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I knew who he was referring to… the guest of honor, Giovanni Marcello. We found the handsome, dark-haired man in the center of the room, surrounded by several of the company’s chief officers, fawning over him, hoping for his signature on the contracts waiting back at the office.

As we approached, the man’s husky, deeply accented voice was the only one heard. Even with some stumbling over English, I had to admit it sounded melodic.

‘Giovanni,’ my boss, Bill Weston, said, ‘I’d like to introduce Joseph Reed, who’ll be heading our foreign office.’

‘Foreign to you, not to me,’ Giovanni said grandly with an indulgent smile. I immediately didn’t like him, whatsoever.

My boss, mindful of the contracts yet to be signed, was quick to agree. ‘Yes, of course.’

‘A pleasure to finally meet you,’ I said as I shook his hand. I was spared one shrewd look before his dark eyes romanced to Melanie, obviously very taken with what he saw. Introductions were in order. I stepped aside to usher Melanie forward. ‘And this is…’

‘The most exquisite woman I have ever set my poor eyes on.’ The flattering words descended like flower petals floating on the spring breeze as Giovanni eased me out of the way. He took Melanie’s hand and pressed his lips lightly to it. ‘Tell me, what is your name, bella donna?’

Unimpressed, she gave her answer in Italian.

At the sound of his native tongue, Giovanni’s eyes lit up. ‘Ah, but you speak Italian?’ His pleasure was unmistakable as he repeated the question again in Italian.

‘Un po’…’

Giovanni immediately launched into a profusion of words that swiftly left me behind, like a man who just missed boarding a plane. Obviously I hadn’t learned as much Italian as I originally believed, I thought grudgingly.

Melanie, I observed, held her own during the conversation. There was no indication that she was the least bit confused as the words continued to flow swiftly in her direction. She answered Giovanni’s initial questions, made appropriate comments on several things he said and then, ever so politely, pointed out that with the exception of me, the others didn’t have a clue what they were talking about.

‘Oh, but of course, you are right. Where are my manners?’ he apologized, though it was to her rather than the others that he spoke to. ‘It is just that it is not often I discover angels speaking my native language.’ His eyes sparkled. ‘You will be part of the office that we are discussing, yes?’

My boss spoke. ‘I offered her a position.’ And if this was what it took to cement negotiations between the two companies, he was willing to put pressure wherever it would do the most good. I resented the implications.

Giovanni looked as if he believed it was a done deal. ‘You will accept, yes?’

My girlfriend never liked to be backed into a corner, even a lucrative one. She thought of the offer in her purse from Randall, Incorporated.

‘I will think about it,’ she agreed. I didn’t know what to think. It sounded like she was the company whore. Jesus Christ! That’s exactly what it sounded like.

That didn’t sound as if she was going to give him the answer he wanted. Giovanni, seemingly accustomed to getting his way both professionally and privately, moved a little closer. Obviously, business in Italy was a little more unbusinesslike than in America.

‘Is there anything I can do to perhaps persuade you? You have but to name it.’

‘Thank you.’ Her soft, sultry laughter drifted between them. ‘You are too kind.’

‘Eh, kind, yes,’ he acknowledged. I was ready to hit him, if for no other reason than his disrespect toward me.

Behind them, the musicians began playing and Giovanni recognized an opportunity when he saw one. He took her hand. ‘You will do me the honor, yes?’

She glanced at me and while I hated myself, I reluctantly agreed before she could. This had never happened before. This made me very uncomfortable and I fisted my hands, really wanting to hit him.

Giovanni swept her into his arms. She smiled up into his face and let the music take them away. I felt like killing them both.

‘Great idea, bringing her along,’ my boss said. ‘Did you see the way he looked at her?’

‘Yes,’ I replied with as calm a voice as I could. ‘I did… and I didn’t like it one damn bit.’

‘This should cinch it for us,’ he continued, ignoring my feelings. ‘She seems to really have snared him, like a fish.’ He laughed, somehow thinking the joke was on me and not realizing that I wasn’t laughing with him.

I stood it as long as I could, which was a lot longer than I thought I would. All the while, I was talking to myself as if I were my own friend. It was just a childish emotion, that we were all adults… mature adults and could act accordingly.

I was ready to kill the Italian bastard. I had a good idea what acting like a mature adult meant to Giovanni. He was darkly handsome, suave and from what I had heard around the office, the man was born to money. It made for one helluva combination, letting him enjoy the finer things in life without working that hard about it.

I was afraid that Melanie would be under that heading and that she might even like coming under that heading.

I didn’t want to chance that.

And so, as my boss stood by, watching in disbelief, I crossed the dance floor and cut in.

Giovanni reluctantly surrendered his oblivion to everything else and said, ‘But, we have not finished our dance, yet.’ He gave no indication that he had any intention of releasing Melanie from his arms, a place he obviously though she fit in very nicely. I no longer considered her my girlfriend but didn’t like his damn Italian attitude, one damn bit.

‘That’s the whole point, isn’t it?’ I asked him.

‘There are rules to such things…’ he said, still slowly dancing with her.

‘There are no rules… now, go sit down,’ I said, quietly, hatred flashing in my eyes. If we were in an alley, he already would be down, looking for his teeth.

He finally gave in after digesting this information. The smile he gave was waxen and he withdrew.

She slipped easily into my arms and with a contented sigh, rested her head on my chest. Was it my imagination or was her heart beating rapidly? harder?

‘Well, that went well,’ she whispered.

I folded my hand around hers. I could swear I felt her smiling against my chest. At least one of us was amused. I wondered what the penalty for voluntary manslaughter was.

It took me a moment to collect myself. ‘I don’t care if it did or not. He looked as if he was enjoying himself way too much.’

She raised her head to look at me… as saw exactly what that Italian lothario had detected. I was jealous… deadly jealous.

‘Isn’t that the whole point of this party?’ she asked, mildly. ‘To get him to relax, to enjoy himself and sign on the dotted line?’

‘Yeah, but…’ I stopped, some of my anger dissolving like wet sugar. I looked at the matter from her perspective and began to smile. ‘I’m behaving stupidly, aren’t’ I?’

Her eyes shone with amusement and sympathy. I didn’t like feeling this way. ‘Just a little,’ she said, smiling. ‘Actually, I find it very sweet.’

‘I find it annoying.’ I was disappointed with myself. I looked into her eyes. ‘Will you take Weston up on his offer?’

‘And what offer would that be?’ Her face lit up with humor, again. ‘His eyes were saying things I don’t think the rest of him could make delivery on.’

I had no doubt that Weston was entertaining thoughts of his own about Melanie. Probably half the men in the room were and it bothered me every time we went somewhere.

‘The offer to come to Florence… to work for the company.’

‘That would put me in contact with Giovanni on a regular basis, wouldn’t it?’

‘And, me,’ I said, emphatically. I held her ha
nd tighter, curving my other hand around the one resting on my chest. ‘And, don’t worry, I’ll take care of Giovanni.’

It seemed like she was going to laugh. ‘Does that mean if he comes on to me, he’ll find himself sleeping with the fishes?’


‘I love it when you get physical.’

It took all I could do not to caress her face and kiss her face and lose myself in the fragrance that lightly swirled around her. What would it taste like if I kissed her… there?

‘Is this a joke, to you?’ I asked, softly. Didn’t she feel the same way I did?

‘You don’t have to beat up men if they come on to me. I can handle it myself. I’ve been doing it for a long time.’

‘I know,’ I said, realizing that was the problem. She had become very set in her ways. ‘Maybe it’s time you let someone else do it for you.’

She stopped, rigid at attention. I saw that she wouldn’t give up control, not even for a little bit, she had been in charge too long… far too long. Letting go was no longer an option.

‘I wouldn’t know how,’ she whispered. Looking around, I realized that no one else was dancing. This was going to be embarrassing, dancing when there was no music. She drew back from me. ‘The music’s stopped.’

I merely nodded. ‘So, it has.’ I was going to say something I knew she wouldn’t want to hear. I knew she could see it in my eyes. She wouldn’t come with me to Italy. Somehow, she couldn’t risk it. I wasn’t enough.

‘Let’s get something to eat, I’m starved,’ she said, turning on her heel and heading to the buffet line.

I watched her walk away, wondering just what I was going to do. When we had first met, she had done everything possible to be with me… almost as if it were a personal challenge and now… yes, and now… when I finally admitted I was serious about her, she was backing away. Why?

It was as if she had felt safe being herself as long as there was no danger that I would take her up on anything, I thought. It didn’t make any sense to me… she hadn’t seemed to be a tease… and yet, that was exactly what she seemed to be to anyone watching.

I went over to join her, hoping to get to the bottom of all this before it came to an unsatisfying end for both of us… but as I tried to get to the buffet, I found my path blocked by Giovanni.

I had no desire to speak with him but it looked like I had no choice. For a moment, it seemed like he wanted to assure himself there were no hard feelings, especially if we were going to work together in Rome. He slapped his hand on my shoulder, as if we were friends.

‘You know, my friend,’ he started, ‘I admire a man who stands up for what is his.’

‘His’… It had a nice ring to it but it was a false one.

I looked at the man. It would have been easy, I thought, to let him think we were indeed a completely committed couple… that way, there’d be no more trouble coming from the Italian.

Easy, yes… but, dishonest to myself.

‘If you’re referring to Melanie… she’s not mine.’

I looked around and saw her at the head of the buffet table, talking to the company’s first vice-president. The man was laughing at something she just said. She had a talent for that, I thought, making men feel good around her.

‘No?’ Giovanni looked surprised. Pleasure began to grow on his face. ‘But… the way you act, the way your eyes met, I thought that…’ He let his voice trail off. When I shook my head, his smile widened. ‘Ah, then she is fair play?’

‘Game… fair game… and… she’s not.’

‘But… oh, I see. You do want her… but, my friend, you are not alone.’

It was all I could do not to break his nose, then and there.

‘Well, until she makes up her mind, you will not fault me for dancing with her. She is a very desirable woman.’ He laughed. ‘If she were mine, I would keep her under lock and key, for my eyes only.’ His smile mocked me.

‘We don’t treat our women that way. This is America.’

‘Yes, I know. It is a pity for you but very fortunate for me.’ The bastard handed me his champagne glass he had finished with. ‘I suddenly am very hungry.’

I thought about going there myself but realized that was just stupid. Besides, I didn’t want to jeopardize my employment until I had something else lined up. No matter how I felt… had felt… I couldn’t control what she did or felt.

I went to the bar to get myself a real drink and left Giovanni’s empty glass on the bar top.

‘The evening went pretty well, don’t you think?’ Melanie commented as we left the ballroom.

I had my arm lightly against the small of her back and guided her toward the lobby. For some strange reason, I was glad to have her to myself, again. That damned Italian had monopolized her attentions for the rest of the evening.

‘From the company’s standpoint, I guess. ‘He’ll sign the contracts tomorrow morning.’

‘And… what about you?’

I shrugged my shoulders. I didn’t want to talk about it but since she asked, ‘I saw something I didn’t ever want to see… both in myself and otherwise.’

I could tell she knew what I was talking about. Someone else might have caused a scene but what was the point. She made her own choices. Having to guard-dog her for the rest of my life wasn’t something I felt like doing.’

‘I need to stop by the front desk.’

I followed her, not surprised. Although we had left the man not three minutes earlier, any woman would be flattered by Giovanni’s attention and he had certainly been attentive to her throughout the evening, so much so that a couple of times, I was sure I was going to break my hand against his face.

The desk clerk looked up as we approached. His smile brightened as Melanie approached. With genuine enthusiasm, he asked, ‘Is there anything I can help you with?’

‘Yes, Giovanni Ferrara’s left something for me.’

‘And your name?’

‘Melanie Smithton.’

He looked through his drawer. ‘Ah, here it is.’ He pulled out an envelope that obviously held a room card-key.

Standing there, I could only stare at her and for a second, I thought about taking my hands and wrapping them around Giovanni’s neck. The bastard…

‘He left you the key to his hotel room?’ I finally asked.

Melanie turned to me. ‘Good night, Joey. I’m staying the evening.’ She leaned up to kiss me goodbye but I moved back.

‘Goodbye, Melanie. I hope that you have a good life.’ I turned and walked away, grateful that I found out early what she was really like. It still hurt, but I could feel the anger, the indignation slowly draining away. I realized she hadn’t been there with me, she had never been there with me. I turned once to see her standing there, watching me as I walked away and out of her life.

She was… what she was and I realized I didn’t want any of it. I had better things to do with my life than worrying about her.

The loneliest place on earth is in the darkest recesses of your heart. When you wake up in the morning and realize that your life has been a lie and you’ve no one to blame but yourself for failing to see the signs of her betrayal.

When there’s a cancer, you attack it aggressively and cut it out and take enough drugs to make sure it doesn’t come back and there was a cancer in my life that needed to be cut away and destroyed.

It’s strange, isn’t it, when things start, they’re new and exciting and full of promise and yet, when the shine has worn off a little and you can see the base metal below the finish, you realize that it was all for nothing.

Two weeks later, I found a much better position with Scranton Phillips at almost twice the salary and two years later I had made my fifth million.

I was reading the Wall Street Journal and was surprised to find that Melanie had been arrested for securities fraud along with Ferrara. I put the paper down and laughed.

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Avi Love’s mom is worried about how naughty her daughter has been. She confides her concerns in her husband, Marcus London. At first Marcus refuses to believe that Avi could be so bad, but when he goes to her room to talk to her he nearly catches her rubbing her creamy twat beneath her thong and playing with her tits beneath her bra. Realizing that Avi dripping with pussy juices, Marcus attempts to discipline her. Instead of being chastised, Avi takes the opportunity to seduce her...

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My Neighbour Hazel

My new neighbour moved into the house next door two weeks ago. She must be aged between sixty-five to seventy. She is about five feet tall, rather full figure, large hanging breasts, wide hips going on the plump side. Very little or no hairs on her crotch and when she bends down has a wide backside. Now how did I know all this when I haven't even spoken to the woman or come in contact with her? I work from home and I have just got over a messy divorce. I am glad to say that I came out of it...

4 years ago
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The Adventures of Jeckyl and Hyde only their names are Jason and Jennifer 2

The adventures of Jason and Jennifer Part 2 Jennifer lives Well part 2 is going to continue where the last one left off. In the last one we all thought Jennifer would be gone forever but we are all wrong. I was down in my basement resurrecting the serum that created Jennifer which I was going to destroy but I just couldn't do it. I was longing to be Jennifer once again. So after 4 hours in the basement, I made the formula. I immediately downed the pink fluid and...

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Black Muscle Daddy White Pussy Stepson 1

Black Muscle Daddy, White Pussy Stepson 1Declan stood there inside the toilet stall, sweat dripping all over hisbody, the smell of piss and cum strong in the air and a splattering ofspooge drying on his face. His muscles were taught, preparing either tofight or flee as adrenaline coursed its way through his body. Standingdirectly in front of the open stall was the object of his distress, a 6ft6mountain of a man with fire in his eyes staring back at him. Finally,reeling in his thoughts Declan...

2 years ago
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CuckoldSessions Ryan Conner 07232017

If you want to have a freaky marriage, make sure your wife is way older. Just ask Ryan Connor’s hubby! He’s 20 years her junior, and they are swingers. Hubby loves watching Ryan get banged out, especially by hung, black Bulls. Hubby managed to bring a couple Bulls home today, and guess what? They walk into the house as Ryan is shoving a huge, black dildo into her Cougar Cunt! She’s watching interracial porn, too! “Honey! I want you to meet my friends!” Hubby says,...

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Happy Ending Whore

My name is Mike and live in Long Island, New York or to be exact Port Jefferson, New York; a nice suburb a few hours east of NYC. I have been married for many years and over the last few years my sex life has dwindled. It started off we would have hot sex several times a week. My wife loved sex and in most any fashion but after the k**s and over the years our sex life had become less and less. A few years back she quit giving me the occasional blow job and now when we have sex, IF we have sex;...

4 years ago
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Two Fantasies Fulfilles

Two fantasies fulfilled It had been a long flight from the UK to Barbados and we arrived at our hotel late at night and exhausted. The holiday was for our wedding anniversary and without kids so although the plan was for lots of sex to make the most of our freedom, we collapsed into the huge king-sized bed and just cuddled up. It was great just lying there with one hand on Anna’s beautiful large tits and before long we just dozed off. I vaguely remember hearing the door of the next room shut...

Straight Sex
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Getting Physical

“Oh come on, Mom. Why do I have to do this?” I said defiantly. I was sitting in the passenger seat of my mom’s sedan as we darted down the highway. “You get one every year, Craig. A physical isn’t going to do you any harm! I don’t see the big deal,” said my mother. I could see she was fed up with my behavior and complaining was going to do me no good. I always hated getting physicals. I mean really, some dude gets paid to check me out and see how I’m growing. I don’t need a PhD for that, I...

3 years ago
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A Southern WarmingChapter 21

"I have found a person who can work for me in the clinic. She is just out of school and looking for a place to do further training. I will start working with her in a week." It was evident that Anna was excited about this recent development. I could hear it in her voice. "I have even more good news," she went on to say. "My mother's sister has come from Siberia to live with us. Her husband just recently passed and both widows wanted to reunite. Now it's up to you to get me to the...

3 years ago
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Papa Ka Lund Meri Chut Ka Deewana

Hello dosto, mera naam Shalu hai. Meri age 31 ha. Mai married hoon aur mere do bache bhi hain. Mera fig hai 36-34-38. Maine bahut si sites pe bahut si kahania padi hain is liye mera bhi man kiya ki main bhi aapni kahania aap logon se share karoon is liye main bhi aapni kahani aap logon ke samne lekar hajir hoon. Main up ki rehne wali hoon. Ye kahani tab ki hai jab main 18 sal ki thi. Mere ghar main mere mumy papa ek bada brother aur main rehte the. Meri badi si ki marrige ho chuki thi. Main...

4 years ago
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Naughty Neighbour Part Two

Ron was in hospital. Two days after Jean and I had fucked each other. Jean came round, rang the bell, to which I went to answer. I opened the door, and there stood Jean, we both almost could not look at each other. She said, “Hi, Bob… they're letting Ron out of hospital today. And I was wondering… if you could help to bring him back in your car? He may find it difficult on the bus.” “Sure Jean, I don’t mind at all. What time do you want to go?” I answer. “I need to get a couple of things...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Selena and JoeChapter 35

Betty Hanson was putting together a bag of clothes and essentials just in case the power didn't come back on tonight. The local substation was shorted out by an animal that ate its way in to a transformer and the local power company could not guarantee everyone getting back on today. As she thought about staying there tonight she had the same thought as her daughter. Would THEY make love with her Mom and Dad in the house? Would she seduce her husband Scott just to let their daughter and her...

4 years ago
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Super Bowl Torment

Super Bowl Torment by lacey138 my name is allura and the following is a journal entry that i wrote almost a year ago. i am owned and have been with my Master for about 2 years now. i am required by contract to keep a detailed, written account of any activities or punishments that my Master deems significant and wishes to recall. Master will read my journal regularly and check it for spelling and grammatical errors when He is in a particularly vicious mood and is looking for reasons to punish...

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Jenny Sanders

The first time I met Jenny Sanders was my first day at Redmont high school. I was a freshman new to the Redmont school system. My father changed companies and we ended up moving from the city to this sleepy town. Now before I get into Jenny Sanders, you should know my name is Alex Ulrick. Like I said I met Jenny my first day at Redmont, since I am new to the school jenny was tasked with showing me around. As I am more reserved and shy I was happy to oblige to this goddess showing me the...

4 years ago
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Lanas Fantasy

As I lie in my bed, fantasising about Aaron’s tall muscular body, a knock at the door brings me out of my reverie. I make my way to the door, in my skimpy negligee. I open the front door. Standing there, in all his masculine glory, was the man I have been fantasising about – Aaron. He says nothing but takes in the sight of me and his eyes wake up with desire. “Hi,” I murmur, slightly breathless to have this fine specimen of a man in my flat. “Come in” I gesture him inside and he glides...

4 years ago
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New World 15

We all rested and watched Sam suck and lick Bert’s cum from Linda’s sloppy pussy. Linda gripped his hair, rubbing her well used pussy all over his face. “That’s a good girl, clean it all up,” she breathed. Riley and Kristy sat close together, whispering. Kristy giggled and glanced first at Sam then me and back again. Her face flushed and she stifled another giggle as she turned back to Riley. They shared conspiratorial smiles and crawled toward my chair. Riley placed her hand on one thigh as...

Group Sex
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The Runner1

It was 7:00A.M., he woke up and took a shower. He did not feel like going to work but knew he had to. "T.G.I.F., right?" He thought to himself. Putting on his business suit he shook his head. He was not up for facing the idiots he dealt with everyday. Putting on his cuff links, he looked at the clock. It was 8:03. He casually walked from his bedroom in the back of the house to his guest room in the front. He waited. He stood by the window in anticipation. Seeing her would hopefully take his...

4 years ago
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Kara Grows Up Visitor

Kara Grows Up: Visitor - Copyright, 2007 - 2011, Trace Ekies. All rights reserved. "Oh my God!" "What? What are you looking at?" "The girl next door. She is beautiful." "Probably Kara ... the girl I was telling you about." "Around 18? ... long brown hair? ... cute face... great tits ... and legs ... oh my God ... legs to die for." "Sounds right ... told you she was cute." "Yeah, but you didn't tell me how hot she was. Does she always dress like that?" "What do you mean?...

1 year ago
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Milk and Cookies

T'was the night before Christmas, and in MzDominica's house, santa crouched next to the Christmas tree, pulling packages out of his sack. The ornaments and lights on the tree twinkled and shimmered, even though no one else was in the room to appreciate them. Suddenly, from somewhere in the tree, a light mist, like an air freshener, sprayed into his face. Santa's thoughts went blank for a moment, and he did not realize that MzDominica had entered the room and was standing next to him, until She...

Adult Humor
3 years ago
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Molly Curt Naked In SchoolChapter 12

That Monday evening, teens across the country were experiencing a wide range of emotions after their first day of going to school naked. As just a few random samples, Mandy, Mason, Darren, and the others could not possibly represent the breadth and variety of the experiences of all the new Program participants. The great majority went through the initial shock, fear, embarrassment, and even panic and finished up the day little the worse for wear. Some, like Mason, had not come down from...

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Betting on God

Betting on God by Ashley B. D. ZachariasThe auditorium was filled to capacity; people who could not find seats lined the walls at the back and side of the room. A lot of people wanted to see a renowned biologist and atheist debate an even more renowned television evangelist. But the audience was coughing and shuffling their feet – a certain sign that the debate was failing to hold their interest. Thomas Stone – ?Dr. Stone? to his students, ?Doubting Thomas? to Brother Jeremiah, the preacher...

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A Fresh Cream Pie

We put the k**s to bed for the night, and I grabbed a beer and wine cooler out of the refrigerator. We go in the living room and sit and watch TV as we drink, you put your feet into my lap and I rub them knowing this turns you on. I stand and that off your jeans, sitting back down I put your thighs across my lap so I can rub your soft thighs and let the back of my hand brush her pussy. I message your thighs until you start squirming, I know you are getting wet and I can smell your essence. ...

3 years ago
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Breastless ©2011 by Jennifer Morrell. Feel free to repost my story, but acknowledge me as the original author. People who read my story will never believe what happened to me. Every time I tell it to somebody I trust, I start to doubt my own sanity more and more. Before I go completely crazy I'd better write it down. My name is Alex, a 23 years old guy. With 5 foot 10 inches I stand a bit small for a guy, but I am proud to say that my less than average height is quite in...

2 years ago
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The Newtons

Part Three CHRISTIANA Thank Christ the x-rays showed that my pelvic bone and my leg were now mended for I could now have this damned plaster cut off and I can scratch myself. That was the worst part of being in plaster to get an itch that you couldn’t scratch. I’m sure I was to claw my skin to ribbons when it finally comes off. I didn’t, but came close to it when they got the damned thing off and I was able to walk. Well, stumble as I was helped along back to my bed after it was off. I was...

2 years ago
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KristenChapter 2

It was late afternoon when we arrived home. The Manor appeared the same as ever: the main house, stables, barns, store houses, staff housing and the work rooms for the various crafts: carpenter, blacksmith, weaver and seamstress, potter, leather and saddle shop; all of the familiar sights and sounds of home. We must have been spotted on the way in, as we were greeted as we rode into the court yard behind the house and near the stable. A groom took Alfred’s and my horses. There was a bit of...

3 years ago
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Manufacturing a Partnership 2

Manufacturing a Partnership Part Two By Jena Corso Edited by Angela Meyers Maryann opened the rear passenger door of his fancy Mercedes Benz S-class coupe and loaded all the hard copies of the presentations into Blake's attach? case. When she closed the door. they were off to the meeting of their lives. as Blake sat oddly in the passenger seat. used to being the driver. You could cut the air with a knife as the tension became stronger as they drove ten minutes without saying much to ...

4 years ago
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Magic Is Gross 2 DevilChapter 16

Eiko left Kristi’s uncertain if she was the happiest girl in the world or the most off put. Shannon and Kristi had been nice, if handsy, but if they were the price to pay for a night with Dee ... Eiko stumbled as she almost floated away on gravity. She tried to dig her cell phone out of her top. It used to be she could stuff her cellphone and wallet in her bra but now she filled out the shirt too much. She slung her bookbag off her shoulder and retrieved her phone from the pocket. Kristi...

3 years ago
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Jack and DeniseChapter 9

(Two weeks later) Denise sat nervously waiting for Jack to come to class. The last two weeks had been an experience. They had gone out for lunch on the Monday following their date. Denise had paid because she felt guilty for spending most of the weekend with Jill and Staci. She had also missed Jack's call on Sunday afternoon and was unable to get a hold of him until Algorithm's class on Monday. Jack had seemed a little distant, but warmed a bit just before he had to go to work. Denise had...

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Comforting My Widowed Not Mom

Comforting My Widowed “Not” MomHey fellow pervs and pervettes. For the sake of hoping to get this accepted and published I used the tiring “Not Mom” saying. For the story she will be referred to as “She Her Her’s” and my “Not Dad” will be referred to as “He Him His”A little information for the setting of the story. This happened a month after His passing. My and I had all been present near the end and through the funeral. I decided to leave shortly after the return later to help after...

3 years ago
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More of Mr Moore

========================================================= Jill's new Anatomy and Physiology teacher was, in less words than does him justice, hot. Very hot. He still had a tinge of an Irish accent in his voice as he lectured. It was Jill's favorite class. His name was Mr. Brendan Moore. Even though he was a teacher, he still seemed very casual. And since he taught at an all girls school, he was popular. All the girls said that they wanted "More of Moore". Now, Jill was also...

2 years ago
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Marriage Divorce or Sex Ch 03 The making of a

The week following my introduction to Nicole's secret lifestyle also introduced me to my own hidden desires. With Nicole's help I discovered voyeurism, and the desire to not only watch, but direct as well. My controlling personality wanted control of Nicole's extracurricular sexual activities to satisfy my own needs and I couldn't help but think of the profit margin selling her assets with emphases on ass. My company, although on autopilot at the moment, provided income enough to make a...

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