Second Chances - Chapter 11 - Confessions free porn video

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The rest of the school day flew by pretty quickly. Before I knew it, band practice was over. I was mostly preoccupied with my thoughts. Thoughts of Fay and Amber and Julie. I was worried that I was doing too much too quickly and I was in over my head. When band practice was over, I quickly walked around the school taping up the powder puff flyers. Ron was eager to get home and get ready for his gig, so I tried not to be slow about it. Ron dropped me off at home. I walked inside and set my backpack down. I had a few hours to kill before having to go out to the club for his gig. Cindy was already home waiting for me. "Hey sis," she said. "Hey," I replied. I kicked off my heels. Oh that feels good. Back when I was Tony I've heard a number of women tell me that pain is fashion. I think I get it now. My feet were definitely hurting. "So you should know that I heard some rumors today at cheer practice," she said timidly. Oh no. I was afraid of this. "Amber said that you went out on a date with a girl last night," Cindy continued. "How'd she know about that?" I responded angrily. "So it's true?" Cindy said with a surprised expression. "I mean. I only went out dancing with Fay," I said trying to justify it. "Fay? Your best friend from elementary school, Fay?" she asked. "Yes." "I got the impression from yesterday that you were going on date." "I uh," I started. I looked at her and decided to be honest with my sister. "I was hoping it was a date." She was silent for a moment. Likely thinking of the right way to ask the very question I was avoiding. "I know what you're about to ask," I said. "And I don't know. I'm experimenting. I've had the hugest crush on Fay since elementary school." "Amber's spreading rumors that you're a lesbian and that you're taking straight girls on dates. Trying to turn them gay or something sinister like that." I put my head into my hand and started rubbing my temples. That bitch. I felt ill. I'm not sure what hurt more. Hearing that Amber's been spreading rumors about me, or hearing that Fay was indeed straight. "I kinda wish you would've told me," Cindy said. "Even if you don't want to tell Mom or Dad." "I didn't tell you because I didn't want it to be a big deal. Coming out of the closet in the 90's is a big deal." "So you are gay?" "I don't know. I don't want be to labeled." She was silent. Then she smiled and hugged me. "Gay or straight. You're my big sister and I love you." I hugged her back. "I love you too, sis" After a long a few months of a silent embrace between two sisters, I finally spoke up changing the subject. "I have a fashion task for us." "Oh?" I saw her perk up. "I'm going to Ron's band's gig tonight. I was considering dressing down go out to the club. It's teen night." "No No No," she said. "You've been absolutely rocking it with fashion the past two days. You need to keep a good thing going! If not for anything more than practice!" "Well what does one wear to a ska concert?" I asked. It's been so long ago for me, that even Tony doesn't remember. "I don't know" she said. "But I can still help!" She ran off to her bedroom. When she came back she was carrying at least 5 different magazines in her hand. "Cosmo can help!" * * * So both of us laid on my bed skimming back-issues of Cosmopolitan. While casually skimming it, I started to get a vision of what I wanted to recreate. Cindy let me borrow a grey pencil skirt. I chose a black v-neck shirt. Since I'm going to a concert, I had to keep some part casual, so we both agreed that plain black sneakers and black ankle socks would complete the look we were going for. Then came the bright red lipstick and darker mascara and eye liner. She looked me over and said, "Let me get mom's curling iron. After a long day of school your hair is too straight." So Cindy helped me curl my hair to add more waves and bounce to it. When we were done, she said, "You clean up well." We smiled and laughed together. * * * I killed some time by doing my homework. When It was almost an hour until show time, I hopped into my care and headed out. I drove out to Ortley Beach and parked my car. There are times I just can't believe it's 1997. This is one of those moments. There in front of me was the Surf Club. It was a favorite place of mine. Many musical acts have played there. Plus they had a restaurant deck ocean-side. Decent drinks and food. Great ocean breeze. Oh and a great ocean view. It was great until the ocean claimed it during Hurricane Sandy in 2012. Now all that's there is busted foundation and dune grass. But the nostalgia of the club still standing right in front of me was awesome. I stand in line with other teens getting in for teen night. The bouncer asked to see my ID and I showed my new drivers licence and he put a neon orange wristband on my wrist. Making my way through the club, I could see Ron on stage tuning his saxophone. I did what came natural to me - I went to the bar. I highly doubted they'll give 17 year old Christina a beer, so I ordered a Diet Pepsi instead. I thought back to the last time I was at a bar. It was only 3 days ago. That trip to the bar changed my life. There I was judging a whole bunch of teens listening to their friends play a gig. Here I was 3 days later doing exactly what they were doing. I took a sip of my soda as I noticed Ron waving me over to the stage. I walked over to the front of the stage and looked up to Ron. "What's up?" "I wanted to introduce you to someone," he said as he grabbed the guys arm beside him dragging him closer to me. It was instant recognition on my part. Holy Shit. He was the lead singer from the jazz band last night. But not only that, now that I have context, I now remember where I knew him from. It was Chase. I remember Chase from being in Ron's band. I also remember Chase being Ron's best man at his wedding. "Hi," he said smiling and extending his hand. "I remember you from last night. I'm Chase." "Hi," I replied. "I'm Christina. It's nice to meet you." "You met last night?" Ron said confused. "My other gig," Chase said to Ron. "The jazz band I play for. Christina here is an excellent dancer." I blushed. Wait. Why am I blushing? "Well Chase here is an excellent singer," I said returning his compliment. "His band makes it very easy to dance to." "This guy over here has been talking about you so much," Chase said nudging Ron. "I just had to meet you." He smiled. I felt my self go flush again. What's wrong with me? "You are even prettier up close." I smiled. I've been hearing this from my mom, my sister, and myself for the past 2 days. But this is the first time I've heard from a guy. "We need to cut this short. We're on in a minute," Ron interrupted. "Christina, lets chat at the band break," he said smiling "Sure," I said backing away from the stage. I can't believe Ron is hooking me up with Chase. I hated Chase as Tony. He was such an alpha male. In fact I confess. I was extremely jealous of Chase. Once Ron started playing in this band he started to hang out with Chase more than me. I hated Chase. I felt like he stole Ron from me. That continued all through the rest of high school and into college. That's why Chase was Ron's best man at his wedding and I was just a groomsman. I looked back at Chase. I guess I can see what Ron sees in him. He's so outgoing. He's everything Tony was not. He's good looking too. Wait. I mean he's not bad to look at. No. I mean. He's not ugly. He can get any girl he wants. Just then, the band started and the crowd started cheering. Chase started singing. His singing ska was so different than his crooner act he was doing last night. He was playing the guitar. Ron was part of the instrumental section behind Chase. This band didn't do any covers so it was all original songs. I had forgot how much fun ska was. That punk sound with a brass section to accompany it. Granted it's weird to dance too. But I was getting into it. I watched what others did so I didn't look like a fool. Eventually I relaxed my body and I bobbed up and down while swinging my shoulders, hips and my arms. There was a moment when a dude tried dancing with me. He was all smiles. Until I felt him grope my ass. I swatted that away so fast. "Dude, no" I said and moved to another part of the dance floor. I was not having any of that. * * * Time flew. I don't know how many songs went by. But I was sweating from all of the dancing. The band stopped for their break. I was leaning up against the bar swirling the melted ice in my soda cup. "Hey Christina," Chase said as he approached me from the center of the club. "Do you prefer Christina or Chrissy?" "Chrissy is fine," I said. Oh wow. I never noticed his eyes. They're a bright grayish blue. I noticed Ron still on stage watching us, clearly giving us space. "Can I buy you another drink?" he asked motioning to my empty plastic soda cup. "Nah," I replied. I've noticed Christina has a smaller bladder than Tony. "Any more soda and I'll piss myself while driving home" Oh God, what am I saying. Chase laughed. "Wow. I've never heard a girl talk like that." "Well I... sometimes I just spew out word vomit when I'm nervous," No. Why did I just tell him I was nervous? "You're nervous too?" he smiled. "Then, that's two of us. Ron would kick my ass if I mistreated his best friend. Are you having fun?" "Oh yeah," I said. "It's good music. You guys are great!" "I almost was hoping to see you start swing dancing out there like last night," he said. I laughed. "Not quite the same music. But I was definitely dancing!" "But I bet you could totally swing dance to this," he said. "I guess I probably could. If I had the right song," I paused. "And the right partner." I looked at him and smiled as I said that last line. Was I flirting with him? Stop this now Christina. Abort. Abort. "Sadly I cannot dance," he replied. "Do you teach losers like me?" "I do," I said. "Wait. I don't mean that you're a loser or anything, but I have been know to teach my partners," Quick. Find a way to exit this conversation. "Ron says you play too," he said. "Yeah. I play the tenor sax. All through High School and College" "You're a college girl?" he said surprised. "Oh no no," Arg, why I am so flustered? I took a deep breath and resumed. "I meant that I plan on playing when I go to college." "Oh I see." "You were good out there. I forgot how much I actually liked Ska" I said. Maybe I can regain control of this conversation. "Oh?" he said. "When's the last time you listened to it?" "10, 15 years ago," I said before I could catch myself. Damn. I hate that I have no filter when I'm flustered. He laughed. "Ron never said you were funny." I grinned. I'm glad someone finds my word vomit endearing. "So, which school do you go to?" I ask. I knew the answer to that question, but I decided to continue the small talk for some reason. "East," he said. "You go to North with Ron?" "Yeah." Chase flashed a smile. It is a great smile. I felt warm again. "So," I said. "What has Ron been saying about me?" "He says your awesome. Like one of the guys. You rock out with him. Talk football. Smart. A genius. He said he's known you for years." I blushed hearing all of that stuff about me. "Yeah," I replied. "Since junior high." "Well, Chrissy," he said. "It was a pleasure to meet you and chat with you. I need to get back up on stage. Can I get your number?" "Yeah. Sure," I said. "Want me to just put it in your cell phone?" "Come again?" he said confused. "Sorry," I said. "I meant I don't have any paper..." I turned around to the bar and took a napkin and spare pen I used to sign my tab. "This is my parents number" I said loud to him, but also as a reminder to myself to not write my future cell phone number. "Good Night Chrissy," Chase said smiling as he walked away. "Good night," I echoed. That smile again. What's wrong with me? I haven't been this flustered since seeing Fay for the first time in 20 years earlier this week. Am I attracted to him? I sighed at this weird feelings brewing in side of me. I can't be attracted to Ron's friend Chase. This is crazy. I mean I haven't seen Chase in well over 10 years. That's only because- My jaw dropped and face went ghost white as a long forgotten memory came to the surface. Oh my God. Chase died in a motorcycle accident a year after Ron's wedding. 2006 maybe? Did I repress that memory? The hairs on my neck were standing up. I stared off into my melted ice. Is what why I'm here? It can't be. He doesn't die for another 9 years. But here's someone that absolutely needs my help. Can I even change his fate from this far in the past? The band started playing again. Chase and I made eye contact and he smiled. I smiled back. What am I going to do? * * * I left the club shortly after. Knowing of Chase's fate really sucked the mood out of me. The bouncer was still sitting at the entrance. "I get the sense you want to talk, Tony," the bouncer said. "Yes. Absolutely," I said walking back to him. "Is this what I'm supposed to do? Is this my mission? Chase?" I pointed back at the building. He looked at me for a moment and then replied. "No." "No?" I repeated surprised. "I said you are to fix an event that happens over the course of these two weeks. The event that you are implying is well outside the mission parameters." "So I'm supposed to let him die?" I said getting angry. "I never said that. It's just not your mission." "If that's not my mission, then I'm no closer to figuring what my mission actually is!" I said exasperated. He didn't say anything. I had another burning question. "Why am I suddenly attracted to Chase?" I ask. "Tony. Christina. You have a new body. A new self image. You have new emotions. Teenage hormones flooding your body." He stopped. "You didn't answer my question," I stated. "You know who Tony is. You spent 37 years with him. Who is Christina? You've only spent almost 3 days with her. I cannot answer that for you," he said. Next question. "Have I made any change to the future yet?" "I'd say yes." "What changed?" I asked eagerly. "Will I get new memories of these changes?" "You won't get new memories. That's not how this works. Right now it's 1997. The future is in flux and can change second to second. But you are making progress. You're already making impressions on the people you're meeting and interacting with." I was silent. I wasn't sure what to say. I'm totally bummed out that I wasn't any closer to figuring out my mission. Plus I just met someone that was going to die before I get back to the future, and I was powerless to stop it. Plus it didn't help that I seem to be crushing on that dude as well. "Tony. Now, I have some questions for you," the angel said. I was surprised at this. Up until now this seemed like a one-way relationship between the angel and I. They show up unannounced. Critique how I live my life. And maybe I get some questions answered. "Why did you repress the memory of Chase's death?" I stopped to think. "I don't know." "Have you yet come to terms with your divorce?" "What do you mean? I haven't thought about it today. I think that's a start." "When I met you back in 2018 you hadn't fully processed it. You hadn't really grieved. You were projecting your feelings to others. When's the last time you cried?" "Cried?" I said. "Guys don't cry." Yeah, Amber almost brought me to tears twice already. But no one saw that. I was bullied so much in school that I vowed to put up a wall. To never show anyone that I'm weak. "Then that's all I have for you tonight," the angel said as the bouncer resumed looking stiff. The bounder noticed me standing there looking at him and not saying anything. "Can I help you miss?" "No I'm fine" I said turning around and walking to my car. * * * When I got home, I went to my PC in the den. I turned on the radio that was sitting next to my desk. I scanned for the only country music station we had. Was I really looking for that song? When the computer was done booting up. I checked my email. Some spam from the Star Trek web forum. I checked my AIM Buddy List. Nobody was online. I pulled out my planner from my backpack and started checking to see if I had any unfinished homework to attend to. Just then, I heard a familiar song play in the radio. The one I was waiting for. I knew it would eventually come. It was the Tim McGraw and Faith Hill duet, "It's your love." More importantly though- it was my wedding song. I closed my eyes. The song pulled me back to a different time. I was happy. I was on top of the world. I stood up out of my chair and put my arms up and around an invisible dance partner. I started moving around my den doing the dance I choreographed for us. It wasn't a minute into the song when it happened. A tear rolled down my eye. Then another. The dam had burst. I sat back down and cried into my hands as the song continued to play. I had it all. I let it get away. I let my inadequacies destroy the one good thing I had. My wife is gone. The only woman who had ever loved Tony. I am alone. I finally grieved. I grieved for my divorce. I grieved for Tony. My thoughts turned turned to Chase. An important part of Ron's life died 12 or so years ago, but I've been numb to it. Did I ever tell him sorry his best friend died? Finally I grieved for Chase. My mom passed by the den as I had my head in my hands. "Chris, honey?" she said. "What's wrong?" "Mom" i said, sniffing back tears. "Would you and Dad be disappointed if I got a divorce?" "Divorce?" she said. "You're too young to get married." "I'm just worried that you look down upon me if I fail," I said. She came to me and knelt down next to my chair. "Christina. We are proud of you. You are our daughter and will always be our daughter. Even during difficult times." I got out of the chair and gave my Mom a hug. "Thank you," I said. After I turned off everything in the den I cleaned myself up and went to bed. Today didn't go as planned. I started it by thinking I was invincible. I realized I'm just as vulnerable as ever.

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Lunchtime Confessions It was a very romantic letter. When retrieving money from her purse, Hayley had found it beside her wallet. Her friend, Denise, asked, "What's got you so excited?" Hayley had met Denise only several weeks earlier. Hayley had recently begun working free-lance for a small consulting company doing presentation graphics. As a freelancer, she took whatever computer space was available, and it had turned out to be in Denise's office. As soon as she had entered Denise's...

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Guy MargoChapter 5 Confessions

Suddenly I knew it was confession time for me. As I spoke I felt a surge of relief wash aside my shame. "It wasn't Guy's fault really. I was half naked when I accidentally disturbed Guy in my bedroom; he was ... masturbating. It stunned me a little; seeing his muscular body that way." I looked up to Ruth for her reaction. She simply gave me an encouraging little smile with a nod to continue: "Well; we cuddled and then kissed and ... I helped him finish ... I, I sucked him off...

1 year ago
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There and BackChapter 45 Confessions

"You know, according to all the sisters at the monastery, I should have been struck by lightning by now." "Not for that performance." "Meaning that it was so great that the Maker himself has decided to spare me from the usual punishment? Right?" He grinned, but the insecurity was as obvious in real life as it had been in game. I slid up, draping myself across his chest and leaning down to plant a soft kiss on his swollen lips. "Yes, that's exactly what I meant." "Does this mean...

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Chances AreChapter 13

The senior Westside mob bosses just finished playing their hands and everyone continued to ignore me until the pot had been gathered up. They were playing poker for fairly small stakes, just a friendly game with quarters for chips it looked like, but I couldn’t tell you for sure what the rules were; a variation of five card draw probably. Then finally, Jonny deigned to speak to me just as a fresh hand was being dealt. “You’re Chancer? Conner here informs me that Antonio ‘Drake’ has gone...

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Chances AreChapter 17

Fuck ... wouldn’t you believe it? The battleship-grade steel that layered the entire top of the basement, under the ground floor was still there ... and virtually immaculate, with hardly even a scratch on it! Now I could also see that this impenetrable layer not only covered the floor of the Murder Mansion, but also the houses next door and even under the old warehouse that had stood behind it. It covered, that thick layer of hardened steel, the entire city block where my house had once...

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Second Chances Chapter 13 Foolish Games

When Gym class ended, I avoided Fay. I avoided Amber. I was afraid. I was afraid of confrontation. I was afraid of rejection. Much of the school day passed without much drama. My last two classes were uneventful. Since we had a show later this evening the band focused more on honing the field-show. So we ran through that 3 or so times. Occasionally Fay and I would make eye contact and she'd turn away. That was certainly not a good sign. At the end of band class, I was packing up my...

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Second Thoughts and Last ChancesChapter 36

We never did resolve the matter of my being good, great or evil. My heart told me that none of them were truly applicable. My mind continued to debate whether those labels could ever be used on someone like me. The issues of accountability, responsibility, justice and freedom continued to haunt my thoughts for years after that night. The only thing I did come to terms with was my obsession with truth. Is truth a property of sentences, which are linguistic entities, or is truth a property of...

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Chances AreChapter 5

Now if I had to award a second place prize for the next choicest skirt decorating the room, it would have to be a coin flip between Skulda the Valkyrie Warrior-Maiden or the Green Canary. The others? Who could tell really, under all of those cowls, hoods, masks and full bodysuits. They could have all been dolls or drudges ... who could tell? The Norse babe had it all; youth, a crisp Nordic face with big blue eyes, long braided blonde hair and more than a hint of well-nourished cleavage under...

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Chances AreChapter 18

I woke up sometime in the middle of the night to a pitch black bedroom and at least two warm naked female bodies. There were no street lights on outside and very likely the entire house, along with most of the remaining bits of the Westside, were without electrical power. By feel, I determined that Denise (Firefly) was curled up on my right side, or least her massive tits were. A more slender but nearly equally petite figure dozed on my left, and a brief caress of her hair suggested that this...

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Second Chances Part 5

Second Chances By Alexander Kung Kelly Daniels, formerly the hate filled bully Ryan Thomas, finds herself madly in love with boy she once bullied. Now fully accepting of her new life, she now finds she has a dangerous problem...her stepfather's wrath Second Chances - Part 5 Kelly's eyes fluttered open as the soothing sounds of the waves crashing on the beach along with crisp sea air floating through the nearby open window. Shaking the sleepy cobwebs from her head, she fully...

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Second Chances Chapter 7 Take Two

Wednesday, September 24, 1997 The alarm buzzer went off. The same confusion from yesterday washed over me. But this time I reminded myself I was not home in 2018, but in high school in 1997. I groaned, immediately regretting my decision on setting my clock for so early. I kicked my legs out of bed and turned off the alarm clock. I stood up and stretched my arms out, arching my back and extending my boobs forward. Yup. I'm still Christina. I flicked on the bedroom light and...

2 years ago
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Second Chances Part 3

Second Chances By Alexander Kung Second Chances - Part 3 It had just started to rain as Rani and Jay started to walk home. The storm had shown up so suddenly that they had to cut their time in the tree house short. However nobody said how long they could take on the walk home. Since they were next door neighbors, they could get away with taking the scenic route. "So, Jay" Rani asked with a slight nudge "Do you have a girlfriend?" "Not really" Jay replied "I guess girls don't...

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Disparate HousewivesChapter 16 Confessions

“Daddy! Daddy!” squealed the twins as Frank Houseman came through the front door. “Howdy, guys!” replied Frank. He set his tennis bag and racket down on the couch and lifted first one, then the other, son up above his head and set them back down. One of the tow-headed boys looked up and said, “Frankie wanted to know if you brought any tennis balls home.” The boy then turned to his brother and grinned. Frank knew the twins were up to something, probably trying to see if they could trick him...

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Half the Woman She Once WasChapter 2 True Confessions

We went on, after that, with the questions, and "Dr. Lucy" went on with the physical examination, including some pretty personal palpitating of private portions of my person. In the course of all this, my nether appendage was frequently exposed to view under the flimsy paper gown, and Lucy, no doubt, got an excellent look at it. I didn't grow a bone in her honor -- for which fact I was inordinately grateful to whatever Gods were looking after my welfare and dignity at that moment. I guess...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 3 JessicaChapter 14 Christmas Confessions

December 24, 1988, Chicago, Illinois “It just seems wrong to not have Jessica here,” Kara said. “I know,” I sighed. “But the sooner she went into the facility, the sooner she’ll get out. And then she starts the long process of getting reinstated at UofC.” “Do you think she’ll work when she gets out?” “Maybe. It all depends on her. If we assume she’s there for six to eight weeks, which Al said was pretty typical, she won’t get out of there until February. The next year for her Residency...

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Judy and Her Itsy Bitsy Bikini Episode 4Chapter 10 After Lunch Confessions

After Sam left the apartment, Judy took Steve's hand and had him stand up. She grabbed the bottom of his t-shirt, stripped it off him and then moved on to his shorts and underwear. Then she did the same to herself and pushed Steve back onto the chair. "I love being naked with you," she told him. "Me too. I love being naked with you," was his reply. As Judy settled onto Steve, straddling his legs and hugging him, she told him that they had to get a few things straight between them....

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 6 SamanthaChapter 40 Carolines Confessions

January 9, 1993, Chicago, Illinois “Uncle Steve, are you staying?” Nicholas asked. “Yes,” I said. “Your mom invited me to stay tonight.” “Will you tuck me in?” I glanced over to Bethany who nodded. “Of course!” I said, getting up. He kissed and hugged his mom, then I took him to his room, and helped him into bed. At his request I read Ten Apples Up On Top to him. When I finished the book, I kissed his forehead, turned off the light, and then went back to the living room. I sat down on...

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My Slut WifeChapter 5 Confessions

The next few days my thoughts of them possessed my mind at work. I could think of little else. A couple of nights later we were at the gym and it started out much the same. We worked out and then she simply waved with a smile and left with Phil again. Thoughts of them flooded my mind until she got home. When she got home again late, I was on the sofa thumbing through a magazine and listing to Enigma on the sound system. She came in, and quickly sat straddling me, lightly pinning my arms...

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Yuusou and KizunaChapter 7 Confessions

I was thrilled when Monday came. I was around sanity again. I spent the day in peace, just trying to make sense of my life. How had I gotten so far off track? On Tuesday, when lunch time came at college, my friends and I met at our usual table. For once, I was glad we met at a corner table where few other people ever sat. While Earl and Peter discussed a project they had coming up in their English class in a couple days, I put my head in my hands and stared at my textbook. "Are you...

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Sex With My Sister RewrittenChapter 13 Confessions

I stood there, staring into Tammy's blue eyes. Her hair was short and black with a small section dyed crimson. She had black lipstick on and black eye shadow and eyeliner on. She had a black athletic T-shirt on with a pink bra, which I could tell what color due to the straps hanging out. She had D-Cup breasts, and wore a mini skirt which poofed out a bit and black sneakers. In short, Tammy was an emo girl, before it became cool to be one. Nowadays, "Emos" or "Goths" are everywhere, and...

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Ultimate Submission Jacquelines StoryChapter 16 Confessions

The restaurant was empty. All of France was at home, watching the national soccer team play Greece for a place in the semi-finals. The soccer fans would probably dine a little later tonight. Right now, we had the restaurant to ourselves. As expected, Ramon had agreed to my suggestion to try the Korean barbecue restaurant which had opened recently in the neighbourhood. The restaurant had been Caroline's idea; I knew as little about Korean food as Ramon. Just like Caroline had told me, each...

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XSFGCChapter 21 Animal Confessions

The air exploded with a loud rumble that startled all near. "EWWW, gross Wolvie!" "What? That was a good meal. Thanks Mrs. V." "You are quite welcome Logan. Would you like some more coffee Professor?" "No thank you Mrs. Veneer. Dinner was indeed excellent." "Well, I must admit, the dumplings were a recipe that Stacy shared with me, with her mother's permission, of course." "I will be sure to send my thanks to Mrs. Guthrie as well. Jubilation, you are hovering over Logan for...

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Chances AreChapter 11

Our very private chat now done, we headed on home with naught but a grocery stop at the A&P planned along the way. We agreed that mission number one for tomorrow morning was shopping to seriously upgrade our extremely limited wardrobe. I’d picked up a few basic items of casual clothing at a couple of local used resale shops in North and South Hell over the last couple of weeks, but I still had nothing that our old pal Rags would have been caught dead wearing. We now had the dough, so it...

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Chances AreChapter 8

So, on that peaceful Saturday evening I was sitting up on the roof of Murder Mansion, alone and slowly enjoying four fingers of fine quality rye, enjoying the late-night spring breezes and the sounds of the city from off in the distance. Most of the flat roof was covered with a series of four long rectangular greenhouses, but everything inside had been dead for a full decade or more. Orchids most likely, from all of the dried petals on the floor. At the northwest corner of the roof, the...

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Chances AreChapter 16

I muttered something about sandwiches and brewing up a pot of fresh coffee for everyone, back at my place, and a few of the heroines agreed to hang around there for a while. For now, at least, all of the fun, mayhem, and destruction seemed to be over. Most of the gals decided that they’d rather enjoy a long bath at home, along with a dozen or more stuff drinks instead, and most of them made their farewells. Even the horde of newsies and television camera crews started to look bored and began...

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Second ChancesPart 4

Second Chances By Alexander Kung Second Chances - Part 4 The following morning, Kelly read the directions from Felicia's note to Jessie's apartment. As she walked along the sidewalk , she pondered through her mind what she would say to him. Somehow trying to explain that the girl that broke his heart was the same jerk that terrorized him for years would probably get her sent to a padded room by the nice guys in white coats. "Hi Jessie, I know I've been a bitch to you but...

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Second Chances Chapter 3 Questions and Answers

Tuesday, September 23, 1997 Ron's truck stopped in the driveway. Metallica spilling out of the rust and pock-marks of the truck. I laughed to myself. Ron in 2018 is making enough money to drive a Lexus, or rather his wife is. His music taste has changed too. The music stopped as I walked out of the house and down the front porch. I opened the passenger door and threw my backpack onto the seat. Behind the steering wheel was a younger Ron. While Ron is older than I am by a few months, it's...

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Second Thoughts and Last ChancesChapter 1

August?? 2004 "Tell me a little about yourself, Doctor." "Why?" I asked the Voice. It came, I supposed, from a face ... but it was a face I couldn't see. The bandages wrapped over my eyes and around the crown of my head kept me blind and in the dark. Was it a male or female voice? I couldn't be sure, but from the speech patterns and word choices I thought it was most likely male. Where the ideas about speech patterns and word choices came from were as much a mystery to me as the...

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Second Chances Chapter 10 Escalation

Thursday, September 25, 1997 I woke up and looked at the clock. 4:59. A minute before the alarm goes off. I get out of bed and stretch. The alarm goes off and I stop it. It's a new day. I feel great. I have a spring in my step. Today is going to be another great day in the life of Christina Demarco. I walked over to my closet to pick out my clothes for today. The floral dress I found in my closet looks nice. I hadn't wore a dress to school yet. Let's try these heels too. I...

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Second Chances Chapter 27 I Wanna Dance With Somebody

5:18 PM Cindy and I were standing outside on our freshly raked front lawn in our dresses waiting for Mom and Dad. Mom came outside with her camera. "We're just waiting for Dad." Dad joined her. He was holding his camera as well. "Chris, honey. When you're done with the Internet, can you please log off of it." Whoops. "Sorry dad." I smiled. "This is the second time in two weeks I picked up the den phone only to realize you were still dialed-in. Hang up the Internet when you're...

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Second Chances Chapter 17 Youre Makin Me High

During the car-ride home, I talked about my day. About how I made the track team. About how hard my first track practice was. Ron asked about Chase. I talked about date night tomorrow. I said nothing about Jessica. I drove us all home. When Cindy and I arrived home, I decided I needed to shower if I was going to Jessica's house. "Hi Mom," I said passing her in the kitchen. "I'm going to go over a friends this afternoon." She gave me a look. "We're not going to have a repeat of...

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Second Chances Chapter 6 Homework

My mom hugged me and congratulated me as I showed her my new licence. I looked at the licence in my hand. It was very simple. Very much not like the more complex security-enhanced licences in the future. This was just a laminated piece of paper with my picture and personal information on it. I looked at the picture of me. I'm not facing the camera because looking straight ahead was reserved for 21 plus year old drivers. I am looking kinda cute in this picture. Wait.. where did that...

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Second Thoughts and Last ChancesChapter 3

The passing of time was no longer a blur to me, the way it had been just instants before. Time was moving, and fairly fast, but now it was more like a movie put on fast forward rather than the vapor trail it had been. And my memories were returning, no longer events to be observed, but actual pieces of myself and my life; just a trickle at first, but as one moment made itself known it was quickly followed by another, and another ... faster and faster and faster, until the trickle was a flow,...

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Second Chances Part 2

Second Chances By Alexander Kung Second Chances - Part 2 It was their special place nestled in Old Man Frank's apple orchard, a crudely built tree house. The old farmer didn't mind. He even supplied the tools and lumber, happy to see a couple of kids willing to play outside and not have their brains rotted out by those newfangled video games. "So you want to try it, Jay?" asked a cute little girl about ten or eleven "Try what, Rani?" asked a cute little boy also about ten or...

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