A Strange Day Ch. 03 free porn video

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Please read ‘A Strange Day Parts I & II’ before reading this story.

By the time Oscar returned to work on Monday his headaches and dizziness were gone.

He hadn’t tried to do very much with his new found powers. The truth was, whatever it was that was happening to him scared him to death! Things like this just didn’t happen in real life.

Oscar wasn’t terribly religious but he did believe in karma, and he didn’t believe that frivolously using these powers that had been suddenly bestowed upon him would make for good karma. Instead he decided to slow things down a bit and to try at least figure out how it worked.

As he walked to his cubicle in the middle of the large office space that his insurance company leased, he saw several people looking his way. They watched him and whispered to each other behind their hands as he passed. By the time he reached his desk the whispering had reached a sibilant buzzing that permeated the whole floor.

He looked around nervously as he hung his hopelessly out of style plaid jacket on the hook and swallowed. He hated being the centre of attention!

He sat down hurriedly, turned on his computer and tried not to listen to the hushed voices as they speculated on where he’d been the last few days. He put his elbows on his desk and laid his chin on his upturned palms as he watched his computer monitor come to life.

‘Hi Oscar,’ a woman’s voice said from behind him.

He turned with a start and saw Melanie, the receptionist looking him over. She was in her late twenties and looked like she had probably been a cheerleader in her high school days. She had that fresh-faced look with her blonde hair tied into a neat ponytail and the lithe athletic body that most women would kill for. He knew also that her attractiveness stopped at her outward appearance. She was as ruthless as they came and had mastered the art of office politics. He had been the butt of jokes and rumors both started and perpetuated by her more times than he liked to remember. The expression she wore now told him that she was hungry for a tidbit she could throw into the office gossip circle.

‘How are you feeling Oscar?’ she asked, looking almost sincere.

‘Okay I guess,’ he said. He averted his eyes from her and stared at the floor between them. He could never look her, or any other attractive woman, in the eye for very long.

‘I heard you had an accident of some kind,’ she said with a shark-like smile. ‘Were you hurt?’

‘No, I…,’ he stammered. ‘I’m okay. I just had, you know, headaches and stuff.’

‘You were gone for three days!’ she said. ‘All of that time off just for headaches?’

He mumbled a little bit and went back to looking at his computer monitor. Melanie shuffled her feet, waiting for him to say something she could use. She shifted her weight from one foot to the other and frowned.

‘I’m only asking you know,’ she said with a scowl.

She stomped away muttering and Oscar breathed a sigh of relief.

As much as he wanted to talk to someone about what had been happening to him lately, he knew with certainty that Melanie was not the person to do it with. In fact, he wasn’t really friendly with anyone he worked with. Instead, he kept it to himself as he did with all of the things he would have liked to talk to someone about.

As his computer finally came to life he began to review some of the files he’d been working on the previous week. For all that Oscar might have been socially backward and unable to make friends anywhere, he knew his job and he did it well. By ten o’clock he had caught up with the backlog left on his desk and was now looking for new files to work on.

He decided a trip to the bathroom would be a good idea and stood from his desk and looked around the room.

With everyone busy at their desks, no one was staring at him as they had done when he walked in that morning. He began to worm his way through the warren of cubicles toward the bathroom.

The bathroom was next to the reception desk at the far end of the room and he’d made it all the way to the entrance without being noticed until he passed Melanie’s desk. He was staring at her from behind as he usually did when he walked this way. As unpleasant as her personality was, Melanie was definitely a girl that men looked at and Oscar was no exception.

When he was about ten feet away from her she spun in her chair suddenly and gave him an icy stare. Oscar stopped in his tracks and swallowed nervously again. He absently adjusted his tie, a striped thing that didn’t seem to match anything he wore, and she narrowed her eyes and sneered, knowing that she looked good and that every man she met wanted her.

She stared hard at Oscar and chuckled as he shrank away from her gaze. Oscar had no spine. She knew it and so too did everyone in the office. He was doomed to be an office gremlin for the rest of his life, a nobody who did other people’s work for them and who never fought back when kicked.

She sneered again, knowing that sooner or later she would be his boss. All she had to do was continue sucking Ted’s cock from time to time and making him believe that he was the best lover she ever had in her life. He would eventually give her everything she wanted.

Oscar looked down at the floor and walked with as much dignity as he could muster. He could feel her unfriendly eyes on him and the back of his neck burned under her wicked stare. He was positive he heard her laughing wickedly as the bathroom door swung shut behind him. He paused in front of the large mirror and blinked, tugging slightly on his short sleeves and beginning to breathe heavily.

He went to a stall, dropped his pants and sat on the toilet. He put his head in his hands and sighed heavily as he tried not to think about Melanie. He supposed he could have her if he put his mind to it. After all, he’d had sex with three women last week that would never have given him the time of day before his accident. Now he knew all he needed to do was think about it and Melanie would strip naked for him and take his cock in her mouth until he came. But he didn’t want to do that. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to fuck her. He did. Any man would want to. He just didn’t feel right about taking her the way he knew he could.

After he finished on the toilet he picked up his pants and fastened them. Then he opened the stall door and stepped up to the sinks and washed his hands as he stared at himself in the mirror once more.

He was more relaxed now but he hated the way he looked. He was overweight and balding and his glasses made him look exactly like what he was, a middle aged insurance adjustor who spent too much time at a desk and who had never been important in his life.

He sighed again and left the bathroom only to see Melanie whispering to Leslie, one of the other good looking office girls that Ted Mullins liked to surround himself with. If the rumors in the office were to be believed, Ted was screwing both of them. What no one was certain of was whether both girls each knew about the other.

In fact, Ted had fucked the two of them together many times. Both Melanie and Leslie were happy to swap spit with each other and even lick each other’s pussies if it meant more leverage in the office for them.

The two girls looked Oscar’s way as he opened the door. Melanie said something Oscar couldn’t hear and they both giggled loudly as they stared at him.

‘Hi Oscar,’ Leslie said with a grin. ‘How’s the headache loser?’

Oscar felt himself redden and he looked down at the floor as the burning in his face forced his chest to tighten.

‘I think Oscar’s been taking time off for nothing,’ Melanie said. ‘He wouldn’t tell me why he was away.’

‘What would he do with time off?’ Leslie asked with a smirk. ‘It’s not like he’d do anything fun!’

The girls laughed again and Ted walked out of his office with a curious look on his fac

‘What’s going on out here?’ he said sharply.

The girls quieted down but Melanie pouted at him causing Ted to blush slightly. He’d heard the rumors swirling around about him and Melanie but he didn’t want anyone getting the idea that the rumors might be true, even if they were.

He frowned and saw Oscar standing outside the bathroom door and studied him the way a cat studies a mouse. He knew he’d told Oscar to take a few days off work and for the life of him, he couldn’t figure out why he’d done that. He frowned again and took a few steps toward him

‘Oscar, how nice to see you back,’ he said. ‘Feeling better?’

Oscar nodded dumbly and tried not to look at the reception desk where the girls were watching him. They knew Ted and they could tell he was going to give Oscar a good dressing down for being away from work.

‘Why don’t you come in to my office for a moment,’ Ted said. ‘There’s something I want to talk to you about.’

The girls tittered openly and Ted shot a venomous look their way. They both put innocent looks on their faces and managed to stop giggling for all of a few seconds. Then they started snickering again and Ted shook his head and gave up.

‘I’d give anything to hear what Ted dishes out to that little dweeb in there,’ Leslie said with relish.

‘Oh I’m sure it’ll be classic Ted,’ Melanie agreed.

‘Well, I guess I should get back to the phones,’ Leslie said with a bored expression. ‘You can fill me in on the details later.’

Ted’s door opened suddenly and he stepped out into the reception area. The girls looked past him to see Oscar sitting behind Ted’s desk and looking vaguely confused.

‘Ah, girls,’ he said absently. ‘I’m glad you’re still here. Oscar is going to be taking over here and you work for him now. I’m going to take some leave and relax while he takes care of the company for me.’

Both girls allowed their chins to drop at this sudden news. Leslie was too shocked to say a word. Melanie stomped her foot and rushed up to Ted who was now grabbing his briefcase and walking toward the door.

‘But, Ted!’ Melanie said hurriedly as she pondered working for the most hated man in the office. ‘What about our… agreement?’

‘What agreement?’ he said, turning toward her with a puzzled expression.

‘You know!’ she said slyly. ‘Our agreement, we’ve been negotiating it now for months!’

‘Oh that!’ he said with sudden understanding. ‘That wasn’t negotiating. That was just blowjobs. You’re good, but let’s face it. Giving head is the only thing you’re really any good at. You can’t type, your phone manner is awful and you wouldn’t know what a file was unless you used it to trim your fingernails.

‘I swear your blowjobs were the only thing that kept you employed here. Right now, I’d suggest you offer to give Oscar the best blowjob you’ve ever given in your life. We all know what a bitch you’ve been to him ever since you got here. I’d be amazed if you were still working here by lunchtime.’

Melanie’s mouth dropped open in shock and then her face turned a scarlet red when she realized everyone in the office had come to reception to see what the commotion was. Her face burned from embarrassment as they all stared and snickered at her. A couple of the guys gave her some suggestive looks, letting her know that they’d love to receive one of her patented blowjobs.

‘And, Leslie,’ Ted said absently as he reached the door.

‘Yes Ted?’ Leslie said hopefully.

‘You’re fired,’ he said flatly. ‘You’ve been an even bigger bitch to Oscar than Melanie so there’s no need for you to even beg. I just know it won’t do any good.’

He then opened the glass door and disappeared.

Oscar stepped tentatively out of his new office and surveyed the room. The entire staff of about fifty people was now staring at him in a state of shock.

Well,’ he said uncertainly. ‘I wasn’t expecting that.’

He looked from face to face and saw they were even more confused than he felt. He frowned and cleared his throat and looked around again.

‘Okay, I guess the show’s over,’ he said with as much authority as he could muster. Even he had to admit, it wasn’t much. ‘I’ll let you know if I need anything.’

He put his hands behind his back in what he hoped was an imperious gesture and rocked back and forth on his heels for a moment.

The crowd in reception began to disperse. The sound of their muttering echoed back to where Oscar stood and then they were all gone except for Melanie and Leslie.

He studied them for a moment and cleared his throat again, not sure what to do or how to handle the situation.

Leslie stared at him like a deer caught in the headlights. She took a tentative step forward and her mouth worked for a moment, but no sound came out. Finally she seemed to gather her thoughts and walked up to Oscar with a bright smile pasted to her face.

‘Well, let me be the first to congratulate you Darling,’ she said in her faux British accent.

With her form-fitted skirt and tailored blouse she looked every bit the young professional. She had been doing sales since her college days and she knew she could swing even the most reluctant buyer. She knew she could win Oscar over if she just put her mind to it.

‘We always knew you were destined for bigger and better things,’ she said as she took Oscar’s hand and shook it daintily.

Oscar looked at her and then frowned. He looked down at the floor and took a deep breath.

‘Didn’t you always think of me as a loser?’ he said, as he looked her in the eye.

‘Of course not Dear!’ she said with a friendly chortle. ‘That was just office humor!’

‘It didn’t feel like humor,’ he said quietly. ‘In fact you called me a loser not five minutes ago when I came out of the bathroom.’

Leslie opened her mouth to retort but Oscar put his hand up to stop her.

‘I think I’m not going to fire you,’ he said with a sigh. ‘But I have a new job for you.’

‘Oh,’ she said with trepidation. ‘What kind of job?’

‘I’ll let you know,’ he said. ‘Go and clean out your office. I want a real sales rep sitting at that desk by this afternoon. I’ll talk to you when that’s done.’

Leslie suddenly smiled blankly and nodded agreeably. Then she turned away and walked toward her office.

Oscar looked at Melanie. She was standing in front of the reception desk and looking horrified.

‘Go into my office,’ he said. ‘Take off your clothes and get under my desk. Wait there.’

‘Okay Oscar,’ she said.

She stepped past him, unbuttoning her designer blouse as she went. By the time she went through the office door she was pulling it out from under the waistband of her skirt. Oscar watched her for a moment as she unzipped the skirt and slipped it down to her feet. He closed the door and turned to see Peter Wilson staring at him from beyond the reception desk.

Peter was a middle-aged adjustor just like Oscar was. He too was balding and overweight and, just like Oscar, had never had anything exciting happen to him in his life.

‘Hi Peter,’ Oscar said.

‘Hi Oscar,’ he replied, looking wistfully at the closed door where Melanie was stripping out of her clothes.

‘Do you want her?’ Oscar asked him.

Peter gave Oscar a severe look and he swallowed nervously.

Oscar nodded and opened the door.

‘Melanie?’ he called out. ‘Give Peter a blowjob would you?’

‘Okay,’ she replied.

Peter’s eyes went wide and Oscar gestured for him to go into the office.

‘Go on Peter,’ he said. ‘I think you could use a break. I know how hard you work here. In fact, maybe this could be Melanie’s new job around here. What do you think?’

Peter nodded mutely and Oscar patted him on the shoulder.

‘Go on,’ Oscar said. ‘It’ll do you good.’

Peter then rushed through the door and Oscar closed it behind him.

Oscar then step
ped around the divider panel separating the main office from reception and scanned the room. He looked around and finally saw Maria, the coffee girl, pushing her cart from desk to desk. He beckoned her over and she approached him with a smile on her face.

Oscar always liked Maria. She was one of the only people at this office who didn’t make fun of him or put him down.

‘Maria,’ he said, ‘how would you like to be our new receptionist?’

Her features lit up with a big smile and she giggled enthusiastically.

‘Oh Senor Oscar!’ she gushed, ‘I would love that!’

‘Okay, you’re it!’ he said. ‘Get behind that desk and that chair is yours.’

‘But what about my coffee cart?’ she asked him with dismay.

‘Don’t worry about that,’ he said. ‘I’ve got just the right person in mind for that job.’

She giggled again and hugged him tightly. Then she stepped gingerly behind the reception desk and looked around her with wonder in her eyes. The phone rang and she looked at it with trepidation. She looked at Oscar and he nodded at her encouragingly. She looked at the phone once more, steeled herself and then picked it up.

‘Mullins Insurance,’ she said. ‘How can I help you?’

Oscar smiled at her and then grabbed the coffee cart. He pushed it into Leslie’s office and saw that she had just finished packing a box with her personal possessions.

‘Hi Leslie,’ he said.

‘Hello Oscar,’ she said.

She looked vaguely confused and blinked in surprise when she looked down at the box on her desk containing all her personal effects.

‘I’ve got your new job worked out Leslie,’ Oscar said. ‘You’re the new coffee girl.’

‘Oh?’ she said evenly.

‘Yes,’ he said, ‘you’ll push this cart from desk to desk selling coffee and pastries to the staff.’

‘Okay,’ Leslie said.

‘And Leslie,’ he said emphatically, ‘you’re going to do it naked.’

‘Okay Oscar,’ she said.

‘So take off your clothes and then bring your cart out to the office area and meet me there,’ he said.


Oscar turned and walked out into the office and paused while looking over the people as they worked. A few of them looked at him, confusion still in their eyes. He nodded and then cleared his throat.

‘Can I have your attention everyone?’ he said.

Now they were all staring at him.

‘Thank you,’ he said. He cleared his throat again and tugged on his cheap tie. ‘As you all know, Ted has put me in charge here. So now I’m making a few changes, changes that I hope will be for the better.

‘First of all, Maria is now the new receptionist. I’m sure she’ll do a great job. I’m not sure what Melanie is going to do around here. I think I might put her in charge of morale.’

Peter, who was just getting to his seat, blushed and sat down hurriedly.

‘The next big change,’ Oscar said, ‘is this. Leslie is going to be our new coffee girl. I’ve put her in charge of the coffee cart and given her a new uniform. Come on out here Leslie. I want everyone to see your new uniform.’

A collective gasp went through the crowd as Leslie appeared pushing the cart that Maria had so recently been responsible for. She wore high heels and that was all. Her breasts, a generous c-cup, jiggled slightly as she stepped up beside Oscar. Her short dark hair was combed into place and she looked like a pageboy nude model for Hustler magazine. She smiled at the sea of faces before her and then looked anxiously at Oscar.

‘As you can see,’ he said, ‘she’s very nice to look at, so I’ve instructed her to do this naked. She’ll be available for anyone to use as they see fit. Won’t you Leslie?’

‘Oh yes Oscar!’ she said enthusiastically. ‘I’m looking forward to being used by anyone however they want to!’

‘That is all,’ Oscar said and then turned toward his office.

He listened to the cacophony of exclamations from the office pool and smiled to himself.

‘Maybe I can make all those people happy yet,’ he muttered to himself.

The mostly male insurance adjustors fell on Leslie with gusto. Before she could pour a single cup of coffee she was bent forward over the first desk she stopped at and was penetrated from behind.

The sight of Leslie getting fucked from behind fascinated even the three women who worked there. They cheered on with the rest as two more men lined up beside Melanie and dropped their pants. Leslie grinned oafishly as they both tried to push their cocks into her mouth simultaneously.

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Amandas Sudan Holliday

?Amanda's Sudan Holliday? By Angelgirl If you have already read "Amanda's Letter from Daddy" you probablydon't need to read this introduction. But if you haven't or might take offenceto a brutal story about a very young girl you will need to know these few things.This story begins after the death of my Daddy. It was at his funeral I firstmet two of his lifelong friends. They were twin brothers from the Sudan andwere Princes. They were amongst the richest men in the world. They told methey had...

4 years ago
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Virgin Bhabhi Ki Jabardast Chudayi

Ye jo story main aapko sunane ja rha hun isko sunke sabhi ladkon ke lund khade ho jayenge. Aur ladkiyan apni chut me ungli daal lengi ab story pe aata ye baat aaj se ek sal pehle ki hai mere bhaiya ki abhi 1 saal pehle hi shadi hui thi to unki wife yani ki meri bhabhi ki age mere barabar hi thi 22 ki to main apne bhaiya ke ghar jaya karta aur apni bhabhi se baat karta dhire dhire main unki taraf attract hone lag gya unka figure kamal ka tha 34 ke boobs the gol aur mote mote ras bhare unki kamar...

2 years ago
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38 yrs old radhika ki chudayi

Hi doston mera naam krish ha m a gr8 fan of iss or maine socha kyon na apna experience share kiya jaye i m frm delhi mujhe mobile chating ka bhut craze ha or ek din mujhe idea k voice chat par ek ladki mili jo phone sex ka bahut shouq rakhti thi or use bhut maza ata tha usne mujhe apna mob no. Diya or kaha raat ko baat karna. Raat ko kariban 11 baje uski miss cal ayi maine use call kiya to usne kaha mujhe maze karne hain abhi ma bhi masti ma tha or usko bola janeman shuru ho jao masti karna...

3 years ago
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Strange Day

I awoke in the most strange mood. I can not explain it. I rolled over and let my husband have a poke then got up, showered, fixed breakfast and got the k**s ready for school. Got my husband out the door to work. Dropped the k**s off at school. Then decided to drive to the top of the pass. I got there and walked a short distance through the woods to a secluded hot spring. I have been here many times and hardly anybody ever comes here. I got naked and got in the warm water. It was a beautiful...

2 years ago
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Strange Brothers

AUTHOR'S NOTE: The story you are about to read is an adaption of, "Strange Brothers," From Mashiro's Castle. It is not a direct translation of the original story, rather a retelling of it adapted for an English audience. If you already know of the Strange Brothers, I apologize in advance. I know only certain parts of the story that have been translated to English, and as such I have had to add my own content to create an ending. Also, I made other changes to make it more of a...

2 years ago
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Strange meeting leads to sex torture terror for Savanna Steel

STRANGE MEETING LEADS TO SEX TORTURE TERROR FOR SAVANNA... Since loosing my job suddenly a few months ago and being down on my luck I decided it was about time I made some money out of my favourite hobby, being a sexy t-girl. Well where was the harm? I loved getting dolled up in my sexy outfits and showing off my feminised figure in tight rubber, leather or PVC outfits. I had been told I was quite convincing with my enhanced boobs, long shapely legs and tight ass and I thought, well...

4 years ago
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Strange Days

"You dropped your bloody tissue..." I mumbled, staring at the guy in the nurse's office. I knew him from three of my classes, actually I knew him from having lived in the same neighborhood for more than ten years, not to mention we had shared no less than three classes together since first grade. He was leaning back in the hard plastic chair against the wall with a cold compress against his right eye, he turned a blank, slate blue gaze on me and I felt my cheeks flush. "What?" he queried,...

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Sweet Tuesdays

Every Tuesday morning at nine minutes past ten Kay says to her husband, ‘I’m off to town Tom.’ Tom always replies, ‘Have a nice time dear,’ then he laughs and says, ‘Give him my best wishes.’ Kay smiles and replies, ‘I will dear,’ and then leaving the house she makes her way to the bus stop and catches the nine fifteen bus into the CBD. Had Tom known it his joking remark about giving an make-believe lover his best wishes was closer to the truth than he knew, but to explain that and tell...

1 year ago
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Badi Maa Ki Pasine Bhari Chut Ki Chudayi

Mai shivam bhabua bihar ka rehane wala hu ye kahani meri aur meri badi maa ki h Aapka samai na jaya karte hue mai siddha kahani pea ta hu meri badi maa ek gadraye hue jawani ki aurat h unaka figure k bare me ako kya batau mast golgol chuche moti aur muscular gand jise dekhate he kisi ki bhi land khada ho jaye rang aisa k mano jaise koi pari….. Ek din mere ghar pr koi nahi tha sirf mai aur meri badi maa the wo dopahar me so gayi thi tabhi mai cricket khel k ghar aya to dekha unki sari uar tak...

2 years ago
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Divya Mami Ki Nabhi Ki Chudayi

Hello,sabhi aunty,didi,bhabhi aur girls ke liye h. Mai abhi yahaan naya aaya hu. To plz mera thoda khayam rakhna aap sabhi.Ok to ab mai apne bare me btata hu. Mai 33 yrs ka ek naujawan ladka hu aur abhi tak single hu.Mera naam raj h aur mai agra se hu. Meri height 5feet 8inch hai, mera rang gora h aur mera lund 7.5 inch lamba h aur 3.5inch mota h. Mai hamesha se hi nabhi ka deewana hu. Muje gehri aur lamhi nabhi bahut psand h. Nabhi itni bdi ho ki usme lemon pura aa jaye fir chahe wo nabhi...

3 years ago
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Mamta Ki Mast Chudayi

Hi friends ye meri first story hai mujhe story likhne ka experience nahi hai to ho sakta hai ki koi galti bhi ho jaye agar aapko ye kahaani pasand aaye to mail jarur karna mera mail id hai To ab main kahaani par aata hu mera naam Sanjay name changed hai or main delhi ka hi rahne wala hu main iss ka regular reader hu dekhne may ekdum taqatwar hu or height bhi meri 6’2″ hai or meri age 32 years hai. Ye ek dum sachi kahaani hai chahe koi maane ya na mane meri ek muhboli nani hai. mera unke yaha...

4 years ago
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Ek parivaar ki auratoon ki chudayi

Mera naam ramu hai. Meri umar 19 saal hai aur lambai 5 ft 4 inch hai. Mera lund kareeb 6 inch ka hai. Mein dekhna mein koi bahut handsome nahi hoon, lekin kisi ladki ko gf banane layak hoon. Mere frnd ka naam varun hai. Woh bahut smart aur handsome hai. Woh kareeb 5 ft 9 inch lamba hai. Uski umar 24 saal ki hai. Uski ek bahut khoobsurat patni hai. Sale ki ek girlfriend bhi hai. Gf dekhne main bahut mast maal lagti hai. Lekin patni jyada achi hai dekhne main. Sala woh bahut ladkiyon ko dhok...

1 year ago
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Strange Therapy

Author's Note: I would like to thank Elrod for the use of his characters, and words of encouragement, as well as his time helping me dispose of the worst of my grammatical and spelling errors. I would also like to thank Ellen Heyes for helping me with my writing. She tirelessly hammered me until I corrected some of the more implausible passages in the story. I enjoyed her frank and pitiless critiques as well as her words of encouragement. Thanks to her as well for allowing...

4 years ago
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Friends 21st Bday

It was the summer of 08 and I had just finished the semester for the year. That year saw me break up with my first real g/f and i was single for the first time in 4 years. I wasnt looking for anyone in fact at this point the break up was 8 months in the past but it still weighted heavy on my mind. It was a nice summer day when I was to attend my friend katys 21st bday party which we were going to party and camp in her back yard. The event was small and mostly all of my old friends from town who...

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18th bday

it was my birthday, i just turn 18 and i told my lady friend to come over at night about 8pm.. my parents would be gone and no one would be there but me and the dog.she was about 19 and weight about 130lbs.. 32b and nice hourglass figure.. she knocked at the door and i lead her to the spare bedroom.. she know it was my birthday and told me she wanted to have sex with for my bday gift.. i told her that i would love to but its my first time.. she said it was ok and we didnt have to use a condom...

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Strange Fantasies

STRANGE FANTASIES? by J R D IN THE SECOND DECADE OF THE 21ST CENTURY... Lee Adams was waiting in the receptionist's area of the personnel department of Drasberg's, a multi-national company that had recently opened up an office building in his city. Lee wasn't very hopeful. Over the last year, he had gone after many jobs, but he was turned down time after time. It was always the same reason, "No experience". At least that was the official reason. Whenever he talked to the...

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For many years I have tried to come up with a technique to construct and experience erotic encounters and stories, using only the power of my mind while in a conscious state. This essay will introduce the concept of Erotic Daydreaming, describing what exactly it is, what its objectives are and how it compares to alternative methods of fantasy-immersion that are currently available. WHAT IS EROTIC DAYDREAMING Erotic dreaming is the act of putting yourself in a daydream-like state to create...

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Strange Meeting

I posted this god knows how many years back on Literotica under an old nick. Thought I had lost this until I was going through some old disks and found it. Having just reread it, and given it a bit of an edit, I though I might as well as post it. A Strange Romance. Although I was over qualified for such job's after I graduated, I could not resist accepting a post as an Internet operations officer for one of the high street retailers. With my qualifications I was offered better...

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Strange World

STRANGE WORLD by Geneva A dissolute English nobleman incurs the anger of an Italian Contessa and is changed to a woman by her book of spells. Through suffering and war a new life is made and love is found. The secondary character of Anna in this story is the main character in my earlier story, "Nun so Lovely". At least the wine and the food had been good. Inwardly fretting at the boredom and Conte Roberto's dronings, I watched as my wife Catherine and my sister Ophelia talked...

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Wild Wednesdays

A couple in the swinging lifestyle make their weekly pilgramage to a private club. Wednesdays have been punctuated by a young woman who puts on quite a show in one of the anything-goes areas. Caitlyn's husband is in the crowd of onlookers while she sits alone in the public area. She's not alone for long.Wild Wednesdays“Mind if I sit down?” asked the black man with the muscular build.“What, you’re not going to join the others?” she said. He looked toward the wide doorway that led into the back...

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Strange Woman In My Shower

Strange Woman In My Shower I came home from a two-day hunting trip in the Montana Mountains. I had shot a good size elk, gutted it, and managed to drag it out of the forest on a plastic tarp. It was all I could do to drag it while taking several rest breaks. It would go a long way to filling my freezer for the winter. I was very tire, I was dirty as usual, and I smelled like a dead skunk. Sweat, campfires, and that damn awful smelling stuff that covers up my human scent does not do...

1 year ago
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Strange Temptations

Author’s note: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental. If you feel offended by the subject, please skip to another story. Karen McAllister was furious. She had just received a phone call from the detective agency that she hired to spy upon her husband. An agent from Paris just informed her that for the last two nights a girl had been visiting her husband in his hotel’s room. This night as well she was there…for more than two hours....

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Girl Fridays

Girl Friday By Gingerfred Man Chapter One - Casual day Lemon or baby blue? Perhaps pink? We all know what they say about girls who wear black panties, don't we? [Giggle] Fridays can be such a challenge. I mean, I had been wearing panties every day since my boss, Mr. Everhard's, "Girl Fridays" decree six weeks ago. But on Fridays, besides panties, I wore the miniskirt, stockings, garter belt and big heels to work too. On Monday through Thursday, when I'm wearing icky boys'...

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Strangelings Artifacts The Ring

Also, I've got a plea for my female readers: Please, Please PLEASE, let me know if I overstepped or got it wrong. I'm a guy, through and through. I have no right to claim that any of the ideas or the sensations in this story are true or or even close to the mark. I'm just assuming, and everyone knows where that will get me. So do me a favor. If you're reading this and you have a problem, or maybe if you just want to help me out, then leave a message or PM me. I'd love to get your take on...

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She had recently been recruited by an adult magazine to write a story on certain types of clubs. She had thought she was open minded but she had her eyes well and truly opened by some activities she witnessed while researching her story. Many times she found herself turned on by what she saw and upon her return home she relieved herself of 'tension' . Toni had not had a boyfriend for some months and she was not really missing the sex for it left her feeling as if she was missing...

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I felt like a whore, a filthy one at that. I looked at him to see if I could remember his face, and I didn't. Great. I got fucked by a stranger. Diseases, here I come. I tapped his shoulder. "Do we know each other?" "Yes." he replied "Can you tell me who you are?" "We used to go to the same church as kids. But you moved. And then I found you. And we fucked." "Was it good?" "Want to relive it?" I nodded my head. As soon as I nodded my head, the dude started fingering...

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"God, you're such a freak. Why don't you just go talk to him and get it over with?" Missy says, obviously a little sick of my growing obsession with the mysterious stranger who lives above our apartment. I just can't help it though. He's so.... mysterious... and strange. I gaze eagerly through my peephole as he approaches. I have to strain to make out his dark profile through the gloomy dusk but his silhouette is distinct. He walks with an easy confidence and a purposeful stride, as...

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As she was making her way across a vast open patch of field the first cool drops of rain splashed down onto her shoulders and she breathed a sigh of relief. Still walking she took black elastic from her wrist and pulled her thick red hair back into a ponytail, feeling the light rain and cooling air on the back of her neck. A large drop fell onto her neck and trickled down the middle of her back causing her to shiver and bringing her out in goose bumps. A flash of blinding blue lightning...

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Never in her wildest dreams did she ever imagine sucking a total stranger off in an airport. From the moment she met Ted on the plane from Chicago, she ached for his touch and for his cock. Ted was really into her as well. He loved the way the fabric of her tight red business suit hugged the plump curves of her body. Now Kathy wasn’t fat but she defiantly had a few extra pounds. Ted liked big woman though. His wife was a BBW but there was something different about Kathy that made him...

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I met him in an online chat room and within twenty minutes we were telling each other our deepest secrets and which way we preferred to get or give sex. I think it was my suggestion to go over to his place, but he was not against the idea and before you knew it I was scribbling his address and door code on the pad next to the computer. It took me all of ten minutes to drive over and another three to get into the building and up to his condo. Within those short minutes in the elevator I had...

2 years ago
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I met him in an online chat room and within twenty minutes we were telling each other our deepest secrets and which way we preferred to get or give sex. I think it was my suggestion to go over to his place, but he was not against the idea and before you knew it I was scribbling his address and door code on the pad next to the computer. It took me all of ten minutes to drive over and another three to get into the building and up to his condo. Within those short minutes in the elevator I had...

Oral Sex
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Do you get off to the thought of exposing yourself to total strangers? Or maybe you cream your pants when you think about someone running up to you and exposing themselves to you. Whatever the case may be, know that you are not fucking alone. There seems to be plenty of people that are into your kind of kink.Many of them are over on Reddit.com/ExposedToStrangers. Here, you will find an abundance of users that want nothing more than to get off to content that will make you horny as fuck. If this...

Reddit NSFW List
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Exposed To Strangers! I’m often approached by fans on the street who ask, “Hello, Mr. PornDude. I’m a huge fan of yours. Would you be willing to sign my fleshlight? … Aww, thanks a lot. You’re the man. Hey, I have a question for you. You review so many porn websites, but what’s your favorite genre?” Well, that’s a tricky fucking question. One I can’t answer within the time restraints placed by a polite conversation on the street. So instead, I think it would be best to approach the question in...

Voyeur Porn Sites
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Girl Fridays

Girl Fridays Belladonna The car came to a stop as Vern Lowry pressed down the brake and put the vehicle in park. He pulled off his black sandals and slipped his black, opaque tights covered feet into the pair of 3? inch high heeled pumps he had placed into his pocketbook that morning. Vern smiled at the shoes as he buckled their thin ankle straps. Once he finished buckling the shoes, Vern lifted his wife's black aviator sunglasses off his nose and checked his appearance one...

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Alexa Chapter 34 Mondays

Alexa Chapter 34: Mondays God, I hate Mondays! I always have. I think everyone does. Getting back into the grind of everyday life was never any fun, but today was even worse. The events of the previous night cast a pall over not only my feelings but most of the state. Sure, the Vikings lost yet another NFC Championship, we were used to it. But the way they lost was so unlike the way the team had played all season was confounding. Add to that the sheer joy that had been created...

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Ek Sham Uncle Ke Sath Chudayi

Mera naam pinky h aur main delhi ki rahne wali hu aur main call center me job karti hu. Main dikhne me bahut sexy hu aur log mujhe bahut line marte h aur meri colony ke sare uncles aur ladke mujhe line marte h. Main hamesha tight suit aur salwar pahanti hu aur apne honto par lipstick lagati hu aur jab bhi main market karne jati hu log mujhe line marte h aur meri figure bhi bahut acchi h main ek dum maal hu meri figure 36 30 38 aur mujhe chudwane me bahut maja aata h aur main bahut logo se...

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Meri Muh Boli Behen Ki Chudayi

Meri umar us waqt 25 thi or ashna ki 16 . Ashna us waqt 12th mai study krti thi. Ye to thi meri introduction . Ab jyada der na lgate hue mai apko story btata hu ……. Mai fb pe nya nya tha..Maine ek ldki ko friend request beji uska naam tha ashna . Luckily she accepts my request and hum roj chat krne lge. Kuch din aisa hi chlta gya and muje pta tha k vo mere se chhoti hai to mai use apni chhoti behn kehne lga.. And vo v bda bhai keh k bolti thi muje. Din gujrte gye and hmne apna mbile nmbr share...

4 years ago
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Bhai Ke Dever Se Chudayi

Hi maira name Rahil h meri 21 h ye meri real story hai maira rang gora h aur dekhne me bht khubsurat hun college ke bht se ladke mujhpe marte h par mai kisi ko bhav nhi deti hun mairi frnds mujhe apne sex ke bare me batati h to mujhe bhi sex kar ne ka man karta h par moqa nhi mila kabhi ab apni story pe aati hun Ye baat do saal pehle ki h jab mai b.Sc ki student thi Mairi do sis aur do bro h dono sis ki shadi ho chuki h mairi badi sister ka name nahid h aur chohti ka rehnuma baat tab ki h jab...

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Neelam Ki Chudayi

Hello friends , mera naam rashid hai aur main lucknow ka rehne wala hoon. Yeh meri pehli story hai , meri aap sabhi se request hai ki meri story ko padhkar mujhe “” per email ker k bataaiyen ki aap ko story kaisi lagi . Ab main seedhe story per aata hoon , main aur neelam dono ek sath padhte the . Neelam jo ki 20 saal ki thi ek dum model ki tarah lagti thi . Uski choochiyaan aur gaand aise the ki buddhon k lund bhi khade kerwa de. Use film line mien jaane ka bahut shauq tha iss liye woh filmon...

2 years ago
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Virgin Muskan Ki Chudayi

Hi this is Raj from Ggn sector-15. I’m a smart gay or esliye he koi b ladki meri taraf jaldi attract ho jati hai.. ye jab m 19 saal ka tha tab ki baat hai or abhi m 21 ka hu. Mere frnd ki gf thi or uski 1 frnd thi jab b wo mere frnd ki gf usse milne aati thi tab wo sath mai apni frnd muskan ko lati thi..or m mere dost k sath jata tha..wo dono sath baithte thai or uski frnd or m 1 sath ..Ek 1din mera dost apni gf ko room mai le gaya or hm dono bahar wait kr rahe thai.. Tab andar se aaaaa uuu plz...

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