Mommy Dearest free porn video

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Lorenzo Collier closed his eyes and rubbed his temples in frustration. "I'm tired." he said into his cheap throwaway cell phone. He was talking to his half-sister, Joy.

"Lo, you have to turn yourself in. Please... The cops are looking for you. If they catch you out on the street, they could kill you." Joy said, using her nickname for Lorenzo.

"I know, little s*s. I know." Lorenzo said. "I can't keep on like this. No money, no nothing. And she won't talk to me. She hates me now." he continued.

Joy closed her eyes as tears ran down her face. Lorenzo was referring to their foster mother, Sherise Evans. Lorenzo was on the run from the law for shooting and killing Sherise's boyfriend. Lorenzo was in love with her and he claimed he did it for her. However, Sherise pretty much turned her back on Lorenzo after the murder and wouldn't talk to him.

"You shouldn't be talking to her anyway, Lo. The cops will hear everything you say to her. They'll find you with a quickness." Joy said. The cops knew about the illicit affair and Lo's motive. They were pretty close to charging Sherise with murder, too. "Forget about her. You need to save yourself. Baby, please don't do anything stupid. I don’t want to lose you. You're all I have in this world." Joy pleaded again.

Lorenzo smiled. "I won't. I just need to work some things out and I'll do it. I promise." he said.

"I love you." Joy said hopefully.

"I love you too, Joy." Lorenzo said with a smile and hung up. He sighed and lay back on the bed at the cheap flophouse he was staying in. He closed his eyes and reflected on all of the happenings that put him in his present predicament.

Lorenzo and Joy were born and raised in Decatur, Georgia, a small town suburb of Atlanta. Their father, Julius Collier, was the epitome of a rolling stone. He loved women and money and his hustle slangin heroin got him both. A couple of his numerous lady friends who he supplied his wares to bore his c***dren. Julius wasn't much of a father. He wasn't around very much and when he did come around it was only to bed down the mothers and feed them his product.

Growing up, Lorenzo hated his father. He'd see him on the streets, laughing and shooting the shit with other hustlers or riding down the street in his emerald green Cadillac with the shiny gold rims. Lorenzo swore he would never been like his dad when he grew up.

Lorenzo's mother, Juanita, was a dancer at a local ••••••••••. She was a thick, dark-skinned chocolate Amazon type, who despite her habit, held onto a banging body. She made plenty of money dancing but the dope sucked it all up. Lorenzo was frequently left alone at night while his mother worked her hustle.

Joy's mother, Sheila, had a straight job at a grocery store. A high school dropout, she didn't have much along the lines of skills to get a good paying job. A friend of hers noted Sheila's petite curvy caramel-colored body and offered her the chance to make some money. Sheila jumped at the chance and started dancing also. She however, graduated to tricking then went to doing that full time. The money she made was a lot better than dancing and more fun too. Sheila loved to fuck. One of her tricks introduced her to heroin, and it was a wrap. When Joy came, it was a wonder she wasn't born addicted. Sheila managed to keep it together during Joy's younger years but when Joy started approaching her teen years, Sheila hit bottom. She wasn't that attractive petite curvy eye-candy anymore. All she was good for was a good blowjob but she couldn't even get much money for that.

When Lorenzo turned 15, he lost his mother to an overdose. Juanita had just gone to work and taking one on to get her mind right for the night and the load was too much for her. She was an experienced user so everyone wondered if she had gotten a hold of some bad shit. It didn't matter; she was gone and Lorenzo was alone.

Joy's mother met a similar end and it happened not too long after Juanita died. She shot up some bad shit also and died on the dirty floor of the abandoned house where she and Joy lived.

It turned out that a lot of people had gotten some of that bad junk and they were all customers of Julius. Word got around about him and he found out some people were gunning for him. Julius tried to disappear but he didn't know anywhere to go. Al he knew was Decatur. He had only been up in Atlanta twice and didn't know anyone who could help him. Someone caught up with him and put down 9mm rounds in his forehead. No more bad dope was sold after that.

It was seem that this was a bad ending for Lorenzo and Joy. They had no one else in their lives to take care of them so they went into the system for a while. However, by the grace of God they both wound up with the same foster mother, Sherise Evans.

Sherise lived in College Park. She had no k**s of her own and worked at the Post Office. She found out a friend of hers recently became a foster parent. When she found out how much money her friend was making, Sherise knew she had to get down. However, she didn't want a baby or small c***dren. She knew that's what everyone who was foster parents were looking for. No, she wanted a teenager. Someone who could look after themselves while she worked. That would be easy money. She applied to be a foster parent and was approved. She told the agency what she wanted and she soon landed Lorenzo and Joy. They were both 16 years old.

Lorenzo and Joy had seen each other around their neighborhood and had heard rumors that they were related but they didn't know for sure. It wasn't until they were both living under the same roof and began to talk that they figured out that Julius was their father. Neither of them missed him. Experiencing similar heartaches and struggles, the two bonded like a brother and sister should.

For her part, Sherise took good care of them. She got them in school and caught up with their studies. They both turned out to be excellent students. The k**s were glad to finally have a stable home life and very happy with their lives.

Lorenzo grew to be a big strapping lad, true to his mother's Amazon stature. He was close to 6 ft tall and 200 lbs. Despite his size, he wasn't much of an athlete and in reality was a bit of a nerd. He read a lot of books and liked computers. He stayed to himself a lot.

Joy also took after her mother. She was beautiful, curvy and petite with that same caramel-colored skin that her mother had. She had one girl who was her best friend and they were thick as thieves together. They frequently studied together in Joy's room, playing music and giggling and gossiping more than studying. It was the life of a typical teenager.

Due to his quiet nature, Lorenzo wasn't a big hit with the girls. With smooth chocolate skin and height, a lot of girls thought he was cute but knew he would never pursue them. He could never pull the trigger. He was very nervous around girls. His hormones raged though and he was a horny-ass, unbeknownst to anyone else. This didn't bode well for a growing boy who didn't do well with the ladies. Lorenzo found a solution to that problem. He discovered porn on the internet and had some skin mags that he frequently self-loved from. Whenever he had that itch that needed scratching, he would retreat to his room and do what he needed to do to relieve himself.

One day, Joy heard a noise coming from Lo's room. She put her ear to his door and heard his quiet moans. She could only guess what he was doing and snickered to herself. She leaned a bit harder on his door and it crept open a little. Mortified, Joy turned to run, thinking she was truly caught. But Lo was so into his masturbation that he didn't notice. She could peek into his room. She quietly did so and saw Lo on his bed steadily stroking. Her hand flew to her mouth when she saw his dick. Her brother was packing some heat. It was her first time seeing a real live dick and it was majestic. She watched in awe as her brother jacked off. She never noticed Sherise quietly coming out of her bedroom and stop to stare curiously at what she was doing. After a couple of minutes and seeing how Joy was reacting, she figured out what Joy was looking at. She made a mental note and withdrew back in her bedroom.

Joy was enthralled watching Lo do his thing. He finally reached his climax and exploded all over himself. He lay there on his bed in relief. Joy quietly slipped away and went downstairs.

That next day, she was in her room with her friend Casey doing their usual gossiping thing instead of studying like they were supposed to.

"You know that boy likes you. You need to let him take you out." Casey said. They were talking about the captain of the football team. The boy had asked Joy out on a date.

"Girl please." Joy said, rolling her eyes. "He has a rep and he has a girlfriend already. I don't need the drama."

"But he wants you. Think about your rep and what it would be like after you get with him." Casey pleaded.

"Exactly. My rep won't be shit." Joy said with disdain. She shook her head. "Un-uh. Nope."

Casey crossed her arms and pouted. "Just as well. He's going to talk shit about you when you turn him down. He'll spread rumors about you sucking his dick. He did it before to this other girl who turned him down."

"I've never even touched a dick nor seen one in real life." Joy lamented. Casey just shrugged her shoulders. Now it was Joy's turn to pout. "Man, why guys always got to talk about getting their dicks sucked? What is the big freaking deal anyway?" She looked at Casey. "Have you ever done that?" she asked.

Casey looked nervous. She looked down and her hands and wringed them a little. She gave Joy a sheepish look. Joy's mouth formed a big O.

"Casey!!!" she exclaimed. "Who?"

Casey smiled and said softly. "You know who. Steven."

"Oh." Joy said, rolling her eyes. "Figures." Steven was a boy Casey had a serious crush on. "I hope no one else knows. Boys do tell you know." Joy continued.

Casey had a thoughtful look on her face. "Nah. He liked it too much. He wants me to do it again. And that's not going to happen if he opens his mouth." she said.

"He said you were good at it???" Joy asked in wonder.

Casey had a proud look on her face. "He said I was the best he ever had." she said.

"So how did you get good at it?" Joy asked.

"Well, I've seen some movies on the net. And I practiced on one of my mom's toys. She doesn't know that I know where she hides them." Casey giggled.

"Hmm." Joy said, deep in thought. She wanted to practice too. She had already sneaked into Sherise's bedroom and found her toys. Sherise had a nice, silicon 6 inch toy that would be perfect to practice on.

The next day was Saturday. Sherise had to pull a shift and had left for work already. Lorenzo was in his room, as usual. This was the perfect chance for Joy. She quietly went into Sherise's bedroom and found the toy stash. She pulled out the silicone toy dick and stared at it stupidly. She then went back to her room and sat down on the bed with it.

"Well, here it goes." she said softly to herself and closed her eyes. She imagined how the girls in the dirty movies did it then she opened her mouth, sticking out her tongue. She stuck the whole dildo down her throat and immediately gagged. She quickly clamped her hand over her mouth. So loud, she thought. She got up and put on some music then she sat back down on her bed and tried again. Again, she gagged. It was loud but with the music playing she was sure no one heard her. She continued to practice sucking on the dildo, fighting off her gag reflex but having trouble doing so.

Lorenzo did hear Joy. He dismissed the noise the first couple of times. When he started hearing it repeatedly, he came out of his room to investigate. He put his ear to Joy's door and listened. When he kept hearing the gagging noises over the music, he became worried.

"Joy... Are you okay?" he shouted. It got quiet behind the door.

"Yes, I'm fine. Go away." Joy replied.

"Hey, what's wrong? Why are you yakking?" Lorenzo said.

"I said I'm fine, Lo. Leave me alone!!!" Joy said.

Lorenzo was confused. But Joy's gagging then defensiveness got him thinking. Oh shit, he thought. She's pregnant!!! He began to bang on the door.

"Joy!!! Open this door!!!" he shouted. "Open the door NOW!!!"

Joy wearily came to the door and peaked out. "What, man? What do you want?" she said with exasperation.

By answer, Lorenzo pushed his way into her room. "Who are you pregnant by?" he demanded.

Joy, mad at her brother's intrusion, looked at him in confusion. "What the hell are you talking about?" she asked.

"I heard you yakking in here. And now you're being all secretive and shit. Who are you fuckin?" Lorenzo asked.

Joy had to laugh because she understood why he was thinking the way he was. "Boy, I am not pregnant." she said with a smile.

Now it was Lorenzo's turn to be confused. "So why are you puking?" he asked. He then saw the dildo on the bed and pointed at it. "What's that?" he asked.

Joy's eyes got big and rushed over to grab the toy. "N-n-nothing." she stammered, hiding it behind her back.

"Is that one of Mama's toys? Oh shit, what are you doing in here?" Lorenzo asked with a grin on his face.

Joy was busted and she knew it. "I was practicing with it." she said sheepishly.

Lorenzo's face wrinkled up in confusion. "Practicing what?" he asked.

"You know." Joy said and put the toy to her mouth to demonstrate.

"Oh." Lorenzo said. "Why are you doing that? You planning on sucking some dick?"

"It really isn't any of your business." Joy replied and tried to push Lorenzo out of her room. "Now get out."

Lorenzo resisted. "Oh hell no. I need to know more. Or I'm telling Mama you had one of her toys practicing with It." he said using his fingers to signal quotation marks.

"Grrrr." Joy seethed and plopped down on the bed. She sighed. "Okay. There's this boy I like. He wants to take me out but he’s going to want me to suck his dick. And I don't know how." she lamented.

Lorenzo looked at her thoughtfully and said, "Practice makes perfect."

"Well, that's why I had this." Joy said, holding up the dildo.

"You need to go put that back. Mama's going to know you messed with it and she's going to kick your ass." Lorenzo warned.

"So what do I practice on?" Joy said, holding up her hands and shrugging her shoulders.

They both sat there in silence for a minute. "Have you ever had your dick sucked?" Joy asked.

"Who me? Uhhh.... No." Lorenzo said sheepishly.

Joy looked at him for a minute. She then got up and took the dildo back into Sherise's bedroom and put it back in the nightstand drawer. She then came back to her room and stood in front of Lorenzo.

"Take out your dick." she commanded.

"WHAT? Hell naw!!!" Lorenzo protested. "What for?"

"Nigga please, I've seen it before already. Just take it out." Joy said, rolling her eyes.

"Seen it where?" Lorenzo asked in horror.

Joy grinned. "Boy, you're noisy when you jack off. I've seen you do It." she said.

Lorenzo's face burned with shame and embarrassment and he slunked down on her bed.

"Awww baby, it's okay. I won't tell. Just don't be leaving any stains on the sheets. You know Mama's going to see them when she does laundry." Joy said with a laugh. "Now pull out your dick."

Lorenzo slowly stood up and undid his jeans. He lowered his boxers, revealing his long, thick, dark member. "This is not cool." he lamented.

Joy softly took hold of his dick and immediately felt it start to harden. She smiled. "It seems to think so. I think it likes me." Joy said. She began to stroke it. "Is this how you like it done?"

"Ohhh." Lorenzo said softly, his eyes closing.

Joy smiled. "Just let me practice. Tell me how you like it. I heard that it's supposed be all sloppy and wet." she said.

Now Lorenzo didn't care. He was about to get his dick sucked for the first time, even if it was by his own sister. His monster had now swelled up good and rigid. Joy was intimidated by what she had in her hand. It was a lot bigger than what she saw the first time.

"Dayum boy. I don't know if I can get all of this in my mouth." she said worriedly.

"Just suck the head." Lorenzo moaned and Joy opened her mouth. She began to suck on Lorenzo's dickhead. She thought about the movies she had seen and swirled her tongue around the flesh. She made sure her mouth was good and wet. Lorenzo gently slid his hand around the back of her head and encouraged her to suck deeper.

Joy opened her mouth wider to accommodate his girth and managed to get a couple of more inches down her throat. She felt her gag reflex kick in and she tried to take her head off of his dick. Lorenzo wasn't having any of that.

"No, keep going. Oh shit that feels good!!!" he exclaimed. His strong hands kept her head in place and he firmly crammed his dick in and out of her mouth.

Joy didn't resist and despite her gag reflex, she kept sucking like a trooper and started to enjoy it. Her pussy moistened and her hands crept down into her shorts. She began to massage her swollen clit. Her pussy was sopping wet.

Lorenzo was enjoying himself. Joy's mouth was so warm and wet and he started to wonder what her pussy felt like. He wasn't going to cross that line though. He kept jacking his dick in and out of her mouth, now beating up the back of her throat. Joy was making little gulping and half-gagging noises, turning him on even more. He loved that he could control her like this. Soon began to feel the nut brewing in his balls.

"Oh shit Joy, I'm gonna cum!!!" he moaned, making her speed up her sucking. Joy moaned and her eyes got big when she got her first taste of cum in her mouth.

Lorenzo's eyes clamped shut and his forehead wrinkled up. His back spasmed as he released his seed into his sister's mouth. Joy tried to swallow as much as she could but a good bit of the load spilled out the sides of her mouth. Finally, Lorenzo released her head and he pulled his dick from her mouth.

Joy looked down at her cum-stained t-shirt then looked at her brother. Her hands were still down in her panties. She was strangely but immensely turned on by what had just happened. Lorenzo looked away sheepishly. He was ashamed to admit to himself that he loved every second of his sister's hot throat-job. He silently pulled his jeans back up and left out of the bedroom. Joy sat down on her bed and wiped the cum from her lips.

They never spoke of that incident again nor did Joy ever practice on Lorenzo again. Lorenzo frequently thought about Joy's hot mouth though and she became his fantasy to self-love to.

One Saturday afternoon, he was in his room doing his thing when he heard a knock on his door. Frustrated at the intrusion, he sat up in his bed.

"Go away Joy!!!" he shouted.

"It's not Joy, it's me. Joy is at the movies with Casey." Sherise said. She attempted to come in but the door was locked. "Why is this door locked? You know the rules, Lorenzo. No locked doors in this house." she admonished.

Lorenzo put on some gym shorts and got up to unlock his door. He opened it and his foster mother entered. She stood in front of Lorenzo and put her hands on her hips. She looked at the bed then back to her foster son.

"Lorenzo, we need to talk." she said.

"Was sup Mama?" Lorenzo asked innocently.

Sherise went over to the bed and sat down. She patted a spot next to her and motioned for Lorenzo to sit. He came over and sat beside her. Sherise let out a deep sigh and smiled. She gently stroked Lorenzo's cheek.

"All grown up huh? But still socially inept. All shy around girls." she said. Lorenzo couldn't look at her. He found a spot on the floor and keyed his eyes on it.

"You know baby, it's hard becoming a man. So much to learn. About yourself. About life. All of these feelings inside you battling to come forth. Take priority." Sherise said. "I understand what you're going through. You can trust me if you want to talk about anything."

"Like what?" Lorenzo asked.

"Like girls." Sherise said. "After all, I am one. I can tell you what they like. You're a sweet boy. A handsome one. There's no reason why you can't have any woman you want."

Lorenzo shrugged his shoulders. "I get nervous around them. I get all muddle-mouthed. I'd rather I keep my distance." he said.

Sherise gave him a disbelieving look. "So you'd rather stay in here and masturbate all day?" she asked.

Lorenzo's eyes got big. Sherise gave him a knowing look. "Yes, I know all about that. You leave evidence on the bedclothes and I have to do the laundry." she said with a smirk.

Lorenzo covered his face with his hands. He was so embarrassed. He couldn't even look at Sherise. She tried to pull his hands down.

"No, no, don't do that. Stop. Its okay, baby. It's perfectly fine." she cooed. Lorenzo looked at her sadly. "So you like to jerk off. I can only imagine what you think about when you do. But there's nothing wrong with it. But what's going to happen when you meet that girl and she's going to want to have sex with you?"

Lorenzo blinked. He didn't think there was a girl alive who was interested in him. "I can't see that happening Mama." he said.

"Well, I can. It's going to happen. And soon. You need to be prepared." Sherise said.

Lorenzo looked at her and asked, "How?"

Sherise smiled at him and patted his leg. "I'll be right back." she said and left the room. A couple of minutes later she came back in and locked the door. She sat back down on the bed beside Lorenzo. She opened her hand and produced a condom.

"Show me how you put it on." she said.

Lorenzo's eyes got huge. "•••-what? H-how?" he stammered.

"You heard me. I have to see if you're putting it on right. Because it can come off and you'll end up knocking the girl up or even worse, catching some awful disease." Sherise said. Lorenzo looked at her, still hesitant.

"Here, I'll help you. Take your shorts off." she instructed. Lorenzo gulped and slowly began to do what he was told.

Sherise watched as the boy undressed. She tried not to stare at his long, limp dick as it came into view and she slightly licked her lips. She had to stop herself from reaching out to touch it.

Sherise was what teenagers referred to as a MILF type. She was 40 years old, experienced in life, and had a banging body. She was somewhat petite but not quite as small as Joy was. She was more curvy though. She filled her jeans out very nicely and her top too. Truth be told, she had her eye on Lorenzo ever since he had came to live with her. Today, she was finally going to have the chance to seduce him.

"Let's get this ready so I can show you how to put this on." she said softly, touching his leg. Lorenzo's dick began to stiffen.

Sherise reached over and took his dick in her hand and she began to stroke it. Lorenzo closed his eyes and relished in the pleasure of her touch. Soon, his dick stood up rigid in her hand. Sherise watched in awe at its thickness and length.

"Mmmm, mmm, mmmm." she breathed, shaking her head. "Baby, you have a beautiful dick. It would be such a shame not to share this with anyone." She continued to stroke it slowly, up and down along the shaft. She ripped open the condom wrapper and took the condom in her hand.

"I think this one is going to be too small. But we'll make it work." she said. She showed him how to roll the condom down over his dickhead and onto his shaft. It only went halfway down.

"That's how it's done." she said with a smile. "But you need Magnum XLs."

Lorenzo nodded, smiling meekly. His dick was so hard, he was dizzy. Sherise continued to stroke his dick, staring at it as she did so.

"This is so weird." Lorenzo said.

"Why?" Sherise asked. "I'm just your foster mother, baby. We're not blood-related. I'm just a woman. I want to be your first. Can I be your first?"

Lorenzo licked his lips and nodded. Sherise stood up and began to take off her clothes. Lorenzo's mouth dropped open at the sight of her voluptuous curvy mocha body. She climbed on the bed and straddled Lorenzo's lap. She cupped her 36-C cup breasts to his face with her big chocolate chip nipples poking out at him.

"Here kiss them softly." she said, offering him one of her nipples.

Lorenzo drooled. She was as beautiful as the models in his Players magazine. He took the nipple into his mouth and swirled his tongue around the tasty bud. Sherise sucked in her breath with his touch. Lorenzo then switched to the other nipple and suckled softly.

"Yesssss. Yes baby, you're a natural. Just like that." she breathed. Her hand caressed her clit and she felt the sloppy wetness of her pussy. It was ready.

"Mmmm, my pussy is ready for you baby. Are you ready?" she cooed again. Lorenzo nodded.

Sherise mounted herself atop his erection and eased herself down onto his dickhead, slowly penetrating herself.

"Mmmmm, shit that's good." she moaned. She slowly ground herself deeper onto his dick. She soon was rocking while she rode him. Lorenzo allowed himself to let his hands roam and explore her body. His hands touched the soft skin of her breasts, her hips, and her ass. He squeezed all of her Charmin as Sherise creamed herself all over his dick. She was having what seemed like one long continuous orgasm.

"Dayuuuummmm!!! I can't stop cumming!!!" she moaned, her head thrown back in pleasure.

For someone getting his first piece of pussy, Lorenzo was holding his nut pretty well. But it was coming, and he knew he couldn't hang on for long.

"Oh my God I'm gonna cum so hard." he cried out. Sherise saw the look in his eyes and knew he was ready to let his seed go. She jumped off his dick and ripped the condom off.

"Feed me." she said. Lorenzo got on his knees and Sherise laid down on the bed. She turned her head and opened her mouth wide. She thought he was going to cum all over her face but Lorenzo shocked her by grabbing her by the back of her head and forcing his dick down her throat. Just like he did Joy, he jacked his dick in and out of her mouth until he exploded down her throat.

Sherise gagged on the tremendous load he produced. She coughed cum all back on his dick and balls and it spilled out of her mouth all over the bed. She coughed violently and she sat and tried to catch her breath. She wasn't mad at him though. She was somewhat turned on by what she did. Lorenzo fell back onto the bed and looked at Sherise with a smile.

After that day, Sherise and Lorenzo continued meeting clandestinely. It usually happened when Joy left to spend the night with one of her girlfriends. Sometimes it happened late at night after Joy had gone to sleep.

Joy soon began to pick up on the little looks Lorenzo gave Sherise and suspect something was going on. She decided to talk to her brother about it.

"Hey." she said one day, catching Lorenzo as he was going into his room. "Can I talk to you for a minute?" Lorenzo stopped then followed Joy into her room.

They sat down on her bed. Joy looked at her brother worriedly. "Lo, are you sleeping with Mama?" she asked. Lorenzo just hung his head. He couldn't lie to his little sister.

"You gotta stop. It's not right." Joy pleaded.

"Why not? She's not my blood." Lorenzo protested. "No, Joy. What you and I did was wrong."

"And we never did it again. It doesn't seem like you can stop doing what you're doing with Mama." Joy said.

Lorenzo was quiet for a minute. "You're right. I can't. I love her." he said softly.

Joy began to cry. "No, Lo." she said, shaking her head vehemently. "Not her. She's going to break your heart."

"I'm not trying to hear this." Lorenzo said, getting up off the bed and heading to his room. Joy sobbed as she sat on her bed.

Joy's premonition was spot-on. Not too long after that day, Sherise met a man named Kevin on a night out at the club. The two quickly became an item and Kevin started coming around more and more. He soon was spending the majority of his time at the house. Joy and Lorenzo peppered Sherise with many questions about Kevin but all she kept telling them was to mind their own business.

Neither of them liked Kevin. Kevin was rude and overbearing. Joy and Lorenzo couldn't see what Sherise saw in him. Joy however, felt Kevin's eyes on her. She had to make sure she was never alone with him, lest he try something with her. Lorenzo didn't like him because he was fucking Sherise. It was as simple as that. Sherise simply forgot about him. Just like Joy said, she broke his heart.

Kevin fancied himself a hustler but he wasn't much of one. He had the flash of a hustler but not the heart. He did carry a gun though. At Sherise's house, he made himself King of the domain. Sherise seemed to like a man in control, never mind how Joy and Lorenzo felt. Lorenzo found out where Kevin kept his gun. It would be useful knowledge one day.

One Saturday afternoon, Lorenzo went to the library. Joy was in her room listening to music. Sherise and Kevin were in her bedroom having some fun.

"Baby, how about you go to the store and pick me up some cigarettes and beer?" Kevin suggested with a smile. A smitten Sherise cheerily got up and went about her task.

Kevin was alone with Joy and he was determined to take advantage. He knocked on Joy's door and waited patiently. Joy cracked the door open.

"What do you want?" she said with disdain. Kevin answered her by busting into her room. A frightened Joy crumbled back onto her bed.

"You little bitch. I'm tired of your disrespect." Kevin snarled. "Time to teach you some manners. Come here!!!"

Joy screamed and tried to run but Kevin was faster. He jumped on top of her on the bed and pinned her arms down. He forced himself between her legs and tore at her t-shirt. He grinned evilly as he prepared to tear Joy's sweet ass apart.

Lorenzo had just walked into the house and heard Joy's screams. He ran upstairs and went into her mother's bedroom. No one was there. He reached under the pillow on Kevin's side of the bed and grabbed the 9mm Glock he knew was there. More screams came from Joy's room. Lorenzo charged in and saw Kevin on top of Joy. He ran up and grabbed Kevin from the back and tore him off of Joy.

"Mu-tha-fukka!!!" Kevin screamed and stood up. He pulled out a switchblade and popped it open. He started at Lorenzo but stopped short when he saw the gun in Lorenzo's hand. Lorenzo leveled it at Kevin.

Kevin stared at him with indignation. "Little pussy-ass nigga. You ain't got the heart." he sneered.

Famous last words. Lorenzo calmed pulled the trigger three times, sending three rounds into a shocked Kevin's chest. He slammed against the wall and slumped to the floor, the switchblade still in his hand.

What had happened finally registered in Joy's brain and she screamed in terror. The timing was perfect. Sherise was just walking into the house when Joy screamed. Sherise ran upstairs and into Joy's room. She took in the horrific scene. She then screamed.

"He was trying to **** Joy." Lorenzo explained. "Then he came at me with the knife."

"OOOOOOHHHH MY GOOOOOODDDDDD!!!! KEEEEVVVVVVVIIIIINNNN!!!" Sherise screamed, cradling Kevin's dead body in her arms. She didn't even think about what Lorenzo said nor check on Joy.

Joy continued to sob on the bed, clutching a pillow to her body. Sherise was still whimpering but she threw an evil look towards Lorenzo then pulled out her cell phone. She dialed 911 and when the dispatcher answered, she said with venom, "I want to report a murder."

Lorenzo watched in horror as his mother reported him to the police. He finally willed his legs to move and he jetted downstairs and out the door. He never looked back. He hid out in peoples' backyards until he eventually made his way out of the city. He had no money, just the clothes on his back, and a broken heart.

He eventually found a church where a kind-hearted priest took him in and fed him and let him clean up. The priest knew he was on the run from something but he didn't really press. He figured the time would soon come where the boy would confess his sins.

Lorenzo's face was splattered all over the news. However, he stayed low at the church and the priest took care of him. Lorenzo was tired of running though. And Sherise hated him. One night, he sat down with the priest.

"Father, I did something horrible." he said softly.

The priest looked at him and said, "Is there something you'd like to confess my son?"

Lorenzo nodded and told the priest what happened. When he was done, the priest looked at him and touched his shoulder. "Lorenzo, you have to turn yourself in. I saw your picture on the news. The cops are looking for you. You'll never be able to escape the city. And from what you've told me, it sounds like self-defense." he said.

"Yes Father, but I wanted to kill him. I hated him. He took Sherise from me." Lorenzo lamented.

"You'll have to find a way to forgive yourself for that hate and let it go. Then you have to answer for your actions. That is the only way you'll find absolution." the priest offered.

Lorenzo was quiet for a minute then he sighed. "Yes Father, you're right. And I'm tired of running." he said.

And now, he knew it was time. Lorenzo could remember the details as vividly in his mind like it was yesterday. He knew it was time to face the music. He went over to the phone in his room and dialed 911. When the dispatcher answered, Lorenzo told her who he was and where he was located. He then hung up and went into the main area of the church.

Not even 10 minutes later, sirens could be heard screeching towards the church. The priest heard the commotion and came out of his study. Lorenzo was walking towards the church exit.

"Lorenzo!!!" the priest shouted.

Lorenzo turned to the priest and smiled. "It's okay Father. Thank you for your help."

"God Bless you my son." the priest said.

Lorenzo turned and walked out of the church with his hands raised. He was quickly taken into custody. The priest ran to the door and looked out just in time to see the police car driving away with Lorenzo in the back seat. He smiled at the priest and nodded his head goodbye.


Same as Mommy Dearest Videos

3 years ago
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Mommy Made Me a Sissy

I was about 5 or 6 when my father left, leaving me with just my mother. A mother that I came to love very, very much. Maybe, I loved her too much. And Mommy definitely loved me too well! A quick family history would be appropriate right now. My parents got married when Mom was only 18, and Dad was an old man of 20. Pregnancy either occurred just after, or just prior to the wedding. As a result, I still had a young, and very pretty mother. As I said, about five years after the...

3 years ago
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mommys new girl

It's true that I had become accustomed to drama in my family. My father was loud and mean, especially when he was drunk, which was most evenings and every weekend. He would back my poor mother into a corner of the kitchen and berate her, towering over her in that threatening way that I knew so well, telling her she was fat and ugly and stupid and spending too much money on me. He would get louder and louder until she finally began to tremble and sob – then he would storm out of the house in...

1 year ago
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Mommy i dont want to try out for the baseball team again

Mommy I don't want to try out for baseball again!!! By Princess Pantyboy Me, Kelly, Kellie 9-year-old boy Miley 5-year-old sister Mommy 42-years-old looks 21-years-old Grandmother 77-years-old acts like 100-years-old "Mom I don't want to go try out for baseball again! Every year you make me try out, and every year I don't make the team. I am always told the same thing, I am too small or too slow." I stamp my foot on the floor....

3 years ago
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Mommys Models the full story

MOMMY’S MODELSChapter1I was lying on my bed a 17-year-old boy – practically au natural, looking at porn on my laptop and stroking my cock when Mommy knocked on the door – not waiting for an answer, she just pushed the door in. “Mommy WTF?” I asked stuffing my cock back in my boxers. “Oh honey sorry to disturb you but I needed to know if you still shave your body for the swim club” – that’s the excuse I gave her for shaving everything bare of hair, chest, pits, legs, cock, balls and ass – all...

2 years ago
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Mommy are you serious I have to find a summer job Part 2

Mommy are you serious I have to find a summer job? Part 2 By Princess Pantyboy Me, Kelly 16-year-old boy Miley 13-year-old little sister that is taller than me. Mrs. Anderson Manager and my boss. Sandy New friend, works with me Authors note: Hello to all! I want to thank everyone for all the sweet emails. I hope you all enjoy my newest story. I hope to hear from you all soon. Hugs, Princess Part 2 I start walking away from the mall down the...

1 year ago
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Mommy are you serious I have to find a summer job Part 6

Mommy are you serious I have to find a summer job? Part 6 By Princess Pantyboy Me, Kelly Small for my age, okay really small for my age Miley 15-year-old little sister that is much taller than me. Mrs. Anderson Manager, and my boss. Sandie New friend, works with me Luke Sandie's boyfriend Max Luke's younger brother Author's note: Thanks for all the sweet comments, and lovely emails with words of encouragement you have been sending...

1 year ago
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Mommy AUTHOR'S NOTE: This story is set in the same world as my "At the Beach" stories only without the "Morality Tale" tag or the need to visit a certain gift shop for the transformational fun to begin. That is a good thing since the "Morality Tale" label has certainly come back to haunt me. I was raked over the coals by one reviewer for being too easy on the characters while another pilloried me for being too harsh. You sure can't please everyone. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this one....

3 years ago
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Mommy and Daddy Really Love Me

It's Friday and I can hardly wait to get home from school. Tuesday was my eighteenth birthday and Mommy and Daddy have promised me that Tonight will be the best birthday party I've ever had. We're going to spend the entire evening and night celebrating. Now I'm an adult and tonight Mommy and Daddy are going to show me how big people love each other.I've been looking forward to this evening for years. I remember when Daddy first noticed my boobs starting to grow. I had just gotten out of the tub...

2 years ago
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Mommy Adriana Makes Greta Become a Secretary

Dear Readers, it took me a while because reality caught up with me, but now the next chapter is ready. I simply hope you don't get bored and enjoy also the 6th installment of my little story. Mommy Adriana makes Greta become a secretary By: Greta Finally I lay in bed. I heard Mommy Adriana was sound asleep while I tossed and turned. I simply couldn't sleep after today's events. I would never be the same man again....

2 years ago
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If you are a parent you have probably read, or even own, What to Expect When You Are Expecting and other self-help parenting books. Many have been very useful over the years, as I raised my two c***dren on my own after my husband's premature death, when Crystal was four and Michael two. The books were helpful when I struggled to deal with my daughter's teenage rebellion phase and they were somewhat helpful as I dealt with my son's coming of age, although truth be told I let my brother help out...

1 year ago
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Mommy Adriana I Obey You

Dear Readers, since I am open to suggestions from now on I will start my stories with a recap of what has happened before. Mommy Adriana, I will obey you By: Greta Finally we were on our way home. Interestingly neither Mommy Adriana nor Mistress Andrea had cuffed or gagged me. So I just sat in the back of our car. During the short drive I had some time to think about what had happened in the past two days since my wife, err Mistress...

3 years ago
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Mommy i dont want to try out for the baseball team again part 8

Mommy I don't want to try out for baseball again! Part 8 By Princess Pantyboy Me, Kelly 9-year-old boy Miley 5-year-old little sister Mommy 42-years-old looks 21-years-old Grandmother/Elizabeth(Liz)Wilmington 77-years-old acts like 100 years old Alice Goodyear/ Sister Alice Principle of St. Mary's school Samantha (Sam) 5-year old girl Ms. Karen Dance...

3 years ago
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Mommy mommy what am i doing in a hospital Part 4

Mommy, mommy what am I doing in a hospital? Part 4 By Princess Pantyboy Me, Kelly 9-year old boy Beth 17-year-old big sister Miley 5 -year-old little sister Authors note: I hope everyone is enjoying my newest story I put a few paragraphs from the end of Part 3 to make it an easier read. I am sure I missed some spelling and grammar mistakes please forgive we are trying. Hope you enjoy my story! Hugs Princess I reach out taking the panties from Miley. "Oh...

3 years ago
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Mommy Adriana Convinces Andrea to Take Over

Dear Readers, my mother in law has always been quite pushy with me but her visit was like living hell and now I wonder where this story will end. In any case, please enjoy! Mommy Adriana convinces Andrea to take over By Greta When they finally stopped their embrace I minced towards my wife and Mommy Adriana, head bowed, avoiding to look into their eyes. I held out the tray and waited for Andrea to take her breakfast. "Greta, you are dumb like...

1 year ago
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Mommy I dont want to try out for the baseball team again part 7

Mommy I don't want to try out for baseball again! Part 7 By Princess Pantyboy Me, Kelly 9-year-old boy Miley 5-year-old little sister Mommy 42-years-old looks 21-years-old Grandmother/Elizabeth(Liz)Wilmington 77-years-old acts like 100-years-old Alice Goodyear/ Sister Alice Principle of St. Mary's school Samantha (Sam) 5-year old girl Ms. Karen ...

4 years ago
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Mommy kicks ass

My mother, Kate, was a perky, lovely legal secretary who at the age of 51 still bustled with a fierce, aloof, cheerful presence that had intimidated me since I was a child. Her strong, independent nature had allowed her to raise me almost single-handedly while sharing a house with a successful but emotionally distant husband. I was a shy child, easily embarrassed and with a healthy sense of shame that Mommy happily exploited at every opportunity. When I reached puberty, her covertly sexual...

3 years ago
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Mommys Boy

I'm the baby of the family. My Mommy's little boy! The only c***d left living at home can be a blessing. Let me tell you why.When I was five,my father left us. In the middle of the night,He loaded up the truck,took my three teenage brothers and split. Just like that. That was eight years ago and it has been Mommy and me,ever since.We do everything together. We go shopping,cook,do the chores,go out to dinner and the movies. We play games,go bowling,bath and sleep together. In fact,the only time...

4 years ago
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Mommy and Brian Chapter 3

Introduction: A mother reluctantly agrees to let her boyfriend use her daughter This is a fictional story for adults only and describes sexual activities between an adult male and an underage female. Please do not continue reading if this offends you. This story was written for entertainment only and the author does not condone any illegal activities or abuse of any kind. This is a 3rd attempt at story writing and feedback is welcome. CHAPTER 3 I want to see her, Brian said. Brian was...

1 year ago
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MommyGramma and A Big Gooey Mess

Less than five minutes after Dad had left to go on his bi-weekly business trip,Mommy was standing at the foot of my bed. "Hurry Up, Sl eepy Head! Your Br others and I are all ready! I need You cleaned up and downstairs within the half hour! Come On! Get Up! Gramma's going to be here any minute now!" She cajoled me,then pulled back the bed sheet exposing my nude body!"Mmmm,What a Nice Big Boner!" Mommy exclaimed. She stared at my package for a moment and then licked her lips. "And remember,NO...

4 years ago
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Mommy Adriana and the Video Booth

Dear Readers, I never imagined to get so far but funnily the more I write the more ideas I get. I hope you still enjoy the ride. ------------------------------------------- Mommy Adriana and the Video Booth By Greta I closed my eyes. Not wanting to see people staring - which I had no doubt they were, especially when we stopped at red light - at the bound and...

3 years ago
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Grand daughter, me and not her momThank god for VIAGRA. This past week with Lisa my 22 year old grand daughter and keeping my old cock hard for her fun has been really fantastic. Sitting here naked with my sweet sexy granddaughter right next to me and her fingers playing with my cock and balls while watching Mary my 45 year old neighbor finger fucking her own very wet pussy beats the hell out of watching the storm move across the gulf. Hearing Lisa telling Mary how many fingers she can use or...

2 years ago
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Mommy an DaddyPart 2

Introduction: My foster parents teach me how to be a big girl. Part 2…… Throughtout the next couple of months, it became a nightly habit. We all got in a schedule of daddy cleaning my bottom and checking my coochie, he didnt always play with my button though. I always hoped hed put more of that wet and warm stuff on my button, it felt so good. Mommy came in my room early every morning, took out my cleaner. I heard her talking one morning when she though I was asleep, she said my hole was...

3 years ago
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mommy new bull

I ve been hidding in the living room closet knowing its one of these nightMommy thinks iam out,but i ve been secretly watching and listening to her servicing a married black guy from her officethe first night i tought she was looking at porn until i ear her sexy moaning and pleading to be fuck like a good white slut momhow she squealed getting fuck got me so curious i went out to watch her through the windowdoggy in sexy stocking heals and dress a stranger tall black daddy fucking my mom deep...

2 years ago
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Mommy Has To Watch Us Do It

Mommy Has To Watch Us Do It When I asked Tim to have sex with me he couldn’t believe it. He got all excited and started to tear my clothes off right there. Then I said, “Mommy has to watch us do it.” Tim thought about it a moment and asked, “Your mother wants to watch us do it?” I said, “She insists on watching us.” I looked at his face as he contemplated the offer I had made him. I had just offered him my virginity. Of all the boys I could have picked I had chosen him. He...

2 years ago
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Mommy an DaddyPart 2

Throughtout the next couple of months, it became a nightly habit. We all got in a schedule of daddy cleaning my bottom and checking my coochie, he didnt always play with my button though. I always hoped he'd put more of that wet and warm stuff on my button, it felt so good. Mommy came in my room early every morning, took out my cleaner. I heard her talking one morning when she though I was asleep, she said "my hole was streching nicely for daddy". When daddy came home from work, I always...

3 years ago
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Mommy are you serious I have to find a summer job Part 1

Mommy are you serious I have to find a summer job? Part 1 By Princess Pantyboy Me, Kelly 16-year-old boy Miley 13-year-old little sister that is taller than me. Mrs. Anderson Manager and my boss. Authors note: Hello to all! I want to thank everyone for all the sweet emails asking me to continue writing more stories. It has been a long time since I posted any of my stories, life gets really busy sometimes. If you have been reading my stories for years, you...

4 years ago
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Mommy makes a messy part 2

just fantasy In this story everybody is over 18My mommy is very attractive with nice looking tits that are full of milk nice round ass great legs and a tight wet pussy that cant get enough of my big hard cock.Mommy: Mommy is so horny today baby. Come here and lick my wet pussy. MMMMM mommy likey, you such a good boy. Keep eating my hot dirty cunt, yes! That's it lick up mommy's fuck juices, keep eating!, lick my clit!, eat mommy's cum. such good little bitch boy.Oh look your cock is so big and...

2 years ago
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Mommy and Me

Mommy and Me I was too old to be renting a room but it was convenient and cheap. It came with its own bathroom and it was a large house with high ceilings. I preferred to work from home when I could and with the excellent broadband and the space for my computer equipment, it was actually ideal. Even if the owner/landlady was, well, somewhat strange. When I first came in to have a look at the room (having found a card at the local post office, a random but fortuitous discovery),...

1 year ago
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Mommy Loves It

She went over to where he was living these days. She didn't know if he had a girlfriend and didn't really care. He knew Mommy loved him best.He greeted her with a kiss on the mouth."Nice kiss for Mommy" she sighed, slipping her hand between his legs. He was hard instantly. All he wanted to do is put his cock inside Mommy, feel the wetness, the tightness. Hear her say "I love you, my little boy"He had to run an errand and she agreed to come with him. He was hoping she would as she had a tendency...

2 years ago
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Mommy Time

Prequel to My Silly Little S isterEver since I was fucked by Mom and Dad on Sunday,my Mom has been acting like a total Sex Freak! Then again,so has my Dad! He just won't leave my asshole alone. If no-one else is around,except for Mom that is,He keeps pulling my pants down and fucking my ass with everything from his fingers and cock,to veggies and dildos! He keeps calling it "Training Time!". I refer to it as "Heaven!" because God,I love it!On Wednesday morning,after Dad left to go to work at...

1 year ago
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Mommy new Boss

''but mommy.....''''i know baby, its just for one night , mommy Boss and son are coming for dinner''''you know my job is important, dont worry , its going to be fine, i know my little boy likes it''''but....mommy''''shhhh go shave , i want you all smooth and smelling good''mommy knew , she ear it all that night at the campinghow her boy swallowed his 2 friends from the camping , in his tent sucking cocks the whole weekend pass bed time she was drinking wine , in the cabin she rent, her son tent...

2 years ago
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Mommy is sick so she asks Daughter to let Daddy fuck her

Just then, Mommy woke up. “Ohhh,” she groaned. “Sweetie, is that you?” Daddy said it was, adding, “Sorry, baby, I needed to fuck. Do you mind?” Mommy said, “And I’m really sorry, too, honey, but I feel just awful. Would you stop, please?” So Daddy of course agreed, and stopped fucking Mommy. But now he was really horny. He pulled his cock out of Mommy’s pussy and went into the bathroom to jerk off into the sink. An hour later, Mommy woke from her nap and had an idea. She called out to her...

2 years ago
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Mommy and David and Dana

"Don't you fucking stop! Don't you fucking stop! Don't you fucking stop!" Debbie was screaming at the top of her lungs while David fucked her from the back. She'd been bent over the dining room table for ten minutes now while he gripped her fleshy hips and slammed his cock deep inside of her. The table shook and sc****d across the floor with each hard thrust of his hips. David finally got tired of her scooting away from him, grabbed the table, and shoved it against the counter, giving him a...

2 years ago
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Mommy What do you do

I found out two weeks ago that my mom is a whore. I don’t mean she sleeps around. I mean she does it for money with men. If they are in a motel nearby, mom gets in the car and drives there, texts when she arrives and walks to the man’s door. The men leave money on the table, and, well, mom sucks their cocks mostly. I didn’t know. Today is the third time mom has come to see me to show me what she does with the other men. Mom knows she is really good at it. All the men want to have her lick and...

3 years ago
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Mommy and sissy

I really had been expecting to be shopping most of the morning, but I got to the mall and miracle of miracles, not only did I find a place to park close in, the mall wasn't at all as crowded as I had expected. I got in and picked up the few things I needed, and headed home. One of the things I had to get was a couple of new bras. It just seemed that the elastic in the ones I had were wearing out. I sort of calked it up to their being more cheaply made, every thing was any more it seemed, being...

2 years ago
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mommys helping hands pt 2

'jack its nearly mommys bedtime do you need to pee before i go to sleep?''uh no i'm ok for now thanks mom' jack really needs to pee but is still horified from being jerked off by his mom earlier'are you sure its no good you thinking you can get me to help you in the night mommy needs her sleep if you don't go nw you will have to wait until the morning''please mom could i get my nurse back to help me with stuff like that''no i told you in future i help you now would you like mommy to help you...

2 years ago
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Mommys boy

Original by Lydia...Billy was relaxing in his room. Laying on his back and letting his thoughts drift. He was an 18 year old boy with dark hair and dark eyes. His body was hard and muscular. He was tall and athletic. Even so young, he was already a very attractive young man. None of the girls at school had caught his interest, though.His mind kept wandering towards thoughts of his mother. She was petite with long brown hair and green eyes. She was sweet and loving and incredibly beautiful. He...

1 year ago
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Mommys Drawer

It was kind of a dull rainy Saturday and Mom announced that she would begoing out to do some shopping for the afternoon. She asked if I would liketo accompany her, but up to that point I found her shopping quite boring -and besides, I had other things in mind. But first some background. I wasthen about 10 years old and by some crazy fluke had recently discovered aunexplainable fascination with my mother's lingerie and, of all things -her shoes. Mom was in her late 20s and although not...

2 years ago
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Mommys Wanton Ass

My parents had gone out for a few drinks and an evening on the town,leaving my older brother,younger sister and myself,to entertain ourselves at home that night.The car wasn't even out of the driveway before my sister was stripped naked and laying on the living room floor. Spreading both of her legs wide and wearing a big smile on her face,she yelled "Come and Get it! Let The Games Begin!" My brother,Kurt,ran down the stairs,wearing only his socks,his hard dick bouncing up and down with each...

3 years ago
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Mommy are you serious I have to find a summer job Part 3

Mommy are you serious I have to find a summer job? Part 3 By Princess Pantyboy Me, Kelly 16-year-old boy Miley 13-year-old little sister that is taller than me. Mrs. Anderson My boss. Sandie Simpson New friend, works with me Authors note: Hello to all! I want to thank everyone for all the sweet comments, and emails. I hope you all enjoy my newest story. I hope to hear from you all soon. Hugs, Princess Miley shakes her head. "No Kelly, you...

1 year ago
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Mommy POV

INSPIRATION: ( "Fly Me To The Moon" Farscape John & Aeryn) Unhhh PornoOhHoney Mommy was going away for a week, but first she was coming over to give her sweet son something he could think about while she was gone. "Kiss you're mother." He kissed her, open mouthed. She slipped her hands down to his cock in his pajama pants. "Sit and...

2 years ago
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Mommy I dont want to try out for the baseball team again part 6

Mommy I don't want to try out for baseball again! Part 6 By Princess Pantyboy Me, Kelly 9-year-old boy Miley 5-year-old little sister Mommy 42-years-old looks 21-years-old Grandmother/Elizabeth(Liz)Wilmington 77-years-old acts like 100-years-old Alice Goodyear/ Sister Alice Principle of St. Mary's school Samantha (Sam) 5-year old girl Ms. Karen ...

2 years ago
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Mommy plays wet

Oh mommy I love you so much. Your cunt taste so good. Can I lick it every day now that we are fucking. Of course baby but only if you promise to fuck me after I cum in your hot little mouth. Now first things first if your going to be mommy's little bitch boy you can only wear mommy's fuck clothes or be naked. Also you cant leave the house so you will have to wear diapers and drink from a bottle while mommy is out stripping for money. Mommy may bring home some of her girlfriends for you...

1 year ago
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Mommy Mind Control Chapter 1 Mommys Naughty Lesson

A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter One: Mommy's Naughty Lesson By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! “You're looking sharp,” I said to my eldest son as he came downstairs in a pair of jeans and a tight t-shirt tucked in. He always wore t-shirts too tight for him. He loved to show off how ripped he was. My sixteen-year-old son was such a handsome man, so much like his father. “Hot date, Mom,” Ryan answered, his brown hair...

2 years ago
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Mommy Is One Fucking Kinky Freak part 1

I didn't want to disturb them, and I was honestly trying to be as quiet as I could possibly be while watching Mommy and Sean from the bedroom's doorway, but I couldn't help myself and laughed out loud at the shocked expression on my little br-other's face. He had just experienced his very first orgasm and was staring, in a kind of horrified fascination, as the cum exploded from the head of his red,thumb sized dick, and launched in one long spurt to splash full fo rce into Mommy's open mouth!...

3 years ago
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Mommy Adriana

Mommy Adriana By Greta Dear Readers, this is my first attempt in writing. Besides English isn't my first language so I hope you are not too critical with my first effort. It is a little fantasy I had after the visit of my mother in law. As you can imagine from my story she is quite the person. Oh by the way, I am not that small, 5"11 but due to a lot of running I weigh just 140 pounds and my arms are thin and rather womanly. Hope you enjoy my little...

2 years ago
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Mommy You cant be serious me baby sit

Mommy: You cannot be serious, me baby sit? By Princess Panty boy There once was a guy who thought he could do whatever he wanted and there were no consequences to his action. Yes, this is about me, I'm just like any other teen ager who thought he was bulletproof. Well I found out the hard way that we all have rules and some live by them and some well that would be me who didn't live by other people's rules. I always thought the rules were for someone else. I just never had...

2 years ago
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Mommy are you serious I have to find a summer job Part 5

Mommy are you serious I have to find a summer job? Part 5 By Princess Pantyboy Me, Kelly 18-year-old Miley 15-year-old little sister that is much taller than me. Mrs. Anderson Manager and my boss. Sandie New friend, works with me Luke Sandie's boyfriend Max Luke's younger brother Authors note: Hello to all! I want to thank everyone for all the sweet emails. I hope you all enjoy my newest story. I added a couple...

4 years ago
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Mommy And Billy and Mrs Schwartz

Carol had Billy, her 14 year old son, when she was in her early 20s and so she was still young, healthy, playful and uninhibited and loved having sex with her husband. Recently however, she realized there was now another man in the house, as Billy was growing up and fast. And she'd been noticing that Billy was starting to look at her differently than he used to. And he'd 'accidentally' walked in on her recently when she was sitting on the toilet, with her shorts and panties down around...

3 years ago
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Mommys Moldels Chapter 2

Chapter twoThere was such a collection of lingerie to choose from we didn’t know where to start dressing – finally I settled for a pair of really hot panties, some stockings with a garter belt and a little wispy bra – not that I had anything to show. Martina and Robyn chose equally sexy items and very shortly we were ready – Mommy checked us over making sure stockings were straight and we looked pretty – we also checked each other out.There were two things we didn’t know as we strutted into the...

3 years ago
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Mommys Little Leg Humper

he had done all of his chores for the day and was waiting on his knees for his Mommy to come home. She had been his Mistress for almost a year now and he was eager to continue to please Her.All of the dishes had been done, floors swept and vacuumed, bathrooms cleaned, and he had poured Her a glass of wine, her favorite.he heard her car pull up the driveway, her heels click in the walkway, the door opening to his beautiful Goddess. She was dressed in knee high black leather boots,black nylons...

1 year ago
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Mommy Teaches Son About Sex

I visited my son’s room. “Honey, daddy is asleep.” That faint scent, the scent of a man, mixed in with the smell of paint… My son, Billy, was barely a man, over 18 and a senior in high school. Like most boys his age, he was interested in hobbies and girls. Both worried me. Hobbies, because he enjoyed painting his models. Girls, because he was such a timid boy, I wondered if he would have problems courting them. But in the evening, in the middle of the night, nobody disturbs us. It’s...

2 years ago
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Mommy Fun Time The Great Experiment

Disclaimer: This is purely fictional even though I don’t want it to be and includes taboo and strange fetishes. Reader beware. This is a part 2 if you don’t want to be confused read part one. I woke up super happy the morning after my mom had sucked my cock. I went upstairs into the kitchen hoping to catch her getting breakfast. She was still getting ready for work because I could hear her walking around in her room. I took my pants off and laid on the couch naked and watched TV until she came...

3 years ago
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mommys wanna be girl

"Hi honey, how was your day?" My mom called out her usual question as I came in through the side door, and tried to quit sniffling. In vain -- I still had the hiccups from my recent crying jag, and my nose was running. I'm sure my face was red too."F-fine," I hiccuped. Obviously, it hadn't been fine."Oh, hon, did those boys tease you again? They're so rude.""Why do they keep calling me a girl, mom? It's so mean! Just 'cause I don't play sports..."In truth, it was more than that -- I just didn't...

3 years ago
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mommys wanna be girl

"Hi honey, how was your day?" My mom called out her usual question as I came in through the side door, and tried to quit sniffling. In vain -- I still had the hiccups from my recent crying jag, and my nose was running. I'm sure my face was red too."F-fine," I hiccuped. Obviously, it hadn't been fine."Oh, hon, did those boys tease you again? They're so rude.""Why do they keep calling me a girl, mom? It's so mean! Just 'cause I don't play sports..."In truth, it was more than that -- I just didn't...

3 years ago
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New TG: "Mommy" by Vickie Tern F/m, m/m maybe, femdom of course. Refers at times to adults who practice consensual sex. If you are too young to read about such things lawfully, go fight City Hall, win, and then come back. Mommy by Vickie Tern "Isn't she a dear? So utterly precious! Look how her little rosebud mouth works while she sleeps! As if she were still nursing. Blowing those teeny bubbles. And those teensy...

3 years ago
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Mommy You cant be serious me baby sit Part 2

(Special BIG Thanks for Rose for editing my story) Mommy: You can't be serious, me baby sit? Part 2 Princess Panty boy "Miss Healy there is no way I'm putting that dress on, no way." I feel little Tina reach up and take my hand. "Um looks like little Tina wants to go outside. You're sure no one will see me dressed like this and with my hair in two ponytails, or I mean with my hair in pigtails?" Little Tina pulls me towards the backdoor. "Yes I'm sure no one will see you in...

2 years ago
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Mommy i dont want to try out for the baseball team again part 5

Mommy I don't want to try out for baseball again! Part 5 By Princess Pantyboy Me, Kelly, Kellie 9-year-old boy Miley 5-year-old little sister Mommy 42-years-old looks 21-years-old Grandmother/Elizabeth(Liz)Wilmington 77-years-old acts like 100-years-old Alice Goodyear/ Sister Alice Principle of St. Mary's school Samantha (Sam) 5-year old girl Ms. Karen Dance...

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