Appalachian Alchemy free porn video

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The only thing my daddy ever gave me was a bullet, and even that was secondhand and rightly meant for someone else.

Silas Long pressed it into my nine-year old palm the day he killed Daddy. Plucked it out of my father’s unfired .357 and curled my hand over the metal like he was giving me a shiny, new quarter.

His breath smelled like single-pot whiskey when he leaned in close and said to me, ‘Book,’ people was already calling me that, ‘you ain’t old enough or learnt yet in the ways of the county. But this bullet belongs to you. I done kilt your daddy clean. Our dispute is resolved, way I see. Now if’n you get on in age a bit and feel like I wronged you or your daddy in any way, you come on down over the hill, past the white birch, and you give me this here bullet any way you think is right. If we ain’t cross, you hand it on over slow just like this and I’ll know we good. If we still got churn between us, you can try to give it to me quick like I did your daddy. Either way, I don’t reckon I’ll ever set eyes on you again ‘cept behind a crosshair ’till we get this all sorted. You reckon?’

He repeated it until I answered. After I choked out the words he walked over and placed a second bullet from Daddy’s old revolver in my older brother’s palm and set him straight too. Evan gritted his teeth the whole time, but he answered at the end just the same.

‘I reckon.’ He was older than I was, and more used to the ways of the water. He was twelve.

Afterward, old Silas took his straw hat from his head and ran his hand through what was left of his pale, corn silk hair. It was wet and greasy in the midday sun, and his overalls framed a cotton shirt heavy with armpit stains. A length of rope secured his own gun to his waist. It was an old Ruger that look more horseshoe than firearm but that had put daddy down right and clean just the same. Silas blew out a long breath and said, ‘It’s damn hot, I tell ya. Got enough sweat in the crack of my ass to douse a candle.’

I shielded my eyes and looked up at the sun. It was the hottest August of my life, and the river bank where we were standing offered scarce protection. I was summer skinny, little more than a hanger for my oversized cotton shirt and baggy trousers. They had been my teenage cousin Darren’s, before he got sent to jail a summer earlier for selling at Hazard Community and Technical College. The sleeves bunched something awful and the pants were shapeless on me, the bottoms dirty from walking. My brother just stared straight ahead. Darren’s clothes looked better on him on account of his height. Neither of us wore shoes. Both of us were brown as oak trees and Injuns.

Silas just kept on like our father wasn’t lying dead a few feet away. ‘I sure could go for something cool to drink. Your mama still making that sun tea? Lord above, that was the best tea I ever had in my life. I don’t know how she made it. Always tried to get her to tell me. Never did.’ He paused. ‘I was in town couple weeks back. Down at The Poke. They got brown sugar. Well, not brown sugar. Regular sugar, like, ‘cept it’s brown. Say it’s raw. Didn’t taste no different to me. Said it was the way sugar supposed to be.’ Old Silas laughed. ‘You think that’s true?’ he asked neither of us in particular. ‘You think God got a plan for a little thing like sugar? You think sugar got a destiny?’

After a long pause, Evan said, ‘I reckon.’ Whether he was answering about the sugar or still replying to the first question about the bullet, I couldn’t tell.

Silas turned around absently and stared off toward the woods in the direction of his shack. I thought about running up behind him and trying to jump up on his back and choke him to death. It was a boy’s thought. If that old Ruger worked once, it’d probably work twice. And even if it didn’t, the old man still had enough strength in his spotted hands to throttle a river rat like me.

I pointed the bullet he had given me at his back and squeezed the casing hard between my thumb and index finger. I prayed to God, asked him to send the lead flying from my fingers, but he did no such thing. He must have been busy thinking about how sugar was supposed to be.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Evan hold out his hand too. I briefly wondered if he was praying on behalf of his bullet as well, but decided that he wasn’t the type. Evan was a lot tougher than I was. He didn’t need God for anything. If he wanted his bullet to go off, he would have just yelled at it until it did.

After holding it up high so that the sun shone off of it, Silas made a show of tucking Daddy’s gun into the length of rope on his waist. ‘Now, I’m a take this here wheel-gun. I ain’t stealin’ it, now. I’ll leave it on the stump down by my sister’s place. I mean to give you boys a mite bit to think before you take it up.’ He smiled now, as genuinely as he could manage. His teeth looked like the keys on the piano at church. ‘You is good boys. This thing here between your daddy and me weren’t nothin’ hot-blooded. Just river business.’ He walked backward, eyes on us until he reached the trees. ‘Y’all take care now, you hear?’

Then he was gone and it was just me and my brother and our dead father.

Evan, who hadn’t moved an inch since Daddy went down, ran over and kneeled by his head. I walked slowly, my new bullet trembling in my hand.

I’d seen a dead body before. My Grandma had died from snuff two years back. Her lip had been eaten away by cancer, and what it didn’t finish, the doctors picked over so much that when she died, she looked like she didn’t have no mouth at all.

The men at the funeral home had tried to help. They built her a new mouth out of whatever it is funeral homes build new mouths out of. They even curled her lips up, gave her a little smile. My crying had bordered on the hysterical. ‘What’s wrong with her? What’s wrong with her mouth?’ Grandma’s lip had been messed up since I could remember, but I’d never, in my entire life, seen her smile.

Even still, Grandma had been laid out like a package, neatly prepared for heaven, hands clasped and eyes closed, like God was some divine postman, coming round to pick up all the old ladies with man-made smiles and clutch them tight to his breast so that he might deliver them from perdition.

Daddy wasn’t anything like that. Silas had fired two bullets, both on target. The first had caught Daddy in the throat, tore out the whole left side of his neck. The second shot had caught him in the shoulder, spinning him so that his body was twisted in the grass. His upper body rested awkwardly on one arm. It was like he was hugging the ground, while his pelvis still faced the sky.

It looked a bit like he had fallen down drunk, which I had seen many times. I kept waiting for his eyes to pop open and him give me that grin and ask, ‘Book, you know why God invented bourbon?’ And no matter how I answered, he’d slap me and say, ‘God didn’t invent bourbon. Elijah Craig did. Don’t you let nobody take credit for the endeavors of a son of Kentucky, not even the Almighty. He’s just jealous ’cause the best his boy could do with water was wine. It’s sour grapes.’ And then he’d laugh until he spit.

Dressed in britches and an undershirt and blood, he looked nothing if not unprepared for heaven. It was hard to imagine God coming all the way out there, on that rural route, to pick up my daddy and take him to heaven. No, the river would take my daddy. I could hear it calling for him just a few feet away, gurgling with excitement.

Evan looked up at me with red eyes. ‘Give me your bullet,’ he said.

‘You cryin’?’ I asked him, realizing as I did that I could feel tears on my own face.

‘Naw, I ain’t crying. Don’t be stupid.’

‘Well, I was only asking ’cause you look a little like you been cryin’.’ He really did look like it, too. I’d only seen Evan cry a couple times. Once when he was ten, fell out of a tree we was playing in and onto a pile of saw wood. Even then, it had only been
a little squirt of water, and understandable with him standing there with a plank sticking up out of his head like a comb on a rooster, blood burbling out like a spring. The other time was a year later. He’d taken his thumbnail clean off with a hammer while we were building a fort in the woods. He’d nearly beat me to death with the same hammer when I tried to kiss where he hurt himself like Mama always done with me when I got hurt.

‘The milkweed’s burstin’,’ he said and gave me a glare. ‘I ain’t no pussy like you, Book. Now go on and give your bullet. You don’t know how to use it no way.’

I clutched my bullet to my chest and took a step back. Evan was right. I didn’t know how to use it much. Daddy had let me shoot his gun before. But each time I got scared by the kick and dropped it and ran off. Still, the bullet had been given to me and I valued it in the way that nine year-olds valued any possession, because they had so few. Plus, I aimed to get it into Silas Long even if I had to feed it to him.

Evan stood and I worried for a second that he might take the bullet from me. I knew from experience that he could have. Once, when Becky Bailer had come looking for me to play kickball, my brother had held me down in front of her and asked me if she was my girlfriend. When I didn’t answer, he spit into my open mouth and held my jaw and nose until I had to swallow it. Becky had left in disgust and I prayed that night for God to turn me into a pillar of salt like he had Lot’s wife. He didn’t do it.

‘You ain’t gonna need it,’ he said. ‘I mean to kill the old man. I’m the oldest. Mine by rights.’

I couldn’t argue with his logic. I still didn’t want to give up my prize. ‘I’ll keep my bullet just the same,’ I said, and set my jaw as hard as I could.

I must have looked fiercer than I felt, because he left it at that. ‘Fine. Keep it if it makes you feel better, baby.’

It did make me feel better. As much better as anything could make me feel.

Evan looked back at Daddy, then after Silas, then the other direction, toward our own shack. He did this several times, as if making some great decision. ‘I need to get mama. You stay here.’ And with that, he walked off, toward our house, clenching his bullet, his not quite little boy shoulders squared against the weight of the world.

Once he was out of earshot, I sat in the river loam by Daddy and sobbed myself ugly. I cried until the phlegm in my throat got so thick that I choked on it. And then I threw up until my ribs hurt before curling up on my daddy’s back and hugging him longer and harder than I ever had. In life, he had never been very fond of hugs. In death, he offered no complaints. The back of his shirt smelled like sweat and unwashed cotton and I rubbed it into my nostrils until the end of my nose turned sore.

We lay like that, my father dead silent, the river and me babbling, none of us saying anything, until I heard singing.

At first I thought it was the river itself, learned to carry a tune, the voice was so high and tinkling. It harmonized with the splashing and hiccuping of the water, until I could scarcely tell the two apart.

Let us pause in life’s pleasures and count its many tears

While we all supp sorrow with the poor

There’s a song that will linger forever in our ears

Oh hard times, come again no more

It’s the song, the sigh of the weary

Hard times, hard times come again no more

Many days you have lingered around my cabin door

Oh hard times, come again no more

When she stepped out of the treeline I thought maybe God had found my daddy after all, and sent an angel to carry him home.

But she was too short to be an angel, and I imagined that even being pious and humble and above earthly possessions and such, that an ambassador of the heavenly host would have on a dress that wasn’t so ratty and knees that weren’t so dirty.

She stopped her singing like a startled bird and looked at me through a hayfield of hair. The girl was towheaded and pigeon-toed, barefeet black with the clay of the riverbank. She was ugly in the same way as a baby bluebird–all plain colors and odd bones, but with the potential for reaching the same cast as the sky on a summer day. We were about the same age. I was taller. Barely.

Eyes as wide as freshwater mussels opened up behind her waterfall of curls when she spotted me and Daddy. A basket, half-full of coneflowers, was held in front of her by arms that were red and crisscrossed with the remembered caress of dogwood trees. It occurred to us both that I was hugging a dead man, and then, only an instant later, that we knew each other. The comfort of the second discovery did not outweigh the awkwardness of the first.

She moved slowly, without saying anything, tiptoeing around, as if she were afraid of waking my daddy, which we both were fairly sure was impossible. I was all of a sudden intensely aware that I had gotten my hands and arms bloody in all my hugging and sobbing. My face was also smeared with a healthy portion of snot. I was somehow more embarrassed by the latter than the former.

When she had satisfied herself that the situation was exactly as it appeared, she said the only things there were to say, I suppose.

‘You Marshall Merrick, ain’t you? We done had Sunday school together two years ago.’

I nodded that I was.

She paused only a second before asking the second obvious question. ‘That your daddy?’

I nodded again.

There in the irrefutable light of the evidence, she came to the same conclusion that I had, no matter how hard I tried to arrive at a different one. ‘Well…he dead.’

I worried that I might burst out crying anew. I could feel my lip wavering. I closed my mouth hard and fought the urge. In the process, I pushed the salty taste of snot against my tongue.

‘You know who kilt him?’ She had the real and true hill-speak, like Mama, like she couldn’t open her mouth enough to get the whole word out. By comparison, my speech pattern was practically cosmopolitan.

I gritted my teeth. I couldn’t even manage a nod this time, but the pinch of my face let her know I did.

‘You gonna tell?’

In most places, it would have been a strange question. I didn’t know that then, however. All I knew was Lee County. All I knew was the river and its ways, and, as Silas had said, I wasn’t even all that clear on those.

I took pride in my answer. It was the only thing that had given me any measure of worth since that first bullet had hit. ‘I ain’t.’

She chewed on the corner of her mouth as if testing the feel of my answer. It must have satisfied her in some way, because she nodded once, though not at me in particular, and then went to the edge of the river. After turning her feet sideways to get better traction in the mud, she eased her way on down to the water. Once there, she began to gather up some more flowers for her basket.

I felt a twinge of loss at her moving away. Within a few minutes, she had picked all of the purple petals and was making to walk on down the bank, away from me and my snotty nose and dead daddy.

‘I ain’t been cryin’ much,’ I said to her.

She looked me over. ‘I reckon you has.’

‘I ain’t,’ I answered.

‘You has. It look like you done about as much crying as you could of…and you been sick too.’

I blushed furiously. I wanted to slide down and hide below Daddy’s back. Just let her walk on by. I also couldn’t bear the thought of being alone again. I didn’t know what to say, so I just gave her a tough look.

It must have worked, because her expression softened and she said. ‘It ain’t no thing. I cry sometimes.’

‘It’s different. You’re a girl.’

‘I don’t see what that has to do with it. Girls and boys both got eyes.’

That had to be the stupidest thing I had ever heard. I meant to tell her that it was. That she didn’t know nothin’ about nothin’. But I d

As she started to leave, I worked myself up to say it. ‘You’re Kelsey Graves. Silas Long be your uncle.’

She shrugged to indicate that she thought this was pretty obvious.

‘Well, your uncle is who shot my daddy, and he give me this bullet, and I aim to kill him with it, and he is gonna be sorry because I’m gonna make him sorry.’ I meant to say all of that with venom, but the venom got all mixed up with the snot and the tears and it all came out kind of quaky.

Her face turned hard for a second, but she nodded again. ‘That’s your right, I reckon.’

The next part spilled out of me. ‘Your uncle is an awful man, and after I kill him, he gonna go to hell and burn for what he done to my daddy.’

‘That ain’t for you to be knowin’, Marshall Merrick. God don’t take no counsel from river boys. And Uncle Silas ain’t no awful man. He bought me a chocolate bar for my birthday and he plays banjo and he made me a swing in my yard.’ She stood defiantly, back arched, feet dug deep into the mud and dared me to argue that these things weren’t true.

I couldn’t, but nor was I willing to back down. I imagined Silas Long with his stringy hair and bulging belly picking and grinning and throwing Hershey bars between songs. ‘I still mean to kill him.’

Kelsey clucked her tongue against the roof of her mouth and stormed off down the river bank in a rush. At least as much of a rush as she could manage with the mud sucking at her feet after every step.

‘Go on then, go!’ I shouted after her before burying my face in the now cool skin of my father’s neck. I burrowed deep, trying to block out the sun, the wind, even the sound of the river. But mostly to block out the growing feeling of loneliness that was moving in on the heels of Kelsey’s departure.

I was so successful that I didn’t even hear her come back, and it was only her shadow falling over my clenched eyes, shade on shade, that alerted me to her return.

When I looked up, the sun was brighter than I remembered and black spots danced around her face, which was haloed by the light.

I could tell she was sacrificing some length of pride when she spoke. ‘I’m sorry my uncle kilt your daddy.’ And then she set her basket of flowers down beside me and turned and walked away once more.

‘Are you giving me flowers?’ I called after her, still half-blind.

‘I am.’

‘What am I going to do with flowers?’

‘Don’t know.’

‘I’m a boy.’

‘So you keep saying.’

‘I ain’t no sissy.’

‘I reckon not.’

‘…thank you…I guess.’

She looked over her shoulder and gave me a little smile. Her hair was a mess. Her dress was a mess. She was a mess. But her smile was perfect.

I smiled back before realizing that it was the craziest thing in the world to do.

‘Hey,’ she said, far enough away now that she had to raise her voice for me to hear. ‘Why does everybody be calling you ‘Book’?’

‘I like books,’ I shouted at her.

‘You do?’

‘I do.’

‘That why you talk so funny?’

‘I don’t.’

‘You do.’


‘I like it. It’s pretty.’

‘I’m a boy!’

‘I’m convinced.’

‘Boys ain’t pretty.’

‘Some are. I can’t hardly read at all.’



‘I could teach you a little. Sometime. If you want.’

‘Maybe so.’ She continued walking.



‘I got a lot. Books, I mean. More than any other kid in Beattyville, I s’pose.’


‘I’m still gonna kill your uncle.’

‘Okay.’ She vanish around the bend of the river and was gone.

I had to admit, it was a little less lonely with the flowers. And it seemed fitting, what with Daddy being dead and this being the closest he would come to a proper funeral.


Mama was tall for a woman, long-limbed and slender as a willow branch. I could see her coming before she broke the wood, stepping as quickly as she could with her odd off-kilter gait, towering over Evan. And if I had been able to right Daddy and stand him up straight, she’d have been taller than him too. My brother carried a mess of chain and dragged our winter sled behind him. Mama carried only her burdens.

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A nice downblouse and other P very good these videos i too had a nice situation for an accident of this kind, at home, with my sister. It was a summer's evening, July i remember well :-P, i'm heading toward the lunch-room for the dinner, my sister is sitting at the table and she wears a tunic for the house and i see her from behind and, given...

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The LottoChapter 9

First included a makeover for her. This may seem strange as we seemed to be turning her into a submissive but it wasn't. I mean it wasn't true that we were turning her submissive; it was that she already WAS submissive and we were exposing it. What I wanted to do, with Sandi's help was to allow her to define herself and separate those elements of her personality that confused her. First rule of appearance; no more tees and jeans. Not while she was in my program, anyway. She happened to...

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Office Visit

 Inside a steel and glass tower in midtown Manhattan , a young executive named Mark Ynares is riding down on the elevator. He is a tall, Italian man with good looks and a muscular physique. His immaculate blue Brioni suit complements his body well. Mark’s black smartphone starts ringing. He notices his girlfriend, Andrea, is calling him. “Hey, baby.” He answers. “Hi, handsome, do you have any plans tonight?” she asks. “Oh, babe, I’m so sorry I just left my last meeting a few minutes ago. How...

Office Sex
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Bobs Great AdventureChapter 20

I left my office and hugged Barbara after I spoke rather harshly to her, letting her know that I was not mad at her. I explained that I was going to take one of the ATV’s and check on the horses and see where they were. I grabbed my rifles from the truck and put them in the scabbards on the ATV. I cranked it up and started out of the garage when I saw Harlou running towards me. I stopped and waited for him. I then said to him, “Harlou my son, I need to go for a ride and I need you, and...

3 years ago
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Sniper Cock

Jim and Dave were former Snipers in the Army sitting in a hunting blind in the backwoods of Michigan as they had done for years in the service. Jim was sitting quietly spotting for their current target, squirrels. Dave had dozed off and was quietly snoozing his head bobbing up and down occasionally as he tried to fight off the sleepiness.Jim had decided as he had done many times in the quiet to relieve his tension by jerking off in their hide. After all his pal was asleep and many times he...

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FamiliesTied Kate Kennedy Dee Williams Ghosted

Sexy blonde Kate Kennedy is head-over-heels for her new dominant boyfriend Rob Piper. She can’t wait to sneak her hot sadistic sexual top into her step-mothers vacation home for some nasty BDSM sex. Rob is quite taken with her sweet gesture and jumps at the opportunity to bring their sexual games to the next level, tying her in a strenuous shibari rope position. With her arms and legs spread eagle in a grueling squat, Kate begs for orgasms and cock. But first, she must suffer through a...

2 years ago
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Sucky VacationChapter 8

When Jeff, Shawna, and Shelly rejoined the group back at the theme park, Amy shot Jeff a head-shaking smile. Shelly danced around between Jeff and Shawna, swinging their joined hands as she skipped along. Shawna seemed equally happy with a beaming, satisfied smile that lit her up from the inside. “Seriously? Both of them?” Amy whispered as she leaned in, not quite letting go of Neal’s hand. “How does that even work?” “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Jeff smirked in reply. “I was...

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The Bible Tells Me So

{ or Things They Never Taught Me in Sunday School } Why Boaz Married Ruth I remember my mother telling me that Grandma Coit had once said that the Bible was the dirtiest book she had ever read. At the time, when I was in high school, I took that to mean that my maternal grandmother had been conservative in her choice of literature. But later, as I studied the Good Book professionally, I came to realize that anyone who reads a great deal of Scripture will run into some very human people. Which...

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נכנסת בבוקר לכיתה שלך. שם אתה רואה את אנה יושבת לבד. אתה שואל אותה "מה את עושה פה לבד?" ואז היא עונה "גם אתה לא שמעת? מתחילים בסוף בעשר" "אה... אז את כולה יושבת כאן?" "כן, אין לי מה לעשות, ואני גה רחוק מדי בכדי לחזור"

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Sexual Tension And Relief In The Office i fucked here for 50k so interested men contact hereComing to her,26 yrs old, hiding her real name for obvious reasons, Reeti, damn! I had never thought I would ever get to have that kinda ass! Super round, she had pretty luscious love handles visible over shirts. Her ass made a huge curve, curly hairs, round medium boobs. She was a big time slut but in a very subtle way.So this was my first day in the new office. Having this physique, I dress perfectly in...

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© 2002 Couture God, Lauren would you look at the size of that one. You know, they shouldn't even make bathing suits under a size six." Tina slurred, before taking another sip from her rum and coke. It was a pretty typical thing for her to say on a typical summer afternoon at the beach as we basked in the hot glow of the sun. It was what we had done most every day of our summer break as we worked to become, not just tan... but the goddess's of tan when we returned back to school. Yes,...

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Fun With Her Gal Pal And Fun With Kelly

It was a Saturday late in the summer of 1991. Kelly had made plans to spend the day with her good friend Becca. Our sexy fun with Becca began in 1988 at our ten-year reunion when she jacked me off at the post-reunion pool party and then fucked me after I drove her drunk ass home. It continued the following summer when I jacked off in front of Kelly’s whole group of friends. Since then Becca and her husband Don had been to our house a few times without much happening other than some flirting and...

3 years ago
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My First Fan Meet pt 1

It was late June in 1983, I had been married for seven months. My husband photographed me all the time, some he forwarded to various " Readers' Wives"publications, a few of which were published in Fiesta, Razzle, etc. On this morning a large envelope dropped onto the mat addressed to me. After opening it I was a little shocked to find three, quite explicit, letters from guys who had found my photos in the mags and wanted to tell me how much they enjoyed them. One guy called Ted asked if I would...

2 years ago
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Twelve Boons of the FaeChapter 14

“So, is the booty slapping completely a bonus now, or just for those with Fae inside them?” I asked the Fae living inside my own body. “Well, just to clarify, it’s only a bonus for those with Fae inside, like you and the others here. I quite encourage it, anyway, of course, but it’s still very necessary for any extras ... and there really should be a lot of extras. As to those of us with Fae inside, I propose that we all get legally wed to each other. We’ve discussed it, and frankly, it...

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Second Thoughts and Last ChancesChapter 17

In 1981, President Ronald Reagan generated Executive Order 12333, which, among other things, stated that "No person employed by or acting on behalf of the United States Government shall engage in, or conspire to engage in, assassination." This order had been preceded by similar restrictions from Presidents Ford and Carter. I've often wondered about the legality of presidential Executive Orders. Are they? Legal, I mean? Less than a law? More than an Act of Congress? The same? Do they...

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Fucked ExGirlfriend In Bangalore

Hello everyone, this is Rahul from Mumbai. This is my first story here on Indian sex stories. Please give me your feedback at Any girls or aunties in Mumbai or pune can contact me for secret fun. I like to have sex with aunties of any age and lick there pussy and their asshole till they cum on my face. Now, coming to the story. I am a average looking guy from Mumbai. I work in a reputed it company in the marketing department. My ex-girlfriend’s name is Vidhi (fake name). We were in...

3 years ago
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A Good Time Shell Never RememberChapter 5

They both turned towards the door and stared at the young lady standing there, her hands between her legs, playing with herself. "What the hell are you doing here?" her mother screamed at her. "I ... I ... I..." stammered Heidi. "Get out!" her mother screamed at her. "But..." she couldn't think of anything to say. The spectacle in front of her had her frozen in place. Her mother was just like her! That's the only thought pressing into her mind at that time. "Why didn't I...

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Virtually Yours

The morning grass was still damp but he didn’t notice as he walked across the park. His pace was just a bit fast, as if he were in a hurry but forcing himself to appear relaxed. The playground equipment was deserted; the c******n were all in school, and it was still too early for anyone to be enjoying their lunch beside the small lake. Only one other person was in evidence; she waited patiently near the edge of the woods. Behind her, a wood chip path led into the nature...

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TripinChapter 16

I awoke early on my first day with an office of my own. I was an over forty school girl it seemed. Since the little town of Avery was close enough to Tryon to share a business park and shopping area, we had far more restaurants available to us than was reasonable for our size town. Even so I was one of the few people in town who at that moment couldn't take advantage of them. Since I owned only the three wheeler at that moment, I was in effect operating without a car. I lived downtown, and...

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Monica and the Three Girls Part 1

It wasn't like I had never had a date. I had certainly had my share of them. All types of gals -- the good, the bad, and a few that had just gotten ugly (the dates that is!). I had had a couple of "long term" relationships which, when you're in high school, means they lasted for at least a few months. But once Jackie showed up at school, I became totally smitten. And now, after considerable work, I had to be the luckiest guy alive. Somehow, I had managed to land a date with what I...

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Rachels presentation

As the taxi pulled up on the gravel driveway Rachel stepped out and peered up in awe at the magnificent mansion. Who would’ve thought a company that made simple plastic moulded toys would’ve had such a grand headquarters. It was simply magnificent. Ornate brickwork, leaded windows and immaculate grounds. It was only the voice of the cabbie offering to help with her bags that broke the spell. “Would you like a hand in with those miss?’ the cabbie enquired. “Oh… oh, yes please. That’s very...

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Devlins StoryChapter 61

When Danny slid his cock into her, Devlin hooked her heels on his butt and tried to pull him deeper. She grunted slightly as she opened for him; it had been nearly three weeks, and she had to get used to his girth all over again. He withdrew, and thrust again, harder and deeper. In seconds they were moving together, making the bed creak slightly. Danny shifted his weight, slipping his arms under her shoulders. She pulled him down for a brief kiss before concentrating on the wonderful feelings...

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Surprise 1

Inessa was waiting late one night for me to show up at her apartment so I could sign some documents. While waiting she got on the computer and started looking at different porn sites and going to different chats. She is getting really horny by the time I arrived. She opened the door and I entered the apartment, I reached over to shake her hand and tell her, I was John Malone. When she reached out to shake my hand, her robe came all the way open, affording me a glance of her almost naked body....

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Real Family Part 3

Chapter 10 Juan could not believe that his own mother had just threatened his friend, a woman who had never hurt a fly in her life and who was the sweetest person you could ever meet. Linda was a saint, and her kids were just as well mannered. He shook his head as he looked at the shocked Linda while the kids tried to figure out what just happened and why Juan was so upset. Juan grinned widely as he happily stated to his mother, "After discussion with Tio Jorge I put any phone calls...

3 years ago
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Wild Cousin Sisters 8211 Part 1

Hello friends i am from bhopal and 24 now. I am 5’10” with muscular body due to regular gym. This incident took place when i was 18. Every year i used to visit my grandparents in a village in summer vacations where my cousins also come.I have three cousin sisters and 5 brothers. All my brothers were busy with there jobs and me and my sisters use to have fun in vacations. Two of them Preeti and Rounak were elder to me by 3 years and were in their colleges and one named jyoti was younger to me by...

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The lover that came at night Chapter 2

The lover that came at night. Chapter 2** She was awoken by loud popping sounds from the party downstairs and the nurse checking her to make sure she was okay. They smiled at each other. Brenda smiled and said one more hour please. I'm okay and I feel better. The nurse said okay but I don't want you tiring yourself out. The nurse smiled and left her again. She misses her Philip so badly. She begins to remember their last night together in the cemetery. They were coming back to her house to drop...

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I wondered to myself whether it would ever happen. My mind had been open to it for some time now, which it hadn’t been in my youth. In my early 50’s now, still athletically fit, offbeat handsome (so I’ve been told - who knows what the fuck that means), and mostly straight, but quietly willing to bend into the right circumstances, or for the right person. The willingness to bend part is much more recent. But the catch for me seems to be: When and how would the details, this right person, right...

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On the Sunday one of the first questions she asked on the way from the airport was, “Do you still like being licked and teased?” “Yes I do, more than ever. Though I did promise my man I wouldn’t fuck any men while I was away this time. That still leaves some scope though,” I teased with a big smile. “He wants me to email him every few days to update him and tell him about you.” “Tell me about your current man and I will tell you about mine. I have arranged for you to meet him on Saturday,”...

2 years ago
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Model EngineerChapter 2 Sodyou

Saturday was bright and clear and warm without being over hot. Tom tried to mix with the guests for a while but quickly became bored with idle conversation and most people were chatting in groups on family matters and he did not want to intrude. In any case they were well dressed and while he was in his best casual clothes, against the others they seemed ill fitting and his straggly beard suggested to them he was a hill-billy. Indeed he heard one woman enquire of her friend if he was one of...

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Emma and the Master Part 6

Before doing anything, Ranulph strips off his shirt to expose a muscular chest and arms. His chest is smooth and hairless, and he has a tight rippling tummy. To my surprise he then removes his shoes and socks before taking off his jeans, and for the first time I see him clad only in black leather briefs, his very apparent bulge contained by a studded cod piece which I find very sexy. He grins at me and I melt, knowing I will now do anything he asks. “Ok, Emma, my darling, you have done...

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The Rose Garden 9

“It’s OK,” Andrea assured her. “We have more ointment for whatever is sore, and the boys still want to play with you.” Beth bit her lip at the thought of more punishment in store. “I’m a bit jealous,” Andrea continued. “The boys have never been this enthusiastic about a new volunteer recruit before. You must be something special.” “She is,” I laughed, and Brian nodded. My old friend had seen many initiations in the rose garden, and Beth’s was becoming the longest and most passionate he...

1 year ago
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Almost forgot to share my almost wet dream last night...I had a dream that I had met two hunky, scruffy, daddy type men while I was out running errands. (Not sure where I was because I cannot remember that part of the dream) and invited them both back to my house. They gladly accepted. We got back to my house and the fun immediately began. I started making out with one of them as the other began to undress me so that my now rock hard cock could get released from its holding area in my...

2 years ago
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Taking Thomas

I lie there, listening to the soft sounds of my best friend’s breathing. I’m thinking about the events of the past week and debating with myself. You see, I’m in love with him. Have been, for over twelve years. At one point, years ago, he reciprocated my feelings, but, we never acted on them. Now, we are together for the first time in years and all of those old feelings are resurfacing. Thomas and I met when we were teenagers. For me, it was an instant attraction. Being only fifteen, there was...

First Time
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Promising Danielle Ch 02

Mountains of gratitude to honeywldcat for her editing of this entire series. To this day, I’m not sure what woke me. My alarm went off, that is for sure. It was the moan from the distant side of the room that startled me. Who was that? Did I have drunken sex with some random girl and forget about it? Once again, my conversation on the bench was the first real memory to greet my waking brain. I quickly got up and nearly destroyed my alarm clock in an effort to turn it off. Danielle stirred at...

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The March of the RoseChapter 24

While the women gathered around Anna to screen her so she could change in relative privacy, Reg took the opportunity to comment on something to Aaron. "I must say you used great restraint back there," Reg remarked. "More than I would have, I think." "What do you mean?" Aaron replied, looking at Reg intently. "Anna wanted it to be her show. A fatherly indulgence." "No, not that really, but now I understand the whole thing a little more," Reg replied. "No, I was remarking on the...

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Melting Away SlowlyChapter 6

By week four of the semester, everything was routine. The same classes, the same students, the same exams and papers. Not to complain, because in many respects, routine is comfortable. Outside of my home life, I was doing well, and fairly happy. I was still getting a kick out of the dance class, and felt like I was making progress. Next time I was invited to a party or event where there was dancing going on, I felt confident that I would be far more comfortable dancing that I had ever been...

2 years ago
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Independent CommandChapter 3 Month 75 Building a Family

"I will protect you from all around you" - Phil Collins That night when I got back to our quarters, Hannah greeted me at the hatch, completely naked and smelling, well, ready. Okay, this is good, but she generally only does that when she's in trouble and wants to get out of it, or when she wants a favor. And, I don't think she's in trouble. "Hi, honey, you're looking good today!" She gave me a really good full-contact hug and kissed my neck. "I've talked it over with the girls....

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Sexy Stepmom lends a hand Part 2

Jake was on edge, his step Mom kept giving him looks over breakfast, making his cock eager. It had been a few days since she had stroked him off, and he was so ready to see if her comment about doing more was just an offhand remark, or whether he was indeed going to get more. In the early afternoon, Danielle appeared in her tiny bikini, stepped out into the back yard, and stripped it off, giving Jake a case of stoneware cock. Before he could slip away to his room, and stroke off to her...

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