Pygmalion RevisitedA Thousand Words free porn video

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The pencil lead broke. He was pressing too hard again. The more he tried, the harder it became until his frustration caused him to tense up and ruin another drawing. Why couldn’t he have real talent? Why couldn’t he make his hand draw what his mind could see so clearly? He felt like one of the people he’d seen auditioning for a talent show. They believed in themselves, but they didn’t have any talent. When they got up to sing, everyone cringed because it was off key. They put their hearts into it, but they just weren’t any good.

The difference was that those talentless rock star wannabes didn’t know they couldn’t sing. They thought they were the next great thing that would take the world by storm. Ian knew he didn’t have the talent it took to be a great artist. It wasn’t that he was less passionate about it or that he couldn’t draw at all. He’d taken classes. He’d filled sketchbooks. He could do a decent rendering from a photograph in pencil. He really couldn’t paint that well. And give him a live model and his sketches barely came out looking human.

He wanted so badly to be an artist, but all he had was broken pencils.

“Great job on this campaign, Ian,” Jack said as they left the meeting room. “I don’t know how you come up with these ideas, but recasting the commercial for men’s deodorant from the perspective of a woman was brilliant. You can really think like a woman. It’s not new to use a woman to make the man want to please her, but to actually market to the woman to get her to buy it for her man is a breakthrough. Nice job.”

“Thanks, Jack. It’s just trying to look at everything from a new angle.”

“You’re the most creative guy we have on the staff. Next time, though, get Gloria to help you on the artwork for the proposal. It was the only weak spot. You know what they say—a picture’s worth a thousand words.”

“Will do.”

Ian went into his office seething. Most creative guy on staff and he couldn’t draw. He knew the storyboard looked cartoonish, but it was the best he could do. Gloria wasn’t likely to be much help. She only wanted to draw her own ideas, not someone else’s.

A picture might be worth a thousand words, but when all you had was words, that’s what you had to use. It worked, but this client was ready for a big change in its approach. He could turn the whole thing over to Gloria or Burk to develop the collaterals. Then it would be a miracle if they turned out the way he’d described them. Gloria’s standard mantra was “I can make it so much better than that.”

He swiveled in his chair and stared out the twenty-first-floor window at the Lake. The office faced east and none of the ‘artists’ wanted it because the light was bad. At least he didn’t have to worry about that when he was writing. He’d researched and purchased ceramic window film and installed it himself. He couldn’t tell the difference between natural light and the filtered light. He could see out his windows just fine and there was no glare from the morning sun on his computer screen.

The artists, of course, hated it. They wouldn’t show their work in his office. They had to have the conference room with north facing windows and 5000K lighting. He wondered exactly how many of their clients or their clients’ customers would look at the artwork under those precise conditions.

He often sneaked the artwork into his office to see if he could tell a difference. He couldn’t.

At home alone, Ian ate heated-up leftovers from the night before. The food was good, even coming out of the microwave. It wasn’t that he couldn’t cook. But he didn’t really know how to cook for one. Everything he made was the way his Northside mother had made it—in quantity. He cooked once or twice a week and ate the leftovers the other nights. Sundays were reserved for steak, grilled on the balcony of his apartment.

He wondered if he could learn to cook for two, should the occasion ever arise. Not that it was likely he’d need to. He’d had ‘relationships’ before. But they always seemed to end up the same. They both left disappointed that it wasn’t what they expected or hoped for. It wasn’t heartrending. It wasn’t filled with screaming and hatred. It was just a creeping sadness that came over them before they said goodbye.

He could see her in his mind’s eye. He spent hours trying to draw her, to no avail. There was always something missing. The pictures in his mind simply weren’t complete. Still, he knew she was out there. Somewhere.

“Why don’t you ever ask me out?” Gloria demanded as she threw the drawings down on his desk. They were working on a new campaign for shampoo. It appeared they had become the go-to team for personal care products. “I always make your ideas so much better.”

She’d changed his concept in the renderings again. He’d had a simple image in mind of a guy out running and playing with his dog. Big, hairy dog. He wasn’t sure what kind. After a long day, he comes home hot and sweaty and takes a shower. The shampoo bottle was in the picture with the brand name clearly recognizable. Then the camera pans down to the dog—same color hair—with lather all over him. Cut to the guy opening his door to a beautiful woman. Next, there are a woman’s hands running through his luxurious hair. Pull back, see the woman petting the dog and the tag, “Be careful where you use it.”

Her concept might have been considered sexier because the woman was in the shower with the man and dog and as he shampoos her hair, she does the dog. It just missed all the humor and the poignancy of the original.

“No, you don’t,” he sighed. “You make the idea yours, but not better. In fact, you lose half the concept when you try to make it better. You’re a fucking illustrator, not a concept person. Just draw what I ask for and quit trying to make it better.”

He admitted, he was angry. This wasn’t the campaign he wanted to put words around. The images were sexy, but the point was lost. He wondered if Burk could do any better, but he’d used up his company resource allotment. If he wanted something different, he’d have to pay for it himself. That was the way Gloria worked. She used up his resources and he never had anything to spend on something better.

That, he decided, was the problem with women.

In a thousand words or less, Ian could describe exactly what he wanted in an ad, could create the emotional impact, and could sell an entire campaign. Why couldn’t he draw the pictures himself? Sometimes he swore stick figures would be more effective than trying to rewrite an entire campaign to meet the illustration that his art team came up with.

“Great presentation, Ian,” Jack said. Jack was the account manager and the product du jour was toothpaste. Ian just couldn’t wait until they were doing suppositories. What a fucking job. “Where was Gloria today? She did good work on this one.”

“It wasn’t Gloria’s art,” Ian grumbled. “I can’t work with her.”

“What? We can’t afford to go outside the company for concept art! Ian, you have to use the resources we have.”

“I paid for it out of my pocket. Jack, every time Gloria gets hold of my concepts I end up having to rewrite everything to match her art. She actually had the guy squeezing hair gel onto his toothbrush instead of the toothpaste. I’m through with her.”

“You can’t dump her, Ian.”

“Yes, I can. I know you’re sleeping with her, Jack. God! The whole office knows. She had the gall to ask me when I was going to take her out. Hope you know that she’ll sleep with anyone here to be the star, including you. I won’t use her again,” Ian said. Jack scowled at him.

“She’s more valuable than you are, Ian. She can draw. Get over it,” Jack growled.

“Let’s see what she can come up with on her own, then. Just give her your next project and quit using me as an intermediary.”

“Ian, this is a pretty heavy accusation,” Floyd said. Ian sat across the desk from the CEO of the advertising firm. “We’ve always been pleased with your work, but the complaint from Jack about you being unable to work as a team with your fellow employees seems to be supported. We’re going to have to put you on probation. Work with your resources or pack your desk.”

Ian sat staring at the old-school exec. He still wore a three-piece suit, had three-martini lunches, and was fucking at least three of the women in the company. Ian could see the film clip in his mind. “A Triple Threat.” He started to chuckle.

“I don’t see the humor in your situation,” Floyd said.

“Mr. Anderson, find another writer. Oh, and I’d suggest you have the illustrations finished before you ask him to do a campaign so all he has to do is caption them.” Ian walked out of the CEO’s office and grabbed a banker’s box from the storeroom. It was too big for the personal possessions he had in his office.

For a moment, he was tempted to strip the ceramic film off the windows, but that was petty and he wouldn’t be able to use it elsewhere anyway. He did stop long enough to run a format program on his hard drive and wipe all his personal files. He stopped at the receptionist’s desk and gave her an inventory of the items in his box and had her check off each item. Then he walked out the door. Unemployed.

Ian needed his income. He had three months’ cash in reserve. All his other savings were tied up in long term IRAs for his comfortable retirement. He might have to live on dogfood until then. It was a long time away. Monday, he would have to hit the street looking for a new position.

He needed to find an agency where content was more important than presentation. If he could find an agency where the content and presentation were equally important, it was possible that he could manage a good working relationship. Collaboration. That’s what it was all about. An image was nothing without the words that went with it.

Take that painting at the Met he liked so much. Simply describing the painting wasn’t enough. A girl ... woman? Definitely female ... in a dress stood on a balcony looking out over a cityscape. In the distance light reflected off the lake behind which mountains arose. One hand was placed casually on the rail. It’s an old-fashioned balustrade, so the scene could be any time from the Renaissance to the present. Balconies, lakes, cities, and mountains coincided in dozens of countries all over the world. There was not enough detail in the city or the dress to identify a period or location. It was a great advertising illustration. He could write an ad for soap, champagne, perfume, designer clothing, or tourism off that illustration. The key would be how it was worded. He could write a tragedy or a romance or a comedy based on that image alone.

It had been a long day, but the evening approached, rife with the expectation of celebration. She could smell the excitement in the air. Her own true love was out there somewhere. He was gallant and handsome and she loved him to the bottom of her soul. But he did not even know she existed. A cool breeze blew her hair across her face and its tickle against her ears caused the bumps to rise on her flesh—including those touchstones of her arousal pressing against the fabric of her dress. Her eyes drifted closed. So many possibilities. With her hand on the balustrade she flexed her knees and leapt to the cold embrace of the courtyard below.

Perhaps that message would have been more to the point than Shakespeare’s rendering of the same scene. They end up the same.

It had been a long day, but the evening approached, rife with the expectation of celebration. She could smell the excitement in the air. Her own true love was out there somewhere. He was gallant and handsome and she loved him to the bottom of her soul. But he did not even know she existed. A cool breeze blew her hair across her face and its tickle against her ears caused the bumps to rise on her flesh—including those touchstones of her arousal pressing against the fabric of her dress. Her eyes drifted closed. So many possibilities. She sighed, “Romeo. Romeo. Wherefore art thou Romeo?”

Or perhaps there was a less doomed version of the same scene. Something in which the lovers find each other. Perhaps the same scene made her smile or laugh.

It had been a long day, but the evening approached, rife with the expectation of celebration. She could smell the excitement in the air. Her own true love was out there somewhere. He was gallant and handsome and she loved him to the bottom of her soul. But he did not even know she existed. A cool breeze blew her hair across her face and its tickle against her ears caused the bumps to rise on her flesh—including those touchstones of her arousal pressing against the fabric of her dress. Her eyes drifted closed. So many possibilities. The strains of the minstrels below wafted up to her aerie and she smiled at their antics. “Are you ready, my love?” he asked coming up behind her. “So ready,” she responded, welcoming his embrace and the hot touch of his lips to hers.

What his agency hadn’t understood was that it was his words that sold the message. The artwork supported it. Somewhere, there must be an agency that understood.

Just like somewhere there must be a woman who was right for him. He sighed, his own picture of winsome frustration as he stood on the tiny balcony of his apartment. Maybe that was why he couldn’t draw. He was too caught up in the words and the picture they painted in his mind to put a feeble stroke of a brush on the paper.

Or maybe he just didn’t have any talent.

He’d been hitting the pavement for four weeks. Figuratively. No one literally went door-to-door to hunt for a job these days. He sat in front of his computer for hours each day searching job sites and taking online courses on getting an interview, effective interviewing, and goal setting. His bottle of Laphroaig was almost empty. Second bottle. Who cares? It was the weekend and he could have a drink in the afternoon if he wanted. It just didn’t seem to do anything. He took another sip and then tossed the rest into the back of his mouth.

If he was going to drink it like that, he could buy cheaper scotch. He returned to his computer to work through yet another self-improvement course.

Set SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound) goals that motivate you and write them down to make them feel tangible. Then plan the steps you must take to realize your goal, and cross off each one as you work through them.

The first step in setting personal goals is to consider what you want to achieve in your lifetime (or at least, by a significant and distant age in the future). Setting lifetime goals gives you the overall perspective that shapes all other aspects of your decision making.

Well, that was the first problem. What did he want? A job. A life. A woman. He laughed out loud when he filled out the form. The way he felt right now, the right woman could make about any job or life tolerable. None of those desires, though, were very specific. He could accept any job, but he couldn’t accept just any woman. He thought about Gloria at the office and shuddered. What did he really want in a woman? Besides his cock.

Ian took a drawing pad and a pencil to the balcony and sat on his lounger. Hmm. If he was going to have a woman in his life, he should get another chair. Or maybe he should trade this one in on a double. The woman he wanted in his life wasn’t one who sat on the other side of the balcony.

Who was she? He closed his eyes and tried to imagine her. He should be job hunting. He wasn’t going to attract a young woman by sitting on the balcony daydreaming. Hmm. That was one criterion. He jotted it down.

She’s a young woman. Well, that was a bit egotistical. Why would a young woman want a forty-some-year-old failure? Young women wanted money. If she was a beautiful young woman, she wanted a lot of money. And besides, who wanted to put up with a person who was just starting out in life and had to discover all the things that he’d already been through. It wasn’t really young that he wanted. It was more... youthful.

She’s youthful in appearance and action, though probably older than she looks. She stays healthy and fit because she has an active life, not because she obsesses over it. And it’s not just that she’s youthful, she makes me feel younger when I’m with her and encourages me to be healthy and fit. Not by nagging at me, but by being a person I want to be able to keep up with.

He looked at his drawing pad. He’d always avoided writing on drawing paper because he was supposed to draw on drawing paper. That’s why it was called drawing paper. He had flimsy sheets of yellow legal pads for writing. That was writing paper. But somehow, looking at those words on the substantial drawing paper, it seemed right. He was going to paint a picture on the page. Only he was going to use a thousand words.

Ian was called for an interview on Monday and gladly sat with the director and an account manager for nearly two hours as they grilled him about his work and portfolio. Portfolios are different today than they were back when. When he’d taken his college portfolio to his first job interview, it was a thick binder filled with stories, ad copy, sketches, and two video tapes. Now he carried a laptop, showed a presentation, and ran some YouTube videos.

“Why did you leave Anderson? It looked like you had a lot going for you, including over ten years with the firm,” Mr. Melrose said. I had to laugh.

“This is a business where you stick your neck out on a regular basis and risk getting it chopped off,” Ian said. “That means you have to have enough ego invested in the project to believe it is the best the client can get. I’ve got a good record of successful campaigns, but the best were ideas that I presented before creative got hold of them. I was told that I had to use the resources available, but they felt it was their right to make changes without looping me in to discuss them. I was continually coming up to a presentation and discovering that the visuals didn’t match what I’d written at all. I had to make adjustments on the fly, sometimes getting surprised during a client meeting by my account manager and artist. Most of the time, they were good ideas. They just weren’t as good as the ones I’d put together. I’m no artist, but the campaigns I showed you—and I know you were already familiar with them—were the best. Those were the campaigns that I presented to the client with my own pretty meager art skills for the renderings. I was told that showing my art made the company look bad and I had to use our creative group. I simply couldn’t get the results I needed. So, I left. Ego. I’ve got my share of it, Mr. Melrose, but I don’t let that get in the way of putting the best product out there.”

“I think we’d need to have you meet with our creative group to see if you could establish a working relationship with them,” Melrose said. “I don’t mind telling you that I have a lot of faith in our creative department. Maybe we can do a test project as a consultant.”

The interview ended without a commitment. Ian wasn’t going to compromise his values or creative control on a project, even if it meant he needed to eat Ramen noodles for the next month.

With the last of his scotch and his sketchbook, Ian sat on his balcony looking at the lights of the city and began to dream about what he’d like to do in life with the woman of his dreams.

She wants to travel and see the country—the world. She’s a free spirit and is ready to go at the drop of a hat. She packs light so we can fly to Paris or hitchhike to Disneyland. She’s up for the cheap way to get there because the journey is as important as the destination. If there is an adventure to be had, she is ready to take it. If we can’t find an adventure, we’ll make one up. But she’s not a daredevil or adrenalin junkie. If she jumps out of an airplane it’s because the plane is crashing. But flying along behind a boat on a kite, she’d find that fun. And she’s not concerned about money. Between us, we have enough to live simply and fulfill dreams. She’s not into accumulating stuff. She knows she might need to leave it all behind in order to do something new.

Ian wasn’t called in for another interview, nor was he given a project as a consultant. He didn’t go online for three days. Instead, he focused on the pad of drawing paper with a No .2 pencil and his dream of the perfect woman for him. And before his eyes, she took shape in 1,000 words.

She’s youthful in appearance and action, though she is probably older than she looks. She stays healthy and fit because she has an active life, not because she obsesses over it. And it’s not just that she’s youthful, she makes me feel younger when I’m with her and encourages me to be healthy and fit. Not by nagging at me, but by being a person I want to be able to keep up with.

She’s pretty. That doesn’t mean she’s a fashion model or a Playboy centerfold. She has a pretty face and smile. She lights up a room when she smiles and I respond by thinking, “Gee, she’s pretty!” When she turns that smile toward me, I feel like the most important person in the universe. My smile, in turn, tells her she is the most beautiful woman in the world. The rest of her body complements that smile. It reflects the beauty I see when I look in her eyes. She turns me on. I desire her.

A picture can only show how she looks, but what’s inside is even more important. She’s smart. She doesn’t need to be a Rhodes Scholar, though that would be okay. She has a broad view of life with experience to back it up. She can see past the petty issues that crop up and not get distracted from the big things. She reads, but doesn’t believe everything she reads. She investigates to find out what is true and what isn’t.

She has ideas. Lots of ideas. And she likes to talk about them. We get into long discussions about things that no one else would think of. Her voice is clear and even when she speaks quietly, I don’t have any problem hearing her. It’s like she’s attuned to my ears. And when we’ve talked about an idea—maybe an article we read, a book, a movie, or deep philosophical musings—she isn’t afraid of the silence. We can sit enjoying each other’s company for hours without saying anything.

She’s funny—sometimes by accident and sometimes by design. She just has a good sense of humor and can see the lighter side of almost any situation. She likes to laugh. She thinks I’m funny, too. But not that I’m funny-looking. She smiles at me and makes a face when I say something stupid, then breaks out laughing.

She wants to travel and see the country—the world. She’s a free spirit and is ready to go at the drop of a hat. She packs light so we can fly to Paris or hitchhike to Disneyland. She’s up for the cheap way to get there because the journey is as important as the destination. If there is an adventure to be had, she is ready to take it. If we can’t find an adventure, we’ll make one up. But she’s not a daredevil or adrenalin junkie. If she jumps out of an airplane it’s because the plane is crashing. But flying along behind a boat on a kite, she’d find that fun. And she’s not concerned about money. Between us, we have enough to live simply and fulfill dreams. She’s not into accumulating stuff. She knows she might need to leave it all behind so we can do something new.

She doesn’t need me. She wants me. She is complete, whole, and content with who she is, but likes being with me. She likes having me to plan with and to play with. It’s more fun, and she likes having fun. She has ideas about where to go and who to visit along the way, but doesn’t need to be in any one place to be happy. She’s happy when she is with me, and I am happy with her.

She’s not desperate. I’m not her last hope. She’s not desperate for love, for a family, for sex, or for money. She’s happy if any of those come her way as a bonus for being with me. She gives me a reason to get up in the morning, to work, to play, to adventure. And she gives me a reason to turn off my computer and go to bed at night. Both the getting up and the going to bed reasons fill my heart with joy.

She’s comfortable in her own skin and makes me comfortable in it as well. If we’re just hanging around, clothing is always optional and usually discarded. She loves to cuddle and kiss. Feeling her skin against my skin sends a thrill through our bodies. We’re happy to just be in touch, but if something else comes up, we’re happy for that, too.

Her spiritual side is revealed in the way she cares about other people, the land, the animals. She might have a religion, but she doesn’t feel compelled to convert anyone to it, nor does she have patience for people trying to convert her. It is deeply personal and respected by both of us. Our shared spiritual experience is in the sunset, the waves lapping on the shore, the stark desert, and the lush jungle. In these things, we come together as one heart and soul.

She appreciates my unique talent and has a talent that I can equally appreciate. Recognizing each other’s strengths, we can collaborate on new and creative projects that bring us both fulfillment and joy.

We share simple needs, have simple desires, eat simple food, drink simple wine. We don’t overindulge because when we are with each other, we have so much stimulation with clear heads. She keeps her wits about her, even if I’m near to losing mine. She’s neat and tidy, but doesn’t get stressed out if I leave the dishes until morning.

Most of all, she wants to be with me for this part of our journey and if we grow apart as companions or lovers, we will still be together as friends. Our relationship is built on respect, trust, and care for each other. From that comes love.

Ian read what he’d written. He’d spent hours erasing and rewriting. He looked again at the rules for setting goals. Specific. Measurable. Attainable. Relevant. Time-bound. He added a line.

She is out there somewhere and I will find her within a year.

He looked at the empty scotch bottle that hadn’t been touched in three days and tossed it in the recycling. He ran hot water in the kitchen sink and washed the dishes, dried them, and put them away. He pulled out his little vacuum cleaner and ran it across the floors before taking all the accumulated garbage and recycling to their repositories. He stripped his bed, gathered his dirty clothes, and went to the laundry room. He sat watching the clothes tumble in the dryer and thought about what he wanted.

What is it that she wants from me?

“Ian, it’s Floyd Anderson,” the voice said when Ian answered his phone.

“Hello, Mr. Anderson. Did I fail to complete the exit interview?” Ian asked. He couldn’t imagine why his former boss would be calling.

“Let’s leave it at Floyd. We’ve been too formal for too long,” Anderson said. “How’s your vacation? Ready to get back to work?”

“It’s been productive,” Ian hedged. He’d cleaned his apartment and written a description of his ideal woman. That was productive.

“Melrose isn’t going to call you, Ian. We talked.”

“You blackballed me?”

“Quite the opposite. I gave you a very good recommendation. I was glad you were considering a good agency,” Anderson said. “They went behind you. They hired Jack and Gloria.”


“No loss here. They hadn’t sold a campaign since you left. I found out a lot of things that hadn’t surfaced before you left. None of them were good.” Anderson cleared his throat and began his pitch. Ian could recognize the change in tenor. He was going to be sold something. He waited.

“This is a cut-throat business as you well know, Ian. We have good employee retention here because we’ve tried to compensate our people fairly and provide a positive work environment. Sometimes we mess up on that and lose an employee who was truly valuable, like you, Ian. It usually plays out on the other side. Employees use us as a stepping stone into a better, more lucrative, or more powerful position. That’s what happened with Jack and Gloria. They’d been planning their move for over a year and Melrose had just hired them when he interviewed you. Jack is now the Vice President of Sales and he took Gloria and another creative person with him. When he found out you had interviewed, he said he wouldn’t have you on his team. That’s why you won’t be hired.”

“It’s a blessing. If I’d gone there and found he was the boss, I’d have quit on the spot. A short-lived employment record.”

“That’s the thing, Ian. You weren’t using us as a stepping stone. You liked your job here and you were good at it. You left out of principle. Few people in this industry have those. It took me a while to figure that one out, but when I discovered how long it had taken for you to get an interview at Melrose, I realized you didn’t have a plan for leaving our agency. That’s why I want you to come back,” Anderson said. “I need a man with principles to run creative and sell our big ideas.”

“Run creative?”

“That’s right. I know your strength is writing. You’ll do a lot of it. But I want to infuse our whole new team with the kind of principles you demonstrated. We’ve got the opportunity to bid the entire marketing campaign for Restore Youth. It’s right up your alley and I’ll give you full license to run the show. Come back, Ian. You’ll like your new employment package and we have some crackerjack people lined up for you to interview to fill out your team. I’ve talked to those from the old team that are still here and they are enthused to have you take the reins. We need you, Ian. And I think you need us.”

Same as Pygmalion Revisited
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Pygmalion ProjectWeek 5 Mid June

Sunday As breakfast finished Sunday morning, Ted sent Sean off to play, then addressed his wife and daughters. "Kathy, I am going to tell you some things you are not going to like at all. Please do not object or start to argue. I am telling you this is the way it is going to be. Do you understand?" Kathy looked totally stunned but nodded. "From now on, girls, you are not to ask your mother for permission about where to go, what to do, who to see, or what to wear. You are to ask me. I will...

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Pygmalion ProjectWeek 6 Late June

Sunday Ted's family arrived at Greg's that Sunday, without Kathy. She had left that morning for her parents' home, about a four hour drive away. Ted was concerned about the impact of this trip. Evelyn, Kathy's mother, was the source and reinforcement for many of her phobias and her Victorian ideas. He knew her return could not bring an easing of the conflict. He spent a long time with Julia that afternoon. Fortunately, the children were completely absorbed with the pool. Later, at home,...

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Pygmalion ProjectWeek 7 Late June

Saturday Greg had no trouble picking Laura out in the small crowd standing at the curb. It still seemed discourteous to him not to meet her in the terminal, but since he could no longer go down the concourse, and since she had only a carry-on bag, she had been able to convince him. Using their cell phones, they had been able to get the timing just right. It was late Saturday morning, and the airport traffic was light. She could only stay for one night, but with Rick's perks, she was used to...

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Pygmalion ProjectWeek 8 Early July

Saturday Kathy returned early Saturday afternoon. She seemed to be disconcerted by the enthusiastic greeting from the girls. Ted watched closely as Jordan told her about getting on the softball team. He saw Kathy's jaw clench and her face flush. When Jordan told her about the diving coach, Kathy leaped to her feet and yelled for Ted. She grabbed him by the hand and dragged him up to their room, slamming the door behind them. She turned, red-faced, and opened her mouth to let him have it,...

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Pygmalion ProjectWeek 10 Mid July

Sunday It was early Sunday morning, and Alex had hardly slept the few hours since Jim and Caroline had left. He had knocked on a lot of doors and been through a lot of first encounters in his businesses. None had left him feeling like this. Jim greeted him warmly before he could even knock and ushered him into the living room. Caroline and the children stood when he entered. He made the mistake of looking at Janie first, and it almost ruined him for the rest of the visit. He was absolutely...

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Pygmalion ProjectWeek 11 Late July

Sunday Kathy slowly became aware of her nakedness. She started to panic, but there were hands all over her and soothing voices. They told her they loved her and wanted her to stay in the family. They told her Ted loved her and wanted her to be a real wife to him forever. But he couldn't love her and make her do this. It was so wrong, so indecent. She couldn't be here naked. Why had she taken off her clothes? She could not remember doing that. She only remembered Ted. And divorce. And...

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Pygmalion ProjectWeek 12 Early August

Sunday Things were moving so well, it was decided that Kathy's children should come for their normal Sunday outing. Kathy was told, and was, of course, horrified at the thought of her children seeing her naked. There was another long, emotional discussion, and it was now clear that this process would be necessary at each step of Kathy's escalating sensual exposure. As before, the horror of divorce was motive enough to get her to do just about anything. They had debated about just springing...

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Pygmalion ProjectWeek 15 Late August

Sunday It had taken a lot of persuasion to get Elisabeth to come to Greg's house for the big occasion. She had met only Ted and Greg, and felt quite uncomfortable. To make it worse, she would not be able to show herself until Ted and Kathy were dancing. Still, she had developed a real affection for Ted, and wanted to share in the happy conclusion of his whirlwind education. They had crammed fifteen lessons into less than three weeks, and it would have been more if Elisabeth had not insisted...

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Pygmalion ProjectEpilogue

It was Wednesday of the first week of school. Caitlin and Jordan had just come home. Extra-curricular practices had not yet started, so they took the regular bus. As they walked from the corner bus stop, they were nearly bowled over by Trish McNamara, a sophomore who lived three doors down. Trish was a freckle-faced flaming redhead. She had a nice figure and attractive features, but was still afflicted by braces. She was considered a nerd by many of her peers because she was at the top of her...

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Pygmalion RevisitedLost Wax

I'm Jerome. No last name. I don't use it. I can't even pronounce it; I can't expect anyone else to. I'm an ethnic "Heinz 57 Varieties." Why the patrilineal line had to come from the only place in the world where you could have no vowels in a word is sheer bad luck. Imagine a name like Zgrdznk. No, that's not my name. But if you saw it and asked how it was pronounced, I'd just say "Smith. The 'Z' is silent." I got sick of it. When I turned eighteen, I found a judge who could...

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Pygmalion RevisitedWhittled Away

The man who chops his own wood warms himself twice. "You always had clever things to say when I was in pain." Nonetheless, David set another log on the chopping block and swung his axe. It was a well-practiced swing of the razor sharp blade and split the log smoothly. He picked up the pieces and tossed them in his wagon. He picked up the next log, almost too small to split. He'd spent the past week cutting the wood to the right lengths with his chainsaw. He'd hauled it out of the...

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Pygmalion RevisitedIron Alchemy

I like the heat. Not the mosquito-ridden heat of a humid Minnesota summer. Not the dead dry heat of the Mojave. Not the figurative heat of scholastic demands. Not the adrenalin-inducing heat of walking the beams a hundred feet above the ground. I know heat. I like the heat of the forge. The heat of iron lying on the anvil awaiting the hammer's kiss. The heat of a welding torch in gloved hands running a smooth bead down an undetectable join. I like the heat that makes sweat run down my...

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A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

The internet is just a pool of photos with little explaination that make one question, theorize, and fantasize about the backstory to the photograph. Here I'm encouraging authors to find some of their favorites and see what they can do with their minds and a google image search. Enjoy what their perverted minds have come up with and here is a link to the forum page where people can post images they'd like to see here.

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One Thousand Words

You said you want us to do more kinky stuff to spice up our marriage. For the longest time I did not really understand what you were after and even questioned myself. But I have learned, and I enjoy that shift of power in our relationship more than I thought I would. So let us play a game, my love!I have one thousand words here that I will read to you. It takes about four minutes to say them. For your sake, I will read them slowly, though.When I have reached the last one, I want you to come. No...

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A Thousand BucksChapter 3

As I mentioned earlier, I offered a thousand dollars to boyfriends if they agreed to let me have sex with their girlfriends. I had sex with over thirty single women with their boyfriends' approval. I also made the same offer to husbands of a thousand dollars to fuck their wives. I couldn't believe the takers that I received. Another thing was even though they took the money, most didn't do it for that reason. They had fantasies and wanted to see their wife having sex with another man. The...

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A Picture Worth A Thousand Words

There is no way I’m attempting to portray any real life event, places, or people. This story mentions RSP’s and RRSP’s. To my American readers, these are synonymous to your 401K’s. Thanks for reading. WR A Picture – Worth A Thousand Words It’s the same old cliché, the husband is the last to know. Well, in my case perhaps not the last but I was well down on the list. I’ve always been considered fairly easy going. Not much got me really upset, even the stress of a network that wouldn’t...

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One Thousand Kisses

One Thousand Kisses by Marlissa I drive the long ten miles to the edge of town, wondering what fun I will have with my little mistress Lily. I keep her in a cheap apartment on the outskirts of town, conveniently away from the exclusive executive subdivision where the Misses, kids and dog reside. I pay the apartment manager there something extra to take care of her shopping needs, so there's absolutely no need for my caged dove to have a car or even to leave her little love...

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Ten Thousand Tomorrows

Ten Thousand Tomorrows "Lynn," she says softly to me. "It's time to go." I am in my sacred place, my personal 'heaven' where I go when I meditate. The voice is a woman behind me. I can't see her. Here, in this place, I am a Fey, a gossamer winged, alabaster skinned, auburn haired, emerald eyed, slightly luminescent fey. I mean, I AM Lynn LeFey, after all. I didn't pick my name at random. "You've got the wrong one," I tell her. "It was supposed to be." I wave my hand vaguely....

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A Thousand Years of Peace Book 2Chapter 3 Going to God

Day 3, November 2, 2018. The sun had not come up yet. The town square was full of life and excitement. The plan for today was for Poncho to cook breakfast for his four Omak friends. At 8:00 the entire town would go to God. At 1:00 PM the boys were going to take a break from training and play another baseball game. Lorenzo had a team together to plant the trees into a nursery this afternoon. After the trees, a garden was going to be worked on for the planting of vegetables. This was also...

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A Thousand BucksChapter 2

Our exercise business was really picking up. Bill and I spent most of the days showing the young people how to use the equipment. Most of our members were students in high school and college. Since the business was growing we decided to build on a new wing. It would include an inside track since we had a lot of adults wanting a place to walk and jog. Even though I had the money we borrowed over half the money needed. To keep things equal Bill made the long-term payments from his profits....

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A Thousand Years of Peace Book 2Chapter 6 Poncho Takersquos the battle to the Drug Lords

On the morning of Monday, November 21, 2018, the senior men of the town came together for a meeting. The circle of buckets was much larger now, over a hundred. Maria and many other women had shown their worth on the targets on the rifle range, were included. At the first meeting, Gloria and Willa had been afterthoughts. Now they sat next to their husbands as members of the circle. Teresa and her two brothers sat within the circle along with dozens of other young people that had performed...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 15

Returning Home! The destroyer landed on the planet Nanux. John had everyone take a walk, to observe the planet. It had been stripped of its wealth, the soil was dead without nutrients or even earthworms. John got intuitively it needed a good dose of chickens. He thought of Funston and got the same sense that the ground had just been overused for thousands of centuries. Then it had been covered. Nanux had been used until there was no more life in it. John asked everyone to form a circle and...

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A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 8 Weddings

Sunday morning, April and the kids stood outside the bedroom door and sang here comes the bride! Willy was so funny, he was giving it his all and was way off tune and had everybody laughing so hard by the time they ended, the words got lost in the laughter. “Is everybody hungry?” John asked. The family went outside as though they were going to get into the car and go for breakfast. Johnny and Teresa came out to meet them and so did Samuel and Sheri along with Erik and Tami. “Wait for us!”...

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A Thousand Years of Peace Book 2Chapter 5

Prove you can do the job then you will get the tools to do it! The Taylor and the Bautista families were sitting at one of the tables. Demetri and his men were sitting with them. Steven Nation and Ben Taylor had eaten with Jesus and then left to visit the chickens and new cows. Jenny looked at John with this “Look”. “I’m sorry honey, I knew Tony was hurt and I reacted poorly.” John looked at Jenny for forgiveness. “Why didn’t you let me know?” Jenny asked. “I knew there was a war going...

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A Thousand Years of Peace Book 2Chapter 22

Do Aliens have Souls? Or are they Godless Beings that travel the Universe? John saw what looked like a large man in a chair, maybe best described as a throne. John wondered who he might be. “John, we need you now. Please wake up.” Jenny cried. John felt like he was falling, then he came to an abrupt stop. He hadn’t felt like this since he fell 10 feet onto concrete, landing on his hands and knees, “Am I ... in ... heaven?” John asked as he opened one eye. “No, we’re still in hell,” Jenny...

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A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 10 The Smart Car

John was in the bank. It was Wednesday morning. It had been three days since the wedding, and he was still laughing as he remembered the scene. A large contingency dressed as Scottish Nobleman. Jenny looking like Marian from Robin Hood. John Nation dressed like what Hollywood portrayed as the head Indian chief should look like. It looked more like a costume party than a wedding. John was interrupted by a man coming into the bank. He had a bag and a note from the hardware store. This gold...

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One Thousand Dollar Revenge

1986 - Troy State University, South Alabama Rex Schneider lit up a cigarette and lay back on his pillow as Tonya pulled away from him and sat up on the edge of the bed. Rex admired her sexy, sweaty naked back as she sat there pulling her panties on. She was the most beautiful girl he had ever been with and Rex had fallen deeply in love with her. “Watcha doin’, babe?” “We have to talk, Rex.” “Huh?” “Look, I graduate next week,” Tonya said. “You’re a year older than me and you’re what… at...

Straight Sex
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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 10 The Planet Funston

“Looks like we are ready to go.” George said. “Okay everybody. Stand in a line. We come back here for lunch. Okay? Stay with your buddies now. If you get lost, then transport to the front gate. Now I have some money. Remember the silver may be worth more than the gold here.” John handed out a silver coin and a gold coin to all the kids. He handed out 3 silver and 3 gold to all the Marines and Sally and Bobby. He handed out 5 coins of silver and gold to Vid, “If you buy with my money then I...

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A Thousand Years of Peace Book 2Chapter 20 The Morning After

John and Jenny got to sleep the clock around. Something John did as a young man. He worked two eight hour shifts when he was 19 and during the week only got 4 hours of sleep every night. During the weekend if he got to sleep the clock around at least once then he would be fine. John was remembering all this as he almost woke up. “Are you awake?” Jenny asked. “No.” John yawns. “This Carbon 60 helps oxygenates the blood. I guess if I stay up 24 hours then sleep for twelve or more, I’m going...

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A Thousand Years of Peace Book 2Chapter 25 The last Battle on Earth

John was in the new F-665 that Kevin had put together for them. The date was February 15, 2019. The F-665 was fifty feet across. It truly looked like a flying saucer. The ship could hold forty individuals comfortable. It looked very much like what they had been fighting in Antarctica. The twenty-ton machine could go a million miles per hour and had some very serious teeth if it needed. The shields again were much better and could take some very serious hits with no damage. Since the trip to...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 17

War of the Worlds. The dream January 13, 2019 John woke with a start. The dream had to do with his adopted daughter Sally who was going to be 16 soon. The Devil had her or she was sitting in the Devil’s lap laughing as if she was enjoying the attention. They were sitting in The Chair that had been Lucifer’s before the sun. John was watching from the railing on the west side of the sun. Demetri was there with a Gladiator’s outfit on. Sword in one hand Spear in the other, “John, I won’t let...

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A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 9 The Poachers

It was the Monday after the wedding. John had a group of 50 meet at the People’s Trust Tent. They enjoyed a nice breakfast and at 8:00 AM John brought them together and visualized the south end of the valley. Peter was in front. Most of the group were Peter’s Minute Men from Seattle. The primary exception was Chief John Nation was in the center. The rim that went around the valley looked much like Crater Lake in Oregon. It was a thousand feet high in places. The big difference was this one...

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A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 15 The focus has changed from internal to external

By October 3, people were moving into the brand-new houses. General Williams was walking into the City of Spokane with his army of 2,000. A thousand miles to the south, John was fulfilling the general’s request to contact the Marine Corp. John and Peter were dressed in Marine Corp camouflage. They were in one of the Humvees that had been taken from the mercenaries squatting on the reservation land. The Humvee had flags mounted in the front corners denoting the president of the U.S. The two...

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A Thousand Years of Peace Book 2Chapter 1

People are Hungry! Day One! October 31, 2018. Tony, Willa, Brad, and Gloria made up the team that was going to plug the southern tip of Mexico. The 26 others made up two to four-person teams that were going to be spread out to their North. The four targeted the municipal district of Quintana Roo with the municipal seat named José María Chetumal with a population of around 11,000. There were about 2,000 families. A good portion of the Yucatan Peninsula had vanished into the Gulf of Mexico...

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Two Thousand and Ten Ch 01

Author’s Note This is the first part in a new story series that follows the lives of two friends over the course of one turbulent year – 2010. The story is set in the fictional town of Westborough-on-sea, a seaside town on the south coast of England. Other towns and cities mentioned are real, although individual places within them (such as pubs, café’s, hospitals etc.) are fictional. Also, I would like to apologise for any factual inaccuracies or technical errors with certain aspects of the...

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A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 21 Thinking outside the box

George was one of the leaders in the chicken project, “This project came about from our class brainstorming on what we could do to help feed all people. We receive a thousand fertilized eggs from a nearby farmer every week. We ask for donations when we give a certain number of baby chicks away to individuals to help cover our costs. Included with the baby chicks, we provide a pound of food with every chick. We give half of our donations to the farmer that produces the eggs. The other half...

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A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 5 Earth Changes

Prediction and Concern turns to Reality: It was a comfortable sunny fall day near the beginning of September 2018 around 10:00 AM when the entire west coast of the United States dropped two feet. It was estimated that nearly ten million electrical transformers were no longer attached to power poles. Power west of the Cascades in Washington and Oregon and the Sierra Mountain Range in California was almost non-existent. The phone service was spotty at best. The one thing it did trigger was the...

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A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 6 White Eagle Walks among Us

John had known for almost 40 years that his totem was the American Bald Eagle. Another name for the majestic bird is the White Eagle. When John participated in healing, he became very high. That is why, after performing healing, he identified himself as White Eagle when he was asked, where under normal circumstances he would have very likely had said “No.” John watched as a young man was riding his bicycle on the sidewalk in front of them. The young man waved at them as he rode by. He looked...

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Prom Ch 05 A Thousand Words

Authors Note: ‘The Rachel Chronicles’ is a multi-part series of stories involving the titular character (a young woman named Rachel) and her various sexual adventures. The stories are themed mainly around oral sex, with the occasional tale involving other forms of sexual activity. Each chapter is somewhat lengthy and detailed and it is my hope that such detail will provide a richer experience for you readers as you truly get an intensive look inside Rachel’s head. Further, the stories are...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 4

Another Space Battle. The enemy is hungry. One of their food sources is humans from planet earth. The newcomers had been around the moon. John had a bit of fun with the cookies. John could sense something not right. He looked at his phone for the time. “Admiral, head towards Venus at full speed.” “Brien announce to everyone to make sure their seat belts are on secure.” Admiral Mary advised. “Buckle up and make safe, Tito log in a direct path to Venus and advance at full speed,” Brien said...

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A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 2 John Starts Taking on Family

Peter and Patty sat back down with their backs to the breakfast bar. Patty still had her coat on her shoulders. Patty kissed Peter and then wrapped her arms around him and promptly fell asleep, feeling safe and warm. Peter eased his cell phone out of his pocket and set the alarm for midnight. His dad worked from noon to midnight and as he put his phone into his shirt pocket, he too followed Patty into slumberland. When Peter pulled his buzzing cell phone out of his pocket, it took him a few...

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A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 16 Back in Omak The World comes Knocking

“Hello,” Johnny Taylor answered. “Mr. Vice President, we have a delegation from Monsito. Do you have time to meet with them?” Nancy McCormick asked. This was the first time she had addressed Johnny as Mr. Vice President. Johnny would make time to meet with them, “Absolutely Nancy. Let’s have them meet with me at Sou’s. Oh, by the way, is Bill available for lunch? I may need someone to watch my back.” “Will do. Bill is home, he just got finished with a class. Three more Black Lanyard...

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A Thousand Years of Peace Book 2Chapter 11

John was sitting watching Willy and the others playing with their New Mexican friends. Lucy and the twins along with Ben were there also. Thiago was Willy’s shadow. There were three boys and a girl, perhaps nine or ten years old that apparently had been north to the states sometime in their life. They were acting as interpreters and ... sort of like protectors. Suddenly there was a level of excitement among the young people. They were getting into line. Willy was counting on his fingers. It...

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AngelicaChapter 7 Worth A Thousand Words

When Mia arrived home from school she frantically searched the house for her grandma, but couldn't find her anywhere. "Gram?" Mia called. Mia went from room to room searching to no avail and became increasingly concerned because it wasn't like her grandma to go anywhere without leaving a note. Finally Mia noticed the door leading to the attic was slightly ajar, so she pushed the door open and began to ascend the dark stairs. Mia hated the attic and tried to avoid it at all costs. When...

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Two Thousand and Ten Ch 04

Author’s Note – Well dear readers, here it is – the next instalment of Two Thousand and Ten. Apologies if you have waited a long time for this as I have been busy with other projects, but hopefully you’ll enjoy this new chapter. Please feel free to comment or send reviews (as long as they’re positive!) Disclaimer – I am not a legal professional, so apologies if the upcoming scenes are inaccurate procedure-wise. This is after all, meant as a fictional story, and I reserve the right to use...

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Two Thousand and Ten Ch 03

Author’s note: Welcome to the third chapter of Two Thousand and Ten – the tale of a year in the life of two friends from a seaside town in southern England. I would like to take this opportunity to point out that the following chapter is purely a work of fiction, my character names are chosen totally at random, and no resemblance to any person (living or dead), or any company/organisation, is intended and entirely coincidental. All characters are over 18 years of age. Please also remember...

5 years ago
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Two Thousand and Ten Ch 02

Author’s note: Welcome to the second chapter of Two Thousand and Ten – the tale of a year in the life of two friends from a seaside town in southern England. I would like to take this opportunity to point out that the following chapter is purely a work of fiction, my character names are chosen totally at random, and no resemblance to any person (living or dead), or any company/organisation, is intended and entirely coincidental. All characters are over 18 years of age. Please also remember...

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Ten thousand for a thief part 1

The shadows of the night frolicked amidst the huge weeping willows as the vines danced among the breeze. The screech of an owl in the distance, and the trickling of the waters that ran beneath the wooden bridge gave that eerie feel to the moment. Darren pulled his 1991 battered old chevy as close to the fence as he could. Retrieving a pair of wire cutters from his back pocket, he snipped the barb wire and over he went. Each step making itself known beneath the crackling twigs that had fallen....

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A Thousand Bucks Ch 05

You should read the previous chapters to better understand what has been happening. A big thank you to Estragon for editing this story and making it a much better read. Chapter 5, The Conclusion Everyone was checking into the motel for Bill and Shauna’s wedding. So far everything was going good. Bill and his younger brother went to check in a few of the relatives. Jen told me later that Bill’s brother was something of a flirt. She told me that he and Bill came in, and he introduced her as...

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Thousand Dollars a Week Winner

Gary Ford grunted as lay on the bed in the motel room. This big titty white chick, Jessica, was riding his eight-inch dick. He massaged the enormous 38FF boobs. They bounced around as the raven-haired whore with blue eyes rode his cock vigorously. “Fuck that dick, bitch,” commanded the 44 year-old with six k**s. “I love this big Black cock,” whined the back room juke joint slut.“Yeah, hoe! Ride this dick!”“Yes, daddy!”“Yo’ pussy wet a fuck on mah big nigga dick, bitch!”“Yes, sir!”“Call me yo’...

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All for Five Thousand Dollars

All for Five Thousand Dollars By Sissie Maid Cuckold When I read the "help wanted" ad I was not sure I would qualify. The ad read, "Wanted self-reliant office worker who can and will follow orders without question or hesitation. Who is skilled in all office practices and who understands the boss is the boss." I sent an e-mail with my resume attached and waited for a response. Two days later I received a very detailed...

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