Cutters CreekChapter 9 The Trial
- 4 years ago
- 23
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The further she drove into the backcountry that hot July afternoon, the less Alice Wells liked the task she had imposed on herself. The map showed Cutters Creek a mere 95 miles from her office in the state capital, but on roads like these - some no more than mountain tracks - it could as well be half a continent away. It even felt like she was going back in time. For the last hour she had seen few other motor vehicles, although she had passed several horse-drawn wagons.
The State Superintended of Education had not wanted to have to investigate personally the disturbing situation in Cutters Creek, and especially not to have to take four weeks of accumulated leave to do so, but there appeared to be no alternative. Sending emissaries had resulted in nothing - in less than nothing.
She still shook her head at what had happened at last year to Annie Boone, one of the most reliable civil servants of the Department of Education. You couldn't ask for a more levelheaded woman. Annie was unmarried; some might even call her a spinster, although at forty-five, still slim and attractive, who was to say she might not still decide to get married. Annie lived with her slightly younger sister Jenny, also unmarried. Alice had been sure that if anyone could get to the bottom of the problems that had made Cutters Creek a black hole for the Department's budget, Annie could.
She was there for the opening of school. The first reports sent back merely gave additional details about the state of the disaster. The school age population in Cutters Creek was exploding but practically no girls were finishing high school. Not many were even entering. Fifth and sixth graders were getting pregnant and by age sixteen or seventeen most girls were far too busy with three or four or more children to think about further education.
What scandalized Annie most was who the fathers of the babies were. Although she could not get proof that would stand up in court, Annie was sure that in many cases the girl's own father knocked her up the first time or two before a brother or an uncle would put another bulge in her tummy. Finally, when she was fourteen or fifteen, she would marry someone from outside the family and start making babies with HIM. You could hardly blame the girls given the example set by their mothers and grandmothers. Annie wrote that it was not uncommon for grandmother, mother and daughter to have children in the same school grade and each to be expecting again. Apparently there in Cutters Creek, women as old as sixty five and seventy were still getting pregnant.
Not only were the locals breeding like rabbits, Annie said, there was an influx of outsiders - or rather, of the trickle of outsiders who stayed in Cutter's Creek for long, few ever left. Most of young men sent to build the new schools and day care facilities that were eating so heavily into Alice's budget decided to stay on when one (or more) of their girlfriends - and the Cutters Creek girls were VERY friendly - turned up pregnant. And as for the phalanx of young women the Department had to recruit each year to teach in Cutter Creek's burgeoning Elementary, Kindergartens, and Pre-school classes, few made it through the year. Most seemed to get pregnant within weeks of arriving and by Christmas all had bellies that were slowing them down. By the end of the term they were ready to go on State-paid maternity leave. The lucky ones were planning June weddings with the man that knocked them up (if they knew who it was!), but most had to settle for moving in with the man and his other wives, or, more often than not, the boy and his parents. Junior high boys seemed to have no difficulty getting their late twenties teachers to drop their pants and let the little fuckers impregnate them.
By the second week Annie's messages had become less frequent and the shocked tone disappeared. At the end of her scheduled three-week stay, she sent word that she would be taking a few weeks of vacation before returning.
The woman who re-appeared in Alice's office six weeks from her departure was hardly recognizable. The formerly serious, conservative matron was now smiling and outgoing. Her hair had been cut, colored and curled, giving her a much more youthful appearance. Little by little Alice noticed a change in Annie's wardrobe, too. Baggy trousers loose, mid-calf skirts in somber colors that Annie used to favor gave way to tight pants and shrink-wrap miniskirts. Sensible flats were abandoned for flashy, strappy 4" heels. Suddenly country and western music could be heard coming from Annie's office instead of Vivaldi and Pochable. Perhaps it was the frilly blouses she had started wearing, but Alice had the impression that Annie's bust size had increased rather considerably.
Naturally all the girls in her office speculated about the causes of the boss's transformation. Everyone suspected a new man (the first man, as far as any of them knew) in Annie's life, but no one had met him. It was Alice who accidentally uncovered the secret. One evening when she was working late, she suddenly remembered a report she had left in Annie's office. Finding the door closed, she knocked. She heard grunts and moans as Annie gasped, "Yes, oh yes! I'm coming. I'm coming!" When Annie opened the door several minutes later, she was flushed and disheveled. Her tiny skirt was a mess, the frilly blouse was half-buttoned wrongly, and only one stocking had been pulled hastily into place. A blond giant was grinning sheepishly and fastening up his overalls. Alice's shock only deepened when she realized the man Annie had been fucking was in fact a boy of no more than 15.
Annie saw Alice staring at her young swain. "This is my, er, friend, Clem," Annie said breathlessly by way of introduction.
"Mighty proud to meet yah, ma'am," the boy drawled, offering her his huge callused hand.
Suddenly, everything became clear. Annie had become infatuated with this boy, spent three weeks shacked up with him in Cutters Creek, and brought him home with her. He was the cause of the youthful behavior, the sexy dress, and the silly grin plastered on Annie's face when she arrived each morning. Alice had never imagined Annie was capable of such things but as she stared at the boy, she got an inkling of what had happened. Notwithstanding his age, he exuded a powerful masculinity. He was beautiful, clear skin, broad shoulders, narrow waist and even through the overalls it was clear he had a massive cock. No wonder Annie had been screaming in ecstasy; Clem probably had her bent over screwing her silly! Alice felt her heart begin to pound and an unfamiliar wetness invade her pussy. What was she thinking? Turning, she fled to the safety of her office.
A few weeks later Annie's wardrobe underwent another and more ominous change. She still wore her skirts short, but now they were becoming looser, just hanging from her definitely expanding chest. When it was already evident, Annie confirmed that indeed she was expecting a baby in June. "Right on schedule," Alice though ironically. From then on, Alice could see it was a matter of time. Annie slowly lost all interest in her job. She arrived happily late, rushed away early. She did little work; hardly able to talk about anything but the baby Clem had given her. Just before Christmas, her belly already bloated enormously, Annie confirmed that she was taking early retirement the first of the year. "The cost of living is so low in Cutters Creek, my pension will go a long way and Jenny has her savings, too."
"Jenny?" Alice asked, knowing Annie's sister had been elected Sate Prosecutor at a by-election last summer.
"Yeah, she's about six week behind me, but she's coming with us. Clem wants us to bring the babies up together. Besides," she grinned, "Clem is eager to start us on a couple more as soon as these two are born."
The sight of a young man standing out in a field brought Alice back to the present. He looked a lot like Clem: blond, tall, barrel-chested but with slim hips. She realized he had noticed her staring at him and he waved. She wondered it she was getting close to Cutters Creek.
Around the next bend was her answer. Alice had to brake abruptly for the wagon in front of her. As she drove by carefully, very carefully on the narrow road, she had plenty of time to observe the occupants. In the middle, holding the reins was a man of maybe no more than 25 with a young woman, presumably his wife snuggled close to his side. Wait, at his other side was another woman who looked like the twin of the first and she was sitting just as close as the other woman and looking just as wifely and just as pregnant - hugely pregnant. If Alice wasn't mistaken, they were wanking him. In the back were their offspring. The phrase "children having children" popped into Alice's mind as she saw two gawky boys energetically fucking away at two younger and very pregnant girls.
A little farther along she came to the outskirts of the little town. Pulling her Lexis into a dilapidated filling station complete with rusting tin roof, unpainted plank walls, and ancient pick-up truck upon blocks over to one side, Alice inquired about lodging. "Do you have a Marriott Courtyard, or Best Western in town?" she asked the man filling her tank. The blank look was answer enough. "Or maybe a Days Inn or Red Roof?"
"If them's hoe-tels or moe-tels, we ain't got none hereabouts," the grizzled old-timer replied.
"Where do visitors stay, in that case?"
"Mainly they stays with kinfolks, 'cept the couples that comes to spend time in the Honeymoon Heaven. You got yourself a man? People that stays with at Honeymoon Heaven always leaves happy," he leered.
"Oh! Is that some sort of a bed and breakfast," Alice remarked, trying not to feel put off.
"Don't know about no breakfast," he smirked, "but they shore must have some good beds over there. Most of the wimen are startin' to get big bellies 'time they leaves." The man gave her another look that made Alice uncomfortable, as if he was sizing her up for some purpose. "You looks pretty hot, ma'am. Can I gitcha somethin' to drank?"
Alice ignored the no doubt unintentional double entedre and smiled at this backwoods courtesy, although she wished now she had not worn the skirt that was clinging to her hips rather revealingly. "Why, yes, thank you. I'll have a Perrier lemon." The man's blank look indicated another misstep.
"We's got some mighty fine Spirit Springs water, bottled right over in Fertile Valley. Lemme gitcha some. Emmy Lou," he shouted, "git some water fer the lady." Moments later a girl appeared with a frosty glass of water and a large unopened plastic bottle. Alice almost dropped it, as she gaped at the largest, most over-stretched belly she had ever seen on such a small girl; she couldn't be more than twelve. "Emmy Lou, gonna give us 'nother set o' twins, purdy soon," the man announced proudly, pulling up the little girl's dress to caress her tightly stretched belly.
"Why this IS delicious," Alice agreed taking a sip to avoid staring at the girl's down-covered pussy. She had not realized how thirsty she was; she drank the entire glass. "Thank you. How much do I owe you for the gasoline and the bottled water."
"Eighteen fifty for the gas. The water is free. The Church distributes Spirit Springs water fer free. It's part of their evangelization work."
Alice smiled. She didn't need evangelizing, but the water was good. She supposed these crackpot religious groups did do SOME good. She got back into her car feeling distinctly better than before she had stopped. Most of the bottle of water was gone by the time she found Honeymoon Heaven.
Alice was feeling guilty. She had arrived in Cutter's Creek too many days ago and was no closer than ever to understanding what was costing her half-forgotten Department of Education a fortune in the strange little town. Well, she understood the "what" but not the "why." It was evident WHAT was going on: every female for miles around was pregnant or nursing or both. How could any female be otherwise, being in almost perpetual rut? And, men being men, they took advantage of the inevitable...
Several weeks had passed since the tension-filled conversation with Cindy. Alexi hoped that her headstrong young friend would take her advice to steer clear of the Church of the Spirit crowd, but she hadn't been able to keep much in touch. Partly it was work. The day after her talk with Cindy, both of the Meador twins had their triplets on the very SAME DAY. Sally Mae and Ruthie Joe, the girls who normally helped Alexi at the clinic, were both out that day with morning sickness and Alexi...
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The obscene spectacle of a young teen being bred in a Sex Ed class as a "demonstration" of how to make a baby shocked the Superintendent of Education deeply. Even harder for her to understand, however, was her own reaction to it. Instead of rushing in to prevent this outrage, Alice had been so aroused, she thrust her own hand into her snatch and brought herself to three powerful climaxes. Even as she attempted to sneak away in shame, she was immobilized by the final act in the obscene...
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With the online easy hookup board now censored, my P4P has been more challenging. I reverted to some old numbers on the off chance that someone had picked up the hook up number. Hit it lucky about the sixth call. Could not recall what she looked like, but she said I was repeat so she said "Come on over" after she asked if I really liked her type. Of course my little head was screaming yes, so I said I did. She texted me an address, and it was in an apartment complex close to downtown. I had not...
The water erupted as Dan’s body broke the surface. They enjoyed swimming and chasing each other around the pool. “Why is the water so warm?” Lisa asked. “The filtration system is connected to the hot tub so the water is warmed up for the tub and flows into the pool.” Jenny caught up to Dan and jumping up wrapped her slender legs around him. His hands became her seat as he walked her around the deep end. Her eyes sparkled, eyelashes stuck together by the water. “You can touch me,” she said...
It was all laid out in the e-mail dated April 6th:?Understand that all the photos that you have sent me over the last few months, Also the e-mails where you wrote in detail all that you have done for me. They have all been very entertaining to say the least but you have started to bore me. Sure the money and the gifts have helped to keep my interest but the time has come to step up to the next level. My girlfriends and I have decided that we need a vacation and that you are going to not only...
I watched a man in a wheel chair today. Maybe that’s not so unusual, we all have at one time or another. But it was a cold blustery day, and he only had one arm. I had pulled up to the traffic light, and for a moment, time stood still. I watched this man as he slowly made his way up the sidewalk, with his one working arm he would push the wheel on his chair propelling himself forward, then reach over across himself and push the other side of the chair to correct his heading, and push it again....
I didn’t kill Gus in the morning. I did, however, have a long chat with the man. Gus Richards was a twenty-four year old California born young man, who’d gone to college and he’d gained himself a degree in English Literature. He’d done well academically, but a general degree had meant nothing when it had been time to find work. He’d ended up having to work two jobs, both in the food services industry, just to make ends meet. Some time along the way between graduating college and working for...
She settled back down, burying her head in my shoulder. "I can't believe I'm telling you all this.""Mom, you have no idea what this means to me. I feel closer to you than I ever have.""Even closer than with your cock practically in my butt?" she chuckled."Mom!""Jesus, Jeremy, don't have a cow. I'll tell you a secret. When you were pressing your big fat cock between my cheeks, I liked it. A lot. Too much. That's why we had to stop."She kissed me on the neck, a soft warm kiss that left me...
It was Friday night. The weekend. Most people were excited to have thesegolden days arrive, but they didn't mean much to me. I had no plans -again. The weather was supposed to be fairly decent and I was thinkingit might be a good time to work in the yard to prepare it for theupcoming summer.Sitting there in front of the television, I was staring mindlessly atthe countless images that flashed in front of my eyes. Eventually Ideciding it was too nice a night to be sitting inside so I grabbed...
Now call me a big kid if you want but I love Harry Potter. The films I mean. And there is no better place to watch these films than on the big screen. But unfortunately for me my boyfriend disagrees. Having dragged his miserable arse to the previous six films I was having great difficulty in getting him to the seventh. ‘Why can’t you get one of your friends to go with you?’ He moaned. ‘I don’t even like the films, stupid sci-fi crap.’ He added, childishly. ‘The genre is fantasy actually,’ I...
Hello all you good people of ISS! I am Kishan from Bangalore, and this is my . After a long time, I have the pleasure of narrating a story that is 100% true narration of how things unfolded. I know it is exciting, so let us get into it. I live in Bangalore, and I do various jobs to earn my living. One of those jobs is teaching in a college here. As I told in my previous story, I have a bit of a fan following in college wherein I keep getting messages from students of all kinds. This is the...
It was a normal day, just like every other one. You wake up, hate the president, complain about something being overpriced, eat breakfast, and then get dressed for your crappy job. The second you're ready to face another boring day, everything went crazy.
FetishContinued from Brian's Song 2 I was so hot watching his perfect back flex with every stroke, until I could not hold back any more and I pushed hard and filled his guts with my juice. After numerous spasms, my dick slipped out and I collapsed on my back on the bed. I saw Brian get up and go to the washroom and come back with a wet towel to clean me up ever so tenderly. We just lied there, curled up together and fell fast asleep. In the morning I was the first to wake up. Brian and I were lying...
GayIn the days when I had an appliance business in a small town in Kansas, I often laughingly referred to myself as "Old Lonely", the Maytag repairman. But occasionally I did find that being in the business of making customers satisfied meant going beyond the normal "service" work.One hot July afternoon, the phone rang and I picked it up."Pioneer Appliances" I answered."Hello, Bob? This is Amy McMullen. You sold us our Maytag dishwasher last year and it's full of dirty water and it won't pump...
CHAPTER FOUR: MIRACLEAfter that time I spent with Anton, it was as if something had shifted in the compound. There was a renewed sense of excitement and purposeful anticipation. I was given a crash course on various tribes, their needs and how the sisters had supported them. I learned that it had been some time since they made the long journeys into the jungle to visit the various tribes as the sisters got older and struggled with not only the energy for the difficult travel but their ability...
Gabrielle gasped and let out an almost hysterical laugh. Towering above her at some inches over six feet, the breadth of his chest substantially outsizing that of her svelte torso, was a demon. A demon dressed in an immaculately tailored tuxedo, it had to be said, with a scarlet cummerbund wrapped around his tight middle and a matching bowtie. His tar-black hair was slicked away from granite-etched facial features and penetrating blue eyes. And he was red.Deep red from forehead to neck and...
SupernaturalGrowing up I always had an inner urge to please my self anally with various small sized objects. I have always been very cute and good-looking. My body wasnt all muscular but definitely defined in the right spots. My ass was to die for and still is. Its a cute rounded peach fuzzed boy butt with a cute puckered hole that drives men crazy.Men never did really attract me however it was one night when on vacation in California that i decided to take a step further in exploration. I was visiting...
Having broken sam in so to speak in the hotel room the previous week and her she was back for more i decided she needed the full on treatment , so she barely had time to finish weeing as i grabbed her by her hair and litterly frog marched her into one of the play rooms, all she was wearing now was her black blouse, i gave her a hard backhander right across the face and shouted at her to take it off , in that moment i just ripped it open such was my lust for her, she hardly had time to...