- 3 years ago
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I like the heat.
Not the mosquito-ridden heat of a humid Minnesota summer. Not the dead dry heat of the Mojave. Not the figurative heat of scholastic demands. Not the adrenalin-inducing heat of walking the beams a hundred feet above the ground.
I know heat.
I like the heat of the forge. The heat of iron lying on the anvil awaiting the hammer's kiss. The heat of a welding torch in gloved hands running a smooth bead down an undetectable join. I like the heat that makes sweat run down my back and under my arms. The heat that mosquitoes avoid.
I like the heat.
My great-great-great grandfather, his father, and generations before were blacksmiths. He had a smithy on Marquette Avenue in Minneapolis before he moved out to Stillwater. I wish he'd kept that property and I'd inherited it. That's where they built the Federal Reserve Bank a hundred years later. Today, as impressive as the building is, it's just offices. The Feds gave it up when they realized how expensive it was going to be to do asbestos abatement and correct the construction flaws. They didn't tear it down, though.
Great-great grandpa didn't like the cold or the mosquitoes, so he moved our family to the California desert where, two generations later, my Dad worked for an ornamental iron company. In sales. Dad likes air conditioning. I got to hang out around the plant when I was younger and spent my summers during high school working there.
That's where I learned to love the heat.
The first job I was assigned at sixteen was on the dock. Young. Healthy. Strong. Lift iron. Flatbed trucks delivered everything from sheet and plate metal to pipes and rods to bars. We call it iron, but in reality, the company deals with just about anything metal. We unload it and transport it into the warehouse. We stack it. We unstack it and transport it to the shop floor. We start over. Most of the heavy work is done with forklifts, but sixteen-year-olds aren't allowed to operate a forklift. We lift pieces, secure ropes, operate block and tackle, and do anything where actual manual labor is involved.
Iron transported on a flatbed truck through the desert in summer gets hot. My first scar—the one across my right triceps—was acquired when I leaned against an iron bar on the truck. Hot enough to blister, right through my shirt. I learned, though. I learned to love the hot metal. I breathed in the smells of the shop and could tell the difference between grades of iron and sheet metal by scent. I could tell which welder was being used by the smell of heat.
My senior year in high school, I started career development. I went to two high school classes in the morning, then went to my apprenticeship. It might sound medieval, but I had to sign an indenture agreement with the Joint Apprenticeship Committee of the International Association of Bridge, Structural, Ornamental, and Reinforcing Iron Workers.
Five years later I was a journeyman iron worker and I loved the heat.
It's like some kind of karma, then, that I moved back to my ancestor's old stomping ground to go to an art school in Minneapolis.
"Grant, we need that stair railing by end of day. The contractor will be here at five o'clock sharp to pick it up."
"It's finished, Mr. Olson," I answered. It was three o'clock and I'd just stopped to have a Coke before I started on the next job on the list.
"It's what?" my boss yelled. I'd only been working at St. Paul Art Iron for ten days. I didn't think there'd been any problems that would cause him to blow up with me. Even as a journeyman, there's a thirty-day probation period before a worker is protected under the union contract. "Where is it? I haven't inspected your work."
"It's on my bench, sir."
Olson walked over to the bench and began minutely examining every weld in the twisted iron. He grabbed the blueprint and calipers and started measuring distances, angles, and variance. He gripped one of the uprights and tried to shake my weld loose. I think he was looking for any excuse to write me up. It's part of probation.
I was working so I wouldn't have more than a couple million in college loans to pay back. It's stupidly expensive and I intentionally ignored how much debt I was really piling up. It was easy to transfer my credentials from Local 741 in California. That gave me a pretty good hourly wage and benefits. I figured one day I'd cash in my pension to pay my college debt.
Olson approved my work and that's how I spent the next four years. I worked second shift and attended Art College during the day. I made wrought iron fences, railings, gates, and decorations. I did window glazing. I did plasma cutting. If it could be done on a bench with a welding torch, plasma cutter, or anvil, it was my job.
My pleasure was firing up the forge and making art.
I managed to get a studio apartment in what had once been a run-down drug-infested ghetto that was 'restored' to its former glory in the '70s. Forty years later it was a not quite as run-down but almost as drug-infested a ghetto as it had been before the big rescue. The studio I got was in a building that had started out as a residence hotel in the '30s and had some great Art Deco ironwork that had survived deterioration and renovation alike.
My apartment was on the corner and looked out over a little park. You didn't want to walk through it at night. I was pretty content there because I stayed in that apartment for six years. That's when this story really starts. I was doing my studio preparation for my MFA. There aren't very many MFA candidates in sculpture. Well, there aren't that many MFA candidates at all. It's pretty rigorous qualifying and they only take people who already have a BFA. If you made the mistake in your undergrad work in getting a BA, you were considered an academic and not a serious artist. At the same time there were various teaching assistantships available for just about every MFA candidate in the school. But we were there to get started on our careers as 'professional' artists.
What is that, anyway? I can tell you right away that the terms professional and amateur don't have anything to do with the quality of the work produced. Most places, it just means you get paid for creating art instead of for teaching it.
In four years of undergraduate study, I'd managed to acquire some equipment for my own studio. I knew for a fact that I wasn't going to have a college studio to work in for the rest of my life because I was not interested in teaching. Eventually, I was going to get my own studio. I used my job at Art Iron to get discounted materials, but what I really wanted was to have my own ironworks studio. I had already acquired a welding outfit that the company was retiring. There was nothing particularly wrong with the equipment that a little refurbishing wouldn't cure. It simply wasn't made for the volume of work they were getting. I was the beneficiary.
The real problem was a forge. I had visions of myself working under a spreading chestnut tree. In reality, it would probably be a garage I rented, assuming I could find someone who didn't mind the smell of an iron forge in their back yard. There were lots of portable forges available, but one look would tell you this wasn't for a serious smith. They rose on spindly legs to a pot that would be hard to keep lit, even with the electric fans that most came with. I'd still need a pretty significant stand to anchor an anvil to unless I wanted to work on my knees. No.
I sat in the line of cars and trucks waiting to enter the grounds at Shakopee. Crews were working on the more permanent structures that would house vendors of everything from roast turkey legs to clothing to magic amulets. I could hear the pounding of a construction crew putting up one of the many stages as I checked in and a guy in a leather vest and blue jeans with a sword at his belt walked ahead of me to the spot where I would set up my smithy.
Six weeks of fun, playing the part of the village blacksmith at the Minnesota Renaissance Festival. They were getting everything set up a week before the festival opened. In spite of the fact there were power tools and a couple big gas generators cranking out megawatts, most of the people had already donned some portion of their costumes. Hats, leather aprons, and swords were common. I followed my guide to my spot and backed the trailer into position.
I'd spent every spare minute of the past three months building this. It started with a decent trailer frame that I picked up through Auto Trader. Some guy intended to build his own travel trailer and had only gotten as far as stripping the old trailer off the frame before his wife put up an ultimatum. For some reason he chose to keep her instead of his pet project. It was a twelve-foot frame with dual axles and decent suspension. Other than that, nothing but the hitch. As soon as I had it in position, I unhitched and took the truck to the campsite.
The cast campground was not as organized as the festival grounds. Someone had whitewashed crooked lanes around the grounds and marked them with yellow flags. You couldn't park there. Anywhere else was open with no designated parking or camping spots. There were a few trailers and a few campers, but mostly there were cars and trucks parked as close to the lane as they could get with a tent set up behind. Really! These people had no idea how hard the ground was going to get. For safety, there were power poles with lights scattered through the grounds. I backed up to one and checked the power box. There were all-weather outlets on the pole. Mostly, people would use them to recharge their phones. I wasn't sure what good that would do as there were only half a dozen spots on the entire festival grounds where there was a half-way decent cell signal. I plugged in my camper. That was all there was to setting up my campsite.
Setting up my blacksmith shop was harder and took until noon the next day. When packed on the trailer, the whole thing was no higher than the back of the pickup. The truck weighs about 4,500 pounds. The loaded trailer was close to 6,000. Being a blacksmith is not only hot, it's heavy. The weight included fold-up sides and back, a roof with extended awning, a built-in forge, the front table with display stock and the anvil. It included the bellows, the coal, and the unformed iron and sheet metal. Off the back of the shop, I had my acetylene welding bench. I'd keep that closed up during show hours, but if I needed more stock of artwork, I would have to work late nights.
Finally, I'd cut a spreading chestnut tree, complete with individually cut and hammered leaves and bark that wrapped around the left end of the display. I'd created a leaf form stamp and hammered the leaf veins and texture right into the sheet metal.
Under a spreading chestnut tree
The village smithy stands;
The smith, a mighty man is he,
Wigh large and sinewy hands;
And the muscles of his brawny arm
Are strong as iron bands.
His hair is crisp, and black, and long,
His face is like the tan;
His brow is wet with honest sweat,
He earns what'er he can,
And looks the whole world in the face,
For he owes not any man.
Good old Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. The poem was first published in 1840 and I memorized it in the shop when I first learned to use the forge and anvil.
Over the heat of the forge hung a black Dutch oven full of water. It probably wasn't an authentic use of a forge, but I could boil water and keep it going for the twenty minutes that it took me to properly heat the iron. Why did I need boiling water? For chestnuts. I bought a bushel basket of the nuts and each morning I would cut an 'X' in the top of a few dozen. I'd boil a bunch of them two or three times a day and then scoop them out of the water to dry in the little oven under the forge. As my demos would conclude, I would open the oven drawer and bring out fresh, hot, roasted chestnuts for the crowd to sample. Even if people are not interested in a demonstration, they'll still stick around to sample a fresh-roasted chestnut.
"Oh, my god! What is that horrid stench? Is this going to be here for the entire festival?" a young woman asked. I turned to look at her. The festival opened tomorrow and everyone was practicing their spiels and crafts as the other craftspeople and actors wandered around getting a feel for what would be happening. Once the festival started, I wouldn't really be able to leave my station for more than bathroom breaks and food during the long days. I'd need to be firing up the forge by eight in the morning, and I wouldn't leave it until it was cool, around twelve hours later.
The woman who was standing in front of my shop was attractive, I suppose. She wasn't nearly as exposed as some of the characters were. She wore an apron and a long skirt. Her blouse was actually buttoned up. The clothes that most of the wenches who wandered around the grounds wore were designed to make the most of their assets. I would hardly call the amount of cleavage that was on display an authentic representation of the Renaissance. Most women who dressed like that would be spending their lives on their backs in the sixteenth century. This one, though, looked respectable. She'd already adopted her English accent. That seemed to be a necessity for most characters.
"Are you inquiring about the forge?" I said.
"It stinks!"
"Oh. I hardly notice except first thing in the morning. It's coal in the forge and hot iron on the anvil. Would you like to watch?" I asked. There was no sense rising to the bait of having a smelly exhibit. I was sure there would be others at the festival who would also think it was smelly.
"No. I want you to move. I'm downwind." She pointed at a colorful tent filled with pottery about twenty feet away. It hadn't been there yesterday when I was out helping other vendors get set up.
"What are you doing clear out here?" I asked. "I thought they were making the smithy the last spot on the street." It wasn't a bad spot as there was a stage across from us that would attract people down this alley, but I was pretty sure they put me out here because of the forge and the clanging of my hammer. I'd already been told that I'd have to not hammer during the twenty-minute show times.
"This is where they put me. It was the only spot left," she complained. "This is going to be such a waste."
"I'm Grant Smith," I said, holding out my hand to shake. She looked it over before she accepted the handshake.
"Celia Potter," she said. "Your hands are soft." She pulled back her hand in surprise.
"I don't work without gloves," I said. "I want to work with iron, not become iron. And your hands are soft, as well."
"Clay is damp. It's like playing in mud all day. As long as I keep moisturizing, they don't get dried out." She sighed. "I guess I'm stuck with it. I suppose you'll be noisy, too."
"Not during the show times. That's when I'll be taking my breaks. You can probably continue since pottery is a quiet profession," I ventured.
"It is if I'm throwing pots," she laughed. "It can get noisy, though, if I actually throw them." She was practicing her lines. All of us had humorous little bits that we added in our patter to keep the audience entertained.
"Well, Celia Potter, let me give you a little gift for your lovely soft hands." I reached for my tongs and grabbed a horseshoe nail. It only took a few seconds in the forge for the nail to glow. I set it on the point of my anvil and hammered it gently into shape. When I was satisfied, I dipped it into the water bucket beside the anvil and it hissed. "What size ring do you wear?" I asked.
"A seven," she responded automatically. Men usually have no idea what size their rings are. I've never met a woman who didn't know exactly. I pulled out my sizing rod and slid the horseshoe ring over it. I adjusted the collapsible size until it fit and asked for her hand. She held it out and I slipped the ring on her finger.
"I think this means we're married," I said. "My camper is by the third light pole. You can move in tonight."
"In your dreams!" she laughed. She looked at the ring. "How many other wenches do you plan to marry this week?"
"As many as possible."
I did a few more demonstrations that morning and handed out some more horseshoe nail rings. One particularly buxom girl gave me a kiss that I know left a lipstick smear on my cheek. I gave her a ring.
"Now you can tell people you got nailed by the village blacksmith," I whispered to her. She giggled and ran off to kiss another guy and leave lipstick on his cheek. Such is the life of the Kissing Wench.
I stopped to look over a display of knives and swords. I could hammer out a blade, but they were strictly utilitarian. I wasn't refining steel and didn't much like to work with the harder metal. I always liked to look at really good ones, though. A lot of cleavage attached to a very nice-looking girl was pushed over the top of the display case as she leaned in toward me.
"If you see anything you want to touch, just point at it and I'll whip it out for you," she said saucily. Looking down her front, I was pretty sure she had an innie navel. I pointed to her left breast.
"This one seems to have a nice hard point on it," I said. "Of course, I'd want to compare it to the other to make sure I had the best at the Faire." She giggled.
"You're a quick one. How long is your sword?"
"Whatever it lacks in length, it makes up in girth," I said. "I need a nice tight sheath for it." I finally looked up from her breasts and into her eyes. I just held her eyes for a second. She'd need practice at this game if she was going to blush every time a customer fed lines back to her.
"I might have a sheath that would fit," she breathed at last. "Do you have a tent?"
"One with a single pole, but I sleep in a camper," I answered.
"A bed?"
"Of course."
"I'll fix dinner at my place if we can ... sleep at yours."
"Time and place?"
"Eight o'clock. My tent has the flag of Princess Aurora flying in front of it."
"Which one is she?"
"The blonde one, of course."
"Aren't they all blonde?" What did I know about Disney princesses?
"You'll get toad stew for dinner and no sheath if you continue that. There hasn't been a blonde princess since Sleeping Beauty."
"Sleeping Beauty? Now I know who you are talking about. I hope I get to watch her sleep tonight."
I did. Aurora, who never would tell me her real name, fixed a nice meal over her gas stove and grill—chicken breast, rice, salad. Simple, but good. When we'd cleaned up and went to the camper, she was a lively participant, but made it clear that she was only interested in oral satisfaction. As soon as she felt we'd pleasured each other enough, she pulled underwear and a t-shirt on so there wouldn't be any accidents during the night.
Still, it was nice to sleep cuddled up behind a soft and pleasant girl. Just because she wore a t-shirt to bed didn't mean my hand couldn't be under it. And panties were only a defense against my cock, not my fingers. In the morning, she stroked me off as I fingered her, and she gave me our first kiss before she pulled her shorts on and ran to her tent. Turned out it was our last kiss, too.
Opening day was busy and crowded. I had the forge going all day and in addition to horseshoe nail rings that I sold for $5.00, I also had punches that I could use to strike initials and short names into a horseshoe or a blank disk. The horseshoes and blank disks were also $5.00 plus fifty cents per strike.
I also had bronze disks, and even though the raw material was about eighty-five cents a square inch, I could charge $10.00 for a custom stamped one-inch coin. It was a cold stamp process and I had a special clamp to hold the coin to the anvil. On the bottom was my Iron Alchemy logo with no words. It's pretty cool—just a circle with an arrow pointing up to the right. I had a dozen different stamps in addition to the fancy script letters that were always popular. I placed the blank apparatus on the anvil and used a five pound hammer to make the strike. People loved to watch it and then take their freshly minted coin from me.
But by far and away, the most popular thing was to get nailed by the village blacksmith.
By the end of the day, I was exhausted and hoarse. And I'd burned an entire tray of chestnuts. Six weeks of this was going to be more than my voice could take. And, of course, while I was hammering a ring or horseshoe, or stamping a disk, I wasn't selling other merchandise. I sold a lot of little crap during the day, but no artwork. Selling any one of my metal sculptures would have given me more money than the entire take on trinkets. When I got back to my truck that night, I ate a cold sandwich with some chips and drank a beer. Then I fell into bed.
I debated pulling out Sunday night like a lot of people were, but decided that I'd rather stay in the camper another night than fight the traffic. I was looking forward to getting back to my apartment and a hot shower in the morning, though. I looked in my little refrigerator and pulled out the last steak and some kind of droopy asparagus. I lit my grill and threw it all on at once.
"A real gourmet, I see," Celia said as she came up to me.
"Hey, Celia. Are you staying the night?" I asked.
"I'm staying the week. I have too much stock in there to walk away and assume security will just take care of everything. Besides, I need to fire some more mugs," she said.
"You've got a kiln in there? I didn't see it when I came by."
"It's behind the shop. I didn't want a propane kiln destroying the illusion of the Renaissance."
"It's less of a Renaissance Festival these days than a Steampunk and Pirates Fest," I laughed. "Do you have anything you want to toss on the grill while it's hot?"
"I was coming to ask you that. Do you mind?"
"Not at all."
We managed a fairly pleasant evening. Celia brought a bottle of wine as well as her grillables.
"I figure that when you are in town this week, you can replenish my wine stock if I share it with you," she said.
"I could just drink beer," I answered.
"Oh, the brawny lad needs his ale. What a waste of good wine!"
"If you are attempting to seduce me, kind words are as good as fine wine," I said.
"Seduce? You? Hah! Married on Thursday morning and betrayed by a strumpet Thursday night. Now the straying husband wants me to seduce him! I think not." She glared at me. I was frozen. What?
"Uh ... Celia. It was ... I mean ... I didn't..."
"Didn't enjoy your time with Aurora One-Night?" she asked coyly.
"I won't deny that I enjoyed a night with Princess Aurora," I said, "but that doesn't mean we're lovers."
"Very well, then. I accept," she said.
"You ... Accept what?"
"Your offer of more wine, thank you. I never could hold a grudge."
"You are more of a tease than Aurora One-Night and the Kissing Wench combined," I sighed, pouring more wine.
"So why are you leaving our little piece of paradise?" she asked.
"Well, my gear all has chains and padlocks," I said. "I need to replenish some supplies, dump my tanks, and find an assistant."
"What tanks?"
"Waste water."
"Eww, gross. And why an assistant?" she asked.
"I discovered that it is difficult to keep the demonstration going while still trying to sell goods. There's just too much to keep track of," I admitted.
"That's why I don't really make anything when I'm sitting at the wheel. Everything I throw is immediately cut and reshaped. If someone wants something, I just stop what I'm doing and conduct the transaction."
"Very smart of you. I guess I just had too high an expectation of what I could do while I was here. I actually thought I'd do some serious smithing instead of just trinkets during demos," I said.
"It probably won't be as busy next weekend."
"Labor Day. Four days instead of three and bigger crowds."
"Oh. I forget American holidays."
"You're not American?" I asked. "I wondered how you got such a consistent accent."
"I didn't have to learn it. I was born with it." We sat in lawn chairs and sipped our wine.
"I've an idea. How much did you plan to pay your shill?"
"Hmm. Cast members work for tips. But she won't really be able to get tips because she'll be selling. I think $75–$100 a day would be about right. After all, it is fun. And I'd provide food," I said.
"And a bed?" she giggled.
"Oh shit! I'll have to get a tent," I said. I couldn't really expect someone to come out to the grounds in the morning and leave at night. The traffic out was terrible.
"What? She doesn't get treated as well as the princess?" I blushed. Celia laughed. "I have an idea. My friend Leslie Cravens was here today, moaning about how she'd gotten back too late this summer to audition for a cast role. Hire her and she can sleep with me."
"I'm not sure I like the sound of my wife sleeping with another woman," I said.
"It's most men's fantasy," she teased. "Just imagine what might be going on in our tent late at night."
"Most men would rather be present."
"Master Smith! A ring is the only way you will nail either of us."
Leslie Cravens was everything I could have wanted except a bedmate. She was a cute blonde grad student in theater at the University. Great at improv, she also had a clear and ringing voice that carried without being harsh or shouted. She quickly adapted some of my lines and interacted well with me during the demos. When I returned to the park on Wednesday, she came with me and immediately tossed her bag in Celia's tent. I arranged credentials for her and we spent that afternoon and all day Thursday rehearsing.
In addition to adapting my lines, she added a number of her own as Friday progressed, often pointing out the fine art I was displaying. People were showing much more interest in it than they had the previous weekend. In the evening, I was the designated cook. Though Celia contributed to the food more than I thought necessary, I grilled something every night. And we shared a bottle of wine and a lot of flirtation each evening before Celia and Leslie retired to their tent.
"You know, if you were making swords and armor instead of metal birds, you'd sell a lot more of the expensive items," Leslie said.
"Unfortunately, they don't teach sword-making and armory to union apprentices," I said. "I don't want to work with steel for swords. It is a long and arduous process."
"Arduous! Listen to that vocabulary, Leslie," Celia exclaimed. "Master Smith is educated with more than his hammer and tongs. Hammer and tongue, perhaps!"
"Oh, he does know how to heat things up," Leslie joined in. "Let us not forget that."
"People rave about his nuts," Celia said.
"All right!" I said. "I shall have to praise your beauty with poetry if you keep this up."
"Oh, please do!" Celia said. I turned to her.
Fair was she to behold, that maiden of seventeen summers.
Black were her eyes as the berry that grows on the thorn by the wayside,
Black, yet how softly they gleamed beneath the brown shade of her tresses!
Sweet was her breath as the breath of kine that feed in the meadows.
When in the harvest heat she bore to the reapers at noontide
Flagons of home-brewed ale, ah! Fair in sooth was the maiden.
"Oh, my. Celia, you didn't warn me," Leslie said, faking a swoon. Celia held my eyes and I realized she really did have remarkably dark, almost black, eyes.
"Good evening, Master Smith," Celia finally sighed as she stood. "Thank you for your recitation. We really need to get our rest now."
"And good evening to you, Mistress Potter. And you, Maid Leslie. Until the morrow." I watched the sway of their hips as they walked away, thinking I would like to join them.
Hmm. Armor.
There are many industrial uses for sheet metal. Think about your automobile. A big sheet of metal is laid over a form and a high pressure mate is stamped down on top of it. Voilà! A car door. A hood. A grille. A bumper. We used formed sheet metal—usually aluminum—to make window frames for buildings.
But a lot of art is made from sheet metal, as well. Most of it is flat or nearly flat art. Material is embossed, chased, bent. The processes are cold. I like the heat. I like the hammer. I started creating deeply three-dimensional art from sheet metal by using the forge and hammer. That's how I arrived at making birds. I could heat the sheet metal—usually 14 gauge mild steel, just over a sixteenth of an inch thick—and hammer it into the shape I wanted on an anvil. It takes a lot of twisting and turning with the tongs while I hammer on it. Inside curves are easier than outside curves. With the right hammers and enough patience, I could create a bird's body, wings, legs, and head. I had a lot of hammers and a lot of patience. Once the body was created, I stamped out feathers and welded them to the body.
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Sunday Shannon had decided Sunday would be her study-free day so she did her workout in the morning. When Greg returned from his run and showered, she was in the gym. He read the paper as he ate his breakfast. When she finished and came into the kitchen, they both were a little withdrawn. She asked if she could have a massage after a quick shower and he said certainly. He had already massaged her three times, and should not have felt uncomfortable, but after last night... He went through the...
Wednesday Why was he so nervous about picking up a 13 year old girl? A very sweet thirteen, almost fourteen, year old girl. He had met her only twice before, but he did not think she would be uneasy around him. The hard part was he had to do the prepartion for the visit and the briefing afterward. Of course some would fall to Caroline, also. After much uncertainty, they had decided to go with Julia's recommendation. He would tell the kids of her nakedness before they arrived. He still was...
Sunday Julia was especially bright-eyed and animated Sunday evening when she arrived. All through dinner and relaxation afterward, she seemed to exude energy. It was she who suggested it was time for the hot tub. Greg quickly got into his suit and went out to make sure the patio was tidy with Shannon's help. He had just placed a stack of fresh towels in the rack and stood up to see Julia walk out of the house naked. "How do you like my nun's outfit, Greg?" Shannon let out a small squeal...
Sunday As breakfast finished Sunday morning, Ted sent Sean off to play, then addressed his wife and daughters. "Kathy, I am going to tell you some things you are not going to like at all. Please do not object or start to argue. I am telling you this is the way it is going to be. Do you understand?" Kathy looked totally stunned but nodded. "From now on, girls, you are not to ask your mother for permission about where to go, what to do, who to see, or what to wear. You are to ask me. I will...
Sunday Ted's family arrived at Greg's that Sunday, without Kathy. She had left that morning for her parents' home, about a four hour drive away. Ted was concerned about the impact of this trip. Evelyn, Kathy's mother, was the source and reinforcement for many of her phobias and her Victorian ideas. He knew her return could not bring an easing of the conflict. He spent a long time with Julia that afternoon. Fortunately, the children were completely absorbed with the pool. Later, at home,...
Saturday Greg had no trouble picking Laura out in the small crowd standing at the curb. It still seemed discourteous to him not to meet her in the terminal, but since he could no longer go down the concourse, and since she had only a carry-on bag, she had been able to convince him. Using their cell phones, they had been able to get the timing just right. It was late Saturday morning, and the airport traffic was light. She could only stay for one night, but with Rick's perks, she was used to...
Saturday Kathy returned early Saturday afternoon. She seemed to be disconcerted by the enthusiastic greeting from the girls. Ted watched closely as Jordan told her about getting on the softball team. He saw Kathy's jaw clench and her face flush. When Jordan told her about the diving coach, Kathy leaped to her feet and yelled for Ted. She grabbed him by the hand and dragged him up to their room, slamming the door behind them. She turned, red-faced, and opened her mouth to let him have it,...
Sunday It was early Sunday morning, and Alex had hardly slept the few hours since Jim and Caroline had left. He had knocked on a lot of doors and been through a lot of first encounters in his businesses. None had left him feeling like this. Jim greeted him warmly before he could even knock and ushered him into the living room. Caroline and the children stood when he entered. He made the mistake of looking at Janie first, and it almost ruined him for the rest of the visit. He was absolutely...
Sunday Kathy slowly became aware of her nakedness. She started to panic, but there were hands all over her and soothing voices. They told her they loved her and wanted her to stay in the family. They told her Ted loved her and wanted her to be a real wife to him forever. But he couldn't love her and make her do this. It was so wrong, so indecent. She couldn't be here naked. Why had she taken off her clothes? She could not remember doing that. She only remembered Ted. And divorce. And...
Sunday Things were moving so well, it was decided that Kathy's children should come for their normal Sunday outing. Kathy was told, and was, of course, horrified at the thought of her children seeing her naked. There was another long, emotional discussion, and it was now clear that this process would be necessary at each step of Kathy's escalating sensual exposure. As before, the horror of divorce was motive enough to get her to do just about anything. They had debated about just springing...
Sunday It had taken a lot of persuasion to get Elisabeth to come to Greg's house for the big occasion. She had met only Ted and Greg, and felt quite uncomfortable. To make it worse, she would not be able to show herself until Ted and Kathy were dancing. Still, she had developed a real affection for Ted, and wanted to share in the happy conclusion of his whirlwind education. They had crammed fifteen lessons into less than three weeks, and it would have been more if Elisabeth had not insisted...
It was Wednesday of the first week of school. Caitlin and Jordan had just come home. Extra-curricular practices had not yet started, so they took the regular bus. As they walked from the corner bus stop, they were nearly bowled over by Trish McNamara, a sophomore who lived three doors down. Trish was a freckle-faced flaming redhead. She had a nice figure and attractive features, but was still afflicted by braces. She was considered a nerd by many of her peers because she was at the top of her...
I'm Jerome. No last name. I don't use it. I can't even pronounce it; I can't expect anyone else to. I'm an ethnic "Heinz 57 Varieties." Why the patrilineal line had to come from the only place in the world where you could have no vowels in a word is sheer bad luck. Imagine a name like Zgrdznk. No, that's not my name. But if you saw it and asked how it was pronounced, I'd just say "Smith. The 'Z' is silent." I got sick of it. When I turned eighteen, I found a judge who could...
The man who chops his own wood warms himself twice. "You always had clever things to say when I was in pain." Nonetheless, David set another log on the chopping block and swung his axe. It was a well-practiced swing of the razor sharp blade and split the log smoothly. He picked up the pieces and tossed them in his wagon. He picked up the next log, almost too small to split. He'd spent the past week cutting the wood to the right lengths with his chainsaw. He'd hauled it out of the...
The pencil lead broke. He was pressing too hard again. The more he tried, the harder it became until his frustration caused him to tense up and ruin another drawing. Why couldn’t he have real talent? Why couldn’t he make his hand draw what his mind could see so clearly? He felt like one of the people he’d seen auditioning for a talent show. They believed in themselves, but they didn’t have any talent. When they got up to sing, everyone cringed because it was off key. They put their hearts...
The only thing my daddy ever gave me was a bullet, and even that was secondhand and rightly meant for someone else. Silas Long pressed it into my nine-year old palm the day he killed Daddy. Plucked it out of my father’s unfired .357 and curled my hand over the metal like he was giving me a shiny, new quarter. His breath smelled like single-pot whiskey when he leaned in close and said to me, ‘Book,’ people was already calling me that, ‘you ain’t old enough or learnt yet in the ways of the...
A few days after your 21st birthday, a heavy, manila envelope lands on your doormat. There's no postmark, or even a stamp, just a strange symbol set into a blob of crimson wax sealing the envelope, and your name in a flowing, cursive script on the other side. You turn it over a couple of times in your hands, but no other distinguishing marks present themselves. Probably just marketing, you think, as you slide your finger under the flap, breaking the wax seal with a crisp snap. Inside is some...
Fantasy"I look like a freaking fairytale witch like this..." The man muttered as he stirred his cauldron. "Or maybe that Harry Potter professor... what's his name..." Janus Edwards Plum wasn't your ordinary appartment tenant. In fact, a great community of people calls him insane, though he insisted that he's only eccentric. He stopped stirring for a moment and looked down at his clear solution within the cauldron. Taking the large spoon out, he almost chuckled insanely, but calmed himself enough to...
Fantasy_______________________________________________________________________ This work of fiction (pack of lies) is copyrighted by the author. Permission is hereby granted to re-post it to any FREE site provided the title, text, and author's name are unchanged. The names and/or descriptions of all persons, locations, firms and events are fictitious or used fictitiously. Any resemblance, or perceived resemblance, to actual persons, locations, firms, or events is purely coincidental and...
Thump ... Thump ... I sigh as I open one eye. Barely, but I open it as I shift my single eye to the clock and see the illuminated time displayed. Trying to focus my attention while the urge to close my eye is strong. I see the vibrant red numbers informing me it’s 9:13 A.M. I sigh again and let out a long grunt. I roll onto my back and stare at the ceiling. Staring at the light fixture, my slight reflection in the metal trim. I begin feeling my lid shutting as I force myself to open again....
Grace is a beautiful, elegant girl, soft mannered and cultured, highly educated and shy, an exquisite veneer in femininity, because beneath her facade, Grace is a sex addict, a girl with pouting lips, glossed to kissing perfection, while her passionate lips, gracing her inner thighs, remain in a state of sexual neediness, constantly glazed with her own warm secretions, Grace has been exposed, and now the men who have her, will abuse her to their own ends, this is one delicious gem and here is...
I woke up the next morning with Lisa sucking on my little clitty, making it hard. I pulled her panties to the side and began to kiss her beautiful pussy and suck and lick on her clit. I began to plunge my tongue as deep as I could into her hot wet honey hole. Lisa was about to make me cum, then she stopped. She knew just where my breaking point was. She turned around and sat down on my hard clitty and buried it in her sweet pussy. She began to ride me faster and faster, until I exploded inside...
CrossdressingIf you are offended by demons, foul language, or demon ladies temporarily growing penises for use on other demon ladies, then don't read this. I didn't create the succubus and didn't intentionally infringe upon anything, just wrote what I thought up for fun. That said, it's pretty raunchy, so I'm just giving the heads up. I enjoy it, but I'm a freak. If you like it too, then lemme know and I'll write more and put it up Enjoy. ~BambooPART ONEIn this world, there exist wicked beings of all...
SupernaturalI was so fucking anxious for my sweet Cheryl to arrive. We had been apart for four months, ever since I went away to college (she was eighteen and still finishing her last year in high school.) My first semester away from her, I couldn’t believe how turned on I got every time I thought of her. I swear, my cock was hard half the time, even while I sat through the most boring college lectures. All I could think about was Cheryl and how we had explored so many ways to make love. Not that Cheryl...
MILF“I can’t believe you did me in my butt, in the parking garage” Mindy said sourly, as she rubbed her right breast with her forearm. “And my nipple hurts” she added Four hours ago, as I was cuming I had reached under and grabbed her tit and gave her nipple a nice twist. I don’t know where this sadist streak came from lately, but I was kind of enjoying it. I had recently lost my wife and received a large insurance settlement, Mindy, here, had more or less decided to be my sex slave for the...
The most common sentence used towards me has always been, 'Phillip you are just not living up to your potential.'At first, in high school, I purposely tried to confirm those words by getting fifties on tests and handing in assignments late...even though I was capable of nineties...I just didn't see the purpose of doing the extra work for generic marks that don't mean anything once you leave high school.So instead I slacked off, focusing instead on football and music. I was a good football...
"Christina?" "Yes, Mom?" "You should stop by and see Grandpa. He says he has some information on how you can make some money for college." "Okay, Mom. I will." My parents are doing what they can to help me afford college but it is very tight. I am in my second year and I want to finish school so I welcome any help. I'd take almost any odd job Grandpa may have found or if I'm lucky it might be something on going that I can fit into my school schedule. Grandpa lives in an old...
Part 4 The Party I wasn't sure how little I could get away with bikini-wise, but I knew I had to have something pretty skimpy to please Derrick, and I wasn't going to find that at any local shop. Plus, I was going to have to get Joey to go along with something that probably was going to be very, very close to total nudity. I thought the best thing to do would be to shop on line and get Joey to participate. I found a ton of bikinis on line that perfectly fit my growing sexuality, my...
Wife LoversI headed home early from the set to see Diamond and was surprised to note a car out front. Looking it over I didn't recognize whose it was. Opening the front door I headed down the hall towards the bedroom. As I neared it I noticed sounds coming from inside; one of them was Diamond moaning. When a male moan soon joined in I couldn't believe it. Standing at the door the thought of busting in and having it out with whoever it was crossed my mind, but as I thought about it she wasn't worth...
Kiara Lord, a busty redhead, is enjoying a lazy day by the pool when she decides to start pleasuring herself in broad daylight. Being the oblivious chick that she is, she doesn’t realize that her two landscapers are cutting the grass and tending to her pool. When she finally realizes, she accuses the two men of being creeps in a not-so-subtle bid to have them come over. Since she’s naked, when the two men come over, it doesn’t take long for them to pull their BBCs out and begin plowing her.
xmoviesforyouI had seen Erin in church a number of times before I received her call. Almost five weeks since our little sexual escapade. ‘Hello Alex. It’s me Erin.’ ‘Yes you are! We haven’t spoken much. How have you been? You’re not avoiding me are you?’ I returned with a joking tone. ‘Of course not. Just busy with the girls’ She answered, then, ‘She knows Alex!’ ‘Who Erin?’ I asked anxiously. ‘And what does she know?’ ‘Mom. I have never been able to keep anything from her. My hair was not quite right...
Hi friends mera name rocky he(obviously name changed) me odisha bbsr ka rehne wala hu or me iss ka bhot bada or puarana fan hu but kbhi apna incident share nahi kiya,ye meri life ki pehli ghatna he koi galti hogayi ho to maf kardena frns..Or me abis story ko ap sab se share karne jara hu…Meri age 24 he or ye bat 3saal pehle ki he…Or is story ki heroine ke bare me batadun uski age tb 18 thi uski height 5.4 he and stats 34.30.34 tha..To sidhe story pe ata hu..Me or shalu(name changed) ek dusre ke...
By AnythingForMistress The last part of this story is getting a little too long to be a single part, so I’ve decided to make the story four parts instead of three. Hopefully this part hasn’t come out too short? I hope you enjoy, and all feedback appreciated as always... Steve has just shown me a different side of himself and completely dominated me on the walk back to the house, fucking me senseless in the middle of the street. What will happen when we get back to the house? Just as we...
It was Monday, and I was staring blankly at my monitor, desperately trying to get my brain into gear but it just wasn’t working. I’d been working on a work project for most of the morning, but had hit a mental wall and was struggling with how to finish it. Running my hands through my long brown hair, I decided I should take a brief break and see if that helped. Grabbing my phone out of my bag I decide to kill some time and check for messages. Opening up Skype I see a message from, ah of course,...
MasturbationIt has been a long three weeks but finally Margret is ready for David and I to take her to bed. All week long she has been preparing herself by using her toys. We started with the smallest one gradually moving up to her largest one which is even larger than my cock. Not only is it longer , it is even thicker than mine. Which now makes me realize it was that one that has made her lose. Ever since I started fucking Margret I had wondered why she wasn’t tight, she said she has only had sex...
Nichole was contemplating all the things that had been happening to her and her family. She sat on her unmade bed and stared at all her new clothes and began to softly cry. The House Fire Chapter 3 By Sara D I was contemplating all the things that had been happening to all of us as I sat on my unmade bed and stared at all my new clothes and began to softly cry. I am not sure why I was crying. I then felt a light hand on my shoulder as Heather sat on my bed next to me, "What's...
Mina knew she was gorgeous. As she stood looking at her image, she looked at her tits. She reached up and held the pert “babies” as I named them. Okay, she kind of liked the name as she bounced them with the palms of her hands. “ Hi Babies” she said, a smile nearing her lips. “ Feeling frisky tonight?” She giggled as she held each in her hands. Finally the full smile appeared. “ Yep, I will not mind it when he undresses me, but my question is… What should I wear, what should I put on to adorn...
I’m going to tell u about an incident which happened when I was 18. I was brought up in pathanamthitta district in a family with lot of restrictions. The only information of sex I had was through my friends and a few magazines. After I finished my studies, and was yet to get a college a very sexy incident happened. One day my parents were gone to attend a marriage of a very close relative. On the first day when I was alone my friend rang me and asked me whether I could come to his house. Since...
When we got home after our session with the Maddisons we were all pretty tired. Mum and dad went off to bed. I crawled into mine and went into a deep sleep. None of us emerged until well into the next morning.I was up first and was in the kitchen getting some breakfast when mum came in. She was in her usual silk dressing gown, her hair messed up and looking rather bleary."Morning," she said quietly and started making herself a cup of tea. She didn't look at me and I was worried she might be mad...
i was at a party and this man came up to me and said to me do you want sex i said no he said it will be good so i said no then he said it will be wild so i said yes so we went to find a bedroom we stared to do it everyone could her us have sex so i said stop he said no just a little long i aks him why he wolud not stop and he said so i colud cum i said what to cum i said ok so he said i cum so when he cum we stop then i went home to bed then i see him kiss a girl i said r we togother and he...
Today marks the debut of Geishakyd, a sexy new girl who has come to Private Specials, Swimsuit Models to showcase her beautiful tattoos and incredible sexual skills as she takes on the hung Kai Taylor in a fuck she’ll never forget. There’s no resisting a model like Geisha and soon enough photographer Kai gives in to her charm and succumbs to her beauty as she treats him to a sloppy gagging blowjob. Then enjoy the rest of the action on as this wild debutant offers up her pussy...
xmoviesforyou“Oh, God, I’m late!”I almost tripped over my high heels as I ran towards my cherry red Lamborghini, my hobble skirt hitched over my thighs, blonde wig askew. I fumbled in my Dior purse for my car keys.“Phew!” I was so relieved; I couldn’t imagine how much trouble I’d be in if I got to work too late. Thankfully, the Lambo responded instantly to my high heel on the gas and I roared out into the morning traffic. There was only one set of traffic lights at which I was able to tidy up my makeup.Soon...
“Oh you bastard that fucking hurts like hell!”“We’ll have no more of that foul language Mrs Reid, you’ve agreed to be punished and punished you shall be.”After only the second stroke Heather Reid knew she was in trouble. A further ten was quite unthinkable, but that was what she had agreed to – twelve strokes of the tawse across her bare bottom and thighs as an alternative to being reported to senior management, an action that would almost certainly result in her dismissal. It was so unfair....
I guess it all started when I was twelve. I'd just became friends with my best friend, we'll call her Jess. I spent so many nights staying over at her house. She came from a broken home so it was just her and her mom. After a few months of friendship her brother, we'll call him Zac, moved into their mothers house. I guess I never really put much thought into things, he was just my friends big brother. There was always that naughty older brother fantasy playing at the back of my...
It was my sequel to the previous sex story, “Incest fun in south India”. Please feedback at Then she wore her petticoat and saree, I moved back and went outside the room. When I hear the bathroom door slam sound, I entered the room and called her for calculation. She sat down and we are done. In the meantime, she rubs her pussy over saree periodically. Then we both parted. I was thinking about my mom behavioral and wants to make it as chance. So I triggered my mind into planning mode. And...
IncestHai Indian sex stories readers, Im a very old reader of ISS stories and this is my first confession in ISS , its my real incident, my name amer im from hyderabad age 23,I am fair & fit,my height 5’10, I am a graduate person, if any aunties, divorced ladies, college girls ,unsatisfied women want to enjoy sex life with me then you can mail me on . Ab mai aploag ko zeada bore na karte hue apne real incident per aata hu Jaise k mai abhi abhi apni engineering complete kiya thaa may k mahine me uske...
My best friend Suzanne bounded into the South London apartment we rented together after she’d finished work, her hazel eyes lit up like a bonfire. “You’ll never guess what’s happened!” Suzanne worked as a private tutor, a job that certainly allowed her to see more of upper class England than I could've conceived possible. I couldn’t imagine a more mundane job; however it seemed she had a pretty sweet deal. She seemed to do more wining and dining with the elite than actual teaching. By now I...
BDSMNote : This story is completely fictional! My brother and I had were driving home from a movie one night that had left us very turned on. This was over summer break and his girlfriend had broken up with him before exams were over so it was safe to say that he hadn't had a fuck since April and it was now July. I noticed that he kept shifting a lot while driving. At one point he even almost ran off the road. I asked what was wrong but he just snapped at me, "Nothing!" "Fine, just trying to help."...
IncestWell it all started when I was 10 years old. Like all the other kids of my age I had this fantasy of kissing a girl. And to me the only girl who was the epitome of beauty and sensuality was my aunt {my father’s sister) Neha. She was around 5 years older to me and had a marvelous figure. Guys used to drool over her and even some older men looked at her is awe. She used to live in the same city but it was very few times she used to come to my place maybe once in a month. But I used to wait for...
Incest“Rachel, can you drive me to the mall today?” Lisa wanted to meet her friends to go shopping later, but at only 18, she had failed her driver's test several times, and needed her 20 year old sister’s help. “I can’t, I have a date tonight with Dave,” answered Rachel. Rachel always had dates. She had guys crawling all over her, with her beautifully large breasts, deep brown eyes, and long, flowing brown hair. Lisa, by contrast, was petite, with a long face and a small rack. She wasn’t bad-looking...
BDSMHello guys, my name is Aashish Kalyan. I am from Thane, Maharashtra. I am 20 years old with a 6-inches tool. I am 6 ft 3 inches tall with an average built. Now, about the heroine of this story, Isha (name changed). She is 5’9 with a very well-toned body, and because she is a dancer her assets are well-maintained as well. Her stats are 34-28-30. She has milky, white skin and her wavy hair suit her really well. The story is a bit long guys, but I assure you it’s worth your...