- 4 years ago
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It was Wednesday of the first week of school. Caitlin and Jordan had just come home. Extra-curricular practices had not yet started, so they took the regular bus. As they walked from the corner bus stop, they were nearly bowled over by Trish McNamara, a sophomore who lived three doors down. Trish was a freckle-faced flaming redhead. She had a nice figure and attractive features, but was still afflicted by braces. She was considered a nerd by many of her peers because she was at the top of her class, and did not care a whole lot about style. She had always been nice to the younger Caitlin and Jordan, and they enjoyed her company.
"Hey, Guys, don't you have a cousin named Terry?"
"We sure do!"
"Did he, like, just transfer in or something?"
"Yeah, they just moved up from Carlton. So you met Terry, huh?"
"Oh, no, I couldn't get close to him. All the cheerleader types were all over him. Boy, were some of the football guys getting pissed, too!"
"What was he doing with all those girls?" Caitlin felt a slight twinge of unreasonable jealousy.
"Oh, he didn't do anything. I mean he was polite and all, but he didn't go acting all macho or anything."
"You should go and talk to him. Tell him you're our friend."
"Oh, I couldn't do that! He wouldn't want to talk to me. What is he? Like, a Junior? A Senior?"
"Trish, Terry is a freshman."
"No way!!"
"Way! He's fourteen. Won't be fifteen until November."
"Oh, wow!! But, he's such a hunk!"
"You have no idea." Jordan muttered, barely audibly.
"What did you say, Jordan?"
"I just said he is a really good-looking guy."
"Well, it gives me something to dream about. I'll never get a date with a stud like that."
"Uh, Trish, uh, I don't know how to tell you this, but Terry and his sister are going to be our neighbors."
"What? Where?"
Caitlin pointed down the next block across the street. "They're moving into the old house on that big lot with all the trees and hedges around it. They're going to rebuild it."
"Ooooh, neat! Think you could, maybe, like, introduce me."
"How about right now? They're renting a place a few blocks away and he and Janie said they'd be over right after school."
"OhMyGod! He's coming here? Now?"
"Trish, just chill. Terry is a really nice guy. You don't need to be nervous. Why don't you have him show you their new place? It's empty now."
At that point, Terry and Janie wheeled into view on their bikes. Caitlin introduced everyone, then said teasingly, "Come on, Janie. Let's leave these big high school types to themselves." She quickly whispered a couple sentences in Terry's ear, then the three cousins went off giggling.
"Trish, are you the one Caitlin said would be valedictorian some day?" When Trish blushingly admitted it, he responded, "Cool! Maybe if I stick close to my new neighbor some of it will rub off, you think?" Trish was fighting to prevent a swoon and could not even think of responding. When she could speak, she asked him to show her their new place. They spent forty-five minutes just strolling and chatting.
"Um, would you like to come in and meet my Mom?"
"I'd like that. My Aunt and Uncle are the only neighbors I know so far."
As Trish introduced her mother, Terry thought immediately of Julia, because of the coloring more than the shape, although Mrs. McNamara was a good looking woman in her own right. She offered the kids a snack, and after putting it on the table, made to leave the room. Terry said to her, "Mrs. McNamara, why don't you stay and have some with us?"
"Oh, I just thought..."
"I'd like to get to know you better, too. Gee, it's not hard to tell you are mother and daughter. Hmmm. Sisters would be a good guess, too." The mother swatted his arm playfully, and there was no way she was leaving after that.
"Trish, I heard about this Fall Mixer dance. Would you go to that with me?"
"Me!? But... but you had all those cheerleader types around you at school, and I thought..."
"Nah. They all seemed to have more in their bras than in their heads, and... Ooops! Sorry! I shouldn't be so crude. Anyway, some time during the evening I'll for sure want to talk to my date, and I'm not sure any of them would have anything to say." Mother and daughter were both struck speechless at what they had just heard, but Trish managed to stammer out an acceptance.
The three discussed timing and transportation options. When the door closed behind the departing Terry, mother and daughter looked at each other, squealed, and fell into each others' arms, hopping about with glee.
"Kathy, it's your mother." Ted rolled his eyes as she gave him a brief peck and took the phone. She grasped his hand and held him there while she talked.
"Yes, Mother, I've been back about a week and a half, now." A pause while Evelyn spoke. "Yes, what he told you was the plan. I just finished a bit early." Another pause. "Things have been hectic since I got back, with school starting and all. I just didn't get around to calling." This time, she rolled her eyes. "No, Mother, not Sunday. We go over to Greg Laskey's every Sunday, and I don't want to make the kids miss that." Pause. "Of course it's important to see their grandmother. Why don't you drive up Saturday. You can head back home when we leave for Greg's." Pause. "Bye, Mother, see you Saturday."
Ted's shoulders were slumped and he looked sullen when Kathy hung up. "Ted, Honey, I know this will be hard, but I want to use this visit to end this nonsense with my mother once and for all. She will either visit with us on our terms from now on, or we will never see them again. Right now, I don't care which it is. Are you up to some shock therapy?" She described her plan to Ted.
The girls had taken turns watching for Grandpa Snyder's Buick. Jordan saw it arrive and excitedly ran back to the kitchen to get everyone in position. As the older couple rang the doorbell, Kathy shouted out. "Come on in, Mom and Dad. We'll be right out." A few second's after they heard the door close, Kathy emerged naked from the kitchen. The rest of the family, also naked, was right on her heels.
Evelyn started to berate her daughter in her accustomed fashion. "Katherine, you could at least meet... Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!" Her scream sounded like a steam whistle. She stood frozen to her spot as the whole family went through their usual greetings as if everything was normal. Her husband was not much better. He made no noise, but could not speak even the simplest greeting.
"Well, Mother, as you might guess, we have some things we need to discuss." She had not mentioned her father, as he just did not figure in anything to do with relationships. He was a nice guy and a good provider, but completely dominated by his wife. Kathy's comment roused Evelyn from her stupor, and she lunged at her husband and tried to drag him to the door.
"Ronald, let's get out of here! This is insane! This is disgusting! It's indecent! Come on!" Ronald held his stance, resisting her tugs.
"If you want to go, go. Something important has happened, and I'm staying to talk about it." He took the car keys from his pocket and handed them to her. "I'll take a bus home."
Evelyn fairly shrieked at her husband. "You cannot stay and look at them! I forbid it!!"
Ronald just looked steadily at his wife, then made a landmark declaration. "Evelyn, your days of forbidding are done. I have not seen a live naked female in more years than I can count. I am staying right here and enjoying the beauty in this room." A staring match between the two followed, broken up only when Ted spoke.
Pygmalion Clarissa was a sullen lump that watched TV most of the day with her mouthopen and a surprised look on her face. She had not always been like this butJames had to admit with hindsight, the potential was always there. John hadintroduced him to Clarissa at the office party where she seemed full of funand ended up back at James' apartment where they spent the night together invigorous copulation. She had introduced him to acts he had only heard his friendssalaciously discussing in the...
Tonight's the night. Even as I say it, there's a chill up my spine, in my groin. The end game, after two months of preparation, the last thirty days devoted exclusively to her. She's out there dancing, in that tight, inhibited way she has, but those neat tits, big and bouncy, in spite of her bra, making heads turn. The lovely blonde hair in a heavily sprayed flip. No more than two inch heels. I have imagined her with the hair wild, tall heels, slutty. Her typical Friday night, pick up...
Sunday Shopping late Sunday morning was about the most unusual experience Shannon ever had. They went first to a sporting goods superstore. She reluctantly picked out a somewhat conservative bikini, returning several that Greg judged too modest. She looked ridiculous in it, but he was insistent. He then picked up one of every size down through size eight. They repeated the same drill with the leotard. The shoes and sports bras were easier. The looks they got at checkout would have been...
Sunday The next night, Sunday, Julia came over for supper again. The conversation was light and relaxed as they ate. Later, it was Julia who suggested the hot tub. This time, she had brought her own suit, a green one-piece that complemented her red hair beautifully. The suit fit like skin, and showed the extra bulges she had developed, but the high hip cutouts showed off her nicely shaped legs to best advantage. She caught Greg checking her out as she walked toward the tub, and remarked,...
Sunday Shannon had decided Sunday would be her study-free day so she did her workout in the morning. When Greg returned from his run and showered, she was in the gym. He read the paper as he ate his breakfast. When she finished and came into the kitchen, they both were a little withdrawn. She asked if she could have a massage after a quick shower and he said certainly. He had already massaged her three times, and should not have felt uncomfortable, but after last night... He went through the...
Wednesday Why was he so nervous about picking up a 13 year old girl? A very sweet thirteen, almost fourteen, year old girl. He had met her only twice before, but he did not think she would be uneasy around him. The hard part was he had to do the prepartion for the visit and the briefing afterward. Of course some would fall to Caroline, also. After much uncertainty, they had decided to go with Julia's recommendation. He would tell the kids of her nakedness before they arrived. He still was...
Sunday Julia was especially bright-eyed and animated Sunday evening when she arrived. All through dinner and relaxation afterward, she seemed to exude energy. It was she who suggested it was time for the hot tub. Greg quickly got into his suit and went out to make sure the patio was tidy with Shannon's help. He had just placed a stack of fresh towels in the rack and stood up to see Julia walk out of the house naked. "How do you like my nun's outfit, Greg?" Shannon let out a small squeal...
Sunday As breakfast finished Sunday morning, Ted sent Sean off to play, then addressed his wife and daughters. "Kathy, I am going to tell you some things you are not going to like at all. Please do not object or start to argue. I am telling you this is the way it is going to be. Do you understand?" Kathy looked totally stunned but nodded. "From now on, girls, you are not to ask your mother for permission about where to go, what to do, who to see, or what to wear. You are to ask me. I will...
Sunday Ted's family arrived at Greg's that Sunday, without Kathy. She had left that morning for her parents' home, about a four hour drive away. Ted was concerned about the impact of this trip. Evelyn, Kathy's mother, was the source and reinforcement for many of her phobias and her Victorian ideas. He knew her return could not bring an easing of the conflict. He spent a long time with Julia that afternoon. Fortunately, the children were completely absorbed with the pool. Later, at home,...
Saturday Greg had no trouble picking Laura out in the small crowd standing at the curb. It still seemed discourteous to him not to meet her in the terminal, but since he could no longer go down the concourse, and since she had only a carry-on bag, she had been able to convince him. Using their cell phones, they had been able to get the timing just right. It was late Saturday morning, and the airport traffic was light. She could only stay for one night, but with Rick's perks, she was used to...
Saturday Kathy returned early Saturday afternoon. She seemed to be disconcerted by the enthusiastic greeting from the girls. Ted watched closely as Jordan told her about getting on the softball team. He saw Kathy's jaw clench and her face flush. When Jordan told her about the diving coach, Kathy leaped to her feet and yelled for Ted. She grabbed him by the hand and dragged him up to their room, slamming the door behind them. She turned, red-faced, and opened her mouth to let him have it,...
Sunday It was early Sunday morning, and Alex had hardly slept the few hours since Jim and Caroline had left. He had knocked on a lot of doors and been through a lot of first encounters in his businesses. None had left him feeling like this. Jim greeted him warmly before he could even knock and ushered him into the living room. Caroline and the children stood when he entered. He made the mistake of looking at Janie first, and it almost ruined him for the rest of the visit. He was absolutely...
Sunday Kathy slowly became aware of her nakedness. She started to panic, but there were hands all over her and soothing voices. They told her they loved her and wanted her to stay in the family. They told her Ted loved her and wanted her to be a real wife to him forever. But he couldn't love her and make her do this. It was so wrong, so indecent. She couldn't be here naked. Why had she taken off her clothes? She could not remember doing that. She only remembered Ted. And divorce. And...
Sunday Things were moving so well, it was decided that Kathy's children should come for their normal Sunday outing. Kathy was told, and was, of course, horrified at the thought of her children seeing her naked. There was another long, emotional discussion, and it was now clear that this process would be necessary at each step of Kathy's escalating sensual exposure. As before, the horror of divorce was motive enough to get her to do just about anything. They had debated about just springing...
Sunday It had taken a lot of persuasion to get Elisabeth to come to Greg's house for the big occasion. She had met only Ted and Greg, and felt quite uncomfortable. To make it worse, she would not be able to show herself until Ted and Kathy were dancing. Still, she had developed a real affection for Ted, and wanted to share in the happy conclusion of his whirlwind education. They had crammed fifteen lessons into less than three weeks, and it would have been more if Elisabeth had not insisted...
I'm Jerome. No last name. I don't use it. I can't even pronounce it; I can't expect anyone else to. I'm an ethnic "Heinz 57 Varieties." Why the patrilineal line had to come from the only place in the world where you could have no vowels in a word is sheer bad luck. Imagine a name like Zgrdznk. No, that's not my name. But if you saw it and asked how it was pronounced, I'd just say "Smith. The 'Z' is silent." I got sick of it. When I turned eighteen, I found a judge who could...
The man who chops his own wood warms himself twice. "You always had clever things to say when I was in pain." Nonetheless, David set another log on the chopping block and swung his axe. It was a well-practiced swing of the razor sharp blade and split the log smoothly. He picked up the pieces and tossed them in his wagon. He picked up the next log, almost too small to split. He'd spent the past week cutting the wood to the right lengths with his chainsaw. He'd hauled it out of the...
I like the heat. Not the mosquito-ridden heat of a humid Minnesota summer. Not the dead dry heat of the Mojave. Not the figurative heat of scholastic demands. Not the adrenalin-inducing heat of walking the beams a hundred feet above the ground. I know heat. I like the heat of the forge. The heat of iron lying on the anvil awaiting the hammer's kiss. The heat of a welding torch in gloved hands running a smooth bead down an undetectable join. I like the heat that makes sweat run down my...
The pencil lead broke. He was pressing too hard again. The more he tried, the harder it became until his frustration caused him to tense up and ruin another drawing. Why couldn’t he have real talent? Why couldn’t he make his hand draw what his mind could see so clearly? He felt like one of the people he’d seen auditioning for a talent show. They believed in themselves, but they didn’t have any talent. When they got up to sing, everyone cringed because it was off key. They put their hearts...
_______________________________________________________________________ This work of fiction (pack of lies) is copyrighted by the author. Permission is hereby granted to re-post it to any FREE site provided the title, text, and author's name are unchanged. The names and/or descriptions of all persons, locations, firms and events are fictitious or used fictitiously. Any resemblance, or perceived resemblance, to actual persons, locations, firms, or events is purely coincidental and...
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Today was the big day, Earth Day, only Mortimer wasn’t himself today. He was still in shock. It wasn’t enough that he was diagnosed with cancer and given a death sentence a few weeks ago, but now this. This was too much. From bad news to worse news, this was what had sent him over the edge, no doubt. It didn’t matter, with his Earth Day plan already in place there was no turning back now. Going from good to very bad, his life, as he had known it, had suddenly reeled out of control and spiraled...
Lou Tanner was a cop working the west side of Chicago. Now in all America there may be a more God forsaken piece of real estate, but as far as Lou was concerned this was the arm pit of the western world! That's not to say that Lou was unhappy working here, because you see Lou was a vice cop in one of the most corrupt cities in the America. If you wanted to make a lot of money real quick and easy, the Big Windy was the place to be, and being a vice cop just made it all the easier. On the outside...
Erotic"Why haven't we killed her yet?" Harry muttered, standing under the shower with Carol, Margo and Nicki. "We love her too much," replied Margo. "We wouldn't be whole without her," Carol added. "She's incredibly fun in bed," Nicki said. "Good reasons all," Harry agreed, "but there are times, like this morning, when I really wonder if they're enough." In the kitchen the woman who had managed to soak all four of her lovers with one cannonball was faced with the daunting task...
Introduction: Davis has been helping to keep his mother sexually satisfied so she would not go outside the home for sex. Nowhis sister comes home for school vacation. Will they let he know and will she koin in the family fun? Part two of I asked our son to fuck his mother. You might want to read it first. Naked, fsixteen year old David cuddled up to his equally naked mother, his cock growing bigger and harder by the second. His mother lifted her right leg up in the air, reached between her...
Hey, thank you for the suggestions and responses for my previous sex story. I have been writing about my sexual experiences for a while now. You may click on my profile and read my previous experiences. I have been writing it as it happened and in the exact order. So, after having sex with the lab attendee, I went back home and for the day after the old man invited me to go out with him, I assumed it was for pleasure as I hoped. Instead, it was to a beach that he took me. I was wearing a Khaki...
Lewis was having a bad day. Hell, he was having a bad life. First that bitch had threatened him with Assault and Battery charges unless he paid for her medical care. Fucking bitch! It wasn't his fault. Sure he had knocked her around a little -- she liked it rough -- they all did, but it was her fucking jaw that got broke, not his. The fractures on her arms where he had dropped the barbells on her weren't that serious, either. Now the fucking bitch wanted fucking nurses to fucking care for...
Hai to all readers this is Sampath from Chennai, this happened to me when I was 26 years old born in Andhra Pradesh, I was an MBA HR and got into good company as soon as I completed my MBA. After three years working for a corporate I came to Hyderabad for my new assignment. It is a big company and I am appointed as HR Manager for that company. Lets come to the story, this happened after two months after I joined this company, one of our employee came to me requesting for a vacancy for her...
Morning came early and I was in a tangle of arms and legs. It was a wonder the bed frame held up to so many girls in one bed. I felt the bed slowly rocking. After all of that someone was still horny and masturbating this morning. I heard a giggle then a groan and a deep gasp followed by a whimper. I recognized both Ching lee and Lorrie. Without rolling over to see I could easily bet they were in a 69. Moments later they were both trying to whisper that they were cuming but the waves of...
It all started back in high school... I had a crush on this super hot girl named Danya. She was in all my classes and her locker was two down from mine. I would spend the whole day dreaming of fucking her. I would stare at her sexy fit body, her perfect round bubble butt and thick thighs. Her evenly tanned skin and beautiful face. Her long brown hair and her medium firm tits. Even the way she dressed made me horny! I would often go into the bathroom and jerk off after seeing her, blasting cum...
I had recently watched Ros blowing my man while I had two men pleasuring me, though she had never even laid a finger on me, so the thought of her providing sexual pleasure for me has great appeal. And perhaps me pleasuring her in return. My man and I have never seen her naked, something I am looking forward to. I am Julie, I am blessed with a high sex drive. My man Charles and I are in our early forties, we are both bisexual and we enjoy an open relationship with an extra man or woman on a...
DISCLAIMER: The events are very loosely based on a true story. Details have been exaggerated, age has been changed, names have been changed, and it's pretty unrecognizable from the actual story (mostly because reality tends to be more boring than imagination). The true thing about is that I did actually wet myself on an elevator at Disney World as I was caught up watching the fireworks and one thing led to another, but pretty much everything else is BS. I wasn't a college student either. The...
The Haunting of St. Angels By sammig82 "Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn and cauldron bubble." - Shakespeare's Macbeth St. Angel's Girls School was a popular private boarding High School for the rich and the famous. Its alumni consisted of highly successful members of the community including CEOs and successful celebrities. Many of its girls had grown up to earn the respect among the elite of the high society. Parents would be...
Savana Styles is a filthy, French babe! She made her way to Platinum Pussy because that is one of her many amazing features! Her juicy, pink clit pokes out as she rubs it, getting herself worked up and twerking her amazing booty too. She’s got supple, round titties and puffy dick-sucking lips that are primed for big, black COCK – and there’s nothing this slut loves more than black cock. Watch her worship his dick as she kisses and licks it, sucking it and forcing as much as...
xmoviesforyou"Mistress Rebecca, ma'am ... may I speak" I quietly asked."I would prefer you not to, rickiee ... in fact ... you're never to ask me if you may speak. I , from time to time, may ask you if you wish to say anything ... but you are not to start that conversation by asking me if you may speak. I will grant it, this one time, since we are just starting. What do you wish to ask your Mistress, rickiee?" she inquired.Mistress, I need to urinate very badly. May I please, Mistress Rebecca ... may I...
Part of Keri’s excitement was that she had no idea what the new man would look like. She expects and enjoys a second man in her sex life at least once a month. Her girlfriend had assured her that he was very gifted ‘both ways’, would not be possessive or too curious about her or her man and absolute discretion was the key note. “We don’t send ugly men, but their looks are only secondary. The point is they can get it up and keep it up, they can really perform,” her girlfriend had told her. ‘We...
My eyes fluttered open quickly and I was completely out of breath. Looking around I realized that I was in Stephanie’s bed and light was shining in from her giant window. Pulling back the blankets, I looked down at myself, only to see I was still in just my panties. Last night had been a dream. I had dreamed of Mr. Jacob’s masturbating and saying my name. I had not actually played with myself watching him and we had not made out in the shower. I was saddened by this realization, but I was also...
"You let some strange man drive you home!" he shouted, "Amelia do you have any idea what could have happened to you?" Amy's body shook. Her father was well known for his temper both at home and at work. Her eyes moved to her mother who stood silent in the doorway. A fading bruise on her face. Her stare was blank as she regarded her husband and daughter. Amy turned her face toward her father, "Mr. Stevens is the Cheerleading coach. I know him, he is the Algebra teacher too." Tears fell...