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( A Darkniciad story )

Stepping out of a warm, brightly lit cottage into a gentle, moonlit snowfall, an elderly woman approached the man standing just beyond the silhouette of light from the door. "What are you watching, dear?"

The old man chuckled and said, "Someone special, I believe."

The silver-haired woman laid an arm over his shoulder with obvious familiarity, gazing into the glowing snowball her husband was using to scry. She saw a man who looked much like her husband, with his full white beard and kind eyes, except the man they watched was obviously quite frail.

"He looks familiar," she said, kissing her husband's cheek. Looking again, she said, "Oh, I remember him now. You've looked in on him in seasons past."

The old wizard turned to his wife and said, "I think he's the one. It all depends upon whether he keeps his heart this year, I believe."

She asked, "He's married?"

"Of course. There are others, but this one is special I think."

"Well, we'll know soon. It wouldn't be so bad to carry the tradition for a few more years if necessary, would it, dear?"

He laughed and waved his hand over the snowball, causing the glow of magic to vanish from it. "Of course not, dear. I love it as much as you do, but if the ones who will take our place are ready, then it's time for us go back out into the world."

A coquettish smile crossed the old woman's lined face as she suggestively said, "That wouldn't be so bad either."

He smiled back at her and said, "Behave, dear. Let's go inside, there is still a lot to do, whether it will be me or another who carries on the tradition this year."

They clasped hands and walked back inside, chuckling when they saw the impatient look on the face of the diminutive sprite who awaited them both. They indeed had much to do, and time was slipping away.


Nicholas slept with his balding head down on the table, snoring loudly. His wife, Marta, hobbled into the room with the assistance of her cane, pursing her lips and shaking her head when she saw him.

"Nicholas, you've fallen asleep again."

With a snort, he jerked his head up and looked around in confusion. "No I haven't. I was just thinking."

"You snore like a bear when you think then." She slowly crossed the kitchen to where he sat, laying her hand on his shoulder. "I know this is special to you, but you're going to have to get used to the fact that you're old. We both are."

"I'm not too old to work magic," he protested, returning to the task of measuring out spell components, which he had fallen asleep in the middle of doing.

"You can still hurl a few spells, but you're old, dear. It never snows here. We're too far south. You're fighting all the forces of nature every year when you cast your spells to bring the snow and keep it there until the Yule."

Nicholas hung his head and sighed. "Those children will be heartbroken if it doesn't snow this year. Most of them haven't known a Yule where it didn't."

"They'll be just as disappointed if you die trying. You always promised me you wouldn't die before me, remember?"

Laying his hand on hers, he replied, "You know that's a promise I can't really keep, Marta. It's not up to me."

"That don't mean you've got to go and get yourself killed over bullheadedness," she scolded.

"I'll try just once more. I'll be all right, dear."

"You said that last year, and then I woke up to find you outside half-covered in your snow on Yule day."

Nicholas winced, "I'm sorry about that. I should have told you I was going to try."

Marta kissed him on top of the head and said, "Just you remember that, and don't you leave me, Nicholas. Now, come to bed."

Rising on shaking knees, Nicholas nodded and picked up his cane, following his wife to bed.


The sun was shining bright as Nicholas walked outside his humble home the next morning. Marta walked out behind him and said, "I still say you are going to get yourself killed."

Sitting down his bag of carefully measured spell component on what he called the Snow Bowl, a stone pedestal with a concave top that served as a birdbath most of the year, Nicholas turned to his wife and said, "I'll be fine. You can whack me with your cane if I look like I'm dying. That will break my concentration. You know that."

With warning in her eyes, Marta exclaimed, "Don't you think I won't either!" Her eyes and her tone softened then. "Please be careful."

"I will, dear."


Once more outside in the snow, the old wizard Kristopher looked into his snowball, finding those he would visit this year. Suddenly, his head came up as he heard a sound like the tinkling of bells.

Almost immediately, Tanta emerged from the front door of the cottage, "You felt it too."

He nodded, smiled wide, and then looked down at the snowball as his wife approached, "Show me now the one with the kind heart to call to the spirit of Yule."

The image of a child on the surface of the snowball faded and started to swirl, slowly coalescing into something else.


Nicholas dropped his arms and collapsed against the pedestal in front of him. A few flakes of snow fell about them as Marta went to steady him, with deep concern in her eyes.

He had tears in his eyes, and his arms trembled as he tried to support his weakened body on them. "I can't do it, Marta. I don't have the strength any more. The magic is there, but this old body just can't hold it."

"Nick, the young ones may be disappointed, but they'll get along. The snow was just a special treat for the season. They'll have enough joy."

"But it was always my gift to them – to everyone," Nicholas argued.

"And you've given that gift to them all for the last thirty years. Just like some folks can't afford to give their children gifts on Yule, or find the time to make them, you can't afford the price of your gift this year."

Speaking a word of command and tapping her cane on the ground, Marta summoned up a magical disk of light directly behind Nicholas. He allowed her to help him sit on it, so she could use it to get him back in the house.

"Those younguns always get gifts, though. You know that. Somebody always makes sure they have gifts for Yule. Most think it's us sneaking around and leaving them. Who's going to give my gift this year, since I'm too old to do it?"

A flash of light from behind startled the couple, and they heard a voice say, "Perhaps they are one and the same."

Turning his head, holding his cane at the ready to discharge its potent magical powers, Nicholas saw Marta had also lifted her enchanted cane. Their eyes both fell upon the speaker at the same time. He had long white hair, and a full beard of the same color. The man was rotund, but not grossly fat, dressed in red robes trimmed with white fur, and they could both see the power of the magic within him.

Nicholas asked, "Who are you, and what do you want?"

"Don't you recognize me, Nicholas? I would think that at this time of year, anyone would know me," the wizard replied.

"I know who you're dressed up as. I asked who you were," Nicholas warned.

The newcomer let out a great, booming laugh full of mirth before replying, "I am who I appear to be. I am Grandfather Yule, although my real name is Kristopher. It is I who gives presents to the poor children, and perhaps I can help you give your gift this year as well."

"You're just a myth, a tale parents have told even when we were young," Marta scoffed.

"Is that so, Marta? Did you enjoy your red-haired dolly when you were three? It was what you wanted, wasn't it?"

Nicholas' eyes narrowed. "Reading our minds now?"

Kristopher grinned and countered, "You have more than enough skill in magic to know that I cast no spell. I know that because I was there, and I know you found a sled waiting for you on Yule morning on your seventh birthday, Nicholas, despite overhearing your parents lamenting their inability to give you a proper gift that year."

"I believe you," Nicholas said softly, letting his cane fall to his side. Marta hesitated for a moment before lowering her magical weapon. Nicholas' eyes lit up and he said, "You could bring the snow for the children?"

"I could, but I think it would be better if I helped you to give your gift, as you have done every year."

"I don't see how. I can't hold the power any more. Just bring the snow for them," Nicholas pleaded.

"Why don't you come with me, and meet my wife? You might just find out that you have the strength to give your gift, and many others, for years and years to come." Kristopher held out his hand toward the couple.

Marta asked her husband, "What do you think?"

"Let's go with him. I believe him, and I'll do about anything to make sure those children have their snow this year," Nicholas responded.

"Very well, then," Marta said, gesturing with her cane to cause the disk Nicholas sat on to drift along beside her.

"Just take my hands, I'm sure you know how the spell works," Kristopher instructed.

They each clasped one of his hands, and the wizard spoke a few words of magic. They appeared in a flash of light next to a cheery little cottage surrounded by a perfect landscape of white.

The door of the cottage opened, and Tanta impatiently waved to her husband. "Come along now, get them in from the cold, Kris."

Kristopher chuckled and replied, "Yes, dear." He then turned to the couple, who were gazing around in wonder, and said, "Please, come in. Tanta has made some tea. Once you've warmed your bones and recovered from your spell casting, I'll explain everything."


"So you've been doing this for two hundred years, then," Marta said.

Kristopher nodded, "We took on the tradition from a man named Erastide and his wife. He came to me just as I've come to you. We know those who have the heart to wear these robes and assume this mantle. It's part of the powers that come from the spirit of Yule."

Nicholas asked, "Why give it up?"

Tanta answered, "The spirit likes to have new people and fresh ideas. Everyone is different, and each new couple brings something special to the season when they take up the tradition. There's also the reward." She glanced at her husband and smiled mischievously when she said the last.

Kristopher laughed — the booming, Ho, Ho, Ho always associated with Grandfather Yule in the tales — and then explained, "The reward is something truly special. We were both in the twilight of our lives, frail and soon to leave this world, when we took on the tradition. When we accepted Erastide's offer, the same offer we're making to you, we found our bodies restored to health. We also beheld a great miracle. The years simply drained away from Erastide and his wife, restoring them to their youth. What's more, not long afterward, they conceived their first child. Just like us, and just like you, they were unable to conceive before taking on the mantle of the Yule."

"That is the reward – the gift for serving man for your two hundred years," Tanta added. "We've loved our time, but we want a family of our own, at long last."

"We'll be strong again?" Nicholas muttered in wonder.

"And I'll be able to have babies some day?" Marta whispered with tears in her eyes.

"Yes, and the only cost is to see the smiles on the faces of children and families for two hundred years, give or take a few. Erastide only held the mantle for one hundred and fifty, and he said his predecessor was Grandfather Yule for nearly three hundred years."

Nicholas asked, "How do you manage? The legend of Grandfather Yule spreads far and wide. Surely you don't do it all alone?"

"That's part of the magic. You'll know when you put on these robes, if you accept," Nicholas explained.

"We'll leave you to talk it over," Tanta said, rising from her chair.

Kris rose as well, "We'll be back in a little while, but we'll be in the workshop out back if you want to talk to us before then."


When Kristopher and Marta returned a short while later, they found the couple sitting next to each other with wide smiles on their faces. Kristopher asked the question, even though he believed that the answer was obvious, "So, you've come to a decision, then?"

Marta and Nicholas nodded, and then Nicholas said, "We'd be fools not to. We both love doing things for other folks, and to be young again..."

Tanta said, "No need to feel selfish for wanting that. The spirit wants you to be happy too. I'll go get my dress, and my husband needs to change out of his robe."

Kris smiled a little sheepishly. "It's just so comfortable, and it never gets dirty, so I wear it all the time."

"Lazy man," Tanta teased. She then turned back to the smiling couple and said, "We'll be back in just a few moments."

When the couple left the room, Marta turned to her husband and whispered, "I pray this is all true. Imagine it, being hale and healthy again, and one day we'll be young and have babies."

"And I'll be able to bring the snows for those children."

"You'll bring smiles to the faces of far more children than that if this is all true."

Kristopher and Tanta both returned shortly thereafter, as they had promised, holding their magical garments. "We'll help you get dressed. I know it was all we could do to pull these on when we accepted the tradition."

A few minutes later, Marta and Nicholas were dressed in the garments. As soon as the last buttons were in place, they immediately felt magic wash over them. They both stood up straight, restored to strength and health the likes of which they had not felt in years.

"Now, you just both need to say the words, and formally accept the spirit of Yule. You know the words. That's part of the magic," Kris instructed.

Clasping hands, Marta and Nicholas said in unison, "We accept the tradition, and we will strive to bring happiness to all the world in the most joyous season of Yule."

The new Grandfather Yule and his wife both heard the sound of bells tinkling, and then they beheld the same miracle Kristopher had mentioned before. The years faded away from the couple before them. In mere moments, Kristopher was a strapping young man with dark brown hair, and Tanta was a slender, curvy young woman with long, red flowing locks.

The couple embraced with joyous laughter, even as Nicholas and his wife leaned in close to smile and watch them.

Kristopher wiped a tear from his eye and said, "Laugh for me, Nicholas."

Nicholas did, but it didn't quite have that booming joy in it that Kristopher was able to summon up. Kristopher winked and said, "Unfortunately, that's not part of the magic. Work on it a bit. It comes from deep inside. You'll get it, I'm sure."

"There is a lot to do, isn't there," Marta mused, "I know everything as if I've been doing this all my life."

"I'm sure there's one special task that you want to attend to, isn't there, Nicholas?" Kristopher said with a smile and a wink.

Nicholas laughed, doing a little better this time. "Indeed there is, and I think you'd better get going and get settled. Your wife is growing a bit impatient with you. She's ready to get started on that family."

Tanta and Marta both blushed, but Tanta said, "He's right."

"Goodbye then and joyous Yule," Kristopher said, walking up to shake Nicholas' hand.

"Joyous Yule to both of you too," Nicholas responded.

Kristopher spoke words of magic, and the couple vanished from the cottage.

Marta hugged her husband and said, "Let's go home and get our things, dear."


With all their things transported to their new home, Marta and Nicholas stood outside near the Snow Bowl, holding hands. Summoning up the power of Grandfather Yule, Nicholas closed his eyes. A moment later, he felt the flutter of a snowflake on his face. When he opened his eyes, snow was falling as far as the eye could see.

They remained for a while as the steady snowfall covered the land in white to watch the children run out to play.

"We'd better get back, we have a lot to do, and only three days to do it," Marta suggested.

Looking at his beautiful, smiling wife, Nicholas felt his blood stir. Then he felt something he hadn't felt in a very long time, as that stirring blood rushed somewhere it had abandoned many years ago.

Marta's eyes opened wide. She sensed the feelings of her husband through the even deeper connection they shared now that they were the embodiment of a legend. "Oh my," she whispered.

"I'm sure we could take a few minutes for ourselves before we get started," Nicholas suggested, taking her hand and tugging her toward the house.

Reaching down, Marta laid her hand over his rising manhood as they walked and said, "I suppose we could use a little practice for when we pass on the tradition and earn our reward."

"I have all the reward I need in you."

This time it was Marta who tugged Nicholas toward the house, hurrying him along and closing the door soundly behind them.

It was truly going to be a joyous Yule.

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For the next half hour we lay that way, just resting, then Ted pushed more tightly against me, pressing his half hard cock between the cheeks of my ass. I know I should have felt debased, guilt or something but what I was feeling was a euphoria I had not known, or at least could not remember knowing. I reached behind me and gripped his cock, it jumped in my hand, growing in size and strength, “Relax, Jim, I am in no hurry and I want you to enjoy this,” he said, though he did not remove my...

1 year ago
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TittyAttack Alix Lovell Tits For Dessert

Alix really knows how to treat her man right. He doesnt help her clean and she still finds it in her heart to cook for him. Shes got the perfect idea for dessert too. Shes going to turn her massive tits into a sundae! She covers her huge nipples with whipped cream and cherries, presents herself to her boyfriend, and prepares for an extra creamy fuck sesh. Once the whipped cream gets rubbed into her fat tits, they are perfectly slippery enough to slide your cock between. Then your dick gets nice...

4 years ago
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WellStuffed Melons

WELL-STUFFED MELONS By Charlotte Dickles This is another longer length story so put some time aside, sit back in your seats, and enjoy. CHAPTER ONE - LOUISE GETS WELL STUFFED Afterwards, we were to have a big row about exactly who had first suggested 'Well-Stuffed Melons' for the next production of the Bramcombe Amateur Theatrical Society, or BRATS, as we called ourselves. I got the blame, but my recollection of events was perfectly clear. We had just finished our post...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 533

These are compliments of Duel Writer Amazing how your values change as you age! An elderly lady was standing at the railing of the cruise ship holding her hat tight so that it would not blow away in the wind. A gentleman approached her and said, “Pardon me, madam ... I do not intend to be forward but did you know that your dress is blowing up in this high wind?” “Yes, I know,” said the lady. “I need both my hands to hold onto this hat.” “But madam, you must know that you are not wearing...

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Anxious Alicia Chapter 2

Now I was fully clear headed and realized I had to make my way home, ten blocks, totally naked. I tried to run, but I soon was out of breath and had to walk. Loads of people were looking at me so I kept my head down, walking fast as I could, ignoring wolf whistles and horn honking, then saw two of my neighbors. I kept my head down as they made their remarks about me being naked. As soon as a got home I called the doctor and made an appointment. Should I stay naked or put some clothes on? It...

4 years ago
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Steamy Sex Session On A Flight To London Part 1

Hello Everyone! My name is Rahul Kapoor and I’m gonna share this sexstory which happened with me recently when I was in London. Before I get into my story I’d like to point out that I’ve seen stories written in such bad language and horrendous grammar that they are illegible. I’ll make sure nothing of that sort happens with this story. For the next few minutes, I want you people to sit back and enjoy every bit of this sensual experience that I’m about to share. I’d love to hear what you all...

1 year ago
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The Elms at Doral Sands and Tina Too

The Elms at Doral Sands is an exclusive little community just out the Allen Park Road from Yankeetown, Florida. We sit between Crystal River and Cedar Key. The name Yankeetown has nothing to do with the baseball team, rather, it comes from the fact the local mail carrier frequently and derisively directed visitors to the settlement he called “that Yankee town”. That we know of, there are no Elms at Doral Sands, and very little sand, besides what gets tracked back from local beaches. There were...

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Cutting Lori

My name is Lori, and I have a story to share with you. It is one I think you should hear, because it might open your eyes to some of the terrible things that happen in this world. My parents were killed in an automobile accident when I was sixteen years old. I was left heartbroken, and so were my younger sisters, Angela and Sandy who were fourteen and twelve when it happened. I hoped that our grandmother would get custody of us, but she was very old and in poor health. She was our only living...

1 year ago
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TeenPies Sloan Harper Baby Talking Over Billiards

Sloan Harper is ready to have a baby! But her boyfriend is not even ready to think about it. They go back and forth about their reasons until Sloan boils it down to a game of billiards. If Sloan wins her boyfriend has to impregnate her, and if the boyfriend wins Sloan will never talk aboutchildren ever again. GAME ON! Sloan not only used her cleanly shaved pussy and tits as a distraction, but also happened to be a pool shark! She ended up winning the game and getting what she has always wanted...

1 year ago
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The start of being a naughty slut Chapter 1

So how do I begin. Well this isn't a story of amazing sex or mind blowing gangbangs (well not yet anyway.) This is a story about what's happening to me right now. A story about me finding myself and my body after having two children and dealing with the fact that I am in my late 30's and in need of a confidence booster for me and my body. My name is Sam, happily married for 10 years to a wonderful guy who loves me and my body. Even though I think i have a few wobbly bits after having two...

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Rekindling An Old Taboo Ch 02

I would never have imagined I would run into Jack at that family reunion in a million years. My life had been such a total shambles in the past two years that, I had almost completely given up on anything good ever happening in my life again. Then, there he was, my closest childhood friend, there in the flesh, all grown up and not twenty feet away. He was looking at me with that sly smile that I knew from all those years ago! Our conversation that day had covered so much lost ground, his...

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Happy St Patricks Day

Slowly I crept up from behind then jumped down and grabbed him by his lapels, "I've got you! Now you have to give me your treasure!" He woke with a start. Made a face to indicate his annoyance with my interrupting his nap. "Yeah, yeah. You've got me, Seamus McGrady." "You know my name?" "Of course. I've been living in these parts for an age. Been McGrady's around here for centuries." "So, I get your treasure?" "Treasure, ay? Times been tough. Used to be I kept a pot o'...

1 year ago
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Meeting James Chapter One

My friend and I pulled up at valet parking in the front of the Paris hotel in Las Vegas. It was a warm spring evening and the sun had just begun to set behind the mountains. The air smelled fresh and clean, an anomaly for the strip I thought. I smiled to myself when I noticed the valet sneaking a peek at my legs when I extended them and stepped out of Sue’s car. Maybe this would be a good night after all. She smiled radiantly at me as I watched her walk around her car while hearing to her high...

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my first time

I was a young teenager and my s****r had a friend come over to spend the night. She was 5’3′ 110lbs, dark blonde hair, and a flat but extremely tight body. I knew she was a slut because all my friends had told stories of being with her. I didn’t think I had any chance because I was a virgin, she was there with my s****r, and my parents were at home. My s****r was on the computer and me and her were standing behind my s****r looking at the screen. She had a pair of boxers and a gray tshirt on....

2 years ago
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The First Time I Ever Had Sex

Tonight it finally happened, I lost my virginity. I thought it was going to be a much bigger deal than it was. I mean it hurt a little, but not what anyone I have ever talked to about it said. I mean I expected to cry through the whole thing, but it really turned out wonderful, I enjoined the last part quite a bit. Well you know how I have been secretly dating Trevor (trev) because mommy says I can't date someone his age. Is 5 years really so much? So what if he is 19, I am 14. I'll be 15 in...

3 years ago
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A Bizarre Foursome

Being gay, I, naturally, frequented all the usual gay hangouts. The one exception to this habit was that I often popped into a straight bar near my home for a drink. I had no delusions about the clientele, and although being there was as fruitful as a desert to a duck, the place seemed to attract the most amazing looking straight guys. As you might imagine, apart from practically drooling on my shirt, the ultimate consequence of my visits was frustration. The eye candy, nevertheless, was worth...

4 years ago
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Do Behno Aur Do Bhaiyon Ki Chudayi 8211 Part I

Meri behan Preeti. BA final mein padhti hai aur main BA first year mein. Hamari bua ki ladki thee Sonia jo ki meri class mein hi padhti hai. Preeti didi gori chiti hai aur usske uroz bahut bade hain aur gaand bhari hai. Mera kad 5 feet 9 inch ka hai aur main gehuan rang wala ladka hoon. Roz main Preeti didi ko college apni bike par le kar jata hoon. Kai bar jab main break lagata hoon to didi ki chuchi meri peeth se takra jati hai. Sonia didi ka bhai, Ramesh bhi Preeti didi ki class mein padhta...

2 years ago
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Sweet Small Penis

By :  Smallpenis Aakash was 19 years old and he knew that he had a small penis 3.2 inches erect and 1 inch wide to be precise. He knew that he was small and wouldn’t be able to satisfy a girl her age. He was into older women from the very beginning of his sexual journey; he always loved to watch the imperfect yet attractive figures of older women. One day his aunty visited his house, she had come from a small village but very sexy and open minded, she was chubby, not too fair and always smiled...

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The Best of Paris WatermanChapter 8 Phileas Fogg A Memoir

Phileas Fogg's Memoir was one of the most enjoyable novels I've written. The following excerpt finds us in what is Part Three of that novel. It includes sisters masturbating and having oral sex with one another and with Mr. Fogg and a bit of voyeurism. At university the following morning I studied my fellow third year students looking for one who was truly my peer. I say this not because I'm a snob, although I may well be one. But because of the age difference and my military service,...

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The Good the Bad and the MollyChapter 5

I wish I could say I slept fitfully. The night had been utterly restless for me. After what I did to Molly, or what we did together, or whatever I decided to think of it in the moment, I didn’t dare touch her in my sleep. From when I had woken up, around 6:30 or so, until whenever she woke up, I had just been staring at the ceiling, almost dizzy with the number of possibilities swirling in my head. She knew. Even the possibility of her knowing was just a branching path. Did she hate it? Did...

4 years ago
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The New Boy

It was my first day on the job, the first day of my year in industry for my degree course and, though it may seem strange, I knew no-one in the company, the job had been arranged by the college. All I knew was the company was a publishing house, I had to report to a Mrs. Fenner and that I was to be working as an editors assistant, my course tutor in 'Reporting' had said that the job would be an eye opener, I hadn't understood the wink he gave when he made the comment. So here I was at the...

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Best live sex show performance

Just want to share a live sex show experience with you all. I was in Amsterdam on a business trip. To cut a long story short, I ended up at a live sex show. Very seedy and a dark dingy place. The stage was empty apart from a low table. A naked man then entered the stage and lay down on the table, his penis quickly becoming erect. A voice from the side of the stage in broken English then asked if any ladies in the audience would like to become part of the show.A woman put her hand up encouraged...

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MillpondChapter 2

From her vantagepoint in the back seat of Bubba's 1957 Chevy, Becky noted that Vicki Stevens had two big things about her-she had big breasts and a very big mouth, both of which were on prominent display all of the time. Vicki had been chattering incessantly during the entire trip out to the millpond. And, even with her high school drill team tee shirt acting as a swimsuit cover-up, the enormity of her boobs was clearly apparent to everyone in the car. As a result, Becky found Vicki's...

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A Chance Encounter

I’ve worked for many years at a small college in the Midwest, working my way up to a position of prestige in the Office of Giving. It’s my job to travel around the country squeezing money from the rich and famous. I’m away from home a lot, so I haven’t formed too many attachments. In spite of that, rubbing elbows with captains of industry does have its perks. While my employer may not like my methods, they appreciate the results. I get to host cocktail parties in some very interesting places...

2 years ago
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My beautiful tranny

This guy picks up a girl and takes her to his place. Can you imagine his surprise when he finds out that this girl has a dong?Hi! My name is Andrew! I’m a 5.4 feet tall, with some cute beer belly, crew cut light brown haired guy, blue eyes. My friends say I have a big noseJ but it’s not that I should worry about! Men of my family have always been stocky, and thickset. So a big nose and stocky figure are not a trouble! I’m working in a Western City College as a tutor of English Literature. I...

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Latina Love

"Hello" a deep and mysterious "I am giving you the ability to fuck, impregnate, and marry any latina you want. They should be easier for you to convince, however, you still must convince them to do it. Get laid my friend they qre waiting." You open your eyes and see your ceiling, you to your left and realize that it's 7:15 and you should probably get headed to work. As you sit up you remember the voice and what it said, but just as you begin to ponder this your mom calls "Will your aunt and...

3 years ago
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Sultry Summer Ch 10

Lori awakened during the night and called her friend Marie to let her know she wouldn’t be picking up her son until morning. ‘Are you OK?’ Marie asked. ‘When you didn’t show up, I started to get worried. Jesus, I was afraid Mel found you and did something to you. I’ve been trying to figure out if I should call the cops or not.’ ‘I’m fine,’ Lori replied. ‘I…I met someone and…’ ‘Goddamn!’ Marie said. ‘You mean you got laid?’ Lori felt herself blushing. ‘Ah…yes,’ she said. ‘And you wanna stay...

1 year ago
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Reddit Cumsluts, aka r/CumSluts! Have you ever heard about I feel like an idiot asking this, but recently I met a dude who did not really know this place, and boy was I surprised. I feel like everyone who lives in this day and age should have at least head about this place and the fact that it literally has a little bit of everything to offer… I mean, where the fuck are you from if you do not know Reddit?Reddit is amazing, and it has lots of subsections to offer!With the size of...

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The Adventures of Sally and Barney

Prolog:   As “A Sailor’s Tale” came to a close a new life began, one that included both me and Sally as a couple with a mission, our lives would be different somehow after the tumultuous beginnings we had shared.   And though Uncle Charles had been left alone in a slumped pile of naked flesh beneath the statue, his balls still bound with the zip ties so that he would never again be able to get it up, or at least not shoot his load ever again, I think his tale is not yet over, for surely...

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Fucked on Beach by Rugby Team

So I set off from the tent across the terrain in a pair of skimpy thin blue briefs. It was easy to see the curves of my bum through the tight fitting cotton. The pants failed to cover the top part of my buttocks so it was easy to see I had a long deep cleft and an all over sun tan. This summer had been my first on the loose as until I had left school I had been subjected to a rigid discipline. I felt sexy about my own body and loved to show off as much as I could. I had let my blond hair...

3 years ago
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Memoir of a Daddy Chaser

Hello readers, my name is Jordan Hartlind, my friends and lovers call me Jordi. I’d love to share with you a bit about me before we get too in-depth. I’m from St. Louis, Missouri where I live in a duplex with my mother. I’m a student at St. Louis Community College and work at a locally owned delivery service, that I’ll refer to as Kase Delivery Co. I’m a 20 year old, 5’11 Caucasian male with a swimmers build. I have Brunette hair and brown eyes and you may have guessed it, I’m gay. I have...

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