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"What are you staring at?" she asked calmly, knowing full well what he was staring at.

Startled, he tore his eyes away and looked toward her face. He could feel his eyes being pulled inexorably downward again and fought the urge with every ounce of willpower he could find, but it was not enough.

When she had entered his office for her interview, he thought he heard some soft talking and a giggle from outside the door. He had an important contract to finish up before the interview; so as she entered the office, he kept his head down concentrating on his work.

She sat down in the chair opposite his desk and waited patiently, as was appropriate. As she waited she looked around Mr. Toland's office. Neat, but not conspicuously clean; a well-used but orderly office. It was pleasantly but not ostentatiously decorated. There were pictures of sail boats and German Shepards, so she guessed he liked sailing and dogs, but that was not a given. There were a couple of diplomas and some interesting chatchkys, highly polished eggs made of pretty stone or glass, and items that looked like brain-teasers. She liked what she saw. It spoke well for the man who sat behind the desk.

The young woman also noted that there were no family type pictures and no ring on his finger. Not that she was interested in anything but a job. He was too old for her anyway.

John Toland finally sighed and said, "BREN-daaa..." The first part of his Administrative Assistant's name was spoken loudly to get his secretary's attention; the second syllable trailed off precipitously as he finally took note of the breasts, and the woman, sitting patiently on the other side of the desk.

Brenda entered his office with a large smile on her plain but friendly face as she said, "You done with that report, boss?"

John tore his eyes from the breasts - no woman damnit - and looked at Brenda's much smaller but by no means small, breasts and then her face. 'What the hell is the matter with me?' he thought. 'It's not as if I haven't seen boobs before? Brenda has given me lots of looks at hers, covered and partially covered, and they are quite nice. But, shit-a-God-damn! Look at those things!'

He lifted the report that he had been working on and found himself unwittingly staring at the interviewee's breasts again. It was as if they were magnetic and his eyes were made of iron.

Brenda stifled a laugh as she took the pages from the distracted man and left the room.

John forced himself to look down at his desk and search for the interviewee's resume. It was the strangest thing, he had known her name a moment ago and now he could not remember it. 'What the hell is the matter with me. So what if they are the largest fucking tits I have ever seen. She could titty fuck a god-damn Mastodon with those things.'

Lori McAtlis sat primly with her back ramrod straight; forcing herself to smile at the man she wished would hire her. She had dressed professionally for the interview in a white on white silk blouse with a light cotton blazer and a skirt that was not too short. She had even borrowed her mother's pearl necklace and earrings. She thought she looked very professional.

High school graduation had been five months earlier. She thought it would be easy to get a job as a secretary or a receptionist, but everywhere she went it was the same thing. They liked her resume, short as it was. She had gotten very good grades and done a lot of community service and intern work with good reviews. She had had jobs babysitting and organizing charity events. Of course, she did not put the disaster at Dunkin' Donuts on her resume.

It had not been her fault the two guys had gotten in a fight, nearly killed each other and been taken to the hospital. The next day the manager asked her to resign but never explained why; he did not have to, she knew.

She had heard from a friend that worked here that John Toland was a good man and a good boss. He would understand and help her out. She kept smiling as she took a deep breath, which enhanced the obvious even more, if that were possible. She sighed and lowered her eyes in sadness as she saw where he was continuing to stare.

John just kept staring her tits and thought about what to say. It seemed like an eternity to both of them, but was only about three minutes.

While he was sitting there, he could hear Brenda talking to a few people, but could not make out what they were saying. Every so often someone would laugh a little - a nice laugh, nothing mean.

"What are you staring at?" she asked calmly, knowing full well what he was staring at.

Without looking up from her massive chest, he said, "Have you thought about breast reduction surgery?"

Lori had never had any interviewer even mention her breasts before, much less ask such a personal question. "Excuse me?"

"Well, I mean they must hurt your back."


"Oh, come on, Lori. I bowl ten pin. Those babies must weigh twenty pounds each." He paused and, still looking at the humongous hooters, he said, "How many interviews have you been on since graduating?"

Lori responded slowly, "A dozen. No, actually more than that. I'd say closer to 15."

He waved his hand. The exact number was not necessary. "Right. And no one gave you a job, right?"

"Correct. You are very perceptive, Mr. Toland," she said with a little sarcasm.

He ignored the sarcasm as understandable. "John."

"John," Lori repeated and looked at his eyes, even if he was not looking at hers. They were a warm, luminous brown, and she liked them. Lori examined the man as he continued to stare at her ginormous mounds. He was a good looking man, just shy of six feet, maybe 180 lbs, with a lot of muscle. Straight brown hair parted on the side. He had a rugged, weathered face, probably from sailing. She guessed his age at around 30, maybe a little older. She knew he owned this manufacturing business and had heard from her father that he ran it well.

"It is a little difficult to ignore the 800 pound gorilla," John said out of the blue.

Lori felt ridiculous and a little offended. Was he calling her a gorilla? She repeated, a little put out, "Excuse me?"

"It is an expression, Lori. No one could ignore an 800 pound gorilla standing next to them. Could they?"

"No. I guess not."

"So let's talk about your tit-, er, breasts. How big are they?"

"You're kidding!"

"No, I'm not."

Lori shrugged, "I don't know, Sir. I go to a specialty store and they make bras especially for me."

"Well, I am not an expert, but your chest must be almost four feet around and I can only imagine the cup size. Double G? And that is on a frame that is average at best. You can't be more than 5' 7 and what, 130?"

Lori was getting embarrassed and annoyed. No one had ever talked so outrageously about her breasts. "I really couldn't say, Sir." She got up to leave.

"Lori! Sit Down!" John ordered her.

She turned to look at him and he was actually looking into her eyes for the first time.

"Yes, Sir." She sat once again in the chair she had just vacated, but on the edge, as if ready to leave at the least provocation. If he had not been looking at her face, she would have left.

John examined the girl as she sat. Good looking, attractive even. Her long, straight, very light blonde hair came down well below her shoulders. High cheek bones; a cute little hook to the nose; deep set, intelligent, blue eyes that seemed to bore into yours; and a sensuous, full-lipped mouth with nice, straight white teeth. He looked at the legs extending out from beneath her pleated skirt that came down to just above her shapely knees and calves. She wore demure two inch heels. Overall, she was quite pretty, except for the overwhelming sight of her hugantic mammaries.

"Do you want a job?"

"Very much, Mr. Toland."

"Fine. You can start as our receptionist working for Brenda, whom you've met. We fired our last receptionist last week, so you can start as soon as you would like."

She jumped up and said "Wow! Really? I mean after all the talking about my tits, I never thought I would get the job. I mean-" she stopped talking, seeing John's hand in the air, palm forward like a traffic cop.

He could not believe it when he saw her tits bouncing around. He was also quite amazed that he did not have a hard-on. He said, "I still want to talk about your tits. If you want the job, it is part of the job description. You have to talk to me openly and honestly about your boobs." He smiled at the last descriptive noun.

She smiled back, sat back down, and said, "I don't understand. Why?"

He sat and stared at them some more. Then he replied, "Because I think that you have a... ," he paused for emphasis, "BIG problem... or two."

"No, I don't, Sir."

"Yes, I am afraid you do."

"No, I don't. Everyone else does."

He smiled and said, "I see your point," meaning the topic, not her nipples.

"And I see yours, Sir," meaning the topic, not his penis.

"Doesn't your back hurt?"

"Sometimes, but not often. I know how to stand properly." She stood to show him how and walked around the office. In order to hold them up she had to arch her back, which had the unfortunate ramification of making them seem even larger than they were, if that were possible.

"Huh. I see." Now the erection began to pop up as she strutted her tits around his office. He leaned forward to try to hide it.

She continued, "I know they are big, Sir. Well, ok, excessively large. But I cannot afford surgery and I am really afraid of doing something so drastic. I have lived with them for nine years. I am used to them. It is everyone else that has a problem. Why can't they see past them, Sir?"

He thought, 'It's a little hard to see past a mountain range!'

He looked at his watch. "It is a very good question, Lori. Would you like to go to lunch and we can discuss your tits some more," he said, smiling. It was lunch time and he was hungry, in more ways than one.

He rationalized, 'It's not a crime to have lunch with an employee. Anyway, nothing had been signed yet, so she wasn't really his employee yet.'

She looked at him, trying to figure out if he was coming on to her. 'What's the harm?' she thought. She shrugged, "OK, Sir."

In addition to her tits, good looks and great personality, this "Sir" thing, was really turning him on. He adjusted himself as best he could, turning to the side as he got up to try not to expose his large hard-on stretching down one leg. Luckily he was wearing loose-fitting pants.

However, Lori did not miss the pole in Mr. Toland's pant leg. She had seen many such protrusions before and tried to just shrug it off. However, she had to agree that, at least in this regard, he did have a good point; it seemed to be quite large. Maybe he had his own version of her problem, just a little lower.

As he escorted her to the elevator, he could not help but notice her figure from behind. She was a head-turner even without the two watermelons on her chest. Her ass was full and round, and her waist was smallish. From the way her hips twitched and glutes clenched, he thought she probably worked out.

Lori walked ahead and was now sure that he was checking out her behind. She was surprised, but not unhappy. Most guys were terrified of her breasts. They loved to stare at them and even feel them up, but none of them were interested in a meaningful relationship with a woman who would have to use a crane to get out of bed. That, of course, was not true. She just had to turn on her side and push herself up. It was a good feeling to have someone checking out the rest of her package.

John was not the first person to suggest breast reduction surgery. Her doctors had also mentioned it a few times. She was terrified of what might happen. She had read about botched breast surgeries. No way. Not her. They might be a tad on the large side, but they drew attention and felt good. Until it was necessary, she felt they could just hang around a little while longer.

John opened the passenger door to his little Honda 2000. After she got in and sat down, she found her breasts uncomfortably close to the dash board and tried to reach down to adjust her seat. Her breasts got in the way, so she re-opened her door as John opened his. He bent down to see what the problem was. She got out and bent down to adjust the seat. It was at that moment that the Fates decided to step in and take matters into their own hands. Her bra broke at the juncture between her breasts; her huge tits fell into her blouse, which did not have a snowball's chance in hell of containing them; and four buttons gave way in an instant. Her breasts exploded from the torn silk blouse.

The two of them just stood there, bent over, staring at her size 48G tits swinging in the afternoon sunshine. She pulled her blazer together and looked at Mr. Toland looking at her deliciously rounded cleavage.

John had never seen breasts, in the flesh or not, that were so humongous. Her areolas were each the size of Rhode Island (ok, a large naval orange) and the nipples were standing out about an inch. He was salivating and swallowed hard so he could talk.

"Get in, Lori."

He got in the car and patted the seat. "Come on. I won't bite." 'Unless you want me to, ' he thought. "Where can we get you another bra?"

Lori stood up and tried to decide what to do. It would be very awkward to take the subway home looking like this. That thought pretty much decided it. She sat down in the seat, still attempting to cover her breasts; but it was a losing battle. She was sure everyone could see the huge valley between her breasts from top and bottom. She was trying to figure out what to do when Mr. Toland said something that astounded her.

"Your breasts are beautiful. Can I feel them? Suck on them? Are they sensitive? Do you like it when men play with them?" He could not believe that he was saying all this to the young woman. Was she even eighteen? She had to be, didn't she? "Are you eighteen?"

"I am almost nineteen, Mr. Toland."

"Good. Call me John, please," he reiterated as they drove out of the parking lot.

"John, my dad is not much older than you are. And I really need this job. I really don't think it would be a good idea for us to get involved."

Smiling, he said, "OK. No involvement, just hot sex. What do you say? Not to blow my own horn, not that I could, but I have been told I am pretty good in the sack."

"Sir. You just offered me a job and now you are propositioning me. Don't you think that is a little unethical?"

"Hey, I offered the job without strings. And touch-and-feely or not, you still have it. Did I ever say anything otherwise? You start Monday morning. 7:45AM sharp. Doors open at eight. Brenda will show you what you have to do. It is not much and does not pay much, but a lot of our Admin Assistants started at the same desk. Brenda did. Talk to her."

"What is the salary?"

"Pushy big-tittied broad aren't you?" he laughed.

"Hey! 'Huge tittied', if you don't mind!" She laughed as well. She could not believe how they were talking to each other. She had never talked to anyone like this.

"I pay $8.50 per hour to start, no benefits. After one month, if Brenda gives you the thumbs up, we'll bring you on full-time at $9.00/hr. After three months you get a performance review. Your raise is directly related to the review. If you are rated outstanding," he quickly eyed her breasts popping out all over and brought his hand to his mouth in a Groucho Marx imitation, "and you are outstanding, you will get a raise to $10.50. Another review after another six months, and we will see about putting you into an Admin Assistant position where you can be at $12.50 or more. How does that sound?"

"Sounds good! But what about the benefits?"

"Well the bene's vary."

"Vary? How do they vary?"

They had reached a little Italian restaurant that John liked and he parked the little car. He turned to her and said, "We'll talk about the benefits during lunch, ok? Here we are. How are you going to eat your lasagna holding your blazer together?" He asked as he leered at her, raising and lowering one eyebrow.

"You are so bad! I guess I won't be able to..."

"You have to... I don't think I can eat staring at your big tits on display. All the blood in my body would be in my dick. It would be a little awkward to eat when the table had two legs on the floor on your side, and was balanced on the end of my dick on my side."

Lori laughed; she could not help herself. She felt like a weight had been lifted from her shoulders. Never in her life had she been able to talk to anyone so freely, with such carefree abandon, about her breasts. The 'pair' had never, ever been a laughing matter. The other girls had always hated her and made fun of her. She had no girlfriends. All the guys wanted to do was see and feel her tits. They did not care about her as a person at all. She got the distinct impression that John was appreciating more than just the two huge appendages on her chest. True, John made no bones, well one bone, about wanting to play with them, but it was different somehow. She liked talking to him about them.

While she had been laughing, her tits had jumped the fence. They were sticking out all over again. She dropped her hands in disgust and watched as her magnificent twins emerged from hiding. "They are impossible, you know. I know what I'll do." She took off her blazer, totally exposing her breasts for him to see. In the process, she had leaned somewhat in his direction, sticking her tits perilously close to his hands. In addition, she had inadvertently exposed them to two men walking by the car as well. One tripped and fell into the other. They both fell in pile to the sidewalk with a couple of thuds and grunts.

"Ooops," she said seeing the two men on the pavement. "Here hold this," she said handing the blazer to John. He took it slowly still mesmerized by the sight of the massive soft globes so near. It felt like they were black holes and he was being drawn into them. He threw the blazer behind her seat and leaned in to lift and kiss a nipple.

"Sir! What? Oh shit." Her hands went to his head to push it away, but the kiss and his slippery tongue on her sensitive nipple felt too good. She couldn't stop him. Her eyes closed, enjoying the overwhelmingly erotic sensations. Her breasts were primary erogenous zones.

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Such was the case for the Trainers on Route 34. Machoke spotted Campers on both sides of the Route, and moved to the left, while Machop moved to the right. They moved at a steady pace, believing they had not become infamous to anyone outside of Azalea. This was not entirely true, as Team Rocket Grunts did report about a hostile Machop during their attempt to take over Slowpoke Well and Azalea Town. After that initial report, no Grunt in the area managed to report anything new to the...

2 years ago
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Lesbian Sex With Cousin Sister In Bangalore Part 8211 1

Hi friends mera naam dev hai. Mein ISS mein apni stories regular update karta raheta hun or aaj joh story aap read karenge yeah actually meri life se related nahi hai. Yeah story meri bhot close friend neh mujhe batai hai or mein app ko narrate karne jaa raha hun. Toh ab start karte hai. Hi there mera naam karishma hai or meri age 21 years or mein Delhi se belong karti hun. Mein ek average looking Punjabi girl hun. Mera skin tone light brown shade hai. Mere breast 36 size ke hai and waist 30...

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A Deal

For a long time Ijah sits on the end of the small steel framed bed and gazes bewitched at the white boy. The boys naked chest gently rises and falls. Asleep he is even more beautiful, if that is possible, then when he is awake. Every fiber of Ijah being is telling him that what Achmed and he are about to do is wrong, to harm this c***d who’s only crime is passion, simply, because their religion does not allow two males to consummate their love.Ijah pulls the coarse blanket down to reveal the...

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Pussy Flashing

This is a true story which happened a few years ago, before we married and she was still keen to play.I'd already persuaded her to go out and about without panties, her tits were too big for braless, but it was a turn-on knowing her cunt was bare and available.We went into the city for a walk around and we got peckish, so I suggested we go into the McDonalds for a burger which she agreed to. Now this particular shop has an upstairs and there's a table right at the top facing the stairs and it...

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Too Much LoveChapter 71

Prudence Parrish stood poolside with her hands clasped together behind her back, met Nick’s eyes and smiled. “First, I want to thank everyone here for all the amazing support and offers of support I’ve gotten today. It’s ... really humbling. Just a few weeks ago, I left the home I’d spent my whole life in and got on a bus without knowing for sure how far I was going or who I was going to meet when I got there. For the first time in my life, I was really, truly alone in the world. I was...

3 years ago
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Saras Adventures

Sara's Adventures! As usual, we all know this is a fictional story, with fictional people, and of course there might be some autobigraphical material as well,made up characters, and names of course.If this resembles anyone living or dead it's purely coincidental. I'm sitting here proof reading my Halloween story from this year, yeah I know it's late! But right now I've got other things on my mind, like how to get out of a predicament I'm in at the moment. See part 2 of this story,...

1 year ago
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Mid Summer Nights Wet Dream

He had never felt quite like this before. Since waking up from a troubled sleep a vaguely defined image of someone - female - kept flashing through his mind. He could tell little about her beyond the fact that she turned him on in a way he had never experienced before. She was attractive, around 30 or so (his own age), and had shoulder length dark hair worn in a gentle upsweep. He was filled with both longing and lust, a gentle but persistent ache for her such that he coasted through his day in...

3 years ago
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That was before Ada asked me to work for her ‘exclusive agency’. “We have a wide ranging client list, males and females, and lots of constant work,” she told me as she auditioned me. “And we provide for some very kinky people with lots of sexual fetishes.” To my great pleasure I have learnt physically attractive, forty-something women can be wonderful sex partners. They have long lost any inhibitions, are sexually experienced, are able articulate what they want and very often have ripe, lush...

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Miss Beatty

Lauren had always been a good, hard working student. She had successfully managed her high school 'career' with out incident. Though she had just turned 18, she still was a long way from feeling like an adult. The only time she was really able to let herself out of her good girl shell, was when she spent time with Mrs. Johnson from next door. She treasured, yet feared, every moment with her.She was at a loss to explain her recent difficulties in Miss Beatty's Calculus class. She was a few...

2 years ago
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SandiChapter 3

The streets are empty except for the harsh orange glow of the street lamps. The only change is the moving colors from the traffic lights; their commands to stop and go falling silent on streets devoid of vehicles to regulate. Your walk home from the gym is a strange one, to say the least. The heat from the shower and the water splashing over you for so long have left your skin soft and sensitive. However, there are other sensations, from which your body is also recovering. Your butt cheeks...

1 year ago
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MonstersOfCock Cadence Lux Dreams Of Black Cock

So today Cadence Lux walked into my office for a quick therapy session. Her problem is that she constantly keeps having these dreams of big black cocks. Every night her dreams of huge monster black dicks keep returning to the point that she just didn’t know what to do anymore. This is where my expertise comes into play, I told her the only thing to stop the dreams is to fulfill those fantasies. That’s why I prescribed her some Black motherfucking cock. She dropped on her knees and swallowed my...

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Stewarts Second MissionChapter 7 Aftermath

I opened my eyes to the sight of a medtube lid sliding open above me. I felt great, physically. I swung my legs out and stood up. I subvocalized. “Alfred! Good to hear your voice again.” “Yeah.” Now the memories of why I was in the damn medtube came flooding back. The shock on Gomez’s face when the bottom half of him disappeared. My sight going red as my own blood fountained up to blind...

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ConundrumChapter 7 The beginning of Retribution

Anyone watching from one of the bedroom windows of that house would have been persuaded that this was a beautiful calm evening. The watcher would not have seen the four men, in dark clothing, darkened faces and balaclava's, who slipped through the trees soundlessly. The serenity of the night would have allowed the sentinel to ignore the screams that erupted from the Lounge as Beth was once again beaten, nor the cries of "No ... no ... no. Please ... no" as the Master pushed a lubricated...

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Vacay in the Va jay jay tribute to Erika and my b

Mmmmmm Erika sighed as she woke up to Sonjays soft lips on her pussy. “Good morning baby. “She said. Sonjay completely ignored her and continued to gently lap on her pussy. Bathing her face in Erika’s juiciness. Her moans began to echo throughout the room. Arching her back as Sonjay wrapped her arms around her thighs for security. Erika bit down on her bottom lip and clinched the sheets. “Oh baby. “ she whispered. Sonjays tongue darted in and out of her tunnel and traced her around her clit. ...

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Modern Love StoryChapter 4

Carl stood up in front of Kelly, who remained seated on the sofa with her legs splayed. He took off his shirt and then slipped off his shoes and socks, finally removing his trousers. He was standing between her legs, his Calvin Klein's level with her face. It was evident that he was working out regularly, his flat hard stomach and his muscle definition providing ample evidence of the fact. But it was his bulge that commanded her attention. She grasped the waistband of the CK's, and...

4 years ago
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My First Story

He had always been attracted to petite girls, and she was no exception. She stood at 5’2′ with large, 32D breasts. Her hair was chestnut brown, cascading down to brush her shoulders. Her blues eyes sparkled as she was pleading with her eyes to him, ‘fuck me please!’ They begged. She was about the receive the punishment of a lifetime. He had her bent over at the waist, wrists shackled to her tiny ankles. He stood in front of her face, his hands gathering the hair at the base of her neck, and...

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After a hard day's work at the farm, you want to do nothing but have a beer in your hand and your wife sucking you cock. That was exactly what I intended to do, I quickly took a nice warm shower and got rid of all the sweat in my body then went downstairs to grab that beer from the fridge. My wife, Cathy, must be in her room correcting all those quizzes and test she passes out to the high-schoolers. I finished my beer feeling more refreshed than ever and went upstairs to our bedroom."Hi...

3 years ago
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My Husband caught me pt 5

The drive was long and my limbs were aching, but thankfully I was nearly there. I steered the car into a road I knew so well, nice houses, nice cars, just as I remembered. Driving about halfway down, I pulled into a space right near the house where Tom lived.I sat there for a while, just thinking if I was making a huge mistake, coming here, seeing Tom - I shouldn't be here.I removed my seat belt and pulled my keys from the ignition, then took a massive breath, 'move it Jess' I said to...

1 year ago
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Too Much LoveChapter 70

Shiloh Fontenot-Stone stepped out of her new bedroom into the living room where her husband was standing and reading something on a tablet. “Okay, that’s a bit creepy.” Kaius looked up from whatever he was reading. “What’s creepy?” Shiloh leaned against the doorframe and crossed her arms. “The movers put everything away.” Kaius looked at the one big cardboard box that had been left in the corner of the living room. “Not quite everything.” Shiloh looked at the box marked “cookware” and...

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A guy and his girlfriend really get into watching an amateur porn movie

Homemade dirty movies can be hot and fun, and recently my girlfriend and I received several from a mail order house. We’d picked several that looked interesting, and one, on a whim, that dealt with B&D. The tapes were all pretty good, all the more exciting because these were REAL people doing these things, not paid actors and actresses. The B&D tape however, was different. It was well shot, clear, and very, very erotic. The first segment of the tape introduced an attractive...

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Helping Sylvia part 1

Coming through the foyer John heard his stepmother crying in the den. That was odd. She'd always seemed so stoic. She never showed her feelings at all. John often had wondered if she even loved him or his brother. It was not important now but it had been when they were growing up. After she married their father. She'd never been emotionally demonstrative. John couldn't remember the last time he saw his parents hug or share a kiss. But that was just stepmom Sylvia. Or so he always thought.  John...

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TransparenceChapter 11

A smile spreads across Yulia’s face when the homeless man appears in the doorway. His eyes scan over her lying on the ragged and torn and filthy mattress. He leans his shoulder against the doorframe. “Police...” he shakes his head and gives her a mocking grin. “Excuse me... ?” “I saw them raiding one on the homeless camps not far from here,” the man says. “They are always harassing us.” “Oh...” Yulia murmurs. “I thought...” “You thought I was that guy you keep talking about?” he asks,...

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Dog Gone Good

Karen began this day just as most all her other days started but today would turn out to be much more than she ever expected. Getting dressed she grabbed a quick glass of fresh orange juice before dashing out of the house to begin her next task of showing some older property for the company she worked for. Karen drove thru the crawl and creep of city traffic and finally got out on the highway heading north up into the deep country of Arkansas. Her destination was an old farmhouse and it's...

2 years ago
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New Jock Tales Freshman Year Pt 1

“Aight---aight----everybody gather round. Come on---move in tite. You cant play football and be afraid to touch somebody. Gentlemen, welcome to Freshman football. Look around---you have 47 new brothers, and today, is the first day----of the rest of your life”. Jr High is over, and you are no longer little k I d s. You are now official representatives of East Tyler High School. You will conduct yourself accordingly at all times, in and out of uniform, in or out of school, 24/7 for as long as...

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Through a Glass Dimly Book 2Chapter 2

We put the phones on auto-answer and left. We had lunch at another of Lisa’s places. They were all very good though quite expensive. I figure we could afford it for a long time. Over lunch, Lisa told Pam of her raise and changed status. She said, “We don’t have a title yet but you’re too good to be wasted answering phones. We expect to grow and you will be able to grow with us.” Pam hugged us both and wiped her eyes. “You guys are good for me. My parents, as you know, weren’t very...

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My Turn to please

After you have gave me the time of my life you gorgeous smiling face looking at me, looking back deep into you sexy green eyes and smiling naughtily at you. Standing us up our naked body come together again as I reach down and scoops you up in my arms carrying you into the bedroom and walking over to the bed placing you down gently into the centre on top of the covers. climbing on beside you , I leans in a begins to kiss your neck and nibble your ear a hand finds your breast cupping and...

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How a kind lady helped my nylon and foot fetish

I thought I would share something that happened to me when I was 16, that has stayed in my memory for years. We lived in the north of England when I was growing up. And although not rich we had a cleaning lady who came during the week, she looked after me during the school holidays while my mum and dad were at work. I thought things might change as I got older, but they didn’t trust me to be in on my own all day, probably get into trouble or something. I was an only child, and I’ve always...

1 year ago
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AimeeChapter 2

Darynn had sworn decades earlier that he would always consider his life a lesson and himself a student. Although his opportunities to experiment with the opposite sex numbered beyond his counting he had never once actually paid any attention to them or their needs. Awrthom had made him a man of men, in a world of their own without want or need of women. Aimee' changed that. She had occupied his thoughts for the entire week, from the previous Gayobi to the present. In that time he had done a...

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The visit

You were nervous, you had been chatting to Mark on-line for months but this was the first meeting in person. you walked up the driveway to the house, your heart beating hard in your chest as you got closer. the train ticket and instructions had arrived 3 days ago and you had nearly called it off several times, but had plucked up the courage to take this trip."the door will be open" said the letter, and it was. "there will be further instructions in the first room on the right".you step into...

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To hear this story, Click Here. * * * * * I am on a battlefield. A sword rests heavy in my hand. The weapon doesn’t feel right, but the fiery speeches that Wallace spewed ignited an unknown fire deep in my bowels. I had to follow him into battle. But so many of us have died already that once green hills are now dark with the empty life of my countrymen. When Wallace came to my village, I was working in the fields alongside my wife, Meagan. Oh, she was a beauty of a woman: almost as tall as...

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Wifes webcam 2

In the days that followed, none of her coworkers said anything. My wife Marie had knowingly walked completely naked in front of her webcam and pretended to be unaware that her three fellow programmers were watching, and none of them said a word to her. I can't say that I was surprised. If it were me, I too would have kept my mouth shut in hopes of future shows. But Marie knew that she had to ease up. She couldn't give a repeat performance too often without it becoming obvious that she knew they...

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Mirias Anticipation Pt 01

Miria paced the floor nervously, thinking to herself that he had been gone longer than expected. Bastion was usually only gone a day and a half to check the lands and head to town for supplies. Today marked the third day he had been gone, and she was starting to worry. ‘Where is he,’ she thought. Her mind began to race with questions of where could he be, was he hurt, or maybe just tired of being around her. After all, she has been here with him for three years now. Bastion had saved her after...

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Getting Back At My Wife Pt3

We planned it and since I was off monday and my wife was at work our little plan became reality.I went and met my mistress in a parking lot not to far from my house that morning she got in my truck dressed like a total slut black high heels and a little black dress that clung tightly to her extremely thick body she wore no panties and no bra underneath which let her huge breasts sag a little and left a wet spot on my seat where her soaking wet fat pussy was, I felt my cock rise in my pants...

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Gierig fallen Sandra und Tatjana überinander her. Lange hatten sie darauf gewartet. Sandra war um die 165 cm groß, hatte rötlich gefärbte lange Haare zum Pferdeschwanz, ein süßes Gesicht und einen knallengen schwarzen Latexanzug an. Ihre Lesbenfreundin Tatjana war eine echte blonde Sexbombe. Sie trug ebenfalls einen Latexcatsuit. Beide fielen übereinander her und rieben ihre Latexkörper im Bett aneinander. "Ich bin so geil" stöhnte Sandra die unte rihrer Freundin lag. "Ich will dich nur feste...

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The Ancient ProphecyChapter 4

The town of Tiras was a small border town south of the Kingdom of Aragon. It served as a trading post for many adjacent towns. It was also the closest town to Labrador. The land was hilly and inappropriate for farming. South of this town was a vast range of volcanoes, one of the Forbidden Lands. Nobody who traveled through Forbidden Lands had ever returned back alive. The people of the town were mostly traders and crafters. Tiras ceramics were very famous across the land. The skills...

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