The Limits
- 2 years ago
- 26
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Lexi didn’t seem to be ready to forgive me for that session of lovemaking where I’d tried to dominate her. She came over the next day in the bright and melting snow and was civil enough but cool, and it was quite frankly painful. She knew it was painful too, and even apologized for the way she was acting but claimed she couldn’t help it. The way she felt was beyond her control and she’d need a couple days to settle down after such a traumatic upset. There was really nothing she could do about it.
In any case she thought it just as well because Founder’s Day was coming up, an extended weekend when the college closed and a lot of people left or had drunken parties or weird, immersive, experimental seminars. Lexi was going to be very busy with Cormac and the play because he was using the break to schedule such a special, extended, intensive rehearsal session and she’d be spending almost all her time at the theater building, and also going out to dinner with Cormac on Friday night, something I wasn’t very happy about, although Cormac had dinner with all the leads in the cast and crew, his way of getting to know them all. She’d just stopped by to get some clothes, including her gray skirt and jacket that I loved so much, the one that made her look so lovely and feminine, and hearing about this more than anything else probably decided me then and there:
‘I’m going to Chicago for a couple days with April. Nothing suspicious. She’s in some trouble and she needs my help.’
Lexi could still be jealous, though not as jealous as I would have liked. ‘ April Louterbeck? What kind of trouble?’
I really had no secrets, so I told her. ‘She has a cousin in the army who sent her a whole shitload of dope and she doesn’t know what to do with it. I’m going to take her to Sandra and see if she can take it off her hands.’ Lexi knew about Sandra. She knew all about that phase of my life. As I said, I had no secrets from her.
‘So you’re going together? Where are you going to stay?’
‘At Sandra’s, probably. Everything will be fine. I told you about Sandra.’
Sandra was a high-functioning addict and a lesbian and an old, old friend of mine. High-functioning means she was a basically a junkie, but able to function just fine in society, and in fact thrive in it. She was, in fact, the executive assistant to the vice president of a very large and lucrative medical insurance company in downtown Chicago and a very together woman with a huge condo overlooking the lake on South Lake Shore Drive. She had connections in the upper class heroin circles in Chicago and dealt to commodity traders, doctors, lawyers, and other professionals only. She’d been my connection back in the day, before she’d struck gold and when we’d both been small-time users, and we’d always stayed close.
Lexi looked at me. ‘I remember Sandra. I thought that part of your life was over.’
‘It is,’ I said. ‘Sandra’s just an old friend, and she can help us. Besides, I haven’t seen her in almost a year.’
‘April’s hot for you, you know.’
‘I know. And you’re hot for Cormac.’
She squinted as if I’d passed something foul-smelling under her nose. ‘He’s attractive, but he’s not my type.’
‘He had you eating out of his hand the other day.’
‘What are you talking about?’
‘When he was abusing you on stage. You were just standing there and eating it up like a masochist. Like a little submissive.’
She turned away to get some underthings out of a drawer. ‘Give it a rest, Russell. You’re obsessed.’
‘You told me you got off on it.’
‘I did. On his insights, his critiques. He’s a great, great director, a great critic. In three seconds he can tell you what’s wrong with a reading. Yes, I get off on that.’
‘No. He’s got your number. I was there. I saw it.’
She threw her underwear into her backpack. ‘You’ll never believe me that I’m just not into that D/s crap, will you? You just won’t give it a rest. Just because you’re consumed—’
‘No I won’t. Because everyone’s into it on some level. On some level everyone wants it, wants to rule or be ruled. When you get down past all the sweetness, love is sex and power—’
‘Well maybe I’m all sweetness, Russell! Maybe I’m all fucking sweetness!’
I didn’t have to say anything to that. We glared at each other for a moment and then her face fell. She embraced me, two pair of panties still in her hand.
‘Oh baby! I don’t want to fight! Why are we fighting? I love you so much, Russell! Is it really so important you tie me up and play lord of the manor with me? That’s what this is about, isn’t it? That’s what it’s always about. Is that really what you want?’
I held her, her breasts against my chest, the smell of her hair in my nose. I thought of what she’d given to me—everything. Everything except that one thing—and suddenly it seemed so trivial. I melted.
‘No, baby, no. No. In the big scheme of things, it’s really not important.’
‘Then why are we fighting?
‘Because I’m jealous of Cormac.’
‘Oh God, Russell! Don’t be jealous of that shmuck! Please! Are you kidding?’ She held me and started to laugh or cry—I wasn’t sure which—and I held her tight.
‘Baby,’ I said. ‘Baby, I know. I just get crazy sometimes.’
She looked at me and gave a tearful little laugh. ‘The weird thing is—you’re right., The son of a bitch does do something to me and I hate it. I don’t feel anything for him, nothing at all—it’s nothing like that. Aside from being a great director he’s an absolute asshole. That’s why I can’t understand it. It makes me furious, makes me sick with myself, but when he bitches at me, it does something weird to me, like he reaches inside and touches something I didn’t know I had….’
I felt chills, felt dizzy, felt rage uncoiling in my stomach like a poisonous snake. For a second I wanted to slap her, wanted to beat her and choke her, but the moment passed as she hugged me and pressed her cheek against me, wetting my shirt with her tears.
‘I would never do that, Russell. I’d never leave you, not the way I love you. No one could be what you are to me. It’s just a weird thing, a quirk inside me. It must be something I got from my dad yelling at me.’
‘Hell,’ I said. ‘I’ll yell at you.’
She smiled up at me. ‘You’re too sweet. You love me too much. It wouldn’t work with you.’
And that’s all we said about the matter. That’s all she said about me and April going to Chicago together and all I said about her going out to dinner with Cormac in her gray dress and jacket while I was gone.
Dinner and drinks afterwards, it turned out, and then something more.
* * * * *
We put the heroin in a bag of dirty rags and threw it in the trunk of my car and drove it into the city. I left the key in the trunk as an alibi. A bad one, but it might help if we were pulled over. We stopped at several places where someone might have planted dope on us, enough to hopefully create a reasonable doubt should we get stopped and should we ever be taken to trial. It was crazy thinking, a crazy plan.
In any case we had no trouble. The trip was quiet. The whole way I thought about Lexi and Cormac, knowing they were out to dinner together in Belpierre. We made it into Chicago in ten hours, hit the expressways at eleven o’clock, fueled by April’s coke. Sandra was expecting us.
On the way in, April was deferential. There was no mention of the other night, no mention of her feelings for me. We talked a little about the play, about some things in school, books, about Sandra. We’d both brought bags with a change of clothes. It was understood we’d be staying at Sandra’s but we didn’t talk about the details. If April was worried about staying at a lesbian’s apartment, she didn’t say anything.
Either you don’t know your fellow junkies at all or you’re like brothers and sisters with them. The life is like that, and Sandra was like a sist
er to me. We’d just always clicked, always knew each other deeply. We’d both been special toward each other and special toward the drug, able to maintain a certain distance from it. I’d like to say it was because we both had sense, but I think it was actually because we both were cowards. We’d seen too many people go over the edge. Sandra was strange. She had an iron discipline in some aspects of her life, practically no control in others, as if it were an all-or-none proposition. She discipline her use strictly. Me, I just got scared, backed off and left whenever I wanted more.
I’d known Sandra back in the days when she was struggling to make ends meet, working at a fly-by-night insurance agency and living over a Polish deli on Fullerton. The agency had gone bankrupt and she’d met her new boss in court. He’d taken a shine to her, thought she was sharp and she was. When he landed a job as an up-and-comer in the home office of the insurance company he called her and she never looked back. She was amazingly efficient when it came to other people’s business, canny and well-organized. When it came to her own she was dizzy and disorganized, life streaming by her in a haze of confusion. She was all business for David C. Redman, and she boosted him to the top of Eastland United Medical Liability and rode his coat tails along all the way, and no one ever knew about her use.
Lake Shore Drive slid like a serpentine hiss along the edge of Lake Michigan, and there, well south of the lights of downtown and the Museum and the knot of activity by Grant Park, a series of sinuous buildings were tucked into a curve of the Drive, standing like sentries, and that’s where Sandra lived. We took our things from the trunk and I took the laundry bag and the key as well and gave the car to the door man who would park it in the underground lot. Sandra lived with Bonnie, a nurse at Northwestern Memorial, and I didn’t know if Bonnie would be home or not. She wasn’t.
‘Russell, love! Come on in!’ She eyed the laundry bag but said nothing. ‘And this is your friend April? I’m so glad to meet you.’
Sandra was wearing jeans and a sweatshirt and was still shapely. Part of how she kept her job was her shape, model thin, due to a junkie diet of yoghurt, lettuce, and water, that kept her hips and cheekbones prominent. Anything else made her sick. Sandra was dark and had the look of an AmerIndian about her, though she was really Italian and Lebanese, a strikingly beautiful woman.
The view from her place was fantastic, the lights of the city to the north, the aching darkness of the lake to the east with the moon in the sky making the living room feel like it went on forever.
‘You want something to drink?’ Sandra asked. ‘A beer, some wine? A diet coke? Anything? We’ve got it all, Russell. April, you?’
I took some wine just to be polite, and April surprised me by asking for a Jack Daniels on the rocks. Sandra raised her eyebrows in approval, always glad to see people get high, and brought her the drink, then poured some wine for herself too and came into the living room, asking about our drive. Without further ado, she produced a hash pipe and lit it.
It was too fast for me. I was still nervous about the heroin and I declined. April did too.
‘You two are going to make me look bad, aren’t you?’ Sandra said, drawing in her breath and holding it. The minty, brown scent of the hash filled the air.
Sandra let her breath out and her eyes began to shine.
‘Where’s Bonnie?’ I asked. ‘Working tonight?’
‘Yeah. Twelve hour shift. She left just before you got here. Gets off at ten tomorrow. So tell me, Russell—is this the one you’ve been telling me about? This April?’
I felt a rush of embarrassment and April hid herself in a sip of her drink.
‘No, actually. That one’s name is Lexi. April’s a student of mine. And a friend. She came to me with that problem I told you about. Lexi’s still back at school.’
Sandra nodded slowly. ‘Oh. I am the stupid one, aren’t I? I’m sorry, April. That was awfully dumb of me.’
‘It’s alright,’ April said. ‘I’m flattered really.’
Now I colored. To change the subject, I said, ‘I brought it with, Sandra. It’s right here. You want to see?’
She finished her hit on the hash and put the pipe in an ashtray.
As I say, Sandra trusted me totally. I wouldn’t have opened business with anyone else like that. Of course, I wouldn’t have gone into anyone else’s house with a kilo of heroin either.
‘Alright,’ she said. ‘Might as well. Let’s see what you have.’
The dope was in a white trash bag down inside the laundry sack and I fished it out and stood it on the coffee table. I peeled back the plastic and revealed the four quarter-kilo packages and Sandra’s eyebrows went up. She picked one up and squeezed it.
‘Mmm. Can I cut one open?’
April looked at me and I nodded, so she said, ‘Yes.’
Sandra got up and went to a desk and got a pen knife and opened a blade, came back and selected a brick and made a v-shaped cut in the plastic wrap, peeled this back and touched her little finger to the white powder, then tasted it.
‘My,’ she said. ‘That tastes very clean. Very clean indeed.’ She looked at April, then at me. ‘You’ve tried it?’
‘I snorted some.’
‘Yeah. It’s very good. Some of the best I’ve ever had, I’d say.’
Sandra tasted her finger again. ‘You’ve weighed it? Confirmed the weight?’
‘No,’ I said. ‘I don’t have a scale. But I have no reason to doubt it. But if it is a key, what do you think it’s worth?’
‘God if I know right now,’ Sandra said. ‘To the people I’d sell it to? They don’t know you. Don’t know where it comes from or who they’re dealing with or where you got it, if it’s stolen from someone else or what. Whether there’d be any more or if you’re feds or what’s going on. It’s very dangerous, Russell, doing business like that, you understand?’
‘Yeah, I understand. But still, Sandra, you must have some idea.’
She pulled her nose. ‘If it’s all real, and if it’s a key, and if there’s no word out that someone’s missing a brick, I could probably get you maybe fifteen, seventeen thou. Any more than that and you’re asking for serious trouble. Guns come out, bad people start asking questions…’
I looked at April who was pale, sucking on an ice cube. ‘You want that, April? It’s your stuff.’
‘God,’ she said. ‘What do you think Russell? You know more about this than I do. I’d take it!’
I could see April was no negotiator.
‘I’d want to cut an ounce out for me,’ I said. I don’t know why I said it. Greed, nostalgia, a sick sensuality, a memory of the other night with April. I just couldn’t pass on all this good stuff.
‘Of course, Russell,’ April leaned forward. ‘You get a finder’s fee. I was going to give you ten per cent, at least.’
‘Okay,’ Sandra said. ‘You want me to see what I can do? I’ll tell you what. I can give you twenty-five hundred right now in cash on one of the bricks for a deposit. You take the rest of them back with you. I’ll talk to my people tomorrow and see what they’ll offer then get back to you in a couple of days. Russell knows I’m good for it.’
I shook my head. ‘I don’t want to take these back with us, Sandra. I want you to keep them all.’
‘As you wish, baby. But all I have is twenty-five hundred.’
‘I trust you.’
She looked at me and smiled like a mother. ‘Isn’t he the sweetest man?’ Turning to April, she asked. ‘Is that okay with you, honey?’
‘If Russell trusts you than I do too.’
Sandra folded up the trash bag with the three bricks and left it there, then walked into the back room. We heard her shoes disappearing on the hardwood floor. April turned to me, her eyes shining with excitement.
‘Fifteen thousand dollars!’ she whispered. ‘My God! What am I going to do with that kind of money?’
‘You’re going to put it in ten different bank ac
counts and if anyone asks, you tell them you got it from selling collectibles on e-bay. Some special Barbie dolls or something. But no one’s going to ask because no one’s going to know. You’re only going to spend it by the dollar, understand?’
‘Yes. Of course. God! I never dreamed!’
The thought of the money made her face flush and caused her eyes to gleam. She suddenly looked bright and full of life. She drained the rest of her drink in a mouthful.
Sandra came back in and counted out twenty-five hundred dollar bills, right on the coffee table. Her hair hung down over her face as she counted, but I could see that she was smiling. She was pleased. She was making money.
Out over the lake a red light glowed on one of the pumping stations that supplied the city with its water, and above it a flashing white light marked where a plane flew through the night, somewhere between the horizon and the moon.
This is how easily it’s done. Not with guns in dark alleys by desperate, wild-eyed men in torn tee-shirts, but by two lovely women with long hair and smiles, counting out clean, unwrinkled bills in a warm, luxurious apartment far removed from the sweat and anguish of the opium fields and the blood and misery of the shooting galleries. This stupid powder, the dust of flowers, the white soot of freezing dreams.
April looked elegant there with the money in her hand, like a child princess, too young and too blessed. Was she hot? Was she aroused? Sandra was. I could tell. Heroin replaces sex for most users. It’s that good. But Sandra was a maintenance user, taking just enough to keep from getting sick from withdrawal. She wasn’t like the others, and the excitement of being around that much dope and of being around April and me too (I think) affected her.
She sat down in front of the one brick. ‘We’ll try some, alright?’
‘No, not for me,’ I said.
April shook her head. ‘Me either. It really kind of scares me.’
‘Well how am I going to know what we’ve got?’
‘Go ahead, Sandra. You’re allowed.’
‘I am, aren’t I? And this is for science, after all. April, the whiskey’s in the kitchen, Help yourself.’
April got up and made another drink and I watched Sandra. I thought she’d cook some up and inject it, but she didn’t. She had more control than that. She scooped some out with her pen knife—just a neat little mound—and quickly inhaled it, one nostril then the other, then put the knife on the table and sat back.
‘Oh Lord,’ she said. ‘Oh my. Wow.’
She leaned back in the sofa and it seemed obvious she’d be occupied for a while, so I picked up the remote and turned on the TV, quickly found the volume and turned it way down. I clicked past some shows and late night talk till I found some ice skaters on a big spot-lit rink with flags. They looked like brother and sister and the girl reminded me of Lexi for some reason, something in her attitude. I watched the way her little skirt blew against her thighs, then up over her ass, then down and awkwardly half-up and half-down, fluttering like a flag. Sandra let out a deep sigh and sunk into the couch.
How many people were thinking about that girl’s cunt while she was skating, I wondered? Nothing especially dirty or lewd, just wondering about it, about the things its arms and legs and brain were putting it through out there on the ice, the things all of our brains put us through for the sake of our cunts and our cocks. The beauty we watched ice skating for was basically a function of our gonads, wasn’t it? The grace of the bodies arranged just so, speeding over the ice with the arc of an uplifted arm and the curved line of a trailing leg. The beauty of the body is a sexual beauty. It comes from our preoccupation with sex.
My being here tonight was sexual as well, as was Lexi’s being in Belpierre, and April leaning against the sink in the kitchen nursing her drink. All these things had to do with our wanting love and comfort and power, and all of those things come from sex. No matter how you slice it or look at it, we’re all driven under the lash of sex. Under the cover of love hides the machinery of sex.
Sandra was sighing, moaning almost, slumped down in the sofa, and I knew she’d really gotten off, more than she’d expected. Sandra’s not shy about showing how she feels if she’s with people she trusts. She usually operates within such tight limits that she instantly recognizes any deviation from the norm, and she was way beyond her usual parameters, wandering in the land of the truly intoxicated. It’s not polite to look at someone when they’re getting high, but I looked at her now because she was slowly shaking her head back and forth like a common stoner, something I’d never seen her do before.
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She knew better than to move, knew that if her hands wandered, she would be punished. He had ordered her to keep her hands where they were, above her head. He was not kind enough to restrain her—to keep her from moving. He wanted her to break, to disobey. His eyes told her to misbehave, that he needed to earn her submission. She whimpered as his fingers moved deeper, rougher. She wanted everything. She arched against his touch as his fingertips drew out a high-pitched whine from her throat....
Introduction: Part 4 When I got home at five till six, my hands were shaking, I was so excited, and I actually dropped my keys on the floor as I was putting them on the table by the door. The house was deathly quiet, and I just as quietly went to my room and changed into my leathers. Then I prepared her room for the aftercare I knew she would need. Barefoot, I made my way to the dungeon. Tanya was right where she should have been, and the first thing I noticed was that she was already...
At the age of twenty-seven, Lisa was starting to see tough scenarios play out in her life. A lot of her friends were starting to get married and she was still not interested in a long term relationship. As a former athlete in college, she took a job in Miami where despite her background as a white southern woman, she fit right in due to her look. Lisa had black hair, a light tan, slim waist, stood at five-foot-nine and looked exactly like Megan Fox. The job that Lisa worked was a marketing role...
HardcoreJenna got there first and it shouldn’t have been that way. For our entire lives she’d always been later than me but the one time I arrived after her became the day I’d regret forever, because those four minutes could have changed my entire life.If only I’d met him first. If only I’d walked faster. If only I’d ignored the road signals and run through the static traffic and not stopped at the newsagent for chewing gum. If only, if only, if only. But I was late. And by the time I got to the bar,...
Straight SexI must admit, I was impressed as soon as I set my eyes on him.His wrists were bound tightly together with a piece of rope that was fixed to the ceiling through a single brass loop. His feet were drawn back toward his buttocks with another piece of rope pulled through the brass loop, keeping them firmly in situ. He hung like this, suspended in the air, his body forming a lopsided "U" shape. His knees were his lowest extremity at around 3 feet from the floor. He was clothed only in a pair of...
Genre- EVERYTHINGIntroduction:This is chapter one of this series. There will be several chapters. Also, this story will tie INS, coincide, and interact with another author’s story on this sight. I hope you enjoy it. It is just a fiction fantasy and do not condone the acts within nor should this be attempted. I will welcome all comments positive or negative. However, I do request negative responders to speak intelligently if you wish me to take you seriously. I am an amateur at this so hopefully...
Ruby slung her beach bag over her shoulder and wandered down the paved pathway that led to her parents’ backyard. A trio of butterflies floated past while trees and lush plants overflowed from raised garden beds, creating a shady oasis from the summer sun. She drew in a breath and let it out in a contented sigh. If it hadn’t been for the two storey house looming over her, it would have felt like walking through a tropical rainforest. She pushed open the side gate and stepped from the enclosed...
Straight SexAuthor's note: this story gets off to a slow start - I do hope the build up was worth it for you. Although purely fictional, Tess is based on a real person. If she ever reads this she will know it is about her.Tess knew she was different from a very early age. She came from the usual dysfunctional family - the product of an alcoholic dad and a mom who never saw or heard anything. It wasn't so much that she was physically abused, she wasn't; it was the emotional abuse. Tess was always a little...
SpankingCori's relatives and my coworkers were milling around the funeral home, munching on celery sticks and green bean casserole, and occasionally coming up to me to murmur something soothing and useless. I was still somewhat in shock and denial since the car accident, and I have no idea to this day what they said to me, nor whether my replies made any sense.I do remember when Kenneth from Accounting came over; Ken's hobby was accounts receivable, but his real job as far as he was concerned was the...
MatureAfter his recent experiences with Deanna & Allison, George was almost relieved when it was Erica that contacted him next. The telephone call was short and to the point. "Report at 7 o'clock this evening, please," Erica had said. "Don't make any plans for after that." George had no opportunity to reply before Erica hung up. Erica's call was followed by one from Allison. She gave no indication that she had recognised George at their session but her tone had changed dramatically...
I should have known better. I really should have. This is a story about... what an asshole my friend, Van is. Seriously, what kind of name was Van anyway? Perhaps I used the term friend too loosely. Van was a guy a knew in high school. We hung out together because we had the same group of friends. So it did surprise when I saw his name pop up on my cell phone 4 years later. I couldn't believe I hadn't deleted it. At 22, I came to realize that I was slowly losing touch will all the guys I...
IncestBEYOND THE PESTILENCEby VelvetglovePART ONE (Version One: 11.11.2008)Disclaimer and Copyright‘Beyond the Pestilence’ is an original work of fiction and fantasy. Neither events nor characters portrayed are based in reality. Any resemblance with actual persons is entirely coincidental. It contains scenes of ‘just about everything’, except for snuff, gore and underage characters. Please do not read any further if imaginary non-consensual sex, slavery or humiliation offends you. Copyright is...
Beyond Area 51 I looked again at the satellite photos, not quite believing what I saw. "You're certain of this?" I asked "Believe it Jay! If you know what to look for you can see where they feathered a copy-paste over the top." Replied Icestorm excitedly "when you de-interlace the last overlay, this is what you get, a green valley right up there in the Area 51 firing range." "Mr. Stewart, That region is as arid as hell, the only way it can be green is if someone is...
September 2011. He was in my dreams again. Always the same muscular body, lightly glistening as he towered over my naked form. Appraising me? Wordlessly judging me? Wanting me? It was hard to tell. His poise and the self-congratulatory manner in which he tugged my bonds implied satisfaction, despite the breath catching in his throat when his fingers brushed my yearning flesh. I squirmed. The sharp tang of his cologne mixed with faint traces of heated exertion and the distinctive undercurrent of...
Beyond the Wall Dillon Jones turned to enter the Silver Oak Estates gated community; he always marveled at the massive stone arch between the two ancient oak trees flanking it. The trees and arch stood outside the ten foot high wall surrounding the enormous housing development with its multi-million dollar homes, manicured drives and luxurious club house. The Halloween decorations adorning the facade were festive and reminded him of a medieval castle. It was truly a wealthy area beyond the...
Copyright (c) LrningDom All Rights Reserved You were bored. Bored with life, with work, with being alone. You wanted thrills… passion… excitement. You also wanted to fulfill your fantasies. Childhood fantasies of being hypnotized like people you saw on television. Teenage visions of wild sex, of being controlled and commanded, becoming the young girl who made herself a wiling sex slave. Adult dreams of exploring BDSM, once you learned what BDSM was, of being tied up and used for someone...
So before, I shared with you an experience I had with my sister. Don’t worry, I’m not a sick pervert. It was completely unavoidable. Anyone would have done the same thing I did if they were in the same situation. It wasn’t love or anything, it was an informed decision. It wasn’t going to happen again. My sister didn’t want it, and I didn’t want it……Okay I did want it, but not because I lust after my sister. There’s logic behind my reasoning. When we did it, and by did it, I do mean sex, the...
IncestBeyond Dreamscape Part 3: Best Served Cold By Diana Kimberly Heche Janet took him to be a little less than twice her age, thirty-five, perhaps. Simply saying he was handsome and obviously in great shape. Looking him over, his clothes, especially his shoes, screamed "money". He watched Janet, as all men do, however he did it with a calm confidence which neither spoke of cockiness or lechery. He didn't seem to be in a hurry to approach her, perhaps he was married or thought he...
Players: Christian (M) /Isabelle (F) Pathfinder Brett (M) /Owein (M) Paragon Sandy (F) /Dacie (F) Corsair ; Sylph Kathy (F) /Eric (M) Huscarl Stephen (M) /Sayer (M) Incantist Corey (M) /Elisa (F) Priestess Isabelle took a step forward, blocking an overhand strike by slashing downward with her sword. The shadowy creature retreated slightly as the minor enchantment on her blade disrupted its hold on this plane. Although she wasn't really hurting the creatures, it was at least for the...
"I'm not sure I can believe you Chris," Donna told her friend as they sat together having lunch. "Not that I don't believe what you're saying isn't true, but that what your brother's friend told him isn't," she added trying to clarify and mollify her friends hurt look. "Pete has never lied to me," Chris stated, "and I know he wouldn't have told me all this if he didn't honestly believe it too!" she added. "Which is why I decided to come to you with it, if anyone could look...
‘Sometimes it’s not the vision that’s blurred. Sometimes it’s the situation. I always see things clearly… or as clearly as they can be seen…’ Her voice echoed off the walls, this solemn, serious representation of an inner solitude that often eluded even his keen ears. He could hear it every now and again, but when she waxed poetic there was a glassy sheen over her oh-so-blue eyes that couldn’t be penetrated by any man. She knew it too, and could smile when he attempted to delve into her inner...
Author's note to reader: This is a sequel to the multi- part, completed, story "Dreamscape". Knowledge of that story will make this a much more comfortable read. Beyond Dreamscape Part 1 by Diana Kimberly Heche Part 1: Magic, Malevolence and Malarkey He looked at the face of his watch glowing dimly in the darkness: quarter to eleven. The snoring told Arnie Williamson the man who slept above him was finally asleep. The former bus driver moved quietly off his bunk...
Beyond Dreamscape Part 2: Kaetlin, Jack, and the Driver By Diana Kimberly Heche "Where am I?" The gentle faced red haired woman stood up at the sound of Jack Wallace's voice. She smiled upon him kindly, but her eyes could not conceal the concern. "You're in a hospital room Jack, you had a small accident. You fell off of the ladder when you were cleaning the gutters and were out for awhile." Jack Wallace lay in bed, he had raised his arms off of the bed, opening and...
Philip knelt on the floor of his bedroom rummaging through a tall stack of papers. If asked his mother would have explained that the state of his bedroom was a clear reflection of her son's life. Finally finding what he needed, he placed the loose sheets of paper into a rather large binder. Across the top of the binder, hand written in beautiful calligraphy was the word Mercia. Unlike many young men his age, Philip was not looking forward to the weekends to spend time trying to pick up...
Chapter 5 Players: Christian (M) /Isabelle (F) Pathfinder Brett (M) /Owein (M) Paragon Sandy (F) /Dacie (F) Corsair ; Sylph Kathy (F) /Eric (M) Huscarl Stephen (M) /Sayer (M) Incantist Corey (M) /Elisa (F) Priestess Isabelle ran her hands across the worn masonry. Admittedly, the mosaics were indeed very beautiful, portraying stories of the seven gods and goddess of the world, including the forgotten goddess. To think that all of this sprang from her imagination was difficult to...
We take up the story as the adult Hermione Granger and Virginia (Ginny) Weasley’s, along with the other female pupils from Hogwarts, education has now progressed to the Dianic Craft College. The year is 1997. The word craft in the title of the College has nothing to do with turning wood or making clay pots but rather the ancient craft, that is witchcraft. It was named in honour of the moon goddess Diana. It’s late September but the weather is mild and pleasant due to the setting of the college...
Erotic“Really, it isn’t so difficult if you barter. You’re trading time spent in ration lines for other items you need. It’s all about making and maintaining contacts.” “Well, thanks,” Al said, finally backing away. “We’ll see you around.” “Seriously,” Siluzz clucked, shaking her head and marching away from the people in the hallway. “I don’t understand why you feel obligated to encourage everyone to prattle on about the unimportant details of their lives. You don’t have enough time, or will even...
It had only been a week since the incredible experience in the industrial estate. I had spent the week once again in a roller-coaster of emotion. I found the experience turned me on incredibly, and actually wanked to relieve myself daily over the thoughts.But then, I also questioned the experience. How did we go from a cheeky masturbating drive in the car, to watching my first wife exposing herself voluntarily? Then, me encouraging her and her willingness, to fuck not one, but three strangers....
ExhibitionismFriday Night I followed Reggie to the door for a goodbye kiss. He had spent the night, and we had had a good time. I felt the relaxation that comes from sexual release and wanted him to know that I felt good. He turned just before the door and kissed me gently. “Can we go out next Friday?” he asked. “Friday is good,” I replied. Reggie stepped back and said, “I want to take you to meet some of my friends on the team. Shall I pick you up at 6 o’clock? We can get a bite on the...
I am looking down at an enclosed file. After opening, I read over the file. The file lists my next target. I do not know what this man has done or who wants him dead. He and his family are my next targets. The client demands that an example is made of this family. This is usually why I am hired. Reconnaissance starts with main target John. After a week was spent tracing and tracking his every move, habit, and routine. Next, his wife, two daughters, and son were followed for a week each,...
"Ungh" Yarek groans a little, closing his eyes so he won't get sick and dizzy, gripping tight still. He uses his toes to grip as well as Kai rolls along the ground, leaping some more. Kai pants heavily as he takes a brief rest, figuring out his next move. Yarek keeps holding on tight, too wary to relax his grip for even one second. After a moment Kai tenses up and takes a huge leap, landing in a barrel roll along the ground then rising into a tight running circle, rolling on the...
Author’s note: this story gets off to a slow start – I do hope the build up was worth it for you. Although purely fictional, Tess is based on a real person. If she ever reads this she will know it is about her. Tess knew she was different from a very early age. She came from the usual dysfunctional family – the product of an alcoholic dad and a mom who never saw or heard anything. It wasn’t so much that she was physically abused, she wasn’t, it was the emotional abuse. Tess was always a...
You knock on the door and walk in. You come into the living room but I’m not there. You can hear noise in the other room, so you sit on the couch and wait. I’m finishing up in the bedroom, when I hear you come in. I know you will sit in the living room and wait for me. I light my candle. I touch up my make up and take a last look at my outfit. Tonight I’m kitty. So let me tell you what I look like today. I’m wearing a black camisole, the kind that you would wear a sweater over top. But I’m not...
Ruby slung her beach bag over her shoulder and wandered down the paved pathway that led to her parents’ backyard. A trio of butterflies floated past while trees and lush plants overflowed from raised garden beds, creating a shady oasis from the summer sun. She drew in a breath and let it out in a contented sigh. If it hadn’t been for the two storey house looming over her, it would have felt like walking through a tropical rainforest. She pushed open the side gate and stepped from the enclosed...
It started innocently enough. They were having sex, good, hot sex, as they had done with decent frequency since before marrying five years ago. At twenty-eight and twenty-six they were still energetic and hot for each other, and regular exercise kept them fit and attractive to each other. Combined with their love for each other and their compatibility, their easy nature and youthful ardor, sex was fairly frequent, in spite of their relatively vanilla expressions of desire. This particular...
I tell James everything. I’ve only been friends with him for 2 months, but I trust him with all my secrets. One time we were talking and both discovered that the sexual needs we had were mutual. He then asked me if I wanted to live them out with him, and I agreed. I wasn’t nervous at all. I love James, he is the most amazing guy I’ve ever met. I don’t want to date him, I just want someone who I can trust completely and he is that guy. We decided on a Saturday night. I’m clean shaven as I step...