acting lesson, but hinted that how his date went tonight would influence his punctuality. He disappeared and left Ellen and me sitting in the living room part of the suite wondering what to do next.

"I vote for an early night. I think we'll be around here a while."

Ellen had wandered over to the window, "Jim, you've got to come look at this – it's the last of the sunset, and there's the Santa Monica pier."

I pulled myself out of the chair I'd been in and joined her. I wrapped my arms around her, and kissed her neck as we stood and watched a romantic scene of the sunset and the evening lights blink on along the boulevard in front of us.

Ellen and I had a light dinner in the hotel restaurant, and were asleep before nine o'clock. As seductive as she looked getting ready for bed, we were both so bone tired we just made this one of our platonic nights.

"I'd like to invite the three of you to dinner at my home tonight – informal, casual, and no preparation – come as you are." Jill Dane put forward the invitation to Ellen, Claire, and me as the four of us stood waiting for the coffee to brew in one of the meeting rooms at Sony Studios. We were reading through the movie script for the second time – the first time had taken only two days, and Mark, our director, thought we'd whizzed the read through, so he wasn't happy. Barry Peters should have been with us; however, he'd been called back to his last movie to do some repair shots as he told us. Ellen was reading his part of the screenplay.

Ellen looked at me and shrugged, so I said, "Well, Ellen and I would be delighted to join you. What can we bring?" Claire piped in her acceptance and offered to help too; I could tell she'd been to Jill's for dinner before. Today, Claire wore tight stovepipe slacks and tall spike heels that proved my premise from the day before namely, that she had a superb looking ass – at least as good as Nadia's and better than Jill's. The white blouse she wore revealed generous cleavage. Her mane of red hair had been pulled back in an attractive twist today. When I caught her eye, I found myself captivated by her green eyes. She gave me a million-watt smile, and I felt some chemistry start between us.

"Oh, bring nothing but yourselves," Jill said flippantly "I'm cheating a little, because I have a fabulous person who keeps my home and cooks. I'll just let her know I'm bringing playmates home, and she'll take care of the rest. I'm going to ask Jason Lake too – if I can find him. I'd asked Mark Ang too, but he already has a date. Jim, you and Jason should get to know each other since he's your stunt double; he's supposed to learn at least some of your gestures and mannerisms. Oh, yes, is Terry still in town? He should come too."

Ellen responded, "He might be. Do you want me to try to track him down?" She pulled out her iPhone and started to text our agent with both thumbs flying across the onscreen keyboard.

Jill accepted her offer, "Yes, please. Ask him to come too. The more the merrier. We'll start right after work or whenever everyone is there. I hope everyone can ... come." Jill gave me a leer that dripped of pure unadulterated sex as the remark poured from her lips. I was slowly getting a gage on this woman. I wondered, however, if she was all for show. I thought that maybe tonight I'd find out.

I also wondered about her choice of words when she said playmates. Several times Jill had mentioned Crystal's photo spread in Playboy where she was the December Playmate of the Month, and she'd been overtly flirting with me over the past week as we did many of the background things that satisfy a large corporation such as Sony, keep our agents happy, and keep things clean with the IRS and lots of others. We'd done several script read throughs with the author and writers in between various other meetings with the admin, contracts, and finance types.

I watched Jill's eyes as we got our coffee and headed back to our seats; they never left Ellen's shapely legs. She was wearing a mini-skirt and low heels that combined to make her legs look outstanding and sexy. Personally, had I not been watching Jill, I would have been torn between watching Ellen or Claire's legs and ass. I found Claire not only good-looking, but also uniquely sexy. Studying her ass in a brief respite, I realized I also missed my little Russian lover Nadia. I guessed we each saw something in our co-workers that made the day more enjoyable.

There were a couple of other things about Claire that caught my attention. She had that mystery about her, but she also connected with my chemistry. Whenever we stood near each other, I could almost feel our bodies, minds, and spirits interlocking in some way. I wondered if she felt the same things I did.

Just as we sat down to work, the door opened and a familiar face appeared. She scanned the room, locked eyes with me, and exploded into the room with great privilege. Tina Devoe rushed over to me in three steps, bent down, and threw her arms around me. "Jim. Jim Mellon, I heard you were coming out here to do a film with us; I can't believe you're finally here in my neighborhood. I had to come over from the our other campus to see you. I've missed you so much, you just don't know." We hugged again as everyone else in the room stared at us.

I had met Tina in Michigan on my road trip when I was helping a friend as a substitute masseur. Tina had been one of my first 'clients, ' and we quickly moved from the massage to an all-out fantasy fuck. We'd been wonderful for each other. A few weeks later, she'd joined Crystal, me, and a few others in Dallas where she helped orchestrate our half-time performance for a Cowboy's game; of course, after the game, the three of us had a small orgy along with Terry and Ellen.

Tina then spotted Ellen, and surged around the conference table to her. The pair embraced in something more than just a friendly hug between female friends. The familiarity and our intimate friendship with someone as high up in Sony as Tina did not go unnoticed by Jill whose eyebrows rose to her hairline in curiosity. Tina was an Executive VP at Sony Music – a mover and a shaker. I had always wondered about the role she played when the first album I did with Crystal went platinum.

We had about three minutes of frantic catch-up talk as Tine, Ellen, and I stood in a triangle, and then when I found a break in the conversation I introduced Tina to Jill and Claire. Everyone seemed to hit it off immediately, and thirty minutes flashed by before we became aware of the time again.

Jill also invited Tina to our dinner that evening. Tina said, "I'd love to, but I've got a dinner date with Chase Henderson. In fact, it's about a follow-up album to The Naked Truth that Crystal and Jim did." She turned to me and smiled.

I only heard of Chase Henderson before. He apparently had more money than God, and loved to squander a lot of it in the movie industry, although recently he'd single-handedly backed a couple of blockbuster films. According to one of the scandal sheets, he also liked to keep a bevy of young starlets around him and was always sure to make them happy in some way.

"Bring him to dinner," Jill implored. "As I told everyone a few moments ago, the more the merrier, and who knows, maybe we'll need another ... male on the scene to balance out all the estrogen. The men will like the odds tonight; in my house everyone gets lucky." Everyone laughed.

Tina said, "Let me check with him and be sure it's all right with whatever he has planned. If you don't hear from me in thirty minutes, we'll be there."

Jill gave her the time, address, phone, and brief directions, and then Tina sailed out of the conference room as fast as she'd entered. I watched Jill text her housekeeper that she had created a dinner party, and then we went back to reading through the script and analyzing certain passages of dialog. My copy of the script started to have more pencil marks on it than print.

I'd been through a week with my acting coach, Dale Tanner. He did private lessons, as he was doing with me, and he also taught drama courses at UCLA. He built-up my confidence as he tutored me in acting. Dale gave me a single page listing all the topics we would cover in the four weeks he'd be my tutor. These included vocal projection, clarity of speech, physical expression, emotional presentation, use of imagination and visioning, and interpretation of drama, to mention only a few. We would be skipping accents and dialects for this movie, but would touch on improvising, observation, and emulation. He also promised to take me through some of the mechanics about movie making, so I could play to the film editors and directors who had ten or more times the work after the filming was completed.

Pressure Limit would be an action thriller, so I also had to learn the essentials of stage combat, lest I get clobbered or injured by one of my theatrical nemeses, or I hurt one of them as we faked a fight of some kind. Every day my confidence grew, and I also realized how much I didn't know about the profession of acting. It had looked so easy – stand and deliver.

Jill had me get up and start to block some of the scenes we'd be doing together. Most of the blocking cues were written into the screenplay version of the script that we were reading from. The afternoon flew by, and I found I liked the coaching Jill politely offered as we worked through part of the script, and I told her so. She was gentle, motivating, and a good coach.

We broke at six o'clock. Ellen and I drove back to the hotel to freshen up for dinner.

As we drove to Jill's, Ellen said, "You know there's an ulterior motive on the table tonight? Jill wants to put a notch on her gun by having you in her bed."

"Yeah, I sort of figured that out – and from the look she gave your ass this afternoon, I think you may also be on the menu. I watched her with Claire, and I'm sure they go both ways." I thought for a minute and added, "With Jason Lake coming, plus Terry, Tina and Chase, she may have to put her plans on hold ... or maybe we're misreading her completely, and all is innocent."

Ellen laughed, "What makes you think everyone else won't play too. Tina would be up for it – Terry too. If Tina and Chase are close, I bet she could talk him into a romp with Jill ... and Claire ... and me, for that matter; I love rich, handsome Hollywood producers. Jason looked as though he'd be fun in bed too. I'd have to see if your stunt double is as good as you are ... or better." She laughed at her tease.

I chided her, "It's important that you're there. Plus, I thought how it'd be good if you got a better read on Claire. I think she has more influence on Jill than appears on the surface. She has some kind of mystery around her that we don't understand too; maybe she'll reveal it to us sometime soon. She looks like more than an aspiring actress who's got an 'in' with a star like Jill ... just the way you are with me. What's her mystery and inside track?"

Ellen speculated, "Maybe they're sex partners. Non-exclusive, but I thought I saw a special chemistry with Jill. From the way Claire was watching you this afternoon, I'd say she wants to try out the Jim Machine too."

I shrugged since I didn't know what to do with that speculation. I saw that too, but the mystery I sensed was something else – something deeper and probably more important. I hoped the chemistry I'd felt with Claire resulted in something more than a handshake or simple kiss.

A few minutes later, Claire met us at the door to Jill's gated home in the LA hills. In a happy tone she said, "Come in. Come in. Jill is in the kitchen with Anna-Marie arranging dinner." Claire hugged each of us especially close and slightly longer than would normally be expected. She put her arm around me and led us into an opulent living room that had a bar in one corner, next to where a large walkout glass door showed a beautiful pool, complete with a waterfall cascading into it. A long-haired cat strolled beside the pool.

Claire got us wine and gestured for us to sit. "Tina called a little while ago; Chase and she will be here in about half-an-hour." We had some small talk about how Tina and I had met, a story we glossed over that afternoon. I told the PG-rated version of the story, and that seemed to satisfy her curiosity. If I told her the sexy details, I hoped she would have blushed, or stripped her clothes off, lay down on the carpet, and asked for a Michigan-style massage. The more I looked at Claire, the more I had lusty thoughts about the attractive red head. She made my heart beat faster.

Jill breezed in and came to meet us, giving Ellen a long special hug and a lingering kiss on the lips. Ellen seemed prepared for it, and went with the flow. She kissed back, and I watched one of Ellen's hands even move up Jill's side to almost cup her breast. The two smiled knowingly at each other as they broke apart; Jill looked especially pleased with Ellen's reception.

When my turn came, Jill plastered herself against me and even ground her hips into my groin as we kissed. She laughed at her naughtiness, but she wanted me to have no doubt about what she wanted from me later that night. At her request, I got her a Chardonnay; the three women launched into a humorous conversation about my acting as a masseur in Michigan when I met Tina. I stood behind Claire and started to massage her shoulders, being gentle but firm. This was foreplay. Claire, God bless her heart, backed her pretty little rump back against the growing lump in my pants and started purring. I liked the way the evening was starting.

Terry Ross, my agent, and Jason Lake arrived simultaneously, each with a bottle of fine wine. They got a stellar reception from Jill and Claire. Inspired by their semi-sexual welcome, Ellen also gave Jason an unforgettable welcome too, pressing her lithe body against Jason as they shared a sexy welcome kiss. Jason did a double take, checking with me. I smiled in invitation to him. Maybe this was a Hollywood thing. Terry got the same treatment from Ellen, as I knew he would.

Chase and Tina arrived and received similar warm receptions from all of us. This time Tina gave me some the hip grinding kisses that Jill's welcome had only hinted at by comparison. I blushed because when we separated, everyone else was staring at us with their mouth's open. The cat was out of the bag. Tina just laughed and gestured to me, "We're old and close friends – very close." She waved her hand dismissively, yet the unmistakable implication of a prior sexual relationship remained. As the conversation started again, Tina whispered to me, "I'm horny and need to get laid. I hope you're first in line to fix my little problem."

I whispered back, "Me too. Shall we start now – here, or wait until after dinner?" Tina gave me a playful swat on my arm.

We stood in a circle talking, until a bell tinkled in the hallway. Jill announced, "Our dinner is ready. Anna-Marie has prepared Beef Wellington for us; I hope that's all right with everyone. So many people are going vegan these days. I'm still a meat and potatoes girl." Jill latched her arm through mine, pulled my elbow to the half-naked breast her dress revealed, and led the contingent across the foyer into the dining room.

Dinner was superb, and for what was supposedly a spur of the moment idea, it had the flavor of party that had been a long time in preparation. The conversation was electric, the spirit exceptionally alive, the food a culinary masterpiece, and the wine a perfect match and complement to the meal.

Jill had me sit to her right at the table as she sat at the head. Towards the end of the meal I felt her barefoot rubbing my leg. I glanced over at her, and caught a leer and a wink in my direction. Her foot moved higher as she adjusted her position in her chair to reach more of my anatomy. I pretended that nothing was wrong but turned to give her better access.

After several minutes of her playing footsie with me, I leaned over to her as some conversation occupied the rest of the diners at the other end of the table. "Jill, I like what you're doing, in fact it's arousing – and the higher your foot moves; the more arousing it gets. Am I going to be frustrated by how things end up tonight?" I thought I'd acknowledge the gorilla in the corner.

Same as Crystal Clear
Chapter 5: LA, More Playmates, and Reports from Europe Videos

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 2

Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 1

Mera naam Rudra hai. Ek number ka harami aur besharam. Mera dimaag mere lavde mein hai, jo saala har waqt chudai ke liye uchalte rehta hai. Kasarati badan jo ghanto tak lavde ka saath deta hai. Waise toh bachpan se hi kaafi chudai ki hai. Lekin yeh wali sabse achi wali, ya yeh kahu ki sab se gandi wali hai. Main tab 30 saal ka tha. Shaadi hui nahi thi. Ghar mein rehta hi nahi tha. Naukri hi aisi thi ke sheher-sheher gaon-gaon bhatakna padta tha. Peshe se ek civil engineer, jiski degree paiso se...

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Crystal ClearChapter 9 Recovery From an Awkward Moment Crystal at Play

I looked at the pretty young woman and pondered how to answer her question, 'Mr. Mellon ... err, this is delicate ... I don't know how to put this ... but, well, ... do you have a child ... by a woman who lives in Greenville, Ohio – a baby about seven or eight months old?' I practically choked out loud. I did indeed have a child I'd fathered in Greenville, Ohio. Crystal knew too, but other than the baby's parents no one else should have figured out the lineage of that child. Crystal...

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Andrea Standing part 2 of Andreas Stand

Andrea Standing (part 2 of Andrea's Stand) A note at the beginning. One of the problems with writing a serial story is that the author feels a need to recap what happened in the prior portions. Please go back and read part 1, "Andrew Running". It will make this a better story. Briefly Andrew at 19, abused by his father, runs away to a distant relative, Aunt Clara. Andrew goes along with a joke played by Clara's lover Marnie, and ends up as Andrea working in Marnie's luxury used car...

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This tale is an ADULT experience. It contains strong sexual content that is not at all suitable for minors.-------------------CRYSTAL.-------------------WrittenbyMiss Irene Clearmont.This story can be read separately, or be regarded as a continuation of ?Phoenix Rising?. Be aware that there are spoilers here for ?Phoenix Rising? and that you may wish, therefore, to read that story before you tuck into this one?As you wish, it?s your experience not mine?Copyright ? 2012 (Feb) Miss Irene...

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Crystal ChandeliersChapter 2

TOMORROW ALWAYS COMES - CHUCK I see your picture in the news most every day You're the chosen girl of the social world, so the stories say But a paper smile only lasts awhile, then it fades away And the love we knew will come home to you some day Charlie Pride I'd had to hire someone to replace Sophie and I found a local girl. Her name was Ana Carranza and I'd known their family since I was a kid. The last time I'd seen Ana she had been eight. Now she was a short, curvaceous black...

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Crystal Loved Saras Innocence

Like most boys, as soon as Devon turned sixteen he went and took his driving test. He only had his license for a week and not only was it the first time to be driving without one of his parents in the car, but also the first time he took it without permission. His younger sister Sara was coming home just as Devon was backing out of the driveway and threatened to tell their parents if he didn’t take her with him. Although Devon loved his sister, at times she was a pain in the ass. As they...

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Crystal ClearChapter 31 Mourning Rebuilding Hope and Lovemaking

I cried almost nonstop for an entire week. Everyone came by the house and tried to console me, as well as the others close to Crystal. We were all crying or moping around the house; we relished the few moments when we fell asleep exhausted because for a few minutes we were numbed from the events Crystal precipitated. Crystal was gone, disappeared, and maybe even dead somewhere. I couldn't even think of her without feeling total devastation sweep over me. For two days that first week, I...

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Crystal ClearChapter 2 The Playboy Photo Shoot and Collateral Fun

If you looked for a sexy, feminine, human dynamo with spectacular artistic talent, Brite Reber would flawlessly fill the bill. She lived outside St. Cloud, Minnesota, and for the past five years had done business on her own terms. She commanded top-dollar for her photo sessions, and last I knew you had to book her at least two years in advance even if you were the queen of England, the President, or the newest movie star. "Jimmmm," she crooned into the telephone, responding to my name...

1 year ago
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Crystal Maid Cystal Broken

Crysatal Maid Crystal Broken Mariam eyed him with her big doe eyes as Hamid entered the room. He gestured at her to join him at the small padded bench in the middle of the room. With a single finger he slipped the bra strap of her shoulder. No words were needed and Mariam unhooked her red demi cut bra and stepped out of her matching knickers. He noted with satisfaction her little cock was standing erect. Hamid patted the bench and obediently Marian climbed up and knelled on all...

4 years ago
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Crystal Passion Ch 12

Polly Tarantella hadn’t always been the great custodian of Crystal Passion’s legacy nor always the music’s greatest champion. In fact, I first heard of her when Olivia—one of the few original band-members I still keep in touch with—e-mailed me a link to a Rock Music website I’d never have discovered otherwise in which Polly Tarantella lambasted Crystal Passion with a vehemence that was bizarre given the many years since the band had broken up. In those days she was known as Sally Tyrant and was...

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Crystal ClearChapter 14 European Tour Old and New Friends Threats and Deception

The envelope had a wax seal across the flap embossed with the script letters 'NR'. On the front, written in bold letters, were the words, "To be opened only by Jim Mellon." An usher brought it to me at intermission time. I thanked him and went to tip him, but he said, "Oh, no sir, the young lady handsomely tipped me to deliver this to you personally." I figured it was some not-so-subtle fan mail. The green room door opened and a stage hand yelled into the room to Crystal and me, "On...

1 year ago
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Crystal Passion Ch 05

‘Where is everyone?’ I asked when after an exasperating journey on Philadelphia’s public transport system I’d finally got back to the hotel and found Crystal sitting in the hotel lobby with only Jenny Alpha and our luggage for company. Crystal pretended to look around the hotel lobby at the scuffed velour chairs and the sticky linoleum floor. ‘They’re not here, that’s for sure,’ she said with a smile. ‘In fact, they’ve all left in the camper van for Boston.’ ‘They left without me?’ I...

4 years ago
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Crystal ClearChapter 17 Getting Out of Russia and a SexFilled Thank You

The Moscow concert and premiere of Crystal's film The Naked Truth had gone off without a hitch. The worry I'd felt over those events before paled in comparison with the angst I felt over having to check out of the country with Russian immigration and customs carrying a contraband iPod with a terabyte of highly classified Russian data on it. I tried to calm myself by recalling one of the missions I'd had in Russia when I was a Green Beret. My squad had done a HALO drop into the edge of the...

2 years ago
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Crystal Passion Ch 01

Chapter One How well did I ever really know Crystal Passion? I ask that because everyone says that no one knew her better than me. And that’s just not true. It’s obvious why so many people believe I know more about her than the dozen or so others who were with her on that last fateful tour. I’m the one who renowned American rock critic Polly Tarantella has elevated to the status of Chief Guardian of the Crystal Passion legacy. Of the rest of us who were there, does anyone remember...

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Crystal Passion Ch 14

Both Crystal’s and Judy’s parents preferred that their daughters be buried rather than cremated so the final moments of the funeral weren’t of two coffins sliding inside a furnace and being incinerated. Instead a procession of hearses snaked out of the funeral home and wound through the roads and avenues of Rock Hill to Crystal’s final resting place at the Forest Hills Cemetery. I was a mess of sorrow and tears during the whole drive. The brief respite I’d had from my grief by the need to...

1 year ago
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Crystal PassionChapter 12

Polly Tarantella hadn’t always been the great custodian of Crystal Passion’s legacy nor always the music’s greatest champion. In fact, I first heard of her when Olivia—one of the few original band-members I still keep in touch with—e-mailed me a link to a Rock Music website I’d never have discovered otherwise in which Polly Tarantella lambasted Crystal Passion with a vehemence that was bizarre given the many years since the band had broken up. In those days she was known as Sally Tyrant and...

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Crystal PassionChapter 5

"Where is everyone?" I asked when after an exasperating journey on Philadelphia's public transport system I'd finally got back to the hotel and found Crystal sitting in the hotel lobby with only Jenny Alpha and our luggage for company. Crystal pretended to look around the hotel lobby at the scuffed velour chairs and the sticky linoleum floor. "They're not here, that's for sure," she said with a smile. "In fact, they've all left in the camper van for Boston." "They left without...

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I felt her lips reach the base of my cock and I gave the back of her head a soft caress followed by a little push. Her lips gently flared out on the base of my hairless shaft and she moaned with my cockhead buried in her throat. I looked down and watched her green eyes as they stayed locked into mine. Crystal had enhanced her eyes the way she usually did when we went out somewhere. She fringed her lashes with lots of that CoverGirl ThickLash mascara that gave her lashes a longer, plush look....

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I felt her lips reach the base of my cock and I gave the back of her head a soft caress followed by a little push. Her lips gently flared out on the base of my hairless shaft and she moaned with my cockhead buried in her throat. I looked down and watched her green eyes as they stayed locked into mine. Crystal had enhanced her eyes the way she usually did when we went out somewhere. She fringed her lashes with lots of that CoverGirl ThickLash mascara that gave her lashes a longer, plush look....

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Crystal Pure

I felt her lips reach the base of my cock and I gave the back of her head a soft caress followed by a little push. Her lips gently flared out on the base of my hairless shaft and she moaned with my cockhead buried in her throat. I looked down and watched her green eyes as they stayed locked into mine. Crystal had enhanced her eyes the way she usually did when we went out somewhere. She fringed her lashes with lots of that CoverGirl ThickLash mascara that gave her lashes a longer, plush look....

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Crystal Pure

you can visit for the best porn :)I felt her lips reach the base of my cock and I gave the back of her head a soft caress followed by a little push. Her lips gently flared out on the base of my hairless shaft and she moaned with my cockhead buried in her throat. I looked down and watched her green eyes as they stayed locked into mine. Crystal had enhanced her eyes the way she usually did when we went out somewhere. She fringed her lashes with lots of that CoverGirl ThickLash...

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Crystal ClearChapter 15 A Blackmailer Confronted Loving Friends and Detectives

By the time I called room service for lunch, four nearly nude women sat engaged in various activities in the living of our suite at the Hotel George V in Paris: Crystal was reading a script she'd been asked to consider for our next movie, if she liked it then I'd read it next; Jill had started to read a Clive Cussler book on her iPad; Helen sat near a corner of the room practicing various yoga positions au naturel; and Margo, naked except for her thong, alternately worked on her computer or...

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Crystal ClearChapter 22 Concert a Chance Meeting PJ Joins the Group

I think our rendition of the song brought tears to nearly every eye in the arena. The song was Perhaps Love; it was a cover for one done years ago by John Denver and Placido Domingo, except Crystal and I had added our own touch to both lyrics and melody shifting the song into a romantic ballad of the country music genre. I could tell we'd seriously moved the audience because as the last bars of the song died out an eerie silence hung over the stadium for a full five seconds before the...

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Crystal Passion Ch 06

‘We’ve been invited to her home!’ an excited Andrea announced after she and Crystal emerged from the hotel lobby’s public phone booth. ‘Whose home?’ I wondered, not really having paid much attention. I was sitting splayed across one of the Crown Hotel’s most threadbare red velour sofas. We were now on the latest stop of our trans-American tour and in the city of Providence, the capital of the tiny Ocean State of Rhode Island. I’d been browsing statistics about the state in a tourist brochure...

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Crystal Passion Ch 09

If you were touring America these days and you wanted to contact your manager or, indeed, anyone back in the UK, all you need to do is switch on a laptop or tablet or smart phone and use Skype. And if not Skype exactly, you’d use Viber or exchange e-mails or instant messages. But in the early 1990s, the internet was very slow and ridiculously expensive and most people weren’t online anyway. So, when Crystal wanted to contact Madeleine, our agent, to find out how things were doing she had to...

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Crystal My new neighbor

It had been several years since I’ve been back to my hometown, I didn’t know what to expect when I moved back since I really haven’t stepped foot in this town since I graduated high school. Once I arrived back at my hometown I noticed that the town really hasn’t changed much. I noticed a new water tower, a new school but everything else was the same. What did I even expect from a small town, nothing is going to change in a small town. I got to my grandparents house, I looked around to...

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Crystal builds a college fund

"You don't really want to know about my sex life or nearly the lack of one." I told her. We had joked about sex as Carol was growing up and had our talk about safe sex, I had let my ex wife do the sex talk with Carol. Carol had asked questions about different things about sex over the years but nothing that was personal. "Dad you are a great looking guy and I wish you would get out more, maybe get laid once in a while." Carol was blushing badly by the time she finished saying...

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Crystal Passion Ch 08

‘Wherever it is we’ll be tomorrow, it won’t be Kansas,’ Crystal announced when she’d returned from the hotel foyer after what was originally intended to be a routine phone call to Kai about the tour itinerary. ‘And it most certainly won’t be Kansas City.’ ‘No need for ruby slippers then,’ said Thelma. ‘So, if we’re not going to Kansas, where are we going?’ Andrea asked. ‘Weren’t we supposed to be travelling from there to Chicago, Washington and New Orleans?’ ‘It isn’t only Kansas we won’t...

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Crystal the Campaign Volunteer

I was working ate in the campaign office along with about three volunteers. I was in charge of a Get Out The Vote effort for a local candidate and we had been brain storming things for weeks with staff. One of the three volunteers was a college-aged girl named Crystal. Crystal had an engaging smile and the only thing bigger than her smile was her heart and her boobs. I had secretly stalked her Facebook photos after she added me as a friend. I had hopes of determining a little more about her...

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Crystal ClearChapter 25 Jim Romances Crystals Mother Kim

I'm sure most of the population think that music and movie stars have chauffeurs everywhere they go, plus a huge entourage who wait on their every need. Not true! I personally drove the crowded SUV across Tennessee from Nashville to a rural suburb of Knoxville where Crystal and Ellen's parents lived. With Crystal and me also were Ellen, Claire, PJ, and Nadia. We were all in a jovial mood, laughing and even singing Christmas carols along with the radio. The back of the car was so full of...

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Crystal Passion Ch 11

Nobody should approach me if they want a fair, balanced and informed opinion of Rock Hill, South Carolina. Most of what I discovered about the city was well after the Crystal Passion tour and what we saw was probably unrepresentative and, to be honest, not especially attractive. It was a town very much in the shadow of the somewhat larger city of Charlotte, 25 miles away and mostly only glimpsed at as we drove by on the relatively new Interstate 485 which also took us past Charlotte Douglas...

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Crystal ClearChapter 11 Sauna Stories and Concert Tours

Edie Gerst and her editor published the story about my baby, Summer, George, Crystal, and me on Thursday. They carefully picked the day of the week, because that's the day most of the tabloids get to the newsstands, so it would be a week before they would be able to catch up with the scoop we'd given the Dayton Daily News. By the time they would be able to write about the story, it would be old news, and depending on what else happened during the week, including what flying saucers landed...

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Crystal ClearChapter 32 Crystal Clear Again

Not surprisingly, I found a few residual women in my bed on Tuesday morning, and we made love again. After that, we all showered, having some sexual play in our shower room, dressed, and then had a light breakfast. I felt like a kid waiting for Santa Claus to arrive, just knowing I would get my favorite and most wished for present later that day – Crystal! The clock slowed to a crawl. I kept looking at it, trying to see how fast 5:30 p.m. would arrive. It wasn't coming fast at all....

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I fucked a grandma that was my grandpas whore

There was a 70 year old grandma that moved in right next to my apartment, I was 18 at the time and my grandpa was 74. I lived with my grandpa at the time. The old grandma would come to talk to my grandpa each day, she would keep teasing him, she would flirt with him, she tried to seduce him. My grandpa ignored her at first but then he started flirting with her after a couple days. I once came out of my apartment only to see her sucking his dick outside on the porch while he was touching her...

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Crystal PassionChapter 11

Nobody should approach me if they want a fair, balanced and informed opinion of Rock Hill, South Carolina. Most of what I discovered about the city was well after the Crystal Passion tour and what we saw was probably unrepresentative and, to be honest, not especially attractive. It was a town very much in the shadow of the somewhat larger city of Charlotte, 25 miles away and mostly only glimpsed at as we drove by on the relatively new Interstate 485 which also took us past Charlotte Douglas...

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Crystal Passion Ch 03

However much I admired Crystal’s song-writing skills when I was playing in her band, I didn’t really dwell much on the meaning of her lyrics. Certainly not with the intense attention to detail as Polly Tarantella. She quotes from Crystal Passion’s lyrics as if it was poetry and uncovered depths of meaning in them that had never occurred to me. I suppose it’s natural to think you might glean everything about Crystal’s philosophy of life from her lyrics, especially since she never explicitly...

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Crystal Passion Ch 10

I guess it should be obvious to just about everyone simply by having a look at an atlas, but it came as something of a surprise to me, to realise how big America actually is, and we were only travelling from North to South down the Eastern United States. Almost every single one of America’s states is bigger than England, and some are bigger than France or Germany, but when you travel across Europe you know for sure when you’ve left one country and entered another. In America the differences are...

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Crystal PassionChapter 8

"Wherever it is we'll be tomorrow, it won't be Kansas," Crystal announced when she'd returned from the hotel foyer after what was originally intended to be a routine phone call to Kai about the tour itinerary. "And it most certainly won't be Kansas City." "No need for ruby slippers then," said Thelma. "So, if we're not going to Kansas, where are we going?" Andrea asked. "Weren't we supposed to be travelling from there to Chicago, Washington and New Orleans?" "It isn't...

4 years ago
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Crystal PassionChapter 9

If you were touring America these days and you wanted to contact your manager or, indeed, anyone back in the UK, all you need to do is switch on a laptop or tablet or smart phone and use Skype. And if not Skype exactly, you'd use Viber or exchange e-mails or instant messages. But in the early 1990s, the internet was very slow and ridiculously expensive and most people weren't online anyway. So, when Crystal wanted to contact Madeleine, our agent, to find out how things were doing she had to...

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*** This tale is an ADULT experience. It contains strong sexual content that is not at all suitable for minors. *** This story can be read separately, or be regarded as a continuation of ‘Phoenix Rising’. Be aware that there are spoilers here for ‘Phoenix Rising’ and that you may wish, therefore, to read that story before you tuck into this one… As you wish, it’s your experience not mine… *** CHAPTERS. CRYSTAL A job with prospects. CRACKED CRYSTAL A service with no prospects. LEAD CRYSTAL The...

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Crystal ClearChapter 1 Jims Life Restarts After His Road Trip

My meditation was broken by the almost inaudible sound of a footstep nearby. I sensed an animal; but instead of jerking my head around to look I remained absolutely still and slowly opened my eyes. From my right side, a fawn moved into the clearing with me – light brown with white markings, large dark eyes full of curiosity. The pretty animal knew I didn't belong, yet obviously didn't fear me. It approached and sniffed at my ear and cheek. Not too far away, I heard the heavier footfalls of...

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Crystal PassionChapter 6

"We've been invited to her home!" an excited Andrea announced after she and Crystal emerged from the hotel lobby's public phone booth. "Whose home?" I wondered, not really having paid much attention. I was sitting splayed across one of the Crown Hotel's most threadbare red velour sofas. We were now on the latest stop of our trans-American tour and in the city of Providence, the capital of the tiny Ocean State of Rhode Island. I'd been browsing statistics about the state in a tourist...

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Crystal PassionChapter 14

Both Crystal's and Judy's parents preferred that their daughters be buried rather than cremated so the final moments of the funeral weren't of two coffins sliding inside a furnace and being incinerated. Instead a procession of hearses snaked out of the funeral home and wound through the roads and avenues of Rock Hill to Crystal's final resting place at the Forest Hills Cemetery. I was a mess of sorrow and tears during the whole drive. The brief respite I'd had from my grief by the need...

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Crystal Rush 145000

A lot of hate is thrown on boredom, but without boredom, where would humanity be? Boredom has been the impetus behind many of man's most significant accomplishments. Along with sex, it's one of our primary guiding motivations.From Boredom to WhoredomNothing is worse than sitting around with nothing to do. Why do you think we all masturbate so fucking much. It's the easiest solution to having nothing to do. Boredom can even lead a bitch to discover porn, and that's precisely what happened to...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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Crystal Passion Ch 02

In her best-selling biography, Polly Tarantella makes clear that she ranks the most significant days of Crystal Passion’s life as those from when she arrived at JFK airport until her fateful last day on American soil. It’s probably not surprising that an American writer asserts that Crystal’s few weeks in America should be her most important. Although Polly interviewed me for the book and we continue to exchange e-mails, there’s a lot in her account I don’t really recognise. And this is even...

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Crystal ClearChapter 26 Crystals parents initiated Kim as a Mellon Girl

We dozed for a long time, drifting in and out of a pleasurable nap brought on by the soporific afterglow of the pleasure we'd just completed. Not unexpectedly, I had dreams of a sexual nature. I held Kim's naked body against me; our spent sex organs nestled together at our groins, and my hand cupping one breast. Behind Kim, her daughter Crystal lay naked and tightly against her mother's body; one arm wrapped around and cupping Kim's other breast. Ellen had spooned behind me; her erect...

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Crystal ClearChapter 27 Filming and Sex in the Alps

The powers that be at Sony Entertainment had decided that Wengen, Switzerland, would be the perfect place to film the outdoor ski scenes for our movie Downslope. The small ski town was serviced by a rack railway system. The massive and famous Eiger rises spectacularly in front of the town, a well-known part of the Alps. Ski slopes of all varieties and difficulties left from the town, with a wide variety of transport to return to home base once some end point had been reached. Crystal and I...

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Crystal builds a college fund Revised

"You don't really want to know about my sex life or nearly the lack of one." I told her. We had joked about sex as Carol was growing up and had our talk about safe sex, I had let my ex wife do the sex talk with Carol. Carol had asked questions about different things about sex over the years but nothing that was personal. "Dad you are a great looking guy and I wish you would get out more, maybe get laid once in a while." Carol was blushing badly by the time she finished saying...

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Crystal The Hot Neighbour

Crystal always had me fascinated from a young age. The eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs Clifton nextdoor, she was older than me by about 5-10 years. She was more mature than the rest of us k**s growing up, but still cooler to hang out with than the grown ups when our parents would get together for one of the many neighbourly BBQs on their back deck. We had a close relationship with the Cliftons. I was about 4 or 5 when both our families had moved into the street about the same time. The summer...

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