Claiborne HighChapter 4
- 2 years ago
- 29
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"Cheryl came to the offices last Saturday," Hanna said on Monday morning. "She wanted to know why certain things were happening."
"Such as the non-stop sex?"
"That came up, but that wasn't her first concern. Apparently she turned trig homework in at her regular school. It was homework that she'd had in The Construct. But that wasn't all. I'd come in to finish archiving some material, and she was here. She wanted to view tapes of her experience in The Construct."
"Uh oh. That could be bad."
Hanna nodded. "She was shocked, at least at first, and found some of the things her avatar was doing repulsive. I sat her down over lunch, though, and got her to open up. Now I feel sorry for her."
"What did she say?"
"She asked personal questions, things a girl needs to know. Her mother certainly hasn't told her those things, that's for sure, and neither have any of her friends."
"I take it those questions were related to sex."
"They were." Hanna tossed the clipboard she was carrying on the console next to the keyboard. "Girls, as they mature, have a lot of questions about what's going on with their bodies. It's natural, because it's a complete change from the way things have been up to then. I'm pretty sure guys don't go through that."
"Not really. Everything is pretty self-explanatory. Well, except for the behavior of girls."
"I thought so," Hanna nodded. "In Cheryl's case, there were quite a few things she'd been told that were just plain wrong."
"Such as?"
"Take your pick: sex hurts, that was one; unprotected sex, except with your husband, will always get you knocked up and give you an STD, that was another. She didn't know that women have climaxes, she'd been told it was just a myth. I had to draw on my own experiences to assure her of things. When she started asking me about periods, I was glad to see Dr. Wagner was in her office. She answered those questions."
"You know," Greg said, "I always thought that sort of thing was something girls just somehow knew. I didn't realize it was something that had to be taught."
"At more progressive junior highs the health classes can get pretty graphic. A lot of girls don't like it, at least at first, but as they begin having periods, and cramps, bloating, water retention, and all of the other joys of womanhood, they begin understanding the answers they'd been given."
Greg nodded. "So you answered her questions."
"I answered what I could," Hanna said. "She now has a much better idea of what's going on with her body. That's why I said I felt sorry for her. She's suffered through cramps, had messy periods, and so on. Part of that is her church discourages girls from learning much other than parenting skills, and they're deathly afraid of girls knowing anything about what's going on with their bodies. I'm not sure why, either."
"Okay, but what about her daily sessions?"
"She wants to do a ride-along."
Greg shot her a glance. "Are you sure that's wise?" When a subject did a 'ride-along', they experienced everything their avatar was doing, but they had no control.
"She wants to know, and it's her right." Hanna shrugged. "Where does that leave us?"
"Having to provide it," Greg said. "We need to clear this, first."
"Yeah, but whether management wants to let it happen or not, we have to let her."
"All right, then we need to warn management about what's about to happen."
Hanna nodded and reached for the phone. "We have a couple of hours before she's due here. I'll make the calls, you set it up so she can do the ride-along."
Two hours later they watched as Cheryl's avatar entered the school. The usual series of events unfolded, class alternating with sex. They split the screen to watch the other sessions, shuffling Cheryl's into the background. They did have other things they were supposed to be doing, other sessions they had to monitor. Halfway through one rather steamy scene involving Cheryl, two other girls, and three boys, the door to the control room suddenly clicked open. In walked Adrian Martin accompanied by another woman and two men in dark suits.
Hanna, who'd been typing a command into the system, finished, hit a function key that would switch Cheryl's display to the innocuous one and routing the 'take' from Claiborne High to a RAID that was used only for personal testing by the programmers.
"Hands away from the console," Adrian Martin said. "I have a court order to see what's going on here!"
Hanna and Greg dutifully pushed themselves back, and let Adrian start going through the feeds from the current sessions. Dissatisfied with what she found—Cheryl's display showed her on horseback, riding over several jumps—she began going through the various commands that had been entered into the system.
Greg and Hanna watched, stone-faced. They'd agreed that if there were any questions, Hanna would do the talking. Right now Greg was feeling a sense of relief. They'd been saved by two things: first, that Hanna had actually been entering a command—it would have looked too obvious if one of them had had to reach for the keyboard; and second, that function keys did not show their commands on the log, except as a note. He'd worked on that function key for over an hour, finally getting it to execute a command, and then redefine the function key to something else.
Adrian looked at them, tapping her fingers, and then smiled and brought up a list of the function keys. The smile slipped away when she saw that F7 listed the status of production system utilization. She hit it anyway, and one of the side screens logged all usage. Prominent in them was Cheryl's innocuous display.
"Where did you hide it?" Adrian demanded.
"Hide what?"
"You know what I mean. This subject is involved in some massive sexual operation, and here you have her riding a horse."
"That was never approved," Hanna said. "What you see is what you have. We never changed the parameters on what she's doing."
"You mean you... ?"
"She can go out with a boy," Hanna said. "But the most that can happen is that they'll hold hands."
"But I thought ... You told me..." She bit back what she'd been about to say and began running display after display of the current system utilization. On the screen above her Cheryl galloped across the field behind the school, her hair flying behind her. Other girls on horses followed, and they all clattered down a path into a patch of woods.
In her own private region of The Construct, Cheryl swung her leg over the hip of a teacher. This was Mr. Olney. In a regular school he would be teaching shop. Here he taught CAD—Computer Assisted Design—and letting at least two girls a day ride his wonderful cock. Grasping that organ in her hands, Cheryl slowly and deliciously impaled herself on him. When she reached bottom she adjusted her legs, and then leaned back. She felt like one of those girls she'd seen on TV riding a mechanical bull. Except this was much much better. She held her tits, pinching her nipples lightly, and began to move.
The lights had flickered a few minutes ago, and everyone had stopped what they were doing. A rumor had gone around that school might be called off for the day—the snow storm outside was pretty bad—and kids were getting what they could just in case. As far as she could tell, every student in school was fucking someone, whether it was a teacher or another student. And those teachers who didn't have a student, were fucking other teachers.
She finally leaned forward, resting her hands on his shoulders. This let him get at her tits, which he wasted no time doing. She closed her eyes and inhaled sharply when his lips fastened around her nipples. She wanted to hold him there, let his lips and tongue work their magic on her tight little bud, but there was something a lot more urgent happening in her middle.
His cock was rubbing every secret little place inside her. She rammed herself on him as hard and as fast as she could. He was turning her insides molten. Her whole body was tensing, drawing in on itself, gathering tighter and tighter until it was too much to bear. She cried out as everything peaked into one incredible moment of pure feeling. Wave after wave of pleasure swept through her.
She was still quivering in the throes of her climax when Mr. Olney rolled her over. He began moving with authority, bucking his hardness into her, and getting her wound up again. She arched up into him, mouth open in a silent scream as he grunted and began pumping, filling her with his cream.
They came drifting down together, grinning at each other, their bodies relaxing. They traded a few kisses, and he slid his arms under her back, holding her.
"Every time gets better," Cheryl murmured in his ear. "How do you do that?"
"Practice makes perfect," he said, his tongue teasing her just beneath her ear. "You should remember that. You'll get better in any physical activity if you simply practice it enough."
"I think I may need some personal coaching."
"A good student always makes the teacher feel like he's doing some good."
After a couple of minutes his cock slipped out of her. She sighed. "Darn, I really liked it where it was."
"It can't stay there all of the time." He got up and offered her his hand. "C'mon, let's get cleaned up."
The shower turned into a fun time where he rubbed her to completion—a guy sucking her tits while rubbing her clit was dynamite!—and she sucked him until he filled her mouth with his come.
School was called off; the announcement went around right after she emerged from the shower. Everyone had to get ready quickly because the busses would be out front in 10 to 15 minutes.
Feeling a little disappointed, Cheryl got dressed. One of the boys made it fun, though. He lifted her dress, his hands cradling her ass. Then, as he kissed her, his hands slid around to her breasts. She didn't think she'd feel much through her bra, but his fingers managed to find and excite her nipples. She could feel his hardness pressing against her. She wanted to undress and fuck him, but somebody said the busses had pulled up.
"We'll have to continue this in the morning," she told him. She turned around and gave him a sloppy kiss, their tongues darting back and forth briefly.
She had to straighten up her clothes before she went around to the other side of the locker. She looked at her image in the mirror next to the door: her face was flushed and her nipples were poking out of the front of her dress. Fortunately it was cold outside, and if her mother made any comment she could pass it off to the weather.
She dashed through the wind to the bus, and huddled around the heater with the other kids. She ran the block from the bus stop to her front door, and was gasping from the wind when she finally got home.
Cheryl pushed the helmet away from head and sat up. Her body felt funny, loose and relaxed, just like it felt if she'd been exercising vigorously. Well, Hanna had told her that she would feel some of the effects of what her avatar had been doing. She wondered if a girl always felt this way after having sex.
The whole session had been an eye-opener. The first part, when she did her morning routine, had been normal. She'd experimented with trying to control things, and discovered, just as Hanna had told her, that she couldn't. It wasn't until she'd gotten to school that things had turned interesting.
The act itself had been ... Now she knew why Hanna had told her that she couldn't really describe it. It didn't feel at all like she thought it would. And the same thing could be said about the climax. Words were inadequate. It went beyond the physical sensations; there'd been the emotional satisfaction, too. And that included, in part, the boy's reactions. Hanna had said that when he got close to his peak a boy was on autopilot. But she'd brought him to that point, she with her body that she was no longer thinking was quite so shameful. Oh, sure, he would have been the same way with any girl, but this had been her.
The classes had been hard, but she'd learned a lot. It felt like they'd challenged her, not like they'd catered to the slowest student in class, leaving everyone else sitting around bored. In her regular school she usually had her homework done before the end of classes. Here, she could see, she'd be studying until bedtime. That felt good; they were serious about kids learning.
This session had ended before the regular time. She had a few minutes, so when her mother started to get up, she waved her back. "I need to use the girl's room," she told her.
Once safely in the stall in the girl's room she partially undressed. She'd put a pad in her panties when she'd been at school, and it was soaked. So were her panties. Hanna had told her that there could be effects from experiencing things first hand, and it looked like she was right. She idly wondered if the same thing happened to boys.
Cheryl wiped the sleep out of her eyes, yawned, and scrunched down in her bed, staring at the ceiling. She'd been having the most wonderful dream, but she couldn't remember what it was. There were horses in it, she could remember that much, and she'd gone riding, her long hair blowing in the breeze behind her. But... She finally pushed the covers away and got out of bed. It was dark outside, no surprise because it was 5:30 in the morning, and it was snowing. She could see the flakes...
"I'll wait for you," Cheryl's mother said as she parked the car. "Wait... ?" "There's something we need to talk about," her mother said. "There've been ... I've been wondering ... that is, have you been seeing some boy and haven't told me?" "Of course not," Cheryl said. "Not even in ... there?" Her mother waved at the building housing The Construct's local offices. "Not even there," Cheryl said. "I'm told you can watch what goes on. There really isn't much to see,...
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TeenTo Readers: Feel free to add a chapter if you want, I don't really deny anything from being published. The more content there is means the more readers there are and ideas that can be formed into new story chapters or entire arcs. And if you ask me, the more Jamie gets fucked over and fucked in general, the better. So enjoy and thank you for reading, now back to our regularly scheduled programming. Forum Page (Update & Polls):...
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Porn ForumsI awoke to the girls whispering and giggling across me. When they noticed I was awake, I got kissed by both and managed to pat them both on the ass. They jumped out of bed so I could get to the bath and padded downstairs. I pulled on sweats and a t-shirt and headed down to join them. For some reason, despite common attitudes, the girls seemed to enjoy being domestic. Unsurprisingly, they were both still nude. They had me sit down, served me a cup of coffee, and chattered away while...
I must be the most sinful preacher’s daughter in the entire world. How else to explain why I was on my knees at the back of the school giving my former steady, Ricky, a blowjob with a dollar bill clutched in my hand—his payment for my service. And he was just the first blowjob I would be giving this morning before classes. Two more guys waited their turn to spurt cum into my naughty mouth, their dollar bills ready. It was all my hypocritical father’s fault. If I hadn’t caught Daddy fucking...
A friend of me celebrates her birthday at Valentine's Day, soon she shall be twenty-threeLesbian longing for big BOOBs and secretly submissive, I decide to fulfil her dirty dreamExactly at that time my friend Camila from Chile will visit Amsterdam with her mom and s*sSexy surprise in my sex studio above my exclusive erotic shop for only lovely looking ladies Super BOOBs at all three very firm all natural! Six big breasts to suck such a sexy ParadiseAll three only know her from some photos I...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Hi reders.I am the regular reader of this site. I read almost all the stories. Now I am posting mine. I am 26 years old from Mumbai.I am working in stock broking company in Pune. This story is about a 31 yrs old my elder brother wife with whom I have already spent a lot of time together, enjoying her beautiful body and fucking and making love to her. Her name is Gauri & she is a housewife. My brother is neither impotent nor old, but is more interested...
IncestDEAR FRIENDS I hope you liked part 1 of my sexual experience as a young man…..let me continue here…. I slept on the bed in the hallway for about 2 hours I think, and was woken up by someone who hands their hands on my eyes……covering them….and saying wake up wake up… instinct I pushed my hands up over my head and tried to push the person away. My hands felt something very soft and round…..and I kept squeezing hard……only to realize it was Gitu and her boobs were over my head and on my face….....
IncestI have a secret. It’s a fun secret. My husband doesn’t have the slightest idea what I really do with my Friday night getaways. Those nights where I use my credit card to get a hotel, the one that his name isn’t one. The one whose bill I receive online so he can’t see what I’ve been doing. My secret may not be what you think it is though.My husband, Derrick and I each had separate issues that added to a huge dent in the health of our marriage that started the secret. We attended therapy and...
Wife LoversI answered my phone with caution, wondering who it was. His deep voice spoke on the other end of the phone and I felt my stomach lurch at the sound of his voice. “Oh, hi” I said, “How are you?” “Good” he said, “Wanna come over?” “Sure” I replied, “What time?” “Now” he said, “Okay” I replied, hanging up the phone. I went over to his place as quick as I could, desperate to see him again. “Your here” he said, as he opened the door to let me in. “You look…odd” I said, as I looked him up and down....
When you’re growing up…you learn certain things. About keeping your word. About respect. At least that’s what you’re supposed to learn. But apparently some of yall’s parent’s didn’t fuck ya’ll up enough. Take this dumb ass Mr. Rose. He owes some people some money. When you owe somebody money, you don’t dodge their calls. You don’t lie about when you’re gonna pay it back. You keep your word. And you pay up. But apparently nobody...
xmoviesforyou“Okay, Samantha, we’ll be gone for about four hours. Once you put Lauren to sleep you can call your boyfriend to come over. But, I don’t want him here until our daughter is asleep.” “Don’t worry about anything. Everything will be fine.” “If you want to go into the pool, just bring the baby monitor outside so you can hear the baby in case she wakes up.” “I have your phone number in case of a problem. Go have some fun you both deserve it.” My husband Jerry and I left to go out to dinner with...
Group SexRecap: Cody was empowered with the knowledge that his 5’7”, 115 lb, 34-c cup breasted mother was fantasizing about bedding him and Cody wanted to see how far he could push his mother. With Mark his father on his way to the airport to pick up Terri’s father Tom and his sister and Terri fast sleeping upstairs Cody took full advantage of the situation of being alone with his MILF of a mother. Cody woke early Sunday morning only to see his mother dancing alone in the kitchen preparing breakfast....
I woke up the next day to the sound of my alarm buzzing. Yawning, I reached to switch it off. It was 10 o'clock. I usually liked to lie in at the weekends. After a few minutes of lying on the bed I decided that I'd best get up. I was both excited and nervous today, excited because I was looking forward to George's softball game this afternoon. But I was also nervous because of my date with Robert tonight. I had dated a boy for a while back in England so it wasn't like it was my first time...
SRU: Time & Place By Ingrid Halb 16 Feb 2007, Tarzana, CA Trevor Brinson was upset at the musical proficiency of his friends Jeffrey and David. Together, the three of them formed a garage band of sorts and, as far as Trevor was concerned, his band was not playing up to the potential he saw in himself. In his estimation, they were probably holding him back. "You guys suck!" he said, angrily letting his annoyance show. "Lighten up, dog," Jeffrey Parker, the bass player...
Pinky lay face down in the bed, her delicious derrière exposed as was her curved hips beneath them would be her well-fucked pussy, the hair about it matted with our juices and her lips soft and inviting. Idly I touched my cock as I watched her admiring her alabaster back and buttocks, tracing with my eyes each curve and line of her body and sighed with content. As I thought of what we had done I smiled and slowly began to pull myself off thinking of her body as I had opened her pussy lips and...
Acting on the Admiral’s orders the surviving local commanders set good defensive positions in mountain passes to halt movement through the mountains. The defensive positions established as a northern block line also do well by stopping The Infected from going north. The military commanders in California establish a line across the valley near Red Bluff north of Sacramento and across the mountains to Whitehorn. Due to the loss of San Francisco and Los Angeles most of central California is soon...
Van Daddock was struggling to read Julie's suicide note, which Bobby was holding in front of his face. It might have been easier if Bobby didn't have his foot on his throat, but he chose not to complain about that. When he'd finished reading, he managed to rasp out, "I don't know anything about that! I haven't seen Julie in months!" Bobby ground his foot a little more forcefully into his neck, cutting off his air supply. "Care to try that one again?" he asked coldly. "You had an...
"You're awake! I thought I could move away from you before you realized what I was doing. I'm more than happy to be here the way we are, if it's okay by you." Robert tried to move forward a little bit to get them even closer than they already were. "I must have slipped my hand into your top during the night. I can't say that I'm entirely unhappy with that, though." He gave her breast a little squeeze before moving his fingers to tweak her nipple. Her sigh of contentment let him know...