Sophia Ch. 02 free porn video

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The next morning, Sophia woke up with all the covers thrown off her. It was hot! She looked up at the wall next to her bed. Her room was decorated as sunnily as possible, with yellow, orange and red everywhere. She sniffed the air through the open window next to her bed. She brushed her hair back out of her face and nearly sprang out of bed. Summer was coming. It was only two weeks until she was on a plane. Finals were the only things between her and a sweet summer. It was going to be a good day, she could feel it.

On the train again, Sophia’s mood stayed light. She watched people on the train, rather than studying, allowing herself these few minutes off. She kicked off her sandals and tucked her legs underneath her. This morning, she had put on a light, yellow dress that fell to her knees and covered her shoulders (work rule). She grinned to herself. She felt giddy and happy and altogether as though finals didn’t start tomorrow.

She hopped off the train when it stopped and started to walk leisurely towards the café. She thought she was on time, and anyways, even if she wasn’t, what could matter on such a fine day? She felt the sun on her neck, under her drawn up hair, and thought unexpectedly of Miguel. She wondered how he was and how tall Lucia had grown.

And then her thoughts turned suddenly to Tom. That man from the café. He and Miguel had nothing to do with each other, of course. Miguel was a sweet, serious man who looked after his sister and was passionate about La Casa Soleada. Tom was an arrogant, flirtatious man who worked for rich people and was so full of himself he couldn’t take a hint. And she wasn’t interested in either of them, not that way. But in the warm sunlight and light breeze, she was inclined to be lenient in her judgments. Eh, Tom probably wasn’t that bad, for the right person. To each her own.

The morning passed quickly as Sophia chatted with customers. The usual group of regulars came by, and several complimented her on her dress. Everyone was in a good mood, due to the weather. Halfway through her shift, Nina came up behind her. ‘You know, if that man comes by while you’re wearing this, you won’t be able to get away this time.’

Sophia laughed lightly. ‘Oh, I’m ready for anything today.’

Nina looked disbelievingly at her. ‘I’m watching you, girl. Sweet, quiet Sophia acting dangerously—not a good sign.’

At his now usual time, Tom Anderson walked in the door. Sophia was at the register, as usual, and watched him approach. She was ready to come back with something sarcastic when he asked her for a date. ‘Yes?’ she asked.

‘A small chai latte.’ He smiled mischievously at her. Wow, his eyes got all crinkly when he did that. She suddenly felt uncomfortable.

‘Sure. $2.35. Coming right up.’ He didn’t try to touch her hand when he gave her the money. What was that about? Had he given up? His smile told her otherwise. She watched his retreating back suspiciously.

When she brought his coffee, she smiled at him, ready to believe he’d given up and was now going to be a good regular customer. ‘Good day?’ she asked.

‘Sure. Not too busy. And yours?’

‘Great. Couldn’t be otherwise, with this beautiful weather. I can’t wait for the summer.’

‘This has been a long winter, hasn’t it?’

‘The longest.’

‘Nice dress.’ He looked her up and down appreciatively.

‘Thanks. It’s in honor of this wonderful day.’

‘Why not sit? You don’t have any customers at the moment.’

She thought about it and then thought, what the hell. She sat.

‘There we go. So, what classes are you taking? At Columbia.’

‘Well, two bio classes, one great and one horrible. A statistics class, and then my favorite, a class on Pablo Neruda.’

‘Really?’ He leaned forward and she didn’t lean back. ‘I’ve got his complete anthology at home. In English, of course. Do you like him?’

‘Oh, he’s wonderful. I think his love poems are the only ones I can take seriously.’ She felt excited to have found a poetry reader.

‘How so?’ He looked interested too.

‘Well, you know, love is the most overdone subject in poetry. Sometimes love poems try to be too strong and just come out limp. But his poems—they suck you in.’

‘You know what? I know what you mean. There’s something magnetic about the way he writes. Even in translation. Do you speak Spanish? Are you reading the original?’

She wondered whether or not to end the conversation. But he seemed to only have a friendly interest in her, and she was glad of the opportunity to talk to someone interesting. ‘Yes and yes. I was born in Venezuela, and I didn’t move here until I was 14.’

‘Really? You have no accent.’

‘My mother’s first language was English. She was an interpreter at the American Embassy in Caracas.’

‘Wow, pretty international. So how’d you get interested in medicine?’

‘Well, every summer I go back to Venezuela and work at a children’s clinic. I’m just an assistant, but I guess that’s what sparked my interest. What about you?’

He leaned back and she could see his expression cloud a bit. ‘Oh, I got interested in college, and I switched from math to bio. Not a very interesting story.’ He looked at her, and she felt startled again at how green his eyes were.

‘Sophia!’ Nina called from the counter. ‘Customer!’

‘Oh, wow, I gotta go. Sitting down on the job and all that.’ She hastily stood up and she could feel him looking at her legs.

‘Wait.’ He reached out and touched her arm: their first contact today. ‘How about this Friday, tomorrow? I swear I’m not as creepy as I’ve come off these past few days. You just… intrigued me.’ He kept his hand on her arm, and she pulled it away carefully. She wasn’t in that good a mood. He fixed her eyes with his, and she began to feel a little fidgety.

She looked at him and considered for a long moment. He really didn’t seem creepy. And he’d backed off a bit, which made her feel better. ‘You know what? What the hell. Okay.’ She held her hands up in surrender.

‘Really?’ He looked up at her and grinned a wonderful, boyish grin, like the kid who’d just got the last cookie.

‘Sure, why not?’

‘Great! Where can I pick you up? Columbia?’ He got a memo pad and pen out of his jacket pocket.

‘Nah, just tell me where to meet you.’ She wasn’t going to let him make this a real date.

He put his memo pad away. ‘Okay, well, how about at the southwest corner of Washington Square Park? I guess we can walk from there.’ He looked a little annoyed.

She smiled sweetly. ‘That will be fine. Since I guess you’re picking the restaurant, what time?’

‘Seven.’ He grinned again. ‘But I get to drive you back.’

‘Whatever,’ she said, turning and walking from the table. Just because she’d given in didn’t mean she had to act like her life depended on the details of the date. She glanced back to see how he was taking it, and saw with dismay that he was still grinning.

‘See you then,’ he said, as he saluted her and walked out the door.

Wow, it worked, he thought in amazement. He was very careful the whole way through to not make any advances he wouldn’t want her mother seeing. But then what was that about meeting him somewhere instead of letting him pick her up? Did she have a boyfriend? He’d never thought of that possibility. Then again, she’d seemed so thrown off by his come-ons that it seemed unlikely. No, she was too shy.

For some reason, he felt more excited about this date then he’d felt about all his previous ‘Fridays.’ This one had taken work, and plus, Sophia wasn’t exactly his run-of-the-mill choice. He’d have to turn the charm on high to make sure this evening would end with them both at her room. He thought about taking her back to his apartment, but quickly shook himself. He wasn’t going to break his rule now, just because she was a little different.

That night, tucked in her lit
tle room, Sophia found it a little difficult to study. She had her first biology final tomorrow, but for some reason, the fine points of gene duplication seemed to give sudden rise to thoughts of Tom. She thought about his eyes and his hands. Was she nuts? This is exactly why she had a policy of not dating. Here she was, the day before her final, unable to concentrate just because some man made eyes at her. She sighed. This was going to be a long night.


The next day, as Sophia sat her final, she realized that not only did she have trouble concentrating because visions of a strange man kept popping into her head, she was also excited. She wanted to go on this date. It was a strange realization. She turned herself fiercely back to her exam paper. Not now!

Tom also found it a little difficult to concentrate that day. It was just because she’s not a normal date, he told himself. What would they talk about? What would he say to her? She didn’t seem to go for the suave compliment. And he had to keep this evening moving. He told himself it was because he wanted a reward at the end of the night, but some sneaky little voice in the back of his head told him he also wouldn’t mind seeing her again. He shook himself. He was usually able to keep the women he saw and his work completely separate, but now, thoughts of Sophia’s smile and hair and legs were intruding on the operating room. Hmmm.

Sophia stumbled back to her dorm room. That exam was quite long enough, thank you. All errant thoughts of Tom had disappeared as the test gained momentum, and now all she wanted to do was sleep. She unlocked her door and threw herself onto her bed, face-first. She fumbled around and found the alarm clock, which she set to 5:00, and fell fast asleep.

Beepbeepbeep! Beepbeepbeep! Sophia awoke with a jerk and scrambled to hit the off button on her alarm. Her legs, still weak from sleep, slipped out from under her, and she landed with a hard thump on the floor. She groaned and leaned her head back on her bed. She turned it slightly to look at the time. For a moment of panic, she thought it read 5am. She almost scrambled to her feet before she realized it was 5pm. Her heart rose and sank at the same time. It was good, really, that she didn’t stand him up. But a small, vindictive part of her wished she had, even inadvertently. He didn’t seem like the type that happened to very often.

‘Are you alright?’ Gary, her neighbor, peeked his head around the door. ‘What’re you doing on the floor?’

She sighed and grinned at him. ‘My clothes had this sudden urge to become closer to the earth from whence they came, and I had no choice but to oblige.’

‘Ah,’ he said, as he sat in her chair. ‘That’s alright then. Need help?’

‘Nah, I got it,’ she said, as she dragged herself upright. ‘I just took a nap after getting pummeled by my biology exam. Oh, I completely forgot to ask, how’s James?’

Gary flipped open her laptop with a little frown on his face. ‘James is no more.’

‘Really? I thought your first date went well.’ She went to the sink to wash her face.

‘Yeah, well, the second was a complete dud. It soon became clear that he wasn’t, well, my type.’ He said this carefully.

‘What,’ she breathed, through splashes of water, ‘was he, heaven forbid, neat?’

Gary gave her a pained expression. ‘Not neat. Anal. Completely. He sent back his plate FOUR times on our last date. Clearly, it wasn’t going to work out.’

She laughed. ‘Okay, okay.’

‘So, what’re you up to tonight? I was gonna head over to a screening of Psycho- couples get in free. Wanna be my date?’

‘Sorry, Gary, I’ve got a real date.’

Gary started and almost fell of his chair. ‘What? Say that again, I’m sorry, I must have an unusual build-up of earwax. I thought you said you had a real date, but we both know that can’t be true.’

‘It is.’

‘Wait, why didn’t I hear about this? What’s he like? Where’d you meet him? Is he cute?’

Sophia offhandedly filled him in on the details. ‘Now move, I want to check my email.’

He wouldn’t budge. ‘Now wait just a moment. You say your date is at 7? It’ll take you at least a half hour to get there, you silly girl. It’s 5:45 now, and you haven’t taken a shower, or, I assume, chosen what to wear. Well, never fear.’ He stood up and grabbed her shower tote and thrust it at her. ‘You go take your shower and primp and all that, and I’ll pick what you should wear. Go on now,’ he insisted, over her protests. He pushed her out of the room with an imperious wave of his hand.

She took a nice, hot shower that washed some of the weariness out of her limbs and brain. It was a public shower, but she had long gotten used to walking around the dorm in her towel. She wrapped it around her and stood in front of one of the mirrors and began combing her hair out. When it was down, which it rarely was during the year, it fell just past her shoulders. Usually, she liked it out of her way, but right now, she admired the effect it made around her face. She felt a thrill of excitement.

She knocked on her own door. ‘Well, am I allowed in my room yet?’

Gary opened the door, grinning. ‘I found the perfect thing.’ He swept her into the room. ‘It’s gonna be a bit chilly tonight- I checked the weather. So here it is,’ he said, pointing her to the outfit laid out on her bed. It was a pair of white, tight pants that she didn’t usually like to wear, and a dark red, simply cut spaghetti-strap dress that fell to just above her knees.

‘Gary, you know I don’t like to wear either of those things during the year.’

‘Oh yes, I know, because white pants and red dresses might bring down your GPA. You gotta watch those clothes, they’re tricky.’ He sighed in exasperation. ‘At least try them on.’

‘Okay, okay,’ she said, waving him out of the room. She changed into the outfit Gary had picked and looked in the mirror. Not bad. She didn’t like how the white pants hugged her pelvis so tightly, but the dress covered that. The outfit made her look… happy, for some reason.

‘Come in, Gary,’ she called.

Gary opened the door and whistled. ‘Sheesh, Sophia, if I was straight…. But you gotta get out the door soon.’

‘Yeah, I know,’ she said from her computer, where she had already sat down to check her email. There was another message from Miguel, and she was just about to click on it when Gary pulled her out of her seat.

‘Not now, you silly. Go on, here’s your purse. Have fun, dear.’

She grabbed for a hairband, but he snatched it out of her hand. ‘Don’t even think about it. You look gorgeous. Someone has to have to successful date this week.’

‘What if I don’t want it to be successful?’ she asked, as she obediently walked out the door, not waiting for an answer. She felt a fleeting guilt at the thought of Miguel’s message in her inbox. Why should she feel guilty about that? No reason, except that Miguel’s warm face kept popping into her mind as she walked towards her date with Tom.

After coming home from his rotation, Tom dressed meticulously in black dress pants and a dark blue, button down shirt. For some reason, he felt a little apprehensive. He wanted to make a good impression, he told himself. That’s all. He quickly changed his slip-on shoes to some low-rise black boots with laces.

As he drove his BMW towards Washington Square Park, he told himself that this was going to be a one-night date. It wasn’t going to become two or three dates. Sure, Sophia caught his interest, but so had many women before. But… her obvious passion and serious nature were unusual for the women he usually chased after. And he didn’t really understand her. That was attractive. He quickly pulled into a parking spot and realized that she may not have wanted him to pick her up because she didn’t trust him not to kidnap her or something. He grinned. That would be fun, but probably illegal in several ways. Plus, then she’d never like him.

He hopped out
of his car and then he saw her, turning the corner. She hadn’t seen him yet and was looking around with a puzzled expression. He ducked quickly behind a tree, so he could get a longer look at her before she saw him. Wow, that was some dress. It showed off her nice shoulders and emphasized her small, round breasts. Plus, the pants, even though they were partially covered by the dress, flaunted her long legs. And her hair was down, framing her face beautifully. He realized he was actually hiding now. He felt a little intimidated. He chuckled at himself, took a breath, and stepped out from behind the tree. ‘Sophia Morales, you are a beautiful woman.’

She jumped and turned towards him. ‘Oh. I mean, thanks. I mean, I’m not, but thanks.’ She fidgeted with her purse and her hair fell into her face.

He laughed at her and relaxed. No, she wasn’t intimidating after all. Her fumbling was cute. ‘Whatever you say, little tiger. Now, why wouldn’t you let me pick you up?’

She raised her head and suddenly looked more confident. ‘Because I didn’t want you to get the idea that this was a real date,’ she said, defiantly.

He chuckled and offered her his arm. ‘Well, I’m afraid you’ve failed. I’m definitely under the impression that this is as real as dates get. Me and a beautiful girl going to dinner together on a Friday night… hmmm, seems like a date to me.’ When she didn’t take his offer, he gently caught her hand and tucked it into his arm. ‘You’ll have to forgive me if I’m old-fashioned,’ he said, grinning at her.

They walked towards the restaurant he’d picked out and talked. After the initial uncomfortable moments, Sophia seemed to relax and talk more easily. They chatted about Venezuela, his job, and her school. Tom noticed that when she relaxed a little, her face smoothed out and her hands flew gracefully as she talked. He found himself staring at her and laughing at all her jokes. He liked to hold back and let women show their interest first, but this time he couldn’t help it.

When he pointed out the restaurant he’d chosen, classy but not too dressy, he could feel her stiffen a little. He pressed her arm and steered her smoothly into the restaurant. To his great surprise, she let herself be steered and sat down almost docily at her seat. She looked around a little timidly.

He was amused to see that she continued to be subdued when the waiter came, and let him order for her. Then he leaned over. ‘Is there something wrong? The little tiger seems to be suspiciously quiet.’

She fidgeted uncomfortably with her napkin. ‘No,’ she said slowly, ‘I just don’t usually go to places like this.’

He laughed lightly. ‘That’s why you get a date to take you. That’s the only reason you agreed to go, right?’

She gave him a half-smile. ‘No, I agreed to go because the weather made me lose my head and I wanted you to stop bothering me. Though the nice restaurant is a perk.’

‘Ouch! Right to the heart!’ He feigned a wounded air but was pleased to see her relax a bit. ‘Surely there are other nice parts?’

She grinned at him, almost mischievously. ‘Perhaps,’ she said carefully, taking a slice of bread from the basket in front of them.

He didn’t press the matter, but instead tried to be as gentlemanly charming as possible without stepping over her appropriateness line. And for some reason, he didn’t have an urge to make sexual comments or innuendos. Must be her age. She is awful young. How young?

‘I hope you don’t mind my asking, but how old are you? In a ballpark way?’ he asked, almost tentatively.

‘I’m going to be 21 this summer. And you?’

‘I’m an old geezer. 28. Medical school takes time.’ He breathed out. So not exactly straight out of the cradle, but not experienced either.

‘I can imagine. Where’d you go for medical school?’

They got off on the topic of medical school and Tom’s career. He watched Sophia go through her now familiar stages of transformation as she got into the subject. He tried to keep his mind on the topic, but hey, he was a man, and her hair kept falling to the sides of her face and brushing the tops of her breasts. Damn, was that distracting. And the fact that she was all lit up at the moment didn’t help either. All of a sudden he realized she’d asked him a question. ‘I’m sorry, what did you ask?’

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You watch as you parent drive away. The old family car filled to the brim with suitcase and the like. You smiled a nice, friendly smile until they were out of sight. "Yes" you said to yourself. Now the house was all yours. "No chores, no rules, no parents" you said to yourself as you walk in the house. Your three sister right behind you. Alex, the oldest. She stood 5'7, chocolate brown hair that hung just below her shoulders. Her full athletic form, filled her track pant and pull over hoodie....

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A cucumber a Penis and an Olive

A cucumber, an olive and a penis are talking.The cucumber says "I hate my life, when I get big fat and juicy they cut me up and put me in salad."The olive says "That's nothing, when I get big fat and juicy they cut me up and put me on pizza."The penis says "You think you have it bad, when I get big fat and juicy they put me in a bag, throw me in a cave, shut the door and leave me there till I throw up"

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The GameChapter 11

The weeks following the tournament were eventful indeed. One evening as the two women lay in each others arms after an especially romantic round of lovemaking, Coleen looked to her lover. "Even though you broached the subject at the tournament, I want very much to marry you, Sienna." "Coleen, I do love you but -- I think you know why I said what I did at the tournament." "Yes, you got us out of a very sticky predicament. But you also said you meant it." "I did, but not...

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TURNAROUND by Geneva In the German Thirty Years War an emotionally crippled assassin is outmanoeuvred by a Gypsy girl. She uses him to get revenge and he gets a chance at a new life. "Who," I asked, "is Count Von Meissner?" Bishop Alvarez looked up from the documents and maps on his table and stared at me. "My dear Heinrich, he is a potential enemy of the Holy Roman Emperor, and of the Church. Some think he may invade in support of the Calvinists. This war has been going on...

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ExploitedCollegeGirls Megan 01242019

Bubbly, cute and so young looking we had to check her ID twice. 18 year old Megan had our man Cam’s dick at attention from the very start, in fact he couldn’t wait to get this video going! It’s her first porn shoot but we’re pretty sure she’s going to be big after this one! It’s hard to resist such a petite lolita with such perfect 18 year old breasts and tight teen pussy, but then again, who’d want to? It doesn’t hurt that she’s such an...

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The Lunch

Both of us had the day off work and, since our other halves wereworking and the k**s were being taken care of, we decided to go outfor a long lunch together far away from where anyone wouldrecognise us.  We arrived at the restaurant, an intimate littleitalian place, and were seated at a cozy table for two.  As we hadnowhere specific to be for a while we ordered some champagne andenjoyed the feeling of freedom and intimacy as the bubbles went toour heads a little.  You were delighting in the...

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A King and His QueenChapter 39 Catrsquos Farewell

Saturday afternoon, Raven and Scarlet sat on the couch watching Cat suck on Andrew’s cock like a baby sucking its thumb. Eyes closed, her head was resting in his lap, his cock was in her mouth, and she was sucking on it gently. There was a look of contentment on her face. Andrew’s head was rolled backwards and his eyes were closed. Little tremors ran through his body at times. The sensation she produced was enough to keep him erect, but not enough to bring him to climax. They had been like...

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10 Book2Chapter 6

Pain was everywhere when I woke up. Somebody was holding me and causing more pain. I tried to curl up to at least avoid some of it but it didn't work. "Piper, snap out of it. We need you. Forget the pain. It's in your own mind." More pain came to my face as my head was violently moved to one side. Three more surges made my head ring even more and I tried to crawl away from it. A sudden shock came to my face but it was cold water. It went up my nose and in my mouth. I began to sputter...

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Late Spring in Omaha

Late spring in Omaha (revised) Introduction: This story is an extensively rewritten version of the original that first appeared in 'Fictionmania' on (5-21-08 ). This is a story of fiction set in the 23rd century. The world has still not recovered from a gender specific plague that devastated the Earth in early twenty first century. Some technological advances have been made, but societal norms are very standard, if a bit twisted. This is an introductory story for...

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Annie and the Neighbors

I had been in the backyard working the flowerbeds and in over an hour I had accomplished very little. The reason for the lack of progress was sitting in a lounge chair about sixty feet away and she was wearing two strips of yellow cloth, no bigger than Band-Aids on a body that was designed by the Devil to get men like me in trouble. I had been casting lustful glances at Amber ever since she was a very early teen. It is very hard not to look at a fifteen-year-old girl who looks and acts...

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The Widow Ch 26

Passion in James County XII: The Widow Chapter twenty-six Larry was nervous when he drove up in front of Fran’s house a few days later. He had been thinking about asking her to marry him for some time, and decided that tonight, when she was coming to his place for the first time, was the correct time to do it. He had no sense of how Joanne would respond to his proposal and was extremely nervous about how the evening would come out. Joanne greeted Larry at the door. He looked at her and his...

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Its All About Faith Pt 08

by Phillip Johnson Chapter One Hundred Twenty Four Over a year had passed since they had been to Discovery and the four of them got together for an early Saturday dinner. Layla mentioned that she would have a few days off starting the next Friday through the following Monday and she said, ‘I really need to get away. The last two months have been wicked.’ Mitch laughed and said, ‘I know, let’s go to Discovery.’ ‘You are joking right?’ ‘Yes and no. Okay, how about this. The four of us go up...

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BongaCams Squirt

I’m not going to get into the debate of whether squirting orgasms are real or not, but I believe it’s part of the reason the niche is so popular. Which explains why babes who show off their squirting skills on live shows have always been in high demand. I bet we can all agree that a chick who can launch a hot pussy juice fountain out of their vagina will only make your fap sessions sexier. Well, the popularity of the niche has led to several live cam platforms hosting an onslaught of these...

Live Squirt Cams
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Dreaming Of Jesse Part One

I began writing the letter to my best friend Nina, to try to tell her what happened. To tell her it wasn’t entirely my fault what had happened between her husband and I. That he had part in it too, and that I’m sorry. I really didn’t mean for it to happen. My house had caught on fire and it was impossible to find another place at this time of the year. Two weeks away from Christmas, no one was worried about renting right now. So I called Nina, who I had been friends with for years and told her...

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Mommy has some fun

First off ill tell you some stuff about me. i'm 5 ft 7 in tall, with jet black hair that goes to my eyes, and i'm very muscular (like vin disel muscles),and i'm 20 years old. I may still live with my mom and dad, but I pull my own weight around the house ok. I have a 9-10 in cock about 1-2 thick, so I am not un-known to sexual activity. Now my mother in 5 ft 2 in tall, with a petite body frame, some would say she is very delicate, she has waist length blonde hair and the brightest blue eyes,...

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Clive and The Twins

Clive was a single dad with a daughter who he shared custody with his ex-wife so he spent half his time with Amber and half on his own which suited him and he made sure he made the best of his time with Amber. Clive had just got a call from his ex to say that Amber had the flu and wouldn’t be coming this week which was a shame as the plan was for two of her best friends Lyn and Beth were due to come after school for a weekend sleepover and to use his PC for some school project which Clive had...

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A Lonely Transmission

: : : : : Emergency broadcast detected. : : : : : : : : : : Boosting signal. : : : : : : : : : : Recording. : : : : : And another thing had tumbled into my body. Freakin' debris. It gets everywhere. Can't a corpse get some peace? It already looks so beaten up. Strange. The face still looks like it is just taking a nap. In the freezer that is. Oh. Wait. The transmission. It started. Hi! To everyone out there that might pick up this broadcast. I need help. And please ignore my...

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EvilAngel Francesca Le Charlie Valentine Anal Lesbian 3Way

Lovely, longhaired brunette Charlie Valentine looks hot teasing poolside in a skimpy yellow bikini. The petite, slender vixen eagerly anticipates her nasty threesome with married co-directors Francesca Le and Mark Wood. She spreads her rear cheeks to show off her sphincter, whimpering when busty MILF Francesca rims her bunghole. The babes make out through a kinky lesbian intro. Next, they welcome thickly hung Mark with a raunchy double blowjob. From there, Francesca films while her hubby...

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Amsterdam by Jennifer to Porn Poet Peter

Lost and found, sweet start of a long love story of sex and spankingI had just turned 18 and was so looking forward to this vacation to Amsterdam but things were just not working out. First the Airline misplaced my luggage so the only thing I had to wear was a short thin sun dress and then the Hotel I was supposed to stay at had overbooked so I had no place to stay so as I wandered down the street I sat down on a bench and started to cry. I had no idea but right across from me was a business...

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Market ForcesChapter 27 The Abduction of Helen

With the web site launch done, I had some time to devote to the Questor's project. I know I shouldn't really go on operations but it's hard to resist the adrenalin rush and besides, Freddie and Harry both seemed happy that I was getting involved. "Just as long as there are no vodka bottles around," said Harry with a smirk. Plus, of course, Hannani had been keen for me to handle things personally and the customer is always right. I've always liked the Ashmolean Museum. Not a lot of...

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all rights reserved, 2012 I knew who he was referring to… the guest of honor, Giovanni Marcello. We found the handsome, dark-haired man in the center of the room, surrounded by several of the company’s chief officers, fawning over him, hoping for his signature on the contracts waiting back at the office. As we approached, the man’s husky, deeply accented voice was the only one heard. Even with some stumbling over English, I had to admit it sounded melodic. ‘Giovanni,’ my boss, Bill Weston,...

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Save the First Dance Part 2

Chapter 5 The subway ride home for Jason was an unexpected challenge. Daniel and Charlotte had told him that the physical change which he had accomplished was nothing at the challenge of unlearning 20 some years of gender specific behaviour. Aware of the challenge ahead, they suggested to him to embrace being feminine as much as possible. Changing in and out of male and female roles would leave him confused at times and potentially acting inappropriately. Best to maintain a female...

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My Naked Walk Home

Last night I did something I have been afraid I would do, but also dreaming of for a long time. I walked out to my car stark naked - filming myself with a Go Pro on a selfie stick - and started driving. I drove all the way through my neighborhood and then along the main road that passed a large local shopping center with several large parking for several hundred cars. After driving slowly forth and back past the center I stepped out of the car - stark naked of course - since I brought no...

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With Widow Aunt

Hi readers, nice to share a small experience in my life.This happened 2 weeks back. We went to native for a function had to return after two days since I need to finish some assignments.I had some sort of sexual feelings toward a widow aunty who is brown in color with OK boobs n good ass.She was there on that day and I booked the tickets for both of us. The bus started at 7:30 pm. Once the bus started we started chatting generally. She told me that her husband loved her a lot and was sorry of...

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Don and Dexter

Don and Dexter I got up without the alarm clock, as I usually do. Something just tells me when it's time; maybe the singing of the birds. Out beyond our driveway the sky was turning a lemon chiffon color, although I could not yet see the sun. Wednesday. How amazing to realize that I had only been here one week so far; yet so many things had happened! I sat up and stretched my arms as high as they could go. It was nice to smell the world, now that I did not have to lock the...

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Cat killed the curiosity

Going on online chat rooms. Looking through the list of chatters for women. Private messaging them with a/s/l. If they answer that then you look for an opening. Easy and subtle questions to start with. Inserting emojis. Smiles and winking faces. If they reply with similar emojis you take it up a notch. What are you doing tonight? Single? What do you look like? You look for signs in their answers that they are completely ok with these questions. You want to get them onto talking about sex or...

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Sauna Operation OverlordChapter 8

Some people just can't leave an idea alone! The armed boats seemed such a good idea that there just had to be a way to salvage the inspiration. After a lot of head scratching and discussion, the idea of a basic modification in the boats came to mind. Somebody suggested that the whole problem could be solved by redesigning the boats! The current boats had a rounded bottom and a sort-of keel; why not change to a flat-bottomed boat with a width great enough to overcome the tendency for the boat...

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Natalie demore

Nicolette is studying and working on an essay due for her nursing diploma but Jade is such a distraction that Nicolette reminds her about their rental agreement that in place of rent, Nicolette can tie up Jade where ever and when ever she wants. So she takes her into the bedroom and begins tying her up. Jade tries to trick her into sex but Nicolette won't have it. Jade is tied up with a strict crotchrope, and gagged. Jade still interrupts her again, so Nicolette has no choice but to give her an...

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Four Girls A Guy and Spaceship

In the year 2023, Roger Anthony and four other astronauts were placed in suspended animation and launched into space, for what was supposed to be the first manned mission to the outer planets of the Solar System. Unfortunately, their ship's computer experienced a malfunction and did not wake them prior to the point of deceleration. This eventuality had been predicted, and mission control would have dealt with the problem, had not mankind been ravaged and civilization brought down by a...

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Julia of Ancient Rome

JULIA of ANCIENT ROME.I.The feast had been vast and stretched way into the night. It was now 6 o’clock and the serving slaves of the evening were thankfully joined by the early rising cleaning drudges. The majority of clearing up had been accomplished but some of these wretches had been constantly on the go for twenty hours. A banquet of this magnitude took much preparation; then there were the serving duties once the guests arrived. It had been 3 in the morning by the time the last guests had...

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Bound To HappenChapter 2

I know I should never have allowed such sexual shenanigans to happen at all, especially involving my children, but I suppose once you break your wedding vows, once you feel that you must cheat, it becomes easy to justify anything and everything that you do. Men should better be able to speak to that thought than me, but this is MY sin. I had discovered that my daughter was fast becoming uncontrolably slutty, and then my son lost his cherry in an act of incest - with ME! Perhaps I could...

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Raping the ex

I should clarify some things. She and I had broken up almost a year ago. Turns out she was using me for a house while she was fooling around with someone else. It hurt but I got over it. Thankfuly our son was too young to figure what happened. She still lived nearby, and we talked occasionally. Her block of flats was a short walk away. Only 5 minutes or so. One of her neighbours who recognised me opened the communal door. Probably wouldnt have if they knew my intent, or what was in my...

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Mom naked before son

Hi it is Kameshwari reciting to you my experience with son. I was married at 17 due to some family problems, later after 1 yr son was born. My son age is 16 and mine is 33 now. It is custom in Hindu society that if women is on periods, she is barred from doing housework for 3 days and on 4th day other person has to pour water on her whilst she stands naked in front of that person. She has to rinse her clothes in the bucket given by that person, and then the other person would pour water on her....

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Off the Deep End Chapter 9

==================0 ======================0 OFF THE DEEP END Laika Pupkino ~ 2016 ====================0 CHAPTER NINE The Little Human Part 9: EUREKA! ======================0 ==================0 I DRIFTED THROUGH INTERSTELLAR SPACE, A REGION OF TOTAL BLACKNESS THAT NO STAR'S LIGHT HAD EVER TOUCHED. FROM FAR AWAY I COULD HEAR URGENT VOICES: Hold her, hold her! Now lift. Let's bring her over here. Valli, go get the first aid kid! Should we be moving her? Her back could be...

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A Turn On The Pathway To Citizenship The Conclusion

A Turn On The Pathway To Citizenship The Conclusion By Warm Hearted Edited By Commentator Synopsis: Mara discovers how to use her powers and her relationship with Rob moves to the next level. Rob, Mara, Rene, and Kat become closer and start becoming a real family As they their plan to bring down the crime lord Babic unfolds. We went out to their court garden very similar to ours and Rene opened a bottle of wine, that had "La Blanc" on the label and poured me a glass saying, "This...

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Adventure With ExGirlfriend

Hi friends, am new to the site. Read few of the amazing stories posted. Am posting my first story here. Have quite a few sex escapades which I would post later. Before that my intro am kunal, regular guy, with a healthy sexual appetite. I don’t exercise much but have athletic physic. That’s about me in brief, Let me write about my most recent adventure with my ex girl. Here goes my real life story, me and radhika (not her real name) dated for more than 2 years and would have got married but due...

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