Choto Temple Ch 13
- 4 years ago
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‘She just appeared there, like a scary groupie or something?’ I interjected, for clarification.
‘No no, it wasn’t like that. She called first and asked if I minded if I would like a visitor. She was very thoughtful and all that.
‘I was theoretically prepared for a visitor by the time she actually was at the door. In reality I was a complete mess. My mind and my heart were both racing, so fast that I really couldn’t make much sense of what was happening. Actually it felt a lot like how you feel after you just took the LSD a half hour earlier or so.’
‘It’s pretty hard to imagine how you must have felt.’
I was trying to sound more sympathetic than jealous. I’m not sure if Zerzinski was completely impressed with my efforts, but he continued his storytelling anyway.
‘This was basically your first date, post-diagnosis?’
He looked slightly miffed, and then more just perplexed, at my question.
‘It wasn’t really a date, you know. Well, I don’t know. It was what it was. For me it was lovely. I hope it was for her. I’d like to think on a few different levels it might have been. But all I can be sure of is one of them.
‘That’s the problem, you know? That’s always the thing. From that moment on, I have something people want. So who knows if all the rest is real or not? But I’m not the only person who has to try to figure that kind of stuff out.’
He looked like he was once again shifting gears from philosophizing to storytelling. Which are different things, though related.
‘So Charity came to my door. Bearing a small basket of perfectly ripe Georgia peaches. They really do grow peaches in Georgia, it’s not just on the license plates. Charity was a few years younger than me. We’re still in touch, you know.’
I sensed a little bristle, and didn’t comment on it. I could understand how he might feel defensive about these things. Needing to point out that they’re still in contact. The moral quandaries Zerzinski had to deal with did indeed seem like tough ones. At least for someone who gave a shit. Which it was becoming increasingly clear to me this guy is.
‘I did notice that she was a lovely, fit woman with engaging expressions on a charming face. But I really wasn’t thinking about sex, either – I mean it was such an ever-present thought that I was actually not thinking about it.
‘I knew it would come up as a regular thing on a regular basis, but I wasn’t thinking about the details. I was just glad to have an intelligent person to talk to, who felt like visiting, or felt obligated to visit, or whatever it was. I was glad.
‘She could see right away that I was troubled. And after we sat down in the living room area of the suite they were putting me up in, she was trying to be helpful. She asked me if there was anything else from my little crash course in genetics at the CDC that day that I wanted to know.
‘It wasn’t the science that I felt like I needed a better handle on, though, I told her. It’s the implications of this thing. It’s where does my life go from here?
‘I’m still so thankful that she came over that evening. She’s a scientist, and has a wonderfully scientific approach to life’s questions.
‘She just broke it down into a multiple choice kind of scenario for me. And it was like, yes, those are useful thoughts. Glad someone’s brain is functioning right now.’
‘Nice when the brains function, eh?’
He chuckled. He looked a bit tense, remembering that evening. I realized I was hoping with the blithe comment to make him laugh a little, so he’d breathe. Which he did. Along with taking a sip of his cold cappuccino.
Then he looked somehow lost. I was wondering what that was about, when he explained it for me with a question.
‘Where was I…?’
‘Charity’s multiple choice.’
‘Oh yeah. So she was like, ‘let’s look at the inputs and the outputs.’
‘And then she even made a numbered list in two columns on the little notepad they always have next to the beds in hotels.
‘The first column was ‘value,’ about how I have something very valuable. To the right, her multiple choice options were ‘secrecy’ and then ‘security.’
‘OK, the categories might seem kind of obvious. But I was finding the mere fact of the numbered list with columns really therapeutic at the time.’
‘Giving order to things can be very calming, eh?’ I echoed.
Having also done LSD in the past as Zerzinski evidently had, I also added, ‘that first hour after dosing, we’re often trying desperately to keep everything ordered, too, before the order melts away, eh?’
He smiled a knowing smile.
‘Indeed,’ he said.
‘What was her next category?’
‘Her next category was ‘treatment.’ Which at first I found alarming. Do I need treatment for something? Is something wrong?
‘That’s when she smiled really broadly for the first time, and looked like she was suppressing laughter. ‘No, Robert – you are the treatment.’ She looked me in the eye up close and spoke slowly and clearly to make sure I got that sentence.’
‘And what were her suggestions for treatment?’
‘She kept on referring to ethics. And how this was a field of science on its own. And how one aspect of ethics is my right to my own body, and my right to basically disregard this whole thing and continue with my life as if nothing big had happened. Letting the CDC do its research, and me just going about my business. That was her first option, which I think she titled ‘avoid.’
‘Another aspect of the ethics talk was about the value of helping people. Even when this involved various risks or pitfalls of one kind or another.
‘So then she had #2 and #3. Two was what she suggested might be the most ethical and least practical, which she titled ‘donate.’
‘Three was what she said she thought was ethically the most challenging. But more practical and therefore more beneficent than other options, in her view.’
‘And what was #3?’
‘She said if I wanted to be most useful to people, until the point came when what I have could be effectively synthesized and mass-produced, I could either masturbate into a petri dish every day – with each wanking session potentially saving a life, she emphasized. Though she didn’t use the term ‘wanking.’
‘Or I could have as much sexual intercourse as possible with different women, obviously unprotected.
‘That, she added, itself came with a multitude of challenges. Which she then listed in another column. She had obviously been thinking about this. She had – and has – a wonderful mind for tangents and possibilities. She had things like ‘preventing STDs,’ ‘choosing clients,’ ‘rejecting clients.”
‘It’s a lot to assimilate,’ I noted.
‘It was,’ he said. ‘When I saw her write down the word ‘clients,’ my heart jumped. Yikes. That was the first time I had considered this concept.’
‘Which concept?’
‘The concept of having lots of sex with women. Clients. And I was their treatment. That was the first time I thought about how if I was open for that kind of thing, I’d need to have some systematic way of choosing and rejecting potential clients. And preventing STDs.’
‘A lot to think about all at once,’ I chimed in.
‘Yes. And just as I was trying to digest the idea of ‘clients,’ she moved past that one to the next thing.
‘She said, in that lovely South Carolina lilt, ‘Now, my name may be Charity, but I have no experience running either a charity or a business. However, if you went with option three, this is essentially what you’d be doing, or what someone would have to do on your behalf. And you’d have to think about things like paying rent, paying staff, hiring security, and all that. Just like at a clinic.’
‘I was really glad she had laid that stuff out there, followed logic to its conclusions a bit. It really helped, and I rea
lized I really needed to think through the possibilities very thoroughly before doing anything.
‘I was thinking that as attractive as aspects of the ‘sex’ option were, maybe the other two options would be better in the long-term. Maybe I could have a more normal life. And maybe that would be better. Maybe the cons outweighed the pros.’
‘You thought that, seriously?’ I was a bit shocked, despite myself. I didn’t even mean to say that. It just came out.
‘Seriously!’ he replied emphatically. ‘Yes. You can ask Charity about that.
‘But it didn’t last long, for reasons outside of my control.’
‘Outside of your control?’
Zerzinski looked at me somewhat sternly.
‘I was outed, you know. I’m not saying I wouldn’t necessarily have gone public or started a clinic or whatever otherwise, but that’s what happened.’
‘You had no other options? I mean I’m not saying you made the wrong move. I’m just wondering.’
He took a deep breath. ‘It’s complicated. I’d say options felt very limited, and I’m not sure how many other options there were. The more complex part, I’d say, is what you do with your options once you decide on one.’
‘Explain that?’
‘Like, once you decide you’re starting a clinic, then you have to figure out how do you attract clients? Or in my case, how do you repel them, and which ones do you reject?’
‘That was one of the main things the woman focused on in that Mother Jones article.’
‘The great exposé, yes. She didn’t approve of how we did things, that’s for sure. I don’t know if I did, either. It’s very complicated.’
‘So you talked about these questions with Charity that night,’ I said, thinking maybe we should get back on to the narrative.
‘Yeah, we followed different ideas into the realms of possibility. Exploring what might or might not happen with each one.
‘It was very relaxing, mostly. I felt very much like she was organizing my very messy book shelf. So I could find things and see the titles.
‘It was after a couple hours that she pulled a piece of paper out of her bag, unfolded it, and handed it to me.
‘It was certainly the most wonderfully awkward proposal I had ever gotten from anyone about anything. On the top of the paper it said ‘test results,’ and in a column lower down on the page was that familiar list of Sexually Transmitted Diseases, and x’s in the ‘no’ boxes for each one.
‘As I was trying to make sense of this piece of paper, she said, ‘Robert, I don’t want to impose on you or make you uncomfortable, and honestly I’m feeling a little nervous about asking, but -‘
‘I knew she was about to ask me if I would have sex with her. I momentarily thought about saving her the embarrassment of asking the question, but then I stopped myself, because I was enjoying hearing her form this sentence so much.
”But would you be willing to have unprotected sexual intercourse with me? I’ve just been tested, as you can see.”
‘That’s quite a pickup line,’ I said, feeling adolescent as soon as I said it.
Zerzinski smiled again.
‘Yes, it was unusual. Though at this point not so much. I was just going to say ‘yes,’ because, shit, I’m just a run-of-the-mill horny guy. Who am I to turn down a nice, good-looking woman with a STD form? But something was making me a little uncomfortable, and I wanted to try to put my finger on it.
‘This was so obviously not a date. It was a transaction. Though it would be a pleasant one, I had no doubt.
‘I remember I said, ‘this feels a bit clinical.’ At which point Charity really lost it, I mean big cackly belly laughs not befitting a southern lady.
”It is,’ she said, when she caught her breath. ‘Robert, I’m not sure if I’m very good at communication, but I think I should say to be clear that I’m married. It’s a fairly conventional marriage. I’m not looking for a date, per se.’
‘Then I felt bad that she felt she needed to explain that. But I was glad she did. I told her it was all good, clinical’s fine.
”But does your husband know?’ I asked.
‘Her answer to that one is another one of those seared-in-your-memory things. She said, ‘for the purposes of any possible future Zerzinski clinic: a) it’s none of your business, and b) it doesn’t matter. But no, he doesn’t know, and I’m not planning on telling him.’
‘That was another thing I liked about her. Not only is she really good at thinking things through in helpful ways, but she’s emotionally very mature.
‘She had already decided there was no need to drag him through anything unnecessarily. Getting inoculated was obviously a good idea, to her anyway. And it would just put her husband through unnecessary bad thoughts and jealous feelings, presumably, if she told him. So indeed, why bother?
‘But more importantly, as she said, it wasn’t my business. That is, it wasn’t relevant to this transaction. It’s her body to do with as she wanted.’
‘Just for the sake of argument,’ I interjected, ‘what if you gave her an STD that she then gave to her husband? In that case, what he didn’t know could really hurt him.’
‘Oh sure,’ he responded quickly. ‘In which case, though, the hypothetical STD from having unprotected sex was a choice she made, as a sober adult. Whether she keeps secrets from her husband that then have unwanted consequences is not for me to deal with. That’s her thing.’
‘One of your moral quandaries.’
‘One of the easier ones.’
‘And how was the rest of your evening?’
‘Really wonderful. With her it was very clear. She came to me because she wanted something from me. At least as far as the sex part goes.’
‘Isn’t that generally the case, like with your clients?’
‘Well, here, yes. But back in the US, running our own clinic in a more trial-by-fire, haphazard way, it wasn’t always like that. When there’s this established thing, that in most cases people are paying for, it can be very different.
‘Charity was a model of loveliness, though. She told me later, she looked at it as her responsibility first to relax me, then to arouse me, then to make me come inside her with as much volume of sperm as possible, to increase her chances of success in terms of the chemistry. Which she later tested and confirmed at the CDC. It worked.
‘She asked me if I wanted her to massage me. She said she brought oil. She had actually studied physical therapy in college, and gave me a fantastic massage, for a long time.
‘I hadn’t had sex with anyone at that time in weeks. There was no need for her to do anything in particular with regards to foreplay. I was ready to go from the outset. Especially after she took her clothes off. Charity liked to go to Appalachia for white water rafting and stuff, she had abs of steel. Which you would never have known from what she was wearing.
‘She didn’t seem to need any help, either. She just mounted me, and slowly started moving back and forth. It felt great, and looking up at this gorgeous geek, with those pert breasts, it was lovely. There was also an extra turn-on for me, the fact that this was a transaction, rather than normal sex, whatever that might be.’
‘For both of you?’
‘Well more for her, really. See, because the honest truth is I would have wanted to fuck her anyway. She was only doing it for the sperm. I mean I hope she enjoyed the experience, and I’m not saying she did or didn’t, but she almost certainly would not have met me or had sex with me in the first place if not for my special gift.
‘Anyway, being as turned on as I was, I could have come right away, big-time, within about a minute of her getting on top of me. Instead, I calmed myself down a bit, circulated the energy like a good Taoist sex geek, and didn’t come. Which is what I would generally have done in a situation where I was about to come right away while having sex with a lover, you know. Much more fun that way for ever
ybody, usually.
‘But I mention this in part because this was my next moral quandary to think about.’
‘Which one is that?’ I asked.
‘OK, backing up a step: she could have asked me to jack off into a jar. She could have gotten that stuff inside her potentially so it would work. She knew already that actually fucking me would be the optimal delivery system for the sperm, however, and she also assumed – in this case very correctly – that I’d tend to enjoy fucking her more than jacking off into a jar. So she made the brilliant decision to hit me up for sex.
‘But then once you’ve navigated that particular logistical and moral set of considerations, that is, the decision to fuck in the first place, then there’s the next question: if I’m ready to come in the first minute, should I not then do that, and save this woman the trouble of having to fuck me more than necessary, given that she’s just in it for the sperm collection?’
‘Damn, that’s a hard one,’ I said, spontaneously.
‘Isn’t it?’
‘So what did you decide?’
‘At the time? Nothing, really. I couldn’t. But I didn’t come for a long time. So I guess I decided to enjoy myself.’
‘Can you give me an idea of what that looks like, you enjoying yourself? Paint a picture for me?’
‘Sure. I remember that night very well, still. Another one of those memories.’
‘One of many such sticky memories for you?’
‘Yes, for sure. Many.’
He paused and closed his eyes for a moment, retreating into his head, before continuing.
‘She was on top of me, and she asked me if there was anything in particular that I liked. Which usually would be a very nice kind of question. But in this case it made me a bit limp for a little while at first.’
‘That’s curious.’
‘Yeah, well, I was just thinking, for sure there are things I like. Like, I can get into being pretty dominant in different ways. But that’s generally when I’m quite certain the person I’m with gets excited by that sort of thing. So saying what I like is complicated. I didn’t know what to do.’
‘Why not just say what you like?’ I asked.
‘Well, see, if this were a more normal situation, a woman asking me a question like that would also know what she likes and doesn’t like, and would hopefully not go along with something she didn’t like. At least that would be my hope.
‘But in this case, it was different, or at least I thought it might be. What if I said what I liked, and she just went along with it in order to make me come harder. Even though she really didn’t like that sort of thing, whatever it might be?’
‘Another moral quandary,’ I noted.
‘See?’ he said. ‘They’re under every rock!’
‘So how did you decide to deal with this latest ethical crisis?’
‘After giving it a tough, flaccid moment’s thought, I decided that as long as she didn’t say she wasn’t into it, as long as she wanted to know and was going along with it, then it was OK. And I should use her for my pleasure. Or I should let her allow me to use her for my pleasure.’
Zerzinski noticed me jotting that phrase down with my pen, something I was only doing sporadically, as the recorder was picking up the whole interview. I’m sure he was thinking about what kind of piece was this going to be when it was done. I’m sure he wondered this often. But I didn’t ask what he might have been thinking, and he didn’t say.
Then he said, with a certain amount of clear conviction, ‘I decided to enjoy the experience thoroughly. Later I struggled with that concept, generally. But I eventually came to terms with it. Though it’s tricky in so many ways.
‘What I said to her, after having the latest little crisis, was that she should keep on doing what she was doing, which was namely moving back and forth while on top of me.
‘After a while I asked her if she could move a bit faster, and deeper. Which she did. As she did this, she was sweating more, but she kept going. She was occasionally grimacing, now and then saying ‘ow,’ but she didn’t let up with the speed or depth of her eloquent movements.
‘I asked her if it hurt. Which it obviously did, but I like words.
‘She said it did hurt. And she asked if I liked it when it hurt her. I said yes. With that out in the open, it felt even better.
Interesting things started happening from the moment I left Zerzinski’s house, to walk down the trail to my place. The first thing was only notable in retrospect. Another beautiful Japanese woman was walking toward Zerzinski’s place as I was leaving, as usual. She appeared to be a member of the Choto Temple. At least, most of the women who were older than teenagers seemed to be Choto members. And this one looked to be in her late twenties perhaps. Her face was lacking the usual...
Here’s Chapter 2 (of 14, altogether). I really appreciate the feedback, whether by voting or by dropping me a line. Hope you like Chapter 2! ***** ‘I love Japan, and so many things about Japanese culture, but the lack of furniture drives me nuts,’ Zerzinski said, as he sat down on the couch. ‘Why don’t they all get back problems from sitting on the floor all the time?’ he continued. ‘I don’t know how that works.’ He had a warmth about him that I hadn’t expected. I had never met him til...
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The diary continued for quite some pages. I was looking forward to reading more later. But there was a schedule to keep. I grabbed my notepad and recorder and headed toward Zerzinski’s place. ‘The thing is,’ Zerzinski said matter-of-factly, ‘if I heard some of the things I have said to you when I was younger, I would have thought I was an asshole.’ ‘Even if you understood the context?’ I asked. He smiled. ‘I was a pretty ideological guy, before… I don’t know. I’d like to think with enough...
Here’s Chapter 3 (of 14, altogether). I really appreciate the feedback, whether by voting, commenting or by dropping me a line. Hope you like Chapter 3! ***** ‘I taught at the public high school in New Canaan,’ Zerzinski told me. ‘One of the few teachers at the school who could afford to live in the town. Thanks to inheritance – the only way any school teacher could possibly live in New Canaan. Unless they’re married to a banker.’ ‘Your parents left you their house?’ I asked. ‘Yeah, the...
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FantasyThe high priestess was standing behind the altar again, though now she was standing in a bright shaft of moonlight. She looked positively ethereal. A little to my left stood Angela, naked as a jaybird and looking even more freaked out than me. To my right was Jill, also naked and looking petrified. All three of us were trying to cover ourselves, and we all had about the same amount of success... zip! About that time, I noticed that the four of us were not alone in here and my freak out...
Ellie Templeton was feeling frustrated. It had been twelve weeks since Mark had left and finally the sadness was subsiding, but in its wake, a new emotion was taking hold. She was horny. The last week had been full of celebrity fantasies as she furiously rubbed her clit, in the shower, the car and her office, but the effects of these hurried orgasms did nothing to quell her ever increasing needs. In the last ten years, the longest Ellie had gone without a cock was 11 days. She'd had three...
Straight SexShane finished his final touches of getting ready in the hotel room. He made sure the gingerbread candle was lit. He lathered himself with cocoa butter and sprayed some perfume. The five-foot-eight-inch, one-hundred-forty-pound batty boi was so ready to see him. Driving his silver 2012 Nissan Armada out of the parking lot on his lunch break, Chris headed towards the motel where his paramour was spending the night. He was barely a half-inch taller than Shane and weighed close to the same...
Shane finished his final touches of getting ready in the hotel room. He made sure the gingerbread candle was lit. He lathered himself with cocoa butter and sprayed some perfume. The five-foot-eight-inch, one-hundred-forty-pound batty boi was so ready to see him.Driving his silver 2012 Nissan Armada out of the parking lot on his lunch break, Chris headed towards the motel where his paramour was spending the night. He was barely a half-inch taller than Shane and weighed close to the same although...
Thanks for waiting patiently here is Chapter 8! Supernatural Nation: The Beginning of the End He ran through the forest at a speed that would have awed any human who had caught sight of him, but no human saw him as he raced through the trees. Jumping over fallen trees and dodging low hanging branches he ran not daring to slow as the insane laughter of the monster followed him. All of his guards had died on the creature's blood soaked talons...
Obviously her parents knew it was me that had corrupted their daughter but I didn’t give a shit, I saw Cate’s dad in the supermarket one day and I swear to god I thought he was going to murder me the way he stormed over in my direction. Obviously I made the tactical decision to hide in the fresh food section, I escaped with my life that day. Don’t get me wrong the fear of death was intense but it was totally worth getting back at my bitch of an ex. Anyway after a couple of weeks of...
My name is Harry and I am the son of a very beautiful mother and sister. They have always teased me one way or another through my teenage years by walking around half naked or by saying suggestive things to me and leaving me all hot and bothered. I am now 18 years old with very short dark hair and now stand at 6 foot tall. Now that I am of age maybe the teasing will lead to more than just me getting all hot and bothered maybe it might lead to something more.My sister Jenny is almost a mirror...
"You can take your dark glasses off now, Nancy," Steve said. It was the afternoon of the next day, after their appalling, incestuous fuck, and they were in the family sedan driving toward Spokane to visit the famous eye specialist that their mother had arranged for Nancy to see. She felt guilty for still pretending to be blind, causing her parents more anguish. She had asked Steve to call Doctor Carl Nash and postpone the appointment she had with him until the following day. She knew why...
Susan and Jennifer get the Cane The door opened and the prefect stuck her head out. "Truscott, you are first, in you come." The prefect, Alison Chambers, gave Susan a grin that did not suggest sympathy as she waited for 14 year old Jennifer Truscott to go inside. She followed, and shut the door, leaving Susan standing hands on head out in the corridor totally terrified and humiliated. Why oh why had she ever agreed to go with Jennifer on that stupid prank? How many strokes would Jennifer...
I viewed Saturday with some consternation as Sue had warned that what was to happen had to be a secret. Obviously who-ever she was expecting didn’t want anyone to know. Given the fact that I had learned Sue was a part-time prostitute had it even more mysterious. After lunch on Saturday Sue told me to put on my see-through dress. Sid said he would go out for a couple of hours, which I thought was strange. Not long after he left the doorbell went. Sue had disappeared into her bedroom leaving me...
Rose pulled me from the bar, down the street, and into the train station. Never once did we stop touching. I stood behind her with my hands on her hips as she paid for our tickets. We remained physically linked as we boarded and even as we sat beside each other. The train was not crowded. The Friday evening rush was already through. "This is all too easy, Rose." She tensed. "Yes, it is. Please, Charlie, trust me. We'll dicuss it in the morning. You're free now. Be my guest for the night and...
Love StoriesI hope this letter, apart from being a turn-on, acts as a warning. Judith and I have been married for three years now, but the incident I’m about to describe took place ten months ago. Judith had been on about trying out another man, and in the end she talked me into agreeing that she could with someone, as long as he was a total stranger, that I was allowed to watch and that he wore a condom – just as I had to. Judith told me that she wanted a black man – to find...
It was early evening, but Dan thought he could see a touch of her nipples poking thru her bra. It may have been his imagination, but he was about to find out. Holding the door open for Ashley-Nicole, he flipped the lights on, thankful the maid he had hired had come thru earlier in the day. Holding up a finger, he led his prize directly to the bedroom, and letting go of her hand, he walked over to a small case. Holding his fob to it, there was ‘click’ as it unlocked, & Dan flipped it open....
Can you Name That Porn? We’ve all seen it at one point or another. Hell, some of you were probably responsible for it, aimlessly scouring the internet for the name of a girl that you saw in some obscure porno years ago and could never find again. This is such a common practice on every porn site out there – particularly free porn tubes due to the often anonymous nature of user-uploaded videos – someone, inevitably, popping up in the comments section with something like “WHO IS THIS GODDESS?” or...
Porn Search EnginesMarch Madness By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers Chapter 1 "Wake up babe!" said Jen softly tickling Mike's nose with her feather duster to awaken him. "Morning," whispered Mike waking up as Jen softly kissed his lips. "Go get rid of that stinky morning breath and empty that bladder of yours," said Jen modeling a bit as she stepped back. "When you get back breakfast will be served." "Right away Mademoiselle," teased Mike quickly stretching his hand to give a soft squeeze...
'...' thoughts Chapter 2 - Payback is a Bitch, Ain't it? It's been almost a year since I was fired and my life practically ended. I used to be a well paid psychology professor at the local High school. I was caught blackmailing and fucking one of my students. In a way, she set me up. That little bitch made it worse than it was, I know she was enjoying herself while I was screwing her, then she gets me fired. About six months ago, while I was pondering my worthless existence I...
This is every man’s fantasy. You are stuck in the hospital. You are so sick you can not even get out of bed. That is not the fantasy part this is. Your nurse is named Maria Ono and she is sweet and kind and will do anything to alleviate the discomfort the patients in her charge are feeling. She will make sure that they get whatever they need and a bit more. The patients are her main priority and when one of them asks for something, she delivers. That is the kind of nurse she is. She also...
xmoviesforyouThis story is 100% true that happened mid-December. Even though I am studying for my finals, I still need to get the car fixed, hang with friends and eat Wing Stop. Even though I did get fired from Wing Stop when the fall term began, I know I can get free food from there since I was very nice to the cooks, cashiers and the customers. I refused to cuss out the customers when I was mad and I know when my blood sugar is low enough, it feels like I’m high which made me nicer to deal with. If there...
InterracialI rode into the walled town and everyone watched me closely. I stopped in front of a dry goods store and dismounted. I pulled each horse up and secured them to a hitching post before finally turning to go into the store. I moved toward the grain and dry goods and nodded to the old woman sitting beside a long wooden counter. A couple of tall men stepped into the store and silently walked to stand beside the woman. When I carried everything to the counter the old woman smiled, “Sidhe.” I...
Nicole Dillon sat on the couch and sipped her beer. She didn't know many people at the party personally, and was feeling a little self-conscious. The music was loud and booming, and again she wondered to herself why she had come. But she knew the answer to that: Mike had asked her. It was his house, and he was one of the most popular guys in school -- a straight-A senior student, star football player, and handsome. He had come up to her in the hall at school and asked her to his party, right...
Lifeguard 8 RecapFriday morning Alex was shaken out of bed with a, “Get up, sleepy-head. We’re leaving to go to Derek and Belle’s in thirty minutes.”Alex jumped into the shower, packed a small bag of clothes, headed downstairs, grabbed a water bottle and some snacks and headed for the garage. He was the last one in the car. When he jumped in he saw his sister Ashley for the first time. He’d totally forgotten that his sister was joining them for the weekend. Ashley was twenty-four, so being six...
IncestAre you looking for a place you can go where you can watch all kinds of sexy as fuck virtual reality pornography? And where you can find a community of likeminded people that will share all the hottest virtual reality porno that they know you love? If so, then you need to visit to find all the hottest virtual reality pornography that will fucking get you off.If you do not mind wearing a giant VR headset that makes you look like you are a blind boy from the future but with a...
Reddit NSFW ListFriday Nov 23 9:00 AM The day after Thanksgiving. I awoke hearing... Jessica; “Mistress ... Mistress ... Mistress...” I opened my eyes and the light coming through the window seemed blinding. While stretching, I see Principal Newman standing next to the bed looking down at me. Something was different, yep, she’s pulled her hair into a ponytail and cleaned up. Her makeup has been freshened and she looks, perky! Nobody should be that perky in the morning. Jessica; “Here is your tea...
Angel spent another three nights at the motel. She received no break from clients. Rich came to pick her up after nearly a week of work. He took her back to his house. He let her relax in front of the TV for the day. Two other girls came and kept Angel company. But it wasn’t much company. What little talking there was, was about the current TV show. There was no friendly giggles or secret sharing or even smiles. Angel craved to have friend. She longed for the comforts of companionship. But...
This was not what I had planned for my day off, I can’t stand supermarkets and do my utmost to avoid them. My girlfriend, Lucy, normally takes care of the grocery list, but had been called into work as they had some urgent order to complete, so the shopping list was left in my less than capable hands. I wandered up and down the aisles, trying to find the items from the list and to be perfectly honest, making an absolute hash of it. I tried to concentrate, but there were far too many sexy women...
A man (or a woman) has got to have friends. The holidays are coming and not that he’s given it a thought exactly, Cale had no family near him as the festive season approaches. He’s not exactly surrounded by friends either, since he’s been busy. But he has a couple so … 0_o Oh! There’s no sex in this chapter. Sorry if it disappoints. ————— Sylvia McDonnell was sweating slightly as she walked in the bright sunshine to her old barn. Once inside, it was a different kind of heat. Not like the...
I was going to Math this morning because Mrs. Sinclair planned a quiz. I got up early to pack and load my things in Greg's car before breakfast. I normally take care of myself during the week but mom insisted that I have breakfast with the family because I was going to be gone all weekend. When I walked into the kitchen, Angie was feeding Kyle. "Looks like Kyle has the old Dawson charm. Work that nipple big boy." Mom walked in and overheard my remarks. "David, don't tease...
I was sitting on the bench in the park just watching people. Trying to decide what I was going to do about my girlfriend. You see we had this really big fight and now she won’t talk to me. Oh, where are my manners. My name is Sindie. I am a five foot ten inch tall woman. I have short dark brown hair and I am told that I have a body to die for. I guess in order for you to understand my situation I should go back to before the fight. *********** ‘God where are my damn heels?’ I asked to the...
“LAUNCHING!” the voice announced in Peter’s ear. The capsule vibrated, a hum resonated through the capsule, and the settings on the display fluctuated wildly. He didn’t understand why they even included the meters. It meant nothing to those inside the vessel, only to the designers who developed the ISSDD transport mechanism. Suddenly, the surrounding walls were gone and he found himself deep in space. Glancing out the window at the inky blackness, he was glad Eric Morgan insisted on the...
My Master put me through many months of training me to be HIS pig the way he DESIRES his pig to be for him and even though I l My Master put me through many months of training to become HIS pig the way he DESIRES his pig to be for him and even though I learn quickly he has very high standards of the type of pig slave I was to become in order to serve him as he wishes to be served as well as become the pig he could be proud to show off to his BDSM friends. It was only a few months ago...
I would like to narrate to the readers one of the most exciting events that happened in my life. I had recently broken up with my long term boyfriend and he had moved out of the apartment in which we lived together. I continued to live in the same apartment though the rent was slightly more than I could afford on my own. But I had no intention of moving out mainly because it was a very comfortable and cozy place to live in that was quite close to where I worked and also because of a friend I...
Fantasy.Hitchhiker 2/2004.We all have dark secrets locked away in the deep recesses of our imaginations, those of you who have read my earlier work will already know that I possess some deep dark fantasies.I have been lucky in the past that some of my wildest fantasies have actually come true, including this little story that has fulfilled my ultimate fantasy and, as they say, fact can sometimes be stranger than fiction. Well you’ll have to decide for yourself.Some of you will know my wife,...
Introduction: Hey Guys I know its been awhile since ive posted, if this is your first time, you may want to read through the other chapters first! A Chance Encounter VI Two days later. Marie was sitting in her hospital bed talking to her aunt. Have they told you anything yet Marie? her aunt asked. No, but I have been feeling weird since my diet change, which is probably the reason for it. Have you told them? I mentioned something, but they just wrote it down and then gave me something...