BethChapter 68 free porn video

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September 27, 2017

Dear Ms. Diary,

[Written September 28]

After practice, dinner, and homework, the five of us returned downstairs in prep for taking Gracey and Dad to the García house. We found Dad and the Moms on the Monstrosity, Dad naked, the Moms wearing shirts and skirts. The Moms were commando: Sandy was riding Dad’s cock, while Carol was just starting up the Stairway on Dad’s face. Carol’s ascent seemed to encourage Sandy’s, and the two of them quickly peaked in nice, little orgasms, both facing us.

After a minute or so, Carol said, “Ah, that was a lovely, two-orgasm post-prandial diversion. This life is magnificent, and I owe much of its magnificence to you girls. And, Charlie, of course. What a lover! He managed to get both of us off in both positions yet saving his first cum of the night for Gracey while we watch them in her bed. This is f ... simply magnificent!”

Sandy chimed in with, “Indeed. I love Our Man so much. I loved watching you, Liya, with Charlie in your bed and I’m going to love watching him with you, Gracey, in yours. I will cherish this week for the rest of my life.”

During that, Carol dismounted from his face, after which Dad slowly shook his head in amazement at Moms’ words.

“Despite that I have come to understand that my wives actually want this, I am still amazed every so often. My previous lives must have been spent saving puppies and lost children.”

“Mine, too,” responded Gracey. “I’ve got the best sister-friend-lovers, four great moms, and an incredible hunk of a father-lover. It’s hard to imagine my life being any better. Now that you’re done with your wives, my father-lover, you need to get me naked so we can go make love in the Sprinter.”

“If you can wait a minute or so, we can clean him up for you?”

Gracey shook her head emphatically. “No! I look at this as symbolic. I would not be having this night without the agreement and interest of Dad and you two Moms. I find it right that I will shortly have some of all three of you in me.”

We girls looked at her incredulously, as did the parents.

“I know that I was the somewhat squeamish one, but I am going to put Our Man’s wonderful cock in me as soon as I can get it there in the Sprinter and I want some of the essence of his two wives along with his cock. I just wish that one of my sisters could drive so that I could have the Moms on either side of me in the Sprinter while I bury their husband’s cock in my pussy.”

Time stood still. I do not know for how long [oxymoronic much?], it seemed as if none of us breathed, blinked, or believed our ears. Liya recovered first.

“Who are you and what did you do with the shy Gracey? The quiet Gracey? The original Gracey? Oh, I loved that Gracey, but I am head-over-heels for this Gracey. This demonstrative Gracey. This confident Gracey. This Gracey is, excuse my French, so fucking alluring ... wonderful! I am madly in love with you, Gracey!”

Liya teleported to Gracey, wrapped her in her arms, and kissed her enthusiastically; Gracey kissed back.

Sandy let it go on for a few seconds, then said, “I agree with Liya’s primary sentiment, that this new Gracey is incredible. Our Man has had similar sentiments about this Gracey. He has been charged up all week in anticipation of sharing a night with her in her own bed. This Gracey is, excuse my French, fucking sexy as hell!

She looked around the family, then said, “With Charlie’s permission, I share with you, Liya and Gracey, something that happened in our bed last night. Last night, he spent individual nights with both of you, together, in your respective beds. He was a madman and fucked, sexed, and loved Carol and me into oblivion. Despite that both of you have, in the past, considered yourselves not all that attractive, you both turn Charlie on something fierce. If it would be possible to arrange, Carol and I would be more than fine with him spending the night with both of you, together, in your respective personal beds. One night in each bed.”

For the second time tonight, four of us girls were dumbfounded. I moved my eyes, my wide eyes, from Sandy to Carol to Liya to Gracey and back, again and again, until Gracey responded.

“Rhee’s September night is tomorrow night. My mom ... Oh. Ohhhh. No, that wouldn’t be fair. Rhee still needs to have her scheduled September night. My mom will be home on Sunday night, so that night wouldn’t work for either house, as I’m sure she’ll check on Liya’s house at some point. Some unpredictable point. That would mean that Liya and I would have to have Friday and Saturday nights with him at our respective houses.”

“Are you saying that you don’t want that,” Carol asked.

“No. That’s not ... Wait. Is that what you two are suggesting? That you’d have him in your bed only one night this week? Last night?”

“As you said,” replied Sandy, “Any nights spent in your houses with Charlie would have to be this week. Are you saying that you and Liya are not interested in this?”

“Hell no,” exclaimed Liya. “We’re definitely interested! However, that would mean that we’d have him for both nights of a weekend. We would probably want to keep him in the intervening hours between nights.”

“What’s wrong with that,” Sandy asked.

“Oh, f-f-f-f-f! Oh, god! You two actually want Charlie to spend a weekend with us? In our houses?”

“Well,” Carol replied, “how else would you be able to have him in as many rooms as possible before such becomes impossible without the direct consent of one or more of your moms?”

Liya released Gracey and, in a flash, was hugging and seriously kissing Carol. After 30 seconds or so, she did the same with Sandy. At that point, she turned a frown to us.

“Wait. Won’t Civia be here on Friday and her parents here on Saturday?”

“Ah, no,” Sandy replied. “Jeff called today and said that Civia’s grandmother, her mother’s mother, is in the hospital, so they would be gone all weekend. I suggested that we’d love to have her, and them, the next weekend.”

“Poor Civia. I hope her grandma will be all right. Did Mr. Palecek say anything about why she was in the hospital?”

“No, and I didn’t ask.”

“Thanks. We’ll talk to Civia tomorrow.”

After that, she went back to Gracey, grabbed her hand, and stepped them over to Dad.

Somewhat abashedly, she asked, “Dad would you spend the weekend with Gracey and me in our houses?

“I would love that.”

The two of them wrapped Dad between them. Liya kissed all over the right side of his face, while Gracey tucked her head onto his left shoulder and began quietly crying. Liya moved her attention to Gracey, rubbing her back for a few seconds. She then pulled her arms to herself and turned nearly 180 degrees to look at us three and opened her mouth. I interrupted her.

“No! No. We’ll have our chances, our turns. This opportunity has a short expiration date. You need to take advantage of it. Don’t forget the kitchen tables.”

There was much chuckling, though none came from them. Liya’s eyes moved to Rhee and Heather.

Heather’s “Beth’s right” and Rhee’s “Beth’s bang on” overlapped, and Liya’s weight fell back into Dad. She began crying, rotated within Dad’s right arm and Gracey’s left arm and cried on Dad’s right shoulder. Though Gracey was still emotional, she had stopped crying.

“Liya, Love. Do we have the best sisters ever, or what?”

Eventually, everything got organized. Dad stripped Gracey, who a bit later got a little emotional again as a result of Dad asking to put his clothes for tomorrow in Gracey’s gym bag.

“Dad, you don’t have to ask. You’re my dad and my only male lover. I have given you permission to have me whenever and wherever you want. A set of clothes in my gym bag is peanuts relative to that.”

Sandy interrupted, saying, “Charlie, Love, perhaps you should take your Go bag and leave it at Gracey’s house for the weekend.”

Both Gracey and Liya wheeled to stare at Mom, then both enveloped her, sniffling.

Liya looked in Sandy’s eyes, saying, “I know that I’ve asked this before, but I still find this amazing. Do you really want him to have us and us to have him?”

“Yes, Dear Liya. I love the idea of all of us sharing him and I absolutely love the actuality of him having loving, sexual relationships with you girls. Just the imagination and role-playing last night was incredibly wonderful. I was not exaggerating. He literally loved us both into oblivion after some uncountable number of orgasms between the two of us. It’s a bit hazy, but I’m pretty sure that he had at least three. That was glorious! I’m positive that Carol and I will be fine this weekend sending each other into a tizzy with imagining how and what you three are doing. Our weekend might well be as sex-filled as I expect your weekend to be. Please leave at least something for us for Sunday night. We’ll definitely be ready to have him back.”

Dad and Gracey followed Carol to the second bench seat. As she stated she would, Gracey impaled herself on Dad as soon as he was seated. Gracey’s house has a driveway into the back yard, which is ringed with shrubby vegetation, so we didn’t have to screen our two naked family members as they walked from the Sprinter to the back door.

“Dad, could we have sex here on the stoop in some way for a couple minutes?”

Before Dad could respond, Liya whispered intently, “You go, Girl! I’m so proud of you!”

Dad nodded, placed Gracey against the back door, used the leverage of her back on the door to lift her up, wrap her legs around him, and insert himself into her. He slowly stroked into her for about a minute, then Gracey asked to be put down. Liya unlocked the door, and we all stepped into the kitchen.

“Sandy-Mom, I’d like to ask for a modification of your demand.”

“What do you have in mind?”

“I’d like the whole family to be nude while you’re in this house this evening.”

Sandy looked at Carol, who grinned.

“Carol, Beth, please continue videoing while the rest of us get undressed, then two of us can video while you two shuck your clothes.”

Shortly thereafter, we were all naked in Gracey’s kitchen when she said, “Sandy-Mom, I have one more modification request.” When Sandy just nodded at her, she said, “Before Dad and I fulfill your demand regarding my bedroom, I’d like Dad to have his cock in each of us in different rooms. We just happen to have seven rooms in the house.”

Sandy wrapped Gracey in a tight embrace, saying, “What a wonderful idea. Thank you, Gracey!”

“Since Liya and I are going to get something on Beth, Rhee, and Heather, I’d like each of them to pick the room in which they have Dad. Hopefully, they won’t all want the same room.”

I turned to Rhee to say something to her, but she cut me off.

“No, you get first pick. You’ve known Gracey longer than I have.”

“Rhee, it’s only a couple days longer,” I responded exasperatedly.

“Doesn’t matter. You pick.”

I grimaced slightly at Rhee, then turned to Dad.

“You and I both like kitchens, so ... here?”

Gracey stepped on Dad’s response to me, saying, “Yes. Please, use the table. Before you object Beth, Liya and I will have 36 hours or so to get pounded on the kitchen table. I have no problem with you getting him there first. As long as Dad agrees, of course.”

There was much chuckling.

“How do you want me, Dad?”

“In all ways, Beth. In all ways. However, I’d like to see your face this time, so on your back?”

I climbed onto the hardwood table and laid back with my crotch at the table’s edge. Dad, whose cock was fully erect and red, held my legs up and slowly entered my pussy. I was quite wet, so he slid in easily. Although he spent over two minutes in me, he spent only the last half-minute or so pounding me. I managed to have him stop so we could get to everyone before it got too late. Rhee picked the living room and Heather picked the bathroom, which is upstairs. So, Dad did Rhee in the living room on the couch, then Liya in the dining room, on the table (of course).

We moved upstairs, where Dad sexed Heather in the shower, with Dad holding her back against the shower’s wall while he put it to her quite aggressively. Of course, Heather started up the Stairway shortly before Dad would have stopped, so he kept going and got her a quiet, squealing orgasm. He sexed Carol in the spare bedroom. After that, we all moved to Inez’s bedroom, where Sandy put on a show.

“Charlie Williams,” she said, “you have been having sex with my Gracey. As Nira and I told you, I’m fine with that. However, I want my chance with you, so you’re going to fuck my pussy hard in my bed before I let you have your way with my daughter in her bed. And you better treat my Gracey right and give her a good orgasm as well as your cum!”

Dad obviously caught on immediately, as he played along nicely.

“Inez, it’s a good thing that Sandy is here, as she really wants to watch me make love with you. I think that if it were up to her, she’d want both you and Nira involved in our family sex. I’m not really sure how my second wife would feel about that, but I’m sure that Sandy would be very happy having you two with me frequently.”

Sandy responded, “Inez, I would love it if you and Nira would join us.”

Staying in the game, Mom responded as Inez, “We’re in, Sandy. You’ve got the hottest and most wonderful man, and Nira and I both want him, even if we have to share with our daughters.” Sandy about lost it after that, leaping onto the bed on her back, spreading her legs, and saying, “Charlie, take me now, hard, then go make my Gracey cum hard.”

I looked at my sisters, then Dad and Carol. Rhee’s, Liya’s, and Heather’s eyes were all huge, Dad rolled his eyes, and he and Carol grinned at each other. He climbed aboard the faux Inez and went straight to pounding her. Mom had obviously worked herself into a frenzy during the role-playing and began climbing her Stairway not much more than a minute in. Dad pounded her into a loud-for-her squealing orgasm, one that left her conscious, but not really with us. Of course, that meant that we had to wait for her to rejoin this universe before Gracey and Dad could have their initial session in Gracey’s bed.

Dad started slowly with Gracey, but it seemed that this whole show of hers in the house had gotten her on edge. She began ramping toward orgasm almost immediately. Probably because of the interval of waiting for Mom to become coherent, Dad had come down quite a bit. As he told us all later, when Gracey began heading to the stars, he decided to make Gracey go over quickly, then try to make her cum again, when he was ready. Gracey is usually the most sedate of us in orgasm, but her second, with Dad obviously peaking, too, was, for her, a real screamer.

After she had come back down to Earth, with Dad working hard to stay inside her, she said, “Sex Slave, clean us both as soon as your Master pulls out of me.”

“Yes, Mistress Gracey. Thank you, Mistress Gracey!”

After the cleaning was done, we all trooped downstairs and into the kitchen to don our clothes.

Once she was dressed, Mom said, “Gracey, that was a wonderful idea. Thank you for it. That was so fun. So-o-o-o-o good!”

“Sandy-Mom, would you really want Liya’s and my moms involved with Charlie ... with the family?”

Mom glanced at Dad and Carol, then replied, “If they wanted in, I would be fine with that, but that’s just me. Additions have to have universal approval, and I’m fine with having that as a fantasy ... one of my favorite fantasies ... of watching Charlie with all of the possible mother-daughter pairs. That orgasm I had in Inez’s bed was spectacular. Are you sure you don’t want me to deal with the linens?”

“Thanks, Mom, but no. Liya and I can deal with all of them together on Sunday. We may go through multiple sets of sheets ... on all three beds this weekend with your husband.”

Sandy immediately enveloped Gracey and said, “I really like it when you and Liya say things like that. It shivers my pussy. I am looking forward to imagining what you three are doing in your two houses.”

September 28, 2017

Unfortunately, after getting to bed late, I woke up stupid early, again, so let my sisters sleep while I caught up on the diary.

We got on the bus 20 minutes after the start of 7th Bell for the trip to Springfield. Coach had her assistants and the captains meet with her in the back of the bus, where she reminded us of our strategy for the game. Since Springfield seems to have a very good front line, with two seniors and a junior, Coach decided that our offensive strategy would be a primarily defensive one, relying on counterattacks. She had smiled ruefully yesterday at practice when she said that we’d use the 3-2-4-1 formation that we had fallen into in Monday’s practice. She also moved Rhee back to join me and put Heather up front as our only striker. She did that because Heather is our fastest attacker, and Coach wanted her up front for streaking. Rhee and I would be twin 10s, that is, O quarterbacks. The other reason that Coach pulled Rhee back was for her strong D skills, which, she noted, would probably leave me as the only quarterback at times. Katie and Gracey would be twin 6s, or pivots, with their primary duties being defensive, but still being the connection between the back line and the O.

The first half ended scoreless. Hope had yet to make a save and Springfield had gotten only a single shot off. The ball stayed in the middle half of the field for much of the time, but we had mounted one good counterattack that was stymied by their left back sliding in at the last second and blocking Jules’ shot at the empty right side of the net shortly after she struck it. There were two unfortunate results of that, the first being that the ball caromed to their left half, who quickly booted it out of bounds. The other was that their left back could not continue, with what looked like it would be a deep thigh bruise.


Coach looked around at us one-by-one in the visiting team’s locker room.

“That was a very good job. I particularly want to single out Rose’s superb play at center back when we gave Shameka a breather. Nicole also did a good job during Gracey’s breather. Because we’re focusing on the D, I’ll continue to give our D breathers, so Susanna, Smythe, and Abigail will be giving Katie, Rachel, and Kim breathers in the second half. Marla, you’re starting the second half at center back. Don’t try to be a hero, just play good, solid D. I’ll sub Shameka back in somewhere around the 15- or 20-minute marks. Liya, please take notice and help me keep track of that. Civia, please keep your eyes on their D. Find us a hole to exploit. Assuming that we don’t fall apart in the second half, I will try to get most of the rest of you in the game.

About sixteen minutes into the second half, the game still scoreless, Shameka replaced Marla, and Makayla and Addiah gave Heather and me, respectively, breathers. Heather and I joined Civia in watching the details of our O and Springfield’s D.

Same as Beth
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Savoii’s Foot Fetish Erotica Presents: “The Interview”It was a normal day for me as I got on the bus. After all of the failed job interviews, I finally got a call from a corporate office. It was a beautiful spring day and there were plenty of business women of the bus heading into the city. They were all in skirts, heels, and pantyhose. That was my true weakness so see so many women with fantastic bodies wearing the one thing that gets me hard really quick. Some women were dipping out of their...

3 years ago
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My best friends brother

‘Hurry up! How long does it take to get a couple of things together?!’ Amy shouted up the stairs. I’d only been upstairs for about 15 minutes before her complaining began. ‘Will you keep your hair on? I can’t find my shorts!’ I shouted back down. I could have taken any old shorts but I needed my comfy shorts. I couldn’t sleep without them. ‘Well hurry up! Scott’ll be home in half an hour and if we don’t get there first, we can kiss goodbye to the TV for the night.’ Scott was Amy’s...

2 years ago
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Tying Me to Her or The Adventures of Joseph Hill

"Come over to the House. I have a surprise for you.-Anniston." I looked at the message on my phone and sighed, my eyes going back to the winding up lecture. My name is Joseph Hill. I am a 22 year old guy who comes all the way from Africa, studying in California on a scholarship. My father was from the Seychelles and my mother from the continent proper. It's from my dad's genes that I get my lighter skin tone. "Light-skin black" as others may call it. Now, let me destroy any...

1 year ago
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Sentence Fifty Strokes Of The Cane

SENTENCE: FIFTY STROKES OF THE CANE By Alex Tracy Holmes stood paralyzed in the prisoner's dock, shocked into completesilence. She had heard the judge, in his slightly accented English, pronouncehis decision: "Fifty strokes with the number 2 cane. Bailiffs! Take the prisoner downto the punishment room - I expect that room two will be free again now - andwill the next officer available please administer the punishment directly.Miss Holmes, I trust this will teach you to obey the laws of our...

2 years ago
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My Stepmom Girlfriend and I At the Pool

My girlfriend, Tori, caught me cheating and immediately had me feeling like shit. As I already felt depleted physically too, I fell back into the pool. I was down under the water for about thirty seconds. During that time, I felt much better physically. As if I went from massive pain, to none at all in a matter of seconds. I came back up to them both glaring at me on their knees. Tori put her hand out. "I think we need to talk, Eric." We exchanged looks. Her eyebrows were down and her teeth...

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for my dear friend

“Hi. I knew that you wouldn’t ring, after last week…I’m sorry too….I know…(laughter)….I was good-wasn’t I! (more giggling)…..I wasn’t THAT good!…. If you say so. (Laughter)..Yes, I’m wearing them…I suppose they might be a little bit wet…No! I’m not fingering myself! …. You know why! …In his office, working on that bloody computer…I wish that it was porn…(laughter)..They are inside my knickers now….yes, it does feel nice…(laughter)…of course it’s not as nice as that…very, very wet!”I couldn’t...

3 years ago
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Pool fun pt 1

Karen Miller's entire body shuddered as the powerful jet from the hot tube washed over her pussy. She sat directly on the nozzle, feeling the intense stream of hot water part her labia and stimulate her clit. One hand cupped her bare breast and the other ran up and down her thigh as yet another orgasm built inside her. On the deck next to her, an empty wine bottle and the last glass of wine sat neglected. The wine always made her horny, and after one glass she had retreated to the backyard to...

2 years ago
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The suit

About a two months ago, she approached a man who owned a farm on the outskirts of her town. He owned a small breeding ranch for work horses, nothing too fancy but she had chosen the ranch because of the many stallions that roamed the fields. When she told the man of her desires, she thought he would freak out, to tell her to get the hell off of his farm...instead a dark smile curled about his rough features. He said he didn't mind..and it blew her out of the water. In fact, he had been waiting...

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An unexpected seduction

It wasn’t Jack. “Oh, fuck,” she said, staring in shock at the shirtless, towel-waisted man who was most emphatically not her neighbour. Jack was blond and tanned; this guy probably had some Native American blood somewhere in his ancestry, with a coppery skin and slightly tilted eyes. And he was really, really big. Jack was tall, but this guy would make even him look short. And Amy was pretty sure Jack didn’t have biceps like that. Or a six-pack you could cut your finger on. Or dark, silky...

1 year ago
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Vergewaltigt am Arbeitsplatz

Als ich meinen Sohn Markus zusammen mit meiner Frau vom Kindergarten abholte, nutzte ich die Gelegenheit, mit seiner Kindergärtnerin zu sprechen. Ich sagte meinem Jungen, er solle schon mal ins Auto steigen und mit meiner Frau nach Hause fahren, und bat sie, dort auf mich zu warten, da ich noch ein wichtiges Gespräch mit seiner Kindergärtnerin zu führen hatte. Sie gehorchten und meine Frau fuhr mit unserem Jungen nach Hause. Ich sah mich um und wurde gewahr, dass der Kindergarten leer war. Nur...

2 years ago
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The Confession Ch 12

The next morning Kevin awoke to find a note on the table that his mother and Jack had gone to find a place to live near the state university. He poured himself a bowl of corn flakes and went into the living room to watch the sports report on television. He sat down on the couch and used the remote to turn it on, he then took a big bite of cereal. A knock on the door interrupted the highlights of one of last night’s games, he got up to answer it. He was surprised to see Shannon there waiting...

3 years ago
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Team Spirit 3

Team Spirit 3 Don Abdul © The potent vibrations from Leslie’s vocal cords resonated powerfully through Paul’s sensually charged cock and her involuntary squeeze on his balls send his hurtling down the bottomless pit of release. His back arched and his head flew backwards as he let out a deep guttural growl from the depth of his soul and spewed his hot cum in the air with some of it falling like rain on her shuddering body . Miguel straightened up to restore blood circulation to his legs,...

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A Pearl in the Snow Ch 02

We enjoyed another long late morning bath in the steaming waters of the pond, which included a subtle and non-conspicuous copulation with me standing up to her neck in the water with her arms and legs wrapped around me. The trip later down the stairs hardly taxed me at all, and my knee was still feeling pretty good when we got back into our room just before another wave of the snow storm hit. We enjoyed a fine luncheon and had a peaceful afternoon nap in our not quite so cold room, snuggled...

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In Silent Water

The sun’s fierce light bore down mercilessly on the shimmering water, the relentless light scattered into a million crystal shards, each blinding ray intent on finding it’s way into Walter Hansen’s tormented eyes. He scanned the light gray instrument panel quickly, noted the threat receiver still blinking intently, and he looked at his airspeed indicator. 460 knots. Altitude so low the altimeter was bottomed out. He glanced out the canopy and could just make out wave-tops as they roared by in...

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Confession Of A Sextress 8211 Part 16

Qamaar narrates this * * * * * * * * * * Fareeda kept narrating. “I had lost much of my lust and by now, superbly tired and dirty, I wanted to go home. I thought I would not be able to go to teach at the school the next morning. 44, 45 two guys (say Numan and Bashir) came to me and fucked me such a way that Numan was laying down and he had his legs upwards. I had to ride him, almost laying on him with my legs by his both sides and Bashir fucked me, kneeling behind me. At the end, Numan...

2 years ago
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Moms Unique Punishment Part 21

Sorry for the slow writing...busy with all the holiday preparations but I wanted to give you all a little present... Hope you enjoy it........ The final installment will be coming in January. Hugs to all. Suejrz Ever since I was enrolled in Mount Saint Mary's, Sunday mornings meant Mom and I went off to attend church services. This was another change in my schedule this past year since I rarely attended church before. But since I started attending a Catholic girls school, all the...

3 years ago
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Sunroom Construction Job

The events of this story took place when I was twenty years old, 6'-0", 185lbs, fit, with light brown hair and blue eyes.Brenda had gotten my name from the instructor at the trade school I had taken my pre-apprentice carpentry course. She lived in a townhouse that backed onto a large overgrown green space and wanted a sunroom built to enclose her small concrete patio. Brenda was forty-eight, divorced and lived alone. Her body was nice enough that she looked pretty good in the bikini she always...

1 year ago
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Silver Blue and Gold Ch 03

Molly had a great time with Maddy and her friends, Ginger and Sharon. She hadn’t had a girls' night of any kind in forever, and they all got along famously. Not a lot of jewelry got made, but they had a blast anyway, and made tentative plans to do it again. “Oh, that was fun,” Molly said with a happy sigh as she helped Maddy clear away the dishes. “I haven’t done anything like that in so long.” “Really?” said Maddy. “That’s too bad.” She picked up a tray with the decimated remains of a cheese...

Love Stories
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Battlemage Book 9 Glimpses Into TomorrowChapter 10

As they rode into town early that morning, right up to the Inn where they were staying even after being gone for five days, they could see Gary and Maria standing outside anxious for their return. The returning six rode right up to them and they both could see the bandages on Beth's arm as well as the one on Ayden's hand. They were curious but said nothing as they waited for them to respond. "We have the wagon and the crate back, but we need to talk," said Beth as she swung down from...

2 years ago
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Autobiography of John RossChapter 18

The rest of that week was spent following up on my initial success in school. I brought the rest of the students under my control, except for two who were out sick for the whole week. I managed to bring the rest of the staff under my control as well, and was making steady progress on the substitutes and volunteers. Every day Sandra prepared for me a list of the non-regulars who would be in that day, and what their schedules were. I had begun considering her as much my secretary as Principal...

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Arajatta of the Ruby part 1

This is the first part of what I plan to be a long story line. If you have questions, comments or even complaints please email me at [email protected] This work is intended for a mature audience, it will contain big words, strong sexual themes, exploits and well, it will get rather explicit basically. If you are one to be offended by transgender themed erotica, don't read this basically. Gavin Mason looked around the bar. It wasn't a very good bar, it was a Casino Bar. And...

3 years ago
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The Ring AOChapter 65 Moving Units

Saturday morning Zac rang Fred and asked if he could help him move out of his unit, whilst Suzanne went shopping for some items for this unit. Helena asked “I’ll go with Suzanne. We will enjoy some girly shopping time.” The guys went to Zac’s unit and Julie took the girls to Pac Fair. Julie had some pickups from Surfers to the Airport so she advised she would pick them up after lunch. This suited the girls fine. Whilst walking around they both felt some funny feelings. Helena sat down...

3 years ago
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An Appointment with Doctor Emily

It is three months since my first appointment with the doctor. Our meeting resulted from a recommendation by a mutual acquaintance. Such is the doctor's esteem and so distinguished are her clients – she abhors the term 'patients' – that I was surprised that she wanted to see me. But she did, and now each Wednesday's visit is the keystone around which I build my week. An oasis of calm during which I can unburden myself of my cares and concerns, as she sits and listens and helps me to a better...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 287 Pigshit Airlines and Reality Tv Exec

The other good thing about flying with PigShit Airlines was that I got to carry a pistol. Actually I carried two pistols and a box opener. I carried the Glock, 10mm ugly automatic, in a belt holster on my ass, and the .38 concealed hammer revolver in my purse. The flat box opener, I carried it in the hip pocket of my well worn jeans. The limo dropped me at the hotel, which was also chosen by our travel agent. I signed the register with Maxine's old signature, even thought I had a dozen more...

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in the office

He delivered the mail every day and always looked at her huge tits. She liked that. When it was time for him to be there, she would unbutton her blouse to give him a show. This day she lowered her bra so it cupped her tits and he could see all of them with the big nipples. He slowly set the mail down admiring her tits. She arched her back giving him a great view. He started to leave but shut the door and came back to her. He reached over and rubbed her tits. They were round and firm with nice...

4 years ago
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JACK DROVE US TO THE AIRPORT, but Lexi came along so she could say goodbye to everyone. It was a tearful parting for the girls and me when we said goodbye to Mom, Dad, Allie and Beth at the homestead. Jack decided to trade the van for a smaller car for the rest of the weekend. On the way to the airport, my phone rang. I hadn’t had a call or text all week since everyone who knew this number was with me in Nebraska. “Tony! Where are you?” “On my way to the airport,” I answered. It was...

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Babaji Ne Kiya Mera Shuddhikaran Chudai Kar Ke

Ye kahani tab shuru hui jab mera neighbor Raju mujhe building ke chatt par smooch kar raha tha aur mere bade bade mumme jor se daba raha tha. Main usse rokne ki koshish kar rahi thi. “Ruk jaaoo koi aa jaega. Please yaha nahi.” Aur mere lakh kehne par woh nahi mana. Ulta usne abhi mere t-shirt ke andar hath daalke mere boobs jor see dabane shuru kiye. Woh rukne ka naam hi nahi le raha tha. Aakhir mein anhoni ho hi gayi. Meri maa upar mirch sukhaane aa gayii aur mujhe iss halat main dekhkar...

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How Do I Move On

Have you ever lost a loved one? Sat there, having them slip away suddenly? I have. It destroyed me. It destroyed my life. How would I move on? Should I move on? It happened one night as we were driving back from a movie. I was in the front, she, Monica was in the back, Nathan was driving. A great movie it was too, Sleepy Hollow. We were enthralled in praising the movie, too enthralled to notice as we turned right across the intersection the car that skipped the red light to our left. I...

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Fucking Your Sister 8211 Part II

Hi ye meri pehli sex encounter ki story hai joke kolkata may hui hai.main 19 yr ka, 5 ft 11 inch,kafi smart ladka hun.mera dick takriban 7 inch ka hai.ab sabhi mujhe pe mail kar sakte hai.ab story pe aata hun. Main kolkata me rahta hun.1 bar hamare family ko shadi k liye ahmedabad jana tha to hm r mere chote bhai r main nahi gai qk hamari exam thi.hamare padosi hmare family jasise hi the ghar pe kisi na kisi kaam se har wqt unka aana jana laga rahta tha khas k alisha ka.wo log bahut ache the...

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One Big Horny Weasley Family Chapter 23 Epilogue

Epilogue Ron did one final walk-through of the bedroom to make sure he hadn’t missed anything. Dropping down to his hands and knees, he peered under the bed. Sure enough, they had missed something. Once he retrieved it, he realized he did not recognize this underwear, and he knew they didn’t belong to his wife. He stuck it in his pocket and figured he’d get it back to whoever needed it. After checking everything else, he walked down the hall as the others began to gather as well. ...

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My Daughters Friend Natalia Part 5 6

She moves her hand away quick for a moment, then moves it back over to feel it again. She slowly starts touching the side of my now leaking buldge, and heads to the top of it where she runs into the leaking opening of my swollen head. She moves her fingers over it again and again, feeling the precum lubing her fingers and making the touch on my head so much better. She stops for a moment and I can feel the blankets move as her head is now on the top of my stomach, Her hand grasp around my...

1 year ago
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The New Guy Part 2 Chad Marcie

“There’s something different about you Marce; what gives?” Bianca my friend, colleague and the office gossip was sitting across from me chatting on our lunch break.“I don’t know what you’re talking about B; I’m no different than usual.” I was slightly on edge, there was no way I wanted Bianca finding out that I had been fucking the new IT guy for the last two months. Chad was like no other guy I’d ever been with. He knew what I wanted before I asked for it and once more seemed to know my...

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My First Sexual Encounter With My Aunt

Hi ISS readers. My special greetings for all the female ISS readers. Girls and aunties can contact me if you like my story and ready to spend quality time with me. Everything remains a secret. My email address is My name is Sandy (of course not my real name). I am now 32 years old. I am from a small town near Mangalore, currently working as a software engineer in Bangalore. Coming to story, this happened around 9 years back in 2009 when I was in my final year degree. In my holidays, I always...

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An Adults Night In

I was stirring the curry I had on the stove when my boyfriend came up behind me. Greg started to kiss my neck and his hand wandered down to my ass. I could feel his hard cock pressing into my bum. “Not now, everyone will be over in a minute”. “Come on Mel, don't we have time for just a quick one?”. Our friend Ava and her husband Rick were coming over for dinner. “Nope, but don't worry I will make the wait worth while. I promise.” I turned around and started kissing Greg on the...

Group Sex
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Apocalypse BluesChapter 28

The next morning... “Madame Forewoman, has the jury reached a verdict?” I turned to the forewoman, who happened to be the former Sunday School teacher and vice-principal to most of the accused. “We have, Your Honor,” Melinda Cutter, the forewoman, showing all of her fifty-seven years through her wrinkles and laugh lines, informed me. “Let the defendants stand and face the court,” I ordered the Twin Lakes Eleven, “Madame Forewoman, what find you?” “We, the jury, in the above and titled...

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