Fractured Souls}Chapter 3: Southeast Fringe Benefits free porn video

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Time to back up a little and explain a few things.

You may wonder why I bothered to set up camp at Southeast State after spending an entire semester at Northwest State.

I had seriously considered going back to Northwest since I was familiar with the people and campus and hadn’t really been all that impressed by Dr. Kinmon’s offer at Southeast. But Northwest State simply wasn’t ... convenient. It was four and a half hours away from home, and while Southeastern State wasn’t much better being a three-hour drive from Marlfield, the trip was easier and the chicks were ... Uh, they were ... Okay, so they were easier too.

I don’t mean they were sluts or anything. It was just that there were hardly any Etas around to make so many of the girls raise their standards. Any average guy could ask a girl out on a date without expecting her reply to be, “I don’t know ... Are you working out?”

The Gamma Alpha Eta fraternity had only just opened there last year, and even though the members were extremely popular with the ladies, they were having trouble keeping their membership up. You see, they had more competition for the jocks and the muscle heads, and Southeast State wasn’t really well known for their athletes. There weren’t as many guys interested in getting all buffed up. So a lot of the time the Etas they were getting were the want-to-be types which three out of four usually didn’t make it through the first week of workouts.

Why didn’t they just make them, you may ask. Because, believe it or not, the Harrison Group only wanted volunteers. You can only motivate someone through commands so much without losing their characteristic personality that makes them different than the others. Joining the Etas was like entering in a contract. Every Eta got what they ultimately desired. A college education and a buff body. Just because they didn’t know that in exchange, they essentially agreed to allow the Harrison Group to use them for whatever they desired for the years they attended the university.

That was one of Sarah’s redeeming qualities to me. She wasn’t a slave driver and made sure the others weren’t either. Every one of the people they used still had their own life to live when they weren’t needed by the Group.

But Sarah didn’t hesitate to alter people permanently if it came down to there being no other way to satisfy her purposes. The biggest example of this was surprisingly Mike, the frat leader from Northwest State.

Mike and Alex were old friends from high school. They weren’t best friends, but they had hung with the same group of friends. When they found that they were the only ones from that group to be going to Northwest State, they opted to become roommates.

Alex hated the dorms and loved the idea of being a muscle head with all the chicks. Mike, however, had other goals in life, and after Alex joined the Etas their very first semester, Mike concentrated on getting his biology degree, planning to go to graduate school and become a medical doctor.

At the time, the Group only had the three Harrison siblings, Sarah, and Wally to run things. Wally and Sarah had just opened up the Eta house at Northwest State after perfecting her milking procedure at Central State.

It quickly became too much work for them to keep things running at both campuses. Despite his lazy nature, Wally was very efficient when he had to be. But he and Denise neither had any medical background, and Sarah found herself spending too much time going back and forth fixing problems than a mother of a two and a half year-old should be.

Because Alex was Wally’s new closest lover, he had some influence over how things ran around Northwest State. In fact, he ran the place a lot because he was a natural leader, and Wally was inclined to hand over as much of the responsibility as Alex was able to handle. However, Alex also had no medical background, but he knew someone who did and who he could trust.

But Mike wasn’t interested in anything but the nineteen credits he was taking at the time. He had his heart set on finishing his medical degree in six years and had the determination and stamina to do it. When Alex finally convinced Sarah she should meet him, all Sarah could see was the opportunity to take some of the weight off her shoulders.

Alex was extremely upset when Sarah made Mike into her personal assistant. Oh, Mike learned things faster that way, but he wasn’t given any choice about anything he did. Sarah programmed Mike to be completely dedicated to the task of learning everything related to the procedure, spending nearly a year of nothing else but mindlessly learning and increasingly assisting Sarah.

As with many people working closely together on the same project day in and day out, Sarah began having close feelings for Mike. He was only two years her junior, and he was a handsome young man. So after talking it over with Wally, Sarah began to loosen the tight hold over his mind, and after a month or so of the real Mike showing through, she took his virginity by making love in the middle of their lab.

It was only a few weeks later that Mike’s own abilities showed up. Sarah began showing him everything she knew, and for a while, he was happy to be her lover and assistant in every way. But after their interest in each other sexually declined a bit, Mike started to abuse the powers he had been shown how to use too quickly.

Mike’s corruption seemed to happen almost overnight. Wally, Alex, and Sarah were completely taken by surprise when Mike’s lust had driven him to enslave an entire sorority house to be his fuck slaves. Sarah was so furious after disabling his defenses and taking his will, she made hundreds of alterations to Mike’s mind without taking care that she could undo them all later. Even Wally could never find all the changes she had made in anger, and so Mike was a different person forever afterward.

All this naturally happened three years before I knew any of them, but their history is somewhat important to what was to come. But perhaps more important were the events which had taken place between the day we made peace with the Harrison Group and when we took Sarah back home to her parents.

Joey and I spent the first two nights after the truce at Sarah’s and Stan’s home. They surprisingly had a very modest house, not needing anything lush and expensive since they also had a playhouse they called the Palace that Stan used for the sex he had with his girls. Thankfully they kept their son away from it all, and even though Wally saw no harm in introducing the boy to what he called the real world, he didn’t dare go against their wishes.

Tommy adored his Uncle Wally, and after a few days, that started to annoy Joey. After all, Joey was his real uncle, not Wally. But you can’t blame Tommy for liking Wally. Once you got beyond his odd passive nature, you start enjoying his company, and I was finding myself trusting him more than anyone else from there.

On that Tuesday, I visited Alex and Wally at the suite and was surprised to find Nick had gone home and wouldn’t be coming back until January.

“What happened? Did he do something wrong?” I asked when Alex told me.

“No. Actually, because of you and Nick, Wally and I are staying together,” Alex said happily.

“I can understand if Nick had a hand in it, but what did I do?”

“What do you mean, what did you do? You convinced Nick to make Wally admit he didn’t want me to leave. And if it hadn’t been for your coin, I don’t think Wally would have let me stay.”

“My coin?” I said, digging it out as we were walking to Wally’s room.

I held it out to him, and he took it to study it again, then Alex said, “I thought you knew. I feel something when I hold it. It isn’t very strong, but...”

I stopped in my tracks, remembering how the shield had already been lowered around it during the fight with Harrison.

Marching up to Wally, I said, “Wally, do you mean to tell me that you even planned to test Alex with my coin?”

Wally put down his cup of coffee and said, “I had no idea you and Joe had coins. And I didn’t realize your coin was a real one until Alex told me he had felt something after I had sent you away.”

“Wait. You mean you didn’t disable the shield Joey put around it?”

“No. I assumed you had for some reason when your ... What do you call it? Your empathic power attacked me. May I see it, Alex?” he asked gently.

Alex said, “Of course, lover,” and handed it over while sitting down on the bed next to him.

I said, “I didn’t attack you with it. Actually, at the time, I thought you had attacked me. But it doesn’t matter now. Alex, did you lower its shield?”

Alex said with surprise, “Me? I wouldn’t have a clue how if I did. As soon as I picked it up, I could feel ... something. But nothing else happened while I held it.”

Wally asked Alex, “What do you feel when you hold it?” before putting my coin against his cheek and closing his eyes.

“It’s hard to explain ... I guess it feels...”

“Alive?” Wally said, opening his eyes and smiling at him.

“No. I kept trying to think of it that way, but no. Not alive. I mean, it just feels like ... Like it has energy or something in it. Like electrical, maybe. I kept thinking it had a hum to it. Like a transformer. Or something like that. Sometimes I swear I can hear it.”

“Wally,” I said excitedly. “Give the coin back to him. Joey didn’t feel anything much at first, but later he suddenly could hear it. It wasn’t a hum, though. Joey said it sounded like a radio speaking gibberish.”

“Gibberish? You mean like noise like when it’s not tuned to a channel?” Alex asked, holding it up to his ear.

“No, not static or noise. Gibberish. Joey was picking up the symbols it gives out. Wally, have you ever seen the symbols?”

“Symbols?” Wally asked as he attempted to peer at the coin while Alex held it between his fingers. “Are there symbols on the coin, Alex?”

“Nope,” Alex said after checking both sides. “Just this ugly guy and a triangle. Wait. Are these markings or just scratches on the coin’s edge?” he asked me.

“Huh?” I said, never having thought to look at the edges closely. “Probably scratches. I never noticed anything on the edges. Here let me look to see if I recognize any of them as symbols.”

Wally asked me, “If they’re not on the coin, then what symbols are you talking about?”

“Just a sec ... Nope. I’m pretty sure they’re all just scratches,” I said, giving it back to Alex. “When I met my dad and he gave me that coin, I could feel the ... the shapes of symbols coming out of the coin.”

“Coming out of the coin?” Wally said, focusing his mind on the red token in Alex’s hand.

“Yeah. Then one day, I was helping Joey to try and feel them too. He was concentrating on the coin really hard and suddenly WHAM!” I said, clapping my hands together and making them both jump. “His head started hurting really bad. After a few minutes, the pain started to go away, but that’s when we knew that something else had happened. He told me to turn down the radio when it wasn’t on. He was sensing the symbols.”

Alex said hopefully, “So you think by trying to feel the symbols out too I could ... I could do what Wally and you do?”

“I don’t know, Alex. Wally, when you hold it, does it tingle? Or just feel alive?”

“Just alive. I never noticed any tingling. I just expect it to crawl out of my hand. Is that what you feel? Tingling?”

“No, I feel it’s alive too. That, the symbols, and it makes me feel good. Kind of like when my mom rubs my chest. Joey only felt a little tingling before he could feel the symbols too. Now the tingling feels stronger to him and it comforts him like it does me.”

“I ... I think I’m doing it!” Alex said, getting excited. But then he said, “Or ... maybe not.”

Wally said, “Alex, Amos told me that if I felt something from the coin, that meant I had the gift and it would come to me naturally when it was ready. I’m not sure if you can hurry it up by trying to force it,” Wally said, taking Alex’s hand into his and kissing it.

I said, “My understanding is, when people sense something from the coin, that indicates they have the potential, but it doesn’t necessarily mean it will develop. However, it nearly always surfaces with those who are frequently exposed to telepathy. Just learning how to think messages to Wally should be enough.”

“But ... Wally?” Alex said, putting the coin between Wally’s and his palms then pressing them tightly together. “I want you to be my Amos. I want you to be my father, my brother, and my lover just like he was with you. I don’t ever want to leave you, you understand? I love you, just as much as you loved him.”

“Oh, Alex,” Wally said, shedding the first tear I had seen him make for anyone. “I love you too, and ... Yes. I’ll be your Amos.”

“Uh...” I said as they kissed without appearing to stop any time soon. “I guess I’ll get going.”

Alex broke the kissing off, then with a flushed face, he said, “Then I guess you want your coin back.”

“Nah. You can keep it until I go home. I have a feeling you’ll have a better use for it than I would. Oh, and Wally. About Nick...”

“Ah, yes. Don’t worry about our little Nick. Alex has decided Nick just isn’t going to be right for me. So don’t worry about your friend. He doesn’t remember ever meeting me.”

“What? Why? Nick really cared for you.”

“I know that, and I cared for him too. But your talk with him made him decide he wouldn’t give himself to me completely, and I didn’t wish to hurt him by constantly pressuring him to do so. It’s better this way, Tim. I have learned the hard way to let them go when it is time. I just hope I’m not making the same old mistake with Alex.”

“You’re not, my Amos,” Alex said with a kiss. “You’re not.”

It was several days before anyone saw either of the two outside the suite, and that was only to say goodbye to us before we went home. Alex hadn’t felt anything beyond the hum from the coin, but he still was reluctant to part with it.

Okay, back to Southeast State. About a year after Mike discovered his telepathy, during his scans of new initiates, he ran across two who both had the first signs of their abilities showing up. Surprisingly, the two didn’t even know each other, but once Mike had immediately enslaved them and taken them to the Doc, they became close friends as they learned how to use their abilities together under Sarah’s close supervision.

Okay, here’s what that has to do with SE State. Those two guys ran the joint. Or rather, Varuna (Vern for short) and Ollie ran the Gamma Alpha Eta house on campus and also had made two of the sorority houses their homes. Unlike Mike, they quit school after becoming part of the Group, but they actually continued the Eta workout program. They spent most of their time at the two sorority houses, and I suspected that was probably the biggest reason the Eta membership was so low.

Not that I complained, mind you. And they had a pretty nice setup too. They each had a penthouse on the top floor of the sororities and spent every night in bed with at least six willing girls. At first, I found it all very erotic and accepted their invitation to spend that first weekend with them. But after spending just one night in their penthouse of slave girls, I realized how shallow and immature they were. I mean, having six girls constantly begging you to fuck or let them suck you was just what I needed after all that guy sex, but that’s all they did, all the time. If they didn’t all look different, I would have sworn they were all just carbon copies of each other the way they all acted exactly the same.

I tried to explain how wonderful getting to know a girl was compared to just making her into what you wanted her to be. But I think they must have been virgins before Mike met them. They kept telling me that I was just too young to know how much sex a man needs. Shit. I bet you any money they photograph the girls nude, then spend hours looking at the pictures while they got sucked. They were just immature like that. To them, women were just objects of pleasure, not real people, but I was determined to not get involved in breaking up another slave pit.

Getting back to my story, Eric and James went with a couple of Etas Friday night to join Alex, Wally and four other gay couples in their weekend of gay lovemaking. Once they were gone, I went over to Vern’s place and enjoyed several rounds of mindless heterosexual sex with beautiful girls before it all got kind of boring and disturbing to me.

Okay. I wouldn’t have minded it that much if not early Sunday morning while I had one humping my cock and another humping my open mouth I suddenly started empathically sensing the corrupted rats controlling them. I managed to keep myself from freaking out, but I did leave in a hurry, ready to go back and take my chances with the lesbians.

Because they weren’t expecting Eric, James, or myself until that evening, I was pleasantly surprised to find seven of the girls sleeping nude in one of the two living areas. After making sure they wouldn’t wake up, I took a good long look at them, finding most of them were fairly nice looking. But after all the fucking I had done that weekend, I didn’t have it in me to do anything more than look.

But finding Lisa and Nicky asleep in my waterbed, nude, and having raided my toy box, made me change my attitude.

I was actually in the bed between them before Lisa woke up, but she didn’t realize it was me until her arm brushed across my hard dick while she was reaching for the covers.

It took her a moment to realize what the hell her hand was grasping, then suddenly she yipped and nearly ripped my little buddy off me.

Nicky almost brained me with my own alarm clock, but I managed to divert her aim in time. It took more than a minute to calm them down and remind them it WAS my bed they were sleeping in. Lisa finally just gave up and left to get dressed, and while I watched her ass as she walked away, my dick rose to the occasion which didn’t go unobserved.

“Wow,” Nicky said, staring at my meat as it went fully hard.

She was still lying in bed with me, having gotten used to my nudity after three days of being exposed to it. But she had never seen me hard like that, even in the limo the year and a half before.

I felt her curiosity starting to get the better of her, especially when I took hold of my tool and gave it a couple of slow pumps.

“It won’t bite. I promise,” I said when I felt her hesitating to touch it.

She blushed, then carefully wrapped her left hand around it and mirrored my earlier motions.

“It’s so warm and ... spongy ... but hard,” she commented as her confidence grew.

“Feels pretty good to me,” I said as she picked her speed up a little more.

“Really?” she said with a humorous look. “You know, I’ve never even seen one of these hard before. Let alone touch one.”

“Wouldn’t have known it!” I groaned when she stopped her jerking motions and ran her fingers lightly around the crown of my cock.

“Oh, look. It’s drooling,” she said, spreading the precum around with her fingertip.

“Yeah, it does that when it likes the person petting it,” I said as I relaxed after her over-stimulation of my dick.

“I always thought a penis would look ugly and ... mean. But yours looks almost innocent,” she said as she sat up and started jerking me off with both hands. “And it’s a lot longer than I expected. I didn’t know they could grow that much.”

She seemed to think that speed was the key, and I couldn’t stop myself from going soft after she had tried three times to go as fast as she could.

“Shit, Nicky ... STOP! You’re starting to rub it raw.”

“OH ... I’m sorry,” she said, dropping it.

“That’s okay. He’ll recover pretty quick,” I said, noticing that we were both a little sweaty and had been breathing fairly hard.

Her right hand slipped off her thigh onto mine, and I was certain it had been accidental, but then she decided she might as well explore my body while she was already there and began rubbing her hand up and down my muscular leg.

When she moved to use both hands, I closed my eyes to enjoy the touch of her hands on my legs and feet. But my attention was drawn to the symbols which my other sight constantly showed flowing around her mind and body. I found myself lost in the combination of their beauty and grace and the touch of her roaming hands.

I suddenly noticed another cluster of swirling symbols obviously watching us from the door. My fascination grew as I watched the arousal symbols getting produced in Lisa’s mind, and almost missed the fact that they had moved closer.

I opened my eyes when I felt another set of hands begin rubbing my chest, and I was strongly tempted to reach out to slide my hand up her shirt to feel her erect nipples with my fingertips. But I knew if I made any sort of advance on either of them, the fun would instantly be over, and I might never gain their trust again so easily.

But as I fought my inner desires to return the fondling they were giving me, Lisa suddenly knelt down and began exploring my own nipples with her mouth and hands.

My attention was so preoccupied with the way Lisa’s mouth was making my nipples hard that I gasped in surprise when Nicky had discovered my little buddy was back.

I felt Lisa’s own arousal jump up as she discovered her lover try to jerk me off as fast as she could. Despite Nicky having been in there longer, Lisa was, in fact, getting a lot hornier than Nicky, mostly because she more bisexual than gay.

Lisa suddenly stopped, then Nicky did also, and for a moment, I thought it was over. But no sooner than I opened my eyes again to see what was going on than Lisa’s tongue licked the head of my dick.

And then Nicky tried it, and suddenly they were trying to make their lips meet each other’s, licking and smacking as they started moving up and down.

I couldn’t believe it. Two self-proclaimed lesbians were giving me a hell of a good blowjob without having done a single thing myself other than being there.

As that concept sank in, it triggered my orgasm.

“That’s disgusting!” Nicky said, jumping away from my spurting organ.

Lisa at least had the decency to take my dick in her hand and finish me off before they both left me laying there dazed and a bit sleepy. In fact, the next thing I knew, it was two hours later, and there was something about the way the door was partially closed that told me everyone had checked me out while I was asleep.

Cindy, the only one of the twelve girls who slept alone, offered to take me for the grand tour of the campus after lunch. I could feel she had ulterior motives for doing so but figured I might enjoy whatever it was she wanted.

Cindy asked casually, “Has Nicky or Lisa ever mention that the three of us used to go parking together?”

“Not exactly,” I said, my dick deciding it wasn’t that tired and rose up a little to listen in. “Lisa said something about the way you liked your nipples nibbled when you’re horny, so I figured the two of you must have messed around at least once.”

“Oh, for a while, Lisa and I were pretty hot stuff. And Nicky too at one point. We all know each other’s secrets, including the one about you.”

“Me? Oh, you mean the dream.”

“Uh-huh. Any chance of you showing me how you do it?”

“Ah,” I said, pulling my coin out from under my shirt. “It depends.”

“I thought you’d want something in return. All right, what’s your price.”

“No price. At least that’s not what I was meaning. Just hold this a minute, okay?” I said as I took her hand and put my coin in her palm.

“Okay,” she said, looking at it carefully. “What do you do? Hypnotize people with it?”

“Nope. Just hold it and tell me if you feel anything.”

“Feel anything? Like what? It’s not cold or hot. It’s not soft, and it’s not wet.”

“So, you don’t feel anything ... unusual?”

“Am I supposed to?”

“Just answer the question.”

She stopped walking, closed her eyes and clasped my coin tightly in her hand, and after a moment, she even held her breath.

“Cindy, if you don’t feel anything by now, you’re not going to,” I said, watching her turning red in the face.

“Shit,” she gasped, giving up. “What was I supposed to feel?”

“I don’t know. I think it may be different for different people. When I hold it, it feels alive, but other people feel tingling or something else.”

“So, because I can’t feel something, that means you can’t teach me,” she said with a sigh while handing my coin back.

“Yep. But if you like, I’ll let you share one with someone else some time.”

“Thanks. I’d like that.”

She pointed out a few of the buildings that I had asked her about, then once we had pretty much covered most of the campus, we started back to the house.

“You know, you’re okay, for a rich kid,” she suddenly said. “When Nicky told me you had bought the Orlin house and we could all go live there, I expected you to try giving us orders, spy on us when we were in bed, and maybe even trying to blackmail us. But other than organizing the clean up last week, you haven’t done anything but be generous. I’m sorry if I acted cold to you last week. I’m just leery of anyone giving things out without asking for something in return.”

“Yeah, well, you’re not the only one to feel that way, you know. Heck, even Nicky and Lisa don’t really trust me enough to let me give them one of my special massages. They think I just want to handle their bodies. I admit that was one of the reasons I want to do it, but that’s not the only reason. I like making people feel good with my hands, and it helps me in ways you probably wouldn’t understand. I mean, you don’t know how hard it is for me to not just help myself while they’re literally helpless with pleasure. But I feel so much better afterward knowing I can resist that kind of temptation.”

“Aren’t you exaggerating a little much for someone who just woke up from a nap?” she said with a grin.

“I’m not exaggerating, and it wasn’t just what Lisa and Nicky did that wore me out.”

“Oh, let me guess. You spent all weekend in bed with your three girlfriends, right?”

“Whatever,” I said, getting tired of her teasing.

We didn’t say much after that, but before we went inside, I said, “I’ll be in the basement if you need me for anything,” then touched her nose with my finger with my magic touch set to high.

As I walked away from the stunned lesbian, I couldn’t help but grin like a fool feeling how surprised she had been. I had a feeling that I’d be giving her a massage by the end of the night.

Wrong! Cindy literally avoided me the rest of the day, only showing her face at dinner since Jen and Kelly had baked a ham for our first official Sunday dinner there.

While most of the women had started to feel more comfortable around me, I couldn’t help but notice Lisa and Nicky both feeling disturbed about what had happened that morning. So by the time Eric and James arrived around ten thirty, I was pretty happy to have them back.

I was very pleased to find they had both enjoyed their time at Wally’s immensely. James admitted he hated it at first because they were going way too slow for his tastes, but once they got up to blowing each other, he kind of liked watching the others as they took turns. Both he and Eric gave me a detailed report on who was the cutest, who was the sexiest, and who had the biggest. I didn’t have the heart to remind them I could care less.

I must have been more tired than I had thought. The next morning, I woke up to find that Eric had crawled in bed with me to snuggle, but when I hadn’t woken up, he had just gone back to sleep next to me.

Eric’s lips still had some of the childlike redness to them I had noticed back at camp. It made him look so innocent, so endearing to me, I simply had to kiss those lips and enjoyed the sluggish response they made.

“Good morning, lover,” he said with a smile.

“Good morning to you too, lover,” I said, kissing his cheek.

“I’m so glad I came,” Eric sighed, snuggling up to me and rubbing my chest like he had learned I enjoyed.

“So am I,” I admitted, slipping my arm under his head so my upper arm supported his head and I could rub his back. “I missed your morning snuggles while you were gone.”

“Aw. Didn’t you get to snuggle with those girls?” he teased.

“Shit. All they wanted to do was suck and fuck. Besides,” I said, kissing him on the forehead, “Nobody can snuggle better than Eric the snuggle bunny.”

Eric gave me a kiss below my armpit, and after a moment, gave me another. When I didn’t object, he continued giving me kisses, very quickly moving up to my right breast to kiss and suckle.

I let him continue since he was expressing his love and affection like Wally had been showing them, even though I knew he had a full hardon and would most likely try to do more than I was willing to permit.

But Eric surprised me by stopping after worshiping both of my breasts, and in a way, I was a little disappointed that he had stopped. I had been prepared to go a little further than that, but I knew better than to say anything in fear of risking hurting the progress he had made.

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Work Related Fringe Benefits

All of the staff members are what I would describe as attractive, active, fun-seeking individuals and I enjoy the company of each and every one of them. Recently however, I have developed a much closer relationship with a few of the ladies who have sought me out for counsel on a more routine basis. Susan, a 36 year old divorced mother of twin teenage girls is a knock-out MILF if I ever saw one. She is just as attractive as her twin daughters, with nice tits and what I would call a perfect...

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Maid8217s Fringe Benefits

Nicolette was halfway down the stairs, watching as the couple got busy in the living room. Mr. and Mrs. Underwood had hired her as their live in maid, it was a pretty cushy gig, she was well paid, and as a bonus, her employers loved to fuck and suck all over the house. They were both 35 years old, and they were as horny as the day is long. They never stopped to check if Nicolette was around, and she suspected that they knew they were being watched, and got off on being watched. Since...

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The Panty Accord of 2010Chapter 10 Fringe Benefits

Tommy was rubbing his ass once again, but this time it didn’t seem to take any of the sting away. She had used the hairbrush on him, and this time she really went at him, both his butt cheeks still felt as if someone was poking them with pins and needles. God how I hate the hair brush. He thought for the hundredth time. The reason he had gotten in trouble this time, was that she had gone through his papers and found that he had gotten a C+ on one of his Spanish quizzes. It was his worst...

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Fractured Images

This story is set in the Master PC universe by J. R. Parz. The story is written from the point of view of someone who is being transformed by the program. Fractured Images by R. C. Conrad I knocked on my friend Bob's door. To say we've been friends for a long time is a bit of an understatement. We've known each other since elementary school. We went to the same college, suffered the same slings and arrows from the jocks there. I'd been on a business track, he was in IT. In the ten...

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Work Related Fringe Benefits Pt 1 Female View

With that said, John created the character Susan based on his image of me. Most of John’s character portrayals are reasonably close to the real life person with just enough jumbled to throw people off the trail. I am actually somewhere near 36 and blond, but of course I am not divorced as he indicates. John really is in the 55 year old range, give or take. I’ll let you guess. The two “daughters” are not based on my real life daughters (I don’t have any kids) but they are based on real...

1 year ago
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Friends With Benefits

The whole concept of Friends With Benefits can be a little controversial, depending on who you ask. There are dudes out there who claim it never works out, that there are always strings attached, no matter what she says. I’ve had my share of supposedly casual hookups that went sideways when the babes got jealous, but it doesn’t always go that way. In my experience, things tend to work out best when you’re really up front about what you want. These days, you don’t have to be looking for a...

Hookup Sites
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Ravager Scourges of the Eastern Fringe Epilogue

Elise knew it had not always been this way. Once, she had been a proud marine in the small but skilled planetary defense force of the fledgling colony of Priivar V. She vaguely remembered being there for several years - but recent events had clouded all of this away. Her old life was gone - This was her new life. She did not know how long she had been here, only that she had been in pain since the stun blast hit her. Yes, she thought, gathering her muddled thoughts - the stun blast. She...

2 years ago
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Fringe Benefits Part 1

For the last two years of my undergraduate education I worked in my school’s gym as a Fitness Attendant. I cleaned equipment, played good music, advised patrons when they needed it.  It paid minimum wage, and we never got very many hours, but the fringe benefits were amazing. When I went in for a shift at certain times of the day I could look up to the 2nd story where the treadmills and ellipticals were and get a pick-me-up that was the sight of a sexy patron’s sports-bra low-cut-shirt clad...

4 years ago
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Adventures in Swinging Ch 04 Friends With Benefits

Ron and Charlotte seemed like a perfect match for us. They were around our age, lived fairly nearby, and had little swinging experience. He was handsome, fit, and bald – Kathleen’s favorite traits. She was very cute, petite, and had a beautiful smile and gorgeous eyes – my favorite traits. When we exchanged messages online, they seemed intelligent, honest, and genuine. In our lengthy search for “friends with benefits,” they seemed almost seemed too good to be true.As attractive as Charlotte...

Wife Lovers
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"I hope this apartment is nice" Dan thought. He had been looking at apartments all day and had seen some real shit holes. This apartment was a little more expensive than what he had planned, but it would be worth it. He had to start work on Monday and it was already Saturday. The new job he was starting in Flagstaff hadn't given him much notice, it was a great opportunity, but it was all such a rush.Driving into the driveway this house looked pretty promising. The ad was about a garage...

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Friends With Benefits

Friends with Benefits By Teri Franken Chapter 1 My daughter was grown up and away at school, the dog had died and my wife was ready to do her own thing. I found myself divorced and on my own in Chicago, just my job and my "hobby" to keep me company. I was an upper level manager at an electronics company and made a nice six figure salary. As for my hobby, well let me say that I enjoy being comfortable when I am at home, and when I am dressed in women's clothing. Yes, I am a...

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Teaching Benefits

Teaching has great benefits that far outweigh the costs. I know that not everybody enjoys those benefits in the same way, but there is a thrill that comes when your students "get it." When that light bulb goes on over their head and you can see that what you've tried to share has been received, there is a sense of incredible happiness that floods your soul and lets you know that you have done well. Of course, there are other benefits, as well, that extend beyond the altruistic. When I...

5 years ago
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Melanies Discipline Regime Unforeseen Benefits

The routine was well established. Claire operated the ‘Zero-tolerance-no-second-chance’ discipline regime, which Melanie readily accepted.Melanie was eighteen years old and had tricked her step-mum into changing grounding and time-out to an instant over-her-knee bare-bottom spanking with scolding before, during and afterwards. Melanie preferred the immediate, albeit painful, discipline to the arduous grounding which was normally up to seven days with the occasional longer period, and even a...

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Starting Of Friends With Benefits

Hi, Guys and Girls, I have been a big fan of ISS for at least 3 years and this is my first sex story I’m publishing which is my real life incident which happened to me a few months back with my friend Archana at the escape cinemas in the express avenue at Chennai. So about me, I’m 21 years old guy from Chennai and I stay at Nungambakkam. I love to travel, watch movies and TV series and the best thing about me is I’m a professional state level swimmer, so I have a very good body which I’m really...

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From Friends To Friends With Benefits

This is my first story in ISS but a real one, My name is Rahul and I’m from Tamil Nadu. The heroine of this story is Sindhu(name changed). Sindhu and I were close friends from college and in this story I will tell about how our 5 years of friendship suddenly turned into friends with benefits kind of relationship. I never had any sexual intention on sindhu throughout my college days. I completed my UG in a college from my hometown. I became friends with her since day 1 that’s because we use to...

2 years ago
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Best Friends With Benefits

Hi, I am Vijay, 23 male from Kerala. My email id is This is a true sexperience with my best friend Revathi. I write this with her permission. For our privacy Names are changed. About me, I am an average mallu boy. I don’t have a big dick (it is 15cms, i measured with a ruler). I am good looking and fair. Revathi is a little dark complexioned, but beautiful with big round eyes and have perfect shapes. This story happened four years before. I joined college after one week the classes started....

3 years ago
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Love At First And Friends With Benefits

Hi friends, I am rahul I am 27 years old and this story is about my first sex experience which happened with my best friend ruchika(name changed) she was one of the best bombshells in our college, guys would used to die to talk to her, I was quite lucky to sit next to her because I was her best friend, I always had feelings for her but never shared it with her because I did not wanted to ruin my relationship with her. I was also dating a girl that time so I didn’t feel that it is appropriate to...

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Sex In Mysore With Friend With Benefits

I’m reading stories on ISS since a year and thought of writing down my story also which happened 5 months back. Let me introduce myself. My name is Rahul and I’m 5’7ft with an average build and 6 inches dick which can satisfy any unsatisfied female. Mail me on My friend and I were in 2 different colleges and it was the first few days of college. I knew her from past 4 years and we were best of friends. We used to have all types of talks including sexual talks and stuff. One day while we were...

2 years ago
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Copyright ©2005. All rights reserved. Caveat lector. "What are you staring at?" she asked calmly, knowing full well what he was staring at. Startled, he tore his eyes away and looked toward her face. He could feel his eyes being pulled inexorably downward again and fought the urge with every ounce of willpower he could find, but it was not enough. When she had entered his office for her interview, he thought he heard some soft talking and a giggle from outside the door. He had an important...

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Fractured Fairy Tales

Sure, we all remember the fairy tales from when we were growing up, but now you are grown up and the tales seem a little childish. This is a story based around several of those tales that have a more adult twist. Please choose the fairy tale you would like to begin with...

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Fractured Fairy Tales

First Name = Hero (Male) Last Name = Sidekick (Female) It's another boring day at your new job, working as assistant librarian at the local library. You'd only been there for a week and a half, but you've already learned that you have very few visitors. Books just don't have the appeal they used to. So basically you just wander around all day or, when the boss is away, take naps in the fiction section. You are currently asleep in the corner of the library, a copy of Don Quixote draping over...

4 years ago
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Fractured Promise

The summer of my first year of puberty started out with a disaster! While my two brothers, and my older sister got to drop by the local watering hole and whoop it up with the other teenagers, I stared at the possibility of seeing my fifteenth birthday with my leg in a cast! I had to stay near the house to supervise housework that my parents quickly scheduled, when I got injured. I'll never forgive my father for leaving me alone with those window hangers, but then I didn't know that dad...

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Fractured SoulsChapter 2 The Time is

I had really done it that time. My head hurt in ways I had never known it could. And the fact that I couldn’t move a muscle didn’t make me feel too good about my condition. Not that I was complaining, mind you. I was alive and apparently rescued. I had just enough mental capacity to recognize that fact. Actually, I could move a few muscles, but moments after I had opened my eyes, I had to let them shut again because of the considerable strain I was feeling from the simple act of holding them...

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Fractured SoulsChapter 3 The Deal of My Life

I was hot. And itchy. Hot and itchy. I’ll take off my shirt. That will make me feel better. I got to wake up to take off my shirt. Like someone turning up the volume on the TV, sounds of activity faded in as I began feeling my body wake up. When I opened my eyes, I had to squint from the light in my face. I raised my hand to move the desk light out of my eyes but didn’t complete the motion, for I felt this awful pain from the right side of my forehead surge from the movement I had...

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Fractured SoulsChapter 4 Mountains of Emotion

Gordie had already taken control of a significant portion of the nontelepathic slaves before attempting to use the drug on me. He had decided I was the weakest of the telepaths since I hadn’t been able to recover completely and had also believed I would be the easiest to brainwash because of my age. So much for what he knew. After freeing Penny and a few others I could trust, I quickly made the rest of his slaves loyal to me and undid some of their programming. After spending an entire day...

2 years ago
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Fractured SoulsChapter 1 A Day of Fun with Holly Quinn

The next day was a Saturday, and I got up early to load Midge up into her matching blue and red striped trailer hitched to the back of my Trans Am. It was nice to just get in the car and drive again. I hadn’t realized how much I enjoyed driving my car until I had gone without it for a while. Of course, I’m a people person, and with the drive going to be something like eight hours long, I was starting to feel pretty bored and lonely after the first two. I stopped at a rest area and took a...

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Fractured SoulsChapter 2 Pocketknives and Pornos

It was him. The man who Tom had met at the police station and had obviously implanted the fake memory of Sarah’s corpse had apparently refined his skill and had taken up residence at the college Tammy attended. He was a little older, and I didn’t see the girl from Tom’s memory anywhere in Tammy’s mind, but it was definitely him. Holly was almost unreasonable from the way I hadn’t given her five more minutes to pack and was in a sour mood for a good hour after we left. I wasn’t paying any...

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Fractured SoulsChapter 3 Best Friends

Holly had noticed the lump in my shorts after I had brought Tammy out but had waited to say something until we were on the highway. Holly said, “You know what?” I replied, “What?” “If I didn’t know better, I’d swear you let them have their way with her.” “If you didn’t know better.” “Then what did you do?” “I didn’t do anything, but you were right about her doing more than just tell them stories. I walked in on Tammy giving one of them a blow job and stopped it.” Holly sighed, “I wish...

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Fractured SoulsChapter 4 College Jitters

“NO!! SARAH!! NO!!” Joey cried just before he fell out of the bed. Nearly falling out of bed after him, I said, “Joey! It’s okay! It was only a dream!” “NO! I SHOT HER! I SHOT SARAH! I REMEMBER! I DID IT! IT WAS ME!” Joey continued as he struggled to get free of the covers. I realized he was lost in the emotions his dream had produced, and just as he got to his feet intending to run, I tackled him back to the floor and held onto him with everything I had while he went into a hysterical...

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Fractured SoulsChapter 5 College Life

“Jeff Wimble...” the middle-aged and nearly bald man called out. “Here...” a voice said somewhere from the right side of the room. “Is there anyone here I didn’t call?” the instructor finally asked. I raised my hand, having gotten used to not being on the attendance sheet from the previous class I had been in. “And your name is?” “Tim Brandon ... That’s B r a n d o n.” I said, remembering to spell my last name without the t. “Yes, I graduated high school a year early and I’m only...

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Fractured SoulsChapter 6 Give Me Some Dirty Sex

Poking my head in the motel room’s bathroom to check it out, I said, “I don’t know about you, but I’m dripping wet from all that jogging.” Joey’s hands slipped under the front of my shirt as he pressed himself against my back. “I am too,” he said, rubbing his hands all over my hard, sweaty chest. “Nice and dripping wet.” He buried his nose into the shoulder of my wet shirt, and I felt him licking and sucking the juices out of it. When he stopped, he stood there feeling my chest and pecs,...

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Fractured SoulsChapter 7 Joeyrsquos Darkest Hour

“Fold,” I moaned, seeing I had no way of winning with a single pair of fours. Nick prompted, “Joe?” Joey said emotionlessly, “Call,” as he tossed the chips on the stack. Nick said, “Read ‘em and weep,” laying the cards down so we could read them. “Holy shit!” Joey said, seeing the four Jacks. “I can’t believe you have all four Jacks!” “Ha!” Nick bellowed out before reaching for the pile of chips. “Ha yourself,” Joey said, setting the four kings down. “Shit! How do you do that!” Joey...

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Fractured SoulsChapter 8 Rat Hunt

The next three days were very hard on both of us. Joey was back to his “normal” self, and that ended up meaning he was almost as depressed as I was. For him, it was the concept of how completely futile our rescuing his sister appeared. No matter how he looked at it, he couldn’t see a way to convince the Etas to let him join. We both believed that our age was the reason for the hormone levels not being within their acceptable range, and that was one thing we couldn’t alter about ourselves....

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Fractured SoulsChapter 1 Traveling Companions

“Ahhhhhhh,” I let out as I sat down into my bubble bath. “It’s good to be home.” I was virtually alone at my mansion. Quiet. Perfectly quiet. Nothing but the sound of my movements in the water. So peaceful ... So relaxing ... So... “Boring!” I yelled, listening to the echo with a grin. “NICE AND BORING!” I screamed enthusiastically. The phone rang. I didn’t answer it. Something made a noise in the other room. I didn’t care. There was no one there, and I knew it. It was probably just...

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Fractured SoulsChapter 2 Symbolic Relations

Dr. Kinmon, Dr. Higgs’s old friend, had a nice, neat, orderly office with several green plants growing by the two windows. After Higgs and he shook hands and finished the old ritual, “It’s been a long time,” “How’s the wife,” and arguing that their kids were driving them more nuts than the other, Dr. Kinmon waited for us to tell him what our visit was about. Dr. Higgs started with, “Arron, do you remember when we spent days studying the pictures of the Egyptian hieroglyphics in the...

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Fractured SoulsChapter 4 Crash Course Under Fire

Ahhh ... Life was good. I had bed companions every night from then on, James and Eric Sunday through Thursday, and two or three of my lesbian girlfriends on the weekends after swapping bodies with one of them. Having access to a campus of college students to sponge off made it easy to complete my schoolwork, especially when I could control ten of their arms to write the answers in my handwriting. Once I had ironed out the wrinkles in forming those kinds of links, Eric and James appreciated...

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Fractured SoulsChapter 1 Unwelcome Home

I seriously regretting sending Lee Vo away. Cleaning up the shitstorm of a mess she left behind was a lot harder to do than I expected. Too many mutes had witnessed what happened and there were fire trucks, ambulances, police, and even worse, the media. We would have been completely fucked if I hadn’t discovered how to throw large blanket commands. I basically rounded up everyone who had seen anything and made everyone else ignore anything unusual about the day. That caused its own problems....

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Fractured SoulsChapter 2 Wedding Bells

All my life I had hoped, prayed and dreamed for the day which had finally arrived. My mother was to marry my father, and it just sort of hit me all of a sudden while driving up to the huge church where it was going to actually happen. “Shit,” I said, shutting off the engine and staring at the rather impressive house of God. While trying to see what I was looking at, Eric asked, “What’s the matter?” “Nothing really. It’s just I once promised my mom I’d be the first one to throw the rice at...

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Fractured SoulsChapter 3 Troubles of Sexuality

I woke alone in my bed at the Marlfield mansion, feeling completely rested and relaxed. I was so comfortable and at ease that I just laid there completely nude on top of the covers, not wishing to disturb the perfect stillness and peace after having such a wonderful dream. My attention wandered around the room a bit, not really thinking of anything specific, just letting the objects in the room trigger whatever vague images and feelings they wished to give me. But when my eyes fell on the...

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Fractured SoulsChapter 4 Vision of the Damned

“I can’t believe we’re doing this,” John said as we walked down the crowded and unfamiliar hallway the following Monday. “You want to go back to our school?” I said while my eyes gave a good looking brunette the once over. “No way,” John said, staring at a girl bending over to fish something out of the bottom of her locker. “Is it me? Or are the girls here better looking than at our school?” “A little of both, I think,” I said while mentally inquiring on the location of the girls’ locker...

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Fractured SoulsChapter 1 Nathan My Best Amigo

Puffy white clouds hang high in the sky, casting shadows on the fields of grass surrounding a road, a peaceful and quiet scene. A car - a familiar red car - approaches from the distance, then pulls up beside me. I’m sitting in my Mustang and finding myself looking Tim in the eyes as Eric silently gets out of his car without a word. I hear a count down, “Three, two, one,” and instinctively push on the petal to make my car go, but my ears only hear the roar of Tim’s engine as we pull out. I...

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Fractured SoulsChapter 2 Fruits of This Land Be Ours

The next morning, I opened my eyes to find Vera on top of Nathan, both still sound asleep. I studied their faces again, trying to find common traits to their features, but quickly found my attention being diverted to Nathan’s face by itself as it slept. Something kept tugging the back of my mind, a nagging feeling of familiarity yet I couldn’t put my finger on it. I spent the longest time trying to recall ever having met him before somehow, then tensed up when the thought occurred that it...

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Fractured SoulsChapter 3 The Joys of Enslaving and Raping

Nathan and I took our freshly picked afternoon fucks to our usual spot and started fucking them, and I didn’t bring up anal sex when Nathan didn’t suggest it himself. Nathan was busily eating his girl out while I was just toying with mine, feeding her her juices with my fingers and watching her lick them off erotically. I was surprised when Nathan heard my sigh of discontent, but I was surprised even more by the realization I wasn’t really enjoying myself anymore. “Do you wish to trade...

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Fractured SoulsChapter 4 The Pit

Nathan returned to camp the next day around noon without any girls to my surprise. He had left with two, and I had expected him to come back with probably four or more to have another lesbian orgy he had been talking about. As it happens, Nathan was bored just like I had been the day before. Once we admitted we were tired of all the girls and fucking, we agreed it was time to pack things up and move on. We spent the next three days traveling around in that shitty car before it broke down...

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Fractured SoulsChapter 5 Bewitched

That Saturday, Nathan and I were a little nervous yet excited as we walked up the path leading up the hillside. We were following the other voices to participate in the Games, and when we entered the only area of the fortified town that was normally off-limits to everyone, I got more excited at the prospect of finding out what was up there. The entire town sat on a leveled out area carved into the side of a mountain, and the fortified wall had been constructed using the rock that had been...

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Fractured SoulsChapter 6 Escape to Witch Mountain

As we reached the base of the mountain, Nathan complained, “But why would you want to help her? She has done some very bad things to me and...” I groaned, “For the last time, Nathan. I did it to help myself as much as her. Shit, I’m hungry. Hey, how did you guys know I was up there, anyway?” Gordon said with a grin, “When your link thing broke with Nathan, he came running to us saying he thought you died or something. When we couldn’t find you, we went to Grandfather and found out you were...

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Fractured RealityChapter 3

Thursday, December 18, 2014, 9:24 pm Rebecca bent at the waist, hands on her knees, and breathed deeply through her mouth. Her head swam and her ears rang. Her stomach felt assaulted by a 24-hour bug from Hell. Busy with homework, Younger-Rebecca hadn’t witnessed her arrival. Rebecca pushed upright and gazed around her room. The clock on her night stand advanced to 9:25 pm as she watched. It was her bedroom, of course, and she was Iris, the uninvited guest. Twin Sister also, she realized....

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Fractured RealityChapter 4

Thursday, June 3, 3109, 10:50 AM The Hall of the Gate was empty of other occupants. Hands on her knees as she waited on the nausea to subside, Rebecca glanced around for the Bizzy K ball cap, but spotted it nowhere. A logical place for Leda to stash it was inside the control panel, she thought, atop the raised dais. The control panel interested her, anyway, and she headed over to take a look. She halted as Leda appeared in the passageway beyond. “There you are! Perfect timing! One last thing...

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Fractured RealityChapter 5

Thursday, December 18, 2014, 9:35 pm Iris urged Younger-Rebecca: “You should see what the other side has to offer, Becs! It’s crazy there, but you can come back any time you want. You might not want to come back, though: Imagine never having to kowtow to—HEY!” Driven sideways by Rebecca’s sudden plunge through the gate, she squealed and half-landed on the bed, Rebecca in her arms. Jumping frantically out of the way, Younger-Rebecca cried: “Who are you?” Rebecca groaned loudly and dropped to...

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Fractured RealityChapter 6

Thursday, December 18, 2014, 9:55 pm Standing before the mirror in the bathroom across the hall from her bedroom, Rebecca stripped off her shirt and tossed it on the floor. She’d worn these clothes for two days now; she hadn’t bathed in that time and she could smell herself. Her hair hung limp; worse, she had slept on it and not had a brush to get out the tangles. She grabbed up her brush now, and went to work. In the shower, she shampooed and shaved her underarms and legs, then rinsed her...

2 years ago
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Fractured RealityChapter 7

Thursday, June 3, 3109, 11:03 AM The Hall of the Gate stood empty. Nauseated and clutching her stomach, Rebecca hurried around the dais to the passageway beyond, half-expecting to hear Leda chastising Iris in the distance. She neither saw, nor heard, anyone. Stepping onto the dais, she approached the control panel and extended her right hand toward the central globe. She still had the list in her hand, she discovered. Curious despite her sense of urgency, she unfolded the paper and glanced at...

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