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Jenna got there first and it shouldn’t have been that way. For our entire lives she’d always been later than me but the one time I arrived after her became the day I’d regret forever, because those four minutes could have changed my entire life.

If only I’d met him first. If only I’d walked faster. If only I’d ignored the road signals and run through the static traffic and not stopped at the newsagent for chewing gum. If only, if only, if only. But I was late. And by the time I got to the bar, she and Noah were already deep in conversation, laughing like they’d known each other for years.

“Zoe!” Jenna jumped up when she saw me. “This is Noah. We just met. Noah, this is my sister, Zoe.”

“Hey,” he said. “Nice to meet you.”

We looked at each other. He smiled. I smiled. He didn’t see my heart drop like it knew just how much trouble I was already in. Nobody saw. I had a perfect poker face. If I’d have been looking in the mirror, even I wouldn’t have seen. But I felt the desperation like I’d been dealt the worst hand possible. I sat down at the tiny table. Jenna and I had planned to have drinks to celebrate her new job but with Noah there, the evening changed course.

They were all over each other. I watched from behind an endless stream of mojitos. He wasn’t her type. Didn’t she see it? He didn’t look neat enough to be her type. I knew the kind of guys she dated. Groomed hair and button down shirts. Noah wore a leather jacket and a silver chain. He smelt like cigarette smoke, not Armani For Him. The swirling end of a tattoo crept out of the neckline of his t-shirt.

Jenna shouldn’t have liked him but god help me, she did. I knew it in the way she touched his arm, the way she laughed at everything he said, the way her blue eyes sparkled like her Midnight Kiss cocktail. They were so into each other. It was like watching a case study on mutual attraction and even though they engaged me in conversation, I felt like a useless third wheel on their tandem bicycle. They clicked as easily and sleekly as a seatbelt.

The evening wore on, the bar teeming with revellers. It was a hot summer night; everyone out for a good time. People were drinking, laughing, glasses clinking in the endless buzz of conversation. Noah and Jenna seemed oblivious to everything but each other, not even glancing up when a fight spilled out into the street. I drank enough to get tired of drinking. The lights were too bright, the crowds too loud. Eventually, I cracked.

“Jenna, we should really go home.” My voice sounded loud, unnecessary, the most blatant and unwelcome of interruptions.

My sister looked at me, faintly disoriented as though she’d forgotten I was there.


Noah shifted as she stood up.

“Well, we should do this again sometime,” he said as though he were talking to both of us.

“Of course,” Jenna gushed and they smiled and looked at each other and wouldn’t stop looking until I literally pulled her away.

We walked the two miles home the midnight sky hued with deep, indigo light.

“You’re not actually gonna see him again, are you?” I asked.

“Why wouldn’t I?” Jenna was practically skipping alongside me, the streetlights catching the sequins on her dress. “He’s such a gentleman.”

“What about Jackson?” I asked. It was a mean question and I wanted it to be. Jackson was her on/off boyfriend, and he’d become something of a vice in her life. It was cruel to bring him up but some part of me felt annoyed at her happiness. I wanted to puncture the fairy dust cloud of spun sugar she seemed to be floating on.

“Jackson? He’s dead and buried,” Jenna caught my hand, as though trying to impart some of her excitement. “Forget him. Don’t you think Noah is just fucking edible?”

I shrugged, pulling my hand away. “If you like that kind of thing.”

I walked faster but it didn’t deter her. She floated effortlessly beside me, her steps not even making a sound on the sidewalk.

“Do you think he was into me? Do you think he thought I was pretty?”

I glared at her. Her blonde hair was loose around her bare shoulders, her skirt dangerously short and her legs tanned and endless. Noah had been hanging off her every word.

“Everyone thinks you’re pretty,” I said and it came out colder and more jealous than I would have liked so I laughed to cover it up but the laugh was awkward and cold too. A car raced past, guys hanging out the windows and whooping drunkenly.

“But do you think Noah thinks I’m pretty?” Jenna pressed, oblivious to their attentions.

“Of course he does. He wouldn’t stop staring at you. You’re beautiful.” I said and I was overcompensating even though she was too high for my earlier tone to have offended her. “I’m surprised you even liked him though,” I commented casually. “He had a tattoo, you know.”

“Yeah, I thought so.”

“I thought you hated tattoos. You said you’d disown me if I got one.”

“Yeah, but he kinda suits it, don’t you think?”

She tried to stop smiling but couldn’t. She was gone, and with every minute she seemed to spiral further down into his dizzying charm. There was nothing I could do. He was simply too attractive. I couldn’t drag her back. I should have been happy for her but all I felt was desperation. If I hadn’t had to see him again, it wouldn’t have mattered. But if they started dating, I’d be stuck at the sideline, hating every moment they spent together. I didn’t want it. But the whole thing was out of my control.

We got home and went into our stifling apartment and threw the windows open and cleaned our teeth and she didn’t stop talking about him until I finally escaped to my room.

Finally alone, I lay on my bed, the dark room feeling like a sauna. I thought of Noah. His voice. His eyes. His mouth looked hard, like he was constantly on guard but his smile curled in a way that warmed my entire world. I let out a long sigh, my hands curling into fists. She met him first. He wasn’t meant to be hers but what could I do?

My hand moved recklessly down under the waistband of my shorts and pressed against my snatch. Wet heat. I’d been turned on by the first word he’d said to me. Nobody had ever affected me so effortlessly before. I slid my fingertip down, pushing it against my entrance. The room felt too hot, my shorts too restrictive and I kicked them off until I was wearing only my t-shirt.

My hand felt almost soothing against my snatch. I thought of Noah and bit my lip hard enough to taste blood. I imagined kissing him, feeling his whisky-sharp tongue deep in my mouth, his hands digging into the curve of my ass. My free hand fumbled for my phone, clumsily bringing up porn videos. They took forever to load and I wondered idly how he’d fuck, the things he was into. Oral? Rough sex? Anal?

My hand moved faster, spurred on by the blurred displays of obscenity. I wanted him. I wanted him so badly it made my stomach hurt. I wanted him to be right there so I could touch him and feel him and make him feel as desperate as I did. My breath came out ragged, my t-shirt clinging to my damp body, my hand bringing me closer and closer to the edge. I dropped the phone and gripped my breast, kneading it desperately as my finger rubbed relentlessly at my clit.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” I whispered the word, my perspiration-drenched body clenched in anticipation. When it finally came, the pleasure was everything. I had to push my face into the pillow to keep quiet and it went on, the orgasm beautifully draining.


They started dating. I told myself I could deal with it. Noah was nothing special. He was just a man. Just a man. I’d always learned to despise things I didn’t have but god help me, Noah wasn’t a thing. He was a person. A living human being and try as I might, I couldn’t stop wanting him. I’d never felt so helplessly attracted to anyone. It was the little things. The precise angle of his jaw. The ridges in his fingernails. The depth of his laugh.

He’d come over to pick Jenna up and she wouldn’t be ready but it didn’t matter because even her lateness was charming and beautiful. And Noah and I would make small talk and he’d sit on the arm of the sofa and pace up and down our tidy living room until we eventually broke onto the balcony so he could smoke. It happened every time. Jenna always took forever to get ready and I’d crave the time alone with Noah and dread it at the same time because I always laughed too hard or said something off kilter, talking too fast to filter the words.

But I could romanticise those moments. The time would last forever when we were alone together. Sitting on the balcony, legs dangling, his cigarette angling to the sky, his laugh strangling the darkness until light overflowed and made me feel like every dream I’d ever had glowed on the brink of reality. I always sweated when I talked to him and when Jenna was ready and the door clicked shut behind them, I’d lean against it and think of him so hard that my knees would feel weak and I’d reach down to touch myself until my legs gave out and I’d sink to the floor in a gasping heap of cheap pleasure.

All I knew was what I saw right in front of me. The light in his dark eyes. The way his mouth curled when he looked at me. God, how I wanted him. It felt solid almost. Sometimes I feared Jenna would see it. We did everything together and it had always been that way. Whenever one of us dated, it didn’t get between the things we did or the places we went. I went out with them sometimes, a useless and dragging third wheel but she wouldn’t have it any other way because that was just who she was

Bars and concerts. Hot summer nights. I couldn’t stop. I couldn’t stop. I watched the way their fingers tangled, the way his chin rested on the top of her head and I watched from behind oversized sunglasses as they made out. I couldn’t get over just how beautiful they looked together.


I dreamt of fucking him. It was inevitable. My waking mind was so occupied by thoughts of him that it only made sense for his presence to eventually invade my dreams. And god, how he invaded them. I touched him, felt the muscle in his arms, felt his mouth crush mine and his fingers push inside me until I writhed against his immovable weight.

“You’re so beautiful,” he said and the words weren’t even necessary because he looked at me with that reluctant smile and nothing made me feel more beautiful than being the cause of that smile. Our mouths clashed, his hands clawing at my skirt, fingers dragging up my legs and digging into my ass. His breath felt hot against me and his hand ground between my thighs until desperate sighs spilled from my mouth and into his.

“I’ve wanted you so long,” he said and it was wrong but the urge was too strong to purge and I let him push me down onto some soft, perfect bed and crawl on top of me. He kissed a path down my neck and my shirt had miraculously disappeared so his lips moved unhindered over my collarbones before his mouth brushed my nipple and his tongue circled it wetly. My hands were in his hair and it felt soft, so soft and warm just like I’d known it would. And then he was between my legs, his cock pushing against my snatch until he finally eased inside and nothing had ever felt so sublime.

“You feel so good,” he whispered and his voice dragged over the words like it always did, scratched and grazed with chainsmoking and it went inside me, just like his cock was inside me. He fucked hard; pushed in and out until I couldn’t keep up and then I just had to take it; had to feel the delicious way he slammed in and out until we were both sweating. He was still wearing his t-shirt and I frowned, holding out a hand to pause him.

“Why’ve you got your shirt on?” I asked. It shouldn’t have mattered but it was a dream so the stupid things mattered and bizarrely, I wanted to see his tattoo. I’d only ever seen the part on his neck and I desperately wanted to know what the rest of it was.

He sat up, his cock easing out of me as he pulled off the shirt and I stared at his chest because the tattoo was a tattoo of my sister and how could it be when he’d had it before he met her? And she looked beautiful even in the black ink; she looked like a princess, an angel, something too clean for me to ever touch with my guilt stained hands. And as I stared blankly at the tattoo, Noah stared at me, confused and impatient.

“What’s wrong?” he asked and the answer was too huge for me to give and the question echoed in my mind (what’s wrong? what’s wrong? what’s wrong?) until it was all I could hear and then I heard a crash followed by laughter and the fantasy curled away like cigarette smoke as the world came back.

“Shhh! Zoe must be asleep. Stop it!”

I sat up, disoriented and dazed, mind ablaze with the receding dream. I heard their voices as the front door clicked shut and my eyes flicked to the nightstand clock. 01:18. Early, almost. They stumbled through the flat, laughter interspersed with the occasional empty shhhh. My t-shirt was damp with sweat, my heart beating fast beneath it. They eventually made it to her room and the door slammed shut. I lay back, overflowing with guilt.

Why didn’t I meet him first? Why didn’t I get to the goddamn bar five minutes earlier? Why did he have to enter my life as nothing more than something untouchable? It was like having to stare at an enormous pile of money and never being able to lay a hand on it, let alone spend it. But I had to watch Jenna spent it and she did. Fast and reckless.

Because while time only intensified my desire for Noah, for Jenna the sparkle seemed to wear off. She was still all over him but a month in and I’d hear her on the phone with her ex-boyfriend Jackson, making calls that lasted longer than they ever did with Noah. Sometimes Jackson would even come over. She tried to hide it but I knew. I’d come home to the smell of Armani Stronger With You and she always had perfect excuses, layers of lies built up like a dam to stop the truth flooding out. She knew I knew but it didn’t stop her playing the game maybe because to pretend would avoid the inevitable confrontation.

I tolerated it because she wasn’t perfect. Nobody’s perfect. And when Noah asked me if everything was okay with my sister, I gave him her excuses because to do anything else would be to betray and how could I betray someone who’d stood by me my entire life? We always caught each other on the way down. I should have hated her for the duplicity but I could never hate her. I’d do anything for her because I knew her. I knew where she’d come from and why she did the things she did.

I was her sister. Our connection ran deep and strong and anything that got between us would be drowned in the rush. And so I didn’t let Noah get between us. I didn’t chase him. I didn’t tell her how I felt. I followed the code. Swallowed the envy and wallowed in the lonely circus of my emotions.

I felt constantly on the verge of tears. It took all my effort to hold them back. I could imagine the spilling flow killing the months of careful, clinical restraint. I couldn’t. I had to hold up, fold up the hurt and hide it deep inside. I tried. I lied. Defied every selfish impulse. What would breaking them achieve?

It took me back to every time I’d resented her. Like the time we were kids and she had a colouring book and she coloured so hard and went outside of every line and I so desperately wanted to snatch it from her because she was ruining it but I couldn’t because it was hers and I had no right to it. I just had to watch and now all I could do was watch as she took Noah and ruined everything they could have been. I’d seen her do it with other guys but I’d never really taken it to heart. They drifted in and out, unimportant and inconsequential but Noah was more. Silhouettes and cigarettes.

Selfishly, helplessly, I hoped that they’d fall apart but the summer was just the start.

Winter came, Christmas bringing listless lingering in the warm glitter of department stores. Jenna and I had always spent the holidays together, and since we were kids we’d waste hours wandering through the gaudily lit city, spending imaginary credit limits in wild fantasies. But it was different with Noah. Somehow his presence made the whole thing seem foolish and immature. Unfazed, Jenna dragged me to jewellery displays in an attempt to revive our tradition.

“Come on, Zoe!”

But everything had changed. The winter days seemed colder that year, and he’d hold her hand and I’d look at their fingers entangling and I wanted to go home and sleep until the whole nightmare was over. But maybe it wouldn’t end. I watched them lean over the case of wedding rings and my heart thudded as cold as a snowball as my mind fast forwarded the unthinkable.

Maybe he would marry her. Maybe he’d walk to the gleaming counter of that overpriced jewellery store and buy a diamond ring and propose and then they’d be together forever and surely I would be able to stop then. Why couldn’t I stop? What would I do if they spent the rest of their lives together? Could I ever switch off the emotions? I felt my eyes water and pressed my forehead hard against the cool glass screening the display before me.

Emeralds. Emerald earrings and necklaces and rings and bracelets and some Colombian and some Zambian and the Colombian ones were more expensive even though the colour wasn’t half as pretty as the Zambian. Pretty. I caught sight of Jenna in the mirror edge of the opposite display. Pretty. Everyone said we looked alike but we didn’t. Her nose was slighter, straighter, her cheekbones higher, her mouth fuller. How could anyone even look at me next to her?

I moved away, wandering aimlessly past cafes and gift stores. People held hands, discussing plans, laughing about nothing, and there was a weight to it. I felt like I could almost touch their happiness. And you couldn’t just buy it. You couldn’t walk into a store and order it and have it gift wrapped and delivered with a bow. I felt left out, in the stark, dark loneliness, condemned to be a witness and not a participant. And perhaps it was my own fault. I always found faults in the men who showed interest in me. Works too hard. Doesn’t work enough. Too distant. Too emotional.

I stopped at a bookstore and looked in the window, my breath clouding against the glass. A selection of collectors’ editions of books made up the display. IDEAL CHRISTMAS PRESENTS! the accompanying sign confidently proclaimed. The books were beautiful; hardback classics by Steinbeck, Dickens, Salinger but the price labels made me feel weak.

“Fucking hell, who’d spend that much on a book?” Noah’s voice was warm in my ear. I looked at him. He blew smoke out of the corner of his mouth, flicking ash from the tip of his cigarette. Even that tiny movement seemed like art to me.

“Where’s Jenna?” I asked.

“She had a phone call,” He jerked his head towards the jewellery store. “Her friend Jackson.”

I looked at him. He looked at me, clean and clueless. Didn’t he see? How could he be so blind? I bit my lip hard to stop the truth blurting out.

“Have you ever met Jackson?” I asked. I don’t know what I was thinking. I felt reckless all of a sudden, helpless under the great weight of the truth.

He looked faintly surprised at the question.

“No. I don’t think so.”

Opportunities. We looked at each other and he smiled guilelessly, making my insides spin. There was no off button. No way to stop the desperation. If I could have blocked him out of my life maybe it would be different. But I couldn’t. I was helpless, condemned to open the door and have him walk right past me and into her arms.

Would it ever stop? I could have ended it, rendered it dead and finished. I had the ammunition. I had the truth in my clenched fists but I had to resist, had to stifle the rifling urge to kill their connection. I stared at the books until eventually Jenna finished her call and came over and the moment was lost. The three of us wandered aimlessly through the city until sunset and then we went into a warm, heaving restaurant and ate warm steaming food and it was a place I’d always liked but if someone had said there was a new chef I’d have believed them because everything tasted like cardboard.

“That waiter won’t stop looking at you,” Jenna said halfway through and I frowned because she always said stupid things like that and I knew for a fact that the waiter would have been looking at her, not me, because everybody always looked at her.

“Which waiter?” I asked regardless because why not? Why not make stupid, pointless conversation to distract from the draining loneliness?

“That one,” She nodded her head towards the bar. “What do you think?”

I turned obediently. The man in question was tall with dark hair.

“He’s – okay,” I said noncommittally.

“God, you’re hard to please,” she sighed, rolling her eyes. She stood up. “I need to go fix my eyeliner.”

She went to the bathroom and Noah looked at me and smiled that perfect beautiful fairy-light smile and it felt like I could go blind and it wouldn’t matter because once I’d seen that smile, the world had nothing more to give.

And maybe it didn’t. I’d seen it all. I knew how to live, knew how to give. Knew how to take, how to fake, how to suppress the bottomless lake of aching. But this? This was the worst of it all. Forget everyone before. This. Sitting across from him at the table and being so unable to verbalise how much I felt for him. It felt like the horrific, treacherous secret might just burst out of me and maybe he sensed it. Maybe it came off me in some sort of undiscovered sixth sense because his eyes didn’t move from mine but his smile faded.

“I’m sorry,” he said and I wasn’t even sure he said it because his voice was so quiet but then he cleared his throat and said it again. “I’m sorry, Zoe.”

I looked at him without looking at him, the way you look at a book without reading it.

“For what?”

He opened his mouth. I could have leaned across the table and kissed him. I imagined it in my head, and came so close to living the fantasy that I had to sit on my hands.

“For – whatever,” he said, finally.

He picked up his glass and gulped quickly, ice cubes clinking. And Jenna didn’t care. Jenna wouldn’t see the way his fingertips left imprints in the condensation. And she wouldn’t see the way his mouth tightened as he swallowed, or the perfect dip of his Adam’s apple. She didn’t care. She was probably texting Jackson in the bathroom. And sure enough when she came back in a breeze of perfume and perfection, her eyeliner looked exactly the same as it had when she’d left. She hadn’t even touched up her lipstick. But what did it matter? It didn’t change anything. He was still hers and he always would be.

I looked away and Jenna had been right because I caught the eye of the tall waiter and the silent contact lingered just long enough to make me feel flattered. I looked at Jenna and Noah who were laughing helplessly at some inside joke. The waiter came over.

“Look, I know this is kinda forward but you wouldn’t want to get a drink or something would you? My shift is just ending so - ?”

He let the question hang unfinished and before I could say no, Jenna chipped in.

“She’d love to.”

He didn’t look at her but his eyebrows lifted in expectation.

“Sure,” I said. “Why not?”


We went to a very crowded and very expensive bar opposite the restaurant. The waiter’s name was Caleb and he drank beer and I drank mojitos and then felt guilty because they cost so much and I almost couldn’t bear for him to pay the tab because he was a waiter and maybe he didn’t have much money. So I made up a story that I’d just won a small fortune on a scratch card the previous day and he very reluctantly let me cover the bill which was an immense relief.

We talked about things. Families and Christmas and how unfair it was for the weather to be so cold and yet for there to be no snow. It felt good. Half-friendship, half-flirting. Skirting around topics that could have killed the mood. He was smart and he had a nice laugh and when we went out of the bar his hand was so warm that I didn’t want to let go of it. I didn’t. He kissed me in the street just as sleet started coming down and it felt so sweet and romantic that my alcohol infused brain decided it was fate. I went home with him.

It felt good. It felt warm. He had an easy smile and dark eyes and I’d spent so many months of wanting that I’d forgotten the joy of being wanted. This wasn’t make-believe. This wasn’t pretend. This was mutuality; his mouth on mine and his tongue forking into my mouth as his hands went under my shirt. So much more than fantasy. I kissed him until we were gasping and then I kissed him some more. We stumbled through the door into his bedroom, fumbling with clothes until we fell onto the bed, him on top.

“You’re so pretty,” he said and it was a nice word. I liked it. There was something soft and delicate and not too showy about it.

“So are you,” I said and he laughed and I laughed but it was true. His eyelashes were long and his face structured like the kind of guy you might see in a perfume commercial. He kissed me much more gently than before and trailed a path of kisses down the centre of my body. I realised too late what he was about to do and propped myself up on my elbows to look down at him.

“What are you doing?”

He laughed again. “Nothing much.”

He was between my legs and his tongue came out to press hard against my clit. His finger pushed inside me, curling and searching and he knew what he was doing. He knew how to make me come and he did it until I felt like I might never stop; his tongue and fingers working me skilfully. I wondered hazily if he might expect me to go down on him in return and I tried to move towards his cock but he crawled back on top of me and kissed me again. His hand caught one of my legs pulling it up so his cock could push against me.

“Fuck,” he groaned out the word as he pushed inside me, stretching and filling me. It had been too long. Too many sleepless nights of nothing but my own fingers. His hands moved over my body urgently, stroking and groping so reverently that I felt almost beautiful. His cock drove in and out of my grasping snatch and I lifted my hips to meet him for each thrust. I stopped listening to the things he was saying, maybe because I might have started believing them.

I came again, with him inside me and he came too, so hard and urgently that I felt each rippling pulse of his cock. In any other time of my life he might have been just about perfect. But it wasn’t the right time and I was too blind to appreciate him.

We lay in the aftermath, his fingertips walking a listless path across my warm skin. I felt like he was looking for more than the hollow pleasure; like he was treasure hunting, searching for something, anything, but I was nothing. I had nothing more to give him.

“I’m gonna get in the shower,” he said finally. “You okay?”

“Yeah. Fine. Thank you.”

Thank you. Thank you for your attention and your mouth and your hands and your perfect cock. Thank you for making me feel unempty for one beautiful evening.

He disappeared from the room and a minute later, I heard the water start. I sat up fast, unable to quell the intense sense of shame. I dressed. Underwear. Jeans. Shirt. Sweater. Coat. I didn’t want to leave the warm apartment but how could I stay? How could I play it like it was all okay? It wasn’t okay. I didn’t even know him, let alone like him.

Outside, the dark ground glittered with frost, like it was embedded with millions of lost diamonds. I almost slipped and fell countless times. I wondered how ridiculous I looked to everyone driving by in their warm cars and walked faster and slipped harder until I finally made it into our building.

To my great dismay, Jenna was awake.

“You’re home,” she said.

“Duh.” I closed the door and took my time locking it in the hope she’d leave me alone. She didn’t.

“You shouldn’t be with someone for the sake of being with someone,” she said softly. “There should be more. You should know them. Trust them.”

I turned around, my voice as cold as the rest of me.

“And you’d be an expert on trust, right?”

She blinked, clean, warm and angelic and I felt so impossibly inferior but I couldn’t show it. I made to unbutton my coat but my fingers were numb with cold. I pretended I was smoothing it down instead. Jenna watched.

“Zoe, I’m just saying that -”

“I don’t care.” I said. “I don’t need your advice.”

She sighed. “Yeah. Okay.”

She stepped forward and unfastened my coat and it was the kind of thing only she’d ever know to do and it made my eyes water.


In the end, patience paid off.

“Noah and I broke up last night.”

I expected to feel relief at the news but it didn’t come. I felt awful, like I was somehow responsible for the ending.

“I’m sorry,” I said.

She shrugged.

“I have some stuff at his place. Would you go get it for me?”

It always happened. I was the dutiful sidekick, carefully picking up the pieces of her beautiful messes. I couldn’t have counted the number of ex-boyfriends apartments I’d retrieved her assorted possessions from. The men themselves were usually downcast, eyeing me silently or imparting information for me to take back to Jenna. I rarely relayed the messages.

But Noah was different. The idea of seeing him, being alone with him, filled me with a deadly thrill.

“Jenna, I can’t. I’m working late anyway.”

“So go afterwards,” she said. “Please. You know I’d do the same for you. Please.”

“Why’d you guys break up anyway?” I stalled. “Jackson?”

The name sounded vicious in our warm living room. I wished I hadn’t said it.

“I don’t wanna talk about it,” She concentrated on her phone, her thumbs typing fast but she narrowed her eyes and I knew it was so I wouldn’t see the tears. It made me want to cry too. What could I say? It was over. She’d taken him and used him up and now he was gone and it was her own fault but – but what? Why couldn’t I hate her?

“Please, Zoe,” She looked at me. “Please. Then all this is over and we can do whatever you want. Just us. I feel like I miss you.”

I’d missed her too. Noah had shifted the dynamic between us, lifted the warmth and replaced it with envy and confusion. Perhaps now we could go back to being us.


I’d never been to Noah’s place before. It was untidy; clothes and sports equipment littering the living space. Stacks of mail, magazines and leaflets adorned every surface. Bottles of water in various stages of emptiness were lined up on the windowsill. A solitary Christmas card sat on the cluttered mantelpiece. I glanced hastily around, trying to identify any of Jenna’s items.

“Her stuff is mostly in the bedroom,” Noah said and I followed him carefully through to the marginally tidier room. The bed was unmade, the window open wide and the cold January wind breezing through Thankfully, Jenna’s clothes were mostly in the wardrobe but some were on the floor next to the bed and I sifted through, separating hers from his. It felt like a terrible thing to be doing; like cleaning up after a party that had gone wrong.

“She was cheating on me, wasn’t she?”

The question came from the doorway. Noah’s voice was calm. He looked at me across the room as I stowed clothes into my gym bag.


I didn’t look at him. To look at him would be to confess and if I confessed one truth maybe the bottleneck would give and every other truth I’d been storing would come pouring out. But he already knew. He knew it. He saw it. He felt it.

“How could you not tell me?” he asked. “Have you two been laughing at me this whole time?”

I exhaled, struggling with the zipper on the overflowing bag.

“Don’t be ridiculous.”

He came over and crouched down to help me.

“God,” he said. “I can’t believe how much time I wasted on that liar.”

I pulled the bag away from him.

“Don’t talk about my sister like that.”

He took the bag back and drew the zip closed.

“Why not? It’s the truth.”

He was right but I still felt obliged to protest.

“She’s still my sister. She’s never hurt me.”

He laughed.

“C’mon, Zoe. Don’t you think she sees you? She knows how you feel and she throws it in your face every single fucking day.”

I blanched. How could he know how I felt? The secret was mine, running around me, filling my veins but never spilling out. How could he have seen something I’d stored so carefully inside?

“How I feel?” I asked cautiously.

He looked at me, and he didn’t smile.

“What, you think I’m blind?”

I felt my face heat rapidly. I wanted to cry.

He frowned.

“Hey, don’t. There’s nothing wrong in feeling something.”

I laughed emptily.


“Of course not. But you say Jenna’s never hurt you? You don’t think she sees? She’s either stupid or cruel. And we both know she’s not stupid.”

I didn’t believe him. He was hurting and he was bitter and he wanted to ruin us, to burn everything, turn everything Jenna had into a pile of worthless ash. I didn’t believe him. Jenna wasn’t cruel unless there was cruelty in oblivion. I stood up.

“I think I’ve got everything anyway.”

He followed me through to the front door.

“I guess this is goodbye then,” He unlocked the door but he didn’t open it. “You know, I’m gonna miss you, Zoe.”

I looked up at him and because I’d never have to see him again, I suddenly didn’t care what he thought of me.

“Really?” I asked.

His smile curled flawlessly.

“Really,” he said. He opened the door but then he shut it again.

“You know that time I told you I was sorry and you didn’t know what for?”

I blinked. “Yeah?”

He inhaled.

“I’m sorry that I didn’t meet you first, Zoe. Really fucking sorry.”

We looked at each other and the moment I’d dreamt of was there. Delicate and intimate. I looked at his mouth and his hand came out and he would have touched my face. I would have felt his fingers and he would have kissed me and perhaps it would have been everything I’d dreamed of but I couldn’t. I moved away and he dropped his hand and opened the door and I walked out and never saw him again.

Jenna would move on. She always did and it never took her very long and he would mean nothing to her. She wouldn’t speak of him and yet I could never go near him again. He was hers even though he wasn’t hers anymore. I couldn’t touch him. And I told myself that it didn’t matter because maybe to act on it would have ruined it. Maybe the beauty was in that endless longing; in the way I could never have him but only ever dream of him.

Dreams are better than reality. It would have been awkward, edges cutting into the soft fantasies, edges of reality, of Jenna and guilt, spilling dirt over the flawless delusion. She’d move on. He’d move on. And as impossible as it seemed at the time, so would I.

Same as

Off Limits Videos
4 years ago
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Pushing Limits

She knew better than to move, knew that if her hands wandered, she would be punished. He had ordered her to keep her hands where they were, above her head. He was not kind enough to restrain her—to keep her from moving. He wanted her to break, to disobey. His eyes told her to misbehave, that he needed to earn her submission. She whimpered as his fingers moved deeper, rougher.She wanted everything. She arched against his touch as his fingertips drew out a high-pitched whine from her throat. He...

3 years ago
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Testing the Limits

Testing the Limitsby W2beh ([email protected])This story describes the re-kindling of passion between my wife and I, with a return to the erotic depravity of our youth. It is written at her request, which was made to further demonstrate her ability to humble me. It tells of a wild night she and I had together, in which she explores my limits and her own fantasies by requiring me to service another guy. (MMF, nc, wife, bi, bd)My wife and I have been married for quite a few years and have two...

3 years ago
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LimitsI sit across from You at the dinner table, smiling softly as I watch You sip at Your wine.  Looking up You lock Your eyes with mine. I quickly feel my face flush and lower my gaze to the table. You whisper ?So, what shall we do tonight pet??  Shifting in my chair a bit I reply, ?Whatever You wish Sir?  ?That’s not what I asked girl, answer My question.? You command.  Looking up, once more meeting Your eyes ?We have talked of limits many times Master, perhaps we should?push them.? My...

3 years ago
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Pushing them to the limits

Pushing them to the limits.You might think what a strange heading for a story, but this will become clear during this story. When I started to put this story on paper, I didn't think it would become a long story. But it turned out to be a quit long story. I will split it up into chapters, but I can't wait to tell you how I pushed these young women to their limits...Let me tell you about myself. I'm an ordinary guy, in my 50's and married. We have no k**s, and still enjoying each other in every...

3 years ago
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No Limits

It started innocently enough. They were having sex; good, hot sex, as they had done with decent frequency since before marrying five years ago. At twenty-eight and twenty-six they were still energetic and hot for each other, and regular exercise kept them fit and attractive to each other. Combined with their love for each other and their compatibility, their easy nature and youthful ardor, sex was fairly frequent, in spite of their relatively vanilla expressions of desire. This particular night...

Wife Lovers
4 years ago
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I'd been working there for a year or so when Heather was hired. The company was growing fast and she, and earlier I, were among a number of new web developers we brought on. I was more into the coding side of the job and she was an accomplished graphic artist though we both shared some abilities in the other's strengths. I'll have to admit, Heather was not a stunning beauty and she didn't particularly catch my attention at first. At maybe 5 foot 4, she was quite slender, with medium length...

1 year ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 273 Do I Have Limits

Why did it change me from a secure landing area near home to here? When I landed on the top of Steve’s building, I found a pilot there wearing a pressure suit like I should have been worn but didn’t have the time to change and never considered stopping somewhere to put it on. Whatever they used to camouflage the planes made it appear to be a commercial helicopter. The pilot did a quick set of checks before climbing in and having it seem to be spinning up the rotors for takeoff. I slipped...

3 years ago
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Marked and OffLimits

Slowly he unbuttoned her blouse. He stood behind her and she could feel his body pressed against hers. When he finished the last button, her shirt dropped to the floor and she thought he would quickly undo her bra so he could get his hands on her breasts. But he didn’t. To her surprise he moved her hair and slowly kissed her throat and her neck and her ear. Shivers went up and down her spine and she moaned softly. He continued to kiss her neck and her back and down her arms. With his fingers,...

3 years ago
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The Uncovering Pt 2 showed no limits

Chinese. Brown hiligts5'-4"Skinny and dicate frameSize 0Perky titties Has only dated white or native Cock worshiper So where were we?Less than 4 hours after discussing it seriously and 10 min since she met the young man from Craigslist, she is kneeling between his legs while he is sat back relaxed on our sofa. I have watched the closer up camera footage so many times of this that i almlost forgot my view of the situation. She only licked his long, straight cock once from bottom up after...

3 years ago
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Submission Knows No Limits

Submission Knows No Limits                                                     By                                  Katey Caine                             i am kneeling, completely naked, in the position that i am to assume with my Master. He has told me that i must always have my eyes downward, kneeling with my back straight and my hands behind my back. He has told me that i am not allowed to wear clothes in His presence, except in public, outside the confines of the house. Within these...

2 years ago
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She Wants To Cross The Limits

Hi, I am the regular reader of ISS. Mein kafi din se soch raha tha ki mein bhi apni story likhu to aaj mein aapko aapni story bata raha hoon. Mera naam rahul hai. Mein job karta hoon. Jab mein college mein tha to meri kafi girl friends thi. Jab mein 2nd year mein tha to meri friendship SIMRAN naam ki ladki se hui. Who itni sexy nahin thi but apne apko maintain karke rakhti thi. Who jab taayar hoti thi muje dikhane ke liye to sex bomb lagti thi. Jab mein usko first time date pe leke gaya to...

2 years ago
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Just A Small Town Girl Part 3 Testing Limits

"This is the back for entry, the real view is on the other side." William Frazier met them at the door looking as though he was ready to board a yacht. "Come in. Shay we've waited too long to invite you to our home. Kent take her bag and I'll show her around. Kent was gone for a little while, Shay thinking he probably needed Curtis to drive him to the other side of the house. Mr. Frazier led her through room after room. A formal dining room that could seat 20 or more, sitting rooms and a...

1 year ago
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Love Knows No Limits

This is the story of love, the only feeling that discriminates no one. It can bring strangers to intimacy or may convert siblings into lovers. It knows no limits. Author’s Note:This is the first part of my novella, “And so, she cummed”. It portrays Romance as the prevailing theme. _________________________________________________________ Cast of Characters:Major Characters:Bianca Floris: Protagonist.Raymond Peter Evans: Viewpoint character and Bianca’s boyfriend.Veronica...

2 years ago
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RUNAWAY Chapter 9 Pushing The Limits

After staring at the one on her wrist she looked at the cross on her finger, the clover inside her arm by her elbow and the dragonfly that was paid for by her first gang rape. For a few moments it was hard to breath. Her very quickly planned decision to run away so far had gone pretty well, one puzzle piece at a time. She thought about the dragonfly she had wanted. Like many mothers and daughters she felt like her mother was too strict and was constantly changing the rules when she would...

1 year ago
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Unbound limits

blackmailing the cumslut We met online.? She responded to a request for comments about a story I?d posted to a website she frequents.? She expressed an interest in many of the fantasies I enjoy?bondage, enslavement, collaring, modification, and humiliation.? She seemed young and na?ve in some ways, yet curious and sexually aware in others.? Her name was Irene, but that name would not be hers for long. Many emails pass back and forth and I quickly became infatuated with the Korean, UCLA c...

2 years ago
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The First Realm Lee Ki Jungs storyChapter 25 Limits

Ki Jung finds the tea house without trouble. She enjoys herself more than she expected she would. Ki Jung meets several people around her own age range, learns to play Majong, enjoys some tea, and engages in some interesting discussions. The evening at the tea house is the first of many. The weekly trips to the tea house raised her spirits. It feels good to interact with others her own age. She even allows herself to be led to a semi-secluded area where she engaged in some good old fashioned...

2 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 275 Unlimited or Untestable Limits

With power cables bigger around than her legs, I can see why she is worried. “Riley, I’m not worried at all,” I told her as I rubbed her back. “I thought you knew that people like me enjoy pure bliss, and unnaturally strong climaxes, from playing with lightning. The bigger the storm, the better. Between us, I think this is more to test how much power this testing facility can draw in before it burns something out. I’ve never done this with generated electricity before. I have pulled all the...

3 years ago
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Pushing Her Limits

I got to the coffee shop at 8:50am. She was running late and had called me. I thought, not good for her. She showed up at 9:12am. She sat down and I looked at my watch "You know, you will pay for being late young lady." "Yes sir." "I'm really sorry, but.." I held up my hand "I'm not to hear any excuses, do you understand?" She held her head down and simply said "yes, sir." "I've ordered for you." "They weren't going to put the order in until you showed up." "Did you do...

1 year ago
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Laying Out Her Limits

She knew better than to move, knew that if her hands wandered, she would be punished. He had ordered her to keep her hands where they were, above her head. He was not kind enough to restrain her—to keep her from moving. He wanted her to break, to disobey. His eyes told her to misbehave, that he needed to earn her submission. She whimpered as his fingers moved deeper, rougher. She wanted everything. She arched against his touch as his fingertips drew out a high-pitched whine from her throat....

1 year ago
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Price of Betrayal 4 Tanya Learns Her Limits

Introduction: Part 4 When I got home at five till six, my hands were shaking, I was so excited, and I actually dropped my keys on the floor as I was putting them on the table by the door. The house was deathly quiet, and I just as quietly went to my room and changed into my leathers. Then I prepared her room for the aftercare I knew she would need. Barefoot, I made my way to the dungeon. Tanya was right where she should have been, and the first thing I noticed was that she was already...

3 years ago
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Lonely twenties Pushed to the limits

At the age of twenty-seven, Lisa was starting to see tough scenarios play out in her life. A lot of her friends were starting to get married and she was still not interested in a long term relationship. As a former athlete in college, she took a job in Miami where despite her background as a white southern woman, she fit right in due to her look. Lisa had black hair, a light tan, slim waist, stood at five-foot-nine and looked exactly like Megan Fox. The job that Lisa worked was a marketing role...

3 years ago
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Edging to the limits

I must admit, I was impressed as soon as I set my eyes on him.His wrists were bound tightly together with a piece of rope that was fixed to the ceiling through a single brass loop. His feet were drawn back toward his buttocks with another piece of rope pulled through the brass loop, keeping them firmly in situ. He hung like this, suspended in the air, his body forming a lopsided "U" shape. His knees were his lowest extremity at around 3 feet from the floor. He was clothed only in a pair of...

2 years ago
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Evil Souls Have No Limits

Genre- EVERYTHINGIntroduction:This is chapter one of this series. There will be several chapters. Also, this story will tie INS, coincide, and interact with another author’s story on this sight. I hope you enjoy it. It is just a fiction fantasy and do not condone the acts within nor should this be attempted. I will welcome all comments positive or negative. However, I do request negative responders to speak intelligently if you wish me to take you seriously. I am an amateur at this so hopefully...

2 years ago
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Testing the Limits

Ruby slung her beach bag over her shoulder and wandered down the paved pathway that led to her parents’ backyard. A trio of butterflies floated past while trees and lush plants overflowed from raised garden beds, creating a shady oasis from the summer sun. She drew in a breath and let it out in a contented sigh. If it hadn’t been for the two storey house looming over her, it would have felt like walking through a tropical rainforest. She pushed open the side gate and stepped from the enclosed...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Friendly Limits

Author's note: this story gets off to a slow start - I do hope the build up was worth it for you. Although purely fictional, Tess is based on a real person. If she ever reads this she will know it is about her.Tess knew she was different from a very early age. She came from the usual dysfunctional family - the product of an alcoholic dad and a mom who never saw or heard anything. It wasn't so much that she was physically abused, she wasn't; it was the emotional abuse. Tess was always a little...

3 years ago
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Cori's relatives and my coworkers were milling around the funeral home, munching on celery sticks and green bean casserole, and occasionally coming up to me to murmur something soothing and useless.  I was still somewhat in shock and denial since the car accident, and I have no idea to this day what they said to me, nor whether my replies made any sense.I do remember when Kenneth from Accounting came over; Ken's hobby was accounts receivable, but his real job as far as he was concerned was the...

3 years ago
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No Accounting for TastesChapter 13 Pushing Limits

After his recent experiences with Deanna & Allison, George was almost relieved when it was Erica that contacted him next. The telephone call was short and to the point. "Report at 7 o'clock this evening, please," Erica had said. "Don't make any plans for after that." George had no opportunity to reply before Erica hung up. Erica's call was followed by one from Allison. She gave no indication that she had recognised George at their session but her tone had changed dramatically...

4 years ago
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"I'm not sure I can believe you Chris," Donna told her friend as they sat together having lunch. "Not that I don't believe what you're saying isn't true, but that what your brother's friend told him isn't," she added trying to clarify and mollify her friends hurt look. "Pete has never lied to me," Chris stated, "and I know he wouldn't have told me all this if he didn't honestly believe it too!" she added. "Which is why I decided to come to you with it, if anyone could look...

2 years ago
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Lost With Nothing to Lose06 Testing Their Limits

“Really, it isn’t so difficult if you barter. You’re trading time spent in ration lines for other items you need. It’s all about making and maintaining contacts.” “Well, thanks,” Al said, finally backing away. “We’ll see you around.” “Seriously,” Siluzz clucked, shaking her head and marching away from the people in the hallway. “I don’t understand why you feel obligated to encourage everyone to prattle on about the unimportant details of their lives. You don’t have enough time, or will even...

1 year ago
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Questioning The Limits

It had only been a week since the incredible experience in the industrial estate. I had spent the week once again in a roller-coaster of emotion. I found the experience turned me on incredibly, and actually wanked to relieve myself daily over the thoughts.But then, I also questioned the experience. How did we go from a cheeky masturbating drive in the car, to watching my first wife exposing herself voluntarily? Then, me encouraging her and her willingness, to fuck not one, but three strangers....

1 year ago
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Carols Limits

Friday Night I followed Reggie to the door for a goodbye kiss. He had spent the night, and we had had a good time. I felt the relaxation that comes from sexual release and wanted him to know that I felt good. He turned just before the door and kissed me gently. “Can we go out next Friday?” he asked. “Friday is good,” I replied. Reggie stepped back and said, “I want to take you to meet some of my friends on the team. Shall I pick you up at 6 o’clock? We can get a bite on the...

3 years ago
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Evil Souls Have No Limits

I am looking down at an enclosed file. After opening, I read over the file. The file lists my next target. I do not know what this man has done or who wants him dead. He and his family are my next targets. The client demands that an example is made of this family. This is usually why I am hired. Reconnaissance starts with main target John. After a week was spent tracing and tracking his every move, habit, and routine. Next, his wife, two daughters, and son were followed for a week each,...

2 years ago
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A warriors bondlove has no limits

"Ungh" Yarek groans a little, closing his eyes so he won't get sick and dizzy, gripping tight still. He uses his toes to grip as well as Kai rolls along the ground, leaping some more. Kai pants heavily as he takes a brief rest, figuring out his next move. Yarek keeps holding on tight, too wary to relax his grip for even one second. After a moment Kai tenses up and takes a huge leap, landing in a barrel roll along the ground then rising into a tight running circle, rolling on the...

2 years ago
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Beyond Limits

Part 1 The sun was bright. The day was bristling with sun, and here in this apartment it seemed to burn through the windows as if someone were holding a hot iron up to the glass. All except for in the dining room where a window was broken, and here the sun and the snow poured in and had been pouring in for some time, pouring in where Lexi sat naked, kneeling and holding Cormac’s head in her lap. He was dead, and she was rocking her body and weeping. She was covered with goose bumps and there...

3 years ago
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Friendly Limits

Author’s note: this story gets off to a slow start – I do hope the build up was worth it for you. Although purely fictional, Tess is based on a real person. If she ever reads this she will know it is about her. Tess knew she was different from a very early age. She came from the usual dysfunctional family – the product of an alcoholic dad and a mom who never saw or heard anything. It wasn’t so much that she was physically abused, she wasn’t, it was the emotional abuse. Tess was always a...

2 years ago
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Pushing the limits

You knock on the door and walk in. You come into the living room but I’m not there. You can hear noise in the other room, so you sit on the couch and wait. I’m finishing up in the bedroom, when I hear you come in. I know you will sit in the living room and wait for me. I light my candle. I touch up my make up and take a last look at my outfit. Tonight I’m kitty. So let me tell you what I look like today. I’m wearing a black camisole, the kind that you would wear a sweater over top. But I’m not...

3 years ago
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Testing the Limits

Ruby slung her beach bag over her shoulder and wandered down the paved pathway that led to her parents’ backyard. A trio of butterflies floated past while trees and lush plants overflowed from raised garden beds, creating a shady oasis from the summer sun. She drew in a breath and let it out in a contented sigh. If it hadn’t been for the two storey house looming over her, it would have felt like walking through a tropical rainforest. She pushed open the side gate and stepped from the enclosed...

3 years ago
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No Limits

It started innocently enough. They were having sex, good, hot sex, as they had done with decent frequency since before marrying five years ago. At twenty-eight and twenty-six they were still energetic and hot for each other, and regular exercise kept them fit and attractive to each other. Combined with their love for each other and their compatibility, their easy nature and youthful ardor, sex was fairly frequent, in spite of their relatively vanilla expressions of desire. This particular...

3 years ago
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Fucking With No Limits

I tell James everything. I’ve only been friends with him for 2 months, but I trust him with all my secrets. One time we were talking and both discovered that the sexual needs we had were mutual. He then asked me if I wanted to live them out with him, and I agreed. I wasn’t nervous at all. I love James, he is the most amazing guy I’ve ever met. I don’t want to date him, I just want someone who I can trust completely and he is that guy. We decided on a Saturday night. I’m clean shaven as I step...

3 years ago
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Testing the Limits

It all started when my wife and I were on a vacation in the Dominican Republic.It was February, and very cold in Boston, where we had lived for many years after our marriage. On the spur of the moment we had decided to get away to someplace warm, so we got my parents to come stay at our place a few days to mind the kids and booked a last-minute, four-day weekend trip to one of those all-inclusive resorts. Thirty-six hours later we were on our way.We were both looking forward to the trip, not...

1 year ago
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Pushing Limits

We walked in the club, it was dark and private. It was my suggestion to take things up a notch. I was testing his kink, and my own. Could we do something so out of character? Could we not only watch public sex, but could we be brave enough to participate? I knew the answer was yes to both. If the environment allowed for it, I believed that public sex would always be a option for us, once we got over the fear of the first time. We had reached a point in our lives where we were no longer attached...

4 years ago
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My Wife The Sex Machine Testing Her Limits

I have a tough time fucking my wife Dana properly. It’s not just that she turns me on every time I see her naked. Hour glass shape, long legs, round ass and great big natural tits, that move beautifully when she walks. She looks good in clothes but she looks great naked, so I guess that’s why guys don’t hit on her constantly It’s not just the way she looks though, she also just exudes sex. I’ve fucked a fair number of women but I’ve never met someone who enjoys the sex act more. She starts off...

1 year ago
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Fucking With No Limits

I tell James everything. I've only been friends with him for 2 months, but I trust him with all my secrets. One time we were talking and both discovered that the sexual needs we had were mutual. He then asked me if I wanted to live them out with him, and I agreed. I wasn't nervous at all. I love James; he is the most amazing guy I've ever met. I don't want to date him, I just want someone who I can trust completely and he is that guy. We decided on a Saturday night. I'm clean shaven as I step...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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pushing the limits

Pushing the threshold!I see a massage guy “James” regularly. I was str8 till I saw him and over the first few visits, I became aware I am open sexually. He told me during a meeting that he told another client about our get together and the client stated that must be hot to watch. I said “wow’ that would be hot. The next time I saw him I had noticed the lights down a little more than usual, but a lay face down and he began my massage. 40 or so minutes just like a normal massage then as normal...

4 years ago
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Tea Party Part 1 Time Limits

"Unca Kev!" That was my niece, Marcy. At six years old her pronunciation was great, but she was milking her cuteness for all it was worth. To drive home the point she was mired in the depths of the princess phase her mother, my sister, claimed that all girls that age went through. She was wearing what looked like a Halloween costume with a little poofy pink nylon dress, T-shirt with a picture of standard Disney fare and a weird conical hat with a streamer coming out of the top. She...

3 years ago
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Pushing the limits

You knock on the door and walk in. You come into the living room but I’m not there. You can hear noise in the other room, so you sit on the couch and wait. I’m finishing up in the bedroom, when I hear you come in. I know you will sit in the living room and wait for me. I light my candle. I touch up my make up and take a last look at my outfit.Tonight I’m kitty.So let me tell you what I look like today. I'm wearing a black camisole, the kind that you would wear a sweater over top. But I'm not...

3 years ago
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Beyond Integration Limits

Hi, I am a 19 year old college student from Delhi. This incident happened when I was 18 years old and was in high school. My Maths teacher is a perfect big beautiful woman, very tall with very large hips, buttocks and boobs. She had been close to my family and we had known each other much prior to her becoming my teacher in high school, as our families were both tamilians. She had become a widow a few years back and was living alone with her two daughters. From the time I got into 11th...

3 years ago
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CaveatAs ever with the Literotica categories I end up falling between two stools. Is this a D/s love story where the main characters just happen to be lesbian or is it a lesbian love story where the characters relationship just happens to be D/s? Well, it's a bit of both. If you don't like stories where one woman calls another 'Mistress' then this tale is not for you. Furthermore, I've concentrated on the 'Lit' in Literotica. Don't expect hot girl-on-girl action right from the start, although...

4 years ago
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Off Limits

When she graduated high school, she was living in Washington with her father. Several fights with her dad's girlfriend later, and she was essentially homeless. She begged her dad for money for a plane ride back to Minnesota and, like always, she got her wish. Sadly, there was no room for her back home. Her mom and her step dad had just moved to a small apartment and couldn't take in another kid. Granted, the second bedroom was unoccupied at the house, so maybe there was more wouldn't...

2 years ago
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Love Knows No Limits

Raymond's story: Love at first sight. The life is too hectic and tedious. You ought to plan the thrill when it's a day off, and nothing is as refreshing as a bright Sunday morning. You won't miss a leisurely stroll at the beach or a long exhilarating drive; it really lifts your spirits! I had always been a workaholic for six days a week. On Sundays, however, I was a happy-go-lucky fellow who roamed around with friends for partying. It was my routine until that night I went to Philip...

2 years ago
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County Limits

The setting was perfect. A large California mansion, down the coast away from the city, with a huge plate glass window over looking the ocean. The sunny sky outside created a wonderfully warm and enticing atmosphere for the photo shoot at hand, with two of the stars of the hottest show on TV, The OC. "Ok ladies, go ahead and get comfortable on the couch," said David, the photographer. He was in his mid 20s and a bit scruffy around the edges, but both women - Rachel Bilson and Samaire...

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 7 SakurakoChapter 45 Overcoming Limits

May 3, 1994, Chicago, Illinois “And here we are again,” Kathy smiled when they walked into Italian Village on West Monroe. “I arranged a private dining room for tonight,” I said. “It’s more intimate.” Jessica squeezed my hand, smiling. Earlier, we’d had a moment when she whispered that she’d be the only one without a date tonight, but I’d do in a pinch. I’d just smiled and nodded, pleased that if she could joke like that, she - we - had come a long way in one year. Tom and Bethany walked...

4 years ago
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Getting a Room FChapter 6 Establishing Limits

After Pastor Jake had rescheduled their marriage counseling, Carolyn told Bill that she didn’t know what she thought about future kids. Then she put him in the bedroom while she studied in the kitchen. When she had done what she could, she went in to get her robe and things. He looked up from where he was lying on the bed when she came in, but they kept their silence. When she came back in her robe, he got up and took his own robe into the bathroom. She inserted the diaphragm, got into bed,...

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HorseplayChapter 10 Limits

Neil felt like he hadn't slept at all. The air was cool and dry, an unusually good combination in July in the Mountains. He dressed quickly and walked down to the shower. He enjoyed a long, relaxing soak, letting the hot water rush over his head and shoulders, taking away the last bits of his tension. When he got back outside the weather was turning a bit colder, suggesting there might be a nice shower outside as well. Neil took it stoically and dressed a little warmer. He had a judging...

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Earths CoreChapter 37 Testing The Limits

Four days after his return home. Zax sighed and lowered his head in resignation as he proceeded to Grandmaster Kartion’s cave. As it turned out, promising to come back from Valgarel every three days became a compulsory routine. His mother insisted, his little sister persisted and his father, recognizing the safe side, just went with the flow. ‘These four days I spent at home were great, but mom and Liz now want me to match every day I’m in Valgarel at home’. The higher his cultivation...

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Slut in TrainingChapter 5 Slut Janie Finds Her Limits

Leslie and I took in her 16-year-old twin brother and sister. With our assistance, Billy and Janie had run away for an abusive father at home, flown to Los Angles, and had happily accepted our offer to be sexually trained. In a very short time, they were performing like pros. They soon joined our little sex parties. After just a week of training, Leslie's sister, Janie, was turning into a real slut and had been the entertainment at one of our parties. She had serviced 14 horny cocks, and...

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Lucky StiffChapter 31 Limits

Talk in everlasting words, And dedicate them all to me. And I will give you all my life, I'm here if you should call to me. You think that I don't even mean A single word I say? It's only words, And words are all I have, To take your heart away. --Words (Bee Gees) As Harry predicted, there were no rape counselors or police officers to take me into custody. Kristen came back out, being wheeled by a nurse and accompanied by June. Actually, Kristen looked in better spirits. "I...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 274 Testing My Limits

Now seemed like this a good time for me to do this power testing with the succubus. I need a safe outlet for my anger, and this is perfect. As we walked through the maze of hallways, underground tunnels, various elevators, and then a long stairway down, my connection into the elder’s phone and laptop remained active. My anger continued to build as he began to provide me the data on what he was finding out. I don’t care if everyone even remotely involved with blinding these two children died...

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