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Breastless ©2011 by Jennifer Morrell. Feel free to repost my story, but acknowledge me as the original author. People who read my story will never believe what happened to me. Every time I tell it to somebody I trust, I start to doubt my own sanity more and more. Before I go completely crazy I'd better write it down. My name is Alex, a 23 years old guy. With 5 foot 10 inches I stand a bit small for a guy, but I am proud to say that my less than average height is quite in contrary of the size of my dick. Because of my handsome, but tender looks, I am quite wanted by the female part of the population. Sorry girls, I am taken. My girlfriend Monica is 22 years old. She has the same height as me and is quite a looker with her hourglass figure and quite large breasts. 6 months ago we moved in together. Although Monica is quite a looker, I silently admire women who have a boyish look and close to no breasts. I even secretly visit pay sites on the internet that show girls with tiny tits or who sometimes only have women sized nipples, but no breast tissue at all. Don't worry, they are all of legal age. Looking at them, or rather admiring their innocent beauty arouses me incredibly. These sites always have some links and ads for sister sites. I was about to close down my computer because of my dinner date with Monica at a luxurious restaurant at the town center when my eye caught a that said "take a look at these beauties and you will get an unbelievable insight never offered before on any website." Of course my curiosity was raised and I clicked the link. The page that opened contained some pictures that I had already seen on other sites, but suddenly everything around me started to blur. A few moments later I found myself walking in my favorite jeans and T-shirt walking towards the restaurant. I had no idea how I got here and couldn't remember the moments after the blur. Monica was already at the restaurant waiting for me and we kissed when we met. The garcon walked us to our tables, sat us down and walked away. I looked at Monica and I there was something on her mind. Was she mad at me or something? She looked stunning and I told her so. She reacted a bit irritated and asked something I never expected. "Alex, can you please explain to me why you are not wearing a bra today. Especially when we are at a restaurant like this? Your nipples poking through your T-shirt," Monica said accusingly. I was somewhat taken aback as I hadn't expected such an outburst and especially what she was saying. After regaining my composure I answered without looking "because I am a guy and guys don't wear bras!" "Look Alex, we have been over this many times before and I really don't mind that you want to be a guy..." Monica started saying. I interrupted harshly, "I don't want to be a guy, I AM a guy," I told her. "Well, then look at your nipples poking through your T-shirt and tell me those are guys nipples," Monica said madly trying to keep her voice down. "Yes, these are gu...," I trailed off when I looked down at my T-shirt. Through my T-shirt 2 distinctly big nipples were poking through the fabric of my T-shirt. Rebecca continued "Look Alex, we have been girlfriends for so long and I support your desire to become a guy, but you cannot go out in public and have it both ways." "What are you talking about?"I asked her. "We are boyfriend and girlfriend and we have moved in together 6 months ago. Why are you implying that I am a girl, while yesterday I have fucked your brains out," I whispered back with some irritation in my voice. "Alex, what is wrong with you? Why are you acting like this. The last time we had sex was 5 days ago and you certainly didn't fuck my brains out as you don't have the equipment for it. Since yesterday we are both on the rag, as we now monthly do simultaneously since we live together," Monica said sounding more desperate. "On the rag?," I asked in disbelief. "Yes, on the rag. You know, the sensitive nipples, tummy ache and bleeding cunt." I started feeling up my nipples and that's when Monica told me to go to the restrooms. I got on my feet and walked into the direction of the restrooms. I was about to walk in the men's room when Monica pulled me away into the ladies room. "What has gotten into you today? We agreed you would go on it slowly," she said with tears forming in her eyes. I wanted to reassure her nothing was wrong with me, but stopped mid sentence. Monica had just stepped away from me clearing my view to the mirror. When I saw my reflection I didn't recognize my face or body for that matter. In the mirror I stared at a soft contoured girls face. Her hair was cut short and gel had made it look peaky. My gaze went down to the T-shirt I was wearing and my almost nonexistent breasts and nipples were clearly visible through the fabric of my shirt. My hands were about to lift my T-shirt to get a full few of my close to breastless female chest, when Monica stopped me and told not to do that here. When my gaze moved further down I noticed for the first time that my waist was narrow and my hips were just a bit less narrow than my waist. I was wearing an obviously feminine pair of jeans as every curve of my body was accentuated and the crotch left no doubt that there was nothing there. Even my shoes were a smaller size than I remember putting on this morning. They were flat, but unmistakably feminine. From head to toe I was looking like my fantasy girl. "Oh, no!," I cried out in panic. "This cannot be true," I exclaimed franticly touching all the features my body seemed to possess now. "How can this have happened? This morning I was still a guy and now I am looking like a freaking chick." I cried. Monica lost it that moment as she thought that I had become crazy. Suddenly concerned about Monica's emotion, I set my problems aside for a moment and tried to call down Monica. At that moment I didn't realize that this should be the other way around, so we sat down on the floor and calmed down a bit. Sitting on the floor we hugged and kissed each other and promised that we would work it out together. After unlocking our embrace, we got on our feet and Monica told me she had to pee. I realized that I needed to go too so we went into two adjacent stalls. I lifted the toilet seat, habit I guess, and slid down the zipper of my jeans. My hand went into my jeans in search of a penis to flop out, but to no avail. I quickly realized my mistake and put down the seat again and dropped my jeans. When I dropped my panties, I don't recall to have put on panties ever, I looked down to get a view of the pussy I seemed to have. I didn't see anything but a bush of hair in my crotch and I really freaked out when I saw all the blood in my panties. "Aaaaaaaaaah, blood, I am dying," I cried out loud. "No, you are not," I heard Monica say from the other stall. "You are just on the rag and since you never felt comfortable wearing tampons, you wear pads instead. You really should consider wearing tampons next time," she continued. Under the wall of my stall I saw Monica's hand holding something. "I noticed you forgot your handbag again, so here is a spare pad," she said. "Thank you, but what do I do with it. This bloody mess is so gross, don't dare touch it," I told her. This took the last of Monica's patience "Don't be such a baby! Take the dirty pad out of your panties and install the new one," She sneered. I swallowed any reaction boiling inside me as I was in total panic. In the last few minutes I had just discovered that my body had just turned into my own wet dream. I had become a breastless chick and my girlfriend thinks I am a girl that wants to be a guy. On top of it all I am also menstruating. What a nice introduction into womanhood. I was so consumed with the changes and the implications I almost forgot to pee. After managing to figure out how a girl does that, I wiped my pussy dry, took out the dirty pad and inserted the pad Monica had handed to me into my panties. I dropped the dirty pad into the toilet and flushed. I put on my panties and jeans again and flushed again as the dirty pad didn't seemed to flush away. And I flushed again and again. "What are you doing," Monica asked. "The pad doesn't flush away," I answered. "You are not supposed to flush those. You must use the hygiene bags and put it the bin in the corner of the stall," Monica said annoyed. After washing our hands we returned to the table, only to pay the bill and go home. Back home we argued again. I tried to convince Monica I that I was really a guy this morning. I was stating all the chicks that I had fucked while in college and about the soccer team in which I was a star striker at college. Monica was more subtle and just took the feasible evidence. * My driver's license: Name Alexis Mossman, Sex: F * Pictures of my supposed youth in skirts and with ponytails * Pictures of the girls hockey team at college, with the girl I looked like now staring in the team shirt and short skirt * Pictures of us at the beach in several holidays and both of us wearing skimpy bikinis * Pictures of the high school prom, with my all puffed up and dressed in a beautiful dress. * The intake forms for psyche review before gender reassignment course from female to male could start. Reality started to sink in. As far as the world was concerned I am a born female with transgender tendencies. Monica has always been my best friend, since we were little girls. She has become my lesbian lover and is willing to help me become a man. How am I ever going to prove I am a born male and that we had a heterosexual relationship? I went to the bathroom and locked myself in. I undressed completely, except for the panties as I didn't want to look at the bloody mess in my crotch. I stroked my almost nonexistent breasts and my sensitive nipples. If it weren't so shocking to find myself transformed into a girl, I would probably have enjoyed that feeling. I was hardly done exploring my new body, but got interrupted when Monica was bouncing on the door asking me what's keeping me. That night we kept on arguing and trying to convince each other. I knew I was on the losing end as I couldn't prove my point and Monica had all the proof there is. Even my passport stated I am a female. I guess a good night sleep, will do me a lot of good and maybe everything will be back to normal when I wake up as everything that has happened today has just been a dream. When I woke up the next morning my tummy felt like normal again. No ache or something. But when I explored my body I was really disappointed to discover that I was still physically a girl. Monica woke up too and said yawningly "Good morning gorgeous, how are we feeling today?" I didn't have the heart to start again about being a guy, so I pretended I was fine. I will just have to figure out what happened to me and what I can do about it. After showering I walked to my closet to find some clothes to wear. My whole closet was stocked with women's clothes and there were not Monica's! "Wear a bra this time," Monica said standing behind me. I looked down at my chest and started to feel up my almost nonexistent breasts. This made my nipples come to instant attention. So I picked up a white lacy bra and started to fumble to get them on. I was real clumsy at it, like you see at funny movies sometimes when guys try to put on a bra. Monica was watching the whole show and decided to step in and help me out. I was really considering wearing men's briefs, but as there weren't any around and the fact that women's panties accommodate pads better, I decided to put on some plain white panties. As I didn't want to dress up in a feminine fashion, so I picked up clothes that were as masculine looking as possible. So I picked a business blouse and some pants. Unfortunately the buttons on the blouse were clearly on the wrong side to be mistaken for a men's shirt and the fly of my pants was on the wrong side too. Above that my jeans cut in quite tightly at my crotch accentuating the fact that could only be used to cover a woman's crotch. Next we dark socks, fortunately these were just plain dark socks and some flat business like shoes. It seemed that I still had my job at an accountants firm. After getting dresses I fixed my hair. Man, it takes ages to fix this load of hair. It is so much different from my original thinning hairline. I was glad my hair wasn't too long. When I was ready I stood in front of the mirror and how hard I had tried, nobody will see something different than a woman. At breakfast I tried to give it another shot in convincing Monica that I am actually a guy and that reality must have changed somehow. The attempt was futile. She said "Alex, I really don't understand why you insist on being a natural born guy all over sudden. You have been taking hormone blockers since early puberty and are still taking them today to prevent becoming more feminine. I have always supported your desire to become a man, although we both know that you will never have a penis, except for one that may slide in and out of you occasionally. Why don't you just start the procedure to officially become a man? We still have that contact info of this doctor that can help you. Your being a pre-op FTM transsexual I can handle, but your persistence on being a guy until yesterday makes me go crazy. I don't want to hear it anymore." She stomped of to work. I had to go to work too and took the bus to the office. Until yesterday I always enjoyed my bus ride to work. I'd just keep to myself and every other passenger let me be. Having a chick's body seemed to invite people to sit next to me and guys to start talking to me and even trying to get my phone number. Eww. Arriving at the office I was immediately welcomed by my co-workers. But this time my female co-workers stared talking to me and invited me to go to the restroom together with the other chicks. What a weird habit women seemed to have. Because I didn't want to arise any suspicion I joined them and experienced the female restroom rituals that men will never experience and will never understand either. People always say that men only think about sex. Well, now I know women talk a lot about sex. These women were talking about sex without any hesitation or shame. All details were shared and nothing was left out. When it was my turn I just stated that I was on the rag and nothing happened. They seemed to accept my story. Being at the other side of the fence, I now realize how many sexist jokes are made about women. I just never realized it happened so often. I also noticed that guys seemed to 'accidentally' bump into me or brush my ass 'absentmindedly'. These things never happened when I had a guy's body, ever! The day at the office was quite uneventful, but I really couldn't understand nor believe why everybody treated me like a woman as if I had always been one. Only the accidental walk into the men's restroom could be called a highlight of the day. After work I decided to get a cup of coffee at Starbucks before I went home. I was just sipping my coffee when a guy called "Alex? Alex Mossman? Is that really you?." I recognized him as Frank Sanders, one of the guys I'd played soccer with about 5 years ago. "Yeah, it's me. Hi Frank," I welcomed him, "Care to join me," I asked. "Sure! Long time no see," he told me. "Look at you! Why are you wearing women's clothes? Is that a bra shining through your blouse?," he ranted. "Yeah, your eyesight is still okay. I am wearing a bra and women's clothes because I have a female body," I said a bit annoyed. "...even down there?," he asked again. "Yes, small titties and a cunt." "But you are a guy. You were our star striker of the team! What happened?," he asked "You would never believe me if I told you," I said. "Try me," he countered. "Even Monica doesn't believe it, why should you?," I asked. Frank convinced me he was very open minded and that was how I knew him to be. He has always been a bit odd, but he was okay where it counted. So I told him about the events that happened yesterday and the disastrous dinner with Monica. "Un-fucking-believable," he said. "Alex, I don't know how you are coping with this, but I believe you. In fact I know someone you should meet," he said. I asked him why, but he just told me to trust him and gave me his address. I agreed to go to his place tonight at 8 pm. I took the bus home and that experience was quite similar to this morning's ride. At home Monica had already cooked dinner and she seemed not mad anymore. I decided not to tell her about Frank and the meet we would have this evening. As Monica would be out this evening too, I didn't have any explaining to do of my whereabouts. At precisely 8 pm I rang Frank's doorbell. He opened the door and invited me in. The person he wanted me to meet wasn?t there yet. He offered me a drink and started with some small talk. As he already knew how I was doing he told me about himself. He had become a sales manager and was doing quite well for himself. At the moment he wasn?t seeing anyone. Then he told me about his sister Natacha and that she had been raped a few years ago. After the rape she had developed a serious case of agoraphobia, which means that she didn?t dare to set one foot outside. About a year ago all over sudden something happened and cured her agoraphobia instantly. Frank was about to tell me how much he missed the old soccer team we were both part of when the door bell rung. Frank answered the door and invited a handsome guy of about 6'2." He looked vaguely familiar, but I couldn?t put a finger on it. I almost panicked. Did he set me up? Was I about to get raped? Frank sensed my fears and quickly reassured me that everything was okay. "Alex, let me introduce you to the person I wanted you to meet: Natacha, my sister." I was struck in awe when Frank called the tall handsome guy in front of me Natacha and referring to him as his sister puzzled me. I had always thought that what happened to me was unique and couldn't happen to anyone else. Besides, my memory of the guy came back and I recognized him as Frank's brother Nat. Frank saw the disbelief in my eyes and immediately started to explain things. "Alex, I seem to be the only person to see beyond alternate realities. While you clearly have a woman's body, you are absolutely certain that you were a man. I seem to be the only one remembering you as a man, while your girlfriend doesn't. You remember don't remember me having a sister, but you recall that I have a brother called Nat. But Nat really is Natacha. I have explained your case and that is why he agreed to come, now hear his story, please," he pleaded. I saw he had a point. Nobody believes me when I tell them I am a guy. They all see my small titties and lack of a bulge in my pants. So I agreed to listen to his story. Nat began "Frank told you about me being his sister and I was his sister. 2 years ago I was walking home after a party and got raped. I don't want to go into the details of that but it resulted in agoraphobia. Staying inside the house all the time meant that the only contact with the outside world was the internet. I really wanted to solve my problem because I knew I couldn't live like this my whole life. So I visited sites of self help groups for raped victims and all kinds of related sites. One day I saw a link that seemed to call out for me. It said something like 'click here to get rid of your agoraphobia and you never have to fear anymore'. It was just a link on the internet, so I figured what's the worst that can happen? The moment I clicked the link I got a little blackout and when I came back to my senses again my surroundings had completely changed. Instead of being in my old apartment I was now in a house that seemed mine. I didn't get much time to take everything in as the door opened and 2 little kids started running inside calling at me 'papa, papa, papa...'. I freaked out and ran to the bathroom and locked myself in. One look in the mirror confirmed that I was a guy, a dad. My hands ran over my chest, but it was flat now and then my hands registered a bulge in my crotch, where there should be nothing. I wanted to scream, but refrained myself from doing that. I regained my composure and walked back inside the room. A woman walked inside and looking at the weeding picture on the wall and the wedding ring on my finger I didn't take long to realize that I was her husband. The weirdest thing is that everybody calls me Natacha, even my wife. I went to my brother Frank for help and stepped outside the house for the first time in a year and I didn't think twice about it. Frank recognized me and he remembered me being his sister. I have been contemplating about telling everybody about me being a woman, but to tell the truth I feel so confident now and I found a great job which I never would have qualified for as a woman, that I decided that I can live with the fact that I now have a penis. How did this happen to you?," he finally asked. I thought a moment about his whole story and found it hard to believe. I remembered Nat as a geeky guy and not as a girl. I thought they were pulling my leg, but when he told me about the internet link, it triggered me in remembering how it all started to happen to me. "How are you holding up with that fine woman's body you've now got," Nat asked. I tried to answer him but the tears started welling in my eyes and my voice started to tremble "I look like the girl of my dreams. Bit boyish and small tits. But I don't want to be a girl. I want my man's body back. I don't want to be expected to wear skirts and bras. I am on the rag and that's something I never ever wanted nor expected to experience. I really hope all changes are going to be reversed and if that doesn't happen soon I will really consider gender reassignment surgery to become a man once more. I seem to be taking estrogen en progesterone blockers for years, so I will continue to do that until I change back or have surgery," I sniffed. Frank and Nat comforted me and after some more talking I took a cab home. I now knew that my situation is not unique and I found a starting point in my search to reverse this. But until the moment I found a solution I had to try and blend in and act like the world expects from a girl. A few days later I talked to Monica about my situation again, but with less drama. I told her about the internet as a probably cause and of course she didn't believe a word of what I said. I have searching the internet for months now to locate a link like the one that caused my problems, but I never found one. All these months I acted like a normal girl and enjoyed the best lesbian sex I could imagine. I figured, I am still doing it with a woman and I even have more orgasms than ever. One day Monica used my computer to search for the address of a new dentist, when she got to see a link she had to click on. It said 'click here if you are sick and tired of hearing your girlfriend complain that she is actually a man. Let's just see what men are made of'. Not remembering what I had told her months ago Monica clicked the link and a short blackout occurred. I was watching television when a loud cry came from the other room. "Alex, come here quickly. Something happened to me." With some difficulty I stood up from the couch and waddled to the other room. I started to ask "What is it Monica...," when I noticed Monica in clothes that we much to small. "Monica, are you wearing a bra and falsies? Are you turning transvestite on me?," I asked. "No, I just turned into a man. I have been a woman all my life and now my boobs are gone and I have a bulge in my panties," Monica exclaimed. I reacted in anger and disbelief "O, no you don't do that to me. Month's ago I got turned into a chick and you wouldn't believe me. Instead you fucked my brains out and when I got pregnant of you I even had to abandon the hormone blockers that kept my body from becoming feminine. Look at me now! My hips filled out, I got a bun in the oven, my boobs are lactating thanks to you. Next month I am supposed to deliver your baby and now you are turning fag on me?," I cried. "No, I still love you and your body, but you have to believe me. I really am a woman, I have always been one," Monica started crying as well and ran to the bathroom to strip all his clothes. Another wail of cry came from the bathroom. I didn't understand and couldn't believe that the man who got me knocked up 8 months ago now claims to be a woman who got turned into a man minutes ago. This time I was the one to look for photo albums. In all of them Monica was a guy. He has even been a quarterback. But one picture struck me as odd. It showed Monica as a quarterback, but I was on it too as a cheerleader. It struck me as impossible because I was a guy at that age. What a weird situation. We both claim to be of the other sex and neither of us believes the other. At my wits end I told Monica about Natacha, Frank's brother who claims to have been a woman once. And that Frank knows that to be the truth. I proposed Monica to call Frank and ask him to come over. Frank didn't answer his phone, so we got voicemail and asked him to call back. Monica got dressed in his masculine clothes, but continued sobbing over the loss of his femininity. He kept his hands going over his body. Over his flat chest as if he tried to pull boobs back out. Over the bulge in his crotch, willing it away. Monica had to pee and went to the toilet. It took ages before Monica returned. It must have been taken 30 minutes before he came back with tears in his eyes "I didn't know how to work this thing," he said pointing to his crotch. I wanted to tell him to get a grip, but that was the moment Frank called. I told him the story of Monica's supposed change and asked him to go see us. He agreed and would be here after work, 3 hours from now. While we were waiting I was going on the internet to search for some more information about pregnancy. As a previous guy didn't know the first thing about pregnancies, but I had a baby in my tummy, that would be coming out of my pussy in less than a month. I needed to be prepared and needed as much info as I could. Then I stumbled on a link that stated something like "are you about to have a baby and your man is getting cold feet? Clicking this link will help." I clicked the link and my view became a bit woozy for a moment. I blinked with my eyes and was disappointed to get a 404 Page not found message on the screen. A few hours later the doorbell rang. It was Frank and we welcomed him in. He told us, "Sorry I wasn't able to get here sooner. I can see the emergency and panic all this must have caused." Monica and I looked a bit puzzled at him, while he continued "Alex, buddy, I cannot imagine what it is like for you becoming 8 months pregnant all over sudden, while 9 months ago you were still a guy. And Monica, I have always known you as a proud and one of the prettiest women I have ever known. Turning into a guy al over sudden must have been quite a shock for you. I am glad you called me to clarify things." Puzzled and bewildered I said,"Frank, what on earth are you talking about? We honestly don't know what you are talking about. Yes, I have had trouble conceiving because Monica had a low sperm count, but as you can see I am 1 month away from labor. Me being a guy and Monica being a girl is a real crazy idea. Where did you come up with that? We'd just called you to become our best man at our wedding." "Well, if it all worked out like this, I wish you well delivering the baby and I would be honored to be the best man at your wedding. Monica, you are a fine man and I hope you take good care of Alex, the mother of your child." END.

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I am shopping for lingerie and panties and I notice this new store in town it is called the "Treasure Chest". Once inside I am greeted by a salesgirl and she asks if I have ever been here before. I said I had not. She said that a couple own the store and they try to get the latest and greatest of things. The store has all the usual stuff, bras, panties, lingerie and adult toys, nightgowns, etc. So I start looking around and then I see a gentlemen approach me and he announces he is the owner...

3 years ago
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The Daughters of COVID20Chapter 6 Bad Moon Rising

While waiting for their physicals, the newcomers were busy. Some were touring the dorm, choosing suitemates, and selecting suites. Two were making lists of clothing and other items needing to be procured, the others were visiting with the original residents. There were more than a few speculative looks in my direction. I was sitting quietly with Chastity and Rachel when my phone sang. “Virgil, may I speak with Rachel or Chastity?” Pete asked. I handed my phone to Rachel thinking, ‘Why...

2 years ago
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KellyChapter 33A

Vanetta settled back in her seat, a nice wide one, first class all the way! "Ah, the perks that come with the job," she thought to herself. This was something she could get used to. Bringing an account to Fit Pregnancy magazine worth over five million dollars and the potential for continued business had assured her first-class treatment all the way. Lisa Greenwood, publisher of Fit, had insisted on footing the bill for the trip to sign the contract, and the two women had plans for some...

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One Night in April

The school year was winding down and one day I had planned to spend the night watching TV when my Friend Brad phoned. You see the whole year he had been persuing her and all the while she would shoot him down. Then out of the blue she agrees. "That great Brad, but why call me?" I asked. "My Folks are away on their second honeymoon and I was tasked with watching April tonight." I could already tell where Brad was heading. "No!" I said very sternly. "Come on dude, it'll only be for a few hours."...

1 year ago
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Menna and Diane car sex ch2

she open her legs to allow me to EAT her wet pussy , i go for that mission , i was afraid what if i cant make her horny ? , i slept wiz girls b4 but they was like me TEENZ , she is old woman is that makes diffrent ? , we will see... i start by lick her leg then go up to her pussy , i kiss her pussy then i start to catch her pussy's lips by my lips , i love the way that she play in my hair when i eat her... -mmmmohm yeah! ur so good baby , ahhhmmmmyeaaah! i lick her vagina like i never...

1 year ago
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Surrendering to Her Lover

Surrendering to Her LoverWe'd been married for almost two years when I caught her. I had been out of town on business and was scheduled to get home late. A canceled flight is normally a disaster, but in this case the airline was able to book me on a direct flight that actually got me home hours earlier than my initial itinerary. I figured I'd keep quiet and surprise Sharron when I got home.I knew what was happening the moment I entered the door. The sound of skin slapping together. Sharron's...

1 year ago
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Hiding in SchoolChapter 7

After all my classes were over on my first day of classes I had to visit the bathroom on my way back to my dorm. I had been holding it in for a while so I could make it to my own restroom. I was pushing the door open when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I quickly turned around and saw Steven, “I know some freshmen like making a name for themselves in the first few days of classes but I don’t think going into the girl’s bathroom facilities would be a good way to make a name.” He pointed down...

3 years ago
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The Lake House

Six months ago I started working at a new firm. In that time I made quite a few new friends, but no one more like me than Jack. Jack and I had so much in common. We each loved fishing, hiking and swimming but I was still surprised when he invited me to his Famiy cabin on Lake Tahoe for the Memorial Day weekend. I drove up a long gravel road to the Cabin and noticed that aside from his SUV mine was the only other car. I didn't think much of it as I walked up to the door and rang the bell. After...

4 years ago
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Baby all cum soon Party

It was a while since I spoke to you to catch up with my naughty real life diary for you.So Fat slag Tracy is close on dropping her black brat!Teeny Sue is showing her swelling belly(8 months on), proudly!I am well on my way with a bit of waddling walking as my Negro son gets bigger in me!Our lovers are still fucking us all eagerly, they are-A group of blacks for Tracy, PS she does not know the father of her brat, as she fucked loads of BBC studs, one or more managed to finish himself off in her...

3 years ago
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Eat Pray Lust

She rides, she shudders. She sucks air into her throat, says Ooh as it cools her. She squeezes your knees with fingers so tense the knuckles have turned white. She swishes her head down and you wrap your fingers around black and yellow hair. Regrowth is coming through, fresh, happy hair pushing the sad hair away. She’s facing away, twisting and shimmying on your lap. You count the vertebrae of her spine. She’s short and plump. They’re all misshapen in some way, these women, but they all have...

1 year ago
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I fucked my girlfriend8217s mom

Hi, I am Chetan, and I am back with So a brief description of my girlfriend. Her name is Chaitna. She is 21 years old, 5’3″, fair, black hair, 32 c boobs and 36 ass. She has a hell of an hourglass sexy figure. I am a fan of her ass. She is one of the horniest girls I have ever met. Once, we fucked twice the night before we went to sleep. The next morning it was not even 6 am, and she woke me up by stroking my cock. And we did it again then. So let’s talk about her mom now. Her name is...

2 years ago
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Stacys First Time

I have been cross-dressing for almost a year now. Ever since I can remember, I have had a fetish for high heels and finally was able to start buying my own secretively once I came to college. I have my own collection and wear feminine clothing mostly in my room, but one evening I was so horny from watching porn and wearing my dress and heels. I went on to an internet site to find someone in my area looking to get sucked. And lucky for me I did! I took a shower and shaved my ass and around my...

1 year ago
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my first big black cock

i am a 35 yr old white married south african women. im curvy with a 38dd pair of tits, i have a great ass, i have alway been a hot and horny women my hair is red my eyes blue.i have been married for 10yrs , and have been with lot of other men over the 10yrs. i have worked as a secitary all my working life. have been naughty with a few men i have worked with, have had office sex , on my desk , and couch in my office, but have never even though of fucking a black guy, in SA that is just not done,...

3 years ago
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micheal masseth is gay

I Im ssingle i had a friend name micheal masseth he used to be cool with me until i found he was with this guy who mad him gay and hes from Detroit,MI he start dress tight shirts and jeans and i was inbaressed to call him a friend show and knock hims out im a boxer and and athlete i wiegh 178 all muscle ladies lets get back to the story he hurt my fellings call me names so i had sex with his girl and he got mad and moved too another hood hes girl has a nice ass i just broke up with her see was...

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The Nexus

The Nexus A Body Hopper story. Absolute power corrupt absolutely. I don't know who first said that but I know it to be absolutely true as I am absolutely corrupt. It all happened in less than a week. One, then another, and another of my values were discarded until I am where I am. Who am I to be absolutely powerful, you scoff. Well, I am, and you will be too. I wasn't always this way. In fact, I was a man of standards and values. I knew what was right and wrong. I didn't...

3 years ago
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Tory DaughterChapter 9

Miss Anne, oh Miss Anne, dere's a man downstairs wants t'see you. Can't call him a genta'man, way he's dressed. I'se seen him somewhere's." Philippa watched the young redhead pull herself together, look in the mirror, push at her impossible hair, wiggle in her linen dress, spread the bodice wider with her thumbs, yank up her stiff corset, smile at herself and head for the steps, all in about ten seconds. The maid servant fled before her, well aware of who was visiting. Standing in...

2 years ago
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A Quick Blowjob

She was so gorgeous! I had to try something different with her.I was at the grocery store in the checkout line when a gorgeous girl with long red hair and blue eyes wheeled her basket up behind me. I smiled at her, and she returned a smile. Then I noticed that she had only three items in her cart. And since my cart was almost full, I made an easy decision.“Hi. Since you have only three things, why don’t you go ahead of me? My cart is full.”“Oh, thank you, sir! You’re so nice!”As we exchanged...

1 year ago
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What Happens in Vegas Part 1

The Explanation The computer mouse danced over multiple LCD monitors as Brian listened with lax enthusiasm to the various voices talking through the speakers. CNBC played on a large television near the window, the volume only barely discernible. Two German Shepherds were strewn along the two couches near the window, lying lazily as if waiting for Brian to finally find a tennis ball to throw. The various Directors from Finance, Sales and Operations recited their monthly reports: sales, profits,...

Wife Lovers
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Erotic First Night

"After the erotic massage, he took her to the swimming pool decorated with flowers that have already spread the exoticness and erotic aroma spread across the basement"----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hello… [email protected] Till then blast your missiles!

First Time
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Big titted aunt rides nephew

100% fiction! Auntie paid visits to the house a lot. She lives houses away but, this time her nephew was home alone. She walked in and he was sitting in his room watching porn,his 9 inch cock fully erect when she walked in the room. He tried to hide his massive member but,failed miserably. She shut the door and asked,"is anyone else home?" He shook his head no as she moved his way. Her huge tits,thick build and sexy face kept him erect. She asked,"instead of that video,you can put that big cock...

2 years ago
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Sex In School 8211 Part 1

Doston yeh Kahani hai, mere school ki, 10th class ki baat hai. Mein Mumbai kaha rahane wala hoon, Mera coed tha.Yeh chudai story hai meri aur hindi man ki chudai ki. Mam ka naam shobha tha. Unki height Kam thi around 5’1″ but unka figure kafi acha tha. Jab Maine Pheli baar dekha unhe to meri nazaro ne unhe upar se neeche tak scan kits. kaale lammbe baal Jo Unki gaand ko dhak lete. Gura rang, neeli aankhe, maroon saari aur matching blouse. Jisme unke boobs ek dum tight aur perfectly round shape...

1 year ago
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The best experience

CHARACTERS Q=QUENTIN HOST=NEWS HOST REPORTER copy-GIRL Quentin is a young high school student, he has the uniform still on, he is 1.70 meters, he has no facial hair, he has straight hair, and he is thin, he is watching the news on the television in his room at night, lying in his bed relaxing from an overwhelming day, the university entrance exams will be soon. ON TELEVISION IT IS OBSERVED A GROUP OF HOSTAGES COME OUT OF A BUILDING IN THE CENTER OF THE CITY HOST: there is what happened a few...

Mind Control
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Rescue in Rome

Janie Ward sat on her suitcase and looked, almost dumbly at her phone, not even sure what to do next. It had been almost a life long fantasy, a hope, a dream, and here she was, sitting in the tatters of her great European Adventure, her longed for trip to Rome, and she was on the verge of tears. Thoughts raced across her mind, as she fought back the tears: ‘How could Marge do this?’ She’d scrimped and saved and had been scheduled to go on this dream fulfilling trip to Rome with her friend...

4 years ago
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Vacation with my family part III

************************* When I woke up next morning it was ten in the morning. I got ready putting on a nice bikini and went for breakfast. Dad was sitting at the table reading a newspaper while Chris was playing with his Xbox. Mom and Sarah were in the kitchen preparing pancakes. „Good morning Dad. Hey Chris.“ „Good morning sweety.“ answered my dad while Chris only smiled „Morning sleep-head.“ All were dressed in swimwear because it was one of our rituals to go to the beach...

1 year ago
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MyPervyFamily Sky Pierce Hot StepCousin Helps Bro Move In to Apartment and Test Out Bed

I just got a new apartment and my step-cousin, Sky, offered to help me move in. Little did I know she was gonna be snooping around my place and going through my stuff. Sky first finds my condoms, she doesn’t stop and then finds my tobacco pipe, Sky wants to try it and the next things I know she is acting all funny. She lays in my bed and starts to get undress, I swear I didn’t plan this but I am not gonna miss this chance to fuck my hot step-cousin. I slide my big dick in her tight...

3 years ago
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Nurse Practitioner Makes House Calls Part 3

My Nurse Practitioner Sherry had been treating me for several hours. To put things bluntly, we had been fucking like wild beasts in heat and both of us were gratified, satisfied, and nearly exhausted. Almost swimming in a mixture or her sweet glory hole juice, my cum, and our sweat, we lay cuddled up intertwined with one another attempting to breathe but still softly and tenderly fondling one another. We were jolted out of our euphoric state by the sound of an automobile horn coming from my...

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One night aboard the Enterprise

One night aboard the Enterprise Author's note: This is a sequel of sorts of a story called "The Procrustean Petard" published in an anthology called "Star Trek: The new voyages 2". Which you can buy from Amazon here: Voyages/dp/0553279335#customerReviews I'll try to give enough detail at the start to help those who haven't read that story ... "Captain's personal log, Stardate 42832.5, We are finally leaving the star system home to the...

4 years ago
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Sighs MatterChapter 7 Swallowed up into the Interior

The rest of the day was spent without major incident, our party meandering its way farther into the bush. I marveled at the many hundreds of tropical birds we disturbed along our way, their fire-like plumage contrasting deeply with the dark tropical surroundings. Parrots, macaws and cockatiels flapped and squawked in the jungle canopy above us, and I thought I might have even seen a rare Norwegian Blue at one point, but Tess swore he was just sleeping. We crossed a wide but shallow stream bed...

1 year ago
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Fantasy Fulfilled at a Cost

by aliveinpr Sometimes, when a person’s fantasy is fulfilled, other fantasies are fulfilled too. Can fantasies cancel each other when the wife acts on her husbands fantasy, but then her own hidden fantasy is brought to the surface? Again Bob suggested to his wife, Donna, that he would like her to have sex with another man. He kept telling her that he thought it was really hot to think of her being fucked by another man. Donna was getting tired of having to tell him that he was the only...

3 years ago
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AlteristChapter 2

For every action there is an equal but opposite reaction. I think it was Isaac Newton that came up with that. Whoever it was, he was right. Nothing like proving it in the middle of winter over a raging river. There I was, playing hero, trying to save a stoned asshole from going over a cliff, thereby cleansing the gene pool. As soon as I pushed back on his feet, I felt my arms move. Since I happened to be mid-air at the time, my whole body moved along with them. It was a 70 foot fall. I'd...

1 year ago
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Alyce discovers a lusty Wonderland

Alyce reclined against her favorite tree on campus. It was a relatively warm day with a pleasant cool breeze that reminded her spring break was only a week away. She enjoyed the time she spent here on the Quad. With midterms coming up, she barely had time for herself. It seemed that studying had become her new social past time. Majoring in English, Alyce got to combine her most favorite hobby with her school work. She loved reading, but sometimes, she wanted to read something other than the...

2 years ago
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Fairly CAPableChapter 27 Cleanup Aisle L

No one waited for Leo as he crawled his way back to consciousness. He came to in the med-tube, the technician offering a hand to help him up. He batted it away. He was a Reaper, goddammit, he didn’t need any help. He snarled as he remembered the fight. He’d got him good – but he’d still ended up on the losing end. He had made the mistake of thinking the asshole was down and out. He hadn’t expected him to get up. He hadn’t expected him to be so strong, either. He’d thought his love tap to the...

3 years ago
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Three Mature Ladies and Me strapon sex

hmmm a few months ago i was at a party of a friend and some older ladies were there too (family of his and acquaintances (around 30-45). Most of his friends were long gone after a couple of hours, but i was having a good time and having fun with the ladies.After a while the party was running towards it's end and some of the ladies invited me to go out with them and show them where i went out most of the time in amsterdam nowadays.Ofcourse alcohol was being consumed heavily on this night and...

1 year ago
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Team Player

I took some towels down to the team locker room. I remembered a story that my friend John told me. As I handed the last towel to a player he said,"Are you gay?" "Not really but I sometimes do bi." I grabbed him and kissed him and let my tongue seek his out. He had just stepped from the shower and he started to get hartd really quick. He and several others began to strip my clothes from me. He said, "We're going to do what ever we want to with you." I said, "Okay, but keep in mind that I may...

1 year ago
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My Aunt Padma Showed Me Heaven Part 11

Hi friends, I am penning down my memories after a very long time. I hope you like this story too, as in my earlier stories. I am a 52-year-old man presently living in Bangalore. This particular incident happened in Mysore. During summer vacations, I had been to my dad’s younger cousin sister, Padma Aunty’s place. I was studying Engineering and was about 19 years old. Nodding, I got between Indira’s legs, pointing my cockhead at her love hole. I pushed my cock slowly inside. As she was well...

4 years ago
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A Maid Man

A Maid Man by Patricia Violet Chapter 1: The Arrival of the Delicate Miss Wilkons Ashton was a struggling author, but he could never seem to stay focused on a story long enough to finish it. So one summer after many failed attempts to write his novel, he moved out of his apartment in Manhattan to his family's small summer cottage out on a small lake upstate. Out here he could focus on writing and nothing else, or so he thought. He called my residence...

3 years ago
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College Days

Tom wakes up and rolls over. "What happened last night?" he thinks to himself. He remembers the party he and his roommates had at their house, but he doesn't remember anything past 12 o'clock. "Another good night" he laughs to himself. Tom rolls over to his right to notice a girl in bed with him. She has long blond hair and is rather pretty. "Way to go Tom" he thinks to himself. He lifts up the covers to find that she is naked.

4 years ago
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The Initiation

The notion that any of my former lovers would ask me, at my age, to initiate her virginal daughter into the mysteries of sex had never crossed my mind. “For several reasons,” she said. “First, she knows and likes you. Second, you were a wonderful, gentle, thoughtful lover, who always treated me with respect. And, because she is leaving for college next year. The thought that her first experience might be some drunken frat boy showing off for his friends makes me want to throw up.” “You know I...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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the ultimate cuckold

The ultimate cuckoldIt's coming up on the one year anniversary that this hot young couple have been going out. Both 20 and actually similar build, small and petite. They could almost be twins. She is a bit smaller but nice tits and ass, smooth all over, both blond. 10 months going out and not only has she not put out yet, she is still a virgin and teases him all the time. Though he is very horny and tries to get her to cave in and let him into play all the time. She is so hot so he waits for...

1 year ago
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Romantic Exploration

It was late in the evening when you were returning from your trip out of town, and I was looking forward to seeing you again. It is always so hard when you go away, I can’t help but miss you. You called me to say that you were on your way home, and I offered to come sit and talk with you while you unpacked. You agreed, and half an hour later I was ringing your bell, anxious to see you, hear your voice. When I entered your place, we fell into each other’s arms, both wanting to hold the other...

4 years ago
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My Girls IIThe End Of Cycles The Beginning Of KnowledgeChapter 4

I remember thinking that I must be crazy. A man was standing behind me, holding a gun to my head, and I was fascinated by my daughter's eyes. Her beautiful green eyes, so expressive, so bright, had suddenly gone flat, and devoid of all expression. It scared me. Not for me, but because I knew, I just knew, that the man holding the gun on me was dead. I didn't know how I knew that, but I was sure of it. I just watched, fascinated, watching to see how it would happen. There was a role...

2 years ago
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Brendan FallsChapter 6

Joshua C. Hathaway had been a general in the War of Southern Independence and for the second time in that city's history, Chicago had burned to the ground. He'd called it payback for what Sherman had done to his beloved Atlanta during the War of Northern Aggression and so there were a lot of schools named after the man, including the one I was now attending. Hathaway High, which was a segregated school for black students only, for freeborn kids mostly, or those few slaves who wanted to go...

2 years ago
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Lady Kavanagh Part 1

Lady Kavanagh sized up the situation in the way one might expect a well-educated woman to: she was not in control. What’s more, she was acutely aware of the fact! “Fuck,” she muttered. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.” “Are you mumbling, ma’am?” Asked her youthful chauffeur, at least 15 years her junior. He was standing directly behind her and, although she could not see him, she was certain he looked menacing. “No”. “Good. You don’t look so posh with your fat ass stuck in the air,” remarked her driver. He...

3 years ago
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He took the bait

So my wife purchased a massage plan for me. I had it for nearly two years and went to the same ther****t majority of the time. I like deep tissue massage so I requested a guy with affirm touch. James oh, not his real name came highly recommended. The ladies at the front desk all raved about how good he was with deep tissue. I usually left feeling we finalized and refreshed. And the next day of my body would feel the after-effects of a burn Rubber. Whenever I went for my massage I undressed down...

2 years ago
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Kamsin Behan Nai Bhai Ko Phasaya Moh Jaal Mei Aur Chudwaya

Hello friends, me ek baar phir wapas aaya hu ek nayi story le kar apne priya pathako ke liye. Yeh story mujhe meri ek friend ne batayi hai aur woh chahti hai ki mai yeh story aap sab ke saath share karu. Meri friend ka naam archana hai aur ab yeh story app usi ki zubani sunane jaa rahe hai Mera naam archana hai aur yeh story tab ki hai jab mai 20 saal ki thi. Tab mera figure tha 32 – 28 – 26. Meri family mei mere mummy papa aur mera chota bhai bhi saath rehte they. Mere chote bhai ka naam...

3 years ago
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I was driving us home from the party. Barbara was unusually quiet and pensive. She looked out the window at the streetlights, arms crossed over her chest, not talking at all. I left her alone, knowing that she would eventually say what was on her mind. As we crossed over the river, she turned toward me and said, ‘Are you attracted to younger women?’ I glanced at her lovely, intense face and said, ‘Yes, of course. Sometimes.’ She looked back out the window. ‘Why?’ she asked, simply. ‘Well,’...

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