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Waking up groggy from the late night sounds of her stirring around the room.  I get a kiss and she says we don’t have to checkout till 11 sleep in.  I’ll be waiting for you when you are ready.  Another kiss, before I hear the door close.  I roll over crushing the extra pillow into a comfortable position and fall back to sleep.

Waking again the clock says 9:33 feeling warm and comfortable I roll over.  Fret isn’t back yet.  I’m going to have to get up and start packing.  I see the dresser is cleaned off.  She must have packed her stuff already.  I went to the shower, a welcome and refreshing friend this morning.  When I step from the shower I reach for a towel, only to find one hand towel.  Where are all the towels I wonder.

Feeling refreshed, drying my hair this small rag I walk out of the bathroom and notice a small bag on the floor at the foot of the bed with a note on it.

       Good morning sleepy head.

I had so much fun with our games last night I decided to continue them a bit.  I packed everything except your clothes, toothbrush and other extras.  I met with the hotel maids this morning and paid them $10 each to make sure you would be out by 10:45.  I know how shy you can be my love so you should hurry.  I will wait for 15 minutes only.  I will be waiting at the back entrance, if I miss you I left bus fair.  Meet me at Caf?’ du monde.  You know how I need my coffee.  My doors will stay locked until you show me you are wearing everything I left for you.

See you soon, love Fret

Immediately I see my suitcase isn’t there. the closet door is open and empty.  My wallet, keys and watch aren’t on the dresser where I left them.  I open the bag to see only women’s clothes.  I open the drawers, all empty!  10:06  I dump the bag out on the bed.

Black rubber skirt, rubber corset, white button down shirt, black lace stockings, shiny black ankle-boots, black padded bra with foam stuffed in them and a pair of handcuffs. 


Part of me is excited, I can dress snick out the back door into the car and get whisked away for home and sex.  I made her dress like a hooker and made her proposition me in the bar last night.  She must have been embarrassed.  No, this is different.  10:15 we’ve been here for two days never seeing anyone in the halls except for the maids.  Front desk man never leaves it.  I can do this.

I smooth on the stockings enjoying to sexy feel of the nylon against my skin.  I pick up the skirt to have a short blonde wig and rubber panties fall out with a post-it note (tuck them under dear, I don’t want to see a bulge).  Embarrassment floods back, the clock reads 10:22

I quickly pull them on and reach for the shirt.  Starting to get frantic, I forget the bra.  I pull at the buttons to get the shirt back off.  I struggle to reach the snaps to close the bra in the middle of my back.  10:28  I start buttoning the shirt again, I feel sweat running down my armpit.  I try to calm myself, it’s just a game, panic won’t help.

I tuck my bulge into the tight rubber panties and pull on the skirt.  It slides easily over the stockings but stalls as soon as it touches my skin.  I work it up bit by bit.  Feeling more uncomfortable with my privies tucked.  Corset!  My first thought is to toss it into the bag she won’t notice, she won’t want me to be seen.  After last night she might look for an excuse to see me caught.  10:34 I unroll the corset, another post-it, ?it goes outside the shirt dear, make it tight I want you to have an hourglass figure, you don’t want to have to tighten it on the street, do you??

I struggle to get the front to come together; I get the bottom clip but can’t snap the rest.  I try snapping the top one first and work my way down.  That works.  I reach back to find the middle of the lacing.  I find and it pulls easy.  Getting some slack I pull hard and arch my back stretching from side to side.  That is tight, I tie it off and look at the clock.  10:44  I plop on the bed to reach for the boots.  Plopping on my tucked privates was a shock enough then not being able to bend down wearing the corset.

I stood and bend at the knees unzipped and slipped into the first boot using the bed for support.  The second went easy as well.

I put on the wig, after a minute I found the front, ran my fingers over my head to pull my hair back and went for the door, bag in hand to peek out.  I saw the maids cart at the far end of the hall to the left.  The back stairs were at the right.  I looked at the clock.  10:53  I closed the door quietly and struggled down the hall best I could in the high heeled boots.  Proud of my efforts getting down the hall that fast in heels but making it down four floors unbalanced clicking of the boots was loud and difficult.  At the back door I was a little out of breath and shaking with strain and excitement I opened the door looking out at Rampart Street.  A few cars passing and our car about 50-60 feet to the right parked next to the curb.  I waved but couldn’t even see if she was looking with the tinted windows.

I waited for a couple of cars to go by and made my break.  I clip-clopped down the sidewalk as fast as I could is the tight corset and heels.  I reached for the passenger door handle even before being in front of it.  Locked!  I looked in the window, the drivers seat was empty, so was the back seat.  I saw a yellow notepad in the dash.  Another note.

11:15 I guess you decided not to make it.  I’m very sorry. 

I’ll walk to the bar we  were at last night off Rampage helping setup for the party.  Meet me there. I have a surprise for you.  Love, Fret

The clock in the car reads 1145 the hotel clock must have been wrong.  Rampage that has to be more than a mile down Rampart.  The police station is only six blocks or so on the left.  I looked at the door I came out of, no door handle.  The only entrance is on Canal St. in front of the busiest bus stops I could find.  No key to the room, no wallet and the suitcase isn’t in the car, my clothes must be with her.  I can’t face the front desk like this.  Sweat is starting to run down my face and sting my eyes.  If I walk as fast as I can I can walk a mile in 10 minutes or so, not too much longer in heels and this corset.  Cars will only see my back, there is very little traffic and I don’t see anyone on the street.  I start walking before the first alley I see long strides pushing against this skirt won’t work.  August in New Orleans is hot but the sun on the black rubber is causing it to shrink and the pressure of the corset is too much.  Sweat is pouring down my legs from under the skirt and I’m leaving a small trail of dripping water behind me.  I don’t want to stop, so I continue one arm behind me trying to loosen the corset strings to no avail.  Only four blocks so far, constantly wiping sweat from my eyes, my calves are straining balancing with the uneven and cracked sidewalks I never noticed it in my gym shoes.  I can see the back of the police station, all is quite and very few cars passed me without notice.  The wig is unbearably hot, I can’t take it off or it will give me away from the back.

I feel some relief as I pass the police station no one around to see me.  Twelve or more blocks and I still can’t see my destination.  The heat, corset and heels are so tiring, now everything seems so much farther away.  I can see esplanade Ave and I know there will be trees to shade me from the sun.  My toes are hurting crammed into these pointed boots.  My legs straining and tired now, are more wobbly than when I started.  I walk over to a fountain in the park at esplanade and Rampart, more cars are around and two people walking dogs.  I need water and a bench to sit much more than I care about who sees me.  I want the boots off, with out the key they are staying on, I try to twist the zipper to no avail.

I’ve greatly underestimated the distance and time it would take.  I’m sure I have a half mile to go in the sweltering heat.  I rest on the bench, standing only to get more water and limp back to the bench.  After a few minutes I’m ready to get there and give her what for. 

The neighborhood declines rapidly after esplanade and more people are lingering on the corners.  I try to ignore the laughter and comments.  Being more sore, tired and angry than embarrassed.  The sidewalk is no longer shaded and the rubber skirt is welded to my thighs making it even harder to walk.  I can see the corner bar only four more blocks.  Wiping burning sweat from my eyes I press on panting from the heat and the construction of the corset.

I arrive the steel gates in front of the door is locked but the door is cracked open.  I reach through the bars and knock.  A woman comes to the door and yells back, yes I think it’s him.  May I help you?  Yes, I said.  Let me in holding the very wet wig in my hand.  She holds up an sheet of paper and says, oh wait, I have strict orders.

Reading the paper, You have to be wearing, Wig, better put that back on.  I drape it back over my head with an exasperated sigh.

White shirt, back bra yes, corset and back skirt – very nice look for you, if I do say so.

Stockings, heels with locks, yes.  Handcuffs – No handcuffs she yells back.

A voice coming from the back yells ?He can come in when he has them on?  with a forgiving smile she says, Come on honey, I’ll help you, you are looking pretty rough.   I give her the bag though the bars she removed the cuffs and I held out my wrist.  She dropped the bag next to her feet after pulling it through the bars and waited for me to make eye contact again motioning me with her finger to turn around.  Come on I said.  She waited for eye contact and twirled her finger again.  I gave in and turned around, she said good boy while she snapped on the cuffs and adjusted them.  I tried to turn back but she held the chain tight against the bars.  She asked for the keys to the door and I heard the click of heels and jingle of keys.  As I heard the chain on the gate being pulled off the bars I felt another hand on my upper arm. 

Being pulled with the gate as it opened I asked what is going on.  Fret said, that’s enough!

I was pulled inside almost tripping, before I could adjust to the dim light.  I was pushed over the small desk my arms pushed up high forcing me down on the desk.  All I could see was the floor on the other side of the desk, then a pair of feet and the feel of thighs on each side of my head.  The friendly voice came from the front door saying don’t fight it honey.  I tried to struggle, get some traction on the floor.  Her thighs clamped like a vice on my head.  The person between my legs prevented me from getting any grip on the floor.  My arms were pulled higher, I felt the corset strings being messed with and I tried to relax, they were undoing it; thank god.  I had a tremendous strain on my arms.  I felt something around my arms just below my elbows being cinched tight.  I moaned from the strain.  I told you not to fight it honey.  Once tight she loosened her grip on my head and lowered my arms some.  The skirt was pulled up she pulled at the rubber panties.  I was embarrassed and relieved to have tucked cock and balls free of the tightly incased puddle of sweat they were in.  Leather straps went around my ankles I tried to move my leg away.  Someone said, I think he still wants to fight.  Cindy see if you can take some of the fight out of him.  I’m going to have a drink.  Nothing for a few seconds and then she positioned her thighs so I could only see the back of her calves.  I heard ?ready? as her thighs clamped down again and my arms were pulled even higher.  I moved my legs so they couldn’t get them, instead of going for my legs I felt a knee on my ass and the corset was tightened.  She pulled my arms back and forth tightening again and again.  I moaned and screamed they keep working it tighter.  I went as limp as possible so they would stop.  Only being able to take very short shallow breaths.  I only groaned trying not to move.  I felt them working with the leather on my arms, anticipating the relief that would follow.  My arms were lowered and then pressed to my back.  Barely being able to take a breath already I groaned louder from the pressure.  When the pressure eased, I couldn’t move, they tied me to the desk from each side.  Focusing on my breathing more then the discomfort of my arms. My head was released and she pulled my chin up to make eye contact, with a soft smile.  Cindy is going to chain your ankles, now don’t fight honey.

All I wanted to do was breath.  I felt leather being buckles around my ankles and heard chain scraping across the floor.  Pulling me toward one side, then the click of a lock she released my leg and I had no give.  Still trying to focus on my breathing, she started pulling my other leg, I felt it stretching, I squirmed and grunted.  I heard ?now honey? as the thighs backed over my ears again, this time her ass was pressing on my back, I was looking at the tops of her shoes.  A wide piece of rubber came into view and went over my face and pulled tight.  I gasped in a breath, as much as the corset allowed.  I groaned but all that escaped was a fart of air escaping my rubber covered face.  Air would escape with a fart but no air would enter.  ?Honey, no air is coming until the ankle is locked, I think you should help her.?  I tried to fight and started feeling dizzy and some panic.  I tried to stretch my leg and relax the muscles.  I never heard the click, but the rubber was removed and I couldn’t move.  My corset was loosened and a cold wet towel was laid over my head and neck.  I heard; ?now don’t let that fall off, honey.?

I was left like that for some time.  My neck was straining as I let my head down the towel would slip more.  I heard soft chatter in the back ground.  Eventually their was nothing I could do, it fell.


My arms were numb but my breathing was easy.  I was starting to shiver is the cool building.  I heard Girls saying; I think it’s time.  I heard chairs move and the clicking of heels coming towards me.  I was ready to get out.  I still haven’t heard Fret’s voice, she must be enjoying watching me suffer, maybe passing her around as the bound dance partner for hire wasn’t such a good idea last night.

The voice I heard was Cindy again, I think.  Your slave has caused a lot of unnecessary trouble for us and himself.  We were only to hold and prep you until Frets return.  Now I’m going to punish you until I feel you are in the right frame of mind to beg for my forgiveness.  If I’m satisfied with you begging and you give no further trouble.  You can get that shower you should have had.

The front door isn’t a play area so even though I want to hear you scream? Gag him, no use the harness.  I saw a small black penis gag as my throat was being squeezed and head tilted upwards.  I didn’t fight it.  She said, ?see honey how easy it can be?, as she strapped the buckles around my head.  I felt my corset strings being tightened again and I groaned a rope went under my waist.  It wasn’t very tight so I tried not to move, giving them reason for more force.  I felt the rope holding me to the desk ease and just as quick my head was pulled back and my hands pulled up, bending my elbows stopped by the desk rope.  Again the desk rope eased and my head pulled back, my hands were pushed up higher and tied.   I groaned with the strain.  The handcuffs were removed and a thick piece of leather took their place.  I heard chain and locks the rope cinching my hands to my head were released.  Now, Held in place by the chain.  The desk rope was again cinched and I was immobile.  Feeling hands caress my thighs and ass, I groaned around my gag.  Oh honey, we can’t have that.  She connected a small hose and starting pumping, the small penis gag doubled in size with only three pumps.  She placed two fingers up my nose and waited, I sucked air in and she pumped three more times.  I squirmed and tried to make noise. She removed her fingers, I couldn’t get any air.  She bleed out a little air and waited, then bleed some more until I could breath through my nose only.  See honey that’s much better, as she patted my head.  She removed the hose.  I tried focused on breathing.

Next I felt the thud of a heavy flogger.  It didn’t hurt but it seem to take my breath with each thud.  After several minutes it stopped.  My ass was burning hot and the movement of my cock and balls flopping at the end of the desk had me aroused.  I wasn’t sure I wanted her to stop.  She said from behind me I think we can start now.

Soft caress on my ass felt so good, then fingernails.  I flinched and groaned, I felt her lube my hole.  Honey, she was holding the wide piece of rubber, it’s going in. it will be better on you  if you relax.  I had no doubt this soft caring voice would use the rubber again.  I did my best to relax and let the large thing penetrate me.  With some work and loud moans it hit home, I felt the earlier rope cinching it even deeper and tied off.  I moaned and squirmed trying to move it.  Thinking only of getting it out of me.  The thud of the flogger brought the larger picture back into focus.  This was much different that before the thud now spiked the butt plug deeper with a sharp spike of pain.  I screamed into the gag trying to struggle free, but the thuds came with perfect rhythm.  It stopped and I thought I would sink into the wood of the desk.  As I started to breath easier, another shock a different kind of whip sharper it stung and made me clinch my cheeks.  This was faster I screamed as loud as I could I was dizzy and though I would pass out.  It stopped again. 

She talked to me, and rubbed my ass.  The cool touch felt so good against my ass.  You are sorry and won’t cause any trouble I bet, will you.  I mumbled no, no ma’am as best I could.  Good boy, you can have your punishment then.  ‘What? I mumbled though the gag.  You want your punishment now don’t you.  Thoughts started racing through my mind;  What have we been doing to me.  I can’t take more prep for punishment. What is she going to do now?  Yes, please is all I could think to mumble.  Good boy, that you first right answer.  She reached under and pulled my cock and balls I felt something cool glide over then she twisted and stroked I moaned with pleasure.  Being good has it’s rewards.  I moaned louder and the valve was turned to bled more air.  Now I could get air thou my mouth and nose.  An attachment was pressed to the head harness when she stopped stroking me.  I gave a distressing moan, I would have cum in one second more.

I’m going to give you some slack so you can repay Wanda for her efforts.  Sticking from the front of the harness on my face was a large black dildo.  You have made me hot honey this should be easy for you she said while stroking it with lube.  I’m going to give you 30 licks as my punishment and sets of five more until you make Wanda cum.

She pushes herself onto my face with a moan.  Trying to recover from the added pressure on my mouth.  I yelp and clinch as a painful thwack across my ass.  A cane, my body spasms as I howl. Focus honey, as my head is pulled back and forth.  I rock back and forth with zeal the second thwack and I stop again.  Come on honey, you won’t make any headway stopping.  The third and I start rocking with all my might.  I shake my head from side to side howling with each thwack.  She is rocking against me now and I’m bearing it better.  18, 19 I’m gagging on the penis in my mouth as she is pressing hard against me.  22,23 she shutters and holds my head still.  After backing herself off, she sits on the floor with one hand on the dildo on my face and I feel her other grasp my cock.  24,25 she is stroking my cock and the dildo roughly.  I’m moaning and screaming I’m going to explode 30 and everything stops.  A minute later soothing cream in rubbed on my aching ass.  It’s so sensitive I can feel the oscillating fan from across the room.  My body is so wore out I don’t care about the bondage or numbness.  I feel like a puddle with no place to ooze.

After a few minutes, the lock holding my arms and head up are unlocked.  The head harness is removed with a thick glop of drool splatters on the floor.  She kisses me, ?you were worth the trouble to me honey.  You should do as you are told, it doesn’t look like your ass can take any more.?  I give an exhausted nod.  She puts a collar on me and locks it.  I feel the ropes being loosened and the locks on my ankles coming off.  What a relief.  As I’m being pulled to stand, Wanda says, ?wait give him a minute?.  They steady me until I can stand on my own.  My corset is removed as comments are made of the sweat and mess.  I’m led across the building by my collar and a length of chain attached to a stainless steel bar in a huge shower.  ?Strip Him.?

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The Way of WarChapter 8

Private Mario Frabitzy was tired and cold. He had an hour left of guard duty. Then he could return to the warmth of the guard house. He saw the faint lights of the convoy descending the escarpment road. Must be more provisions for the bloody Germans, he thought. He moved to the other side of barrier, unbuttoning his trousers to relieve himself. In doing so he saved his life. He suddenly heard the engines accelerate. Glancing over his shoulder he saw the convoy turn off the coast road...

3 years ago
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Future Harry Potter Adventures Chapter 1 The Beginning

Chapter 1 *2 months later* ‘Happy Birthday, Harry!’ came the cheer from around the dining table in the Weasley household as they all raised their goblets in celebration of Harry’s 18th birthday. ‘Thank-you everybody,’ replied a beaming Harry as he looked around the table. Every member of the Weasley family was sat smiling back at him, except for Ron who was still away on his self-imposed exile. ‘Well open...

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EvilAngel Francesca Le Joanna Angel Anal MILF Threesome

Elaborately tattooed MILF Joanna Angel stretches her tender butthole using a glass dildo. She wraps her talented mouth around Mark Wood’s big cock. As she gives a gagging blowjob, Mark’s MILF hotwife, Francesca Le, probes raven-haired Joanna’s asshole and Mark buzzes Joanna’s pussy with a vibrating wand. Joanna sucks the toy ass-to-mouth. The ensuing anal threesome features pussy eating, double BJ action, lesbian rimming, ball sucking and intense fucking of...

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A Mad Man gets his girl

“Mad Men Party- Friday, 7-late!” screamed the sign in the window of the bar, “Free drink for everyone in Mad Men costume” it said underneath. I’m a big fan of Mad Men, and a bigger fan of Free Drink, also it helped that I just adore that 50s and 60s style. I texted my friend Roxy, and as expected, she was up for it too. My mind was made up, I now had plans for Friday night.The week passed uneventfully, early evening Friday, I jumped in the shower, of course making sure I was nice and smooth all...

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Miss Andi

MISS ANDIPetronella Courcheval, manager of the PainCafe’s Gift Shop, looked enthusiastically at F.X. Copeland’s newest creation. ?It’s an android?? she said. ?God, it looks just like me.?And it was—black hair in a Cleopatra cut, full lips like purple berries, intense hazel eyes, cantaloupe breasts encased in a purple halter?and long, fishnet legs. It was Petti to a tee.?Yes’m.? Cope grinned. ?I had to have a model, a muse, like?you’re so cute, y’know.?Petti smiled. Cope was so guileless. He...

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Painted Student

Painted Student   Lunch time in the refectory can be hectic. Students and staff share the same facilities, queuing for hot meals or panini’s and coffee. It isn’t the largest room in the college so, the tables and chairs can become precious, especially when they are pulled out of their serried ranks into group patterns so friends can socialise while they eat. Today was just like any other at lunch, hectic. The place heaved with a mass of young people whose voices joined in a cacophony of...

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Breeding Team

“That’s right, ride that cock.” Owen slaps Alyssa on her firm, round ass, watching her pussy swallow his length over and over. He’s on his back as she rides him in reverse, her gorgeous young body fucking this dick that’s old enough to have fathered her.Owen is actually best friends with Alyssa’s father, Patrick, though he has no idea his eighteen-year-old little girl is having sex with his oldest friend. Patrick would kill Owen if he knew. So would Owen’s wife.The day Alyssa turned eighteen,...

Group Sex
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I become my wifes girlfriend The beginning

My name is Tony and I’m a regular straight guy. This is the story about my life as the part of lesbian couple, and yes, I’m aware of weirdness of this statement. During the first period of our relationship our sex life was fantastic, a man’s dream. At this time I wasn’t aware of my dark fantasies, our sex was very good and I thought of us as a very nice couple. And then, something like two years ago, after one of our sex acts she said something that every man would dream about and never dare...

3 years ago
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My College Club Ch 2 The First Day of School

This story is loosely based on the true events of my life. All people and places have been changed and some of the sex has been made to be more exciting then it really was. Enjoy. ——————————————————————-Fast forward a few months to my first day of college. Julie had come to help me move in and while being supportive the whole day you could tell that she was not pleased about all of the girls in the dorm. On the other hand I couldn’t wipe the stupid grin off my face as I watched some of the...

1 year ago
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RuthieChapter 3

Ruthie and I were a lot more comfortable around each other now. I could go by her and rest my hand on her shoulder, or when we were out and I was guiding her, I did not worry where my hand was placed. We sat for hours discussing how we could put together a book, with Uncle Peter pretty much at the center. The case histories that Ruthie would be compiling were possible only if Peter was the glue that held the stories together. First, we both felt that we had to get his permission. I called...

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Splish Splash

Cool, sexy jazz floating softly in the air. He arrives early to pick her up for dinner and quietly lets himself in. She wasn’t expecting him for at least a couple of hours, so she is relaxed, lying in the tub, candle light flickering, reflecting off the water. Her breasts peeking out from the water, her eyes closed and her hands between her legs as she touches herself, rubbing slow, sensual circles around her clit and caressing her thighs. She imagines him there, his tongue playing gently...

1 year ago
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Mother Nature Sees All

Sadly, I did not foresee my world of sensuality, natural order, soft shapes and curves being redirected by the very life I in essence created. Being run down and taken over by sharp edges, clean lines, driven to control rather than let events unfold. I cry, watching my flowers, trees, waters, and life be destroyed by the human race. Known by many names; Gaea, Akka, Danu, Jord, Neith, as well as a host of other words all roughly translating to Mother Earth. I am patience embodied,...

3 years ago
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A Night On The Town

As you dress to go to the restaurant, you are literally glowing with excitement. You have been trying on different outfits... too long and concealing, too slutty, not slutty enough... You know from our conversations and shared fantasies that I am a real voyeur and want to make it an interesting night for both of us. Finally you settle on a short skirt... no underwear; and a loose fitting transparent top with a sheer bra underneath. You top off the outfit with black high heels. As you look...

2 years ago
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SolaraChapter 3

It has been nearly a year since the incident on the ship and so far we are doing pretty good. Our 8 orbital stations are complete and online, the 'E' is on patrol, the 'Connie' is in orbit and the 9024 has returned and brought five more ships like her; all new 'squirt' ships. The trouble is I thought too soon and jinxed it. The day dawned dark and overcast and as I was on my way to the office suddenly alarms sirens are going off everywhere; we are under attack. Humans are running...

3 years ago
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Setting up Unsuspecting Wife

Hope you like My experiences of setting up my unsuspecting wife. If you have comments do post them. If you are from kerala and Share the same thoughts as mine. Let us discuss and find out ways to make our fantasies come true. You can contact me over my email or messenger id : I married priya when she was 23. Now at the age of 37 with 14 years of marriage behind us and two kids added to our family, I was getting bored with my sex life. Most of the times, I now come home late after about 10...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Casey Kiere When I8217m With You

Kiere and Casey have decided on a sexy night in. They take their time getting ready in the bathroom, exchanging hot little looks as they move around in their bathrobes. When they move into the bedroom, Casey doesn’t waste time shoving Kiere onto the bed. Grabbing a rose, Casey traces it down Kiere’s breasts and then lower, a teasing introduction to the pleasure that is coming their way. Peeling off their robes, the girls get cozy between more kisses. Casey finds herself on top as...

3 years ago
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Heart of Darkness Ch 02

Once seated, and feeling the spunk of the pilot leak from her ass and into the fabric of the seat, Darla thought to herself, ‘God, we haven’t even landed on the Dark Continent, and already a dark side of me is already coming out!’ She had enjoyed having her asshole sucked, first by a stranger, then by her best friend. Then, she had savored the feeling of being fucked in the ass by a black cock that had stretched her bottom beyond its normal capacity, while at the same time she also had sucked,...

1 year ago
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SisLovesMe Hime Marie The Suspended Step Sis

Hime did not want to go to school and her stepbrother was not having it. He threatened to call mom and dad, then Hime realized she was going to have to bargain. She said she would do anything, and stepbro requested to see her naked. Hime?s slutty self did not hesitate to lift her shirt and appease stepbro for now. Later that day hime was getting deep into her pussy for some personal masturbation time, only to be caught by her stepbro again. She was super embarrassed, but brother told her to...

4 years ago
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Sweet Salty Revenge

Where do I start, we were just about to celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary when I found my husband was cheating on me. I felt devastated, I knew our sex life had slowed down, but at 46 I felt that I was still a beautiful woman. After our third child, I had developed a Mom bod, but two years ago I said that was enough. I started yoga and Pilates, went from a size 10 to a size 6, and at 5’3’ and 117 lbs. I get lots of looks from other men whenever I am out and about.It was a Thursday...

2 years ago
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The Sadistic Wife

Keywords Use of Sex Toys High Heels Chastity Categories Bondage Femdom Synopsis Janet and John were happily married but things started to change.... The Sadistic Wife By Janet Baker She warned me when we married that if I ever betrayed her, there would be condign punishment the likes of which I could not even imagine. I would regret the day I was born should I do something so stupid, so thoughtless as to have an affair. After six years of marriage I had never...

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The Job Chapter 1

by Darkride Chapter 1 - Preparations The phone interview felt much easier than I'd anticipated, with more questions about my family than my work history. Maybe that should have been my first warning sign. Instead I happily told my wife and kids that we were moving to New Orleans, hoping they would be as pleased as I was with the idea. Far from platitudes, from my daughter, Ashley, all I got was attitude. "What about all my friends!? My school?" she berated me. "Dad, you're ruining my...

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Mi Vida Loca A Young Mans Sexual OdysseyChapter 57

She was smiling as she reached up to slowly push the top button on my shirt back through the buttonhole. After the first one, she quickly loosened all the buttons, then pushed my shirt back off my shoulders with both hands. “OH Josey! You are a beautiful man. I want to touch your chest and I want to touch your belly. You have the body of a mature man, and your skin color is actually the same as mine ... Look when I put my hands on your chest.” She ran both hands up and down my chest, then...

3 years ago
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My Blowjob Lifestyle

After enjoying many of the stories on the net, I've decided to try and share my story about being a blowjob girl. What I mean when I say I'm a blowjob girl is that I regularly perform oral sex on groups of guys. To try and keep it short I will tell you briefly the highlights of my sex life from age 14 to now. I haven't used any real names and changed enough details to insure my anonymity, and with all the changes I've made you should just consider this story to be fiction. When I was...

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Cum medicine 5

Chapter 5 Kristin paused uncertainly, this was the first time she had ever touched a cock by herself. What if she stroked too hard? Or too soft? What if he ejaculated before Kellie returned??? She was breathing heavily and her heart felt like it might beat right out of her chest. She tentatively continued stroking Ethan’s cock, using both hands and trying to mimic the exact same motions Kellie had used. She looked up at Ethan, who had been moaning steadily this entire time, thankfully his...

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Emma licked up Aaliyah’s body, her tongue swirling around her belly button. Aaliyah let out small whimpers as Emma made her way past her taut belly, and up to her large breasts. Taking one rosy nipple into her mouth, Emma sucked gently, relishing the feel of the pebbled nipple against her tongue. Her other hand squeezed the luscious mound of her other breast, not wanting it to feel neglected. Emma smiled up at Aaliyah, highly enjoying the little whimpers that escaped her mouth. Her love’s...

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River 9

CHAPTER 9 So far: River is back in the park after a long ride to Sault Ste. Marie, where she met, and collected two of the river's people who had been trapped in a cycle of prostitution and drug addiction. She will take them to the river as soon as they arrive at the campsite. They pulled into the campsite at about 10:30, after letting Gail and Gina off at the JR camp. The tired boys immediately went to their tent, and Alison told River that she would look after unloading the van...

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TangentChapter 17 The Reverse of the Coin

Freidal leaned back against a rock, weary beyond words. All night they had marched over ridge after ridge! After marching half the day before! His batman, Tiki, came and stood next to him. Freidal gestured for him to sit. The old sergeant laughed. "If I sit, it will take a half dozen hale men to move me again, Captain! Finding two tonight might be too much to expect." Freidal glanced at the bulk of the ridge looming in front of them. "I didn't hear pickets go up." The veteran...

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Mature Wifes First Threesome

My fifty-seven year old wife had only ever had one cock, mine. In our late fifties we still enjoyed an active sex life. My wife Amy has a petite build and is still an attractive lady for her age. Despite our active sex life I had always had a strong desire to see her being fucked by another male. Amy had always maintained that she could not meet someone and then get into bed with them and let them fuck her fifteen minutes later. I always thought that if she got close up with another male that...

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NFBusty Lauren Phillips All Natural Redhead

All natural coed Lauren Phillips is ready for her bath. She drops the robe to the ground and steps into the tub, easing into the warm sudsy water. Scooping up the soapy surface, she covers her bountiful breasts and then rinses them clean. Once she’s done, she’s all warmed up and ready to fuck much to Damon Dice’s delight. Dropping the robe for the second time, Lauren lets Damon admire every inch of her curvaceous body. She traces her fingers over her breasts to draw his...

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Party Treat

"Are you sure we have to go to this thing? We could always head back to the apartment and spend the night in," Laura's boyfriend Darren said, flashing her his most devilish smile from the driver's seat. It was a tempting offer, after all he was a very attractive guy. His cock was a little on the small side at only around five inches, but he ate pussy fairly well and was a decent lover overall. However she knew she had to refuse him this time. "Now c'mon honey, you know we have to go....

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Surprise ending to the evening

A short story from a trip to the states…. It happened this weekend, I had some girlfriends in town from San Diego and we met up with some guys they knew who go to my school who I’d never met before. On Saturday night, we all went clubbing and then to a little afterparty but we all winded up back at my place to crash. One of the new guys (We’ll call him Rob) was flirting with me most of the weekend. I really wasn’t that into him at first, he was a little too preppy for me, but we ended up...

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My Experience With A Beautiful Girl

Hello. My Name is Raj, 28 years smart, tall dark and handsome guy from Bangalore. The story is all about my relation with my girlfriend of my past. Her name is Savitha. To describe her beauty 5”8, 55 kgs, fair, hourglass structure, potted red lips, fully blossomed boobs and she is the smartest female I have met across my life. I was really lucky to have in my life for 6 years. The start, we were pursing the same degree (2001) but from different college. We first met at our common tuition. The...

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my teen arse fucked by my older boss gay

Hi I'm kyle 17 m uk I'm 5 ft 9 , slim-toned , tanned , I have short dark brown spikey hair.I am smooth and have a 7.5 inch uncut cock , I am gay and prefer to be bottom.I live with my mum and my younger brother and my mum doesn't know I am gay .______________A while after I left school I started college , I enrolled on a arts and media Course, it was only part time 3 days a week monday to wednesday and after a fewMonths I decided I needed a part time job to give me abit of extra money on a...

4 years ago
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Phoenix Rising the Immortality CurseChapter 35

“Pa said I should take you to meet Kayla Goddessborn. Would you like to do that now?” Mila asks. I look to the princess. She nods. “We would,” I say. “Landon, do you want to accompany us?” “Great Lady, the princess has asked me to talk to the men and help them understand she offers herself to all of them. Unless you need me there, I shall leave you in Mila’s hands.” “I am sure that will be fine. Her hands are quite capable.” “That’s what I’m afraid of,” Landon says. “Mila, don’t cause too...

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Hope and BetrayalChapter 28

It had been a month since Anna and I had gotten engaged and had subsequently been witness to the back stabbing by my ex-fiancée. It was a Wednesday evening and we were both a bit fagged out from long days on the job: hers at the salon and mine at the store. She got a call on her new cellphone thingy. She answered and I could see from her expression that the news whatever it was, was not good. I figured it had to be something from the bad guys in Scottsdale. I was right, sort of. I’d only...

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Daughter To DaughterInLaw

Hello all ISS readers! I’m Susant again. Thanks for your over whelming response to my all 4 stories. I repeat, I love to ram cunts of virgins of 18(-) and experience their screaming, moaning. I want to share the experience of such teen virgins when they got fucked by monster cocks. I’m sure this one also will be appreciated by u. Let me come to the point. This is an incest sex story of a girl. The story is like this .I am Nisha Kulkarni, a girl from an orthodox Brahmin family. Like most Brahmin...

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My Best Friends Sister Part 8

You know, with everything that has been happening in my life over the last couple of weeks, I kinda let some of my old interests go neglected. A good example of this would be football for example. While I wasn't a fanatic or anything, maybe even a bit more than one would think I would be having actually been a football player for so many years, I still had a favorite NFL team that I would like to follow. I was reminded of all that when I woke up Sunday morning. As opposed to my...

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My Vacation with Gabika 8

Chapter 8.The final day ends in a grand orgy.I was determined to let Gabika and Marika perform i****tual sex in front of my eyes. To tell you the truth, I have never witnessed an i****t act performed up close, except in movies. Gabika’s digital titillation of her sister’s anus was the closest thing to real i****t I have ever participated in. I knew that the next day was the last and that Gabika would very soon disappear from my life to make way for the subsequent vacation thrill and I intended...

3 years ago
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Chuck and LisaChapter 62

Soft lips kissed my cheek just as I felt the Citation's tires touch pavement. I smiled at Etta and told her, "There's no way you're my mother's age. You look younger every day we're together. I love you and know how special we are together, Etta." That's when I realized I had been talking to Etta's mind and not through her ears. Yes, we were special together. Brandy and Tiani were stretching and checking on their boys who were coming out of the lethargy induced by the flight. I...

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