Mommy free porn video

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New TG: "Mommy" by Vickie Tern F/m, m/m maybe, femdom of course. Refers at times to adults who practice consensual sex. If you are too young to read about such things lawfully, go fight City Hall, win, and then come back. Mommy by Vickie Tern "Isn't she a dear? So utterly precious! Look how her little rosebud mouth works while she sleeps! As if she were still nursing. Blowing those teeny bubbles. And those teensy perfect fingers curled up by her ears, with those mini fingernails! Oh, honey, she is so very sweet! I'm so happy we decided to have her. I'm so happy you agreed! I love you for it. Did she nurse well this time?" "No problem. In fact she was so satisfied with one breast she just dawdled over the other and then fell asleep. I held her for a little while, just watching her sleep. She's so cute! I put her down only a little while ago, just before you came in. That's how come I'm still up. Maybe she's getting ready to quit this middle of the night feeding? What is it now, past two in the morning? That'll be a blessing! Then finally I'll be able to get some uninterrupted sleep." "Maybe. Most babies do sleep through the night after two or three months. Did you use your breast pump on the other breast, honey? We want to be sure your milk keeps coming. Emily'll need all of it when she weighs a little more and has a bigger appetite, and that's only a few more months, I think. Did you ask Phebes about it? Dr. Phoebe?" "Yes. When I was leaving her office. 'Very soon,' she said. 'Soon she'll soon be taking both barrels. So hang in there!' She had an odd grin on her face when she said it. I think she was mocking me!" "Oh, she likes her little jokes. She was amused way back, remember, when we first came to her and proposed this arrangement. She liked the idea more and more, the more she thought about it, but at first she thought it was a joke." "Yes, I remember all right. She laughed and said, 'That'd fix him!' and then she said, 'He doesn't deserve the satisfaction! Why don't you just let me cut it off!' I remember that part well enough! She doesn't like me, Heather, she never has. She knew something about me and Deirdre, didn't she." "Yes, of course. All about it. Phebes is one of my oldest friends. My husband stepping out on me, I didn't know what to think, I didn't know where to turn. I was going to leave you then and there. In fact she's the one who talked me out of it. 'Wait,' she said. 'Give it some thought. You'll think of something better than that!'" "You know, Heather, sometimes I think it might have been better if you had just left me. This situation is so awkward in some ways, what we've done. It's ...well, I don't know!" "Oh, sweetheart, you can't mean it! Regret all this? Just look at her! You love what we've done! You wouldn't have missed any of it for anything in the world, would you? Feeding this sweet baby your own sweet milk five, six times every day? Devoting your every day just to keeping her comfy and happy? It must be the greatest feeling in the world! It's everything I'd hoped for you. Isn't it? Isn't it?" "Yes. I have to admit, it can be quite wonderful. It is wonderful! She's so helpless, so very sweet! And now that she's learned to smile, when she looks into my eyes I...!" "See? I thought so. Let's let her sleep now, and get to bed ourselves. I'm exhausted! I'm glad you're glad. You know, I'm surprised I had to persuade Phebes to do this for us, almost the same way I had to persuade you. I know it sounded crazy, but it made such good sense. She did see the advantages almost immediately, and that overcame her scruples I think. It saved our marriage, that's certain!" "I guess." "Would you hang these up for me while I remove my make-up? The way I showed you? You're a doll. No, I don't think Phebes meant to call your breasts barrels. They don't look the least bit like barrels. Two large flasks, maybe. Those leather bottles they use in Spain for carrying wine, 'botas'? Maybe there's some resemblance there. But now they're so smooth and pearly white! Gorgeous, really, so full and plump now that your milk's come in, they practically glisten! I'm tempted to sip from you myself! And they're swollen all the time. Even your nipples stay engorged I've noticed." "Yes. Your Dr. Phoebe gave me shots just for my nipples around the time you were getting ready to deliver. 'So your baby'll have no problem finding you,' she said. And Emily doesn't, I've got to say that. They fill her mouth. They're huge. Almost the thickness of my thumb! But they're so sensitive all the time!" "Sensitive hurts, or sensitive feel good?" "Sensitive feel very good, honey. I mean, when that little baby's gums are nibbling and squeezing me and she's sucking away with such ferocious concentration, I could go wild! Its ...exciting! I think I may actually have cum from the pleasure once, though there was hardly any ...wetness down there to show for it afterward. It felt so intense!. I didn't quite know how to feel about it! I mean, my own baby daughter making me...." "Yes. You may have had an orgasm. I'd told Phebes that I especially wanted you to enjoy nursing Emily. So you'd be an utterly devoted mommy, and look forward to every feeding. And also to compensate you so you won't miss your erections, what with all the hormones we've been piping into you -- oh, yes, of course I've noticed, though you seem a little ashamed of it, and haven't said anything. No more than to be expected! Also, with that little extra sensation you can start thinking about what you might want to do once Emily's been weaned off the breast. You will need a new career of some sort by then, you know. I'd suggest more of this kind of thing. There are lots of other mothers out there who also can't spare the time to breast-feed their own babies. We could keep you quite busy for a long time to come." "Oh, God, Heather, no! No way! I'm not a nursemaid! Well, maybe I am right now, but when I quit my job to do this full time it was only for us! For Emily, until Emily no longer needs me! That's what we agreed! And anyhow, just look at me, I can't leave the house, bulging in front the way I do!" "No hurry, darling, no need to decide anything now. What you'll do when Emily no longer needs you, we don't need to talk about that for a long time to come. But let me assure you, by then you'll look quite presentable, quite fit to be seen by other people. You're almost there now. See for yourself, your hair's already long enough to hang neatly past your ears, it's getting to be time we did something with it. And your skin is clear, in fact satiny smooth. Where there was once chest hair you now have only that lovely womanly cleavage I see above the decollete of your night gown. 'Generous curves,' my romance novels call them. You should read some. Lots of helpless heroines who turn out to be quite strong in the end. " "They did grew a little large, my breasts." "They have to be! I'm really very pleased with them. And so is Emily, obviously, and she's the girl you really need to satisfy. If you're worried that they're ...prominent, well, you do have a large frame. They'll look very attractive when you're able to go out again, when we can get you dressed suitably." "How do you mean?" "I liked it, when we were growing big together, the two of us. Especially those last months when I was carrying Emily, and you were developing up top while I got bigger in my middle! Now there's someone who resembled a barrel, that last month! Thank God I've slimmed down now. I got some very nice compliments on that dress earlier tonight. And not just on the dress. Do you think by now I've now completely recovered my figure?" "Yes, you have, Heather. It's beautiful now. Come away from the mirror and put on your nightgown, so I can turn out the light. The baby'll be awake again before long. Yes, I agreed to grow breasts, and they grew the way they grew, and I've accepted them as they are, even though I can't let anyone see them. But it is a little embarrassing. I think your friend Vivian knows. She once told me that I bobble and should do something about it. And that was some time ago, when I'd been growing them only six months or so, and they weren't very big." "Big enough to need a brassiere. I hadn't noticed, myself -- she had to point it out to me. Yes, of course she knows, honey! She's my other closest friend, besides Phebes. We often talk about what to do with you." "Well, all right, the breasts are necessary. But some other parts of me hurt! My testicles really ache sometimes. And I'm sure they're getting smaller. When I told Dr. Phoebe, she just laughed and said, 'It's natural, they're losing the struggle,' and then she asked me about Emily. She didn't seem to care. I'm sure she doesn't like me." "Who? Emily? Darling she loves you! You're her mommy! You're her every joy and comfort! Her very own, very sweet, loving mommy, as far as she knows! She can't help but love you! As far as her little heart knows anything, you're her everything!" "No, I mean your Phebes. Dr. Phoebe. My endocrinologist. Maybe it isn't only me. I just realized it today, I don't think she likes any men." "Phebes? No, she doesn't. She never has. Even though she's a little butch herself. But don't you remember? That was why we thought she'd be willing to help us out when my gynecologist turned us down flat. I thought Phebes might get her own special pleasure out of doing this to you. And I'm sure she does. Did she give you your shots today?" "Yes, of course. All sorts. When she finished, she told me I was 'coming along nicely!' Now what do you think she meant by that? Coming along where? Do you have any idea? I mean, we agreed I needed boobs to feed Emily, but that was all. Didn't we? Remember? You wanted to abort because you'd gotten pregnant just as your career was finally taking off, you couldn't spare the time?" "Of course I remember. I'd just brought two huge new accounts into the firm, and then doubled their sales. I can be pretty persuasive. But no way while looking after a newborn!" "And I wanted the baby, because I thought it could bring us closer together again after my ...lapse with Deirdre. I pleaded with you. And you said you'd keep it only if I'd take care of it. Because you didn't have the time, but you didn't want to feel guilty that any baby of yours was any way deprived. Any baby of yours had to have all the advantages, breast feeding and a full-time mother included, even though you meant to keep working." "And no nannies. It had to be you. I never thought you'd actually buy the whole package. But you did agree. And that was the deal." "I thought you were just mouthing off at me, that it was a crazy idea, but your Dr. Phoebe sure corrected me on that score! No problem, she said. Men grow breasts all the time, she said, men who want to be women. And with one more hormone, those breasts can make milk. Same as any woman's. Did I want to be a woman? She'd oblige me, she said. I told her, 'No way!'" "Yes. You were so vehement! I had to break in to remind you what we'd already agreed. No more Deirdres. Our marriage would become a full partnership or else nothing. We'd share everything. It would be an equal partnership all the way. Including all the burdens of raising a child. And since men can't go through pregnancies, I'd have to do that part. But then you had to take care of everything else! Everything! And you agreed!" "All right. But that was it! That was as far as we were going to go! I didn't realize then exactly what it meant, taking care of everything, that I'd have to quit my job, and there'd be all the diaper-changing, and so on, but I did agree to the tits and breast-feeding for as long as it takes. But that was it!" "Yes, certainly. That was as far as we were going to go! But lots of other things you didn't realize accompany the tits and breast- feeding for as long as it takes. Let me ask you this, for example. Are you happy with the way things are right now? Here you are stuck at home all day and all night, a man with big boobs leaking milk who can't ever leave the house because there's no way to disguise them? I mean, when your milk lets down those breasts get heavy! Huge! So you have to wear a bra all the time, or they'll sag down to your belly! And when your bra is supporting you properly, they stick way out and there's no way to hide them! You've already torn so many buttons off your shirts we had to pack them away! Men's shirts aren't cut to accommodate breasts like yours, not unless they're the size of tents. And then when you tried to wear oversized stretch T-Shirts, you remember how they looked? Obscene! A chest like a porn star's! I couldn't stop laughing!" "Yes." "So we had to get you some women's blouses to wear. And they do fit you. But of course blouses are made to flatter a woman's figure. So they end up making your breasts look very attractive, and you didn't want that either! Because any man who sees you now would have to notice them. And of course any woman would notice that they are blouses, not shirts, and would naturally assume you were wearing them to enhance your breasts, to attract male attention. So here you are all the time, unable to go out the front door!" "I suppose. I guess I didn't think that part through. About being house bound. That I'd look a little odd if I went out to a bar or a restaurant with you or our friends or with my buddies. Where did you go tonight, by the way? You and your friend Vivian. You said you'd tell me all about it when you came home." "I'll tell you. But first let's finish this, now that we've started. Do you realize it'll probably be two years or more before Emily is weaned? I mean, our mothers moved us to solid food and a bottle in less than six months, but pediatricians these days want women to breast-feed for as long as they can. Because the babies turn out much healthier that way. And most babies take years before they give up the breast!" "Years! No way! That's not what I read!" "You read an out-of-date manual, baby. I told you that at the time. There's no question. We'll have to keep your milk flowing for at least two years. And what do you think two more years of high-intensity female hormones will do to your body? Look what they've done already! Here we are, not even a year after you started. Big, beautiful breasts! Ask Emily if they aren't! And your testicles are disappearing you say? And your penis too, I've noticed. Already you can barely squirrel that thing out of your pants to pee through it! If it gets hard lately, since Emily came, I haven't seen it!" "Heather, I figured I'd do this thing for a few months, then wean Emily onto a bottle and stop the hormones, and get the breasts taken off. Six months tops, and then we'd be back the way we were before this Deirdre thing, only better, full partners this time, with Emily added to make us complete. I figured we'd finish up way ahead!" "A few months? Honey, as you like to say, no way! Look around you, sweetie! Look at yourself! This is your life for the next two years at least, if we don't do something about it. And there's another thing. Have you thought about sex? What're you planning to do with your shrinking balls and that marginal penis?" "I figured I'd wait it out." "For the rest of your life?" "No, for the few months, the time I thought it would take for Emily to quit breast feeding. Then I'd get some shots to reverse the effect of all these female hormones, and...." "'For the few months'? Beginning to catch on? Well, you wanted to know what your endocrinologist meant when she said that you were "coming along nicely," so I'll tell you. You're on your way to becoming a woman. The changes to your manhood are irreversible. What's gone is gone! Your body is developing lots of subtle secondary sex characteristics, surely you must have noticed. Breasts are only part of it. There's that nice, rounded butt, too, and those padded hips, so you're starting to stretch out the seams in your pants. It's very attractive, but it's very feminine. You already need pants cut like women's slacks now, and frankly, with your problem getting your thing out to pee through, you'd be a lot better off and a lot more comfortable wearing skirts! Face it! Meanwhile, your skin is a lot smoother, and your face is much softer than it's ever been. It's even pleasant. A little make-up and I'm sure it could be attractive." "Heather, what are you saying?" "I'm saying, if you expect to have any kind of a life outside this house for the next two years at least, or any kind of a sex life, it'll have to be looking the way girls with large boobs look, and that means it'll have to be the kind of sex that girls with large boobs attract. I'm saying that you'd better get used to the idea. What kind of sex life do you think girls with large boobs attract?" "I...don't know." "Oh, yes you do. You're just afraid to say it. Is it that terrifying? Sex with men who like large boobs? Well, let me tell you something else. I don't want you to feel terrified. I don't want you worried about anything. Emily's the most important factor in this equation, and she needs a happy and contented milk supply for the next couple of years. And that's you." "Heather, how do you propose to make me feel happy and contented under these circumstances?" "Oh, stop moping. You know perfectly well what we need to do. We'll do it slowly, and you'll love it. Don't worry, I intend to make it as pleasant for you as it can possibly be. It's all arranged. As soon as you give the word, there'll be some women coming in to see you almost daily, starting tomorrow if you can agree to it. They'll be with you while I'm at the office. Experts in femininity. They're going to teach you how to look and live and think like a woman, what to do, and how to enjoy it! I do want you to be happy. If you aren't happy, your milk won't let down, and eventually it'll dry up, and then Emily will be deprived, and this will all have been for nothing. And we can't have that." "Oh, you look so sad, right now! And a little angry? Don't be! In no time at all you'll love it! They're going to teach you how women enjoy each other as well as how to be attractive to men. You'll especially enjoy that part of it. How a new woman like you with an impressive figure like yours can find satisfying partners either way, using whatever equipment she's got. How to dress, make-up, behave, everything you'll need to know. When they're done with you, you won't be the same person at all. Better still, you won't want to be!" "And if I refuse to cooperate?" "Phebes says she has some new tranquilizers that just about remove all the higher brain functions, so you can be as contented and mindless a cow as any of us would want to live with. She thinks we should start you on them now anyhow, so when you're through being a mommy to Emily we can rent you out to other women, and you won't mind. You'll hardly even know." "Would you do that to me?" "Would it be necessary?" "I thought my doing my part with Emily was enough! Are you still trying to punish me for what I did with Deirdre?" "Sweetheart, I can't help it if you didn't think it through for yourself. That agreeing to grow breasts and nurse Emily meant agreeing to do what only women can do. That doing something only women can do pretty much means you have to become one! You signed a paper accepting that, remember, the one Dr. Phoebe's nurse handed you when we came in for your first shots? And I've accepted it. I even like the idea!" "I didn't read that paper. I thought it was health insurance or something." "You think you were tricked, somehow? And you resent it? You do know that for Emily's sake, we can't allow you to stay resentful and depressed all day, no longer a man but not willing to become a woman! We do have to consider what's best for the child. It would ruin your milk!" "I suppose it would." "Let's just see. Mmmmmmmm. You like it when I caress your nipples with the tips of my fingers, don't you? Like this?" "Yes. Oh, yes!" "Shall I do it some more? It gives you delicious feminine feelings down deep inside you? That you want to feel soft and beautiful?" "Yes. Deep down. Oh!" "No more resentment?" "No, honey! Not right now." "You see? There are certain advantages to breasts, aren't there? There's no reason for you to refuse to cooperate. Why should you? It's wonderful, living the life you've been preparing your body to live! And there's more! We're also going to get you something every girl yearns for and very few ever find! A live-in boy friend devoted to your every wish. So you can practice being a girl with him until you're ready to go out and find others on your own. So by the time Emily's weaned and you're free to be whatever kind of girl you want to be, you'll know what kind you want to be!" "You're taunting me now, Heather. Where would you expect to find a live-in boy friend for someone like me?" "Oh, I already have found him. He'll come by as soon as your new girlfriends have had a chance to teach you a few things and can tell me you're ready. Vivian's already told him all about it. You know him. Patrick, Vivian's husband." "Are you out of your mind? Pat? He'd never agree to that! He's a tough egg! All-State Varsity football when he was in college! As macho as they come!" "He was, you mean, maybe. Now he's as cooperative as they come." "How so?" "Sweetheart, how do you think I found out about your little affair with Deirdre? Vivian was downtown one afternoon and she saw your old buddy Patrick disappearing into a hotel with an out-of-town buyer, a woman. She saw him go up to her room. She waited in a coffee shop across the street and she saw that they didn't come down again for three hours." "Vivian saw that? Did she ever tell him? That must have been some scene, his wife accusing him of something like that! I mean, I haven't seen Pat for months, ever since I've been house bound with my boobs and taking care of Emily. But I know he'd have flattened her if she'd said something like that to his face! Spying on him? He'd be outraged! Told her they were only going over sales prospectuses or something! Maybe they were. When was this?" "A little over a year ago. Just before I confronted you about Deirdre. You pretended to feel outraged too, I remember, but I've got to say to your credit, at heart you're a decent man, and when you confessed to that affair you had with her you really came apart. Remorse? Contrition? I remember, tears, begging me not to leave you." "Yes. The worst day of my life." "Well, I didn't leave you. And neither did Vivian leave Patrick. We talked a lot about what to do with our unfaithful husbands. She'd already decided and done it with hers, of course." "Done what?" "Well, Vivian did tell him what she saw. And what a detective she hired saw a few more times afterward. She showed him photos the detective took from a fire escape. Do you want to know how she told him?" "Maybe not." "One evening she took him to a gynecological clinic your Dr. Phoebe knows about, staffed by some fairly stern women doctors. I forget the pretext. They got him up on an examining table and locked his feet into the stirrups and buckled his hands out of harm's way, and then one of these Amazons stood between his legs and held up a scalpel where he could see it. Then Vivian told him what she knew. He went through all the stages they say people go through when they're told they have a terminal illness. Denial, negotiation, depression, the whole nine yards, but finally acceptance, in his case full confession. During the 'denial' phase he tried to convince her they were looking at invoices in her room, or something. Just as you said." "Couldn't it have been true?" "Naked? She had photographs, remember. Then Vivian told me all about his "negotiation" phase. What he negotiated with was information about his buddies -- he spilled his guts about every one of you. He even told her how you all jeered at Ted because he never wanted to do afternoon quickies with his secretary when she was trying for him. You'd ask him why, and he'd answer simply, "I love my wife." And you'd mock him for being so simple-minded! So there was a good example you had right in front of you the whole time, sweetie. But you didn't follow it. Too bad. Though maybe it's for the best." "Anyhow, your friend Patrick couldn't babble fast enough. Then when he ran out of information, and he finally confessed his own little escapades, Vivian told him she intended to neuter him anyway, and she left, and then the medical staff did it." "He never mentioned anything to us about this! Around that time he seemed to be avoiding us. He could have warned us!" "Are you kidding? A man's man, one of your own tribe, confess that he's squealed on you? You'd tell him he lacked balls, and under the circumstances how could he deny it? No, Vivian told me that he stopped seeing all his old friends. But also that inside of six months he became quite docile, even accommodating. He tries to be as helpful to her as he can, nowadays." "What does that mean?" "It means that when we can pretty you up enough not to be a disgrace to our sex, he's willing to be your first real boyfriend. He'll come over to the house, and the two of you can get to know each other in a new way, and be... intimate together when you feel ready. Of course his thing doesn't work any more. It still has feeling, though, so I'm sure you'll both find ways to make each other happy. You both have hands and mouths, whatever else, and you'll soon find out what every woman knows about dildoes. A boy and a girl left alone together will always find ways. Between your new women instructors teaching you how to enjoy your new sex, and Patrick providing new ways for you to practice heterosexuality, you'll come along very nicely indeed I should think. Just as Phebes said." "Your Dr. Phoebe knows about this?" "We all three know, sweetheart! It's been such fun, talking about it! Almost from the beginning! But it's all for your own good, and of course Emily's! It's also good for Emily that your first man will be someone like Patrick. He's very gentle and considerate I hear, so he won't upset you. We'll save the more extreme delights of womanhood for later, with other partners. But right now I want everyone to be gentle with my sweetheart, my Emily's mommy, until her femininity becomes second nature to her and her manhood disappears altogether!" "You have this all figured out, don't you, Heather." "Yes, I think so." "Except for one thing. With Patrick unable to function as a man, and me made into a woman, what kinds of sex lives can you and Vivian possibly have?" "The same as always. I don't understand." "I mean, if you're such moralists about marriage vows and fidelity and everything, with what you've done to us, what's left for you? "Oh, sweetheart, surely you're not that naive! To begin with, Patrick's already been told to help you learn what he knows. How to give women massages, and how to use your tongue and your fingers on them when that's all you've got. And the women we've hired will teach you ways and places to kiss a woman that can drive her wild, and then you can teach Patrick. You're both going to get a lot of practice on each other. Sucking simultaneously on each other's limp dicks is only the way you'll say 'Hello!' each morning. Then when you've both learned to do marvelous things with lips and tongues and noses and hands, Vivian and I expect to reap the benefits." "The Pat I knew would never cooperate!" "Well, Vivian already has him "serving" her between her legs! That's what she says to him, 'Serve me!' and he drops to his knees and starts with her toes. It gives her great pleasure to see her macho stud -- he still has a marvelous body, you know -- grovelling down there hoping this time he'll be allowed to lift his head and be allowed to suck on that juicy place higher up. When you're more of a girl, I'm looking forward to seeing your own pretty red lips nibbling on me between my legs while your beautifully shadowed eyes look up wistfully into mine, hoping I feel pleased. Oooh, I'm wet just thinking about it. Here, feel. Mmmmm, that's it. Just rub there gently, lover!" "You'd both be satisfied with oral sex?" "Well, you and Patrick will have to be, pretty much, won't you? Satisfying each other and your wives orally should pretty much use up your need for any other kind. For a while. Unless you take right away to the feel of a dildo pushing into your plump tush." "No, I mean, your need for... other kinds of sex?" "Lovely, sweetheart, oh, yes, now put your finger into me. Two of them. God, I'm wet! You feel how slick I am, deep in there? Way in I bet it's still really juicy! Deeper! Yes! Oh, I'm leaking! Now just move your hand really slowly, gently, baby doll!" "Other kinds of sex? You mean, since you're both disabled, what will we do we do when we want to feel real men shove hard, hot, thick cocks into us? What will we do for old fashioned swivel and pivot sex? Will we use dildoes too maybe? Well, you're taking all these revelations pretty well, sweetie, so I think you're entitled to a few more. Ever since you and Patrick proved undependable, you should know that we've also been undependable. Where do you think we've been going on our evenings out together? Why do you think we get home so late? I mean, look, here it is nearly three in the morning. We have our boy friends!" "No, don't stop now, keep those fingers working! Yessss! Of course we have our boy friends! Lots of different ones, so every time with one of them can be a new adventure, and we're in no danger of becoming emotionally involved with any one of them. The way I am with you. I felt terribly hurt when I heard about you and Deirdre. You have no idea! And I'm still emotionally involved with you, sweetie -- not exactly the same way as before, but I just can't help it, I still love you. And we both share our love for our beautiful daughter, don't we? Oh, God, yes, now use all four fingers! Yessss! I didn't douche tonight, that's why I'm so slippery! The guy I was with earlier cums like a firehose sometimes! I don't suppose you feel like going down on me now, knowing that? No, it's probably too soon!" "More with those fingers! Oh, sweetheart, despite everything, I do love you! That's why after I decided to find pleasures and consolations elsewhere, I started sleeping with you again too! You were so grateful! You thought I'd forgiven you! But really, it was because I was grateful. Thanks to you, I'd discovered that I really enjoy all kinds of sex, doing different things with different men, and different things to them too. Sex without complications. That's why I've always been available to you, darling, any time you wanted me. You know that. Haven't I been? Every time?" "Now, now, now babybabybaby, oh, OHHHH, YES, ohhhhhh. Ah, yes. Yes. Oooooh, that was so good, lover! Now will you lick your fingers for me? Just once? Can you smell what it is? It's so good! Go ahead! I want you to! Please, don't make me mad! That's it! Delicious, isn't it! It's a beginning! You do love me, don't you!" "Well, I admit I did feel a little sorry for you when this plan went into effect, Phebes putting all that girl juice into your bloodstream so you could be Emily's mommy. I knew that you'd be getting fewer erections, and weaker ones, and that you'd be feeling more and more embarrassed about it. That you wouldn't want to mention it, especially once your little thing couldn't perform at all any more. But the timing was about right. We couldn't make love anyhow during my last month, your thing was already too short, and we couldn't again until I recovered from giving birth to Emily, and that was nearly the past two months. So you had over three months of forced abstinence as an excuse. But now I'm all healed, and I've started seeing my boy friends again, and I've noticed that you still haven't tried to approach me. Not even once. You're completely impotent now, aren't you. Say it. Aren't you?" "Yes." "That's my baby! That's why I'm quite sure there won't be any more Deirdres in your life. There can't be. You're not a man any more, essentially. You know that too now, don't you?" "Yes." "I really want to hear you say it, honey!" "I'm not a man any more, Heather." "No. You're a woman now, baby, so erections don't matter. Not your own, anyhow. But you have lots of compensations, meanwhile. The way your nipples feel are two of them. Cheer up, honey. I had to do without real sex for a long while too. Some of my men love to slam their things deep into me, and it can get pretty rough in there. I didn't want Emily's doorway pounded open by some bruiser with a huge cock before she was ready to come out on her own. So I took a few months off too, toward the end of my pregnancy. That was when I really appreciated your mouth licking my pussy. You weren't very good at it, but it was always comforting, and when I wanted really hot oral sex I could always call on Vivian or Phebes to do the honors. Women stick together to help each other out in times of need. You'll see." "Now I want you to be a good girl and tell me it's all right. Now that your cock is useless. Your hand is really very nice, but it isn't a man's hand exactly any more, and it certainly isn't a cock. So I want you to tell me it's all right for me to use other men to please me. That you don't mind." "Awww! You have nothing to say? Are those tears on your cheeks? Well, sweetheart, may I point out that there's another girl who needs you too now? Isn't that Emily I hear waking up? Don't you take orders from her now? Sweetie? Shouldn't you go in to her?" "I will. I.... In...." "Swallow and take a few breaths first, darling." "In ... a moment!" "That's it. Now, no more sobbing! Your two girls want you to be happy! Becoming a girl like us is no reason to feel sad!" "Heather, can I ask you something first." "I already know what your question is, honey. Take your time. I'll answer you, and then you'll answer me. We have no more secrets from each other any more. There's no more Deirdre. From now on we're a loving couple on the most intimate of terms who share the love of a beautiful daughter. We couldn't be closer than we are now!" "Is Emily ours? Yours and mine?" "Ours? Oh, yes, baby! You better believe it! But you mean is she yours, don't you? Of course she is. Your devotion and care and love and your sweet mother's milk pour into her every day and that makes her yours. She's no one else's, not even mine, if you think of it that way." "No, I mean...." "You mean biologically, is she your natural daughter? Is that what you want to know? Well, you still did have semen back then, and we had already begun making love again just about then, hadn't we, just about the time when Emily was conceived. I wanted her, but you didn't know that, so you were willing to agree to all kinds of humiliations in order to keep her. I knew that this was how to keep you from straying ever again, and also how to have a baby and yet maintain my career path. And I admit it, how to get even with you. Taking up with all those other guys was fun for me, but it didn't really punish you, because you didn't know anything about it. " "No, I didn't. If I had I...." "But you didn't. And now you'd like to know if you're Emily's real father, meaning, was it your sperm that penetrated my egg and then made that gorgeous darling girl who's crying for her mommy right now. Well, what do you think?" "I don't know." "Well, I have to confess it, I don't know either, honey. Why does it matter? There's a chance it's you. I kept count. Eight men left their calling cards in me the week Emily was conceived, and you were one of them. I really wanted to get pregnant so I could start the ball rolling with you. I took on two, sometimes three men each day, sometimes a few times each, and their sperm was all sloppy and sloshing and stirred and sticky inside me the whole week. I remember I seduced you four times that same week, a record! So any one of you could be her natural father. You don't remember? I was soaked all the time, oozing that goopy glop men make!" "I thought you were hot for me, and that was why you were soaked!" "Oh, I was! All of those little liaisons all that week are blissful memories for me. Little by little I'll tell you about each one, so they can be memories for you too. So you can share the experience with me, and begin to imagine that you're also Emily's mommy in that sense. I'm sure it'll give you a deeper feeling for what it is to be a woman, knowing how Emily got started. Do you see now why you'd best forget about biology and being a daddy, and settle for what you've got? Why I wanted lots of men to be Emily's daddy, but for you to be the one mommy for all of them?" "Yes. I see now." "I imagine now you do. Now you do, angel, you certainly do! "Do they know what ...kind of woman is taking care of their baby, if she is their baby and not mine?" "You mean, do they gloat? You men, always worried about what other men think! Some gloat, yes. They all know that you're my husband, and that I made you into a woman in order to take care of their daughter. They think that makes you wimp of the year, dupe of the decade, and Cuckold of the century. But honeybuns, why should you care? You aren't really a man any more, you just confessed that yourself. Would a woman care what some men think of sweet Emily's devoted mommy? Why should Emily's mommy care?" "Feeling sorry for yourself? Just keep in mind that you can't really complain. You started it, you know, you and Deirdre. And the upshot is, now you have the joy of being a beautiful baby's mommy with none of the grief of carrying her, none of the morning sickness and distended bellies and endless backaches. Just tell me when you want the rest of your life to begin, maybe even tomorrow, and I'll arrange for some lovely ladies come to play with you who'll teach you all about how to be a lovely lady yourself. And soon after, there'll be a handsome man for you to practice on." "And that's not all. We need for you to be the happiest mommy imaginable, for Emily's sake. When you and Patrick tire of playing with each other, I'll want you to learn how to appreciate some of the more heavy duty men I know. Like Roy, the hunk I was with tonight. Practice very diligently with Patrick, sweetheart, because you'll find you'll need everything you've got, every wile and skill and opening, when you're trying to satisfy a man like Roy. But you'll find it's worth it. Because men like Roy can be enormously satisfying to any girl. You've already had a taste just how satisfying." "That was Roy? I see." "Not yet you don't. But you will. Do you understand now why I intend to keep seeing these lovers?" "Yes." "And you don't mind, now?" "Would it matter, Heather?" "No." "Then why should I mind? You'll do whatever you feel like doing anyhow. For yourself, to me, for me, it makes no difference!" "That's right, sweetheart. I certainly will. But you'll see how much fun we can have together. Meanwhile you do have a daughter, and she's calling you. She needs you. Go to her. Bring her back here when you've changed her. Please?" * * * "Oh, you darlings. Now I just want to sit here in bed with the two of you and watch her nurse on you. Honey, it's so wonderful, seeing the way you fold your arms around that adorable little thing, and press her against you so lovingly, and the way her teeny pink-lipped mouth fastens so sweetly onto your nipples and she nestles into your soft globes and begins to suck. You can't imagine the love I feel for the two of you, watching you hug my precious baby while you nourish her out of yourself, watching you smile down at her. You just can't help it, can you? I know what you're feeling. My heart just swells up when I see that! It's the greatest joy of my life. You do know that, my dearest, don't you?" "I know, Heather. I do know that. She's worth everything, this little creature. God, I love her! But I only wish that you'd... oh, never mind. I would never have agreed to it. And I guess it's all for the best. So why talk about it?" "We won't, any more. It's done. Now I just want my two girls to be happy! Sweetheart, you're going to have everything I want for you. And like it or not, I know you'll love it!" FIN (c) 2000 by Vickie Tern. May be copied to any free archive, but please. let me know. 

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the secretary part 2

He stood and watched her for a few moments Drinking in the vision of her helpless form curled up on the floor. The evidence of their recent coupling soaking into the carpet and on her stocking tops. The way she was lying he could see the perfect form of her smooth puffy lipped pussy. His cock just got harder, he had never felt it so hard and he liked the feelings. Was it the power he held over her that so thrilled him he did not know. He watched as she tried to cover herself with a hand between...

4 years ago
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Ashleys Day of ENF

Ashley is a young college girl who tends to have bad luck that leads her into situations that leave her naked or nearly naked, or something similar. Sometimes, it’s her own fault, as she can be sort of an exhibitionist at times, but other times it’s due to things completely out of her control. Her day starts like any other, in her dorm room, where she was lucky enough to get a room by herself. She had no idea about the things that would occur that day...

2 years ago
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Kayla and the Bench

I was really small standing hardly at about 5'5" yet I was pretty muscular with abs and all. I had kind of long blond-red hair, blue eyes, and rather pale, but not like a ghost. I used to have freckles on my face but lately they had faded to where they were barely visible, if at all. I know I wasn't the guy that girls would see and go crazy for. A lot of times I was with my friends who were obviously better looking and girls would look at them. However, I have talked to people on the...

3 years ago
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Chocolate Muffins Part 1 of 2

I first met Jessie during the summer when she would come to the Senior League baseball games to watch her son play ball. I was the coach. As with most youth athletic programs, some parents come to the games, some don't, but as the season wore on and the team was winning ballgames, more of the moms were showing up and sitting in the stands behind our benchSeveral of the moms were hot and dressed the part with short cut-offs and halter tops, but Jessie is the one that always stood out, and I'd...

3 years ago
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Daddy loves you

Sitting down at the kitchen table, I pour my orange juice and pick up the paper. It’s finally Saturday; I can finally relax and spend time with my baby girl. We lost her mother five years ago and since then we’ve only had each other. We have gotten very close since. I hear her coming down the stairs. “Morning’ daddy!” Lexi greets me with a smile and kiss on the cheek. God she looks amazing, she’s only in a beater and running shorts. Let me describe her for you. She’s about 5’1’, tone, tan, 36 C...

1 year ago
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Ana tries an insatiable man

Ana tries an insatiable manAfter a long business trip, I was having dinner with my sweet Ana and asked her if she had anything new going on. She just smiled and told me about a new guy that she met at Helena's house during the weekend. Her naughty girlfriend Helena had introduced him as the insatiable Peter.I laughed out loud, asking why they called so. Ana got serious, telling Helena had told her the guy could fuck all night long. And she added she had invited the new guy to dinner next...

1 year ago
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DickDrainers Lee Gotta Clean This Racist Maid Mouth Pussy Wit BBC

****WARNING: THIS IS A CONSENSUAL RACEPLAY SCENE, ONE THAT CONTAINS STRONG, RACIALLY CHARGED LANGUAGE (REPEATED USE OF THE N WORD). IF SUCH CONTENT OFFENDS YOU, PLEASE DO NOT WATCH****** Lee is so sick of her job. She got arrested one time-NOT her fault by the way. She saw some thugs in the neighborhood and called the cops after they wouldn’t leave. And when the cops got there they arrested HER for pepper spraying one of the thugs when he got too close. Long story short….community...

3 years ago
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The Club Part 2

The Club Part 2 Janet Put to the CaneI like all types of women. young, mature, pretty, plain. One type which I think all men like is the willowy, librarian type. The type of girl who beleives she is ugly, but is in reality radiantly beautiful. The Club had such a new member recently. She was delivered by her partents on Friday. Having had a hand in approving her application for joining The Club I discreetly monitored her arrival. Following her parents deprture, Janet was left...

1 year ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 347

Say thanks to lotwp91 for this one: Yesterday, I was at the gym and in the locker room I was talking with another old fart like myself. I said, “Why are we doing this to ourselves? It’s not like we’re trying to impress any women!” His reply (and it’s a classic!): “I can barely get into my pants, let alone anyone else’s!!!” ✧ ✧ ✧ Say thanks to mihickman for this one!!! A young doctor had moved out to a small community to replace a doctor who was retiring. The older doctor suggested that...

4 years ago
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Scotts Granddaddy part 4

It was about 7pm when I headed back over to Vern's. He had ordered a couple of pizzas for dinner then we ended up sitting on the couch getting ready for the movie. Vern was only wearing a pair of shorts that accented his bulge nicely and an button up short sleeve shirt that was left completely unbuttoned exposing his massive hairy chest. I was wearing just a tank top and soccer shorts without any underwear. He complimented me on the nice tan I had and offered to rub more lotion on my back...

3 years ago
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Mom and dad fuck

This story is a true life experience. It tells about the first and only time when a six year old watches his parents fuck.I remember when I was 6. On Christmas day our X-mas tree caught fire and almost everything in the room was ruined. Since our flat was only two rooms, I and my 3 years old brot/her had our beds in there while mom and dad slept in the other room. But by necessity we had to sle/ep in our parents' room for a while during the renovation process. Maybe some months earlier my...

1 year ago
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Peeping Mom

Peeping MomI looked up and I saw a pair of feet under the heavy curtain at the door. 'Oops!" I thought to myself that I forgot to shut the door. I hoped the owner of the feet would go away. To my surprised it did not happen."What is going on?" My wife asked in a not too happy tone as I stopped. She was under me and could not see the door."Nothing." I lied not to alarm her.She pushed her groan up and her soft and silky pussy muscles tightly gripped around my rod and she let me know in no...

3 years ago
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Exam Erotica

Hi I’m Josh, a senior in High School, a 19 year old virgin. Likely to stay that way as I just get so tongue-tied around girls that I’m never likely to get a date. I’ve been writing stories for many years ago and last year for my 18th birthday I was told about the Literotica website and so I started writing stories that included a little romance and have had four published so far. The writers guides on the website gave me heaps of good advice and the editors are really helpful as well. Last...

1 year ago
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Sweaty sports

Charles Collins opened the note with a trembling hand. "I'll see you after the game", it said. "Don't get changed." The note wasn't signed, but he knew exactly who it was from, for he had repeatedly asked his friend Peter to go up to the barn with him after rugby. To- day, at last, Peter had agreed, and Charles knew that the moment he had longed for was close. The game seemed endless; at half-time, Charles would gladly have walked off the pitch, even though the score was level and his chances...

3 years ago
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Tasting American Pussy

I was representing my company at a conference in the U.S. I was supposed to stay at new york for 5 days.On the very first day i had finished doing what was officially essential. So i decided to take off & go for the sight-seeing. Our company was an indo-american joint venture so all the representatives from my company,including me,were looked after by a local representative. Her name was Sidney.She was taller than me by an inch or so,fair but tanned,having average-sized boobs,blonde hair & was...

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Meri Mami Divya Ki Chudai

Hello friends mera naam kush hai aur mai biratnagar( Nepal) mai rehta hun mere ghar mai mai, mummy aur papa rehte hai mai childhood se hi study mai average raha hun padhai mai average rehne k karan mujhe ghar mai koi kuch nai bolta hai qki mai apna padhai ka time apne hi manage karleta hun. Mujhe bachpan se hi ladies log ki nabhi( navel) pasand hai jab mai chota tha mai ziddi tha mai gussa hone k baad na padhta tha na hi khana khata tha. Meri mummy mere upar chillati thi. Jab mere summer...

1 year ago
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FilthyTaboo XxLayna Marie Roxie Sinner First Experience 8211 Part 2

Peter Green has just got the call for a threesome with his girlfriend Roxie Sinner & her new stepsister Xxlayna Marie. He walks in as the girls are eating each other out. Roxie immediately demands his cock and Peter is ready to go! What proceeds is some of the nastiest, raunchiest group sex ever. Xxlayna is not used to such a big dick and can’t stop cumming as Peter pounds her while she rubs Roxie’s wet pussy. Peter face fucks Xxlayna hard, making her gag and drool all over...

3 years ago
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Big mistake

I'm an older white male, retired from the Army after 21 years and also from an animal clinic after 28 years. I still do volunteer work at the clinic one day a week. One evening about 7:00 as I was driving home I had a flat tire. I pulled over to the curb and planned to change it. When I finally was able to get the spare out it was flat too. It was still quite warm and I had started sweating so I took my shirt off to cool down. As I stood there bare chested a tall black man stepped from a...

1 year ago
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Beauregard Duvahl a Southern GentlemanChapter 7

Beau was so close to the Harris farm that he decided to see if he was still welcome there. Besides, he had another motive for visiting John and Elsie. Well, actually, he had several motives, but that didn't matter, the fact that he wanted to visit at all was what was important. Close in Texas is a very relative term. Beau had to travel a week to reach the ranch, and he was delighted with his welcome. He was a little afraid that John would resent him, but John was just as happy for Beau to...

1 year ago
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Brand New Fetish

"Whew..." Courtney entered her room, throwing down her book bag with more force than was needed, spooking her cat off the bed in the process. The young girl took a seat at her computer, still clad in her day clothes. "I'm wiped but I'm too exhausted to even change... blah... thank god it's Friday. Time for Netflix and internet and no thinking about school for a couple of days..." She fired up the PC and went straight to Chrome, frowning as an update forced her to wait a whole extra six...

Mind Control

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