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Written and Edited by PgFalcon

"Hey sweetie..." coos my bride. "Nervous?"

"Not at all honey," I say triumphantly back, careful not to peek before the ceremony begins. Bad luck and all you know.

But I do know that she's going to be wearing that white dress we picked out... and that Marilyn is the most beautiful woman in the world. I grin as I remember my proposal... 'Mary, will you marry me?'

"This will be a walk in the park. Nothing will go wrong." I say reassuringly.

But she continues to fret.

"Oh, I hope so..."

I myself don't look half bad dressed up in my black tux with my hair combed back.

"It's going to be a while before I'm ready," she calls. "Go ahead and keep our families company."

"Sure thing," I say back, blowing a kiss, then strut out the back door into the open field where the chairs have been laid out.

"She's going to be a bit longer," I call out, "So everybody can get comfortable!"

On the left side sits my modestly large extended family, and on the right sits the three ring circus... woops I meant to say my soon to be in-laws.

A spookier, crazier bunch of nuts you'll never see.

Yes they look halfway normal at first glance, but get to know them and you'd be amazed that someone as sweet and loving as Mary could be related to them.

Especially Mary's older sister, Sabetha.

Sabetha is ugly, old, dresses funny, and seems to be eternally in a bad mood... but never have I seen her in such a bad mood as after she realized her younger sister was getting married before her. If looks could kill she'd have killed me long ago.

So naturally she's the first person I run into.

Her back is turned to me at first, so I try to quietly sneak past her to the safety of my own family. It doesn't work, as a clawed hand latches onto my shoulder and turns me around.

"Where do you think you're going?" she spits.

"Oh!" I exclaim. "I didn't see you there! I just saw my brother over there and was just dying to tell him this joke I just heard and..."

"Let me hear it."

Her voice croaks like a toad.

"Um... oh dear, would you look at that? I just forgot it entirely. If you'll excuse me..."

She doesn't release my shoulder, and pulls me in closer to whisper in my ear.

"It should be me on that altar. Leave now."

I pull away from her grip.

"Crazy wench," I mutter under my breath so that only she can hear. "Is it any wonder no man would touch you?"

Her eyes flare up in a blaze of fury, and in the blink of an eye she pulls out a large quill from her shawl.

"Take this!" she screams, splitting the air with her voice and bringing the attention of the entire congregation upon us both.

She then proceeds to stab me repeatedly with her quill.

Both her family and mine are upon us in seconds, pulling her off me and dragging me away to safety.

The she-bitch screams like a lunatic all the way back into the house, where her relatives disappear with her.

"You alright?" asks my brother.

"Yes, yes," I manage to say. "I'm fine. She just drew a little blood is all, nothing serious. The wedding can continue."

"You sure? We can post-pone..." says someone else.

"No, no. That's what she would want. We continue as if nothing has happened."

And with that I stand up and wait for my bride to finish getting ready.

Half an hour later the ceremony is about to start. I loosen my collar as a cold sweat breaks out on my skin. I guess even I can get a little nervous, eh?

I'm starting to feel a little ill in fact, but I doggedly ignore it and push forward. Mary starts to walk down the aisle as the music begins to play. I can't remember a happier moment in my life.

But my mind is being distracted. I feel funny. My balls start to burn, so I reach down to scratch them.

"Dummm dum da dummmm..." goes the music.

Ah! My balls are really starting to hurt! I wince, but continue to smile. What is going on?

Mary is halfway down the aisle when my left testicle suddenly starts to pull up into my body as if it had been hooked by a fisherman. It squeezes painfully before popping up into my gut and disappearing.

I'm starting to panic a little now, but I keep my game face on. I can go to the hospital later.

My right testicle starts to move upwards too now. I try to hold onto it discretely through my pocket, but that only makes it hurt worse as some invisible force pulls it up into me, and I can literally feel my testicle disappear inside my belly. My nut-sack is now just an empty flap of skin.

I grope it futilely, hoping that perhaps there had been some sort of mistake. I couldn't possibly have felt my balls just up and leave like that, could I?

Mary arrives at the altar, and I remove my hand from my pocket and take hers. The ceremony begins.

"Dearly beloved, we have gathered here today..." drones the pastor. I don't pay attention to what he's saying, as I can feel my ball-sack shrinking tighter and tighter like plastic warp. It feels strangely pleasant, but it definitely is not desired!

Even worse, the sensation of feeling my balls suck up into my body and my ball sack tighten up like a drum is giving me a chubby. My back is to our families, the pastor can't see over his podium, and Mary is looking forward, but God what if she looks over at me and sees me with an erection!?

I try to fight it. I blank my mind. I try to distract myself by thinking about football. Nothing works. Someone is bound to notice it soon!

Slowly and discretely I adjust my growing boner and tuck it under my waistband. It doesn't hide it, but it does make it much less noticeable. Oh God it's getting so hard! I've never in my life had an erection this strong before! It's starting to really hurt!

The pastor is stilling going on with his spiel, but I don't have much time! I need to do something about this!

Well no sooner than I think it than my penis starts to shrink. My sigh of relief is short lived.

Ow! OW! My penis is still rock-hard and swollen? It's not going flaccid at all! It's actually shrinking!

I thought I had been panicking before... but now I really start to lose my mind.

My raging boner is shrinking ever so slowly and gradually, becoming incredibly narrow and losing inch after inch of length. Soon it's the diameter of a pencil, and only two inches long. Then one inch long and even thinner!

It continues until all that is left of my dick is a little nub at the top of my flattened ball sack, just a few millimeters in diameter. It's still hard and swollen though, and demanding that I touch it. I refuse.

There is no way now that I'm stopping this wedding now. It would require an explanation. It would be a disaster! I can deal with whatever is happening to me later! Nothing can stop me from getting married to the woman I love!

Oh, but whatever is happening to me isn't done yet! Not by a long shot, no-sir.

The skin of my ball sack splits down the middle painlessly, opening a gash in my groin all the way up to the nub that once was my dick.

Things start to click inside my brain... but I can't accept that what I feel happening is actually happening to me. There's just no way.

I can feel my insides changing. Things inside of me moving around. Stuff that wasn't there before growing inside me, other things disappearing.

I can feel new flesh forming inside of the gash in my groin, folds of skin wrinkling up and stuffing it full. I can feel two holes open up inside the gash. One is definitely my urethra. The other... there's just no way that's a vagina.

I feel dizzy... and that's when I drop to the floor in a faint.

Moments later I find myself having fallen backwards off the small raised stage we set up, with Mary bent over me and a crowd of worried family and family-to-be gathered around.

"Honey! Are you okay? Somebody call an ambulance!"

"No!" I shout, sitting straight up. "No, no I'm fine... I just need to take a short breather is all."

I quickly get back up on me feet, but I still feel wobbly. Oh god what is happening to me?

"It's okay baby!" says my wife with infinite understanding. "Just take all the time you need. Maybe you should go splash some water on your face?"

"Yes, that sounds good. I'll be right back."

And with that I stagger back into the house. I find the nearest restroom and lock the door behind me. I turn on the sink, then let it run while I stare at myself in the mirror.

I'm alone in a bathroom, unable to stop myself from shaking, and I'm switching genders in the middle of my wedding.

This cannot be happening.

I can feel the thing between my legs, or moreover the lack of a thing between my legs... and though I find myself not wanting to actually see it... I still can't resist the urge to look.

So, with excessive slowness and shaky hands, I unbutton my pants, remove my belt, and pull it all down.

Looking down at it, well, it isn't so bad. Yea, my junk is gone, but it's kind of hard to tell what it is exactly. It's just a small "m" shape .

But when I look up into the mirror it's another story. I can see the rest of it.

And it's a pussy all right. It looks just like Mary's. My pubes have vanished to boot.

Well that fucking sucks, right? How the hell do I consummate this marriage with this? Mary is going to freak when she finds out. Just because she joked about being bi a few times doesn't mean she wants to get married to a.... well. You know what I mean. In any case I'm not really hot on the idea of how lesbian sex works. I want my dick!

My mind is frantically wondering how this could have possibly happened when I realize I have someone I could possibly blame for this. Sabetha. She has to be involved. There's no way her stabbing me with that quill was a coincidence.

Oh, but man does this thing feel weird! It's all hot and steamy and stuff... and wet?

Oh Jesus Christ... nuh uh... no way.

I am not feeling what I think I'm feeling.

I cannot get horny!

I'm a guy! How the hell is being castrated turning me on? It simply doesn't add up. In no way do I consider any of this to be "sexy".

I mean, yea, looking in the mirror that pussy looks awful inviting... but it's attached to my fucking body for Christ's sake!

Jeez, I should be getting boners anyway, and not.... holy hell! It's only getting worse by the second!

But. Dang, is this what women feel? God... this feels pretty nice! In fact, I find myself sorely tempted to touch it.

So I do.

And ooo-la-la does it feel nice.


"You okay in there?" asks my brother after pounding the door.

Well that snaps me out of it.

"Yea, I'm fine!" I lie. "Just give me a few more minutes."

My hands are both covered in my own slimy, musky, pussy juice. One hand had quickly found my clit while the other played with the rest of my pussy.

In the uninterrupted seconds that I had with myself I had rapidly lost control and now find myself breathing heavily and hornier than ever before.

And fuck me I mean I'm desperately horny now. The kind of horny there ain't no turning back on unless you want to spend the next hour or so with a disappointed hard-on.... Or in this case a wildly wet pussy. Between you and me I'd much prefer the hard-on. A whole lot less messy to be sure.

But what's done is done, and the best way I know to fix is to... well... finish it.

If I do it right I figure it shouldn't take more than a minute or two.

Several minutes pass like seconds, and I realize that I was extremely mistaken to think that I could get myself off in so short a time. Family and friends outside are growing worried outside the door, but I ignore them. I'm growing more and more desperate for release by the second and need to finish this.

I'm well into the ten minute mark, and still haven't climaxed yet, when I notice that my groin and legs are getting fuzzy. My ass quickly follows suit. A thick brown fuzz is spreading like a slow motion wildfire across my entire body now.

But oh god my pussy feels too good to stop now!

I feel my ass swelling, but I almost don't care.

I feel my back lengthening and my chest barreling out.

Still don't care.

I'm rapidly gaining a couple hundred pounds and find myself to be several feet taller than I remember being.

This is me, rapidly smacking my squash muffin, not caring.

Nothing in the world has ever felt this good.

But I start to worry when I feel my bones warp painfully and suddenly. I feel parts of my skeleton shrink, while other parts grow. Parts of my arms and legs elongate and others shorten considerably. Still I'm gaining weight like it's cool. My entire body is covered in thick, coarse, brown, velvety hair... fur really.

But I don't really understand what's going on until I happen to glance up into the mirror.

My face is elongating. My ears are stretching and moving to the top of my head. My hair is cropping into a Mohawk and lengthening, and spreading down in a line down the back of my neck. My teeth are rearranging in my mouth, and my tongue is becoming long and sticky. I feel something sprouting from my ass above my butt cheeks and see a long tail dropping to the ground behind me.

A horse. I'm turning into a horse.

But that's not all that is changing.

As I continue to frantically rub my poor, sensitive, desperate pussy in a vain attempt (I now realize) to quench it's thirst, I feel it changing underneath my hands. It's becoming bigger. Deeper. It's very anatomy is changing completely around.

The lips of my mound have turned dark black, as has the rest of my skin underneath my new coat of horse hair... although the inner flesh of my sex is still bright pink and dribbling slippery mucus all over my hands.

A convulsion grips my sex in an unexpected reflex, and my pussies lips are pulled apart to flash the pink flesh within. I continue to try and masturbate, unable to stop myself, even as more convulsions grip my pussy and force it to open and flash.

I've gained hundreds of pounds, and the wood under my two feet groans under the load. I'm looking more and more like a horse every second.

I even feel my nipples disappear, then reappear much lower on my belly, before swelling with fatty tissue and mammary glands. Teats. I've got horse teats now. What next? How can this possibly become more humiliating.

Just as I think that I feel my hands and feet changing. My wrists and ankles are elongating. All my fingers are melting together to form a single digit, as do my toes, and the nail on that digit grows thick and tough and big, until I find myself with four hooves. I continue to try to masturbate with my forearms, the aching need so powerful that it's maddening, but even that quickly becomes futile as my anatomy continues to change. My belly lengthens, my arms reconfigure themselves, as do my legs, and as I fall forwards I feel my pussy and anus traveling up and back far out of my reach. I can feel my long horse tail covering both now, and flick it in an attempt to provide myself with stimulation.

The changes feel like they're slowing down now as I feel my insides slowly stop shifting around and my skeleton stops moving and crawling. I'm huge. I barely fit in the bathroom.

But oh sweet jesus the need! I quickly start trying to rub my ass up against the wall, the sink, even the toilet as I try to satisfy myself.... But I can't. I'm not equipped to satisfy this deep, aching desperation for penetrative sexual stimulus. Oh god I need sex. As in NEED sex.

But I'm a fuckin mare now. I can't possibly even consider actual sex. I just need stimulation, and after that I'll be okay and I can figure out a way to fix all of this. To bad there isn't a super-sized dildo in the cabinets... although I have no idea how I'd go about using it. Outside people have been trying to get into the bathroom for a while now... but even if they unlocked the door it opens inward and I'm all up in the way.

But I don't even think about that at the moment. I'm desperately trying to think of something to satisfy my fucking undeniable biological obligations by myself when I hear a cackling snicker from behind the curtain of the bathtub. I can't turn around to face whoever it is, but I look over my shoulder and see the curtain whip back.

It's Sabetha, with a great big grin on her face.

"Hello Jack," she says with a toothy grin. "Feeling a little... frisky today?"

"YOU! You did this to me!! Undo it!!" I shout, mildly surprised to find myself still capable of speech... although my voice is a tad more feminine than I'd like it to be. No doubt it is designed to antagonize me further, and it does.

"Undo what?" she crows unabashedly. "You've always been a horse's ass! Now you've got a horse's ass!"

"I'm going to kick your teeth in if you don't fix me back the way I was," I growl.

"Oh, fine, fine. Can't take a joke can ya?" she cackles, in a giggling fit, then opens up her small woolen purse and digs through it.

"Ah her it is. This will fix you up real good, yes it will."

It's a small bottle with some amber liquid in it. She pulls the stopper, and before I know what's happening she's downed the whole lot.

"Hee-hee-hee-hee!" she screams.

And my eyes widen in horror as a massive, black phallus erupts from under her skirt.

But that's not all.

In a matter of seconds she doubles in size, then doubles again, all the while becoming rapidly more and more equine. Her clothes rip themselves apart... and I stare wildly as her massive dick and balls are put on prominent display. She's rock hard and easily three or four feet long.

In no time at all I find myself crammed into a tiny bathroom with a gigantic black stallion with a white mane and tail... and a weaponized erection pointed exactly where I don't want it to point.

"Hey! Stop right there! This is rape!!" I buck, rearing onto my front legs and kicking for all that I'm worth, but my kick is stopped before it hits her enormous, muscled chest. Like magnets I feel my hooves yanked to the floor and stuck there good, splayed as wide as the bathroom will allow.

"Oh fuck, please don't do this. Please please please..." I beg.

"What? So humble now? How is it that only now you show me the respect I deserve? Only when I have you in my power."

"Please," I cry desperately.

"And what's more! Your body doesn't look so resistant to me, now does it? Your all wet and ready to go! Just a moment ago you were ready to impale yourself on just about anything weren't you! Don't deny it! Mmmm... and receptive! I like that in a mare. A strong breeder I'm sure you'll be."

"What? No! I'm about to be married!"

"Aw, too late for that ignorant fool. No turning back now. I'd lay awake all night if I don't get a piece of this action. He-he-he..."

"Hey! No! Don't... You can't do this!!"

But Sabetha ignores me, rearing up, and lands heavily on my strong back.

"No-no-no-no," I whisper to myself as I shut my eyes. This can't be happening. I've got to be dreaming! Please let me be dreaming!

Both of our families are attempting to break down the door on the other side. It shakes violently as somebody rams into it... but they're too late.

I can feel her unearthly dick in between my legs, and it slaps up against my belly. She laughs evilly as I try desperately to get out from underneath her, but there's nowhere to go. She's too big. She's too heavy.

And what's more: powerful, animalistic instincts are forcing themselves upon me. I find myself unable to move much at all anyways as I brace against Sabetha.

Sabetha backs up slowly and dramatically, something no ordinary horse would do I'm sure, and carefully lines herself up behind me.

I can feel the head of her dick. It's right outside my entrance. Its heat is so powerful and radiant that I can't help boggle at it. It's thickness beyond comprehension. It's length terrifying. My pussy won't stop flashing open and close. Oh God I need it. I need it inside of me. Oh... why won't she penetrate me already!? I need it! I need it soooo desperately! I need her inside of me worse than a man crossing the desert needs water. I need it more than anything I've ever needed. I couldn't have ever been prepared for the primitive yet powerful urges of a horse in heat, and my will is easily crumbling before it...

But my male ego is still there. Still fighting for control. Still trying to find a way to escape this situation.

I'm just shaking off the effects of my body's hyperactive sex drive when she thrusts forwards.

The door bursts of its hinges right as Sabetha's herculean dick penetrates my insanely tight horse-pussy.

I whinny for all I'm worth, both from terror and from the shear sensation of being violently penetrated like that.

Her dick is huge. I can't believe it fits inside of me. Inch after inch slide up into me as my tightness can't possibly halt the power behind her thrust.

And oh god does it feels good.

"Help me!" I cry out to the crowd of friends and family. Sabetha snorts as she thrusts over and over into my body, and I grunt with every successive penetration as feelings of unimaginable pleasure erupt from my equine sex.

Nobody so much as moves, they're all shocked beyond action.

"No-No-NO! AH! GoD!! Please somebody stop her before she cuuuuuuuuums oh merciful sweet baby Jesus..."

She didn't cum... I did. I bite my lower lip as my body explodes from within. I cream hard on Sabetha's steel rod as it continues to plunge in and out of my soft and yielding flesh.

Heaving pants escape my throat as she continues to violate me, and I orgasm like I've never orgasmed before.

But before I can even begin to catch my breath she begins to speed up. I know instinctively what's coming, and a powerful rush of chemicals and instincts in my strange new brain force a conflict in my mind between horror at being inseminated and joy at being successfully mated.

Mostly though I scream silently as I feel her dick stiffen and then pulse as her seed rockets down her shaft and into my warm and waiting womb.

My sex is still dripping and quivering from my own orgasm, and this added insult is too much to bear, but I grit my teeth and remain strong. I won't let this she-bitch get the best of me! Even as her semen gushes out of me and onto the tile floor I refuse to give her the satisfaction.

Her dick retreats from me and flops out of my vaginal canal, followed immediately by a flow of seed. I flick my tail in irritation as my body shudders and I slowly regain motor control.

Behind me Sabetha is standing up and transforming slowly back into the evil old hag she will always be, cackling like the wicked witch of the west before disappearing with a shimmer.

I'm left standing there in the bathroom having been thoroughly sexed by a witch-stallion. It takes me a minute to catch my breath again.

"Everybody," I say carefully. "I think we may need to reschedule the wedding."


As it turns out, we had to postpone the wedding indefinitely. It seems magic runs deep in the veins of Mary's family, but Sabetha's brand of mumbo-jumbo was powerfully potent and basically untouchable... and that I have to let nature run its course... so after I birth my daughter Marigold everything should return to normal... maybe. Until then I'll just try to enjoy being a horse as best I can.

Aw, who am I kidding? I love being a horse! And I love the stallions. It turns out Mary's pretty damned kinky after all too, and a skilled witch herself! ^^


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The Girl Scout 7 HOGTied

The Girl Scout – 4 Tag Teamed ; The Girl Scout -5 Die Bitch Die; Girl Scout 6 -Cum Faced A new fear overcame Lisa. What , what would happen to her at Lamont’s? Where are you going to take me Sir. What are you going to do, Sir. I gonna fuck your cherry asshole. Dad says he saved your shit hole fo me. U gonna get my 14 inch cock up yo butt. Lisa’s knees buckled. Maybe she would be better dead. Lisa would have collapsed but Lamont still held her up. Wat u crying abouts, wese...

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Mares Tale 2

Mare's Tale - Chapter 2 - by: Beverly Taff Miss Lane and Dr James settled into the easy chairs to study my file. Veronica and I were left standing naked but for our harnesses. As they quietly sifted through my file I caught Veronica eyeing my breasts. For all our previous intimacy and friendship I still felt a little uncomfortable about it. I shifted uncertainly as I tried to limit her view but Miss Lane detected my actions and spoke without even looking up. "Face Veronica,...

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Mares Tale 5

Chapter 5 After a month Dr James and the Mistresses returned. They had deliberately stayed away to reinforce the bond of friendship between Veronica and me. As they removed my top harness, Dorothy led Veronica away. This was the unkindest cut of all and my stomach flipped with anguish at the thought of her coming ordeal. I sobbed piteously as Veronica was taken from my sight. Miss Lane tut-tutted and expressed annoyance at my emotional display but Dr James was more...

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Mares Tales 6

Mare's Tales - by: Beverly Taff Chapter 6. When the rest of the pupils met us again after returning from classes they wanted to know everything about my operation and what fate awaited Veronica. Rumours had been flying thick and fast around the whole school and Veronica had to use all her wiles to stop the others pestering me. They all particularly wanted to know why I was wearing a striped pink and blue ribbon in my hair. Eventually, to settle the hubbub, Veronica explained...

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Mares Tales 7

Mare's Tales - by: Beverly Taft Chapter 7. The months of Veronica?s absence passed painfully slowly. The only compensation was that Jennifer and became more attached and supportive as we escorted each other protectively around the school. I, of course, often arrived last for lessons because I could not rush anywhere without arriving breathless and flushed from the erotic stimulation of my love lips. This gave the all-knowing mistresses ample opportunity to punish me if they...

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Mares Tale 8

Mare's Tales - by: Beverly Taft Chapter 8. It was in this same position that Dorothy found us when she arrived to dress us. On finding us still asleep she leant silently over the end of our bed and gently tickled the base of my penis. I stirred and twitched luxuriously for I expected to find Vee or Jenny busy down there. I had a shock however when I found Dorothy looming over me with a cunning smile on her face and her finger to her lips cautioning me to be silent. She...

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Mares Tales 9

Mare's Tales - By: Beverly Taft Chapter 9. After rushing my lunch I searched around the hall for Jennifer and Veronica. They weren't there so I used the remainder of my break to search around the school for them. They were no longer where I had last seen them and my search was risky because there was a good chance of my being caught. I could not slip quickly from place to place because the tickler lodged in the crotch of my corset made my progress excruciatingly slow. I needed...

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Mares Tales 10

Mare's Tales - by: Beverly Taff Chapter 10. As the years progressed and we became engrossed in our studies, we settled into a blissful routine sharing our lives in the first term of the upper school. There was only one small blemish on our times together in the upper school and that was when Jenny and Vee enjoyed their games. I was forced to spend the time either doing gentle aerobics to avoid exciting my cunny or to watch passively from the sideline as my friends tore around...

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Mares Tales 11

Mare's Tales - by: Beverly Taff Chapter 11. The hand of fate can move in terrible ways and so it was to do in our lives. Towards the end of that first winter term, the school hockey teams were enjoying an 'away' trip to another school. Only trusted and reliable pupils were allowed to represent the school and Vee and Jenny were amongst them. I, of course, could never represent the school. My anatomy would never get past the school showers after a game. Furthermore, as...

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Mares Tales 12

Mare's Tales - by: Beverly Taff Chapter 12 Thus we all obtained places at the same university. The college?s objections to the expense of providing suitable facilities for so many seriously disabled students were quickly swept aside by my father who promised to pay for the modification of a whole house for our benefit. He also promised to donate it to the university to facilitate disabled students following after us. This was too good an opportunity for the university to...

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Mares Tales Part 13

Mare's Tales - by: Beverly Taff Chapter 13. The woman who said that moving is one of the most stressful experiences a woman can go through, was not kidding. We five girls felt our whole world was being torn to pieces. Jenny was carefully monitoring every file and book that was the sum of our years of study and research. The paper and floppy discs alone filled a large van and the removal men shook their heads as each box was methodically filed and noted on Jenny's laptop...

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Mares Tales 14

Mare's Tales - by: Beverly Taff Chapter 14. The following morning was a weekend and we took off in the space wagon to enjoy some of the beautiful countryside around our new home. We stopped to watch a hockey match between two girls? schools and I caught a wistful expression flashing across Jenny's face. "Missing it Jen?" I asked softly. "Oh Yes! Desperately Bev," she replied as a small tear glistened in her eye. "Never mind love. If we're successful, you?ll be able to...

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Mares Tales 15

Mare's Tales ? Chapter 15 ? by: Beverly Taff Our main avenue of attack now lay down the genetic engineering road. It was to prove a long and difficult one with thousands of blind alleys and disappointments. Jacky, the biochemist directed our researches and we simply followed her instructions. We plodded laboriously up and down the genomes as we patiently identified likely looking genes and then located them on the various chromosomes of either man, mouse or horse. The most...

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Mares Tales 16

Mare's Tales - Chapter 16 ? by: Beverly Taff The morning alarm served only to tell us the time. We were all awake after a poor night's sleep as the work ahead dwelt upon our minds. Veronica shuddered nervously as I lifted her onto her wheel chair. "Last time for all this I hope Bev?" "Fingers crossed Vee. Are you sure you want to go through with it?" I hugged her as a nervous tear trickled down her cheek and she whispered. "To tell the truth Bev, I think even death would...

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Mares Tales 17

Mare's Tales - Chapter 17. ? by: Beverly Taff Eventually we awoke again. Veronica still lay beside me with her torso in my arms but she seemed to be whinnying softly in her sleep. I tried to move my ear closer to her lips but my efforts awoke her. She stirred and I gently stroked her long blond hair as I murmured to her. "Was that Juno whinnying whilst you were asleep?" "Hold on. I'll ask he,." smiled Vee sleepily. There was a short pause and then Veronica pressed herself...

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Mares Tales 18

Mare's Tales - Chapter 18 ? by: Beverly Taff The next morning broke cold and damp. It was an unusual day for late June but its coolness would prove to be a godsend for the operation. There was nothing worse than a difficult operation in the sweltering heat. I arrived for breakfast to find the others picking lightly at their food. It was no good taking a huge meal and then being 'caught short' during the operation. Jenny looked on hungrily as we picked at our meal. ...

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Mares Tales 19

Mare's Tales - Chapter 19 ? by: Beverly Taff We departed the next day amidst the good wishes and cautions of my friends. "Do take care and drive carefully," begged Veronica. I realised her worry stemmed from the fact that two of the vital members of the team that could replace her arms were going on a car journey. I kissed Vee and reassured her that we would take care and I promised to phone when we had arrived at Miss Lane's. The journey was uneventful and we arrived in the...

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Mares Tales 20

Mare's Tales ? by: Beverly Taff - Chapter 20 Home is a very strange and emotive word, more especially so when one returns from a long absence. I had not been near my old familiar stamping grounds since I was eleven and I was now in my middle twenties. Fifteen years is more than an age to a person of my years and all through my drive home my thoughts kept wandering to the old house and it's staff. I particularly hoped that Pat, the cook, would still be there. She had been my...

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Mares Tales 22

Mare's Tales - Chapter 22 ? by: Beverly Taff Dot had swiftly cleared most of the evidence of the centaurs but the specially adapted furniture could not be hidden. It was too heavy for one girl to move. As we sat in the drawing room I could see Bill studying the strange furniture and trying to fathom out the functions of the assorted pieces without arm rests and unusually high seats. Margaret and I studiously ignored his curiosity until he pointedly asked what they were for. We...

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Mares Tales 23

Mare's Tales - Chapter 23 ? by: Beverly Taff We arrived at the final dockside in a remote little northern port high in the Scandinavian peninsular. A cruel winter gale had struck and the cold driving rain glittered like diamonds as the harsh dockside lights illuminated its descent. In the gathering puddles, the splash of each raindrop resembled a dazzling ballerina pirouetting in her shimmering quicksilver tutu for the fleeting instant of her brilliant glory. The cruel beauty of...

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Mares Tales 24

Mare's Tales - Chapter 24 ? by: Beverly Taff Margaret and I arrived in the farmyard as they were clambering out of the chopper that had landed in the paddock. Dot had heard the clatter and warned the centaurs to hide. She appeared in the yard and joined our welcoming committee to greet my parents and the children. The older children carried the younger ones piggyback style as they scampered towards us. We braced ourselves to receive the onslaught and they crashed joyfully into us...

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Mares Tales 25

Mare's Tales - Chapter 25 ? by: Beverly Taff Jane had chartered Captain Pedersen's little ship again and our group prepared to meet the ship by prearrangement. Our little convoy of wagons crouched together on the old stone quay as the last flurries of winter snow swept down from the surrounding hills. The little harbour offered excellent protection from the thundering seas as they crashed against the dull black headlands but there was no escape from the bitter moaning wind. On...

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Mares Tales 27

Mare's Tales - Chapter 27 ? by: Beverly Taff We had chosen the classical transatlantic small boat route to America and we arrived off Florida at early dawn with the sun rising behind us. We had long ago decided to boldly present ourselves at their borders and see what reception the centaurs would get. Technically, we had broken no laws back in Europe so we deemed unlikely for us to have broken any in the U.S.A. Provided we adhered to their immigration laws we could see no...

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Mares Tales 28

Mare's Tales - Chapter 28 - by: Beverly Taff Despite it being summer, we arrived in San Francisco in a cold dense fog. To get around the passport problems Bernadette had simply cropped her hair short and worn a thick sloppy sweater to cover her breasts. Until we picked up the new passports she was still registered on my passport as a male child. Her disguise was adequate and she looked like an adolescent boy as she attended to the sails. Our boat drifted silently through the mist...

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Mares Tales 29

Mare's Tales - Chapter 29 My older twins were now virtually twin sisters. We had spent some important time shopping for Bernadette and she had passed her 'Rite of Passage'. She now thought of herself as a girl and lived as one despite having the all-important indicator of her dual sexuality. She mimicked me in nearly everything and for all practical purposes was deemed to be a girl. Her new passport had arrived so there would be no problems with immigration or police. The...

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Mares Tales 30

Mare's Tales - Chapter 30 ? by: Beverly Taff With our long sojourn at an end we finally returned full circle to the same pretty yacht haven we had left so long ago. Things had changed enormously for all of us but not so much as to damage or affect the intense feelings we still had for the friends we had left behind. Margaret, Jane, Diana and I were overjoyed to see our centaur friends waving excitedly on the quay as our weather-beaten yacht nosed its way into her old familiar...

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Mares Tales 31

Mare's Tales Chapter 31 ? by: Beverly Taff The lesbian sect laid their trap carefully as they studied my friends and me. Patience was the name of their game. My 'to-ing and fro-ing' gradually attracted their notice and they eventually made the connection between my travels and the appearance of the sperm donations worldwide. It was during one of my trips to America that they pounced for here they had me on their home turf. Fortunately I had already delivered the sperm so they...

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Mares Tales 32

Mare's Tales - Chapter 32. Originally Margaret's agent was a very quiet girl; she had been carefully monitoring the whole cult to establish the best chances of escape. By carefully listening and watching she had established that Debbie's status had dropped and this provided some important clues. The cult power brokers had established what my sperm could do, -if and when I finally produced a sample. One day she cornered me alone in large common room where the surveillance was...

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Mares Tales Chapter 33

Mare's Tales - Chapter 33 ? by: Beverly Taff Once I was free of the lesbian cult, the first thing that Margaret did was to relieve me of my crotch bolt and check me over for any other possible modifications, especially microsurgical alterations. She found nothing untoward and after a few months rest and recuperation we agreed to administer the new 'femi-boy permanent vaccine' into my body. The special vaccine began to take effect and we spent several months double checking my...

3 years ago
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The Spanking CouplesChapter 3 Hogtied

Debbie slowly turned away from Marion, and reached over to where her husband was still laying on the bed. She reached up and untied the rope from his handcuffs and pulled it free. She then reached down to the cuffs holding his ankles together, and freed them, too. "OK, pussy boy" she said to her husband. "Get up and make room for the Bitch." Bill then rolled over and stood up beside the bed. Debbie then told Ron to rotate his body 90 degrees, so that his head was still facing down, but...

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Claire Crucified

Claire CrucifiedClaire was naked and tied to a cross. Not an X, but a real Roman-style cross--a perpendicular beam with a horizontal crossbar. Her wrists were bound with leather cuffs that attached to eye-bolts in the wood. Her long legs were tied together at the base of the cross, where her feet with her carefully painted red toenails rested on the ground. Stretched out naked like that, Claire looked almost too beautiful to flog, so I hit her extra hard, getting pleasure from the way her...

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Perceptions 8211 Part 3 Neighbour Bhabhi Creampied

Hi readers, welcome back to my story. If you haven’t read the earlier parts, please do for continuation. A few days went by after that incident. I couldn’t find Manasa at her home and I used to wait every day for a glimpse of her. A week went by and one day, a truck pulled up across her gate and the movers started shifting the possessions of our new neighbour. I was excited and went there to see Manasa. I looked around and she was nowhere to be found. Then there was a hard grasp on my...

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My Pleasures Were Undignified

[The source material's been done to death, of course. A few have even taken it in the direction this story goes. But none have been terribly faithful to the original, and commercial considerations prevented them from following things to their logical conclusion.] My Pleasures Were (To Say The Least) Undignified by Optimizer I've finished preparing the next set of doses and carefully stored them away. I still should have at least another few hours. Just enough time to finish...

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I was flying into Shanghai for a business conference and still felt like shit from the giardia I contracted on the last leg of my hiking trip through Nepal.Not to mention that I was shaken by the turbulent ride over the Himalayas, having watched the snowy peaks of the mountains, like a bed of nails below us, as the plane’s cabin violently shook, and passengers screamed.The plane sliced in through the smog, and several people on board applauded as we touched down safely to Pudong Airport…After...

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She and I had kept in touch, of course, if only through customary means. A thoughtful card at Christmas and on our respective birthdays, that sort of thing. When a letter arrived from her in the autumn, I was pleased to read that she would be in town the following month and invited me to catch up over coffee. The hotel bar was very grand in its tastefully understated way and I spotted her immediately, smiling warmly at me and getting up from her seat at the quiet corner table. We exchanged...

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Sophia sucht Befriedigung

Sophia Neuberg war wieder einmal gefrustet. Außenstehende würden es nicht verstehen können, denn auf den ersten Blick hatte sie alles was sich eine Frau nur wünschen konnte. So war sie seit bald 5 Jahren mit dem reichsten Grundbesitzer der ganzen Region verheiratet, lebte mit diesem auf einem riesigen Anwesen, mit einem Pool, einem Tennisplatz und eigenen Stallungen. Seit ihrer Heirat brauchte sie auch ihren Beruf, sie hatte als Tierärztin gearbeitet, sondern konnte sich allein darauf...

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Tamara war gerade 40 geworden. Verheiratet und hatte drei Kinder. Eine ihrer besten Freundinnen, Lena, hatte endlich, als letzte ihrer Bekannten, einen Mann gefunden. Heute Abend stand der Junggesellenabschied an. Tamara hatte vor lauter Überstunden keine Zeit gehabt, sich an den Vorbereitungen zu beteiligen. Sie ließ sich einfach darauf ein. Sie hatte ihren schwarzen Rock, eine schwarze Hotpants und eine schwarz-weiße Bluse an gezogen. Sie verabschiedete sich von ihrem Mann und den Kindern....

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It could have been a curse, a spell, someone rewriting reality, it could be any number of things that led to Kevin ending up with a vagina between his legs. But the why is not important at the moment, the why is for Kevin to figure out. Before the story can go any further, we need to know just who Kevin is.

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Die Niederlage

Sophia war eine echte Schönheit ihr langes braunes Haar ging ihr fast bis zu ihrem knackigen Arsch und ihre großen Brüste wackelten bei jedem ihrer Schritte. Sie sah mit ihren 24 Jahren aus wie ein Model und war auch sonst unglaublich Mädchenhaft und liebte alles was pink war. Niemand hätte erwartet das sie die beste Karate Kämpferin des FC Mittenstein war. Letztes Jahr war sie sogar zweite der deutschen Meisterschaft geworden und dieses Jahr würde sie den Titel holen

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Die Niederlage

Sophia war eine echte Schönheit. Ihr langes braunes Haar hing ihr fast bis zu ihrem knackigen Arsch und ihre großen Brüste wackelten bei jedem ihrer Schritte. Sie sah mit ihren 24 Jahren aus wie ein Model, war groß und durchtrainiert. Ihre tolle Figur war auch das Ergebnis von jahrelangem Karatetraining beim FC Mittenstein, wo sie seit ihrem sechsten Lebensjahr aktiv war. Sie war die beste Kämpferin des Vereins, nicht nur bei den Frauen, und ihr Zimmer quoll über vor Medaillen und Pokalen....

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Vier Mdels und ein Einsiedler

Es regnete in Strömen und die Nacht war hereingebrochen trotzdem war die Stimmung in dem klimatisierten 7er BMW neuster Bauart und Ausstattung auf dem Höhepunkt. Caroline Berger hatte letzte Woche ihre Führerscheinprüfung bestanden und war nun neben Katharina, die schon bei Ihrem Austauschschüler Jahr in der USA die Prüfung abgelegt hatte, die Einzige aus der vierer Mädels Gruppe die fahren durfte. Nach ganz viel Überredungskunst von Caroline hatten ihre Eltern ihr eines ihrer Autos geliehen,...

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Die Junggesellenabschiedsparty

Die achtzehnjährige Julia fühlt sich beinahe wie im siebten Himmel. Sie kann es kaum noch erwarten, bis sie in einer Woche endlich ihren zwei Jahre älteren Freund Steffen heiraten wird. Ihre beste Freundin Melanie wird bei der Hochzeit eine ihrer Brautjungfern sein. Melanie erzählt ihr, dass Steffens Freunde am nächsten Abend eine wilde Junggesellenparty planen und dazu als Höhepunkt eine professionelle Stripperin einladen wollen. Julia starrt ihre Freundin total entgeistert an, als sie...

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