Slingshot BillChapter 2 free porn video

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I was telling y'all about moving close to Austin an' getting another wife but I wuzn't gonna tell you no more unless you told me how y'all liked my story so far. Well, enough of you said you did that I decided to tell you a bit more. The other wife comes later in my story so I better not get ahead of myself.

The ranch we bought belonged to a widder that wanted to move to Tarrant County where her son now lived. She already sold off the livestock an' everything else so there wuzn't much left except the buildings, a corral an' fences. Of the buildings there wuz the ranch house, a barn and a bunk house where the hired help stayed. There wuzn't no hired help left an' that wuz fine with me. I intended to use that building as sleeping quarters for the children while we gradually built on the main house.

Buyin' the ranch took a lot of the fortune left to me by Missus Magillicuddy. Also, nine wives an' twice as many children eat a lot of food an' that's just in one day. I had to find a way to make some money so we wouldn't slip into lean times. I was making a fair livin' horse breedin' before movin' to Austin. Well, around Austin there seemed to be horse breeders galore. I had to find somethin' different.

First things first though. I bought a dairy cow, some egg layin' hens and a rooster. We also planted a vegtable garden. Most important though was my trusty slingshot. There wuz plenty of rabbits an' other critters around that a man could feed his family with so we would never starve. Rex was still a good huntin' dog but he was getting kind of old and slowin' down so I figured it was about time to retire him. Hope was way ahead of me there. She bought a bitch for Rex to breed with and a couple of puppies.

I decided that each child should be taught how to handle a slingshot. That included the girls. In fact, the first one I taught was my oldest child Charity. She took right to it and helped teach her younger brothers and sisters how to hunt with the slingshot when they got old enough. Not all of them became expert shots but even the least of them did a good job of keepin' critters at bay that wanted to make a meal out of the chickens or the garden. It was good self protection too as I can testify to.

As far as the children wuz concerned they each had nine mommas and as far as the women wuz concerned they each had 18 children. They loved each one the same way with no favorites. That kept everythin' simple. It was too hard tryin' to figure out and explain who was your real momma or who could call Florry or Hannah Grandma an' who couldn't, who might be an aunt or a cousin or some such. Even when they wuz babies, one mother's teat was as good as another's as long as there wuz milk to be had. Of course, the wives knew which of the babies squirted out from between their legs, but like I said, it was a lot easier if everyone didn't play no favorites.

Anyway, things got to be running pretty smooth so I could concentrate on earnin' a livin'. That didn't last long. When we wuz livin' out in the middle of nowhere nobody much come by to stick their noses in my business. Since we moved close to the big city there wuz a lot more people around an' they all seemed curious about us. I guess it's to be expected when they start seein' a passel of women an' children around with only one man.

It started innocent enough. My nearest neighbor came by an' introduced his self. I could tell he was mighty curious by what he saw but I didn't offer no explanation and he was too polite to pry. He must have told others though cuz the next thing I knew there was a whole parade of people "just happenin' by" to introduce themselves to the new neighbors. Jerusha! I didn't realize I had so many neighbors.

"We could sell tickets for the viewin'," said Polly.

"I ain't interested in makin' money that way," I replied. "I'd much prefer they stayed away." Some of the people wuz just wanted to gawk but some of them, I could tell, wuz up to no good. Men who wuz just plain galoots wuz stoppin' askin' for work even when it wuz plain I didn't have no use for them. They wuz shore eyein' the women though an' like I said before I knew they wuz up to no good. I had a bad feelin' I wuz gonna regret moving here. I decided to call a meeting of the wives to discuss security.

"I think we are going to have trouble here before long with all the saddle tramps comin' by and eyein' you women. Somebody's liable to get hurt if we don't do some plannin' before trouble starts."

"We wuz thinkin' the same thing," said Beth. "That's why we drew up these plans. You can look them over an' tell us if we missed anything." She handed me a map of the ranch an' surrounding terrain with defensive positions an' hidin' places for the children.

"It looks okay to me," I said. I shoulda known Beth would already be thinking this out. I wuz right proud of her.

"I'm glad you think so."

"I see everybody's name on here except mine."

"That's cuz we figured if there's gonna be trouble the galoots would wait until you wuz away."

"That makes sense but what if I'm here?"

"Then you should get out of the way as soon as possible."

"What are you talking about? I ain't no coward. If there's goin' to be trouble then I'm goin' to be in the thick of it to protect my wives an' children."

"I knew he wouldn't agree," said Philomena. "He's so stubborn. Just like a man."

"Well, I just happen to be a man," I replied. "Perhaps you should explain your reasonin' on how I should go hide while you women fight."

"It's perfectly logical," said Polly. "Men aren't afraid of women. They're afraid of other men. If a gang of galoots rides in meanin' to do us harm, it won't be to kill the women but they might kill the man in order to get to us. The galoots will think we're defenseless but that will be their mistake."

"That makes a lot of sense," I allowed, "but it still seems cowardly."

"General Lee didn't really lead his troops into battle where he might have been hurt or killed," Polly replied. "He was in a safe area where he could observe the battle and direct his troops."

"So now I should think of myself as General Lee?"

"Yes, in a matter of speakin'," said Beth. "Better yet, just think of yourself as the most important person in this family and we'd all be lost without you." There was agreement heard all around the table and I felt right embarrassed. General Lee was probably glad he never had to fight a woman's logic. He woulda lost every time. Everyone said they wuz willin' to kill to protect what was precious to us which was each other.

Florry handed me a list of things to buy includin' more weapons an' ammunition as well as a list of suppliers where I would get the best prices. Her experience from runnin' a store wuz comin' in handy. It was more money goin' out but it is wuz necessary.

"I gotta get some money comin' in soon," I said. They all started jabberin' at once with suggestions.

"One at a time," I exclaimed.

"Philomena and I can go bounty huntin'," said Beth.

"I ain't gonna let you two go bounty huntin'."

"Why not? It's not like we ain't collected bounties before. There's good money in it and it sure has come in handy."

"We didn't go huntin' for no bounties," I replied. "Those galoots come to us."

"Well, we wouldna known about the bounties on those galoots without first seein' their wanted posters. Why don't you let me at least me go collect a batch of those posters? You never know, some of those galoots comin' around here might have bounties on them. We can arrest them or shoot 'em when they ride in to stare at us." That got giggles from the rest of the women an' I tried to change the subject.

"Any other suggestions?" The subject of cattle ranchin' came up but I wasn't interested. My pa tried it an' he went broke pretty quick. Heck! Some of the experienced ranchers wuz havin' a rough time of it what with the price of cattle goin' down. The cost of raisin' cattle never seemed to go down.

There wuz some other suggestions but they wuz things I didn't want to get involved in because of time, talent or risk. I said I would consider everythin' an' then ended the meetin'.

I knew I wuzn't goin' to hear the last of Beth's bounty huntin' idea. I wuz right. She had Philomena's support an' she had a way of gettin' the other wives on her side too. They just plain wore down my resistance. After listenin' to them harp for a while, I told Beth I'd let her go ahead an' get those wanted posters but there was no way I wuz goin' to allow her to chase galoots for reward money.

So the next time I had to go into town for supplies, I told Beth she could come with me and we'd pick up wanted posters at the sheriff's office. About half way in, we heard shooting an' saw two galoots firing at another who had taken cover behind some rocks. A dead horse wuz layin' nearby. One of the pair took notice of us and fired a shot our way. He wasn't a very good shot or maybe he wuz just warnin' us off, but Beth an' I jumped off the buckboard an' hid behind some rocks just as a precaution.

I should mention my sister/wife did not neglect to grab her Winchester Model 94 as we took cover. I'd given it to her for her last birthday and I had a feelin' that galoot wuz gonna regret firin' on us. I wuz right. Beth seldom missed what she wuz aimin' at an' wuz a dead shot at that range. That's exactly what the galoot wuz on Beth's first shot. He wuz dead. His pardner looked surprised an' then confused. He fired our way, but he wuz dead a moment later from Beth's second shot.

The other galoot wuz the smart one. He put down his weapon an' raised his hands. He started walkin' toward us.

"He's wearin' a badge," said Beth. She lowered her rifle an' we relaxed though we didn't lose our cover just to be safe. The law man didn't lower his hands. Like I said. He wuz smart. He got close enough to shout.

"I'm a United States Marshal," he called.

"You can put your hands down," I replied an' stepped out to meet him.

"That wuz some mighty fine shootin', Mister. You saved my life an' I'm grateful. Is your missus all right?"

"My sister wuz the marksman," I replied. He gasped in surprise an' then Beth stepped out into view. He remembered his manners an' removed his hat.

"I'm grateful, Ma'am."

"Did those galoots have a bounty on 'em? If so, I'm claimin' it," Beth replied.

"I'm not sure, but let's go take a look. You're certainly welcome to any reward money there might be. You earned it."

It turned out only one of the galoots had a bounty on him. It wuzn't much. He was after the Marshal 'cuz his brother wuz hanged for murder an' Marshal Law was the one that captured him. I helped the Marshal tie the bodies to their mounts an' collect his saddle from his dead mount. On the way into town, I could tell the Marshal was quite taken with Beth an' he asked her directly if he might call on her.

"I have a husband, Marshal. I have two children besides."

"Your husband is a mighty lucky man, Ma'am."

"I like to think so," Beth replied. "Course, I feel purdy lucky myself." I could feel my face blushin' with pride when I heard that.

The Marshal said he would get the reward money to Beth as soon as possible. He didn't even charge us for the galoots' burials.

"I'm going to pay for that. It's the least I can do for you savin' my life." Beth told him why we were goin' into town an' he loaded her down with a big stack of wanted posters. It turned out he had heard of Beth from the Sheriff in Hand Springs.

"I sure wish I could hire you," he said. "You'd be worth your weight in gold."

"Don't encourage her," I urged. I knew Beth didn't need no encouragement. I also knew what to expect as we made our way home. Violence seemed to have strange effect on her. Specially if she wuz the one doin' the violence. She had just killed two men an' her lust wuz up. She wanted to fuck somethin' fierce. She asked me to pull off behind some trees an' I knew it wuzn't so she could piss. We jumped off the buckboard an' Beth pulled up her dress an' braced herself against a rock so I could mount her. We didn't exchange words. We didn't have to. We wuz no better than a couple of animals but we liked it that way. The other wives wuz the same way.

When we got back home, Beth told one an' all about our adventure an' how she claimed another bounty. Everyone was shocked an' excited by her story an' I could tell Philomena wuz wishin' she had been with us.

"I can't think of a better way to make a livin' than huntin' down galoots that have bounties on their heads," said Beth.

"It's too dangerous," I replied. "The answer is no."

"You keep sayin' that, but I ain't got a scratch on me yet." I seemed to be repeatin' myself.

"I can't imagine you'd like chasin' galoots all around Texas on your own."

"She won't be alone," said Philomena. "I'll ride with her."

"Well, just remember you two won't have no husband around to take care of your womanly needs from time to time. An' I'm certain you both will miss your children somethin' awful. They will surely miss you." I could tell I wuz finely getting' through to my two would-be bounty hunters. They hadn't thought of that.

"I'm sure there are plenty of galoots in an' around Austin," said Polly. "You could chase after them durin' the day an' be home at night."

"That's a great idea," said Beth. "Thanks!" I just glared at Polly. Well, I wuzn't done yet.

"If you track down too many galoots around here, some of them will turn around an' track you down."

"That's true, but I just thought of a way it might work."

"What is it?"

"Never you mind. I still have to work it out in my head." I just shook my head an' walked out to get some chores done.

Philomena an' Beth took some trips to Austin when I wuz not able to go along, but I wuzn't much worried about them. If any galoot had thoughts of interferin' with either of them, he would soon get his mind changed or he would wind up dead on the side of the road. They kept secret the reason for the trips but I knew they would tell me when they wuz ready. Well, anyways, I couldn't follow them around all day to keep them out of trouble. I had other things to do.

I let the neighborin' rancher's cattle graze on my land in exchange for some beef later on. He had a plague of rabbits on his land so he paid Charity an' Billy a small bounty for each pair of ears they brought him plus we had that much more rabbit for the stew pot.

I wuz workin' in the barn one day when I heard the children screamin' like banshees from hell. That wuzn't so unusual, children bein' children, but there's a scream and then there's a scream that makes a body drop what he's doin' an' come runnin'. The wives wuz doin' the same.

The first thing I saw wuz a covered wagon drawn by a four horse team out by the road that ran past the ranch gate. A man wuz on the ground an' Billy an' Charity had their slingshots ready to shoot. Wally wuz holdin' a knife to the galoot's throat.

"Step away, children," said Hannah. Florry an' her wuz both carryin' shotguns an' had them aimed at the galoot's head.

"What's goin' on," I said.

"He tried to grab Molly," said Charity.

"That's a lie," cried the galoot.

"It's the truth!"

"You ain't gonna take a little nigger's word over mine, are ya? They're the ones that attacked me!" Well, of course I wuz gonna take Charity's word over the galoot's but I didn't say so out loud. I wuz tryin' to decide what I wuz gonna do about this fool. He wuz harmless right then so it didn't seem right to just kill him. I could turn him over to the law, but the law tended to believe a white man's word over a colored child's or even if the child wuz white. Molly looked looked scared but unharmed so I decided to let him go with a warnin' not to let me see his face aroun' these parts ever again.

"Get off there you hellion," the galoot demanded. Billy had climbed up on the wagon an' was peerin' inside.

"Take a look, Pa."

"You don't have no right to go in there." I ignored the galoot an' climbed up beside my son. I looked to where he wuz pointin'. There wuz two young girls bound and gagged lyin' on the floor of the wagon. They wuz raggedy an' dirty.

"Cut 'em loose," I told Billy.

"Those two are my daughters. They wuz misbehavin' an' I have the right to discipline them as I see fit," he yelled. "I'll have the law on you if don't let me go right away."

I shook my head in disgust. That was no way to treat children no matter how bad they wuz behavin'. We watched as Billy helped the two girls down. The older one looked at the galoot with pure hatred in her eyes. She couldn't be more than ten years old. The other one looked about seven.

"I heard what he wuz sayin'," the older one said. "It's all lies. He kilt our Pa an' he did dirty things to us." Her eyes wuz fillin' with tears.

"The girl's the one that's lyin' and she's crazy as a loon," the galoot retorted. "I'm gonna whip your butt good when I get you home."

"Well, it looks like the Sheriff is gonna have to figger out who's tellin' the truth here," I replied.

"Let's be reasonable now," said the galoot. He started to take off his hat.

"Don't let him do that," the girl warned. "He's got a little gun in there."

"Just flinch one mo' time an' you is a dead man, Mister," said Hannah. The galoot froze an' I grabbed his hat. There was a double-barreled derringer rigged up in the crown.

"He's got a pistol in his boot, too," the girl said. She reached into the galoot's boot an' brought it out. The two glared at each other an' then a shot rang out. The galoot fell back an' twitched some, then he wuz still. The little girl had shot the galoot dead. There wuz a bloody hole in his chest.

As soon as we recovered from our shock, we acted quickly. The girl let me have the gun without resistance. I then dragged the galoot's body behind some brush and told Wally an' Billy to lead the rig into the barn. The wives gathered up the children an' hurried into the house.

The older girl's name was Daisy and her sister's name was Maisy. They wuz 13 an' ten years old but they was so under fed an' scrawny that they looked a lot younger. The wives burned their old clothes an' gave 'em a bath then dressed 'em in some old dresses. They got fed next but they couldn't eat much cuz their bellies wuz so shrunk.

This is the story I got from Daisy. Their ma wuz long dead an' their pa wuz a worthless drunk. She didn't know how her pa met up with the galoot but he offered to find a home for the girls since their pa couldn't take care of 'em an' pay him for his trouble. The deal wuz made at their shack an' the two celebrated with a couple of bottles of whiskey. But their pa's whiskey was poisoned. Soon after he started drinking, he was passed out an' then dead. The girls wuz then tied up. Daisy didn't give me no details about what "dirty things" the galoot did to them. That wuz fine with me. I didn't want to know.

"I suppose I'll have to go to jail," said Daisy.

"Why do you suppose that," I asked.

"I kilt that man."

"I don't rightly recall you killin' anyone," I replied. "I wuz just talkin' to him plain an' simple like an' the next thing I know he fell dead. I think his heart gave out. He musta been sickly. Anyone else know any different?" Everyone just shook their heads and I said, "You musta been mistaken." Daisy wuz a smart girl an' she nodded her head in understandin'.

"Are you gonna send us to an orphanage?"

"Is that what you want?"

"Oh no! I don't want that at all. Me an' Maisy will work for ya for free if'n we can stay here."

"I got plenty of help around here," I replied. "Sorry."


I do have openin's for a couple of daughters though, if you an' Maisy are interested."


"I'd be your new father an' these women, they'd be your new mothers. You two would have a bunch of new brothers an' sisters too. Of course, you an' Maisy would have your share of the chores. What do you say?" Daisy answered me by rushin' into my arms an' huggin' me. Everyone started whooping an' hollerin' an' huggin' each other. Maisy was busy huggin' Billy who she saw as her hero. Daisy wuzn't much younger than me but I wuzn't interested in her that way. I thought she had to have a chance bein' a child.

Along about this time Philomena an' Beth returned from a day in Austin an' I had to explain everythin' to 'em. They wuz plenty upset, of course, but after they calmed down they wanted to go take a look at the body to see if they recognized him from the wanted posters they'd been studyin'. I took 'em to where I hid the body but they didn't recognize him.

"I can't understand why he thought he could grab my Molly with all the other children around," said Beth. I explained that the children wuz playin' hide an' seek an' Molly wuz the seeker so the galoot likely didn't see the other children when he happened by. That seemed to satisfy Beth. She spat on the galoot's face before walkin' away. Philomena did the same thing so I added my own spittle before lootin' the body. I found a money belt an' more weapons as well as a packet of papers. After dark, we tied the body to the back of a horse. I hauled it out to a lonely place an' dumped it where none but the coyotes an' buzzards wuz likely to find it.

"What did you find in the wagon," Beth asked the next mornin'.

"Nothin' much other than the children," I replied.

"Take a look at those tracks the galoot's wagon made."

I took a look and said, "So?"

"They're mighty deep ruts for a near empty wagon. And why did he need a four horse team when two woulda done it?"

"You tell me."

"There's somethin' heavy in that wagon an' we ain't found it yet." She talked to Daisy an' asked her if she knew where the galoot wuz bound. Daisy wuz under the impression he wuz comin' back from Mexico but she didn't know where he wuz bound. I got some tools an' I pried off the boards from the wagon bed. What I found took my breath away; the bottom 'neath the false bottom wuz lined with gold bullion. We wuz rich beyond our wildest dreams. The refinery marks showed the gold come from Mexico.

"I'm mighty curious to know how that galoot come by so much gold," said Beth.

"I figgered you would be," I replied.

"He musta stole it or sold somethin' purdy valuable."

"Let me know when you find out. I gotta find a hidin' place for this gold." I buried it under a stall in the barn.

The papers the galoot had on him showed he wuz a former soldier. Beth an' Philomena looked through old newspapers an' discovered that an Army arms depot had been raided an' a huge load of weapons an' ammunition wuz taken. The Army tracked down the galoots, all former soldiers, but the stuff had already been sold to a Mexican bandido who fancied his self as the next boss of Mexico. It had been traded for gold bullion. The galoots would not tell the Army where the gold wuz hid so after they wuz tried they wuz shot by a firin' squad.

The galoot that Daisy kilt must have been involved in the raid cuz he had been stationed at the Army depot too, but he got away. That satisfied me that the gold wuz ill gotten gains so finders keepers. Of course, the Army had first claim on it ... if they could find it. Now I had to find a way to sell the gold without attractin' attention. The wives an' children knew to keep their mouths shut so I wuzn't worried there.

"It looks like you two won't have to go bounty huntin' after all," I told Philomena an' Beth.

"But we're havin' so much fun," Beth protested.

"What do you mean by that?" Beth got all red in the face an' fessed up to what she an' Philomena had been doin' in Austin. They went an' talked to Marshal Law an' offered to hunt for wanted men in an' around Austin. If they found someone, he would be reported to the Marshal. The Marshal would make the arrest an' the wives would get the reward without gettin' involved in the arrest.

Marshal Law gave them a room to use an' they would change into men's clothes. They would spend their time outside the saloons pretendin' to be idlers, but always on the lookout. So far, they had three arrests an' $150 to their credit.

"So you see it doesn't put Philomena an' me in danger at all. The hardest thing we had to do was learn how to spit an' whittle."

"I can see that," I replied. "But it ain't necessary no more an' I don't want y'all doin' it."

"Oh, we wuz only gonna do it until we got enough money to open our own detective agency just like the one Mister Sherlock Holmes of London, England has. Now we won't have to wait."

"You ain't gonna open no detectin' agency. You two are gonna stay home an' be wives ... my wives."

"It's somethin' we have always wanted to do an' we are gonna do it."

"I forbid it."

"Fine! But see if I get into your bed ever again."

"I feel the same way," said Philomena.

"Go ahead an' cut off your noses," I replied. "Y'all forget I have seven other wives to take care of my carnal desires. Any one of them will gladly take your turns in my bed."

"We will see about that, Mister Bill Stinker."

Well, that very evening the rest of the wives suddenly had "female problems" and couldn't come to my bed. I knew it was a danged conspiracy an' an attack on my male authority, but I could play the same game. I wasn't gonna allow any one of them into my bed until each one once more pledged to love, honor an' obey me; even if they begged me to use them first. It had been years since I had slept alone in my bed but I could get used to it again. A week later I wuz staring at a sign in a sign painter's shop that read "Tinkerton Detective Agency."

"They got the name wrong," I said. "The name's Tinker, not Tinkerton."

"We know that," said Philomena, "but Tinkerton Detective Agency has a nice ring to it. It'll be good for business."

"I don't see how, 'specially when they find out you two are women. Whoever heard of a woman detective?"

"Oh, you're the official detective, not us. We're just your helpers."

"What are you talkin' about? I ain't no detective." They assured me I wuzn't gonna do no detectin'. Whenever a client (their word for a customer) come in, they would tell him I wuz out doin' detectin'. They would get the information they needed, then go out an' investigate. When they solved the case, I would get the credit an' nobody would be the wiser. It sounded a bit too complicated to me for it to work, but that's the way they wanted it. I wuz just glad I didn't have to sleep alone no more.

I thought we wuz through for the day an' about to head home when I saw Beth get that special look in her eyes; sorta like when a she wolf sees supper walkin' her way. I looked where she wuz lookin' an' saw a group of men walkin' into a bank. I turned back to ask Beth what she saw the wives wuz hurryin' toward the weapons they kept stored in the buckboard.

"What's goin' on," I demanded.

"I recognized those galoots from their wanted posters," said Beth. "They're probably robbin' the bank right this very minute. We intend to stop 'em when they come out. Where the hell is your pistol?"

"I forgot it." Actually, I just got tired of carryin' around the danged thing cuz I never used it.

"Take cover then an' don't come out until the shootin' is over." Philomena an' Beth took cover behind the buckboard.

Well, I wuzn't going into hidin' when my wives wuz getting' ready for a gunfight. I still carried my slingshot an' plenty of lead shot. I saw a ladder leadin' to the roof of a buildin' down a ways. I figgered it would make good cover an' I'd be able to see what wuz goin' on.

The galoots started shooting inside the bank an' continued as they run outside. I wuz on the roof an' in position just in time. Men, women an' children started runnin' for cover. A lot of people wuz runnin' toward the wives' position an' getting' in their line of fire so I knew they wuzn't gonna take a chance of hittin' an innocent bystander. But if the galoots wuz able to get on their mounts, they might have a chance to get away. There looked to be seven galoots an' I had ten lead shots. I had to make my shots count.

One of the galoots wuz carryin' a saddlebag which I surmised contained the loot. My first shot hit him in the arm likely breaking it. He dropped the bag an' fell down screamin' in pain. The other galoots looked mighty puzzled becuz it wuz obvious he wuzn't shot from a gun. Another galoot grabbed for the saddlebag an' got shot in his backside. They now realized they wuz under attack, but they didn't know where I wuz. Two more galoots wuz up on their mounts by now but they got shot off almost right away by rifle fire so I knew the wives' line of fire wuz clear by now. That made me feel a lot better.

The galoots now directed their fire toward the wives but that just gave me an opportunity to fire another round. This one hit the galoot right in the crown of his hat. He fell down an' lay still. They wuz in a perfect crossfire an' it wuz purdy hopeless for them, but they wuz determined to leave with the loot or not at all. By the time the wives an' me wuz through with 'em, five of them galoots wuz dead. Two that I shot still lived, but that wouldn't be for long. Texas justice is swift justice.

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Slingshots and the Crucified

SLINGSHOTS AND THE CRUCIFIED SLINGSHOTS AND THE CRUCIFIED. Please note that the following contains graphic scenes of violence for ADULT ONLY readership. If you are in any way offended by such themes read no further. Should you decide to continue, make certain that your local community standards permit such material. This is written for personal consumption. Do not use this story elsewhere without the author?s express permission. Thank you. Faibhar.        An ancient form of...

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True love sex story

His eyes narrowed and his face grew intense. He pressed his lips against mine and we pushed ourselves against each other, feeling as much flesh as we could. I ran my fingers through his hair and threw my head back as he kissed my neck. The way he grazed my arms gave me goosebumps and the way he kissed me sent me over the edge. This is a true love sex story. Some girlfriends and I decided to go to Mexico over spring break. I remember all of us being at Lucy’s house, deciding on which resort to...

3 years ago
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A Halloween RedemptionChapter 35

Rob puttered around the apartment at loose ends with himself. He shuffled through his DVDs hoping to find something to distract him, but nothing appealed. He knew he was being ridiculous. He had been fine before she came into his life ... but his life was so much better now. All he had to do was fall back on old habits. First thing was to find something to eat. When he opened the refrigerator he found a set of plastic containers, each marked with the contents and instructions on how to...

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Student AssistanceChapter 21

As usual, we woke at the same time and just beat the alarm clock. Karen said that she would print our two chapters out. I left for the other dorm and received my towel and kit from Melissa’s hand. “Thank you and good morning.” She laughed at that. A happy Paul joined me within a minute. He said, “We both fainted! I was trying your idea of just concentrating on her pleasure. We came together and both of us passed out! That was quite a rush!” Now, I was surprised. We finished in the bathroom...

2 years ago
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Kitten part 9

Kitten, part 9 By: Malissa Madison Justine quickly disappeared into the room with the other kittens, and I heard excited squeals and laughter. Momma Gina looked seriously at Grace. "Kittens can be very expensive to keep, especially those accustomed to finer things, or those who have been deprived," she told her. "Those who've grown up spoiled only want more. Where those who have been deprived grow a desire to want more," She explained. "It will be hard for you not to want to...

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Locked Inside

One of our first products was a fairly sophisticated alarm system I helped design myself. I was extremely proud of this new product. It took advantage of the fact that most burglars do not walk in through the front door. Most burglaries of businesses involved tampering with the either the power going into the building or the alarm itself to disable it. Our new system took this fact into account. The doors of the businesses we installed the system in had special locks. These locks were kept in...

1 year ago
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YoungerMommy Ann Joy One Plus One Equals Fuck Me

Tommy Gold has been studying for his big test on Friday for hours and hours. His stepmom, Ann Joy, tries to insist that he take a break. Sitting beside Tommy, Ann runs her hands all over his body and through his hair. Tommy tries to tell Ann to leave him alone to study, but Ann insists that she can help him. Taking the book, she sets it down on the table. Ann takes Jimmy’s hand and runs it up her body to her tits. Then she pops his hardon from his pants and begins stroking. Claiming that...

4 years ago
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My wifersquos been a slut all a long part 8

Dina my wife had a week of constant sex with her new boyfriend Roosevelt. After the last few days my wife was ready for a much needed break. we both work at the same big box hardware store. Roosevelt had taken Dina to get her hair done in what I can only say is an African American style.tight corn rows done in a intricate pattern.When we went to work our coworkers comment on her drastically different style. Only I and Dina knew the reason. it was like she was wearing a big sign. Every time a...

3 years ago
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Her true nature

It all started innocently enough. I met Sally about three months ago. Tom invited me over to his place for a party. I wasn't busy, so I said sure. I wasn't expecting anything to happen. I knew most of Tom's friends, and I thought we just hang out, kick back a few beers, and have a good time. On the way to the party, I stopped and picked up a case of Heineken's. I arrived late. I brought the beer into the kitchen, and said hi to Tom. He was putting some party food together so I went back into...

2 years ago
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Imperfect Ch 01

The phone rang. It was my mother. ‘So are you seeing anyone?’ ‘Well, hello to you to.’ ‘Well?’ ‘No mom. No one seriously.’ ‘What does that mean? You aren’t giving the milk away for free are you?’ I groan. I can’t believe that my mother really talks like this. I know for a fact that she wasn’t a virgin when she married, because I was born two years before that date. She knows I know too, but mom has a very selective memory when it comes to these things. She wants grandchildren, and she...

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The View From the Hill at TwilightChapter 3

Except over the Christmas break, Emily had not been home since arriving on campus. People in her part of the world tended to think of a hundred mile trip as a journey of a lifetime. Well, maybe not quite that extreme. Still, they didn’t travel easily. Emily had taken a bus home for Christmas and again rode the Greyhound back for the new year. She had repeated the ride when school ended for the summer. When she arrived back home her family was, of course, glad to see her. Her friends from...

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A Weekend Party2

Leon said to me as I reached up to wipe his penis ', don't use your hand, lick my dick like a lollipop. Don't waste a drop of my baby fluid...' Gingerly I took hold of his throbbing penile shaft and closed my eyes as I licked the tip of his penis. '...Damn...' Leon exclaimed '...the bitch really do suck dick...'I pulled back and looked up at Leon, he looked down at me and said '...yeah just like that, I want you to look at me just like that as you suck my dick. I don't want to feel none of...

4 years ago
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Any SoldierChapter 14

Bob's clearing papers consisted of a page with twenty-five boxes on it, relating to various different agencies and offices, all of which Bob had to go to, to get a stamp and signature. Of course each agency or office required that he do or have accomplished certain specific tasks before they would give him the stamp and signature. It wasn't unusual for clearing to take as much as a week to complete. In Bob's case, however, clearing such places as the arms room, the library and most of the...

3 years ago
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My Sexual Experiences with Nalini

Dear friends, this is Max from Kochi 21 yrs. The story begins when I decided to visit my aunt in the village. I really love that place especially the women they look really sexy. I used to masturbate thinking of them, our neighbor is a really hot women. Her name is Nalini, Let me describe Nalini she is above 50 years old. Her husband passed way when 35. Whenever I get a chance I try to see the cleavage and navel. She lives with her son and daughter in law. When her son got a transfer to the...

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The Cowboy And The Mermaid

Although all his friends laughed at him Blake knew that mermaids are real. It was a strange thing for a cowboy to talk about, since he lived and worked, well, inland, away from the ocean. However, after every cattle drive instead of hitting up a cathouse or saloon, he went to San Francisco. He spent all day sitting on a pier and watched the ocean, looking for his beloved mermaid.Blake was a veteran of the War Between the states. He was a Union Calvary Sargent until he was captured while...

Love Stories
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How I Had The Best Sexperience

This real story happened in Bangalore recently. I was visiting a relatives marriage last year and was alone and quite new to the marriage party. I had to attend due to the absence of all my family as they were attending other functions. Now, coming to the story, I met Raani my distant relative at the marriage hall. I met her long ago may 10 years back and we both were good friends before our marriages. Now, both are married and settled in life with kids. I never had any bad intention when we...

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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 9

4pm I went into the usual chat room online. Maybe PuckPusher 3000 would be on today. She really seems to be an interesting young lady. Of course with my luck she's 43, weighs 305 pounds and is male. To quote a Meatloaf song, 'you never can be too sure about the girl'. Me? You can be sure about me. I'm Karl Whittiker. German on my mother's side, English on my father's. I turned 18 last year. Despite the promises of my ex, I remained a virgin. In fact I broke up with her that night. I...

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Married Black Mans Ladyboi

Torrance Denkins was completely infatuated with transsexuals. He watched shemale porn constantly. He was married to his second wife. In total, he had five c***dren - three by his first wife and two by the current one. Torrance was forty-eight years-old. His betrothed was only 29. The homicide detective walked out of the precinct and got into his personal vehicle. He drove a black 2014 Cadillac CTS. Once he got settled in the car, Torrance started it up and then sent a text message to...

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PenthouseGold Jamie Michelle Gets Her Birthday Dick

When busty brunette Jamie Michelle’s husband skips out on her birthday, there’s only one present she wants to help her celebrate – Lucas Frost’s big dick. When the young stud sees the voluptuous MILF laying seductively on her bed in sexy lingerie, he jumps at the chance to stick his head between her thighs for pussy licking, get his huge cock sucked by the horny cheating cougar in a gagging ball-licking deepthroat blowjob, and fuck the buxom Penthouse nympho hardcore...

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My 38 Year Old Sexy Female Friend8217s Experience

Hi readers, this is Subhash. Thanks for the wonderful response to my first experience. If you haven’t read it, then please click the link below. I really appreciate how you encouraged me with personal emails and appreciating me to write the next part. I need to find good time to write down everything. So coming to this story, one of the responses I got is from a lady from Andhra who’s 38 years old. She really liked my experience because she had many such experiences in her life and asked me to...

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Katies Wedding Day

I’ve known Katie for going on eight years. She moved to the small town I live in and got a job working at my place of employment back in 2002. We became friends, and up until six months ago, that was that. I turned 39 in September, but two weeks before my birthday was Katie’s wedding. Katie turned 28 last May, and it was at her birthday party that she asked me to be her wedding photographer. I do a lot of photography, and even make some money at it, but I am by no means a wedding photographer....

Straight Sex
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Sophia A Doomed Love Story

After I broke up with my live-in girlfriend I was kind of at a loose end.  So I became more involved with the local Rotary again.  I had by that time became one of the 'old hands', which was good since the local club had swelled with many new recent college graduates joining at the urging of their company officers.  I became more involved in the service side of the club as well;  volunteering at the local Special Olympics, helping to organize a silent auction and other things.Just after...

Love Stories
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The Dream Comes True

The Dream Comes True by Vicky The wedding was nothing out of the ordinary: just a gathering of neighbors and friends. I danced once with Sue, my neighbor from across the street. She was always a friendly individual, as well as very attractive. This afternoon, as a friend of the bride's family, she looked absolutely gorgeous. The dress was long in length but the top was cut enough to push her chest high. As I held her close while dancing, I couldn't help but feel her body melt...

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A Snow Bunny part 2 The Village Tart

After our first amazingly intense night of fucking each other's brains out, and then getting off in the ski tow top station the next day, Cathy asked me could she stay with me each time she came to the mountain. Of course I said “Yes that would be great”, she arrived the next Friday evening, looking excited, eyes sparkling. Her light brown curls, fair skin and freckles, were set off by a mid tone reddish brown lipstick and her favourite white jacket. My room mates stared at her in rapt...

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Dont Judge A Book Part 2 Chapter 23

 Monday 18th June 2018, morningMonday morning was a clusterfuck of people getting on my nerves. A series of three one-hour conference calls, mostly to give people the opportunity to let me and their colleagues just know that they were there and had something to say, however inane or blindingly self-evident the point they made was. But hey, what did they care? They’d ticked a box, had their voice heard and could move onto the next call to justify their existence and monthly pay-check.By the...

Wife Lovers
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Oh BrotherChapter 6

Bernie said, “Breakfast, Mr. Austin.” On the picnic table chained to the concrete pad, the heat from the coleman stove burner was just finishing off the omelet. “Ham, cheddar cheese and diced red pepper,” Bernie said. I hadn’t asked but she could see the question in my eyes. “Just like I like it,” I said. “How did you know?” “It’s in the will,” Bill said, coming around the back of the tent. “Charlie’s will?” “Yes,” Bill said. “Where did the lantern and tent come from?” I asked, “And...

2 years ago
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The Address

So, again....these are a few cell phone stories I had to send to a friend. When she and I were in our younger 20s, she turned me out. She showed me what sex is REALLY supposed to be like. She moved a few states away and we lost contact. She searched me out when she moved back to the area and of which, we are now in our late 40s. She was still as hot as ever and was curious to see if her student had learned anything new. Well....THIS time....I turned HER out. I showed her what sex could REALLY...

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Florida Palm College

From the time you were very little, it was apparent that you liked girls. You took being a lesbian to the next level. Every time you looked at a girl you started getting wet, to the point where you couldn't even buy bras online because of all the boobs. It was hard to focus in class when you were surrounded by cute girls, so you graduated high school with a 2.3 GPA, just barely enough to get a diploma. You were rejected by all six of the colleges you applied to. Things were starting to look...

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Hotel Hell

‘ I'm still not convinced staying here is a good idea’, Tara said, looking around the room with it's old carpet, flimsy curtains and decade-old bed, which had creaked ominously already when she and her lover had put the bags down on it. ‘ Oh, sweetie, it's just for the night’, the cute redhead responded from the bathroom, ‘ and you know we're both terrible night drivers.’ Tara sighed. Of course, Willow was right. The sun was already setting behind the spotty windows. The hotel had been there,...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 375 The FBIs Second Assassination Attempt

Monday, June 11, to Friday, June 15, 2007 Exam week - blargh! Especially with as many exams as I had. On Monday afternoon, the House of Representatives announced that they were forming the "Special Committee on Resurrections". The plural "Resurrections" amused me, as trying to investigate any resurrection other than mine would be rather difficult, and mine wasn't going to be easy either. They wisely chose not to immediately subpoena anyone, instead telling the media that they would be...

3 years ago
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A surprise visit

Extracts from Sarah’s diary Monday 13th September: I have been back in school for a week now. Year 13 is when it gets serious, university applications and then the A-levels, I am studying French, Russian, Latin and History. I have returned to school determined to do very well. This has not gone down well with some of my friends, but my teachers are most impressed. Thursday 16th September: I met with my tutor today to discuss my university applications. She began by saying now pleased she was...

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Naughty Domination

Hey, you! I wanna' tie your hands behind your back, throw you on my bed and push your face into my pillows as I push your ass into the air, tear off your panties and spank your smooth, white ass cheeks until they are red! Then I would grab a good hand full of your hair and pull your head back until you were upright on your knees and bite the nap of your neck as I pinch and twist your hard, rasberry nipples...Then I would drop my hand from your nipples and lightly spank the front of your shaved...

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I Would If I Could

I Would If I Could By Deane Christopher [email protected] Copyright 2000 It was five of two when Greg woke up and blearily glanced over at the clock. 'Should I wake her? Or, should I wait?' he asked of himself. A minute later, hearing the gurgling cries of their newborn beginning to issue out of the baby monitor that sat alongside of the digital alarm clock, Greg realized that the decision was taken completely out of his hands. "Grace!" he softly intoned as he...

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Masseur Extraordinaire 4 Canterbury Cathedral

After her game ended early in an easy win, I offer awesome attractive Anne an arm and stroll her down the slope from Canterbury Campus to the Cathedral. We pick a table at Cathedral square's corner. During lunch we try to figure out how English religion works. While I understand the Protestant bits, Anne knows they also have (arch)bishops like in Catholicism. Actually Canterbury Cathedral hosts an Archbishop, even the highest one in ranking. The guy who conducts Royal Weddings - like in St....

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Maasum bholibhali

Main kareeb 19 saal ka tha, jab parents nayi naukrani le aaye. Uski looks nepali jaisi thi, badi gori. Uske boobs bade soft soft the aur just normal patli si thi. Umrr kareeb 18 saal ki hogi. Lekin uska nature totaly childlike tha. Bacho jaisi harkatein karna. Baatein bacho waali. Ek dum maasum si thi. Jaise sharir se toh badi ho, lekin sundar bhaavnaon se bekhabar. Parents dono doctor hain, is liye 90% time bahar he hote the. Mostly woh frock aur top he pehnti thi ya fir nighty(without pallu)....

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Kitten In Tree

Fbailey storyI was jogging along minding my own business when a cute little teenage girl came running out from between two houses calling out, “Mister, hey mister, can you help me. My kitten is stuck up in a tree.”I stopped and replied, “Isn’t that usually a job for the fire department?”She said, “We have a ladder and I can get her down if you can help us get the ladder up. Mom and I can’t do it ourselves.”I smiled at her as she explained her predicament. She was wearing a Catholic schoolgirl...

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A Night With You

It was late at night. I was asleep. In a dream state, I felt your hand reach down beneath my underwear. It was you. You lifted up the lace and felt your way to that sacred place. My clit became hard and I knew what was about to happen. My body responded and I became wet at the command of your touch. I was in a daze.Your fingers opened my lips and entered my pussy. They went deep into my hole in a rhythmic way. You were nervous but you turned me on. Your fingers went so deep inside me I thought...

Straight Sex
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If the Shoe Fits Use It

Weezie, a comely city girl from Chicago was a very sexual creature. Her boyfriend Sal owned a large and successful adult business on Halsted Street in Chicago. A large part of his trade was exotic underwear and clothing for hookers, transvestites, and fetishists not just in Chicagoland but nationwide. They were en route to a lingerie trade show in Los Angeles and picked me up along Interstate 40 just west of Albuquerque. I was hitchhiking out to Santa Barbara in the summer of 1976 from New...

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Shelbys Dirty Vacation

“You’re such a whore, Shelby! But that’s still fucking hot…” Chelsie said as I briefly mentioned one particular aspect of my vacation to the Cayman Islands. “How were they? Big? Muscular? Come on, Shelby, details!” “Geez, let’s not be too demanding here. It was just sex on the beach with three incredibly hot guys! After all, I was on vacation…” I just stared at Chelsie, hoping she wouldn’t judge me for spilling the contents of my wild and dirty vacation. “Oh, please do tell! And you couldn’t...

Group Sex
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The Surpise

My erect nipples proved that I really wanted this. I was already breathing heavy while she sucked and kissed my neck. God I wanted her so bad, it was insane. I’d missed her, I knew I missed her. It had been way too long. With every contact her soft lips made with my skin, I felt the moisture only increase between my legs. She swiftly lowered her head towards my chest, her right hand on my lower back holding me as close to her as possible. I felt her lips caress my chest, my cleavage, and then I...

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Christina Taken

The elevator opened and he glanced out and saw Christina. "Oh Christina," he called. "Can you help me put this tie on?" nodding to the one he was holding. "Sure Jordan," she replied stepping into the shower room. As she did, Jordan stepped up and closed the door, locking it. Turning back to Christina, he grabbed her by the throat and slammed her hard against the wall. "Listen slut. Today, you're mine and will do everything I say or I'll cut you badly," puling out a switchblade...

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Training Her RightChapter 7

To her surprise the man smiled and leaned forward. He cupped his hand under her chin and pulled her mouth up to his. The kiss was gentle and sweet. "Now that's a good little girl," he whispered to her then kissed her again. This time she felt his tongue pushing into her mouth and she eagerly sucked it in feeling him exploring her teeth and the rest of her mouth. She felt his hands stroking her back and then her bottom, then he brought both hands around and cupped her small tits in his...

2 years ago
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I would be the Young Sissy

My 21st first day as a man, as a true lord of the Manor...myfirst day as a Master. I was so nervous I threw up my lunch. Not verymanly, I know, but just the thought of having my very own sissy to playwith had me teetering between the giddy excitement of a k** right about toopen the biggest present under the tree, and the stark terror of officiallybeing a man in my step-father's could I measure up to him? Ifelt destined to disappoint him...and I didn't even know why I...

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The Seduction and Using of Dawn Pt 01

The Seduction and Using of Dawn Pt. 01This is a story about an unfaithful wife and how she became an unfaithful wife as told by herself and one of her lovers. There are many twists along the way.Each chapter is the story so far as told by either Dawn or Neil. It's in the he said, she said style.*****Chapter 1: (Neil)The first time I saw her was at a company dinner dance. She was quite small in stature, but possessed a regal serene presence. She commanded everyone's attention as she glided...

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Recovery of a HeroChapter 13 The Heros Duty

This story is a work of fiction only. Any chance resemblance to actual people or events is purely accidental. We took it easy for the next two days, and then when it was time to get ready to go, Ellen, Nancy and I put on our chosen outfits. When we walked out to where Uncle Dar was waiting with George, Uncle Dar said, "Oh my god. They're not twins, they're triplets." We all three blushed at that comment and then George said, "Yes, they may very well be but you only get two of them, so...

2 years ago
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My InheritanceChapter 27 Good Clean Fun

When Michelle left, her tears were almost gone. She acted very subdued, not at all the bitch she had been when she arrived to work off her problems with a little play for pay. Andy and Mary cleaned up the bedroom. Neither of them seemed at all concerned I had taken Michelle anally against her will. In fact, they had helped me subdue her, tie her down, and stayed to watch the action. While I fucked Michelle’s ass, I observed my kittens’ faces. Andy was watching the action. She was very...

2 years ago
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Wolf 1 the BeginningChapter 5

We showed up before anything interesting happened. The ogres looked into the darkness, trying to see if we were around, I supposed. Of course, by standing in the light and looking into the dark, we were completely invisible as long as we were still. Movement might have given us away, but we were smart enough not to do that. After a few minutes, one of the ogres gave an order, and the workers began to move to different places in the work area. Naturally, before long, one of them tripped a...

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Virtual Sex with Jennifer Anniston

Welcome John Doe to "virtual sex with Jennifer Anniston"< you will soon find out for yourself that this is one of the most detailed and descriptive interactive sex scenes you will ever have the privilege to witness. The first ten or so steps of the story are to set up your specific sex scene, out of the options that we provide you. The first option listed is to choose what attitude Miss Aniston has towards you, it could be any of the three below: 1) Innocent 2) Naughty 3) Dirty Girl 4) Sexy...

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The NIS Scholars BlogsChapter 5

Will Travis, June 9, 2009 Today was my turn to present in class. When I signed up for this, I was worried about being naked in front of other people. I live in Eastern North Carolina, so we didn't have anything like The Program in school, and I'd never been naked in front of anyone but my family before. I was a little self-conscious the first day, but it quickly wore off, and I've gotten used to being naked and even having sex in front of people. In fact, I kind of enjoy having an...

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Is Greg Cheating Yes And Its Time For Revenge

"Hey, Grace?!" I yelled, running to her."What, did you miss me already, Dahlia?" she asked, turning to me."Maybe, but I have an idea to make things up to your hubby, let's have a threesome with him.""Really, even after all that shit that just went on in there?""Yes, it’s a Saturday night, and even though I never met your husband, I'm sure he'd go apeshit if he got to have sex with two beautiful ladies. Let him see how well you know how to eat pussy, and he doesn't need to know...

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Savita Bhabhi Episode 79 House Hunting

Savita walked into the house of Alex and Annie reading a brochure. Her thoughts were elsewhere and she took steps with the help of her subconscious. Thanks again to Alex and Annie for letting Savita and Ashok stay at the house and treating them as their own family. “Hey Savita”, Alex called. Annie was crawled up to him as they watched TV. Her jet black hair was all over Alex’s chest. His hands were near her boobs and people would definitely assume that he was caressing her boobs. Savita didn’t...

4 years ago
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Getting Pregnant

Getting Pregnant Janet L. Stickney [email protected] Her swelling belly, her breasts sagging in anticipation of the baby, her hips widening out to ease the delivery, the clear rosy skin and the obvious joy she felt at the coming event were all evident to anyone that simply looked at her. As she walked past me, I once again rued the day that I was born male, unable to experience the joys of being pregnant. In my early youth I had tried padding my belly, desperately trying...

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I Love massaging women1

I love massaging women of any shape, size, creed or color. I have been massaging women; purely as a hobby for more than 15 years now all around the world and every time is an all new experience. Let me share with you one such true experience, sometime ago, in the US of A. She had advertised on Craig's list for a housekeeping job. When I contacted her, she mentioned that she needs to see the house and then quote her rates. She came over on a Saturday morning and I was pleasantly pleased...

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Wolves and Dragons of the Blood Book 2 A Spartans WarChapter 8

HADARIA CAPITAL CITY OF UNOPA DAY FOURTEEN "It is truly a blessing to finally meet you my Queen." The tall Hadarian spoke as he leaned over deeply at the waist. Anja forced a small smile and nodded. "I ... ok ... I guess so." Anja spoke. Prefect Zaniai straightened up and looked at her. This woman before him was the image of her long dead mother in every way possible. The jade green eyes highlighted a deeply tanned skin tone, more so than the average Hadarian, but with her...

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Tom Landsworthy USMC

Tom sat in the back seat of the car moodily as it wove its way down the dusty road, glancing over the shred of paper that he blamed for his current predicament. As a 18-year-old, he found the idea of being forced to stay at a summer camp while his parents were taking a long business trip to Europe ridiculous... but, his parents were relatively old-fashioned, and didn't think that anybody younger than 70 should be at home alone, it seemed. Plans had been for him to stay with...

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