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As ever with the Literotica categories I end up falling between two stools. Is this a D/s love story where the main characters just happen to be lesbian or is it a lesbian love story where the characters relationship just happens to be D/s? Well, it's a bit of both. If you don't like stories where one woman calls another 'Mistress' then this tale is not for you. Furthermore, I've concentrated on the 'Lit' in Literotica. Don't expect hot girl-on-girl action right from the start, although you will find plenty of action along the way.


It is hard to express the full depth of my gratitude to the two persons who have done so much to help this story come alive. Both have put in many hours of unsung effort with no thought of any reward beyond my heartfelt thanks. In no particular order there's

Estragon: Ruthless eliminator of the run on sentence, fearless destroyer of clich?s. No homonym escapes his eagle eye.  I always used to wonder why authors thanked their editors so profusely; now I know. Without him this would surely be a sorry mess of grammatical errors.

OneWhoAdores: Right from the start he saw, clearer than I, the direction this story would take. Long discussions about morality within the D/s relationship and the lines we draw between fantasy and reality formed the background to this story and, in many ways, this is a co-write.

Both are authors on this site, authors whose work I admire. I urge you to check them out.

On with the story....

Karen Morris sat in the privacy of the restroom stall, hiding away and shaking slightly. It was another bad day at work; they all seemed to be bad nowadays. Ever since she had been promoted to team leader by dint of her long service, she was well out of her depth and she knew it. She had just finished a session with her supervisor, who had been on her back about falling productivity and, when she had returned to try to chivvy up the telesales girls she was nominally in charge of, they had all but laughed in her face. One thing was for certain, they had no respect for her either as a leader or as a person. With each month's declining figures she was moving closer and closer to being sacked. Why had she accepted the promotion in the first place? But then she never could say no, not then, not ever. She clamped her hands between her knees and fought back the tears that welled in her eyes.

She was still sitting like that when she heard the door to the restroom open and a group of women from her team came in followed shortly by the reek of cigarette smoke.

"Good grief, that Karen, what a waste of space! Trying to give us a hard time about smoking breaks, as if we care a jot what she says or thinks. Poncy little madam, isn't she," one of the women exclaimed. Evidently they were unaware that she was sitting in the end stall. Perhaps they didn't even care.

"Yeah, smarmy little prig. She's so uptight it's not true; I reckon what she needs is a damn good shag but she can't get a man so she takes it out on us," another joined in.

"Karen Morris, shagging! Don't make me laugh; OK, so she could look quite decent if she took a little trouble over herself but look at the clothes she wears and that hair style. Even if she did sort herself out no man would ever get anywhere near her, those knickers of hers are made of cast iron and her legs were welded shut years ago."

This caused a general round of laughter.

"But seriously, do you think she's ever done it?"

"What, her! Never!" one of the women snorted in derision. "Her pussy's seen so little action it's healed over. And if anyone did get up there all they would find is cobwebs. Nah, if ever there was a middle-aged virgin it's that one."

"Middle-aged? I didn't think she was more than thirty, if that," another queried.

"Thirty going on fifty," was the retort. "She's been middle aged ever since she was a teenager, that one. You can just bet she lives alone and keeps cats."

This produced more gales of laughter.

As she listened in horror, Karen shamefully admitted to herself that the women were right. Although she didn't have a cat she was a virgin and with the way she was going she was showing every likelihood of remaining one. Sex had never been a feature in her life; indeed, the only time a male of any description had been anywhere near her was a clumsy grope back in school when Billy Avery had insisted on a snog. Even after all these years, she still shuddered at the memory; as soon as he had started he had been all over her like an octopus and she had been disgusted as he thrust his tongue down her throat and his hand up her skirt and, ever since then, she had no desire to repeat the performance. What had made it worse was when she had found out that he had only done it for a bet and that, as soon as she had repelled him, he went around spreading the word that she was frigid. Once again, she had become the laughing stock of her peers.

It was this social awkwardness, this failing to fit in, that had marked most of her childhood years; she had been a menopause child, born when her mother was nearly fifty. As her much older siblings had grown up and left home, she had been the one left behind to look after her ageing parents. All through her teens and early twenties she had been kept busy by their increasingly difficult demands. Then, when at first her father and then her mother had fallen ill, she had become both nurse and provider and had had no time for any social life. Now they had both passed away and she was alone but, when it came to boy friends, she hardly knew where to start, or indeed whether she wanted to. Sure, as she watched rom-coms on the telly she had vague dreams of being swept away by a masterful lover; but somehow the leading men didn't seem to attract her and, on the rare occasion when she did meet someone, he always turned out to be more Billy Avery than Hugh Grant. Not that she fancied Hugh Grant that much either. But being resigned to her fate didn't make the loneliness any less painful; she just didn't know where to start.

So, huddled in the stall she hid away, waiting for the women to finish their cigarettes so that she could sneak back out and pretend that she really was their team leader, pretend that she was happy, pretend that all really was well with the world.

It was only a week or so later after this incident that Karen looked up to see Susan, her supervisor coming towards her with a young woman trailing behind.

"Ah Karen, this is Mel, the new team member I told you about," she said as she approached the desk. "She will be replacing Mary whose retirement is now finalised. I've briefed her on the basics, so perhaps you could show her which desk to use and so forth. Oh, and don't forget Mary's leaving do on Friday, we're relying on you to give the farewell speech; we do expect the team leaders to make an effort, you know."

Without any further ado Susan marched off, leaving Karen to introduce herself. At first, shocked by the brusque introduction, she didn't say anything; she just looked the newcomer up and down. Mel was short and wiry with close cropped, spiky hair. She was dressed in jeans and a blouse but there was something not quite right about the blouse, something Karen couldn't quite pin down. Then she realized with a bit of a shock what it was, the buttons went the wrong way, it wasn't a blouse, it was a man's shirt and, combined with the jeans and the rather tough boots she was wearing, it gave Mel a decidedly masculine look. However, as long as she did her job it really didn't matter what she wore; in fact the rather manly attire rather suited her in a strange way. With a start she realized she was staring so, pulling herself together, she stood up and, with a rather feeble 'follow me' took Mel over to the desk she would be using. Her rather feeble efforts to engage Mel in conversation were met with monosyllabic answers and Karen realized with an internal sigh that this was going to be another staff member with whom she had nothing in common. On the other hand, when she introduced Mel to Sharon, who was to be her mentor, she could see that there was an instant understanding and they started chatting as if Karen wasn't even there. Muttering 'I'll leave you two to get on with it then' Karen made her way back to her workstation.

Then it was back to putting together ideas for her speech for Mary's leaving do. Much as she was dreading standing up in front of everyone, she could hardly get out of it; she was the team leader and it was expected of her. Susan had made it quite clear that her presence was effectively compulsory. However she knew from similar occasions in the past that she would end up alone and friendless, stuck in a corner sipping a soft drink whilst all around her others would be having fun.

And so it almost was. Mary had used some of her leaving bonus to splash out and hire a room at a local pub and she had also insisted that partners would be welcome. When Karen had arrived the party was already in full swing and the more the alcohol flowed the louder it got. Karen, as ever, bought herself a lemonade from the bar, found herself a quiet corner and watched as she waited to do her dreaded speech. From time to time she wished she could join in but she knew what would happen if she tried. At best she would be politely ignored but she knew from experience that, from some of her staff, she would also get open hostility. Better by far to sit it out in the safety of her quiet corner. In her misery she was so used to being ignored that she didn't even see the young woman approaching and, as she was tapped on her shoulder, she jumped in surprise.

"Hi, I'm Lucy, I'm sorry if I startled you," the woman said with a smile.

"Hi... I'm.... I'm Karen."

"So you're the boss lady. Mel's told me quite a bit about you. I saw you sitting all alone and thought I'd come and talk to you. Can I sit down?"

"Of course," Karen pulled back a chair for Lucy. "I hope Mel didn't say anything bad about me."

"Not too bad," Lucy conceded, "but I'd like to make my own mind up. Is your partner with you?"

"Partner..." Karen blushed. "No, no, I'm on my own. And you, are you with Mel then?"

"That's right. I'm her significant other," Lucy replied with a heavy emphasis on the 'significant other' bit. "Didn't she tell you about me?"

"No, we don't really talk like that," Karen admitted, "but, come to think of it, she does have your photo on her desk." She brought the picture to mind, Mel and Lucy stood together wearing dark suits as if two grooms at a wedding. "When you say 'significant other' does that mean...."

"Yep, we've been married four years now." Karen could hear the pride in Lucy's voice. "We were right in there as soon as they changed the law." Lucy held out her hand, showing off her ring.

"But I haven't seen Mel wearing a ring," Karen commented before realizing just how personal she was being. "Sorry, I didn't mean to pry."

"That's OK, Mel... well, she's not the sort to wear rings, if you know what I mean. She thinks they're too girly."

"But not too girly for you, however," Karen responded.

"Is that your speech?" Lucy asked, indicating some papers lying in front of Karen, pointedly changing the subject.

"Yeah, one of the 'perks' of the job," Karen replied, the irony thick in her voice.

"So you're not looking forward to it then."

"No, I hate standing up in front of people, especially this crowd," Karen confessed.

"You'll do fine," Lucy reassured her.

"No I won't, you're just saying that to be nice."

"No I'm not, well, maybe a bit, but you've got a lovely speaking voice and I can tell you're ever so clever so I'm sure... are you OK?"

"They'll just laugh at me. A laughing stock, that's all I am to them, a laughing stock and, quite frankly, they're right, I'm useless at this and I know I'm going to make a muck of it," Karen was unable to stop herself from blurting out.

Lucy looked at Karen and could see the tears forming. "You really are scared, aren't you? Look, let's go outside and get a breath of fresh air. You don't want this lot seeing you like this."

Without waiting for an answer Lucy reached over, took Karen's hand and together the two women went outside, dodged the inevitable crowd of smokers gathered around the door, and went over to the children's play area where it was quiet. Sitting down on the swings they rocked back and forth for a moment in silence.

"I feel so silly," Karen started, "I didn't mean to...."

"You're not silly; you just don't like giving speeches, that's all," Lucy replied firmly.

"But I'm such a failure." Karen, having found someone to talk to, couldn't stop herself. "I never get anything right."

And then it all came pouring out, her fears, her insecurities, the mixed emotions over her parent's death, and, above all her aching loneliness. Lucy, except for asking the occasional question, and passing a tissue from a packet she kept in her pocket, kept silent and just listened.

"God, listen to me go on and on," Karen said at last. "You're ever so good; I must be boring you silly with all my pathetic woes."

"They're not pathetic at all and neither are you; you just needed someone to talk to and I'm glad it was me. However, we need to be getting back. Like it or not you still have that speech to make."

"Thanks for reminding me," Karen said but her voice was lighter. "No, seriously, thank you, you're very special and Mel's a very lucky girl to have you."

"I'm lucky to have Mel too," Lucy replied loyally. "Now come along or we'll be missed."

And, as they returned to the pub, Karen did feel better. She still wasn't going to enjoy herself and she would still leave as soon as she could but Lucy had made her feel wanted, liked, appreciated; feelings that she hadn't felt in a very long while.

"So what's with you and old frigid knickers?" Mel asked rather drunkenly from the passenger seat as Lucy drove them home. "You spent half the evening talking to her instead of being with me."

"Frigid knickers, do you mean Karen? Don't be so nasty, she's really nice once you get to know her and, anyway, she's one of us."

"How do you mean, one of us?"

"I mean, my gorgeous sexy partner, that Karen 'frigid knickers' Morris is a full blown lezzy even if she doesn't know it," Lucy said firmly.

"I don't believe you. I didn't get a hint of it on my gaydar."

"That's because you're too busy putting her down to see the real Karen. Do you know she's never had a boyfriend?"

"So what, I'll bet she's never had a girlfriend either."

"Yeah, but she told me that the thought of kissing a boy puts her right off, turns her stomach, meanwhile I could tell that all she really wanted from me was a hug, a hug and a lot more besides."

"I damn well hope you didn't give her one," Mel said, suddenly cross.

"There's no need to get jealous. You know I only have eyes for you. I'm not saying we did anything, or even that we would have done anything, I'm just saying that Karen 'frigid knickers' Morris likes the girls and not the boys."

"Well she had better keep her hands off you," Mel was slightly mollified. "Anyway, what's it to do with us?"

"Well, nothing really. I just thought that...." Lucy let the sentence drift away.

"What did you just think, you little minx?"

"I thought that if maybe, if we could invite her down the club, introduce her to some of the girls... Maybe if you could arrange it...." Lucy said playfully.

"Karen! The Club! You've got to be joking. Anyway, why on earth should I?" asked Mel.

"I'll do anything you want, anything at all," Lucy replied teasingly.

"You'll do anything I want anyway, 'cos if you don't you'll get a damn good spanking," Mel replied half joking.

"Ooh, yes please. Can I kiss your pussy as well? Please, please, please," Lucy kept the joke running.

"You are such a slut, do you know that?" Mel said with a laugh.

"Yes, Mistress, but I'm your slut."

"Yes you are, and don't you ever forget it." And with that the subject was dropped, but each knew that Lucy would get her way in the end. Mel might be in charge, Mel might be the one on top but Lucy, when she really wanted something, always knew just how to get it.

A few days later, when Mel came over to Karen's desk, she was wearing a tee shirt that proclaimed "I'm only lesbian for the social benefits". Karen was tempted to comment that such statements were out of place in the work environment but Mel, although she was only just out of training, was already looking to be one of the better telesales girls, and she didn't want to upset her. As it was Mel was smiling and being unusually friendly.

"It looks like you made quite an impression on my Lucy," she said. "I've been ordered to invite you over to supper and then she thought we might go on to a little club we know."

"I'm not sure...."

"Not sure? If you're not sure then you don't know my Lucy," Mel laughed. "Once she's made her mind up about something then there's no denying her. Shall we say Friday night? We can go home together after work."

"Friday... I don't know...." Karen stuttered.

"Of course you do. Here, let me." Mel picked up the phone from Karen's desk and dialled a number. After a few minutes it was answered.

"Hi, Luce, it's me Mel," she said. "Look, I'm with Karen now and she'd love to come on Friday.... Yep, she's right next to me. Shall I put her on?"

Mel handed the phone to Karen who took it gingerly and held it to her ear.

"Hi Karen," she heard Lucy say. "Thanks for agreeing to come; I'm really looking forward to it. I'm longing to catch up with you again. Do you have any food preferences?"

"No... no... anything will do fine. Look, I'm not sure...." Karen replied.

"Of course you are. Gotta go, the boss is looking at me. See you Friday." And with that the phone was cut off.

"OK?" enquired Mel as Karen put the phone down. "You see what I mean about Lucy, there's no saying no to her. I'd best get back to work then, don't want my team leader moaning at me." Mel laughed. "Don't forget, after work on Friday." And, leaving Karen slack jawed with surprise, she returned to her desk.

For the next two days Karen was on tenterhooks. Part of her felt that she had been railroaded into something she was dreading; Mel had never been particularly kind to her and she was sure that the invite hadn't come from that quarter. Lucy, on the other hand, had been really friendly at Mary's leaving do, and Karen really wanted to meet her again. And to add to her nerves there was the vexed question over what she was going to wear; apart from the occasional family do she wasn't used to going out. There was the floral print dress she had bought from Marks and, maybe, that nice cardy she had picked up in British Home Stores. Those, together with a comfy pair of flats, would make a pleasant outfit but they would be out of place when compared to the sort of clothes Mel wore and Lucy hadn't seemed a floral print and cardy type of girl either. Well, it would have to do. It wasn't as if she had much else in her wardrobe.

When Mel arrived at work on Friday morning and saw what Karen was wearing she groaned internally; heaven knows what the girls down the club were going to make of her. She could see that Karen had made an effort, she had inexpertly daubed on some makeup for example, but she looked like someone's mum and her clothes would not have been out of place in a fifties sitcom. However Lucy was adamant and that was good enough for Mel.

"Nice cardigan," she commented dryly.

"Do you think so?" Karen said brightly. Mel's irony had completely passed her by. "I wasn't sure if it would be suitable but I'm not the fashion type, not really."

"You don't say," Mel laughed. "Well, best get on; I don't want my team leader giving me a hard time for chatting. I'll come and get you at five."

Mel's obvious disdain didn't help Karen's growing nerves and she was tempted time and time again to make some excuse, to cry off. Indeed, her stomach was playing up, the effect of her nerves, no doubt, and she wouldn't have been telling more than the whitest of lies if she pleaded a stomach upset but then she remembered how kind Lucy had been; it would be a shame to let her down. Maybe she could just go for the meal and get out of going to the club, whatever that was. For the rest of the day, time seemed to both drag and race and Karen's attention was constantly wandering. Suddenly it was four fifty and she went to the restrooms to get ready only to disturb a group of her team who had slipped out for a quick cigarette before leaving. Rather flustered by this she returned to here desk where, on seeing her return, Mel came over and led her away. As they made their way down to the car park Mel was all forced joviality, which didn't help the tension. Together they squeezed into Mel's car and drove back to the little terraced house that she shared with Lucy.

The conversation over the meal, with its awkward pauses and embarrassed silences, hardly did Lucy's cooking justice. Apart from work Mel had little in common with Karen and every subject she started seemed to peter out. Karen, on the other hand, was a bundle of nerves and too shy to give more than one word answers which left Lucy to make all the conversation. Furthermore Karen's anxiety had depressed her appetite and she hardly touched the salmon steaks that Lucy had spent so long preparing. When the meal was finally over as Lucy cleared away the dishes Mel followed her into the kitchen.

"That was fun," Mel said with heavy irony. "What's more we can't take her to the club looking like that. She'll never fit in."

"Yes we can. Anyway you promised," Lucy replied firmly.

"That was before I knew she would turn up looking like something out of the fifties. A retro look is all very well but she's just old fashioned. Anyway, it's Dommes and Subs night. What on earth will she make of that?"

"Don't you think I didn't know it was Dommes and Subs night before I arranged all this? Please, Mel, trust me on this. I've just got a feeling about her, a feeling that she might surprise you before the evening is out."

Mel gave Lucy a long hard look before deciding to trust her judgement. She had learnt over the years that Lucy was seldom wrong in these matters and, whilst it still looked like a crazy idea to her, Mel soon demurred.

"Well, she might get away with looking like a frump but you're certainly not. I sincerely hope that you're not expecting to go dressed like that. It's about time you remembered just who is in charge around here." Mel, feeling that she needed to reassert her authority, wagged her finger in mock anger.

"Of course, Mistress," Lucy gave a little bob of a curtsey, "I'll get changed as soon as I've dried and put away the dishes."

"Leaving me to look after old frigid knickers," Mel sneered.

"Please, try and get to know her. She's not that bad, honestly."

"If you insist. Now come along, we don't want to be late." And with that Mel returned to the living room whilst Lucy finished off in the kitchen.

When Lucy came back down from getting changed she found Mel and Karen sitting in silence, with a heavy, almost palpable, atmosphere in the room. Karen, glad that the wait was over, looked up to find that Lucy had changed out of her jeans and tee shirt and into a short white skirt and a matching frilly blouse with a deep, revealing cleavage. Indeed, the cleavage was so deep and revealing that it was all too obvious that Lucy was without a bra. Whereas Mel's masculine attire just made Karen feel different, Lucy's outfit made her feel out of date and frumpy. She would give anything if only she could look that good, or dress that daringly. Lucy gave Karen a big smile before going over to where Mel was sat and kneeling down on the floor in front of her. Bowing her head she held out her hands, offering up something to Mel who sat up, leant forward, and took whatever it was from her. They kissed briefly and then Mel took whatever it was she had taken from Lucy and fastened it around her neck.

"There, that's better, isn't it?"

"Yes, Mistress, thank you, Mistress," Lucy said, still knelt before her with her head bowed.

"Well, come along or we'll be late."

Lucy stood up and turned to the astonished Karen who could finally see what it was that Mel had put on Lucy. It was a choker which looked, as far as she could see, like a dog collar in white leather with silvery fittings. The front was not buckled but padlocked and a silver identity tag hung down from the lock. Karen didn't know what to do or say. Indeed, it wasn't just the collar; it was what had she just witnessed; had Lucy really knelt before Mel and called her 'Mistress'? It hardly seemed believable. However Lucy’s big smile was irresistible and, not wishing to make a scene, Karen stifled her objections and got to her feet.

"Look," she said, "this club... I'm not sure it's me... I...."

"Come along, you'll enjoy it, really you will," Lucy urged.

"But I really don't think it's my sort of thing. I'm not dressed right for it," Karen protested.

"Don't be a silly," chided Lucy, "you'll be fine. Now come along or Mistress Mel will have to give you a spanking."

Again Karen was flabbergasted. This time there was no mistaking it; Lucy had just called Mel 'Mistress' quite openly and then talked about spankings as if it were perfectly normal. Karen felt the panic rising within her and she was on the verge of running away but Lucy's her mischievous smile really was infectious and Karen was fast finding out just how hard it was to say 'no' to her. Lucy held out her hand invitingly and Karen felt her resistance crumble. Reluctantly she allowed herself to be dragged along; maybe if she went for a few minutes she could slip away early without anyone noticing. For Lucy's sake she forced down her nervousness, picked up her handbag and the three women set off for the club.

As she and Mel made their way hand in hand towards the town centre Lucy made no move to hide the collar; indeed she seemed to almost want to flaunt it, shaking her head from time to time so that the name tag tinkled against the padlock. They obviously knew the way well; there was a familiarity about their movements and Karen guessed that this was what they did every Friday. As they approached the town they made their way down some of the narrower back streets to a club which, despite the rainbow flag hanging outside, was otherwise pretty inconspicuous. Mel marched up to the closed door and knocked. A CCTV camera blinked red for a second or two and then a buzzer sounded and Mel pushed the door open.

Just inside the door was a reception desk with the woman who had just buzzed them in sitting behind it. She wore a top of flimsy, see-through material and Karen couldn't help but stare at the obvious darker circles of the woman's nipples plainly visible through the wispy material. Like Lucy, she wore a collar around her neck but, unlike Lucy's, this collar was a far more serious affair in dark leather and maybe four centimetres wide.

"Good evening, Mistress Mel," the woman said. "Who's your friend?"

"Hi Jane, this is Karen," Mel replied. "Pass me the book and I'll sign her in."

Jane reached for a ledger and passed it over, along with a pen. As she did so Karen noticed that Jane was wearing leather cuffs as dark and as heavy as her collar.

"What is this place?" she asked Lucy in a whisper. "Why is she dressed so... so...." Karen wasn't sure how to finish the sentence.

"It's a place where we can relax together, where we can be who we are without anybody making a fuss. Now shh! We subs aren't supposed to talk without permission."

"Subs? What's a sub?" Karen whispered urgently. What had she got herself into? She glanced towards the door, looking to escape; but it had shut automatically and the locking mechanism looked solid. She'd only make more of a fool of herself if she tried to run away, First Lucy and now this Jane, dressed in these awful revealing outfits. However could they, why didn't they just die of shame? Lucy noticed her discomfort and put her arm around her, both comforting her and, ironically, trapping her.

Mel finished signing Karen in, turned to Lucy and Karen and, after giving them an admonishing look, led them into the body of the club. The main room wasn't that big, maybe a half a dozen tables in the centre and booths surrounding three of the sides. Each booth was a deep horseshoe of padded seating with a table in the middle. The fourth wall consisted solely of the bar and a small stage. It looked for all the world like any other small private club. On the other hand the client?le were far from normal, at least in Karen's eyes. The club was already about half full and Karen could see that that all the customers were women, in some cases very obviously so, but in others you had to look twice. Each couple, and it was almost entirely couples, consisted of one woman whose dress, indeed whose whole demeanour, marked her out as the dominant partner. As for the other half of the couple, it didn't take much to see that 'sub' was short for submissive. Lucy's attire was pretty conservative when compared to many and fantasies in leather or latex were quite common. Many of the subs were even more scantily dressed than Jane, the doorkeeper, their leather or latex costumes designed to emphasise, for example, their bare breasts. However, whatever the theme of the sub's outfit there was one common item: each and every one of them was wearing a collar, in many cases along with an attached leash.

"I... I... I...." Karen stuttered but Mel just turned and wagged a finger at her and, feeling completely out of her depth, she had no choice but to stay quiet and meekly follow Mel and Lucy over to a booth where they were evidently expected. As she made her way between the tables Karen was all too aware of the stares she was getting, of how her 'normal' attire was, in this bizarre place, the abnormal, that somehow she was the freak, the outsider, the stranger. Her cheeks glowed with her growing embarrassment.

As they settled down Lucy was despatched to get a round of drinks, Mel ordering for them all without consulting Karen. As she looked around Karen noticed that whereas the dominant partners were all seated on the benches many of the subs were knelt or sitting on the floor.  For a moment she wondered if this was where she should be sitting, as she would surely be assumed to be a sub, but Mel patted the seat beside her as an invitation and squeezed in beside her. And then, despite the rather bizarre clothing, it was suddenly all very normal. Sure there were plenty of overtones and the subs were always very respectful, referring to their dominant partners as Mistress and never talking unless told to, but, apart from that, it was any group of women relaxing together, catching up on the gossip, sharing the news. Karen, shy as ever, held herself back but, as she sat and listened, she didn't feel excluded, far from, the group seemed to accept her readily and were even keen to get to know her.

"White wine, OK?" Lucy said as she returned with the drinks and put the full glass down on the table in front of Karen.

"Oh, I don't normally drink," Karen replied rather ungraciously.

"Oh, are you teetotal?" Lucy asked.

"No, nothing like that, I just don't usually...." Once again Karen tailed off. She normally didn't drink because she normally didn't have anyone to drink with, but she wasn't going to admit that.

"Well then, one glass of wine won't hurt, will it?" Lucy replied as she knelt down on the floor next to Mel. As soon as she had done so than Mel reached into her pocket and produced a leash in white leather, perfectly matching Lucy's collar. As she made it fast Karen could see the bond between the two women; this act, which should have been so degrading, was quite evidently an act of love, a deep symbol of their relationship. With the leash fastened Lucy leant against Mel's legs and rested her head on her lap.

Tucked away at the back of the booth, Karen sipped her wine and listened to the conversations. She really wasn't used to drinking and even this small amount of alcohol was making her head swim. Add to that the way the club was well heated in deference to the clothing, or lack of it, worn by many of the customers and she was feeling uncomfortably hot. Perhaps she needn't have worn the cardy after all but she didn't want to disturb people by taking it off. She was listening intently to one of the Dommes who was telling an amusing tale when....

"Hello. Who have we got here? I haven't seen you before."

Karen looked up and her heart seemed to skip a beat; there, standing before the group, was the most extraordinary woman she had ever seen.

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16 December 2006Chapter 3

“Since I have you here, it’s time for you to sing again,” Brad mentioned accepting Abby’s kiss and embrace. “I’m sure you’d sooner hear from Abby who definitely sings and looks prettier than me,” he announced, and several laughed. Brad handed her the extra mic, and they briefly discussed the songs she’d sing. ‘You and I’ sung by Celine Dion. Words and music by Aldo Nova and Jacques Duval. Brad began the into with the keyboard simulating an acoustic guitar. Abby nervously looked at the...

2 years ago
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My Journey Book 1 CollarsChapter 27

“Ah, Mr. Russell,” he said, extending his hand. “It’s good to see you up and recovered. How are you feeling?” I looked at his hand, but knew I’d never met this man. “I’m sorry. Do I know you?” “No, I suppose not directly. My name is Dr. Collins. I treated you when you were brought in a few weeks ago,” he said with a smile. “You gave us quite a scare, but it looks like you’re out of the woods.” I fished in my pocket and took out my phone, turning away and snapping a picture of myself and...

4 years ago
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a quick fuck on the beach

"I want to fuck you now ", he whispered in her ear as he pressed her into the wall with his body. "Here?" she giggled as she ran her nails up the sides of his stomach. Instead of answering her he spun her around and pressed her up against the wall, holding both her hands above her head with one of his. He pressed his straining bulge against her ass cheeks, which were covered with a thin silky skirt. They were on the beach, it was dusk and not as crowded as usual but every couple minutes...

1 year ago
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Pygmalion Erotica

Tonight's the night. Even as I say it, there's a chill up my spine, in my groin. The end game, after two months of preparation, the last thirty days devoted exclusively to her. She's out there dancing, in that tight, inhibited way she has, but those neat tits, big and bouncy, in spite of her bra, making heads turn. The lovely blonde hair in a heavily sprayed flip. No more than two inch heels. I have imagined her with the hair wild, tall heels, slutty. Her typical Friday night, pick up...

3 years ago
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Home For Christmas

On the train journey home for the Christmas break all I could think about was my first few months away from home, away from the dominance of mother and how I’d changed. Grown up was more like how I felt as a woman, not only losing my virginity but also the pleasure I’d discovered with my Jennifer. Now I was in for about eleven days of boredom, or so I thought at the time. Little did I know how that was going to change. My first surprise was my Mother and her reaction to my appearance, walking...

1 year ago
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The First Time

It was about 9:00 PM. My mom wasn't home, and I was all alone with my first serious boyfriend, besides my younger sister who was sitting quietly in her room. I giggled silently as I led Ken down the hall to my room, quietly locking my sister's door on the way down. The lock worked to my advantage; it only locked on the outside. Once in my room, Ken jumped hyper-actively on my bed. His ADHD medication was beginning to wear off.I was incredibly horny. I'm sure Ken was too, although he hid it...

First Time
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my bfs lil bro

IT was 11 pm on a satuday night, my bf went out to get some food and he said he'd be awhile. his 6 foot 4 in. lil b*o was there he was 19 and soooo hot. he asked when his big b*o was comeing back, so i said "he said he'd be back in an hour or two" so we sat down on the couch and we watched disaster date for a couple minutes then we started talking. he said "you know these pepole might be crazy but i bet that girl's crazy in bed." so i looked at him and he was like "im sorry and i not...

1 year ago
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Pussy In Training

Pussy In TrainingBy: Londebaaz Chohan “Oh no; not that easy baby. Who told you, I was done with you. Not yet. You have yet to learn, not to be such a fucking snob and tease to refuse me and I am going to make sure you learn this lesson really well. If you know what I mean”. Kevin said as he stared her for a moment and then gave a very cold smile and shook his head in disbelief.Melissa looked horrified. She was leaning against the bedpost; she was tied to. She was gasping and looking at her...

1 year ago
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The Dirty Masseur0

"And sweaty. And dirty" Aeishwarya added as she took out her tank top to show her black bra and stood right under the air conditioning. They had been cleaning the terrace garden since the morning. Krishna held her from behind and whispered into her ear, "Care to join for a bath?" His palms slithered on her sweaty abdomen. "No." she bit her lip and blushed. "Not enough? Then how about a massage before the bath?" grinning he took her hand and led her to one of the showers....

3 years ago
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The GlimpseChapter 5 Changes

Our plane touched down at the airstrip in St. Louis and we went home. I ordered Chinese food to be delivered and we had dinner while I began doing my laundry. She seemed insistent that she would take care of hers at home. Soon it became clear why. After dinner she held my hand across the dining room table. "Joe, we need to talk." "Sure baby, What is it?" I asked, concerned; there was something deep on her mind. "Joe, where do you see us going?" "I don't know. I haven't thought...

4 years ago
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A World FoundChapter 11

The pizza place was only about half full when Dani and her little group got there. Jenny and Peter wanted to hit the games even before they ordered the food. Dani gave each kid a bag of tokens once she had them and had several more waiting for after the food was delivered. Mike had just retrieved the food when a cute five year-old ran right into him. Dani laughed at the face Mike made as the young one was at just the right height. "Kimmy, be careful. You know better than to run around the...

4 years ago
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The more I imagined what she had on underneath, and the more I fantasized about what might be in store, the tighter the cock ring Veronica had asked me to don clinched around my dick, restrained as it was by a tight pair of boxer briefs. All I knew for sure was that I was about to experience another one of V’s delightful surprises, and the anticipation was driving me nuts. The last one had been an amazing swingers’ party, and the time before that, we’d fucked on a bench in the audience of a...

3 years ago
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Iridani Kitten Academy 9

Iridani Kitten Academy, 9 Friday rolled around again, I'd adopted the practice of alternating between Academy Meetings and Seeker Meetings until I learned more about Seekers. It wasn't that I didn't trust Ta, it was because two of the people most dear to me were Seekers, and my father had been one. This just happened to be my Friday to attend the Academy Meeting. We conducted the usual business then Mistress Gina introduced us to Mistress Denice, the new Earth Academy' Kitten...

1 year ago
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BurningAngel Arya Fae Goth Anal Whores 2

Goth princess Arya Fae was relaxing by the pool – but sherry and cigarettes wasn’t doing it for her. Arya needed of anal sex and orgasms! Her loyal man servant Steve Holmes probed her tight ass and pussy with his fingers, making her tingle with excitement to fuck. She sucked his rod down her throat ravenously, and Steve was happy to return the favor, diving face first into her cunt as his erect cock grew. She spread her lovely pink whore holes for him to plunge his manhood deep...

2 years ago
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Found Sex Tapes

I had found some of my moms sex videos she had recorded while swinging with other guys. One was labelled at the hotel she I placed it into the video player and hit play. Up came my mom naked and on her knees waiting in a doggy position, then a big cock guy walked past the camera and got behind her slowly pushing his big cock in her pussy, she slowly started rocking back and fourth pushing his cock deeper in her clit with each stroke, slowly she did it, her eyes were closed tight as she began...

4 years ago
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Breaking Rashmie8217s virginity

Hi friends! I xyz, final year electrical engineering student from bhubaneswar. There are certain incidences in our life which make our life different than that of the previous span. Today I am going to tell you about the incident which have changed my life and given me the immense pleasure of the world. It was our first day in engineering college. Before classes start, me and my hostel mates decided to move around the campus. After seeing the entire campus we decided to sit near our main...

3 years ago
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My mom the whore

Mom was a whore. She fucked a lot of men for money. She didn't walk the street they came to our apartment. Mom was good looking and she loved sex. She wore little clothing around the home. I loved seeing her naked. She was very sexy. Some times when she had a man in her room i would push the door open and watch them. It was exciting to see the men licking mom's cunt and sucking her tits and I loved when she sucked the cocks. Of course them fucking made my tummy tingle. I was amazed at the...

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 8 StephieChapter 11 Life Is Never Boring Part III

February, 1983, Chicago, Illinois I returned to the apartment just before 7:00pm to join my friends. Kathy and Elyse had made dinner, and left a plate in the oven for me. I ate quickly, then grabbed a glass of bourbon and sat with Stephie in the bay window where I’d earlier sat with Karin. The conversation that evening was light and fun. Nobody seemed to want to delve into deep topics, and that was fine with me. “Next weekend I’m going to Milford for the three day weekend if anyone wants a...

3 years ago
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Youre A Fucking Good Whore

It was a Saturday night. Wearing my short dress with nothing underneath, I was dancing on the dance floor in a club. Men were coming closer to me, talking to me, touching my ass. I was enjoying it all, but for the past few minutes, I was constantly making an eye contact with the man sitting at the bar. He looked like he was in his early thirties. He was tall, with short black hair and beautiful eyes. He was wearing a black suit with white shirt. We smiled looking at each other. A man came...

2 years ago
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With Husband At Breakfast

I was getting ready for a meeting and then a party after the office hours when I heard my husband calling my name. I was so happy to hear him after 10 days and I ran to the living room. He was standing there with few bags in his hands and as I hugged him my two kids also came and wrapped their hands around their father. He had surprised us because I was expecting him to come after 2 days. “You are going out?” He asked after asking how we have been without him “Yes! There is an important meeting...

2 years ago
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Driven to DepravityChapter 9

Judy sat in the bank conference room, trying to stay calm. Inside, her heart was racing. The silence in the room was so thick, the occasional rustle of paper seemed to have to force its way through. Seated around the big table were all the principals to the sale. They were all carefully studying mortages, deeds and other papers. Judy, at this point, had nothing to do but watch them as they slowly turned pages. Her job, she hoped, was done. She had gotten buyer and seller together, gotten...

3 years ago
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A Good Time Shell Never RememberChapter 2

James sat and watched as Buster got into position and, with a flick of his hips, planted his cock into her vagina. Once the warmth completely encompassed him he started humping in ernest. His movements became a blur as he pistoned in and out with such force that Samantha was almost pushed forward and onto her face from each impact. His weight alone was a burden on her back, yet she kept her arms stiff and her legs locked into place and withstood the brutal assault, only wimpering her...

1 year ago
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The most exciting night of my life 2

When Tracy has recovered enough from her hard orgasm, I go back to work trimming her pussy. I have trim off almost all of the longer hair surrounding that sweet and fragrant cunt of hers with the clipper. I go over to the basin I brought in and squeezed out the small towel, bringing it over to the bed. She is half sitting up now watching what I plan to do. I can see the hardness of her nipples as they stick out at me. I have no choice, I have to take a nipple and put it in my mouth to suck on...

2 years ago
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We went in to a bar on night and sat in a booth, we had a few drink and started getting frisky in the booth where we thought no one was watching, the wife starts stroking my leg heading up to my cock, I look between her legs and to my surprise see that she has no knickers on and all I see are her juices start to drip from her pussy to her arse Watching her juices flow I start to touch her clit and part her lips to finger her pussy under the table, I then feel something hard through the skin...

1 year ago
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Fucked by cousin

Hey everybody I'm new here and I got alot of true stories so I thought I'd start bytelln about the time my cousin fucked me. It wasn't my first time me and cousin (who I won't name) had been fooln around for awhile. We used to just suck each others dicks but that all changed on grad night. After the ceromony and dinner my parents and his left to go see some friends. We had a couple beers and waited for the coast to b clear. After we were comfortable that they wouldn't b coming back we went to...

3 years ago
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Two week vacation part 1

Well it all started when school let out for my last summer break of my high school year. My parents were going to an business convention. I chose to stay behind but they pretty much told me that they would feel better if I stayed at my Aunt's house for the two weeks they would be gone. Reluctently I agreed to the terms cause I knew I'd have a better time there than bring dragged around with the folks and my baby sister. Though she is only a year and a half younger than me I knew I'd...

1 year ago
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Photo shoot Mum becomes a slut Part two

Part Two.Click, click, click. “Ok Mum, now look back over your shoulder at me, and lean slightly forward,” Jack called. I did as my son asked, looking back directly into the lens of his camera. I leant forward, just a little. Click, click, click.“That’s great, now move your legs further apart, so you knickers are stretched tight between your ankles.”I did as my son had told me. I was naked, my last remaining item of clothing stretched between my ankles, my legs apart, my cunt visible from...

3 years ago
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Marthas light bondage threesome

Martha has always enjoyed Martha has always enjoyed light bondage, having her four limbs lightly restrained, and blindfold. Jorge, her husband, never really enjoyed it and for Martha it left her not feeling completely sexually satisfied. Just because Martha does not get her light bondage like she likes it does not mean that she is not please with Jorge. For her it is one thing that she has accepted that may only happen on a rare occasion and for her she has found using her vibrator at night...

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Chosen FrozenChapter 25 Childrens Crusade

Four A-20 Warthogs clawed their way skyward, desperate to get to their assigned posting as soon as possible. Ahead, the badly damaged Venti arced somewhat gracefully toward its destination, a flat plain at the bottom of a steep-walled but wide crevasse. Just before it would have dashed itself to bits, the engines blasted the Sa'arm destroyer to a survivable terminal velocity – survivable for its organic cargo, if not for the ship itself. As the tripedal beings inside bailed out of the now...

2 years ago
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Bucket List Milking

Sex Bucket List Rules. A list of sexual fantasies to complete before we kick the bucket! We each have our own list. We take turns to choose from our lists Fantasies can be as simple or as complicated as you like. If a fantasy needs props then it’s the owner of the fantasies job to provide them. If you have a fantasy you’re not allowed to introduce it in bed before bucket night! If you’re not comfortable with the fantasy you can say No. No involvement of other people without mutual...

3 years ago
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A Secret Plan

The young woman was finishing her preparations. She had a secret plan for that particular summer evening. As she relaxed, she dreamily thought through the steps. She was done with her shower, and currently relaxed beneath a light blanket, reading a paperback, waiting for her hair to dry. She lay on the daybed that served as a couch on her parents’ front porch. Secreted beneath her blue-jean cutoffs and her peasant-girl blouse, she had on an exceedingly skimpy bathing suit…. A bathing suit...

1 year ago
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E-sitcom, short for Erotic Situational Comedy. There are many different kinds of sitcoms, as all you need is the situation and the ability to make it funny. It could be live action or cartoon, could be realitistic or fantastical, could be science fiction or fantasy, and so many other things as well. There is any number of ways to add an erotic element to the stories of these sitcom. Merely filling in the holes left by the censors who avoid anything to do with sex on these shows. One is to take...

2 years ago
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vampire sex

I had always thought that Jack was a little odd. I just got weird vibes from the guy. Maybe it was the way he walked down the halls of our school and people seemed to magically move Out of his way without him saying a word. Or maybe it was the way he seemed to just appear places. A lot of my friends were cool with him but for some reason I had never gotten to know him. He was like a wild animal to me, dangerous and exotic. There was just something about his aura that made it hard for me to...

1 year ago
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Mi ex cuntildeada se pone mas audaz Vol 2

Se dió el tiempo de mirar mientras me vestía, aprovechó el espejo del baño para darse los últimos retoques, de cuando en cuando me lanzaba picaras miradas, debió notar mi inseguridad desde el momento que me dijo que iríamos a un club swinger. por mi cabeza comenzaron a pasar una serie de ideas respecto a ella, su relación con su marido, y lo que estaba haciendo conmigo. al parecer adivinó mis pensamientos.- tenemos un matrimonio abierto- dijo mientras se tiraba en mi cama y destapaba la botella...

1 year ago
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Transformation Of My Indian Slut Wife Part 4

Aur dosto is tarah hum log bhopal se delhi us so called bhabhi ke ghar aa gaye. Mai apne aap me bahut chhota feel kar raha tha bhabhi ke samne. Bhabhi hasne lagi aur boli aa gaye tum log, good, . Phir hum log drawing room me bethkar baten karne lag gaye. Bhabhi boli aap logo bhopal chhodkar achha kiya. Ab me tum logo ki life banwa dungi. Wife phir bhabhi ke room ke room se ganja lakar ayi, aur saath me chhilam bhi leker ayi. Maine abhi tak wife ganje ki cigerrate tho pite huye dekha tha par...

4 years ago
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Richie Dinken Gets Educated Musings of an Old ManChapter 4

I was right on the nose about how long it would take me to paint the house. The dry wood soaked up primer like a sponge but I nailed the last green shutter into place at the end of the fifth day. Beth took my arm and we walked around the house lookin' at how nice it turned out. "Richie, this is just beautiful! I'm going to cook up a really nice dinner for you as a special treat and I want you to bring your mother out here to join us and look at your work. She ought to know what an...

2 years ago
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Parents AwayChapter 4

Bridget arrived home, around 5am, not drunk but stuffed. Apparently they got a hotel for the night and enjoyed themselves. Pam said “He was a good lover, like me, not as big as me but thicker. He was fantastic. He asked me for another date tonight. I agreed. What a day yesterday. Mum really look great. You and Bridget do not have to be sneaky any more and engaged. Miss Tracey hitched with Ben, and finally me. A boy likes me, yes me. I feel alive just want to being with him. I can talk to him....

1 year ago
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Text Suprise

James was finishing yet another bar shift at the hotel. It had been a long week and tomorrow the guests were going home. The last guests wobbled up the stairs having had one too many benny and hot waters and muttered their good nights. James sighed with relief and started to lock reception up, the soft lights in the bar making his eyes lower with tiredness. He was thinking how much housekeeping needed to be done when his phone buzzed. He had a new text message. With a look of puzzlement he...

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Me my mom and my friends 2

Continued And to my luck my rowdy friends were not taking her up on her offer. Amit pulled her closer by her chin saying, “Isn’t that what you want my little bitch?” I was shocked to hear such language by him and I think she was too because she gave no reply and he kissed her again, hard and mauled her breasts with both his hands. She was offering no resistance as he continued his onslaught and Ron was now furiously rubbing her pussy on her shorts and making a wet spot on it. Krish was rubbing...

1 year ago
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Sex Last Saturday 09292012 o

So, my husband and I had some really great sex last night, which started as it often does with us talking about sex. This time the subject was nipples. I've almost been brought to orgasm several times by having my nipple kissed and licked and my husband (Jasper) tells me that he gets aroused by having his nipples suckled as well. I have rather large boobs, so he asked me if I'd ever licked my own nipples.It's funny, but it hasn't been since my 20's that I have. I used to masturbate and lick at...

4 years ago
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Need For Revenge Ch 04

You may want to read the previous chapters before this one. Thank you to Estragon for his editing and making this a much better read. * Things sure change in a hurry. One day everything is going along fine and the net day ‘Boom!’ everything changes. It was on a Saturday and Kathy was working at Bob Evans. I went and sat in her section. It wasn’t as crowded as usual so we had a chance to talk a little. My feelings for her were strong but not much I could do about it. As I was ordering my...

2 years ago
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My Boyfriend Made Me A Lesbian In Coimbatore 8211 Part 2

Hi all. This is Jennifer back again. Sorry for the delay in posting my 2nd part. My first part was how my boyfriend made me a lesbian. After that i had sex with many girls in my hostel. But i wanted to share my favorite experience with you all. After that incident we had our exams and we did not have time for sex. It was almost a month without his touch. I was starving for his cock since i have many pussies in my hostel. Now coming to the story. As i told we had our exams and did not touch each...

2 years ago
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With one hand on the center of my color bone, he held me immobile against the wall still probing me. The water splashed at his back as he slid me down until I was sitting on the bottom of the tub with my thighs open to the world. His had moved his hand lower on my breastbone until almost the tip to hold me to my new spot. He moved into me and penetrated me with his rock hard muscle. We rocked against each other in the small tub and screaming, came together. I opened my eyes in the...

4 years ago
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Insomniac Ch 01

Andrew awoke with a start. He sat up looking around for his alarm clock in a desperate frenzy, still reeling from the dream he had just escaped. He finally found it, hidden beneath the blanket he had tossed aside in his sleepy panic. Two-thirty am flashed at him in the form of bright red numbers. He ran his hand over his unruly dark hair and sighed. He’d had the dream again…flashes of violence and that cold dark room playing over and over through his brain. Andrew tried so hard to suppress the...

3 years ago
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Fantasies Do Come TrueChapter 3

Our First Meeting (Day Two) The next morning when I woke up, I was a little disoriented. I felt very relaxed, but something seemed different. When I woke up I had this lovely angel resting next to me. Everything from yesterday finally popped into my head, and I remembered all the fun Syn and me had. I just lied there for awhile and watched her sleep. I looked at the clock and realized I had two hours before I had to wake up to get to the dive site. I rolled over and scooted down and delved...

3 years ago
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Serving Her

Serving Her ????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Serving Her Our world has not always been kind to women and sadly much of it still is not.Though coveted for their beauty, intellect and insight they have often been relegated to be trophys of war, excuses for war and abandoned to rebuild society by their own hands. Civilization has progressed and, with that, the stature of women has progressed. Within my lifetime I have seen a growing awareness of the worth, the equality...

2 years ago
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JudgementsChapter 93

"Nobody told me that Ally was autistic, too," Yvonne said, slipping in beside Shawna to lean on the metal railing looking out over the car park. "What?" Hope said, looking up from where she was sat on the wall nearby catching some sun. "I have no idea," Shawna said, shrugging in Hope's direction before turning to Yvonne. "Where'd you get that impression?" "Marcus was just talking about it." "What did he say?" "Just a load of stuff about Ally's condition and how no-one...

2 years ago
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Asian delight

Last night I was with a Sexy Asian gal who was at first taken back by my thickness and said she didn’t think I would fit in her mouth. So I offered to 69 with her and told her she to do what she could. My pussy eating must still be good because she really got into it and almost deep throated. When her jaws got tired she turned around and rode me to a couple good O’s….damn she was a tight one. I got on top next with her knees back by her ears and we had a real belly slapper of a fuck that left...

2 years ago
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Freshman year the end

So I was surpirsed on Saturday night to get a text from Austin, asking if I wanted to hang out. I gladly agreed and he met up with me in my dorm to watch the last season of the Walking Dead which we had missed at the beginning of the school year. "Hey man, it's been a while" Austin said as I invited him in. "Too long" I said with a smirk. That last time Austin and I had really seen each other just so happened to be when he and Mark had tag-teamed me. Since then, I had only seen...

1 year ago
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And All Things Nice

And All Things Nice by Paul1954 "Daddy, daddy - did you get it yet?" Sally asked excitedly as she ran to greet her father as he returned home from work, following a hard day in the office. Martin Hall's mind took a few moments to register his daughter's words as he made the transition from Sales Manager to father. This was something that was getting increasingly hard for him, and he inwardly groaned, as he remembered his promise to her, made that very morning. He had known at...

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The Retired Headmaster and the Schoolgirl 2

Continued from part 1I tried to persuade Tayla to take the ten pounds but she would not. In view of what had just happened I thought it best not to insist. We spent some time after that just looking at each other in a kind of marvellous wonder. Could it be? Yes, our eyes replied, it could be.I left her on the bridge and passed my mobile number to her (the mobile my wife is not aware of). She would not give me any contact details whatever but promised to be in touch. I wanted to know when and...

Love Stories
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ShawnChapter 28

We landed ten minutes later and collected all of our luggage. Liz phoned home and didn't get an answer and was worried. "Sweetie she is here at the airport looking for us. Let's find her. You go that way and I will stay with the luggage. Don't go outside the building." She gave me a peck on the lips and ran off. She was quite changed from a week ago. My eye had already found her mother Mary and that was why I shooed her off in that direction. Soon a young looking woman of twenty seven...

1 year ago
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Bobs Great AdventureChapter 86

After lunch I did some Tai Chi in the new gym with a few of the other people. Wow this was quite a place. I ran the track; it was great, just enough give to be comfortable, yet solid enough to be able to keep your balance and pace. After that I practiced with my rifle and bow, trying to keep up my accuracy, even thought I really didn’t need it now with the telekinesis. But I figured I had to keep up appearances. I piddled around in the garage and made some more necklaces with some of the...

1 year ago
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Replacing Cupid

Disclaimer this story is a work of fiction that contains a plot of a violent nature. It does contain historical figures but is not intended to be historically accurate. It is a love story that I have submitted for the Valentine contest. I was unsure what category to place this one in but since sex is not the main element of the story I decided non erotic would be the best. Anyway I hope you enjoy and as always I look forward to hearing what you think. Thanks Again and hope you enjoy. – IVY ...

3 years ago
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Houston 3Chapter 8 Johns Turn

A round of polite applause rang out, filling the bedroom and strangely enough, caused Argie to blush. A stranger to Argie approached the bed upon which she and the black Adonis lay. It was the "Voice" who turned out to be a handsome man in his mid-forties, and he took Argie's hand in his and said, "Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the newest member of The Club! Wasn't she just grand?" A roar of approval went up from the onlookers, and Argie's heart filled with pride. She looked...

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A day at the Store

My friend has a little convenience type store, way out in the country yet on a fairly busy road. Wife and I occasionally go out there just to chat, and give him some company between customers. That particular Saturday when we got there he said he had to close up to go to town, a dear friend was on her death bed and he needed to go to be by her side. Being the kind of friend I was I volunteered my wife as cashier and myself as watchdog to run the store while he was gone. Sounded like fun,...

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