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"I'm not sure I can believe you Chris," Donna told her friend as they sat together having lunch. "Not that I don't believe what you're saying isn't true, but that what your brother's friend told him isn't," she added trying to clarify and mollify her friends hurt look.

"Pete has never lied to me," Chris stated, "and I know he wouldn't have told me all this if he didn't honestly believe it too!" she added. "Which is why I decided to come to you with it, if anyone could look into it, I know you could, especially with all your connections!"

"I don't know Chris," Donna sat thinking it over, "too much hearsay for one, and if what your brother's friend told him is really true, it might be next to impossible to even prove it unless someone was idiotic enough, and willing enough to somehow get inside under cover as it where. Donna paused momentarily as her sharp mind tried to find some sort of solution, though she just couldn't see any way around it given the information that she had. "And to be honest, I can't think of anyone in their right mind who'd be willing to even do that!"

"What about you?" Chris asked. "You've sort of done things like this before haven't you?" she asked, "Which is why I told Pete I'd come to you in the first place. If this really is going on, if it's for real, don't you think someone should expose that it is and inform everyone?"

It could indeed be a big story, especially if it was true. But finding a way to actually prove that it was might prove to be next to impossible.

"There's a big difference between my pretending to be a care-taker at a home for the Elderly and something like this," Donna went on. "All I had to do there was basically keep my eyes and ears open, help out a little with the help of the trusted staff, and eventually discover who it was that was actually molesting all those women. This is a hell of a lot more complicated than that. I couldn't just observe things the way I did there, I'd have to pretend to go along with everything for a while until I was trusted enough to be accepted. And after what you've just told me, I'm not sure that I could, I'm not sure anyone could for that matter."

"Well, perhaps you're right," Chris said dejectedly. "It was just a thought, but I thought at the very least I would mention it to you, see if you were interested in looking into it."

At just thirty-three years of age, Donna Jones was a highly regarded, very well respected investigative reporter. Aside from the Care Center report she had done, which had eventually helped the police capture and convict an individual who'd been working there for years, Donna had also gone under cover, eventually exposing a Prostitution ring at a well known and up until then, highly regarded health spa, as well as numerous other though not as highly publicized stories. She was good at what she did, having several connections as well as a team of very efficient experts with various skills that she often tapped into in order to help her in uncovering her stories and bringing about the truth.

Donna wasn't afraid to get her hands dirty either, short of actually breaking the law, doing whatever it took which had at times included her wearing disguises as her face and identity were often too well known. But as she sat there thinking about what her friend Chris had just told her, she couldn't for the life of her find a way to get inside on this one, short of actually pretending to go along with it for a time, put up with what she knew would eventually prove to be a harrowing experience if nothing else, before she'd have enough proof to substantiate her story and expose everyone involved. She was good, but she wasn't sure she was good enough, let alone emotionally strong enough to pull this one off.

"Let me think about it for a while," Donna said picking up the check as they finished their lunch together. "In the meantime, tell Pete to tell his friend not to say or mention this to anyone else, if I do decide to look into it, it could jeopardize any real hope of exposing this, especially if someone becomes aware that either I, or someone else might be, not to mention my safety," she added as a concerned thought.

In her line of work, Donna had known there was some risk, but she'd always taken precautions before hand to ensure her own safety. In this situation, there wouldn't be much she could do to honestly protect herself should she be discovered. This time, she really would be placing herself out there on a limb.

"I'll do that," Chris told her assuring her. "But promise me, if you do decide to look into this, you'll be careful, don't take any unnecessary chances or risks if it means your safety, or perhaps even your very life. Pete's friend said these people can get pretty rough, and he meant that very seriously!" she cautioned.

"I will, and I'll keep that in mind," Donna told her friend, and then headed back to her office to give this some more thought, do a little research, though she didn't expect to find much that would initially help her going in.

If there really was much truth in what she'd been told, then this would be a difficult nut to crack, the people involved where very careful, did a lot of background research themselves, had people investigated and followed before ever permitting them to be trusted enough to use once they'd been trained.

She didn't know if she could even do that to begin with. Donna would be required to act and behave in ways she had never imagined before or even thought possible.

"I don't know Donna," Jerry told her after listening to her for the better part of an hour. "This would be the deepest you'd ever had to go without much of a safety net," he said telling her what she already knew. "And I'm not sure Dan would even go along with it to begin with," he added.

Jerry was her best male friend and co-worker. He was also the best brain with the best technological background she knew. If she ever needed or wanted anything, Jerry could find a way to get it, which had included faking I.D.'s as well as a complete new identity with history behind it if she needed it, which in this case, she would. As for Dan, he was the owner and managing editor of the newspaper she worked for. Though she was more free-lance than a hired on employee, she had worked exclusively for Dan, and had earned a decent enough salary in doing so.

"We're not going to tell Dan anything about this," she told her friend. "Not until I've got a lot more to go on, then we'll bring him into it," she told him. "If what Chris told me is true, then there are too many people in high enough places that they could bury all of this, including me if I don't find and get the proof that we need first before going to Dan with any of this."

"I still don't like it," Jerry told her. "But I'll be there every step of the way if I can," he added already knowing as he said that, that Donna had already made up her mind. "So, what are you going to title this story if you do manage to expose it?" he asked.

Donna laughed, "Oh I don't know, something along the lines of 'The Stepford Wives meet the Marquis De'Sade?" she said.

"God Donna, just the sound of that sends chills up and down my spine," he told her.

"Yeah, me too," she said seriously, already feeling them.

As Jerry began work on giving Donna a complete new identity, which anyone having access to the network would easily be able to find, Donna began her own initial research on the company in question, a perfectly legitimate one on paper, and one that was also highly regarded in the industry, yet low key just enough to fly just under the radar where it mattered.

She brought up their web site. It looked just like a number of other temporary hiring/placement agencies that specialized in temporary part-time help for numerous Fortune 500 Companies for which it served. Donna shook her head wondering, just how many placements where there, where the type of activities going on were actually happening? Real? It could also be entirely false, some disgruntled ex-employee with a chip on their shoulder hoping to seek revenge for all she knew, though she'd been given assurances from Chris that this wasn't the case.

Pete's friend had stumbled into it, though even this was a "friend of a friend's" sort of thing, and Donna had learned through experience that most of the time, those sorts of rumors and accusations never panned out. Pete had insisted however, to Chris, that what that friend had told him was held in the strictest of confidence, bragging about it to him, exclaiming the truth of it, and sadly enough, how exciting it had been for him to have personally experienced it on top of all that.

"Women hired, and then trained and placed to be willingly humiliated, abused, and even tortured, all for the amusement of other men and women in high places, in highly respected positions, for well known companies and organizations, all under the guise of temporary help," Donna mused while reading through "O.B. & D Services," which stood for Office, Business and Document Services, specializing in temporary employee placements.

It was again all legit, on paper. There was nothing that she could find anywhere, where there were any filed complaints against the agency. Any firings had come from just cause, each one thoroughly and appropriately documented, but even those were far and few between. Even so, Donna knew Jerry would be thorough in checking those out.

What was odd to her in comparison to most of the other similar agencies, were the disproportionate amount of accolades and letters of excellence that the organization proudly displayed on their website, proclaiming their years of professional service to the community, backed by hundreds and hundreds of letters of support and recommendations by a majority of the major Corporate organizations and leaderships.

Donna could only sit there and wonder just how widespread and how far this really went, if any of it were in fact even true. She still had no real basis in fact to go on, nothing more than a mere rumor really, and a totally unsubstantiated one at that.

"What the hell am I doing?" she asked herself as she picked up the phone and dialed Jerry's number. As always, he knew who was calling him before he'd even answered.

"You're in," he said simply picking up the phone. "You've got an interview at nine in the morning, I'm faxing over your work history, back ground history and identifications. You'll need to drop by my place for the hard ID however on your way in tomorrow. I'll have it ready for you by then," he assured her.

No longer a blond, Donna had gone with a dark brunet look, including fairly expensive hair extensions which she added, giving her shoulder length hair a fuller, longer appearance which now fell well down to the middle of her back. In addition, even going so far as to get contacts, which now made her eyes green rather than blue. Even Jerry had been amazed at the transformation with a little change in makeup and eye shadow along with her sunglasses, which did well to hide her real look and true identity.

"You sure no one will recognize me?" she asked for about the tenth time.

"About as sure as we can be," he'd told her. "You haven't done anything significant in several months now, so you've pretty much kept your face off the news."

"Gee thanks," Donna said sarcastically.

'You know what I mean," Jerry told her. "Most of what you do is behind the scenes anyway, you've never been one to seek that kind of exposure, so I'm still reasonably confident with the new disguise, no one will know who you really are, and your new name, education and work history are bullet-proof, even if they send someone out to interview the people we have in place, they'll all verify you are who you say you are, so we should also be covered there too."

"Let's hope so," she told him. "We had to call in an awful lot of favors on this one," she added.

"Yeah, but a lot of them owed you those favors too," he reminded her. "If it hadn't been for you, some of them wouldn't be where they are now, or have the kind of justice given them that each one of them deserved to have either."

"Yeah, I know, but it was never my intention for any of them to feel obligated to me in anyway because of my help either."

"They all know that," Jerry reassured her. "They're just trying to do for you, what you did for them, so that you can hopefully do what you're about to do now in helping a few others who may no longer realize or even hope that anyone will. Right now kiddo, you might be their only hope in exposing any of this."

It wasn't the interview she was nervous about. Donna knew she'd breeze through that with no problems, it was getting noticed, without being noticed that concerned her. Everything else was in place, as well as it could be. She met all the criteria from the little bit they had been able to dig up and gather. She was new to the city, had no real family to speak of, her parents having long ago died, no sister's no brothers, aunts or uncles. A loner. She came from a typical midwestern background, smart without being too overly intelligent, she'd attended a trade school too poor to graduation from college, with just enough skills to get her by. Slightly above average looks, had competed in a few beauty pageants, none of which she'd ever won, though coming in as first runner up once.

She read through her bio and background again until she felt she knew it by heart. The problem was, was it enough? Was it too much? There was no real way of knowing. All she could do was go through the interview and hope for the best. After that, it was entirely up to fate the way she saw it. This was an investigation that could end right here before it had even began.

There was one small tiny piece that she had insisted Jerry include, they had argued about it initially, until she'd convinced him about the wisdom of hiding it somewhere in her background, hinting about it perhaps when required to fill out all the necessary forms which Jerry had gotten for her to look at well before hand so that they knew everything they'd need to have.

For Jerry, breaking into the Oklahoma City Police files and leaving a false record of a man Donna, now Linda Franks had once been married to was of no moment. That he had been convicted of drug abuse as well as physical abuse was just one of many such files that remained in their archives, though his was also marked as "deceased" from a drug over dose shortly upon his release. But it wasn't even this extra tid-bit of information they'd established which was as important, as the one where by Linda's own admission, she'd never reported the physical abuse to the police, because she'd never seen it as being that. Some other concerned neighbor had been the one to report it, and had she not, chances were Linda's husband might never have been found out.

Donna had swung by Jerry's apartment with plenty of time to pick up her new ID's including a drivers license, passport, social security card (all appropriately worn and weathered looking to boot) and spent a few additional minutes going over a last few minor details. Then she was off to the offices of OB & D Services.

She spent the first few minutes of her appointment filling out all the appropriate forms, all of which she'd already seen and had become familiar with well before hand. There was nothing new there.

"Mrs., Franks?"

"Miss Franks," Donna corrected the receptionist as she stood and followed the woman into a small tiny little conference room where she was told that one of the reviewers would be meeting with her shortly, and then watched the young friendly receptionist leave closing the door behind her.

Donna didn't think there would be any hidden cameras within the room, no reason for it, but she purposely didn't sit there looking around for any either just in case that there was. She acted appropriately nervous without being too nervous, and waited. Just a few moments later a young, certainly younger looking man than she was entered the room.

"Miss Franks," he said getting her marital status right, obviously that small point had been addressed prior to his coming into the room. Donna stood taking his hand, shaking it.

"I'm Dave Elliot," he said in greeting, "please take a seat, and make yourself comfortable."

"Thank you," she told him sitting down, and then waited quietly as Dave scrutinized all the required forms she'd filled out. He then asked one or two additional insignificant questions, seemingly satisfied.

"It looks like everything's in order," he told her. "But if you'll wait for just a couple of more minutes, I'd like to pass this by one of the executives, if she has any additional questions she'd like to ask, I'll come and get you and see you to her office. If not, then you'll be free to go now and wait for our call."

"Ok, thank you," Donna said once again sitting and waiting patiently as he left. As she sat, her mind quickly ran through the all the corporate names she had looked at, one in particular coming to mind, Sylvia Grant. She had seen her photo, though she was sure it didn't truly do her justice. The one thing that was strange about it, was the way she wore her nearly white-blonde hair, in a pinned up quaff reminiscent of a late forty's early fifty's type of hair-style, though many of those had once again become popular. Problem was, according to the various photos Donna had been able to dig up on her, or rather the one's that Jerry had, she'd been wearing it that way for a lot longer before it had become vogue once again to do so.

The door opened. Dave was smiling. "If you have a few extra minutes, one of our chief executive officers would like to speak with you for a moment."

"Certainly," Donna responded, and then followed Dave out back into the office area, down a short hallway, and then through a door which opened into what appeared to be much more extravagant and lavishly decorated executive style offices. She looked up at the nameplate on the door as Dave knocked.

"Sylvia Grant" Donna smiled inwardly as she heard the invitation to come in, which Dave did only so far enough to open the door for her, allowing her to go by, then stepping back and closing it. Donna noticed that her file lay open on Sylvia's antique mahogany styled desk.

"Linda?" Sylvia said addressing her by her first name, extending her hand to Donna as she did so. "Sylvia Grant," she acknowledged herself as Donna took it, shaking. "Please sit down."

Donna sat, taking a deep purposeful breath, though trying to look like she hadn't as Sylvia once again flipped through a few pages of her application.

"Only have one or two additional questions to ask you about," she began.

"Go right ahead," Donna told her sounding a bit nervous.

"I noticed that on your application you indicated that you're currently single, and though this is a voluntary question that you're not legally obligated to answer, nor that we even require, the reason I'm asking you about it, is that I also noticed one other entry on the back where you also indicated that you had been married at one time. But since you didn't check or indicate divorced, I felt I needed to ask you about it."

"Yes, well, my husband's dead," Donna told her though without an ounce of regret when she said it.

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"Don't be, it was a life-time ago," Donna responded back.

Donna watched, as Sylvia appeared to make a few notes, scribbling something on the forms. She noticed the woman as she did so, smiling to herself. She looked every bit the way her photo's depicted her to be, though taller than she had imagined reaching at least six feet. She was properly attired in a business suit, not looking too overly sexy, yet exuding her sensuality and sexuality all the same. If there was ever a picture of a Dominatrix, she was it. All she needed now was an old style German officer's cap, a whip and some sort of tight leather or latex body garment and she'd perfectly fit the bill.

"Well, just a couple of additional questions for you then and we'll be done here," she said suddenly putting the file down.

Donna just smiled and waited for her to continue.

"What sort of aspirations do you have?" she asked. "The reason I ask that," she said continuing before Donna could respond, thus letting her know it was a rhetorical question in doing so, "is because we here at OB & D, pride ourselves in offering specialized services above and beyond those that most companies of our stature can afford to offer. You're certainly qualified to be placed in just about any of the companies we hire temporary employee's for, many of which go on to work for those organizations on a more permanent basis, but we also fill positions for executives, women and men who we feel have the aptitude and potential for going a lot further within an organization, people who don't mind doing a bit more of the lazy work that these Executives just don't have enough time in the day to do for themselves. I know this sounds callus, and maybe it is, but as they say, first impressions in business can go a long ways. And the Executives we do business with place a lot of emphasis on that. They like, and expect to see attractive men and women doing various odd and sundry jobs, hanging around, working with other executives. It sort of gives them a feeling of even more importance, which of course they are already. But let's face it, many of them like to feel and be treated as though they're Kings or Queens, whether they're willing to admit it or not. We know that, and we cater to it, which is something that other companies do not!"

"Of course," Donna said looking curiously interested.

"Some don't find the opportunity to be to their liking, even though many of our placements end up making a lot more money in the long run, or even end up landing executive type positions themselves eventually if they're willing to work hard enough. So my question to you is, are you one of those people? Are you willing to work just a tiny bit harder in what may sometimes turn out to be a seemingly unrewarding position in the beginning, yet one that can turn quickly lucrative and ultimately satisfying in the end? Or would you be perfectly content working in an office somewhere behind a computer? The choice is certainly yours either way, but I say this, because I'd like to offer you the chance and opportunity to decide between the two. I think you have what we're looking for if you chose to go the other way."

"Well? How'd it go?" Jerry asked when Donna showed up at his place shortly after her meeting.

"Too soon to tell," she admitted concernedly, "but I think she liked me, especially after I told her that I was VERY interested in her proposal. I met with Sylvia Grant herself after my initial interview, so I think that was another good sign. But she told me it may be a few days before I hear back from them."

Jerry knew all about Sylvia Grant, he'd done most of the research on her himself, though her background looked clean, almost too clean when he did as he wasn't able to pull anything up on her except for a very squeaky clean record.

"Sounds like just enough time to do a thorough background check on you," he commented.

"That's what I thought, let's just hope we covered all the bases."

"Don't worry, we did. And as long as the people we contacted just confirm the info we gave them, there shouldn't be any reason whatsoever for them to be suspicious about a damn thing. After that, it's all up to you."

Jerry paused seeing the worried look in Donna's face.

"You sure you still want to go through with this?"

"Oh yeah, I do, now more than ever," Donna said smiling towards him. "It's just that I know this time, I may have to go a bit farther with things than I normally would. I have a feeling that this time I'm going to be pushing the limit though, and I'm just a little worried just what that limit for me might be."

"Maybe we should set you up with some sort of a wire," he suggested.

"Can't afford to take that chance," she said dismissing the idea immediately. "I have a feeling that's something they'll be very careful in watching for. Sylvia told me that if they decide to bring me on, there's a party for some corporate bigwig that they'll give me a bit of a run-through test with. Some sort of special "attire" as she put it that I and several other girls will be asked to wear while we're there. I can only imagine what that will be," she concluded.

"I'm just not really comfortable with you flying without a net," Jerry said somberly. "There's no way to back you up safely the way I see it."

"Nor me neither," Donna admitted. "All I can do is watch out for myself, see if I can pull this off. If I can't, then I need to be smart enough to back out before anything seriously goes wrong."

Three days later Donna received a call from Dave Elliot asking her if she could come in and meet with Sylvia again. She didn't have time to stop by Jerry's office on the way in, it was too far out of the way, so she sent him a text message instead.

Sylvia met her wearing a similar outfit to the one she'd worn during their first meeting, though she greeted Donna in a much more familiar way, even giving her a brief hug as she did so. After they had shared a few brief pleasantries, Sylvia got down to business.

"Well Linda, I'm very excited to tell you that we'd like to offer you a temporary working position here with OB & D, you understand that since you indicated you were more interested in the specialty end of things rather than a mere office position, we need to do a better evaluation for those types of jobs, and the only way we can really do that, is to send you out on a temporary assignment and see how it goes."

"I understand," Donna told her smiling.

"Good! I'm glad to hear that! Now then, there just so happens to be a party going on this evening for one of our clients, we'll be supplying the service staff for it. Simple duties really, serving drinks, mingling and chatting with the client and his friends who'll be in attendance, that sort of thing. I'm sorry that it's on such short notice, and hope that won't be any kind of a problem for you."

"Doesn't sound too terribly complicated, and no ... no problem for me at all," she added. "I'm actually looking forward to it!"

"No, it's usually not," Sylvia ventured letting the emphasis on the word usually hang in the air for a moment before continuing. "But it's important for you to know that sometimes these parties can get a little wild, and more important for you to know that we're not asking you to do anything you're not comfortable doing while in attendance. If at any point you feel like you are, or that you find something totally and completely unacceptable, it's our policy that you feel free enough to leave immediately. I'll be in attendance there myself, so at any time during the night if you find that you feel that way, just come and tell me and we'll see to it that you get home ok."

"Ok," Donna answered simply wondering as she did just what she was really getting herself into, and how far she really could go once she had.

"Now then, there's a sort of a uniform we've put together for the girls who'll be working the party there tonight, if you don't mind coming into the back dressing rooms with me, I'll see to your fitting personally."

Donna was smart enough that she knew going forward, that everything that she was asked to do, or shown, would be some sort of a test to see how she'd react or respond to whatever it was Sylvia came up with. Her fitting, which she soon realized, was no exception.

"Let's see how this fits," Sylvia said pulling off a very sheer white blouse with a small little black tie attached to the collar. She'd included a very short tight mini-skirt with black fishnet stockings as well. "You'll need to supply a black bra," she added. "Preferably something lacy and low cut so that you can show off your lovely breasts through the blouse. I know that perhaps it's a bit tacky, but as I said, we cater to our client's wishes wherever possible, and as long as you're comfortable with this..." she left the statement hang in the air for a moment waiting for Donna's response.

"Oh, no problem," she grinned removing the blouse she was wearing as Sylvia stood eyeballing her appreciatively. "I have several bras that I think will do nicely."

Donna quickly finished removing her skirt as well until she stood in nothing more than a pair of panty hose and the white bra she was wearing.

"We'll need to remove these too," Sylvia stated, "So we can ensure the fish-nets will fit properly, and see how they look on you."

Donna quickly did so, feeling slightly embarrassed, but fully aware that any real inhibitions she showed going forward at this point would work against her. Slipping off the panty hose, she now stood entirely revealed to Sylvia's gazing eyes, though she stood there smiling appreciatively as she did so.

"Nice to see that you shave completely," she added glancing purposely and directly down between Donna's legs. "Never did understand why most women leave that little strip of hair just above their mounds, looks sort of silly to me whenever I see that. I'd rather they just trim their bush if they're not going to shave it rather than do that. I myself prefer the shaved look as well, and besides, it keeps me feeling sexy and aroused most of the time whenever I do."

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I am a farmer of fertile Kansas fields, considered by most to be a kind man with a welcoming smile. A pillar of the small farming community I call home, an elder at my church, and decent enough looking that women have commented on it over the years, particularly my blue eyes, which contrast with my weathered skin, I guess. I always choose my words carefully with men and women alike, and I like to think I am polite to a fault. I rarely touch wine or spirits. “Treat others as you would be...

2 years ago
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The Rain Festival in Pre Conquest America

“Eyewitness History: Essays in Contemporary Pre-Conquest Literature” November 201-- Journal of Pre-Conquest Studies University of -- Xóchitl Ana María Ferguson, Ph.D., Editor EDITOR’S NOTE: This is one of a series of papers the Journal presents for scholars of pre-Conquest indigenous cultures and ceremonies in the Americas. Every effort has been made to verify the authenticity of alleged contemporary accounts. While the authenticity of the document itself presented here is not in doubt,...

4 years ago
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The Rubberdoll Puppet Show

I told myself that never in a million years would I ever go to one of these types of events. Oh sure I had heard of slave fairs and auctions and even services that dealt with the training and modification of cunts, but I always told myself that had nothing to do with me and nothing good would come from being anywhere near those things, and yet here I was, standing smack in the middle of it with no idea what on Earth could have possibly made me think that this was somehow a good idea. I’m a...

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Monolith Chapter 8

Reception Beth slept with her mouth open, she didn't breathe out of her mouth but it was open anyways. Theo had wondered how much drool her pillow had collect over the three or so weeks she had been sleeping here. Theo swallowed and moved her tongue around in her mouth to check her own level of drool in her mouth, normal. It's always normal, she couldn't remember the last time she had dry mouth or the smell of food made her mouth water. Always the same, her body seemed to be never...

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The Last Escort Part Sixteen Chapters 6164

Chapter Sixty-OneMac looked out into the crystal-clear sea and watched as Grace walked out of the water like a goddess. She was dripping wet, having taken a dip to cool off on their last full day of the impromptu vacation he had whisked her away to on the island of Corsica.She’d been careful to use sunscreen, so her fair skin was a light golden brown, not red with sunburn. Freckles that he hadn’t known were there popped out, and they each brought three friends. Still, her face was the most...

3 years ago
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A Good Wife

She would accept the typical standard type of intimacy between us and was happy to plod on in this way. I on the other hand was looking to move on and add more excitement to our activities. I introduced her to some mild porn magazines which she at first disliked and took it as a personal indication that I thought she was inadequate. After allaying her fears and concerns, the magazines became more risqué as time went on, as did the video’s I introduced which took the same path, which she slowly...

1 year ago
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Mere mamu jaan 5

Hallo ISS readers kaise hai aap sab aur haan aap sabko eid aur diwali ki bahut bahut mubaraqbaad haan to mere chodu lund dhaarak bhaiyon aur kunwari ,gulabi choot waali bahnon aur haan moti gaand aur badi choochi waali auntiyon aur auntiyon ke halabbi lund waale uncle aap sab ke mail mujhe barabar milte rahte hai eid aur diwaali ki raat ko kisne kitni baar choda aur chudwaaya us sabke baare me bhi mujhe bahut se logon ne mail kiya haan to ab kaam ki yaani ki lund aur choot ki baat par...

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Scars Ch 0913

This is a continuation of my novel. I’m sorry it took so long to get it on here. It’s going to take even longer to get the next piece on. I’m sorry in advance for any grammatical, spelling or punctuation issues as I still have yet to be able to get an editor to contact me. As with before, all sexual actions take place by eighteen year old adults. For those who have been looking for sex, it finally comes into play in this addition. There are some problems with time in this one, so I know there...

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SRU Wizard Revenge

SRU: Wizard Revenge By Paul G Jutras "Where is that kid?" The Wizard grumbled behind the front counter of the store. "I'd fire that rotten boy if it wasn't for the fact the last kid I fired turned me into a woman for a whole year. There must be some way to rid myself of him without risking his wrath." The wizard put on a CD and began to listen to some music when his young servant came into the door. The ringing of the bell above the door got his attention. "You're late...

3 years ago
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Mentoring My Son A Mothers Story

"Mentoring My Son… A Mother’s Story"This work is a fictional biography, and is intended for the enjoyment of adults only. It broke my heart to see how some of the neighborhood k**s and his classmates treated him. They called him geek, nerd, weird, strange, wimp, and even pussy. It wasn’t his fault that he was painfully shy, incredibly intelligent, un-athletic and awkward… and that he had no interest or talent in sports of any kind. It broke my heart to see how they treated him because he...

4 years ago
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A Night Romance

‘Who is she?’ Clark thought as the woman he had sent a Cosmopolitan to slowly sipped her drink. She was a gorgeous blonde with from what he could see in the dimly lit room a slight tan. The bartender came over to Clark and lightly tapped him on his shoulder. ‘The lady across the way would like to see who you are.’ Clark carefully looked over the bartender’s shoulder to see the gorgeous woman trying to figure out who her mystery buyer was. Clark witnessed the bartender go over to the woman and...

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AP: Bensondale Police took a suspect into custody early this morning following a shooting. According to police two people were killed at a house in this upscale neighborhood outside the city. The identities of the victims, as well as the suspect in custody, are being withheld by police… Chapter One EXPLOSION 3 weeks earlier… As the final months approached it became apparent that 2009 would be the worst of my twenty-nine years. My business was failing and I was struggling to make payments on a...

3 years ago
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Legacy of a LegendChapter 33

We arrived at the gates of Solitude in time to break up a vampire attack. “Okay, that’s enough of this. I thought that helping Sybille would take care of the issues locally. At this point, I wouldn’t be surprised to find the Thalmor helping the vampires in this.” It was early evening, so we grabbed something to eat, then I sought Viarmo out at the Bards College. “Here’s the verse about King Olaf you were seeking.” “Ah, let me see. Oh, no! It’s aged such that parts of it are unreadable. And...

3 years ago
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Boys first sex summer

Freddie and I had been friends for years, getting to spend our summers together since our parents owned cabins next to each at the lake. We were the same age within a few months but totally different body types. I was always taller and slim and freddie was shorter by 4 inches or so but he had a stalkier build. From a younger age, i knew i was more attracted to boys than girls but it was something that i had kept to myself. Freddie and I wrestled around a lot, usually shirtless and in...

4 years ago
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My True Story At Patna 8211 Part 1

This is my true incident story, I know many of stories here claim to be true but are mostly fake. But this incident is disturbing my mind and m out of focus of my studies. So l wanna share it with you all. Please feedback me ‘ ‘ especially request to females for feedback… I am pass out b.Tech student 2011-15 from a college of orissa. My native place is ranchi. For the purpose of preparation of govt. Job competition I shifted to patna with one friend. We rented a room which contained one big...

2 years ago
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Wife desires fulfilled

This is first time I am writing here. I have some stories here and feel my story will be appreciated. I’m now 52 years old and my wife is 45. This happened approximately about 4 years ago. My wife and I used to have a healthy sex life but 4 years ago and I started to reduce coupling when I checked with doctor I found to be diabetic and I was told that sexual activity will reduce but not the desire. It was at that time that I noticed my wife being angrier and always frustrated instead of our...

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The Violation

“You will wear these when you come to the address below at 9.00pm Wednesday, Understand Charlie, do not disappoint me!!” I read the words with dread knowing that I would comply as instructed. I placed the note on the table and slowly started to go through the contents of the box. There were a number of sealed plastic bags, and I opened and emptied the contents of the first onto the table. It contained cord and a piece of paper. I read what was the instructions on how to tie the scrotum and...

4 years ago
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Made to watch

So after the masturbating in the toilet at work fiasco, which resulted in you missing your deadline, tearing your skirt, having to go about with no knickers on, and then having to cook dinner for your Bestie girlfriend and me, it was really all starting to get a bit much. You just wanted to go to your room and have a quiet cry and a bit of a wank to finish yourself off.Instead, you had to prepare a three-course dinner at which we all drank rather too much wine. The conversation inevitably...

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When I went off the college, my parents both went through a sort-of mid-life crisis. I was the youngest of three kids so when they found themselves with an empty house, it invigorated them and they both found new activities to go along with their busy jobs. My sisters and I often commented on how they were both more fit and seemed happy all the time.I’m 23 now, out of school and living out of state. Last summer, my parents paid for us kids to join them for a week at a resort near Lake Michigan....

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Young Busty Coworker Cheats on BF takes cum

It was about 2 months into a new job I had gotten in a small office. It was just my and 3 women in there, two in long term relationships and one to old for me. It was a normal office job where I had an office and my own space. The job itself was challenging and I was beginning to feel like it was too much work. The days seemed long and when I got home I would think about work all night. One of my coworkers took the bus with me in the mornings. We began talking and building a work related...

4 years ago
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Protection and Preservation Book 02Chapter 19

[West Georgia] We woke up wrapped in each other’s arms. It’s a nice way to greet the world. We were talking quietly when there was a knock on our door. We rolled apart and covered up. “Come in,” said Shirley. It was Janice. She was smiling in a big way. “I have news!” She exclaimed. “Bennie came over and we went into the radio room. We were listening slowly turning the frequency knob on twenty meters and heard someone calling ‘CQ.’ We made contact with Jimmy, WB9KLR, in Port Washington,...

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Pushppaben pushpichu

Jhanghalude veedu vrithiyakkanum paathram/thuni kazhukuvanumai varunnadh Kaakubhai (60 vayas) allel avarude maru-mol Rukhmini (28 vayas) aayirunnu. Annu avarilaro vannanu yenne bell adichunarthumbhol pettennu lungi noakki yedukkaan anghottuminghottum oadendadhay vannu, oruvidhthil thappi yeduthu door thurakkumbhol ashemayaayi nilkunna Kaakkubhai ye Saro Aunty samadhanippikkunnu, avan yinnale paadhiraatrikka vannadh yaatra sheenam khonduranghi poyadhaa yirikkum… ninghal onn adengh…. Oah pinne...

2 years ago
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jerk of routine turned into webcam fun

Hi sorry for my English wanted share a small fun of was December and finished collage for holidays did not plane anywhere to go so was home alone. Went out for some drinks saw some lovely ladies which made me horny I did not get any luck so head back home horny. i took my clothes off was walking around the house fully naked which made me even more horny wanted bust the load .planed of jerking off watching some porn instead wanted to try something new went online for a webcam chat .i...

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Thora Birch takes one for the team

"It's not that kind of dildo." Cassandra laughed, handing Thora the box.Thora raised an eyebrow at the taller girl. Cassandra leant towards her and whispered in her ear, "It's for your arse!"Thora took a step back and looked directly at her sternly, "I beg your pardon?" she asked out loud."Well you do want to join don't you?" Cassandra asked, her smile becoming more serious, then leaning forward she whispered again into Thora's ear. "You see we don't just let anyone join. Anyone could get that...

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playing on the bus

100% true story!Resently i was Traveling on a bus with my girlfriend after a trip to the city for a day shopping. we were both a little sleepy after a long day and cuddled up close on the bus. the bus wasnt busy but had some people sat close by.a few minutes past when my girlfriend started to rub my cock through my shorts. i am a very horny guy and this blew my mind and nearly my cock. then she undid my zip and pulled out my cock (with a little difficulty, check my profile) she was wanking my...

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Heart of the Hunted

Theron had devoted most of his later life to training his swordsmanship. His early childhood has been spent on a farm, where he lived happily with his family, and Alexander, an orphan they had taken in. Theron and Alexander had spent almost every waking moment together, helping with the farm work or fishing at the nearby creek. Alexander was shy, quiet, and kind. He had a gentle smile that could warm Theron's heart. He was almost the complete opposite of Theron, who was rash, outgoing and...

4 years ago
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How I lost my virginity for Lisa

I had my virginity taken by a woman a lot like you. I wanted to date her daughter Becky so bad I could taste it. Becky had long sandy colored hair D cups and only 15 years old. Her mom knew I wanted Becky BAD, and that she was not interested in me. I called her house one day to see if I could come by and her mom said she was in the bathroom but to come on over. When I got to the door and Jean (Becky's mom) was in her white pool cover, she had a great tan and body. She told me to come in and we...

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The Joy of living

You groggily wake up from your restless sleep. The bed feels cold as a rock as you sit up and look around. Your room, with all your things strewn around in it, as usual. You get up on your feet and stretch for a bit. Your room and it's moody lighting, with old fashioned furniture inherited from various dead relatives and cheap paint that's peeling off the walls in various places. Your parents surely did not invest much in you. A computer sits on a massive desk in the corner and a small TV next...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess8e7 Natasha Iley 39 outdoors girl

Series 8, Episode 7: Natasha Iley (39), from Ambleside We cut to a series of drone shots, flying over lakes and trees, establishing the natural beauty of the land. Then cut to an establishing shot of an impressively well-kept building. Three stories tall, with white-washed walls framed by black cornerstone bricks and black guttering. It’s old, but beautiful. There are a few cars parked infront and to the side of the building, but as we pan around we see we are nowhere near a road – there’s a...

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Mistress Lynsea

Olivia quickly pulled out of me and quickly laid on the floor and Mistress moved over so she was standing above Olivia's face and she slowly lowered herself down and Olivia stuck her tongue out eagerly awaiting her Mistresses pussy. As soon as Mistress was sitting on Olivia's face, Olivia started licking as fast as she could but Mistress told her to slow down and to make sure she cleaned every last drop of my cum from her pussy so Olivia did as she was told and she slowed down her licking and...

1 year ago
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A bit sore after a wild afternoon

My cunt felt a bit sore, but I had been totally satisfied a while before.I came out of the bathroom and looked how messed up the bed sheets were. It looked like somebody had fought a wild battle there. I pulled down the towel and started to get dressed. I needed to get back home to my beloved hubby. Victor would be worried about my absence.My Black Master was there lying on the bed, staring at my naked body as he stroked his hard dark cock. It was shining in the shadows, still coated with my...

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Lunch Break

She stared at the laptop and she exhaled slowly at what she saw. The screen showed a very cute and lithe brunette tied nude to a wooden chair, her legs bent in a kneeling position and bound thigh to calf with leather straps. Her arms were also bound, but they were raised over her head, bent at the elbow and held tightly together by a similar strap, which raised and showed off her small perfectly shaped breasts. A Hitachi magic wand vibrator sat on the seat of the chair between her spread...

4 years ago
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CONTEST PoetryJokes Category

Dear Authors, We hope you’re doing well. ISS would like to invite you to participate in a competition in the ‘Poetry/Jokes category.’ The contest: 1)The contest will run from 05 February 2023 to 19 February 2023. 2)The content can have any number of jokes or poetry, but it should be adult/xxx jokes/poetry. 3) It should be a minimum of 1000 words of content. 4) There shouldn’t be any sort of plagiarism. The entire work should be original and not be published anywhere on the internet...

2 years ago
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Ladds Exchange Mall Book 2

PETTICOATING FLOURISHES LADD'S EXCHANGE MALL BOOK TWO BY JENNIFER SUE By the middle of May; Louise, Tammy, Jamie, Brenda, and Tracy were competing to see who could be the biggest tease. The perky eighth grade girls had talked their parents into letting them take dancing lessons together at METAMORPHOSIS SCHOOL OF DANCE. They wanted Tina Bemis, the owner, to teach them jazz and aerobic dancing so they could all make the cheerleader squad for the upcoming school year. ...

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Flight of Fancy

It was just a typical transatlantic flight. I had business in LA, and I settled into my seat and gratefully drank the glass of champagne that the pretty cabin crew member offered me once I was seated. Emily her badge said. Nice name. The flight time was 12 hours, and in order to be reasonably awake when we landed, I took a relaxant pill after the first meal. It was just a sleepy making antihistamine, and after half an hour I could feel it starting to work. I opened my eyes to find Emily beside...

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VortexChapter 10

The recording came to an end but neither of them showed any inclination to move. Wendy laid her head on his shoulder and sighed. "What's wrong?" Tim asked softly. "Nothing. Everything's very all right. That was a sigh of bliss." "Ah, a happy suitoress." "Very." There was a long pause. "Um, Tim ... she'd, um, be even, er, happier if you gave her um, a kiss." Very gently Tim kissed her forehead. "That's all I can reach." Wendy wriggled round and straddled his right thigh....

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An Appetizer To Start The Evening

Amy sighed as James’ lips touched the nape of her neck. Her body involuntarily pushed against his body as she quivered from his light kisses. She felt his growing manhood against her leather skirt and she moaned. His hand squeezed her hard nipple while his other hand brushed away her golden wispy blond hair as he kissed her neck again. “Oh James,” she cooed. She longed to turn around and kiss him but her hands bound above her head prevented that. Earlier, he had bound them to a pull-up bar...

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Family Affair

Family AffairDon Abdul (c)For a 20-year-old, Damian looked a lot more mature. At 5'10'' tall, he had an athletic figure, which he kept in good shape by playing baseball and working out in the neighborhood gym. Although he acted just like any twenty-year-old in many regards, there was something different about him, he had fantasies about older women. His fantasies about the mature woman were a lot more intense than most boys his age would ever feel. Damian had a burning desire for one particular...

4 years ago
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Come Over

"Hey, you working?" It was my usual text to Luke when I'm bored and in need of a nice hard cock to pound my welcoming wet cunt. "Wanna get naked?"chimes back. "You know it!" "I'm working the truck, will text you when I'm done." I smile. Tonight is going to be fun. Luke is a guy I went to high school with but we never even spoke back then. We just knew who the other was in passing, classes together and such. He's six foot one, dark hair and big blue eyes; and the manager of a grocery store in...

Straight Sex
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watching doctor fucking my mom

This incident happened when I was very young. My mum had severe pain in her stomach, we went to 3 doctors and did all the tests but nothing helped and her pain was increasing with each passing day. One day, my mum’s cousin s****r came to see her and all of us were surprised, as she and my mum were not on talking terms. She showed a lot of concern and asked my mum to visit her doctor. We agreed to her suggestion as we had tried everything possible. Next day me and my mum went to the doctor. Our...

3 years ago
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Sex With Horny HR Executive

Hey guys this is Rahul Mehra (name slightly changed), About me is that I am 22 years of age working in an software MNC, with average body but pretty attractive smile, and about my dick its size is enough to satisfy any young age woman or mature woman also, because I am proud of having a very goodd stamina and experience of satisfying any horny girl that I have slept with. My email id is feel free to comment and even will be waiting for your friendship invitations. Feel free. Here the story...

1 year ago
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Blackmailed TeenagersChapter 2

"You look positively radiant, Sandy!" Lucy said in a half-serious voice. "Country life certainly seems to agree with you!" Sandy blushed at her friend's statement. If Lucy only knew what had happened so suddenly on the beach this morning. Sandy hated to keep secrets from Lucy. They were such good friends that it didn't seem right somehow not to tell her about the older man who had so casually raped her this morning. But something in her confused mind told her to remain silent about...

4 years ago
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Football Is My Life

Football is my Life Transgender fiction by [email protected] The following is a work of adult erotic fiction, intended for consumption by adults. If you are too young to be reading such things, or live in an area where sexual fiction between men and transgendered men is illegal or immoral, please stop now. Otherwise, enjoy this little work of mine. I was always immersed in football. My father played as part of the famous "fireplug line" at his University in Texas....

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THD Melinda Chevalier Entry 8

March 19th, Dear Diary,I've begun to lack empathy. Especially for the men that I toss myself between. I give no sympathy for their plights against hurting me. I hear their complaints and reservations, their pleading voices begging to show me something more, but I do not listen. Their instructions are always the same - do as I say, or get out.Some of them walk out with the intention of never returning, but most of them don't, and the ones that do - always reappear eventually. I suppose they are...

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Empty Roads FSoloMasturbationOutdoors

Freedom meant different things to different people, some equalled it to monetary success and others to power.To Helen nothing was more pure than an empty road at night, asphalt under her wheels and wind creeping through her helmet. Being far past a healthy bedtime, every burden on her mind left behind and nothing keeping her from doing what she loved.A twist on the throttle catapulted her forwards, out into the unknown emptiness. She loved crossing these wild borderlands between the cities and...

3 years ago
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My Teacher Neeru

Hi to all readers of this ISS. I am a big fan to this site. I started reading the stories in this Site from last thre years. I became a fan to this with first time itself. By reading all the stories of this ISS authors i was inspired and decided to post my expeeriance with College Lecturer. Due to this is my first story i am narrating here, if any mistakes please don’t think and mail me at Let me introduce myself to you all this is Raj from Banglore. Presently living in Hyderabad and working...

1 year ago
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Listening to JackChapter 6

The next morning, things were very, very strange for Emily. Even stranger than usual. She awoke with a blissful smile on her face, still incredibly happy from the wonderful night she'd spent with her twin brother Jack, and with her mother. She still couldn't exactly remember what they'd done ... but Emily supposed that didn't matter. Whatever they'd done, it had been amazing. All because of Jack. And Jack had promised that there would even more fun in store for her, later in the...

2 years ago
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Something unexpected

So there we were, me and my mate Nigel, out on the town for a pull and a piss up. Well what else is there to do on a wet weekend in London?We started off at our local, the Crab and Cockspur, which claimed to sell the best beers in the South East, but to be honest the only thing worth going there for were the birds. There were lots of 'em, but that was because there was a nurse's residential block round the corner, and they gathered there when their shifts were over.You couldn't wish for better...


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