Choto Temple Ch 13
- 4 years ago
- 40
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The content of the message: call me.
There was Cy on the other end of the Skype line. Her hair was in even more disarray than last time, and a towel was hanging around her neck.
‘You’re lucky I picked up,’ she said. ‘I’ve just been at the beach.’
‘Of course. What else is an Australian to do?’
‘Dan-o,’ she said, ‘you owe me big time, and I don’t mean sexual favors.’
‘What did you find? I’m very intrigued!’
‘You sure as fuck should be! Exactly nothing like this has ever come out of the Choto Temple. And it’s fairly bizarre that this just did.’
‘How did you come across it?’
‘A friend with Fukuleaks.’
‘The folks who are trying to expose corruption within the Japanese nuclear industry?’
‘Yes, those are the ones,’ she confirmed impatiently. ‘One way or another, they swept up a lot of data from various computers, including on your mountain there. My friend tells me this file looks like it’s never left the hard drive of the laptop it was typed on.
‘He said they were actually just going to get rid of it, since it’s not related to exposing corrupt politicians. He said they ‘had no interest in exposing anyone for participating in unusual sexual practices.’
‘But he knew I’d be interested. They had bothered to translate it already, and he figured it couldn’t hurt to share it with me.
‘It’s written anonymously. And there’s no hard proof that it’s real. But he’s sure it came off of a laptop from your mountain. For whatever that’s worth. Definitely makes for interesting reading anyway.’
‘I was already going to give you research credit for this piece. But now your name will be in caps.’
‘Yeah, right. You’re welcome.’
It was a very revealing document indeed. Well worth quoting at length.
Diary of a Choto Girl
Day 1
I’m riding on the Shinkansen from Tokyo to Yamaguchi. I thought I’d keep a diary about the experience that I’m about to have. Though I suppose it started when I sent in my application, almost a year ago.
I was intrigued when I first heard about the Purification Temple. It seemed so very Japanese.
You want something. But rather than fighting over it, you just make yourself so attractive that what you want comes to you.
It also fit so well with our notions of exchanging gifts. Receiving longevity and giving joy seemed like a fine exchange.
And then the rumors spread of the smaller, Choto Temple, and I was really intrigued.
I have known for a long time that I was different. I have recently learned there are words for this difference, too. English words, as they so often are.
I find great emotional contentment from service. Especially service which involves abdicating – giving control to someone else.
The specifics are unclear to me now, sitting on this train. But the general idea is clear. The founders of the Choto Temple wished to go beyond the framework of the Purification Temple.
For Choto, offering the purity of youthful beauty for the Donor to inoculate was not going far enough. They sought to create the ideal. That is, to understand this one man and the peculiarities of his earthly desires. And crystallize those desires in human form.
The idea of being an ascetic has always attracted me. But I don’t believe in any gods. So becoming a nun of some kind always seemed a bit disingenuous.
But to serve this Temple of a different sort, the idea fills me with fascination. So here I am. Unknowing but ready.
Well, not entirely unknowing. I know there will be an unusual combination of service to a cause, and sex with one man. I can’t imagine there will be very much sex, though – given the ratio, with one man and scores of women. Unless we women are to have sex with each other. Who knows.
Day 2
It’s beautiful here in the mountains of Yamaguchi.
I had only read about this prefecture. It’s the home of the samurai who led the revolution against the old regime at the end of the Edo era. The home of modern Japan, but a very traditional-feeling place today, compared to Tokyo.
It was also so interesting to meet the other members of the Choto Temple.
The founders are a bit different, and older. But all of those of us in the Temple, the members, are similar in many ways.
There was an immediate feeling for me of doing something important, and strange, among other people who seemed to really appreciate both the importance and the strangeness.
Day 3
There were interesting orientation events today, involving members of both Temples, where we discussed a wide variety of subjects.
Cancer rates, nuclear power. Concepts of service, and concepts of sexuality. And different kinds of sexual orientations.
It was interesting to note that for the Choto members, even the very new ones, everything was so familiar, and agreeable.
For the Purification members, particularly the sexual stuff was new to them. They are very young, and often very traditional. Although they have voluntarily signed up for this unusual procedure. And generally at least, they don’t seem to feel ashamed of themselves. As far as I can tell.
Day 4
Today was the last day of orientation before the ascetic practice begins, only for Choto members. Which I have learned involves getting piercings and a sort of implant. The instructor explained that no one has to go through with this or stay in the Temple a minute longer than they wish to. But no one left.
The topic today was about specific sexual practices within the BDSM spectrum.
I was once again impressed at how familiar all the Choto girls seemed to be with this subject. It turns out that all of the ones I’ve talked to, like me, were already consciously involved with kink.
I had assumed all of us had met some number of qualifications in order to be here. But it was today that I got a better idea of how many.
I asked several girls who I’ve been getting to know how they responded to the questions in the application to join the Choto Temple. We were asked for photographs of ourselves, our ages, and more general things like that. But also many more interesting questions.
Have you heard of BDSM? Do you identify as a submissive? Do you enjoy giving control to others?
Do you masturbate regularly? Do you have clitoral orgasms regularly? Do you ever have vaginal orgasms?
Have you ever been attracted to the idea of joining a convent? Do you like living in community?
Do you believe in the mission of the Choto Temple? How do you feel about the concepts of self-sacrifice and self-denial?
There was essentially no variation in how any of the girls answered these questions. The Temple only seemed to take those who answered them all the same way. Our age range seemed to be from late teens to early thirties. And universally very attractive girls.
Day 5
Other ascetic practices involve fasting or giving up sex.
Choto girls abdicate their orgasms. And for all practical purposes, we give up the ability to have them.
Among other things, I have gathered, none of us are among the one-third of women who are capable of having vaginal orgasms. And none of us have access to our own clitorises.
The Donor is the only one with access (until one leaves the Temple).
The founders emphasized, though, that this was an access given to him by the Temple, not requested directly by him. The Temple may have created itself in his image, but it was not created by him.
Other girls had already explained what was going to happen today. They explained with what looked like a combination of excitement and horror. A familiar combination for me, too, I thought. A welcome one.
I was taken to a building that had the antiseptic quality of a small medical clinic.
There were two women
with smocks, masks and gloves, who warmly greeted me and had me sit down on a table. Once I had removed the necessary clothing, they shaved my pubic hair, put some ointment in that area – to the left and to the right of my clitoris – to dull the pain.
And they made two piercings. Through the piercings they put two metal rings.
Once they cleaned up the area, they introduced me to the Device. A small sort of metal lid with a rubbery coating, containing a tiny battery.
They placed it over my clit. There was the whir of a small electronic mechanism, as the Device attached itself to the two rings.
Water can get in, just barely, and air. But for all practical purposes at this point I have no access to my own clitoris.
Now I think I understand that combination of excitement and horror, in this context.
Day 6
There are two ways the Device can be removed, they say. The Donor can remove it with the push of a button, or a code, or something. The other way is for the rings to be cut with wire cutters.
This is the first day in my 29 years that I have ever not had access to a part of my body, and it’s very strange.
I keep thinking of what it might be like for a very small baby, who is unable to get its hands inside its diaper, because the diaper’s elastic is too strong. I’ve seen that happen, and wondered how those babies felt, who wanted to put their hands down there but couldn’t.
Normally, I often go several days without touching my own clit, and think nothing of it. But now that I can’t, touching it is almost all I think about.
Day 7
Mostly the Device just prevents access to this spot. But it also can vibrate. We can’t make them vibrate ourselves.
There are scheduled activities each day that girls participate in. We have shifts in the garden, cooking in the kitchen for the community, cleaning, and so on. One of the times the Device vibrates is when it’s time for one of those activities. There is a different pulse, depending on the activity.
There are also the activities that aren’t on a set schedule. Which generally involve visiting the Donor.
If there are three longer vibrations in a row, it means it’s time for a visit. Depending on the time of day, the mission probably involves talking or other social activities, or a massage session. Or one of a variety of sexual activities.
The Donor made a brief appearance on the fourth day of the orientation. But I haven’t really met him yet.
I feel fear, but mostly excitement.
Day 8
I had been told of the possibility of a long, sustained buzz from the Device. Which, I was told, doesn’t signify the need to do anything, other than to have this random experience.
Today it kept happening to me and, I noticed, at the same time to everyone else. A total of 14 times.
I don’t know how different other girls are from me in terms of this experience. But for me, each time it did that, it didn’t go long enough to get me to the edge of coming. But it did get me excited each time. And each time, a little more excited than the last time.
The last buzz happened at 9:30 pm – a half hour before many girls are going to bed.
I don’t know how well they slept, but I slept fitfully. I kept squeezing my legs together, which causes a very slight sensation in my clit, even with the Device on. Which just made things worse in terms of the arousal, and fitful sleep.
It was only through focusing very hard on breathing exercises and other forms of meditation that I was able to eventually sleep for a few hours.
Day 9
Today some of the girls seemed a bit subdued. Most didn’t. But it wasn’t that they were normal. They were acting a bit extra demure. As if to show how much they enjoyed the previous day of being so tantalized. There was a subtle kind of competition going on among this group of submissives. Who could submit more.
Day 10
There was something about the intensity of the three buzzes in a row, and the length of time between the buzzes, that was especially arousing.
It happened this morning at 9 am. And by the end of the third buzz, my clit was completely awoken, and felt very hard and bloated. If it had kept going for six such buzzes, I probably would have had an orgasm.
Given the time of the buzzes, I knew I was meant to meet the Donor, for a nonsexual purpose.
It was strange to go meet this man, about whom I had heard so much. After being at the Temple for over a week, and wearing this ever-present Device, I was ready to do whatever he wanted. Well, I was ready before then, too.
But we only talked. He was warm. He seemed warm in front of the group before. But somehow, on an individual basis, I didn’t know if he would be.
His Japanese was excellent. He was very interested in Japanese politics, too, and more knowledgeable about them than me. Though I think I faked it OK.
He told me I could ask him anything, if I had any questions about him, or anything else I wanted to talk about. Which was very nice, but I was too surprised to think of anything to ask.
When it was time for me to go, he said he looked forward to our next encounter. And he kissed me on the cheek.
Day 11
Today was another day of no buzzing. Other than the very short pulses reminding me about meals and work duties.
The almost complete lack of stimulation was perhaps as distracting as the day of the fourteen long buzzes. My clit ached. I breathed, and tried not to think of it too much. But in truth, it really dominated my mind.
Day 12
Today was the hardest day yet. The buzzing began just before breakfast. At first it was a long, sustained buzz every twenty minutes. I looked at other girls once when it was going on, and it didn’t seem to be happening to them. Just me, I guess…?
The interval between buzzes kept decreasing throughout the day. And into the evening. After 12 hours, when it stopped, it was buzzing once every five minutes.
It was completely distracting.
A combination of arousal and frustration unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. By evening I had to focus hard not to tear at the Device and rip it off of me, just to have a chance to touch my throbbing clitoris. Which felt like a more important part of my body than it had ever felt like before.
Day 13
It was another fitful night of sleep.
I dreamed of a large, mean, hard insect that had attached itself to my clit, and I couldn’t get it off of me. When I awoke, my hand was between my legs.
At 10 am, there were three long, sustained buzzes. Which was three times as long as anything the previous day.
And getting past that first buzz brought me into a different realm of arousal, that I realized I had been longing for the day before. Not very close to the edge or to any kind of orgasmic release. But further. Closer.
Given the time (between the hours of 10 and 11 am) I knew exactly what was expected of me.
I walked in as another girl was leaving. Robu-san (as he asked me to call him) gestured for me to come into the living room with him.
I knew he wasn’t going to say anything, or to tell me to do anything.
We had been told. He was not interested in commanding anyone. Maybe he used to be, but no longer. He was the honored guest of the Temple, and I am a Choto girl.
But it was strange. It felt so bold of me to just start doing things without being asked. It helped that he sat down in such a way that he knew what to expect. And he certainly showed no look of surprise as I did what he knew I would do.
I took off my dress, my bra, my panties, and sat down on the couch.
That part wasn’t so hard, although Robu-san sat in his seat, fully clothed. The hard part was spreading my legs while sitting naked on the couch. But I knew that was what I was supposed to do. So I did.
I sat there, naked. Legs spread apart, looking at Robu-san. I wanted to look away, but knew that I couldn’t.
I believe he was enjoying my inner conflict. In any case, he sat there and looked at me for perhaps a full minute. Which seemed like a very long time. I knew that my job now was to wait.
Robu-san touched a smart phone or some such thing several times. And the Device that had been attached like a barnacle to my clit for more than a week now suddenly became unhinged from the metal rings, and fell gently to the couch between my legs.
Robu-san reached over between my legs and took the Device. I felt flustered throughout my body as he reached his hands so close to that spot, but I didn’t move.
When he sat back down again, I looked at the clock. With the Device removed, I knew that what I was to do now was to touch myself as much as I could in the space of ten minutes. Without coming, of course.
Normally, I could easily do such a thing. Usually I don’t come all that quickly, even if I’m trying to. This time, the feeling of touching my clit for the first time after so much sensory deprivation, alternating with stimulation, it was almost too much. Each time I pushed into my very swollen clit with my finger, it sent shock waves down my legs and up my spine.
I thought of the time I broke my arm as a kid, and had it in a cast for weeks, unable to move it at the elbow, unable to touch it. This was only very distantly related to that experience. Clits, it turns out, are not arms.
It was only two-and-a-half minutes before the waves of an impending orgasm were pushing against my clit, from somewhere just behind it. I gasped, and stopped touching.
I felt like I was doing something wrong to stop, even though I knew that’s what I was supposed to do. Robu-san looked pleased, though, and smiled reassuringly. He had a sort of sympathetic look on his face.
‘So close?’
These were his first words since I had entered his house today.
‘Yes,’ I replied.
We had been told that if he asked any questions, the best reply was an honest one.
‘Does your clit hurt?’ he asked.
‘Yes. But it’s supposed to.’
‘Do you want to come?’ he asked.
‘I think I do. But Choto girls don’t do that.’
After that brief conversation, that brief respite from the shock waves the direct contact of my finger was causing, I thought I could touch myself a bit more without going over the edge, and I did. It was only a minute later that I had to stop again.
‘I’m sorry,’ I said.
‘Nothing to be sorry about,’ he said. ‘You’re very good.’
Being told by him that I was good sent more shock waves through my body. Even without any physical stimulation.
I returned to touching myself again. Each time, I had to stop sooner than the last. At the end I was panting like a dog. Then I started laughing because I was panting. And Robu-san thought it was funny, too.
When ten minutes was up, I was sitting on the couch, legs wide apart, hands on my inner thighs, unable to touch my clit for more than a few seconds without coming. My clit was throbbing rhythmically. Presumably along with my heart, which was racing.
Robu-san was watching it intently as it bobbed up and down with my pulse, hard, swollen. The very image, I thought, of desperation.
Here’s Chapter 2 (of 14, altogether). I really appreciate the feedback, whether by voting or by dropping me a line. Hope you like Chapter 2! ***** ‘I love Japan, and so many things about Japanese culture, but the lack of furniture drives me nuts,’ Zerzinski said, as he sat down on the couch. ‘Why don’t they all get back problems from sitting on the floor all the time?’ he continued. ‘I don’t know how that works.’ He had a warmth about him that I hadn’t expected. I had never met him til...
Mariko and Rie both walked in, carrying trays of dinner. ‘I hope we’re not intruding?’ Rie asked. ‘Not at all,’ I said, momentarily having trouble summoning the words. Mariko said something quietly to Rie in Japanese. Rie listened and then translated. ‘Mariko says she’s sorry she never had a chance to give you that lesson with the espresso machine.’ Then, speaking for both of them, she continued. ‘We understand that you leave here in the morning.’ ‘It’s true, unfortunately,’ I said,...
The diary continued for quite some pages. I was looking forward to reading more later. But there was a schedule to keep. I grabbed my notepad and recorder and headed toward Zerzinski’s place. ‘The thing is,’ Zerzinski said matter-of-factly, ‘if I heard some of the things I have said to you when I was younger, I would have thought I was an asshole.’ ‘Even if you understood the context?’ I asked. He smiled. ‘I was a pretty ideological guy, before… I don’t know. I’d like to think with enough...
Here’s Chapter 3 (of 14, altogether). I really appreciate the feedback, whether by voting, commenting or by dropping me a line. Hope you like Chapter 3! ***** ‘I taught at the public high school in New Canaan,’ Zerzinski told me. ‘One of the few teachers at the school who could afford to live in the town. Thanks to inheritance – the only way any school teacher could possibly live in New Canaan. Unless they’re married to a banker.’ ‘Your parents left you their house?’ I asked. ‘Yeah, the...
I had been told that generally on our daily weekday interviews, Zerzinski would be free to talk to me from 9 til 11 each morning, and 2 to 4 each afternoon. A nice amount of time, and a nice way to break it up, I thought. As I also wondered about the particular activities he was engaged with during all those other hours. The generalities were things many people were familiar with. The particulars, far less so. Not only had Zerzinski not given any interviews in a decade, but no member of the...
6 For the first time since I arrived in Yamaguchi, I took a long walk on the mountain. Without leaving the property of the Purification Temple, there’s a walking trail that does a figure 8, passing by various houses and plenty of trees. And some large gardens, with women busily working among the beds of dark soil and healthy-looking plants. At the crossing of the figure 8, there’s a small stone foot bridge that passes over a bubbling creek. Beneath the bridge I noticed there’s a bench...
A woman in a kimono with a painted white face stepped out of Zerzinski’s place just as I arrived. She smiled briefly in greeting, and opened a parasol above her head, before descending the stairs. Zerzinski seemed happy. I don’t know why that even seemed notable, but he smiled without any provocation as I entered the house. Soon enough we were sitting across from each other once again, cappuccinos in hand. ‘I’d like to ask you about your move to Yamaguchi. And life since then.’ ‘Well,...
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Shane finished his final touches of getting ready in the hotel room. He made sure the gingerbread candle was lit. He lathered himself with cocoa butter and sprayed some perfume. The five-foot-eight-inch, one-hundred-forty-pound batty boi was so ready to see him.Driving his silver 2012 Nissan Armada out of the parking lot on his lunch break, Chris headed towards the motel where his paramour was spending the night. He was barely a half-inch taller than Shane and weighed close to the same although...
This happened over a year ago and it led to the breakup of my marriage, so there's a caveat there, but looking back on it, the rush of shame I felt when I got caught red fucking handed may have been one of the hottest things I've ever experienced.I was married and established in a good neighborhood with a good job, my stepson was going off to college in few weeks, and unbeknownst to him I had been fucking around with men for going on 2 years. I loved slamming my dick deep inside man cunt and I...
Introduction: Happily married Leslie and her husband Cal decide to go on a second honeymoon. Part of their many happy years together is from a healthy and lively sex life. Role playing is a favorite scenario in their adventures. One thing theyve always wanted to try is for L. Kay to receive anerotic massage while Cal looks on. Cal and Leslie Kay Smythe are truly a happily married couple. Both work, Cal in financial and L. Kay in education. Their two young children take up the rest of their...
Wife’s Birthday Weekend Well it all started months before my wife’s birthday when the discussion came up as to what she wanted for her birthday. She told me that all she wanted was to get away with me for an intimate sex filled weekend somewhere since I had been working out of town so much. She wanted some place that we could just stay in and stay naked for the entire weekend and just enjoy each other and relax. I looked at my current schedule and picked the only weekend I had available and...
Bryan and Cathy Part 1 By underwhereI had been friends with Cathy Smith for only a few months. We were both 19. Our friendship had blossomed quite rapidly, though. We had both come to the same college after graduating from high school. It turns out that we didn't even live that far apart from each other, but because we didn't go to the same elementary or high schools, neither of us knew each other back then.Cathy had shared a lot with me about her past. Although her father had occasionally...
Rain drummed against the black windows, one of those brief but violent tropical rains which--while they last--seem to be the gloomy prelude to some biblical flood. The heavy drops had been pounding relentlessly for quite some time now when Alice woke up, bathed in sweat, an expression of anguish on her lovely face. She sat up in the huge bed and even before reaching with her hand in the darkness for the familiar presence of her husband, she knew that Richard was not there. He had been away...
When Stephanie returned with our food and the check, I handed her cash and told her, "Keep the change. You're a great waitress!"As we stood, Christina smoothed out her dress before saying, "We're in the red extra-cab Silverado parked out front. Please hurry!"We made our way outside. Once Christina hopped into the truck, she pulled off her dress. When I got into the driver's seat, she lowered my pants and started to ride me. We kissed hungrily as my hands wandered her magnificent body....
ThreesomesAn old friend of mine from high school, Denise who lived in another state and I had connected through FaceBook. She was going through some very difficult times. We chatted on FaceBook quite a bit. She was 58 and I am 52. We both have had quite a bad time regarding our families and that was one of the things that we had in a common and related to one another with. Her mother had already passed away. Recently, her father had had a stroke and was partially paralyzed causing him to be bed ridden....
Straight Sex(The weekend of exploration begins)The day had finally arrived, Jeannie and I were starting our weekend trip. Jeannie's mother, Kathy, and I had been friends with benefits for a few years and I was surprised and honored when Jeannie asked me to be her first experience with another woman. I pulled up the driveway, Jeannie was coming out of the front door before I even got the car stopped. "Aunt Misty! You brought the convertible! I love this car," were her first words. She had first ridden in...
Hi everybody. I am around 52 years of age, my wife around 45 and son around 26. Only three of us stay together, with no one else. I am going to relate the story which might shock one and all, since it involves sharing my wife with my son. My son usually likes to spend time with friends during nights and comes home quite late at around 12 midnight. Even though I am middle aged, I still enjoy sex, at least twice in a week. One week end, when my son was already out with friends, at around 10 PM, a...
IncestWhat's it look like we did Bethany K asked sarcasticly! Are you upset I got a peace of your man? No mom but your married to his father that's cheating. Oh come on Beth it can be are little secret right Dallas! Yes K, right Bethany Okay fine. What is smell mom oh shit I bet the dinner is burnt better go check I told her. So she got up and ran to the kitchen, Dallas what are where you think Beth said as she walked over to me. Look I know it's kinda wrong but two sexy women wanting me in this...
Hello friends! First of all I thank everyone who read my story ‘Goa Mein Michelle Ki Chudai’ and also spending your valuable time for mailing me to give feedback. I really appreciate it. Mere jaise kafi doctors ke mails dekh kar khushi hui. Please continue reading. To bina time waste kiye story ke dusre part ki aur chalte hai. Dusre din subah jab main Michelle ko bye karke nikal raha tha to usne kaha, “There’s a surprise for you here tonight at 9. You’re gonna remember it your whole life babe.”...
Kate sits looking out the window as it poured with rain, hitting the ground hard and heavy, she just wanted to be in it. Kate loved the rain, it was tough, unpredictable and wet, all her favourite things in a woman. You see Kate was married, to a man of many talentd. Strong, handsome, great cook and very capable with his hands, not to mention the size of his cock, but Kate couldn't help herself, she loved pussy aswell. She would sit and think about the things she would do to one if she could,...
I stood next to the car and drank my coffee while waiting for Mrs. Tucker. She appeared, dressed in a short summer skirt and tight top that accented her breasts. Not wanting to be berated by her sharp tongue, I lowered my eyes. Anyway, Tuck was with her. "What do you think of my young wife this morning, Victor?" Tuck asked from the backseat. "I picked out her outfit and made her wear it for you." I froze, not knowing if an answer to his question was required. Sneaking a look at them in...
The bad chapter of my storybook life begins on New Year's Eve, at a party hosted by the company where my husband worked. We'd left the twins, Kyle and Jenny, with their Aunt Julie and we were looking forward to a good time. Not only was it the new year and time to celebrate, but now that our kids were out of diapers, Robert and I had decided to have another baby. I'd even started taking fertility pills because we wanted another set of twins, if possible, although that isn't a great reason...
Die Frau meines Freundes war 18 Jahre alt, sie waren erst seit etwa 8 Monaten verheiratet. Natürlich hatte er sie schon ungefähr 6 Monate lang gefickt, bevor sie heirateten. Jedenfalls blitzte eine oder andere Brust auf, hübsche kleine Titten mit ziemlich großen Nippeln. Niemals gleichzeitig. Sie saß oder tanzte auf eine Art und Weise, dass du einen schönen Blick auf ihren engen Bikini bekamst, durch ihr transparentes hauchdünnes Höschen, Du würdest sogar durch ihr Höschen einen Hauch von ihrem...
HE’S IN LOVE… Part 1 A blade of grass swayed as a cool breeze cut through the meadow. The swaying of the old oak trees sounded like they were speaking. The summer had been so hot, so unbearable, it was nice to see fall approaching. They lay there on a blanket in the grass taking in the sunlight and fall smells. Every so often when she wasn’t paying attention, John would glimpse over at her and smile. The sun on Sara’s golden hair reminded him of diamonds. She lay on her back with her eyes...
Would you believe that we met at a church? Ironic. I still remember seeing her, eyes closed, on her knees, her wavy, blonde hair cascading down her back. I admit, my mind immediately began daydreaming of what else she might do in that position. Little did I know just how right I was. I’m just lucky I had happened to attend that week with my friend. He was able to introduce me to Lauren. I probably made a fool of myself that day, struck by her deep, blue eyes into a dumb silence, but I...
Two years later they hit a financial snag. Lynne mentioned it in the same casual way she might have said that there were two weeks left before apples would blossom. We knew each other pretty well by then. In many ways I knew both Lynne and Jill better, and was closer to them than I had been to Vicky, and it bothered me sometimes. I had loved Vicky, and what I felt for both Lynne and Jill was very different than what I'd felt for Vicky, but the closeness we DID have was something I hadn't...
You stare with disgust at your drunkard of a boyfriend. It took only two minutes for him to get you alone in the upstairs bedroom, and less time for him to pass out completely. Now you stand there, wearing your best red blouse and black miniskirt, horny as hell, all thanks to him. You think back to the night before and recall that you had not even wanted to come to this party. It was being thrown for one of his friends. A graduation party. A party with few people you know. Stacy was here,...
Casey Calvert leads her second cousin, Seth Gamble, who is carrying a laptop, to a table in her living room and thanks him again for showing up to help her. Running her own business from home has been amazing, but she’s a LITTLE behind with the paperwork. Seth states that he’s happy to help since that’s what family’s for. He comments that he’s confident he can help her sort through everything and get organized. It’s what he does for a living, after all....
xmoviesforyouI'm not gay, and I'm not bi either but I would call myself curious. I’m curious about guys, and more specifically, their dicks. As a 15 year old guy, I worry about the size of my manhood. In truth, I have a rather average 6 and a half inch circumcised cock but at the time of this story, I didn’t know if I should be ashamed or proud. I had seen a few dicks before in the changing rooms, but never seen one properly, or one I actually want to see... My bestfreind is called Joe. He is the...
In some ways, this war on the Diablos was an easy one to fight in that there were so many victims that we did not expect to have a problem gaining the information we needed. The first day was not as productive as we had hoped, but we got a break that evening. Four of the Diablos in their ridiculous outfits confronted us on a busy street. Jenny and I later realized that they wanted a big audience when they made us back down in order to enhance their image as being the ones in charge. The...
The usual caveats apply. This is a copywrited work of transgendered fiction and may not be reproduced anywhere without the express consent of the author. LITE is closer to my original plan; the first attempt, still not finished, having morphed into a monster approaching novelette status. The characters took over and changed the plot completely. If enough people [hell, anyone at all] appreciate this effort, I will submit the longer version with some of the glossed over elements...
From the speed of reaction of the person living in the apartment, you could see that it was a appointment. The fact that a person was behind the door earlier looking through the peephole only makes this even clearer. The person who answered the door was a short man. He looked only 5’5’’ feet tall, but was physically strong, with a muscular body. Seeing who answered the door, the man in suit gave a dismissive smile that did not escape the sight of Lucas. ‘What’s going on here? Something seems...
I Have dressed in some form ever since I tried on a pair of my sister's panties early in life. It was just lingerie for many years and my greatest fear was that I would slip up and someone would see me. This began to change around age 45 as I began wanting to dress fully female and even allow myself to be seen by others. By the time I reached 50, I had made my debut in an adult theater as Jennifer. This happened several years ago, I'm thinking it was the summer of 2006, maybe 5 or 6 months...
This is a story about the things you admire, but consider unobtainable. Sometimes, those things just fade away and you remember them only in fantasies and dreams. Sometimes, though, fortune smiles and a beautiful thing falls right into your lap and your dream comes true. Life is about opportunities, and I try never to miss one. This one changed my life.There are plenty of down sides to having your c***dren associate with older k**s… not the least of which is the worry about what they’re getting...
Fuck Farm Training - Chapter OneIt was now over 12 months since I had been first abducted while walking home from work late one night. A large dark van had pulled up to the curb and two of the men in the van had grabbed me, shoved me inside the van then took me to a dungeon of sorts and for the next 12 or 14 hours these four men used me in the most depraved and disgusting ways imaginable. Their goal I was informed was to turn me into their very own personal human toilet, a shit pig was what...
I woke up the next morning with a slight hangover for sure, drenched in sweat from the mass of bodies pressed together, their slick flesh against my own skin. I was in a desperate need to piss, so I had to slightly nudge the body resting on top of me, that of my ex-girlfriend Sherry, which regrettably disturbed her slumber. Well, I thought that it was unfortunate right then, as I went to use the restroom and take a shower. That was when I heard the shower curtain open and someone step inside,...