KristenChapter 2 free porn video

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It was late afternoon when we arrived home. The Manor appeared the same as ever: the main house, stables, barns, store houses, staff housing and the work rooms for the various crafts: carpenter, blacksmith, weaver and seamstress, potter, leather and saddle shop; all of the familiar sights and sounds of home. We must have been spotted on the way in, as we were greeted as we rode into the court yard behind the house and near the stable. A groom took Alfred’s and my horses. There was a bit of confusion over Kristen’s horse and herself also.

As we were getting things sorted out, my wife and sister-in-law appeared. My two children were also there. I kissed Abby, and said hello to Bernice. Eric and Edith, both, got a hug and Edith a kiss. It was then that things started to go down hill. Abby saw Kristen for the first time.

“What stray puppy have you dragged home now, Jacob?” she asked. Kristen had been staring in disbelief at the house and surroundings. I motioned her forward and turned to my wife.

“Abby, this is Kristen. I have decided to adopt her as my daughter. She will be living in the main house with us and the other children.”

“So out of the blue, you have adopted this ... this slut!” Abby shrilled.

“This girl,” I corrected. “Yes, I decided without consulting you or anyone else. Kristen is a sweet child, and I couldn’t leave her in the village to be taken advantage of. So now, I will have two sons and two daughters, and you have only had to produce half of them.” Abby and Bernice stomped off – back to the house. The children were more than a little shocked at the goings on. I turned to them, and gave them instructions then, as normally as possible.

“Eric and Edith take your new sister upstairs, and help her get settled. She can have the room next to Edith. When she is settled in bring her down to the dining room for dinner.”

“Yes, Father,” “Yes, Daddy,” they replied.

“Kristen, go with Eric and Edith. They will show you where you will be staying. We’ll have dinner when you’re settled in.”

“Yes, my ... Father,” she replied in a soft voice, “thank you.” Eric took her bag with what few possessions she had and led the way into the house. I thought Kristen was going to say “Yes, my Master” but she caught herself.

Dinner was a very cold affair. Abby and Bernice sat at the far end of the table. I was at the other end. Kristen was on my right, and Edith was on my left. Eric sat next to Edith, and Alfred was between Kristen and Bernice. Abby gave me the cold shoulder, but that was all right as that was all I had been getting lately anyway. Alfred and I talked about the trip and the snow storm. Eric related what the storm had been like at the manor. Edith didn’t say much.

After dinner, I took the three children into the den to talk with them. When they were all seated, I started my explanation.

“Eric, Edith, I want both of you to help Kristen to get settled. She has some night clothes, and another set of day clothes. I have already spoken with the housekeeper. Her travel clothes will be picked up in the morning to be washed. You two must show Kristen around so she knows were things are in the house and what time meals are. Introduce her to the servants. I’ve already told the housekeeper that I will have no disrespect shown Kristen. Is that clear to you? She is my daughter, as surely as you are my son and daughter. Your Mother and Aunt will come around eventually. Kristen is a very sweet child. She has had a rough time in life so far, but things will be better here.”

“Kristen, child, in the morning I’ll take you over to the seamstress to get some more clothes made. Eric and Edith will introduce you to our School Teacher when we get back. You will start school tomorrow. There is much to learn, but I know you can do it. Now all of you, off to your rooms. I’ll be up later to see you all in your beds.”

“Yes, Father.” Yes, Daddy.” “Yes, my ... Father.” After they had all gone, Alfred came in. He had a slight smile on his face.

“Well, my Lord Father was it as bad as you expected it to be?” he asked as he took a seat.

“As bad – yes, worse – no. I thought Abby would fly off the handle for sure. She seemed to control herself better than I expected.”

“Mother spoke to me while you were in here with the others. She said Aunt Abby thinks you brought Kristen here to be your mistress. Were I you, I would not give her any reason to continue to believe that. It wouldn’t be good for - domestic tranquility, Father.”

“Yes, I know, Alfred. I talked to Kristen about that very thing the night before we left the village. She knows that there can be nothing intimate between us here.” We smoked our pipes and had a brandy or two. Afterward, I went to say good night to the children. I stopped at Eric’s room first, he being the oldest. He was still up.

“Eric, my son, you are the oldest. I expect you to help Kristen with her lessons. She has a great deal to catch up on. I’ll speak to your teacher tomorrow. You’re to make sure that no one bothers her or insults her. This is all very new to her. Explain everything to her. She’s very bright and will learn quickly, but she is very fragile. Her self-esteem is not that high, so be careful with her.”

“Father is what Mother said true. Is she to be your slut, or is she truly to be a daughter?”

“Eric, Kristen is truly to be my daughter. Words like you just used will get your mouth washed out with soap the next time. Kristen is a very sweet girl, but she is still a child. I love her as I would any child, with my heart, not any other parts.”

“Yes, Father,” was his only reply.

Edith was next. She was already in bed when I knocked on her door.

“Come in, Daddy.” she responded.

“And how did you know, it was me?” I asked, as I entered.

“Because you always start with Eric, and I heard his door open and close,” she answered.

“Very astute, young lady. Now let us be serious for a minute. I need you to help Kristen. All of this is very new and scary for her. She never lived in a big house like this. She also never went to school very much in her village. She will need a lot of help. I think a smart girl like you could really be a big help to her. Will you do your best to help her over the rough spots?” I asked.

“Yes, Daddy. I’ll help her. She seems very shy, and she didn’t have many clothes to put away tonight.”

“No, Dear. They don’t have a lot of extra clothes in her village. You are very fortunate to have a lot of clothes and this nice house. And yes, Kristen is very shy. You must help her adapt.”

“Yes, Daddy. I like the idea of an older sister.”

“Good. Now go to sleep, my Sweet.” I kissed her on the forehead, and blew out her candle.

I had purposely saved Kristen for last. I wanted to be sure the others agreed to help her, but I also was not sure how I would handle being in her bedroom alone with her. Was Abby right? Had I only brought her here to use as my mistress? I know that wasn’t my intent when I had asked her about coming with me. God, I hoped I was doing the right thing.

I knocked on Kristen’s door, and it opened almost instantly. She ran into me, and wrapped her arms around me. She was crying, tears streaming down her face, and near hysteria. The room was dark, and I remembered her fear of the dark. I held my lantern up to illuminate things, and noticed the candle had never been lit.

“Why are you sitting here in the dark, Kristen?”

“I had no fire, my Master,” she replied in a whimper between sobs.

“Did you ask one of the other children to help?”

“No, my Master. Their doors were closed.”

“Kristen, knock on their door to alert them. When they tell you to enter, go in and ask them for whatever help you need. You’re their sister. They will help you.”

“Yes, my Master,” she said, still crying. “Oh, my Master, I’m so frightened. Do not leave me here by myself. Take me to your room, and hold me all night.”

“Kristen, you know I can’t do that. I told you before we started that I couldn’t do that,” I said sounding rather peeved. “Hold this lantern, and I’ll show you where the fire set is kept. Then you can light your candle, and won’t be here in the dark.” I showed her where the fire set was kept. She knew how to use it, and soon the candle made the room much lighter. I had her sit on the bed, while I talked to her.

“I have talked to Eric and Edith. They will be helping you to adjust to living here. Tomorrow after breakfast, I will take you to the seamstress, so she can measure you for some clothes. When we come back, I will introduce you to the Teacher we have here. Eric, Edith, and a number of the local children attend school six days a week. You will attend with them. Edith especially, but Eric also, will help you with your lessons. It’s very important for a young lady to be able to read and write well, also to do arithmetic. It will be something a future husband will expect in a young lady of means. I want you to work very hard on this, Kristen. It’s important to your future. Can you do this for me?” I asked.

“Yes, my Master. I will do all that you ask.” I bent down to kiss her cheek, but Kristen had other ideas. She turned her head slightly, so that my lips landed on hers. As quick as can be, her arms were around my neck, and she was pulling herself into me. She was kissing me with passion, and her breathing was already ragged. She slipped her tongue in to my surprised mouth and tried to suck my breath away. I pulled back in a minute or so and looked at her crossly.

“Kristen, we can’t do that. There will be all kind of trouble if someone sees us doing that.”

“I know, my Master. I promised I wouldn’t, but sometimes... !” here she ran out of words, but not tears.

“I understand Kristen. Perhaps I was wrong to bring you here. I know this is difficult for you, but believe me in the long run it will be very beneficial. Please trust me on this, Kristen, and just do your best.”

“Yes, my Master. I will try,” she responded through her tears. I patted her shoulder, helped her get in the bed, and under the covers. I gave her the kiss on the cheek, that I had intended earlier. God, she had felt good in my arms, but I couldn’t start that here. I spent a long lonely night in my own bed. It was but the first of many.

Breakfast was at 7:30. Abby and Bernice were conspicuous by their absence. Afterward, Kristen and I were off to the seamstress. A talk with the School Teacher followed. I made sure he understood that Kristen was to be treated just the same as the rest of the student were, but that she needed some special help. He assured me that he would look after her.

Alfred and I were busy all the next day catching up on what had been left undone during our absence. Following that, we had to take care of everything from the trip: expenses, salaries, notes about conditions in various villages, and finally beans and bridges. It all took us several days.

Abby and Bernice had been taking their meals in their rooms for the week since our return. This would have to stop, so I went to talk to them. It was a stormy session, but eventually they agreed to return to the dining room for meals.

The children seemed to be getting along fine. Edith and Kristen especially seemed to have really hit it off. I was glad, as they both needed a friend.

Interlude in Edith’s Room

Day six after arrival

Edith called Kristen into her room after school.

“How do you like school so far, Kristen?” she asked.

“I’m so dumb. I only went to school two years in our village. Even the little children here know more than I do,” Kristen replied in dejection.

“You’ll learn. It really isn’t hard. You just have to work at it a little. Besides you knew all about the plants and things we learned about this afternoon. How did you know that?”

“In my village, all the children learn the plants, planting, and harvesting early, so we can help. It takes much work to have a good harvest in the fall.”

“Kristen, I want to ask you about something. I saw you kissing Daddy the other night. It wasn’t a kiss like I give him. It was more like a kiss Mother gives him. Only she never holds it like you did. Are you in love with Daddy?”

“Yes, Edith. I’m in love with him, but we can not show it. You should not have seen that the other night. My Master was very cross with me for doing it, but I needed him so badly. Just his touch but... !” here she broke down and cried for a while.

Edith was visibly upset by Kristen’s crying, and moved over to comfort her. When Kristen had calmed down some, Edith asked her final question.

“Kristen have you had sex?”

“Yes, all the girls in my village have sex.”

“With each other?”

“No, of course not. Well maybe one or two of them. It’s with the men we have sex. The men are always interested.”

“Kristen have you had sex with Daddy?”

“Yes, in my village during the snow storm. He rescued me from freezing, and was so kind. He fed me and clothed me. I could not help but love him. My Master made me feel so good, more than any of the other man had. He was gentle and passionate. He cared that I would feel good at the end, and not just himself. I truly love my Master.

“Kristen, you were a slave weren’t you? That’s the third time you called Daddy your Master.”

“Yes, I am a slave. Your father will always be my Master. Even if I am free the rest of my life, he will be my Master till I die.”

“Kristen, can you tell me about sex?” Edith asked with desire in her voice.

End Interlude

One Year after Arriving Home

Jacob is now 37

Kristen is now 16

Richard, Baron of Westland, was coming to dinner. Richard was my cousin five or six times removed or something like that. We had hired a number of his artisans to construct a bridge across the principal river in our lands. The same river we had needed to detour around to ford a year ago. The bridge was nearly completed.

It had been a year of many changes and surprises. Kristen had bloomed. It was amazing what a reasonable steady diet could do for a 15 year old girl, and she had filled out nicely. Her studies had also come along really well. She was a little behind Eric and Edith, but not so far as one would expect. Some of the children had thought her dumb, but she soon proved them wrong.

Her knowledge of plants and farming had led to her actually teaching those subjects in the spring. She had also taken over the manor garden and had all sorts of vegetable and herbs growing there. The other classes taught girls had also been of benefit to her. Sewing at the Seamstress, along with knitting and embroidery. Dance classes for both boys and girls. Where Kristen really shone though was the kitchen. She had just about taken over the kitchen. Hana, the cook, had come to see me about it.

“My Lord, you must do something about Kristen,” she said.

“Has she done something wrong?” I asked.

“Wrong? No, my Lord. She has taken over my kitchen. She cooks the dinner when she gets out of school. All the kitchen help do what ever she says. They all love her. How can I run the kitchen when she is always there?”

“Hana, has she ruined or broken anything? Is her cooking bad? Has she poisoned anyone?”

“No, my Lord. That’s part of the problem, her cooking is too good. It’s better than mine. I have been a cook for 25 years, my Lord, and I cannot cook like she does. All of the dinners for the past two months have been made by Kristen.”

“Yes, I had noticed that dinner was very good of late,” I said.

“The soldiers, a couple, used to come for leftovers to the kitchen, also for the slave girls. Now every night, I have to fight off most of the whole cavalry unit coming to my kitchen. Last week, I sent Kristen to talk to their cook. She came back smiling and said the soldiers would not be bothering me much any more. Now there are only a few each night - again.”

“Hana, you are in charge of the kitchen. Think of Kristen as your head chef. You run the people and make sure things are on hand, the people are ready, and do their jobs. Let Kristen cook. It seems to be what she does. You supervise – you’re very good at that. I know as I have seen you. You were always overworked when you had to do both. Now you have a helper. Can you do that?”

“My Lord, I had never considered it like that, but you’re right. It has been much easier with Kristen doing the cooking. And yes, she has never tried to take away my authority. She has always been very polite and helpful. And yes, the rest of the kitchen help all love her.” Hana went away happy.

I wish I could make Abby happy as easily. She is still very put off by Kristen. It all started because I was helping Kristen with her reading. It was still winter, and the bedrooms, where the children usually did their school work, were cold. They had started to do their work in my den, as I usually had a fire going there, and it was large enough for all of us to work comfortably.

Kristen would bring her reader in and ask me to help her. I would sit in my wing chair and Kristen would sit in my lap so we could both see the book, and she would read out loud. I would help with any new words or explanations that were required. We had done this for several weeks. One night we read until particularly late. We were both tired when Kristen finished her assignment. She lay her head on my shoulder and closed her eyes.

“Just let me rest here a minute, my Master.” she asked. “Then I’ll go to bed.” God, it felt so good to hold her just sitting there. I closed my eyes to enjoy the feeling. The next thing I knew, Abby was screaming at me and calling me a lecher and child molester. Her noise woke the rest of the house. It was about two in the morning, so we must have slept there for 4 or 5 hours at least. The fire was only cold embers, and the candles were all burned down.

“Abby,” I shouted, “what are you talking about. Kristen was only reading. We simply fell asleep. What is the problem?” All the noise had awakened Kristen. She was frightened and slid off my lap.

“I’m sorry, Mistress. I only wanted to rest for a minute before going to my room. I must have fallen asleep on Father’s lap,” she explained. Abby had managed to cool down some. She could see that neither of us had our clothes disturbed, or missing. Kristen’s reader was on the floor where it had fallen. The door to the den had also been open. There had been nothing hidden. Just two people fallen asleep. Bernice came in and they conferred, then both left.

That was the first time. After that we were careful to have someone else in there with us. It did happen again, several times, but always with a witness handy.

When Kristen found out that Richard was coming to dinner, she outdid herself. Richard had a reputation as a gourmet. He had a chef from the capital and was very proud of the food he served at his manor.

The meal started with tomato soup. It was followed by asparagus in a cream sauce; broccoli, rice, and chicken in a different sauce; the final dish was steak with Kristen’s recipe for baked beans. Fresh bread and coffee were served with all of the above.

Same as Kristen
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Hi,eth ente aadhya anubhava kadhayanu.Ethile thettukal oru thudakkakaren ennanilayil ningal shamichu theranamennum,eniyulla ente vazhikalil enikk prachodhanavum,thettukale poruthum tharanamenn abyarthikkunu. Ente peru muhsin ennanu,ee kadha njnum ente elayammayum sambhadhicha onnanu,eni enne kurichu parayam njn oru 22 vayasukkaran b.Tech student aanu.Height 5’6 ,weight 55 ,eru niram.Eni ente ee kadha nayika elayammaye kurich parayam ,avar 38 vayasulla vivahithayanu,3 aan pillerude ummayanu,avar...

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Amy reached from beneath the sheets and groped around clumsily for her alarm clock as it beeped cheerily on her bedside table and knocked it to the floor. As her hand slid from the nightstand, following the clock to its doom, she let her arm hang lazily from the side of the bed. As she slowly rolled over onto her stomach she felt something squashing against her upper thighs. Something hard. Warm and damp, it pressed against her skin, bunching her panties to one side and making...

4 years ago
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Time Manipulation Mind Control Chapter 18 Cheerleader Slaves Naughty Choice

Chapter Eighteen: Cheerleader Slave's Naughty Choice By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Justin Sampson The rings thrummed as I passed between them. I hurtled head-first towards the machine. I thrust my arms out before me. My skin crawled. My toes tingled. I felt the next arm spinning down at me, trailing a wake of particles that made my entire body feel like it wanted to fly apart. I hit a metal shelf around the base of the machine, hovering with the arms. I grunted, rolled, and crashed...

3 years ago
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Stained Window Stained Panties

Barely discernable movements could be detected between two houses on the cul-de-sac. Nearing midnight, the suburban streets were silent. The movements were of a slender young man on a covert mission. His target; the dark house to his right. Only one room lit. Perfect.His gaze immediately was drawn to the light like a moth to a bug zapper. Even in this darkness on the edge of town, he knew the terrain perfectly. This wasn't his first late-night surveillance of this particular window. Nor would...

2 years ago
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Lap LessonsChapter 9

There are moments in life--horrifying moments--when the world seems to stand still. Such a moment came to Crystal Locke a couple of weeks later in the middle of one of her seminars at Fisk International as she spoke to a roomful of insurance executives, giving them instructions on the operation of their new A-C 1100 computer. Fred and Sylvia Ritter were there, of course, while Crystal lectured in top form. A couple of men came into the room and went to the Ritters. They didn't look like...

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ElevatedChapter 5

Gerard's Freedom, the restaurant where Quad directed the driver to take him and Corvus for lunch, turned out to be an unpretentious steakhouse set on a rise overlooking a wide expanse of white sand, blue water, and tanned bodies. It wasn't what Corvus would have expected of a patrician restaurant. There were no white tablecloths or golden forks and the slaves who served their lunch appeared to have been chosen more for their competence as for their attractiveness. Still, the food was good...

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Traveling With Bryan Ch 5 We Head Home From The Funeral

Bryan and I made it to Albuquerque two days before my dad passed away peacefully. We remained for the funeral and the family gatherings that followed. Those days remain a blur in my memory. Clearly, between my father's passing, the funeral and the family interactions, there were no opportunities for Bryan and me to be intimate; not that I wanted to be intimate under these circumstances. The slight respite gave me some time to search my soul about the events of the past week without a...

3 years ago
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Mistis Adventures Part 83

Robbi got to school in plenty of time to find a parking space and take a leisurely walk across the campus square to where she would have her class. She found a bench on the lawn just outside, and, since it had warmed up considerably, decided to sit for a while, before going in. She pulled her phone from her purse, and sent a text message to her Mom, telling her that she had arrived, and was getting ready to go inside, shortly. Mom returned her message, "Go get 'em, Sweetheart. Love Ya." She...

3 years ago
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PolyDexterous Moments

‘Would it be okay if she stayed here for a little while, you know, just till she can get back on her feet?’ We had just finished a passionate evening of good sex and Linda was curled up beside me playing with my chest hair. The ‘she’ in her question was her best friend Frieda. She had just lost her job after suffering a humiliating break up six months ago with her live-in boyfriend who dumped her for someone younger. I grunted. I didn’t want to commit to anything. Linda and I have been...

4 years ago
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The knapped

The k**napped 1===============I had heard of carjacking but it never occured to me that it could happen in oursmall town. I had just picked up Marcia from her aerobics class and was on myway home. She is thirteen now and her body is changing so she wanted to lose herbaby fat.We stopped for a traffic light and suddenly the rear door was jerked open and ablack guy jumped into the back seat holding a gun. He pressed it into my neckand said, "Just be cool lady. I just need a ride. As soon as we get...

2 years ago
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Carrying the FlagChapter 5 WeNeedToTalk

Friday after my last class I was moving! I had cheers to learn. From Matt! Terrell passed me going in the opposite direction just as fast. I managed a quick wave and "Hi!" All I got back from him was "we need to talk!" We need to talk??!! The four worst words to ever hear, no matter who says them -- 'specially your boyfriend. Shit! My heart turned to ice. But by the time I pirouetted he was already gone, having dropped a lump in my gut that grew spikes. Then I got pissed. If he...

3 years ago
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Its Donkey TimeChapter 5

Juanita led the donkey back off the stage and out of the barn, her bare feet slipping and sliding in the spilled cum on the floor. She was very horny now, having swallowed a lovely mouthful of donkey-jism without getting her cunt creamed off. Although his balls were empty, the burro showed some interest in her cunt, shoving his muzzle in under her ass, sniffing and nibbling. She led the beast around to his stall, debating whether she should get him to lick her off. But she was more in the...

2 years ago
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The HitchHiker Part 2

Part 2 When I woke up. I woke up to the sound of heavy rain hitting the roof and ground. At first I was lying there looking up at the ceiling, when I realised that Mandy was suppose to be next to me. I got up, dressed in my boxers and T shirt, then started looking around. My wallet and other personal items were still on the table. Then I looked in the bathroom and saw that all of her clothing were taken down. I was just about to ring the manager when I practically tripped over her pack...

4 years ago
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Meeting Again After Parking Garage

" Come to my place then?" I ask, winded. I pull up to a Luxury apartment complex in the exclusive part of Dallas. The car is hardly parked before she is out of it, hurrying around to meet me. I unlock the front door and it is shut behind us. She is very nervous now ... jittery with sexual excitement. Her heart is beating faster, and her breathing increases with the palpably erotic situation. I then pin her against the wall, my chest pressed tight against her back, my hands seizing her ribs...

4 years ago
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Call Boy Kese Bana Or Kese Ki Gujrati Bhabhiyo Ki Chut Sant Ki

Hello friends me gujarat se hu or ye meri paheli story hai joki 6 month pahele ki hai mera name dhreet hai or study karta hu or paisho ki problem ki vajah se callboy ki job karta hu ab or bor na karte hua story par ata hu ye bat us time ki hai jab me colg ki exam dene gandhinagar joki ham p.G rahte the tab hamari baju me ak mast bhabhi rahti thi or vo bahot sexy thi uska figar 34 28 36 tha mast mal thi me unko bahot dekhta tha or mene kabhi sex nahi kiya tha to. 1 din me apne balcony me jab...

2 years ago
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Airport Deja Vu

It was a bumpy four-hour ride and I was getting restless. Long flights were never my thing but I really enjoyed going places. After a long weekend back home, it was time to go back to work. We landed and I dragged through the airport to get to my bag at baggage claim. The airport was empty which was good because my bag would come out quick. I finally reached my bag and headed out to the parking garage. The thought of having to pay for six days pissed me off but was a minor problem compared to...

Straight Sex
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MotherStep Daughter Anal

For a forty year old couple Carol and I are pretty sexually active. Carol even said it was OK with her if I fucked her twenty year old step daughter Angie. No late night TV for us. Instead we still liked to hit the local bars where we trolled for fun loving couples like us. We met Kate and Al at a local singles bar and they introduced us to a local swingers group they belonged to. We had been to several “parties” and Carol loved to fuck around especially with the younger guys. Carol had no...

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The Long Weekend

I think I caught her totally by surprise. I'm almost sure that she expected me to say "Yes dear" and then do what she wanted. After all, hadn't that always been the way of it? I met Betty Ann during my second year in college. We were both Business Management majors and we were taking a class in Production Management and we were both put on the same class project. I liked Betty Ann's looks, personality, and sense of humor so I asked her to go out with me, she said yes, and our...

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A Brother InLaw with Benefits

My story I guess starts when I met my husband and his brother Brad. At the age of 12 Brad was 13 years our junior. During the two years my husband and I dated I got to know brad quite well. He was a cute kid, a bit shy and almost from the beginning started to show signs of a teen boy crush on me. It was so obvious in those early years that even his mom would tease me that I had stolen the hearts of both her sons. At the age of 14 Brad was in our wedding party and we continued to become close...

4 years ago
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Cousin k sath summer vacation

Hi….Kese hain ap log????Main dua karta hoon ap log bilkul theek hoon aur enjoy kar rahe hoon….ap log plz sex par pora dehaan de…tnxs…. Main apse maafi mangta hoon k ap k liye itne dino se koi story nahi le kar aaya….thora buzy tha collage main lekin aj aik real n hot story le kar ap k liye hazir hoon….. Mujhe khushi hogi agar mujhe apki mails mile aur mujhe batayain k main kis kisam ki chudai karoon????Mera id hai mailz zror karain aur pakistan ki koi bhi aanti aur larki mujh se chodai kara...

2 years ago
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Vilkatas The BeginningChapter 8

We drove far enough up on the shore to escape the edge of the water at high tide. We thought to take a day to rest in place since we got almost no sleep the previous night. We ate breakfast and went to bed. Even the children did not complain about having to go to bed, they were so tired. That afternoon, Trudy stirred around restlessly and finally got up. She was not sleepy, but she was a bit groggy, so she did not notice that the children were missing. Eventually, she woke up fully and...

3 years ago
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The Perfect Birthday Wish

The Perfect Birthday WishHello my name is Barry and I recently had my 29th birthday. I know that it’s nothing to really talk about, however, how it was celebrated is. Now I want to say up front that this isn’t bragging. It’s an once-in-a-lifetime event that needs to be told. I know that I could skip right to the good stuff but a little up-to-speed info doesn’t hurt, right? It all started roughly 3 weeks ago while on my yearly vacation. I go for pretty much two things: fun and meeting...

4 years ago
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Shanes Girl

All through highschool, no one had ever asked me out. No boys checked me out, or even looked at me. I was a smart math geek. That was the way things went for me, and I didnt mind one bit. I wasnt ugly, no. I was alrght looking, actually. I was short, about five feet four inches in height. I wasnt the slimmest girl youd ever meet, I was just average, and definitly not fat. My hair was always curly, naturally, and I never did anything diffrent then left it down all the time. It was just a plain...

2 years ago
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Wanting my wife in a threesome

The wife and I used to go to swinger clubs when we were first dating. I liked seeing her being pleasured and enjoying sex. Since having kids, she has lost alot of desire for sex. I, on the other hand still desire sex and fantasize about her having sex. She recently went to work for a ride share company in the large metropolitan city we live in. It was only temporary between her real job in doctors offices( whole different set of fantasies there). So, I would imagine her coming home and...

3 years ago
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Getting Over You

“I’m leaving you,” I said while twisting an auburn curl betwixt my two fingers. I made eye contact with my lover, nearly mesmerized with his golden brown eyes, full of warmth and laughter. As the realization swept over his face, he began to shake his head. “Why? I thought we had a great weekend together, Lake George was beautiful.” My lover, Shawn, offered still puzzled. “I’m leaving you, Shawn,” I repeated. “This weekend was filled with you and your buddies, and I was alone. I fell asleep...

1 year ago
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Banner YearChapter 37

Cal and Cheryl were still cuddling, caressing, and talking when his normal workout time arrived. They dozed off for a few hours, and Cal was definitely groggy when they had to get up for her flight. She was just as lifeless until Robin showed up and explained that she was going with them. It was the biggest shot of energy that Cal had ever seen. Cheryl was absolutely ecstatic. Robin sat in the front seat of the plane with Bud. Several times when she looked back, Cheryl was grinning from ear...

1 year ago
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InsubordinationChapter 9

It wouldn't be just me. My ex-wives and daughter could become targets used to get to me. If I wound up having to go into Witness Protection they couldn't possibly come with me. My parents would be lost to me as well. If I did my job really well, if I collected enough evidence to put them all away, to bring down their organizations, my reward would be that I lost everything. I knew what I had to do. I would need Lily's help. I called her. "What do you mean I never tell the Lieutenant...

2 years ago
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Inmates Tale Part 2

He gave her a bewildered look as she fumbled in the nightstand drawer beside her. She pulled out a pair of pink, fuzzy handcuffs. "I know you just spent some time in these, but if you'll let me put them on you, you won't regret it." He frowned reluctantly and stuck out his wrists. It wasn't the time he spent in cuffs that bothered him; he just wanted to explore her as a free man, completely free to roam. She kissed his neck tenderly and worked a trail of kisses down his belly and happy...

1 year ago
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Fucking my crazy college professor

First day of college,all hot girls walking around with raging hormones and waiting to be banged.I had imagined a similar quintessential college romance,but it turned out be very different.I had taken a minor in psychology at college,first day of class I met our teacher, she was in her early 40's,wore glasses,had a lean figure and appeared to be very sweet person.A few weeks passed by,I had a confusion between two theories that I needed to get cleared out,so I approached her,she politely asked...

3 years ago
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Gemma in Control

The SixthForm College was pretty much empty when seventeen-year-old pupil Gemma Dawson walked through the secretary’s office and into the Headmasters study. Mr Cooper looked up startled when he saw Gemma enter. She was wearing her summer school uniform of a green and white gingham dress with buttons down the front, a white belt, the hem halfway down her thigh. She also wore short socks which was strange for a sixth former. He didn’t like it when a pupil just barged in to his room though....

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Daffy Master Gs orders

This short fourth part of the story brings things nearly up to date for me and explains why the things in part five happened. You're reading this on xhamster and this part deals with things that happened because I'm here. Do not try this at home k**s! Try it in a hotel room or in public, or where your Master orders!I started really chatting with Master G yesterday morning. We'd swapped a few messages but I always had to run out. I have a few days off now so I decided to really find...

2 years ago
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Nipple Rings A SunDress

I spent the morning doing what I always do, classes first at the local college I attend, and then off to breeze by Dads office to bring him lunch, and today I thought perhaps Id go to the gym and work out for a bit. I pulled my Honda into the parking garage at Dads office, I adjusted the mirror to put on some lip gloss and ran my fingers through my hair. I grabbed the Chinese I had picked up for Dad. I locked the door and walked to the elevator. I pressed the button to the elevator and the door...

4 years ago
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My First Sexual Male Partner

Well, not really my boyfriend. More like a friend of the family. He was casual and friendly, enjoyed being naked and sunbathing. I used to stop in and see him when I was frustrated at home or couldn't find any friends my age to hang with. It wasn't about sex, just hanging out and rapping about life, work, girls and cars. I knew he liked guys. I had met some of them. I think my dad and he used to do it. As a matter of fact I'm sure they did. Still, he was great to just hang with. His...

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Adult Theater Fun in Florida

I'm not good at making up stories, and the truth is not usually as exciting as fiction, so the following true story may not be the greatest - but here we go.Several years ago I went on a business trip to Tampa, Florida. I worked as a government contractor setting up and installing computer systems and I was assigned there for two weeks. I had made several separate trips out there and racked up some frequent flyer miles which I used on this occassion for a ticket for my wife. We figured that,...

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My first time with Holly

Because I get too nervous on the phone, I decided to write this story for you to enjoy at your leisure while I’m at work After a long journey down, city to city, train to train, I finally reach your house. I nervously knock on the door, and am greeted with a hug and a gentle kiss. Not too long but not too short, the perfect introduction. I grab my bags and head inside, and we grab a cup of tea. After a small chat, and some awkward silences I eventually ask if I can grab a shower as I feel...

3 years ago
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Not Another Neighbor Aunt Story 8211 Part 1

Hello Everyone! This is Draco17 here. The story I am about to narrate is a true happening that occurred with me, while I was in my Engineering College, studying abroad and how I became friends and eventually ended up having sex with a Lady, who lived in my neighborhood. Any feedback, please email me on So here it starts: We moved into this house that had one compound which was shared by the inhabitants. It’s kind of difficult to explain why it was like that. No, it was not a building sort of...


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