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"Cocooned" by EF666 In the slightly distant future... Chapter One: The Break-in I don't know why I ever listened to Dave. He was one of those friends you make in childhood who you still always seem to make time for, no matter how much either of you has changed. Growing up it seemed every time we got into trouble it was Dave who was the instigator. Getting arrested for assault and battery was the last straw for my parents who wanted nothing to do with me after that. I had no idea that Dave was going to snatch that lady's purse. When the two guys around the corner heard her scream they ran over quickly and tried to get the purse back. I reflexively came to the aid of my friend. It didn't help and we were both beaten to pulps, yet somehow Dave avoided any damage to his face while I looked like I'd been mauled by a pack of wild dogs. DNA therapy healed our wounds quickly, of course prison-quality repair jobs always left visible scars. After two months in lockup I was out on the streets on my own with no money and a high school diploma that barely qualified me to flip burgers. I broke off contact with Dave and tried to straighten myself out. I had a series of menial jobs, including trying to sell cell phone implants. There was usually good money to be made by volunteering for DNA experimentation, but my previous DNA therapy session disqualified me as a candidate. With my DNA registered as a result of my felony conviction, I would only be qualified for future DNA therapy in the case of severe injury. Ever since the entire human genome had been mapped out, all hell had broken loose. People could be altered at the cellular level, curing all manner of disease, repairing injuries and obviously changing the nature of cosmetic surgery. Combined with incredible advances in computer intelligence, a person's body could be completely altered head-to-toe in under an hour. The whole process became known as 'cocooning' because of the appearance of the device. Once law enforcement realized that a wanted criminal could go from being six feet and white to five feet and Asian, preventative measures had to be put in place: Any changes larger than a mole removal had to be registered with the government. Convicted felons like me had a small unused part of their DNA intentionally damaged so that any future attempts to modify them would be flagged and rejected. Progress had also been made on mapping the brain and understanding how it worked, so that cures for mental illnesses and severe behavioral disorders were near. Many people were fearful that could lead to mind control, though those people were generally regarded as crackpot conspiracy theorists. Anyway, my apartment was a dump in a depressed part of the city. At 25 I'd never had a job last longer than three months, all of which were low- paying and unsatisfying. I never had a relationship go beyond a third date. I felt like I'd hit rock-bottom when my PS8 was repossessed. I felt like a loser, so I didn't push him away when Dave re-entered my life. He always seemed to have disposable cash but he didn't want to talk much about how he was earning it. I was pretty sure I didn't want to know. I turned a blind eye when he bought me an XboxOmega7200 to replace my PS8. It was early one Saturday summer evening when Dave called and asked if I wanted to go to a new club that opened up a few blocks away from my place. I reminded him as I stroked the scar on my face that I hadn't exactly been having good luck with the ladies, to which Dave replied that only meant I was due to score. He drove over to my apartment and said we could walk the rest of the way. I hadn't heard of the club, but then again I didn't pay much attention to my neighborhood. We headed north a few blocks then west for a few more. The quality of the area improved the further we got from my apartment. Dave looked around then told me we had to make a stop first. I noticed we were on a retail block, mostly office buildings and shops, all of which were closed. We were directly in front of a very stylish looking beauty salon named "Collette's for Women." A peek inside stirred a pleasant memory. I remembered that I'd passed by here once, looked through the window and I saw it populated by spectacular women, both the employees and clientele, none of whom would ever be likely to give me the time of day. The window blinds were drawn so there was nothing to see now. Dave opened a door that led to a staircase that ascended to an apartment above the salon. "Just come on," was all Dave said when I asked what he needed to do here. We got to the lone door at the top of the stairs, the downstairs door closing behind us, when Dave suddenly said, "Just follow my lead and don't do anything stupid." The way every single hair on my body stood on end should have told me to just get my ass the hell out of there. But no, I just stood still. I watched as Dave took two steps backwards then lunged forward and smashed into the door with his shoulder. As the door flew open he tossed a micro-scrambler into the room ahead of him. That would knock out any electrical devices in a ten meter radius for two minutes. Dave ran inside, waving a gun I was unaware he'd been carrying. I heard a female scream and Dave yelled at her, "On the ground, face down, hands behind your head!" With the electronics disrupted Dave was assured the occupants would not be able to call for help, and he did not seem concerned about her screaming. The sun had not set completely so it was still just light enough to see inside the apartment without electric lights. I could see the woman on the ground trembling, her hands behind her head as Dave had instructed. She looked to be in her mid 40's, though these days even an 80 year old who'd logged even a little cocoon time could still look any age he or she wanted. She was dressed stylishly, red hair pinned up behind her head. The pictures on the wall led me to believe she was the owner of the salon downstairs, so I assumed she was Collette. Other pictures showed a younger Collette at her wedding to a nerdy- looking man. They looked very enamored with each other, the way only young married couples can. I started to get even more nervous. "Please, just put the gun down and let's get out of here before anyone gets hurt and anyone gets in trouble. She's married and her husband could be in another room or come home any minute!" I avoided using Dave's name on the off chance he listened to me and we could both escape without further incident. "No way man, I've cased this joint for too long. Besides, she's alone here." I noticed there were no signs of any male living in the apartment. If she was divorced I doubt she'd still have pictures of her ex on the wall, so I could only assume she had been widowed. What have I gotten myself into this time? Dave turned his attention toward his hostage once more. "Where are the week's receipts lady? I know you only go to the bank once a week and no way would you leave them downstairs." Collette was panicking heavily now. "They're in the d-d-d-den," she said. "Let's go get them," Dave demanded, motioning with his gun for her to get up. She got to her feet tentatively, steadying herself on a large chair first and headed for another room. Dave followed her, keeping two arms' length behind her. Dave was ignoring me. He seemed transfixed on something he saw inside the other room. "Is that what I think it is?" he asked incredulously. I could hear a quiet "mmm-hmmm" from inside the room. "Holy shit! And it works?" Another affirmative followed from Collette. I knew then that I could not let this happen to me again. I had to stop Dave. He was keeping his gun trained on his hostage. He obviously expected me to keep watch at the door. "Please don't do this. Don't do this!" I pleaded. "Shut up Murph!" Dave yelled. The bastard used my name. I decided it was do or die, and I certainly didn't want to die. I chose to flee, figuring I'd call the police once I was outside the door and my phone implant wouldn't be affected by the neutralizer. I turned and headed for the door. Well, I would have, had I not immediately tripped on a rug and fallen head-first. I think my nose was broken. Dizzy and dripping blood onto the damned rug, I got up as fast as I could and headed for the door again. Unfortunately my fall had attracted Dave's attention and he noticed my attempt to take off. "You chickenshit bastard, get back here," Dave bellowed. "Forget, it, I'm done with you!" I yelled back at him and lunged for the doorknob. I heard a loud noise and suddenly my hand wouldn't work. I had no control over my arms. There was blood on the door in front of me that hadn't come from my nose. There was blood coming out from the front of my shirt. I tried to touch it to see where it was coming from but I still couldn't move my arms. Finally my legs stopped working and I fell down. The son of a bitch had shot me. My last thought before I blacked out was of my parents and how I'd disappointed them. . . . Out of the blackness I heard a voice commanding me: "Keep your eyes closed." I kept my eyes closed. Not that I'd considered doing otherwise, but I had no desire to open my eyes. "Get up and follow," came another command, and I wanted to follow. Someone took my hand. Apparently I had been lying down flat so I sat up slowly. I felt dizzy and with my eyes still closed it felt like my body didn't fit any more. Everything felt wrong. Pleasant, healthy even, but wrong. I was still enveloped by this black fog. I took a few tentative steps in the direction I was being led. It felt like I was trying to walk through water in a swimming pool, feeling a sloshing left-to-right motion with each movement, though I gained more control with each step. After some more steps and a turn the hand guiding me lifted mine upward, an apparent sign to stop moving. I felt two hands on the sides of my shoulders nudging me slightly to one side so I obliged. The commands resumed. "You may not leave the spot you're standing in right now," came the first, and I had no intention of going anywhere. "In fact, you don't want to move at all. Just stand still. Absolutely still," was the second. Standing stick-straight seemed like a great idea. "Now when I count to three I want you to open your eyes and tell me what you think. But no moving. One. Two. Aaaaaaand three..." I opened my eyes slowly, but it was difficult adjusting to the light. Once I could stop squinting I found myself standing in front of a naked goddess. My eyes needed a moment to adjust. She was tall, perhaps a little over six feet barefoot, with wavy blonde hair down to just above her waist. I checked her out as best as I could without moving my head up or down. Some of her hair was in front of her shoulders and laid delicately on top of two magnificent breasts the size of honeydew melons. They were large and firm and round while the acorn-sized nipples stood out proudly. She had no hair down below and I could see a touch of pink between her legs. Her tiny waist --almost unnaturally small for her body- - curved out into perfectly rounded hips and two long, luscious legs. I didn't need to be able to see her ass to know it was magnificent. Her lips were full and pink, her eyes blue and full of innocence, her eyelashes long, thick and inviting, her skin flawless. I saw no sign of makeup, not that she would need any. Even in a world where physical perfection was easily obtained and was considered the norm, this woman would demand attention from every eye in the room. I'd never believed much in heaven and hell, but I thought for a second that I could have been wrong. Was this heaven and was she an angel? Better yet, was she my angel? "Wow," I whispered quietly, almost reflexively, after drinking her in from my unmoving state. In perfect synchronization with me, her perfect lips moved in the "wow" shape just as mine did, though no sound came from hers. I was still feeling a bit slow, having been woken up only a minute ago, but something clicked in my mind and suddenly I didn't like what was going on. Thoughts of being anywhere near heaven quickly disappeared. I noticed that the beauty's arms were limp at the side of her body. In fact, she wasn't moving at all. The only part of her body that was moving were her eyes and they widened as if in a panic, just like mine felt they were doing at that very moment. I realized I was looking in a mirror. She was me. Naturally I screamed as I tried to make sense out of what was going on, but instead of the low baritone I was accustomed to, a high-pitched squeal came out. "What's happened to me?" I yelled, and even the voice I yelled that in was beautiful. Adding to the panic was the fact that I still couldn't move. "What's going on here?" I tried to yell even louder. "Quiet, no more talking," I heard and I didn't want to speak any longer. Actually, I wanted to scream my head off, but I just couldn't disobey the command I'd been given. During the few seconds of silence that followed I managed to take my eyes of my gorgeous new body and look into the corners of the mirror. I noticed that Dave was standing in the bedroom doorway and Collette was on the bed, knees to her chest, sitting meekly and in fear of the gun Dave was still keeping pointed at her. I was positioned like a statue in front of a floor-length mirror. "So, Murph, take a guess what I found!" Dave yelled excitedly. "A cocoon," was what I couldn't say. "She has a cocoon! And you can see how well it works. Not only does it work well, this lady here is nothing short of an artist. I can tell how impressed you are with the design work she did on you." I glanced in her direction. Collette looked ashamed and covered her face with her arm. Dave's voice got lower. "Why don't you check your body out? Show us how much you love it. Go ahead and feel yourself, top to bottom. You can move, just don't leave that spot in front of the mirror." My hands suddenly freed, they moved first to my waist. I couldn't believe that skin could ever feel so smooth. I used both hands to move my silky hair completely behind my back. I leaned my head back and shook it, feeling my hair sway back and forth, tickling my back and the top of my curvy rear. Shaking my head had a ripple effect as they swung back and forth as well. I'd never felt so turned on watching a woman before, but the old familiar feeling of expansion I used to feel between my legs was gone. Instead there was a tingling, warming sensation that seemed to radiate throughout my entire nervous system. I raised my hands to my breasts and felt their heft. I released them and the weight shift nearly made me fall forward. Then I felt my nipples and I was in ecstasy. "Lick those nipples," commanded Dave, and I obliged. Once again I lifted my breasts, this time rolling my tongue over one of my nipples. This time I felt a shiver run the length of my spine. As amazing as this all felt, it was wrong. I was furious at Dave for doing this to me, but I had no way of expressing myself. That would change. "Tell me how you feel," Dave said. "Fuck you!" I was finally freed to say, though I found myself continuing to tongue my nipples. "I hate this! How did you do this to me? And how are you controlling me like this? Fix me now!" I demanded, though Dave showed no signs of being willing to help me with anything. Even worse was how incredibly turned on and horny I felt, as I was simultaneously venting my rage and fondling myself. My crotch was getting even warmer. "Oh, such attitude from such a beautiful woman. Tsk, tsk. Listen to me." Dave took on an even more sinister tone, while Collette continued to cower on the bed. "You love what I've done for you. You love everything about your new body. And you want to show me just how grateful you are. How about you dance for me? And tell me how much you love it and how good you feel." I began to swing my arms and wiggle my hips. There were many things I was not good at, and dancing was at the top of that list. But the combined sensation of all the movement, with my hair swinging and my tits bouncing felt so good that I just had to tell Dave how spectacular it all felt and much I appreciated him doing this for me. "Oh, I love this. Everything feels so wonderful! Thank you soooo much..." I cooed, and once again I tingled at the sound of what was now my own voice. I began to embrace my new femininity just as my hand started to near the warmth being generated between my legs. "That's it, grab your pussy," said Dave and at that point even if I was able to resist, I would not have. Since my re-awakening it had been calling to me but I'd not been able to touch my new vagina yet. Moisture had already begun to drip down the inside of my legs but once I grabbed myself it was as if I opened a faucet at full blast. The sudden orgasm traveled through my entire body. My back arched and stiffened as I shuddered in exquisite delight. Being unfamiliar with how my new physique altered my center of gravity, I had to steady myself on the bed to keep from falling over. I'd certainly never gotten anywhere near this kind of intense pleasure from my dick. "Keep going," he demanded and I greedily complied. I happily explored my pussy, inside and out. I felt the contour of the lips and the hood and shuddered again when I inserted one, then two then three fingers. I don't know how much longer I kept going, perhaps two minutes, perhaps ten, as it all became a blur. I was instructed to smell and lick my wet fingers and it was intoxicating. All throughout I moaned in delight and told Dave of my gratitude. Thoughts of this being heaven once again crossed my mind during the fleeting moments of clarity. I caught a glimpse of Dave and he had the most sadistic smile I'd ever seen. Collette seemed to be in shock and sat motionless. Then I saw myself in the mirror. Where most women would look sweaty and anguished at this point, I glistened. I was a vision of rapturous, gyrating, sexual joy. I embraced everything I had become and I exploded once more. This time I did fall on the bed. Since I'd not been told I could stop I reached once again for my pussy while trying to get back to my standing position. I guess Dave had seen enough of that particular show and told me I could stop and relax, but not to leave the bed. Even though he hadn't told me to do so I bunched my hair up and arranged it in front of my breasts as if I'd been doing it all my life. Then a thought struck me. The neutralizer was obviously no longer in effect or the cocoon wouldn't have worked, so I started stroking my hair from the top of my head to the ends. After a few strokes I nonchalantly touched my ear, only to discover that my phone implant was gone. So much for Plan A. I looked at Colette, and even if she had been responsive it wouldn't have helped, as she didn't have the telltale sign of a phone implant beneath her right ear, so plan B was dead too. Another fleeting moment of clarity told me that as good as I felt at that moment, things could get really bad in a hurry. Regrettably, Dave didn't let me down on that count either. "Have you caught your breath yet, babe?" He didn't pause for me to answer. "Then get over here, there's something else you need to take care of," he said, and my fear was instantly realized. Dave was removing his belt and loosening his pants, all the while still keeping the gun in his hand. I walked over to him and stood facing him. I realized that I was probably a good four inches taller than he was, and I wasn't wearing any shoes. Hell, I was still naked. Then I thought about how spectacular my legs would look if I was wearing four or five-inch heels and the tingling started up again. But that brief bliss was interrupted when Dave said "On your knees slut. It's blowjob time. Do it nice and slow and I want you to really enjoy every single minute of it." This was exactly what I'd been afraid of. I'd almost have preferred that he just fuck my pussy instead, though I realized that was likely to follow. Yet the compulsion kicked in immediately. I knelt down as ordered and helped free his member from his underwear, then slowly licked it top to bottom, caressing it gently, before finally engulfing him in my mouth. I was loving every minute of it thanks to Dave's command. I knew deep down I shouldn't be doing this but I could not fight my commands. It felt like I was watching a porno flick featuring the woman I'd become. Though try as I might I could not disassociate myself either physically or mentally from the task at hand. He grabbed large clumps of my hair and held it behind my head, repeatedly pushing my face into his crotch. I remained oblivious to the fact that Dave was still holding a gun, and it was only a few inches away from my head, though he kept it pointed in the general direction of his hostage, rarely taking his eyes off of her. I was enjoying myself, enjoying the feel of his warmth in my mouth and savoring the salty taste, when I could feel Dave get even harder. "Now faster, faster, and swallow every single drop," Dave demanded and he began moaning like only a man about to orgasm can. I grabbed his dick at the base with one hand and furiously bobbed my head up and down on his pole, eagerly awaiting my present, still loving every new sensation I was experiencing. It couldn't have been more than thirty seconds more until Dave came in my mouth and I swallowed all of his cum, just as I'd been told to do, and it tasted wonderful. I gently squeezed every last bit out of him and onto my waiting tongue. Then smiling my pretty pearly whites, I looked up at my master for approval. "Wow, that was spectacular," Dave said as his pulse rate started to return to normal. "I think you're going to make me a lot of money with those skills," he continued, and I truly feared where that train of thought was headed. Dave surveyed his surroundings and spied a chair. "Get on the bed and sit with your legs crossed, then you may not move again until I say you can." I got on the bed, still a few feet from Collette, who by now looked like she'd completely checked out mentally, staring out in no apparent direction. Dave grabbed the chair and placed it in the doorway facing the bed. He put his underwear back on and took a seat. "Now it's time to talk. Murph, you may now speak freely and think freely, but you still may not move." With most of his control finally removed from me, all of my thoughts and emotions were freed as well. I first felt nauseous and I gagged when I realized what Dave had really tasted like. Some of his cum had dribbled down my chin and had begun to harden. He was utterly foul and his crotch smelled like he hadn't showered in at least two days. I was so disgusted at what he had forced me to do that I'd have vomited if there had been anything in my stomach, and then I simply started to cry. My despair worsened when I realized I couldn't even move my hands to wipe the tears from my eyes. A meek "Why?" was all I could muster. "Why? You have to ask why? Damn, are you dense. OK, I'll spell it out for you. But first, you have to play with those beautiful tits some more." Of course I complied without hesitation, cupping my globes with both hands (hell, I needed both hands to fully support each breast), pinching and rolling my nipples as they perked to life, then pushing my tits together and rubbing my nipples against each other. I could tell that they felt good because that was how it truly felt, not because I was ordered to enjoy it. That only made my mood sink lower. "You asshole, you were running. Either you were abandoning me or you were going to run for the cops. What was I supposed to do?" I'd never felt more humiliated in my life than when I tried to express my outrage at having been dragged into his crime while trapped in the body of a goddess who was practically making love to her own breasts. "You didn't tell me you were going to break into this woman's home and rob her!" I screamed on about how he had dragged me down his entire life, getting me caught up in his crimes. I said that friends don't take other friends along on a casual breaking and entering. I listed everything I could remember since childhood that he'd done wrong and screwed me over in the process. Then I had a big revelation. The only reason I continued to stay friends with Dave was because I hated myself so much, he was the only person I could look down on. Everyone else was above me. But this was not the time for self-analysis. "And now you're taking hostages? That's big-time shit right there. Plus you fucking shot me! You shot me then did this to me! I don't want to be a woman!" My tears continued to flow. Dave was indignant. "I only shot you after I saw the cocoon and the lady of the house said it worked fine, so I knew she could patch you up. Then when I saw what it could do I decided to have a little fun. Bitch over there said she could put you back to normal after I was through. By the way, the salon business does a lot better than I thought, she's got over fifteen thousand bucks here and I was going to share it with you. Of course, now you don't get jack shit and you'd better hope I don't get any angrier or I may not change you back! Are we clear?" He was clear as crystal and cold as ice. It was apparent to me, even as I continued groping myself, that my only hope for survival was to just cooperate with Dave, whether I was being forced to cooperate or not. But something didn't add up. A couple of things, actually. "How is it I have to do everything you tell me?" I asked. "And why does a beauty salon owner have a cocoon in her apartment anyway?" "Ah, finally, that's the smartest thing to come out of your mouth all night, except for my dick, that is." Dave seemed thrilled with his wit. "I've already had this conversation here. It turns out this lady's dead husband was some kind of researcher on cocooning, actually invented a lot of the process. He did all his work at CocoonCo but he did extra research here at his home. The dude figured out how to manipulate parts of the brain. He borrowed parts from his company and built his own cocoon for testing." "Oh, why don't you lay back and finger your pussy for a bit while I continue?" Resistance was, of course, futile. I went back to work on myself again. The bastard continued. "I'm watching her set everything up on the console to fix you up when I see a section labeled 'mental conditioning'. I finally get her, uh, hey, what's your name again lady?" he called out to Collette. She didn't answer. She may as well have been a million miles away. "I think it's Collette," I offered dryly. "Yeah, that's it, thanks. Oh yeah, I said for her, uh, Collette, to make you extra limber. So let's see what you can do. Try lifting both legs behind your head." I did so and found myself on my back with my knees near my shoulders, my thighs crushing my tits and my pussy pointing directly at Dave. "Hey, nice. Good job. Stay that way and let's see some more finger work." I found myself realizing that abject humiliation was likely going to be the standard for a while. With my face so close to my pussy I could once again smell that amazing musk, inhaling it like the scent of fresh muffins just taken out of the oven. "Anyway, her husband discovered how to change someone's brain so that they'll have absolute trust in people and will do whatever they're told without question or hesitation. She said it was like removing the part of your brain that would normally stop you from doing something you don't want to do. And there you go! Whatever I tell you to do, you do. But it seems the poor guy died in an accident a few years ago and never got to report his findings. What his company didn't know was that he tried everything here at home first and had everything working perfectly. Our little Collette here didn't tell anyone at CocoonCo but she didn't get rid of it either. "But now it's mine. Think about what I can do with this. Just find some runaways, make them look like you, mess with their minds a bit and start pimping them out on the street. I'll make a fucking fortune. I may even be willing to cut you in if you fix that attitude problem of yours, Murph. Otherwise you could end up being the first girl I put out on the street. I already know you know just what to do with that beautiful mouth of yours and I bet that pussy of yours is real tight." Hearing those prospects only reinforced my decision to just shut up and cooperate. Dave stood up and pointed his gun at Collette again. "But before I do anything else I have a loose end to take care of. Murph, get up and get her on her feet." Part of me was disappointed I had to stop playing with myself, but I got up as directed and walked over to the other side of the bed. Collette recoiled in horror as I put my hand out for her to take. Dave wasn't happy at her lack of cooperation. "Get up bitch!" he yelled, and making a point of pointing the gun clearly at her head. She then started screaming in horror and flailing about wildly. I got worried about what Dave was going to do next. "Dave, calm down. Please don't do anything else crazy here," I pleaded. That was another mistake. "No more talking out of you, Murph," Dave barked and I instantly shut my mouth. Collette continued to scream. Dave looked around and saw a small decorative marble statue on a dresser. "Murph, catch!" he called. He tossed the statue to me and I caught it. "Just shut her up," he said. "Knock her out with it." I went from utter humiliation to sheer horror in a split second. I'd never attacked a defenseless person before. Sure, I'd been in fights in the past, but I'd never attacked anyone unprovoked and certainly not a woman. Yet I was powerless to resist. I swung the statue towards her head. Dave didn't say I had to kill her or even hurt her, just to knock her out, so I didn't swing at anywhere near full strength. In her hyperactive and exhausted state with her arms waving all over I had to wait several seconds to get a clear shot at the back of her head. The statue connected and made a soft noise then she slumped forward. I was so disgusted. "Drag her to the cocoon," he said, and I knew just what he had planned. I pulled Collette off the bed and lowered her gently to the ground. I was probably strong enough to carry her, but Dave said to drag her, and being powerless to resist or even question his wishes, I had to comply. Pulling her by her arms I dragged her to the adjacent room as instructed, then lifted her up and placed her gently in the cocoon. Dave made me undress her as well. I couldn't say a word, but I'm sure my eyes conveyed just how sorry I was, not that it mattered while she was unconscious. Dave sat at the cocoon's control console and instructed me to stand by his side. Then just because he could, he told me to pinch my nipples with both hands and to not let go. He was getting more sadistic by the minute. He even seemed to get a thrill out of the fact that I was crying, silently of course, as I'd not yet been given permission to talk. I was afraid that if Dave screwed up his transformation of Colette she would not be able to return me to my body. "Oh geez," Dave moaned when he saw my tears and heard me sniffle. He paused and thought for a few seconds. "I need a few minutes of quiet while I remember how to work this thing. I want you to think about the hot lezzie sex you're going to have with her once she looks just like you. You're going to love it." My mind filled with images of me and another me kissing, cradling each other's heads as we embraced. I saw us clutching each other with our huge breasts being pushed up against each other. Then I'd stand behind her, my nipples pressing into her back, as I reached around her and massaged her breasts. Or was it her standing behind me? It didn't matter whose mouth, whose nipples, whose hands, whose pussy it was, I was so filled with excitement of what was to come that my knees buckled. Throughout all of this I tried to watch what Dave was doing at the controls. It certainly wasn't any easier considering I had to keep my hands on my nipples and the heat building up in my pussy was difficult to ignore. I caught a few glimpses of what he was doing though. I could see a 'body template' screen and saw a picture of my male self, which registered somewhere in the back of my mind that there was still hope that I'd be able to return to being myself. Of course, the thoughts currently occupying my mind at the moment seemed far more pleasurable and desirable than going back to being plain old pitiful Murph. I saw Dave call up a template that was obviously used to make my body, but he started modifying it. Apparently my twin was going to have auburn hair, not blonde like mine, and green eyes unlike my blue. However, whereas I thought my breasts were already too large, Collette's were going to be even larger. In fact, the program rejected Dave's first two attempts at making them larger than mine because they would be "anatomically unsustainable" and "medically harmful" to the subject. What remained was still outrageous. I noticed one more feature of my body: I was infertile and so would Collette be as well. That was a relief, knowing that when Dave finally got around to fucking my pussy, as I'd pretty much figured was going to happen before the night was done, I would not get pregnant. Then again, who knew what kind of diseases a piece of scum like Dave could be carrying? He called up a holographic full-body image of his 'masterpiece.' I couldn't help but alter the image in my enforced fantasy to match the beauty on the screen. Breasts that size would only appeal to the most hardcore tit fetishists, as they went beyond huge and bordered on the grotesque. It was going to take all my strength just to be able to lift one of those massive tits. Yet I was going to get to play with them and bask in their bounty, as long as she didn't turn suddenly and break my neck. I also had no idea how Collette would even be able to walk. But then a miracle happened: Dave looked at the holo-image and decided that the tits did indeed look ridiculous and reverted then to the same size as mine. I'd been aching to suck on those tits that would have been at least three times the size of my head. Once again I felt that familiar shiver of fear I'd encountered so many times in the last few hours. There was nothing Collette could have ever done to Dave to deserve what was going to happen to her, yet I was too completely consumed with the prospect that I was going to get to ravage her soon-to-be incredible body to maintain a coherent thought on the subject. With a flourish Dave tapped the screen and the clear glass top of the cocoon closed upon his second unwilling victim. It hummed to life and the magic started to happen. Several dozen thin mechanical arms reached out toward Collette's limp body, first anesthetizing her then beginning the process of disassembling and reassembling her body one cell at a time at speeds faster than the human eye could see. The display said it would be 39 minutes until the cycle was complete. Dave decided some entertainment was needed to while away the time. He ordered me to fuck him like the sluttiest woman in the filthiest pornos, to love every second of it and to maintain eye contact with him at all times. Again I was disgusted and nauseated, though I did note with simultaneous glee and disappointment that he had a problem keeping up an erection. When he finally penetrated me I could feel the logical part of my brain being disappointed by the lack of sensation compared to what my reprogrammed self had been expecting. I had to love it on the surface but deep down I hoped that being fucked by a man with a real dick would be more satisfying. Here he was being ravaged by a woman even better than any fantasy woman he'd ever dreamed of and Dave could barely manage a second load, which was little more than a trickle. I suppose that could have explained some of his anger issues. Finally the cocoon signaled completion. Dave ordered me to help him get Collette out of the apparatus. She was, as expected, a near duplicate of me except for the eye and hair color. Although with one trip to a salon and a pair of colored contact lenses we would be identical twins. She had the same initial disorientation I had after I'd been woken. Dave ordered her to keep her eyes closed just like he'd done with me. But then he did things a little differently. "Collette, listen to me. Are you listening?" Collette nodded and said yes. "Good," he continued. "You are now a lipstick lesbian. You love beautiful women. You love everything about beautiful women. You want to kiss then, fondle them, play with them and do everything sexual you can think of. You like all sorts of kinky things like bondage and latex and leather and toys." A grin began to form on Collette's mouth and I didn't like it. Dave wasn't done. "And you're terrified of men, all men. But you still can't resist cock. If you see a cock you have to have it. Any time you're eating pussy you'll still dream of sucking down a big cock." "Now repeat everything I just told you," he said, and she did so verbatim. "Good girl. Now listen to this: Nothing anyone ever says or tells you to do can change that about you except me. That is who you are from now on. Only I can give you commands like this." Collette affirmed her acceptance of her new behavior. "OK, open your eyes. You may not touch yourself at all. Look at the beautiful girl on the bed." She looked my way and her expression was instantly hungry and lustful. I started to get all tingly myself. "Now, as a favor for my friend, I want you to fuck her like only another woman can. It's all about her. This is not about your pleasure or satisfaction at all, just hers." With that she pounced instantly. "Murph, don't resist it. Just enjoy." I doubt I could have resisted anyway. It was now the middle of the night, my body had been rearranged into that of a sex goddess, I'd given the first blowjob of my life, gotten fucked in my new pussy as well and I was mentally exhausted. And now my equally goddess-like and nearly identical twin was doing her best to bring me to levels of ecstasy I'd never thought possible. Like I was really going to resist this... Collette's hands alternately went from cupping my breasts to pulling gently on my nipples. Then she'd bunch my hair from behind my head and pull me in to kiss her while her free hand teased my pussy. Next thing I knew her mouth was on one of my nipples and I felt fingers squirming inside me. I felt one of my legs start to tremble then it spread to my entire body. I was shivering with joy and I heard shrieks coming out of my mouth before I even realized it was me making the sound. Dave was sitting in a chair on the other side of the room, just watching with a sadistic grin on his face. "Collette, come over here!" were the words that sounded like they were coming from a mile away. They only registered when I noticed the sensations on my body had ceased. Collette had been ordered to leave me and go over to Dave. I heard screaming from her, certainly not the good kind. I rolled over to see Collette walking toward Dave with a look of sheer terror on her face, yet still advancing, powerless to stop. In my bliss I recalled how Dave had fucked with her mind and made her terrified of men. He took his pants off again and Collette, still helpless to resist, made a beeline for his crotch. She was sucking on his cock as if she was drowning and it was her only source of oxygen. She was crying the entire time, scared out of her wits. Dave seemed to be enjoying this more than when he had ordered me to blow him, even though it looked like he couldn't maintain an erection at this point. A few more words and I found myself robotically advancing toward the two of them, then getting on my knees beside Collette, having been ordered to "join the party." I'd rather have joined the Donner Party. I must have spent the next hour on my knees, switching off between licking his limp dick and kissing and fondling Collette. Murph hadn't commanded me to enjoy it or smile, so I followed my commands perfunctorily and without passion, except for when I got to play with Collette. Finally, frustrated at his inability to come again, Dave ordered us to stop and he pulled his shorts back up, at which point Collette reverted to cowering in fear. Dave advanced slowly toward her and she moved backwards into a corner, terrified, covering her breasts with one hand, to little effect, and her pussy with the other. "Just sit in the corner and get some rest," he said, so Collette balled up in the fetal position. Dave was nice enough to toss her a blanket to cover herself with. As for me, between his yawns Dave told me to go to the kitchen and get him a drink. "Something strong," he added "I'm going to sleep great tonight!" Then he tried to make a lame joke about using my giant breasts as his pillows and missed by a mile. He started to climb into the bed as I left the bedroom. Collette was sobbing softly. Her apartment, nice as it was, didn't seem to have a bar area, so I found the kitchen and started rummaging through all her cabinets for the liquor. I found cans of food, dried foods, plates, glasses (took one of them), medications, cleaning supplies and finally the booze. Collette apparently wasn't much of a drinker but she did have some good scotch. I poured some into the glass and realizing I'd not had any food or drink for hours, I took a little sip for myself. As soon as the scotch touched my lips I had a revelation. Make that two revelations. First off all, Dave had not tried to exert total control over me like he had with Collette. I had taken the sip of scotch of my own free will. Second, while I still had to bring Dave his drink, he didn't specify a particular beverage. All he'd said was "something strong." He was going to get strong all right. My plan was hatched instantly. I had noticed some very strong sleeping pills in the cabinet. I had to move quickly so as not to arouse Dave's suspicion. I took out three of the pills and crushed them against the countertop with the bottom of another glass. I swept the resulting powder into Dave's scotch and returned to the bedroom. Knowing Dave's habits was the key to my plan's success. Dave would never take the time to actually taste the scotch. He'd just toss it all back in one quick shot. I returned to the bedroom and handed the glass to Dave who was sitting up on one side of the bed. He did not disappoint me: It was gone in one gulp. His stomach had been as empty as mine, and combined with all of the excitement and sexual activity of the evening, the scotch and sleeping pill cocktail did its job in seconds. Dave was out cold. I had banked on having complete free will once Dave was knocked out and once again I had been right. I grabbed a lamp from a desktop, unplugged it from the wall and yanked the cord out from the base. Then I rolled Dave onto his stomach and tied his hands behind his back with the cord. Next I ran back to the kitchen. Well, I hurried anyway, as it was both difficult and uncomfortable to run with my giant breasts flopping about. I grabbed the roll of duct tape I'd seen on the shelf with the cleaning supplies and returned to the bedroom. My last step was to grab a washcloth from the bathroom which I shoved into Dave's mouth then taped it shut with the duct tape. Finally, with no small amount of satisfaction, I pushed Dave off the bed and enjoyed the sound of him hitting the floor. Actually, I kicked him several times as well them pushed him under the bed. It would have been much more pleasurable had he not been unconscious. He could stay under the bed while Collette and I slept and in the morning Collette would restore us back to normal. The sound of Dave hitting the floor startled Collette. She looked up at me with hope that the evil man was gone. Her expression turned to one of lust when she saw me and her lesbian conditioning reactivated. Every part of me except my brain started to tingle, but I was just too tired to act on my urges. I climbed into the bed and tapped the spot next to me, inviting Collette to join me on the bed. She snuggled up close to me and wrapped her arms around me, holding me tight and close. "Let's just sleep," I said before she could start fondling me again. She kissed me sweetly and we were both asleep in seconds.

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Daytona Beach Desire Book IIIChapter 3

Hanna's final year in high school was completely different than her third year had been. She had become a leader, outgoing, outspoken and certainly unafraid of relationships, school or boys. The young man that she had dated as a junior turned out to be easily intimidated by females and wanted nothing more to do with a strong personality such as Hanna's. That's not to say that there were not plenty of other guys extremely anxious to take his place. There was, unfortunately, a contingent of...

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Love of Shemalersquos Trannyrsquos T Gurlrsquos and Traprsquos

To know how I got here, I first have to tell you how it started and that might take awhile. I was just a normal, average youngster. Playing sports and looking at girls. I can’t remember what my friend’s and I were doing that day, probably all just sitting around and talking. Then someone brought up the name “Maggie.” I didn’t know it yet, but “Maggie” would change my life forever. There had long been rumors about a lady that lived near us that used to be a man. Of course I didn’t, couldn’t...

2 years ago
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Chapter I Introducing Myself to My Neighbour

This story begins with me; an ordinary, average 18 year old boy. I just graduated high school and am a couple weeks into my last summer before I head off to university. I am bored out of my mind. My friends are all on trips with their families to their respective universities so I have no one to hang out with. I just spend the days riding around town on my bike during the day and watching porn at night. Great way to spend the summer.As I’m riding home one day I see my neighbour get home from...

First Time
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Down Memory Lane

Having been married for nearly 8 years Helen and James were wondering what to do to celebrate to Valentines Day this year. Helen decided to take matters into her own hands and organise a trip down memory lane by recreating a Valentines experience from their youth when they were both love struck teenagers. Helen told James that she would sort out the evenings entertainment but that he would need to drive but she was sure that it would be worth his while. James agreed, the sexy smile on his...

4 years ago
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Boyfriend Ne Sake Bhai Se Chudwaya

Hey mera naam shruti hai mai apni pehli sachi story apke saath share kr rhi hu Mujhe mere bf ne kayi baar iss padhayi hai aur ab mai iss se addict ho gyi hu Aap mujhe apna feedback de sakte hai meri id Story pe aati hu ye story mere bhai manish aur mere bf abhi aur mujh pe aadharit hai Meri umar 19 saal hai aur mera figure bht baar bf se chudai krwane ke baaad 34 28 38 ho gyi hai Har ladka meri gaand pe marta hai Meri momme 34 d hai aur nipple bilkul kaale aur bht badde hai Mere moomo ke...

2 years ago
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A Fathers Gift

You don't just become a slut over night. No! You think about it as you play with your dick for years. You practice in your head, work out the details in your fantasies; go through the motions a thousand times. Fetishes are not like plants: they don't need the light of the day. They grow best at night, in the dark, where shapes are vague, and things are never clear. They are born behind closed eyes, living their lives in your dreams, growing stronger as you grow older, at first nothing more...

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My Friends Stayed Overnight 2 The Boys Slumberpa

This is a true story. Only the names are changed. It was a summer evening. The air was heavy with the smell of buttered popcorn and cotton-candy. My friend Matty and I were at a Carnival that came to town. We had already been on a couple rides. “What ride should we go on next?” I asked him. “We should go on the Starship 2000 Gravitron!” Matty said. The sun had set and with the absents of sun light the Gravitron ride seemed to be the brightest lit up of all the rides. It’s spinning flying...

3 years ago
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Landlord and His Friends Have MeChapter 7

My fun with Jim and his friends continued throughout the two and a half years we rented our flat from him. During this time Jim and I would have sex most weeks, with me having fun with him and his friends on average once every four to six weeks. I simply could not get enough of this old man’s big cock and his rough sexual treatment of me. He was true to his word and kept finding Mike new jobs, some of them away from home which meant of course Jim got to play with me even more regularly. On...

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Woolly Wilds 2Chapter 15

"Llew, it's my birthday in a few weeks, and by law, as a concubine I can retake my CAP test on my birthday. I wasn't allowed to last year, because you have to have held a CAP for a least a year before you can retake. Please will you allow me to retake it this time?" It was a week after I had got Imogen pregnant, I'd just got in from work and Huw had collared me in my office. I looked at him. "Just out of curiosity, if you do pass, what do you intend to do?" "I want to join the...

1 year ago
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Friends and BenefitsChapter 21

"So that was the end?" Sherri asked. I sheepishly shrugged. "Yeah. We went back to the motel and spent the rest of the evening in each other's arms. We had sex in the morning and dallied as long as we could. Our original plan was to go visit the Canyon again, but in the end, we didn't make it. Spending the time together was more important." Sherri gave a knowing smile and nodded. "So what happened when you dropped Tina off at her parents'?" "We spent a long time saying goodbye."...

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A woman who knows what she wants and how to get it

When I walked into the lab Friday evening I knew there was no way Matt would be expecting me – I wasn’t due there until Saturday. Perfect for my plans. I spotted him right away and watched him for a few minutes, just enjoying the sight of him. Then I went looking for a helpful student in order to carry out my plans. I found one and with his help logged onto the computer and emailed back home to carroll1. At 10 o’clock sharp Matt logged onto carroll1 and we started talking, as...

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The price we pay for being pretty Pt2

“Yo, Sammy, wait up.” I was still on cloud 9, my mind completely fogged over by what had just happened in the restroom not an hour before. It was all I could seem to think about, which was terrible in a way, since I’d walked out of my last class not having put one answer down on the test we’d taken. I really needed to clear my head or I wasn’t going to even make it to high school. I stopped in my tracks at the sound of my name being called and turned around to see if I could find who was...

1 year ago
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Colleague Conquered

Hey guys. This is shubham back again with a new story. Enjoy and don’t forget to drop a mail regarding your feedback on the mail id mentioned below. Grey skies and lazily falling thick drops of rain made the aura ‘no-mood-for-work’. Shaurya had been desperately waiting for his lunch-time to commence so that he too may hear the thud and splatter of the rains outside. At one twenty-five he lifted himself from his chair and jolted outside, his mind racing with random thoughts. He took the lift...

1 year ago
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The Bar Story

I can see you looking at me in the mirror behind the bar. You want me and the woman with you wants me also. You are scared and she is anxious. I walk over to your table and take her by the hand. You hesitate but come along when I take you by the hand as well. "The owner let's me use the back room," I explain. On the way I order both of you a triple shot of scotch. In the room I tell her,"Strip him and then me and then yourself. "Tonight you are my slaves to do with as I please." Now I am...

Group Sex
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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 22 Responding to Revelations

When Ashley led me from the television room that night, I think I finally realized that my thoughts about just how crazy things might become had been wrong. Just the rumor of and few released reports about the Sa'arm invasion had been enough to get four hundred women into that room based on a very faint promise of protection. They had submitted to a televised humiliation on little more than a rumor and trust in the government. I was determined not to let the show upset me too much, but that...

1 year ago
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She Made An Amazing Three

My boyfriend referred to her as his “royal cock sucker”. She had been his regular cock sucker when he lived in PA. She was a swinger who loved pussy and cock and she was at the forefront of almost all of our fantasies. I wanted to eat her out and make her moan on his cock. I wanted to see her suck his cock like she did before I was around. So many nights of wanting ‘the royal cock sucker” to join us in bed. We got her on cam once and I gave him a massive blow job as she watched. She was...

Group Sex
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Basement Experimentation With My Tomboy Pal

The smooth, white skin on the inside of Tara's thighs was soft and sensitive. I slid my hands up and down from her knees to her girlish shorts, taking in the flats and the curves, noting the hem of her white panties poking out from beneath the pink and yellow denim. She watched me with interest while I explored her. It was the first time I'd been this close to a girl's body and the intimacy was as exciting as was the forbiddenness of it. We knew we had to stay quiet in my parent's basement. No...

3 years ago
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A Little Dab Will Do You

A Little Dab Will Do You Copyright (c) 1999 Chilli TNG This story is dedicated to Janice Dreamer and Wendy-J. Without their influence, pleading, begging, brow-beating, hand-holding, critical eyes, and gushing praise, the story that follows would never have been started, let alone written. You two are THE BEST! My life is forever richer for having you both in it. Disclaimers: This...

2 years ago
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I Am A Slut

I am a Slut. I’ve known it from the first time I ever saw a cock. It gave me a thrill I’d never had before, a tingling through my entire body. When I saw my first cock I knew that I wanted it inside me, to suck it, to be filled by it. I’ve always looked older than my age, I think that’s why boys were always attracted to me and were always hitting on me. The thrill was even better when I touched a cock for the first time. The cock in question belonged to a boy who lived in the flat opposite me....

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Shopping for her Part 3

Monica was still flushed and dressed in only the half cup bra and the crotchless panties as Vicky slid the silk jacket off her shoulders and hung it up. ‘Poppet,’ Vicky said, ‘could you gather a few paper towels from the bathroom?’ She looked down at her legs and smiled. ‘I think I might need a little cleaning up.’ Vicky looked back up at Monica and grinned. It took Monica only a second to return with the towels, two of which were damp with warm water. She started to hand them to the older...

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[And yes, please vote and leave comments. They are always most appreciated.] I was the only one in our family to call her Francesca. Everyone else had her down as Fran or Aunt Fran, but not I. It was just something I'd started as a little kid. I guess I just adored her name, the exotic way it rolled off my tongue; that, and maybe, the unspoken implication that we enjoyed some bond over and above that shared between her and the rest of our family. Francesca was my Mom's younger sister; baby...

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Evilena Zen Ch 03

Evilena — Zen and the Art of Automobile Maintenance Part Three — Takedown When Larry woke up he was sitting in a wooden chair, with his hands handcuffed behind him and secured to an eye bolt and clip attached to the sturdy chair. His legs were strapped to the uprights on the chair with thick leather straps. He glanced around the room and saw that it was painted in shades of silver and black, with the only other piece of furniture in the large room being a large silver, metal throne positioned...

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