- 3 years ago
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"What are you staring at?" she asked calmly, knowing full well what he was staring at.
Startled, he tore his eyes away and looked toward her face. He could feel his eyes being pulled inexorably downward again and fought the urge with every ounce of willpower he could find, but it was not enough.
When she had entered his office for her interview, he thought he heard some soft talking and a giggle from outside the door. He had an important contract to finish up before the interview; so as she entered the office, he kept his head down concentrating on his work.
She sat down in the chair opposite his desk and waited patiently, as was appropriate. As she waited she looked around Mr. Toland's office. Neat, but not conspicuously clean; a well-used but orderly office. It was pleasantly but not ostentatiously decorated. There were pictures of sail boats and German Shepards, so she guessed he liked sailing and dogs, but that was not a given. There were a couple of diplomas and some interesting chatchkys, highly polished eggs made of pretty stone or glass, and items that looked like brain-teasers. She liked what she saw. It spoke well for the man who sat behind the desk.
The young woman also noted that there were no family type pictures and no ring on his finger. Not that she was interested in anything but a job. He was too old for her anyway.
John Toland finally sighed and said, "BREN-daaa..." The first part of his Administrative Assistant's name was spoken loudly to get his secretary's attention; the second syllable trailed off precipitously as he finally took note of the breasts, and the woman, sitting patiently on the other side of the desk.
Brenda entered his office with a large smile on her plain but friendly face as she said, "You done with that report, boss?"
John tore his eyes from the breasts - no woman damnit - and looked at Brenda's much smaller but by no means small, breasts and then her face. 'What the hell is the matter with me?' he thought. 'It's not as if I haven't seen boobs before? Brenda has given me lots of looks at hers, covered and partially covered, and they are quite nice. But, shit-a-God-damn! Look at those things!'
He lifted the report that he had been working on and found himself unwittingly staring at the interviewee's breasts again. It was as if they were magnetic and his eyes were made of iron.
Brenda stifled a laugh as she took the pages from the distracted man and left the room.
John forced himself to look down at his desk and search for the interviewee's resume. It was the strangest thing, he had known her name a moment ago and now he could not remember it. 'What the hell is the matter with me. So what if they are the largest fucking tits I have ever seen. She could titty fuck a god-damn Mastodon with those things.'
Lori McAtlis sat primly with her back ramrod straight; forcing herself to smile at the man she wished would hire her. She had dressed professionally for the interview in a white on white silk blouse with a light cotton blazer and a skirt that was not too short. She had even borrowed her mother's pearl necklace and earrings. She thought she looked very professional.
High school graduation had been five months earlier. She thought it would be easy to get a job as a secretary or a receptionist, but everywhere she went it was the same thing. They liked her resume, short as it was. She had gotten very good grades and done a lot of community service and intern work with good reviews. She had had jobs babysitting and organizing charity events. Of course, she did not put the disaster at Dunkin' Donuts on her resume.
It had not been her fault the two guys had gotten in a fight, nearly killed each other and been taken to the hospital. The next day the manager asked her to resign but never explained why; he did not have to, she knew.
She had heard from a friend that worked here that John Toland was a good man and a good boss. He would understand and help her out. She kept smiling as she took a deep breath, which enhanced the obvious even more, if that were possible. She sighed and lowered her eyes in sadness as she saw where he was continuing to stare.
John just kept staring her tits and thought about what to say. It seemed like an eternity to both of them, but was only about three minutes.
While he was sitting there, he could hear Brenda talking to a few people, but could not make out what they were saying. Every so often someone would laugh a little - a nice laugh, nothing mean.
"What are you staring at?" she asked calmly, knowing full well what he was staring at.
Without looking up from her massive chest, he said, "Have you thought about breast reduction surgery?"
Lori had never had any interviewer even mention her breasts before, much less ask such a personal question. "Excuse me?"
"Well, I mean they must hurt your back."
"Oh, come on, Lori. I bowl ten pin. Those babies must weigh twenty pounds each." He paused and, still looking at the humongous hooters, he said, "How many interviews have you been on since graduating?"
Lori responded slowly, "A dozen. No, actually more than that. I'd say closer to 15."
He waved his hand. The exact number was not necessary. "Right. And no one gave you a job, right?"
"Correct. You are very perceptive, Mr. Toland," she said with a little sarcasm.
He ignored the sarcasm as understandable. "John."
"John," Lori repeated and looked at his eyes, even if he was not looking at hers. They were a warm, luminous brown, and she liked them. Lori examined the man as he continued to stare at her ginormous mounds. He was a good looking man, just shy of six feet, maybe 180 lbs, with a lot of muscle. Straight brown hair parted on the side. He had a rugged, weathered face, probably from sailing. She guessed his age at around 30, maybe a little older. She knew he owned this manufacturing business and had heard from her father that he ran it well.
"It is a little difficult to ignore the 800 pound gorilla," John said out of the blue.
Lori felt ridiculous and a little offended. Was he calling her a gorilla? She repeated, a little put out, "Excuse me?"
"It is an expression, Lori. No one could ignore an 800 pound gorilla standing next to them. Could they?"
"No. I guess not."
"So let's talk about your tit-, er, breasts. How big are they?"
"You're kidding!"
"No, I'm not."
Lori shrugged, "I don't know, Sir. I go to a specialty store and they make bras especially for me."
"Well, I am not an expert, but your chest must be almost four feet around and I can only imagine the cup size. Double G? And that is on a frame that is average at best. You can't be more than 5' 7 and what, 130?"
Lori was getting embarrassed and annoyed. No one had ever talked so outrageously about her breasts. "I really couldn't say, Sir." She got up to leave.
"Lori! Sit Down!" John ordered her.
She turned to look at him and he was actually looking into her eyes for the first time.
"Yes, Sir." She sat once again in the chair she had just vacated, but on the edge, as if ready to leave at the least provocation. If he had not been looking at her face, she would have left.
John examined the girl as she sat. Good looking, attractive even. Her long, straight, very light blonde hair came down well below her shoulders. High cheek bones; a cute little hook to the nose; deep set, intelligent, blue eyes that seemed to bore into yours; and a sensuous, full-lipped mouth with nice, straight white teeth. He looked at the legs extending out from beneath her pleated skirt that came down to just above her shapely knees and calves. She wore demure two inch heels. Overall, she was quite pretty, except for the overwhelming sight of her hugantic mammaries.
"Do you want a job?"
"Very much, Mr. Toland."
"Fine. You can start as our receptionist working for Brenda, whom you've met. We fired our last receptionist last week, so you can start as soon as you would like."
She jumped up and said "Wow! Really? I mean after all the talking about my tits, I never thought I would get the job. I mean-" she stopped talking, seeing John's hand in the air, palm forward like a traffic cop.
He could not believe it when he saw her tits bouncing around. He was also quite amazed that he did not have a hard-on. He said, "I still want to talk about your tits. If you want the job, it is part of the job description. You have to talk to me openly and honestly about your boobs." He smiled at the last descriptive noun.
She smiled back, sat back down, and said, "I don't understand. Why?"
He sat and stared at them some more. Then he replied, "Because I think that you have a... ," he paused for emphasis, "BIG problem... or two."
"No, I don't, Sir."
"Yes, I am afraid you do."
"No, I don't. Everyone else does."
He smiled and said, "I see your point," meaning the topic, not her nipples.
"And I see yours, Sir," meaning the topic, not his penis.
"Doesn't your back hurt?"
"Sometimes, but not often. I know how to stand properly." She stood to show him how and walked around the office. In order to hold them up she had to arch her back, which had the unfortunate ramification of making them seem even larger than they were, if that were possible.
"Huh. I see." Now the erection began to pop up as she strutted her tits around his office. He leaned forward to try to hide it.
She continued, "I know they are big, Sir. Well, ok, excessively large. But I cannot afford surgery and I am really afraid of doing something so drastic. I have lived with them for nine years. I am used to them. It is everyone else that has a problem. Why can't they see past them, Sir?"
He thought, 'It's a little hard to see past a mountain range!'
He looked at his watch. "It is a very good question, Lori. Would you like to go to lunch and we can discuss your tits some more," he said, smiling. It was lunch time and he was hungry, in more ways than one.
He rationalized, 'It's not a crime to have lunch with an employee. Anyway, nothing had been signed yet, so she wasn't really his employee yet.'
She looked at him, trying to figure out if he was coming on to her. 'What's the harm?' she thought. She shrugged, "OK, Sir."
In addition to her tits, good looks and great personality, this "Sir" thing, was really turning him on. He adjusted himself as best he could, turning to the side as he got up to try not to expose his large hard-on stretching down one leg. Luckily he was wearing loose-fitting pants.
However, Lori did not miss the pole in Mr. Toland's pant leg. She had seen many such protrusions before and tried to just shrug it off. However, she had to agree that, at least in this regard, he did have a good point; it seemed to be quite large. Maybe he had his own version of her problem, just a little lower.
As he escorted her to the elevator, he could not help but notice her figure from behind. She was a head-turner even without the two watermelons on her chest. Her ass was full and round, and her waist was smallish. From the way her hips twitched and glutes clenched, he thought she probably worked out.
Lori walked ahead and was now sure that he was checking out her behind. She was surprised, but not unhappy. Most guys were terrified of her breasts. They loved to stare at them and even feel them up, but none of them were interested in a meaningful relationship with a woman who would have to use a crane to get out of bed. That, of course, was not true. She just had to turn on her side and push herself up. It was a good feeling to have someone checking out the rest of her package.
John was not the first person to suggest breast reduction surgery. Her doctors had also mentioned it a few times. She was terrified of what might happen. She had read about botched breast surgeries. No way. Not her. They might be a tad on the large side, but they drew attention and felt good. Until it was necessary, she felt they could just hang around a little while longer.
John opened the passenger door to his little Honda 2000. After she got in and sat down, she found her breasts uncomfortably close to the dash board and tried to reach down to adjust her seat. Her breasts got in the way, so she re-opened her door as John opened his. He bent down to see what the problem was. She got out and bent down to adjust the seat. It was at that moment that the Fates decided to step in and take matters into their own hands. Her bra broke at the juncture between her breasts; her huge tits fell into her blouse, which did not have a snowball's chance in hell of containing them; and four buttons gave way in an instant. Her breasts exploded from the torn silk blouse.
The two of them just stood there, bent over, staring at her size 48G tits swinging in the afternoon sunshine. She pulled her blazer together and looked at Mr. Toland looking at her deliciously rounded cleavage.
John had never seen breasts, in the flesh or not, that were so humongous. Her areolas were each the size of Rhode Island (ok, a large naval orange) and the nipples were standing out about an inch. He was salivating and swallowed hard so he could talk.
"Get in, Lori."
He got in the car and patted the seat. "Come on. I won't bite." 'Unless you want me to, ' he thought. "Where can we get you another bra?"
Lori stood up and tried to decide what to do. It would be very awkward to take the subway home looking like this. That thought pretty much decided it. She sat down in the seat, still attempting to cover her breasts; but it was a losing battle. She was sure everyone could see the huge valley between her breasts from top and bottom. She was trying to figure out what to do when Mr. Toland said something that astounded her.
"Your breasts are beautiful. Can I feel them? Suck on them? Are they sensitive? Do you like it when men play with them?" He could not believe that he was saying all this to the young woman. Was she even eighteen? She had to be, didn't she? "Are you eighteen?"
"I am almost nineteen, Mr. Toland."
"Good. Call me John, please," he reiterated as they drove out of the parking lot.
"John, my dad is not much older than you are. And I really need this job. I really don't think it would be a good idea for us to get involved."
Smiling, he said, "OK. No involvement, just hot sex. What do you say? Not to blow my own horn, not that I could, but I have been told I am pretty good in the sack."
"Sir. You just offered me a job and now you are propositioning me. Don't you think that is a little unethical?"
"Hey, I offered the job without strings. And touch-and-feely or not, you still have it. Did I ever say anything otherwise? You start Monday morning. 7:45AM sharp. Doors open at eight. Brenda will show you what you have to do. It is not much and does not pay much, but a lot of our Admin Assistants started at the same desk. Brenda did. Talk to her."
"What is the salary?"
"Pushy big-tittied broad aren't you?" he laughed.
"Hey! 'Huge tittied', if you don't mind!" She laughed as well. She could not believe how they were talking to each other. She had never talked to anyone like this.
"I pay $8.50 per hour to start, no benefits. After one month, if Brenda gives you the thumbs up, we'll bring you on full-time at $9.00/hr. After three months you get a performance review. Your raise is directly related to the review. If you are rated outstanding," he quickly eyed her breasts popping out all over and brought his hand to his mouth in a Groucho Marx imitation, "and you are outstanding, you will get a raise to $10.50. Another review after another six months, and we will see about putting you into an Admin Assistant position where you can be at $12.50 or more. How does that sound?"
"Sounds good! But what about the benefits?"
"Well the bene's vary."
"Vary? How do they vary?"
They had reached a little Italian restaurant that John liked and he parked the little car. He turned to her and said, "We'll talk about the benefits during lunch, ok? Here we are. How are you going to eat your lasagna holding your blazer together?" He asked as he leered at her, raising and lowering one eyebrow.
"You are so bad! I guess I won't be able to..."
"You have to... I don't think I can eat staring at your big tits on display. All the blood in my body would be in my dick. It would be a little awkward to eat when the table had two legs on the floor on your side, and was balanced on the end of my dick on my side."
Lori laughed; she could not help herself. She felt like a weight had been lifted from her shoulders. Never in her life had she been able to talk to anyone so freely, with such carefree abandon, about her breasts. The 'pair' had never, ever been a laughing matter. The other girls had always hated her and made fun of her. She had no girlfriends. All the guys wanted to do was see and feel her tits. They did not care about her as a person at all. She got the distinct impression that John was appreciating more than just the two huge appendages on her chest. True, John made no bones, well one bone, about wanting to play with them, but it was different somehow. She liked talking to him about them.
While she had been laughing, her tits had jumped the fence. They were sticking out all over again. She dropped her hands in disgust and watched as her magnificent twins emerged from hiding. "They are impossible, you know. I know what I'll do." She took off her blazer, totally exposing her breasts for him to see. In the process, she had leaned somewhat in his direction, sticking her tits perilously close to his hands. In addition, she had inadvertently exposed them to two men walking by the car as well. One tripped and fell into the other. They both fell in pile to the sidewalk with a couple of thuds and grunts.
"Ooops," she said seeing the two men on the pavement. "Here hold this," she said handing the blazer to John. He took it slowly still mesmerized by the sight of the massive soft globes so near. It felt like they were black holes and he was being drawn into them. He threw the blazer behind her seat and leaned in to lift and kiss a nipple.
"Sir! What? Oh shit." Her hands went to his head to push it away, but the kiss and his slippery tongue on her sensitive nipple felt too good. She couldn't stop him. Her eyes closed, enjoying the overwhelmingly erotic sensations. Her breasts were primary erogenous zones.
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Pretty in pink, Candy Alexa is busy with work when her stepson Jimmy Bud joins her in the living room. Jimmy can’t keep his eyes off his stepmommy’s big boobs. Candy knows that Jimmy is into her, and she plays into it as much as possible. She calls Jimmy out on it, saying that she knows what he’s doing, and when Jimmy tries to deny it, Candy doubles down on her naughtiness. Telling Jimmy that if he likes her boobs so much, he should take a good long look at them in the flesh,...
xmoviesforyouThe Skate Park—Mr. Wilson10:00 AM. 98 fuckin degrees. Gonna be a hot one. My pits were already soaked. Sweat dripping down my ribcage. Even my head was sweating. I took off my cap and walked over to the jeep, fishing out a tube of jell. Over to the bath house to spike up the mohawk. Mom didn't like the mohawk, or the ink. She didn't say much though, being as how I paid all the bills. Been that way since I was 17—the divorce was ugly, and dad seemed to no longer give a fuck about any of us.It...
The phone rang just as Matt was emptying the lawn cuttings into the compost bin; it rang and rang. Finally with a gasp 'why can't the silly cunt answer it' the ringing stopped; either she had answered it or the caller had hung up; it wasn't till he came in that he was told that the call was from one of her friends, inviting them down to her and her brother's beach house for the weekend. "Cathy feels that as we were very nice to her and let her bunk here for a couple of weeks, when her...
I had been talking with Chris on-line for a few weeks. Although we didn't know each other well he brought out an insatiable drive inside of me that I was a slave to. We often played a game where I would describe how I would play with my pussy, he could type whatever he wanted, and I would do what he said. I would even send him pictures, but he wasn't allowed to touch that throbbing cock. Not until I said so, he would beg and I would get to decide when he would finally get sweet release. After...
Straight SexI couldn't believe it, he had been laid off due to the current situation, he had been at his job for six years, six freaking years! Since he was a teenager and they just laid me off. If you were going to lay off people couldn't they have started with the newer people. I stopped his car and preceded to sigh as got out. I unlocked my house door slamming it behind me and tearing the mask of my face. Dear God they were irritating. Although I did have a weird new respect for surgeons and nurses. I...
Ethan came up behind his mother as she leaned over the kitchen table reading the morning paper. Her short, silky robe clung to her curvy figure and it was obvious to him that she was naked underneath it. "Morning mom," he said as he slipped his arms around her from behind. "Hi sweetie." She responded as he pressed his morning erection into her full ass and slid his hands up to cup her large breasts. "Ethan!" she giggled, and pulled away from him. He noticed her flushed face and stiff...
It was two weeks later and Henry was feeling antsy. The daily conversations with Josie did not help at all. If anything he felt more alone after they signed off. The knowledge that Josie now carried their child made his feelings of loneliness even more acute. Josie had told him that they were conducting the final negotiations with the labour unions and the pension fund people and that she expected to be finished by the next weekend. Ten more days! Could he wait that long? It also occurred...
July 29, 2000, St. Martin, Leeward Islands, Lesser Antilles The doorbell rang just before 7:00am. “Be careful,” I said to Maria Cristina as she started to leave the kitchen to let Annette into the house. Maria Cristina smiled, “I think you have it exactly backwards! She’ll be seducing you!” I chuckled, “Even if that’s true, caution is still important.” “I know,” she replied, leaving the kitchen. She was quickly back with Annette, who was dressed the same as earlier, although this time...
As they went toward the County road, Francis felt a warm soft hand go around his. Essie was smiling at him, and, when he turned to look at her, leaned over and kissed him. "I'm so glad for today. I got ta meet a feller that can match me, an' keep goin. Later, when th' time is right, I'll maybe share somethin' with ya. Fer now, though, I'm gonna have me some fun." She was so beautiful, and he was wondering why she had told them that all 3 of the girls were engaged. He had met girls that just...
When the alarm went off the sunshine was already streaming in and Lori was sprawled beside me. Church was at 10. We had about two hours to get ready. Lori wanted to shower together but I begged off. I knew that if did, we’d miss church. I also reminded her that we needed Mom and Dad’s goodwill if we were going to have any chance of staying together. It came to me as I fell asleep: We could live here, in the guest room. I hadn’t figured it out how to get the permission we would need and Lori’s...
Reddit Gentle Femdom, aka r/GentleFemdom! It is exactly what you will expect it to be… is that a weird way to start this? Well, when you read ‘Gentle femdom’, what the fuck else do you expect other than real gentle femdom? Exactly. Welcome to r/gentlefemdom/ a subreddit dedicated to a lot of content surrounding the love of the soft kind of femdom… whatever that might be for you or others. You have a lot of random content.Take your time and browse through. Sooner or later, you will find the...
Reddit NSFW ListGrowing up I always remember my mom's huge tits. She had given birth to ten k**s and nursed them all and always was full of milk. Dad loved her tits and he was always putting his hand under her top and feeling them. I am sure he got his share of tit milk when they were alone. I also grew a nice big set of tits and loved how the guys stared at them. When I got older I wore tight low cut tops just to tease the men. The men I loved to tease were dad's married friends. In fact it was one of his...
That night I slept in chastity for the first time and my butt plug. Daddy put me to bed early and kissed me on the forehead telling me to be a good girl while rubbing my thighs in my powder blue Barbie nightie. When I woke up in the morning Daddy and Miss Danielle were standing over me. He told me: "Miss Danielle is going to pick out your clothes for your second day of school princess but first Daddy needs to put something on you. Take off your cute nightie Megan and pull your...
It was around 10 the next morning when I finally got out of bed. While I was taking my shower I couldn't help but think about listening and watching my parents last night. If felt really good closing my eyes and stroking myself as I thought what my folks did last night. My mother really wants to fuck my grandfather.I went downstairs and just before I went into the kitchen I again heard my mom and dad talking. You invited my dad to dinner tonight, dad said. I sure did honey and he said he would...
Well, it's been a few days; weeks, perhaps, since I last discussed my wife and her exploits with other men when we were separated after only a few years of marriage. I won't recap much but will remind everyone that her experiences with sex, up until we spearated, were solely with me. That all changed when we separated. She not only had intercourse with another man but she also experienced a man ejaculating into her mouth, which I have to say, shocked me when I heard her tell me about it. And...
TrueMy name is Abhijit, age 25 working in a software company in Kolkata as junior programmer. I am 5.5ft in height, well built figure and my dick is normally very small but expands to huge size when excited. Nobody will believe it can become such a thick and gigantic. My nature is introvert, nervous and my face cutting is quite innocent like a little boy. I never have girlfriend nor any sister, so i was unaware of how to act with a girl. Due to my nature, everybody in my office treats me as a...
IncestThe French Quarter restaurant is over 100 years old and very popular, but was almost empty, something unheard of on a Friday night in the spring. It wouldn’t have mattered to the couple sitting at the small table towards the back of the small dining room off the back hall, they only had eyes for each other, be damned who else was in the place. Even though both were in their late 30s, the sparkle in their eyes when they were together made them feel like teenagers. The wait staff at Tujague’s...
By Andy Caulden Kevin and I were often mistaken for brothers in the looks department. We were both tall, slim and blond, and much sought after by those who liked submissive cock-suckers in their early twenties. We also shared a craving for coal-black cock, which our mentor Bryan, who was white and a professional photographer, helped to satisfy. We were fairly adventurous in the early 1970s, when it came to non-vanilla sex. We had, on occasion, fucked in places where someone might have...
The rest of the afternoon went well with almost everyone fussing over Timmy and me for whatever reason. We all sat around and talked until almost dark, then the fight was on. For some reason Michelle had to fight with Timmy because he refused to get off my lap when it was bedtime. "Mom, I want to spend more time with Grandpa and it's too early to go to bed. My big sister is still up, so why do I have to leave?" I think Michelle was torn between his begging and her feelings about how...
The Emir's Chief Eunuch hurried her out of the room and down a corridor, through a long narrow windowless room and into a huge open space where many women were lounging about, chatting, bathing and so on. The abaya was removed and she was dragged up to a middle-aged white woman. "Princess," the eunuch said, "A new English one," and he turned away. Samantha stood frozen to the spot; had he said, "Princess"? The woman spoke, "Hello my dear." Samantha could not for the life of her...
After Work(A note this was written for my ex started when we were together, and finished after we broke up so it was cut short and I had to find a way to end it)She had fallen asleep, sprawled on the bed the towel from her shower underneath her. She rolled over her hair spilling over her arm, as the alarm on her mobile went off, she stretched and yawned and looked at the time with a startled expression trying to remember in her sleep foggy mind why she had set her alarm for such a crazy hour,...
I went over to talk with my son-in-law, John. I wanted to meet him at his office seeing this was business and I needed to have a clear mind. John gave me a lot of good information and I had all my decisions made. For some reason I felt I should tell Barb. I know she wasn't going to agree with me but it was just something I felt in my heart that I should do. Bill, her husband, was at work. I wanted to be alone with Barb when I gave her this information. I thought about telling Sheila but I...
It is a favourite moment: I stand at the door of the video room where several guys are reclining on sofas. They turn towards me as I loosen the towel around my waist, holding it slightly open to show my hip and thigh. The bulge of my erection announces my excitement. I look around at the eyes on me; some faces are turned towards the video screen, but the eyes are on me still. I take a deep breath at this exquisite moment and let the towel slip from one hand, allowing it to fall to the side and...
Hello everyone,As this is the first story i am going to write in this awesome site ,its only fair to introduce myself.My name is Rajat (obviously a fake name) i am 25 years old.a very healthy guy.from a very young age i have been very attracted to the world of without further delay here it goes (add me @ ) So after 7 months of break up with my girlfriend who i was devoted to for last 3 years,i thought my life was just going to have a bitter end.then i came across a chat site .there i...
It was raining cats and dogs Saturday morning. Jake's first thought was to snuggle against the warm ass pressed into his belly, but that action was soon overridden by a background sensory input that was building in urgency. "I need to pee," He told his bedmate when he felt her reach for his morning erection. Lesa started laughing. "The honeymoon must be over. That's not a very romantic 'good morning' theme. 'I need to pee' puts the brakes on a morning blowjob." Jake was already...
It all began by chance. I happened across LC’s profile on xhamster. The vid and pics she posted mesmerized me. Never in my life had I seen a clit so large and luscious it made me jerk off while watching her satisfy herself. I kept on replaying her short vid, and me, blowing load after load of cum till my tank was empty. There are many clips of women toying with their clits on hamster, but LC is different. I could actually feel her taking care of herself. I usually never add comments. This time...
After I kissed Ben good bye, I returned to the kitchen. John and I continued talking. Twenty minutes later Sherrie entered. She asked if Ben was still sleeping. I had told her that he had to leave, but that I would be staying another night. Her face lit up. She leaned in and kissed me while grabbing my tit. She grabbed a cup of coffee and joined the conversation. Sherrie was talking to John about getting food at the store. I had interrupted to let them know that I wanted to pick up a few things...
“No, I’m not doing it, now please shut up,” said an exasperated Sally Collins to her husband who for the hundredth time that day had asked her to fuck a black man so he could watch. “You’re fucking sick, do you know that, now leave me alone and let me get on with dinner.” Sally was a very attractive thirty four year old housewife, she was married to Bruce, a successful businessman, they had two children, Aaron fifteen and Annmarie, fourteen. Sally and Bruce...
When the knock on the door came, it was so faint and hesitant that Raoul Famosa barely heard it. In all likelihood, he would have ignored it had he not been expecting her. Raoul wiped his hands on his jeans and rose from the table, making his way to the front door. Upon opening it, he was greeted by a beautiful young woman standing on his sunny front porch. She had sparkling blue eyes and fine features, and her long blonde hair was pulled back into a haphazard ponytail. She wore a white...
It was not until days after the storm, when things started to get back to a slight normalcy that he returned. I collapsed into a heap of sobs the second he came through the door and I cried and shook in his arms for a very long time until I was too weak to even hiccup. We fell asleep for a while. I woke up to him booting up his laptop. My eyes heavy but my voice was back. I told him to check for the email I sent him while I was waiting for his return. Hi sweetheart: I know you do not have...