Choto Temple Ch 13
- 4 years ago
- 40
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Mariko and Rie both walked in, carrying trays of dinner.
‘I hope we’re not intruding?’ Rie asked.
‘Not at all,’ I said, momentarily having trouble summoning the words.
Mariko said something quietly to Rie in Japanese. Rie listened and then translated.
‘Mariko says she’s sorry she never had a chance to give you that lesson with the espresso machine.’
Then, speaking for both of them, she continued. ‘We understand that you leave here in the morning.’
‘It’s true, unfortunately,’ I said, in a sort of verbal stumbling process.
‘The time at the Choto Temple for both of us is up today,’ Rie interjected, gesturing toward herself and Mariko. ‘Maybe we’ll all be on the same train tomorrow.’
It was barely possible to think about food with both of these very beautiful women freely giving me their undivided attention. Especially when I considered what they had both been through til now – if this was the last day of their service.
I did manage to sit down and take a bite of a rice ball, however. And these two models of Japanese femininity very elegantly did the same.
‘What are you two doing when you leave here?’ I asked them both.
Rie said something to Mariko in Japanese, who said something in reply.
‘Mariko is heading back to her flat in Tokyo.’
Then Rie spoke for herself. ‘I’m going to stay here.’
I knew that some women opted to do just that. But hearing someone say it in person was shocking.
It’s just hard to imagine giving up control of a vital part of your body for two or three days. Let alone a total of six weeks or so. Definitely takes all kinds.
‘May I ask you a somewhat invasive personal question?’ I ventured, as boldly as I could.
Rie translated. They looked at each other briefly before both nodding in the affirmative.
‘Has either one of you had an orgasm since you got here weeks ago?’
‘No,’ they both replied.
I noticed that Rie seemed completely unfazed by the question, whereas Mariko looked a bit sheepish after answering Rie’s translated question. I nonetheless pursued my line of inquiry.
‘Mariko, are you looking forward to having an orgasm?’
Rie translated Mariko’s quiet reply.
‘She says she is.’
‘And Rie,’ I said, looking toward her spotless, painted face, ‘you’re just going back into the Temple, and continuing to abstain from orgasms?’
‘Well, Danu-san,’ Rie said thoughtfully, clasping her hands together in a way that reminded me somehow of a librarian explaining something to a kid, ‘it’s not necessarily quite so simple.’
Mariko smiled sheepishly as Rie continued.
‘I don’t know how much you know about the Choto Temple. Are you familiar with the Device?’
‘Yes,’ I replied. ‘I haven’t actually seen one, though.’
Rie stood up and walked a step closer to where I was seated at the table. She stood beside me, legs about a foot apart. With one hand she lifted up her dress. With the other hand, she then pulled down her panties. Thus revealing a compact little cup-shaped thing that was very snugly up against her body, entirely covering her clitoris.
With her shaved hair it was easy to see the two piercings on either side of her clit that the thing attached to.
As I was closely inspecting her genital area, I noticed that Mariko had her hand covering her mouth. Rie suddenly revealing her Device to me like that may have taken Mariko by surprise. Particularly if she hadn’t followed the brief English conversation that preceded this move.
Standing there, holding her dress and panties open, Rie spoke calmly, looking straight into my eyes.
‘This is what they look like,’ she said. ‘You may touch it if you like, Danu-san.’
I did. The material was hard, but had a little bit of give to it. Kind of like the material around the climbing structures in some of the more modern children’s playgrounds. I brushed up against her flesh around it. It seemed very warm and inviting. But I pulled my hand back.
Rie let her panties close. She let go of her dress, which fell back down around her thighs. Then she sat back down in her seat across from me.
‘So,’ Rie went on, ‘at the end of a cycle, we’re supposed to be on our own for three days.
‘Even if we’re planning on returning to the Temple, we have control over our Devices during those three days. So whether we come or not is up to us.
‘Which makes the whole thing far more challenging. Even for a very dedicated Choto girl.’ She paused. ‘Like me,’ she added.
The way she looked at me when she said those last two words sent chills up and down my spine, and all the way into my fingers.
‘Well are you planning on coming during those three days?’ I asked.
She looked down momentarily, then looked up, before once again meeting my eyes.
‘No,’ she said.
Then, as if she doubted her own words a little, and perhaps felt a need to emphasize her commitment, she added, ‘I’m not.
‘However,’ she said, ‘that question aside, we thought we’d let you have control over such decisions for this evening. Perhaps it would be useful for your research.’
She was playing with me, on some level, it felt like. Are there men in the world who would not feel impossibly compelled to accept such an offer? I couldn’t imagine.
But I played along with the theme. It was a fun one.
‘For research purposes, yes,’ I said, trying to adopt a stereotypically professional tone.
I realized this was a situation where I had absolutely no idea what to do, but where I had to think of something. Which made thinking of anything even harder.
‘OK, I’ll be the director, then,’ I said with all the confidence I could muster.
At that, Rie handed me a small, circular black object, about the size of a nickel.
Seeing Rie do that, Mariko reached into her bag and withdrew an identical little black thing, and handed it to me as well.
‘What are these?’ I asked.
As I did, I looked closely at them, and noticed each had a name engraved in it – Rie and Mariko.
‘They’re buttons,’ Mariko explained quietly. ‘Right now each one is set to release our Devices if you press it three times.’
What did I want to do, now that I was confronted with this unexpectedly delightful situation?
I had no fucking idea. I tried to remember fantasies I had, back when I had a more active mind for that sort of thing, and I was drawing a blank.
Contrast, I thought. The one word came to mind. Treat them differently. Different tasks.
They looked very different anyway. Mariko with her flowing elegance and generous breasts. Rie with her petite, highly managed Lolita getup. And apparently extreme Choto girl discipline.
‘Well, if I’m directing,’ I said, ‘then I think you should both remove some clothing and lay down side by side on the futon.’
They both promptly began to do as they were told, as soon as Rie had told Mariko what it is that they were doing.
Mariko looked visibly relieved about something. Perhaps that their plan was acceptable to me? Or maybe just that Rie could understand me?
‘You can both just stay like that,’ I directed.
They both had kept on certain elements of their clothing, but their chests and stomachs were bare, and their panties were off.
I kept trying to remind myself there was no rush to do anything in particular. They were here for me. Which was both an uncomfortable and a very exciting notion.
More exciting than uncomfortable though.
I took time exploring each of their gorgeous little bodies. I gave special attention to their breasts. Each pair so different – Mariko’s soft and bouncy, Rie’s small enough to be very pert.
Rie’s nipples got hard quickly. Mariko’s took much longer, but eventually got fairly hard as we
I backed up to look at them. Both seemed fairly relaxed. But both were breathing a bit faster than normal now. Which pleased me greatly.
I picked up the two little black buttons from where I had left them, on the table. Looking closely at the engravings, I identified each one, and put Rie’s button back down.
I was curious if that action would elicit any reactions in either of them, but there was nothing discernible. I figured even at this short distance, they probably didn’t know which one I had in my hand, and which one I had just put back down. The engravings were faint, unless you were right up close to them.
I pressed Mariko’s button three times. There was a clicking sound between her legs, but the Device stayed in place.
‘Doesn’t it come off when you press the button three times?’ I asked, perplexed.
Mariko looked at Rie, who answered for her.
‘Yes. It will come off now. If someone takes it off.’
‘I see.’
She was lying there, not moving. Waiting for me to do something. I reached down and picked the Device off of her, revealing her red, clearly swollen clitoris that had been beneath it.
It somehow looked like a clit that hadn’t seen the sun in a while, I thought, before then thinking that clits wouldn’t normally actually get much sun. Even if they weren’t covered by a contraption most of the time.
‘Does your clit want to be touched?’ I asked Mariko.
Mariko looked at Rie, who translated for me again. Rie then translated Mariko’s response.
‘She says maybe. She wants to know what you want her to do.’
Ah yes, shit. I reminded myself to try harder at the whole directorial thing. I’m the director, not the interviewer here.
‘Touch yourself,’ I said, trying to sound commanding.
Mariko obediently put one hand between her legs, and began moving her finger in circles on her clit. At first, her eyes looked hazy, as if she were awash in a new pleasure.
Mariko whispered something in Japanese as her finger made circular motions around and upon her clitoris.
‘She says it’s so good to touch her clit with her own fingers,’ Rie said.
Then Mariko whispered something else, that seemed to have the tone of a mild admonishment.
‘She says I didn’t need to translate that.’ Rie was smiling demurely.
Rie propped herself up to watch the action. As she lifted her arm and turned somewhat to her side in order to face Mariko, she also moved her legs. And my eyes drifted to her Device as it turned with her.
As Rie and I silently watched Mariko touching herself, Mariko’s breathing became increasingly audible. After a minute or so she spoke, her voice pitched slightly higher than it had been before. Rie translated.
‘What should she do if she’s going to come?’
I already knew what my answer to that question would be. If Mariko asked. I answered right away.
‘Then come.’
As I said the word, come, Rie flinched. Her head moved forward, toward Mariko, about an inch. Though the flinch seemed to originate from her stomach or thereabouts. Her legs also moved forward slightly. Her facial expression didn’t change, and it was only a brief, momentary thing.
There were a few tears coming from the corners of Mariko’s eyes, I noticed. At the same time, she was smiling. Then her mouth opened, and the tears flowed more freely, as she began gasping rhythmically. With each gasp, her legs convulsed. She seemed to be trying to keep them from flipping around too dramatically.
There seemed to be no question that Mariko was having a pretty tremendous orgasm, or series thereof. She was visibly relaxed afterward. The tears were starting to ebb.
‘Does it feel good to come, after so long?’ I asked.
Mariko sniffled. Her nose was stuffed up from crying. I handed her a napkin. There was a brief exchange of words in Japanese.
‘She says it does,’ Rie replied for Mariko.
Rie smiled her impervious smile.
I wondered what she might be feeling as I picked up her button, and toyed with it between my fingers. Not pressing it.
I put it down again, took off my clothes, and put on a robe, leaving it open as I sat back down in the chair.
‘I think you should eat me now, Mariko,’ I instructed.
Mariko heard her name and knew I was addressing her, but apparently didn’t follow all of the content. No words were exchanged, as Rie just made a somewhat exaggerated gesture with her mouth that said, ‘fellatio.’
Mariko promptly sat up and moved toward me. She knelt in front of me, and began to do as she was told. Gingerly at first. Then with bigger movements, and with great expertise.
As she ate me, I looked at Rie, lying on the futon.
I picked up her button, and held it between my fingers. Not pressing it.
‘Touch yourself,’ I instructed her.
She did as she was told, caressing her body with her hands gently.
She seemed to be touching herself in such a way that she was accentuating each of the lovely little curves in her body. Her little waist, the small bump of her tight little belly. Her breasts.
Occasionally her fingers would brush over her Device. She would touch that as well. Exploring its curves with her fingers.
‘You lie back down now, Mariko,’ I told her. She did.
‘Has your clit had enough of a rest,’ I asked Mariko, ‘that it’s ready to be touched some more?’
Rie looked over toward Mariko as she continued to caress her own body. She translated my question.
Mariko tested the waters, gently reaching between her legs. ‘Hai.’
I pressed Rie’s button three times. There was the familiar click. I reached between her legs and picked up the Device, putting it on the table.
Rie continued to caress her own lovely little body. But now when her hands drifted to her now-accessible clit, her fingers stayed there for a few seconds at a time. Before moving on to other places.
Having not been told to touch herself again yet, Mariko watched Rie, much as Rie had watched her before.
‘I think your clit needs more attention, Lolita,’ I said.
There was a kind of stubbornness about how Rie responded to that. With her hands still roaming around her gorgeous body, but now spending a little more time on her clit when they got there.
‘More,’ I said.
She got the message then, and kept one hand between her legs now, without letting it roam away. As she did, she looked at me intently. As if to silently ask if she was doing it right.
‘Good,’ I said.
She smiled slightly as she continued methodically moving her finger up and down on her clit. A different motion, I noted, from Mariko’s circles.
‘Should I make you come?’ I asked.
I wanted to ask the question. Was it my place to ask questions? I thought probably not. But if I’m the boss, I thought, then I can also ask questions, if I want to.
‘If you want to,’ she replied, steadily, ‘I will.’
‘If I don’t make you come, are you going to come by yourself later?’
‘No,’ she said, almost pouting.
‘Especially if I keep your button for the rest of the night?’
This idea had only just occurred to me as I said it. I had no particular interest in doing such a thing. But it seemed like an appropriately mean thing to say, in the situation.
I wasn’t prepared for Rie’s sudden reaction. It clearly excited her. Her face brightened, like a child expecting candy.
Then I thought his really might be useful research, actually.
Far more than the desire to come was Rie’s desire to be controlled. What a strange contradiction. The control turns her on. But despite the fact that being turned on tends to cause one to want to come, it is, for her, apparently, not the goal.
Rie was still touching herself, and seeming notably more excited than she had seemed a few seconds ea
rlier. Mariko and I both watched her. Mariko with almost as much interest as me, it seemed.
There was a slight backdrop of urgency in her voice when Rie spoke again.
‘What should I do, Danu-san?’ she asked.
‘Oh, about coming, you mean?’ I was trying to sound casual.
When she spoke next, she seemed to have pushed the urgent tone away.
‘Yes, Danu-san, that’s what I mean,’ she said steadily.
Her breathing was more pronounced, and I was enjoying it. She started whimpering slightly.
‘None of that,’ I said.
She bit her lip. ‘No whimpering? I’m sorry.’
She was quiet again. Her breathing and whimpering both again under control. Though her fingers moving between her legs seemed to constantly be threatening that delicate balance.
‘You can whimper all you want,’ I said, slowly, trying hard to practice a form of cruelty I had very scant experience with.
‘By ‘none of that,” I said, ‘I meant no coming.’
As soon as I said ‘no coming,’ she tore her hand away from her clit. She lay tense, with her legs partway spread. Not moving, eyes closed.
It was somehow especially arousing to see the stoic Lolita girl lose her cool like that. Subtle though it was. Her legs were shaking slightly, uncontrollably.
‘You were so close?’ I asked.
I thought my question was more or less a statement of the obvious, but perhaps not. Rie exhaled very deliberately, opened her eyes, and looked at me directly. Her cool back in place.
‘No, I wasn’t. But your words – ‘no coming.’ I felt that.’
‘You like to be told what to do?’ I asked.
‘If you like to tell me what to do,’ she responded.
I suddenly felt guilty.
What was the guilt about? Was it because I was being mean? Because I stopped Rie from coming, even though she had explicitly stated her lack of interest in doing so?
Maybe not any of those things. Maybe it was because I was playing a game. But for Rie it was real.
She really wanted to be controlled. Did I really want to be controlling, though?
I tried to put the thoughts out of my head. They were here of their own volition, I reminded myself.
I directed my attention at Mariko.
‘Now you,’ I said.
That was all Mariko needed to start to touch herself again.
This time more feverishly than the last. She was seeming more and more like a woman who was ready to recover from weeks of orgasm denial. It didn’t take her long to get very excited again.
She looked at me intently as she moved her fingers faster. I knelt down next to her and caressed her body, kissing her breasts, sucking her nipples, feeling her muscles beneath my hands.
I could feel her body becoming harder, getting ready for something intense. I knew that whatever it was she was getting ready for, it was up to me.
What kind of intensity would it be? Waves of orgasmic pleasure, or the anticlimactic pain of denial, and the tension that seems to follow it?
‘This time what should you do?’ I asked, rhetorically, as I lifted my mouth from her breast.
She seemed too distracted to speak, but she managed to say something, which Rie calmly translated.
‘Whatever you say, Danu-san.’
‘Come,’ I directed. And within seconds, she did just that.
It was very much like the other orgasm. It seemed to come in waves. Each of which made her legs and belly shake hard.
She was gasping for air as she took her hand away. I noticed that unlike Rie, she was sweating a little.
Also unlike Rie, Mariko’s body looked like it was ready to melt into the futon.
Mariko’s body now reminded me of a rubber band in a toy propeller airplane that had been wound up tight, and was now haphazardly untwisting, after the child let it go.
Rie’s body did not look relaxed, necessarily. But when someone is lying naked on a bed, there is nonetheless a sort of relaxed look to a body in that position.
I took one of Rie’s hands in mine, and put it between her legs. She responded promptly to my nonverbal command and started touching herself.
I gave no further instructions to Rie as she continued to move her finger on her swollen clit.
I wondered how far she’d get before asking me for further guidance. I didn’t wonder long. After a minute or so she inhaled quickly and gently removed her finger from her clit, holding it above herself like a hovercraft.
‘You stopped yourself,’ I commented.
‘Yes,’ she replied, still holding her hand still above her body.
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FantasyThe high priestess was standing behind the altar again, though now she was standing in a bright shaft of moonlight. She looked positively ethereal. A little to my left stood Angela, naked as a jaybird and looking even more freaked out than me. To my right was Jill, also naked and looking petrified. All three of us were trying to cover ourselves, and we all had about the same amount of success... zip! About that time, I noticed that the four of us were not alone in here and my freak out...
Ellie Templeton was feeling frustrated. It had been twelve weeks since Mark had left and finally the sadness was subsiding, but in its wake, a new emotion was taking hold. She was horny. The last week had been full of celebrity fantasies as she furiously rubbed her clit, in the shower, the car and her office, but the effects of these hurried orgasms did nothing to quell her ever increasing needs. In the last ten years, the longest Ellie had gone without a cock was 11 days. She'd had three...
Straight SexShane finished his final touches of getting ready in the hotel room. He made sure the gingerbread candle was lit. He lathered himself with cocoa butter and sprayed some perfume. The five-foot-eight-inch, one-hundred-forty-pound batty boi was so ready to see him. Driving his silver 2012 Nissan Armada out of the parking lot on his lunch break, Chris headed towards the motel where his paramour was spending the night. He was barely a half-inch taller than Shane and weighed close to the same...
Shane finished his final touches of getting ready in the hotel room. He made sure the gingerbread candle was lit. He lathered himself with cocoa butter and sprayed some perfume. The five-foot-eight-inch, one-hundred-forty-pound batty boi was so ready to see him.Driving his silver 2012 Nissan Armada out of the parking lot on his lunch break, Chris headed towards the motel where his paramour was spending the night. He was barely a half-inch taller than Shane and weighed close to the same although...
Millie’s back and yes she’s here to let Jake go where no finger, toy, or cock has gone before. Yes since Millie had such an awesome rocking time taking her pornginity with us she’s trusting us with all her holes today and we love that. We’re also aiming to treat her right for her second sex on camera and by right we mean filling all her holes. So Millie tells us she’s been having a lot more sex since her debut but I guarantee she’s going to end up liking something up that virgin ass of hers a...
xmoviesforyouOne morning at the old house myself and a couple of hang arounds , friends were out in my mancave we were up all night doing the party thing and I was a little buzzed . and started to feel a bit horny , I told the boys I was going to take the women to a hotel so we could fuck and suck without being interrupted by the k**s when they woke up , and asked them to watch them when they did. my one buddie said he would and off into the house I went to get the girl and pack a few play toys for our...
He got up off the couch and stood in front of her. She looked up at him and opened her legs slightly. He knelt down between her legs, his hands on the side of her knees and slowly slid his hands upwards until he reached the waistband of her panties. He hooked his fingers inside the waistband and began to pull them down. She lifted up slightly allowing him to slide the panties down past the young, firm cheeks of her ass. He began pulling them down. They hung up momentarily in her crotch area but...
TabooThe end of the world was a-coming and I had a “lift ticket” out of that future nightmare, with a couple of extras, all due to having a high CAP score-- “Capacity, Aptitude and Potential”, a measure of an individual’s worth to the gene pool-- and having volunteered for service to the Confederacy in their Sa’arm crisis. All right, so us humans are weird-- once some news announcer blew his line and called ‘em the “Swarm” the name stuck. I have since heard that some of the races we’re sandbags for...
If you don’t already know by now, Naughty Alysha and I are best friends that LOVE to share cocks. When you get the two of us together, we can’t help but get wild and fucking is all we want to do. While she was in Texas, I invited over some of my Siren Strokers to show us a good time. Wanna see two HOTWIVES absolutely enjoying every minute of it? Well that’s what you will see when we are together. Face sitting, squirting, fisting, and of course lots and lots of fucking! Nice...
xmoviesforyouHi, my name is Charan, 24 years old, strong and muscular, 5’11. I am from Hyderabad. I am a regular reader of Indian sex stories. I am here to share my real-life experience of my MFM fantasy. I am in a relationship with Swetha, 23 years old, for three years. She is 5’6 with perfect assets, which no man can resist. Her boobs are so large that they are ready to get popped out of her bra. She has a milky white skin tone with round boobs and nipples that are pinkish. Her ass is one of a kind, so...
They met as planned at the Empire State building. Taking him around the city proved to be a little more then she had expected. They walk hand in hand around the city taking in all the sites. Showing him around her island reminded her of all she wants to share with him. They head back to the hotel hand in hand so she could touch base at home before they went to dinner. Arriving at the room he slips into the bathroom to change as she calls her little ones. Hanging up they sit across from each...
Saturday 26th August 2017Just over a month had passed, since out of the corner of my eyes, I’d observed Craig, Byron, and Callan rutting as three stags for the attentions of my sexy, but spoken for, wife.Jill and I were snuggled in bed enjoying a quiet and activity-free Saturday morning in bed. No lifts, sports matches, or driving lessons. The well-earned tranquility of proud parents whose kids were making their way in the world, at college or in the world of work. Coffee was steaming, the...
Wife LoversThe next morning, I got up and only saw Callie in the kitchen. “Where’s Mom?” I asked. “She must be sleeping in,” she said. After breakfast, we headed off to school. Two more tests, 98% on both, I am finally retaining information long enough to be tested. “Robert Shore, please report to administration?” That doesn’t sound good. As I got there as quickly as I could, I saw Callie, who was crying, and she embraced me so hard, saying “Mom has died, Bobby!” I ... couldn’t believe it, and I...
I still find it hard to believe that I could find myself in the situation that I'm in. A month ago I was a happily married fifty-two-year-old mother and grandmother who doted on her husband and family and would never in a million years imagine doing anything to put their happiness at risk. Today I am an unfaithful wife who has fallen under the spell of a man young enough to be my grandson who revels in making a cuckold of my unsuspecting husband.It all started about a month ago, when my...
It was a Saturday night and my wife, Claire, and I were at a neighbor's party. Everyone was having a good time, drinking beer and wine and telling stories. It was pretty common for the same five couples to get together once a month or so, just to let our hair down. The party was at Ed and Sheila's home this time. As often happens, the topic of conversation eventually worked around to sex. It never seems to fail. Things hadn't changed all that much in the twenty plus years since we were...
She walked into the restaurant confidently. The swaying of her hips and the clicking ofher heels drew attention. She wore a short tight black dress that accentuated her curves, revealing a hint of cleavage and her sexy long legs. Everyone watched as she made her way through the crowd, looking for a particular person. Finally, she seemed to have found him. She walked to his table and sat down across him, looking directly. She opened her handbag, pulling out her check book and asked, “How much?” ...
Introduction: this is a story from a friend. i dont know who the author is. I have editted it for grammer and spelling. and of course made it into to easy to read paragraphs. I have also helped with the flow of the story. hope yo enjoy. More parts to follow. adopted part 1 Walter! Patty brushed her long, wavy blonde hair out of her eyes and glowered angrily at her adopted sons bedroom door. Walter, I know what youre doing in there! I am absolutely sick of listening to you jacking off in your...
This is a continuing work of fiction, any resemblance to anyone or any place living or dead, real or imagined, is purely accidental. On Wednesday Sherri was reviewing the documents and she read it a second time. The dumb son of a bitch Carl had left out a section which meant if this went through Robert would have a liability loophole big enough to sail the Queen Mary through. Sherri called and told Franklin that this was unacceptable and told him why. Franklin apologized, and said he had...
3 I’m done thinking about this, absolutely done. A vow inside that my only thoughts will be exploiting your willingness to play out my fantasies, to take advantage and live out every slutty little scenario in my mind. I plot what I want and the sequence in my mind. I consider how exquisite you are giving me this gift of you at your most dirty as I pass the joint back to you for another puff……waiting until you inhale and then pulling the joint from you and pulling darkly and hotly at...
*** This story is completely fictional Emily is a 18 year old girl with long blonde hair, light blue eyes and a slim figure. The one thing she loved to do above everything was to receive sexual pleasure. She would do anything for an intense orgasm. One day Emily wandered around the mall looking in the lingerie shops. She came across a nice pair of red lace underwear and a matching bra. She brought it, but while she was paying she got a look from a hot brunette. They broke eye contact and Emily...
LesbianKimberly From North Dakota When a pretty girl suddenly appears on my dead end street I take notice. She had on a tight white top and equally tight black shorts. She was a teenager too. I started doing work around my yard just to get a closer look at her. That white top certainly showed off her nice tits and the fact that she had on a sports bra without any hooks in the back. Her sports bra was also white but I could still see what I thought were her dark areolas and of course I could...
When Judy Jeffries walked into the lounge of the Ramada Inn north of San Diego, she took a deep breath. She was about to try to pick up a man — something she had never done nor had she ever dreamed of doing. It was Friday evening and she had received a telephone call from her mother earlier in the week. She had been told about a new officer who had joined her father's command at Camp Pendleton: a major named Mike Morris. According to her mother he was a wonderful guy, but where girls were...
As she sat next to him in the booth at the restaurant, she was very aware that their position was atypical and that people noticed. Every other couple sat across from one another at their tables, booth or not. But he had insisted and wouldn't answer when she asked why... over and over again. He'd merely smile and say, "You'll see." She was tired of waiting and wondering. They talked casually over the salads. She told him, once again that his choice of dressing was disgusting and that mold...
BDSMIll never forget a certain girl called steph she was 5ft6 long dark hair curvy dd boobs beautiful round arse It all started on my first day of college there was a girl called steph i knew from school we didnt really get on because i was quite the nerdy type anyway on my first dat i waked into the classroom to the most amazing sight steph bending over her desk in tight black trousers her sexy red silky thong popping out of the top of them i got an instant hard on just looking something came over...
I applied online for benefits from the government but they said it would take a few weeks at least because of all the applicants. I had no luck looking online for jobs either, and with debt payments as well as rent to pay, I was desperate. I was watching porn online - I guess you could say I'm an addict, I have a fucking high sex drive! - and it was a really hot video of a couple fucking on a cam, I was sat on my deodorant can and rubbing my clit like mad til I came real hard. I noticed at...
Copyright, Emanon_Pen, 2005. All Rights Reserved. The stories on this website are works of fiction. Any characters resemblance to persons living or dead is purely and entirely coincidental. Any actions taken by the characters or the portrait of such actions never occurred and if they mimic any form of reality, it is purely and entirely coincidental. These stories contain explicit descriptions of sexual activity and may be perceived by some as being pornographic. If you feel that...
The Fisherman After a full day of sun, I started thinking about what trouble I might get into that evening. I had enough of the dive bars Jane and I had been going to all week. There didn’t seem to be any place to dance on this island. No easy relaxed places where you can get close to your partner, with no one smashing into you holding their beer bottles or pink cocktails. I walked to the edge of the surf and watched the sun as it moved closer to the water. Jane had left early that morning...
Susie Brock knew that part of her would always be sad that she couldn't work it out with Governor Bruce Calahan. She also knew that the Governor was right about them needing some time apart, after being lovers for the whole semester. She had missed him that summer, as she worked in the area, to ensure that she already had a job when the other students came into town. She missed him even more by now, but the past had to be left to history, and the future embraced, so she went ahead and started...
LesbianI wanted to punch the bitch’s lights out. But, what would that accomplish? Maybe the Big Chicken Dinner, a Bad Conduct Discharge. I have three children that I spend way too little time with now. If we divorce I may never see them again. Do I love MaryAnn? Shit, I really don’t know. I never analyzed it. MaryAnn was just my wife; my children’s mother. You are supposed to love your wife, right? We’ve gone through everything together. Then it really hit me. We haven’t gone through the last two...
We begin this week’s show with a panoramic shot looking out over a small town/village. Panning across the low buildings, nothing more than two stories, until we come to rest of a petrol station on the edge of town... And then we’re on the forecourt, looking at this week’s host ... It’s our stunning, brunette, former pornstar – with her stunning dimple-cheeked pornstar looks, and her bolt-on pornstar tits ... She’s walking toward us, dogless for a change, with those tits doing their best to...
Beyond Area 51 I looked again at the satellite photos, not quite believing what I saw. "You're certain of this?" I asked "Believe it Jay! If you know what to look for you can see where they feathered a copy-paste over the top." Replied Icestorm excitedly "when you de-interlace the last overlay, this is what you get, a green valley right up there in the Area 51 firing range." "Mr. Stewart, That region is as arid as hell, the only way it can be green is if someone is...
Warning: This story contains torture, rape, and violence. You have been warned, and so I say, read at your own risk. Also, this is a sequel to "A Warrior Reborn." I suggest you read it before reading this. The Black Wtich Tristan paced the battlefield, his long strides covering twice the distance of most other men. His long, golden locks fluttered in the gentle, wandering breeze. That wind carried with it the evidence of that day's battle - a horrid stench of death and...
My version of the conclusion to How High a Price 12th August 2003 On Monday morning Early went to work at the usual time and upon arrival checked his mail finding his company Visa statement and when seeing the hotel account for his last trip listed he suddenly thought what surprises Susan's Visa statement might contain. He told Carole to cancel his days appointments and went home and went into the den/home office where he looked for and found her statements. He checked out the last 12...