Beyond Area 51 free porn video

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Beyond Area 51 I looked again at the satellite photos, not quite believing what I saw. "You're certain of this?" I asked "Believe it Jay! If you know what to look for you can see where they feathered a copy-paste over the top." Replied Icestorm excitedly "when you de-interlace the last overlay, this is what you get, a green valley right up there in the Area 51 firing range." "Mr. Stewart, That region is as arid as hell, the only way it can be green is if someone is artificially watering it. Here's what I think. Forget Groome Lake, Forget Area 51...they've been known for years, just shells...this is the real secret, a goddam alien colony" said Bonny backing up her nerdy brother. I sighed, knowing what would come Next. They were going to try cajoling me into going with them. I was the only experienced climber that they knew, If I turned them down the two 17 year olds were entirely likely to try it alone. "Before you start pleading...yes I'll guide you, but we do this properly. It will take a week to organize this." I replied. "And once we're out there, you do as I say at all times, clear?" "Sure." "Yes" A week later I found myself glaring at three eager teens instead of two, Ice couldn't keep his mouth shut and now we had Bonny's boyfriend Sheldon along for the ride. "Don't think for a moment, that I like this." I growled "an extra mouth cuts our time on mountain by 25%." The journey into the mountains was relatively uneventful, the firing ranges cover hundreds of square miles, with army patrols concentrated around the Area 51 airbase at the other end of the military reserve, there was no way for them to be monitoring everything. "Here." announced Bonny waving the GPS "That cliff face is the edge of the zone. With a climber's eye I examined the almost vertical face. At first sight an amateur might think it to be impassable, in fact it was fairly good ground, difficult, but not impossible. "Ok guys, get your harnesses on this is as good a place as any." I said "Up there?" gulped Icestorm "This is what you wanted", I reminded. I'd always figured that a guy that used his internet tag for a name was likely to be the weakest link. Icestorm sighed and began rechecking his harness. To my surprise he turned out to have an instinctive grasp of climbing, as did his sister. Fortunately Sheldon helpfully provided certificates proving that he had some mountain climbing experience. I led the way, hammering in crampons and laying a safety rope for the others to follow, stopping at a convenient rocky ledge about halfway up to allow the others to take water and recover their breath before continuing. "Shit!..literally!" complained Sheldon examining a brown deposit he had put his hand in as he pulled himself over the lip of the ledge. Sheldon, who defied convention by being veterinary major as well a jock, knelt and inspected the droppings he had put his hand in. "Fucking goat shit!" he pronounced "We're half way up a sodding vertical face Sheldon, how's a Goat going to get here, rappel down from above?" replied Bonny sarcastically "Definitely goat" replied the Jock unperturbed. "forget the goat shit and haul the rope up fast. We got company" warned Icestorm. Below, an army HumVee had parked next to our 4x4, a soldier was tying a towrope to the fender. "Looks like we're walking out." whispered Bonny "What worries me is that they're not in any hurry to find us." I replied "Yeah, almost like they aren't expecting us to return." said Icestorm ominously "Without the 4x4 it will take us at least three days to walk back out, that already puts us at the limit of our water supply." I warned making a swift mental calculation. "We will have to turn back pretty soon. We can't go down yet, not with the MPs sniffing around. So we might as well continue to the top. We have enough water for a day's worth of exploring before we need to head back." The others nodded in agreement and began preparing for the next ascent. An hour later I pulled myself over the lip of the precipice, the last few feet had been tricky, with a nasty overhang. Icestorm had been right, I realized. The plateau I could see before me was covered in a carpet of healthy green grass, a hundred yards further back another cliff blocked my view, through a draw, I could see trees and bushes, if anything it was even more verdant than the plateau I was on. "Awesome!" gasped Icestorm as he poked his head over the top of the cliff. "I was right! A fucking jungle! Now all we have to do is find the Aliens!" "wrong" I replied "first we set up a base camp and.." "and fuck our girlfriends" interrupted Sheldon leering at Bonny. "You're not coming near me until you wash that goat shit off your hands. You stink of it", snapped Bonny "I don't smell a thing" replied Sheldon, sniffing his hands and then wiping a smear on his jeans. "Men!" scorned Bonny "I am afraid we can't waste water on washing, it may look habitable up here, but we still have to walk back out across killer terrain, that water will be vital." I said moving to unpack the tents. *** Next morning I awoke to the sounds of an argument. Bonny had spent a good portion of her night annoyed with Sheldon and his unsuccessful attempts to grope her. Sharing a tent with him had been a lot less fun than usual, Ice and I learned as Bonny loudly listed her boyfriend's faults. The argument spilled out into the open air, Bonny storming out of their tent with Sheldon, still tangled in his sleeping bag following. It was dawn, in the pale light I could see Sheldon's exposed torso glistening with perspiration, particularly around pecs. Then I noticed his forehead was marred by two angry red blotches. "Shit! Sheldon are you alright?" gasped Icestorm "muhh flmnf na" mumbled Sheldon staggering out of his sleeping bag. Looking closer I could see another red blotch on the tip of his ear and the roots of his hair seemed to have changed to a pale peroxide-like blonde. "Hey guys! Look at his legs" yelled Bonny as Sheldon finally got rid of the sleeping bag. Below his boxer shorts a livid red rash covering most of Sheldon's lower body. Quickly assessing the situation, I began pulling them away. "stand clear" I ordered "The only odd thing he's come into contact with was that goat shit. If he's picked something up off of that, then it's incredibly contagious." "I'm no doctor, but I'd say he's not going to be any condition to climb back down" Said Bonny as Sheldon's unsteady legs gave out. "None of us are going back down" said Icestorm holding the severed end of the climbing rope. "There were hoof marks all around it, I guess the damn goats must have chewed through it." I headed over to where the rope had been tied and pretended to examine the scene while I considered what to do next. The others were inexperienced and getting panicky. I would have to find something to keep them busy while I figured out what was going on, ...and safe ways back down. "Ok listen up. Here's what we do...Bonny stay with Sheldon, keep him comfortable, avoid touching him if you can. Ice and I will head along the plateau a ways, looking for an easy way down or a source of water, we'll keep going for two hours and then turn back to check on you." The others nodded, eager to be doing something. *** After four hours without finding an easy way back down, Icestorm and I re-entered the camp. I was alarmed; it was far too quiet. The grass was churned up by hoof prints and the tents were partially collapsed, the jacket Bonny had been wearing when we left was discarded next to the dead campfire. "Bonny?" yelled her brother "Sheldon?" Something rustled in the bushes at the edge of the draw. I quickly grabbed a tent pole and indicated for Icestorm to do the same, also miming for him not to yell again. The rustling noise was moving away from us through the dense undergrowth, we followed cautiously, quickly coming across a sort of track, its edges defined by snapped branches, the soft leaf litter muddied by hoof prints and overlaid by solid mountain boot prints. The steep sided gorge soon widened to the extent that the valley walls were lost behind trees and thick undergrowth. After 5 minutes, trying to follow the tracks, Icestorm touched my arm and indicated to listen by putting a hand to his ear. Just ahead I could hear the distinctive sound of a man pissing. Silently I mimed walking closer and a leaping grabbing motion. We moved in. Just ahead, behind a bush I could see the back of the man...the teenager... Facing away from us and concentrating on relieving himself. He looked about 16 years old, about 5' 9" tall, with medium length white-blond hair trimmed at ear level with two long thin braids twined with flowers dangling between his shoulder blades. He appeared reasonably well muscled with an even tan that indicated he rarely wore a shirt. I may not be a quarterback, but what American grows up without knowing how to tackle. I crashed through the last few feet of undergrowth hitting the boy in the middle of the back, sending us both to the ground. Behind me I heard something metallic clatter to the ground. The kid was stronger and faster than I had expected, despite my larger body mass and height advantage, he was wrestling free and flipping me so that he was on top. Icestorm's aluminum tent pole whistled into view bending itself around the base of the boy's head, his eyes rolled up and he collapsed across my chest. "Jeez Ice, I hope you didn't kill him!" I said rolling the unconscious body off. It was only then that I saw, truly saw him, in the brief fight I had been too focused to pick up on details. He wasn't human. Two small horns projected through his blonde fringe, his pierced ear swept up to a point and from the waist down his naked body was covered in a short, course fur, his legs thick, thighs tapering down to cloven hooves. He wore no clothes and the size of his furry member was embarrassingly impressive. "A fucking Alien, a Fucking alien" said the dazed Icestorm, the tent pole drooping in his hand. "Maybe, maybe not" I replied hauling myself up. "If I were an ancient Greek I'd be calling him a Satyr." "look.. on his thigh" replied Icestorm I looked. The Satyr appeared to have had a No.1 shaver applied forming patterns trimmed in his thigh fur...three upward pointing chevrons. "you don't suppose those are meant to be sergeant's stripes?" asked Ice "Fuck knows." I replied My foot touched something hard and I turned to find the source of the metallic clatter I had heard during my tussle with the alien.... A long sword, made of black iron, the alien had obviously unbuckled it before answering nature's call. I half unsheathed the blade inspecting it. It's length was covered in intricate etched patterns. "I've seen one like that before on the net" said Icestorm "It's a Scots Officer's pattern claymore circa 1880. If its real, it'd be worth approximately $900 on ebay" The satyr groaned and began to move feebly. "Ice, you still got the stub end of the climbing rope?" I asked "sure, here you go" he said throwing me the 3ft length of severed climbing rope. Rolling the Satyr over onto his stomach I tied his feet together in such a way that he could walk but not run. As I did so I observed the cut from the blow to the head healing over at incredible speed. "Aahz, yallah ip haas!" said the Satyr in what sounded like a complaint about unjust treatment. "Where's my sister?" demanded Icestorm waving the tent pole angrily "whaap cas annen ip nanforis Paan" replied the Satyr with a smile and a helpless shrug. "I said" replied Icestorm, using the slow and loud method of speaking English we tend to use when they have assumed the foreigner is stupid and/or deaf. The Satyr seemed to be looking around for something and then pointed to an object in the grass. "Nanforis Paan!" he said pointing and gesturing to bring the object to him. I picked up the object and turned it over in my hand, it was a set of pan pipes, hollowed saplings, tied together with a thread of braided grass. Seeing no harm in it, I threw the primitive musical instrument at the Satyr teen, his hand plucked it from the air with practiced ease. Putting the pipes to his lip he began to play, it was like no tune I had ever heard, in fact, I realised it was not a tune at all. Meanwhile Icestorm's anger was getting the better of him. "Answer me goddamit!" "Easy Ice, he is answering, listen carefully to the pipes" I said "Somehow he is making the notes sound like English words" "nooooh seeee yuuuur SssSuur" played the Satyr in my mind I made out (not see your sister) "OK, lets start this again. I am Jay, this is Icestorm, what is your name." "Saah" replied the Satyr not bothering with the pipes and placing a hand on his naked chest. "Saah, our camp has been raided and our friends are missing. Who would take them and why?" Saah licked his lips and began to play again, this time it was easier to pick the words from the notes. (Go by choice, stay by choice, only Shaman takes without choice) "And you know where this Shaman hangs out?" demanded Icestorm Saah nodded "Can you take us there... Undetected" I asked Saah shrugged and gave a lopsided grin before putting the pipes to his lips. (Maybe, maybe not) "Why you?" started Icestorm, before I put a restraining hand on his shoulder. "He's got no reason to cooperate Ice, we've hit him over the head with a tent pole and tied him up, I think he's trying to cut a deal" I turned to Saah "Am I right Saah, you have a price for finding our friends" (Price, yes, willingly given) "How much? A $100?" demanded Icestorm. I rolled my eyes "Does he look like he uses dollars?" ( One Regorii each) "We don't have any Regorii, but we will be in your debt, if you do this. You have our word, when we have the ability to pay, we will" I said Saah looked thoughtful for a moment and then a wide grin spread across his face. (Make you able to pay, then payment when I demand, so be it ) fluted the pipes. Thinking somehow that I had missed something important I unsheathed the blade and cut the rope binding his cloven feet with a single swift stroke. For some time we followed Saah along the trail until we reached an edge to the forest. Ahead the terrain returned to grassland and jagged rock outcrops before returning to dense forest further on. (we must go swiftly, the Sentinels watch) tuned Saah. On top of each outcrop stood a Satyr almost identical to Saah, each armed with one of the black claymores. Saah twitched his bushy tail and scratched it, waiting until the two nearest sentinels were looking away before giving the signal to dash across the open ground. The three of us plunged through the forest until we came to a small clearing. Saah danced around, clearly overjoyed to have gotten past the enigmatic Sentinels. First hugging and kissing Icestorm and then kissing me full on the lips. For an instant I let it happen, feeling those hot soft lips, bullet like nipples and hard animal penis pressed against me. For a brief instant I wanted what he offered and then sanity returned and I pulled back. Sensing my rejection Saah calmed down and removed his arms from around my neck. (Saah is sorry; he gets excited getting past Sentinels was big task) The trek through the forest resumed, we had started looking for our lost friends at about noon, it was now nearly 18:00 and the light was fading rapidly. "Exactly how much further is the Shaman's home?" I asked (We will be in sight of it tomorrow. But first we must shelter, bad things roam the night) replied Saah on his pipes. (But I know a safe place) A short way further on Saah swept back some vines to reveal a small cave, it was clear he or someone had stayed here before as he retrieved broken branches and tinder for a fire. "If we are to be here overnight, I think it would be a good time to find out a little more about you, your people and this region" I said to the Satyr. The Satyr smiled his mercantile smile ( one Regorii, one answer) said the pipes. I turned to Icestorm. "Well, It's your expedition kid, choose your questions carefully, and limit it to two. Remember we're getting this on credit" "Let me think for a while, this is tougher than Balder's Gate 3" replied Icestorm I turned to Saah, my mind a whirl of questions. "The price is agreed, with one condition, I decide whether the your answer is complete" This time it was the Satyr's turn to frown and then slowly nodded. "Are you aliens or Mythical Satyr's?" blurted Icestorm (Yes)-replied Saah grinning broadly. (Next question) "Ice you net-head! Don't ask questions that have yes/no answers," I growled "Saah, describe how you...all your people.. came to be here?" I asked ( I was born here, as were many others. Some, like the Shaman, came here from somewhere else. They do not speak of it) "What does the Shaman want with my sister?" demanded Icestorm, a somewhat more intelligent question I thought. ( He is the Shaman, who can know the thoughts of a Shaman? ) Shrugged Saah ( perhaps he wishes to have passion, we Satyri like passion) "Last question then, what are the "bad things" that prevent us continuing tonight" I asked hurriedly, I could tell Icestorm was less than happy with that last answer. ( Creatures, hungering for our blood, they see as if it were day and kill with a glance, to travel at night risks death) We sat for a while, each with his own thoughts. Eventually Saah tired of the somber mood and for the first time used his Pan Pipes for music rather than speech, encouraging us to dance. At first we were somewhat half hearted.... dire...actually, but Saah's music would not be denied, compelling us to faster and faster moves. (Dance! Feel the wild music - let go) And we did, that wonderful music sucked us in like no tune we had ever heard. ( Free yourself, embrace nature, feel it flow through you, wild, unrestrained, feel her embrace, become one with her) I felt constrained, my clothes too tight across the chest and hips, Icestorm was feeling the same pulling at his Matrix T-shirt. The dance became a mutual striptease. (obey your passion, let the music release you, all is passion, passion is all, desire the male, let My music guide you, desire the male) The music slowed becoming soft and erotic, we three danced closer, forming a circle. My hips touching naked skin on one side and soft fur on the other. A hand grasped each of my butt cheeks and my own hands caressed theirs in return. ( let your passions flow, there is only passion, the music demands it,...I demand it) I don't remember much after that, remembering details became irrelevant, even the lovely music ceased to hold my attention *** I awoke the following morning comfortable, my arms draped over Saah, my torso touching the smooth warmth of the Satyr's side, his soft blonde braids tickling my nose. My nipple...I suddenly became much more awake..My right nipple was held firmly between the Satyr's fingers, sleep had claimed me whilst the alien youth had been manipulating my chest in ways I had never experienced before, I vaguely remembered. I could see Icestorm's back over Saah's shoulder; I suspected that Saah had been fucking him. Saah did something wonderful then, flicking my nipple in a way that had me shooting my morning load almost instantly. I am not gay, had I found myself like this a human male I would have been revolted, with the Satyr it felt natural somehow, as it were meant to be. I found Myself reluctant to withdraw from that firm warm embrace. My guess that Icestorm was impaled was confirmed as he gasped and pushed his arse back to get more of the Satyr cock, coincidentally pushing Saah's tail hard against me, sending my cock into that moist warm cleft under his tail. After climaxing, we stayed where we were, too comfortable to move. The sun had risen above the trees before we finally got moving. The night and morning exertions must have fogged my mind somehow; we had been walking for almost an hour before I realized a few important details. Firstly, Saah was wearing his sword; it had not occurred to us that he should not have it back. Secondly the Satyr teen had been talking English all morning, without the use of his Paan pipes. Thirdly, both Icestorm and I had forgotten to get dressed before setting out, we were buck-naked. Seeing me frown Saah decided to lighten the mood with a merry tune, that soon had me forgetting my foolish concerns about nudity. The sun was nearly overhead as we came to another clearing, Saah immediately suggested that we should work on our suntans, Icestorm, he remarked, was unhealthily pale. We lay there for a while, listening to the forest sounds, after a time the sun dipped behind the trees and the shadows lengthened. Embarrassingly my stomach gave a rumble, I suddenly realized that we had not eaten at all, and that it was already late afternoon. Automatically I glanced at my wrist, and then remembered that I had left my watch with my clothes. "You are hungry" said Saah, smiling "I have something here that will sate your thirst" "Hey! You speak English!" I said, surprised. I had forgotten coming to that same conclusion hours earlier, and hadn't we been going somewhere before we found this ideal sunbathing spot? "Eat! I command it!" grinned Saah indicating his alien cock Something about his order made me dizzy. I could almost hear the soft flute like tune in the back of my mind. It was my first close up view of it. 7" long, its outer skin soft and hairless, unlike a human cock a thin skin membrane ran its entire length connecting it to his six- packed abdomen in such a way as to keep it permanently vertical whether he was aroused or not. His cock-head emerged from its sheath growing longer as I watched, 8", 9", 10", his pink cock extended until it was almost level with his nipples. "You are hungry! Let me satisfy your need" commanded Saah I felt flushed, I am sure my face must have been glowing bright red. But somehow it was natural; he wasn't human so it didn't count as being gay. Hesitantly I lowered my head letting my lips move over the Satyr cock, he tasted of wine. I let my tongue caress the tiny lips on the cockhead, my own cock was rising now, painfully insistent. Saah shot his first load, it tasted like a champagne with the texture of cream. I drank until I was pushed away by Icestorm eager for his own taste. That last load had spattered all over my face. I wiped it off and then licked the residue from my palm and fingers. I felt it only fair to let the Satyr have his pleasures in return. I shuffled forward on my knees and waited obediently my hands behind my back. Saah's tongue caressed my nipples, for a teen he was a real expert, knowing how to do things with his tongue that would not have occurred to me... And I was no virgin. He never touched my cock, nibbling at my still bruised nipples was all it took! After my fifth orgasm, conducted entirely through nipple stimulation, I laid back on the grass exhausted, content just to listen as Saah gave Icestorm the same treatment. Looking up, I could see the sky was lit up golden pink by the setting sun. "What a beautiful sunset" I commented, happy with the world and my place in it. Saah, glanced up. "We had better get back home, I bet I can get there faster than you two!" "A bet? Name the stakes!" I challenged, I had won several distance races in college and felt confident I could beat the hoofed boy. "If you win I reduce your debt by one, If I win it goes up by one" "You're on" We lunged forward onto the trail at the same instant, it soon became obvious that I'd made a fool's bet. Saah was fast and I was left admiring his muscular thighs and cute tail ruff all the way back to our cave. Once home Saah found some clothe from somewhere and used it to kindle the fire. Poor Icestorm, we'd already lit the fire by the time he huffed into view. Spending the race looking at Saah's rear had made me horny again; I placed a hand on his softly furred inner thigh. Ice, not wishing to be left out began teasing Saah's nipple. "Ah, Jaay, Eius'Torm, I think sex is all you girls think about, here I am a brilliant musician and all you can think of is getting under my tail" "So play some damn music" said Icestorm "and we'll get under your tail later" Saah pulled out his pipes and began to play; it was chill out music, gentle, yet subtle, with intricate stanza's and riffs that just sucked you in. If I concentrated really hard I could make out words. ( Rest now, let your cares melt away, I am your guide, all will be well, I am your guide all will be well, obey your guide, guided into girlish ways, happy to be guided) I must have been more tired than I had thought, within moments I was in a deep restful sleep, the music played on. *** The next morning we slept late, the sun already high by the time we began to stir. It soon became apparent that Eius'Torm and I had over exerted us the day before. I had nasty sunburn all down my legs. Bright red and itchy, even my cock had gotten a dose. The way Saah had of using a nipple like an orgasm button had also left my poor areolas bruised and vastly swollen ...I wouldn't be having any more "fun" like that for a while, I thought gloomily. My feet were hurting too, probably from all that running around. "Damn I sunburned my dick!" complained Eius'Torm "Yeah, me too" I replied "and its bleached your hair Saah smiled "sunburns, I am having a cure for" "What's the price?" I sighed "One Regorii each, payment on demand" replied our guide "Agreed. What's the cure?" I said "Satyri cum, it is a great restorative. A cure for minor afflictions, gout, skin irritations, it even cures baldness in humans, although I have never witnessed it" replied Saah "This is just an excuse for you to jack off isn't it" I accused. Saah looked wounded by my accusation. "I am your guide, I speak nothing but truth." I relented, he was after all our guide and was to be believed at all times. Besides the thought of getting spattered with cum was getting me painfully aroused. I had never seen anyone shoot so much cum, and it was true, it did act as a balm, soothing the irritation almost instantly...and when he massaged my nipples! His fingers sliding over each one, carefully rubbing it into the groove below them where the swelling of flesh around my nipples met my unaffected torso , he even did the tiny lips at each nipple's swollen tip, teasing a milky drop from each. "There may be a couple of side effects Jaay" he added after he had finished me off and turned to Eius'Torm "You may find it promotes a little hair growth and an increase in your sex organ size." By that time of course I couldn't have cared less, I was far too busy attending to the Hard-on that his agile fingers had left me with. For once I seemed unable to cum, my hand on my cock felt just right, but I was just not.... quite... There. Time seemed to have slipped by, I suddenly realized that it was dark; I had been wanking for a whole day with no result! Saar noted the look of realization on my face and grinned his beautiful grin. "Saar is just having a little joke with you... You may cum now" "Yesss Master" Eius'Torm and I gasped as we ejaculated "You hypnotized us, Master" I accused "Yes, I did. But its all a joke and you are happy to play along aren't you." replied the Satyr toying with his Paan Pipes. "Of course Master" I replied smiling at his magnificent jest. " listen closely, we have had such a good time that you have forgotten the purpose of your journey. It is time for you to remember. Remember that you are seeking Eis'Torm's sister and that you must walk unnoticed amongst my brothers to do so." said Saah. I blinked. How could we have forgotten something so important? "Tomorrow I shall work upon an illusion that will let you pass as satyri, there is as you say "a catch"; there are very few male satyrs, all are known to each other. So, to pass unnoticed you must appear to be female. Fear not this is an easy illusion for me to create. But that is but a part of it, you must act and react as if you were a satyress, that part is much less easy for you to do without arousing suspicion, our kind do not react at all like humans." "I think I have a way to do that, Master" I said "You've hypnotized us for a joke, why not use that power, focus our minds on behaving like female Satyrs" Saah glanced at Eius'Torm "would you also submit to this?" "Yes Master" he agreed without hesitation looking somewhat glassy eyed. Thinking back I probably had exactly the same look on my own face. "Listen then" and he began to play, my head lolled as the tune seeped into my bones. "As the illusion weaves about you, you shall feel a greater and greater desire to be Satyress in thought and deed, reveling lusty daughters of Saah you shall be" *** I awoke and made my way sleepily to the cheerfully babbling stream, drinking deeply. I suddenly caught sight of my reflection and stumbled backward in surprise. It had not been my face that I had seen reflected, but that of a slightly younger feminine version of Saah, smooth cheeked, no signs of age and my hair,... now blonde.. parted itself around the buds of two delicate little horns and hung down my back tickling the cleft where my spine finished and ass started. I noticed that my breasts were finally beginning to hang properly rather than just looking like a pair of conical bruises. I was impressed, these babies would never need a bra, being ripe and firm, the areoles were bigger too, nearly three finger widths across. I cupped my hands around them and felt them swell further forcing my fingers further apart even as I stood there. "Father! Eius! It's started!" I shouted gleefully, my voice cracking and rising in pitch. I began inspecting myself for other changes that Father's illusion of Satyriness had wrought so far. My arms and chest had lost some muscle definition so that I was (once again?) on the verge of adulthood. My legs, which had stopped itching in the night, now had a covering of short fur, and were of a more satyri like proportion. My feet, whilst on tiptoe, were as yet unclovened and my cock was disappointingly unchanged, and distressingly erect. The illusion spell would have to do something about that large embarrassment, it wasn't like I was going to have anything to cover it with when we went in. As it stood, I would just have to hope that the jiggle of my breasts would keep the satyri's attention completely focused on my torso. My sister Eius'torm raced into the clearing, I noted with envy that she already a highly erotic set of hooves of her own. Like me, it was now obvious to all that she was a daughter of Saah, an even suntan, ample pert breasts and blonde hair making a striking combination. "Wow! Nice tail Jaay" she exclaimed "lets see that ass sister" I looked at my rear realizing I now possessed a rather magnificent blonde bush of tail. Experimentally I lifted it and got a whiff of musk that made my nose wrinkle with pleasure. I could see very well the effect it was having on Eius, her arms wrapped around me pinching my nipples as her own embarrassingly intact cock tried to penetrate my ass. "Having some sport I see" said a voice from the trees. It was our father, Saah, today was special, he wore his hair braided with bird feathers and wore the weapon belt with its sword and pipes. "Yes father!" we chorused disentangling ourselves; as we did so I noticed that I had developed hooves whilst Eius had been groping my breasts. "You are nearly ready I see. All that remains is the final proof of your Satyrhood. Come here." We bounded over to him eagerly. He reached out caressing each of us. My cock was tingling, I moved to grasp it but my father said, "Be still" My hand dropped away, allowing daddy to deal with my oddly numb erection. His hands knew exactly where to touch, the briefest brush of the fingertip was all it needed. My cock hardened and hardened still further, a need for release building up within that went beyond anything I had ever felt. There was a kind of internal upward tugging.... suddenly my penis telescoped up inside me. I yelped in shock as it vanished in less than ten seconds. Its hardness pushed upward, I could feel my organs shifting to make room for it as it settled into its new home, the duct at its core expanding to become a moist void. My balls followed it up inside leaving the ball sack to twist itself into a pair of lips that rested inside my crack for a second and then unfurled in arousal to lie flat against my furry crotch. Finally I was an adult. Without hesitation I grabbed the cock in front of me and pushed it past my new lips filling the moist hungry void beyond. My thoughts became a swirl of confusion, wasn't this just an illusion? How can an illusion feel so good? Wasn't this absolutely the most incredible sensation I had ever felt welling up from my abdomen? Wasn't it just so cool of daddy to teach his daughters how to orgasm? Instinctively I clenched my internal muscles squeezing his furry member until it expanded further stretching me and poured warm cool fire into me, tipping me over the edge into orgasm and beyond. In that instant my muddied thoughts seemed to become a crystal clear bubble in my mind. I realized how we had been deceived, how Saah had found a way to blind two stray humans to the changes that his seed was making, the breast growth, the fur, the horns; all un-noticed until the changes had gone beyond any chance of reversal or the desire to have them reversed. All those human memories were a finished thing, like a snapshot, something that could be inspected from time to time, but not added to. Jay Stewart and his life as a rock climber and alien hunter is just a really detailed story that I know. I am Jaay Saahscion, a daughter of Saah. "You really suckered those humans dad, can I learn the pipes when I'm older?" I asked snuggling close to our parent, rubbing my breasts against his tiny male nipples. Eius, not wishing to be left out of a group hug slipped in under his other arm. "The human, Sheldon, why did he start to change so quick without being eating any of our cum? And what about Icestorm's sister? And what is a Regorii?" he asked "The shaman places traps at the edges, also the poor human was a virgin, virgin humans are always quicker to turn into Satyri females . The human female, who knows? She chased after her lover when he felt the call. Ours is not the only race that can assimilate raw humans. And a Regorii is a husband; I will get a considerable dowry from your agreement to take six each. But don't worry you get to choose, there are so few female Satyri and many many males for you to choose from." Father replied "Six husbands? Woh! Excellentay!" "But...Can we still have sex with you daddy?" I asked pouting, having been filled once by his member; I definitely wanted it parked there again. "Of course, even your Regorii will not object to the needs of family. Lets be off now girls, you have your first birthday orgy to attend and I feel sure both your ex-human friends will be there, ...along with a few hundred potential husbands eager to prove their worth to you" *** Eius and I walked hand in hand following father. The gathering place was nearer than I had expected, Jay had walked straight past it...humans are so blind. Sheldon was easy to spot, garlanded in flowers; she was the center of most of the orgy activity. At least 30 well- endowed young satyrs were plying her with gifts of flowers, honeycomb and cum. I instantly turned totally jealous, I wanted those boys tending to my whims instead of hers. After a moment I spotted the human girl curled up asleep in a bed of flowers that seemed to be wrapped around her. Her hair was becoming greener even as I watched. "Dryad" said Daddy "and nearly reborn too, you girls be careful, Dryads are insatiable" But his warning fell on deaf ears we were both dribbling moist, eager to get more Satyr-cock into our new equipment... A rather fine Satyr with large horns looped a garland around my neck and my first birthday orgy got off to a great start. I was busy tit fucking a Satyri boy called Deiius when the first shouts of alarm reached me. "Look out!" "The Dryad!" Bonny, now looking like a green haired version of what Jay thought of as Xena Warrior Princess, was storming her way through my birthday orgy. Satyrs flew through the air, thrown with effortless ease as she progressed toward her chosen target...Sheldon. The young Satyress scrabbled backwards along the ground but Bonny soon had her pinned a penis sized root growing from her crotch ready to pleasure her ex-lover with. I figured it was cool that Bonny now had the equipment to give Shel the good time she deserved. Besides, more Satyri boys for me! Satisfied that the predatory dryad was otherwise occupied the orgy resumed. A cock head nudged at my pussy and I lost interest in everything else. Deciding which six boys I wanted to keep was going to take quite a while..or at least I had every intention of making sure it did. Author's Note: What happens to Jaay next? Find out by reading "Inside Area 51"

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Cum and Piss at the Rest Area

I pulled into the rest area just a little after sunset. There was only one other vehicle, a big truck. I parked several yards behind it. I got out, took a leak, and lit a cigarette. The big truck gave no indication as I smoked, so when I finished, I got back in my pickup and waited.After a while, a pickup pulled up behind me. He got out and walked to the passenger side; it looked like he was taking a piss. After pissing, he remained standing there.I got out and walked around to the...

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The Rest Area

Before I gave my first blowjob, I’d had a couple of experiences with guys, where I played with one guy’s cock for a while before he stroked me off . There was another instance where I sucked a guy for a little while before he got me off. In both cases, the guys seemed more satisfied than I was and I never got the chance to pursue taking another guy’s load. However, one night while riding around with a drinking bud, he mentioned that we should go to the rest area and ‘roll some gays.’ I was...

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Sissy all dressed up at a rest area

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The Rest Area

Before I gave my first blowjob, I’d had a few experiences with guys, where I played with one guy’s cock for a while before he stroked me off and another instance where I sucked a guy for just a little bit before he got me off. In both cases the guys seemed more satisfied than I was and I never got the chance to pursue taking another guy’s load. However, one night while riding around with a drinking bud, he mentioned that we should go to the rest area and ‘roll some queers.’ I was naive and had...

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Rest Area

I woke up feeling very horny this particular morning and decided to go to the rest area in search of some hot babes to catch me jacking off and shooting my cum. What a rush to be caught jacking off! As I drove into the rest area parking lot, I noticed that I was the only vehicle there so I decided to get a hustler mag out of my hiding place in my car and walk over to a picnic table to look at it while waiting for some babes to show up. It was very hot this morning at 85 and the humidity was...

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Trucker Sex in a Rest Area

I was westbound on I-10 just east of Van Horn, and I had needed to piss since the I-10/I-20 split. I decided I was not going to make it to the truck stop in Van Horn, and set my sites for the rest area just east of there.When I got to the rest area, I barreled into the parking area. My jakes screamed as I released the throttle. There were no four wheelers in the lot and only a few other big trucks, most likely down for the night. I set my brake and bailed out of the cab. This was not a smart...

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Making Out In A Forest Area

Hai friends, I am Sam. As most people here say, I have been enjoying ISS for quite a few years. Now I also decided to open up and tell you one of my experiences which happened a year back with my ex-girlfriend… If anyone feels to contact me for any kind of relations you are welcome. Catch me @ Actually, this incident took place after our breakup. Am pursuing a professional course so for me exams comes half yearly. Last year I was preparing for my exam staying in a hostel (not in my home town)....

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At the rest area

This story is for a very special user. I think he will know that I mean himAt the rest areaIt was warm and the air conditioning in the car was broken. After 5 hours driving it was time to take a little break. So he headed for the next rest area. Because of the weather he only wore short shorts and T-shirt. He did without underwear, because he liked the feeling of the trousers rubbing against his best piece. After he went to the toilet, where it was not very clean, he decided to sit on a bench...

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Rest Area

A while back I was being driven back to my car after an apartment party got busted for noise. My friend had met me halfway at a rest area off of I94 where I had parked my car. When he dropped me off, I was far too intoxicated to attempt the drive home. I figured I would sleep in the car and go home in the morning. I was not too drunk to realize that I couldn't leave the car running all night for heat, so I decided to go inside the men's room to warm up. There was a small group of about a half...

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Threesome BIsex in a rest area

I don’t know about you but what really turns me on is watching and participating in hot bisex action. The following situation occurred nearly three years ago now but I still get a raging stiff hard-on every time I think about it. I was working in the Bracknell area at the time and I stopped off in this car park after work to go for a run. Its quite a well known trolling area and I made sure I was wearing a sexy pair of running shorts in case any interesting opportunities arose...

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Highway Rest area

I was driving home from college (this was in the early 70s) and stopped in a highway rest area – the kind with full bathrooms in a heated building. There were three stalls, each had a glory hole in it. I took the one furthest from the door. As I was reading the wall messages, a man came into the stall next door who I assumed was a trucker. He lowered his pants, but didn’t sit. He had the biggest cock I think I ever saw, and he just started jacking it to the point that it started to get hard. I...

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New to the area

Susan and Garry had been lovers for fifteen years. Finally, they had been able to settle down together. After several years of living in the city, they eventually decided to move to the country to get away from city life. They settled in a small rural community where Susan could enjoy her love of horses and horse-riding and Garry could avail of his desire to coach his favourite sport. Garry had joined the local football club and soon had heard that one of the coaches was a notorious womaniser,...

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Moving to a new area

My name is Charles and my wife is Stella, we have just moved to a new area.The neighbours all popped over to meet the new black couple who were moving into their nice quiet cul-de-sac.Everyone seemed nice, and I noticed all the men ogling my wife's sexy fit body, and the white slut wives couldn't stop checking my large cock hanging down the leg of my sports shorts.I agreed to pop over on Friday night to Dave's house and attend their weekly poker game. I did explain I wasn't really a card...

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First Trucker Sex in a Rest Area

I was on my way home from a bull sale, driving my dad’s brand new Dodge 1-ton dually, pulling a 20 foot goose-neck full of Santa Gertrudis herd bulls. Just east of Henryetta, on I-40, I started looking for a place to take a leak and have a smoke (smoking was not allowed in dad’s new truck). By the time I found a rest area, I had to piss pretty badly!I whipped into the rest area and pulled up behind a big truck, the only other vehicle in the lot. I jumped out and headed around to the passenger...

2 years ago
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Highway Rest area

I was driving home from college (this was in the early 70s) and stopped in a highway rest area – the kind with full bathrooms in a heated building. There were three stalls, each had a glory hole in it. I took the one furthest from the door. As I was reading the wall messages, a man came into the stall next door who I assumed was a trucker. He lowered his pants, but didn't sit. He had the biggest cock I think I ever saw, and he just started jacking it to the point that it started to get hard. ...

1 year ago
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Satellite Internet For Rural Areas

The dial up connections have gone and the satellite connection have taken its presence with the high speed service options even in the remote areas. It is irritating to work with the low internet speed that also increases the monthly bills. The direct connections are reliable so if you are planning to select a service for your home or office then there are some factors to consider like check whether the tower is located in the near by area to establish the faster connection, the DSL facility is...

3 years ago
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Beyond a kiss

I had dated a bit but not that much. The men that were interested in me were nice, but they were fellow nerds. Socially awkward, non confident guys that were more interested in stats of their wow characters than any romance. I suppose I was decent looking enough. I was 5 foot 4, with shoulder length radish blonde hair with bangs. My body was decent as well. I was the last girl in my grade to start budding, but the girls grew to a decent c cup. They reminded me of the old pin up girl...

2 years ago
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Beyond the Sea Ch 01

1 : Nihil inimicius quam sibi ipse There is blood in the room, but they can’t find it. They know it’s there. Blood always comes through. It can wait. For hours, days, since, there’s been washing and rubbings, sprayings and windows opened, but a small colony of maggots has still managed to thrive on a chunk of forgotten lung tissue caught under a chair leg. The flies will not disgust them when discovered in a few days. They will never find the bronchiole, and one day it will be swept up by a...

3 years ago
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Beyond Limits Ch 04

Chapter 4 – Conclusion At the beginning, a break-up is almost like a relief. It feels good to be able to sever and excise those connections that have become diseased and gangrenous and have started choking you and kept you from breathing. A new honesty enters your dealings with your former lover, a new ease and openness, and there’s almost a kind of delirium that seizes you and you run back and forth to her over bridges you don’t realize are already crumbling beneath your feet. She’s so much a...

1 year ago
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Beyond the bookstore

One day after work at the dinner table, my wife told me her sister was going to have a minor operation. She said she wanted to stay with her a few days after the operation to cook, clean, and take care of her while she was recuperating. “Would you mind? I’ll only be gone from Thursday to Sunday. I can make a few dinners, so all you’ll have to do is heat them up.” I replied, “Of course, I don’t mind. It’s your sister. I’m sure I can get through a few days on my own.” Her sister lived about five...

2 years ago
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Beyond Limits

Part 1 The sun was bright. The day was bristling with sun, and here in this apartment it seemed to burn through the windows as if someone were holding a hot iron up to the glass. All except for in the dining room where a window was broken, and here the sun and the snow poured in and had been pouring in for some time, pouring in where Lexi sat naked, kneeling and holding Cormac’s head in her lap. He was dead, and she was rocking her body and weeping. She was covered with goose bumps and there...

1 year ago
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Beyond Limits Ch 02

No. I had no reason to complain. Things were going amazingly well. That last soliloquy remained to be written and that would determine the final, overall cast of the play, but that was all. I was stubbornly holding onto that, having some ambiguous feelings about my characters, or maybe I just liked making everyone nervous. The play was quite simply a phenomenon. Grehen and Bud Carlton had called in some favors and used their connections to make sure that certain critics came from Chicago and...

2 years ago
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Beyond Bargained For

She let out a long sigh, turning about in front of the full-length mirror in order to get a better look at herself. Primping was not something she made a regular part of her day to day routine. Since she worked full-time third shift at a long-term care facility and was asleep during the day most of the time, it simply wasn’t something she thought to do. Sure she washed herself everyday and things like that, but she never really went out of her way to make herself pretty. Tonight was a...

4 years ago
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Beyond a Reasonable Doubt

I took the call a little after midnight, and yes, it was a dark and stormy night, but I guess in my line of work they usually are — in one way or another. Dispatch called just as I ran across an ex-wife in a bad dream, but the sleepy voice on the other end of the line had no way of knowing that, and even if she had, there wasn’t a damn thing either of us could have done about it. Sometimes late night calls are just the luck of the draw, some nights you end up in the wrong place at the right...

4 years ago
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Beyond Full

My Sir demanded me to my knees inthe middle of the room. He disappeared behind the clothes rack by the dresser and dug through the second drawer where the toys were kept. Then he walked back to me, smiling, and held up a large black silicon plug. We had recently purchased a trainer set, and he picked the largest one! Oh, how I had day dreamed about that black plug.  Sir set it on the bedside table and went back to the dresser, this time bringing back the sleek, leather handled riding crop, my...

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