Sophia A Doomed Love Story
- 3 years ago
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Sophia Neuberg war wieder einmal gefrustet. Außenstehende würden es nicht verstehen können, denn auf den ersten Blick hatte sie alles was sich eine Frau nur wünschen konnte.
So war sie seit bald 5 Jahren mit dem reichsten Grundbesitzer der ganzen Region verheiratet, lebte mit diesem auf einem riesigen Anwesen, mit einem Pool, einem Tennisplatz und eigenen Stallungen.
Seit ihrer Heirat brauchte sie auch ihren Beruf, sie hatte als Tierärztin gearbeitet, sondern konnte sich allein darauf konzentrieren die Ehefrau eines reichen Mannes zu sein.
Doch genau hier lag das Problem. Sie würde gerne wieder als Tierärztin arbeiten, selbstständig sein ein eigenes Leben führen und, und sie musste allein bei dem Gedanken daran erröten, einen Mann haben mit dem sie Sex haben könnte.
Ihr Mann interessierte sich nämlich seit nunmehr bald drei Jahren überhaupt nicht mehr für sie. Sie diente ihm als Begleiterin bei diversen geschäftlichen und gesellschaftlichen Veranstaltungen, an denen sie stets die Blicke der anderen Männer auf sich zog. Nur ihr eigener Mann war völlig uninteressierte, obwohl sie sich immer extrem zu recht machte, die teuersten Klamotten trug, die High-Heels mit den höchsten Absätzen die es auf dem Markt gab.
Kurze Röcke, engansitzende Hosen, tiefe Ausschnitte – es brachte nichts.
Das Ganze kratzte extrem an ihrem Selbstbewusstsein. War sie vielleicht zu unattraktiv oder gar hässlich.
Nein. Das konnte man ausschließen. Zwar war sie nur 1,61 Meter groß, was aber gar nicht auffiel, da sie stets hohe Absätze trug, aber alle anderen körperlichen Merkmale ließen sich sehen.
Sie hatte mittelgroße wohlgeformte Brüste, lange lockige blonde Haare, war schlank und durchtrainiert und insbesondere ihr „perfekter“ Hintern schien es der Männerwelt anzutun.
Trotz ihrer schon 42 Jahre, war sie also ohne weiteres als sehr attraktiv zu bezeichnen.
Dies zeigten ihr nicht nur die Blicke der anderen Männer aller Altersklasse, sondern auch die eine oder andere Bemerkung die sie aufgeschnappt hatte.
Gerade nach ein paar Gläsern Alkohol redeten manche Männer um nicht zu sagen alle Männer, erheblich lauter als sie wohl selber annahmen und unterschätzten gleicher Maßen ihr gutes Gehör.
So hatte sie unter anderem aufgeschnappt wie manchen Männer sie bezeichnetet, nämlich „Geile Schlampe des Bosses“, „heiße Braut“ oder „kleine Nutte“ wobei dies noch die harmlosesten Bezeichnungen waren.
Auch hatte so manche Mann schon seinen Fantasien darüber freien Lauf gelassen, was er gerne mal mit ihr machen würde. Es fielen Begriffe wie „bespringen“, „zureiten“ und „ordentlich durchficken“!
Der Höhepunkt war aber die Bemerkungen des größten Geschäftspartners ihres Mannes, der zu einem Kollegen gesagt hatte, dass sie „einmal ordentlich in ihren geilen Arsch gefickt werden müsse“.
Am liebsten wäre sie damals rüber gegangen und hätte ihm eine gescheuert, aber offiziell hatte sie ja nichts gehört und vielleicht hatte er ja auch eine andere Frau im Raum gemeint, wobei sie dies eher ausschloss, im Hinblick auf die engansitzende Hose die sie damals getragen hatte und in die sie quasi hatte reinspringen müssen um diese über ihren Hintern gezogen zu bekommen.
Jedenfalls war dieser Geschäftsfreund ihres Mannes, dessen Alter sie auf Anfang 50 schätzte heute auf ihr Anwesen gekommen um geschäftlich mit ihrem Mann zu verhandeln.
Sophia hatte mitbekommen, dass es wohl irgendwelche Probleme gab, die so schwerwiegend waren, dass ihr Mann sie noch weniger beachtetet als sonst und die ihm seit Tagen den Schlaf raubten.
Leider wollte er auch darüber nicht mit ihr sprechen, so dass Sophia nur ahnen konnte, dass es um eine Investition in Russland ging bei der ihr Mann sich wohl übernommen hatte und über die der Geschäftsfreund heute mit ihm verhandeln wollte.
Nur war ihr Mann nicht da, da sein Flug ausgefallen war und so saß der Geschäftsfreund, der Victor Darminski hieß, gelangweilt in ihrem Salon und spielte mit seinem Handy.
Sophia hatte ihn da sitzen lassen, da ihr nicht nach einer Kommunikation mit ihm zu Mute war.
Trotzdem brachte er sie wieder auf das Thema Sex. Sophia musste unbedingt mal wieder gevögelt werden. Am liebsten jetzt und sofort.
Interessant dafür war sicher ihr Stallbursche. Ein sehr hübscher durchtrainierter Mann, Anfang 20 der ihr immer, wenn er meinte sie würde es nicht merken auf den Hintern starrte.
Oder vielleicht doch der Geschäftsfreund ihres Mannes. Den fand sie ja eigentlich eklig, aber näher betrachtet war er ein großer muskulöser Mann, der ja bekennender Weise jedenfalls an ihrem Hintern Interesse zu haben schien, auch wenn dieser in gar keinem Fall für etwas zur Verfügung stand.
Sophia hatte nicht vor ihren Mann zu betrügen, aber wenn ein Mann sie einfach packen und nehmen würde, da hätte sie ja keine Wahl, oder?
Der Gedanke kam ihr seltsam, ja geradezu abartig vor, aber der Gedanke machte sie an.
Sie, die intelligente, reiche und wunderhübsche Frau in den brutalen Händen eines Perversen. Der Gedanke erregte sie.
Dies ging so weit, dass, als sie heute Morgen im Radio gehört hatte, dass aus dem Gefängnis in der Nähe ein gefährlicher Sexualverbrecher entkommen sei, sie sich vorgestellt hatte, wie es wohl sein könnte ihm in die Hände zu fallen.
Er versteckte sich angeblich hier in den Wäldern und sie überlegte ernsthaft auszureiten, oder sollte sie lieber mal im Stall nach dem Rechten sehen oder dem abartigen Geschäftsfreund ihres Mannes einen Besuch abstatten?
The next Monday, Sophia took a long shower. She’d tried to think about Tom as little as possible over the weekend, but it had been hard. She thought about his lips on hers as she got coffee from the dining hall in the morning, and she thought about his practice as she read up on anesthesiology for her exam on Tuesday. She thought about Miguel too, and wished she hadn’t thought those things about his email. It made it difficult to email back with a light heart, she still hadn’t managed to reply...
The next morning, Sophia woke up with all the covers thrown off her. It was hot! She looked up at the wall next to her bed. Her room was decorated as sunnily as possible, with yellow, orange and red everywhere. She sniffed the air through the open window next to her bed. She brushed her hair back out of her face and nearly sprang out of bed. Summer was coming. It was only two weeks until she was on a plane. Finals were the only things between her and a sweet summer. It was going to be a good...
Hi everyone… Thank you one and all for reading my previous postings and providing your valuable feedback. I am in fact overwhelmed by the response I received for my postings and that has inspired me to pen down my latest experience for you lovely people out there. I am dedicating this posting to Sophia, a beautiful, hot and lovely Mexican girl. This is no fiction but a real incident that happened to me very recently and I thank ISS for this wonderful experience. I thank ISS for the fact that...
I had a pretty good four years of marriage, my husband was an accounting and I was a sectary he had his own private office and work with two other guys he hired. It took a little while to find both of them he was picky. I wanted to work with him in his office and he told me it was a bad idea for husband and wife to work together so I left it drop and just stay with my old job.While one day I came home from work early and my husband car was in the drive way, I came in the back door as I always...
It was a wet and windy day on the set of one tree hill, the cast and crew were filming a cheerleader catfight scene between the sometimes friends and rivals Rachel Gattina and Brooke Davis - played by Danneel Harris and Sophia Bush.The girls where rolling around on the ground pulling hair and ripping at each others uniforms... for the past 10 minutes, when the director yelled "CUT" that's a wrap for the day. About fuckin time screamed Sophia i'm fuckin freezing as she stormed off to her...
Hilflos, ?ngstlich, weiblich sucht By derdurchdiezeitreisende Ihr sympathisches L?cheln hebt meine Laune. Die zierliche Stewardess gef?llt mir. Mir gef?llt, wie sie sich bem?ht freundlich und adrett auf mich zu wirken. Das haben sie Ihr gut beigebracht, denke ich bei mir. Die Amerikanisierung unserer Dienstleistungsbranche und die Angst den Job zu verlieren, macht unsere Dienstboten viel unterw?rfiger. Als ich mich gen?sslich mit einem selbstgef?lligen L?cheln in den Ledersessel der ersten...
t was a lovely spring morning and I was feeling really good, after 3 months intensive yoga that had toned my body back into a sexy little hottie (even if a I say so myself) and now only one year after having my lovely baby girl Holly I am now back to looking great. My regular shopping trip took me to the butchers and I loved to chat with the gang in the shop. The four lads were fun and I must admit very fit (if a little bit dirty from the humping of raw meat). This time a gorgeous blond girl...
So she finishes rinsing me off and has me go sit in the sauna again for a few minutes. I was literally light-headed because it got so hot and steamy in the shower room. All I could think of was how crazy fucking hot she was. She was way out of my league but, I was gonna be fucking her in about 10 minutes! She opened the door and took me by the hand back to the room and told me to lay on my stomach. This is where I usually got the 5 minute "massage" that tunred into what it was supposed to be. A...
Sophia Continued Part 3 Should be read after Sophia Continued Parts 1 and 2, and all parts of Sophia by CastleStone. I make no claims to be as funny as CastleStone. I’m just trying to provide a conclusion for Don and Maria who were kind of left hanging in the wind. Also, I don’t have the gamma ray desk light that CastleStone had or his recipe book. Just maybe this part will give us that conclusion. Also I would like to give credit to Yellow Peril, CastleStone’s editor who gave me access to...
This is the second part of Sophia Continued and should be read in conjunction with part 1 and parts 1 to 4 of Sophia, by Castlestone for it to make sense. My purpose in continuing the story is to provide closure to Don and Maria in their relationship. Castlestone is a tremendous writer, and I must thank both him and also Yellowperil, Castlestone’s editor for some tremendous help. Before he became unable to contact, castlestone had completed two further chapters which he had sent to yellowperil...
Jana ist fasziniert vom Thema und während sie sanft ihre Möse streichelt, schmeißt sie die Suchmaschine an.Es gibt jede Menge Seiten zu dem Thema, von Porno-Filmchen über Geschichten und Foren Posts bis hin zu ein paar Blogs. Auf einem davon bleibt sie hängen. Er heißt “Do you want to breed”. Es stellen sich dort 4 Männer vor, welche von sich sagen, dass sie Frauen dabei helfen schwanger zu werden und sich für ihr besonders fruchtbares Sperma rühmen. Es gibt zudem einige Berichte von Frauen,...
Pia hat in der Story "Die Hütte im Wald" einiges erleben müssen. In dieser Story geht es nun mit Pias Leben und ihren neuen sexuellen Bedürfnissen weiter.
BDSMIntroduction: She cornered me in the brothel but soon were the tables turned Sophias Revenge It was a perfectly ordinary evening in Madame LOiseauxs establishment, the year was that of the great exhibition in Hyde park, 1850 I believe, I remember Chantel was obliging me as I lay upon her bed. She was sitting upon my member and pleasuring herself greatly with it as I lay back, my head upon the pillows as I rested pleasantly after returning by train and carriage to Bath after a hard day of...
Part 1. Barbara’s Story — Edited This story is a continuation to a story by Castlestone. Sophia’s story begs a continuation and conclusion and my efforts to contact castlestone have met with no success. I note from one of the comments on the last story by castlestone, that he may have been killed in an accident. I hope that isn’t correct, because it means a very inventive, witty mind is with us no longer. Before reading this story I recommend that the reader read Sophia Parts 1 to 4 by...
I came upon the biggest room I had ever seen it was twice the size of my bedroom and closet combined. It even had a little balcony off to the side and its own bathroom. I immediately claimed it as my own. I began to unpack as tears began to form in the corner of my eyes this was my first time away from home and I was scared as hell. I thought of my mom crying as I drove away. I could hear her voice now saying “I love you Sophia and be careful” I would miss my family but I fought hard for my...
Introduction: What started out as just a way to make money turned into my greatest nightmare and my greatest pleasure. This is my story.. I couldnt believe my eyes as I walked around the apartment that for the next 2 semesters would be my home thanks to the housing apartment and too many freshmen and not enough dorms for us all. Being an honor student and having skipped a grade I was deemed as mature and thus far able to live off campus with the other upperclassmen. I was 17 and living on my...
I had been beaten and clawed by my mate. I had no where else to turn. I knew no one who would save me from the mate whom I had chosen to spend the rest of my life with. The mate that I had trusted above all others. How could I have been so naive? A friend had recommended that I go to Safehouse. So I set off on my long and lonely journey to find refuge in a strange place with strange people. When I arrived at Safehouse, I felt like a true outsider. Like no one else had been through what I had...
It's time to hit the gay club. We get ready, dressed like total sluts. Corsets, stockings, heels and boots, gloves, jewles and dark make-up. The only big difference is I'm wearing my tight skinnies and you're in a red satan dress. Our colours are red and black, the colours of sin and lust. I'm mostly in black but my lips are stained red. Now that we look hot, we're ready to go catch a man.We enter the club head immerdiatly to the dance floor, bumping and grinding and getting a lot of...
Sophia's DiaryLastnight, I dreamed of a black horse. Upon waking, I looked in the dictionaryof dreams I keep in my bedside table, to see if there is any significanceto this particular night time vision. It seems a dream of a black horseis a dream of passion. Considering all that has happened in the past weeks,I am not surprised. Iread it again, noticing she had written those words the previous night, andslyly returned her diary to the walnut table where I had found it. It hadbeen a mere whim...
The scene in this chapter will be the confrontation between Sophia and her father and he relays the bad news about Jeffrey's romantic entanglements to her causing much grief and terrible heart-breaking pain. Sophia runs to Jeffrey's side and finds that he is as much depressed as she is with the previous commitment to the prearranged marriage. They decide to consummate their love regardless of the consequences and she allows him to steal her virginal status in a tender love scene played out...
Sophia was not extraordinarily beautiful. She was just an average girl but what made her so desirable to her Master was her willingness to submit to his whim. Someone told her once that it takes a woman who is completely sure of herself to be strong enough to submit. In essence, that was Sophia. To be sure, she was brought up to believe she was always right. People rarely, if ever, opposed what she said. But that persona could not have been further from the truth. Sophia didn't quite care for...
Captain Harrow discovers his daughter has written a diary in which she describes her intention to do away with herself because of her unrequited love for young Jeffrey Carstairs. He decides that his only course of action is to take the disconsolate Sophia with him on his cruise to the Indies. When he broaches the plan to her, she is adamant that she does not want to leave her beloved Jeffrey. The Captain instructs the cook to prepare her a sedative to calm her down for the journey to the dock...
When Sophia got to her dad's house, she saw that John wasn't home yet. So she texted him, "can i go on ur computer?" she asked. Careful not to make the same mistake, and stay on his good side. His answer was funny. He sent two messages. "Of course, hun. Nothing to hide!" he sent first. Then, a minute later, she got, "anymore..." She giggled, and within 10 minutes she was settled in her dad's office and browsing through all those pictures again, wondering which ones he would pick....
John didn't say anything, instead simply clicking to the next of his selected poses. The fifth picture showed a girl in a bubble bath. "I thought you might like that as a change of pace," he said. Sophia grinned. "That looks very relaxing," she observed. The bubbles of the bubble bath were floating strategically to keep the picture within the standards of the website. The sixth and last picture he'd chosen was of a girl that was clearly naked, and not in a side-on pose but head on....
Die beiden bildhübschen achtzehnjährigen Mädchen Julia und Monika leben in einem kleinen Dorf in Osteuropa in ärmlichen Verhältnissen. Seit dem Ende der Schule arbeitslos melden sie sich beide auf eine Zeitungsannonce, in der von einer Agentur Arbeit als Au Pair - Mädchen in Deutschland angeboten wird. Julia ist ein großgewachsenes Mädchen mit langen braunen Haaren und gut entwickelten Brüsten, während Monika ein eher schlankes Mädchen mit langen Beinen und einem sehr süßen, knackigen Arsch...
Mein Name ist Rebecca und in meinem bisherigen Leben habe ich immer gewusst, dass ich lesbisch bin. Das erste Mal verliebt habe ich mich mit dreizehn. Damals war ich noch verwirrt, denn meine Gefühle galten einem Mädchen aus der Parallelklasse. Leider hat sie meine Gefühle nicht erwidert - jedenfalls habe ich das vermutet, denn geoutet war ich damals noch nicht. Die ersten sexuellen Erfahrungen habe ich erst mit siebzehn Jahren gesammelt, als ich gemeinsam mit Freundinnen auf einer Party war....
Antonio und Thorsten durchstreiften seit Tagen alle Luxushotels Hamburgs auf der Suche nach einem Opfer. Victor hatte zwar immer ganz besondere Wünsche gehabt, aber diesmal war sein Begehren schon ziemlich ausgefallen. Ein mexikanischer Zuhälter namens Miguel kam in den nächsten Tagen mit seiner Familie für einige Wochen zu Besuch und verlangte zu diesem Anlass nach einer willigen Sexsklavin. Davon hatte Victor weiß Gott genug im Angebot, aber der Mann wollte keine simple hergelaufene...
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Ben war seit etwa 2 Jahren als Rechtsanwalt tätig und hielt ein kleines Büro in der Innenstadt. Die Geschäfte liefen gut, doch bei der vielen Arbeit hat er in letzter Zeit kaum noch was vor die Flinte bekommen. Dabei sah er gut aus und als Mittdreißiger stand er noch ordentlich im Saft. Um sich Entlastung im Büro zu verschaffen, hatte er sich auf die Suche nach einer Sekretärin gemacht, die ihm bei den täglichen Erledigungen im Büro unter die Arme greifen konnte. Nach zwei Wochen hatte er...
Sklavin gesucht! Sabrina Schmitz saß an ihrem Schreibtisch und studierte die Kleinanzeigen in der Tageszeitung. Nicht, das sie etwas spezielles für sich suchte, sie las alles eher aus beruflichen Gründen. Als Kommissarin der Polizei in Aachen, verfolgte sie mit ihren Kollegen im Kommissariat für organisierte Kriminalität alles was ihr ungewöhnlich erschien. So konnten sie im letzten Jahr eine internationale Hehlerbande dingfest machen, die über Kleinanzeigen Fernseher und andere elektronische...
Sklavin gesucht! Sabrina Schmitz saß an ihrem Schreibtisch und studierte die Kleinanzeigen in der Tageszeitung. Nicht, das sie etwas spezielles für sich suchte, sie las alles eher aus beruflichen Gründen. Als Kommissarin der Polizei in Aachen, verfolgte sie mit ihren Kollegen im Kommissariat für organisierte Kriminalität alles was ihr ungewöhnlich erschien. So konnten sie im letzten Jahr eine internationale Hehlerbande dingfest machen, die über Kleinanzeigen Fernseher und andere elektronische...
Hallo zusammen, ich habe irgendwann mal irgendwo eine Story gelesen die mir sehr gefallen hat…Sie hiess Vera und die Drachen.Leider habe ich sie nie komplett zu lesen bekommen, wäre aber interessiert dies nachzuholen.Zum besseren erkennen hier die Story soweit wie ich sie habe.Ursprungsautor so meiner Information Erofant.Damit zur Story, sie ist NICHT aus meiner Feder und wird auchNUR zu dem Zwecke gepostet damit jemand sie evtl identifizieren kann..Sollte jemand die Story komplett haben wäre...
Die St?ckelschuhe Episode 1 - Gesucht und gefunden! © 2003 / 2017 Lydia Lighthouse Es geschah an einem Fr?hlingstag, so wie man ihn sich am meisten w?nscht. Die Sonne schien und es war angenehm warm. Zwar lie? eine k?hle Briese hin und wieder sp?ren, dass es bis zum Sommer noch ein wenig hin war, aber dennoch wurde es zu einem der sch?nsten Tage seit Monaten. Einen Tag, auf den die sonnenausgehungerten Menschen nur gewartet hatten - und das an einem Wochenende. Folglich lie? sich ...
Ich hole alle meine Texte nach Hause, zu mir. Sei sind nicht neu, manche(r) kennt sie; ich will sie einfach nur bei mir haben. Sie erscheinen irgendwie etwas verloren - dort wo sie jetzt stehen. Zu denen, die sie das erste mal lesen, sei gesagt - sie erscheinen daher etwas aus dem Kontext gerissen, ohne Beginn und Anfang. Naja, seht selbst... Ich hätte auch noch eine Idee, aber dazu später. hier mein allererstes Kapitel: Wie reagieren die...
BDSMVisiting SonyaI enter the hospital to visit my Aunt Sonya, as I have every few days lately. She's in the final stages of cancer, and I'm very sad about that.She's not my real aunt, but she's always been like the mother to me that I wish I had. I don't mean to put my mum down. She has done her best, but when it comes to affection, I don't get any from her. Aunt Sonya has always filled that gap."Is she awake?" I ask the nurse at the station near her room."Yes, she's just had breakfast and a wash,...
SupernaturalAs the ship crosses the line and they head into the tropics, Sophia begins to adopt the simple dress of a young lad to avoid the hot confinement of the multi-layered female attire that is the norm for that time. The sight of Sophia's nicely rounded flanks walking and exercising on the deck keeps a number of the men in a state of high readiness for female companionship. She is accosted below deck on a night when the sails are becalmed and the Captain is under the weather with some sort of bug...
Sophia's degradation at the hands of the ship's officers makes her bitter with the taste of men's constant depraved lusting and scant recognition of the power of romance and a loving relationship. She is increasingly concerned about her yet-to-be born child and what the future will have in store for her. Her undying love for Jeffrey remains constant and she keeps her eyes shut when in concert with one of the ship's officers so that she can see only Jeffry's face when she is being used...
Sophia is happier than she has ever been in her whole life. She has cleaned Captain Morgan's cabin, she had his boots cleaned by one of the cabin boys who seemed bedazzled by her genteel attitude. When he closed the door behind him, she immediately would jump into his arms and offer him her lips and anything else he wanted to remove the stress of being a dangerous scourge of the seas. The villa of Captain Morgan on the island of Tortuga was spacious and well-appointed. She wandered the maze...
t was a lovely spring morning and I was feeling really good, after 3 months intensive yoga that had toned my body back into a sexy little hottie (even if a I say so myself) and now only one year after having my lovely baby girl Holly I am now back to looking great. My regular shopping trip took me to the butchers and I loved to chat with the gang in the shop. The four lads were fun and I must admit very fit (if a little bit dirty from the humping of raw meat). This time a gorgeous blond girl...
In this chapter Captain Jack Harrow goes to the Carstairs Estate for a shooting party with his old friend Colonel Lionel Carstairs. They reminisce about the war and the topic turns to young Jeffrey and his prospects. It comes out in the conversation that the son is already betrothed to a Miss Priscilla Honeywell in another town and that they will be wed as soon as Jeffrey completes his studies at Cambridge University. Captain Harrow confides to the elder Carstairs that he will make every...
Captain Harrow's illness lingers and he starts to hallucinate with the high temperature. Sophia begins to notice her morning sicknesses and diagnoses her nausea as more likely a side effect of carrying a child and not from seasickness, a condition from which she had never suffered before. When her father suddenly succumbs to the malady, she is shunted into the first mate's cabin and becomes a plaything for the officers of the ship. She accepts her new status with a degree of realism knowing...
Captain Morgan and Sophia soon become like oil and water. She takes every opportunity to belittle his actions and his appearance. He treats her with distain as if she were a piece of property that he is merely using for his own pleasure. His attitude infuriates her to the point that she wants to strike him with her fist but she realizes he is far stronger and would not hesitate to pull her across his knee and assault her dignity with a bottom spanking that would redden her skin and probably...
Sophia went back down on the floor, in front of the coffee table, and clicked to the third picture. “Aha, this is that wet one,” she remarked. “Don’t worry, dad, I have plan for these.” Without further explanation, she ran out of the room and returned with a number of towels from the bathroom. Seeing where it was going, John made a suggestion. “How about ... we do these ones that involve water in the bathroom?” Sophia looked surprised - the thought hadn’t occurred to her. She shrugged, and...
They sat for a while, without talking. John seemed to be daydreaming, while his daughter Sophia, sprawled naked on the living room floor, clicked through some of the pictures they’d taken earlier on her laptop. A little bit out of the blue, Sophia returned to their previous conversation topic. “Do people really do that? I mean, be nudist?” John considered. “I guess so. You hear about it, but I guess it’s kind of one of those things people don’t publicize if they do it, because other people...
Let me tell you a little about my neighbor Lisa. Lisa is a sexy little plumper blond, 5’8” tall with a 40DD-34-38 body that looks so hot in a t-shirt and shorts. I have lived next door to her for 4 years, and we have gotten to be pretty good friends. I often fantasize about us being more than friends, but she hasn’t shown any interest in me in that way, and I don’t want to make things uncomfortable between us if she’s not interested in me sexually, so I don’t push the subject. We spend...
It was only a matter of a few hours before a call to Karen brought her to Laura's apartment. They saw each other only rarely now, but each was there for the other in moments of need. And Laura understood her own need. It was almost impossible to deny. She knew she felt the need of punishment, for being so perverted as to want Yvette in the first place. And she also needed physical pain to drive away the mental and emotional anguish of losing the girl. Rob, she knew, could give her both, but...
Firstly this is a 100% true story, none of that made up BSIt was a Saturday night and me and Sash had been out clubbing, blowing off some steam from the long week of work that had just past. We arrived home about 3:30am hot, sweaty, and horny. like we usually did after a long night out. When we got in we were both desperate for the toilet (alcohol will do that to a person). As we both went for the bathroom at the same time, both jokingly pulling each other back so we could get to the toilet...
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She awoke with a start. Max was leaning over her, a concerned look on his face.“Miss McVey, are you all right?” He had loosed her trenchcoat and was in the process of helping her sit up. Darcie tried to struggle to her feet. Max’s hand, surprisingly strong, pulled her to standing. She smiled at him gratefully, then as her head cleared, she wiped the smile from her face and looked around, blinking. She said, “I guess I just. . . blacked out for a minute there.”“I can get a physician for you,”...
Caleb had considered his dilemma during the three hour drive to Austin. He had no doubt that Scotty considered him a friend, and maybe even a good friend. How the seasoned politician would react to his questions, information, and idea was anybody's guess. It was with some trepidation that he approached the ornate front desk at the Four Seasons Hotel and Resort. "Good morning, sir," the perky voiced girl behind the counter greeted him. "How may I help you this morning?" "Good...
The day of Hank Wilson's funeral was finally near an end. As Janie drove to her brother Joel's house, Joel's girlfriend, Cat, was also on her way home. At Sara's, Janie and Joel's mom, the guests had gone and Sara and her brother Dan, lay side by side on the couch, both exhausted from the rousing sex they had enjoyed with Ann Bender and Ben Davis. Dan and Sara agreed that they wanted more time with the slightly older couple. As Cat Angelo drove home from her afternoon of lovemaking...
“WHERE THE FUCK WERE YOU?” Man, that came out of the blue. I left Fundamentals class and caught up with Melody to tell her the good news about my scholarship and racquetball, and before I could get a word out she explodes at me. She really doesn’t swear that much, so her language took me by surprise. “What do you mean?” “I waited in the study lounge till midnight! We were going to work on our Fundies presentations together. You never showed up and then you waltz in here this morning and...
Jo got out of bed and walked into the hallway and picked up her cell. She dialed Tommy’s number and waited for him to answer. When I heard her start to talk to Tommy, I got out of bed and walked up behind her. I put my arms around her and began to caress her breasts as my now hard cock slid into the crack of her ass. “Please Tommy. I really need you to open uuuupppp…..” she moaned as I pulled on her nipple. “No nothing is wrong…I’m fine. I just have something to do. Ohhhhhh…” she moaned as I...
So me my husband use to drink a lot and play cards with his brother. Sometimes when he was at work we'd sext or play or add fantasies to the mix. sometimes I'd cuckold him or send him pictures of me being a good naughty Hotwife. So we was drinking the one night and I was flirting hard core with his brother well my husband decided to go around the corner to pee and the go out the door next to the bathroom to smoke. I kissed my brother in law grabbed his belt dropped his pants and sucked his dick...
So I reached Delhi in 2 days n I had many friends 4m Delhi .We all were 3 people a sir, a man n I .So we reached at night booked a flat n had diner n went to sleep .Friends then I thought to chat n I had many gf on chatting so I met many gals of Delhi but they were far I was in MODEL TOWN so I remembered one of my gf from there so I waited for 1 hour. She had cm 4 chatting n I was excited I told her everything she I told her of the hotel where we are (LANDMARK HOTEL) she told I will cal u in...
Eventually, Loren yawned a jaw-cracking yawn. I chuckled. “Well, it’s after midnight. I guess you’re entitled.” “Really? It didn’t seem like we’d been out here all that long. I guess it has, since the fires burning low, and the marshmallows are gone.”, she smirked. “I don’t know about you, but I’m pretty well ready for bed.” “Oh, me too, now that I think about it. It’s been an eventful day on several levels.” “That is has, my Dear, that it has!” I stood up and extended a hand to help...
The first of the girls to come in with Sarah was Rosie, now the longest serving member of the staff of working tarts. She had arrived on the opening day, according to her file, badly injured by Karl and had not actually started to work for three weeks after that. Of the others who were auctioned that day, Linda had died of a mysterious fever some years earlier, Sancha had been sold to a mine manager and had ended up in a dormitory when he tired of her, Carol was sold to Arthur but was now...
Book I - Awakening dealt with a 48 hour period where our heroine realizes and actuates her sissy-self. Book II continues her coming of age story and covers the next 72 hours of Dani's vacation as she is introduced to further aspects of her new life. Although each Book is intended to stand on its own as complete, the reader is urged to first read Book I. It is rated X, and deservedly so, as there is graphic sex together with all sorts of other wonderfully kinky things. Please be of...