Tabea und Cristina
- 4 years ago
- 37
- 0
July 29, 2000, St. Martin, Leeward Islands, Lesser Antilles
The doorbell rang just before 7:00am.
“Be careful,” I said to Maria Cristina as she started to leave the kitchen to let Annette into the house.
Maria Cristina smiled, “I think you have it exactly backwards! She’ll be seducing you!”
I chuckled, “Even if that’s true, caution is still important.”
“I know,” she replied, leaving the kitchen.
She was quickly back with Annette, who was dressed the same as earlier, although this time the t-shirt was black and she was carrying a bag which presumably had her bathing suit. I suppressed a chuckle recalling the scenes from Heartbreak Ridge where the Marines kept trying to match t-shirts with Gunny Highway. I got breakfast onto the table, and the three of us sat down to eat.
I’d prepared bacon, eggs, pancakes, and fresh strawberries. I avoided the pancakes, but both girls enjoyed them. When we finished, Maria Cristina shooed me away so they could clean up. I took the hint she wanted to talk privately to Annette, so I poured myself a cup of coffee and left the kitchen, hoping Maria Cristina knew what she was doing. I went out to the patio and sat down in a chaise.
The time by myself gave me a chance to think about my ‘transitional period’, as I’d referred to it to Maria Cristina. I wondered how, if things wound down with her and with Liz, the new dynamic would unfold? My relationship with Suzanne was essentially on hold until she moved to Chicago, though I’d probably see her when I went to Colorado Springs. She certainly seemed like a candidate for a true ‘long-term third’ as she had no specific interest in marriage or kids. Everything certainly seemed to point that way, and if her time away didn’t change her mind, I was reasonably sure that’s how things would go.
The question then, was about dalliances and ‘random deflowerings’. Certainly the latter were going to arise, I was sure, because they always did, and, being a sucker for virgins, I knew it was basically useless to resist if I was sure the young woman in question was appropriately discreet. There seemed to be no real shortage of those girls, despite the changing social conditions. That said, I fully expected that within no more than ten years I’d be ‘too old’ even for the most determined and adventurous girls.
Dalliances were another question, and I’d had exactly one in the previous three years - Harmony Howard in Los Angeles. That had been fun, but not nearly as fulfilling as being with Suzanne. And that pushed me towards the idea that the correct outcome of my ‘transitional period’ might be only being with girls with whom I had a strong intellectual and philosophical bond. That seemed to be the right approach, though again, knowing myself, there would be ‘that girl’ who would be interested in a dalliance and I’d agree.
All of that said, the lengthy time with no ‘random deflowerings’ and no dalliances, including Elena and Sari, neither of whom I’d managed to see during that time, hadn’t created any problems for me. I had talked about it with Doctor Mercer who suggested that, perhaps, I was ‘growing out of it’, and with Mary Whittaker, who thought, perhaps, stabilizing my bipolar disorder had changed my desire for dalliances. I felt it was probably a combination of both.
“Steve?” Maria Cristina called out, interrupting my train of thought.
“Yes?” I responded.
“Let’s swim and then get some sun.”
“Sounds good,” I replied.
I got up and went into the house. Maria Cristina followed me to the bedroom and we changed into bathing suits, and then went back out to the patio. Annette joined us a few seconds later, wearing a black bikini which showed off her sexy body, though, strangely, I felt the t-shirt and short-shorts were sexier. We got into the pool and I swam a few laps before Maria Cristina pushed me completely underwater when I swam by. That led to a contest between the girls and me trying to dunk each other, with them ganging up, but me winning because of sheer strength.
When the girls gave up, we got out of the pool and dried off. Maria Cristina asked me to put suntan oil on her, which I did, with Annette looking on. When I finished, Maria Cristina began putting sun screen on me, and after a moment, I felt a second pair of hands. When they finished, I wasn’t surprised at what happened next.
“Would you put suntan oil on me?” Annette asked.
I picked up the bottle from the table, poured some into my hands, then carefully began spreading oil on Annette’s shoulders, then worked my way down, enjoying the sensation of her soft skin, flat stomach, and shapely legs, being careful not to touch her breasts or too high between her thighs.
“That was very nice,” Annette sighed dreamily. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” I replied.
As Maria Cristina and I had the previous day, we lay in the sun, though I moved to a chair under the umbrella to avoid the inevitable burn that I’d get if I stayed in the sun too long. I admired the two beautiful bodies, then read the copy of The Economist I’d brought with me. I kept glancing over at the girls, realizing that Maria Cristina had made serious progress towards her goal - I was VERY interested in Annette, and the images of having both girls at the same time flooded my mind.
When the girls had enough time in the sun, we all went inside to shower, Annette using one of the other bedrooms while Maria Cristina and I went to the master bedroom. We quickly showered, dried, and dressed, then met Annette downstairs. At her suggestion, we took a taxi to the Dutch side, visited a number of shops and walked along the beach before having lunch. After lunch we returned to the house to relax.
Samantha had stocked the house with just about every DVD imaginable, and the girls took ten minutes before selecting Cruel Intentions. I strongly preferred Dangerous Liaisons, which I felt was a much better telling of the story. That said, the kissing scene between Sarah Michelle Gellar and Selma Blair was HOT, even though it only lasted a few seconds. And Reese Witherspoon was flat-out gorgeous! The only downside for me was that she didn’t show enough skin. She had in a movie I’d seen on HBO - Twilight - and, despite not being a perfect Steve type, she still stirred my imagination!
Maria Cristina and I settled on the couch and she snuggled close, while Annette sat on the loveseat. As the movie started, I remembered something I’d forgotten - Reese Witherspoon’s character’s name was ‘Annette’. I didn’t see any parallels between the girl in the room with us and the character in the movie, so I simply chalked it up to coincidence.
“They’re making love the way you like,” Maria Cristina whispered in my ear during the sex scene between ‘Sebastian’ and ‘Annette’.
I nodded in agreement and she snuggled even closer. When the movie finished, the girls asked to watch another before we made dinner, and I agreed. Annette went to use the bathroom and Maria Cristina held up Eyes Wide Shut with a smirk.
“That might be a bit over the top,” I replied.
Next she held up American Beauty.
“Maria Cristina,” I said in a tone that was meant to evoke mild reproof, and shook my head, though I certainly wouldn’t have minded seeing Mena Suvari’s gorgeous body.
She put it back on the shelf and a moment later, just as Annette came back into the room, she held up Pulp Fiction.
“I haven’t seen that one,” Annette said. “I hear it’s really good.”
“It is,” I agreed.
Maria Cristina put in the player and pressed ‘Play’.
“Come sit with us, Annette,” Maria Cristina said.
I knew, right then, that the suntan oil had been the setup, and now we were at an inflection point. Obviously, there were no guarantees about what would happen, but this was a serious step towards what Maria Cristina had suggested the previous night. I asked myself if I was confident enough about Annette’s state of mind, and I couldn’t be sure. That gave me pause, but I knew I could always say ‘no’, if things went the way Maria Cristina hoped and I was uncomfortable about going through with it.
I sat down and Maria Cristina took the same spot she had before, on my right, while Annette sat down on my left, though not quite as close. Maria Cristina snuggled close as ‘Honey Bunny’ and ‘Pumpkin’ robbed the diner. When ‘Jules’ and ‘Vincent’ drove to visit ‘Brett’, Annette leaned against me and I put my left arm around her in the same way I had my right arm around Maria Cristina. Annette snuggled close and stayed that way for the rest of the film.
“What shall we have for dinner?” I asked.
“Could you make pizza?” Annette asked.
“Indeed, I could,” I replied. “There’s a stick of fresh pepperoni as well as several kinds of cheese. I will have to use canned tomato sauce and paste because otherwise it would take too long to make the sauce.”
“How long would it take if you used fresh tomatoes?”
“A few hours,” I replied. “If you want, we could have pizza tomorrow and something else tonight.”
“Can we do that?”
“Sure. Then what about tonight?”
“How about Chinese?” Maria Cristina suggested.
“That would be great!” Annette agreed.
I went to the kitchen to start dinner and the girls went out to the deck. An hour later, we sat down to eat.
“Wow!” Annette exclaimed after tasting what I’d prepared. “This is awesome!”
“I’m glad you like it,” I replied.
“Where did you learn to cook?”
“I taught myself,” I replied. “Well, my little sister and I worked together to teach ourselves. My mom was a terrible cook.”
“How old is your sister?”
“Thirty-three. She’s four years younger than I am.”
“Is she the only one?” Annette asked.
“No, I have a brother as well, he’s right in the middle between us. Do you have siblings?”
“No, and my grandparents and cousins are in France.”
“How many people live here?” Maria Cristina asked.
“In St. Martin? About 30,000. That’s a lot more than when I was born, when it was around 10,000.”
“And on the Dutch side?”
“About the same, I think.”
If the population had been so low when she was born, I could understand why she might have a limited number of friends - there simply weren’t that many kids in her age group, and tourists or people like Samantha and her family were only visitors. I wondered if what she needed was the same kind of opportunity Winter had seized when she chose to leave rural Ohio for Chicago. For Annette, the solution likely would be found when she went to college in Paris or London.
“What are we doing after dinner?” Maria Cristina asked.
“I figured I’d leave it up to you,” I said.
“We can’t really go out to a club.”
“Sorry,” Annette replied. “I can go home so you can go out.”
“I wasn’t complaining or trying to send you away,” Maria Cristina said quickly. “We can watch a movie, or listen to music, or go for a walk, or all of those.”
“But you want to go dancing,” Annette protested.
“We can dance here,” Maria Cristina said. “I’m sure Steve will take turns dancing with us. It’ll be like the parties back home where we put on CDs and dance.”
“If you’re sure,” Annette said.
“I’m sure! Do you have a time you have to be home?”
“Not really. You know I was out until after 3:00am the other night.”
“But we didn’t know if that was OK with your parents,” I replied.
“I’m sixteen, so they basically let me do what I want.”
When we finished eating, the girls once again chased me away so they could clean up, and then came to join me on the deck. They brought a pitcher of lemonade for themselves and a bottle of San Pellegrino with lime for me. They also each had a small dish of ice cream.
“No sweets at all?” Annette asked.
“No,” I replied. “I have a weird health issue, and so long as I limit carbohydrates, it doesn’t present any problems.”
“You appear so very healthy!” she protested.
“He is,” Maria Cristina teased. “I’ve checked!”
Annette laughed softly and I got a very positive vibe from her for the first time since we’d met.
“His doctor has been very kind to let me participate in his physicals,” Maria Cristina continued, “even though I’m not even a medical student.”
“It would seem that knowing him has given you some very nice benefits.”
“Besides the obvious one?” Maria Cristina teased.
“He must be a wonderful lover,” Annette said wistfully.
“He is,” Maria Cristina replied.
“Was he your first lover?”
“And only,” Maria Cristina replied. “We made love for the first time right before I started college.”
“So you were eighteen, then?”
“And you knew everything about him?”
Maria Cristina laughed softly, “It was difficult to miss, given I was living at their house. But I knew all about him before I moved in, because he’s completely open about his life. And I knew I would make love with him before I moved in, too.”
“Why did you move in?”
“To be close to the university, and because it saved me the money for the dorms. I have a wonderful place to live, a professor and a medical doctor to help with my studies, Steve to be a mentor, and, of course, a lover. I love his family, and all his kids are great.”
“So why give that up?”
“I want to marry and have kids. He’s already married, and he can’t give me children.”
“He had an operation.”
“I figured after seven kids, I’d had enough!” I added with a grin.
“That is a lot of kids! Most people I know only have one, or sometimes two.”
“There aren’t a lot of kids your age here on the island, are there?” I asked.
“Not really. The people who moved here in the late 80s and the 90s have children, of course, but mostly they’re under age ten. My grade in school only has about thirty-five students. The earliest grades have well over one hundred now, and there are other primary schools, and some go to private schools on the Dutch side.”
“And all the money is made from trade, right?”
“Yes. We don’t really have industry, and farming is out of the question, obviously. But lots of Americans like to come here.”
“Present company included,” I replied. “Though this is just my second time.”
“I think I’m going to come back next summer before I start medical school, then take my two one-week breaks I get during the four years here,” Maria Cristina said. “I already discussed it with Samantha!”
But not with me, which confirmed that she was already thinking past our sexual relationship. It was sooner than I’d expected, but, if I was honest with myself, not really a surprise, given her goals. The only concern I had was what might happen if she did get serious with Lieutenant Knox and he ended up on sea duty or with an overseas assignment.
The girls finished their ice cream and Maria Cristina suggested we go inside and put on some music. I was totally unsurprised when she selected a CD titled ‘Twenty Classic Love Songs’. The first song was (They Long to Be) Close to You, by The Carpenters, and Maria Cristina beckoned me to dance with her. We danced close, but not too close, and when the song finished, she released me.
“Your turn!” she said to Annette as Up Where We Belong by Joe Cocker and Jennifer Warnes began playing.
Annette came over to where I was, and not wanting to press things, I opted for what I called the ‘High School’ distance, with my hands on Annette’s hips and hers on my shoulders. That lasted for about thirty seconds before she moved a half-step closer, such that her breasts occasionally touched my chest lightly as we swayed to the music. She obviously enjoyed the contact, as her nipples hardened and pushed outward on the tight cotton material of her t-shirt.
When that song finished, the girls changed places and You’re the Inspiration by Chicago began playing.
“Uh, sorry,” Maria Cristina said quietly. “I can skip the song.”
“I don’t think Kara or Jessica will mind,” I replied.
Maria Cristina smiled and melted into my arms, pressing her firm, young body against mine. I hadn’t danced to this song with anyone except my wives in fifteen years, and it felt a little strange, but it actually fit right in with the comment Maria Cristina made about the one thing she couldn’t have. This was, I was sure, a poor substitute, but it also conveyed much more about our true relationship. When the song finished, Maria Cristina gave me a soft kiss.
“Thank you,” she said quietly.
She stepped away so Annette could have her turn and when You Are So Beautiful by Joe Cocker started playing, Annette moved very close and I wrapped my arms around her. She wrapped hers tightly around me and pressed her wonderful teenage body firmly against me. I had the distinct impression, based on more than two decades of experience, that if I simply took her hand and led her upstairs, she wouldn’t resist. That thought stirred my hormones, which were already more than a bit roiled, and I struggled against what Mary Whittaker had called a ‘natural, physiological reaction’.
The song ended, and Annette didn’t move, except to raise her head from my chest. She looked deeply into my eyes and communicated quite clearly that she, too, wanted a soft kiss, just as Maria Cristina and I had shared. I bent my head and our lips touched, hers, soft and pliant, clearly inviting a deeper kiss, but I felt that was moving too fast, so I kept the kiss simple. She sighed deeply when I broke it, and then swapped places with Maria Cristina.
The next song was I Just Called to Say I Love You by Stevie Wonder, and Maria Cristina held me tightly, but didn’t put her head on my chest, rather she moved it so our cheeks were together.
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Maria put down the phone so Karen and I could hear what was going on at her house. Maria was a petite Latina lady who liked to put on shows for me with her old and new friends. This was the third one that I was about to see. In the last show Maria had Lucy and Karen. Now Karen was with me. We saw the look of disappointment on Maria’s face as she and Lucy looked up at us waving. Lucy said, “Without Karen we can explore more of each other.” Maria perked up at that and kissed Lucy. Lucy was a...
Voyeur17-year-old Billy was pissed. His widowed mother Barbara had returned from a vacation in Cancun with a new husband. He was a rich Mexican businessman named Jose Alvarez. She had fallen in love with the guy and married him after only knowing him for three days. He must have been some stud Billy figured, for his mother to marry him that quickly. She was still an attractive woman of 37. Billy was jealous because he considered himself to be the man in his mother's life ever since his father passed...
Maria Stephanos is driving to a seedy motel to meet an informant. She has never met him before but was told he has information for a story she is working on. She is nervous but it is ten o'clock in the morning so she feels a little better that it is in the daytime. She doesn't have to be at work until four o'clock for her six o'clock news broadcast.Maria is a news anchor for Fox 25 News in Boston. She is 47 years old, married with two teenagers. She is wearing a tight black skirt, black high...
Her father was retired and moved to a small town. Maria and her mother hated it. There were no malls and life was slow. Her father bought a small house. The streets were not paved and when it rained they became muddy. Maria walked down the muddy country road to the mailbox. A thunderstorm was brewing and the sky was black. Maria got the mail and it started to rain hard. Lighting flashes filled the sky. She was going to get soaking wet. A young boy driving an old car stopped and ask her if she...
EroticRedistribution: No restriction except that the story may not be changed/edited and the title, author’s name and email, and request for feedback must remain intact. I was in a pretty pickle, though I guess it’s one a lot of guys wouldn’t mind being in. Until a few weeks, before this began, I’d been a carefree, though overworked manager at a Dot-com start up. I had a salary I didn’t have time to spend and girlfriend wannabes falling all over me. My downfall, if that’s what it was, began after I...
It was a couple of weeks before Christmas and Maria and I had been out cruising the Peninsula (the area from Santa Clara up to San Francisco) for some unique gifts for the girls. We were getting hungry and I knew this little restaurant that was my favorite place for seafood in the San Francisco Bay area. It was in Redwood City and served authentic seafood from New England. The place was called “The Old Port Lobster Shack”. Its décor was right from the shores of Maine. The fish, clams, oysters...
It was a couple of weeks before Christmas and Maria and I had been out cruising the Peninsula (the area from Santa Clara up to San Francisco) for some unique gifts for the girls. We were getting hungry and I knew this little restaurant that was my favorite place for seafood in the San Francisco Bay area. It was in Redwood City and served authentic seafood from New England. The place was called “The Old Port Lobster Shack”. Its décor was right from the shores of Maine. The fish, clams, oysters...
Group SexI was also determined that now Maria had decided to do what I had been asking her to do for ages she would keep on doing it, and also spend every minute she could fucking any guy I wanted her to,and I wanted her to fuck every guy she met. When I got home that evening Maria was wearing bright red lipstick, makeup ,and had done her hair, I asked her why she was looking so glamorous, she smiled and said because we were going out later, I asked where, she said that Pavel had invited us to go...
Maria watched me and I saw her eyes drop to my underwear before she quickly looked back up to my eyes. "Are you serious?" she asked a little harshly, and I was afraid I had made a huge mistake. I had all the confidence in the world at that point, though. She and I had been friends for a long time. There had always been a weird attraction that was unspoken. We were closer than sisters and would do everything together. At parties, we tended to dance with each other. Grinding ourselves together...
Lesbian- - - - "Two beers thanks mate." Nothing really beats a few beers with a mate down the pub when your wife and his girlfriend have gone OS for a few weeks. We were one week into our two week bachelor stint and tonight we wanted a decent feed and a few beers. As we sat and hooked into our tucker I saw Maria, a friend of a friend, come into the pub. II'd heard about Maria being a bit of a slapper who put it about quite freely so I watched her with interest for a while and pointed her out to...
I could hear music playing in the background and also men’s voices, I asked her if they were still at the club, she laughed. and said that they were at Donni's place. I said that they must have left the club early, she replied that they hadn't been to the club, I asked her why, she said because when they were in the car Vasko had asked her if she really wanted to go to the club or go to Donni's and start the party straight away, she had said that she wanted to start the party straight...
Maria sat on the edge of her bed and looked down at her heavy, hanging breasts and her swollen belly. Her back ached and her slender frame was bowed beneath the weight of her unborn baby. She had slept badly the previous night and her eyes, normally lively and full of life, were dulled with exhaustion. David had left her as soon as he discovered that she was pregnant. His desertion had left her to cope with a demanding job and an exhausting pregnancy at only...
Part 2Now Beth was about 5 ft 4 inches tall, blond shoulder length hair which she always tied up in a pony tail when we were working, but let it hang loose when relaxing....fuck did she look good when her hair was down so sexy. She had an hour glass figure and often when she lost some wait was waif like, she didn’t like her legs she said they were short and chunky, I called them nice and shapely, her arse was perfect round not plump and her pussy....well I knew it was shaved as she told me so,...
This is a true account, all characters mentioned have read the story and approved it for publication. I had intended to change the names but they insisted on keeping their real names————————————————————————————————————————————————————At 70 years of age l still find it amazing that l have lived a life so filled with sex. At 6 ft 7 ins and at present weighing in at over 20 stone,(although l was an active sportsman until my mid forties), l am certainly not good looking, l’m not rich and l do not...
Maria counted out the stack of twenties and small bills and put them back into her Bible on the kitchen table for safekeeping. Once again, she didn’t have enough for the rent, and her landlord would not be pleased. She worked hard at her job, but it didn’t pay enough, and there were also the daycare expenses for her two year old daughter. Maria was barely into her twenties. She was a nice looking young woman with a pretty face and long wavy black hair. When she became pregnant, her boyfriend...
Saturday afternoon was quiet around my house so I took the time to look at my recent photos to enlarge print and mount. The music in the background was soothing and I was being serenaded by Sara Brightman’s Harem album. The sun had gone behind the clouds and I had to turn on a light. It was then that I noticed the lights came on in Maria’s Play Room (that’s what I called it now). Maria was a petite Latina woman in her late 20’s with a lovely compact tight body who loved to play with other...
Saturday afternoon was quiet around my house so I took the time to look at my recent photos to enlarge print and mount. The music in the background was soothing and I was being serenaded by Sara Brightman’s Harem album. The sun had gone behind the clouds and I had to turn on a light. It was then that I noticed the lights came on in Maria’s Play Room (that’s what I called it now). Maria was a petite Latina woman in her late 20’s with a lovely compact tight body who loved to play with other...
VoyeurThis is my own work, and copyrighted as such. No attempt should be made to copy or redistribute in any form on any other site. This adventure happened just over a year ago when I was recovering from some nasty surgery.I'd known Maria over 20 years ago. We had worked together briefly, and her neice was friends with my younger sister.She was a large woman - there was no escaping her weight - she was a big Italian mama. And starting a family only added to her size.We stayed friends on social media...
Saturday dawned with such promise. Maria’s husband had taken the boys for an overnight to the Sierra foothills. Maria and I decided to spend the day together thinking about how to take our life together to the next level. We were neighbors who had become friends and shared our days and some nights together with her friends. It all started innocently with me watching Maria entertain her friends in the Play Room of her home. I gradually stopped watching and became a participant in the games. I...
Group SexHow do you solve a problem like Maria Part twoIt is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.Georg von Trapp was such a man and having served gloriously in the Austro -Hungarian Navy during the first world war with distinction and valour had been rewarded with the title Baron von Trapp and a generous pension along with two hundred hectares of prime Farmland . With the land came several farms a...
How do you solve a problem like Maria Part twoIt is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.Georg von Trapp was such a man and having served gloriously in the Austro -Hungarian Navy during the first world war with distinction and valour had been rewarded with the title Baron von Trapp and a generous pension along with two hundred hectares of prime Farmland . With the land came several farms a...
I've had quite a few encounters with couples between my last posting with Angela and Jim. This happened about 7 or 8 months ago. I'd been living on th Big island for a few years and I post on certain websites for couples looking for a male for MFM threesomes.Bill and Maria messaged me, we exchanged pics and after some contact back and forth we decided we would meet. They were in their late 40's I'm including pics I took of Maria. They were on Ohau so I flew there to meet them in person. When I...
Preface I have been lucky enough to have some stories written for me (thank you Maria Clayton) so I thought I would get my cuckold subby to write one back as a tribute. I locked him in chastity and told him I wouldn't release him until he completed one. This is the result of his efforts....I’d seen the golden envelope on the fridge for a few days now but hadn’t dared ask mistress what it was about. So you can imagine my excitement when she asked me to bring it through, open it and read it to...
Hello all sex lovers. This is Shyam from Bangalore. Age 22 and working as a marketing executive. I am a great lover of sex and I have been enjoying sex from the age of 18 and from since I have had sex with all kinds of girls, ladies, housewives and even prostitutes. I am very fond of reading sex stories, that to written by ladies. And now I am going to share my sex experience’s in my sex series Bangalore sex tales. I am born and brought up in Bangalore. The first friend who thought me of sex...
My first night with Maria had been incredible. I was totally drained, and had no idea how many orgasms she had. The following morning we woke up late and ate a hardy breakfast together. We both needed carbs, juice, water, and coffee I guess. The woman I thought was a conservative, demure, middle-aged Filipino lady turned out to be one of the most incredibly sexy women I had ever encountered. I assumed that she had several people that she had sex with, and knew that besides me, she also...
This is for you Dave. I live in a city along the Interstate 880 corridor in Northern California. Houses here are close together on what are called zero lot line boundaries. My house faces the street but over the fence my neighbor’s backs into mine. I can see in the back bedroom window which is 4’ tall and 6’ wide with no curtains. The home is owned by a Latina couple, Maria and Carlos who are in their late 20’s. They have been living there a few months. I met them because we share a common...
This is for you Dave. I live in a city along the Interstate 880 corridor in Northern California. Houses here are close together on what are called zero lot line boundaries. My house faces the street but over the fence my neighbor’s backs into mine. I can see in the back bedroom window which is 4’ tall and 6’ wide with no curtains. The home is owned by a Latina couple, Maria and Carlos who are in their late 20’s. They have been living there a few months. I met them because we share a common...
VoyeurTony didn’t allow girls in the gang, but allowed a few to hang around, since he and his boys liked female company. I was one of those girls during that summer. Tony spoke to me in the hall during the first week of school. “Find out about that new girl over there by the fountain. The terrible twelve might be interested in her.” I had been to a few of the parties and had a pretty good idea what Tony wanted to know. Tony didn’t want girls with protective families. A couple years before...