Hot Goalie Begged For My Strap-On free porn video

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Hot Goalie Begged for My Strap-On

"Meet me." Two simple words, but would you? I left instructionson how to prepare and what to wear. Your email reply was positive, you seemto have been eager for this, but we'll see now that all of the excuses aregone. I am anxious to see your hard body up close, all of that time squattingin net must have given you incredible legs...

Walking into the lobby, I see you immediately search the room with your eyes.I have chosen to stand back out of the lobby to watch your entrance. You looktrim and impeccably dressed, as I imagined you would. I asked that you dresscasually, yet with care. A smile to the desk clerk reveals straight white teeth.Very nice, considering all of the years spent playing hockey...

I wonder if you've followed all of my instructions? Did you wear your prettynew panties for me? Garter belt and stockings under your trousers? Who wouldhave guessed that such an attractive and powerfully built man as you secretlycraved to be topped by a woman? I watch as you book a room for us and collectthe key card. A quick thank you and you're on your way towards the restaurant.

Your movements are graceful, an athletic body, tight hard muscles under yourcoat, and a lithe step. Just watching you, I can feel my cunt warm and moisten,anticipating that hard body under me. A small sigh escapes my lips. "Enoughof that for now" I think and I move slowly behind you towards the restaurant.

You've stopped at the hostess station and I slide up silently behind you,my hand touching your shoulder then dropping to your waist, possessively markingyou as mine to anyone who might be watching. Leaning into you, I inhale: mildsoap and your own scent mingling together deliciously. You unconsciously jumpa fraction as my hand slides lower to touch your ass through your trousers.I can feel the telltale lumps of your garter as I trace the outline delicatelywith my finger.

I have to stand on my toes to reach you; you're taller than I and your armwraps around me protectively as you pull me closer. "Hi baby," Iwhisper seductively in your ear, my tongue darting out quickly to flick yourearlobe, then just as quickly back into my mouth as I stare up at you. Yourhead drops slightly to playfully bite my lower lip in a quick kiss. Anyonelooking at us might assume we're a couple, still smoldering for each other'stouch. If they only knew...

"What are you hungry for today?" You slyly ask. "I don't thinkthat what I want is on this menu." I reply, my eyes holding yours. "Letsjust have a quick drink, then we can play." You suggest. The hostess returnsto the station, gathers menus then escorts us to the far side of the restaurant.

There are few patrons at this time of the afternoon, between lunch and dinner,and we are virtually alone. The hostess signals for our waiter who comes totake our drink order. Neither of us is really hungry, needing only a littleliquid courage to push past these first few minutes. Will we? Won't we? Thesame question runs through both our heads as we debate the next few hours.

Trivial talk until our drinks arrive. A quick sip and I can feel the firestart down my throat and into my belly. "Do you want to do this?" Iask in a soft, firm voice. Clearing your throat, "Yes" is your simplereply. "Will you allow me to use you as I wish?" I continue. "Yes" againfrom your lips. "Then we need not discuss this further." I statefinally. My smile is bright, my eyes drinking in the sight of you, knowingthat you are going to allow me to fulfill one of my favorite fantasies andsurrender to your own in the process.

We finish our drinks and you pull money out to pay. Your hand reaches formine across the table. It is soft and firm, warm and comforting. You couldcrush my hand if you wanted; yet your touch is as delicate as a surgeon's.Looking into my eyes, you whisper, "Take me." You're up in one gracefulmovement, holding my hand to steady my ascent from the chair. You take my bagand we head back towards the lobby, moving to the elevator.

I try to maintain a straight face as we ride silently together to our floor.My pussy is on fire now, just thinking of all of my plans for you. Slidingthe key card through the lock you move to go inside. Putting my hand on yourarm I ask, "From this point forward, you have no choice. Do you acceptthis?" You lean down to my face, cupping it gently in your strong handsand kiss me softly. "Yes." comes your earnest reply.

?Please place my bag on the table by the bed, then remove your clothing, leavingyour pretty things on for me.? I direct. Doing as I asked, your movements areswift and sure. Hanging your jacket on a hangar, gently folding your trousersand shirt, you strip down to your garter, panties and stockings.

Your body is beautiful, hard, muscular and tanned. Body hair that I cannotwait to stroke with my hands, I am eager to begin. Apparently you are as well,as I can see that your cock has grown and appears trapped inside your prettypink satin panties.

Walking around your hard body, I trail my hand across your tanned shouldersand down to your nipples, giving each a small pinch. Your eyes are closed,obviously enjoying my touch. There is a small wet stain on the front of yourpanties where the tip of your cock has leaked pre-cum. Lovely.

Stepping close in front of you, I wrap my arms around you to slide my handsdown your back then down to your ass, slipping my fingers under the garterbelt straps. I give them a quick pull to snap against your skin. Smiling upat you, I move backwards, releasing you. My bag contains all of the toys Ihope to use today and I select a long pink silk scarf that I drape around yourneck.

I really like the way you smell and I lean in close to your chest again, thistime pausing to lick first the right then left nipple. Back to the right, Ipull my lips back to bite gently, then steadily harder until you wince withthe pain. A quick flick over the sore patch of skin with my tongue and I moveto the left. In spite of the pain, I can tell that you are enjoying this, yourcock still stiffly filling the front of your pretty panties.

?Take down your panties.? I direct and you immediately start to pull themdown. You've worn them over the garter as I asked so that once removed you'restanding in your stockings and garter. Fully erect now, your hard cock pointingnorth, I slide my right hand under your balls, cupping them. ?Well done shaving.? Isay, approving of the job you've done, taking care to clear away all of thehair on your balls, and around the base of your cock. ?Thank you.? You reply.I press my finger up to your lips, effectively quieting you. ?You will notspeak for the rest of this afternoon unless I ask you a direct question.?

Stripping the covers from the bed, leaving only the sheets, I direct you tosit on the side of the bed, at the edge, knees spread wide. I cannot wait tosee your face when I bring out the next item. Turning to face you with theharness and strap-on in hand, I dangle them before you. ?Open wide.? I sayas I press the tip of the strap-on cock to your lips. Your mouth opens andI slide the cock deep into your mouth. ?Close please and hold this for me aswell.? I say dropping the harness into your outstretched hand.

I step back from you and begin to remove my clothing. Wearing my favoritesummer high heels, I step out of my skirt and take off my blouse; I watch youreyes pinned on me. Once down to my black lace panties and bra, black leathersandals with 4-inch heels. I walk back to you. ?Dress me please...? You deftlysort out the straps, buckles and such to wrap the harness around my waist.The dildo bounces slightly in your mouth with your efforts. I smack your fingerswhen your thumb grazes my hip. ?No touching. You haven't earned that rewardyet.? Once in place and adjusted, I reach for the cock in your mouth. ?Open.? andyou immediately let the dildo slide from your lips. I attach the cock to theharness firmly.

?Do you want to suck my cock?? I ask, my voice low. ?Yes.? Comes your hissedreply. Your eyes are wide as I step closer to you and take your head into myhands. I caress your cheek and trail my index finger along your lips then pryingthem open I thrust my hips forward slightly to press it against your lips. ?Askfor it please.? I say. ?Please may I suck your cock?? Your voice is tremulous,the excitement you're feeling tells in your voice.

I smile down at you, looking at your spread legs, silky in stockings, yourhard cock jutting out between the lacy straps of the garter, the belts stretchedtightly in the position. I grasp the strap-on dildo at the base with my righthand, and hold your chin with my left. I slide the still wet cock deeply intoyour mouth. Your eyes close briefly as you relish the sensation of the coldfirm cock pushing to the back of your throat. ?Swallow it for me, make me believeyour really want to suck me off? A muffled whimper escapes your lips as theybegin to slowly and expertly slide up and down the full length of my strap-on.I am so wet from watching your handsome face work my cock.

Your lips wrapped fully around and your tongue licking the tip at the topof each stroke. I cannot help myself; I touch my own breasts, pinching at mynipples through the thin fabric of my bra. A tiny shiver runs through my body. ?Thatwas exquisite honey, you are such a good cock sucking slut.? I pull the cockfrom your lips, a gentle pop as it leaves the vacuum of your hot mouth. Yourabandoned panties will make a nice gag and I stuff them gently into your mouth. ?Iwant you on your knees.? You immediately turn on the bed and hurry to get intoposition.

?Place your head down on the sheets, your ass in the air. Wrap your handsaround your ankles. Do not move from this position.? I say softly. I touchyour ass, trailing my fingers along the garter straps, down to the tops ofthe stockings. Your body hair is matted under the stockings and they make yourlegs feel very smooth and silky. Stepping back from you to admire your pose,I reach into my bag and take out my camera. Taking shots from several angles,I lay the camera aside to take another scarf from my bag. Removing the onefrom around your neck, I wrap your right wrist and ankle, tying a firm knot.Moving to the other side, I tie off your left wrist and ankle.

?Perfect,? I say ?You should see yourself in this position. I laugh out loud,seeing your face turn crimson. Your sweet ass is so inviting, I find myselftrailing my finger along from the base of your balls up to your tight littlehole. Puckering tightly at my touch, you tense. I can hear your breathing changeas you anticipate what I might do next. I walk to your head and remove thepanties from your mouth. You lick your dry lips and smile up at me; your eyesfollow my movements as I return to your ass.

With a light slap on your right buttock, I say teasingly, ?I can see thatwe're going to work at loosening this ass up, stretching it nice and wide.? Youjust moan softly into the sheets. Reaching into the bag again, I remove a smallbottle of lube.

?Do you want me to fuck this cute little ass?? I say sweetly, my right handholding your right hip, my left index finger slowly tracing a light circlearound your anus. I don't push inside; merely rub lightly, no pressure. ?Please? Yourvoice comes from inside the sheets as your face is pressed into them. ?I'msorry, what is it that you want?? I question. Turning your head to the left,you start ?Please fuck my ass, please fuck me with your hard cock, use me,take your pleasure with my ass.? Your voice pleading with me, begging for this:your fantasy.

I am awestruck; I still cannot believe that you want this as much as I havewanted to do this. You're answering my fantasy as well. Spreading more lubeonto your hole, I tell you to watch me. You turn your head again, strainingto look back at me. I hold the bottle of lube over the length of my strap-onand squeeze a small dribble along the length. Laying the lube aside, I graspmy cock at the base and begin to spread the lube around in a long strokingmotion. ?I've put plenty on for you, I want you to enjoy this as much as Iwill.?

I wipe the excess lube along your hot little slit and slowly slide first onefinger inside, pull out, then slide another. I can feel the heat from yourbody, your soft and slippery tissue pulsing with your heartbeat. Gliding myfingers in and out, I graze your prostate and bladder deep inside. ?I reallywish that my fingers were a bit longer? I muse to myself. Your soft moans intime with the stroking of my fingers inside, your cock is dripping a stickystream of pre-cum onto the sheets. A thick clear puddle has formed beneathyour crotch. ?I think that you like you? Tell me...? I taunt.

?I love this...I love you fucking me with your fingers, oh...please...more...? youbeg. Smiling to myself I slide a third finger inside. Again your soft moan,this time lower, deeper from your chest. You start to push back at me, as muchas you can, considering how you are bound. On each backwards thrust of yourhips to meet my hand, a low grunt escapes your lips. I love the sounds youmake as you enjoy my touch and you lose yourself in the pleasure.

Withdrawing my hand slowly, I wait for a count of 10, knowing that you arewondering what will happen next. Without warning, I plunge three fingers deepin your ass, all the way up to the last knuckle. Your moan is a growl of surpriseand pleasure, your hips pressing back against me.

Leaning forward, I place my hand on your lower back while I continue to workmy fingers in and out of your ass. Each stroke elicits a low grunt from you.Each stroke pushes another dribble of pre-cum from your half hard cock ontothe sheets. Each stroke makes my pussy throb from watching you, playing withyou and wanting you.

Slowly removing my fingers from your hot hole, I position myself squarelybehind you. I grab my strap-on cock by the shaft and press it against yourswollen asshole. ?Do you want this?? I taunt. ?Please fuck me...? You whimper.I start to push my hips forward, still guiding the head of the cock as I pressthe tip into your slightly stretched hole. You want this so badly that youbegin to push back against me, bearing down so that we are working togetherto impale you on my strap-on. A low steady groan escapes your lips, pure pleasurejudging by the tone and your backwards pushing.

?Very good baby, take my cock? I say lovingly. The sight of my strap-on slowlyworking into your tight, muscular ass is breathtaking. I'm enthralled watchingit slowly inch its way into your bottom. Your breathing is a slow pant andI use my thumb to spread some of the lube around your opening, trying to keepit moist and comfortable for you. I grab you by the hips and begin to pushslowly, with a bit more force, my pelvis thrusting forward to meet you.

Pulling back slowly, only an inch or so, I push forward again, working ita bit deeper with each successive thrust. You've taken nearly all of it atthis point and I'm amazed. ?You are doing beautifully baby...take my wholecock, I want to bury it in your're nearly there...? I say encouragingly.I move one hand down underneath us and feel for your balls. You gasp into thesheets as I grasp you by the top of your sack, trying to push your balls backdown. I slowly and gently work them down until they are pressed to the bottom,all the while continuing to push deeper into your ass.

?Oh, God, please...? You murmur, obviously delirious with pleasure, you'veforgotten that you're not to talk. A hard tug on your balls brings your attentionback to me. A low strangled groan deep in your throat tells me that was a bitpainful. Good. No need to correct you further.

?Just another inch and you'll have it all? I say, pressing that final inchforward. Once buried, I stop, holding you by the hips, feeling your heartbeatreverberating through your body, your breath a steady pant. I feel you relaxand choose that moment to pull back, pulling nearly all the way out. You'remoaning loudly now, feeling my cock pull out. Holding you steady, I press inone smooth motion back into your ass. I'm rewarded with another groan, thisagain of pure pleasure. ?Do you like my cock in your ass?? I say sweetly. ?Oh,God, please fuck me, please...I'm so close to cumming from your cock in myass.? You say. The pleading in your voice excites me.

I love it when you beg. Reaching back down to grab your balls again, I keepa steady pressure on them, pulling them down and backward as I begin to slowlypump your ass. My other hand steadies you, pressing down on your back, justabove the crack of your ass.

The pressure of the strap-on harness against my mound is building a nice orgasm,with each thrust, I feel my clit throb harder and I know that I'm close. Iwant you to cum just from my stroking your ass and the pressure on your prostate.The puddle under your cock is thick with pre-cum. I begin to massage your ballsmore and stroke you longer and harder, getting closer to my own orgasm. ?Iwant you to cum for me baby, cum hard for me.? I tell you. You begin to rockback against me, as much as you can, bound at the ankles and wrists. You matchme with each thrust. ?I want to hear you.? I say. All you needed was that permissionand you allow yourself to grunt and groan with each thrust, the noises youmake adding to my own excitement.

I release your balls and grab your hips with both hands again, and I startto slam my strap-on harder and deeper, watching the cock going in and out ofyour stretched ass. The sight is so erotic to me; it's all I need to push meover the edge and I let my orgasm wash over me, my own groan mingling withyours.

?Yes, oh God I'm cumming...? You moan and I watch as your body starts to shakewith the force of the orgasm. The constant thrusting and pressure against yourprostate are enough to get you off.

I slow my thrusting to match the spasms of your body, reach under to slowlystroke the remaining cum from your cock, adding to your pleasure. Taking careto pull out slowly, relishing your groans as the strap-on slides from yourass, I pull out.

I reach down to untie your wrists and ankles. ?You may lie down on your back.? Idirect and you fall eagerly onto your side, rolling onto your back. I lovehow your body looks, so hard and muscular, tanned and now drained from theexertion of your orgasm. My own was small, and I think you need to help mewith that.

I remove the harness, dropping the strap-on onto the bed and crawl up yourbody. Sliding my panties down over my hips I lift each leg slightly to pullthem down over my ankles and toss them to the floor. A quick reach behind myback to unhook my bra and my large heavy breasts come free.

Your cock is still semi-hard and dripping. I use my hand to dip into the puddleof cum on the bed and put it to your lips. ?Lick it up slut.? I tell you andyou eagerly suck my cum-covered fingers into your mouth. ?Clean them, don'tleave any behind.? I instruct. You take my hand and wash it with your tongue,taking care to clean between each finger and to suck each one in turn.

?You have a very good tongue slut, I think I can find another use for it.? Icrawl up to straddle your face; I put my ass to your nose and wiggle a bit,just for fun. ?Lick my ass slut.? I say and you grasp my hips to pull me downonto your face.

Your tongue begins to lap eagerly at my slit, your fingers pulling my asscheeks apart to give you greater access. I love the way that feels. Your pointedtongue pushes into my tiny hole to probe and lick, your flattened tongue washesthe entire slit clean. I can tell that you're enjoying this; your cock is gettingharder.

I tilt my hips down a bit, giving you access to my throbbing clit. You moaninto my cunt and begin to suck it, stroking it with your lips and tongue andI can feel another orgasm building. ?Eat my pussy slut.? I'm sitting on yourface now, I don't know how you can breathe, but I don't care. I push my cuntonto your mouth, your nose and chin. The feeling is delicious and I start tocum again. Pinching my nipples between my thumb and finger, pulling them hardand away from my body, I let the feeling wash over me, drenching your facewith my juice.

?Would you like a treat for being such a good slut?? I ask sweetly. ?Please,anything you wish, I'll take...? Your face is glistening with my juices, wetand slippery. Leaving your face, I move down to kneel between your legs. Youare looking at me, watching me, wondering what I'm going to do. Reaching forone of the discarded scarves, I wrap it tightly around the base of your cock,under your balls and pull it up between your balls, separating them. They arestretched tightly in your sack. I reach between my legs to touch my cunt andwet my hand with my juices. I wipe the liquid around your cock and start tostroke you, my other hand pulling at your balls.

?I want you to stroke yourself for me, make yourself cum, show me...? I say.You reach down and begin to stroke your cock and I lean forward, placing mywet lips over the tip of your cock. I can taste your cum, and I eagerly suckthe tip of your cock, keeping it wet. I cannot resist playing with your stretchedand separated balls and begin to squeeze them gently, varying the pressure.You start to stroke harder and I know you're close. My mouth is warm and wetand you are still so excited from all the ass play. I pull my mouth away totell you to cum, cum in my mouth.

You don't need any encouragement, knowing that I'm letting you cum in my mouthpushes you over the edge into your second body wracking orgasm. The hot streamshit my mouth, the back of my throat and I work to milk your cock dry. Whenyou've finished, your body still feeling the small tremors of your orgasm,I pull my mouth away and move up to your face. Leaning down, I kiss your lips,and as your mouth opens to let me have your tongue, I drip your cum onto yourtongue instead. Pulling me down onto your body, your mouth covers mine andyou eagerly suck the cum from my mouth.

Kissing your mouth softly, tasting myself and your cum is delicious. I playfullylick at your bottom lip then give it a small bite. Trailing kisses down yourchin, I take care to bite and suckle at each nipple in turn.

?I still have one more thing that I want to do to you...? I say. ?Strip andhead for the shower. I want you to lie down in the tub, wait for me there.? Youcan barely walk, your ass so sore from the fucking you've just received. Strippingout of the stockings and garter, you move off to the bathroom. I step intothe tub, straddling your hips standing over you. You look so relaxed. ?I'vewanted to do this for you for a long time, but we've never had the opportunity? Ibegin.

I reach down to comb my fingers through my trimmed bush, and squatting overyou, I begin to release a long slow stream of urine onto your body. The liquidis golden and hot, the scent pungent mixed with the smell of sex. Forcing theflow from my body, it causes small tremors of pleasure, like a mini-orgasmdeep inside my cunt. I stop the flow to move closer to your head. Lifting myleg to rest it on the edge of the tub, I lunge forward slightly to give youa better view. Letting the flow of urine begin again, you watch as the streamleaves my body and arcs down to your chest. I stop and start the flow severaltimes, watching your face marvel at my ability to control the flow. When I'vefinished you lean closer to me, inhaling my scent and letting your tongue dartout to lick me clean.

?Are you satisfied? Did I fulfill your fantasy?? I ask. You answer by divingdeeper into my cunt, licking my pussy again in earnest, cupping my ass withyour hands.

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*** CHAPTER ONE At Ten A.M. sharp this morning, I learned my fate. Judge Larissa McReynolds of the Royal Bench Sentencing Court peered over her brown plastic half-glasses at me from where she sat high up on her huge and ornately-carved mahogany judicial bench. Her somewhat slight frame and white, short-cut hair were small compared the hugeness of the black leather chair that she sat in. The chair was twice her size. I almost got a stiff neck from peering upwards to stay focused on her as she...

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The Stepford Children

All my life I had always feared God. Growing up I thought he personally stared down at from Heaven watching my every move, listening to my every thought. It was this fear that has always kept me on the straight and narrow and given me my morale courage. My only sorrow is that I was unable to pass this fear down to my children and from this, there will be no retribution. I am surely damned as if I had spent a lifetime of murder and greed. With this knowledge I don't feel fear anymore, just...

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Choto Temple Ch 11

When I was interviewing Zerzinski this afternoon, I was once again thinking about the vastly different reactions people can have to the whole Donor X phenomenon. As well as to Zerzinski’s specific kind of sexual orientation, and how people respond to that. The evening’s readings were a fascinating exercise in contrast. Rie never came over that night. Presumably, Zerzinski was keeping her occupied. Though I didn’t know, and kept trying not to care. It was a different, though equally...

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The Real Stepford WivesBrown Sugar

The Real Stepford Wives Brown Sugar by Sarah Barndt I was once a normal, heterosexual male. That is, I was until I happened upon the town of Stepford. I was spending a few weeks there, installing some equipment at Stepford Pharmaceutical Labs, for the company I worked for. I had recently broken up with my fiancee and was glad to be back on the road as a working engineer. I enjoyed it, but Stepford was odd. All of the men wanted to ask me about my sex life when I visited 'the...

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Choto Temple Ch 08

Interesting things started happening from the moment I left Zerzinski’s house, to walk down the trail to my place. The first thing was only notable in retrospect. Another beautiful Japanese woman was walking toward Zerzinski’s place as I was leaving, as usual. She appeared to be a member of the Choto Temple. At least, most of the women who were older than teenagers seemed to be Choto members. And this one looked to be in her late twenties perhaps. Her face was lacking the usual...

2 years ago
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Slingshot Billpart one

I lived with my ma an' pa an' my two sisters miles from anythin’ civilized tryin’ to scratch out a livin’. My pa failed in everything he tried includin’ farmin’ an' ranchin’ but him an' ma wuz never bitter an' we wuz a fairly happy family even if we wuz dirt poor. That happiness come to an end one day when I come home from my huntin’. Ma an' Pa wuz layin’ face down in the dirt in front of our cabin. My twin sister Beth an' my older sister Philomena wuz kneelin’ beside the bodies...

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Slingshot Billpart one

Introduction: Bill Tinker relate how he acquired lots of wives in late 19th century Texas. My name’s Bill Tinker an' I am 12 years old at the time I’m tellin’ you about late in 19th century Texas. I can pretty much hit anythin' with my slingshot, mostly rabbits but I can hit doves an' pheasants on the fly too. It’s a good thing too or we’d most likely starve to death.I lived with my ma an' pa an' my two sisters miles from anythin’ civilized tryin’ to scratch out a livin’. My pa failed in...

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Erin Ashford

Reddit Erin Ashford, aka r/ErinAshford! Erin Ashford is not a pornstar from a bygone age, nor is she a famous modern-day pornstar. She’s also not a semi-famous Twitch streamer gone nude, not an Instagram model that promotes flat tummy tea, and definitely not a XXX cam model. So who is she exactly, and why should you care about her? Truth be told, she isn’t really known outside of Reddit - she made her XXX debut on /r/GoneWild after posting a large selection of XXX pictures (and some videos) on...

Reddit NSFW List
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Peggy Sanford a Worldly Woman Ch 05

Author’s note: I had planned to take a break from writing and submitting stories to Literotica when I reached 300 submissions. I know I said that when I reached 100 and again when I reached 200 submissions but many of you loyal readers asked me to continue. Many of you also sent me story lines and topics to write about, some more detailed than others. Recently I received an e-mail from Peggy Sanford who has written several stories for Literotica and if you have a Literotica log-in and...

3 years ago
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Stepford Brothers Change to Sisters

Stepford brothers (change to sisters!) By bojok71 Author's notes: this story serves to plug a hole, in my view, of the credibility of the Stepford stories. What if someone came looking for a lost relative? The answer is simple, and forms part of this story. Story notes: this story is very close, for obvious reasons, to the original Stepford story. However, it's new enough to be considered a new read. It's as sexual and interesting as my other stories. Thanks again to Sarah Barndt for...

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Slingshot Billpart two

The ranch we bought belonged to a widder that wanted to move to Tarrant County where her son now lived. She already sold off the livestock an’ everything else so there wuzn’t much left except the buildings, a corral an’ fences. Of the buildings there wuz the ranch house, a barn and a bunk house where the hired help stayed. There wuzn’t no hired help left an’ that wuz fine with me. I intended to use that building as sleeping quarters for the children while we gradually built on the main...

4 years ago
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Slingshot Billpart two

Introduction: Bill Tinker relates how he acquired lots of wives in late 19th century Texas. I was telling y’all about moving close to Austin an’ getting another wife but I wuzn’t gonna tell you no more unless you told me how y’all liked my story so far. Well, enough of you said you did that I decided to tell you a bit more. The other wife comes later in my story so I better not get ahead of myself.The ranch we bought belonged to a widder that wanted to move to Tarrant County where her son now...

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Slingshot BillChapter 1

My name's Bill Tinker an' I am 12 years old at the time I'm tellin' you about late in 19th century Texas. I can pretty much hit anythin' with my slingshot, mostly rabbits but I can hit doves an' pheasants on the fly too. It's a good thing too or we'd most likely starve to death. I lived with my ma an' pa an' my two sisters miles from anythin' civilized tryin' to scratch out a livin'. My pa failed in everything he tried includin' farmin' an' ranchin' but him an' ma wuz never...

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Choto Temple Ch 02

Here’s Chapter 2 (of 14, altogether). I really appreciate the feedback, whether by voting or by dropping me a line. Hope you like Chapter 2! ***** ‘I love Japan, and so many things about Japanese culture, but the lack of furniture drives me nuts,’ Zerzinski said, as he sat down on the couch. ‘Why don’t they all get back problems from sitting on the floor all the time?’ he continued. ‘I don’t know how that works.’ He had a warmth about him that I hadn’t expected. I had never met him til...

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Forrest Part 2 Chapter 3

The next morning Forrest woke up at about 10 and woke me with a kiss on the lips. I surprised him by throwing my arms around him and deepening the kiss. I reached down under the covers and grabbed his balls. I played with them as I felt his dick start to harden. He did the same to me, squeezing my balls and moving them around in my loose sack, causing my dick to harden. Without a word, I grabbed my cloths and beckoned for him to do the same. After checking that his sister was still...

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We waved bye to Forrest’s and my parents as they drove off. It was summer break and they would be gone for several days. My friend Forrest and his 9 year old sister, Scout, were staying at my house for the time they were gone. None of our parents wanted us to be home alone, but they were fine if we were together. I was 15 and Forrest was 14, but he looks 10 or 11. I live in the middle of nowhere, but we found plenty of things to do during the day, but my favorite time was at night. My...

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Hottub Foursome

Last night (Friday night and St. Paddy’s day) Kip and I had a big night. No snow here and Spring Break crowds so we didn’t expect to be snowboarding early on Saturday morning. Some guys we know from Denver were up so it was 4 gay guys hitting the town!!! Kip’s sister was spending the weekend down in Fort Collins or Boulder or somewhere so we had the house to ourselves. 4 gay guys (Kip and I consider ourselves bi), pretty much unlimited speedo supply, a little bit of booze and a hottub – what...

2 years ago
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Further Tales of Peggy Sanford Ch 12

Peggy Sanford stepped out of the elevator and into the lobby of the Roosevelt New Orleans Hotel. As she walked across the lobby she noticed several males obviously checking her out. She smiled to herself as she walked across the long spacious lobby. It always pleased Peggy that she could still attract such attention. Not that she should be surprised, for a married mother of two in her late forties, Peggy was still a very beautiful woman. Her long brown hair framed a face that belied her age,...

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Mrs Sanford

It was the summer before my second year of high school when I got a call from Darci Smith asking me to meet her at the high school the next day to help her clean out the costume room. Now Darci is the drama club teacher and the art teacher. Every guy in the school wants to fuck her and masterbates to her. Darci is in her early thirties, married, and looks like she is still twenty one. She has nice mid size tits, a fine ass, big blue eyes and blonde hair. She has a pert little hard body and...

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Mr Forrester

"There's a man here to see you, Mr. Forrester; he says he's a detective from the Denver Police Force." Oh-oh, thought John. "Ok, send him in, Angela." "Hello, Mr Forrester; my name is Paul Donohue, I'm a detective from the Denver Police Force." "What can I do for you, Detective Donohue?" as I pressed the intercom so Angela could listen in discreetly out at her desk. "Well, Mr. Forrester, sometime last year I was handed a case in Denver that has us all baffled. It seems that two...

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Stepford Househusbands Chapters 13

Chapter 1 Stephen sighed as he watched the world go by. "I still don't see why we have to move," he told his wife as he turned to look at her. "Because honey, the company is opening a new store in Stepford and they asked me to run it," Emily replied, not taking her eyes off the road. "Besides, the offer was too good to turn down and the house came as part of the job," Emily continued. "I'd thought that you'd be proud of me," she added. "And I am. Really," Stephen added as his wife...

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The Foremans Foreskin

I had been working in the construction industry a week when the foreman called me to his office. As I made my way over I wondered what I could have done wrong. As it had gone clocking off time I was annoyed that the meeting would be eating in to my free time. 'Aah, come in.' he said as I stepped through the door. 'Have a seat.' His office was much neater than I thought it would be. As I looked around the room I noticed that there were no girlie pictures like I had seen plastered up everywhere...

5 years ago
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Meeting at Bedford Mills

Meeting at Bedford MillsI had often thought about my friend Simone in the years since we had been at school together. After I graduated, I had moved to New York to pursue my career and with a husband and children, I had lost touch with Simone, but I knew that she had married a rich man whom she had met at college, and that they lived in Greenwich, Connecticut, but they had no children. I had also heard from other former classmates who had met her, that she had a glamorous lifestyle, with...

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Hot Movies for Her, other than being a long name for a porn site, strikes me as the kind that's all for women. I mean, duh, right? It's in the title. The porn titles Hot Movies for Her is coming with are really appealing to anyone. The site looks to have quite an array of categories while also featuring some of the most popular pornstars in the industry. Even if these girls aren't popular, the site includes rising stars that you're probably seeing pop up here and there.Just on the surface of me...

Premium Porn For Women Sites
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Choto Temple Ch 14

Mariko and Rie both walked in, carrying trays of dinner. ‘I hope we’re not intruding?’ Rie asked. ‘Not at all,’ I said, momentarily having trouble summoning the words. Mariko said something quietly to Rie in Japanese. Rie listened and then translated. ‘Mariko says she’s sorry she never had a chance to give you that lesson with the espresso machine.’ Then, speaking for both of them, she continued. ‘We understand that you leave here in the morning.’ ‘It’s true, unfortunately,’ I said,...

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Choto Temple Ch 10

The diary continued for quite some pages. I was looking forward to reading more later. But there was a schedule to keep. I grabbed my notepad and recorder and headed toward Zerzinski’s place. ‘The thing is,’ Zerzinski said matter-of-factly, ‘if I heard some of the things I have said to you when I was younger, I would have thought I was an asshole.’ ‘Even if you understood the context?’ I asked. He smiled. ‘I was a pretty ideological guy, before… I don’t know. I’d like to think with enough...

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The CollectorChapter 2 Welcome to Chelmsford Hall

Mary Pilson knew that her ‘uncle’ Walter was grooming her. ‘Uncle’ was a silly term that Mary’s mother used to describe the men who moved into their home to take advantage. Mary had no time for her uncles; she saw them for what they were, parasites and users. Mary’s mother could hardly make ends meet working as an usherette at the local cinema. Her good looks, curvy body and long legs ensured that she was well tipped by the male customers but she also attracted the sharks. Mary mostly...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess8e18 Sylvia Distin 55 from Chelmsford

We’re cruising along a wide and quiet suburban street. Green lawns stretch back from the pavement to the nice semi-detached homes. There’s a slim woman walking a large dog along the side of the road, and we pan around to look at her as we pass – it’s no-one we know, but we kind of wish we did! Then we’re looking forward again – seeing an intersection infront of us ... Then pulling up, looking out of the side window right at a single story, flat-roofed building. A sign outside reads,...

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Slingshot BillChapter 2

I was telling y'all about moving close to Austin an' getting another wife but I wuzn't gonna tell you no more unless you told me how y'all liked my story so far. Well, enough of you said you did that I decided to tell you a bit more. The other wife comes later in my story so I better not get ahead of myself. The ranch we bought belonged to a widder that wanted to move to Tarrant County where her son now lived. She already sold off the livestock an' everything else so there wuzn't much...

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A WellLived Life Book 6 Kara IChapter 9 A Trip to Milford Part I

September 1981, Milford, Ohio Friday was routine until lunchtime. Afternoon classes had been canceled for both Elyse and me because of the Labor Day weekend, so I drove back to the apartment instead of having lunch on campus. Elyse and I packed our overnight bags and waited for Kathy and Bethany, who arrived as planned, and we left Chicago just before 4:00pm. It was my goal to make the trip to Milford in just under five and a half hours, which I could do if we grabbed fast food on the way...

1 year ago
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Reddit HotWife, aka r/HotWife! Well, we’re back at it again. It would seem that we have a new subreddit to review, and this time around it’s /r/HotWife that takes the stage. We all know as a place where you can find pretty much every kind of community. Well, this 18+ community seems to be a very unlikely one because of what it’s supposed to be about. This subreddit is all about people showing off their hot wife as she gets fucked by her boyfriend outside of their marriage. So, you...

Reddit NSFW List
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Further Tales of Peggy Sanford Ch 13

It was the electronic chirp of a cellphone text message that first stirred Peggy Sanford from a state of excessive alcohol and strenuous sexual activity induced sleep to a state of semi-conscious awareness. The first thing she recognized was that she was not the only one lying in the bed. She felt the warm embrace of a delicate arm draped across her chest, a set of soft full breasts pressing up against her back, a smooth hairless pelvis nuzzled up against her buttocks and a tone fit leg...

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Further Tales of Peggy Sanford Ch 01

Author’s Note: These stories are a continuation of member/author Walterio’s excellent 12 part series, Peggy Sanford a Worldly Woman and his extra story Peggy Sanford and the Secret Society. After I read his stories all I could think was ‘That was hot! I wish I was her.’ Walterio wrote these in response to member/author Peggy46’s invitation to anyone to continue or add to the stories that she wrote about herself and her wild sex life. I tried to fill in enough background information to make this...

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HotWife Cuckold Contract

"Ok, here are the key clauses for the husband:1. Upon entering this agreement, your status will now be a cuckold or simply cucky. Your wife will be known as the hotwife/mistress and her black owners will be called black bulls.2. Although you are still her husband, you no longer have permission to have any sexual intercourse whatsoever.3. You will be required to wear chastity belt all the time and your hotwife will hold the key to your chastity belt. Or should your hotwife chooses, she can give...

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Hotwife Captions

Do you know what a hotwife is? It’s a woman who enjoys the lifestyle of being able to enjoy as many different cocks as she wants while still loving her husband. Of course, for these kinds of women, the dick their husbands provide them with is not enough, so they have to go to other lengths to get the enjoyment they so desperately need. And while you might not be participating in this kind of thing and lifestyle, you might be aroused by it. Maybe you like seeing guys allow their wives to get...

Reddit NSFW List
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Earths CoreChapter 36 Formations

“Thank you ... Zax”. A middle aged woman with a combed black hair and a bit of weight around her waist walked toward him with hands down and holding one another. “You shouldn’t, Mrs. Inoki “. Zax shook his head. The woman was the mother of his childhood friends, Weysey Inoki. Mrs. Inoki came to stand beside him, but her view was on the large group of children having the time of their life fighting the living snowmen. “Our home is at the periphery of us, newcomers’ huts. The hut next to us...

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The Bradford Family Saga Part 1

Through her wide open legs she watched the last drops of her morning piss cling to her silky blonde pussy-hair, then drop into the bowl. She stretched and yawned, willing her reluctant body awake. "Mike?" she called. "Yeah?" her husband answered, pushing the bathroom door open. "Well, aren't you a pretty sight?" he said. "Look, who's talking. You look as bad as I feel," she said with a smile. Her husband was naked except for a towel around his mid-section, his flaccid...

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CynthiaChapter 15 Bradford

Sarah and I communicated well when she had time for conversation, often after her shift was over. She made it clear that she liked me as more than just a patient, and in addition to liking her, I found myself lusting for her constantly. It wasn't so bad in the mountains when there were no distractions, but to see it around me every day flamed my desire. She caught up with me while I was in physical therapy. After a couple of cheers, she said, "I got her cell phone. I'll see you...

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Adventures of a Greenie Off Planet Vol 2Chapter 27 Forbidden Forrest

Lamax system was only 61 lightyears distant to Faysummit system. Meaning the superfast Colt reached Faysummit only 136 minutes. Roy was getting more anxious by the moment. The closer he got the more he felt convinced that his mother was close and that she was in great peril. The Colt was brand-new and by law, it was his ship. The Phantasian who piloted the ride was an employee or more precise a contractor. Tanya was right, this passenger cabin was not big enough for Partner, but then this...

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Photoshop Helped Me To Fuck A Village Girl 8211 Part 1

Hey, its me Rajaa back with my new horny story. Directly onto story, i was comming back to my village after 3 years. I was in Mumbai for the past 3 years doing my degree in Photography. I had just completed my degree and was looking for a job. Due to some family issues i had to return to my village. My village was a backward area but because my father was rich, i didn’t face any problem with my studies and my finances. So i am a good looking , well built, rich handsome photographer…. thats what...

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Choto Temple Ch 03

Here’s Chapter 3 (of 14, altogether). I really appreciate the feedback, whether by voting, commenting or by dropping me a line. Hope you like Chapter 3! ***** ‘I taught at the public high school in New Canaan,’ Zerzinski told me. ‘One of the few teachers at the school who could afford to live in the town. Thanks to inheritance – the only way any school teacher could possibly live in New Canaan. Unless they’re married to a banker.’ ‘Your parents left you their house?’ I asked. ‘Yeah, the...

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Hotel California

Hotel California By Mary Beth Sanford Synopsis A young man forced by the mob that destroyed his family to build and code their computers, simply ups and quits. Even worse he was seen leaving with a memory stick. That was his first mistake. His second and most deadly was thinking he could get away with it. Editors Notes: Excerpt Lyrics from "Hotel California" are from the Eagles album by the same name released in 1976 - A favorite. Contents: Introduction Hotel...

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Being a slut Thetford forest

This is a true story and happened recently. I am bi and enjoy sucking and being sucked by guys occasionally. But on the odd occasion I het so horny that I need fucking. A couple of weeks ago it was early evening and I found myself heading to a cruising spot where I have met guys before. I parked up in a layby. it was stil light, and it was quiet. Eventually a white van came slowly driving by, as he passed I flashed my indicators a few times. He pessed his break lights a few times and we had an...

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