Pygmalion ProjectWeek 5: Mid June free porn video

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As breakfast finished Sunday morning, Ted sent Sean off to play, then addressed his wife and daughters. "Kathy, I am going to tell you some things you are not going to like at all. Please do not object or start to argue. I am telling you this is the way it is going to be. Do you understand?" Kathy looked totally stunned but nodded. "From now on, girls, you are not to ask your mother for permission about where to go, what to do, who to see, or what to wear. You are to ask me. I will discuss it with your mother, but I will be the one to give you the answer. Kathy, I will be as considerate of your feelings as I can, but I will make the decisions and they will be final. Does everyone understand?" There was totally shocked silence all around, and eyes nearly popping from the girls' heads. Eventually, he got three nods.

"Now, on a lighter note: I am taking the kids swimming at Greg's today. Kathy, do you want to come along?"

"You can't take them there! Shannon's there and she's naked!" There were gasps from the two girls.

"So what? I have already seen her twice. They are girls and shouldn't be too shocked. Sean is seven and couldn't care less. Now, we're stopping at the mall to buy you girls new swimsuits on the way."

"Guess I'd better go along and help pick out the suits, then."

"No! I am picking out the suits with them."

"You mean you're going to watch your daughters try on suits? That's not right, it's..."

"It's right if I say it is. It is not up for discussion. We'd like to have you along."

"I... I dont... I don't know. If I do come, I'm certainly not going to swim."

"Well, we're leaving at eleven to get the suits and have lunch at the mall. You decide." He could see the enormity of the change that had just occured in their family starting to sink in to all three of them.

Kathy decided to come along, probably out of her protective instinct. At the door of the mall store, he pulled the girls aside and talked to them. "I'm going to give you an assignment here. You can pick out two-piece suits." They practically jumped all over him. "But, listen. I want you to show me what good sense you have. Choose suits you would not be ashamed to wear in front of your friends, BUT, ones that you know are not too risque. Can you do that?" They both nodded, somewhat uncertainly. "I am not even going to check out what you buy. I won't even see them until we get to Uncle Greg's. Whatever you buy, I will let you wear today, because there won't be anyone else around. If you choose well, it will help your mother trust you more. If you don't, we are all going to have a harder time." He patted them both on the butt, and turned back to Kathy and Sean. Kathy had not heard his conversation, but looked sullen and maybe a little frightened. "Aren't you going to help them shop?," she asked.

"Nope!," was his only reply.

"Hard to tell what kind of obscene little nothings they'll parade around in, then."

"Is that what you think of your daughters? I sure don't!" She did the drowning fish look for several seconds, then flushed brightly without saying a word.

When they arrived at Greg's, he had to take Kathy's arm and gently force march her toward the house. Greg and Shannon were standing side by side in the entry hall, as per prior arrangement. He was proud of the girls. They greeted Shannon with a mimimum of gawking. Thanks to years of Kathys instruction, their greetings to both were very adult and correct. Even Sean did a very nice job. If he noticed Shannon was naked, it didn't show. He immediately asked where the pool was, and stripped off the shorts he wore over his swimsuit. Kathy refused to look at Shannon and said nothing to Greg. She went straight to the patio and sat in a chair under an umbrella.

Ted was even more proud of the girls when they came out in their new suits. They had chosen well. Both suits had good coverage front and rear on the bottoms. The were fairly low cut below the waist and had high cut hips that made their already coltish figures seem like all legs. Except for Caitlin, who had more definite development on top. The suit tops covered their breasts completely, but looked very fetching. Both girls came out beaming and stood in front of him waiting for approval. He made a little circle motion and they turned all the way around. He gave a big nod, and almost ran for cover as they both descended on him, hugging and squealing. Kathy gasped slightly and wore a serious scowl as they thanked their Dad.

He went over and sat beside Kathy. "Aren't they beautiful?," he asked.

"They're your daughters, for God's sake! You shouldn't be looking at them like that."

"Who should, then, if not their father, who loves them and would never let anything hurt them." His response was angry, and he immediately got up and dove into the pool. For the next hour, he engaged in high-contact pool play with his kids, almost to spite his wife. As for the girls, they were clearly loving it, and seemed to find every possible chance for skin-to-skin with their Dad.

"Greg came up and sat beside Kathy. "You make such a good-looking family, Kathy. Why don't you join them in the pool?"

"No thanks. I didn't bring a suit."

"That's no problem at all. I've got a whole bunch of different ones. I'll show the girls where they are. I have to leave unexpectedly for a couple of hours. Shannon is in the study doing her school work if you need anything. Go ahead, have some fun. Your kids would love it if you got in with them." She demurred, but he called for the girls to come with him for a minute. Telling them not to worry about water on the floor, he showed them the supply of suits, including those he had bought for Shannon's weigh-ins. "Do your best to get your Mom in the pool, OK. This is important. She is feeling out of the family right now. Just keep after her, OK?" They agreed and he left to invent something to keep him away for two hours.

The girls went right to work on Kathy, with no effect. They went back and tried a couple more times, with the same result. On a whim, Ted sent Sean up to beg. To his complete shock, she stood and asked the girls to show her the suits. She sent the girls out and later emerged in a one piece. It covered fully, but was very form fitting and had high cut thighs and low cleavage. She kept a towel around her until she slid quickly into shoulder deep water. They all did their best to include her in the frivolity. She never loosened up very much, but she was there with them, in less clothes than she had worn in a long time. To Ted, this was a major victory.

Kathy had been in the pool only a short while when Shannon brought out a tray of cold drinks and salty snacks. Kathy looked like she was going to make a scene, but Ted stared her down. Shannon sat in a lounge chair and motioned Caitlin to come over. Ted was watching for this and cut off another scene by Kathy. They had a very good conversation. Caitlin asked many probing questions and Shannon answered openly. Stressing the bad choices she had made, and the consequences that followed. When Shannon saw the girl wanted to get back in the pool, she said "Caitlin, I'd like to compliment you. You are a beautiful young woman. You talk to me as an adult would. You are a delight to be around. Thank you for talking with me. You are very much like Janie."

"Oh, I haven't seen Janie and Terry since Easter at Gram's. Terry sure is getting hunky... uh... sorry."

"That's OK! I agree completely. Maybe you can come over some Thursday when they are both here." It took a moment but she suddenly gasped and started to shout before she looked quickly at her mother and changed to a stage whisper.

"How can he come here when you're naked. I mean he'll see you, and he's your son, and..."

"Yes, he sees me. It was hard at first, but we love each other and he is very sweet to me. He is learning a lot about girls."

"Oh boy! That's... that's wild. You know, he's lucky. I wish I had a way to learn about boys. I've never even seen a, you know, a..."

"Really? Well, the curiosity must be really hard for you."

"Sometimes I can hardly stand it."

"Maybe I shouldn't even suggest this, but are you willing to be a little sneaky?" They put their heads together and concocted a plan, giggling all the while. As they were about to break up again, Shannon said, "Oh, I guess you probably wouldn't want to be here on Thursdays with Janie and Terry after all. They're both naked, too." She hurried into the house before the stunned girl could react. At the patio door, Shannon turned quickly and gave Ted a brief thumbs up, which he returned.

All the way home, Jordan and Sean never stopped chattering, while Caitlin seemed to be sleepwalking. When her mother asked her if she felt all right she claimed tiredness from all the playing in the pool.


Once again, Greg left the house before five to be sure he was clear when Yvonne arrived. When Shannon and Julia met Yvonne at the door, she greeted them warmly. She seemed in an exceptionally upbeat mood, not at all concerned about Julia's nudity. They did the necessary planning and had supper, finishing just before 6:30. Shannon spoke to Yvonne. "Guess you had better get packed up. Greg could be back any time."

"Oh, that's alright. Say, could I take you up on that hot tub invitation from a couple weeks ago."

"Sure, let's go. Did you bring you own suit or should I get you one?"

"No. I, uh, I thought I'd just wear suits like yours." Shannon and Julia snapped their heads around to look at Yvonne, then looked meaningfully at each other. Yvonne went in the bathroom and returned rather quickly, wrapped in one of the giant towels. The three of them shared some sporadic conversation, but mostly companionable silence. Yvonne grew noticeably more nervous as it got later, asking the time on several occasions.

It was after seven when Shannon suggested, "We've been in here quite a while. We'd better get out now."

"Oh, I want to stay a little longer," objected Yvonne.

"This is a test, isn't it?" asked Shannon. Julia had been trying to stare Shannon down from probing. She expelled her breath rather loudly when Shannon asked the question."

"A... a test?"

"For Greg! A test for Greg. What do you want from him, Yvonne?" Julia's professional face, which she had just gotten restored did not crack, but flushed fiercely.

"I... I don't want... She paused, stared open-mouthed at Shannon, and glanced briefly at Julia, who remained expressionless. Her face flushed, then she dropped her head and murmured quietly, "I've been a real bitch, haven't I? I'm sorry! I know you guys really love Greg, but I..." At that moment, Greg's car door slammed. "Oh, God!"

"Shannon said with surprising gentleness, "Honey, I hope this is what you wanted."

Greg had, or course, seen Yvonne's car in the drive. The last few weeks had heightened his sensitivity to women's behavior and he almost audibly heard 'Warning! Warning! Warning!' Problem was, he had no idea what the danger was, much less how to act in the face of it. Well, it was his house and he was not about to look for a hidey hole, so he headed for the patio and the tub. From the sliding door, he saw the three women, Yvonne facing him. Seeing no straps on her shoulders, he assumed she was at least topless, and he felt his pulse quicken. Getting a firm grasp on himself, he called out with a steady voice, "Hello, Yvonne! I'm glad you decided to enjoy the hot tub." As he spoke, he saw something flash across her face - fear.

Yvonne could not speak, but Shannon jumped in. "C'mon and join us, Greg."

"Oh, I'd like to, but I have some E-mail I have to handle right away." He walked to his study on rather unsteady legs. Had he really just turned down a chance to sit with a naked Yvonne in the hot tub?

In the tub, Shannon slid over to Yvonne and took her hand. "Yvonne, I'm sorry if I was hard on you. Guess I'm really protective of Greg. Are we OK?" Yvonne did not say anything, but placed her hand on Shannon's cheek and nodded. Julia kept her neutral face, but inside, she was shaking her head that Shannon had turned around another relationship so quickly. Clearly, she was now Yvonne's teacher.

Some time later, Greg was in the study, sitting on the love seat, reading some snail mail. He had not even turned on the computer. Yvonne walked in, fully dressed, and sat down in his desk chair with a large sigh. "Greg, it is stupid for you to have to leave your house on Monday's. Please, just stay around. I'm sorry for putting you through this. I... I... I'm sorry!"

"No apology needed. Yvonne, if I again do something that makes you uncomfortable, will you just tell me straight out. I promise I will stop whatever it is. Deal?"

"That's fair. I didn't mean to make you jump through hoops, it's just that..."

"Hey, you don't owe me an explanation. If you wanted to give me one, right now would not be the best time, OK? I'm going to test our deal right now. Where and when do you run?"

"How did you know I ran?"

"You have runners' calves. Very lovely runners calves."

"Oh! Ah, thank you. I, ah, run at my club, usually before supper."

"Oh! I guess that won't work, then. I was going to ask if I could run with you sometime. There is a great trail through the preserve not far from where you live."

Showing some alarm, she asked, "How do you know where I live?"

"I was just going by the phone exchange. You called from home one time."

"Oh. Makes sense. Uh, Greg? Um, ah, why didn't you come in the hot tub? You didn't do E-mail without turning on your computer. You knew I was naked, didn't you?"

"I was pretty sure you were at least topless." Land mines. Booby traps. Snares. Danger all over in this conversation thread. What to say? What not to say? How not to hurt her?

"I'd think you would jump at the chance to see me naked?"

He knew this was the critical point. He could cement or ruin any chance he had for the lovely woman with his next response. "Is my attraction to you that obvious?" Her lovely golden face blushed crimson. She stared at the floor for a long time. He thought he had cleared the minefield.

"Ah, I'm flattered, really! But you didn't answer my question." He realized she was on a mission, and was not about to be sidetracked. He was back in the minefield again. But he was not looking for a sparring partner! A wife, maybe, but this was not how romance started.

"Did you honestly want me to?"

She stared at him expressionlessly for what seemed like minutes. He thought he detected moisture in her eyes at one point, but nothing else changed. Finally, as if the previous few exchanges had never happened, she stood up and smiled. "So, I'll see you next week when I come around?"

"I'll look forward to it."

Later Monday evening, Greg and Julia were in bed. She lay on her back, he beside her on his side, head propped up in his hand. This had become a favorite conversational position. As they talked, he would worship her lovely breasts and she would fondle or just hold him gently. She could turn her head so they could look at each other and kiss.

"She is absolutely gorgeous, you know?"

"I am aware of that, for sure."

"Are you angry about tonight's little drama?"

"Oh, I wouldn't say angry. Alex told me a very wise thing. I asked him why he was still unattached. He said he was only interested in a whole woman. I realized tonight that Yvonne is somehow not a whole woman. I don't usually scare women - far from it. Yet, I seem to petrify her."

"So you have given up on her?"

"Let's just say I am no longer pursuing. There seems no chance she will take the initiative, so, I guess that is essentially giving up."

"What if you could help her become whole?"

"So you admit she isn't"

"I didn't say that. You know I can't say that."

"Julia, I am looking for a potential wife. I am not looking for another patient. I am not looking for a sparring partner."

"Greg, Lover, Shannon is not a whole person, but your Alex is in love with her."

"What? How can you say that?"

"I'm supershrink! I just know. They will marry when Shannon reaches her goals."

"Wow, Luscious, I don't think Alex knows this yet! At least, not the last time we talked."

"Of course he doesn't, but that doesn't make it less true." She looked at him and puckered. He kissed her lovingly. "This wonderful interlude between us is just that - an interlude. It won't last very long, and it can't be repeated. You have been alone long enough. You deserve to have a good woman. But, Greg, dear, sometimes it takes a man to finally make a woman whole." She was silent for a while as she saw him pondering. "Right now, for example, this woman is not at all whole. Can you help?"

Pondering abandoned, they made love in the special, wonderful way of two people simply sharing a priceless moment - free of expectations and long-term concerns.


Ted knew this would be tough, but it was getting on his nerves. Kathy just didn't leave the house all that much. Fortunately, she had a hair appointment Tuesday morning. He arranged to be home for the morning. He was somewhat concerned about the other kids interrupting, but he hoped Caitlin remembered to lock the door after coming in. Kathy's appointment was at eight o'clock and the kids were still asleep when she left. He quietly entered Caitlin's room. He shook her shoulder gently and told her her mother was gone and he was going in later. As an aftertought he added that he was going to shave and take a shower. Only his nervousness kept him from laughing at the way her eyes popped wide open after a sleepy delay.

In the master bath, he masturbated, the tension causing him to come very quickly. In the shower, he washed, then managed to bring himself off again. He thought he should be safe from an erection, now. Maybe! Making sure everything was ready, he toweled off with the shower still running. When he turned it off, he made as if drying his hair, with the towel hanging down over his face. Then he waited. Was this all for naught? Did she chicken out? Then came the soft knocking, then "Daddy?"

He called out, "Wait, Honey!," and listened carefully. There was the click. Then another. Locked. His heart thumped. The skin of his scrotum crawled. He waited until he thought he heard three steps. He hummed a little tune unsteadily and ignored a stifled gasp. He stood still, rubbing and humming for a few seconds, then slowly strolled from the shower area toward the open arch to the main bedroom. About halfway, he raised his head, saw his daughter, and gasped "Caitlin!" He dropped the towel in front of his crotch and stood stock still.

"S... s... sorry, Daddy! I thought you said 'OK.'" He saw her staring at the towel with a look of huge disappointment.

"Sweetie, you've never seen a penis before, have you?"

"N... n... no, D... Daddy. Wh... where w... would I ever? I mean, except for Sean." Even Kathy could not guarantee total modesty in a seven-year-old boy.

"I guess it wouldn't hurt to let you look a little more. Would you like that?"

"Ohhh, please!" He dropped the towel and stood perfectly still.

"Tell you what, Sweetie. I have to shave and get ready. I'll leave my clothes off and we can talk about it, OK?" She just nodded. He tried to do everything in slow motion to give her the maximum possible exposure. He angled slightly toward her as he methodically got ready to shave. She got down on her knees practically right underneath him. He was afraid he would feel her breath and loose control. "You haven't said anything, Sweetie. Are you upset? Do you have any questions?"

"It... it's bigger than I thought."

"It probably seems big compared to Sean's." He finished shaving in silence.

"Um, it seems to be kinda moving around."

"I does that because I am nervous with you looking at it."

"Oh, sorry, Daddy, maybe I'd better go". She stood up.

"I'm OK, Sweetie. You can stay longer if you want to." She promptly got back down on her knees. "Do you know what the different parts are?" She shook her head, so he gave her a very close-up review of male genital anatomy. After he put on deordorant and body powder, all under her wide-eyed scrutiny he almost reluctantly pulled on his jockeys. He was going to put on shorts and shirt, but instead took her hand, led her to the big chair in the corner, and pulled her into his lap. The cuddled sweetly and talked about lots of sex topics, especially the big 'E' question, until they heard the sounds of the other kids rising. Surprising himself, he followed her to the kitchen in just his jockeys. He was mentally wiped out, and tired from his two orgasms, but his heart was full. He felt he had forged an incredibly close bond with his eldest, one he hoped would hold up through the tough times ahead.

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Abduction and rape of June

ABDUCTION AND RAPE OF JUNE. June's only daughter Megan, while walking to school had been abducted and was probably by now being raped and tortured. It brought back memories of when June was a little girl of 12 years of age and she had also been abducted, raped and tortured. June was thinking about that awful day. How she had been lured into a van by a "nice man and his wife". She had then been tied up and driven to a quiet place and there she had been stripped naked, raped and tortured. Before...

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An Ordinary Adult Sex LifeChapter 2 June

-- FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 2007 -- 8:47 AM The San Francisco Jonathan Kwong Enterprises office wasn’t anything like the one in New York. There were no JKE logos on the entry doors or signs on the outside of the building. Instead of occupying the top three floors of a massive skyscraper with its own helipad, we had only the twelfth-floor in a smaller, nondescript building. All the big movers and shakers in the company were in Manhattan, and sometimes it felt like the only reason we even had a San...

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Sheila and June

I was up in the local pub on Thursday night when i bumped into my neighbour Sheila (67) and her friend June (64). Sheila and June were both well on and i discovered that they had been in the pub since lunchtime. After buying them a drink they decided it was time to hit the road, June was going to be staying at Sheilas. Being a gentleman i walked them back to Sheilas house. Sheila invited me in for a nightcap, which i agreed to. We sat in the kitchen with a bottle of Glenmorangie and talked,...

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Swinging Seniors About June

I recently wrote a story and mentioned my late wife June. I said that I found out some things about her past after her passing that were very disturbing. I'll try to explain our short life together, the secrets she kept from me, and what I did about them. Thank you to AirRichard101 for taking the time to edit this story. June and I met at a singles event. We had both been married before. June had a daughter, Susan, who had graduated from high school, got married, and started a family of her...

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June and I met the summer of 69 and I was more surprised than she was that we stumbled into the same bar out of the summer ran. Clearly, everyone had the same idea as we did as the cacophony of various voices filled the cramped hole in the wall. ‘I’m not a weatherman but I think he needs a new job.’ Her face full of sweet amusement and full of beauty. At first, I wasn’t sure she was even speaking to me with the various of people piling together, ‘Hello?’ She said trying to get my attention...

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June Autumn and RogerChapter 30 Another Proposal for June

The phone rang five times before June heard Alice say, “Hello.” “Hello, Alice. This is June. Autumn told me that you wanted me to call you. What’s up?’ “Oh, hi, June. Yes. I called Autumn to ask if she would lend you to me one Friday for an overnight stay. I forgot Autumn saying at the party that she no longer had any control over you.” “That’s correct. Autumn doesn’t control me anymore. That was only for 30 days. What did you want with me?” “I was talking to some other students about...

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The Awakening of June

June backed up and gave her subject one last look to ensure perfection. She worked as a make up artist for Furr-Green Funeral Home. As she looked at the elderly lady she wondered of the life the woman had lived. Both as a young woman and as an older woman. Nostalgia came over June as she found herself wishing something exciting and monumental would happen to her at least once in her lifetime. She must have zoned out for longer than she thought, because the voice behind her startled her. "Almost...

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June Autumn and RogerChapter 9 A Surprise for June

At the supper table later that Sunday evening the mood was light and June, Autumn and their parents were idling chatting about their day. The parents talked mostly about their plans for the store the next morning while June And Autumn told them about their visit to Roger’s apartment, explaining what a wonderful time they had chatting with him and looking at some of the pictures he took. June couldn’t get over how nice Autumn was towards her and how nice Roger treated them both. Perhaps, she...

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Life after June

Life after June CHAPTER ONE Being with Louise was like all my unhappy past times with June had severed for good. June, only 59 died last year and left me a shattered wreck. She was my everything and after an innings of nearly thirty years it did seem she was part of me, the wedded bliss had lasted that long. Yet, oddly all that was now in the past and meeting Louise was like a breath of fresh air, and- this may sound couth and I hate to say it – but it is as though I have just discovered my...

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Life after June

Life after June CHAPTER ONE Being with Louise was like all my unhappy past times with June had severed for good. June, only 59 died last year and left me a shattered wreck. She was my everything and after an innings of nearly thirty years it did seem she was part of me, the wedded bliss had lasted that long. Yet, oddly all that was now in the past and meeting Louise was like a breath of fresh air, and- this may sound couth and I hate to say it - but it is as though I have just discovered my...

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Planes Trains and Automobiles Ch 03 June

AUTHOR’S NOTE: Thinking back I recalled the numerous times that I had sex in a vehicle and I decided to write about those times in my life. My first thoughts were to rank the encounters from the least memorable to the most memorable. However since the best car sex partner ever was also my last, I decided to just go in chronological order. CHAPTER 01 – Penny 1963 CHAPTER 02 – Erica 1963 CHAPTER 03 – June 1967 CHAPTER 04 – Jackie 1969 CHAPTER 05 – Charlotte 1971 CHAPTER 06 – Pam 1975 ...

2 years ago
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Aunt June

I was twenty-one when I went to live with Aunt June.I had dropped out of college and was unemployed.  Staying with family wasn't an option, so I crashed with some friends who were living with their aunt, a middle-aged woman named June.  There were four of us that stayed there with her. Her two nieces, Amanda (17) and Marie (20), and Marie's boyfriend, Will (21).We all referred to her as Aunt June.  She was a kind woman who let us do pretty much whatever we wanted and stay there rent-free,  but...

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Henry and June

"Henry and June" It was early morning, a couple hours or so before I was due to head off for work. I had gotten up early, had done some paperwork, cleaned up the house and made coffee and after bagging up the trash I decided to take it out back. I looked at the clock and noticed it was just about five a.m. then decided to take the chance and take the trash out. Now normally there wouldn't be a problem in taking out the trash. It was just a short walk down the sidewalk through the...

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Priestly PromiscuityChapter 29 Sherry Sets Up June

That night, after lights out, her friend June came to her bed and Sherry wasn't sure what to do. She knew that she should leave because the priest would be waiting for her but, in order not to arouse suspicion; she remained with the other girl. It was quick, but it just whetted Sherry's appetite for Father Murphy's ministrations as she and June made another journey to Lesbos. Then, as her friend was relaxing in the restful aftermath of her orgasm, Sherry asked her to return to her own...

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Tommy Robert and June

I was finally going to graduate with a degree in economics and a minor in business. I struggled through college and I do mean struggled. I came from a poor background having been born into poverty and grew up that way. I was a bit above average in grades in school and knew the only way out of my way of life was through education. I vowed to get that education and worked my way through college, starting with a Junior College and finally finishing the last two years at the state university. I not...

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Ugly June

June is a 70 year old woman that I know from the senior club. I made the title Ugly June to get your attention but I would never say anyone was ugly. June is not very good looking. She has long hair that's grey black that seemed to never be brushed. She has a big nose, dark brown eyes, here face is very wriggled, with a saggy double chin. Her body from what I could see at the time was very out of shape. She was small at the top then widened out as it went down to her big hips thighs and ass....

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RequitalChapter 3 Last Week of June

The rest of the weekend was quiet. Steve spent Sunday refinishing the back deck and cleaning out the Jacuzzi. It kept him too busy to think and that was its own reward. Sunday evening, he took a couple loads of Barbara's things over to her parent's house. They hadn't remembered Saturday to take anything with them. No one had been home so he'd just off-loaded the boxes on the driveway right against the garage doors. Steve thought he saw Lloyd's car turning the corner down the street as...

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Nancys summer diary june

June 1 Dear Diary, Finally, the last day of school, twelve long years, I feel like I've been released from purgatory!!! Isaac asked me to go with him to the lake tonight, and I can't wait, he's such a hunk!!! I told Amy right away and she turned green, I love it!!! I just bought a new swimming suit and I hope he likes it!!! Well, wish me luck, diary! Seeya later!!! June 2 Dear Diary, Issac's dad has a new boat and we were flying all over the lake, I even water skied for the !!! After it got...

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April and June

April and June Let me introduce myself, my name is Clifford, but you can call me Cliff. I'm just your average guy, single, work for a living, have a one bedroom apartment, and a cat. For most of my 38 years, I've been single. I love women, but have a pattern of becoming fast friends with them and when I want more, they don't. It is always the same, "I wouldn't want to do anything to ruin our friendship." Trouble is, the longer we stay friends, the more I feel for her, the...

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RebelChapter 15 June

"Papa don' want you to plow today," June said, swinging her hips from side to side and cocking her lovely head, eyes shining. "He says it's too damn'd wet." Her long hair hung loosely, falling nearly to her tiny waist and her big boobies bounced beneath her thin bodice, unbuttoned as usual with stay strings dangling. I came and put my hand on her raised hip, bent and enjoyed a sweet kiss and the flick of her tongue tip. I pinched her nipple gently. "He wants you - stop that - to...

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Niece on a BoatChapter 13 June

“I can only pray your animal instincts aren’t going to leave me tied helplessly to the rail and subjected to the same pirate predations as my poor daughter,” said June. “‘Fraid so,” grinned Sean. He stroked a hand over her back, slowly up to the big ribbon that was almost hidden under the ends of her blonde hair, then a bit further up, to her neck. He pulled an end free from each bow and passed one to Mark, who was looking dazed on her other side. Sean took hold of the ribbon on the front...

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RequitalChapter 1 Mid June

Cheaters are exposed in so many ways. Sometimes it's an overheard phone call, an email left visible on a computer monitor, or text messages not deleted from a cell phone memory. There's always the chance a friend, a business associate, or a family member will see the wayward wife or husband with the other person. Occasionally, the cheaters are discovered in flagrante delicto--when a spouse comes home early, for instance. And God help cheaters who talk in their sleep. When you think about...

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Mistress June

My first submission was under the direction of my girlfriend at the time, Mistress June. Bold and adoring wife she headed dominated during the first part of leg in the air during which I was attached through the night, she decided when I was riding and when I ejaculate.Sewing up new practices she found it made me suffer (prostate massage, spanking, strapon, a drink made of my sperm and urine, milking …). All these practices gave him pleasure, so I was thrilled.One day she decided to go early...

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Mistress June

My first submission was under the direction of my girlfriend at the time, Mistress June. Bold and adoring wife she headed dominated during the first part of leg in the air during which I was attached through the night, she decided when I was riding and when I ejaculate.Sewing up new practices she found it made me suffer (prostate massage, spanking, strapon, a drink made of my sperm and urine, milking ...). All these practices gave him pleasure, so I was thrilled.One day she decided to go early...

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Adam and the Ants The BeginningChapter 4 The Cruel Month of June

Strange voices are saying-- What did they say? Things I can't understand, it's too close for comfort This heat has got right out of hand It's a cruel, cruel summer, leaving me here on my own It's a cruel, cruel summer, now you're gone — Bananarama, "Cruel Summer" (used without permission) Friday, June 8, 1984 9:18 PM The emergency room was a madhouse. A three-car accident on the turnpike had brought six other patients to the trauma center, all with injuries worse than mine. I...

4 years ago
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Such Sweet SorrowChapter 23 A Vacation Is Announced June

June: 19 Months, 597 Days Since Jenny's Disappearance I'm sitting here waiting for a phone call. I'm still not sure if I've done the right thing but maybe it really is time to move on. It's an irony that Jenny's mother and father have brought matters to a head, but that's how it is. A few weeks ago, I took a call from Inga Palmer. She said that she and Andrew were going to their summer house, south of Stockholm and would I like to go? I was in two minds. Jenny's parents have been...

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RecoveryChapter 5 June

After his house party Greg had given some thought to his place in the contest between the cousins. Seth had left him in the middle of a local struggle he might have easily laughed off or walked away from if he had been back in St. George. He thought about jumping Evan in the bathroom at school. Greg even toyed with blowing them both at the same time just to see who could get off first. The bet's importance was quickly eclipsed by his father's new plans. Greg was hurt. It showed at school...

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Reggie and Midge in Changing Places

The characters used in this story are the property of Archie Comic Publications. No copyright infringement is intended, as the story is written strictly as fan fiction with the hope of bringing enjoyment to readers with no profit to be made by the author. This obviously means it is free to be archived on any site wishing to do so, provided the site has free access. (This story was written in frustration at a certain unnamed person's inability to finish Archie and Betty, and as...

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RequitalChapter 2 Third Week Of June

For the rest of the week, Steve had half-expected a police cruiser to pull him over every time he climbed into the pickup and went somewhere. By the second day, when there'd been no knocks on the door in the middle of the night and no uniformed cops had come to the construction site to pick him up, he began to relax. His bitter promise to the man who'd been with Barbara not withstanding, he knew he had no legitimate defense to any charge the district attorney might bring against him. While...

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AGENT BURNED The Further Adventures of Agent Suzzanne Midsummer 3

[email protected](I’d like to acknowledge the great work by Trent Wolf in his ?Domino? stories for the inspiration to pen this style of story and to the ?House of Gord? for ideas of some of the predicaments that befall Suzzanne, finally a great fan Rollo T for his ideas and inspiration)AGENT BURNEDThe Further Adventures of Agent Suzzanne Midsummer - 3 CHAPTER 1 The ballroom was crowded and brightly lit filled with the sounds of laughter and multi lingual conversations. Suzzanne Midsummer...

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Down Africa Way the continuing adventures of Agent Suzzanne Midsummer 5

[email protected] (I’d like to acknowledge the great work by Trent Wolf in his ?Domino? stories for the inspiration to pen this style of story  and a great fan Rollo T for his ideas and inspiration)The Continuing adventures of Agent Suzzanne Midsummer 5 ?DOWN AFRICA WAY? CHAPTER 1 The black cab pulled to the kerb and the door swung open and an elegant leg followed by another stepped out onto the wet pavement. ?Thanks and keep the change? smiled Suzzanne as she paid the driver. ?Much...

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SUZZANNOBOT The Further Adventures of Agent Suzzanne Midsummer 4

[email protected](I’d like to acknowledge the great work by Trent Wolf in his ?Domino? stories for the inspiration to pen this style of story and to the ?House of Gord? for ideas of some of the predicaments that befall Suzzanne, finally a great fan Rollo T for his ideas and inspiration)SUZZANNOBOT!The Further Adventures of Agent Suzzanne Midsummer - 4 CHAPTER 1She rose from the surf like a Venus, the water cascading down her body giving her tanned toned skin glossy lustrous appearance in...

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The FreshmanChapter 17 Mr Schmidt

Cecilia was so busy during the month of November that she did not realize how quickly the days were speeding by. Thanksgiving week came, along with the chaos of hundreds of freshmen trying to get out of Huntington Hall to see their families. Mike and Lisa left early in the week to travel to California, flying out for a rather frantic couple of days to spend time with his parents and later with her father in Reno. Ken was gone as well, off to visit his family, minus the tattoo he had been...

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Eric Olafson Midshipman Vol 4Part 74 NEWPORT

We entered the outmost orbit of the Dover System ten hours before the deadline. Har-Hi who stood next to me sighed. “I wished it would have taken longer. This is what I am born for, to be aboard a ship and roam the stars’”. I felt the same way and agreed with him, saying. “Me too.” The doors opened and Wetmouth stepped through, taking her seat behind the small science station at the rear of the bridge. I observed Har Hi who acted as the OPS officer of our little crew dedicating sensors...

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Eric Olafson Midshipman Vol 4Part 31 DECK 54

The Devastator was an enormous ship and the outer corridor of Deck 54 circled the ship at the horizontal equator of the main hull. It was almost seventy clicks long. There were IST (Inter ship transport) stations in regular intervals, every 20 meters was a security door, open during normal operations that could be closed in an eye blink and reinforced with force field curtains. Dividing the entire ship in millions of individual sealed compartements.All Union military ships had the same...

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Eric Olafson Midshipman Vol 4Part 32 OLAFONS GANG

Har-Hi and I returned to our dorm and Mao greeted us.” Have you two decided to kill each other at a later time?” “Yes we decided to postpone that.” Har-Hi answered. “That is good. Because we are complete now and I am tired to be behind in everything.” I said.” We are complete in what and where are you behind?” “First things first.” Mao replied.” You got to meet the rest, just in case so you don’t bust furniture across someone else’s back.” Mao stepped into the middle of the dorm room.”...

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Eric Olafson Midshipman Vol 4Part 66 INTERLUDE THAURAN POLITICS

Midshipman Suppor or actually Namamir of the Suppor Clan was not at all pleased with the development so far. All the things he had done and all the preparation to be her at this event, had not lead to the result he had hoped for. The famous Diamond Ball was nearly over and many of the VIP’s had already left. Emperor Soron, the Fifth was still here and so were other important members of the ruling noble houses of the Thauran Empire, but he had no idea how much longer they would remain. He...

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Random Victories The Mid Mountain File

Another tale in the Random Victories universe where two intrepid agents investigate some paranormal events in a small isolated town. Maybe they could make a TV series... Random Victories: The Mid Mountain File Chapter 1: Be afraid, be very afraid... Johnnie was petrified. It was going to happen to him, too, just like those other boys. Mom and Dad and his sister were no help. He shivered in his pajamas and looked around his room His basketball gear, his model cars, even...

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