Choto Temple Ch 13
- 4 years ago
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Here’s Chapter 2 (of 14, altogether). I really appreciate the feedback, whether by voting or by dropping me a line. Hope you like Chapter 2!
‘I love Japan, and so many things about Japanese culture, but the lack of furniture drives me nuts,’ Zerzinski said, as he sat down on the couch.
‘Why don’t they all get back problems from sitting on the floor all the time?’ he continued. ‘I don’t know how that works.’
He had a warmth about him that I hadn’t expected. I had never met him til now. But the way he was generally depicted back when he was in the news cycle was as a difficult, taciturn kind of guy with all sorts of questionable motives.
The vibe he gave off to me, though, was that of an upbeat, relaxed guy. And it would seem that he has plenty to be upbeat about.
He proceeded to act the way one would expect a convivial host to act, asking me how my trip to the mountain was. Of course he knew there’s no direct way to get there without a private jet or something. So the journey is always a bit of an adventure.
‘Shall we get started?’ I asked, after what seemed like an appropriate amount of small-talk.
He breathed deeply. More like a sigh.
‘Giving interviews isn’t your favorite thing to do?’
I hoped he knew I was referring to the sigh with that question.
‘You haven’t given an interview in ten years?’
He paused before answering.
‘Before I started teaching high school, I was playing a lot of music. I did a lot of seat-of-the-pants touring. With bands that were always falling apart after a few months and such.
‘But anyway,’ he went on, ‘what can happen after an interview is a lot like what happens after you play a bad note. But with amplification and an audience. Well, good or bad note. It’s amplified. The effect is much bigger than it would be if it stayed in your bedroom.’
‘As a musician and a journalist myself, I completely understand your point.’
But I was still waiting for his answer, and he knew that. He sighed again.
‘They say when you start meditating, don’t mention it to anyone for the first five or ten years.’
He paused before continuing. ‘I was a pretty level-headed, self-confident guy before the diagnosis, I like to think. But I think most people would have a challenging time with what happened to me, and, well, I did, too. I didn’t see the point in talking about these things with journalists anymore, so I stopped.’
I looked at the MP3 recorder to make sure it was working properly, and opened my notebook to where I had been outlining interview topics to cover.
‘Can you say in your own words, where are we? What is this place here on this mountain in rural Japan?’
Zerzinski paused again. He was clearly a bit hesitant, if not tense, since the interview part began. I imagined eventually he’d loosen up. At least I hoped so.
The expression on his face reminded me of the expressions on the faces of many politicians I’d interviewed over the years, who are always so careful about how they phrase things. Lest someone out there read into something a meaning or attitude they didn’t want to communicate.
‘Well, one thing this place is,’ he said, ‘is a pretty impressive example of the adaptability of Japanese culture.’
‘Did you teach social studies when you taught high school?’
There was something distinctly teacher-ish in his delivery, and I had to ask.
‘Yes, for many years.’
He smiled, and looked a bit sheepish.
‘Sorry, please continue. How does this place exhibit this adaptability?’
‘Well, they’ve taken a modern problem and a modern solution, but found a way to interface between these two things in what is in many ways a very traditionally-oriented process.
‘They formed a temple, involving different kinds of training, service, and rituals. They’ve taken what could potentially be a very uncomfortable or inappropriate, taboo kind of thing, and made it honorable and even exciting.’
‘Exciting for you?’ I asked.
‘Undeniably, it is exciting for me. And I’ve never said otherwise.’
He was sounding somewhat defensive, but I went on with my line of questioning.
‘All the women of the world wanting to have sex with you is basically a positive?’
‘Not all,’ he corrected. ‘But a hell of a lot. Yes, there’s quite a silver lining. But it comes with challenges.’
‘What sorts of challenges?’
He breathed deeply before answering, and paused to take a sip of the sparkling water that was making a faint bubbly noise. I imagined the sound of the bubbles I’d hear later when listening to the recording, as I also took a sip from my glass.
‘I guess mostly the same kinds of challenges involved with winning a really big lottery jackpot. Or having a massive, runaway hit in the Billboard charts.’
He paused thoughtfully.
‘Well, more like winning the lottery,’ he continued. ‘Because the fact that this happened to me is completely coincidental, it has nothing to do with talent. Which is another one of the challenges involved.’
He paused again, clearly thinking about how to explain his thought better. I waited silently, patiently. Often the best interviewing technique is to say nothing, while looking attentive and interested. Let the silences happen.
‘All kinds of moral quandaries,’ he finally went on. ‘I’m just glad this didn’t happen to me when I was any younger.’
‘I don’t know how many of the Billboard hits have to do with talent,’ I interjected. Then I asked my next question.
‘Some people say this place is a cult. What do you say to that?’
He chuckled a little. ‘I love that phrase, ‘some people say,’ that’s a good one.
‘I don’t know what qualifies for cult status. I’d say the Catholic Church is much more of a cult than this place. If this is a cult, then I don’t know who the leader of it is. Cults usually have charismatic gurus, don’t they?’
‘You’re not the leader?’ I asked.
‘No,’ he answered decisively. ‘They formed this Purification Temple, and later also the Choto Temple, basically as a direct consequence of my diagnosis.
‘But if someone else had the same kind of unusual chromosomes as me, they would have put them at the center of the thing. I just ultimately decided it was too good an opportunity to pass up, for a lot of reasons.’
I was somewhat expecting to meet an emotionally distant, self-important narcissist. But Zerzinski still kept striking me as an intelligent guy who had given a lot of thought to a lot of stuff that most people never have to think about.
‘OK, let’s backtrack. Let’s start at the beginning,’ I announced. It’s often a good place to start, I find.
‘To when I was diagnosed?’ he asked.
‘That’s the beginning for you, isn’t it?’
‘Well, I certainly have tended to see my life in terms of Before the Diagnosis and After the Diagnosis, that’s for sure.’
‘Understandably enough,’ I said. ‘But I was thinking of BD.’
Zerzinski nodded.
‘I’d like to get a picture of what your life was like in the decades before the CDC anointed you the sexiest man in the world.’
He smiled, or grimaced, I couldn’t tell which.
‘What were you into as a kid? What were your early relationships like? Let’s dwell on that for a while.’
‘I was a geeky kid. Spent a lot of time alone in the woods. Or home reading comic books. Or spending all day and night on a given weekend obsessively playing Dungeons & Dragons with my few, geeky friends.’ He paused. ‘They were all guys,’ he added.
‘There were no girlfriends in the picture?’ I asked.
‘The whole concept was just alien to me, though something I desperately wanted. In retrospect, desperately wanting something you don’t understand while at the same time totally ignoring it and obsessin
g over role-playing games is overall not a good sexual strategy.’
‘You found better sexual strategies eventually?’
‘Yes. Learning to talk to girls like they’re fellow human beings helped. And playing the guitar. Well, actually the combination of singing while playing the guitar, really. The singer in the band always gets laid the most.’
‘I’d have to concur with that observation,’ I said.
Next question. ‘Can you tell me something about your earliest sexual experiences?’
This clearly wasn’t the first time he’d encountered that one. His answer sounded rehearsed.
‘They could generally be characterized by their brevity, and by premature ejaculation.’
‘Any lasting relationships?’
‘Not until I was 19. I guess I kind of got the hang of it after that. The lasting relationship thing. They didn’t last long for the most part until I was a bit older.
‘I was a pretty arrogant, know-it-all kind of hippie kid. But I guess there were attractive enough aspects to me, since there was only a few months during my twenties when I wasn’t hooked up with someone.’
He paused. ‘Though at the time it seemed like an exceedingly long few months, I remember well. I was despondent.’
‘I wonder if you could talk about the contrast between your general relationship with sex BD versus AD? I think this is among the things that really interest readers. And editors.’
He paused again and let the short, potent word hover in the air before continuing.
‘What can I say, it’s a little like night and day. Though thankfully maybe not quite that much.
‘I mean, I often wonder what it would have been like if I had been one of those really awkward guys who never got laid, never had relationships, and then this happened to me?
‘It might be too much to handle. It already has been, for me, too, at various points.
‘Though I know,’ he added, ‘that may be hard for some guys to digest.’
He looked at me before continuing. I tilted my head in a certain way that almost always successfully communicates I understand, please go on.
‘When I was younger, I got into a number of wonderful relationships with a variety of women, some few of whom I even stayed friends with after we broke up. We experimented with polyamory with varying degrees of success.
‘I had a lot of good sex, but that’s all relative. I mean by some standards I was maybe a bit of a Casanova. In a typical year, especially when I was trying to make a go of it as a musician, I was often in some kind of sexual relationship with five different women in different parts of the world.’
‘A girl in every port, as the saying goes?’
‘Well, that’s the idea, perhaps,’ Zerzinski said. ‘But really, no. Five – that’s maybe five ports. Or more if they’re mobile.
‘But it’s a totally different situation to now. I mean five, that’s a lot more than zero. But a lot less than 365.’
‘Point taken.’
‘But those five – they wanted me for who I was. I mean maybe they liked me because I played music, but at least that’s a skill that I learned over many years, you know? Not just some exotic chromosome I happened to be born with.’
‘Hm, that sort of takes away your sense of agency, doesn’t it?’ I asked.
‘Indeed it does,’ he replied immediately. ‘But I’m more or less at peace with that, now, and able to just enjoy life, for the most part. It’s a good life.’
‘It seems like there might be some positive aspects to it,’ I joked weakly.
Next question. Editor’s choice.
‘Robert, when I say the phrase, ‘especially memorable sexual experience from your youth,’ what’s the first thing that comes to mind?’
He looked a bit distant, as if trying to pull an old memory out of a part of his brain he hadn’t accessed in a while. Then he smiled.
‘I’ll call her Eva. Wellesley College. Our first night together is etched in my mind like it happened last week.
‘It was all so real, so unusual back then. I didn’t feel like I had to remind myself that I’m not living in a dream. It was a dream, and it was real, and just electric. Well everything seemed more real back then.
‘The band I was trying to keep together at the time was all in Philadelphia. They had driven there from Connecticut the day before, like sensible people, to have a little time in Philly before the gig the next day.
‘Me, I went north instead, where I was featuring at a little open mike at Wellesley College. Which is in the suburbs of Boston.’
‘Yeah, I grew up in New England, too, actually, near you, in Connecticut,’ I interjected. ‘Sorry, please go on, Robert.’
‘Right on. What town?’
‘Ah, the Gold Coast. I grew up in New Canaan, among the bankers.’
‘Ah, yes, I know it well. There’s a train station there. OK, so you’re at Wellesley…’
‘Wellesley, yes.’
He continued where he had left off. ‘So I’m doing this little open mike feature. Which was totally not worth bothering with from a financial or professional perspective.
‘Except that I had been exchanging flirtatious messages with a student there who I met the last time I had a gig at the college. I invited her to come to Philly with me for the weekend, and said she could just come with me after the open mike. She agreed, which was thrilling.
‘I barely knew her, so I figured we could have some time to talk while driving. Since I needed to be in Philly the next day, I figured it’d be better to drive at night at least part of the way.
‘So we were having a good time talking and sharing stories about childhood. Though for her that was essentially the year before, and it was a bit disconcerting for me back then each time she began a sentence with, ‘last year, in high school.’ But she was clearly not a kid anymore, anyway.’
He was sounding perhaps a bit apologetic. He continued.
‘We were enjoying the drive and the conversation, both, I thought. Then we were through most of Connecticut, and I was thinking, it would be good to start looking for a motel or something. But by the the time I had that thought, we were on the fucking Gold Coast.’
‘And everything’s twice as expensive,’ I added helpfully.
‘Right, and I was living pretty hand-to-mouth at the time. So I thought, we need to get to the other side of New York City, well into New Jersey, before the prices get reasonable again. But by this time, there’s something unexpected happening in the passenger seat.
‘Eva would interject in between other topics of conversation, ‘are we going to stop soon?’ And every time she’d say this, she would unbutton, unsnap, or unzip some article of her clothing.
‘In between unbuttoning things, she’d be caressing her body, putting her hands in various places under her clothing. And otherwise behaving in an extremely distracting manner.
‘By the time we got to the George Washington Bridge, Eva was completely naked aside from her panties and socks. As I was driving down the New Jersey Turnpike I was really trying hard to pay attention to the road.
‘Though I was also thinking, I’m sure I could just stop anywhere and Eva would be into fucking in the car or something. But I didn’t want to fuck in the car. I wanted to get to a motel.
‘But there are no fucking signs for lodging on the New Jersey Turnpike! This was before GPS’s. I couldn’t believe it. I was going nuts.
‘Eventually I just pulled off at a random exit, and there were a bunch of motels there. Somehow or other I got us a room, and we were fucking within about five minutes of going through the door.’
Zerzinski paused, as if lost in thought.
I waited a moment before saying, in what I hoped was a playful tone, ‘don’t stop just when we’re getting to the juicy part.’
I was trying to say something encouraging. It seemed to work.
‘Ah, how to describe these things…
‘ He collected more thoughts before continuing.
‘Just transcendent. Amazing. She was the very image of African beauty. She had grown up riding a bicycle and acting in Georgia. She was my height, but much thinner. Lean, though endowed with incredible breasts, the size of small watermelons. And just as firm, and impossibly pert. The kind of pertness only possible when you’re 19. The only other part of her body that had any fat in it was her gorgeous ass.
‘And her whole body, mind, her entire person that night was obsessively focused on nothing but her desire to fuck me. It was so complete.
‘Her skin was so warm and velvety, and she smelled so good. There was no question about what variety of sexual intercourse she was ready for that night – just everything I did was met with total approval. Interspersed with shuddering, full-body orgasms she’d have every ten minutes or so.
‘Yeah, wonderful night, but probably particularly memorable because of the build-up. Those hours of anticipation stuck in a car on the turnpike while Eva got undressed in the passenger seat.
‘And it’s memorable because an impossibly beautiful young woman wanted to fuck me so much, just because she liked something about me. All very memorable, because it didn’t happen every day, partly. Not like things since the diagnosis.’
As if on cue, there was a gentle knock on a door, and one of the walls was sliding open, revealing a beautiful young woman. After a moment I realized it was the same woman I had seen before, standing behind Zerzinski. Now her hair was in a neat little bun, and she was more fully dressed.
She said something in Japanese and Zerzinski translated. ‘Would you like something to drink? There’s an espresso machine. The only one for miles around.’
‘A cappuccino would be great,’ I said, and the woman repeated, ‘cappuccino’ and then some other things I didn’t understand, and she closed the door behind her.
‘Can you tell me about her?’ I asked Zerzinski.
‘Her name is Mariko. She’s a member of the Choto Temple.’
‘What’s the Choto Temple?’
‘Geez, it’s all on Wikipedia. Don’t you guys do research before you interview someone?’
‘Sorry, my memory is like a sieve,’ I admitted. ‘But it’s great to get this in your own words, anyway. All I ever hear about is the Purification Temple.’
‘Yeah, that’s the main thing. The Choto Temple is more an offshoot, an improvised addition to the original plan.’
He breathed deeply. ‘Sometimes it just randomly hits me how completely crazy and surreal all this is.’
He took a thoughtful sip of bubbly water before continuing.
‘The people on the council in Fukushima originally came up with the Purification Temple idea. Providing young women from the area with a ritualized structure for them to receive this inoculation.’
‘By ‘inoculation’,’ I interrupted, ‘you’re referring to sexual intercourse, correct?’
‘Exactly,’ he replied, with a slightly perplexed expression that communicated his keen awareness that he’s in a strange situation. ‘So that’s the basis of the Purification Temple. The Choto Temple, well, you have to understand the numbers first.’
Zerzinki looked at me with his fairly piercing brown eyes, making sure I was following him.
‘There are tens of thousands of women who qualify for the Purification Temple. Of those tens of thousands who qualify, there are many thousands who sign up and get on a very long waiting list, since there’s only room for 200 of them in a given year. So to add some more surreality to the already surreal, some fairly spectacular women started up the Choto Temple.’
‘And how does it differ from the Purification Temple?’
‘They’re volunteers, they’re not part of that arrangement. They sort of do their own thing within this context,’ Zerzinski explained.
‘So,’ he went on, ‘the Purification Temple visitors come in the evening. During the day, members of the Choto Temple are around. And, well, I hang out with them. And we engage in various activities that are all set out by the Temple.’
‘What does that involve, generally?’
‘It’s no secret. ‘Choto’ is a play on words. Lots of ironic humor here in Japan – you find that out when you actually learn the language. ‘Choto’ means ‘a little,’ but it also serves as a mild admonishment, like what someone might say to someone else who’s acting a little inappropriate.’
Interesting things started happening from the moment I left Zerzinski’s house, to walk down the trail to my place. The first thing was only notable in retrospect. Another beautiful Japanese woman was walking toward Zerzinski’s place as I was leaving, as usual. She appeared to be a member of the Choto Temple. At least, most of the women who were older than teenagers seemed to be Choto members. And this one looked to be in her late twenties perhaps. Her face was lacking the usual...
Mariko and Rie both walked in, carrying trays of dinner. ‘I hope we’re not intruding?’ Rie asked. ‘Not at all,’ I said, momentarily having trouble summoning the words. Mariko said something quietly to Rie in Japanese. Rie listened and then translated. ‘Mariko says she’s sorry she never had a chance to give you that lesson with the espresso machine.’ Then, speaking for both of them, she continued. ‘We understand that you leave here in the morning.’ ‘It’s true, unfortunately,’ I said,...
The diary continued for quite some pages. I was looking forward to reading more later. But there was a schedule to keep. I grabbed my notepad and recorder and headed toward Zerzinski’s place. ‘The thing is,’ Zerzinski said matter-of-factly, ‘if I heard some of the things I have said to you when I was younger, I would have thought I was an asshole.’ ‘Even if you understood the context?’ I asked. He smiled. ‘I was a pretty ideological guy, before… I don’t know. I’d like to think with enough...
Here’s Chapter 3 (of 14, altogether). I really appreciate the feedback, whether by voting, commenting or by dropping me a line. Hope you like Chapter 3! ***** ‘I taught at the public high school in New Canaan,’ Zerzinski told me. ‘One of the few teachers at the school who could afford to live in the town. Thanks to inheritance – the only way any school teacher could possibly live in New Canaan. Unless they’re married to a banker.’ ‘Your parents left you their house?’ I asked. ‘Yeah, the...
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6 For the first time since I arrived in Yamaguchi, I took a long walk on the mountain. Without leaving the property of the Purification Temple, there’s a walking trail that does a figure 8, passing by various houses and plenty of trees. And some large gardens, with women busily working among the beds of dark soil and healthy-looking plants. At the crossing of the figure 8, there’s a small stone foot bridge that passes over a bubbling creek. Beneath the bridge I noticed there’s a bench...
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Ellie Templeton was feeling frustrated. It had been twelve weeks since Mark had left and finally the sadness was subsiding, but in its wake, a new emotion was taking hold. She was horny. The last week had been full of celebrity fantasies as she furiously rubbed her clit, in the shower, the car and her office, but the effects of these hurried orgasms did nothing to quell her ever increasing needs. In the last ten years, the longest Ellie had gone without a cock was 11 days. She'd had three...
Straight SexShane finished his final touches of getting ready in the hotel room. He made sure the gingerbread candle was lit. He lathered himself with cocoa butter and sprayed some perfume. The five-foot-eight-inch, one-hundred-forty-pound batty boi was so ready to see him. Driving his silver 2012 Nissan Armada out of the parking lot on his lunch break, Chris headed towards the motel where his paramour was spending the night. He was barely a half-inch taller than Shane and weighed close to the same...
Shane finished his final touches of getting ready in the hotel room. He made sure the gingerbread candle was lit. He lathered himself with cocoa butter and sprayed some perfume. The five-foot-eight-inch, one-hundred-forty-pound batty boi was so ready to see him.Driving his silver 2012 Nissan Armada out of the parking lot on his lunch break, Chris headed towards the motel where his paramour was spending the night. He was barely a half-inch taller than Shane and weighed close to the same although...
The family suddenly discovered the joys of incest one evening. Aunt Sulabha had been hoping for it after all her children had returned to live together in their large home just last week. She had been lonely for a long time and was tired of just watching her large collection of blue movies or reading up the pornographic books and then indulging in desperate auto-eroticism night after night. She now profusely thanked the angels of lust or specifically Kamdev as she clasped her younger son in her...
IncestBrad Newman arrives at his dad’s house. Needing to use the bathroom, he rushes in, but is shocked when his step-sister Laney Grey walks into the room, about to take a shower. Brad hasn’t seen Laney in awhile and looks her up and down, smiling as he bites his lip. She’s DEFINITELY grown up to be quite the hottie. When Brad tells her she looks sexy, Laney’s flattered, glancing down and noticing that Brad has a boner. She can’t take her eyes off his cock…and it...
xmoviesforyouMinidevilette© 2012 This is part three in Sienna’s encounter and it would probably be beneficial, although not entirely necessary, to get up to speed by reading the previous two chapters. My abject apologies to people who enjoyed Sienna Pt I & II and posted to let me know of their enthusiasm for more ~ I know it’s been awhile but I’m getting it together again & Pt IV is in the works. I hope this doesn’t disappoint. Survival or surrender? What the hell kind of choice is that? Sienna thought...
Hello mera naam raunit hai, mai delhi ka rehne wala hu , yahan akele ek flat me rehta hu jo k ekdum pvivate hai , jo bhi aunty ya female mujhse milne chahti ho bina kisi darr k mil sakti hai sab secret rahega , ab jyada bor na karte hue story pe aata hu. meri sex story abhi ek mahina pehle ki hai. main ek baar office ke kaam se raat ko das baje gareeb rath train se mumbai ja raha tha, thand ka mausam suru ho gaya tha. thodi der baad mere baajoo mein ek 26-27 saal ki aurat mere saamane vaalee...
It was another spectacular day for a sail on our boat. The wind was light, but that was fine as my wife and I had a couple of guests on board who didn't really have any sailing experience. The water was smooth with hardly a noticeable wave. I figured we could motor sail out a ways and then slowly sail around taking it easy. Onboard with us that day were two women friends of ours. Both were single; one divorced for a number of years now. While good friends, they were closer to each other than to...
ExhibitionismHere is a real american housewife. She is generous, she is hospitable and she is motherish. When her husband's friends told that the room is too hot, she told them to feel comfortable and not to hesitate to have a shower. They seemed shy in the beginning and kindly refused it but the housewife was still so generous and insisting. She button off their shirts by herself to get her shy guests feel comfortable. Well... It worked. The guests felt comfortable. Maybe too comfortable. Then they took...
Hi,friends this is Rahul,I am a great fan of ISS and used to read lots of stories from this site and that has inspired me to share my experience with you people and I’m going to narrate you and incident in my life that made me to lose my virginity to my aunt and then a wonderful sex pleasure with her daughter,it happened just few months ago.I am 21yrs old and I’m a smart looking guy with an average built,height 5’4” and whitish in color.I never had any sexual feelings for my aunt before seeing...
Once there were two teenagers, named Sue and Lou, And they did all the things that most teenagers do. They went out for parties, and went out on a date, And sometimes got in trouble if they stayed out too late. They were friends to be sure, but didn't go with one another, Sue's parents were friends with Lou's single mother. Sue's mother was Grace and her father was named Larry, While Lou's mother's name they all knew was Mary. They would get together and talk about each others kid,...
The rental market in Vancouver had always been very tight. Too few places for too many people. As a result, the prices were high because the demand was high. I had some money saved, but not enough to make a down payment on any kind of place that was within thirty miles of my job. It looked like staying at home and saving enough to get in on the bottom rung of the housing ladder was going to be my fate. Happily, I'd meet no resistance to that from my parents. I went to work after a good...
Part 7 in Ethan and Pam's sexual sagaEthan ran his fingers through his wet hair, pulled the equipment bag full of hockey gear over his shoulder, and headed for the locker room door. A twinge of pain shot up his leg from his knee. He paused a moment, wincing, and hoped none of the other guys noticed his limp."Hey Ethan, wait up," Darien shouted from behind.Ethan stopped at the door. Darien slammed his locker and rushed to catch up, carrying his own equipment bag."You need a ride home?" Darien...
y wife is a wonderful woman. She has a Masters Degree in c***d Psychology, an excellent job, does volunteer counseling and is flat out gorgeous to boot. If all of that's not enough, she's also an excellent mother to our two c***dren. Oh, I'm sure Jane and Bob sometimes thinks she's a bit strict about certain things. But she really has their best interest in mind.Take their television viewing, for instance. She doesn't want them spending too much time in front of tube and she generally monitors...
This a story based of my own experiences. Exaggerated a bit of course, but, why not ;D Hope you enjoy!Last night was a night I’ll never forget. Last night was the night I let my wife take over in bed. Just last week she discovered my stash of toys I had hidden from her for some time now. I had really taken a liking to ass play so I bought all sorts of different toys; from just plain old dongs and beads to huge plugs, I definitely had made a good collection. The thought of her husband being into...
Hey guys this is Rana first I read many stories on ISS now got courage to tell one mine please give your comments to motivate Thanks and lots of love let’s start I’m living in a Chawl in Mumbai aged 25 years till this incident use to b a virgin making life easy by my imagination And help of hand you know what I mean lots of thinking about aunts and hotties girl their pussy hole and sexy cleavage use to help me paint my walls but never had courage to propose any one for physical sex it was just...
IncestLaura planned to spend Saturday night and most of Sunday at Deshona's house in Burlingame, but on Saturday afternoon, before driving down, she ran into Brenda while shopping at Macy's. Both were browsing the perfume counters, and sparks almost flew when they discovered one another. Their eyes met and locked, and palpable electricity seemed to flow between them. After all, Laura thought, feeling her very skin tingle and glow with heat, they had done some pretty explosive fucking together....
The next morning, the girls had everything transferred between boats by eight. John and Marshal showed up about nine, with a third man who was an experienced captain that trained people to sail. The man John brought along drooled over the Magellan made sailboat, but really liked our sixty-five footer. He said the electronics array was superior to any he had ever seen. I told him to compliment John on his selection. Money was transferred and Sue made sure the training captain had our...
(Surprise! My neighbor’s girlfriend) By PhyllisRoger My initial fears and reservations about my new neighbor, Vanessa, had been answered months ago as she overcame her initial taboos about such things and willingly yielded to her seduction by my sexy dog, Toby. He was now servicing each of us from time to time as we got even better “acquainted.” It was a neighbor’s dream come true. Our private Le Club Taboo. One day Toby and I went over for one of our sexy visits with Vanessa,...
I remember when we were pretty young that we visited my cousins. The day after we got there we all got into the cars and went to the lake. They had a big public bathhouse where everyone went to change. We walked in following my uncle while holding a bag with our towels and swimsuits. As i walked past the showers, I was shocked to see guys walking around totally naked like it was no big thing, and then I saw 2 black guys in the showers. I stopped and stared. both of them had dicks bigger than I...
[Chapter One of "1973: The Summer of Cock," a novel in progress by Everett Marx.]My friend Hank and I cut school one spring afternoon and drove to the waterfall for diving and a few beers. We’d been diving awhile when a small motorboat eased close and two older guys—not *old* just older, college age, one with a full beard—asked us if we’d care for a ride.We said sure and rode around the lake sipping beer in the sunshine. The driver drove, keeping his back to us. The other one sat facing us on...
Halloween Pool Party Part 3 by Brenda I soon headed to town and told the apt manager that I was sorry but I would have to move out immediately. It was a family emergency and I would be leaving the area the next day. I asked if he knew anyone that would purchase my furniture, appliances and household stuff, and he asked to see it. It was all quality furniture and he said he would take it and offer the apt as furnished if I took out my clothes and stuff. He asked if $6k would cover...
121. SARAH AND THE SILVER MASTER 1This story promises to be a long saga, and it should be read in order. I should explain I do consultation work giving assistance with sexual mental problems of a serious nature mostly to women who have hang-ups about guilt. Some I find require actual chastisement, some just consultations. This case all began with this letter plopping onto my mat one morning (I have withheld her address for professional and security reasons) ...
It was about 9pm Saturday night and I had sneaked out of the house again while my sisters watched some film. Anyway I went out to get fucked off the chav crew but this time I was really adventurous with the outfit. I wore a tight pink boob tube, short as in you can see the bottom of my arse pink skirt and I wore fishnet tights, big stiletto red heels and no knickers. I had my big hoop chavette earrings in and had my nose stud in and my hair like Marias in corrie. I took a friend along this time...
A few days later, the winds increased in force. The wind's voice changed and rose to a high-pitched whining, irritating the ears of women and beasts alike. The movement of the tall grasses went from a gentle oscillation, to a violent whipping, much like confused ocean waves during a storm. Added to the high winds were faint smells, nothing identifiable but ... something. All the animals and birds that the women saw were moving in the same direction as their little wagon train. After...
So dear readers enter into my latest episode to arouse your selves and enjoy your partners. By nine in the morning, Malini and Abhi reached their destination. In their local bus journey, Kalpana was also with them along with her 9-year-old son. The hosts were happy to receive them. What Malini observed is there is a lot of change in the village. When she last came except one or two all the houses were of tiled roofs. Now, most of the houses were converted into RCC roofs. A few houses are also...
IncestTHE DEBAUCHERY OF A YOUNG HOUSEWIFE credit thanks to was newly married to Rajesh Sinha, a young businessman, who had his own auto-parts making factory in the outskirts of Delhi. They lived in a big bungalow with Rajesh's parents. They had just returned from their honeymoon. Asha a voluptuous women had been a virgin before marriage, although she had indulged in heavy petting with a few boys and her house servant. Luckily before she could...
Hi this is rajesh. Thank you for so many comments on my earlier story "Meeting pradeep at airport". This is also my gay story and again its a fact and no friction. To introduce myself i am 32 in age, 5feet 10inch tall, 85kg weight, 6inch medium tool, wheatish good looking guy. i am a bi-sexual and am a top. This is a incident which happen to me some time back, may be when i was 23 and was not married. I live in bangalore and due to some urgent work had to leave to chennai. I booked a ticket...
Gay Male“Okay, so maybe it’s me. I’m on TV, sometimes. I did a movie. Someone made a painting and thought of me. Or they saw an ad or something. This happens to Emma all the time.” Melody shook her head. “Except in her case they Photoshop her face onto pornography. That’s her actual face, not a portrait. This is one, and it’s fairly well done. The painter wasn’t very experienced, but certainly talented. I’d say he used a live model, not just one reference picture.” When Melody says these things,...
"What do you mean he didn't want you to see him leave?" Krissi asked late the next afternoon as they sat on the edge of the pool. ""He didn't want me to run into his parents," Devlin replied. "Apparently the locals have some sort of thing about someone you meet during Spring Break, and he wanted their first impression of me to be a favorable one." "But his sister's met you." Devlin nodded. "She's agreed to keep things quiet." She scooped some water over her legs, and then...
The ride to the sex shop was mostly uneventful but Stephanie could not help but notice she was beginning to become aroused.“Wow… what has gotten into me?” Stephanie said as she took several deep breaths. She felt her vaginal lips move as if forming a smile underneath her skirt.“Arriving at Molly’s Sex Shop on your right,” said the ominous voice of her GPS. She sighed as she pulled around to park in the back of the shop, hoping not to be seen.“Fuck yes, this is exciting don’t you think? ...
Fantasy & Sci-FiFrieda: "So we come back to my original question," Jack murmured. "What would you do to get off this rock?" THIS time, I was up for it! "Anything. Name it." "Are you a virgin?" "Technically -- in one hole," I answered, then went for shock value, "My stepdad and his brother left my pussy alone." Beth let out a gasp and I added, "Probably because I wasn't quite eleven when Mom filed for divorce, and she warned him that if he gave us trouble he would go away for...