Choto Temple Ch 13
- 4 years ago
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Here’s Chapter 3 (of 14, altogether). I really appreciate the feedback, whether by voting, commenting or by dropping me a line. Hope you like Chapter 3!
‘I taught at the public high school in New Canaan,’ Zerzinski told me. ‘One of the few teachers at the school who could afford to live in the town. Thanks to inheritance – the only way any school teacher could possibly live in New Canaan. Unless they’re married to a banker.’
‘Your parents left you their house?’ I asked.
‘Yeah, the house I grew up in from the age of three or so.’
‘They died young?’
‘More like they were unusually old when they had me, particularly by the standards of their generation. They both died in the same year, months before the diagnosis. Thank fuck they didn’t have to deal with any of the shitstorm.’
‘Which shitstorm? The Mother Jones article?’
That article, I recalled concretely this time, was the first serious hack job on Zerzinski in the press.
Zerzinski’s face lightened a bit, and a slight smile appeared on his lips.
‘Ah, so you’ve done a little research, anyway. Yeah, that and just the whole thing.’
‘So, you were living in New Canaan, teaching at New Canaan High School,’ I said, in an attempt at steering.
‘Yes, living in New Canaan, teaching, maintaining a blog. Or whatever they were calling them before the term ‘blog’ became popular. Taking frequent hikes in the woods…’
‘You were in a relationship during that time?’
‘Yes. It was certainly the most stable I’ve ever been. Living in one place, teaching at one place, in a relationship with the same woman for eight years straight.’
‘Were you guys monogamous? How would you describe that relationship?’
Zerzinski exhaled deeply before responding. He took a thoughtful sip of his cappuccino.
‘It was monogamy in practice, most of the time. But an ostensibly open relationship.’
He stopped talking for a good 30 seconds or so. He looked lost in thought.
‘Can you tell me more about your life at that time?’ I prodded.
Finally he responded.
‘Honestly, it’s hard to remember very clearly. It all seems so long ago. I’ve read – and my own life experience has confirmed this – that memory is state-specific. You remember best what happened when you were in a similar state of mind or a similar emotional state.
‘So when you fall in love, you tend to remember other times you fell in love. If someone dumps you, you remember other times that happened. If you’re tripping on LSD, you remember other times you did that.
‘Life for me,’ he continued, ‘was so different back then, compared to afterward. It was almost like being a different person. But I should probably try to remember all that more often. Seems like a good idea.’
‘Are there particular differences you’re thinking of?’ I asked.
‘Yeah, I was just remembering how Marta and I both felt when one or the other of us got involved with someone else. We both wanted to encourage the other, but we both experienced some degree of fear, and jealousy.’
‘Is that allowed in an open relationship?’ I asked, rhetorically.
That question seemed to snap Zerzinski back into teacher mode.
‘It’s a common fallacy that poly-oriented people aren’t supposed to experience jealousy. Of course anyone can experience jealousy. The question is more one of what you do with those emotions, whether you let them take over or not. Which depends on to what degree you experience those emotions, and how capable you are of being mindful of them without letting them run your life.
‘But yeah,’ he went on, sounding more tentative, and less like an instructor all of a sudden. ‘We got jealous sometimes.
‘For both of us, I’m sure that the basis of the jealousy was not so much about being worried about being upstaged sexually – we both knew that new relationships had a special sexual excitement about them that was its own thing, and comparisons were silly. The jealousy was more about fear of scarcity – fear of losing the relationship, and being lonely. Because generally we weren’t both in a second relationship at the same time, it just didn’t go that way. So one of us always could potentially worry about being alone.’
‘And it’s hard to remember that part of your life, and those feelings?’ I asked, for clarification, trying to keep loose strings tied.
‘Yeah, right. Because I barely remember what jealousy felt like. Or fear of scarcity. Or even, now, the desire to be in that kind of day-in, day-out relationship with one other person. Now it feels like it’s not just jealousy that’s rooted in fear of scarcity, but the basic desire to be in a relationship like that at all. I mean it may not be realistic for most people, but, the various pros and cons notwithstanding, I’ve certainly never been so happy as I am now.’
He looked at me to make sure I was following him before expanding on that point.
‘I have friends who I don’t have sex with. I have a lot of great sex with women I’ll never see again. And I have friends I have sex with regularly. But I don’t have anything resembling a traditional relationship, and I have no interest in that. Which really freaks some people out, but not everybody. Sometimes it makes me wonder, too, but usually I’m OK.’
‘In fact,’ I noted, ‘some people have said very mean things about you based on you expressing perspective like that.’
‘Yes. One of the many attractions of this place. And Japan in general.’
‘How’s that?’
‘Well, the Temple orients around me as someone with a special gift. And they’ve basically created a whole tradition oriented very practically around making use of that gift while keeping me happy. Which is all very symbiotic that way. That’s one thing. But Japan, generally, is a very ‘live and let live’ kind of culture.
‘For example,’ Zerzinski explained, ‘I very much consider myself a feminist. I strongly believe in gender equality. I hope that doesn’t come as a surprise to you. But a lot of feminists in the US just couldn’t cope with the fact of my existence.
‘Same with the Christian fundamentalists, though I really don’t give a shit what they think about anything. But it got to where I wasn’t just concerned for my security in terms of potential kidnapping, etc., but I also never knew if some random young woman or old man on the streets of Portland was going to start yelling at me for no particular reason.
‘In Japan that just doesn’t happen, anywhere. People respect your space, your privacy, even when you’re in public. When I got here, I could truly relax for the first time in years.’
‘Were you in a relationship,’ I asked, ‘when you got the diagnosis?’
Another effort at steering the conversation so we don’t jump ahead.
‘Thankfully, no,’ said Zerzinski. ‘Not in a daily live-in kind of relationship at that time. I was somehow permitted not to have to go through whatever would have been involved with that, which would seem unlikely to have ended well.’
‘What happened with you and, was her name Marta?’ I asked.
‘Yes, Marta. I think with every other relationship I’ve ever been in, even though most of them were ostensibly polyamorous, the relationships ended soon after one or the other of us met someone we basically wanted to be in some kind of primary relationship with. Or we met someone who couldn’t deal with being secondary, and someone had to choose, more like. More a pretense of polyamory than anything else. I think most supposedly monogamous relationships end the same way, except the in-between part is called ‘cheating.’
‘With Marta,’ he continued, ‘it was different. After eight years it was really more of a fizzling out kind of thing. In retrospect I think although we always got along great, and it was the least dramatic relationship I’ve ever been in, we were too similar, and we both started
getting bored with each other. Both white Americans from the suburbs, very close in age.
‘The two cliches I subscribe to most are probably ‘familiarity breeds contempt’ and ‘variety is the spice of life.’ We didn’t have enough variety, and we had too much familiarity. Though we never achieved anything close to contempt, thankfully. Just a bit of boredom.’
Zerzinski looked out the window at the lush vegetation outside.
‘At the end we were experimenting a lot with introducing more fantasies into our sex life, role play and such, which helped a lot, but it wasn’t enough.
‘Then from one day to the next, basically, life became one big, strange fantasy. Except the fantasy was bigger and stranger than anything I might have come up with in my most ridiculous daydreams.’
As if the term ‘ridiculous daydreams’ required emphasis, the sliding door from which Zerzinski had first appeared opened, revealing Mariko once again.
Her hair was no longer up in a bun. It was flowing around her shoulders, reminding me of Medusa, or some other such mythology, and I had to swallow a little liquid that suddenly was pooling just inside my lips. Which thankfully did not manage to start coming out in the form of drool. Though I’m sure I was staring.
Mariko’s enchanting gorgeousness was only part of the daydream I was witnessing. When she opened the door, you could see just behind her that she had prepared a massage table. With one hand on the table, she said something in Japanese.
‘I have to prepare for tonight now,’ Zerzinski said. He said something to Mariko and slid the door closed again, looking at me.
‘Dan,’ he said to me in a meaningful sort of tone. ‘I don’t know you, so I hope you’ll forgive my bluntness. Despite whatever your impressions may or may not be, respect for everybody’s boundaries and autonomy around here is really, really important.
‘You just make yourself at home while you’re staying there in your guest house. But anything that happens here is all by consent, no exceptions. I assume you’re a good guy, but just FYI, there is zero tolerance for pickup artist shit around here.’
I knew exactly the sorts he was talking about. I did a story for the magazine about those abhorrent men, though I could tell Zerzinski was unaware of that fact. I liked the guy even more now. He was full of surprises. Either that or I had a pretty thoroughly wrong impression about him.
‘Got it,’ I said. ‘Thank you.’
‘Your meals will be delivered to you at the guest house, Dan,’ Zerzinski said as he stood up. ‘Looking forward to talking more with you tomorrow afternoon.’
He opened one sliding door to join Mariko, and I opened another, leading to the front steps, which I descended unaccompanied.
I was glad especially this first day to have the evening to myself. The jet lag was just starting to catch up with me. I took my shoes off at the entrance, walked inside as far as the bed, and lay down.
Later, I was awoken by a knock, and the sound of my name, sort of, being spoken by a very high-pitched female voice.
‘Danu-san! May I come in? Supper time!’
The voice sounded young. She had said enough to indicate that this woman may actually speak more than a few words of English, whoever she was. As I stumbled toward the door in my woozy state I somehow had time to think all of that, and to notice that I had been fast asleep for two hours.
I felt groggy and vulnerable at that moment. I had just only recently landed in the country. Then made it to the other side of the country. Unfamiliar surroundings were not unusual for me, but sometimes it’s all a bit unbalancing. Upon opening the door it was only with great difficulty that I remained upright and managed to act sort of normal.
She looked to be somewhere in her twenties. Petite, with blonde hair in pig tails. Which would have been completely convincing if she weren’t Japanese. Unlike the other women I had so far encountered on the mountain, she was wearing a lot of makeup, but so elegantly done.
The base made her look like a Scandinavian with Japanese features – light skin but with impossibly dark, painted freckles, on top of an unmistakably, beautifully Asian face with such delicate features. She was wearing a bright yellow dress, and webbed leggings underneath.
I never saw the movie, but on my first visit to Tokyo, years ago, I was taken to Yayogi Park, where dozens of young women dressed very much like this woman can be seen hanging out every Saturday, posing for photographs from passersby. I was face to face with an impeccable Japanese Lolita.
‘Please, come in,’ I stuttered.
She smiled a smile that almost made me fall over, and I tried harder to get ahold of myself. I’m not like this normally. I don’t consider myself a swinger, but very few people in my line of work have anything resembling a normal family life. I have had my fair share of lovers, and, well, I probably still do. But all that worldliness did not leave me with the capacity to cope with this, and for fuck’s sake, all she was apparently trying to do was to bring me dinner.
Which initially is what she did. She was holding a tray, which she put down on the table in the dining room area of my little guest house. On top of the tray was a plate of food, with a cover on it. She lifted the cover, to reveal a plate of rice with Japanese-style curry on it, which looked and smelled delicious.
‘Thank you,’ I managed to say.
If Lolita noted my intense feelings of awkwardness, or the growing bulge in my jeans, she didn’t let on. I was suddenly glad I put on some of my tighter pairs of underwear that morning, rather than the boxers I’ve been wearing occasionally, which would have done nothing helpful in terms of hiding my erection.
‘Would you like some company while you eat?’ Lolita asked, tilting her head slightly.
‘That would be lovely,’ I found myself saying, dreamily.
I was barely awake, still, but my mind was racing, as I was trying to grab ahold of anything Lolita and I might have in common to talk about. I noticed some of her consonants were more or less missing, like the ‘p’ in ‘company’ and the ‘t’ in ‘eat.’ I suck at learning other languages, but I love guessing accents. And it sounded very much like she had learned English from an Englishman.
‘It sounds like you learned English from someone from England. Am I right?’
Finally I managed to say something, more than a couple words. She smiled, which was very gratifying.
‘I lived in London for a year.’
‘What were you doing there?’ I asked.
‘Studying fashion design.’
Somehow not a shocking response, but one which left me fairly unable to continue a line of questioning, since I know very little about fashion design. But I know London well, so I thought I’d steer the conversation that way if I could.
‘Did you like London?’ I inquired, lamely.
‘Great city. But too many Japanese people. It was hard to learn English. Because everywhere I went, more Japanese.’
Cities like London or New York can be like that, no matter what your national origin.
Before I could continue my line of questioning, she said, ‘My name is Rie. It’s a pleasure to meet you.’
Why was it a pleasure to meet me? I thought. It’s just an expression, I reminded myself, feeling about thirteen.
‘My name’s Dan. Good to meet you, too.’
A pleasure, actually, but I didn’t want to use too many adjectives, for fear of sounding the way I felt.
I was sitting at the table in front of my curry, but I hadn’t started eating it. Hard to eat and talk at the same time, especially with Lolita, or Rie, sitting across from me. Perhaps sensing my awkwardness, Rie took a rice ball from a bag she was carrying, and started unwrapping it.
‘Please, eat while it’s hot,’ she said. ‘It’s better that way.’
She smiled, gingerly taking a bite o
f her seaweed-wrapped ball of rice, which did in fact make me feel better about taking a bite of the curry myself. I was so glad she had brought me something relatively easy to eat, and I didn’t have to make a fool of myself by trying to eat something like some kind of noodle soup. Which invariably results in drops of broth spattered on the table and on my clothing.
As we sat together and talked, the conversation gradually became easier. I imagined us to be very different from each other, and I didn’t feel like I was developing a deep understanding of who Rie was or what motivated her in life, but we had common references to explore – different parts of London, a few bands that we both liked.
Finally I felt familiar enough with her to venture to ask her something about the place where we both found ourselves that evening.
‘Do you mind telling me a little about how you ended up here, Rie?’ I asked.
She suddenly looked shy, but seemed to be forcing herself to hold her chin up and maintain eye contact.
‘I wanted to join the Choto Temple,’ she explained.
‘And now you’re a member of it?’ I asked.
‘Do you mind telling me what made you want to join the temple?’ I continued my questioning.
‘Well,’ she said, pausing again, looking like perhaps she was deciding how much of such personal information she wanted to divulge. ‘I’m not from Fukushima, so I’m not eligible to join the Purification Temple.
‘But actually I wouldn’t want to, anyway. I like Choto Temple better. To serve others is good. What Robu-san is doing for people is important. There is something bigger. I want to be part.’
‘Is that the general orientation of the members of the temple, would you say?’ I asked. ‘Serving the greater good?’
‘Hm. So. Maybe that depends on which temple. Choto Temple, perhaps. Purification is a little different. I am probably more selfish than most.’
With those words, her expression suddenly became an exaggerated shade of mischievous. She stood up from the table, and I instinctively did the same, almost knocking my chair backward, suddenly feeling like a clumsy westerner.
‘Danu-san, I know you have things to do. I will go now. Unless’ – she paused, and everything suddenly seemed to be happening in slow motion – ‘there is’ – she paused again, and I thought it was good that I had a rib cage, because otherwise my heart would be jumping out of there, in Rie’s direction – ‘anything’ – the word hung in the air like fairy dust. And as she said the word, she tilted her head a bit and pursed her lips just a little, causing her cheeks to wrinkle slightly, adorably – ‘else I can do for you?’
Although my mind had been very actively imagining the things I wanted to do with this real-life Lolita fantasy who had been sitting before me for the past hour or so, the invitation almost knocked me off my feet again.
The confidence with which she asked that question was so complete. There was no look of shame or embarrassment, no sense that she was nervously anticipating my response, no fear of rejection. Just a quietly confident beauty. I wondered what she’d say or do if someone said something like, oh sorry, I’m married. Did people even do that? I had no idea.
But I also had no idea why she had asked this question.
There was no doubt about the sexual content of it, as far as I could tell. Though I wondered repeatedly within the space of several seconds if I might be misreading that somehow.
And then I wondered again why. Was she really so into me after talking to me for an hour? Or was she under instructions to take care of me this way? If so, was that prostitution?
I had never been to a prostitute and didn’t want to start now. Nor did I want to ask her any of these questions. Nor did I care what the answers might have been, really.
After what seemed like a very long time, but was probably less than ten seconds, I managed to utter the words, ‘please, yes,’ as I walked away from Rie, towards the one comfortable, plush sort of chair in the room, a slightly stiffer version of the chairs in Zerzinski’s living room.
I had no idea what she would do with these two words, but this was apparently all she needed to hear. She walked towards me, and then sat down on my lap.
Interesting things started happening from the moment I left Zerzinski’s house, to walk down the trail to my place. The first thing was only notable in retrospect. Another beautiful Japanese woman was walking toward Zerzinski’s place as I was leaving, as usual. She appeared to be a member of the Choto Temple. At least, most of the women who were older than teenagers seemed to be Choto members. And this one looked to be in her late twenties perhaps. Her face was lacking the usual...
Here’s Chapter 2 (of 14, altogether). I really appreciate the feedback, whether by voting or by dropping me a line. Hope you like Chapter 2! ***** ‘I love Japan, and so many things about Japanese culture, but the lack of furniture drives me nuts,’ Zerzinski said, as he sat down on the couch. ‘Why don’t they all get back problems from sitting on the floor all the time?’ he continued. ‘I don’t know how that works.’ He had a warmth about him that I hadn’t expected. I had never met him til...
Mariko and Rie both walked in, carrying trays of dinner. ‘I hope we’re not intruding?’ Rie asked. ‘Not at all,’ I said, momentarily having trouble summoning the words. Mariko said something quietly to Rie in Japanese. Rie listened and then translated. ‘Mariko says she’s sorry she never had a chance to give you that lesson with the espresso machine.’ Then, speaking for both of them, she continued. ‘We understand that you leave here in the morning.’ ‘It’s true, unfortunately,’ I said,...
The diary continued for quite some pages. I was looking forward to reading more later. But there was a schedule to keep. I grabbed my notepad and recorder and headed toward Zerzinski’s place. ‘The thing is,’ Zerzinski said matter-of-factly, ‘if I heard some of the things I have said to you when I was younger, I would have thought I was an asshole.’ ‘Even if you understood the context?’ I asked. He smiled. ‘I was a pretty ideological guy, before… I don’t know. I’d like to think with enough...
I had been told that generally on our daily weekday interviews, Zerzinski would be free to talk to me from 9 til 11 each morning, and 2 to 4 each afternoon. A nice amount of time, and a nice way to break it up, I thought. As I also wondered about the particular activities he was engaged with during all those other hours. The generalities were things many people were familiar with. The particulars, far less so. Not only had Zerzinski not given any interviews in a decade, but no member of the...
6 For the first time since I arrived in Yamaguchi, I took a long walk on the mountain. Without leaving the property of the Purification Temple, there’s a walking trail that does a figure 8, passing by various houses and plenty of trees. And some large gardens, with women busily working among the beds of dark soil and healthy-looking plants. At the crossing of the figure 8, there’s a small stone foot bridge that passes over a bubbling creek. Beneath the bridge I noticed there’s a bench...
A woman in a kimono with a painted white face stepped out of Zerzinski’s place just as I arrived. She smiled briefly in greeting, and opened a parasol above her head, before descending the stairs. Zerzinski seemed happy. I don’t know why that even seemed notable, but he smiled without any provocation as I entered the house. Soon enough we were sitting across from each other once again, cappuccinos in hand. ‘I’d like to ask you about your move to Yamaguchi. And life since then.’ ‘Well,...
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Ellie Templeton was feeling frustrated. It had been twelve weeks since Mark had left and finally the sadness was subsiding, but in its wake, a new emotion was taking hold. She was horny. The last week had been full of celebrity fantasies as she furiously rubbed her clit, in the shower, the car and her office, but the effects of these hurried orgasms did nothing to quell her ever increasing needs. In the last ten years, the longest Ellie had gone without a cock was 11 days. She'd had three...
Straight SexShane finished his final touches of getting ready in the hotel room. He made sure the gingerbread candle was lit. He lathered himself with cocoa butter and sprayed some perfume. The five-foot-eight-inch, one-hundred-forty-pound batty boi was so ready to see him. Driving his silver 2012 Nissan Armada out of the parking lot on his lunch break, Chris headed towards the motel where his paramour was spending the night. He was barely a half-inch taller than Shane and weighed close to the same...
Shane finished his final touches of getting ready in the hotel room. He made sure the gingerbread candle was lit. He lathered himself with cocoa butter and sprayed some perfume. The five-foot-eight-inch, one-hundred-forty-pound batty boi was so ready to see him.Driving his silver 2012 Nissan Armada out of the parking lot on his lunch break, Chris headed towards the motel where his paramour was spending the night. He was barely a half-inch taller than Shane and weighed close to the same although...
Slipping into Shadow Part Two By: Lyrissa "So this is Darkloch, huh? It's not very cheerful," Juna said with a frown as she studied the town while the trio rode in through the main gate. Darkloch certainly seemed to deserve its name at first glance. The town had a slightly gloomy atmosphere, surrounded as it was by dark cliffs overlooking a lake which didn't look any more inviting. Even the forest stretching away from the town seemed gnarled and foreboding, and Juna was content...
"Aeris, Oh Aeris can you here me" A soft womanly voice called out to me pulling me out of my tired slumber only to find not my regular and familiar worn down bedroom but instead a sea of clouds and sky's adored with shades of soft yellow and pink awaited my now wide awake eyes. "Where am I, what happened, who are you" My frantic panicking was quickly calmed by a soft and gentle "Shhhhhhh". A warm feeling spread throughout my body, my once racing mind was now in a state of peace. "Good boy, now...
MatureThe head eunuch entered my quarters, bowed, and excused himself for arriving unannounced. “Princess Jasmin, your father requests your presence at dinner tonight.”“Does he?”“He requests that you make yourself the most beautiful you can and also requests that you borrow some jewelry from your mother. As there are guests, you will be veiled and maintain a decorous attitude.”“What’s the occasion?”“I have been commanded not to tell you, Princess.”oOoI summoned my personal attendant, Nour and told...
HistoricalIt was seemingly because of that friendship that Sue rang up Parker within the hour of him announcing his new line of work, insisting she be his very first client. It was abrupt, and she didn't seem to want to take anything but an emphatic 'yes' as his answer. She explained she had the clothes in mind for the shoot, he just needed to give her the direction when she explained it to him--but not over the phone. Parker was ecstatic, word had reached far enough to catch Sue's ear about how he...
I kept going past the kitchen to turn off the TV, caught sight of movement on the couch and stopped. I saw my girlfriend's eighteen-year-old daughter Maria, laying on her back, eyes closed, and her blonde friend Anna was on top of her, had pushed up Maria's top and was sucking Maria's firm, perky, B-cup tits. Maria was whispering quietly and making little "mmmm" sounds as Anna worked her mouth over those hard, perky nipples. Both girls were into it and I stayed rooted at the edge of the...
Sheriff Warner spooled up the department's search and rescue helicopter as soon as he saw the white, four-wheel drive pull up to the helipad. The man getting out of the truck didn't look like Jamal, but he didn't care. They were all the same, maniacal, blood-thirsty robots. The airport was busy for a Monday morning. A corporate jet screamed down the runway in front of the idling helicopter. The airport had expanded when the rehab center opened, and it wasn't surprising to see private...
This is my first posting here on XNXX. I hope you like it. Drop me a note if you do. I'm looking to make new friends on here. Also, I XNXX. It's the best damn porn site out there! Thanks XNXX! Enjoy..... Sister Submissive By CincyNate My name is Jake. I'm 22 years old and have thick, dark brown hair and a muscular build. One night, I went out with my good friend Tom, who is also 22. He has short blond hair and seems to always be tan. We went to the strip bars and closed...
Driving my little convertible I couldn't help but smile, feeling calmer already with the wind in my hair, knowing I wouldn't have to work for 2 whole days! After the massage I would probably sit around at home, maybe take a bath, maybe take a dip in the pool, or sip some wine while reading a book. Oh, who was I fooling -- I'd probably end up pleasuring myself in my bedroom! Massages always made me so horny! The big, strong hands all over my body, stimulating every inch of me. I loved...
Hii all iss readers, mai XXX (name changed) from Nasik (any married women from Nasik can contact me on feminine(dot)lover 86 at gmail dot com), ye story mai narrate kar raha hu joh 100% real hai. Is mai koi kalpanik kadiya nahi hai. Ye story jinki hai woh meri hai jab mai 6th std mai tha tab unki shadi mere bhaiya se yani mere neighbor se hui thi, jo ki ek bungalow ke malik hai aur peshe se businessman hai, ab meri sapno ke rani ke bareme batata hu wo goro chitti hai dudh ka color hai unka. Woh...
Lesbian‘Fiye says the roof over the girl’s tower needs fixing.’ ‘That’s why she heads the roof crew.’ ‘No, sire, not maintenance. She says it looks like the frame’s rotting out beneath the tiles. Most of the tar’s gone too so it’ll start leaking if nothing’s done soon.’ ‘Mm, tar is a problem. I doubt there’s much left in the cellar. She’ll have to wait until next week when we can get some up in River Run. There’s already a request in but they’ve been taking their time.’ ‘Then let’s just hope...
As a baby brother to 3 sisters I felt alone during the winter months, I was always being picked on and shouted at "what you want,your a boy you dont play with dolls,why you looking at my tits they aint for your eyes, get out of my room" the list goes on. As I grew up I realised things like, women have pussy's and men get hard ons and if you wank it feels good and if you walk in on your sister rubbing her pussy you have a barganing tool that you use when your in a corner.Well the summer months...
Let me start out by saying this is my first story. So please don't be too harsh.I'll give you some background information first in saying that my grandfather was a bit of a playboy even as a old man. He had quite a few women in his life and even more children. My mother was his third child in a line of many. My aunt in question was his sixth, had a different mother and was born three years before I was born. Okay now that the history lesson is behind us I can get to the story.I never really had...
Incest"Good morning, Accorda," the colonel said as she presented herself to him immediately after breakfast, as instructed. She was standing ramrod straight at attention. "At ease." He turned to his wife, who was finishing up negotiating her own breakfast as well as feeding Meier. "Are you ready, my love?" he asked. She nodded, taking a final sip of coffee. "I think we will want a little privacy and seclusion, our quarters?" She nodded again, rose to unselfconsciously take her husband's...
Interlude: 25th Anniversary Cindy: Much has been made of the interviews that day. Given the number of reporters hanging out in various places, there was bound to be some variety, even disagreement. Some of them ended in embarrassment for the writer. Frank Costello, a long time local columnist, became nationally famous. Rutgers had him address the journalism school. He is not the only one who did well by the story. Mom is quietly eloquent. It embarrasses her to talk about it, but even...
She nodded yes "But I cannot take the really big cocks yet, so that is why I am in training.""When were you castrated?""Immediately after the wedding." she said. "I've never been allowed to fuck my wife. When I proposed to her, she had a black cock in her cunt. She was already black only. On our wedding night, on our honeymoon, she had a gang bang with several black men. I was castrated the next day to ensure I would never even be temped to fuck her."I was astonished, and said "Wow!" At least I...
Hello readers , aaj mai aapko aise story batane jaa rha hun jisko par ke bahut maza aaega . Mai story hindi me hi likunga jisse parne me maza aaye .Ye koi story nhi hai ,ek sachi ghatna hai . Ye kahani tab ki hai jab mai school me tha class 10 me .Hamare school english medium tha aur parai bhi thik thak hoti thi waha .Mujhe tab se hi bhabhiyo me zyada interest tha ,kai baar maine apne ghar me aaye auratho ke dek ke hilaya karta tha .Mera class 10 tab hi start hua thaa aur hamre school ke...
My name is James and my friend's name was Corey. It started when Corey's dad left to go with his girl friend for the night, so that left us alone in a huge beach house all night. The first thing we did was watch some TV then ate a snack. Corey said he was going to go get a shower. i said " aight then i gotta go up stairs to get my phone charger" so i followed him up the stairs. We were sharing a room together and our bags were right next to each other's. as i was going threw...
Savannah came from a not so traditional broken home but it was broken nonetheless. Her father, Tony, has and continues to struggle with substance abuse and is an insane narcissist whose only motivation is to make himself look the martyr. Savannah has always been the rebel of the three kids while Nadia seems intent on obeying her father's every wish. Savannah on the other hand marches to the beat of her own drum. Don't get me wrong, she is a wonderful young woman and aside from her...
Naughty Hope Harper is sleeping in when her stepdad Marcus London tries to get her out of bed for school. Hope throws a giant temper tantrum when Marcus insists that she’s going to get dressed, and Marcus finally gets his point across by spanking Hope’s ass. Eventually Hope figures out how to turn the tables on her stepdad when she realizes how attracted to her he really is. Going in for a blowjob, Hope pushes Marcus’s pants down so that she can suck him off properly. While...
xmoviesforyouDixie didn't hesitate; without thinking about it she picked up the shotgun and blazed away at the three men. She hit Raff first because he had the rifle in his hand. Then she quickly shot Sam and Ted before they could stop their headlong rush and get a gun up. In a space of a few seconds there were three men on the ground. Dixie stood and examined the three. Raff had been hit in the stomach, Sam and Ted weren't in any better shape. All three were dead. She looked at the men for a few...
It was still easy to take off from home without being seen by the guards or the cameras. I wondered what I’d have to do when we were in California. Maybe dig a tunnel out somewhere. It’s not like they didn’t have earthquakes all the time, so my drilling wouldn’t be out of place. I was visualizing the map in my mind, since I hadn’t actually flown over the area and how long the tunnel would have to be when I realized I was almost to Italy. Time flies when you’re distracted. I’d have to watch...
Erin left his house that afternoon excited for the first time in months. He had been out of work since the last restaurant he worked at went under and was excited to finally make some money again. He looked at the address his friend texted him and hurried down the street. It was a place he had never heard of before but it didn't really matter to him, he just needed money and needed it fast. His credit cards were maxed out and if he didn't make rent by the end of the weekend, he knew his...
Gay MaleLeighann answered the door, and smiled as she let Whitney into her home. Leighann had invited Whitney over for a free facial using Mary Kay products, not that Whitney needed help. She was a beautiful, young, fit 5’ 8’’ tall brunette with a gorgeous smile. Leighann was 5’ 10”, slim, a little older with strong sexy legs and a firm ass. Leighann wanted help improving her delivery on selling her beauty products, and she also had liked Whitney from the first time she met her; there was always an...
Candice was a wife, mother, homemaker, and busy. It seemed that so many things took up her time. Just getting everyone up and dressed, and fed, then off to their daily activities was a feat worthy of an Olympic medal.Her husband could pick out his clothes, but getting him up and fed was up to her. Her daughter was always wanting a little more sleep, then asking where this or that article of clothing was. Her son was getting older and picked out his wardrobe.Breakfast was not all that easy. It...
IncestYou’re holding hands with your wife as the three of us enter the hotel room. Once inside, you give me your wife’s hand, she is the most prized thing in your life. I understand the significance of the hand off, and I thank you with honest and deep sincerity. You watch as I lead your lovely spouse towards the bed. She is a wife, a mother, a working woman...she is empowered...but she is also a deeply sensual and sexual female, and you are the only man she has known intimately. However, that’s...
Introduction: Johns lifelong quest to find the girl of his dreams takes some very unexpected twists and turns along the way. * * * * * Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the authors imagination or are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual events or locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. The author holds exclusive rights to this work. Authors...
“No, what I says,” Eli said, “is despite me patois, I grasp details and weave together different info to filter undiscovered truths.” “Excuse me, but who are all these people?” Everyone turned, not having heard the door open, to discover a heavyset woman with curly reddish hair. She wore glasses, a polka-dot dress and had a series of whimsical tattoos. “Hey, hun! I gots ‘tum people for you ‘ta meet.” “I’m pleased to meet ya’ll, but let me set these bags down first.” Betty and Delilah...
In this chapter and any future chapters all transsexuals, transvestites, and shemales/lady-boys are referred to as she and her. So the Carmine name opened doors and instead of waiting for an opening I had an appointment with Dr Avram Fine that morning at 10 AM. I arrived 15 minutes early to scout out his practice and I found myself on Cameron Street the home of pretty much nothing but medical offices. They covered everything from cardiologists to sports injury specialists and on to gastro...