Friday Night Alchemy free porn video

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(Author’s note – This is a 90% non-erotic story. The only erotic scene has been submitted separately as the short story ‘alone at last’.)

It was April. It was raining. It was hardly a surprise.

The weekend had started well: boy had met girl and the Friday night alchemy that turns alcohol into meaningless sex had just begun when the spell, or rather a Budweiser bottle, was broken by a not-quite-ex-boyfriend who mistook me for the villain in the tragedy that passed for his love life. I was in no fit state to explain that I only had a walk on part in the last act so resorted to a more direct, if somewhat clichéd, response. In short, I head-butted him.

Friday night went down hill rapidly from there. I won the fight with the ex but lost the subsequent melee with the bouncers, then spent four uncomfortable hours sobering up in the clinically unsympathetic atmosphere of the casualty unit in Endell Street, waiting for someone to stitch up my eyebrow.

It was little wonder it was raining. Any half-decent scriptwriter would have included that detail in such a scene. It was another cliché. I had been beaten up, dumped, ignored for half the night by the cast of Casualty & generally abused by the whole fucking planet, so why shouldn’t the weather stick the metaphorical boot in too?

I walked the five miles home. Two reasons: I had no chance of getting a taxi to pick me up in the mess I was in, but also, I had a perverse desire to prolong my self-pity. So I walked home &, about 4 a.m., crashed out, intent on sleeping through the rest of the weekend. That way it couldn’t get any worse, right? Wrong. It can always get worse.

I was rudely awakened early on Saturday when Steve came round to use my washing machine. He has my spare keys so he let himself in, but if you knew Steve you’d know that if you want to sleep while he’s in the building, you’ve got no hope unless he’s comatose first.

‘Morning Mate! Coffee?’ he shouted as he walked past the bedroom door, casually slapping it first, to be assured of my full attention.

Any response I might ordinarily have made would have been truncated to one syllable as Steve found the power button on the hi-fi. No one should have to listen to U2 first thing in the morning. It says so in the Geneva Convention – doesn’t it? Well, if it doesn’t, I can make a bloody good case for getting it added. Not that it’d make a blind bit of difference – Steve hasn’t heard of the Geneva Convention, let alone read it.

I was lying on my bed of pain, mentally calling down maledictions upon him, his parents & his parents’ parents when Ste walked into the bedroom with a mug of coffee.

‘Where’s this bird then? …Fuckin’ hell! Is there still an eyeball in that socket?’

‘You should have seen the other guy.’

‘I did. He didn’t do that to you did he? I’m impressed.’

‘Thanks! And no, he didn’t do this. I was worked over by a couple of steroid abusing penguins… And what d’you mean you’ve seen him? You were working last night.’

‘Yeah, well the kid you laid out is Charlie’s brother.’

‘Charlie as in Charlie’s Cars? Your boss?’ This was not good.

‘Nope. Charlie who’s just done three for glassing a bloke who seven balled him at pool. Charlie who came down the dispatch office at two in the morning with what was left of his kid brother. That Charlie.’

‘Shit! Tell me you’re winding me up, please.’ This was worse.

‘Relax. He’s on parole. He’s not goin’ to want to go back in for doing you over. Besides, he figures Martin – that’s his kid brother’s name by the way, in case you’re interested – he figures Martin’s big enough to fight his own battles and that this is strictly between you two.’

‘Great! So all I’ve got to worry about now is Psycho junior coming after me with a grudge & a role model that glasses people who beat him at pool. It’s obviously escaped your notice but he caught me playing tongue hockey with his girlfriend. That’s a little more serious than a game of pool, don’t you think?’

‘Hey! Don’t kill the messenger! I’m just telling you what Charlie said.’

‘You’re right. I’m sorry.’

‘No problem. Coffee’s cold though. Hand it here and I’ll zap it. I could do with a top-up myself.’

”s alright, but turn that bloody music off on your way past.’

‘Suit yourself. Tell you what, get dressed while I have another coffee, then we’ll have breakfast at Sal’s café. My treat.’


I really wasn’t feeling up to it, but Steve was offering to pay, an event as unlikely as a confirmed Elvis sighting. Steve’s wallet saw daylight less often than Count Dracula. I would have crawled from my death-bed to take up an offer like that, so I got up, painfully.

In the Lounge, the answerphone was blinking. I hit the playback button.

‘…..Hi… It’s Shana….from the bar last night?…..I was just calling to make sure you were OK…..We, well we kind of got separated and ….. anyway… me, OK? My number’s 245 5188… to go now….Bye.’

‘Oh yeah! I forgot to tell you. That girl you were fighting over…’

‘I wasn’t fighting over her! I was just defending myself.’

‘Whatever. She came looking for you, so I gave her your number.’

‘You did what?’

‘Now don’t go off the deep end again. She was really upset, mainly because she didn’t know what had happened to you. Anyway, she’s cute, and how many girls have shown that much interest in you recently? The sympathy factor should be good for a shag at least.’

‘Don’t you think the fact that Charlie’s brother thinks he has a claim on her might put the dampers on things just a little bit?’

‘Not really. He’s only home for Easter. Next week he’s back at college in York. She dumped him before Xmas but it hasn’t sunk in yet. Trust me, he’ll be laid up for most of the week, you saw to that, then he’ll be gone. Forget about it.’

‘How come you know so much about all this? Who died and left you a crystal ball? And how come she knew to ask you about me?’ I was very confused.

‘Gianni was working the bar last night. Yes? She noticed you seemed to know each other so she asked him where you’d have gone – Ah, light dawns! Gianni didn’t know the bouncers had hospitalised you so he told her what he did know. Namely that your best friend, Steve – that’s me – works for Charlie’s Cars. With me so far? Good, now pay attention, this is the complicated bit. When she came to the dispatch office looking for someone called Steve, I was there! She told me the whole story. So you see Grasshopper, its not what the Sage knows but who knows that he knows that counts.’

‘Steve, you’re priceless. I had been contemplating killing you, but for that, I’ll let you live a while longer.’

‘Gee, thanks! Can we get breakfast now? I’m starving.’

A couple of thousand calories of bacon, eggs and assorted fried things made the world seem a fit place to live in again. Steve helped too. It’s hard to stay down around someone as exuberantly cheerful as him. I tried to stay miserable but, by the time I got down to chasing the last two baked beans around my plate, Steve’s non-stop banter had worn down my defences and, painful though it was, I smirked at his latest tasteless joke.

‘That’s more like it. Boy! You’re a tough audience this morning.’

‘Yeah, well I’ve got a fair bit on my mind.’

‘When you goin’ to call her then?’ Steve threw a hand grenade into the conversation.

‘What? Oh, you mean Shana. I’m not. I’ve had enough grief over her already.’

‘Don’t be daft. You’ve got to call her, if only to tell her you’re OK. She really was worried about you. For fuck’s sake! She was nearly in tears when she came down the cab office.’

‘You call her then.’

‘No way!’

‘Why not? You got me into this by giving her my number, so you can sort it out.’

‘Look, if Martin hadn’t interrupted the two of you, this girl Shana
would have been back at your place, keeping your dick warm for you, before midnight, right? So when was the last time you got laid? Rosy? That ended over a year ago.’

‘There was Hage, last summer.’

‘That Danish bit? Doesn’t count. All you got from her was a quick blow job in Richmond Park. No, its well over a year. Now this girl comes along who’s obviously gagging for it & you’re not interested? Call her. ‘Cos if you don’t I will & I’ll send her round to your place to find you.’


‘Yeah. So?’

‘OK, I’ll call her. Satisfied?’

‘Depends. Has she got a sister?’

‘Fuck off!’,

‘I only asked.’

‘Well don’t. Trish would cut off your balls just for thinking about it. Go and pay Sal. Oh and Steve? Break it to him gently. Sal’s getting on a bit, the sight of your wallet after all these years may just be too much for him.’

‘Feeling better are we? Sarky bugger.’

Steve’s a diamond. Rough around the edges maybe, but a diamond all the same. He’s fun when drunk, useful when sober and good company all the time. What more could you ask of a mate? Oh, and my mother thinks he’s disgusting so he must be a good bloke. We walked back to the flat together, stopping briefly at the bookie’s because a regular fare had given one of the drivers a tip on a horse at Epsom and Steve reckoned it was worth a tenner each way. When we got back, Steve’s washing was still rinsing and there was another message on the answerphone.

‘Put the kettle on, Steve.’

‘Spoilsport.’ But he went into the kitchen all the same. I pressed playback.

‘…..Hi! Its Shana again…..Just checking to see if you got my message……I’d better give you my number again. Its 245 5188…..or, if I’m not in, I’ll be in O’Neills tonight. ….about 9ish…See you later….’

‘You gonna call her then?’ There’s no privacy around Steve.


‘Why not now? ‘Carpe Dame’ and all that.’

‘Its ‘Carpe Diem’. It means ‘Seize the day’. And like I said, later, when you’re not around to earwig.’

‘I don’t earwig. I just listen a lot. And its ‘Carpe Dame’ – ‘Grab the girl’.’ Just occasionally Steve’s humour surprises me.

‘Is that kettle boiled, or were you too busy ‘listening a lot’?’

‘You’re out of milk.’

‘I don’t take milk. There’s some UHT cream in the cupboard above the sink. Top shelf. In the white plastic basket.’

I was talking to an empty doorway but I could hear Steve rummaging through the cupboard.

‘Found it. Thanks.’

Steve brought through the coffees and flopped down on the settee. He looked tired. Of course, he’d been working all night and babysitting me all morning. It was only caffeine that was keeping him awake. Like I said, he’s a diamond.

‘You’re out of Nescafe too. This was the last of it.’

‘I’ll get some later. I need a few things from Tesco’s anyway.’

‘Later. As in after you’ve talked to Shana, right?’

‘Later. As in after I’ve talked to Shana, yes. You know Steve, if you nagged any more, you’d have to start wearing a dress.’

‘Only in the privacy of my own home, Mate. It gets Trisha hot.’

‘Actually, that’s rather more information than I needed just now, but thank you for sharing. Freak.’

He was joking, of course. At least, I hoped he was joking. Steve could be pretty weird at times.

He finished his coffee and went to check on his laundry. The washing machine had gone silent a few minutes back so it had either finished its cycle or, the more likely scenario, had flooded the kitchen again.

‘Got a mop?’, a disembodied voice called from the kitchen.

‘In the cupboard by the front door. Hang on a sec and I’ll fetch it.’ When I got to the kitchen, Steve was standing there with his basket of washing, grinning.

‘Just kidding! Got you out of that armchair though.’


‘While you’re on your feet, you might as well make that call. I’ll see you later.’ He headed for the door. ‘Oh, and there’s a post-it on the fridge about the coffee. In case you forget. See ya!’ and he was gone.

‘Bye then.’, I said to the closed door and put the mop away. It was obvious Steve had decided I should see Shana again. If I bottled out, I’d never hear the last of it so I found a pen and something to write on then replayed Shana’s message and noted down her phone number. Well, no time like the present. I rang her.

‘Hi! You’ve reached the home of Jodie and Shana. We’re both out at the moment but leave a message and we’ll call you back as soon as poss. Ciao!……Beep’

An answerphone. That came as something of a relief.

‘Hi Shana, its Alun. Listen, thanks for calling….’

‘Hiya! Sorry about the answerphone. Martin’s been ringing here all morning and Jodie – she’s my flatmate – Jodie’s been vetting my calls but she’s gone out shopping so I turned on the machine. Anyway, you don’t want to hear about all that. How are you? I was worried when you just disappeared like that. I hope you don’t mind: I got your phone number off your friend, Steve. You know? From the taxi place? He’s very nice, isn’t he? Anyway, I heard you were hurt and, well, how are you?’ She paused for breath. I took the opportunity to get a word in edgewise.

‘I’m OK. I’m going to have a lovely scar where my right eyebrow used to be but apart from that, its just bruises. They X-rayed my ribs but nothing’s broken.’

‘X-rayed? You went to the hospital then?’

‘Had to. A bouncer unzipped my eyebrow with a sovereign ring so I had to go and get stitched up.’

‘Oh! I’m so sorry. How many stitches?’

‘Three. And don’t apologise. You weren’t the one who hit me.’

‘But I should have warned you about my ex. I feel guilty now. Does it hurt a lot?’

‘I could handle – I did handle your ex. It’s the bouncers who autographed my ribs with their knuckles. I’ll live though. A couple of nights in and I’ll be as good as new, the darned eyebrow not withstanding.’

‘Oh? So you’re not going out tonight?’ She was fishing, wasn’t she?

‘No, I’m afraid not. I’d only spend the whole night retelling this story to all and sundry, and besides, I’m feeling rather tender today. I’m going to stay in tonight, cook myself some macaroni cheese and relax.’

‘I’ve got a better idea. I’ll come over and cook you dinner if you like? To make up for last night. How does Tagliatelli Quattro Formaggi sound? It’s a family speciality.’

‘Make it penne and you’re on. Tagliatelli always ends up all over my shirt.’

‘Penne then. What time?’

‘Seven o’clock? Its Flat 3a, Gainsborough Court, Rotherhithe New Road.’

‘Hang on. I’ll get a pen……OK…Flat 3a?’

‘Gainsborough Court’


‘Rotherhithe New Road’

‘Got it. Well, I’ll see you at seven then. Bye bye.’

‘Bye Shana. And thanks.’

There was a click as she hung up then the phone line purred in my ear. If I were a cat I’d be purring too. Steve was right about one thing, Shana was definitely interested. I’d better go shopping. If she was coming round to cook dinner, the least I could do is get us something to drink, and coffee. I wandered into the kitchen to see what else needed re-stocking. Steve’s post-it was still on the fridge door:

‘Out of coffee

Out of milk

Almost out of Persil’

I’m not sexist. I agree with gender equality, have a lot of female colleagues and get on well with all of them. Unlike the Steves of this world, I don’t even mind having a female boss. That said, I do believe there are some fundamental differences in the way our brains work which mean the two genders will never really understand each other.

For example, women like to shop. Men like acquiring new things and we will throw ourselves wholeheartedly into the acquisition of cars, hi-fi systems or any other big-boy’s toys, but shopping per se does not excite us. We will shop for day-to-day n
ecessities, but we generally won’t enjoy it. Women, on the other hand seem to enjoy the experience of shopping as much as, if not more than, actually acquiring new possessions.

Perhaps its some sort of genetic predisposition towards mundane tasks because Nature was equipping them for the several millennia of indentured servitude that has been the history of womankind until recently, and its just going to take a few generations for their brains to adapt. Or maybe its cultural indoctrination during the formative years: The inevitable impact of an older generation’s influence over the younger generation, flying in the face of the new role women have in our society. Whatever. I know this – I hate shopping and I’ll never ever, not in a hundred years, understand how anyone can possibly enjoy time spent in Tesco’s.

So what am I doing with a Tesco’s bag in one hand and a Thresher’s bag in the other?

Well you already know about the caffeine shortage. Steve loses all his superpowers without at least one cup of double strength Nescafe an hour. Then there’s the washing powder. When a pretty girl commandeers your kitchen to cook you dinner, you put clean sheets on the bed, just in case. Such is the optimistic nature of Homo Erectus (Homo Sapiens males under the influence of libido, beer or both). And the telltale clinking? Well you can’t have Italian food without vino, can you? Oh! I got some scented candles too, and Haagen Dazs for desert. There are few things in this world as romantic as sharing a tub of Haagen Dazs.

It hurt to move, so instead of doing the sensible thing involving a long hot bath and stretching out on the settee, I spent a very painful afternoon getting the flat spick and span. Go figure. Its all part of the ritual. Women know that men left to there own devices have, at best, a minimalist approach to housework. They also know that the merest hint of a shag will cause a frenzy of dusting, polishing and hoovering. Trish, Steve’s girlfriend, once confided to me that the cleanness of the flat the first time you see it is directly proportional to a bloke’s level of desperation. With this in mind, my flat ended up not quite clean enough to manufacture silicon chips in, and just untidy enough to look lived in. I wasn’t desperate, but Steve’s comments this morning had got me thinking. It had been a long time.

After I’d sorted the flat out, I figured I had an hour spare. I spent it all soaking in a hot bath. Radox never felt so good. Five minutes to towel off, thirty seconds to throw on a tee-shirt and a clean pair of jeans, and I was ready. Ordinarily I would make more of an effort, but I was never going to look smart with all those bruises and a three inch square surgical dressing plastered over one eye. In a week or so, when the stitches were out and I could get away with an eye patch, maybe. But not tonight. Between you and I, gentle reader, I was secretly looking forward to wearing an eye patch. I’ve always thought they were rather dashing in much the same way as duelling scars.

My reverie was interrupted by the door bell and the butterflies in my stomach took flight like a tree full of starlings after a gunshot. Hey! Why was I nervous? What was the worst case scenario? We didn’t get along and didn’t see each other again. A few hours earlier, I was planning on that. I relaxed and went to answer the door.

I took a quick peek through the peep hole. Wow! Shana had definitely made more of an effort than I had. I opened the door.

‘Hiya! Oh my god, your poor eye! Is it very sore?’

‘Hello. No, it looks worse than it is. Here, let me give you a hand with that.’ She was holding a very full carrier bag. I reached for it, momentarily forgetting the bruises on my ribs. They forcefully reminded me of their presence, making me wince. She noticed.

‘Its all right, its not heavy. Just lead the way to the kitchen.’

I stepped back, holding the door open.

‘First on your left. You can’t miss it.’

I followed her as far as the kitchen door and we chatted while she unpacked her groceries.

‘So what have you been up to today? Relaxing, I hope.’

‘Not really. I had breakfast with Steve. He told me you went to the cab office looking for me.’

‘Steve’s a sweetie.’

‘Isn’t he? Incidentally I was touched that you were so concerned about me. Thank you.’

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Friday Night Maid 1

Friday Night Maid - By: Diane Leonard I am a Friday night maid. After a week of hard work, I relax by dressing up in a sexy maids outfit and serving, pleasing and pleasuring my wife. While she is out dancing with her friends, I am dressed up as a Friday uniform waiting for my wife to return home. She doesn't like my fetish, but this agreement, once a week seems to work for us. But this last week was to be totally different. It started out like any other Friday night session. I got home from...

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Friday Night at the Alhambra

It was Friday night at the Alhambra Lounge. There was a large crowd and everyone was having a good time. The joint was jumping as some might say. Even though I was sitting at the bar with a vodka tonic in my hand I wasn't there to drink and dance. I was there to do something ill-advised and I fully expected to get in trouble because of it. Trouble that could possibly see me in a jail cell. As I nursed my drink my eyes were on a couple sitting on the other side of the room. I'd had my eye on...

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Friday Night Fireworks

Friday Night Fireworks This is a story of a fantasy night I would like to have with my wife. We often talk about naughty sexual thing when we are having sex and when we are in the heat of the moment she has said she would like to do some wild things, so here is my version of what that could be like. I have been after my wife to try some naughty sexual adventures with me by role playing and letting each of us step outside of our everyday personalities and just let it go and have some down and...

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Friday Night Special

Friday Night Special Friday Night Special By Cthulhu Its just another Friday night about 7pm in the evening, I am sitting in the lounge with my wife after dinner thinking is been a few weeks since we played any bondage games.I say to my wife H ?I think it would nice to have a bondage session tonight?, H replies that she?s not really in the mood and she a little tired this evening and is probably going to have an early night.We both used to enjoy bondage in our sex life but H has...

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Nightclub Nightmare

Nightclub Nightmare (NC, Rape, MF/f, SM, D/S, Gangbang, Torture,Humiliation) Sharon Tu could feel her heart racing with excitement,as she and her other friends waited patiently in line to enter Da-Boom .The little Asian girl was literally shaking from the cold frosty air, the blaringsongs emanating from the club, and her own eagerness to quickly get inside.Although there were many rowdy teens hollering and laughing nearby, Sharoncould still feel the pounds and thuds of hip-hop music...

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Friday night

This pasted Friday was a very very rare Friday night for me. You see almost every Friday night my wife usally has a date and even some times she will spend all night with someone. But not last Friday. As I came down our street I noticed the garage door up and her car still in her side . I pulled in next to her car and just as I was about to get out the garage door started closing. I closed my door and when I turned to enter the house I was met by my wife standing in the doorway. She was wearing...

4 years ago
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Friday night Date With Mum

"Well, are we going to the movies or not?" Helen asked, It was Friday night and Helen and Mark her 15 year old Son were going to the movies. They normaly did this or went out for supper on a Friday night.At the movie theater they got some popcorn then found a seat near the back row. Since the movie had been out for a while, the theater wasn't crowded. They practically had the theater to themselves.The movie was funny and light, making them both laugh. About midway through the movie, Mark...

2 years ago
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SRU Nightlight

Permission is granted to post to the TG-fiction list, archive, and Fictionmania site and to the atEROS site. Personal copies for non-commercial use permitted. Anyone else who wants to archive this on a free access website or ftp site, just send me an email telling me that you did so and the url or ftp address. Anyone who wants to archive this on a for-pay site, don't. Member Net Authors and Creators Union - NACU. Authors and creators welcome, email [email protected] for more...

1 year ago
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SRU The Nightlight

Permission is granted to post to the TG-fiction list, archive, and Fictionmania site and to the atEROS site. Personal copies for non-commercial use permitted. Anyone else who wants to archive this on a free access website or ftp site, just send me an email telling me that you did so and the url or ftp address. Anyone who wants to archive this on a for-pay site, don't. Member Net Authors and Creators Union - NACU. Authors and creators welcome, email [email protected] for more...

1 year ago
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Friday Night Games

Friday Night Games By Deborah Edwards "I'll take one," I said with confidence. When you are playing poker, confidence must always be displayed. Darn, eight of hearts, not the card I needed. I had two pairs, four's and sixes. It wasn't a great hand, but I had won with less. Now if I could just study the other players, my coworkers and friends, and figure out what they were holding. I looked up at them, sitting there in my kitchen. We had been playing cards for several weeks now, ever...

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Friday Night Maid 1

Friday Night Maid – By: Diane Leonard I am a Friday night maid. After a week of hard work, I relax by dressing up in a sexy maids outfit and serving, pleasing and pleasuring my wife. While she is out dancing with her friends, I am dressed up as a Friday uniform waiting for my wife to return home. She doesn’t like my fetish, but this agreement, once a week seems to work for us. But this last week was to be totally different. It started out like any other Friday night session. I got home...

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Friday Night Surely its my turn now

A few moments ago we had been sitting on the floor drinking sweet, black, coffee. The scene could be of three best friends chilling out, chatting about everything and nothing, except for us being naked, that is. Are we friends? Well Lennie and I have known each other since before first grade but we had only met Tia a couple of hours ago. Since then Lennie and Tia had thoroughly enjoyed each other’s bodies while I had watched on. I guess we should be called ‘friends’ after our night's...

Group Sex
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Friday Nights Date A Cuckoldress Gets Her Just Desserts

Bobbi Jo had checked her emails on her favourite dating site for hot wives and swingers when she saw one from a local man named Paul. He professed to be a strict Dominant, knowledgeable in the finer arts of BDSM and fetish play, and he loved to date married ladies.A brief flurry of correspondence ensued, and a date for Friday night was set. She eagerly told her husband, Lance about the coming tryst, and in true cuckold fashion she made him feel humiliated by the prospect of yet another stranger...

1 year ago
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Friday is the wifes date night

On Friday after work I normally go to one of the restaurants and have a few drinks and to eat before going home. You see Friday night my wife usually has a date so I must fend for myself. But last Friday I got a call from my wife to come straight home, she said she would explain why when I get home.As I entered my house I was met by my and she gave me a quick kiss on the lips. She was wearing her long bath robe but I could see her legs where encased in black nylon and she had on her fuzzy...

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Friday Night Spanking

Friday Night Spanking Friday Night Spanking   Joe relaxed and leaned against the wall of the kitchen, watching as Pita finished the last of the dishes. He looked down her long copper-red hair to the edge of her pink, cotton skirt that ended about three inches beneath her ass. He watched intently when the material swished with her movements. He knew there was nothing under the soft fabric except even softer skin. He could feel his hand itch with his want for her. Tonight was to be...

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Friday Night1

As soon as I turn I feel my doubled over belt smack across my ass. Even through my jeans it hurts and it causes me to yelp in surprise. You quickly smack me two more times and then tell me to turn back around. “Now, you will do everything that I tell you to do or you will not be able to sit down for a week. Do you understand?” you ask. I feebly tell you yes ma’am. You smile and order me to take off my clothes. I take off my shirt, jeans and socks. You order me to turn around again and...

4 years ago
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Friday Night Fun

Friday Night Fun by Girl PUP ? It was late Friday afternoon and I had just returned home after a long day at work. The minute I walked in the door, I knew the evening would be a mixture of indescribable pleasure/torture. My wife, Connie greeted me at the door with a glass of wine in her hand, and a gentle kiss on my cheek. As she greeted me, she ran her hand down my back and softly squeezed my ass, casually feeling to make sure I was still wearing the camisole and panties she makes me wear...

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A Nightmare on Elm Street invades Hollywood Freddy Kruegers Sexual Nightmares of female celebrities

Freddy was real there was never no movie, He was restless he hated that he had thought that revenge would feel better once he did so, but it did little to ease his wicked mind, however the dream demons had told him that the Elm Street sign was going to be planted in Hollywood, and that he could invaded the dreams of any eighteen year old and older celebrity in Hollywood, however Freddy was not allowed to kill any female celebrity, and also that his premiere purpose was to sexual own Any female...

3 years ago
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Friday Night Magic

Friday Night Magic. Unfortunately, it's not as romantic as it might sound. I actually run a small comic book and gaming shop, and Magic is the biggest selling card game ever. Every Friday night, I would have anywhere from ten to twenty guys in the shop, playing cards until 11:00pm or later. As fun as it was, it didn't leave much as far as time for a social life, and my lack of sex was getting to me. I'm not the bar hopping, club bouncing type, so going out after the shop closed wasn't really an...

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Friday Night Maid Part 3

Friday Night Maid – Part 3 – by Diane Leonard[I walked towards his side of the bed, stood just out of reach. Took my models pose, leaned back, and said, ‘Good evening sir. May I stay here for a while? I have no place to sleep anymore.’ part 2 ending]With that, Roger got this huge smile, jumped out of bed and almost broke the door off as he closed it. He walked over towards me, stood about 5 feet away and began to take in the image. Walking over to me, his hands began to touch me softly. I stood...

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Friday Night Maid Part 3

Friday Night Maid - Part 3 - by Diane Leonard [I walked towards his side of the bed, stood just out of reach. Took my models pose, leaned back, and said, "Good evening sir. May I stay here for a while? I have no place to sleep anymore." part 2 ending] With that, Roger got this huge smile, jumped out of bed and almost broke the door off as he closed it. He walked over towards me, stood about 5 feet away and began to take in the image. Walking over to me, his hands began to touch...

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Friday Night Maid Part 3

Friday Night Maid - Part 3 - by Diane Leonard[I walked towards his side of the bed, stood just out of reach. Took my models pose, leaned back, and said, "Good evening sir. May I stay here for a while? I have no place to sleep anymore." part 2 ending]With that, Roger got this huge smile, jumped out of bed and almost broke the door off as he closed it. He walked over towards me, stood about 5 feet away and began to take in the image. Walking over to me, his hands began to touch me softly. I...

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Friday Night Bites

Friday Night Bites  c . 2007 Cardinal Lemon Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. All characters are invented, and any resemblence to any actual person or events is entirely coincidental. And pretty unlikely. This story contains themes of a sexual nature. Do not read if this sort of thing offends you.  The centre of the town of Madison, Tx. was eerily quiet. It was a Friday night in November, early evening, and the entire population was at the high school football stadium waiting for...

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Friday Night

It was a night I wouldn't forget soon. It would change everything. It was a Friday. It started as many other 'non-work evenings'. On nights when we don't have to work the next day, we would occasionally have special, 'play' nights. Our favorite (since it was my favorite, I assumed it was Lisa's too) was me licking my very sexy wife to a shuddering orgasm, then we would cuddle while she recovered. After that, she would tease my cock for a while, until I, 'couldn't stand it anymore' and then I'd...

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Friday Night

So you some of you boys liked that little story you read in my profile well here is one you real love also. So Friday night i was stuck in SoCa. I'd was really feeling horny all day being I spent the day with two hot studs and my hubby was not there. So late that night after talking on the phone with my hubby when I got back to my hotel room I thought I’d have to do something about it!! So I'm dressed in my little skintight black mini dress and it just covers my ass and my tits are holding the...

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A Night With Knight

A night with Knight by Ronde To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Subject: Our chat last night I enjoyed our chat last night. Think the other guys did too, if their comments were any basis to judge by. Bet you got a lot of offers after I left the room, but hope I’m the only one who got your email address. Sorry that your husband doesn’t have much time for you anymore. You sound like a beautiful lady, and beautiful ladies should never be ignored. Wish I could do something to make you...

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Friday night Mexican Dinner and my Wife too

My name is Steve and my wife Joanna who is a short slim blond but has some what a round ass have been married two years living in the southeast U.S. I work at a company with my best friend Brian and he’s black but he’s like my brother to me because we are so close. I’ve known him for f******n years now we fish, go to the shooting range, help each other when each need it. I mean our relationship could not really be any closer. Sometimes when we are out like fishing and say food is topic of...

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Friday Night

Friday Night Adventure. A friend of ours, Don and his girlfriend stopped by on a Friday night to visit and spend some time with me and my Ex-wife. We all sat around drinking and smoking some pot and doing some lines of coke and talking about d**gs, sex and rock-n-roll. After all this was the 70’s. The girls were doing some 10mg Valium and drinking Bacardi Rum that Don had brought with him. They were sitting on the living room couch catching up on latest gossip. Later that night I had notice...

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Friday Night Maid Part 4

Friday Night Maid Part 4 (It was 8:15 and I left and walked down to the kitchen and finished the tray. 2 cups of coffee, 2 glasses of juice, 4 pieces of toast. Creamer, sugar, jam, silverware. OH.. and with that I went to the garden, got a red rose from our bushes and came back, put it in a glass and with that, walked to the master bedroom door. I watched the hall clock and at exactly 8:30, I knocked, softly. "Mistress? Are you awake?") As I stood at the door, I could hear noises...

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Friday Night Poker

My wife Molly and I play five card stud every Friday night with my buddies. This coming Friday is different though. A few weeks back, Molly mentioned how she gets sexually aroused watching us workout. The five of us are all in great shape. I tell her that we get aroused watching her and the guys cannot stop talking about how hot she is.After telling her, those beautiful hazel eyes light up. Smiling, Molly tells me she has a surprise for us at our next game.Friday finally arrives, we have...

Group Sex
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Friday Nights Date A Cuckoldress Gets Her Just Desserts

Bobbi Jo had checked her emails on her favourite dating site for hot wives and swingers when she saw one from a local man named Paul. He professed to be a strict Dominant, knowledgeable in the finer arts of BDSM and fetish play, and he loved to date married ladies. A brief flurry of correspondence ensued, and a date for Friday night was set. She eagerly told her husband, Lance about the coming tryst, and in true cuckold fashion she made him feel humiliated by the prospect of yet another...

2 years ago
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Friday Nights Alright

Joel is currently at university. He has befriended two good pals, Todd and Emma. They are on the same course and were grouped together at random to carry out a group project. They hit it off from the start. They also all live in the same student hall of residence. Joel on the ground floor, Emma is on the floor above and Todd is on the fifth floor. Every Friday, they meet up for either a night out or an evening in with beer and pizza.On the evening in question, they had arranged to meet in...

Group Sex
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Friday Night MILF ClubChapter 5

It had been an eventful start to the summer, getting the boys home, getting caught with our pants down, and meeting our new friend Carla to spice up our love life with her playful role-play and bi-sexual tendencies. It was Friday night, and as usual, I was out with the girls after work. For the last few weeks, our Friday night conversation always came back to sex with younger men. Betty kidded Joan about her failed attempt at getting a younger man to go home with her. Joan challenged her to...

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Friday Night MILF ClubChapter 6

The following Wednesday night, I told Emily our little group might be expanding. I needed Brian and Robby available Friday night and Brian to be home on Sunday to entertain some guests with me. Emily just smiled and said, “Sounds good to me. I’ll just have to borrow Robby for Sunday night. Maybe I will call Carla and see if she is busy this weekend.” I looked at Robby, and he just shrugged as if to say, “Why not?” It had never entered my mind to share Robby with Emily before. But now, it...

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Friday Night at Mephistos

Betsy Flanagan looked at the image in the mirror. The woman that stared back at her smiled. “Betsy, when you’ve got it, you’ve most definitely got it,” she whispered to herself. Her five foot eight inch form was encased, at least partially, in black leather that hugged her curves like a second skin. The pants were a mesh weave below her crotch, showing plenty of her freshly shaved legs. The leather halter was almost more of a thick bra, coming down to just under the swell of her breasts. Her...

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Friday Nights for Watching

So here I am trying to catch the eye of the girl behind the bar, but she seems intent on serving everyone around me. The fiery red hair flowing across her shoulders has a hypnotic effect as she swings round to the cooler cabinet behind her.   As she bends at the knees her short denim skirt rides up a little, stretching across a perfect ass. I look to my left, then my right, to see if anyone else has their mind in the gutter; absolutely they do! As far as I can tell, everyone at the bar is...

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Friday night at the Cock Ass Tavern

The Cock & Ass tavern was undeniably the most popular pub in the valley. Everyone for miles around, old and young, would gather there every night to unwind from a tiring day in good company. Well, not exactly everyone. This pub was really only frequented by the men in the valley, and the reason the public house was so popular with them was also the reason women tended to steer clear - the landlady, Erica.It was 8pm on a typical Friday night at the Cock & Ass, the bar was reasonably...

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Friday night at the Cock Ass Tavern

The Cock & Ass tavern was undeniably the most popular pub in the valley. Everyone for miles around, old and young, would gather there every night to unwind from a tiring day in good company. Well, not exactly everyone. This pub was really only frequented by the men in the valley, and the reason the public house was so popular with them was also the reason women tended to steer clear - the landlady, Erica.It was 8pm on a typical Friday night at the Cock & Ass, the bar was reasonably...

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Friday night

So its another Friday night and I was just driving around lookingfor something to do. I had already stopped by the local bookstoreand didn't see anything I was really interested in so I keptdriving. I saw a small bar down the street from the bookstore itlooked quiet and not too busy for a Friday night so I stopped in fora Coke. I don't drink so I just sit at the bar and soak up theatmosphere.I was sitting at the bar for about an hour nursing the Coke, thinkingabout leaving and then she sat...

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