Choto Temple Ch 13
- 4 years ago
- 42
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The diary continued for quite some pages. I was looking forward to reading more later. But there was a schedule to keep. I grabbed my notepad and recorder and headed toward Zerzinski’s place.
‘The thing is,’ Zerzinski said matter-of-factly, ‘if I heard some of the things I have said to you when I was younger, I would have thought I was an asshole.’
‘Even if you understood the context?’ I asked.
He smiled. ‘I was a pretty ideological guy, before… I don’t know. I’d like to think with enough context, I’d have understood. I’d like to think other people could, too, for that matter.’
‘Earlier you were talking about the clients that worked out and the ones that didn’t. When you ran your clinic in Portland.’
‘Yeah, that’s what I was thinking of.’
‘Tell me more about that…?’
‘Well, what if you were, say, a guy in his forties. But you were only attracted to 18-year-old girls with big breasts and blonde hair.
‘Most people seeing that – including me, for the most part – would think that guy’s a sexist jerk. Or at the very least, very much playing into patriarchal ideas of sexuality. And someone who should try to widen their horizons a bit. Analyze themselves, stuff like that.
‘So me, when I was younger, I had my preferences. My fetishes, perhaps. But I was broad-minded. And I had girlfriends who didn’t meet most of my ideals, in terms of sexual attraction. But I could always kind of fudge it.
‘I could fantasize about sexier women I had been with before. Or dream up new ones. Or if I’m in a typical kind of life situation where I’m having sex once a day or less – usually less – then I could work up an appetite regardless, most of the time.
‘And I looked down at guys who, under similar circumstances, were unable to do that. Like a friend of mine who was only attracted to women with long hair. And he’d meet some really cool woman who really liked him, who he really liked, too. But then she’d go and cut her hair and he wouldn’t be at all interested in her anymore. Lame, right?
‘Well, most of the time things went fine at the clinic. But I guess about 10% of the time things didn’t go fine. Oftentimes things not going fine meant me not being able to get it up. And every time that happened, it was a situation where the client was not going along with the program for one reason or another.’
‘Did that happen every time someone went off-script?’ I asked.
‘No. In fact there were a lot of times when things went way off-script, but I still managed to give them what they came for anyway. Other times not. I’m sure I could have done better if I weren’t already having sex with someone – and more to the point, coming – at least twice a day. But as that was the situation, despite my best intentions, I just got pickier and pickier as the thing went on.’
‘What kinds of things would happen?’
‘Well, what really gets me off, generally, are beautiful women who want to please me in specific ways. I’m open to different things, but definitely if they can play into my fetishes for denial and rougher sex, that will turn me on a lot more than just about anything else.
‘The only thing that might surpass that kind of bedroom scenario is a virginal teenage bombshell lying nervously in front of you. Naked, waiting for you to penetrate her. Visibly wondering how that was going to feel. And whether she could handle it without crying. That one always works, too.’
‘So the Purification and Choto Temple models both make a lot of sense.’
‘Yes.’ He paused. ‘That would be an understatement, in fact.’
‘Can you give me some examples of what would go on?’
‘Sure. When things went wrong, they generally fell into two categories. There were those who would try and fail. And there were those who wouldn’t try in the first place.
‘See, I didn’t want to be the guy who only fucked virgins. I could have only done virgins and still had plenty of clients. But I wanted to be more open than that.
‘So I thought if the women could just pretend they were porn actors for one day, and could come in and follow a script that would turn me on enough to keep this – it – up on a very, very regular basis, that would be better. More moral or something. I don’t know.
‘Oftentimes they thought the script was just a guideline. Or they didn’t really have to follow it so closely, because they were somehow exceptional. The wealthier Americans tend to think they’re exceptional. About everything, including sex appeal.
‘So sometimes they’d think they could do the edging thing for me. And they’d be feeling all awkward about it. Which would be obvious. And then rather than really eating me, they’d sort of kiss my dick, put the head in their mouth. And then stop, and look up at me, like, ‘what do I do next?’
‘And I don’t know at that point what to say. I mean, sometimes they just don’t understand that they are actually responsible for turning me on. Like, I’m going to try to work with them, but they can’t just say ‘I tried but it didn’t work, now can you just get on with it’ or something. It doesn’t work that way. I’m not proud of that, necessarily. It’s just the way it is. Contrary to many opinions.’
‘So how would things go in those situations?’
‘Sometimes I’d manage to find inspiration somewhere, and give them what they came for. Sometimes I had to say I’m sorry, this isn’t working. And then they’d generally get really pissed off. ‘I paid $5,000 in order to be humiliated?!’ That kind of thing.
‘They’d get their money back in those cases, actually. But it still sucked for everyone.
‘Other times – and this happened quite a lot, probably the most common thing that would go wrong – they’d come in prepared for following the script. They’d understand the deal. But then when they’d be edging for me, they’d come. Sometimes repeatedly. They’d be like, ‘oops, I couldn’t stop, it was feeling too good.’
‘And I’m thinking, gosh, I understand that you like to come. Most people do, in fact. I used to make women come all the time. Because they like it. Sometimes I’d make them come because I was so turned on by the fact that they hadn’t yet come, that I’d want to make them come in order for me not to come myself.
‘But this wasn’t one of those times. This time, they’re supposed to be trying to make me come. By following a script that will hopefully turn me on. And then they go and do this thing which they have already been informed is exactly the thing to do if they want the opposite of the intended result.’
‘Do you think it’s just a lack of self-control?’ I asked.
‘Sometimes. Mostly, I think these are basically fairly innocent women who just don’t believe that anybody could be different from them. It turns her on, it turns on her boyfriend. So of course it’ll work for this guy, too. Unfortunately that’s not how it is.
‘Other times we’d get through the ‘foreplay’ segments, and then they’d say something like ‘please be gentle with me.’
”Please be gentle’ is a perfectly reasonable thing to say to someone you don’t know, who you’ve decided to have sex with. When you’re trying to guide the situation so that the sex will be to your liking. I.e. gentle, if that’s what you want.
‘But when you’re explicitly supposed to be following a script that involves edging, fellatio, and rough sex, you don’t get to the rough sex part and say ‘please be gentle.’ I could be really gentle and just not fuck you at all, but that’s not what you’ve come here for, is it?
‘OK but then, thoughts like that last one, if I think of the earlier me hearing me now say stuff like that, fuck, I’d be shocked. It’s shocking, probably. But now I can’t even tell. I’m just so thoroughly depraved at this point that I have no moral compass left, I guess.’
I don’t know if he was hoping I’d reassure him that he did, in fact, have a moral compass. Fairly obviously, actually – one
prone to frequent agonizing. Instead, I just asked another question.
‘And what about the ones who just didn’t try at all?’
‘Well,’ he said, with an air of authority, ‘there’s a level of cluelessness among the rich that is really special. I think what happens a lot of the time is a rich woman says to her secretary, ‘get me an appointment with that guy in Portland.’
‘The secretary dutifully sets everything up, explains to her boss what’s involved with the whole thing, or maybe sends her a memo or something. Which in any case gets ignored. And then it’s time for the appointment, and the woman shows up in my room.
‘I come in. She’s fully clothed. And looking impatient that she was kept waiting a few minutes. And she wants to know what’s going on.
”Presumably,’ I say, ‘you’re here to have sex with me.”
‘They don’t know? Seriously?’
‘Seriously,’ he said, without hesitation. ‘One time, the woman stormed off. Ranting to anyone in earshot as she left the building, and people were laughing at her. I mean the level of cluelessness can be really impressive sometimes.’
‘You were quite a well-known person by then,’ I noted.
‘Yeah, well, I didn’t know who most of the celebrities were until I became one, either,’ he said. ‘I still don’t, actually,’ he added.
‘When did you start getting so many clients from Japan?’
‘Pretty early on there were some. They weren’t coming on scholarships like the ones from the Chernobyl area. But they were always just as impressive. When Japanese people decide to do something, they tend to do it really well.
‘But it was after the Fukushima disaster that the Japanese started coming more often. At first I didn’t know what was going on, in terms of anything systematic. I just knew that every few days I’d have another Japanese client.
‘And I started to notice a pattern. They were always teenagers, barely legal adults. They always came accompanied by an older woman. They were always so good at following the script that it seemed like each of them had taken a course in porn acting. Which it turned out they had.
‘They were consistently the ideal clients. The kind that just made me think this I was living the dream. Rather than once again in the room with another self-important rich lady who’s making half-hearted attempts to go through the motions in order to get what she came for. All the while obviously detesting me for making her work for something for once in her life.’
‘Is that how it was most of the time?’ I asked for clarification.
‘No. Like I said, most of the time it was great. But when it goes wrong on one out of ten occasions, well, it can go pretty wrong. And that can really suck.
‘You got the media saying you’re a sexist piece of shit. And then you got one in ten of your clients walking out, saying something similar.’
‘That sounds hard.’
‘Yes. It could be. So then,’ he said, picking up his story without prompting from me, ‘a whole delegation of Japanese people came, unannounced, and asked my staff if they could talk with me.
‘At first the secretary was trying to put them in line with the rest of the media wanting interviews, until she was informed that one of the members of the delegation was the governor of Fukushima prefecture. Then she realized this was something she should actually talk with me about.
‘When we met the next day, that was the first I had heard about the temple they were starting up.’
‘You were still in the US when they were starting it?’
Robert gave me a look that said, don’t you do your research? I responded with my best lost puppy imitation. He said nothing, and just answered my stupid question.
‘Yes, I was in Portland, and they were sending these women across the Pacific once or twice a week. They would have sent more. But there was no room in my schedule, as it was set up.
‘But they came in order to have a meeting with me. And they made this proposal.’
‘Their proposal being this place, essentially?’
‘Yes. Minus the Choto Temple. That came later. But they had already started the Purification Temple. Training these girls from Fukushima and sending them over. But only so few, compared to now.
‘And they just basically proposed that I come live in Japan. They made the case that the young women of Fukushima were both the neediest in terms of their risk for ovarian cancer, as well as the sexiest. And I’d have my own mountainside to live on, and would never have to worry about money again.’
‘And you said yes right away?’
‘I wanted to. But I waited a day, trying to be reasonable and think it over. And then I told everybody at the clinic that we’d be closing soon. They were bummed out. But I made sure they were well taken care of, anyway.
‘I knew I’d miss the Russians though. I still do, sometimes.’
‘They were really special, eh?’
‘They were. And also just the circumstances made them even more special.
‘See, I’d go outside in disguise a lot, but it basically was risky to be me. I lived between home and the clinic much of the time. And for most of the time I was in Portland, being home meant having a stunning, generally very friendly Russian or Ukrainian around pretty constantly.’
‘How did that work?’
‘It was sort of an organic process. When we were offering the scholarships to women from the Chernobyl region, they also needed a place to stay while in town. And I had a big place. So they stayed with me. We’d get them tickets so they’d arrive on a Monday, have their appointment with me on the following weekend, and then leave the following Monday.’
‘Were they expected to do anything in particular in Portland during that week?’
‘No, nothing. But what most of them did when they weren’t seeing the local sights, was to hang out with me when I was home. Lots of good memories. At the clinic, a standard Tuesday question when I came in was ‘who’s the Russian of the week?”
‘Any especially fond recollections?’
‘Many. But Tanja, the woman with the flash cards, was particularly fun and educational.’
‘Was she working on her English or something?’
‘Well, in the cover letter that came with the cards, she explained that she spoke almost no English. So it was actually that which inspired her to make the flash cards. In order for us to be able to communicate more easily about some things.
‘But for me it turned out to be a bit of a revelation. It was like a little peek into my future. Here with the Choto girls.’
‘How so?’
‘Well, in the past, my desires to explore my sexual fantasies were pretty well tempered by empathy. I’m endlessly inspired by causing and witnessing a beautiful woman to go to the very ends of desperation, and unfulfilled desire. That’s definitely a thing for me.
‘But if I’m the one directing, it’s only going to go so far before I figure this girl needs an orgasm already. Regardless of how much her desperation is turning me on.
‘Or maybe like now that she’s just said ‘ow’ for the twentieth time, I really should stop fucking her so hard.’
‘You’re very considerate,’ I joked.
‘It’s all relative,’ he said, not joking. ‘With the Choto girls, responsibility is taken away from me. It’s their trip.
‘It may be based on my fantasies originally. But now it’s more than that. And I’m not responsible for the suffering they and their rules impose on themselves. It may be a logically slippery slope, but I’m sticking with it.’
‘Fair enough,’ I said, perhaps uncertainly. ‘And Tanja’s flash cards?’ I reminded him.
‘Yes. See, these were her flash cards. Her game, she made it. The rules were clear and simple, and she explained them in her cover letter.’
‘What were the rules?’
‘During the week of her visit, I should feel free to show her any of the flash cards I wanted to. And she would then go a
bout accomplishing the task involved with that particular card, until the task was accomplished. Or until I showed her a new card.’
‘It sounds like you’re still directing to me,’ I commented.
‘Well, yes and no. I am, but it’s in the context of her game. It’s not a logical thing, necessarily. Though I guess that depends on how you’re looking at it. But for me, it was liberating and exhilarating, anyway.’
‘What was on the cards?’
‘There were sort of general things. And then there were things that indicated either that we shared the same sorts of interests. Or, at least as likely, she had come up with them based on the information she had about me when she applied for getting the treatment.
‘So there were things like ‘make food,’ ‘make coffee,’ and ‘clean the house.’
‘Then there were things like ‘cuddle,’ ‘full body massage with oil,’ ‘full body massage without oil,’ ‘shoulder massage,’ and other massage-related variations.
‘Then there were cards that all began with ‘sexual services’ and included ‘intercourse’ and ‘fellatio.’
‘Then there were the cards that all began with ‘solo erotic performance’ and included things like ‘dildo play,’ ‘the full orgasm,’ ‘the ruined orgasm’ and ‘finding the edge.’
‘She showed me those cards soon after she got to my place. And I was horny all week. Despite the fact that I was having sex with two clients every day before I’d get home to her at night.’
‘Did certain cards get used more than others?’
‘Um, yeah. Some of them got kind of ignored, and others got used very repeatedly.
‘I’d say I’m a reasonably active kind of guy, but having this pandora’s box of cards to draw on, it was just addictive. Not having to choose specifically from my own fantasies, so much as just draw a pre-conceived one, that someone else gave me. I don’t know. It’s different. Much easier.
‘Anyway, I’d start the day with the ‘make food’ card.’
‘Not coffee?’
‘No, never that one. I’m a coffee snob. I didn’t want to take that chance. But the food one, and the full body massage. And then I was off to work.
‘And when I came back, she’d be there.
‘Not being one to pass up the opportunity to watch somebody edge on command, the first night that she was there when I came home from work, the day after she got to town, I thought I’d see what ‘finding the edge’ would look like.
‘The whole performance was just amazing. If you’ve got my particular thing. It was just a model.’
‘What does the model look like?’
I probably asked the question mostly to indicate that I was still paying attention. But it was also asked with genuine interest. Maybe I’m just impressionable. But the more he talked about this sort of thing, the more I was finding the attraction of it.
‘Well, to begin with, she was stunningly beautiful. That combination of muscles and voluptuousness that only eastern Europeans seem to be able to achieve. She undressed slowly. Deliberately. Maintaining eye contact the whole time.
‘The eye contact was so much of the turn-on. Especially once she started touching herself. She started slowly and built up the intensity, like bringing water to a boil. Smoothly but with real purpose.
‘When she started getting really excited, she just turned up the volume. Rather than backing off and making it last longer.
‘When she hit the edge, it was with a real crash. She was right there. She had obviously done this before. She looked slightly panicked. Perhaps in pain, as she took away her finger, spread her legs apart.
‘And maintained eye contact the whole time. Usually at that point, almost anyone would look away.
‘And then she recovered her composure so quickly. And stayed there in that position, looking at me. Waiting for me to draw the next card.
‘Kind of like the hottest wind-up toy you could imagine. She had completed her assignment, now she was waiting for the next one.
‘So I drew the dildo one.
‘She calmly walked into her bedroom and brought back two dildos. She held them both out to me. I picked the larger one. It was big, but not completely outrageous.
‘Then she held up the dildo card in one hand. And with her other hand, next to the dildo card, first she held up ‘finding the edge.’ And then she held up the cards for ‘ruined’ and ‘full’ orgasms.
Interesting things started happening from the moment I left Zerzinski’s house, to walk down the trail to my place. The first thing was only notable in retrospect. Another beautiful Japanese woman was walking toward Zerzinski’s place as I was leaving, as usual. She appeared to be a member of the Choto Temple. At least, most of the women who were older than teenagers seemed to be Choto members. And this one looked to be in her late twenties perhaps. Her face was lacking the usual...
Here’s Chapter 2 (of 14, altogether). I really appreciate the feedback, whether by voting or by dropping me a line. Hope you like Chapter 2! ***** ‘I love Japan, and so many things about Japanese culture, but the lack of furniture drives me nuts,’ Zerzinski said, as he sat down on the couch. ‘Why don’t they all get back problems from sitting on the floor all the time?’ he continued. ‘I don’t know how that works.’ He had a warmth about him that I hadn’t expected. I had never met him til...
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Here’s Chapter 3 (of 14, altogether). I really appreciate the feedback, whether by voting, commenting or by dropping me a line. Hope you like Chapter 3! ***** ‘I taught at the public high school in New Canaan,’ Zerzinski told me. ‘One of the few teachers at the school who could afford to live in the town. Thanks to inheritance – the only way any school teacher could possibly live in New Canaan. Unless they’re married to a banker.’ ‘Your parents left you their house?’ I asked. ‘Yeah, the...
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FantasyThe high priestess was standing behind the altar again, though now she was standing in a bright shaft of moonlight. She looked positively ethereal. A little to my left stood Angela, naked as a jaybird and looking even more freaked out than me. To my right was Jill, also naked and looking petrified. All three of us were trying to cover ourselves, and we all had about the same amount of success... zip! About that time, I noticed that the four of us were not alone in here and my freak out...
Ellie Templeton was feeling frustrated. It had been twelve weeks since Mark had left and finally the sadness was subsiding, but in its wake, a new emotion was taking hold. She was horny. The last week had been full of celebrity fantasies as she furiously rubbed her clit, in the shower, the car and her office, but the effects of these hurried orgasms did nothing to quell her ever increasing needs. In the last ten years, the longest Ellie had gone without a cock was 11 days. She'd had three...
Straight SexShane finished his final touches of getting ready in the hotel room. He made sure the gingerbread candle was lit. He lathered himself with cocoa butter and sprayed some perfume. The five-foot-eight-inch, one-hundred-forty-pound batty boi was so ready to see him. Driving his silver 2012 Nissan Armada out of the parking lot on his lunch break, Chris headed towards the motel where his paramour was spending the night. He was barely a half-inch taller than Shane and weighed close to the same...
Shane finished his final touches of getting ready in the hotel room. He made sure the gingerbread candle was lit. He lathered himself with cocoa butter and sprayed some perfume. The five-foot-eight-inch, one-hundred-forty-pound batty boi was so ready to see him.Driving his silver 2012 Nissan Armada out of the parking lot on his lunch break, Chris headed towards the motel where his paramour was spending the night. He was barely a half-inch taller than Shane and weighed close to the same although...
BATTERIES NOT REQUIRED Hazel Evans parked her car just down the street from the 'Naughty But Nice' adult store and sat there trying to work up the nerve to go in. She thought back on the nights when the need for relief in her pussy was almost unbearable! A year ago if you'd have even suggested that she'd even be considering visiting such a place, she'd have said you were crazy but she was horny! Her husband of twenty years had suddenly lost all interest in sex, leaving her feeling totally...
"So, you want us to go out there?" I nodded towards the unknown space beyond Starbase 22. "Yes, that's the idea," said the base commander." After all, you do have a starlight and that's what they were designed for." Well, I couldn't argue with that. "We don't want you to go searching for that Corsair unless you run into him, of course," he expanded with a laugh. "There are seven systems that we can see within a ten day flight and we want to know all about them." "So, it's...
Hello. My name is Lauren Rose. I'm young, petite, brunette and I look a little like the British pop singer, Lauren Rose, so I took her name for this story. You can check her out on YouTube, under Lauren Rose-Hava Nagila. She's such a sexy girl. I wish she could watch me masturbate. And like her, I'm also Jewish. So you wanna watch me masturbate? I wasn't taking notes when these events occurred, so for the sake of the story, I had to make up the dialogue as best as I could. I'm...
When Sylvia woke up, she felt a little groggy. It took her a good minute before she noticed that she was lying in a soft bed and that her body was covered with a bed sheet. And then the memory of her standing in the sun for the whole day came back to mind. At first, she didn't dare to move, afraid that it would hurt her. However, when she did move, she didn't notice any pain or anything uncomfortable about it. She turned her head slowly and then looked at her right shoulder. "Damn," she...
We start part 2 with Pauline having to make her mind up to suck a 12 year old k**s cock or to lick a 12 year old girls pussy .Dci Pauline Adams was being held by Jess a 36 year old black guy who Pauline had fitted up with a d**gs charge and he was now out of jail wanting payback .Pauline said no way am i doing that ok Jess said guys get Amy who is Paulines 14 year old gran daughter up here get her naked .No please Pauline cried dont do that you going to do as your fucking told then Jess shouted...
I had just finished another argument with my mother concerning my inability to find a wife, which naturally led to my inability to provide her with grandchildren. We've been having these arguments once a week now for three months. Before, it wasn't so bad; but now, I was getting sick and tired of listening to the same bullshit over and over again. She just wouldn't get off my back.I think all this arguing stems from the time when I was a boy. Back then, my mother always wanted more kids, but my...
IncestAs long as I could remember, Mom and Dad always had a spring barbeque. When the company was small, it was only a few people. Now, with three crews on Tom's side and my guys, we had almost fifty people invited. I wish I could tell you about all the conversations that were going on, but I can't. I know Tom talked to Dana for a while and then I saw Jenny and Mom talking to her and they all seemed to be having a good time. I was really happy about that and I figured maybe at last she would...
While stationed in What was then West Germany duty as a security policeman on the Air Base was pretty lousy, yet off duty was fine. One particular weekend was the late summer time for Wine Frst in Koln(Cologne) to anyone not German. I planned to go with a good friend and colleague, but he cried off at the last minute saying he,d got a hot date, so hot in the end she gave him gonorrhea! So I decided to soldier on driving to Koln in my old Fiat 500 hoping my dodger battery would last the weekend....
My stepdaughter Selena overhears her mother bitching at me almost daily. Being a good teen, she does not appreciate how her mother treats me – her new stepdad. I think she felt bad for me & she tried to make up for some her mother’s bad attitude because on Father’s Day, she gave me this totally sweet message and then offered me her pussy! Her mother was sl–ping on the couch RIGHT NEXT TO US! She promises to be quiet when she starts jerking of my big cock and letting...
xmoviesforyouAn amazing brunette saw our MODELS WANTED ad, and has decided to give it a shot. After the usual chit chat with our Producer, she proceeds to strike some poses. Wow, what a hottie! Poses after poses. She nails it. But our Producer gets aroused, soon she is placed with a hard cock right in front of her mouth. It’s not easy to resist a hard cock, isn’t it? Well, she wraps her lips around it, and pumps on it with her mouth – as if she is trying to make it shoot cum. But first, she wants to ride it...
xmoviesforyouIntroduction: This is a fictional story based on one of my fantasies of being dominated by an African Tribesman. Chapter 1 Pancakes for Dinner Physically, Im a petite 36 year old lady, brown hair down to the shoulders, though I fear the gray strands will soon come. Men are constantly raving about how great I look as if Im in my 20s. Its flattering but I feel like its just so they can get to know me better. Emotionally, Im struggling. My love life is a failure, no kids, and I need a solid man...
Toh dosto mera name hai nimku. Agar kisi bhi aunty ya girls ko maza chahiye toh contact karen Toh story pe aate hain. Apne shayad dancing bear ka name suna hoga porn sites pe toh us tarah hi meine bhi ek jagah dancing bear ban ke gaya tha. Dancing bear woh hota hai jo ladies ki party ya koi aur celebration pe jata hai for fun but invited by girls only. Toh mujhe ek din call aya baby name ki ladki se ki humein dancing bear ko hire karna hai toh meine pucha kitne log honge toh unhone kaha ki...
As a sales engineer I travel around the world meeting with various companies that need my products. My favorite destination is always Amsterdam. Whatever you want or want to do you can do it in Amsterdam.I am a 40 year old single bi male and like all guys I have needs – more than just my hand. I arrived in Amsterdam and checked into my hotel around 7:00 on a Wednesday evening. I dumped my bag in my rooms, hopped in the shower and redressed to go out for a meal and some fun. I went to the lobby...
The hardest thing to do is to begin with goodbye. To watch the world spin for only a moment, and to know, that the beginning of this moment, would soon become a silence, a stillness. Love is always the end. While I had known the man before me, for so long, I could never be sure when it was that I met him. The question always arose, can you know a man whom you do not love? Truly know a man? I am left to believe that I did not know him until I had known love, and when that was, I could never be...
this is a real story, i just changed her nameI started working at an off license while going to college. One day, my colleague Suji, whos family owns the shop, was a 18 year old Paki hijabi from London who lived 15 mins away from the shop. This was the first time she came to work with me and second time i saw her. i have her on my fb friends listShe is 5'3, nice tits and a booty. Her parents are divorced. and she isnt your typical paki girl. beautiful and cute face. she was wearing short black...
I am married to a lovely woman and we have two beautiful c***dren, a boy and a girl. We both teach music, and our in-come is twenty-five thousand dollars per year.My fantasies are about my beautiful mother and me. In them, my mother is thirty-six but looks much younger. I am a sixteen-year-old boy with a perpetual hard-on. On a Sunday morning in summer, we go for a walk in the country. It is peaceful, sunny, and warm. My mother has a white simple dress on. Since the path is narrow, I walk...
“I’ll be there at 8, be ready,” and I hung up, that’s all that needed to be said with Wendy. It started as a way for her to pay her husband’s gambling debts but after one month we all knew they where hooked. Her husband was such a wimpy man that before I came along the poor woman had no sex life, then after seeing me fuck her, their sex life was revived. The sex between Wendy and I just got nastier and nastier with her insisting that John her husband be there to...
I was working swing shift and came early and as I walked from the parking lot to the apartment I surprised her and her brother in law as they were hugging and making out. He stammered something nonsensical and left, she looked at me with this scared look afraid I was going to tell on her. I didn’t say anything and walked into the apartment as she followed me in. I checked on my girlfriend and she was asleep in bed. I grabbed a beer from the fridge and sat down in my favorite comfy... is a porn aggregator site. What does this mean? It means that it’s a site that combines the content of many other sites and puts it all in one place. Now, the content isn’t streamed from the domain of, but instead, it’s streamed on the site that originally hosts the file. This is great if you have a lot of lesbian porn that you want to show, but you don’t have a lot of hosting space. Porn aggregator sites usually work like this and their biggest storage issue are all...
Lesbian Porn SitesCindy Lou Who and her adopted sis, Sister Who are sleeping peacefully as the Grinch sneaks in to steal their Christmas presents. The noise from the Grinch wakes the sisters, who think it might be Santa. They race from their beds, still in their sexy nightgowns, only to come face to face with the Grinch. They run to wake their stepbrother, Brother Who. Brother is very upset to learn that the Grinch has ruined Christmas once again. Cindy Lou is distraught that her brother’s upset, but she...
xmoviesforyouThis was intended for another site, it wound up being a tiny bit different than the person wanted, so I thought i would share it here. It was dark and raining as I made my way to the car, the mall parking lot was virtually empty, only the cars of a few employees and teens remained. It was early fall, a light layer of dew was taking hold on things. As I rounded my car, I laughed, a pair of panties were laying on the hood of my car. I grabbed them, black and lacy, with a mesh pattern...
I’ve been steady with Laura for nearly two years now and we have a very close bond. We are as much buddies as anything but we are close and don’t have any secrets. We are both openly bisexual, but prefer girls for lots of reasons. Despite swinging both ways, guys have been few and far between of late. I just haven’t gone out of my way to seek male company. That all changed recently. I guess you would describe my taste in guys as ‘fussy.’ I like them to be young, fit and cute; but manly. I...
Group Sex--- Double Date (MF, mf, Mf, mF, con, reluc, 1st, exhib, impreg?, voy) by Krosis of the Collective --- Leanne was pissed off. She had come home from college for a week only to be saddled with watching over her 15-year-old sister all the time. Her parents had decided that since she was back, even temporarily, they could count on her to watch Wendy while they went off on some "date nights", which they had complained that they just didn't get to do anymore since Leanne had moved...
You are Cindiana Jugs, part time college history professor, part time gorgeous knockout and full time adventuress. Your adventure begins like any other, you are teaching your class of bored college students about the many wonders of the early Egyptian dynasties, most of the guys are just staring at your firm, round bottom outlined so nicely by your tight brown skirt while the girls are dreaming of doing things besides listening to you ramble on about dried up dead people. Your class is a basic...
FantasyI had just spent a very frustrating six months with a man that was not a good fit for me. By the time I was ready to start dating again, I was so sexually frustrated that I didn't feel I was able to be disciplined enough to date someone without hopping in bed with them before I knew if we were a good fit. I also felt like my youth was running out and I wanted to have fun while I can.So, I decided to go against my character and just have a fling while I was looking for Mr. Right. After only a...
i am instructed to follow Master into His room, so i crawl behind and as i enter, i realize we are not alone. there is a young man laying on His bed, his cock long and thick, is erect and waiting to be warmed. "up on the bed, slave. on your hands and knees over my guest." as i kneel over him, Master thrusts the double dildo into my cunt and ass, fucking it aggressively until i am dripping wet. "put his cock into your cunt, whore." without hesitation, i reach down and take his cock into my hand....
I absolutely love all the submissive married guys you can find on popular gay hookup apps/websites these days and I have been seeking them out for years. I’m not sure if it is just my city but there seems to be an endless supply that all fit the same mold. They are all 30-50 years old, sometimes a little chubby, and have a poor quality ass/body shot as their profile picture. They’ll refuse to share a face pic (discreet) but inevitably when they show up they are wanting to be used like a...
These are compliments of kept Jack, A few more jokes for you (apologies, in advance, to all the Italians out there) Call for Help (Note 1: on receiving a distress call, normal practice with Australian Maritime Safety Authority [AMSA] was to send out a spotter aircraft to precisely locate vessel in distress and, sometimes, drop life rafts if possible & needed. For quite a number of years the aircraft type used was a Focker F27 - the Focker Friendship) (Note 2: Bass Strait is the...