Imperfect Ch. 01 free porn video

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The phone rang. It was my mother.

‘So are you seeing anyone?’

‘Well, hello to you to.’


‘No mom. No one seriously.’

‘What does that mean? You aren’t giving the milk away for free are you?’

I groan. I can’t believe that my mother really talks like this. I know for a fact that she wasn’t a virgin when she married, because I was born two years before that date. She knows I know too, but mom has a very selective memory when it comes to these things. She wants grandchildren, and she wants them yesterday.

Ever since I passed 25, she’s been breathing down my neck to get settle down, get married and start popping out babies. The more the merrier! She figures that if I make the guy wait, he’ll buy my the ring.

‘You’re a beautiful girl, Nicole. Any man is going to want to marry you if he knows it’s the only way to get into your pants.’


Why must our mothers embarrass us like this? Why must they always say what seems like the most inappropriate thing that they could possibly say in any given situation? Why? Why? Why?

And do I really want to put myself on a crash course on becoming like this?

Of course not! But will my mother listen? Of course not!

‘I’m just saying,’ she sniffed defensively.

‘Well don’t. Your going to give me a complex.’

‘Try not to be so dramatic dear. Your not seeing some kind of therapist and talking about what a bad parent I was are you?’

‘Of course not, ma. I always defend you to my therapist.’

‘Hardy har- your mighty fresh Nicole. You know that?’

‘Yes mom, you’ve been telling me that since I was eleven.’

‘Try four.’

‘Listen mom. I hate to break up this funfest, but I’ve gotta go. I’m late for work.’

‘I thought you were a freelancer?’ she asked suspiciously.

‘I am, mom. But I’ve got an appointment with a gallery owner.’ I hoped she would fall for the lie. It seemed innocent enough.

‘Fantastic! I can’t wait to tell everybody. My little girl is meeting with gallery owners! I’m so proud of you honey. Maybe you’ll meet some single men at one of those openings or whatever they call them. I hear that it’s a hot spot for wealthy art connoisseurs! Just the guy for you. Someone who can take care of you, so you can work on your hobby.’

I start to say, ‘Mom! It’s not a hobby! How many times do I have to tell you this?’ But I already know that if I do that, I’ll be in the phone all day. So instead I take a deep sigh and say. ‘Ok, ma. I’m going to be late.’

‘No time for your old ma. I understand. knock ’em dead honey. I love you-‘

‘I love you to mom.’


This is not a story about my relationship with my mother. It just happens to be a great place to start. It might explain to you a little bit of my craziness. My mother lives half way across the state, but with one phone call she always manages to get me worked up over my life choices. And when I hang up, I feel like I need a nap.

I have no time for a nap today however. Although I lied to my dear sweet mother about having a meeting, I do need to get some productive work done. The problem is, I finished my most recent painting two days ago, and can’t quite seem to get inspired for the next one. I know that I can’t just sit around waiting for inspiration to strike, however so every day no matter how I feel, I make a point to go into my studio (more about that in a minute) and set up my supplies. Sometimes when the blank canvas becomes too intimidating, I just dip my brush into my paint and streak a swash of color across the white board. It doesn’t always inspire me, but it makes me feel better. It’s sort of like giving the demons of self doubt a big middle finger.

Now about my studio. I live alone in a one bedroom apartment in a college town a few blocks from the campus were I used to attend. It’s by far the arts capital of the world, or even the country but it’s nice here and there are plenty of opportunities for a talented artists who’s willing to try. Of course it’s the talented part that always hangs me up. I mean, I know that I’m good. My pictures usually look like what they are supposed to be and all that- but do I really have talent? Of course that’s a subjective question and my artistic need for creating my own agony keeps me from being able to firmly settle on any sort of definitive answer to it. Some days I’m convinced of my own genius, while others I cower in fear that I’ll be found out for the hack I really am.

So anyway, this studio of mine is in the bedroom. I myself sleep on a loft bed in my living room. I tried the futon thing, but it just didn’t make me feel like I was at home in my own home. So I traded it in for one of those beds with a seating bench were the ‘first bunk’ would be and a nice firm mattress up by the ceiling. At night when I can’t sleep, I like to reach up and trace designs with my finger on the stucco. I think it’s good practice and it helps me focus my subconscious mind on creative things. Then again, it could be just that I can’t sit or lie still.

Ok, the studio. Well, as I said, I sleep in my living room in order that I can turn the one bedroom in this apartment into a studio. I keep my easel, my supplies and my art books in this room. I have a window with a view of the street, so I use white curtains to let in the natural light when I want to block out distractions. But just as often I like to look out at the business below me. It helps me to get energized, it makes me feel less lonely, sometimes it inspires me or sets me off into a daydream. I’ll admit it, sometimes it’s just a technique to procrastinate.

I also have a radio that plays CD’s, tapes and records. Yes, records! I have a bunch of them from my childhood and I love to listen to them while I paint. Especially Leslie Gore, and my best of the sixties and seventies collection. I like that I can shut the door, play my music and enter into a new world. Then I can take that world and put it on canvas to share with the rest of the world.

Is this talent? Bringing my vision, my world out were others can see it? I don’t know. But it keeps me sane. Or relatively so, I should say.

After a conversation like this with my mother, it defiantly helps to listen to the tunes. Nothing distresses me like bopping around to ‘sugar, da da dada da da, ah, honey, honey, you are my candy girl… and ya got me wanting you…’ Yeah, that shakes the cobwebs out.

Well, I’m still stuck here facing this mocking white canvas, so I guess I better just splash some goldenrod across it. Yeah, that looks good. How ’bout some more? Now I’ll blend in some white and give it a little bit of an ethereal feeling. I like this already. You just gotta put that brush down and move it. It’s the only way to start, to get something good. To get anything at all. Who cares if it’s good? As long as at the end of the day I can say I did something, I painted something- I feel better than if I painted nothing. And I’ve got a lot better chance of painting something brilliant, something wonderful, something passable if I do something than I do if I do nothing at all.

Sure it seems obvious. But I have to remind myself every day.

Swash! More color. It’s bright and soft at the same time. It’s the perfect background for something with wings. An angel? A fairy? A butterfly? I think a pixie it will have to be. Something mischievous, slightly naughty like I’m feeling now. About to start some trouble, splash some water in a cat’s face.

That’s it! That’s my painting, my inspiration. Thank the muses! I’ve got my subject- and now the work begins. I’ve got a file box of clippings and I start to dig through it. I find a cat who’s eying a goldfish. It’s perfect. This cat is being bad, the pixie is being bad, wonder what this fish could do that would be naughty too?! I’m going to call it Misbehaving. I think it’s a good sign. Sometimes I don’t think of a title until my pi
ece is done, and it’s always more difficult this way. The sooner in the process I know what to call it, the more I feel like my work will be successful. I guess it’s superstitious, but I think most artistic people are. Besides, it provides a focus, it really let’s me know in a concrete way, what the painting is all about.

I flip through some pictures, culled from magazines, catalogues and other sources looking through a variety of fantasy creatures. There are pixies and other fairies in this section, but nothing really strikes me as right for this picture. I think back to my original idea of painting a butterfly, and I realize that those are the kind of wings I want to pain. I have nothing in my file box, but I have a few books that showcase many beautiful butterfly species so I look through those and find just the right one. Irreverently, I rip out the entire page so that I can tape it up by my work station.

Now what to do about this mischievous pixie? She needs a body and a face. This is the easy part, because I know that I really am the naughty little fairy in this painting. Not surprisingly, I do a lot of self-portraits of this sort. It seems I’m always putting a lot more than a little bit of myself into my work. So of course I have a few mirrors in my studio. I drag my easel over to the full length mirror. Now standing in front of the mirror, the light from the window comes in over my left shoulder and from behind. This is perfect.

Now, I tape the large butterfly picture on the wall next to the mirror, and set the smaller cat picture right on my canvas. It’s time for pencils. I’ve got to draw my vision.

Interstingly, this is the time when I start thinking of reason’s to procrastinate. I should get a drink, or fix something to eat. I think I have to go to the bathroom, but realize that I really don’t. I run my tongue over my teeth though, and realize that they could use a good brushing. And I should change this shirt, it’s really to nice to be working in.

I know that all of this is just a way to avoid potentially spoiling the beautiful golden background I’ve created by putting down my pencil and what? Finding that it won’t yield under my hand, won’t turn the way that I want it to or dray the lines that I see in my mind. Sometimes this happens, The pencil draws, but it bears no resemblance to the thing I wanted to create. When I was a kid, I used to think that artists were people who could just put down there brush and beautiful masterpieces would flow right out, without fail. Perfect every time. Well, there may be some body out there who can do that, but I’ve never met them. Most of the artists I know throw away at least twice as many canvases as they keep.

Of course, I never really throw away a canvas. That would be silly. I just paint over it with white paint, or some other color and begin again. Canvas is to expensive for a starving artist to just throw out. Again, there may be some wealthy painters who just throw them out the window, but I’ve never met any.

I went to work sketching out my vision, integrating the features of each picture and making it my own. In a couple of hours I was finally finished with stage one and I really did need to eat, use the bathroom and get something to drink. My throat was dry from all of my thoughtful and slow breathing, usually from my mouth despite the hazards that this presents.

Its ok, I’ve gotten enough done now that I can cut myself some slack, stretch out a little rest my eyes and fill my tummy. Besides, this book really isn’t about my painting career either, although that too is a big part of who I am.

If my relationship with my mother explains why I’m nearly insane, my painting explains why I’m not. Sure, as an artist I’m a little loopy as a rule. Sure I hop around to my oldies records like a six year old on a sugar high, sure it’s my craziness that fuels my need to paint- but it’s the actual act of painting that keeps me sane. It’s a paradox for sure. But painting is my meditation. I don’t know where I’d be without it.

At this point, you’re probably wondering,- Nicole, what is your book about anyway? You’ve already told us it wasn’t about your relationship with your mother, and it isn’t about your painting career. Does it have a point, and are you ever going to get to it?

The answer, my friend is likely as not, no. If there is a point, I may never get around to telling you just what it is because I’m kind of like that. I’m not really good at getting to the point, as you may have already noticed. And by the time I get done explaining to you how unlikely it is that I will plainly state the point of my story I will probably have forgotten exactly what that point is. But don’t worry, I do have one and it will reveal itself on the pages ahead.

I suppose I could summarize and say that it’s about me and my life as a single woman, but that wouldn’t be quite right. Or I could say it’s about my constant battle with my own insecure, even though deep down I know that I’m pretty I’m talented and I’m a decent person, but that wouldn’t be quite right either. I could tell you that if you are accepting this to be some kind of Bridget Jones rip off, you should probably go read something else. That wouldn’t quite explain what this book is about, but it would give you some idea what it isn’t about.

It’s not about looking for love. It’s not about finding a husband. And it’s certainly not about oh-woe-is-me I’m nearly thirty and still single. Or about clicking biological clocks. Although it is about the fact that my single friends and my mother don’t quite understand why I’m so happy being single- even though I’m not completely satisfied with everything in my life.

Yeah, a lot of my single friends seem to think that ‘finding the one’ will solve all of there problems, despite the fact that we know plenty of married people and none of them seem to have it all figured out. If anything, they have twice the number of problems as the rest of us. Maybe my mother didn’t tell me the story of Cinderella enough times as a child. I just never picked up that starry eyed romanticism of happily ever after and then fade to black.

It actually sounds kind of boring to me. Oh I like romance. Flowers and music and being made to feel special. I just don’t have this overall view that romance is the beginning and the end of happiness or even love. Or for that matter sex.

That’s right. I said sex. Just as my mother suspects, I’m giving it away for free. Not like I’m just this slut who puts out to anybody who turns my way- and not to be immodest, but there are quite a few of those. But I’m what I like to label sexually liberated. I’m not above a booty call, or any other kind of mutually enjoyable activity among consenting adults. Hey, why spend the night alone if you know somebody who wants it as bad as you do? I suppose that there are plenty of people who would say this does make me a slut, and to them I would say- absolutely nothing. I don’t give a damn what they think, and don’t give it a second thought.

Except of course when that self doubt kicks in and you wonder if the guy your having dinner with would freak if he know how many guys you’ve been with. Not that I’d ever tell. I never tell. Any guy who asks will get a very polite, it’s none of your business, I don’t discuss that. If he asks again, it’s over. Ya gotta have boundaries.

And besides, if a guy can’t take a hint, that’s no guy I want to be with. Even as a friend with benefits, any man I’m with needs to be able to appreciate the subtleties of a woman. He has to know when to stop and when to go, when to slow down and when to back up and try again later. He’s gotta know all this without me having to know it, because I’ll admit it, sometimes I don’t know my own mind.

I don’t suppose it’s politically correct to admit such a thing, and my friends in the local NOW chapter probably wouldn’t appreciate me saying so but I have this bad habit. Sometimes I can be honest to a fault. Of course, I’m not above being
dishonest to a fault either, as you’ve already seen. I’m a bundle of contradictions. If a guy can’t handle subtlety, she sure as hell can’t handle me.

Did you catch that last bit? Yeah, I have friends in NOW. I’m a member myself, although I don’t go to meetings and gatherings as often as I should. I pay my dues and I get involved when I have time, or when the issue is particularly important to me. Some of my friends get pissed off when the issues that they think are important are not the one’s that I think are worth hallin’ my tail around for, but they usually get over it. I wouldn’t be friends with them if they didn’t.

My friends are all pretty cool people. They have to be to put up with me. They gotta put up with a lot. I can be moody, I can be temperamental, I can lock myself away for days on end and then call them up one day like no time has ever passed. But they get a lot in return to. I’d walk to the end of the earth for a friend in need, and it’s probably a cliché to say so but I’m a painter not an English major so I’m not afraid to say it because it’s true. My friends know that they can count on me and that’s the bottom line.

In fact, this same night that I wiggled away from maternal confrontation and started on my rebellious little painting was also the night Glen and Zoë and I had plans for some serious bar hopping.

Remembering this, I decided to give Zoë a call while I made myself a sandwich.

‘Simone is coming with us,’ she informed me as I spread a thick layer of full fat mayonnaise over thick crusty slices of wheat bread. I groan, but only to myself and only silently.

Simone Webster is tall slender with a beauty to rival Whitney Houston in her heyday. She has smooth brown skin, sexy long black hair, and full sensual lips. Her eyes are wide and sincere, and it’s not an act. She really is one of the nicest people I know. There’s really nothing to dislike about Simone.

Except that when you stand next to Simone you feel like a slob. Regardless of how well you’ve dressed, she’s dressed better. And she’s probably spent about half as much to do it. She has amazing style and her body is a perfect fashion plate. Everywhere you go, people are guaranteed to look at her, and look past you. When you stand next to Simone Webster, you are invisible.

Simone is Zoë’s friend from way back and my friend too, but mostly through Zoë. It’s not that I don’t like her, as I said I do. Especially on those days when I’m not to susceptible to negative thoughts and insecurities. But on a day like this, after having the cow-and-milk discussion with my mother I just wasn’t sure if it was one of those days.

‘Great,’ I said out loud. ‘What are the driving arrangements?’

‘We’re taking my car. Simone is going to drive to my place then we are going to pick up you and Glen and you get to drive everybody home. Your still our designated right?’

I layer ham, roast beef and cheese onto my sandwich and nod. Then I remember she can’t hear my head shaking over the phone so I nod and say, ‘If I don’t sell a painting soon, I may take the next two times too.’

‘Hey we’ll take you up on that!’ she joked. I was one of the few of the gang that really enjoyed being the designated driver. For one thing, it’s a great excuse to try all of the interesting non-alcoholic cocktails that the bars have to offer. And for another, the designated driver doesn’t have to pay for drinks. Each round, one of the other members of the group buys a drink for the unlucky slob who gets to stay sober all night. And for a girl of limited funds such as myself, it allows me to go out and enjoy myself far more than I would be able to otherwise.

‘I don’t think things are that desperate yet.’ I replied with a hopeful chuckle. Hey, I like the virgin mixes, but I like my liquor too. I’m twenty-nine, not fifty-nine. Might as well live it up while I’ve got the chance. I like to drink tequila and get a little wild, let loose and howl at the moon. But tequila doesn’t like me, another reason why I don’t mind abstaining for the night. My stomach will thank me in the morning.

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Dear friends, today I am going to narrate another incident from my book of life which is capable enough of giving anyone a hard on. This incident is about a neighbor, named Dhruv, who moved in recently to an apartment next to mine. He must be 6 and got a nice huge chest and strong biceps. He is always in a loose shirt and trousers. We had a common balcony and common main entrance so it was inevitable that we greet each other whenever we cross paths. So it has been almost 3 weeks and I used the...

Gay Male
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Ritu Gets Threesome With Bisexual Friends

Hi, everyone. This is a real sex story. Ritu came to her bisexual friends Ankur and Sid’s hostel room. Catching Ankur giving Sid a blowjob Ankur jumps back in horror. Both the boys are naked and completely hard already. Ritu enters and closes the door behind her and walks in between them. Ankur still on his knees. And Sid still froze in horror. She knew they were bisexual, she knew they were a couple. Still, they were caught having sex. Ritu turns to Sid and kisses the corner of his lips and...

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Dee Saves the ProgramChapter 15

"Should I tie you to the chair and gag you?" "I'll be good," I assured Mrs. Devers. I knew she wasn't serious, and besides, much as I might have enjoyed being dommed by her this was definitely not the time or the place. Friday's archery followed by a lusty weekend with Missy and Maria had cooled me down, and I'd come to the conclusion that ripping someone's throat out was not a way to get to know them. As to getting closer to my enemies than I was to my friends, I'd decided that...

3 years ago
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A Firm Spanking

He turns down the lights, so low my eyes search for him walking toward me, the soft glow of four candles and the fire now the major source of illumination in the room. Tori Amos sings her piano ballad over the speakers, my excitement grows with every note. The wine glass feels heavy as he stands before me, his chest and arms glistening in the soft light. My head feels light, possibly from the wine, but also from what I know is to come. I set down the glass as my heart pounds in anticipation. He...

3 years ago
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Sibling MagusChapter 7

The School of Architecture building is one of the primary buildings on campus. It houses many classrooms as well as work rooms where the students in advanced classes build models for projects. In the main hall of the building, they were holding the ceremony. I eased my way in while one of the heads of the school gave his speech. “ ... five and a half years ago, and tonight, we add the final piece to this epic compilation of hard work, dedication, and simple determination. This model not only...

3 years ago
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Twentyfive Year Old Virgin part one

Living in a high rise among regular rooming houses and homes gave me the chance to use my binoculars. I had found a woman on the second floor of an apartment building across the parking lot from my building, and in full view from my room on the 5th floor, who liked to do her exercises in the nude. And she never bothered to close her curtains. Either she didn't know she could be seen or she didn't care. Today I had stripped down and I was naked with a boner and ready for her. She did not fail...

First Time
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Getting Behind MotherChapter 4

Judy held her torn skirt together, fumbling for the key to the front door. But Tony wasn’t with her. The garage door had been left open, and he had run into the garage, his cock sticking out of his pants. The adjoining door from the kitchen to the garage was never locked, and he raced through it and into the house. By the time he got into the living room, Judy had come in and slammed the door. She dropped her purse on the floor, spilling the contents as she grabbed for her son. She pulled...

2 years ago
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None Before None After

None Before, None After By: AWC Before I say anything else, I admit that this story might sound too good to be true but I am not into getting the notoriety from anybody but to entertain and say the truth if the story is a true one. Anyhow, it is little over 4 years ago when one Saturday around noon time, I received a phone call. The person on the other end identified himself as Roger. After hello, hi; Roger asked me if it was true that my penis size was over 8 inches. I did not know...

1 year ago
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One Big Horny Weasley Family chapter 6 reformatted

Chapter 6- Now That's What I Call a Party "Lavender, where are you taking me?" Hermione asked in a nervous tone. The two women had been spending a lot of time together in the week since Lavender had filed for divorce. Now they were quickly approaching the junction of Diagon and Knockturn Alleys. Hermione was sure that she didn't want to be seen on Knockturn Alley; it could devastate her career. Lavender just winked though, and led her on through the crowd. "Trust me dear, this is...

4 years ago
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A Chance MeetingChapter 7 The morning after and Babs becomes queen of the house

The following morning Babs went out early to the mall where she printed two sets of the pictures on a self-serve machine, directly from the camera chip. It cost a lot of pounds but it would be worth it. Back home she prepared a full greasy breakfast, everything fried in fat and looking enough to make anyone feel ill. She knocked lightly and went in Leanne's room. As expected, the girls were still huddled in the bed and looking decidedly un-pretty now. Barbara threw open the curtains,...

3 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 9 AnalaChapter 37 Penelope Margaret ONeil

May, 1984, Chicago, Illinois In the morning, after Jackie and I had slept cuddled together, and I ran, and then showered, we had breakfast together. After breakfast, I helped her load her car with the stuff that she was taking home, and box up the stuff that she’d leave behind. We moved the boxes to my walk-through closet so that the room was ready for Sofia when she arrived in August. “I’m going to miss you,” I said, as we walked out to her car. “I’ll miss you too, but I’ll be around. I’m...

1 year ago
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Ma Intlo Addeku Unde Amai Tho

Hi friend’s idi na life lo jarigina real story 1year back jargindi inka kathaloki velthe. Na peru Ravi B.Tech aypoindi nenu hyd lo job chestunanu. Na age 26 years 5’10 wel built personality and handsome ga untanu na modda size 8″ inches evarina girls or aunties from hyderabad or AP na story nachinaka meeku interest vunte Maku own house undi dilshuknagar lo andulo oka 2rooms rent ki ichamu andulo iddaru amailu unde valu oka ammaye degree third year, inka inko ammayi vala akka tanu MBA complete...

2 years ago
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Kathy White Trash Whore Part 12

If you find shitting pissing and farting a turn on, or even somehow mildly amusing, then please read on and enjoy, but if you totally dislike the thought of anybody ingesting excrement for sexual pleasure, please go elsewhere. Kathy and Ivan. (A seriously filthy scat story.) Kathy finished her shift at the hospital at 10pm and was in the changing room when she checked her phone. She had a message from Ivan, explaining that he and his wife were not on speaking terms and he was staying...

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Temptations Kiss Ch 02

Cassidy stared after Rand as he rushed from the room. Her heart beat accelerated as the door slammed shut behind him. Oh God what am I doing? She thought to herself and walked over to where her shirt lay in a pile on the floor. She picked it up and quickly drew the soft grey material over her head. Her body felt overheated and her stomach was still in knots as she put her jewelry back on. She walked over to the desk and sat down, noticing her breathing was shaky. She pulled her hair out of...

2 years ago
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Like Mother Like Sister 05

CHAPTER 5: LIKE MOTHER LIKE SISTER I wish I could say that I woke up fresh and ready to start my new life as an old woman, but it wasn't like that. The last thing on my mind from the night before was the first thing on my mind when as I woke up. What had I done to myself and why had I done it? I sat up in bed and and felt my sagging breasts with my hands. They were heavy with the weight of silicone. So real, I thought as I released them to have a cigarette. Girly cigarettes, I...

2 years ago
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Never Work Late

Copyright 2003 by ElectricGeisha and Powerone. It was late in Singapore, the darkness overtaking the city. You have me bound to the huge desk in the main room, my knees bent far back. I still cannot believe I am in this situation. Ropes tie my arms up high over my head, my breasts thrust out, unprotected. My legs are securely circled with the heavy, rough rope and you drew my knees up until my legs are spread obscenely. Another rope slipped under the desk and tied to my knees kept them...

1 year ago
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If Carlsberg did dates

++ This is a true story, but names have been changed ++ The first time I used an adult dating site, I got chatting to a woman named Kate. I am a fan of a more voluptuous lady, so it was a BBW dating site, and Kate, in my mind, was the perfect BBW. a size 18 but with most of it on the bum and boobs, nice toned chubby thighs and a gorgeous smile. We chatted online for a few hours and then she had to go, so we shared mobile numbers and we texted a couple of times later that evening. The next...

2 years ago
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The Dance of Makosha

Author's notes. I would like to thank Dawn (listed as commentator on volunteer's list) for editing this story. Thank you! The dance of Makosha. "Tell me again why I have to put on a dress. Why me? We have plenty of real girls!" "But none of our girls would be able to dance for a few hours nonstop." "Then replace them! Let them dance one girl at a time!" "No! We have only one dress for Makosha and we just have to do it according to the description. Makosha will dance...

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Chance Meeting

She caught my eye in the foyer of the hotel as I was collecting my key and I found myself reflecting her smile. It seemed like she was waiting for someone. I felt myself swelling under her gaze and hoped that my attraction hadn't become to obvious as I turned to take the lift. I wondered if it could have really been her but as I had arrive early I didn't think it could have been.I found my room at the end of a soul-less corridor and headed for the shower. The hot water was soothing and...

3 years ago
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Hamari Teen Suhag Ratein 8211 Part III

Teesra din honeymoon ka teesra din jis din mera matlab raat ka intezar tha woh aaj hai. Aap log soch rahe honge ke 2 ‘suhag raat’ ke baad mein itna excited kyun hoon. Haan iska kusch karan hai, pehli raat ko desi suhaagraat ke jode mein thi. Doosri raat ko sexy short western dress mein, aur wo pehli raat se kyada excited thi aur woh baatein jo usne boli bus bahut mast thi. Isliye mujhe yakeen hai ki aaj ki raat to kaafi different hogi. Jitna meine socha tha sayad usse jyada. Hum ghoom kar...

1 year ago
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DaughterSwap Shae Celestine The Daddy Swap Pt1

Ariana Aimes and Shae Celestine were trying their hardest to lose their virginity before college. It was only a few days before school was supposed to start and all they accomplished were sucking a few dicks! How the heck are they gonna get deflowered with only a few days to spare? By swapping their handsome fathers of course! In part one, Shae approaches Ariana’s dad and admits the big crush she has had on him. She begins to rub his crotch and moves him over to the bedroom where she...

1 year ago
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Seductive Stoners

This is my first story. I got off work promptly at 5 o’clock and texted Liv the second I got out to the parking lot. I quickly typed “hey bud, ima go grab and be home by sixish” on my Blackberry before hopping into my Volvo and heading downtown. A friend of a friend had gotten some pineapple kush, and I was so excited by the promise of a hooked up sack for the weekend. Olivia is my best friend in the entire world. She and I are what NBC’s The Today Show reports as “stiletto stoners”....

2 years ago
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Watched by mature neighbour

I had the day off of work and so was enjoying a long lie in when the doorbell rings. I put on my dressing gown and open the door to find my neighbour Priya from the flat upstairs. She had locked herself out and was waiting for her husband to come home and let her in. Priya is indian, about 40, roughly 5ft4 with a pretty face, and a nice thick body, and has a certain shy sexiness about her. Anyway, she needed the toilet and so I invited her in for a cup of tea. To my surprise she was quite...

1 year ago
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The day my jaw hit the floor Part 2

I stared at him in shock I swear to god my mouth was hanging open, I could imagine he was as shocked by my response as I was by his admission."Ummm are you serious?" I squirmed on the bench of the picnic table and continued "You want me to fuck you?" I was amazed at his request. "Well I know my girlfriend likes you and I know your a fag... Um sorry gay and I really do not any other gay guys except for that freak at 7-11 and I really do not want him, would you think about it?""Wow I am flattered...

3 years ago
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The Girl With the Guns and Roses TattooChapter 3

Rosita was not the sort of girl that a young man would happily take home to his mother to show her off because she had that unmistakable look that said, “Here is Rosita, don’t fuck with her or you will regret it the rest of your miserable life!” She had surprised me more than once with her uncanny ability to sniff out trouble before it started. I guess she had to be that gifted because her early years were unusually stressful for a sweet young thing with stunning physical good looks that...

2 years ago
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Bens First Time

Ben's First TimeThe following story is for readers of legal age or readers who have interests which lie in the direction of BDSM. If you have comments or suggestions, feel free to E-mail me at [email protected]. I do try to answer any and all that I get. You can also find me on line under Jennistoy for Instant Message, (I will not accept an IM if you do not have a profile), or you may check out my website at was the typical college...

2 years ago
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Meeting Becca Ch 01

I looked across the restaurant, watching Kate glance around as she came in. I had arrived a few minutes early and the maitre d’ had already seated me in a booth near the back. It’s comfortable there, a little apart from the tables. A good place to talk. Kate had called yesterday to ask if I could meet her for lunch. I picked a quiet, upscale place I frequent. It is quiet and secluded, but relatively easy to find. Kate and I had worked for the same company. Actually, I had worked for her. At...

2 years ago
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Mistaken Identity The Quest for the Golden Dildo

(Note: If you haven't read the original Mistaken Identity I recommend doing so. See Author's Note at the bottom.) You sit on the unforgiving metal bench of the antiquated ex-military cargo plane. The repetitive shaking and jostling is killing your back and ass, and that incessant deafening droning of the big propeller engines has you believing your hearing won't ever be the same. The old bucket creaks and rocks once more and you are thrown back against the wall of the plane yet again. Natali,...

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Redbook Date Ashley Mature Meth Queen Part V

Her body was still sexy and she turned me on every time we were together even though she was pushing her late 50's and a daily meth user for longer than the two plus years I'd known her. Our routine had changed somewhat. We continued on with our daily "work week" rendezvous but now we spent the night together a couple times a week. More frequently than not, we'd stay the night in a motel with a large spa tub…Livermore, Pleasanton, Hayward were often were we could be found. The spa rooms were...

4 years ago
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Let Me Slip Into The Shower

“Your boobs didn’t get the attention they deserve.”“I noticed,” she replied. “Is this some clever ploy to try and tame me?”I laughed, we had had this conversation more than once, she knew she had this playful minx inside her always dying to be let out to play. This minx was part of her spirit, it came from her heart and soul. I had never understood why some people claimed to be ‘brat tamers’; surely that would mean trying to quell someone’s spirit, without which they would be a shell. No, this...

Straight Sex
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The World of Erasthay The Son of Lust Chapter 8 The Hot Wifes Naughty Comforts

Chapter Eight: The Hot Wife's Naughty Comforts By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn't write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – Remna The desert led right to the city. We marched out of the sand...

2 years ago
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Samuel Pt 4

Afternoons in the barracks complex’s communal lounge had become a sort of informal study group since the start of my relationship with Sam. I had to work hard to keep up with the math required by our school and there was no way I could concentrate alone in a room with my lover, making a crowded public place the only real option. And it was a tough school, so I seldom lacked for company. Usually Sam was right there with me, but his math background was strong and when the upcoming test was all...

1 year ago
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First time with wife

WIFE FIRST TIME First met at a night club,she was dancing with an off the shoulder jumper. As she danced it kept sliding down more and she had to keep pulling it back up,as she did she noticed me watching her and our eyes met we smiled i then approached her and told her i would hold it up for her she laughed and it went from there. I was with some friends as was she so we arranged to meet the next evening. That next meeting was the start of our 25 happy years together,we met at a local pub with...

4 years ago
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20 July 2008Chapter 5

Cathy, fresh from a shower found Dan and Karen sitting at the dining room table. Last minute preparations were being made for his party. “You know that I’m going to try and throw you in the pool again,” Dan warned his love. “I have no doubt that you will. This time I won’t protest,” she replied kissing him. She recalled Dan’s birthday last year. It was the worst day of her life and yet, one of the best, Dan had saved her from her own certain death. Karen went to her knees and revealed his...

3 years ago
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Trapping My FatherInLaw 8211 Lust Is Fearless

Hii guys…This is Sunitha again.Sorry for the delay and many more thanks for the response.This is about the story that happened after my husband came back from trip.. If you haven’t read the first part and second parts, please read it in the links given above . This story is bit long mainly contains conversation between me and my darling fil .. They freshened up , I made snacks and tea. We were having it on our sofa , I was on the same sofa where I seduced my fil for the first time, it is the...

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Imogen a Harry Potter taleChapter 22

A quorum for a sitting of the Wizengamot was a mere seventeen of its members. When the prosecution of death eaters had been at its peak, often double that number had been present. But today, the day before Christmas, the hearing chamber was full, all fifty-one members in attendance and the packed chamber giving a sense of importance and urgency to the proceedings. The only other occasion in the last ten years on which the chamber had been full was the prosecution of Harry Potter a few months...

3 years ago
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Internet Partner II

I was called by a man who responded to my ad and asked several rather pointed questions, for example, ‘What about anal? Have I ever been spanked?’ I don’t know why but the thought of being spanked made my juices flow. I was raised to be a lady and I moved in very straight-laced circles. No one in my society would ever be caught even reading the ad on that Website, let alone respond to it. But being nude and turned over a man’s knees and having my naked ass spanked really excited me. For sure...

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The rebirth of Andrew Bishop chapter11

Drew opened his eyes. He instantly knew it was still quite early as the sun was not shining into the bedroom yet. He looked at the clock, 5.55am it told him. He felt refreshed as he lay on his back. Dave was cuddled into his right hand side and Fiona's hand was cupping his cock and balls. He was not really comfortable with her doing that. He thought for a moment and then gently lifted her hand off himself. He sat up and looked down the other end of the bed. Fiona had turned over during the...


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